Non-Circumvention, Non-Disclosure Agreement (Ncnda)

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This agreement is made effective on the 26 / 08 /2021

This agreement shall obligate the undersigned parties, and their partners, associates
employers, affiliates, subsidiaries, parent company, nominees, representatives employees,
successors, clients, and assigns, hereinafter referred to as the (“parties”) jointly severally,
mutually, and reciprocally for the terms and conditions expressly stated and agreed to below,
and that this agreement may be referenced from time to time in any document(s) or
agreements. The terms and conditions of this agreement apply to any exchange of information
written or oral, involving financial information, personal or corporate names, contracts initiated
by or involving the “parties”, and any addition, renewal, extension, roll-over, amendment, re-
negotiation, or new agreement, hereinafter referred to as the ("project/transaction") for the
purchase of all commodities.

This Agreement is intended to conform to the terms and conditions outlined in INCOTERMS 2000
and its latest revisions (2010) and to the legal standards and principles of the International
Chamber of Commence (I.C.C. 619) Paris France, which Chamber is recognized as the agency
establishing the jurisprudence respecting matters of international commerce.

WHEREAS the “parties” to this Agreement intend to be legally bound to respect the terms and
conditions and mutual covenants hereinafter set forth;

NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSES that in consideration of the foregoing and
the terms herein set forth, the “parties” hereto agree as follows:
1. The “parties” intending to be legally bound, hereby irrevocably, agree, and guarantee each
other they shall not, directly or indirectly interfere with, circumvent or attempt to
circumvent, avoid, by-pass, or obviate each other’s interest, or the interest or relationship
between the “parties” with producers, sellers, buyers, brokers, dealers distributors,
refiners, shippers, financial institutions, technology owners, or manufacturers, to change,
increase, or avoid directly or indirectly payment of established or to be established fees,
commissions, or continuance of pre-established relationship or intervene in un-contracted
relationship with manufacturers or technology owners with intermediaries entrepreneurs,
legal counsel, or initiate buy/sell relationships, or transactional relationships that bypass
one of the “parties” with any corporation, producer, technology owner, partnership, or
individual revealed or introduced by one of the "“parties”'" to one another in connection
with any ongoing or future "project/transaction".
2. Furthermore, the “parties” irrevocably agree that they shall not disclose or otherwise reveal
directly or indirectly, to any third party, any confidential information provided by one party
to the other, or otherwise acquired, particularly, contract terms, relevant information, or
manufacturing processes, prices, fees, financing provided by one party to the other, or
otherwise acquired, particularly, contract terms, product information, or manufacturing
processes, prices, fees, financing arrangements, schedules, or information concerning the
identity of sellers, producers, buyers, lenders, borrower brokers, lenders, distributors,
refiners, manufacturers, technology owners, or the representatives, and specific individual
names, addresses, principals, fax/telephone numbers, references, product or technology
information, confidential or and/or other information, advised by one party (s) to another
as being privileged, without the prior specific written consent of the party (s) providing
such information.
3. This agreement shall be valid for a minimum period of five (5) years from the date of the
agreement, and for five (5) years after completion of each transaction via exchange of
information, whichever occurs later, with additional five (5) years automatic
roll-over/renewals at the close of each transaction or exchange of information, an
thereafter at the end of any roll-over period, without the need for advisement, unless

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mutually agreed in writing to be terminated by all the “parties”, which termination can occur
only at the end of any roll-over period, and must be acknowledged by notice through
certified mail thereof; if notice is not given by all the “parties” within ten (10) days after the
beginning of a new roll-over period, it shall be construed that the agreement is in full force
and in effect between the “parties” for another five (5) years.
4. Commissions, fees, compensation, or remunerations to be paid as part of transaction
covering any undersigned party to this agreement, shall be agreed upon by separate
written agreement by the undersigned parties concerned and shall be paid at the time
such contract designated, concluded or monies changing hands between buyers and
sellers, unless otherwise agreed among the undersigned parties. The undersigned parties
hereby irrevocably, an unconditionally agree and guarantee to honour and respect all such
fees, or remuneration arrangements made as part of a commission, "transaction" even in
the event that the “parties” is not an integral member to a specific commission and
fee/remuneration agreement.
5. The “parties” hereto shall respect the integrity and tangible value of the price whereby
compensation is earned and claims for fees honoured by the Party benefit thereby and
“parties” agree in pursuance of that object that they severally shall not in any manner
whatsoever at any time or place attempt to circumvent the validity or integrity in the
contact process in any transactions in which they are mutually involved now and hereafter.
6. The execution of each transaction shall be coordinated by an international bar appointed
and approved by the parties which shall serve as an intermediary, hereinafter referred to
as the 'clearing house' which shall have full responsibility and authority to: (i) verify the
adequacy of the documentation required to complete the transaction, including but not
limited to contract letters of credit, marine insurance, bills of sale, and other
documentation, (ii) confirm inspection/analysis, price, quantity, delivery, and location of
the product being bought and sold, and (iii) effect payment and transfer of amounts, out
of the letters of credit and other asset, due to sellers, banks, brokers, intermediaries, and
other “parties” to the transaction. Confidentiality. Non-Circumvention and Non-Disclosure
applies to all “parties” of the agreement and said rules and regulations shall remain in full
force for a period of five (5) years from the date of this agreement with additional
extensions to be agreed upon. ICC rules and regulations shall govern this agreement.
7. All “parties” agree that the provisions of this Agreement apply to all current and all future
dealings and transactions, contracts, new contracts generated from the same “parties” or
new “parties” derived from the same “parties” after introduction by either Party hereto,
their extensions, additions, renewal, rollovers, continuations, amendments, renegotiations
parallel contracts / agreements, third Party assignments, introductions, proposed bids or
contracts contemplated and in progress to date, or other transactions between any Party
or “parties” within the chain or contacts or introductions of the “parties” in the
procurement of sales, purchases, financing or beneficial contracts to or for the advantage
of any Party or “parties” hereto and arising from the efforts, directly or indirectly of any of
the Party or “parties” hereto or said entities notified in writing to the office of any of the
other Party or “parties” hereto.
8. The “parties” to this Agreement agree that while the intent is to mutually agree to do
business in an honourable and honest manner, there may be times when disputes, if any,
can-not be resolved in an amicable manner. Where any such controversy, claim or dispute
arises between the “parties” hereto, they shall be settled by the “parties” in accordance
with the following procedures which are intended to set a formal arbitration method to
deal with such unforeseen disputes that cannot be settled amicably.
a. Commencement: In the event of any dispute, difference or claim arising out of or
relating to this Agreement or the performance, enforcement, breach, attempts to
terminate or validity thereof, the “parties” shall use their best endeavours to settle
such disputes or differences. To this effect, they shall consult and negotiate with each
other, in good faith and understanding of their mutual interests, to reach a just and
equitable solution satisfactory to all “parties”.

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b. Arbitration: If the “parties” to this Agreement do not reach an amicable solution
within a period of thirty (30) days, then the disputes, differences, controversies, or
claims which may arise out of this Agreement shall be finally settled under the Rules
of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce in Vienna, by one or more
arbitrators appointed in accordance with the said Rules of Arbitration.
c. Judgement: The decision of the stated Arbitration Court shall be final and binding
upon all “parties” to this Agreement.
d. Timely Settlement of Judgment: Prompt disposal of any dispute is important to the
“parties” of this Agreement. The “parties” agree that the resolution of any disputes
shall be conducted expediently, to the end that final disposal of it shall be
accomplished in three (3) months or less after final judgment is rendered by the
chosen Arbitration Court.
e. Legal Fees and Expenses Remedy: In the event that an amicable settlement cannot
be agreed to by mutual discussion and/or arbitration by a third party, each of the
“parties” subject to the declared breach shall be responsible for their own legal
expenses, until a settlement or judgment is reached, provided however, that the party
found in default by a judgment shall compensate in full the aggrieved party for all of its
legal expenses, not withstanding any other provisions of the judgment. The lose party
will pay the total amount of the deal in place.
9. All “parties” to this Agreement agree that each retains the right to hire a licensed
Independent Accounting Auditor being part of the BIG 4 (i.e. KPMG, E&Y, PWC or Deloitte) to
conduct a complete accounting audit of all accounting records at the expense of the party
who wishes to conduct the audit. A minimum often (10) working days' written notice must
be given to the other party by the party requesting the audit.
10. All “parties” hereto further agree that if any discrepancies are found during the Independent
accounting audit where it is discovered that any of the provisions of this Agreement
pertaining to any financial transactions have been violated by the party being audited and
the due commissions have been withheld and not paid as per the provisions of this
Agreement, the affected party shall make restitution and pay in full the commissions amount
so withheld to the party con-ducting the audit within forty-eight hours of such discovery of
the discrepancies by the auditors. In cases where such discrepancies are discovered during
the audit, the “parties” hereto agree that the audited party shall assume full financial
responsibility for the total expenses for the independent accounting audit and upon
completion of the accounting audit, shall make immediate payment for such expenses
directly to the Independent Accounting Auditor firm who conducted the audit.
11. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement, all “parties” hereto, under penalty of
perjury, irrevocably and with full legal authority and corporate responsibility, do hereby agree
to protect, and to not circumvent their beneficiaries and/or intermediaries and to extend all
of the protections contained in this Agreement to their beneficiaries and/or intermediaries
who have materially and directly assisted in the final closing of the respective "project" or
12. If one or more provisions of this Agreement are determined to be invalid, unenforceable, or
otherwise avoidable, such a determination shall not affect the other provisions of this
Agreement and specifically shall not invalidate the ‘“parties”’ agreement to arbitrate.
13. Any notice or other communication regarding the contents of this Agreement to be given
hereunder by each party shall be in writing and shall be delivered personally, or sent by
courier (charges paid), registered or certified mail (return receipt requested, postage
prepaid), or by email. Any such notice shall be deemed given (i) when personally delivered,
(ii) fifteen (15) business days after mailing by registered or certified mail, (iii) seven (7)
business days after mailing by courier or (iv) when transmitted by email with an
answerback confirmation of receipt, unless otherwise changed by notice delivered in the
manner provided above, to the addresses of each party as indicated at the end of this

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This agreement is valid for any and all transaction between the “parties” herein and shall be
governed by and construed in accordance with English Law.
In the event of a dispute, the arbitration laws in England and Wales will apply in accordance
with their complainants choosing.
The signing “parties” hereby accept such selected jurisdiction as the exclusive venue. The
duration of the Agreement shall perpetuate for five (5) years from the date hereof. Signatures
on this Agreement received by way of Facsimile, Mail and/or E-mail shall be deemed to be an
executed contract agreement enforceable and admissible for all purposes as may be necessary
under the terms of the Agreement.
All signatories hereto acknowledge that they have read the foregoing Agreement and by their
initials and signatures that they have full and complete authority to legally execute this
document for and in the name of the party for which they have given their signatures.


IMPORTANT, this may only be signed by a person who is a director (in the case of a company),
the proprietor (in the case of a sole trader), or partner (in the case of a partnership).

1st Party:

Name:Ballesi Fabrizio
Passport Number:YA 7617326
E-mail:[email protected]

Signed on behalf of the 1st Party

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2nd Party:

Company Name:
Registered Office:
Company Identification No.:
Passport Number:
Position in the company:

Signed on behalf of the 2nd Party

3 Party

Company Name:
Registered Office:
Company Identification No.:
Passport Number:
Position in the company:

4 party:

Company Name:
Registered Office:
Company Identification No.:
Passport Number:
Position in the company:

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