Grade 9 Math Prep Q

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Mathematics (041)

Grade: IX Max. Marks: 80

Date: 19.01.2022 Time: 3 Hours

General Instructions:-
1. The question paper contains two parts A and B. Part B has internal choice in the long answer
type questions
2. Part A consists of 20 questions.
i. Questions 1-16 carry 1 mark each.
ii. Questions 17-20 are based on case study. Each case study has 5 case based sub-parts. You are
expected to attempt any 4 out of the 5 sub-parts.

3. Part B consists 16 questions.

i. Questions 21-26 are very short answer type questions of 2 marks each.
ii. Questions 27-33 are short answer type questions of 3 marks each.
iii. Questions 34-36 are long answer type questions of 5 marks each.
4. Internal choice has been provided in one question of 5 marks.


1. x2-4x-21 can be factorized as

a) (x-7) (x-3)
b) (x+7) (x-3)
c) (x-7) (x+3)
d) None of the above

2. In the given figure, O is the centre of the circle. If ∠AOC = 1300, then find ∠ABC.

3. The radii of two right circular cones are in the ratio 3 : 4 and their heights are in the ratio
6 : 5. Find the ratio between their volumes.
4. A box contains 20 balls bearing numbers, 1, 2, 3, 4, ... 20. A ball is drawn at random
from the box. What is the probability that the number on the balls is
(i) An odd number (ii) Divisible by 2 or 3
5. Find the product of (lx+my) and (lx-my).
6. Two congruent circles C(O, r) and C’(O’, r) with radius 5 cm, having a chord of equal
length 8 cm. If in one circle chord is at a distance of 3 cm from the centre, then find the
distance of chord in another circle.
7. What is the degree of the polynomial (x3+5)(4-x5)?
8. ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. If ∠BCD = 1000 and ∠ABD = 700, then find ∠ADB.
9. A piggy bank contains hundred 50 p coins, fifty Re 1 coins, twenty Rs 2 coins and ten
Rs 5 coins. If it is equally likely that one of the coins will fall out when the bank is
turned upside down, what is the probability that the coin
(i) will be a 50 p coin ? (ii) will be a Rs 5 coin?

10. Find the radius of the circle if the length of a chord is 16 cm and is at a distance of
15 cm from the centre of the circle.
11. The length, breadth and height of a cuboid are in the ratio 6 : 4 : 5. If the total surface
area of the cuboid is 2368 cm2 , find its dimensions.
12. If mx+n is a factor of p(x), then find p   .
 m 

13. What is AC2 + BC2 equal to, if AOB is the diameter of a circle and C is a point on
the circle?
14. Find the total surface area of the hemisphere of radius 20 cm. (Take � = 3.14).
15. In the given figure, O is the centre of the
circle and distance between P and Q is
4 cm. Find ∠ROQ.

16. If p(x) = x2-2 2 x + 1, then find the value of p( 2 2 ).
17. Read the source/text given below and answer any four questions:

A tyre manufacturing company kept a record of the distance covered before a tyre be
replaced. Following table shows the results of 1000 cases.

If you buy a tyre of this company, what is the probability that :

(i) it will need to be replaced before it has covered 400 km ?
(a) 210/1000
(b) 325/1000
(c) 80/1000
(d) 385/1000

(ii) it will last more than 900 km ?

(a) 770/1000
(b) 710/1000
(c) 465/1000
(d) 485/1000
(iii) it will need to be replaced after it has covered somewhere between 400 km and 1400
km ?
(a) 210/1000
(b) 325/1000
(c) 710/1000
(d) 385/1000
(iv) it will not need to be replaced at all?
(a) 0
(b) 1/1000
(c) 2/25
(v) it will need to be replaced?
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 1/1000
(d )4/25
18. Read the source/text given below and answer any four questions:

In the middle of the city, there was a park ABCD in the form of a parallelogram form so
that AB=CD, AB∥CD and AD=BC, AD∥ BC. Municipality converted this park into a
rectangular form by adding land in the form of �APD and �BCQ. Both the triangular
shape of land were covered by planting flower plants.

Answer the following questions:

i) What is the value of ∠x?
a. 1100
b. 700
c. 900
d. 1000

ii) �APD and �BCQ are congruent by which criteria?

a. SSS
b. SAS
c. ASA
d. RHS

iii) PD is equal to which side?

a. DC
b. AB
c. BC
d. BQ

iv) �ABC and �ACD are congruent by which criteria?

a. SSS
b. SAS
c. ASA
d. RHS

v) What is the value of ∠m?
a. 1100
b. 700
c. 900
d. 200
19. In Bhopal, in grinding mill, there were installed 5 types of mills. These mills used
steel balls of radius 5mm, 10mm and 16mm respectively. All the balls were in spherical
shape. For repairing purpose, mills need 10 balls of 7mm radius and 20 balls of 3.5 mm
radius. The workshop was having 20000 mm3 steel. 20000 mm3 steel was melted and 10
balls of 7 mm radius and 20 balls of 3.5 mm radius were made and the remaining steel
was stored for future use.
Use this information and answer any four the following questions.
(i) What was the volume of 10 balls of radius 7 mm?
(a) 14373.3 mm3
(b) 14000 mm3
(c) 7000 mm3
(d) 20000 mm3
(ii) What was the volume of 10 balls of radius 3.5 mm?
(a) 2000 mm3
(b) 1800 mm3
(c) 1796.6 mm3
(d) 3593.3 mm3
(iii) How much still was kept for future?
(a) 1250 mm3
(b) 2033.3 mm3
(c) 1300 mm3
(d) 2200 mm3
(iv) What was the surface area of one ball of 7 mm radius?
(a) 600 mm3
(b) 616 mm3
(c) 308 mm3
(d) 400 mm3
(v) What was the surface area of one ball of 3.5 mm radius?
(a) 600 mm3
(b) 616 mm3
(c) 308 mm3
(d) 154 mm3

20. Read the source/text given below and answer any four questions:
A farmer has a circular garden as shown in the picture above. He has different
types of trees, plants and flower plants in his garden. In the garden, there are two
mango trees A and B at a distance of AB = 10 m. Similarly, he has two Ashoka
trees at the same distance of 10 m as shown at C and D. AB subtends ∠AOB =
1200 at the centre O. The perpendicular distance of AC from centre is 5 m. The
radius of the circle is 13 m.
Now answer the following questions:

i) What is the value of ∠COD?

a. 600
b. 1200
c. 1000
d. 800

ii) What is the distance between Mango

tree A and Ashoka tree C?
a. 12 m
b. 24 m
c. 13 m
d. 15 m

iii) What is the value of ∠OAB?

a. 600
b. 1200
c. 300
d. 900
iv) What is the value of ∠OCD?
a. 300
b. 1200
c. 600
d. 900

v) What is the value of ∠ODC?

a. 900
b. 1200
c. 600
d. 300

21. The circumference of the base of a cylindrical vessel is 132 cm and its height is

25 cm. How many liters of water can it hold? (1000 cm3 = 1l)
22. A bag contains 12 balls out of which x are white.
(i) If one ball is drawn at random, what is the probability that it will be a white ball ?
(ii) If 6 more white balls are put in the bag, the probability of drawing a white ball

will double than that in (i). Find x.

23. Three solid spheres of radii 1 cm, 6 cm and 8 cm are melted and recast into a single

sphere. Find the radius of the sphere obtained.

24. The floor of a rectangular hall has a perimeter 250 m. If the cost of painting the four

walls at the rate of Rs. 10 per m2 is Rs.15,000, find the height of the hall.

25. In the figure, ABC is an isosceles triangle

with AB = AC and ∠ABC = 500. Find

∠BDC and ∠BEC.

26. The inner diameter of a cylindrical wooden pipe is 24 cm and its outer diameter is

28 cm. The length of the pipe is 35 cm. Find the mass of the pipe, if 1 cm3 of wood

has a mass of 0.6 g.

27. If mx3 + nx2 + x – 6 has ( x + 2 ) as a factor and leaves a remainder 4 when divided
by ( x - 2 ), then find the value of m + n.

28. PQRS is a rhombus with ∠QPS = 500. Find ∠RQS.

29. Construct an equilateral triangle and justify your construction.

30. By actual division, find the quotient and remainder, when f(x)= 3x4- 4x3 -3x2 + x -1

is divided by x + 1. Also, verify the remainder using remainder theorem.

1 1 1
31. If x2 + 2
= 38, find (i) x - (ii) x3 -
x x x3

32. Construct a �ABC in which BC = 5.6 cm, AC – AB = 1.6 cm and ÐB = 450. Justify
your construction.

33. Let �ABC be an isosceles triangle with AB = AC and let D, E and F be

the midpoints of BC, CA and AB respectively. Show that AD⏊FE and AD is
bisected by FE.
34. Factorise the expression: 2x3 – 5x2 – 19x + 42
Find the values of a and b, if x - 4 is a factor of ax4 + 2x3 - 3x2 + bx – 4.

35. i) State the midpoint theorem.

ii) In the given figure, P is the midpoint of the side BC of a parallelogram such

that ∠BAP = ∠DAP. Prove that AD = 2CD.

36. (i) A cylinder and a cone have same base area. But the volume of cylinder is twice

the volume of cone. Find the ratio between their heights.

(ii) The radius of a sphere increases by 25%. Find the percentage increase in its

surface area.


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