FCE Listening Practice Test 5 Printable

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FCE Listening Practice Test 5 Printable


Part 3

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You will hear five different people talking about the reasons why they became very
successful. For questions 19-23, choose from the list (A – H) the reason each person
gives for
their success. Use the letters only once. There are three extra letter which you do not
need to use.

A natural ability Speaker 1 19 __

В encouragement from others Speaker 2 20 __
C careful planning Speaker 3 21 __
D peer pressure Speaker 4 22 __
E determination to improve Speaker 5 23 __
F lack of competition
G constant good luck
H courage

Part 4

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You will hear someone giving a talk about taking up running as an activity. For questions
24-30, choose the best answer (A, В or C).

24. The speaker says that when she was younger,

A she envied people who did a lot of physical activity.
В she knew that she ought to take up some kind of physical activity.
C she hated the idea of doing any kind of physical activity.

25. The speaker says that if people take up running,

A she can guarantee that there will be certain benefits.
В they will wonder why they didn’t do it before.
C it will become a long-term interest for them.

26. The speaker says that, in comparison with other activities and sports, running is
A more enjoyable.
В more convenient.
C more beneficial.

27. What does the speaker say about people who feel that they can’t take up running?
A They should talk to people who do run.
В They may be right.
C They know that their attitude Is wrong.

28. The speaker warns people who take up running not to

A be competitive.
В give up as soon as there is a problem.
C ignore pain.

29. What advice does the speaker give about running technique?
A Change the position of your arms from time to time.
В Think of your arms as if they were parts of an engine.
C Pay more attention to your arms than any other part of your body.

30. What does the speaker say about breathing while running?
A Some bad advice is sometimes given about it.
В It takes some time to develop the best technique for it.
C There isn’t a correct or incorrect way of doing it.

FCE Listening Practice Test 5 Printable

Part 1

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You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the
best answer (A, В or C).

1. You hear part of an interview with a sportsman. What does he say about playing for the
national team?
A He doesn’t think it will happen soon.
В It isn’t his main concern at the moment.
C The possibility of it happening has put him under pressure.

2. You hear the introduction to a radio programme. What is the speaker doing?
A contrasting weather forecasting in the past and the present
В explaining why weather forecasting has become more accurate
C joking about how people used to forecast the weather

3. You hear a man talking about reading aloud to children. What opinion does he
A Short stories are better than longer books.
В The choice of book may not be important.
C It’s hard to know what will make children laugh.

4. You hear someone talking about work. What is his situation?

A He has just left a job.
В He is thinking of leaving his job.
C He has just started a new job.

5. You hear someone talking about his childhood. What does he mention?
A a habit he regards as strange
В regret about some of his behaviour
C how much he has changed

6. You hear someone talking about something that happened at a party. How did the
speaker feel?
A upset
В amused
C frightened

7. You hear part of a talk about blues music. What is the speaker talking about?
A why it originated in a certain area
В how popular it was in the past compared with today
C its importance in the history of popular music

8. You hear someone on the radio talking about a website for consumers. What is the
speaker’s purpose?
A to encourage consumers to make complaints
В to inform consumers about a source of information
C to describe common problems for consumers

Part 2

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You will hear a radio interview about indoor skydiving. For questions 9-18, complete the

The fans in the tunnel are normally used for putting air into 9_______ .
It has been said that the machine looks like a huge 10_______.
The walls in the tunnel are made of 11_______.
The only parts of the body that can get hurt in the tunnel are the 12___ and ___.
You have to be 13_______ years old to use the tunnel.
You have to wear 14_______ when you use the tunnel.
Beginners have two 15______ lessons in the tunnel with an instructor.
During lessons, you get into a position as if you have a 16_______ in your hands.
The person who created the wind tunnel refers to it as a 17‘_______’.
Indoor skydiving has become a sport called 18_______.

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