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API Pentesting Mindmap ATTACK

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parameter's value

URL object


Docs some web apps put the

user's attachments names
User identifiers Downloadable resources
like their IDs in the application
Invoices e.g: 12.pdf


National IDs
Some web apps requires uploading
personal docs to register on them, and the
Personal docs Passports user should have access to his docs, and
these docs some times also named with it'
s owner ID.

Transaction objects / Identifiers

Checking every function having

as a value in parameters

as an object in the URL

In addition to the types mentioned in the
User identifiers section, in usernames also
Downloadable resources licenses
these docs might have usernames as a
names for the files. e,g: cyberguy_10.csv
medical documents

etc {{based on application's logic}}

Some times the user's username being

hashed and used as a value for
Hashed sessions / cookies authorization, you can exploit this by
guessing the application's usernames and
hash them
Serialized sessions / cookies

Authenticators of the application Authorization headers / cookies Check for:

Encoded sessions / cookies

Some cookies are encrypted with

symmetric encryption, so if you were able
Encrypted cookies to achieve the private key by some way
Some developers defines the user's
you will be able to decrypt the cookie and
state when accessing a resource based on
change it's value
server's responses, for example.
"uID": 122 Manipulate the privilege or user's state from the
resource accessing behaviours Manipulation
} server's responses

OTP stored in some endpoint

Generated by the API using some method
OTP Some applications decided the identity of
the user through the server's responses,
Changing the values from true to false we can manipulate the JSON response for
Manipulation or it's logical representatives. e.g: {"OTP": 1} and example and the dynamic generated
number 1 here refers to true. content will be loaded for the injected

2FA Process to access

specific user content
While accessing particular sensitive / critical
Remote authorization Manipulation resource in an application, some application
Broken object-level access Application's responses Dynamic application responses requires remote authorization to proceed.

Some panels requires

OTP Endpoints
etc remote authorization from
mobile apps for example, thus
Login Endpoints we can manipulate the response
email to bypass into the user's content.
CVV / PIN username {
"resource_id": 120
Internal resource spoofing Lack of resources and rate limiting id
Authenticated identifier's manipulate

National Security Number

Referer manipulation Bypasses

Phone number
IP Range spoofing
confidential / personal info
Passport Number


e.g: /api/v1/users/getToken/12 With the applications generates QR Codes

e.g: Numeric identifiers
e.g: /api/v1/users/getToken/13 for authentication / authorization actions,
API Methods we can exploit these misconfigs before
/api/v1/admin/update?resource_id= Pre-generation attacks Spoofable Identifiers Gradually identifiers
/api/v1/admin/post?resource_id= generation to decode the QR Code after
1. e.g: /api/v1/users/getToken/username12 generation then, take other users access_
Alphanumeric identifiers tokens for example.
2. e.g /api/v1/users/getToken/username13
Some applications the behaviors of
deleting, adding or updating info's is
normal, so these considered as Changing value in back-end will be used to
vulnerabilities based on your application generate QR Code later to retrieve data.
Administrative functions
logic. PATCH e.g:
HTTP Verbs QR Code Attacks {
PUT "username":"someUser",
etc [based on your case] }

etc Changing value in back-end will be used to

generate QR Code later to perform action.
Dynamic attacks Real-time applications Response based e.g:
Anonymous user access to functions requires {
authenticated users "username":"someUser",
Anonymous user access to functions retrieves Improper authorizations
authenticated users data

Broken function level authorization
When accessing some endpoints under e.g:
the 'admin' endpoint, some times can /api/v1/users/info?uID=1 Captcha reuse
retrieve sensitive info /api/v1/admin/users/info?uID=1

Weak captcha
Verbs & Endpoints manipulations
Here some applications blocks the
integers identifiers except the current e.g: Captcha Attacks Captcha implementation
userID, but if you put something like: 'all' /api/v1/users/?id=myID without using
can retrieve the whole application's users /api/v1/users/all

Unauthorized access to could be used to

Exploiting ordinary functions trying to e.g: captcha generation endpoint autofill captcha
access internal resources via LFD for /api/v1/Ajax/resource?url=/end/point
example /api/v1/Ajax/resource?url=../..//etc/passwd
Insufficient cooldown timing allows brute-forcing attacks
Turning the normal resource grabber into e.g:
SSRF vulnerable machine made you able /api/v1/Ajax/resource?url=/end/point
to perform SSRF attacks and it's contexts /api/v1/Ajax/resource?url= Leaked in public compromised databases
Exploit endpoints for possible internal access Credentials stuffing
e.g: OSINT based credentials on the target
/api/v1/Ajax/PUT?url=/user/profile/pic Execute functions into internal resources


Api Pentesting
Weak credentials administrator:administrator
Weak authentication security
design High Privilege defaults

env root:toor

test etc
{{Attacking}} Default credentials
example guest:guest
publicly accessible productions
branches test:test
Low / custom privilege defaults
old releases user:user
Use of non-production resources which in most
cases not protected to attack the production Improper assets management
etc resources etc

heapdump Sending data in GET Request / URLs

Default endpoints which automatically enables

dump e.g: springboot Weak encryption mechanism
with some frameworks
Insecure transmission of
etc sensitive data
Weak encryption keys

Sending data in plain text

Price manipulation

Amount manipulation
Manipulate server's responses to bypass the
Business attack Response manipulation authentication mechanism in the dynamic
Currency manipulation applications.

Weak API keys
Deletion of resources
Broken User Authentication API Keys attacks Use of leaked API Keys
Privilege escalation
Manipulating resources Privilege attack
e.g: {"is_admin":true}
Mass Assignment Improper API rotating

Executing high privilege functions with low

e.g: {"verified":true} email verification Insecure implementation of privilege access token.
authentication logic
Bypass restrections
In some applications this allows the user
to change it's password without e.g: {"default_pass":true} default password enable
restrictions / versification Access token attacks Improper access token validations Access other user's content / data with the
attacker's access token.


SQL Injection Weak secret

NoSQL Injection Lack of JWT verification (any token will be

Token based attacks accepted)

LDAP Injection JWT attacks

Injection Weak algorithm e.g: [none] algorithm
OS Command Injection
Signature bypass e.g: kid injection + SQL Injection

XML Injection

Timing attacks non-expiring JWTs, access tokens and sessions

The authentication systems vary from

CORS misconfiguration application to another, so there is no standard
Attacking various authentication systems
method to break them, it based on your creative
ability :)
e.g: ASP.NET stack trace Stack Traces

Outdated systems Security misconfiguration Profiling systems e.g: /api/clients/show?id=13

e.g: S3 Buckets Exposed storage or server management panels Here the (BOLA) will be a part of the
attack to make the application's return
Information retrieval systems e.g: /api/orders/show?order_id=202
sensitive info [which isn't required but the
etc application retrieve it]

Comments endpoint
some applications returns more than the
required data, thus the attacker can
Excessive Data Exposure Messages endpoint access sensitive info's like CVV, location,
Communicative systems National Security Numbers ...etc.
Notifications endpoint


Logging endpoints


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