Bitustick P: Polyester Reinforced Waterproofing Membrane
Bitustick P: Polyester Reinforced Waterproofing Membrane
Bitustick P: Polyester Reinforced Waterproofing Membrane
► Excellent adhesion to vertical and horizontal surfaces
► High tensile and tear strengths
► Provides protection against water and vapor
► Excellent resistance to chlorides, sulphates, alkalis and
► Good puncture resistance
► Self adhesive. Requires peeling off the silicone film and
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applying to the surface
► Does not Contain Asbestos, Chromated copper arsenate
and Lead
resistance self adhesive waterproofing
Bitustick P is a polymer modified bitumen self adhesive
waterproofing membrane. The modified bitumen Priming
compound is coated on to a dimensionally stable Apply Polyprime SB* (solvent based primer) @ 4- 6 m²/L
reinforcement core of a non woven polyester rot-proof to a clean, smooth and dry surface by brush, roller or
fabric. The membrane has excellent tensile & tear strengths spray. Allow the primer to dry prior to the application of
and is highly resistant to puncture. Bitustick P complies with the membrane. As the viscosity of the primer is low, it easily
the requirements of BS 8102. penetrates into the concrete pores which promotes the
adhesion between the membrane and the concrete surface.
FIELDS OF APPLICATION In addition to that, the primer also acts as a binder for the
Bitustick P is used for waterproofing or dampproofing of dust which gets accumulated on the concrete surface even
concrete structures. It can be used in both horizontal and after cleaning.
vertical applications for tanking below ground structures,
subways and retaining walls.
Start the installation of all membrane plies from the low
APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS point or drains, so the flow of water is over or parallel to
The application temperature should be between 5°C to 55°C. the plies, but never against the laps. All overlaps at the
Application procedures may vary slightly depending upon membrane seams shall be installed so as to have “up”
site conditions. The general recommended guidelines for the slope laps over “down” slope laps. Begin membrane
application of the self adhesive waterproofing system is as application by unrolling the roll of Bitustick P membrane
follows: and aligning the side laps.
adhesion of the bitumen compound with base surface. Side TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION
overlaps shall be a minimum of 50mm on the selvedge
and end overlaps 100mm. PROPERTIES VALUES TEST
The membrane shall be protected from damage due to Thickness, [mm] 1.6, 2.0 DIN EN 1849-1
ongoing site activities or from aggregates during backfilling Mass per unit area, 1.6, 2.1 DIN EN 1849-1
by a tough, weather, warp and rot proof asphaltic board [kg/m2]
(Bituboard / Bitustick R300/ Bitustick R400)*. Alternatively, Reinforcement 140 EN 29073-1
in horizontal areas the membrane can also be protected by [g/m2], (Polyester)
laying a cement sand screed (50mm). Bituboard can be fixed Softening point, [°C] >105 ASTM D 36
with a double sided adhesive bitumen tape (Watertite TS 15)*
or Bitubond N. Tensile strength [L/T], 300/250 DIN EN 12311-1
HANDLING Elongation 30/35 DIN EN 12311-1
Bitustick P membranes are packed in loose corrugated [membrane] [L/T], [%]
boxes to avoid any damage during transit or during storage Elongation [film], [%] >250 ASTM D 638
at sites. Care should be taken when storing the membranes Puncture resistance, >400 ASTM E 154
at sites and should not be kept within close proximity of [N]
any sharp or protruding edges to avoid puncturing or
damaging the membrane. Tear resistance 340/260 ASTM D 5147
[L/T], [N]
STORAGE & SHELF LIFE Adhesion strength,
Bitustick P membranes must be stored in a shaded area [N/mm]
on wooden pallets neatly covered by a thick fabric and To primed substrate 1.8 ASTM D 1000
tied securely in a manner that will minimize exposure to To self 2.2
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sunlight and UV. The membrane shall be protected from Hydrostatic pressure No BS EN 12390
all sources of heat. The shelf life is 12 months if stored @ 5bar [50m] leakage (Part 8)
as per recommendations. Excessive exposure to sunlight,
Crack bridging >1 ASTM C 836
UV and other sources of heat will result in considerable
ability, [mm]
deterioration of the product and reduce its shelf life.
Chemical 2.5 -11.5 ASTM D 543
HEALTH & SAFETY resistance [pH]
Bitustick P contains a tacky bitumen compound and during VOC [g/l] <50 ASTM D3960/
application can adhere to human skin. Bitumen stains can D2369
2 be removed by using a cloth dipped in a suitable cleaner. All values given are subject to 5-10% variation
Bitustick P 1.6 mm 1m x 10m, wt 16kg# Apart from the information given here it is also important to observe the relevant
guidelines and regulations of various organisations and trade associations as
1.5 mm 1m x 20m, wt 32kg# well as the respective standards. The aforementioned characteristics are based
2.0 mm 1m x 10m, wt 21kg# on practical experience and applied testing. Warranted properties and possible
uses which go beyond those warranted in this information sheet require our
Polyprime SB 20L pail & 200L drum written confirmation. All data given was obtained at an ambient and material
temperature of +23°C and 50 % relative air humidity at laboratory conditions
Bituboard 3.2 mm 2m x 1m wt 7.7kg# unless specified otherwise. Please note that under other climatic conditions
6.0 mm 2m x 1m wt 14.0kg# hardening can be accelerated or delayed.
The information contained herein, particularly recommendations for the
Bitustick R300 1m x 10m 27kg# handling and use of our products, is based on our professional experience.
Bitustick R400 1m x 8m 22kg# As materials and conditions may vary with each intended application, and
thus are beyond our sphere of influence, we strongly recommend that in each
Watertite TS 15 50mm x10m wt 0.6kg# case sufficient tests are conducted to check the suitability of our products
for their intended use. Legal liability cannot be accepted on the basis of the
Wooden press 140mm x 210mm contents of this data sheet or any verbal advice given, unless there is a case
Iron roller Head dia 38mm wt 1.5kg# of wilful misconduct or gross negligence on our part. This technical data sheet
supersedes all previous editions relevant to this product.
(recommended Width 100mm
specification) Length 350mm
# Approximate weight