VB .Net Questions
VB .Net Questions
VB .Net Questions
B.application deployment
C. syntax checking
5 . Which type of project can a developer choose in the New Project dialog
C. Visual C# Projects
D.All of the above
6 - Which of the following converts the expression to Double data type in VB.NET?
A - CDbl(expression)
B - CDec(expression)
C - CInt(expression)
D - CLng(expression)
7 - Which of the following converts the expression to Object data type in VB.NET?
A - CObj(expression)
B - CSByte(expression)
C - CShort(expression)
D - CSng(expression)
8 - Which of the following accesss modifier specifies that one or more declared
programming elements are accessible from within the assembly that contains their
declaration, not only by the component that declares them?
A - ByRef
B - ByVal
C - Default
D - Friend
9 . Which of the following statement declares an enumeration and defines
the values of its members?
A. Dim B. Const
C. Enum D. Class
A. IsFixedSize B. IsReadOnly
B.WYSIWYG formatting
C. Dialog boxes
D.Online help
A. properties B. events
A. Form B. Button
C. Label D. TextBox
24 . The Java and Visual Basic .NET belong to this type of programming
A.Assembly language
B.Machine language
C. High level programming language
A.Class Library
B.Solution Explorer
C. Properties Window
26 . It translates all high level instructions into machine code first before
running the program.
A. Interpreter B. Compiler
C. Translator D. Language
27 . A window that lists the solution name, the project name and all the
forms used in the project.
A.Properties Window
B.Solution Explorer
D.Project Window
28 . VB.Net is
29 . VB.Net supports
C. Both
A. Arithmatical B. Logical
C. Physical D. Binary
A. Destructor B. Constructor
C. Both D. None
33. What is CLR?
A.Current LanguageRuntime
D.Current LanguageRealtime
A.Internal Language
B.Internet Language
C. Intermediate Language
D.Interpreted Language
35 . What is CTS?
A. BinaryWriter B. DecimalWriter
C. OctalWriter D. HexaWriter
A. Java B. VB
C. Perl D. COBOL
C. 10 D. 100
C. Do ................ While
40 . The _____ model does not offer a model for source code reuse.
C. COM D. .Net
A. Properties B. Attributes
C. Methods D. Classes
A. public B. private
C. protected D. inherited
A. private B. public
C. friend D. protected
A. destructor B. constructor
A. Forms B. Controls
C. Classes D. Objects
A..Net tools
B.Visual Basic 6
A. Boolean B. Byte
A. Ansi B. Assembly
C. Async D. Auto
49 . Which of the following is a true about Object in VB.NET?
A. CBool(expression) B. CByte(expression)
C. CChar(expression) D. CDate(expression)