Business Studies: Question Bank Term-II 2021-22

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कें द्रीय विद्यालय संगठन क्षेत्रीय कायाालय रायपुर

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Regional Office Raipur


Class - XII
Question Bank Term- II 2021-22
कें द्रीय विद्यालय सगं ठन क्षेत्रीय कायाालय रायपरु
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Regional Office Raipur



It gives me immense pleasure to bring out the study material for 2 nd Term in
different subject of Classes X and XII for Raipur Region. All of us know that in the
1st Term Examination questions were objective but in 2nd Term questions will be
subjective so once again to get our children acquainted and familiarized with the new
scheme of examination and types of questions, it is of utmost significance that an
extensive study material should be provided to our children. This question bank is
in complete consonance with CBSE Circular Number 51 and 53 issued in the month
of July 2021. It will help students to prepare themselves better for the examination.
Sound and deeper knowledge of the Units and Chapters is must for grasping the
concepts, understanding the questions. Study materials help in making suitable and
effective notes for quick revision just before the examination.

Due to the unprecedented circumstances of COVID-19 pandemic the

students and the teachers are getting very limited opportunity to interact face to face
in the classes. In such a situation the supervised and especially prepared value
points will help the students to develop their understanding and analytical skills
together. The students will be benefitted immensely after going through the question
bank and practice papers. The study materials will build a special bond and act as
connecting link between the teachers and the students as both can undertake a
guided and experiential learning simultaneously. It will help the students develop
the habit of exploring and analyzing the Creative & Critical Thinking Skills. The
new concepts introduced in the question pattern related to case study, reasoning
and ascertain will empower the students to take independent decision on different
situational problems. The different study materials are designed in such a manner
to help the students in their self-learning pace. It emphasizes the great pedagogical
dictum that ‘everything can be learnt but nothing can be taught’. The self-motivated
learning as well as supervised classes will together help them achieve the new
academic heights.

I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to all the principals and the teachers
who have relentlessly striven for completion of the project of preparing study
materials for all the subjects. Their enormous contribution in making this project
successful is praiseworthy.
Happy learning and best of luck!

Vinod Kumar
(Deputy Commissioner)
कें द्रीय विद्यालय सगं ठन क्षेत्रीय कायाालय रायपरु
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Regional Office Raipur

Our Patorn

Vinod Kumar
Deputy Commissioner
KVS RO Raipur

Smt.Biraja Mishra Sh.A.K. Mishra

Assistant Commissioner Assistant Commissioner
KVS RO Raipur KVS RO Raipur







S.N. Name of the Chapter/ Topic Editorial Team Page No.

(From – To)
01 Staffing Ms. Rachna Kumari 07 to 17
02 Directing Mrs. Anita Darfade 18 to 21
03 Controlling Ms. Rachna Kumari 22 to 27
04 Financial Management Mr. M K Bhardwaj 28 to 35
05 Financial Market Mr. Binay Kumar 36 to 39
06 Consumer Protection Act 2019 Mrs. Anita Darfade 40 to 43
07 Model/Sample Question Paper – I Mr. R K Thakur 44 to 48
Blue-Print & Marking Scheme
08 Model/Sample Question Paper – II Mr. Radhey Shayam 49 to 52
Blue-Print & Marking Scheme
09 Model/Sample Question Paper – III Mr. Shashank Gupta 52 to 57
Blue-Print & Marking Scheme

Units TERM-2 PAPER Periods Marks
Theory- 40 DURATION: -2
Marks Hrs
A Principles and Functions of Management
6 Staffing 13
7 Directing 09 20
8 Controlling 07

Total 29 20
B Business Finance and Marketing
9 Financial Management 20 15
10 Markets 18
12 Protection 05 5
Total 43 20
Total 72 40

Term 2: Principles and Functions of Management

Unit 6: Staffing

Staffing: Concept and importance ● Understand the concept of

● Explain the importance of
Staffing process ● Describe the steps in the process
of staffing
Recruitment process ● Understand the meaning and
steps in the process of
● Discuss the sources of
Selection – process ● Understand the meaning of
● Describe the steps involved in the
process of selection.
Training and Development - Concept and importance, ● Understand the concept of
Methods of training - on the job and off the job - training and development.
vestibule training, apprenticeship training and ● Appreciate the importance of
internship training training to the organisation and
to the employees.
● Discuss on the job and off the job
methods of training.
● Discuss the meaning of vestibule
training, apprenticeship training
and internship training.
● Differentiate between training
and development.

Unit 7: Directing
Directing: Concept and importance ● Describe the concept of directing.
● Discuss the importance of directing
Elements of Directing ● Describe the various elements of
Motivation - concept, Maslow’s hierarchy
of ●
Understand the concept of
needs, Financial and non-financial
incentives motivation.
● Develop an understanding of
Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs.
● Discuss the various financial and
non-financial incentives.
Leadership - concept, styles - authoritative, ●
Understand the concept of
democratic and laissez faire leadership.
● Understand the various styles of
Communication - concept, formal and
informal ●
Understand the concept of
communication; communication
● Discuss the concept of formal and
informal communication.

Unit 8: Controlling
Controlling - Concept and importance ●Understand the concept of controlling.
● Explain the importance of controlling.
Steps in process of control ●Discuss the steps in the process of controlling.

Part B: Business Finance and Marketing

Unit 9: Financial Management
Financial Management: Concept, role and ● Understand the concept of financial
objectives management.
● Explain the role of financial management in
an organisation.
● Discuss the objectives of financial
Financial decisions: investment, financing ● Discuss the three financial decisions and the
and dividend- Meaning and factors factors affecting them.

Financial Planning - concept and ● Describe the concept of financial planning.
● Explain the importance of financial
importance planning.
Capital Structure – concept and factors ● Understand the concept of capital structure.
affecting capital structure ● Describe the factors determining the choice
of an appropriate capital structure of a
Fixed and Working Capital - Concept and ● Understand the concept of fixed and working
factors affecting their requirements capital.
● Describe the factors determining the
requirements of fixed and working capital.

Unit 10: Financial Markets

Financial Markets: Concept, Functions Understand the concept of the financial market.
and types ● Explain the functions of the financial market.
● Understand capital market and money market as
types of financial markets.
Money market and its instruments ● Understand the concept of the money market.
● Describe the various money market instruments
Capital market: Concept, types ● Discuss the concept of capital market.
(primary and secondary), methods of ● Explain primary and secondary markets as types
floatation in the primary market of capital market.
● Differentiate between capital market and money
● Discuss the methods of floating new issues in the
primary market.
● Distinguish between primary and secondary
Stock Exchange – Meaning, Functions ● Give the meaning of a stock exchange.
and trading procedure ● Explain the functions of a stock exchange.
● Discuss the trading procedure in a stock
● Give the meaning of depository services and
demat account as used in the trading procedure of
Securities and Exchange Board of India ● State the objectives of SEBI.
(SEBI) - objectives and functions ● Explain the functions of SEBI.

Unit 12: Consumer Protection

Consumer Protection: Concept Understand the concept of consumer

The Consumer Protection Act, 2019: Understand the concept of a consumer according to
Source: the Consumer Protection Act, 2019. ● Explain the consumer rights
019/210422.pdf ● Understand the responsibilities of consumers
Meaning of consumer ● Understand who can file a complaint and
Rights and responsibilities of consumers against whom?
Who can file a complaint? ● Discuss the legal redressal machinery under
Redressal machinery Consumer Protection Act, 2019.
Remedies available ● Examine the remedies available to the consumer
under Consumer Protection Act,2019
Chapter-6 STAFFING
Short Answer Type Questions (2 MARKS)
CCT & Case – Based questions
1. What is meant by Staffing?
2. What is meant by Induction Training?
3. How are employees motivated to improve their performance when the organisation uses internal
sources of recruitment? State
4. Give the meaning of ‘Orientation’ as a step in the process of ‘Staffing’.
5. Why is ‘Aptitude Test’ conducted in the process of selection?
6. Why is ’employment interview’ conducted in the process of selection?
7. The workers of a factory remain idle because of lack of knowledge of hi-tech machines. Frequent
visit of engineer is made which cause high overhead charges. How can this problem be removed?
8. A company is manufacturing paper plates and bowls. It produces 1,00,000 plates and bowls each
day. Due to local festival, it got an urgent order of extra 50,000 plates and bowls. Explain the
method of recruitment that the company should adopt in the given circumstances to meet the
9. Why employees become lethargic when the organisation uses internal sources of recruitment?
10. Ankita Enterprises is a company engaged in the marketing of air-conditioners of a famous brand.
The company has a functional structure with four main functions—Purchase, Sales, Finance and
Staffing. As the demand for the product grew, the company decided to recruit more employees.
Identify and explain the concept which will help the Human Resource Manager to find out the
number and type of personnel available so that he could decide and recruit the required number
of persons for each department.
11. Sahil the director of Garments manufacturing Company is planning to manufacture bags for the
utilization of waste material of one of his garments unit. He decided that his manufacturing unit
will be getting up in a rural area of Orissa where people have very less job opportunities and
labour is available at very low rate. He also thought of giving equal opportunities to men and
women. For this he selected S. Chatterjee, Indrajeet Kaur, Aslam and Sarabjeet as heads of Sales,
Accounts, Purchase and Production departments.
Identify and state the next two steps that Sahil has to follow in the staffing process after selecting
the above heads.
12. Alpha Enterprises is a company manufacturing water geyser. The company has a functional
structure with four main functions— Production, Marketing, Finance and Human Resource. As
the demand for the product grew, the company decided to hire more employees.
Identify and explain the concept which will help the Human Resource Manager in deciding the
actual number of persons required in each department.
13. Aditya Rubbers is thinking of knowing the worth of its employees but it is unable to do so yet.
The firm now has decided to include a step in its staffing process through which it can judge
the performance of its employees.
Name and explain the step which organisation will include.
Name two more other steps in the staffing process which precede this step.
14. Mohit Gupta is working with Yellow Security Services Ltd. He is also recruiting security guards
for the company. The company provides security services in Delhi and Noida at short notice to
various companies. The guards are recruited on a temporary basis. The guards provided by this
company are known for their honesty and punctuality. Mohit Gupta is well-known in his village
for providing employment to unskilled people.
1.Name the source of recruitment used by Yellow Security Services Ltd.
2. State any one disadvantage of this source of recruitment.
15. Why are internal sources of recruitment considered more economical?

Short answer type Questions (3 Marks)

CCT & Case – Based questions
1. Explain ‘Internship training’ and ‘vestibule training’ and classify them as on-the-job and off-the-
job methods of training.
2. State any three limitations of using internal sources of recruitment.
3. Distinguish between training and development.
4. Race Tech Ltd. is one of the top IT companies in India. The company does mass recruitment each
year from different colleges offering fresher level job to the final year students. This helps in
recruiting the brightest and the best available talent in the educational institutions.
In context of the above case:
1. Identify and state the source of external recruitment adopted by the company.
2. Explain briefly any two advantages of using the external sources of recruitment.

5. “Recruitment is positive but selection is negative”. Justify the statement.

6. Explain briefly ‘Casual Callers’ and ‘Labour Contractors’ as external sources of recruitment.
7. Suraj runs an NGO under the name ‘Sarthak’ in Delhi. The organization is engaged in offering
waste paper recycling services to all kinds of institutions in the Delhi NCR region. It also
manufactures custom made paper stationery out of recycled paper on order for the interested
institutions at a very competitive price. The website of ‘Sarthak’ provides a link to a Careers site
where in the people desirous of joining the NGO can use simple Job Search to find the right
opportunity for them. The NGO also keeps a database of unsolicited applicants in its office so that
job seekers may be notified of future opportunities when they arise. In context of the above case:
Identify and explain the two sources of external recruitment being used by the NGO ‘Sarthak’ by
quoting lines from the paragraph.
8. Identify and explain the various concepts being described in the following lines.
(a). It involves putting the right person at the right place.
(b). Shifting an employee to a higher position
(c). Under this method of training , the trainee works under the guidance of a master worker.

9. Prashant, the Director of a company, is planning to manufacture rugs for utilising waste materials
from one of his garment factories. He decided that this manufacturing unit will be set-up in a rural
area so that people of that area will have more job opportunities. For this, he wanted four different
heads for Sales, Accounts, Purchase and Production Departments. He decided that one of them will
be a differently-abled person, another from a minority community and one from a disadvantaged
section of society. He gave an advertisement in the newspaper for the above vacancies. Identify and
state the next three steps Prashant has to follow in the staffing process after advertising for the above
10. The quality of production is not as per standard. On investigation it was observed that most of the
workers were not fully aware of proper operation of the machinery. What could be the way to
improve the accuracy?
11. Bhavna Ltd. is highly reputed company. The employees of this organization discussed how they
came in contact with this organization. Reena said she was introduced by the Purchase manager

(Mr. John). Neetu said she applied through newspaper and was appointed as Finance manager. Indu
said she was directly called by the company from her IIM institute after completing MBA.
1. Identify the different sources of recruitment.
2. Name the function of management discussed in above para.
12. Name and explain the methods of training:
1. The trainee learns under the guidance of a master worker.
2. Trainees learn on the equipment they will be using, but training is conducted away from the
actual work floor.
3. Trainees work in some factory or office to acquire practical knowledge and skills along with
regular studies
Long answer type questions (5 MARKS) CCT & Case – Based questions
1. Explain the procedure for selection of employees.
2. What are the advantages of training to the individual and to the organisation?
3. Sunidhi runs a KPO (Knowledge Process Outsourcing) in Gurgaon. The services provided
by her firm include all kinds of research and information gathering in fields such as financial
market, medicine, animation and design, etc. Sunidhi believes that the success of the
company can be achieved mainly through the people it chooses as employee. Therefore, she
aims to attract the best people and provides them innumerable opportunities to enhance their
knowledge and skill relevant to their position.
In context of the above case, identify and explain the aspects of staffing being taken into
consideration by Sunidhi by quoting lines from the paragraph.
4. Ashish, the Marketing Head, Raman, the Assistant Manager and Jyoti, the Human Resource
Manager of Senor Enterprises Ltd. decided to leave the company.
The Chief Executive Officer of the company called Jyoti, the Human Resource Manager and
requested her to fill up the vacancies before leaving the organisation. Informing that her
subordinate Miss Alka Pandit was very competent and trustworthy, Jyoti suggested that if
she could be moved up in the hierarchy, she would do the needful. The Chief Executive
Officer agree for the same. Miss Alka Pandit contacted Keith Recruiters who advertised for
the post of marketing head for Senor Enterprises Ltd. They were able to recruit a suitable
candidate for the company.
Raman’s vacancy was filled up by screening the database of unsolicited applications lying in
the office.
1. Name the internal/external sources of recruitment used by Senor Enterprises Ltd. to
fill up the above stated vacancies.
2. Also state any one merit of each of the above identified source of recruitment.
5. A company X Ltd. Is setting up a new plant in India for manufacturing auto components?
India is highly competitive and cost-effective production base in this sector, X Ltd. Is
planning to capture about 40% of the market share in India and also export to the tune of at
least $5 million in about 2 years of its planned operations. To achieve these targets, it
requires a highly trained and motivated work force. You have been appointed by the
company to advise it in this matter.
i.Which sources of recruitment should the company rely upon? Give reasons for your
ii.Which methods of training and development should company initiate?
6. Blue Heavens Ltd. purchased a new machinery from Germany for manufacturing some auto
components. It was a cost-effective and quality production machine but during the production
process, manager observed that the quality of the production was not as per standards. On
investigation, it was found that there was lack of knowledge of using these hi-tech machines.
So, frequent visits by engineers were required from Germany but this resulted in high
overhead charges.
Suggest what can be done to develop the skills and abilities of employees for producing

quality products by using these hi-tech machines. Also state how the employees or the
organisation will be benefited by your suggestion.
7. Nakul belongs to a small village in Varanasi. Being the only literate person in his immediate
family, he decides to settle in a city. So he opens a sweets shop in Chandni Chowk, Delhi as
he possesses extraordinary culinary skills. Very soon he starts getting requests from his
cousins in the village to engage them in some kind of job in his business. Considering it to
be his moral obligation, he engages five of his cousins in his business without paying any
specific attention to their individual capabilities. This leads to wastage of materials, time,
effort and energy, resulting in lower productivity and poor quality of products. As a result,
the profitability of his business starts falling. Soon, he realised that for the success of the
business it is essential that right kind of people must be available in right number at the right
In the context of the above case:
1. Identify and explain the function of management that has been overlooked by Nakul.
2. Describe briefly the importance of the function of management as identified in part (1).
8. A company X limited is setting up a new plant in India for – manufacturing auto components.
India is a highly competitive and cost -effective production base in this sector. Many reputed
car manufacturers source their auto components from here. X limited is planning to capture
about 40% of the market share in India and also export to the tune of at least $ 5 million in
about 2 years of its planned operations. To achieve these targets, it requires a highly trained
and motivated work force. You have been retained by the company to advise steps in this
matter. While giving answer keep in mind the sector, the company is operating .
9. A company x Ltd. is setting up a new plant in India for manufacturing auto components. India
has highly competitive and cost-effective production base in this sector. X Ltd. is planning to
capture about 40% of the market share in India and also export to the tune of at least $5
million in about 2 years of its planned operations. To achieve these targets, it requires a highly
trained and motivated workforce. You have been retained by the company to advise it in this
matter. (i) Which sources of recruitment the company should rely upon? (ii) Which methods
of training should company initiate?
10. Internal sources of recruitment are better than external sources of recruitment. Explain by
giving reasons in support of the statement
11. Which source of recruitment is needed to bring new blood in the organisation? Explain any
three advantages and any two limitations of this source.
12. Prateek has started an advertising agency in Gurgaon. One of the page on his company’s
website contains the following information, “Welcome to all the visitors of this page who are
looking for an opportunity to make a career in the field of advertising. The opportunities are
available in the company at various levels, so don’t miss the chance.” This page includes a
link to provide further details about the vacancies available in terms of the desired
qualifications, experience, personality characteristics and so on. Through a continuous
assessment of the number and types of human resources necessary for the performance of
various jobs and accomplishment of organisational objectives and in relation to the number
and type available, he gets the information on this page updated.
In context of the above case:
1. Identify and explain the steps in the staffing process being carried out by Prateek by
quoting lines from the paragraph.
2. Name the concept that relates to the details about the vacancies available in terms of
the desired qualifications, experience, personality characteristics and so on.

Answer Key
Short Answer (2 marks) Staffing Answers

1. Staffing is the managerial function of filling and keeping filled positions in the organisation
2. Induction training means introducing the selected employees to other employees and familiarising
him with the rules and policies of the organisation.
3. A promotion at a higher level may lead to chain of promotions at lower levels in an organisation.
This motivates the employees to improve their performance through learning and practice.
4. It is introducing the selected employee to other employees and familiarising him with the rules
and policies of organisation.
5. An aptitude test is conducted to measure and scale the applicant’s potential for learning a skill.
Aptitude test helps, the organisation to know whether the employees has capacity to learn new
6. An employment interview is a formal, in-depth conversation conducted to evaluate the applicant’s
suitability for the job in the process of selection. At the same time the interviewee may also seeks
information from interviewer (if needed).
7. In this case, to overcome the mentioned problem the workers need to be trained to handle the new
machines and for this, vestibule training method would be the most appropriate. Vestibule
training means to learn their jobs of the equipment they will be using but the training is conducted
away from the work floor.
8. In order to complete the order in time, more people are required at short notice. Thus, labour
contractor should be approached, who can provide a large workforce at a short notice.
9. The spirit of competition among the employees may be hampered as they are likely to expect
automatic promotion because of seniority. Thus, they are least interested in work and become
10. Workforce analysis:- It means analysing existing workforce or employees already occupying the
job positions and how many of them are overburdened or under burdened.
11. The next two steps that Sahil has to follow in the staffing process are:
a) Placement and Orientation-: Placement refers to the process of giving the charge of the job for
which the employees have been appointed. Orientation may involve a series of activities related
to introducing the new employee to other employees and familiarising him with the rules and
policies of the organisation. Moreover, he is taken around the workplace and made aware of the
fire safety policy, canteen, conference room etc.
b) Training and development. Organisations either have in-house training centres or make
alliances with training and educational institutes. This is done to ensure continuous learning of
their employees in order to strengthen their competencies for both present and future jobs. This
helps to motivate them and enables them to perform better and contribute more towards the
realisation of the organizational effectiveness and efficiency.
12. Workload Analysis will help the Human Resource Manager in deciding the actual number of
persons required in each department. This requires finding number and type of employees
required to perform various jobs designed in organisational structure.
13. The step discussed here is ‘Performance Appraisal’. It is a process of evaluating the worth of an
employee to the organisation. It may be done in both formal and informal way. The process
performance appraisal includes defining the job, appraising performance and providing feedback.
The following two steps in the process of staffing are: i) Placement and Orientation. (ii) Training
and Development
14. 1. External source of recruitment i.e. Labour contractor has been used by Yellow Security
Services Ltd.
2. One disadvantage of the external source of recruitment is that the new employees may take
longer time to settle in the organisation.
15. Filing of Jobs internally is cheaper as compared to getting candidates from external sources
because only transfer or promotion has to be done. It does not involve the long process of staffing
or selection that increases the cost in the form of more time, money and efforts in recruiting.

Short Answer (3 marks)
1. Internship training-is a method for providing on the job training to the employees through a
joint programme in which educational institutions and business firms cooperate. The learners
carry on with their regular studies for the prescribed period. They also work in some factory or
office to acquire practical knowledge and skills related to their specific field of expertise.
Vestibule training; Employees learn their jobs on the equipment they will be using, but the
training is conducted away from the actual work floor. Actual work environments are created
in a class room and employees use the same material, files and equipment. This is usually done
when employees are required to handle sophisticated machinery and equipment.
Internship training can be classified as On-the-job method of training Vestibule training can be
classified as off-the-job method of training.
2 Limitations of internal sources of recruitment are as follows:
(i) No scope for fresh talent Internal sources may not be able to bring new competent fresh
talent, ideas and latest technical know-how.
(ii) Not suitable for new organisation A new enterprise cannot use internal sources of
recruitment. No organisation can fill all its vacancies from internal sources.
(iii) Limited choice -The choice is limited as the recruitment can be made only out of the
candidates available within the organisation.
(iv) Employees become lethargic- The employees may become lethargic if they are sure of
time bound promotions. (any three)
3. Comparison of Training and Development
Basis Training Development
Meaning It means imparting skills and knowledge It means growth of an
doing a particular job employee in all respects.
Purpose It is concerned with maintaining and It seeks to develop
improving current job performance. competence and skills for
future performance
Method It is imparted through on the job method. It is imparted through off the
job method.
Duration Training programmes are organized for Training programmes are
short terms. organized for short terms.
4. 1.Campus Recruitment is the source of external recruitment adopted by the company.
Sometimes the senior manager of the organisations visit professional colleges, technical
institute to get fresh graduates. The organisations prefer fresh graduates because they can be
moulded according to the requirements of the organisation.
2 Explain any two advantage
Merits of External Sources
1. Qualified Personnel: By using external source of recruitment the management can attract
qualified and trained people to apply for the vacant jobs in the organization.
2. Wider Choice: The management has a wider choice in selecting the people for employment.
3. Fresh Talent: It provides wider choice and brings new blood in the organization.
4. Competitive Spirit: If a company taps external sources, the staff will have to compete with
the outsiders.
5. Recruitment is a positive process because it involves searching for prospective employees and
stimulating them to apply for the job. here, the company is making all candidates to apply for
the job, hence it is a positive action. where as in selection process, there involves an action of
elimination of all unsuitable candidates and choosing only the right ones. and therefore, it is a
6. 1. Casual callers: Casual callers is considered to be relatively cheaper source of
recruitment in comparison to the other sources. This is because the organizations have
to primarily maintain a database in their offices of the unsolicited applicants who sent
10 | P a g e
their resume in anticipation of job prospects. As an when a vacancy arises in the
organization such job-seekers may be screened.
2. Labour contractors: Labour contractors proves to be a very useful resource for
appointing the required number of unskilled workers at short notice. However, if the
labour contractors who themselves are the employees of the organization decide to leave
it for any reason then all the workers recommended by him are also likely to leave the
work along with him.
7. The two sources of external recruitment being used by the NGO ‘Sarthak’ are as follows:
Lines (i) “The website of ‘Sarthak’ provides a link
…………………………………………………right opportunity for them”.
Web Publishing: Internet is becoming a common source of recruitment these days. There are
certain websites specifically designed and dedicated for the purpose of providing information
about both job seekers and job opening.
(ii) “The NGO also keeps a database…………………………………………………………..
future opportunities when they arise.
Casual Callers: Many reputed business organizations keep a data base of unsolicited applicants
in their office. A list of such job-seekers can be valuable source of manpower. This list can be
used for Recruitment.
8. a. staffing- staffing is the managerial function of filling and keeping filled positions in the
organisation structure.
b. promotion- A promotion at a higher level may lead to chain of promotions at lower levels
in an organisation. This motivates the employees to improve their performance through
learning and practice
c. apprenticeship training- Under this, the trainee is placed under supervision of an
experienced person (master worker) who imparts him necessary skills and regulates his

9. The next three steps to be followed by Prashant in the staffing process after advertising for the
above vacancies are as follows:
Selection: Selection is the process of choosing the best candidate from a pool of
Placement and Orientation: Placement refers to the process of giving the charge
of the job for which they have been appointed. Orientation may involve a series
of activities related to introducing the new employee to other employees and
familiarising him with the rules and policies of the organisation. Moreover, he is
taken around the workplace and made aware of the fire safety policy, canteen,
conference room etc.
Training and Development: Organisations either have in-house training centres or
make alliances with training and educational institutes. This is done to ensure
continuous learning of their employees in order to strengthen their competencies
for both present and future jobs. This helps to motivate them and enables them to
perform better and contribute more towards the realisation of the organizational
effectiveness and efficiency.
10. Workers are needed to be given appropriate training to make them learn use of machinery
and most suitable method in this case is apprenticeship training. It is on-the-job method of
training. The workers seeking to enter skilled traits, e.g., to become plumbers, electricians or
iron workers are required to undergo apprenticeship training for a prescribed time period
(which may vary from 2 to 5 years). Apprenticeship training puts the apprentices (trainees)
under the guidance of a master worker or an experienced guide or trainer.
11. (i) (a) Reena’s source of recruitment recommendation from existing staff.
(b) Neetu’s source: Media advertising
(c) Indu’s source: Campus recruitment

11 | P a g e
(ii) Function discussed in above para is staffing
12. 1. Apprenticeship training: - Under this, the trainee is placed under supervision of an
experienced person (master worker) who imparts him necessary skills and regulates his
2. Vestibule training: - Under this method, actual work environments are created in a class
room and employees use the same materials, files and equipment. This method is extremely
useful when employees are required to handle expensive, delicate and sophisticated
3. Internship training: - Under this method an educational institute enters into agreement with
industrial enterprises for providing practical knowledge to its students by sending them to
business organizations for gaining practical experience.

Long Answers (5 MARKS )

1. The successive stages in selection process are:
1. Preliminary Screening: After applications have been received, they are properly checked as
regarding qualification etc. by screening committee. A list of candidates to be called for
employment tests made and unsuitable candidates are rejected altogether.
2. Selection Tests: These tests include:
(a) Psychological tests which are based on assumption that human behaviour at work can be
predicted by giving various tests like aptitude, personality test etc.
(b) Employment test for judging the applicant’s suitability for the job.
3. Employment Interviews: The main purpose of interview is:
(a) to find out suitability of the candidates.
(b) to seek more information about the candidate.
(c) to give the candidate an accurate picture of job with details of terms and conditions.
4. Reference Checks: Prior to final selection, the prospective employer makes an investigation
of the references supplied by the applicant. He undertakes a thorough search into candidate’s
family background, past employment, education, police records etc.
5. Selection Decisions: A list of candidates who clear the employment tests, interviews and
reference checks is prepared and then the selected candidates are listed in order of merit.
6. Medical/Physical Examination: A qualified medical expert appointed by organization should
certify whether the candidate is physically fit to the requirements of a specific job. A proper
physical exam will ensure higher standard of health & physical fitness of employees thereby
reducing absenteeism.
7. Job Offer: After a candidate has cleared all hurdles in the selection procedure, he is formally
appointed by issuing him an Appointment Letter. The broad terms and conditions, pay scale are
integral part of Appointment Letter.
8. Contract of Employment: After getting the job offer, the candidate has to give his acceptance.
After acceptance, both employer and employee will sign a contract of employment which contains
terms & conditions, pay scale, leave rules, hours of work, mode of termination of employment
Nishant wants to set a unit in rural area where people have very few job opportunities and labour
is available at a low cost.

2. Benefits to the Employee

(i) Better career opportunities due to improved skills and knowledge.
(ii) Earnings can be increased due to improved performance.
(iii)Trained workers can handle machines more efficiently.
(iv) Employees always remain motivated and satisfied.
Benefits to the Organisation
(i) Training is a systematic learning which reduces the wastage of efforts and money.
(ii) Enhances employee productivity.

12 | P a g e
(iii) Training helps a manager to handle an emergency situation.
(iv) Training motivates workers and thus reduces absenteeism.
3. The three aspects of staffing being taken into consideration by Sunidhi are as follows:
1. Recruitment: Recruitment may be defined as the process of searching for
prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organisation.
“she aims to attract the best people”
2. Selection: Selection is the process of choosing the best candidate from a pool of
“Sunidhi believes that the success of the company can be achieved mainly through the
people it chooses to employ.”
3. Training: Training helps to upgrade the knowledge and skills of the employees so
that their ability to perform in the present job can be enhanced.
“..provides them innumerable opportunities to enhance their knowledge and skill relevant
to their position.”
4. 1. The internal and external sources of recruitment used by Senor Enterprise Ltd. to fill up
the above stated vacancies are stated below:
(a) The vacancy for the post of Human Resource Manager has been filled up through Promotion.
(b) The vacancy for the post of Marketing Head has been filled up through the Placement
Agencies and Management Consultants.
(c) The vacancy for the post of Assistant Manager has been filled up through Casual Callers.
2. The relative merit of each of the internal and external sources of recruitment used by Senor
Enterprise Ltd. to fill up the above stated vacancies are stated below:
(a) Promotion: It boosts the morale of not only the employee who is promoted but also of other
employees as they get an assurance that their competence will also be recognised in due course.
(b) Placement Agencies and Management Consultants provide specialised services to the
organisations to recruit technical, professional and managerial personnel at middle and top level.
(c) Casual Callers as a source of recruitment reduces the cost of recruiting workforce in
comparison to other sources.
5. ( I ) Company should rely upon external source of recruitment as companies require setting up a
new plant and large number of manpower with latest technology.
Reasons for relying on external sources are:
a) Fresh Talent. With external recruitment fresh and new talent come to the organization.
b) Wider Choice. Through external recruitment the organization gets wider choice.
c) Qualified Personnel. By using external recruitment, the management can get qualified
and trained persons.
d) Latest Technological Knowledge. Through campus placement organization can get
employees with latest technological knowledge.
e) Competitive Spirit. Through external recruitment when outsiders join the organization,
this develops a competitive spirit in existing employees of organization.
ii) Company should prefer following methods of training and development:
a) Apprenticeship programme b) Vestibule school c) Internship training.
6. Training should be provided to the employees to develop their skills and abilities for producing
quality products by using these hi-tech machines.
The benefits of imparting training to the employee are as follows:
1. Better career: Training leads to better career opportunities for the employees as it helps to
improve their skills and knowledge of doing the job.
2. Increased earnings: Training leads to increased performance by the employees thereby
helping them to earn more.
3. Increased efficiency: Training makes the employees more efficient in handling machines
and less prone to accidents.
4. Improved motivation: Training increases the satisfaction and morale of employees
thereby motivating them to work with greater enthusiasm.

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7. 1. Staffing is the function of management that has been overlooked by Nakul.
Staffing is the process of manning the roles designed into the organisational structure. It is
concerned with obtaining, utilising and maintaining a satisfactory and satisfied work force.
2. The importance of the staffing function of management is described below:
It helps in discovering and obtaining competent personnel for various jobs within an
By putting right person on the right job, it leads to a higher performance of the
It ensures the continuous survival and growth of the enterprise through the succession
planning for managers.
It helps to ensure optimum utilisation of the human resources. By avoiding over
manning, it prevents under-utilisation of personnel and high labour costs. At the same
time, it avoids disruption of work by indicating in advance the shortages of personnel.
It improves job satisfaction and morale of the employees through objective
assessment and fair rewarding for their contribution.
8. The prime concern of the company is to hire the manpower who are highly trained and motivated.
In order to achieve the targets, the company should follow the selection under staffing process in
this manner.
First step preliminary screening helps the manager to select among those candidates whose
applications are selected.
Second step is selection test it is to be conducted to check the practical knowledge of the
Third step interview is to be taken of those candidates who qualify the test. A panel of experts is
called which are identifying the best among hundreds.
Fourth step is selection decision. The candidates who pass the test, interview included in
selection list and critically examined that they are best or not.
Fifth step is examining their medical fitness they are efficient or not.
Sixth step is to offer the job, providing them a letter of appointment in which terms and conditions
are mentioned.
The final step is contract of employment when candidate accepts the job-offer they signed the
contract of employment, the employer and candidate exchange certain documents.
9. 1. The company should rely upon the following external sources of recruitment because it is
setting up a new plant and requiring large number of employees with latest technology. So, it
needs to recruit technical, professional and managerial personnel.
Management consultants
Campus recruitment.
2. The company should initiate following methods of training
Apprenticeship training
Vestibule training
10. Internal sources of recruitment are better than external sources in the following respects: (Any
(i) Economical sources Internal sources are less time consuming and less expensive because the
organisation and the employees are already known to each other.
(ii) Simplifies the process of selection Since, the employees are already known to the
organisation, therefore, the process of selection and placement gets simplified.
(iii) Motivates employees Filling higher level jobs through promotion helps to improve the
motivation and morale of employees as they know that they can be promoted to senior position
in the organisation if they work harder for the organisation.
(iv) Sense of security Internal recruitment creates a sense of security among the staff.
(v) No problem in adjustment As the organisation and the employees are familiar with each
14 | P a g e
other, this leads to smooth functioning of the enterprise without any problem in adjustment on the
part of the new employees or the organisation.

11. External source of recruitment is needed to bring new blood in the organisation. It is preferred
whenever large number of job positions are vacant. Under this, the organisation meets its
manpower requirement from outside the organisation.
The three advantages of external sources of recruitment are as follows:
(i) Fresh talent The entry of fresh talent into the organisation is encouraged. New employees
bring new ideas to the organisation.
(ii) Latest technological knowledge Through campus placement, organisation can get
employees with latest technical know-how.
(iii) Competitive spirit When outsiders join the organisation, this develops a competitive spirit
in existing employees of the organisation.
Limitations of external sources of recruitment are as follows: (Any two)
(i) Employees may not adjust according to the rules and regulations of the company The
new employees may not adjust themselves as per the rules and regulations of the organisation
which means more chances of employee turnover.
(ii) Costly It is expensive to invite the outsiders to apply for the vacant job positions.
Companies have to bear heavy burden of advertising.
(iii) Time consuming It is a lengthy process as external recruitment takes more time
12. 1. The two steps in the staffing process being carried out by Prateek are as follows:
(a) Estimating the Manpower Requirements: It is the first step in the staffing process and is carried
out with the help of workload analysis (assessment of the number and types of human resources
necessary for the performance of various jobs and accomplishment of organisational objectives)
and work force analysis (assessment of the number and type available).
“Through a continuous assessment of the number and types of human resources necessary for the
performance of various jobs and accomplishment of organisational objectives and in relation to
the number and type available.”
(b) Recruitment: Recruitment may be defined as the process of searching for prospective
employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organisation.
“One of the pages on his company’s website contains the following information, “Welcome to
all the visitors of this page who are looking for an opportunity to make a career in the field of
advertising. The openings are available in the company at various levels, so don’t miss the
chance. “This page includes a link to provide further details about the vacancies available.”
“he gets the information on this page updated.”
2. Job description is the concept that relates to the details about the vacancies available in
terms of the desired qualifications, experience, personality characteristics and so on.

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1. Explain in brief, ‘Directing’ as a function of management.
2. “Directing is not required at all in management of an organisation.” Do you agree? Give two reasons in
support of your answer.
3. Briefly explain any two elements of ‘Directing’.
4. Why it is said that directing takes place where ever superior subordinate relationship exists?
5. Aashita Ltd. Assured their employees that in spite of the recession, no workers will be retrenched from
their jobs. Name and explain the type of incentive offered to the employees.
6. Mihir was a supervisor at ‘Perfect Fit Textile’ company. The company was producing 200 shirts every
day. His job was to make sure that the work went on smoothly and there was no interruption in production.
He was a good leader who would give order only after consulting his subordinates and work-out the
policies with the acceptance of the group.
Identify and describe the leadership style being adopted by Mihir.
7. Explain any two features of Motivation.
8.How does motivation improve the efficiency of workers in an organisation? Give any two reasons.
9. What is meant by ‘Need Hierarchy’?
10. What are incentives?
11. What is meant by financial incentives? Give any two examples of it.
12. Define non-financial incentives.
13. Name and explain any one feature of the process of exchange of information between two or more
persons to reach common understanding.
1. “Every action in the organisation is initiated through directing.” Explain any three points of importance
of directing in the light of this statement.
2.“The performance of an organisation depends upon how a supervisor instructs and guides the
subordinates at operative level.” Explain.
3. How does motivation improve the efficiency of workers in an organisation? Give any three points
4. Explain briefly any three elements of ‘directing’.
5. “Direction is the least important function of management.” Do you agree with this statement? Give any
two reasons in support of your answer.
6. Suhana is a successful manager at Kapur & sons Enterprises. She has a team of twelve people working
under her. She encourages them to set their own objectives and take decisions. She respects their opinions
and supports them, so that they can perform their duties and accomplish organizational objectives. To
manager and exercise effective control she uses forces within the group.
As an intelligent manager, at times, she also makes use of positive aspects of informal communication.
This way, she is able to unify diverse interests and ensure the targets are met.
(a) There are many theories and styles of influencing people’s behaviour. Identify the style used by suhana
which is based on the use of authority.
(b) State two positive aspects of the communication discussed above, which Suhana is using as an
intelligent manager.
7. Samira is working in a Star company on a permanent basis. As per the job agreement she had to work
for 8 hours a day and was free to work overtime. Samira worked overtime, due to which she felt ill and
had to take leave from her work. No one showed concern and enquired about her health. She realised that
she was fulfilling only some of her needs still while some other needs still remained to be fulfilled.
(a) By quoting the lines from the above para, identify the needs of Suhana which she is able to fulfil.
(b) Also explain two other needs of Suhana followed by the above needs, which still remained to be
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1. Swara had been working as an assistant manager with Kabir Enterprises for the last ten years. She was
very popular amongst her colleagues because of her commitment and dedication towards the work. When
the manager senior to her retired, all her colleagues thought that now Swara would be promoted. But to
everyone’s surprise the vacant post was filled by an outsider, Mrs. Roma. Swara felt demoralised and her
performance started declining. She would abstain herself often and could not meet her targets.
Mrs. Roma was a good leader, who would not only instruct her subordinates but would also guide and
inspire them. She noticed Swara’s behaviour and felt that her performance could be improved. She started
involving Swara in decision making-issues related to the organisation and made her a part of high-level
joint-management committee. Swara was now punctual in office and her performance started improving.
(a) Identify and explain the function of management being performed by Roma.
(b) Name and explain the element of the above function of management which helped Roma to improve
Swara’s behaviour.
(c) state any three features of the element identified in (b).
2. Ananya has started his own consultancy firm under the name ‘Lucky’ after working for five years in a
company as a wedding planner. Considering the fact that she is into a labour-intensive business and
motivation is a complex process, Ananya wants to offer such rewards and benefits that will help to fulfil
the various needs of the employees and will inspire them to give their best to the organisation.
In the context of the above case:
(a) Why is motivation considered to be a complex process?
(b) Name the various types of needs that exist in a hierarchy within every human being. Also suggest any
two suitable incentives for each of these that Ananya may offer to his employees.
3. Aahana has started a designer studio in the basement of her residence after completing her masters in
fashion designing. She has appointed ten employees to take care of the various aspects of the work. She
interacts regularly with each employee to tell exactly what is expected of him/her and what he/she needs
to do to be regarded as a good performer. At the same time, she allows a free work environment where in
the employees openly chit chat with each other in order to fulfil their social and emotional needs.
Sometimes, these interactions also lead to spreading rumours which are not authentic.
In the context of the above case:
(a) Name and explain the two types of communication being referred to in the above paragraph.
(b) Explain any one advantage and one disadvantage of the types of communication identified above.
4. Vivan has set up a small-scale manufacturing unit for making different varieties of low-cost detergents.
In order to market his product, he has employed a team of five salesman. Each salesman has been assigned
specific areas in the city. He holds a meeting every month for determining the objectives of achieved
during the coming month. A sales target is predetermined for each month which is mutually agreed by
both Vivan and his sales team. If the salesmen succeed in reaching this target a bonus is paid out to all of
them along with the monthly salary.

In context of the above case:

(a) What style of leadership is adopted by Vivan? Explain by quoting lines from the para.
(b) Name the non-financial incentive being offered to the salesmen by seeking their involvement in
deciding the monthly targets of the firm.
5. Pranav works as a banquet manager in a hotel. He feels highly motivated at his job because the work
that is assigned to him frequently involves variety of challenges. He is given more autonomy and
responsibility and provided with ample opportunities for personal growth and a meaningful work
In context of the above case:
(a) Define the term ‘motivation’.
(b) Name the measures used to motivate the employees to improve performance ? Write its types
(c) Identify the type of non-financial incentive being offered to Pranav.

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1. Directing as a function of management is concerned with instructing, guiding and inspiring people in
the organisation to achieve its objective. It is that part of management process which ensures the efficiency
and effectiveness of the employees.
2. No, I do not agree with this statement, due to the following reasons:
a) Directing initiates action by guiding, leading, harmonising and managing the human elements in an
organisation to achieve the desired goals. Without directing, all other managerial functions will become
b) It is through directing the management helps people to see how they can satisfy their needs and utilise
their capabilities to contribute towards the organisational objectives.
3. Two elements of directing
(i) Supervision: It refers to monitoring the progress of work of one’s subordinates and guiding them
(ii) Motivation: It refers to that process which excites people to work for attainment of the desired
4. In every organisation, directing function is performed by every manager regardless of the level of
management from top executive to supervisor. Therefore, it is said that directing takes place wherever
superior subordinate relations exist.
5. The type of incentive offered to the employees is job security. It is a non-financial incentive. In order
to fulfil their safety needs, the employees want certain stability about future income and work. As a result
they feel motivated and give better job performance.
6. As a supervisor of ‘Perfect Textile’ Mihir has adopted the democratic style of leadership.
In this type of leadership style, the members of the group take a more participative role in the decision –
making process. Everyone is given the opportunity to participate, ideas are exchanged freely, and
discussion is encouraged.
7.(i) It is psychological phenomenon. Motivation is a state of desire which governs human behaviour.
(ii) Motivation results in goal directed behaviour. A motivated person works hard towards the
achievement of desired goals.
8. Motivation improves the efficiency of the workers by:
i) Bridging the gap between the ability and the willingness to work.
ii) Stimulating people to action to accomplish desired goals.
9. Hierarchy of needs refers to the systematic arrangement of human needs in the order of their importance.
Abraham H. Maslow, an American psychologist, has divided the needs of every human being into five
categories- Physiological, safety, Affiliation, Esteem and self-actualisation needs. The needs range from
the very basic survival to development of one’s potential.
10. Incentives are the rewards or measures which are adopted to stimulate a worker to act in a manner
desired by the management.
11. Financial incentives are those incentives which are evaluated in terms of money.
12. According to Dubin “Non –financial motivators are in the form of mental reward.” It means that they
are not directly related with money. They are helpful to satisfy the top hierarchy needs such as self –
13. Communication.
Feature: The first important features of communication is that there must be a minimum number of two
persons because no single individual can have an exchange of ideas with himself.
1. any three correct points-
i) Initiates action (ii) Provides balance in the Organisation (iii)Integrate employees’ efforts

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2. Supervisor is a managerial position in the organisational hierarchy just above the operative level. He
guides the activities of the workers. The function and performance of the supervisor are vital to any
organisation because he is directly related with workers whereas other managers have no direct touch with
them. The efficiency of a supervisor is reflected in the performance of the workers.
3. Motivation improves the efficiency of the workers by:
i) Bridging the gap between the ability and the willingness.
ii) Stimulating people to action to accomplish desired goals.
iii) Encouraging people to work better, and thereby increasing the productivity.
4. Supervision, Motivation and leadership (explain briefly).
5. No, I do not agree with this statement as directing is the most important function of management. It is
also known as management-in-action.
Two reasons; -
i) It initiates Action
ii) It integrates Employees efforts
6. (a) Democratic Style.
(b) Two positive aspects of communication which Suhana is using as and intelligent manager are-
* It carries information rapidly
* It is helpful to know the reaction of his/her subordinates.
7. (i) ‘Samira is working in a company on a permanent basis.’
According to above line Samira is able to fulfil her following needs:
(a) Physiological needs
(b) Safety and Security needs
(ii) Needs of Samira which still remained to be satisfied are:
(a) Affiliation Need: It refers to the need for affection, sence to belongingness, acceptance and friendship.
(b) Esteem Need: It refers to the need for self-respect, autonomy, status, recognition and attention.
1. (a) Directing-correct explanation
(b) Motivation- correct explanation
(c) Features of Motivation- any three features with explanation
2. (a) Motivation is considered to be a complex process as the individual may differ in their expectations,
Perceptions and reactions. Therefore, the same type of motivation may not have uniform effect on all
the persons.
(b) The various types of needs that exist in a hierarchy within every human being are stated below:
(i) Basic Phycological Needs
(ii) Safety and security Needs
(iii) Affiliation/Belonging Needs
(iv) Esteem Needs
(v) Self Actualisation Needs
Correct explanation of the above needs.
3. (a) The two types of communication being referred to in the above paragraph are formal communication
and informal communication.
(b) Any one advantage and disadvantage of formal and informal communication.
4. (a) The democratic style of leadership is adopted by Vivan. A democratic leader encourages his
subordinates to participate in the process of decision making. Thereby, the manager is able to motivate his
subordinates to perform their best, as they themselves have set the goals.
“A sales target is pre-determined for each month which is mutually agreed by both Vivan and his sales
(b) Employees participation is the type of non-financial incentive that is being offered to the salesmen by
seeking their involvement in deciding the monthly targets of the firm.
5. (a) Motivation refers to the process of stimulating people to action to achieve desired goals.
(b) The measures used to motivate the employees to improve performance are known as incentives.
These incentives may be broadly classified as financial and non-financial.
(c) Job enrichment is the type of non-financial incentive being offered to Pranav.
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Q 1. State the meaning of controlling
Q 2. Briefly explain the term ‘deviations.
Q3. Hina Sweets is a renowned name for quality sweets since 1935. Harsh the owner of Hina Sweets was
worried as the sales had declined during the last three months. When he enquired from the Sales Manager,
the Sales Manager reported that there were some complaints about the quality of sweets. Therefore, Harsh
ordered for sample checking of sweets.
Identify and state the step taken by Harsh that is related to one of the functions of management
Q 4. Yodesh is trying to reduce wastage of resources in his company. He is trying to do it in the best
possible manner. He has set standards for performance of different types of activities and is doing his level
best to perform according to these set standards to minimise wastage of resources. Things are not going
to be over for him as he will have to look into other aspects too. He has set up a good monitoring system
which helps him know how to employees ate performing according to set standards as when the employees
meet these standards, they will be given incentives. He is hoping to pull out a good performance from his
team this year.
1. Which function of management has been referred to in the above case?
2. Which benefits of this function of management have been highlighted in the above case
Q 5. Rajni Ltd. is engaged in manufacturing machine components. The target production is 250 units per
day per worker. The company had been successfully attaining this target until two months ago. Over the
last two months it has been observed that daily production varies between 200-210 units per worker.
1. Name the function of management and identify the step in the process of this function which helped in
finding out that the actual production of a worker is less than the set target.
2. To complete the process of the function identified in (a) and to ensure the performance as per set targets,
explain what further steps a manager has to take.

Short answer type Questions (3 Marks)

CCT & Case – Based questions
Q 1. Explain how controlling helps in
(i)Accomplishing organisational goals; and
(ii)Judging accuracy of standards.
Q 2. ’Controlling is forward looking’. Explain.
Q 3. GVR Ltd. is engaged in manufacturing machine components. The target production is 200 units per
day. The company had been successfully attaining this target until two months ago. Over the last two
months, it has been observed that daily production varies between 150-170 units.
1. Identify the management function to rectify the above situation.
2. Briefly state the procedure to be followed so that the actual production may come up to the target
Q 4. Chiranjeev has set up an export house after completing his masters in fashion designing. As the
quality of the garment depends on the quality of raw material used, he assures that the fabric meets the
requirements by conducting a series of tests for the fabrics like shrinkage test, testing colour fastness to
washing, colour fastness to light, colour fastness to perspiration etc through laboratory tests. Later on, at
the production areas, fabric inspection is also conducted by stopping the production process. The tests
help to detect the deviations and also take corrective action. Moreover, he ensures that complete training
about production work was given to every worker at the time of joining his export house.
In context of the above case:

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1. Identify the function of management being performed by Anubhav by conducting tests to assure for
the quality of the garments manufactured in his export house.
2. Briefly explain the term ‘deviations.’
Q 5. Raghav started a take away eating joint in a nearby market. His business was doing well. He
ensured that the food was properly cooked, a standard taste was maintained, packing of food was done
effectively and the orders were executed on time. But unfortunately, he met with an accident and was
advised three months bed rest. In his absence, his cousin Rohit took charge of his business. When he
resumed his work after three months, he realised that his clientele had dropped. The people were not
happy with the services as the quality of food had deteriorated and the delivery time for orders had
increased considerably. All this was happening because most of his previous staff had left as Rohit used
to adopt a very strict and authoritative approach towards them.
In context of the above case:
1. List any two aspects about his business that Raghav was controlling in order to make it successful.
2. Explain briefly any two points to highlight the importance of the controlling function.
Q 6. Deepak is working in an MNC. He has created an atmosphere of proper controlling in his department.
In order to do so he keeps himself aware about any dishonest behaviour and takes a stern action
immediately. Recently he has installed CCTV cameras to keep vigil on the employees.
1. In the above case which importance of controlling has been implemented by Deepak?
2. Name one more importance of controlling other than the above highlighted.
3. Can you suggest one more way by which Deepak could have implemented controlling?
Long answer type Questions (5 Marks)
CCT & Case – Based questions
Q.1. ’Controlling is an indispensable function of management’. Do you agree? Give four
reasons in support of your answer.
State any five points that highlight the importance of ‘controlling’ function of management.
Q.2 Explain the various steps involved in the process of control.
Q 3. Savita has been assigned the job of quantity controller. She knows this is a tough job but she also
realises the importance of it. Her daily routine is to send alarm to the manufacturing department about the
deviations in the number of units produced so that the target of the day could be achieved. This helps the
whole department to focus towards its main plan of action. However, one day she realises that the number
of units which are to be produced is 500 which is very high and creates chaos at the shop floor. She
discusses it with the management and the target is reduced to 450. This has helped the manufacturing
department in maintaining quality of the work done. There are 10 workers at the shop floor where Savita
does inspection. She divided the task into 45 units for each worker so that by the end of the day the target
of the department is completed.
1. Which benefits of controlling have been highlighted in the above case?
2. Name one department where controlling should be applied in proper coordination
with the manufacturing department for proper quality control of the manufactured products
Q 4. Kapil & Co. is a large manufacturing unit. Recently the company had conducted time and motion
studies and concluded that on an average, a worker could produce 300 units per day. However, it has been
noticed that the average daily production per worker is in the range of 200-225 units.
1. Name the function of management and identify the steps in the process of this function which helped
in finding out that the actual production of a worker is less than the set target.
2. To complete the process of the function identified in (1) and to ensure the performance as per time
and motion studies, explain what further steps a manager has to take?
Q 5. ‘AS Ltd.’ is a large company engaged in assembling of air-conditioners. Recently the company had
conducted the ‘Time’ and ‘Motion’ study and concluded that on an average, a worker can assemble ten
air-conditioners in a day. The target volume of the company in a day is assembling of 1,000 units of air-
conditioners. The company is providing attractive allowances to reduce labour turnover and absenteeism.
All the workers are happy. Even then the assembling of air-conditioners per day is 800 units only. To find
out the reason, the company compared actual performance of each worker and observed through CCTV
that some of the workers were busy in gossiping.
21 | P a g e
1. Identify and explain the function of management discussed above.
2.State the steps in the process of the function identified which are discussed in the above paragraph.


Answer 1. The term ‘deviations’ refers to the difference between the actual performance and planned
performance. If the actual performance is more than the planned performance, it may be said to be positive
in nature or vice-versa.
Answer 2. Budgeting Control is an operation of management responsible for monitoring budget, service
in a given accounting year and control cost. It helps the management in setting a regulated performance
and financial goal and helps the organisation in getting the desired results.
Answer 3. Sample checking is a technique of Measurement of actual performance (Controlling).
Measurement should be done after the task is completed. However, sometimes performance can be
measured during the performance to ensure regular control over the activities. Usually, in large
organisations, certain pieces are checked at random, instead of checking the whole lot. This is called
sample checking.
Answer 4.
1. The function of management which has been referred to in the above case is controlling.
2. The benefits of controlling highlighted in the above case are:
Controlling helps in efficient utilisation of resources. He has set standards for performance of different
types of activities and is doing his level best to perform according to these set standards to minimise
wastage of resources.
Controlling helps in improving employee motivation. He has set up a good monitoring system which helps
him know how employees are performing according to set standards as when the employees meet these
standards, they will be given incentives.
Answer 5. Management by exception is the principle of management control adopted by the company. It
is based on the belief that ‘if you try to control everything, you may end up controlling nothing.’
Answer 6. (i) The management function is controlling. “Comparing actual performance with standards”
is the step involved in the process of controlling which helped in finding out that the actual production of
a worker is less than the set target.
(ii). A manager has to take the following two further steps to complete the process of controlling: a)
Analysing deviations b) Taking corrective action

Answer 1. (i) Accomplishing organisational goals: The controlling function measures the performance
against the pre-determined standards and corrects deviations. This helps in ensuring that organisation is
moving on right track to achieve the organisational goals. In other words, by controlling, the manager
ensures that resources are obtained and used economically and efficiently for the achievement of
organisational objectives.
(ii) Judging accuracy of standards A sound controlling system helps the management to verify whether
the standards set are accurate and objective. It keeps a careful check on the changes, which are taking
place in the organisation and helps in revising standards as and when required.
Answer 2. Controlling is forward looking as it must focus attention on two things checking current
performance and providing early information to achieve results in conformity with set standards. Checking
on operations should enable prompt detection of faults before it is too late for remedy. Deviations, if any,
should lead to investigation of the factors responsible which may affect future operations. Remedial
actions should be followed so as to prevent the occurrence of defects thereafter. In other words, control
must ensure timely detection of deviations and prevention of their repetition in future.
Answer 3.
1.The controlling function of management is needed to rectify the above situation.
22 | P a g e
2. The procedure to be followed so that the actual production may come up with the target production is
as follows:
(A) Providing training to workers if the workers are not well versed with the production process.
(B) Improving the work environment if it is not conducive to efficient working.
(C) Ensuring timely availability of the raw materials and other equipment if they are not made available
on time.
(D) Replacing the machinery if it is defective or has become obsolete.
Answer 4 :
1. Controlling is the function of management being performed by Anubhav by conducting tests to assure
for the quality of the garments manufactured in his export house.
2. The term ‘deviations’ refers to the difference between the actual performance and planned performance.
If the actual performance is more than the planned performance, it may be said to be positive in nature or
Answer 5:
1. The two aspects about his business that Raghav was controlling in order to make it successful are listed
A standard taste was maintained.
The orders were executed on time.
2. The two points that highlight the importance of the controlling function are listed below:
Judging accuracy of standards: The controlling function helps the business managers to judge
the objectivity and accuracy of the current standards. It also assists in reviewing and revising the
standards keeping in view the forthcoming changes in both the internal and external environment of
the business.
Improving employee motivation: The controlling function seeks to motivate the employees and
helps them to give better performance. This is because it makes them aware well in advance about what
they are expected to do and what the standards of performance are on the basis of which they will be
Answer 6.
1. The importance of controlling implemented in the above case by Deepak is:
Controlling ensures proper order and discipline in the organisation.
2. One more importance of controlling. Controlling helps in making efficient use of resources.
3. Deepak could have implemented controlling by issuing balance score card to every employee. In
this way could check their performance and contribution to the organisation on a daily basis.
Answer 1. Yes, controlling is an indispensable function of management, it is a force which helps the
management to attain the pre-determined or planned performance.
Reasons for good control system
Importance of controlling are as follows;
(i) Accomplishing organisational goals The controlling function measures the performance against the
pre-determined standards and corrects deviations. This helps in ensuring that organisation is moving on
right track to achieve the organisational goals. In other words, by controlling, the manager ensures that
resources are obtained and used economically and efficiently for the achievement of organisational
(ii) judging accuracy of standards A sound controlling system helps the management to verify whether
the standards set are accurate and objective. It keeps a careful check on the changes, which are taking
place in the organisation and helps in revising standards as and when required.
(iii) Making efficient use of resources By exercising control, a manager seeks to reduce wastage and
spoilage of resources. Each activity is performed in accordance with pre-determ ined standards and
norms. This ensures that resources are used in the most effective and efficient manner.
(iv)It improves employees’ morale The implementation of controlling makes all the employees to work
with complete dedication because they are aware that their performance wiil be evaluated and they will
have a chance to build their reputation in the organisation. The employees who show good performance
are rewarded by giving them promotions, cash prizes, etc.
23 | P a g e
(v)It helps in better performance Planning and controlling are closely inter-related as the real test of
planning is controlling. Control reveals deficiencies and deviations, suggests corrective actions for
prevention of deviations and deficiencies through modified planning.
(vi) Facilitates coordination Control keeps all activities and efforts within their fixed boundaries and
makes them move towards the set goals. Thus, control facilities coordination, it provides unity of
Answer 2. Controlling Process:
1. Setting Performance Standards: Standards are the criteria against which actual performance
would be measured. Thus, standards become basis for comparison and the manager insists on
following of standards.
2. Measurement of Actual Performance: Performance should be measured in an objective and
reliable manner which includes personal observation, sample checking. Performance should be
measured in same terms in which standards have been established, this will facilitate comparison.
3. Comparing Actual Performance with Standard: This step involves comparison of actual
performance with the standard. Such comparison will reveal the deviation between actual and
desired performance. If the performance matches the standards it may be assumed that everything
is under control.
4. Analysing Deviations: The deviations from the standards are assessed and analyzed to identify
the causes of deviations.
5. Taking Corrective Action: The final step in the controlling process is taking corrective action.
No corrective action is required when the deviation is within the acceptable limits. But where
significant deviations occur corrective action is taken.
Answer 3 1. The benefits of controlling highlighted in the above case are:
(I) Controlling helps in accomplishing organisational goals. Her daily routine is to send alarm to the
manufacturing department about the deviations in the number of units produced so that the target of the
day could be achieved.
(II) Controlling helps in judging accuracy of set standards. However, one day she realises that the
number of units which are to be produced is 500 which is very high and creates chaos at the shop floor,
she discusses it with the management and the target is reduced to 450.
(III) Controlling helps in facilitating coordination in action. She has divided the task into 45 units for
each worker so that by the end of the day the target of the department is completed.
2. One department where controlling should be applied in proper coordination with the manufacturing
department for proper quality control of the manufactured products is purchase department. Unless and
until input is good output can never be good. For high quality manufactured product, the raw material
should be of high quality and this is the area of concern of the purchase department.
Answer 4. Controlling is the function of management which helped in finding out that the actual
performance of a worker is less than the set target.
The steps involved in the controlling function of management which helped in finding out that the actual
performance of a worker is less than the set target are outlined below:
Setting performance standards in clear, specific and measurable terms.
“Recently the company had conducted time and motion studies and concluded that on an
average, a worker could produce 300 units per day.”
Measurement of actual performance as far as possible in the same units in which standards
are set.
“It has been noticed that the average daily production per worker is in the range of 200-225
Comparing actual performance with standards to identify deviations if any.
In the given case there is a deviation in output in the range of 25-50 units per worker.
In order to complete the process of controlling and to ensure the performance as per time and motion
studies the manager has to further take the following two steps:
Analysing deviations through critical point control and management by exception
approach: In the given situation, there is a deviation in output in the range of 25-50 units per

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worker. The manager should analyse the reasons for the same. The possible reasons for the
same are:
The workers are not well versed with the production process.
The working environment is not conducive to efficient working.
The raw materials and other equipment are not available on time.
Taking corrective action: The deviations require immediate management attention so that
they do not reoccur in future. Therefore, the manager should take appropriate corrective action
after analysing the situation like providing training to workers, improving the work
environment, and ensuring timely availability of the raw materials and other equipment.
Answer 5. (i) The function of management discussed above is Controlling.
Controlling means comparison between actual output and planned output to find out the reasons for
deviations corrective measures to stop such deviations in future.
(ii) The steps involved in the process of controlling which are discussed in the above paragraph are:
a. Setting standards of performance: “concluded that on an average, a worker can assemble ten air-
conditioners in a day.” “The target volume of the company in a day is assembling of 1,000 units of air-
b. Measurement of actual performance:” Even then the assembling of air-conditioners per day is 800
units only.”
c. Comparison of actual performance with the standards: The company compared actual performance
of the workers with the planned performance and noted deviation of 200 units.
Analysing deviations: “To find out the reason, the company compared the actual performance of each
worker and observed through CCTV that some of the workers were busy in gossiping’s.
Answer 6. 1. Analysing deviation and taking corrective action are being discussed in the above lines.
Analysing Deviations: The deviations from the standards are assessed and analysed to identify the causes
of deviations.
Taking Corrective Action: The final step in the controlling process is taking corrective action. No
corrective action is required when the deviation is within the acceptable limits. But where significant
deviations occur corrective action is taken.
2. Since it may neither be economical nor easy to monitor each and every activity in the organisation,
therefore, every organisation identifies and states its specific key result areas (KRAs) or critical points
which require tight control are likely to have a significant effect on the working of the business. Any
deviations on these points are attended to urgently by the management.
3. The two points that highlight the importance of the controlling function are listed below:
Accomplishing organisational goals: The controlling function helps in accomplishing
organisational goals by constantly monitoring the performance of the employees and bringing
to light the deviations, if any, and taking appropriate corrective action.
Making efficient use of resources: The controlling function enables the managers to work
as per predetermined standards. This helps to avoid any ambiguity in business operations and
reduce wastage and spoilage of resources in the organisation.

25 | P a g e

S.NO. Short answer types questions (02 marks)

1 Yogesh, a business man is engaged in publishing and selling of Ice-creams. Identify the working
capital requirement of Yogesh giving reason in support of your answer.
2 Manish is engaged in business of garments manufacturing. Identify the working capital
requirement of Manish giving reason in support of your answer.
3 Amit is running an „Advertising agency‟ and earning a lot by providing this service to big
industries. State whether the working capital requirement of the firm will be ‘less‟ or ‘’mor’’.
Give reason in support of your answer.
4 ‘’Indian Logistics‟ has its own warehousing arrangements at key locations across the country.
Its warehousing services help business firms to reduce their overheads, increase efficiency and
cut down distribution time. State with reason, whether the working capital requirements of
„India Logistics‟ will be high or low.
5 ‘‘Financial management is concerned with inflow and outflow of money.’’ Do you agree? If
yes, How?
6 Why does the issue of debt capital does not affect the control of equity shareholders?
7 " Ranbaxy Ltd. has been earning handsome profits since last 15 years. Company enjoy goodwill
in the market, so company can easily arrange debt as well equity from the owner whenever
needed. Therefore company decided to declare dividend with a hike of 15% from last year."
Which two components affecting dividend decision have been highlighted in the above
8 REI Agro Food Ltd. is a famous multinational company. Mr. SK Nagi is its finance manager.
He is making efforts to increase the market value of capital He already knew it could be possible
only when price of the shares increases and price of shares increase only if financing ,
investment and dividend decisions are taken optimally. He did the same and achieved success.
Which objective of financial management has been referred here ? Explain .
9 Jai Bharat Company Ltd. is an auto part supplier company in Guru Gram , Haryana . Its business
is spread over several cities . The CEO of company wants to open a factory in Gujarat near Tata
Motors Ltd. but due to recession for the last two years , its business is facing slow down .
Company needs capital . Rakesh Gupta is CA and financial advisor of the company . His opinion
is that during recession profit falls and investors prefer to invest in debentures to earn fixed
income. Therefore, the company should issue debentures. In this paragraph, which factor
affecting financing decision has been highlighted? Explain state of capital market.
10 Amit is running an ' Advertising agency ' and earning a lot by providing this service to big
industries. State whether the working capital requirement of the firm will be less or Give reason
in support of your answer.
Short answer types questions (03 marks)
11 Cost of debt is less than cost of equity. Still a company cannot go with entire debt. Why?
12 Amar is doing his transport business in Delhi. His buses are generally used for the tourists going
to Jaipur and Agra. Identify the working capital requirement of Amar giving reason in support
of your answer. Further Amar wants to expand and diversify his Transport business. Enumerate
any four factors that will affect his fixed capital requirements.
13 The directors of a manufacturing company are thinking of issuing Rs. 20 crores worth additional
debentures for expansion of their production capacity. This will lead to an increase in debt equity

26 | P a g e
ratio from 2 : 1 to 3 : 1. What are the risks involved in it? What factors other than risk do you
think the directors should keep in view before taking the decision? Name any four factors
14 In a company profits are high and in future less scope of expansion exists. The company has
decided to distribute less amount of share of profits to its shareholders. 1. Identify of share of
profits to its shareholders. 2. State any one value which is affected by the company’s decision.
15 A company’s earnings before interest and tax is Rs. 7 lakhs. It pays 10% interest on its debt.
Total investment of company is rs. 50 lakhs.
1. Advise company whenever it should include debt or equity to raise its capital.
2. Name the concept related to this.
3. Will be company’s decision to raise funds from debt or equity will change if company’s EBIT
becomes 3 lakhs.
16 Storage Solution Ltd. Is a large warehousing network company operating through a chain of
warehouses at 40 different locations across India. The company now intends to undertake
computerization of its owned ware houses as it seeks to provide better value added and cost
effective solutions for scientific storage and preservation services to the market participants
dealing in agricultural products including farmers, traders, etc.
In context of the above case:
1. How is the decision to undertake computerization of owned warehouses likely to affect the
fixed capital requirements of its business?
2. Name any two sources that company may use to finance the implementation of this plan
17 Wireworks Ltd. Is a company manufacturing different kinds of wires. Despite fierce competition
in the industry, it has been able to maintain stability in its earnings and as a policy, uses its
profits to distribute dividends. The small investors are very happy with the company as it has
been declaring high and stable dividend over past five years. In context of the above case:
1. State any one reason because of which the company has been able to declare high dividend
by quoting line from the paragraph.
2. Why do you think small investors are happy with the company for declaring stable dividend?
18 Manoj is a renowned businessman involved in export business of leather goods. As a responsible
citizen, he chooses to use jute bags for packaging instead of plastic bags. Moreover, on the
advice of his friends, he decides to use jute for manufacturing aesthetic handicrafts, keeping in
view the growing demand for natural goods. In order to implement his plan, after conducting a
feasibility study, he decides to set up a separate manufacturing unit for producing varied jute
products. In context of the above case:
1. Identify the type of investment decision taken by Manoj for deciding to set up a separate
manufacturing unit for producing jute products.
2. State any two factors that he is likely to consider while taking this decision.
19 Well-being Ltd. Is a company engaged in production of organic foods. Presently, it sells its
products through indirect channels of distribution. But, considering the sudden surge in the
demand for organic products, the company is now inclined to start its online portal for direct
marketing. The financial managers of the company area planning to use debt in order to take
advantage of trading on equity. In order to finance its expansion plans, it is planning to raise a
debt capital of Rs. 40 lakhs through a loan @ 10% from an industrial bank. The present capital
base of the company comprises of Rs. 9 lakh equity shares of Rs. 10 each. The rate of tax is
30%. In the context of the above case:
1. What are the two conditions necessary for taking advantage of trading on equity? 2. Assuming
the expected rate of return on investment to be same as it was for the current year i.e. 15%, do
you think the financial managers will be able to meet their goal. Show your workings clearly.
20 ‘Ganesh Steel Ltd.‟ is a large and credit-worthy company manufacturing steel for the Indian
market. It now wants to cater to the Asian market and decides to invest in new hi-tech machines.
Since the investment is large, it requires long-term finance. It decides to raise funds by issuing
equity shares. The issue of equity shares involves huge floatation cost. To meet the expenses of
floatation cost the company decides to tap the money-market. 1. Name and explain the money-

27 | P a g e
market instrument the company can use for the above purpose. 2. What is the duration for which
the company can get funds through this instrument? 3. State any other purpose for which this
instrument can be used.

Long answer types questions (05 marks)

21 Arun is a successful businessman in the paper industry. During his recent visit to his friend’s
place in Mysore, he was fascinated by the exclusive variety of incense sticks available there.
His friend tells him that Mysore region is known as a pioneer in the activity of Agarbatti
manufacturing because it has a natural reserve of forest products especially Sandalwood to
provide for the base material used in production. Moreover, the suppliers of other types of raw
material needed for production follow a liberal credit policy and the time required to
manufacture incense sticks is relatively less. Considering the various factors, Arun decides to
venture into this line of business by setting up a manufacturing unit in Mysore. In context of the
above case: 1. Identify of the above case: 2. Identify the three factors mentioned in the paragraph
which are likely to affect the working capital requirements of his business.
22 ‘’Adwitiya‟ is a company enjoying market leadership in the food brands segment. It’s portfolio
includes three categories in the Foods business namely Snack Foods, Juices and Confectionery.
Keeping in mind, the growing demand for packaged food it now plans to introduce ready-To-
Eat Foods. Therefore, the company has planned to undertake investments of nearly Rs. 450
crores for its new line of business. As per the current financial report, the interest coverage ratio
of the company and return on investment is higher. Moreover, the corporate tax rate is high. In
context of the above case:
1. As a financial manager of the company, which source of finance will you opt for debt or
equity, to raise the required amount of capital? Explain by giving any two suitable reasons in
support of your answer.
2. Why are the shareholder’s of the company like to gain from the issue of debt by the company?
23 Computer Tech Ltd., is one of the leading information technology outsourcing services
providers in India. The company provides business consultancy and outsourcing services to its
clients. Over the past five years the company has been paying dividends at high rate to its
shareholders. However, this year, although the earnings of the company are high, its liquidity
position is not so good. Moreover, the company plans to undertake new ventures in order to
expand its business.
In context of the above case:
1. Give any three reasons because of which you think Computer Tech Ltd. Has been paying
dividends at high rate to its shareholders over the past five years.
2. Comment upon the likely dividend policy of the company this years by stating any two
reasons in support of your answer.
24 Krishna Ltd. Is manufacturing steel at its plant at Noida. Due to economic growth, the demand
for steel is also growing. The company is planning to set up a new steel plant at Gurgaon. It
needs Rs. 800 crore to start the new plant. It decides to raise Rs. 300 crore through debentures,
Rs. 200 crore through long-term loan from banks and Rs. 200 crore by issue of equity share to
the public. It is decided to finance the remaining amount by utilizing its reserves and surplus.
1. State the importance of financial planning for this company.
2. What is the capital structure of this company? Explain.
3. Identify the financial decision involved when the company decides to raise Rs. 800 crore from
different sources of funds.
4. How will the dividend decision of Krishna Ltd. Be affected? Explain.
25 Tata International Ltd. Earned a net profit of Rs. 50 crores. Ankit the finance manager of Tata
International Ltd. Wants to decide how to appropriate these profits. Identify the decision that
Ankit will have to take and also discuss any five factors which help him in taking this decision.

28 | P a g e
26 Shalini, after acquiring a degree in Hotel Management and Business administration took over
her family food processing company of manufacturing pickles, jams and squashes. The business
was established by her great grandmother and was doing reasonably well. However, the fixed
operating costs of the business were high and the cash flow position was week. She wanted to
undertake modernization of the existing business to introduce the latest manufacturing processes
and diversify into the market of chocolates and candies. She was very enthusiastic and
approached a finance consultant, who told her that approximately Rs. 50 lakhs would be required
for undertaking the modernization and expansion programme. He also informed her that her
stock market was going through a bullish phase.
1. Keeping the above considerations in mind, name the source of finance Shalini should not
choose for financing the modernization and expansion of her food processing business. Give
one reason in support of your answer.
2. Explain any two other factors, apart from those stated in the above situation, which Shalini
should keep in mind while taking this decision.
27 Sarah Ltd.‟ is a company manufacturing cotton yarn. It has been consistently earning good
profits for many years. This year too, it has been able to generate enough profits. There is
availability of enough cash in the company and good prospects for growth in future. It is a well-
managed organization and believes in quality, equal employment opportunities and good
remuneration practices. It has many shareholders who prefer to receive a regular income from
their investments. It has taken a loan of Rs. 40 lakhs from IDBI and is bound by certain
restrictions on the payment of dividend according to the terms of loan agreement. The above
discussion about the company leads to various factors which decide how much of the profits
should be retained and how much has to be distributed by the company. Quoting the lines from
the above discussion identify and explain four such factors.
28 Shubh Ltd. Is manufacturing steel at its plant in India. It is enjoying great demand for its
products as economic growth is about 7%-8% and the demand for steel is growing. The company
has decided to set up a new steel plant to encash the increased demand. It is estimated that it
will require about Rs. 2000 crore to set up and about Rs. 500 crores of working capital to start
the new plant.
1. State the objective of financial management for this company.
2. Identify and state the decision taken by the finance manager in the above case.
3. State any two common factors affecting the fixed and working capital requirements of Shubh
29 ‘G Motors’ is the manufacturer of sophisticated cranes. The production manager of the
company, reported to the chief executive officer, Ashish Jain that one of the machines used in
manufacturing sophisticated cranes had to be replaced to compete in the market, as other
competitors were using automatic machines for manufacturing cranes. After a detailed analysis,
it was decided to purchase a new automatic machine having the latest technology. It was also
decided to finance this machine through long-term sources of finance. Ashish Jain compared
various machines and decided to invest in the machine which would yield the maximum returns
to its investors.
(i) Identify the financial decision taken by Ashish Jain.
(ii) Explain any three factors affecting the decision identified in above (i).
30 “Sound financial planning is essential for the success of any enterprise.” Explain this statement
by giving any five reasons.
S.NO. Short answer (02 marks)
1 Working capital requirements of Yogesh would be less as it is a TRADING business.
2 Working capital requirements of Manish would be less as it is a MANUFACTURING business.
So raw material needs to be converted into finished goods before any sales can become possible
3 Less working capital is required as service industries which usually do not have to maintain
inventory require less working capital.

29 | P a g e
4 Low, as it is a service industry, which usually do not have to maintain inventory.
5 Yes, financial management is concerned with inflow and outflow of money as it is concerned
with taking decisions regarding optimal procurement and utilisation of funds. For the effective
procurement of funds, different available sources of finance are identified and compared in
terms of cost and risk associated with them. Procurement of funds is done for both long-term
needs as well as short-term needs. For long-term financing needs, the funds can be sourced
through debt and equity. Short-term financing involves management of working capital.
7 (i) Stability of earning. (1) Access to capital markets
8 Maximizing the wealth of equity shareholders
9 State of capital market.
10 Less working capital is required as service industries which usually do not have to main
inventory require less working capital.
Short answer (03 marks)
11 Because debt is riskier for a business, since payment of interest and return principal amount is
compulsory for the business. Any default in meeting these commitments may force the business
to go into liquidation. That is, increased use of debt increases financial risk of a business
12 Working capital requirements of Amar would be less as it is a SERVICE industry. Factors which
will affects his fixed capital requirements are:
1. Scale of operations 2. Financing alternatives 3. Growth prospects
4. Diversification
13 Higher use of debt increases the fixed financial charges of a business because payment of interest
and return of principal amount is compulsory. Any default in meeting these commitments may
force the business to go into liquidation. As a result, increased use of debt increases the financial
risk of a business. Financial risk is the chance that a firm would fail to meet its payment
obligations. Other factors affecting this decision are: 1. Cost 2. Cash flow position 3. Control 4.
Return on investment (ROI)
14 1. Dividend decision This decision involves how much of the profit earned by the company
(after paying tax) is to be distributed to the shareholder and how much of it should be retained
in the business. 1. Value affected: Shareholders’ wealth will not be maximized.
15 1. Company should prefer debt to raise fund as debt is gainful for equity shareholders’ till
ROI > Rate of Interest.
In the above case ROI = EBIT × 100
Total Income
= 7 × 100 = 14%
14 > 10 so debt it more suitable.
1. The concept is leverage effect or trading in equity.
2. Yes company’s decision will change if EBIT becomes 3 lac, because with 3 lac ROI will
less than interest.
ROI = EBIT × 100 = 3 × 100 = 6%
Total Income 50
Interest = 10%
6% < 10%
So, now company must prefer equity to raise capital.
16 1. The decision to undertake computerization of owned warehouses will increase the fixed
capital requirements of its business both in present and future as after sometime, the technology
being used will become obsolete and need up gradation. 2. The company may use retained
earnings and take loans from financial institutions to implement this plan.
17 1. Stability in earnings: “Despite fierce competition in the industry, it has been able to maintain
stability in its earnings.” 1. The small investors are happy with the company for declaring stable
dividend as they enjoy a regular income on their investment.
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18 1. Capital budgeting decision has been taken by Manoj. 2. The factors affecting Capital
Budgeting Decision are as follows: 1. Cash inflows: 2. Rate of return
19 1. The two conditions necessary for taking advantage of trading on equity are:
The rate of return on investment should be more than the rate of interest.
The amount of interest paid should be tax deductible.
2. Yes, the financial managers will be able to meet their goal as the projected EPS, with the issue
of debt, is higher than the present EPS.
20 1. Commercial Paper: It is a unsecured promissory note issued by large and credit worthy
companies to raise short terms funds at lower rates of interest than the prevailing market rates.
1. 15 days to one year. 2. It can also be used for seasonal and working capital needs.
Answers (05 marks)
21 Investment decision has been taken by Arun. Investment decision seeks to determine as to how
the firm’s funds are invested in different assets. It helps to evaluate new investment proposals
and select the best option on the basis of associated risk and return. Investment decision can be
long term or
short-term. A long-term investment decision is also called a Capital Budgeting decision
2. The three factors mentioned in the paragraph which are likely to reduce the working capital
requirements of his business are as follows:
1. Available of raw material:
2. Production cycle:
3. Credit availed:
22 1. As a financial manager of the company, I will opt for debt to raise the required amount of
I support my decision by giving the following reasons:
1. Interest coverage ratio:
2. Tax rate:
1. The shareholders of the company are likely to gain from the issue of debt by the company
because the return on investment is higher. It helps a company to take advantage of trading on
equity to increase the earnings per share.
23 1. Computer Tech Ltd. has been paying dividends at high rate to its shareholders over the past
five years because of the following reasons:
1. Earnings:
2. Cash flow position:
3. Access to capital market:
1. This year the company is likely to follow a conservative dividend policy because of the
following reasons:
1. The cash flow position of the company is not god and dividends are paid in cash.
2. The company may like to retain profits to finance its expansion projects. Retained profits do
not involve any explicit cost and are considered to be the cheapest source of finance.
24 1. Financial planning will help the company in avoiding business shocks and surprises. It will
reduce waste and duplication of efforts.
2. Capital structure refers to the mix between owner’s funds and borrowed funds. It is calculated
as debt equity ratio
i.e., Debt/Equity.
For Krishna Ltd. Debt = Debentures + Long term loans from banks = 300 + 200 = Rs. 500 crore.
Equity = Share capital + Reserves and surplus (or retained earnings)
= 200 + 100 = Rs. 300 crores.
Therefore, debt equity ratio = 500 = 1.67 : 1
1. Financing decision
2. Since the company have growth opportunities of setting up a new steel plant at Gurgaon, it
retains Rs. 100 crore out of profits to finance the required investment. So, it is likely to pay less

31 | P a g e
dividend. However, since the company makes more debt financing than funding through equity,
it implies that cash flow position of the company is strong. Therefore, it can pay higher dividend.
25 Ans. Dividend decision Factors affecting dividend decision.
1. Earnings: 2. Stability of earnings: 3. Stability of dividends:
4. Growth opportunities: 5. Cash flow position:
26 1. Debt
Any one reason
1. Due to weak cash flow position, the firm may not be able to honour fixed cash payment
2. Increased fixed operating cost will increase the business risk therefore debt should not be
issued as it further increases the financial risk.
3. The stock market condition being bullish, the investors will prefer to buy equity shares.
1. Other factors which Shalini would keep in mind are:
1. Return on Investment 2. Tax rate
27 Factors affecting dividend decision: (Any four)
1. Stability of earnings
It has been consistently earning good profits for many years‟.
Stability of earnings affects dividend decision as a company having stable earnings is in a
position to
declare higher dividends.
1. Cash Flow position
„There is available of enough cash in the company‟.
A good cash flow positions is necessary for declaration of dividend.
1. Growth Prospects
„Good prospects for growth in the future.‟
If a company has good growth opportunities, it pays out less dividend.
1. Shareholders’ preference
„It has many shareholders who prefer to receive regular income from their investments.‟
Shareholder’s preference is kept in mind by the management before declaring dividends.
1. Contractual constraints
„It has taken a loan of Rs. Rs. 40 Lakhs from IDBI and … agreement.‟
Which taking dividend decision, companies keep in mind the restrictions imposed by the lenders
in the loan agreement.
28 1. Objectives of financial management of this company are:
1. To ensure availability of sufficient funds from different sources at reasonable costs.
2. To ensure effective utilization of such funds.
3. To ensure safety of funds procured by creating reserves, reinvesting profits, etc.
Value: Maximisation of shareholders’ wealth.
1. Investment decision
It relates to how the firm’s funds are invested in different assets – fixed assets and working
1. Factors affecting fixed and working capital requirements of Shubh Ltd.:
1. Nature of business:
2. Scale of operations:
29 (i) Financial decision taken by Ashish Jain is investment
(Long-term/Capital budgeting) decision.
(ii) The factors affecting investment decision are given below
(a) Cash Flow of the Project- When a firm takes an investment decision involving huge amount,
it expects to generate some cash flows (inflow or outflow) over a period. Thus, the inflows and
outflows of cash in the business should be considered before making capital budgeting

32 | P a g e
(b) Rate of Return- Each project is selected after comparing expected returns of different
projects and the degree of risk involved in them.
(c) The Investment Criteria Involved -The decision to invest in a particular project involves a
number of calculations regarding the amount of investment, interest rate, cash flows and rate of
30 ‘‘Sound financial planning is essential for the success of any enterprise.’’ The following points
explain the importance of financial planning
(i) It helps in forecasting what may happen in future under different business situations. By
doing so, it helps the firms to face the eventual situation in a
better way. In other words, it makes the firm better prepared to face the future. By preparing a
blueprint of these situations, the management may decide what
must be done in each of these situations. This preparation of alternative financial plans to meet
different situations is clearly of immense help in running the business smoothly.
(ii) It helps in avoiding business shocks and surprises and helps the company in preparing for
the future.
(iii) It helps in coordinating various business functions, e.g. sales and production functions, by
providing clear policies and procedures.
(iv) It provides a link between investment and financing decisions on a continuous basis.
(v) Detailed plans of action prepared under financial planning reduce waste, duplication of
efforts and gaps in planning.

33 | P a g e
Q.1 Distinguish between Primary Market and Secondary Market on the basis of following point:
a. Meaning b. parties involved c. objective 3
Q.2 Mahesh's grandmother who was sick, called him and gave him a gift packet. Mahesh opened the
packet and saw many crumpled share certificates inside. His grandmother told him that it had been left
behind by his late grandfather.
As no trading is now done in physical form, Mahesh wants to know the process by adopting which he is
in a position to deal with these certificates.
1. Identify and state the process.
2. Also give two reasons to Mahesh
3. why dealing with shares in physical form had been stopped. 3
Q. .3. The directors of a company want to expand business by making a public issue of shares. They wish
to approach the stock exchange, while the finance manager prefers to approach a consultant for the new
public issue of shares. Advise the directors whether to approach the stock exchange or a consultant for
new public issue of shares and why. Also advise them about different methods which the company may
adopt for the new public issue of shares. 3
Q. 4. Vijay Ltd. has good reputation in the market operating in the north east region. It is an export-
oriented unit, dealing in exclusive handicrafts. The floods in the region have created many problems for
the company. Many craftsmen and workers have been dislocated and raw material has been
destroyed. The firm is therefore, unable to get an uninterrupted supply or raw material, and the duration
of the production cycle has also increased. To add to the problems of the organization, the suppliers of
raw material who were earlier selling on credit are now asking the company, for advance payment or cash
payment on delivery. The company is facing a liquidity crisis. The CEO of the company feels that taking
a bank loan is the only option with the company to meet its short-term shortage of cash. As a finance
manager of the company name and explain the alternative to bank borrowing that the company can use to
resolve the crisis. 3
Q. 5. ‘GS Ltd.’ is a large and credit-worthy company manufacturing cement for the Indian market. It now
wants to cater to the American market and decides to invest in new hi-tech machines. Since the investment
is large, it requires long-term finance. It decides to raise funds by issuing equity shares.
The issue of equity shares involves huge floatation cost. To meet the expenses of floatation cost the
company decides to tap the money market.
1. Name and explain the money-market instrument the company can use for the above purpose.
2. What is the duration for which the company can get funds through this instrument?
3. State any other purpose for which this instrument can be used. 3
Q. 6. The Trading Procedure on Stock Exchange has been replaced by on-line screen based electronic
trading system. This is mainly done to eliminate problems like theft, fake/forged transfers, transfer delays
and paper work associated with share certificates or debentures in physical form. This is a process where
securities held by the investor in the physical form are cancelled and the investor is given an electronic
entry or number so that he/she can hold it as an electronic balance in an account. This has increased the
equity cult among the people.
1. Identify and state the process mentioned above.
2. What is the most important requirement for the process identified in part (1)? 2
Q.7 Identify the method of floatation highlighted in each statement?
(a) Offer the entire new issue to Life Insurance Company?
34 | P a g e
(b) Issue of prospectus to invite public to apply for shares.
(c) Use of online system of stock exchange to issue shares.
(d) Companies Act makes it compulsory to offer new issue to existing shareholders. 5
Q.8 Ravi has 200 shares of Reliance Industries. Reliance came out with a fresh issue of shares and
offers Ravi to subscribe for new shares. He was given option to buy 1 share for every two shares
held by him. Name the method of issuing financial instrument. Also state which type of market
trades in this type of financial instrument. 2
Q.9 The electronic book entry form of holding and transferring securities has eliminated the problems
of theft and forgery. Discuss the concept indicated the given statement. 2
Q.10 Incorporated in 1990, Raju diary Ltd is one of the leading Manufacturers and marketers of diary-
based branded foods in India. In the initial years, its operation were restricted only to collection and
distribution of milk. But, over the years it has gained a reasonable market share by offering a diverse
range of diary based products including fresh milk, flavoured yogurt, ice creams, butter milk, cheese,
ghee etc. In order to raise the funds for its expansion plans, Raju diary Ltd. has decided to approach
capital market through a mix of offer for sale of 4 crore shares and a public issue of 2 crores shares.
In context of the above case:
(A) Name and explain the segment of capital being approached by the company
(B) Identify the methods of floatation used by the company to raise the required capital. Give
one difference between them. 5

Q.11 The SEBI has imposed a penalty of Rs. 7269.5 crore on pearls Agrotech Corporation Limited
(PACL) and its four directors- tarlochan singh, sukudev singh , gurmeet singh, and Subrata
Bhatacharya who had mobilized funds from the general public through illegal collective investments
schemes in the name of purchase and development of agriculture land. While imposing the penalty,
the biggest in its history, securities and exchange boards of India said the company deserves maximum
penalty for duping the common man. Its prevention of Fraudulent and Unfair Trade Practices
Regulations provides for severe to severe penalties for dealing with such violation. As per SEBI
norms, it can impose penalty of 25 crore or three times of the profit made by indulging in Fraudulent
and unfair trade practices of the illicit gains.
In the context of the above case: (5)
(a) State the objectives of setting up SEBI
(b) Identify the type of function performed by SEBI by quoting lines from the paragraph
Q12 Ragu works as a waiter in a five-star hotel in Mumbai. while serving the customer he overhears
him at the table saying that the he has made profits higher than expected by investing in securities
market. So, ragu also decides to make a nominal investment from his saving in the stock market in
pursuit of higher gains:
In context of the above case: (5)
As a financial consultant, apprise him of the steps involved in the working of a demat system.
Q13 The stock market regulator, securities and exchange board of India (SEBI), has initiated a
certification programme for all market intermediates. Under this programme, people associated with
stock markets in any way, will have to obtain a qualifying certificate from the regulator. The national
institute of securities market (NISM), a trust formed by SEBI, is tasked with the certification
In the context of above case
(a) Identify the type of functions performed by SEBI
(b) Outline any two reasons for setting up SEBI 5
Q14 After doing a course in online trading, arsh started an online portal for stock trading under the
name investment guru. He met his school friend Ajay after a long in a bank where Ajay had open a
Demat account. Arsh urged Ajay to invest in the forthcoming IPO of a blue chip companies whereas
Ajay was inclined to buy existing securities of the other companies to build his investment portfolio.
In the context above case: (5)

35 | P a g e
(a) Identify the two difference types of capital market market being referred to by quoting lines from
the para.
(b) State any four differences between the two types of capital markets as identified in part (a)
Q15. Ganesh steel ltd. is a large and creditworthy company that manufacture steel for the Indian
market. It now wants to cater the Asian market and decides to invest in new Hi tech machines. Since
the investment is large, it requires long term finance. It decides to raise funds by issuing equity shares.
The issue of equality shares involves huge floatation cost. To meet the expenses of floatation cost, the
company decides to tap the money market.
(A) Name and explain the money market instrument that company can use for the above
(B) What is the duration for which the company can get funds through this investment?
(C) State any other purpose for which this instrument can be used. 5
Q16. These days ,the development of a country is also judged by its system of transferring finance
from the sector where it is in surplus to the sector where it is needed most. To give strength to the
economy, SEBI is undertaking measures to develop the capital market in which various instruments
are actively traded every day .These markets together help the savers and investors in directing the
available funds into better investment opportunity.
a. Name the function being performed by the market in the above case.
b. Also, explain briefly three other functions performed by this market 5
Ans 1
Primary Market Secondary Market

1. It is the market for new securities. 1. It is the market for existing securities.
2. Securities are exchanged between 2. Securities are exchanged between
company and the investors. investors.
3. It promotes capital formation directly. 3. It promotes capital formation
1. Dematerialization – It is a process where securities held by the investor in physical form are
cancelled and the investor gives an electronic entry or number so that she/he can hold it as an
electronic balance in an account
2. Problems with dealing in physical form - (any two)
1. Theft
2. Fake/forged transfers
3. Transfer delays
4. Paper work associated with share certificates or debentures held in physical form.
Ans.3 The directors should approach a consultant for new public issue of shares. The stock exchanges
deal with sale and purchase of existing securities only, not in new issue of securities.
Different methods which the company may adopt for the new public issue of shares:
1. Offer through prospectus
2. Offer for sale
3. Private placement
4. Rights issue
Ans.4 Commercial Paper: It is a short term unsecured promissory note, negotiable and transferable by
endorsement and delivery with a fixed maturity period. It is issued by large and creditworthy companies
to raise short term funds at low companies tht are generally considered to be financially strong
1. Commercial paper
2. 15 days to one year
3. It can also be used for seasonal and working capital needs.
36 | P a g e
1.Dematerialization – It is the process of holding securities in an electronic form.
2’For this, the investors has to open a ‘Demat account’ with a depository participant (DP) for holding and
transferring securities in the demat form. He / She will also have to open a bank account for cash
transactions in the securities market.
a.Privaste Placement
b.Offer for sale through prospectus
d.Rights issue
Answer: 8 Right Issue , Primary Market
Answer:9 Dematerialization and correct explanation
Answer:10 . Primary market is the segment.
a. The two methods of floatation is –issue through prospectus and offer for sale.
b. In case of issue through prospectus, the company approaches the members directly by issuing
a prospectus whereas in offer for sale through intermediaries.
Answer: 11 A The objective of setting up SEBI is
i. To prevent malpractices in securities market.
ii. To protect rights and interests of investors,.
iii. To regulate and develop code of conduct between brokers.
iv. To regulate stock market to promote their orderly functioning.
B . Protective function is performed by SEBI
Answer: 12 Ragu have to initiate the following steps.
i. Open a De mat account with a depository participant who may either be a bank, broker or
financial services company.
ii. If he plans to buy shares through public offer he will have to give details .on allotment of
shares the shares will be credited.
iii. If he wants to buy shares otherwise, he will have to instruct his broker about the company
,no of shares etc.
iv. On contrary, whenever he wants to sell shares, he will have to instruct his broker the details
like name of company, no of share share ,at what price etc.
Answer: 13 a . Developmental function is being carried out SEBI by starting a certification programme
for all market intermediates.
B SEBI was set up as a regulatory body by the government for the following reasons-
1. To curb malpractices in the financial market.
2. To enhance the confidence of the investors by ensuring fair, efficient and
transparent dealings.
Answer: 14 .a The two different types of capital market being referred to are-
1. Primary market Arsh urged Ajay to invest in the forthcoming IPO of a blue chip
2. Secondary market: Ajay was inclined to buy existing securities of the other companies to
build his investment portfolio.
B Differences between primary market and secondary market.
Answer: 15.
a. Commercial papers can be used for bridge financing by Ganesh steel Ltd. as they are issued
by Ganesh Steel Ltd. as they are issued by large and credit worthy companies. The instrument
is in the form of unsecured promissory note and is freely transferable by endorsement. It is sold
at discount and redeemed at par.
b. Its maturity period may range from a fortnight to a year.
c. It is also used to meet the term seasonal and working capital requirements of a business
Answer: 16.
. mobilization of funds is the function being performed by the financial market.
37 | P a g e
a) The other functions being performed are outlined below.
i. Price determination.
ii. Liquidity to financial assets
It provides common platform for exchange of securities

Chapter 12


1. Raj a marketing manager is a patient of diabetes for which he takes medicines regularly. One day, on
his tour to Patna he met with an accident and was hospitalized. Due to doctor's negligence a delicate nerve
of his right leg was cut rendering crippled throughout his life. Identify the consumer right that has been
violated by the doctors under the consumers protection Act, 2019 in the above situation.

2. Mohit bought a packet of chips from a local shopkeeper and found that the ingredients given on the
label were not legible. He complaint about it to the company. The company sent a written apology stating
that they will make sure that existing packets are withdrawn from the market and new packets with legible
labels are soon made available. Name and explain the consumer right which Mohit exercised.

3. Simran bought a box of cheese of a reputed brand from a local shopkeeper. On opening the box she
found a piece of stone in the cheese. She reported the matter to the shopkeeper who forwarded her
complaint to the concerned company. Within a week the representative of the company visited Simran's
residence with an apology and as a replacement offered her new cheese pack with four other varieties of
cheese as compensation for the inconvenience to her. Name and explain the consumer right which Simran

4. Ruchi purchase a bottle of pickle from the local grocery shop. The information provided on the bottle
was not clear she fell sick on consuming it. She filed a case in the District forum under the consumer
protection Act and got the relief.
Identify and explain the important aspect neglected by the marketeer in the above case.

5. Rani went to a shopkeeper to buy a hair oil. The shopkeeper forces her to buy a particular brand of hair
oil out of various available brands, irrespective of the willingness of Rani.
Which right of Rani, as a consumer, has been violated? Name and explain the right.

6. Gunjan goes to a doctor to get herself treated for an injury in her hand. The doctor being her distant
relative charged her nothing for the treatment. However, after a few days she develops an infection on the
wound because the doctor didn't use sterilized instruments. Later on, she is advised by the surgeon to get
the infected finger removed. Therefore, she is very angry with the doctor.
In context of the above case:
Can Gunjan file a case against the doctor if she decides to take legal action? why or why not? Give reason
in support of your answer.

7. Sandeep purchased a diesel car for ₹7Lacs from an automobile company and found its engine defective.
Despite many complaints the defect was not rectified.
Suggest to him the appropriate authority where he could file a complaint under consumer protection Act.
8. Shubham purchased a press for ₹1000. On using it, he found it defective. The seller did not respond to
the complaint.
38 | P a g e
In your view, what should be done by Shubham.


1. Explain the concept of 'consumer protection' and any two points of its importance from the point of
view of consumers.
2. Who can file a complaint?

3. Shahid purchased a car for ₹15 lacs from an automobile company and found that it's airbags were
defective. After many complaints with the company that went unheard, he filed a case in the District
forum. He was not satisfied with the orders of the District forum. He then appealed before the State
Commission and on being dissatisfied with the orders of State Commission he appealed before the
National Commission. Shahid was not satisfied with the orders of National Commission. Suggest him the
highest authority where he could appeal against the decision of the National commission.

4. Pravin purchased an ISI mark electric iron from Bharat electricals. While using it, he found that it was
not working properly. He approached the seller and complaint about the same. The seller satisfies Pravin
by saying that he will ask the manufacturer to replace the iron. The manufacturer refused to replace and
Bharat electricals decided to file a complaint in the consumer court.
Can Bharat Electricals do this? Why? Also explain who is consumer as per consumer protection Act, 2019.

5. Suyash purchased the pack of sweets for his son from a shop in the nearby market. After consuming
those sweets, the condition of his son deteriorated and he had to be hospitalized. Later on through a
laboratory test it was certified that the sweets were adulterated.
(i)State any one precautions that he should have taken while purchasing packed sweets.
(ii) Name and explain the appropriate redressal agencies that he can approach in case he decides to file a
case against the shopkeeper.

6. State any three responsibilities that a consumer should keep in mind while purchasing, using and
consuming goods and services.


1. Amita purchased one kg of pure Honey from A shopkeeper. After using it, she had doubts that it was
adulterated. she sent it for a laboratory test which confirmed that the honey was adulterated.
State any five reliefs available to Amita if she complaints and the consumer court is satisfied about the
genuineness of the complaint.
2. After completing his education, Aman opened the small restaurant in a Posh market to earn his
livelihood. In order to attract good clientele, he decided to install two air conditioners in the restaurant
since he did not have sufficient funds to buy air conditioners of a good brand, he bought two air
conditioners from a local manufacturer in Janakpuri Delhi for ₹ 20,000 each. Later on, he found that the
compressor of one of the AC was not working properly despite many complaints, the defect was not
rectified by the manufacturer. So, he feels very disappointed about the issue and wants to take a legal
action against the manufacturer to not only get compensation but also to save other people from being
duped by the local manufacturer.
(a)Name the redressal agency to which he can approach to file complaint against the local manufacturer
(b) state any four remedies which the consumer court can issue to the local manufacturer after being
satisfied with the genuineness of the complaint.
3. On her sister's wedding Siya decided to give her gold earrings, When she shared her plan with her
husband, he showed her an article in daily National newspaper under the heading "Jago Grahak Jago" The
campaign included details about the various aspects that people must consider before buying any gold
(a) why do you think campaigns like "Jago Grahak Jago" are inserted in the newspaper.
39 | P a g e
(b) Name the right of the consumer being fulfilled through this initiative of the Government.
(c) State any three responsibilities that Siya must discharge as an aware consumer while buying her sister's
wedding gift.
4. Good Health Ltd, a. pharmaceuticals company has introduced mosquito repellent brands under the brand
name 'Jadu' in the wake of outbreak of dengue in various parts of the country. The product attracted many
people from all age groups specially kids. However the company failed to provide adequate guidance for
the users on the label of the product in terms of time period of the effectiveness of the repellent band once
its seal is opened. Because of these ambiguities, many buyers faced problems
In context of the above case:
(a) Identify and explain the consumer right which has been overlooked by the company.
(b) Name and explain any four other rights of consumers.

1. Right to safety is the consumer right that has been violated by the doctors under the consumer
protection Act, 2019 in the above situation.
2. Right to be heard has been exercised by Mohit.
correct explanation of right to be heard.
3.Right to seek redressal has been exercised by Simran.
correct explanation of right to seek redressal.
4. The marketer head overlook the labelling as it was not done appropriately for the product.
5. The right to choose has been violated in the given case as Palak was forced by the shopkeeper to buy a
particular brand of hair oil.
According to the right to choose, the consumer has a right to choose from a variety of products at
competitive prices. Also, the marketers should offer a wide variety of products to buyers.
6. No, Gunjan cannot file a case against the doctor because she is not a consumer because she didn't pay
for the services.
7. He should file a complaint in district forum.
8. Shubham should file complaint to the company against the seller.
if not heard then Shubham should move to consumer court.

1. Meaning: it refers to protect the consumers against the unfair practices of the producers and sellers.
From the point of view of consumers: The importance of consumers protection from the point of view of
consumers can be made clear with the help of the following points-
(i) Consumers ignorance
(ii) Unorganised consumers
(iii) Widespread exploitation of consumers
2. (i) Any consumer.
(ii) Any registered consumer's association
(iii) The central government or any state government.
(iv) One or more consumers on behalf of numerous consumers having the same interest.
(iv) A legal heir or representative of a deceased consumer.
3. Shahid cannot appeal to any other higher authority. This is because only those matters which have been
directly filed in the National Commission and where the value of goods and services in question along
with the compensation claimed exceed ₹ 10 crores are appealable before Supreme Court.

4. No, Bharat Electricals will not be able to file a complaint under consumer protection Act 2019 because
according to this act a person is not deemed to be a customer if he buys goods for resale or commercial
under the consumer protection act 2019, A consumer is defined as Any person who buys any goods for a
consideration which has been paid or promised, or partly paid and partly promised or under any scheme
40 | P a g e
of deferred payment. It includes any uses of such goods, when such use is made with the approval of the
buyer, but it does not include a person who obtains goods for re-sale or any commercial purpose.
5. (i)Suyash should have checked for the quality assurance mark like FPO/FSSAI on its label while
purchasing the food product.
(ii)District forum.
6. Consumers responsibilities are as follows:(any three)
i) Consumer must exercise his Rights
ii) Cautious consumer do not buy blindly.
iii) Filing complaint for the redressal of genuine grievances.
iv) consumers must be quality conscious.
v) Do not be carried Away by Advertisement.
vi) Do not forget to get receipt and Guarantee/Warranty card.

1. The five reliefs available to Amita are listed below:
(a) To remove the defect in goods or the deficiency in service.
(b) To provide replacement for the defective product.
(c) To refund the price paid for the product or the charges paid for the service.
(d) To pay punitive damages in appropriate circumstances.
(e) To pay a reasonable amount of compensation for any loss or injury suffered by the consumer due to
the negligence of the marketer.
2. (a) He can approach the District forum to file complaint against the local manufacturer.
(b) The four remedies which the consumer court can issue to the local manufacturer after being satisfied
with the genuineness of the complaint are as follows:
(1) To remove the defect in goods.
(2) To provide replacement for the defective product.
(3) To refund the price paid for the product or the change paid for the service.
(4) To pay a reasonable amount of compensation for any loss or injury suffered by the
consumer due to the negligence of the marketer.

3. (a) The campaigns like "Jago Grahak Jago" are given in the newspaper to make the consumer aware of
the various undesirable activities like an unscrupulous, unfair trade practices etc which are carried out by
the marketers to exploit the buyers.
(b) Right to consumer education is being fulfilled through this initiative of the government.
(c) The three responsibilities that Siya must discharge as an aware consumer while buying her sister's
wedding gift are as follows:
(i) Buy only standardized goods and check for standardization mark like hallmark for gold jewellery.
(ii) Assert herself to ensure that she gets a fair deal.
(iii) Ask for a cash memo on purchase of goods or services.
4. The Right to information is being overlooked by the company in the above-mentioned case:
(à) According to the Right to information, a consumer has the right to get complete information about the
product he/she intends to buy including the its content, date of manufacture, date of expiry, price quantity,
direction for use etc. Also, as per law it is mandatory for the market to provide complete information about
the product or service to the buyers.
(b) Any four rights of consumers.

41 | P a g e
Business Studies Term 2 (2021-22)
Blue - Print
No. of Questions Total
S. No. Name of Units
2 Marks 3 Marks 5 Marks Marks
1 Staffing 2 1 9
2 Directing 2 6
3 Controlling 1 1 5
4 Financial Management 1 1 1 10
5 Financial Market 1 5
6 Consumer Protection 1 5
Total Questions (12) 4 4 4 40


TERM II (2021-22)
Class XII
MM: 40 Time: 2 Hours
General Instructions:
This is a Subjective Question Paper containing 12 questions.
This paper contains 4 questions of 2 marks each, 4 questions of 3 marks each and 4
questions of5 marks each.
2 marks questions are Short Answer Type Questions and are to be answered in 30-50
3 marks questions are Short Answer Type Questions and are to be answered in 50-80
5 marks questions are Long Answer Type Questions and are to be answered in 80-
120 words.
This question paper contains Case/Source Based Questions.
No. S
1 Which two steps in the process of controlling are concerned with compelling events to 2
confirm to plan?
2 Shri Hari Ltd. are the manufacturers of 'Gents Designer Suits' with their own 2
trademark. During the year 2019-20 the company employed 30 senior technicians to
work on machines imported from America for manufacturing 'Gents Designer Suits'.

42 | P a g e
The technicians were employed on probation of one year. They were put on their
respective jobs after 7 months On the job training. Because of the faulty selection
process, the technicians could not perform well. Ten of them left the job on their own
and 12 had to be removed by the company during the probation period. Now the
company is in the process of selecting new technicians. Advice the company about any
two types of selection tests that may be used for selecting the desired technicians.
3 Nitesh is engaged in warehousing business and his warehouses are generally used by 2
the businessmen to store fruits. Nitesh wants to expand and diversify his warehousing
business. Explain any two factors that will affect his fixed capital requirements.

4 Identify the source of requirement used in the following cases: 2

(a) Requirement for casual workers during Diwali season, is placed on a cracker
manufacturing factory's notice board.
(b) Taj Hotels goes to Institute of Hotel Management for recruitment of fresher.
5 Richa is a successful manager at Kshama Enterprises. She has a team of twelve people 3
working under her. She encourages them to set their own objectives and take decisions.
She respects their opinions and supports them, so that they can perform their duties
and accomplish organisational objective. To manage and exercise effective control she
uses forces within the group. As an intelligent manager, at times she also makes uses
of positive aspects of informal communication. This way, she is able to unify diverse
interests and ensure that targets are met.
(a) There are many theories and styles of influencing people's behaviour. Identify the
style used by Richa which is based on the use of authority.
(b) State the two positive aspect of the communication discussed, above which Richa
is using as an intelligent manager.
6 Explain any three features of directing. 3
Explain any three non-financial incentives.
7 AS Ltd. Is a large company engaged in assembly of air-conditioners. Recently the 3
company had done internal analysis and concluded that on an average a worker can
assemble ten air-conditioners in a day. The target volume of the company in a day is
assembling of 1,000 units of air-conditioners. The company is providing attractive
allowances to reduce labour turnover and absenteeism. All the workers are happy.
Even then the assembly of air-conditioners per day is 800 units only. The reason the
company compared the actual performance of each worker and observed through
C.C.T.V. that some of the workers were busy in gossiping.
(a) Identify the function of management discussed above.
(b) State any two steps in the process of the function identified which are discussed in
the above paragraph.
8 Enumerate three important decisions taken in financial management. 3
9 Mayur Industries Ltd. approached a well established university in the city of Mumbai 5
to recruit qualified personnel for various technical and professional jobs. They selected
Tanya, Ritu, Garima and Chetan for various vacancies in the organisation. After the
selection and placement, Mayur Industries Ltd. felt the need to increase the skills and
abilities, and the development of positive attitude of the employees to perform their
specific job better. The company also realised that learning new skills would improve
the job performance of the employees. Hence, the company decided to take action for
the same.
(a) Name the step of the staffing process regarding which the company decided to take
(b) State any four benefits of the action to Mayur Industries Ltd.

43 | P a g e
10 Name the institution which provides platform for trading of existing securities having 5
long-term maturity and explain its any four functions.
11 Atithi Ltd. operates eight hotel properties in Maharastra, Rajasthan, Goa and Himachal 5
Pradesh. The company is planning to book rooms for third parties through a unique
room chartering business model at strategically identified cultural and religious tourist
destinations on a bulk basis in 47 cities and let-out them to tourist during peak seasons.
The asset light business model will enhance company profitability. To implement this
plan, the financial manager prepared a blue print to raise an amount of Rs 35 crore
through issue of debentures as the cost of debt is much lower than ROI.
On the basis of the given information about Atithi Ltd., answer the following questions:
(a) Identify the concept of financial management adopted by the finance manager.
(b) State any four significance of the above identified concept for the company to
enhance company's profitability.
State whether working capital requirements of business manufacturing the following
items are large or small:
Justify your statement (a) Milk (b) Steel (c) Room Coolers (d) Industrial Boilers (e)
Sign boards manufacturing against orders.
12 Explain any five responsibilities of a consumer which should be kept in mind while 5
purchasing goods.
Explain any five rights of a consumer under the Consumer Protection Act, 2019.

TERM II (2021-22)
Class XII
1 (i) Comparison of actual performance with standards. (1+1=2
(ii) Taking corrective actions. )
2 The types of selection tests that may be used for selecting the desired technicians are: (1+1=2
(i) Trade test (ii) Aptitude test (iii) Interest test (any two with explanation) )
3 Factors affecting fixed capital requirements (any two with explanation): (1+1=2
Financing Alternatives, Level of Collaboration, Nature of Business, Scale of Operations )
4 (a) Direct Recruitment (b) Campus Placement (1+1=2
5 (a) Democratic style (1+2=3
(b) Positive aspects of informal communication: )
(i) It may be helpful as they carry information rapidly.
(ii) It is used by managers to know the reactions of his/her subordinates.
6 Main characteristics of directing are discussed below: (any three with explanation) 3
(i) Directing initiates action
(ii) Directing takes place at every level of management
(iii) Directing is a continuous process
(iv) Directing flows from top to bottom
the important non-financial incentives are: (any three with explanation)
(i) Status
(ii) Organisational Climate
(iii) Career Advancement Opportunity
(iv) Job Enrichment

44 | P a g e
(v) Employee Recognition programmes
(vi) Job security
(vii) Employee participation
(viii)Employee Empowerment
7 (a) Controlling (1+2=3
(b) Steps discussed in the para are: (any two with explanation) )
(i) Setting performance standards
(ii) Measurement of actual performance
(iii) Comparing actual performance with the standards
(iv) Analysing deviations
8 The three decisions taken by financial management are: 3
(i) Investment decision (ii) Financial decision (iii) Dividend Decision
9 (a)Training and Development (1+4=5
(b) The benefits of training and development to Mayur Industries Ltd. are as follows: )
(any four)
(i) Training is a systematic learning, always better than hit and trial methods which lead
to wastage of efforts and money.
(ii) It enhances employee productivity both in terms of quantity and quality, leading to
higher profits.
(iii) Training equips the future manager who can take over in case of emergency.
(iv) Training increases employee morale and reduces absenteeism and employee
(v) It helps in obtaining effective response to fast changing environment – technological
and economic.
10 The institution is stock exchange. Its four important functions of a stock exchange are as (1+4=5
follows (any four): )
1. Providing Liquidity and Marketability to Existing Securities: The basic function of a
stock exchange is the creation of a continuous market where securities are bought and
sold. It gives
investors the chance to disinvest and reinvest. This provides both liquidity and easy
marketability to already existing securities in the market.
2. Pricing of Securities: Share prices on a stock exchange are determined by the forces of
demand and supply. A stock exchange is a mechanism of constant valuation through
which the
prices of securities are determined. Such a valuation provides important instant
information to both buyers and sellers in the market.
3. Safety of Transaction: The membership of a stock exchange is well regulated and its
dealings are well defined according to the existing legal framework. This ensures that the
investing public gets a safe and fair deal on the market.
4. Contributes to Economic Growth: A stock exchange is a market in which existing
securities are resold or traded. Through this process of disinvestment and reinvestment
savings get
channelised into their most productive investment avenues. This leads to capital
formation and economic growth.
5. Spreading of Equity Cult: The stock exchange can play a vital role in ensuring wider
share ownership by regulating new issues, better trading practices and taking effective
steps in
educating the public about investments.
11 (a) Financial Planning (1+4=5
(b) The significance of financial planning can be explained as follows: (any four) )
(i) It helps in forecasting what may happen in future under different business situations.
By doing so,

45 | P a g e
it helps the firms to face the eventual situation in a better way. In other words, it makes
the firm better prepared to face the future.
(ii) It helps in avoiding business shocks and surprises and helps the company in
preparing for the future.
(iii) If helps in co-ordinating various business functions, e.g., sales and production
functions, by providing clear policies and procedures.
(iv) Detailed plans of action prepared under financial planning reduce waste,
duplication of efforts, and gaps in planning.
(v) It tries to link the present with the future.
(vi) It provides a link between investment and financing decisions on a continuous
(vii) By spelling out detailed objectives for various business segments, it makes the
evaluation of actual performance easier.
OR (5)
Requirements of working capital for the mentioned business will be:
(a) Milk: Requirements of working capital will be less because it has quick cash
(b) Steel: Working Capital required for manufacturers will be more as ratio of raw
material cost to total cost is more.
(c) Room Coolers: Working Capital required for manufacturers of cooler will be more
because it is a seasonal product.
(d) Industrial Boilers: Requirements of working capital for a manufacturers of Industrial
boiler will be more because gestation period is more.
(e) Sign Boards: Requirements of working capital for a manufacturers of Sign boards
manufactured against specific order is less as it doesn't requires large stock.
12 Responsibilities of a Consumer under the Consumer Protection Act, 2019 (Any five): (5)
1. Be aware of various goods and services available in the market so that an intelligent
and wise choice can be made.
2. Buy only standardised goods as they provide quality assurance.
3. Learn about the risks associated with products and services, follow manufacturer's
instructions and use the products safely.
4. Read labels carefully so as to have information about prices, net weight, manufacturing
and expiry dates, etc.
5. Assert yourself to ensure that you get a fair deal.
6. Be honest in your dealings. Choose only from legal goods and services and discourage
unscrupulous practices.
7. Ask for a cash memo on purchase of goods or services.
8. File a complaint in an appropriate consumer forum in case of a shortcoming in the
quality of goods purchased or services availed.
9. Form consumer societies which would play an active part in educating consumers and
safeguarding their interests.
Rights of a Consumer under the Consumer Protection Act, 2019 (Any five):
1. Right to safety: The consumer has a right to be protected against goods and services
which are hazardous to life, health and property.
2. Right to be informed: The consumer has a right to have complete information about
the product he intends to buy including its ingredients, date of manufacture, price,
quantity, directions for use, etc.
3. Right to be assured: The consumer has the freedom to assess a variety of products at
competitive prices.
4. Right to be heard: The consumer has a right to file a complaint and to be heard in case
of dissatisfaction with a good or a service.

46 | P a g e
5. Right to seek redressal: The consumer has a right to get relief against unfair trade
practice of restrictive trade practices or unscrupulous exploitation in case the product or
a service falls short of his expectation.
6. Right to consumer education: The consumer has a right to acquire knowledge and to
be a well informed consumer throughout life.

Business Studies Term 2 (2021-22)
Blue - Print
No. of Questions Total
S. No. Name of Units
2 Marks 3 Marks 5 Marks Marks
1 Staffing 2 1 9
2 Directing 2 6
3 Controlling 1 1 5
4 Financial Management 1 1 1 10
5 Financial Market 1 5
6 Consumer Protection 1 5
Total Questions (12) 4 4 4 40


TERM II (2021-22)
Class XII

MM: 40 Time: 2
General Instructions:

This is a Subjective Question Paper containing 12 questions.

This paper contains 4 questions of 2 marks each, 4 questions of 3 marks each and
4 questions of 5 marks each.
2 marks questions are Short Answer Type Questions and are to be answered in
30-50 words.
3 marks questions are Short Answer Type Questions and are to be answered in
50-80 words.
5 marks questions are Long Answer Type Questions and are to be answered in
80-120 words.
This question paper contains Case/Source Based Questions.


1 Give the meaning of ‘Orientation’ as a step in the process of ‘Staffing’ 2

47 | P a g e
2 Wireworks Ltd. is a company manufacturing different kinds of wires. Despite 2
fierce competition in the industry, it has been able to maintain stability in its
earnings and as a policy, uses 40% of its profits to distribute dividends. The small
investors are very happy with the company as it has been declaring high and stable
dividend over past five years. In context of the above case: 1. State any one reason
because of which the company has been able to declare high dividend by quoting
line from the paragraph. 2. Why do you think small investors are happy with the
company for declaring stable dividend?
3 State any two limitations of external source of recruitment. 2
4 Surbhi Ltd. produces safety pins on a mass scale. The company‟s policy is that 2
not more than 3% of the daily production should be defective. Over a three months
period, it has been observed that 8% - 10% of the production is defective. The
cause of deviation found is defective machinery. What corrective action should be
taken by the management?
5 ABC Ltd. Is not able to achieve its objective on analyzing, they found that 3
employees were not given their best, so he decided to announce an incentive plain,
which offers various incentives to employee workers at different level for achieving
their target. (i) Which element of directing is used by manager? (ii) Suggest
incentive suitable for: Employees operating at lower level. Employees operating
at higher level.
6 Explain the three features of directing. 3
State any three financial incentive other than “pay and allowances” to motivate
7 Every manager has to take three major decisions while performing the finance 3
function. Explain them.
8 Alpha Ltd. was manufacturing Auto spare parts. To improve the efficiency of 3
employees the company provided training to their employees by inviting an expert
who demonstrated the whole process of manufacturing. The expert quoted that all
deviations cannot be controlled, so manager must know which deviation in key
areas must be attended urgently as compared to deviation in non-key area. He also
suggested that human beings are bound to brake mistakes as manager should not
take strict action on every minute mistake of workers, rather he can fix a range of
deviation and take action if deviation is above the specified large. 1. Identify the
functions of management referred above. 2. Name the two ways of analyzing
deviation mentioned above. 3. Name the method of training used by the company.
9 Reena purchased one litre of pure desi ghee from a shopkeeper. After using it, she 5
had doubts that it was adulterated. She sent it for a laboratory test which confirmed
that the ghee was adulterated. State any six reliefs available to Reena if she
complains and the consumer court is satisfied about the genuineness of the
Archit went to buy a pen from a local stationery shop. He asked the shopkeeper for
a particular brand of pen. But the shopkeeper somehow forced to buy a pen of
another brand. When Archit got back home he was satisfied with his purchase. On
the basis of the given information answer the following questions: a) Identify and
explain the right of consumer violated in above case. b) Briefly explain the
importance of consumer Protection from the point of consumer.
10 State any five regulatory functions of the Securities and Exchange Board of India 5
11 Which functions of management helps in obtaining right people and putting them 5
on the right job? Explain any four points of importance of this function?

48 | P a g e
12 A company‟s earnings before interest and tax is Rs. 7 lac. It pays 10% interest on 5
its debt. Total investment of company is Rs. 50 lac. 1. Advise company when it
should include debt or equity to raise its capital. 2. Name the concept related to
this. 3. Will company‟s decision to raise funds from debt or equity be changed if
company‟s EBIT becomes 3 lac.
The directors of a company have decided to expand their business activities by
increasing the stock of raw materials and finished goods at an estimated cost of Rs.
50 lakhs, Describe the various ways available to the company to raise necessary
finance for the purpose.
TERM II (2021-22)
1 It is introducing the selected employee to other employees and familiarising him 1+1
with the rules and policies of organisation.
2 1. Stability in earnings: “Despite fierce competition in the industry, it has been able 1+1
to maintain stability in its earnings.” 1. The small investors are happy with the
company for declaring stable dividend as they enjoy a regular income on their
3 Dissatisfaction among existing staff, lengthy process, costly process 1+1
4 Repair the existing machine or replace the machine if it cannot be repaired 2
5 . (i) Motivation is missing. (ii) (a) Lower level: offer monetary incentives. (b) Higher 1+2(1+1)
level: non-monetary incentive
6 1.Directing initiates actions. 1+1+1
2. directing takes place at every level of management
3.directing continues process and if any
Productive linked wage incentives 2. Bonus 3profit sharing and any
7 A manager take three following major decisions: - (explain) 1) Financing Decision. 1+1+1
2) Investment Decision. 3) Dividend Decision
8 1. Staffing and controlling 2. (i) critical Point Control (ii) Management by exception 1+2(1+1)
1. Apprenticeship method of training
9 The six reliefs available to Reena are listed below: 1. To withdraw the hazardous 1+1+1+1+
goods from sale. 2. To provide replacement for the defective product. 3. To refund the 1
price paid for the product, or the charges paid for the service. 4. To pay a reasonable
amount of compensation for any loss or injury suffered by the consumer due to the
negligence of the marketer. 5. Not to offer hazardous goods for sale. 6. To issue
corrective advertisement to neutralize the effect of a misleading advertisement
a) The consumer right violated by the company is Right to choose. Right to choose:A
consumer should have the right to choose from a variety of products and services at
competitive price.The seller should not force the consumer to buy certain products. b)
The following points highlight the importance of consumer protection from the point
of view of consumer: 1. Ignorance of consumer 2. Exploitation of consumer 3.
Unorganised consumer.
10 Regulatory Functions of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Any five) 1+1+1+1+
1. Registration of brokers and sub-brokers and other players in the market. 1
2. Registration of collective investment schemes and Mutual Funds.
3. Regulation of stock brokers, portfolio exchanges, underwriters and merchant
bankers and the
business in stock exchanges and any other securities market.
49 | P a g e
4. Regulation of takeover bids by companies.
5. Calling for information by under- taking inspection, conducting enquiries and
audits of stock
exchanges and intermediaries.
6. Levying fee or other charges for carrying out the purposes of the Act.
7. Performing and exercising such power under Securities Contracts (Regulation)
Act 1956, as
may be delegated by the Government of India.
11 Ans Staffing Importance. 1) Fulfilling job with competent Personnel:- Staffing helps 1+1+1+1+
in selection of right person for right job. The staff selected is according to need of the 1
job which in result helps in smooth functioning of the enterprise. 2) Better
performance:- The staff selected is according to them need of the job. The person
selected will be expertise in his field resulting in better job performance with fewer
chances of mistakes. 3) Expansion and growth:- An org. having capable employees
will lead to the path of growth and development. Able employees which are the real
asset of the enterprise take their firm to eh height of development. 4) Improves Job
satisfaction and morale:- A person when selected for right job tries to give his 100%
in his working. This is because he is fully satisfied with his job which is very much
necessary. It will boost his performance and he will prove to be the real asset of the
12 1. Company should prefer debt to raise fund as debt is gainful for equity 1+1+1+1+
shareholders till ROI > Rate of Interest. In the above case ROI = EBIT × 100 Total 1
Income = 7/50 × 100 = 14% 14 > 10 so debt it more suitable. 1. The concept is
leverage effect or trading in equity. 2. Yes company‟s decision will change if EBIT
becomes 3 lac, because with 3 lac ROI will become less than interest. ROI = EBIT
× 100 = 3/50 × 100 = 6% Total Income Interest = 10% 6% < 10% So, now company
must prefer equity to raise capital.
The company can raise necessary finance for the purpose of expansion through the
following function. (Explain) (a) Issue of shares (b) Issue of debentures (c) Loans from
banks and financial institutions. (d) Retained earnings.

50 | P a g e

Model Question Paper 3
Session (2021-2022)

S. Name of the Chapter 2 marks 3 marks 5 marks Total


1. Staffing 2 (2) 5(1) 9

2. Directing 3(2) 6

3. Controlling 2(1) 3(1) 5

4. Financial Management 3(1) 5(1) 8

5. Financial Market 2(1) 5(1) 7

6. Consumer Protection 5(1) 5

Total 2(4) 3(4) 5(4) 40(12)



MAX. MARKS:40 TIME: 2 Hrs.

Sr. Question Marks
General instructions:
1.The question paper contains 12 questions
2. This paper contains 4 questions of 2 marks each, 4 questions of 3 marks each and 4
questions of 5 marks each.
3. 2 marks questions are Short Answer Type Questions and are to be answered in 30-50
4. 3 marks questions are Short Answer Type Questions and are to be answered in 50-80

51 | P a g e
5. 5 marks questions are Long Answer Type Questions and are to be answered in 80-120
1. After rainy season ,work in construction industry goes in full swing which leads to (2)
increased need of unskilled employees. Name the method of recruitment which is most
suitable in this situations and also explain that source briefly?
2. Name and explain the money-market instrument commonly used by the companies for (2)
bridge financing.
3. “Recruitment is considered as positive process whereas selection is considered as negative (2)
process.” Justify given statement.
4. Which function of management ensures that organizational performance should be (2)
according to standards? Identify and also explain that concept.
5. Suzy Ltd. Display the name of their weekly best performers in the notice board and (3)
provides a certificate to them , in order to motivate their employees. Identify the name &
types of incentives offered and explain the concept.
6. RAAVI was working as a CEO in’ OXYZONE Ltd.’ which was producing air purifiers. (3)
The target of the company was to produce 1,000 air purifiers every day. She was taking all
decisions with her own without making any discussion with subordinates. She always
insists that her orders must be obeyed without questioning it. Identify and describe the
leadership style being adopted by RAAVI.
State any three points of importance of Directing.
7. List any three factors affecting the Fixed Capital requirement of a company. (3)
8. Controlling is Both a Backward Looking as well as a Forward Looking Function. Justify. (3)
9. Various efforts have been made by government and non- government organisations to (5)
protect the interest of consumers, but exploitation of consumers will stop only when
consumer himself will come forward to safeguard their interest. Write any five
responsibilities that a consumer must keep in mind while purchasing any goods/services.
Enumerate any five rights of a consumer under the Consumer Protection Act, 2019.
10. Discuss the various functions of financial market. (5)
11. Briefly explain following methods of training; (5)
A. Vestibule training B. Internship.
12 There are two companies Rama Ltd. and Suzy Ltd with total investment of Rs.30 lakh each. (5)
The capital structure of Rama Ltd. Consist Rs.10 lakh of equity share capital of Rs. 10 each
and debt fund of Rs.20 lakh, while in suzy Ltd. It consist only equity share capital. EBIT
(earning before interest and tax) is 7.5 lakh, the interest rate on debt is @10% and the tax
rate is 30%.
which company will generate higher yield (dividend) in order to maximize the returns to the
equity shareholders.
Anu Ltd. Earned consolidated profits of Rs.500 crores. The company wants to decide how
to effectively allocate profits in order to develop balance between expectations of
shareholders and considering future expansion requirements in emerging market
opportunities . identify the specific decision which financial manager has to initiate and
discuss the factors which are to be taken into the consideration, in this respect ( any four).


52 | P a g e
MARKING SCHEME - 3 (2021-2022)
MAX. MARKS:40 TIME : 2 Hrs.
Sr. no Suggested Answers marks

1. Labour contractor (1 mark for

They maintain close contacts with labour’s and they can provide a identification and 1
large number of workers at short notice. mark for correct
2. Commercial paper. (1 mark for
It is issued as an unsecured promissory note by large and identification and 1
creditworthy companies for meeting their short term needs funds. mark for correct
It is a negotiable instrument, transferable by endorsement and explanation)
delivery. This instrument is generally used for bridge financing i.e.
a method of financing used by companies to cover the floatation
costs of issuing equity shares, preference shares etc.
3. Recruitment is a process of inviting application from all the (1 mark for each
willing candidates satisfying minimum criteria therefore part)
considered as positive process whereas selection eliminates/rejects
candidates in various stages of selection process who cant clear
any tests therefore is assumed as negative process.
4. Controlling. Correct concept. (1 marks for each)
5. Recognition, non financial incentives. Correct meaning. (½ marks for identi.,
½ each for type and
1 mark for concept )
6. RAAVI has adopted an autocratic style of leadership. 1 mark for
An autocratic leader gives order and insists that they are obeyed. identification 2marks
He determines the policies for the group without consulting them. for explanation.
He does not give information about future plans but simply tells
the group what immediate steps they must take. 1 mark for each
Importance of Directing: (Any three)
1. Directing helps to initiate action by people in the organisation
towards attainment of
desired objectives.
2. Directing integrates employees' efforts in the organisation in
such a way that every
individual effort contributes to the organisational performance.
3. Directing guides employees to fully realise their potential and
capabilities by motivating
and providing effective leadership.
4. Directing facilitates introduction of needed changes in the
5. Effective directing helps to bring stability and balance in the
organisation since it fosters
cooperation and commitment among the people and helps to
achieve balance among
various groups, activities and the departments.
7. Factors affecting Fixed capital requirement; any three 1 mark for each
8. Controlling is backward looking process because it is like a post- (1½ mark for each
mortem of past activities to find out deviations from standard part)
plans and it is also a forward looking process, as it seeks to
improve future

53 | P a g e
results by taking corrective action.
9. Each responsibility carry 1 mark (1 marks for each
Or correct point)
Rights of a Consumer under the Consumer Protection Act, 2019
(Any five):
1. Right to safety: The consumer has a right to be protected against
goods and services
which are hazardous to life, health and property.
2. Right to be informed: The consumer has a right to have
complete information about the
product he intends to buy including its ingredients, date of
manufacture, price, quantity,
directions for use, etc.
3. Right to be assured: The consumer has the freedom to assess a
variety of products at
competitive prices.
4. Right to be heard: The consumer has a right to file a complaint
and to be heard in case of dissatisfaction with a good or a service.
5. Right to seek redressal: The consumer has a right to get relief
against unfair trade
practice of restrictive trade practices or unscrupulous exploitation
in case the product or
a service falls short of his expectation.
6. Right to consumer education: The consumer has a right to
acquire knowledge and to be
a well informed consumer throughout life.

10. Functions of financial market; any five. ½ mark for each

correct point and
½mark for
11. methods of training; (2½ marks for each
A. Vestibule training B. Internship. correct explanation)
12 As per the given details, company enjoying the favourable 4 marks for
yield through financial leverage can be identified as below calculating EPS and1
marks for correct
Particulars Rama Ltd.(Rs) Suzy Ltd. (Rs.) decision)

Equity@100 each 10,00,000 30,00,000

Loan @ 10% p.a. 20,00,000 —----
Total Capital 30,00,000 30,00,000

EBIT 7,50,000 7,50,000

Interest @ 10% (2,00,000) —------------------
EBT 5,50,000 7,50,000
Less tax@30% 1,65,000 2,25,,000
EAT 3,85,,000 5,25,,000
EPS 3.85(3,85,000/1,00,000) 1.75( 5,25,000/3,00,000)

54 | P a g e
Company Rama LTD. will generate higher yield (dividend).
Dividend decision.
Factors affecting dividend decision are; (any four)
(a) Stability of Dividend Every company adopts the policy of
maintaining the stability of dividend per share. From this point of 4 marks for
view, a little change in profit should not be allowed to increase or calculating EPS and1
decrease the dividend. marks for correct
(b) Legal Constraints Certain provisions of the Companies Act put decision)
restrictions on payouts as dividend. Such provisions must be
adhered to while declaring the dividend.
(c) Access to Capital Market Large and reputed companies generally
have easy access to the capital market and therefore may be
depended less on retained earnings to finance their growth. These
companies tend to pay higher dividends
(d) Cash position is better than more dividend and vise versa

55 | P a g e

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