VB .Net Questions

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1 .

 Which language is not a true object-oriented programming language?

C. JAVA D. C++
2 . A GUI
A.uses buttons, menus, and icons
B.should be easy for a user to manipulate
C.both (a) and (b)
D.stands for Graphic Use Interaction
3 . Visual Studio .NET provides which feature:


B.application deployment

C. syntax checking

D.All of the above

4 . What does IDE stand for?

A.Integrated Design Environment

B.Integrated Development Environment

C. Interior Design Environment

D.Interior Development Environment

5 . Which type of project can a developer choose in the New Project dialog

A.Visual Basic Projects

B.Visual C++ Projects

C. Visual C# Projects
D.All of the above

6 - Which of the following converts the expression to Double data type in VB.NET?
A - CDbl(expression)
B - CDec(expression)
C - CInt(expression)
D - CLng(expression)
7 - Which of the following converts the expression to Object data type in VB.NET?
A - CObj(expression)
B - CSByte(expression)
C - CShort(expression)
D - CSng(expression)
8 - Which of the following accesss modifier specifies that one or more declared
programming elements are accessible from within the assembly that contains their
declaration, not only by the component that declares them?
A - ByRef
B - ByVal
C - Default
D - Friend
9 . Which of the following statement declares an enumeration and defines
the values of its members?

A. Dim B. Const

C. Enum D. Class

10 . Which of the following property of Array class in VB.NET checks

whether the Array is read-only?

A. IsFixedSize B. IsReadOnly

C. Length D. None of the above

11 - Which of the following access modifier specifies that a class can be used only
as a base class and that you cannot create an object directly from it?
A - MustInherit
B - MustOverride
C - Narrowing
D - NotInheritable
12 - Which of the following access modifier specifies that one or more declared
programming elements have no access restrictions?
A - Private
B - Protected
C - Public
D - ReadOnly
13 - Which of the following statement declares and defines one or more constants?
A - Dim
B - Const
C - Enum
D - Class
14 - Which of the following statement transfers control to the labeled statement?
A - Exit
B - Continue
C - GoTo
D - None of the above.
14 - Which of the following block of VB.NET identifies a block of code for which
particular exceptions will be activated?
A - Try
B - Catch
C - Finally
D - Throw
15. Which are the standard prefixes for the text box and label controls

A. txb and lbl B. txb and lab

C. tex and lbl D. tex and lab

16 . Which task is accomplished in the Code editor?

A.Adding forms to the project

B.Adding controls to the form

C. Adding controls to the title

D.Adding event procedures to the form

17 . Which is not a feature of a GUI that makes learning a program easy

for users?

A.Detailed key strokes and commands

B.WYSIWYG formatting

C. Dialog boxes

D.Online help

18 . An object is composed of:

A. properties B. events

C. methods D. All of the above

19. Which statement about objects is true?

A.One class is used to create one object.

B.One class can create many objects.

C. One object is used to create one class.

D.One object can create many classes.

20 . Which is an example of Visual Basic Objects?


C. Control objects D. All of the above

21 . The .Net class library:

A.uses namespaces to manage all of the classes.

B.contains over 25,000 classes.

C. both (a) and (b)

has the System.Form namespace for classes used in Windows-based


22 . The CancelButton property belongs to which object?

A. Form B. Button

C. Label D. TextBox

23 . In event-driven programming an event is generated by:

A. the system B. a user’s action

C. the program itself D. All of the above

24 . The Java and Visual Basic .NET belong to this type of programming

A.Assembly language

B.Machine language
C. High level programming language

D.Object oriented programming language

25 . It is a comprehensive, object-oriented collection of reusable types

that you can use to develop applications.

A.Class Library

B.Solution Explorer

C. Properties Window

D.Windows Form Designer

26 . It translates all high level instructions into machine code first before
running the program.

A. Interpreter B. Compiler

C. Translator D. Language

27 . A window that lists the solution name, the project name and all the
forms used in the project.

A.Properties Window

B.Solution Explorer

C. Windows Form Designer

D.Project Window

28 . VB.Net is

A. Platform Independent B. Compiler Language

C. Forward compatibale D. Backward compatible

29 . VB.Net supports

A.Structured error handling

B.Unstructured error handling

C. Both


30 . JIT stands for

A. Just In Type B. Just In Time

C. Just In Thread D. Just In Text

31 . Assembly is ______grouping of all units

A. Arithmatical B. Logical

C. Physical D. Binary

32 . New keyword is used with the

A. Destructor B. Constructor

C. Both D. None

33. What is CLR?

A.Current LanguageRuntime

B.Common Language Runtime

C. Common LanguageRealtime

D.Current LanguageRealtime

34 . IL stands for

A.Internal Language

B.Internet Language

C. Intermediate Language

D.Interpreted Language

35 . What is CTS?

A.Common Type Server

B.Control Type System

C. Common Type System

D.Control Type Server

36 . What is used to store decimal data in .NET?

A. BinaryWriter B. DecimalWriter

C. OctalWriter D. HexaWriter

37 . Language which is NOT supported by .Net

A. Java B. VB

C. Perl D. COBOL

38 . In VB.NET language, Which one is not the integer value?

A. 12 B. '23'

C. 10 D. 100

39 . Which of the following Loop structure does not supported by VB.Net?

A.Do ................ Loop

B.For ................... Next

C. Do ................ While

D.For Each ............ While

40 . The _____ model does not offer a model for source code reuse.


C. COM  D. .Net

41 . _____ allow custom items of information about a program element to

be stored with an assembly's metadata.

A. Properties B. Attributes 

C. Methods D. Classes

42 . The function procedures are ___________ by default.

A. public B. private

C. protected D. inherited

43 . Using a ________ variable does not enable us to create read-only

properties that are often required by a class.

A. private B. public
C. friend D. protected

44 . A ___________ performs invisible tasks even if you write no code.

A. destructor B. constructor 

C. function D. private method

45 . _________ are interactive objects that you place in dialog boxes or

other windows to carry out user actions.

A. Forms B. Controls 

C. Classes D. Objects

46 . The ___________is a systematic class framework used for the

development of system tools and utilities.

A..Net tools

B.Visual Basic 6

C. Visual Basic 2005

D..Net Framework Class Library (FCL) 

47 . Which of the following is a basic data type in VB.NET?

A. Boolean B. Byte

C. Char D. All of the above

48 . Which of the following accesss modifier specifies that Visual Basic

should marshal all strings to American National Standards Institute
(ANSI) values regardless of the name of the external procedure b

A. Ansi B. Assembly

C. Async D. Auto
49 . Which of the following is a true about Object in VB.NET?

A.Object variable size is 4 bytes on 32-bit platform

B.Object variable size is 8 bytes on 64-bit platform

C. Any type can be stored in a variable of type Object

D.All of the above

50 . Which of the following converts the expression to Char data type in


A. CBool(expression) B. CByte(expression)

C. CChar(expression) D. CDate(expression)

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