Joykbndlp18 For Web
Joykbndlp18 For Web
Joykbndlp18 For Web
Finding Joy!
of Living
Bible Study Series
Enriching lives through the study of God’s Word
Nancy J. Collins
correcting and training in righteousness.” There
is no “bad” place to begin, because the Holy
Spirit can and will use any portion of Scripture1 to
accomplish His purpose (see Isaiah 55:10-11). Should I Begin?
There are, however, some truths and starting
points that may make studying the Bible easier.
Whether you are opening the Word of God for the first time, or you’ve been
studying for many years, we hope that this study will deepen your understanding
of God and His Word and lay a foundation that will enrich your continued study.
Many of the truths that are presented in this study may not be new to you.
However, if you will take the time to work through the lessons, we believe you will
develop a greater understanding that will enable you to confidently share your faith
with others, and help you develop a pattern of daily study.
Make a daily appointment with God. Find a quiet spot. Take your Bible and
this study with you. If you have a busy phone, mute it or turn it off! Remember how
very important your appointment with God is, and make time to be with Him daily.
Ask yourself the following things:
How much time will I spend with the Lord each day?
The terms “Bible”, “Word of God”, and “Scripture” are used interchangeably in
this study.
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What do I need to put aside in order to spend this time with the Lord? (Exam-
ples: texting, TV, digital games, etc.) Each person will have to decide what his or
her priorities are and what can be removed from the daily schedule to make time
to spend with God.
Do I really want to spend time with God? If you do, He will help you find the time.
Page 7
Do You KNOW You Have Eternal Life?
Your condition…
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23)
But your iniquities (sins) have separated you from your God. (Isaiah 59:2)
For the wages of sin is death. (Romans 6:23)
There is help…
For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring
you to God. (1 Peter 3:18)
The gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 6:23)
What do I do?…
Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out. (Acts 3:19)
Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved. (Acts 16:31)
You CAN know…
He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not
have life. I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God
so that you may know that you have eternal life. (1 John 5:12-13)
If you would like to make the decision today to repent and trust Christ as your
Savior, either for the first time or as a re-commitment of your life, you may want to
pray a prayer similar to this one:
Lord Jesus, I admit that I am a sinner. Please forgive my sins. Thank You for
dying on the cross for me, and for coming alive again. I accept Your gifts of
forgiveness and eternal life. I place my life in Your hands. I want to be Yours
forever. Thank you for loving me so much.
In Your Name I pray,
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The Joy of Knowing
Remember, as you work through each daily lesson, pray and ask
God to help you know, understand, and apply His truth to your life.
The Bible - Day One
Read: Psalm 119:89 • 2 Timothy 3:16a • 2 Peter 1:21
Many of humanity’s questions are summed up in the single word, “Why?”
God has the answers to those questions, and He is willing to reveal most of the
answers to us, if we truly want to know those answers and then act upon the truth
those answers reveal.
The answers are not usually simple answers. It’s possible your world view and the
entire way you think may be changed, in order to receive and understand God’s
Where do we go to get God’s answers? To God, to His Word, His book—the
The Bible is like no other book. It was written by over 40 authors from various
backgrounds, over a period of about 1,600 years—in complete harmony. For this
number of people, from different walks of life, in different periods of time, to write in
complete harmony is a miracle.
• From today’s Bible verses (printed on the right side of the next page), what does
the Bible say about itself?
Generation after generation there have been many who have attacked the
Bible…without success. John Clifford wrote a poem about this:
The Anvil of God’s Word
Last eve I passed beside a blacksmith’s door
And heard the anvil ring the vesper chime;
When looking in, I saw upon the floor,
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Lesson 1 — The Joy of Knowing
Old hammers worn with beating years of time. Today’s Bible Reading
“How many anvils have you had,” said I, Your word, Lord, is
“To wear and batter these hammers so?” eternal; it stands firm in
“Just one,” said he; then with a twinkling eye, the heavens.
“The anvil wears the hammers out, you know.”
— Psalm 119:89
And so, I thought, the anvil of God’s Word,
For ages, skeptics blows have beat upon; All Scripture is God-
Yet, though the noise of falling blows was heard, breathed…
The anvil is unharmed—the hammers gone. — 2 Timothy 3:16a
Have you been the type of person who picks and For prophecy never had
chooses what you prefer to believe? God does not give its origin in the human
us that option. Either we believe what He says is true will, but prophets,
or we don’t. though human, spoke
• Perhaps you have doubts. Ask God to show you His from God as they were
truth as you continue in this study. If you truly want to carried along by the
know in order to obey the truth, He will show you (see Holy Spirit.
John 7:17). — 2 Peter 1:21
Additional reading:
2 Samuel 23:2
• Do you already know His Word is true? Ask God Psalm 119:160
to deepen your understanding and enrich your Matthew 24:35
relationship with Him as you continue with this study. 1 Peter 1:25
Isaiah 40:8
John 7:17
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The Bible - Day Two
Read: 1 Corinthians 2:14 • John 3:3 • John 1:12-13
You may ask, “Can I personally understand what God says and means in the
Bible? After all, there are a lot of interpretations and opinions regarding what the
Bible has to say.” God has an answer for you!
• From 1 Corinthians 2:14, why are some people unable to understand God’s
• From John 3:3, what must happen before a person can see, or perceive, the
kingdom of God?
Stop a moment and consider the following. Can a bird understand a person’s
thoughts, hopes, dreams, concerns, and plans—in other words, what a person
thinks and feels? Of course not. The only way a bird could understand is if it could
somehow have a human spirit—be born all over again as a human being. And so
we humans cannot understand the things of God unless we are born all over again
by God’s Spirit, and thus become His child.
• From John 1:12-13 what must a person do to be born of God?
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Lesson 1 — The Joy of Knowing
• Have you been born of God’s Spirit? If not, and you Today’s Bible Reading
want to be: The person without
a. Decide that you want to go God’s way instead of the Spirit does not
your own. (This is repentance.) accept the things that
come from the Spirit
b. Acknowledge to God that you are a sinner. of God but considers
c. Receive Jesus as your Savior. This means that them foolishness, and
you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that cannot understand
His death on the cross paid the price for your sin, that them because they are
discerned only through
He rose from the dead, and that you want Him to be
the Spirit.
the Lord of your life. — 1 Corinthians 2:14
This is the starting point of knowing and understanding Jesus replied, “Very
God. You may turn to page 8 for additional information truly I tell you, no one
on the new birth and eternal life. can see the kingdom
• When were you born again by God’s Spirit? of God unless they are
born again.”
— John 3:3
Yet to all who did
receive him, to those
who believed in his
name, he gave the right
to become children of
God — children born
not of natural descent,
nor of human decision
or a husband’s will, but
born of God.
— John 1:12-13
Additional reading:
John 3:4-6
1 Peter 1:3
1 Peter 1:23
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The Bible - Day Three
Read: 1 Peter 2:2 • 2 Peter 1:3 • 2 Peter 3:18a
The Word of God plays a critical part in our spiritual birth.1 It is by God’s Word that
we are given the faith to believe, and through His Word we are born of God’s Spirit
(see 1 Peter 1:23; Romans 10:17).
After our rebirth, God’s Word continues to be vital to our lives. One major role it
plays is as nourishment for the believer. From Hebrews 5:12 we learn that God’s
Word serves as both milk for the young in Christ and meat for the more mature
• From 1 Peter 2:2, how eager should we be for God’s Word and what will it do for
God has given us a brand new life, and He intends for it to be an abundant life
filled with love, joy, peace, and so much more (see John 10:10; Galatians 5:22-23).
Unfortunately, many Christians don’t experience this abundant life because they fail
to grow up (become mature) in Christ.
• Look at 2 Peter 1:3. Through what means has God provided all that we need for
this new life?
This new abundant life that we live is centered in knowing God and having an
intimate relationship with Him. John 17:3 says, “Now this is eternal life: that they
may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.”
It is primarily through our words that we communicate who we are, our feelings,
thoughts, intentions, desires—our very essence. And so it is with God. He
communicates to us primarily through His Word, the Bible. In it He reveals to us
His thoughts, intentions, desires—who He is.
We, who were dead in our sin and enemies of God, were reconciled to Him by the
death of His Son, Jesus Christ. Consider to what great lengths God has gone, in
order that we can know Him and have a relationship with Him.
Being born of God’s Spirit is sometimes referred to as being “born again” or being
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Lesson 1 — The Joy of Knowing
• Have you really thought about this—that the Creator Today’s Bible Reading
of the Universe desires a relationship with you? How Like newborn babies,
do you feel about this? crave pure spiritual
milk, so that by it you
A newborn has very little interpersonal relationship may grow up in your
with anyone, even its mother. Its focus is on its needs. salvation.
As the infant begins to grow, it begins to recognize — 1 Peter 2:2
people, faces, and voices. It smiles and coos, as well
as cries, as it begins to learn to communicate. The His divine power has
infant begins to enjoy sights, sounds and discovery, given us everything we
but understands very little about the world around it. need for a godly life
A young child knows more about his or her parents through our knowledge
and can communicate, but on an immature level. That of him who called us
child understands more about living and enjoying
by his own glory and
the life he or she was born with. The son or daughter
who has reached adulthood is able to enjoy mature goodness.
relationships with the parents. He or she understands — 2 Peter 1:3
how the world functions and experiences life more
completely. But grow in the grace
and knowledge of our
• We can compare our spiritual life to this type of
Lord and Savior Jesus
growth. Where are you on the list: A newborn crying
for its needs to be met— always, “I want… I need… Christ.
Give me…”? A toddler beginning to communicate, — 2 Peter 3:18a
learning self-control, and enjoying the challenge of
discovery? A youth taking pleasure in all that you are
able to do, capable of conveying your thoughts and
feelings, and able to understand and reason? An
adult beginning to savor the rich fellowship that only
maturity and understanding can bring? Additional reading:
1 Peter 1:23
Romans 10:17
• Do you want all that God has for you—the deep, Hebrews 5:12
mature, abundant life that springs from a close, John 10:10
intimate relationship with Him?
Galatians 5:22-23
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The Bible - Day Four
Read: 2 Timothy 3:16-17 • Ephesians 2:10 • Hebrews 4:12
The Bible is like no other book. We have seen the vital role the Word of God plays
in our spiritual birth and growth.
• Looking at 2 Timothy 3:16-17, for what else is Scripture useful? And to what
purpose or end?
Just as God intended for the first man, Adam, to find fulfillment by tending the
Garden of Eden (prior to the fall, see Genesis 2:15), so God intends us to find
fulfillment in the work that He has given us to do.
• From Ephesians 2:10, after we have been born of God’s Spirit, what does God
have planned for us to do?
As Scripture so plainly tells us, these are not works we do in order to be saved
(see Ephesians 2:8-9). These good works are part of the abundant life God has for
us to enjoy. The good works that bring joy and satisfaction are those that spring
forth from the new life within us—out of the love that God has put into our hearts
(see Romans 5:5).
God uses His Word in our lives to bring us into maturity and to prepare us for
all that He has for us to do. As young believers (or older believers who have
not matured in God’s Word), we often rush about attempting to do good deeds,
seeking to serve the Lord in ways for which we are not prepared and from motives
that may be less than pure—motives that we may not realize lie behind our
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Lesson 1 — The Joy of Knowing
• From Hebrews 4:12, how will the Word of God help Today’s Bible Reading
us in this area—regardless of how long we have been All Scripture is God-
a Christian? breathed and is useful
for teaching, rebuking,
correcting and training
in righteousness, so
that the servant of God
may be thoroughly
equipped for every
good work.
— 2 Timothy 3:16-17
For we are God’s
• Name at least one specific time that God has used
handiwork, created
His Word to correct your thinking, convict you of sin,
in Christ Jesus to do
rebuke you, or cut right through everything to show good works, which God
you what your motives really were. prepared in advance for
us to do.
— Ephesians 2:10
For the word of God
is alive and active.
Sharper than any
double-edged sword,
it penetrates even to
dividing soul and spirit,
joints and marrow; it
judges the thoughts and
attitudes of the heart.
— Hebrews 4:12
Genesis 2:15
Ephesians 2:8-9
Romans 5:5
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The Bible - Day Five
Read: Luke 12:19 • Luke 12:20-21 • 2 Timothy 2:15
God’s message is the same from Genesis to Revelation. He does not contradict
Himself. However, what someone has said can be misunderstood by taking it out
of context. And so it is with God’s Word. If taken out of context, a Bible verse may
seem to say something that it does not.
• Read only Luke 12:19 and, without considering the context, write what it appears
to be saying.
• Now read Luke 12:19 with the two verses that follow (Luke 12:20-21). How do
these verses entirely change what it seems Luke 12:19, by itself, means?1
wwWhat do the words really mean? If you come to a Today’s Bible Reading
word you don’t use very often, you may think you And I’ll say to myself,
know what it means, but try looking it up in the “You have plenty of
dictionary. You may be surprised at what you learn. grain laid up for many
Knowing the full meaning of a word often broadens years. Take life easy;
and sometimes changes our understanding of a eat, drink and be
verse or passage. merry.”
— Luke 12:19
If you are serious about your relationship with the
Lord, you will be serious about what He is saying to But God said to him,
you. You will take the time to understand, and not just “You fool! This very
assume you know what He is saying. night your life will be
demanded from you.
• What does 2 Timothy 2:15 encourage you to do? Then who will get what
you have prepared for
yourself? This is how
it will be with whoever
stores up things for
themselves but is not
rich towards God.”
— Luke 12:20-21
Do your best to present
yourself to God as one
approved, a worker
who does not need to
be ashamed and who
correctly handles the
word of truth.
— 2 Timothy 2:15
Luke 12:15-22
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The Bible - Day Six
Read: Psalm 119:11 • Psalm 119:105 • Psalm 19:7 • Acts 17:11
Along with helping us build our relationship with the Lord, there are so many
benefits to knowing God’s Word. Today, let us look for a few.
• In Psalm 119:11, why did the psalmist hide God’s Word in his heart?
God’s Word teaches what is right and wrong, and it strengthens us spiritually so
that we can choose to do what is right.
• Sometimes our path through life seems dark and difficult, with danger
everywhere, and we don’t know what direction to take. Look at Psalm 119:105
and write what benefit there is to knowing God’s Word.
• We have all probably experienced one of those days, or even periods of time,
when so much has happened or is happening that we are just plain weary—
emotionally drained. Look at Psalm 19:7a. What will God’s Word do? Have you
ever experienced this?
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Lesson 1 — The Joy of Knowing
Additional reading:
Matthew 4:4
Matthew 7:15
Titus 1:10
1 John 4:1
1 John 2:1-16
Hebrews 4:12
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The Bible - Day Seven
Take a few minutes today to re-read the Bible verses from this week. Write down
what has been most meaningful to you.
As you have worked through the study this week, we hope that you have
discovered how very important God’s Word is and that you have made a new
commitment to read and study the Bible.
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The Joy of Knowing
Lesson 2 — God
ww Is there a God?
ww What’s He like?
ww Does He care?
ww Does He matter?
Remember, as you work through each daily lesson, pray and ask
God to help you know, understand, and apply His truth to your life.
God - Day One
Read: Romans 1:20 • Jeremiah 10:10a • Isaiah 45:18 • Acts 7:32a
The opening verse of the Bible states, “In the beginning God…” (Genesis 1:1).
The Bible does not argue the fact that God exists; instead it states that only a fool
says that there is no God (see Psalm 53:1).
• From Romans 1:20, what do you learn about God’s revelation to people1 and
why only a fool would say there is no God?
• There are those who believe there are many gods. What does the One who
created the heavens and the earth say about Himself in Isaiah 45:18?
Psalm 19:1-4 also speaks of God’s revelation of Himself through nature.
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Lesson 2 — The Joy of Knowing
Some people believe that there is just one god and Today’s Bible Reading
that he goes by different names in different religions. For since the creation
God says otherwise. He tells us very specifically who of the world God’s
He is. invisible qualities—his
• From Acts 7:32, who, specifically, is God? eternal power and
divine nature—have
been clearly seen,
being understood from
what has been made,
so that people are
without excuse.
— Romans 1:20
But the Lord is the true
God; he is the living
God, the eternal King.
Throughout the Bible, God reveals Himself to us. — Jeremiah 10:10a
As you read and study God’s Word, you come to For this is what the
understand that there is only one true and living Lord says—he who
God, Creator of heaven and earth. He is the God of created the heavens,
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and He sent His Son, he is God; he who
Jesus Christ, to be the Savior of the world. fashioned and made the
earth, he founded it; he
did not create it to be
empty, but formed it to
be inhabited—he says:
“I am the Lord, and
there is no other.”
— Isaiah 45:18
I am the God of your
fathers, the God of
Additional reading: Abraham, Isaac and
Genesis 1:1 Jacob. — Acts 7:32a
Psalm 53:1
Psalm 19:1-4
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God - Day Two
Read: John 3:16a • Proverbs 6:16 • Genesis 6:6 • Numbers 22:22a •
1 Peter 5:6-7 • Zephaniah 3:17
God is not merely a force; He is a person, and we are created in His image.
• What feelings does God show in each of the following verses that indicate that
He is a person and not just a force?
wwJohn 3:16a
wwProverbs 6:16
wwGenesis 6:6
wwNumbers 22:22a
wwZephaniah 3:17
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Lesson 2 — The Joy of Knowing
• Consider this for a moment. Have you ever Today’s Bible Reading
considered God’s feelings before? For God so loved the
world… — John 3:16a
There are six things the
Lord hates, seven that
are detestable to him.
— Proverbs 6:16
The Lord regretted that
he had made human
beings on the earth,
and his heart was
• How does knowing that God is a person with deeply troubled.
emotions change your perception of Him? — Genesis 6:6
But God was very angry
when he went…
— Numbers 22:22a
Humble yourselves,
therefore, under God’s
mighty hand, that he
may lift you up in due
time. Cast all your
anxiety on him because
he cares for you.
• Does this change your feelings toward Him? — 1 Peter 5: 6-7
The Lord your God is
with you, the Mighty
Warrior who saves. He
will take great delight in
you; in his love he will
no longer rebuke you,
but will rejoice over you
Additional reading: with singing.
Genesis 1:27 — Zephaniah 3:17
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God - Day Three
Read: Deuteronomy 4:31a • Deuteronomy 7:9a • Deuteronomy 10:17 •
Psalm 99:9b • John 4:24b • 1 John 1:5b • 1 John 4:8b
The term we use to describe the fundamental qualities of a person, their essential
character, is their nature.
• From the following verses write what you learn about God’s nature:
wwDeuteronomy 4:31a
wwDeuteronomy 7:9a
wwDeuteronomy 10:17
wwPsalm 99:9b
wwJohn 4:24b
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Lesson 2 — The Joy of Knowing
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God - Day Four
Read: Psalm 139:7-10 • Psalm 147:5 • Jeremiah 32:17 • John 5:26 •
Revelation 19:6
Although Job 36:26 tells us that God is so great that we can’t fully understand
Him, and that all the descriptions we have read about Him are incomplete, we
have discovered that there are many things we can know about Him.
• From the following verses, what do you learn about how great God is?
wwPsalm 139:7-10
wwPsalm 147:5
wwJeremiah 32:17
wwJohn 5:26
wwRevelation 19:6
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Lesson 2 — The Joy of Knowing
• Hebrews 1:8 speaks of Jesus Christ as “the Son.” By what name is He referred
to in this passage?
• A story is told in Acts 5 about a couple who sold some land and pretended
to give all the money to the Lord’s work, although they actually kept some for
themselves. The problem wasn’t that they had kept some of the money, but that
they had lied about it. Look at Acts 5:3a,4b. To whom did they lie? By what name
is He called in this passage?
• Matthew 3:16-17 took place at the Jordan River when Jesus was baptized.
Read through this passage and write down what three persons are referred to.
Scripture does not contradict itself. God is beyond our complete understanding
because He is infinite and we are finite, limited beings. God is described as
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, yet He is one. The terms we use to describe this are
the “Trinity” or the “Godhead.” These words themselves are not used in the Bible.
• From Matthew 28:19, whose name (not “names”) are we to baptize in?
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Lesson 2 — The Joy of Knowing
In Romans 3:23-24 we learn that all people (including you and I) have sinned, and
they don’t measure up to God’s standard, which is perfection. Yet we also read
that God has justified us freely— declared us not guilty. He did this through Jesus
Christ, who took away our sin. This is called grace.
• Read John 3:16 and Revelation 22:17. Who is invited to receive God’s grace?
• Have you accepted God’s grace by receiving Jesus Christ as your Savior?
Remember, you cannot earn and you do not deserve God’s grace and
forgiveness. Will you accept this gift from God today?
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Lesson 2 — The Joy of Knowing
• God’s grace is extended to us so that our sins might Today’s Bible Reading
be forgiven, and it is there to help us live the type of For it is by grace you
life that pleases God. What do you learn about this have been saved,
from Titus 2:11-12? through faith—and this
is not from yourselves,
it is the gift of God…
— Ephesians 2:8
For God so loved the
world that he gave his
one and only Son, that
• God’s grace is available to us in every situation whoever believes in
we face. What do you learn about His grace in 2 him shall not perish but
Corinthians 12:9a? have eternal life.
— John 3:16
The Spirit and the bride
say, “Come!” And let
the one who hears say,
“Come!” Let the one
God’s grace is sufficient—it is enough. He has saved who is thirsty come; and
us by His grace. His grace helps us live the kind of life let the one who wishes
that pleases Him and satisfies us. And His grace is take the free gift of the
there for whatever may come our way. Take a moment water of life.
now and thank Him. — Revelation 22:17
For the grace of God
has appeared that
offers salvation to all
people. It teaches
us to say “No” to
(Today’s Bible Reading, ungodliness and worldly
continued) passions, and to live
self-controlled, upright
Additional reading: But he said to me, “My and godly lives in this
Nehemiah 9:31 grace is sufficient for present age.
Romans 3:23-24 you…” — Titus 2:11-12
Ephesians 1:7 — 2 Corinthians 12:9a (continued at left)
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God - Day Seven
Take a few minutes today to re-read the Bible verses from this week. Write down
what has been most meaningful to you.
As you have worked through the study this week, we hope that you have come
to a deeper understanding of God and that you have a new desire to know Him
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The Joy of Knowing
Remember, as you work through each daily lesson, pray and ask
God to help you know, understand, and apply His truth to your life.
The Trinity - Day One
Read: John 3:16 • Romans 5:8 • Psalm 139:1-4
In the previous lesson we learned many facts about God. This week we will take a
closer look at the individual members of the Trinity—the Father, the Son, and the
Holy Spirit.
Many people have misconceptions about God the Father. Their view is often a
mixture of various thoughts and teachings that they’ve combined in their minds,
rather than what He has revealed about Himself in the Scriptures.
• According to John 3:16, how does God feel about the human race?
• Love is more than just a word or a feeling. Love moves us to do something for
the one who is loved. Read Romans 5:8. When and how did God demonstrate
(show) His love for humanity?
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Lesson 3 — The Joy of Knowing
• You may read through these passages and think Today’s Bible Reading
that God loves and sent His Son to die for the world For God so loved the
in general, but that when it comes to you as an world that he gave his
individual, He may not be interested in you. Read one and only Son, that
Psalm 139:1-4, and write down how intimately whoever believes in
God knows you and is concerned about you as an him shall not perish but
individual. have eternal life.
— John 3:16
But God demonstrates
his own love for us in
this: While we were still
sinners, Christ died for
us. — Romans 5:8
You have searched
me, Lord, and you
know me. You know
when I sit and when I
• It is amazing to consider that God loves you and me rise; you perceive my
as individuals, and that He knows us intimately and thoughts from afar. You
is concerned about the smallest details of our lives— discern my going out
He even knows the number of hairs we have on our and my lying down;
heads (see Matthew 10:30). What do you think and you are familiar with
feel about this? all my ways. Before a
word is on my tongue,
you, Lord, know it
— Psalm 139:1-4
Additional reading:
Matthew 10:30
1 John 4:14
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The Trinity - Day Two
Read: John 3:35 • John 5:20 • John 14:6 • Matthew 11:27b
God the Father has a special relationship with and to God the Son.
• Read John 3:35 and John 5:20. Describe the special relationship between the
Father and the Son.
• Some people believe that they can have a relationship with the Father without
becoming a Christian (i.e. without accepting Christ as their Savior). What does
John 14:6 say regarding this?
• What does Matthew 11:27b tell us about who knows the Father?
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Lesson 3 — The Joy of Knowing
Acts 10
John 6:45
2 John 1:9
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The Trinity - Day Three
Read: John 1:1b • John 20:28 • Hebrews 1:8a • John 1:3 • Colossians 1:15-17
When asked what they believe about Jesus, people have a variety of answers.
Some say they believe He was merely a good man; others say He was a prophet;
some believe He is God.
• Before proceeding, consider what you think about Jesus Christ, His character,
who He is, etc.
We will now explore Scripture and see how correct you have been.
• We are told in John 1:14 that Jesus Christ is “the Word.” How is He referred to in
John 1:1b, John 20:28, and Hebrews 1:8?
• John 1:3 speaks of the Word (Jesus Christ). What do you learn about Him from
this verse?
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Lesson 3 — The Joy of Knowing
Joseph, who was engaged to Mary, didn’t know what to do when he learned of
Mary’s pregnancy. He knew he was not the father of this child. Read Matthew
• How did God communicate with Joseph?
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Lesson 3 — The Joy of Knowing
wwMatthew 8:24b
wwMatthew 21:18b
wwJohn 4:6b
wwJohn 19:28b
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Lesson 3 — The Joy of Knowing
• From Acts 1:8a, what does the believer receive from the Holy Spirit, and what
does this enable the believer to do?
God is working in us to make us like Himself. What do you learn about the Holy
Spirit’s work in this area of the believer’s life?
wwRomans 5:5b
wwGalatians 5:22-23a
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Lesson 3 — The Joy of Knowing
God desires that we have a relationship with Him. Today’s Bible Reading
Jesus Christ died for our sin so that we can have that When you believed, you
relationship, but trusting Him to take away our sin is were marked in him with
just the beginning. To have a deepening relationship, a seal, the promised
you have to grow to know and understand a person. Holy Spirit, who is a
deposit guaranteeing
• From John 16:13-14, what does the Holy Spirit do for our inheritance until
the believer? the redemption of
those who are God’s
— Ephesians 1:13b-14a
But you will receive
power when the Holy
Spirit comes on you;
and you will be my
— Acts 1:8a
God’s love has been
poured out into our
• Are you beginning to know and understand God? hearts through the Holy
That is the Holy Spirit working in you. Spirit, who has been
given to us.
— Romans 5:5b
But the fruit of the Spirit
is love, joy, peace,
forbearance, kindness,
(Today’s Bible Reading, goodness, faithfulness,
gentleness and self-
continued) control.
will speak only what — Galatians 5:22-23a
he hears, and he will But when he, the Spirit
tell you what is yet to of truth, comes, he
come. He will glorify me will guide you into all
because it is from me the truth. He will not
Additional reading: that he will receive what speak on his own; he
John 16:7-11 he will make known to
1 Corinthians 12:13a you. — John 16:13-14 (continued at left)
Page 49
The Trinity - Day Seven
Take a few minutes today to re-read the Bible verses from this week. Write down
what has been most meaningful to you.
We hope that you are knowing and understanding more about God, and that your
relationship with Him is growing.
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The Joy of Knowing
Remember, as you work through each daily lesson, pray and ask
God to help you know, understand, and apply His truth to your life.
The Human Race - Day One
Read: Genesis 1:27 • Genesis 2:15 • Genesis 1:31a
Where did I come from? Why do so many bad things happen, and why is there so
much evil in this world? Is there any hope? All these are legitimate questions, and
God has provided the answers in His Word.
• Read Genesis 1:27 and answer the following:
wwWhere did mankind (the human race) come from?
In Genesis we learn that God called the first man Adam. God then took one of
Adam’s ribs and created a woman, whom Adam named Eve.
• From Genesis 2:15, where did God place the man and what was he to do there?
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Lesson 4 — The Joy of Knowing
God did not intend for people to be idle, but, as we will Today’s Bible Reading
see, work at that time was not unpleasant toil. So God created
• What did God say regarding His creation, including mankind in his own
the man and the woman, in Genesis 1:31a? image, in the image of
God he created them;
male and female he
created them.
— Genesis 1:27
The Lord God took the
man and put him in the
Garden of Eden to work
As we look around our world, we see people doing it and take care of it.
evil and we see many things that are not good, such — Genesis 2:15
as sickness and death. We may wonder, “What
God saw all that he had
made, and it was very
As we continue with our study we will discover that good.
God has given us the answer, and He has given us
— Genesis 1:31a
Ecclesiastes 2:24
Genesis 2:7-25
Page 53
The Human Race - Day Two
Read: Ezekiel 28:12b-17a • Isaiah 14:13-14
God does not reveal to us the origin of sin. However, many Bible scholars believe
Ezekiel 28:12b-17a and Isaiah 14:12-17 refer to Satan1 and reveal to us the first
record of sin.
• From Ezekiel 28:12b-17a:
ww What was Satan like before “wickedness was found in” him?
Satan is known by many different names, among them the devil, the serpent, Lu-
cifer, and the deceiver.
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Lesson 4 — The Joy of Knowing
• The serpent, Satan, is described as “crafty”1 in Genesis 3:1. From the following
verses, describe the character and activity of Satan.
wwRevelation 12:9
According to the Oxford Dictionary, crafty means, “Clever at achieving one’s aims
by indirect or deceitful method.”
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Lesson 4 — The Joy of Knowing
Adam and Eve were living in the Garden of Eden, a paradise. There was nothing
unpleasant for them to experience, and they were free to enjoy everything. Only
one command was given to them. Just think, only one rule.
• Read Genesis 3:1-6 and answer the following:
wwHow did the serpent (Satan) approach the woman—what question did he ask
wwSatan contradicted what God said. What did Satan say would happen if she ate
the fruit?
wwAfter she ate it, whom did she give it to, and where was he?
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Lesson 4 — The Joy of Knowing
Adam and Eve had a choice to make and act upon— Today’s Bible Reading
whom would they believe? It was a simple choice. And the Lord God
Believe God and His warning that eating the fruit would commanded the man,
bring death, or believe Satan and his lie about the “You are free to eat
benefits of eating the fruit. We know that they chose to from any tree in the
garden; but you must
believe Satan because they ate the fruit. not eat from the tree
We all have the same choice before us that they had: of the knowledge of
believe God or don’t believe Him. Like Adam and good and evil, for when
you eat from it you will
Eve, we often think that God’s rules are His attempt surely die.”
to withhold something good from us, rather than His — Genesis 2:16-17
warning to protect us from something that will harm us. Now the serpent was
And, like Adam and Eve, our choice is reflected in our more crafty than any
actions. of the wild animals the
Lord God had made. He
• Can you think of choices you’ve made that you said to the woman, “Did
believed would bring you pleasure or good, but God really say, ‘You
instead they have harmed you or brought you grief? must not eat from any
tree in the garden’?”
The woman said to the
serpent, “We may eat
(Today’s Bible Reading, fruit from the trees in
the garden, but God did
continued) say, ‘You must not eat
you will be like God, fruit from the tree that
knowing good and evil.” is in the middle of the
When the woman saw garden, and you must
that the fruit of the tree not touch it, or you will
was good for food and die.’”
pleasing to the eye, “You will not certainly
and also desirable for die,” the serpent said to
gaining wisdom, she the woman. “For God
took some and ate it. knows that when you
She also gave some to eat from it your eyes
her husband, who was will be opened, and
with her, and he ate it.
— Genesis 3:1-6 (continued at left)
Page 59
The Human Race - Day Five
Read: Genesis 3:12-13 • Genesis 3:16-19
Genesis 3:7-24 tells of the results of Adam and Eve’s unbelief. Although they
did not immediately die physically, the process of decay began that led to
their eventual death.1 Their disobedience (sin) did, however, bring about their
immediate spiritual death (see Ephesians 2:1), and they hid from God.
But God knew where they were and what they had done, and He called them to
account for it; nor did the serpent avoid God’s judgment.
• Read Genesis 3:12-13 and Genesis 3:16-19 and answer the following:
wwWhen questioned by God, whom did the man blame for his disobedience?
Adam died at the age of 930 years (Genesis 5:5)
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Lesson 4 — The Joy of Knowing
wwWhat would have happened to an animal in order for its skin to become a
covering for Adam and Eve?
God brought about the death of an animal in order to cover the nakedness caused
by Adam and Eve’s sin. This was the first physical death. Although it is mentioned
here in just one sentence, in upcoming lessons we will see just how important this
was and how it pictured the hope God would extend to the human race.
• From Genesis 3:22-24, what was God’s concern, and what did He do about it?
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Lesson 4 — The Joy of Knowing
Adam and Eve had known God, who is life. They had Today’s Bible Reading
walked and talked with Him in the Garden. Now their The Lord God made
sin had broken that relationship and had allowed sin garments of skin for
and death (and all the accompanying sorrows) to enter Adam and his wife and
God’s perfect world. clothed them.
• In mercy, God kept them from the tree of life. Write — Genesis 3:21
out what you think this fallen world would be like if
there was no physical death to stop evil people and And the Lord God said,
to end the suffering of sickness and disease in the “The man has now
physical body. become like one of us,
knowing good and evil.
He must not be allowed
to reach out his hand
and take also from the
tree of life and eat, and
live forever.” So the
Lord God banished
him from the Garden
of Eden to work the
ground from which he
had been taken. After
he drove the man out,
he placed on the east
side of the Garden of
Eden cherubim and a
flaming sword flashing
back and forth to guard
the way to the tree of
— Genesis 3:22-24
Page 63
The Human Race - Day Seven
Take a few minutes today to re-read the Bible verses from this week. Write down
what has been most meaningful to you.
We hope you are learning to trust God, even when He says, “No.”
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The Joy of Knowing
Remember, as you work through each daily lesson, pray and ask
God to help you know, understand, and apply His truth to your life.
Sin, Death, Life - Day One
Read: Ephesians 2:1 • Isaiah 59:2a • John 17:3 • Genesis 5:3a •
Romans 5:12a
Death is separation. Physical death occurs when the body and the spirit are
separated (see James 2:26a). Spiritual death occurs when the spirit is separated
from God.
• From the following verses what do you learn about spiritual life (eternal life) and
spiritual death?
wwEphesians 2:1
wwIsaiah 59:2a1
wwJohn 17:3
Adam and Eve had known God, who is life. They had walked and talked with
Him in the Garden, but their sin had broken that relationship. Although originally
created in the image of God, they had become spiritually separated from Him—
spiritually dead.
• What do you learn about Adam’s offspring in Genesis 5:3a?
According to the Merriam Webster Online Dictionary, iniquity means, “wicked act
or thing: sin.”
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Lesson 5 — The Joy of Knowing
• What does Romans 5:12 tell us that may help you Today’s Bible Reading
understand why sin and death affect all people? As for you, you
were dead in your
transgressions and
— Ephesians 2:1
But your iniquities have
Adam’s offspring were born with his fallen nature. separated you from
Every human since has been born with that same your God…
nature, since we have all descended from Adam. We — Isaiah 59:2a
sin because we are born with this fallen, sinful nature
(see Ephesians 2:2-3). You don’t have to teach a child Now this is eternal life:
to do wrong; they do it by nature. The long history of that they know you,
our planet demonstrates that where the human race the only true God, and
goes, evil springs up. Jesus Christ, whom you
have sent.
Again we see that it is God’s grace and mercy that
stopped humanity from living forever in this fallen state. — John 17:3
He has also given us a future and a hope. He has When Adam had lived
made a way to restore to us what was lost because of 130 years, he had a son
Adam and Eve’s sin. As we continue with our study, in his own likeness, in
we will see what great lengths God has gone to and his own image…
the great love He has shown toward all people.
— Genesis 5:3a
Therefore, just as
sin entered the world
through one man, and
death through sin, and
Additional reading: in this way death came
James 2:26a to all people, because
Ephesians 2:2-3 all sinned…
Ephesians 4:18 — Romans 5:12
Page 67
Sin, Death, Life - Day Two
Read: Romans 3:10-12 • Romans 8:7-8 • Isaiah 53:6a • Romans 3:23
Human beings sin because they are born with a sin nature, Adam’s fallen nature.
• What does Romans 3:10-12 say regarding this?
• What do you learn about this sinful nature from Romans 8:7-8?
Have you considered this before? We were created by and for God, and He
knows what will fulfill us, yet we each go our own way, doing our own “thing.”
• What does Romans 3:23 say regarding each of us?
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Lesson 5 — The Joy of Knowing
Are you the person you want to be? Do you believe Today’s Bible Reading
you have lived up to your full potential? Have you ever As it is written: “There
let yourself down? Have you honestly lived up to your is no one righteous, not
own standards? Since we don’t even do that, how even one; there is no
much less do we live up to God’s perfect standard— one who understands,
His glory—which is nothing less than perfection? no one who seeks God.
You may say, “But, nobody is perfect.” And that is All have turned away,
the point. Although we were originally made in God’s they have together
image, all of us fall short of perfection. We are all born become worthless;
with that fallen, less than perfect, sinful nature. there is no one who
does good, not even
At any time God could have wiped us all out and
started all over again, but He loved us and has made
— Romans 3:10-12
the way for us to be made perfect and to have a
relationship with Himself. The mind governed by
the flesh is hostile to
God; it does not submit
to God’s law, nor can it
do so. Those who are
in the realm of the flesh
cannot please God.
— Romans 8:7-8
We all, like sheep, have
gone astray, each of us
has turned to our own
— Isaiah 53:6a
…for all have sinned
and fall short of the
glory of God.
— Romans 3:23
Page 69
Sin, Death, Life - Day Three
Read: Hebrews 9:22b • Hebrews 10:4
Let us review some of what we have learned:
wwGod is perfect and holy.
wwHe created the first two humans (Adam and Eve) in His image, and initially they
were perfect.
wwGod gave Adam and Eve one rule: don’t eat the fruit of the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil. If you do, you will die.
wwRather than believing God, they believed the serpent (Satan) when he said that
God was withholding something good from them, and that if they ate the fruit
they wouldn’t die, but instead they would be like God.
wwTheir unbelief led them to eat the fruit.
wwThey immediately died spiritually, and eventually they died physically.
wwAll of their offspring were then born spiritually dead and with a nature
determined to sin. Each of these offspring, too, has the sentence of physical
death (see Hebrews 9:27).
wwGod loves the human race (the offspring of Adam and Eve), and wants to
restore to them what was lost through sin and unbelief.
In Genesis 3 we read that God killed an animal to cover the result of Adam and
Eve’s sin.
• What does Hebrews 9:22b tell you about forgiveness?
• From Hebrews 10:4, what do you learn about the blood of animal sacrifices?
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Lesson 5 — The Joy of Knowing
Additional reading:
Hebrews 9:27
God has done away with these animal sacrifices and Psalm 32:1
made a new and better way, which we will learn about Psalm 85:2b
in our next lesson. Colossians 2:17
Page 71
Sin, Death, Life - Day Four
Read: Exodus 12:13 • John 1:29 • 1 Corinthians 5:7b • 1 John 1:7b
Immediately after Adam and Eve sinned, God established the blood sacrifice
as the means for people to have their sin covered, in order for them to come into
a relationship with Him (see Genesis 4:3-4; Hebrews 11:4). People then had a
choice: believe what God said and come to Him by way of the blood sacrifice, or
don’t believe Him and don’t come into relationship with Him.
Throughout the Old Testament, by faith (believing what God said), godly people
came into relationship with God through the blood of the animal sacrifice—Abel,
Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, etc. (See Additional Reading.)
Exodus 12 tells how God forced the Egyptian Pharaoh to let God’s people (Israel)
go free after 400 years of enslavement. The Israelites were to kill a lamb and place
some of the blood on the sides and tops of the doorframes of their houses. The
Lord would then pass throughout Egypt and strike down every firstborn of those
who were not marked with the blood, in order to bring judgment on the gods of
• From Exodus 12:13, what purpose would the blood of the lamb serve for the
people of Israel who believed and obeyed God’s instructions?
These sacrifices were but shadows or pictures of what Jesus Christ would do on
our behalf.
• What did John the Baptist say about Jesus Christ in John 1:29?
Jesus is our sacrifice. His blood doesn’t just cover our sin, it takes away our sin.
Just as God provided an animal sacrifice to cover the results of Adam and Eve’s
sin, He has provided the perfect sacrifice to not merely cover, but to take away our
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Lesson 5 — The Joy of Knowing
• What do the following verses say about this? Today’s Bible Reading
ww1 Corinthians 5:7b The blood will be a sign
for you on the houses
where you are; and
when I see the blood, I
will pass over you. No
ww1 John 1:7b destructive plague will
touch you when I strike
Egypt. — Exodus 12:13
The next day John saw
Jesus coming toward
Perhaps this is the first time you have really him and said, “Look,
understood that Jesus Christ is the sacrifice for your the Lamb of God, who
sin—that His blood takes away sin. You have a choice: takes away the sin of
whether or not to believe God. God sent His Son, the world!” — John 1:29
Jesus Christ, to be the Savior, the sacrifice, for the …For Christ, our
world (see 1 John 4:14, Romans 3:25). Until Jesus Passover lamb, has
Christ died, people came into relationship with God been sacrificed.
through the sacrifice of an animal to cover their sin; — 1 Corinthians 5:7b
now we come into relationship with God by way of the
…the blood of Jesus,
Lamb of God (Jesus), who takes away our sin.
his Son, purifies us from
It is simple…believe God. It is not by your works or all sin. — 1 John 1:7b
your deeds that your sin is forgiven; it is by believing
Him—this is faith. It is not by the sacrifice of Jesus plus Additional reading:
your deeds; it is only by putting your faith in Jesus, in Genesis 4:3-7
His sacrifice, to take away your sin. Hebrews 11:4
Genesis 8:20
• If you have never done this, won’t you do it now? Genesis 12:8
Just trust that what God said is true, that Jesus paid Genesis 26:25
the price for your sin, and tell Him, “Thank You.” Genesis 35:7
1 John 4:14
Romans 3:25
John 14:6
Page 73
Sin, Death, Life - Day Five
Read: 2 Corinthians 5:21 • 1 Peter 3:18a • 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 •
Revelation 5:12-13 • Revelation 5:9b-10
The sacrifice of Jesus Christ for our sin was God’s plan from the beginning (see
Revelation 13:8b). Only Jesus Christ could pay the price for our sin. Remember,
the wage for sin is death (see Romans 6:23). No matter how much a person
loves another person, it would be impossible for them to die to pay the price for
the other’s sin, because they have to die for their own sin. So let us consider how
Jesus could do this.
wwAs we learned, we are born sinners because the sin nature has been passed
down to us from Adam.
wwAlthough Jesus Christ was born as a human from Mary, he did not have a
human father. The Holy Spirit moved on Mary and the child that was born of her
was the perfect Son of God.
• What do the following verses say about Jesus Christ?
ww2 Corinthians 5:21
As we look into the future in Revelation, we see the risen Lord Jesus Christ, the
Lamb of God, seated on the throne.
• Describe what is happening in Revelation 5:12-13.
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Lesson 5 — The Joy of Knowing
• In Revelation we learn many things about the Lamb Today’s Bible Reading
of God. From Revelation 5:9b-10 why are they God made him who
praising Him—what did He accomplish? had no sin to be sin
for us, so that in him
we might become the
righteousness of God.
—2 Corinthians 5:21
For Christ also
Take a moment right now and tell Jesus how grateful suffered once for sins,
you are for all that He has accomplished on your the righteous for the
behalf. unrighteous, to bring
you to God.
— 1 Peter 3:18a
For what I received I
passed on to you as
(Today’s Bible Reading, of first importance:
continued) that Christ died for
and all that is in them, our sins according to
saying: “To him who the Scriptures, that he
sits on the throne and was buried, that he
to the Lamb be praise was raised on the third
and honor and glory day according to the
and power, for ever and Scriptures…
ever.” 1 Corinthians 15:3-4
— Revelation 5:12-13 In a loud voice they
…because you were were saying: “Worthy
slain, and with your is the Lamb, who was
blood you purchased for slain, to receive power
God persons from every and wealth and wisdom
tribe and language and and strength and honor
people and nation. You and glory and praise!”
have made them to be Then I heard every
a kingdom and priests creature in heaven and
to serve our God, and on earth and under the
Additional reading: they will reign on the earth and on the sea,
Revelation 13:8b earth.
Romans 6:23 Revelation 5:9b-10 (continued at left)
Page 75
Sin, Death, Life - Day Six
Read: Revelation 21:1-6a • 1 Corinthians 2:9
God weaves His story of redemption from the first book of the Bible, Genesis, to
the last book, Revelation. The Old Testament (Genesis-Malachi) tells of God’s
creation, humanity’s fall, and the promise of the Savior who would come.
The New Testament (Matthew-Revelation) tells of the Savior, Jesus Christ, what
He accomplished, is accomplishing, and will yet accomplish.
He tells us His story in different ways, using different examples, as He teaches us
about all He has done and will do on our behalf.
Revelation was written by the Apostle John toward the end of his life. In it we see
a glimpse into the future and on into eternity.
• Read Revelation 21:1-6a and answer the following:
wwWhat does John see?
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Lesson 5 — The Joy of Knowing
We hope you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior, the sacrifice for your
sin, and are looking forward to all that God has planned for you. (See page 8 for
additional information about this.)
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The Joy of Knowing
Lesson 6 — Knowing
ww Life is difficult!
ww Is there hope, a future?
Remember, as you work through each daily lesson, pray and ask
God to help you know, understand, and apply His truth to your life.
Knowing - Day One
Read: 2 Peter 3:10,12b-13 • 2 Peter 3:8-9
People often ask why God doesn’t do something right now about the evil in the
world. As we have learned, evil entered the world when Satan tempted Eve, and
she and her husband, Adam, directly disobeyed God. This tendency to evil—to
sin—has permeated the human race. Whatever is good, we eventually manage to
pervert it. We have even turned God’s law, which is good (see 1 Timothy 1:8), into
legalism, and use it in a manner that God did not intend.
All the misery in this world is caused directly or indirectly by humanity’s sin. Some
misery is caused by a person’s own sin, some is caused by another’s sin, and
some is the result of Adam’s sin and what it has done to God’s perfect creation.
In previous lessons, we have seen how sin spreads like a cancer. We saw it first
in the heart of Satan, then his angels, then Eve, Adam, and all of the human race.
The only thing that can be done for sin is to get rid of it completely, as surely as
you have to get rid of all cancer cells in a body or the cancer will begin to spread
and destroy once again.
• From 2 Peter 3:10,12b-13, what is God going to do one day in the future?
• Knowing how sin spreads and the destruction that it brings, what do you think
would happen to this new heaven and earth if God allowed sin to enter it?
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Lesson 6 — The Joy of Knowing
When God makes all things new, He will not allow sin Today’s Bible Reading
to enter. It will be the home of righteousness, with all But the day of the
the accompanying peace and joy. If God allowed sin Lord will come like a
to enter, then the evil and the misery it brings would thief. The heavens
begin all over again. This would not be love, and God will disappear with
is love. a roar; the elements
will be destroyed by
Remember, He has provided the way, through Jesus fire, and the earth and
Christ, for our sin to be removed so that we can be everything done in it
with Him forever, sharing in this new creation. will be laid bare…That
day will bring about
• Read 2 Peter 3:8-9 and answer the following: the destruction of the
wwWhy hasn’t God fulfilled His promise to end the heavens by fire, and
misery in this world? the elements will melt in
the heat. But in keeping
with his promise we
are looking forward
to a new heaven and
a new earth, where
wwWill you thank Him for waiting for you? Are there righteousness dwells.
those you don’t want to see perish? Share with them — 2 Peter 3:10,12b-13
God’s glorious good news and pray that God’s Spirit But do not forget this
will convict them of sin and stir a hunger in their one thing, dear friends:
heart for His truth. With the Lord a day is
like a thousand years,
and a thousand years
are like a day. The Lord
is not slow in keeping
his promise, as some
understand slowness.
Instead he is patient
with you, not wanting
anyone to perish, but
everyone to come to
Additional reading: repentance.
1 Timothy 1:8 — 2 Peter 3:8-9
Page 81
Knowing - Day Two
Read: Galatians 5:22-23a • Ephesians 5:9
God knows we can’t get rid of our own sin. That is why He tells us to come to Him
just as we are, but thankfully He doesn’t leave us just as we are. He forgives and
cleanses us, and begins working in us to make us like Jesus (see 2 Corinthians
3:18). In Romans 8:28-29 He tells us that, for those who love Him, He is working
everything together for good to make us like His Son.
This change comes from His life in us and flowing through us, and is sometimes
referred to as bearing “fruit” (see John 15:4-6).
• Describe this fruit from the following verses:
wwGalatians 5:22-23a
wwEphesians 5:9
• Perhaps when you first read these verses it doesn’t seem like a “big deal,”
but consider the opposite of several of the fruit of the Spirit. According Merriam
Webster’s Online Dictionary:
wwThe opposite of “love” is animosity, antagonism, antipathy, aversion, disfavor,
dislike, enmity, hostility, abhorrence, disgust, repugnance, repulsion, and
wwThe opposite of “joy” is misery, sadness, unhappiness, and wretchedness.
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Lesson 6 — The Joy of Knowing
Additional reading:
2 Corinthians 3:18
Romans 8:28-29
John 15:4-6
Mark 4:28
John 15:1
Philippians 2:13
Page 83
Knowing - Day Three
Read: Hebrews 12:10-11
In our last lesson the Bible compared us to a plant bearing fruit to explain how
God works in the lives of those who have put their faith in Him, to make them like
His Son. In today’s example God uses the relationship of a father and child.
In Hebrews 12 we are told that if we are God’s child, He will most certainly
discipline us. Answer the following questions from Hebrews 12:10-11.
• What is the purpose of God’s discipline?
• What will be the result of the discipline in the life of those who are trained by it?1
Righteousness and peace are descriptions of Jesus Christ.
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Lesson 6 — The Joy of Knowing
1 Timothy 4:8
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Knowing - Day Four
Read: Isaiah 48:10 • 1 Peter 1:6-7 • James 1:2-4 • 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Another example we are given of how God works in us is that of a refiner of
precious metal, such as silver or gold. The refiner takes the unrefined metal and
heats it until it liquefies. The impurities, or dross, rise to the top and are scooped
off, leaving only the pure silver or gold. God is the refiner, and we are the precious
metal that has not yet been refined.
• From Isaiah 48:10, what is one way God refines us?
First Peter chapter 1 speaks of all that God has for us in the future, of how we are
shielded by faith, and that we greatly rejoice because of this. It also speaks of our
current trials and difficulties.
• What do you learn about trials from 1 Peter 1:6-7?
• James chapter 1 also speaks of trials, their purpose, and our response to them.
Read James 1:2-4 and answer the following:
wwHow should the Christian view trials?
When a person is content, filled with peace and joy, truly knowing God,
understanding what is transpiring in their life, and looking forward to a glorious
future, they can face the difficulties of life with confidence.
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Lesson 6 — The Joy of Knowing
• Do you really want all that God has for you? Do you Today’s Bible Reading
really want Him to work in and through you? See, I have refined you,
though not as silver; I
have tested you in the
furnace of affliction.
If your answer is yes, you can count trials as joy, even — Isaiah 48:10
if you don’t like the trial. (If you liked it, it wouldn’t be a In all this you greatly
rejoice, though now
trial.) for a little while you
• What instruction do you receive in 1 Thessalonians may have had to
5:18? suffer grief in all kinds
of trials. These have
come so that the
As you see, God has placed a choice before you: Do proven genuineness of
your faith—of greater
you really trust Him? Do you believe that God truly has worth than gold, which
your best interest at heart? Consider the difficulties perishes even though
you are facing at this moment. They may have come refined by fire —may
through no fault of your own. result in praise, glory
and honor when Jesus
• Will you trust that He is working all these things Christ is revealed.
together for your good (not necessarily the way you — 1 Peter 1:6-7
think it should be, but for your good), to make you Consider it pure joy, my
like Jesus? Will you trust Him to work everything out brothers and sisters,
according to His will and purpose? whenever you face
trials of many kinds,
because you know that
If you do, take a moment now and thank Him for who the testing of your faith
He is and what He is doing in your life. produces perseverance.
Let perseverance finish
(Today’s Bible Reading, its work so that you
continued) may be mature and
Give thanks in all complete, not lacking
circumstances, for this anything.
Additional reading: is God’s will for you in — James 1:2-4
Psalm 66:10 Christ Jesus.
Proverbs 17:3 — 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (continued at left)
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Knowing - Day Five
Read: Ephesians 6:10-18a
God is working everything for our good. However, we still need to be aware that a
battle is going on.
Read Ephesians 6:10-18a, and answer the following questions:
• Who is our struggle against?
Our strength is His strength. We need not fear our weakness. In 2 Corinthians
12:9 God says, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in
After putting on God’s armor, all we need to do is take our stand, stand our
ground, and pray. The enemy will shoot flaming arrows at us, attempting to distract
us, to cause us to doubt God, and to discourage us from praying.
• From today’s verses, what extinguishes those flaming arrows?
The evil one, the enemy of our soul, uses the same tactic on us that he used on
Adam and Eve. He wants us to doubt God—His love, His wisdom, His power, His
goodness. And like them, we have a choice—believe who God says He is and
what He has said, or don’t. That is the shield of faith! We don’t have to understand
just how God is working, or why He allows something. We just have to trust that:
wwHe is all-powerful.
wwHe is all-knowing.
wwHe is all-wise.
wwHe is completely good.
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Lesson 6 — The Joy of Knowing
wwHe is love. (He knows and loves each of us Today’s Bible Reading
intimately, and is working all things together for our Finally, be strong in
good and His glory.1) the Lord and in his
mighty power. Put on
When we doubt any of these, we often fail to pray, the full armor of God,
and instead of standing our ground, we may stumble. so that you can take
But even then, God has promised that if we fall, He will your stand against
lift us up (see Proverbs 24:16 and Psalm 145:14). the devil’s schemes.
For our struggle is
• Is there some trial or difficulty you are facing, and is not against flesh and
the enemy telling you that God doesn’t care or that blood, but against the
the situation can never be worked for good? If you rulers, against the
are discouraged and doubt has filled your mind, you authorities, against
may want to pray the prayer of the man in Mark 9:24, the powers of this dark
world and against the
“I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” spiritual forces of evil
in the heavenly realms.
Therefore put on the
full armor of God, so
that when the day of
evil comes, you may
When we bear the fruit of the Spirit, it brings the Fa- be able to stand your
ther glory (see John 15:8). ground, and after you
have done everything,
(Today’s Bible Reading, to stand.
continued) Stand firm then, with
of faith, with which the belt of truth buckled
you can extinguish all around your waist,
the flaming arrows of with the breastplate
the evil one. Take the of righteousness in
helmet of salvation and place, and with your
the sword of the Spirit, feet fitted with the
which is the word of readiness that comes
Additional reading: God. And pray in the from the gospel of
2 Corinthians 12:9 Spirit on all occasions peace. In addition to all
Proverbs 24:16 with all kinds of prayers this, take up the shield
Psalm 145:14 and requests.
Mark 9:24 —Ephesians 6:10-18a (continued at left)
Page 89
Knowing - Day Six
Read: Romans 8:31b-32 • Romans 8:33-34 • Romans 8:38-39 •
Jeremiah 29:11-13
As we come to the end of this study, we hope that we have helped answer some
of the “Why?” questions of this life, and that you have come to understand just
how great is God’s love for you.
• From Romans 8:31b-32, how do we know that there is nothing that can succeed
against God’s glorious plan for us?
• From Romans 8:33-34, why can no charge that is brought against us stand, and
why will we not be condemned for any wrong we have done and any good we
have failed to do?
In all the possible difficulties and troubles that life can throw our way, we don’t just
conquer, we are greater than conquerors, because God works it all for our good
and for His glory. Everything—joys and sorrows, easy times and trials—benefits us
now and throughout eternity (see Romans 8:18 and Romans 8:35-37).
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Lesson 6 — The Joy of Knowing
• From Romans 8:38-39, what are some of the things Today’s Bible Reading
that cannot separate us from the love of God that is in …If God is for us, who
Christ Jesus our Lord? can be against us? He
who did not spare his
own Son, but gave him
up for us all--how will he
not also, along with him,
graciously give us all
— Romans 8:31b-32
In the midst of this fallen world, with all its sorrows
Who will bring any
and difficulties, we can live lives filled with love, peace, charge against those
and joy. We can live with confidence that God knows whom God has chosen?
what is transpiring in our lives, and that He has it under It is God who justifies.
control, working it all together for our good and His Who then is the one
glory. who condemns? No
one. Christ Jesus
• What promises has He given in Jeremiah 29:11-13? who died—more than
that, who was raised
to life—is at the right
hand of God and is also
interceding for us.
(Today’s Bible Reading, — Romans 8:33-34
continued) For I am convinced
“For I know the plans I that neither death nor
have for you,” declares life, neither angels nor
the Lord, “plans to demons, neither the
prosper you and not to present nor the future,
harm you, plans to give nor any powers, neither
you hope and a future. height nor depth, nor
Then you will call on me anything else in all
and come and pray to creation, will be able to
me, and I will listen to separate us from the
you. You will seek me love of God that is in
and find me when you Christ Jesus our Lord.
Additional reading: seek me with all your
Romans 8:18 — Romans 8:38-39
Romans 8:35-37 — Jeremiah 29:11-13 (continued at left)
Page 91
Knowing - Day Seven
Take a few minutes today to re-read the Bible verses from this week. Write down
what has been most meaningful to you.
Because God is infinite and His Word is living, you can spend the rest of your life
growing to know Him better as you study His Word. If you have accepted Jesus
Christ as your Savior—as the sacrifice for your sin—then you have become a child
of God and have just started on this wonderful journey of knowing God. Joy of
Living has many studies that will help you on your journey.
Page 92
The Joy of Knowing
By Nancy J. Collins
This study is the first in the new Finding Joy! Series.
Many of humanity’s questions are summed up in the single word,
God has the answers to those questions. They are generally not
simple, one-sentence, or even one-paragraph answers—it is possible
that your world-view and the entire way you think may be changed if
you truly want to receive and understand God’s answers.
God is willing to reveal His truth, when we truly want to know and act
upon it.
Do you want to begin to find God’s answers to your “why’s”? The Joy
of Knowing is a six-lesson Bible study that will help you on your way.
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