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Book Review Medicine Your Fingertips by Gireesh Ku

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Santhosh M Patil, MediSys J Med Sci 2020 Volume 1 Issue 1

https://doi.org/10.51159/MediSysJMedSci.2020.v01i01.006 MediSys Journal of Medical Sciences

Book Review Open Access

Medicine@your fingertips
Santhosh M Patil
Assistant Professor, Dept of Internal Medicine, Sapthagiri Institute of Medical Sciences, Bengaluru.

Received 2020 August 20; Accepted 2020 October 26; Published Online 2020 December 3

*Correspondence: drsanmp@gmail.com
Assistant Professor, Dept of Internal Medicine,
Sapthagiri Institute of Medical Sciences, Bengaluru .
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Santhosh M Patil. MediSys J Med Sci 2020 Volume 1 Issue 1

Medicine @ Your Fingertips for MD/DNB Post Graduate Students and Practitioners by Gireesh Kumar KP 3rd Edition
Title Medicine @ Your Fingertips for MD/DNB Post Graduate Students and Practitioners
Author Dr.Gireesh Kumar KP
Edition 3rd
Subject Internal Medicine
Year of publication 2020
Pages 1040
Publisher Paras Medical Books- Hyderabad
ISBN 978-93-86480-87-3

Review have few. Nonetheless, typographical errors ‘weren’t

nonsensical, and hence easy readability ‘isn’t jeopardized.
The availability of choices empowers users. However,
a recent surge of substandard publications has put the Residents and postgraduate students following other
medical students into confusion rather than help them standard textbooks, such as ‘Harrison’s Principles of
make informed choices about their source of knowledge. Internal Medicine or Oxford Textbook of Medicine, can
Unfortunately, even the beautifully written medical make an easy transition to this book during the final leg
books are directed at the wrong readerships. I have come of their certifying exam preparation as the chapters herein
across books that are an exhaustive treatise on a subject are treated similarly as in those classic books. I agree with
with properly cited sources of information but offered as the author’s claim that the book can also be useful as a
undergraduate textbooks and poorly constructed books preparatory manual for those preparing for the NEET-SS
sold as postgraduate textbooks. This title,”Medicine @ exam. The book succinctly covers the updated treatment
Your Fingertips”by Dr.Gireesh Kumar KP, is an exception. It protocols and can be a ‘physician’s desk reference.
is written clearly with the target readership, i.e., residents
While I do agree that it is an excellent review book for
pursuing postgraduate training in internal medicine. The
title was first published in 2010 and is currently in its 3rd residents in internal medicine, it does miss out on certain
edition. relevant topics. The addition of chapters on geriatrics,
palliative care, and emerging and re-emerging infections
After a glance at the content, it becomes evident that the would complete the spectrum expected of such a title.
book is aimed at being a review book, and it does not aspire A slight improvement in the page quality will be highly
to replace the more exhaustive textbooks of medicine. appreciated by those who tend to paint every page with
The book is divided into 21 chapters covering almost the highlighters.
entire spectrum of internal medicine. A special chapter
on antibiotics in renal failure comes in handy during I would recommend this book to all the academic residents
daily practice for both residents and practitioners. As of in medicine as a quick review or exam preparatory manual.
August 2020, the book is reasonably up-to-date and has I strongly feel that this book may find a new readership
incorporated recent guidelines from various professional among the undergraduate students preparing for the
bodies. The language has been kept simple and multi-color National Exit Exam (NEXT) as the proposed draft policies
and one column typesetting makes it easier to read and for the said exam call for a more in-depth understanding
remember. Though I did come across a few typographical of clinical subjects, including medicine, when compared to
errors, I guess for a book of such volume, it is natural to the standards seen in the NEET-PG exam.

Cite this article as

Patil SM, Medicine @ Your Fingertips for MD/DNB Post Graduate Students and Practitioners. 2020;1(1):27-28

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