AT - RA 9298 Red Sirug Page 8

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Section 34 of the IRR provides that a foreign CPA  shall not be allowed to practice accountancy in the 
Philippines unless he/she can prove, in the manner  provided by the rules of court that, by specific 
provision of law, the country of which he/she is a  citizen, subject or national admits Filipino citizens to  the
practice of the same profession without  restriction. Which of the following statements 

AT – RA 9298 Red Sirug Page 8 

concerning foreign reciprocity is incorrect? 

a. A foreign CPA should submit an authentic or  authenticated copy of the law on reciprocity of  his/her
country/state officially translated in the  English language. 
b. If the letter/document and the copy of the law  submitted by a foreign CPA are satisfactory to  the
BOA, he/she shall be allowed to practice  accountancy in the Philippines but has to apply  for
accreditation to do so. 
c. A foreign CPA who desires to practice  accountancy in the Philippines shall  
present/submit a letter or any document  signed and under official seal by the appro
priate official of his/her country/state  requesting the Chairman of the PRC to  allow
him/her to practice accountancy in  the Philippines. 
d. By express provision of the law of a foreign  CPA's country/state, Filipino CPAs are allowed to  practice
accountancy in his/her country/state on  terms of strict and absolute equality with the  citizens or
subjects of said country or state. 

91. The following documents are to be submitted by a  foreign applicant whose letter/document and the  copy
of the law on foreign reciprocity of his/her  country/state are satisfactory to the BOA, except 
a. The original or certified copy of any official  documents issued by the Bureau of Immigration  and
Deportation allowing the applicant to enter  and reside in the Philip 
b. Certificate of Registration or its equivalent  stating that the foreign applicant is duly  
registered or licensed CPA or its equivalent in  his/her country/state. 
c. Certificate of Religious Affiliation. 
d. Original or authenticated copy of transcript of  records or equivalent document of the course for 
licensure examination where he/she studied duly  authorized or accredited by his/her  

92. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of  the Philippines Accountancy Act or any of its IRR 
promulgated by the Board of Accountancy subject to  the approval of the PRC, shall upon conviction, be 
punished by 
a. Lethal injection 
b. A fine of not more than P50,000 
c. Imprisonment for a period not exceeding two  years 
d. A fine of not less than P50,000 or by  imprisonment for a period not exceeding  two years
or both 

93. The following statements relate to roster of CPAs.  Identify the incorrect statement. 
a. A roster showing the names and place of  business of all registered CPAs shall be prepared  and
updated by the Board. 
b. Copies of the roster shall be made available to  any party as may be deemed necessary. 
c. The Board, upon approval of the Commission,  may delegate the preparation of this roster to  the
d. The publication of the roster in the official  gazette or in any major news paper of  
public circulation shall be deemed  
compliance with the requirement of RA  9298. 

94. The PICPA shall renew its certificate of accreditation  once every: 
a. Two years 
b. Three years 
c. four years 
d. five years 

95. Affixing the CPA's seal and signature on the auditor's  report is an indication of: 
a. CPA's acceptance of responsibility for the  financial statements audited. 
b. Compliance by the CPA of the requisite  accounting and auditing standards and  rules. 
c. CPA's accreditation to practice public  
d. Fair presentation of financial statements audited. 

96. The following statements relate to the submission of  nominations to the Board of Accountancy. Which is 
a. The Accredited National Professional  
Organization of CPAs (APO) shall submit its  
nominations to the President of the Philippines  not later than sixty (60) days prior to the expiry 
of the term of an incumbent chair 
man or member. 
b. The APO shall submit its nominations to the PRC  not later than thirty (30) days prior to the expiry  of
the term of an incumbent chairman or  
c. If the APO fails to submit its own nominee(s) to  the PRC within the required period, the PRC in 
consultation with the Board of Accountancy shall  submit to the President of the Philippines a list of 
five (5) nominees for each position. 
d. There should be adequate documentation  to show the qualifications and primary  field
of professional activity each nominee. 

97. Which of the following statements about working  paper is correct? 

a. Working papers prepared by a CPA  including those prepared and submitted by  the client
are the personal property of the  auditor and the client has no right to these  working
b. Working papers may substitute the client's  accounting records. 
c. Working papers should not serve as a reference  source for the clients accounting records. 
d. Working papers are subject to confidentiality  rules and they cannot be shown to third parties  in any

98. The following statements relate to RA 9298. Identify  the incorrect statement. 
a. Implementing rules and regulations shall take  effect 15 days following its publication in the  official
gazette or in any daily newspapers of  general circulation. 
b. Any person who shall violate any of the  provisions of RA No. 9298 or the IRR shall  upon
conviction, be punished by a fine of  not more than P50,000.00 or by  
imprisonment for a period not exceeding 2  years or both.

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