Artifact 2 Edu 203
Artifact 2 Edu 203
Artifact 2 Edu 203
Part 1
Video Selected: 5th Video- Small Group Rotations
Question 3: How does the teacher incorporate the sensory modalities (learning styles)? Give
Response: When the students have completed their group activity they will move to the Sensory
Group. During this time the students are allowed to bounce on a ball, play with bubbles, stack
blocks, and jump on a color mat. This helps the students stay calm and stay on task.
Question 4: Do the students seem engaged in the lesson(s) presented? Please explain.
Response: Yes, the students do stay engaged with the lesson. For example, the teacher will
display some pictures and ask the students to point to the “monkey” and they will do as told.
However, one student may briefly walk away from the group, but the student is still listening to
the teacher. When the student returns he/she will point to the monkey.
Question 5: Are there any students isolated or not present/participating in the class? Explain?
Response: No, there are no students isolated. All students are present/participating.
Question 6: Did you see any accommodations or modifications made to the lesson for the
Response: Yes, I did see modifications made to the lesson. Some students may require a shorter
time frame in a group because they get overwhelmed. The teacher will set a timer for 10 or 15
Question 7: How does the teacher handle transitions from subject to subject or activity to
Response: The students are on a timed schedule. The teacher will set the alarm for each group
and when they hear the alarm chime, the students know that means it's time to move to the next
Question 8: List ways the teacher uses “attention getting” commands, word phrases, signals, etc.
Response: The teacher uses direction instructions to gain the attention of the student when
working one on one with each student. Most of the students are non-verbal and using pictures as
part of the lesson helps implement the goals for each student.
Question 9: What specific behavior issues does the teacher have to deal with? How does the
Response: The only issue is when students will not stay in their seats long enough. It disrupts
their learning time. The teacher will practice with the students that when they hear the chime
they are allowed to get up from their seats. It takes practice, but they learn the method.
Response: One positive reinforcement I noticed is during math group is when the students
complete the lesson they get to use the iPad. The teacher used a picture with numbers showing
that they are going to learn numbers, then she showed a picture of an iPad which indicated that
Question 11: Are there any policies or procedures that help or hinder instructional time? Please
Response: The one policy or procedure that helps with instructional time is allowing the student
a break in the sensory room. When a student is feeling overwhelmed and need a break they can
go to the sensory room for calmness, but at the same time it helps put them back on task.
Another reinforcement was the students will get a treat when they complete the group lesson.
Question 12: What could the teacher have done better to assist the student(s) with learning the
Response: The classroom was well organized and consisted of appropriate and the necessary
learning tools and activities to keep the students engaged. Which implemented a positive
Part 2
Video Selected: 1st Video- Teaching Kids With Autism in the Classroom
Response: I chose Grace as my observation student. The reason being is because this video gave
more details on the individual student. I was informed on how her behavior was when she first
started at the age of two compared to how she has evolved at the age of five.
Response: There was no recording of Grace’s evaluation/observation. However, I did notice that
her first days in school she cried a lot and was non-verbal.
Question 3: Summarize the lesson given and the student’s responses to the lesson.
Response: The teacher gave Grace a list of instructions to: First, go to the library and read
books. Second, when the timer goes off she get to play with the iPad. Third, she does direct
instructions with the teacher, and Fourth, she works on her motor skills. During grace time in the
library reading independently she seemed happy, comfortable, and attentive. During direct
instructions with the teacher she was smiling, verbally communicating and giving feedback to
Question 4: Make sure to document ALL behavior in relationship to what was being presented
Response: I saw some behaviors from students that were participating in the lesson or activity
and I also saw behaviors in students who was distracted and had to constantly be redirected back
Question 5: Please describe what you discovered about the student’s learning styles,
Response: Grace’s learning style consisted of different centers that she had to attend and
complete each lesson or activity in the centers that she was assigned to. For example, she will be
assigned to complete a math center and then get a break. After her break she would continue on
to the next center then break again. This method kept her engaged and on task in completing her
learning goals.
Response: One positive reinforcement that Grace received is she was allowed to use the iPad
when she completed a lesson. I noticed in the beginning that Grace wanted to play with a kitchen
set and was not allowed to because she had to be engaged in the small group before she could
play. That was one lesson she had to learn and a lesson she overcame which is she has to do her
Part 3
All the videos where very educational and I learned some interesting facts such as
providing specific instructions, how to manage the classroom, and basically understanding the
needs and wants of children with special needs. The video also included different methods that
can be utilized for each student to help them learn, transition and succeed.
I realized that every child and every teacher as well as the parents have a common goal.
That common goal is to see growth and improvement. I learned that no two children with autism
are alike, all students does not have the same instructions, students can be at different learning
level, and they all work on activities or assignments that are specific for their needs. It has been
said that it is hard to give a standard definition on the meaning of autism. In the video autism is
defined as: a developmental disability that can cause significant social, communication, and
behavioral changes. This video has prepared me to understand that children with autism don't all
have the same characteristics or behaviors. For example, there are some students with autism that
can be social and engage in social activities versus students with autism who would rather be to
themselves. There are some students who are non-verbal versus students who know words and
All the videos were very educational and interesting. As an educator it is key to be aware
of the wants and needs of your students. Implementing appropriate and the necessary learning
tools will allow the student to achieve their learning targets. The overall goal for students with
special needs is to teach the student the skills to transition. With early intervention students can