OpenText Extended ECM For SAP Solutions 16.2 - Customizing Guide English (ERLK160200-00-CGD-En-01)

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OpenText™ Extended ECM for SAP®


Customizing Guide

This guide contains the customizing of OpenText Extended

ECM for SAP Solutions after the installation. It describes how to
configure business workspaces, business attachments and the
integration of Extended ECM in SAP applications like ERP,
SRM, and CRM.

OpenText™ Extended ECM for SAP® Solutions
Customizing Guide
Rev.: 2017-Mar-23
This documentation has been created for software version 16.2.
It is also valid for subsequent software versions as long as no new document version is shipped with the product or is
published at

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Table of Contents
1 What is OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions .......... 11
1.1 What is new? .................................................................................. 11
1.2 Related documentation .................................................................... 12

2 Concepts and scenarios ......................................................... 15

2.1 Business workspaces ...................................................................... 15
2.1.1 Scenarios for business workspace creation ....................................... 16
2.1.2 Special cases for business workspaces ............................................ 17 Cross-application business workspaces for multiple business objects ...17 Composite business workspaces ..................................................... 17 Connected Workspaces: Business workspaces without business
object type ...................................................................................... 18
2.2 Cross-application business workspaces for several business objects .. 18
2.3 Business attachments ..................................................................... 20
2.3.1 Manual business attachment creation ............................................... 23
2.3.2 Automatic adding of business objects ............................................... 24
2.4 Document declarations .................................................................... 25
2.4.1 Records Management ..................................................................... 25
2.5 Using SAP Customizing (IMG) ......................................................... 26

3 Configuring business workspaces ........................................ 29

3.1 Customizing steps ........................................................................... 29
3.2 Implementing a property provider in SAP .......................................... 31
3.3 Creating a business object declaration in SAP .................................. 32
3.4 Selecting a template, classification or category based on business
properties ....................................................................................... 34
3.5 Creating a category for workspace type and business object type ...... 36
3.6 Creating a classification for document templates and location ............ 38
3.7 Creating a location for the business workspaces ............................... 39
3.8 Configuring multilingual metadata languages .................................... 39
3.9 Creating a workspace type .............................................................. 40
3.9.1 Defining basic settings and search settings for a workspace type ....... 43
3.9.2 Configuring sidebar widgets for Classic View .................................... 44 Attributes sidebar widget ................................................................. 46 Recent Changes sidebar widget ....................................................... 47 Related Items sidebar widget ........................................................... 47 Work Items sidebar widget ............................................................... 49 Workspace Reference sidebar widget ............................................... 50
3.9.3 Defining the location and classification ............................................. 50
3.9.4 Editing workspace names ................................................................ 52
3.9.5 Using patterns for location path and workspace name ....................... 53

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide iii

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3.9.6 Using the Reference attribute ........................................................... 55

3.9.7 Defining the storage of external documents ...................................... 57
3.9.8 Smart View: Defining workspace type names and icons ..................... 58
3.9.9 Managing workspace types .............................................................. 59
3.10 Configuring business workspaces for Content Server Smart View ...... 60
3.10.1 Creating custom columns for Content Server Smart View .................. 60
3.10.2 Smart View: Creating a perspective with Perspective Manager .......... 61 Header widget ................................................................................ 62 Related Workspaces widget ............................................................. 64 Team widget ................................................................................... 66 Metadata widget ............................................................................. 66 Workspaces widget ......................................................................... 67 Business Attachments widget .......................................................... 68 Dossier widget ................................................................................ 69 Header widget with business object information ................................ 70
3.10.3 Creating an activity manager object for the Activity Feed ................... 71
3.11 Defining a document template for business workspaces .................... 72
3.11.1 Configuring document template settings ........................................... 73
3.11.2 Creating a document template ......................................................... 74
3.11.3 Document validation rules for a completeness check ......................... 76
3.11.4 Defining permission handling for business workspace templates ........ 77
3.11.5 Defining team roles and team participants ........................................ 78
3.11.6 Defining group replacement settings ................................................. 80
3.11.7 Defining and using variables ............................................................ 81
3.12 Displaying related business workspaces in a folder in Classic View .... 82
3.13 Configuring business object types .................................................... 84
3.13.1 Configuring a basic business object type .......................................... 86
3.13.2 Configuring the creation of business workspaces .............................. 87
3.13.3 Assigning an attachment declaration to document type ...................... 89
3.13.4 Managing business object types ....................................................... 89
3.14 Creating the display URL ................................................................. 90
3.14.1 SAP ERP ....................................................................................... 90
3.14.2 SAP SRM ....................................................................................... 92
3.14.3 SAP CRM ....................................................................................... 94
3.14.4 SAP Fiori ........................................................................................ 95
3.15 Granting object and usage privileges ................................................ 95
3.16 Mapping authorizations in SAP ........................................................ 96
3.17 Customizing the search help in SAP ................................................. 98
3.17.1 Providing input help for search help fields ......................................... 98
3.17.2 Mapping the business object keys for a search help .......................... 99
3.18 Customizing the automatic creation or update of business
workspaces in SAP ....................................................................... 100

iv OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

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3.19 Creating business workspaces and declaring document

asynchronously ............................................................................. 101
3.19.1 Setting up asynchronous queueing for event based creation ............ 103
3.19.2 Setting queue properties ................................................................ 103
3.19.3 Monitoring the asynchronous queue ............................................... 105
3.20 Enabling cross-application business workspaces for multiple
business objects ........................................................................... 107
3.21 Enabling composite business workspaces ...................................... 108
3.22 Enabling OpenText Recycle Bin for business workspaces ............... 110
3.23 Customizing container behavior of business workspace items .......... 110
3.24 Checking the appearance of the SAP integration ............................. 111
3.25 Enabling the link to Smart View in Content Server ........................... 114

4 Configuring business attachments ..................................... 115

4.1 Customizing steps ......................................................................... 116
4.2 Configuring the adding of business objects to Content Server items . 116
4.3 Content Server: Configuring the automatic adding of business
objects ......................................................................................... 118
4.4 Content Server: Selecting objects types to add business objects to .. 119
4.5 Content Server: Granting object and usage privileges ...................... 120
4.6 Automatically updating business attachments ................................. 121

5 Configuring eventing for business workspaces and

business attachments ........................................................... 123
5.1 Preparing an eventing implementation ............................................ 123
5.2 SAP: Linking events to receiver type function modules .................... 124
5.3 SAP: Using change documents for the automatic creation and
updates when events are missing .................................................. 131
5.4 SAP: Maintaining change document events .................................... 133

6 Configuring document declarations .................................... 137

6.1 Customizing steps ......................................................................... 138
6.2 Enabling document declaration for ArchiveLink documents .............. 139
6.3 Enabling document declaration for print lists ................................... 140
6.4 SAP: Implementing a property provider for document declaration ..... 141
6.5 Content Server: Setting up categories for ArchiveLink documents
and print lists ................................................................................ 142
6.6 SAP: Creating an Enterprise Library item type and additional
categories for a specific property provider ....................................... 143
6.7 SAP: Creating an Enterprise Library item type and additional
categories for a generic property provider ....................................... 145
6.8 Content Server: Setting up RM classifications for ArchiveLink
documents and print lists ............................................................... 147
6.9 Configuring unique names for Content Server items ........................ 147
6.10 SAP: Creating an document declaration ......................................... 149

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6.11 SAP: Providing multilingual document names ................................. 158

6.12 SAP: Assigning a document declaration to a business object and a
document type .............................................................................. 160
6.13 SAP: Customizing the declare dialog to add documents to the
attachment list .............................................................................. 161
6.14 Configuring automatic document declaration ................................... 163
6.14.1 Maintaining receiver modules for automatic declaration of print lists . 164
6.14.2 Maintaining receiver modules for CHANGED events (optional) ......... 167

7 Using the Content Server Integration Widget ..................... 171

7.1 Prerequisites ................................................................................ 172
7.2 Integration in NetWeaver Business Client ....................................... 174
7.3 Troubleshooting for integration widget ............................................ 175
7.3.1 Browser does not display integration widget correctly ...................... 175
7.3.2 User does not see logging in browser ............................................. 175
7.3.3 Smart View in Content Server or the integration widget returns
Error: Bad Request (400) ............................................................... 176

8 Integrating Extended ECM for SAP Solutions into SAP

GUI .......................................................................................... 177
8.1 Customizing the Generic Object Services (SAP GUI) ....................... 177
8.2 Select items to be displayed in Business Content window ................ 179
8.3 Customizing the context menu of the Business Content window ....... 180
8.3.1 Customizing the Business Content window context menu with
Content Server menu entries ......................................................... 181
8.3.2 Adding custom functionality to the Business Content window
context menu ................................................................................ 182
8.4 Providing Drag-and-drop functionality for the Business Content
window ......................................................................................... 183
8.5 Enabling the integration widget in the Business Content window ...... 183
8.6 Maintaining Content Server subtypes as copy/move target in the
Business Content window .............................................................. 184
8.7 Providing access to local folders for the Business Content window ... 185
8.8 Providing thumbnails for business workspace documents in the
Business Content window .............................................................. 186
8.9 Integrating Viewers ....................................................................... 186
8.10 Customizing MIME types for preview .............................................. 189
8.11 Customizing the GOS Attachment list for Records Management ...... 190

9 Integrating Extended ECM for SAP Solutions into SAP

Hybris Cloud for Customer ................................................... 193
9.1 Using scheduled processing to create business workspaces ............ 197
9.1.1 Creating a scheduled job ............................................................... 197
9.1.2 Editing a scheduled job ................................................................. 198

vi OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

Table of Contents

10 Integrating Extended ECM for SAP Solutions into SAP

Fiori apps ............................................................................... 201
10.1 SAP Fiori architecture .................................................................... 201
10.2 Integration into OpenText products ................................................. 201
10.3 Extended ECM for SAP Solutions in SAP Fiori ................................ 202
10.3.1 Relevant packages for integration .................................................. 202
10.4 Retrieving version information ........................................................ 203
10.5 Customizing for Fiori integration ..................................................... 204
10.6 Customizing Fiori Launchpad for OpenText Test Launcher .............. 206
10.6.1 Front-end: Adding the OData services ............................................ 206
10.6.2 Front-end: Activating the ICF services ............................................ 207
10.6.3 Front-end: Configuring navigation .................................................. 208 Defining a semantic object ............................................................. 209 Defining catalogs, target mapping, groups and tiles ......................... 209
10.6.4 Frontend: Configuring access ........................................................ 212
10.7 Creating your own extension of an SAP Fiori app ............................ 213

11 Integrating Extended ECM for SAP Solutions into SAP

CRM ........................................................................................ 215
11.1 Customizing the integration into SAP CRM Web Client UI ................ 215
11.2 Customizing the integration into SAP CRM Interaction Center Web
Client UI ....................................................................................... 224
11.3 Providing documents from a business workspace as email
attachments .................................................................................. 232
11.3.1 Integrating Content Server access into the Web Client email screen . 233
11.3.2 Integrating Content Server access into the Interaction Center email
screen .......................................................................................... 237
11.4 Adapting the Content Server security parameters ............................ 241

12 Integrating Extended ECM for SAP Solutions into SAP

SRM ......................................................................................... 243
12.1 Customizing the component configuration ....................................... 243
12.2 Customizing automatic creation of business workspaces ................. 246
12.3 Adapting the Content Server security parameters ............................ 247
12.4 Customizing the log-off from Content Server ................................... 247
12.5 Using version-independent business objects ................................... 248

13 Preparing the Content Server search functionality for

users ....................................................................................... 251
13.1 Creating search slices ................................................................... 253
13.2 Configuring the search in related business workspaces ................... 254
13.3 Indexing documents and other items with business workspace
attributes ...................................................................................... 254
13.4 Configuring a simple search ........................................................... 257

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Table of Contents

14 Managing authorization ........................................................ 261

14.1 SAP: Exporting authorizations ........................................................ 262
14.2 Content Server: Opening the policies volume .................................. 264

15 Mapping SAP roles to OTDS groups or Content Server

groups .................................................................................... 267
15.1 Defining the user partition for group mapping .................................. 267
15.2 Configuring SAP group mapping .................................................... 268

16 Auditing .................................................................................. 271

17 Performing license measurement ........................................ 273

17.1 Technical overview ........................................................................ 274
17.2 Prerequisites ................................................................................ 276
17.3 Preparing license measurement on the SAP system ........................ 276
17.3.1 Setting up users for measurement .................................................. 276
17.3.2 Maintaining measurement tables .................................................... 278
17.4 Preparing license measurement on Content Server ......................... 281
17.5 Running license measurement ....................................................... 282
17.5.1 Running in standard mode ............................................................. 283
17.5.2 Running in expert mode ................................................................. 284
17.6 Creating an export file with license data .......................................... 289
17.7 Understanding the consolidated measurement results ..................... 290
17.8 Understanding and resolving licensing issues ................................. 291
17.8.1 Validation issues after consolidation ............................................... 292
17.8.2 Validation issues types on the SAP system ..................................... 293
17.8.3 Validation issue types on Content Server ........................................ 296

18 Transporting configuration objects ..................................... 297

18.1 Exporting business object types and unique names ......................... 297
18.2 Importing a configuration ............................................................... 298

19 Using batch operations ......................................................... 301

19.1 SAP: Creating or updating workspaces using batch operations ........ 301
19.2 SAP: Declaring ArchiveLink documents using batch operations ....... 303
19.3 SAP: Declaring print list records using batch operations .................. 304
19.4 SAP: Monitoring batch processing jobs ........................................... 306
19.5 SAP: Scheduling jobs for removing deleted records ......................... 307

20 Analyzing and troubleshooting ............................................ 311

20.1 Analyzing the SAP system ............................................................. 311
20.1.1 Understanding the SAP Diagnostic Program ................................... 311
20.1.2 Understanding the details of the Diagnostic Program ....................... 312
20.1.3 Understanding the Configuration Report ......................................... 314

viii OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

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20.1.4 Using the Error Queues ................................................................. 314

20.1.5 Analyzing the application log .......................................................... 318
20.2 Understanding the Content Server System Report .......................... 322
20.3 Configuring logging for the Connected Workspaces module ............. 325
20.4 Creating log files for OpenText Customer Support ........................... 325
20.4.1 Logging authentication issues ........................................................ 325
20.4.2 Generating Content Server log files ................................................ 326
20.4.3 Creating a cumulative update report ............................................... 327
20.5 Finding version information for Extended ECM for SAP Solutions
relevant system components .......................................................... 328
20.6 Troubleshooting ............................................................................ 329
20.6.1 Content Server HTML dialogs do not display in SAP due to an
connection error ............................................................................ 329
20.6.2 A logon screen is displayed instead of Content Server HTML dialogs ...
20.6.3 Smart View in Content Server or the integration widget returns
Error: Bad Request (400) ............................................................... 331
20.6.4 A user cannot declare records or view record details ....................... 331
20.6.5 A user cannot declare records or view record details or maintain
document declarations .................................................................. 331
20.6.6 When storing a business document in a given SAP business object,
a record is not automatically declared ............................................. 332
20.6.7 Business workspaces cannot be displayed anymore in SAP once
the Undelete module is removed .................................................... 332
20.6.8 Problems with MIME type of uploaded content ................................ 332
20.6.9 A workspace type is not available to configure a business object
type .............................................................................................. 333
20.6.10 The URL to the business object is not displayed in the workspace’s
Properties tab ............................................................................... 333
20.6.11 Problems with SAP Fiori apps ........................................................ 333

21 Preparing a checklist for the maintenance team ................ 335

GLS Glossary 337

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide ix

Chapter 1
What is OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions is a combination of Content Server

modules, web services and an SAP package, with which you can integrate Content
Server functionality into SAP business processes. This includes functionality for
document and records management, archiving, workflow, and collaboration.

Business A business workspace in Content Server contains content that is relevant for a business
workspaces, object. From Content Server side, users can easily view the data of this business
cases and
object. From the business application, users can access Content Server items in the
business workspace without leaving their system. To make full use of the Content
Server functionality, not only business workspaces but also cases and binders can be
configured for Extended ECM for SAP Solutions.

Business In addition to the content that is stored in a business workspace for a business object,
attachments users can connect additional documents as business attachments to a business object.

Business rela- Extended ECM for SAP Solutions provides tools to illustrate a relationship between
tionships business workspaces. For example, a hierarchical relationship between business
workspaces can be displayed in a sidebar widget of a business workspace.

1.1 What is new?

“Selecting a template, classification or category based on business properties”,
page 34
You can create rules in the generic property provider that select a template, a
classification or a category based on business properties.
“Using the Reference attribute”, page 55
You can now use the Text:Reference attribute to create a reference number
schema. You can also use this attribute to compose the workspace name.
“Checking the appearance of the SAP integration”, page 111
You can now define a unique name for a Content Server appearance, to make the
theme mapping transportable.
“Configuring unique names for Content Server items”, page 147
You can now map SAP themes to Content Server appearances using unique
“Using the Content Server Integration Widget“, page 171
User can now select from existing business workspaces without business object
and complete these, or they can create a new business workspace.
“Select items to be displayed in Business Content window ”, page 179

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 11

Chapter 1 What is OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions

You can now customize, which items are displayed in the Business Content
window of a certain business object type.
“Integrating Extended ECM for SAP Solutions into SAP Hybris Cloud for
Customer“, page 193
You can now integrate business workspaces in SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer.
Extended ECM provides seamless integration for business objects account, lead,
and business opportunity.
“Using scheduled processing to create business workspaces”, page 197
For a SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer integration, you can now use scheduled
processing task to create large amounts of business workspaces automatically
and in the background.
“Indexing documents and other items with business workspace attributes”,
page 254
You can now select which Content Server object types are indexed with metadata
from the business workspace.
“Configuring SAP group mapping”, page 268
You can now map SAP groups to OTDS groups and to Content Server groups.
“Technical overview”, page 274
You can now use four more new license types. The allowance for occasional user
license types is now 52 days per year.
“Transporting configuration objects“, page 297
You can now use the Content Server transport warehouse to transport Connected
Workspaces configurations.
“Importing a configuration ”, page 298
You can now use Content Server Transport Warehouse for the transport of a
complete Extended ECM configuration.

1.2 Related documentation

OpenText strongly recommends that you read OpenText Extended ECM for
SAP Solutions - Overview Guide (ERLK-GGD) to make you familiar with
architectural aspects and business scenarios of Extended ECM for SAP

Product docu- The following documentation is available for Extended ECM for SAP Solutions
mentation respectively on OpenText My Support (

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions - Overview Guide (ERLK-GGD)

The Overview Guide contains a short overview over the functions and features
of Extended ECM for SAP Solutions. It also explains the architecture and shows
different business scenarios of Extended ECM for SAP Solutions.

12 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

1.2. Related documentation

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions - Installation and Upgrade Guide (ERLK-IGD)
The Installation Guide describes the installation and upgrade of Extended ECM
for SAP Solutions up to the point where the connection between SAP and
Content Server is established.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions - Customizing Guide (ERLK-CGD) (this
The Customizing Guide describes how to customize SAP and configure Content
Server for Extended ECM for SAP Solutions functionality.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions - Administration Guide (ERLK-AGD)

The Administration Guide describes ongoing maintenance tasks.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions - User Management and Access Control
Scenarios (ERLK-CUM)
This guide discusses user management and access control scenarios.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions - User Guide (ERLK-UGD)

The User Guide describes how to use Extended ECM for SAP Solutions
functionality in both SAP and Content Server. This guide is also available as
online help.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions - Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows
with Microsoft SQL Server (ERLK-IWS)
This specific Installation Guide describes the setup of one architecture scenario
for Extended ECM for SAP Solutions with Microsoft SQL Server as database.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions - Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows
with Oracle Database (ERLK-IWO)
This specific Installation Guide describes the setup of one architecture scenario
for Extended ECM for SAP Solutions with Oracle as database.

Release Notes The Release Notes describe the following aspects in detail:
• The software supported by the product
• Requirements
• Restrictions
• Important dependencies
• Last-minute changes regarding the documentation
• Manual IDs of the current documentation

The Release Notes are continually updated. The latest versions of the Extended ECM
for SAP Solutions Release Notes is available on OpenText My Support: Extended
ECM for SAP Solutions (

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 13

Chapter 2

Concepts and scenarios

2.1 Business workspaces

A business workspace is a dedicated Content Server item that is created for a
business object. In this business workspace, authorized users can view or share
information related to this particular business object. Additional informational
elements link the business workspace to the business object. Business workspaces
can also be “stand-alone” with no link to a business object, although this is meant to
be only a temporary status.

Figure 2-1: Sample business workspace in Content Server in Smart View

Information around the business object is displayed in widgets, which can be

configured according to your needs. In this example, the Related Workspaces widget
displayes Sales opportunities for this customer, the Team widget shows all users
who are involved with this customer and an Activity View displays the latest events
like document or metadata updates. In the Metadata widget you can display
important attributes. Content is visible in the Documents tab. The layout of this
business workspace is defined by a perspective, which you can design for each
business object and also role based.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 15

Chapter 2 Concepts and scenarios

Figure 2-2: Sample business workspace in Content Server in Classic View

2.1.1 Scenarios for business workspace creation

Business workspaces can be created through different scenarios. You can combine
these scenarios – if logic permits.
• Early creation or late creation
Early creation - Enables the creation of a business workspace if a related business
object is not yet available. The business workspace is created based on a
template; the user can add the reference to the business object later. Users can use
this scenario when they need a business workspace to file documents but a
business object is not yet created.
Late creation - Takes place when a business object exists and a business
workspace is created for it, either manually or automatically.
• Manual or automatic creation
Manual creation - A user creates a business workspace manually either in
Content Server or in the business application. It can be configured for every
supported user interface.
Automatic creation - The creation of a business workspace is triggered by an
event in the business application. The same event can also be used to update the
business workspace’s metadata.
Batch creation - This scenario is typically used for the initial load of a system.

16 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

2.1. Business workspaces

2.1.2 Special cases for business workspaces Cross-application business workspaces for multiple business
If you have semantically similar business object types in different SAP systems, such
as a customer in an ERP system and a business partner in an CRM system, you can
create one cross-application business workspace for two or more business objects of
different types and from different SAP systems.

Example 2-1: Business partner in CRM system and customer in ERP


You have customer data in two different SAP systems, in the CRM system
and in the ERP system. You want to create business workspaces for the
customer data. Because the data in both systems is semantically identical,
you only want to create one cross-application business workspace for each
customer that contains both the information from the CRM system and from
the ERP system.

Example 2-2: Vendor in SRM system and in ERP system

You have vendor data in two different SAP systems, in the SRM system and
in the ERP system. You want to create business workspaces for the vendor
data. Because the data in both systems is semantically identical, you only
want to create one cross-application business workspace for each vendor
that contains both the information from the SRM system and from the ERP

For more information, see “Enabling cross-application business workspaces for

multiple business objects” on page 107. Composite business workspaces

You can have complex entities in your business application, which contain
dependent entities that cannot stand alone. For example in the SAP Plant
Maintenance module, a task list operation can only exist in the context of a task list.
This mandatory relation can be mirrored by composite business workspaces, where
each subentity has a separate business workspace inside its parent business
workspace. This feature is recommended for cases where dependent business objects
are involved.
Example: When a business workspace for a maintenance task list is created from SAP side,
either manually or automatically, business workspaces for all operations are created
automatically inside the task list’s business workspace.

Note: For the composite business workspace scenario, you need a property
provider that supports composite business workspaces. For more information,

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 17

Chapter 2 Concepts and scenarios

see the SAP Extended ECM Solution Accelerator for SAP PM which is available
in OpenText My Support (

For more information, see Section 3.21: “Enabling composite business workspaces”
on page 108. Connected Workspaces: Business workspaces without business

object type
You can create business workspaces that have no relation to a specific business
object of a business application. Still, you can use the full functionality to create
business workspaces of a specific workspace type that have the same layout.
Business workspaces without business object type are always created in the folder
from which you start creation and with the name that you specify in the wizard.

To enable the creation of business workspace without business object type, you
create a workspace type, but no corresponding business object type. All other
customizing in Content Server is the same.

2.2 Cross-application business workspaces for

several business objects
You can use one single business workspace to represent several business objects
from different enterprise applications, which are related through a business process.

Example 2-3: Use case for cross-application business workspaces

The Sales department in you company uses Salesforce® for their activities.
They are using business workspaces for their “Account”, which contain all
documents around the sales process, correspondence, contracts.

When the deal is closed, the opportunity becomes a customer and customers
are maintained in an SAP® CRM system. The business workspace is now
extended with data from the SAP system and new folders for bills and
documents from CRM Complaint Management are added.

18 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

2.2. Cross-application business workspaces for several business objects

Any user who has access to one of the business objects in one of the
enterprise applications systems also has access to the business workspace,
and thereby to the information provided by both systems.

Configuration of cross-application business workspaces

To enable the creation of cross-application business workspaces for multiple

business objects from different enterprise applications, follow the procedures to
configure business workspaces. In addition, consider the following:

• Property providers
At least one property provider must contain information about the other related
business object type.
• Template and categories
Create a template and categories with attributes. You can either create a category
that fits both business object types or create separate categories for the two
business object types.
• Workspace types
You must use the same workspace type for both business object types.
• Business object types
Create business object types for each of the business object. The business object
types must have the same document template and the same workspace type.
Also define, which of the business object types should be the default for
displaying the business object in the respective enterprise application.
For the mapping of business properties to category attributes, you have the
following options:

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 19

Chapter 2 Concepts and scenarios

• Map the properties of the business object to the same category attributes on
Content Server.
If information changed for one business object in one of the enterprise
applications, the business workspace is updated. If two business objects map
their properties to the same attribute on Content Server, the last update wins.
• Map the properties of all business objects to attributes of different categories
on Content Server. With this, attributes are displayed on different tabs of the
business workspace.

Data update policy with several business objects in one workspace

For cross-application workspaces, the propagation of properties from business

applications is as follows:

1. If the property is unique to a particular system and it is correctly configured for

propagation into the business workspace, it will be displayed as expected.
2. If the property is common to more than one business object and this metadata is
correctly configured for each business object for propagation into the business
workspace, then the resulting value will reflect the last business object which
updated the common property.
“Last one to update common metadata wins!”

2.3 Business attachments

A business attachment is an item in Content Server that is added to a business object.
The item can for example be a document or a folder.

From Content Server perspective, a user adds a business object to an item in Content
Server; users can then view the business object without an extra effort to access the
SAP system and logging on to it.

From the SAP system, the document is a business attachment in the Business Content
window of the business object.

Example 2-4: Oil pump manuals as business objects

Your company maintains several different oil pumps (business object EQUI
for equipment); all oil pumps share the same manual. You store the oil pump
manual for these pumps in Content Server and add this document as
business attachment to the pumps’ business objects.

In Content Server, you can open the properties of the oil pump manual and
see all oil pumps in SAP that use this manual; in other words, you see which
business objects are added to this document.

Business attachments can be added automatically through the use of

attributes which act as triggers. For example, each time you create a business
object for a new “pump” and this pump business object has the attribute

20 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

2.3. Business attachments

“oil”, the manual is added automatically as business attachment to the new

business object.

Figure 2-3: Business attachments

In Content In Content Server, business objects are displayed in a tab in the properties of
Server Content Server item. With sufficient permissions, you can display the business
object, edit it or remove the link. If available, you can access the related business

Figure 2-4: Business objects for a document on Content Server

In SAP From an SAP system, a business attachment is a link to a document or folder in

Content Server. The referenced Content Server item is then displayed in the SAP

In SAP GUI, business attachments are displayed in the Business Content window.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 21

Chapter 2 Concepts and scenarios

Figure 2-5: Business attachments in SAP GUI

Types of creation

Business attachments can be created in the following ways:

• Automatically triggered by the value of a category attribute on Content Server
• Manually created on Content Server by adding a business object
• Manually created on the SAP system, either with the SAP GUI or the Web UI by
adding a business attachment

22 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

2.3. Business attachments

2.3.1 Manual business attachment creation

When manual business attachment creation is enabled, users with appropriate
permissions can create business attachments.

On an SAP system, users have different options, depending on the system and the
user interface, for example the Business Content window (Figure 2-6), or a button in
the Web Client UI (Figure 2-7).

Figure 2-6: Manual creation in SAP GUI

Figure 2-7: Manual creation in SAP CRM Web Client UI

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 23

Chapter 2 Concepts and scenarios

Figure 2-8: Manual adding of business objects on Content Server

On Content Server, items must be configured to accept business attachments,

usually these items are documents or folders.

2.3.2 Automatic adding of business objects

A business object can be added automatically to a Content Server item. Automatic
adding is triggered when a certain category attribute of a Content Server has a
defined value. You have to customize which attribute triggers the creation, and
which attributes determine the target business object.

24 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

2.4. Document declarations

2.4 Document declarations

You can store SAP ArchiveLink documents and SAP print lists as documents in a
defined location in Content Server.

ArchiveLink is a standard SAP component that enables the user to provide

documents for a business object. The documents are stored in an archive and linked
to a business object. Extended ECM for SAP Solutions enables you to integrate these
existing documents in Content Server. In addition or alternatively, you can set the
archived documents under Records Management.

Print lists are generated by reports in the SAP system. They can be archived using
the standard ArchiveLink functionality.

Note: If you plan to make documents and print lists available in business
workspaces, you also need to perform all steps described in “Configuring
business workspaces“ on page 29 before you perform the steps described in
this section.

2.4.1 Records Management

Records Management ensures that content is under a formal program that provides
consistent control and lifecycle management rules. This includes capabilities to
define content retention policies in addition to formalizing the procedures to classify
(ensuring appropriate metadata), retain, destroy or archive content in Extended
ECM for SAP Solutions.

As you add documents to Content Server, the object and its content can be classified
and managed as a record, based on metadata, retention schedule, or vital record
status. In addition, administrators can set up the metadata fields desired for
population during record declaration. This can be accomplished through categories
and attributes. Categories and attributes are additional metadata that are applied
based on the specific business needs and processes.

Extended ECM for SAP Solutions allows you to declare an SAP ArchiveLink
document and print lists as records that are under control of Records Management.
The declaration can be performed automatically during document creation or
interactively by an application user. In addition, an administrator can perform the
declaration procedure in batch mode.

For more details on declaring records in OpenText DocuLink for SAP Solutions, see
OpenText DocuLink for SAP Solutions - User Guide (DC-UGD).

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 25

Chapter 2 Concepts and scenarios

2.5 Using SAP Customizing (IMG)

Extended ECM for SAP Solutions provides a central customizing menu in SAP in the
OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions structure of SAP’s Customizing
Implementation Guide (IMG) function.

To call the IMG:

1. Run the SPRO transaction.
2. Click SAP Reference IMG.
3. Navigate to the OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions structure and
open it.

4. Select the required activity and click Execute.

If an SAP system displays a different IMG structure rather than standard reference
IMG, the Extended ECM for SAP Solutions customizing is not visible. You have the
following options to access the Extended ECM for SAP Solutions customizing
• Use transaction SIMGH, save the Extended ECM for SAP Solutions IMG structure
as a favorite and call it from there.
• Add the Extended ECM for SAP Solutions customizing to the existing
customizing structure of transaction SPRO.

26 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

2.5. Using SAP Customizing (IMG)

To use transaction SIMGH to access Extended ECM for SAP Solutions


1. Run the SIMGH transaction.

2. In the IMG structure field, open the search help and search for the search term
OpenText*. With this search term, you also find IMG structures for other
OpenText products.

3. Double-click on entry.

4. Click Add to Favorites.

5. In the Favorites list, select one entry and click to access the IMG structure.

To add the IMG structure to SPRO transaction:

1. Create an enhancement ID:

a. Run the S_IMG_EXTENSION transaction.

b. Open the search help of field Enhancement ID.

c. Click Create Enhancement ID (F5).

d. Enter an Enhancement ID, for example Z_OTX_EXTECM, and an
explanatory text, for example OpenText Extended ECM.

e. Click Save.

f. Click Continue.
g. Double-click the newly created enhancement ID in the Enhancement ID:
Original list to select it for the Enhancement ID field.

2. Enhance the SAP IMG structure for Extended ECM for SAP Solutions:

a. In the IMG structure field, select the IMG structure that is currently
displayed in the SPRO transaction and which you want to enhance.
For example, in SAP Extended Warehouse Management, select the IMG
structure SAP - Implementation Guide.
b. Click Favorite to add the IMG structure to your favorites.
c. Select the IMG structure in the Favorites list by double clicking.
d. If not already done, in field Enhancement ID, select the enhancement ID
created in Step 1.
e. Click Enhance Structure.
f. Select the root node of the IMG structure.
g. From the menu, select Edit > Nodes > Insert IMG Structure > As Subnode.
h. Enter the node name for the customizing, for example OpenText Extended
ECM for SAP Solutions.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 27

Chapter 2 Concepts and scenarios

i. Click Find structure to search for the Extended ECM for SAP Solutions
customizing IMG structure. Search for OpenText - Extended ECM for SAP
j. Click Copy.
k. Click Save.

3. Enhance the SAP IMG structure for Archiving and Document Access:
Repeat the steps described in Step 2 for the OpenText Archiving and Document
Access customizing with the corresponding data:

• Name of the node: OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP
• Name of the IMG structure: OpenText Archiving and Document Access for
SAP Solutions

28 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

Chapter 3
Configuring business workspaces

This chapter explains how you customize your system so that business workspaces
can be created, manually or automatically.

Prerequisites You need administration access to Content Server and the business application.

Content Server Functions Classification

for template selection

Classification Location Document Categories and

for Business for Business Workspaces Template Attributes
Workspaces with permissions with permissions

Connected Workspaces
Specific Functions
Workspace Type Business Object Type

External System & Business

Indexing & Search Settings
Side Bar Widgets
Workspace Type
Added Business Object
Business Property Mapping
Workspace Name
Document Template

Content Server


Figure 3-1: Customizing Overview on Content Server

3.1 Customizing steps

The following steps are required to configure Extended ECM for SAP Solutions to
create business workspaces for SAP business objects.

Note: Other optional steps, like the automatic creation of business workspaces,
are not listed in this short list.

1. SAP Property Provider - Write your own property provider or use the generic
property provider, which is delivered with Extended ECM for SAP Solutions.
For more information, see “Implementing a property provider in SAP”
on page 31.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 29

Chapter 3 Configuring business workspaces

2. SAP IMG - Create a business object declaration for a business object type, and
activate it.
For more information, see “Creating a business object declaration in SAP”
on page 32.

3. Content Server - Create a classification, location, and categories.

For more information, see “Creating a classification for document templates and
location” on page 38, “Creating a location for the business workspaces”
on page 39 and “Creating a category for workspace type and business object
type” on page 36.

4. Content Server - Create custom columns for Content Server Smart View
For more information, see “Creating custom columns for Content Server Smart
View” on page 60.

5. Content Server - Create a workspace type that controls the layout of the
business workspaces of this type. The workspace type name is what users see in
the Add dialog when they create a new business workspace.
For more information, see “Creating a workspace type” on page 40.

6. Content Server - Define the document template for the business object type.
For more information, see “Defining a document template for business
workspaces” on page 72.

7. Content Server - Create a business object type.

For more information, see “Configuring business object types” on page 84.

8. Optional SAP IMG - For automatic workspace creation and update when SAP
business objects are created or changed: In the SAP system (IMG), maintain the
receiver modules.
For more information, see “Configuring eventing for business workspaces and
business attachments“ on page 123.
9. Optional Content Server - Define general access restrictions for workspaces.
For more information, see “Granting object and usage privileges” on page 95
and section 7.1 “Defining general restrictions on Content Server” in OpenText
Extended ECM for SAP Solutions - User Management and Access Control Scenarios

10. Optional SAP IMG - Define authorization mapping.

For more information, see “Mapping authorizations in SAP” on page 96.

11. Optional SAP IMG - Customize the search help in SAP. For more information, see
“Customizing the search help in SAP” on page 98.

30 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

3.2. Implementing a property provider in SAP

3.2 Implementing a property provider in SAP

A property provider is an ABAP class that retrieves the business properties of an
SAP business object. These fields are mapped to Content Server attributes of the
business workspace. You need a property provider for each SAP business object for
which you want to create business workspaces and map SAP properties to the

You have the following options:

• You can use the generic property provider /OTX/RM_GEN_PP_BO. This property
provider detects the SAP table behind the given business object and returns all
table fields as properties, which you can then map to category attributes for the
business object type. Only business properties are transferred, no relations. No
development is needed.
• You can derive the property provider from the generic property provider /OTX/
RM_GEN_PP_BO. Data providing class has to be implemented. A complex nested
ABAP data structure can be defined and filled for providing data. All parameters
of the property provider interface can be used. Knowledge in ABAP OO is
necessary for implementing complex scenarios.
• You can derive the property provider from the base class /OTX/
• If you do not plan to map SAP fields to Content Server attributes, for instance, if
you do not need metadata in you business workspace, you do not need to write
your own property provider. In this case, use the default property provider /

Tip: When you create a category for the workspace type, you should use
attributes according to the properties that property provider provides. For
more information, see “Creating a category for workspace type and business
object type” on page 36.

To use the generic property provider:

1. Retrieve the reference table using the SWO1 transaction.

a. Open the business object in Display mode.

b. Expand Key fields and double-click the first name.
The reference table is displayed in Data type reference section.
c. Double-click the reference table to display the fields.

You can use all fields of the reference table as attribute of a workspace.

2. Later, create a category and single-value attributes for the business properties
that you want to use.

3. Later, in the business object type definition, map the business properties to the
created attributes.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 31

Chapter 3 Configuring business workspaces

To derive the property provider from the base class:

1. Use transaction SE24 to open the Class Builder.

2. To enhance the basic metadata, you derive a new class from the default business
property provider class. All the elements needed for this implementation are
collected in the package interfaces of the /OTX/RM package and the /OTX/
RM_WSCI package.

Tip: Property providers for composite business workspaces also must provide the
workspace location for the child business workspaces, which is the location of
the hierarchically closest parent. Any customizing of a static or dynamic
location ID for child business workspaces in the IMG is overruled by the
property provider.

3.3 Creating a business object declaration in SAP

To create a business object declaration in SAP:

1. In the IMG, navigate to the Extended ECM > Maintain Business Object
Declarations activity and click Execute.

2. Click New Entries.

3. Define the business object declaration with the following parameters:

32 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

3.3. Creating a business object declaration in SAP

Object Type
Select the business object type for which you want to create the declaration.
Connection ID
Enter the ID of the Enterprise Library that you created during installation.
For more information, see section 18.5 “Maintaining Extended ECM
connections” in OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions - Installation and
Upgrade Guide (ERLK-IGD).
Property Provider
Select one of the available property providers from the value list.
If you do not have a property provider yet or do not need a customized
property provider, use the default property provider /OTX/
For more information, see “Implementing a property provider in SAP”
on page 31.
Search Help Name (optional)
Enter the search help name for finding SAP business objects from Content
Server. This customizing enables users to find an SAP business object in the
following cases:

• When they create a new business workspace on Content Server for an

existing SAP business object.
• When they have created a business workspace in Content Server and
later want to relate it to a business object as workspace reference.
• When they add a business object to a Content Server item.

Note: You can only use Elementary Search help. Collective search help
is not supported.

Additional settings can be necessary. For more information, see

“Customizing the search help in SAP” on page 98.
Use Widgets for UI
When a business workspace is displayed from the SAP system, the standard
Content Server user interface opens within the SAP window. For some
scenarios, you can use an adapted Content Server Integration widget
instead, that shows the relevant functionality in the Content Server
integration widget view.
For more information, see “Using the Content Server Integration Widget“
on page 171.
Select the check box to activate the business object declaration.

Only after you activated the declaration, you can continue with the
definition of the business object on Content Server. For more
information, see “Configuring business object types” on page 84.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 33

Chapter 3 Configuring business workspaces

• To view a complete business object declaration from versions prior to 10.5,
see section 22.3 “Viewing the old configuration in SAP” in OpenText
Extended ECM for SAP Solutions - Installation and Upgrade Guide (ERLK-IGD).
• If you are migrating from an existing configuration, you can display the old
business object declaration in read-only mode. To show the full business
object declaration, enter &SHOW_LEGACY_ON in the transaction field and
press ENTER. To switch to the current view again, enter &

3.4 Selecting a template, classification or category

based on business properties
With the generic property provider, you can define rules that define which template,
classification or category is used for a business workspace. This feature allows for
more flexibility for business workspace modeling, based on configuration, different
templates, classification or category.

The value of the custom attribute to be added is defined as a unique name. This
unique name must be defined in Content Server. For more information about
defining unique names, see “Configuring unique names for Content Server items”
on page 147.

New: You can create rules in the generic property provider that select a
template, a classification or a category based on business properties.

Typically, you define at least two conditions to cover all possible values.

• The conditions are evaluated from top to bottom. The first condition that is
met for a custom property determines the value of the custom property. The
next conditions for the same custom property are not processed anymore.
• The logic of minimum and maximum values follows standard SAP rules:

Condition Actual Value Test Result

=3 0003 Fail
= 0003 0003 Success
Between 1 and 9999 0003 Fail
Between 0001 and 9999 0003 Success

Example: Following configuration examples demonstrates the dynamic assignment of a

template for the service notification (BUS2080) based on Notification Type (QMART). If the
value of QMART attribute is Z5, the template templ_service_req_crm is used. For all other
values, the template templ_service_notification is used.

34 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

3.4. Selecting a template, classification or category based on business properties

To define custom properties:

1. In the IMG, navigate to the Extended ECM > Maintain Business Object
Declarations activity and click Execute.

2. Select a business object declaration from the available list; then double-click
Generic Property Provider Custom Properties in the Dialog Structure area.

3. Click New Entries.

4. Enter the following parameters:

Config ID
Enter a numeric ID. The ID defines the order in which the conditions are

Enter the attribute that is used to define the condition.

Enter the operator. You can use the following operators:

• =, <>, <, <=, >, >= to define a value that is equal, greater or less than the
value defined in the Value / Min Value field.

• Between, Not Between to define a range within which the value is or is

not. Enter both a minimum and a maximum value

• Pattern, Not Pattern to define a pattern that is met or is not met, for
example Z* for all entries starting with Z. Use plus + as wildcard for one
character and asterisk * as wildcard for 0 to n characters.

Value / Min Value

Enter a value or a minimum value, depending on the operator that you use.

Max Value
Enter a maximum value.

Select to make the condition active.

Custom Property
Enter the name of the custom property, for example TEMPLATE_ID or

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 35

Chapter 3 Configuring business workspaces

Unique Name
Enter the unique name that you defined. The unique name refers to a
Content Server item. For more information, see “Configuring unique names
for Content Server items” on page 147.

5. Save your entries.

3.5 Creating a category for workspace type and

business object type
Content Server categories bundle attributes and define their type and order. By
creating custom categories, you can add relevant metadata to business workspaces
or documents. For more information about categories, see the Content Server
Administration help.

Categories and attributes can be used for the following in the workspace type or the
business object type:

Workspace type configuration

• Define the location of the business workspace
• Define multilingual names for business workspaces
• Display information in widgets

Business object type configuration

• Map business properties from the business application to the category attributes
• Trigger automatic creation of business attachments based on the value of an

36 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

3.5. Creating a category for workspace type and business object type

Figure 3-2: Category attributes

To create a category:

1. On the global menu, click Enterprise > Connected Workspaces, and then click

2. Click Add Item > Category. Define the new category according to your
requirements, and click Add.

3. Click the newly created category and add attributes to it.

The attributes correspond to the business properties that your property
provider provides. You can also add attributes that are not provided by the
property provider. They can be filled manually or by another property provider
in a cross-application business workspace scenario. If you do not create an
attribute for a property that is delivered by the property provider, an info entry
is logged in the Content Server log file.

a. Click Add Attribute and select an attribute type, usually this is Text: Field
or Text: MultiLine.

• The attribute type must be the same type as provided by the
property provider.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 37

Chapter 3 Configuring business workspaces

OpenText recommends that the attribute field length is the same for
both Content Server and the SAP system.

b. Define the attribute.

OpenText recommends that you use a name similar to the business
property name. You will later map these attributes to the business

c. Click OK and repeat the steps for all other attributes.

Tip: OpenText recommends that you have an attribute that you can
use to uniquely identify the business workspace, for example an ID.
You can also use the Text:Reference to uniquely identify the
business workspace. For more information, see “Using the Reference
attribute” on page 55.

4. Click Submit.

3.6 Creating a classification for document templates

and location
To create business workspaces, you need a classification tree and classifications. You
will later add the classification tree and the classification to the following:

• Classification tree
Document template
• Classification

• Location for the business workspaces

You must add the respective classification to each folder where business
workspaces of a certain type can be created. Location and the workspace type
must have the same classification.
• Document template

To create a classification for the folder where the business workspaces are

1. On the global menu, click Enterprise > Connected Workspaces, and then click

2. Open an existing classification tree or create a new one. You can name the
classification tree, for example, Workspace Types.

3. Click Add Item > Classification and define the new classification according to
your requirements, usually, you create a classification for each workspace type.

38 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

3.7. Creating a location for the business workspaces

3.7 Creating a location for the business workspaces

In Content Server, you create one or more folders where the business workspaces
can be created.

To create and configure the folder:

1. In Content Server, go to the location where you want to create the root folder
for your business workspaces.

2. Add new folders and configure them as required: Add a name, description, and
select an icon.

3. From the Classifications list, select the classification that you created in 3.6.

This classification must be the same as the one for the document
template that you will configure in 3.11.

Alternatively, you can determine the storage location of a business workspace based
on its attributes or business properties. For example, customers are classified by
their sales districts “South” or “North”. You can use the sales district attribute to
determine if the business workspace is stored in the South or the North folder.

3.8 Configuring multilingual metadata languages

For each language that you configured in the business application, you must
configure a language in Content Server.

To configure multilingual metadata languages:

1. On the Content Server Administration page, click Metadata > Configure

Multilingual Metadata.

2. Add an entry for each language that you want to support and enable it.

Select languages whose Language Code matches the value of the Lng
ISO field in the SAP system, for example en.
You can have more languages in Content Server than you have
customized in the business application, but you must not have less.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 39

Chapter 3 Configuring business workspaces

Figure 3-3: Configuring multilingual metadata languages

3.9 Creating a workspace type

A workspace type provides the framework for the creation of business workspaces. It
defines how business workspaces of this type will look like.

What you configure in a workspace type

• Location of the business workspace
• Indexing and search settings
• Name of the business workspace, also in several languages
• Access policies
• For Smart View
• Name of the workspace type in several languages. The name of the
workspace type can be displayed in the header tile of a business workspace.
• Default icon for business workspaces of this type. Icons can also be changed
on each individual business workspace.
• Perspective Manager: Configure a business workspace perspective for the
workspace type. Perspective Manager is a separate tool.
• For Classic View
• An icon for business workspaces of this type.
• The population of the business workspace sidebar with sidebar widgets.
Sidebar widgets enhance the standard user interface with additional
information related to the respective business workspace.

A workspace type is connected to the following:

• One or more business object types that provide the metadata

40 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

3.9. Creating a workspace type

• A folder in Content Server where workspaces of this type can be created

• A classification

Note: You can use cross-application business workspaces if you want to display
similar business objects from different business applications in one type of
workspace. For this, you use one workspace type for several business object
types. For example, a person is stored as a customer in Salesforce® and as a
vendor in SAP ERP, both of these roles are displayed in the same workspace

To create a workspace type:

1. On the global menu, click Enterprise > Connected Workspaces.

2. Click Workspace Types.

3. Click Add Item > Workspace Type.

4. Define the new workspace type as described in the following sections.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 41

Chapter 3 Configuring business workspaces

42 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

3.9. Creating a workspace type

3.9.1 Defining basic settings and search settings for a

workspace type
Provide a name for the workspace type. The name is only visible for
administrators. This field is mandatory.

Tip: For Smart View, you can also define a workspace type name in several
languages. This name can be made visible in the header tile of a business
workspace. For more information, see “Smart View: Defining workspace
type names and icons” on page 58.

Policies Enabled (SAP integration only)

Specify whether policies apply to the resulting business workspaces. Policies can
be generated from authorizations in the SAP system or possibly other business
applications. For more information, see section 8 “Using SAP authorizations to
restrict workspace access (optional)” in OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions
- User Management and Access Control Scenarios (ERLK-CUM).

Note: If you populate cross-application business workspaces with business

objects from several systems, all business object types of this workspace are
used to identify the policies to check. If at least one policy, regardless from
which system, gives access, the user can access the business workspace.

Example: A user has the authorization to see customers in the SAP ERP system,
but no authorization to see the same customer in the SAP CRM system. In Content
Server, policies created from authorizations both in the SAP ERP system and in the
SAP CRM system restrict access to the created workspaces. The user can see the
business workspace because the policy created from the SAP ERP system gives

Workspace Icon (for Classic View)

Specify an icon, which is displayed in business workspaces of this type. Click
Select Icon to browse the available icons. The icon is visible to users in the
Classic View on business workspaces and their root folder. For Smart View, you
use the Widget Icon. For more information, see “Smart View: Defining
workspace type names and icons” on page 58.

Indexing Settings
Select if the category attributes of the business workspace should become
supplementary indexed metadata for child objects and nested business
workspaces. With this option, users can use category attributes in the advanced
search to also find other items like documents, emails, folders, or task lists,
which are located in a business workspaces. You can select which Content
Server object types will be indexed. Changing this setting takes effect only for
documents that are added after this change. Already existing documents must
be re-indexed. For more information, see “Indexing documents and other items
with business workspace attributes” on page 254.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 43

Chapter 3 Configuring business workspaces

Search Settings
Configure how the search behaves when a user searches from a business
workspace that has related workspace:

• Always search in related workspaces.

• Let the users decide if they want to search in related workspaces.
• Disable the search in related workspaces.

Sidebar Widgets (for Classic View)

Configure sidebar widgets that display metadata in the business workspace. For
more information, see “Configuring sidebar widgets for Classic View”
on page 44.

3.9.2 Configuring sidebar widgets for Classic View

For a workspace type, select a sidebar widget type and configure it. You can also
enable or disable it and set the order of the sidebar widgets in a workspace type.

Note: You must save or apply the settings of the workspace type before you
can configure sidebar widgets.

Tip: You can drag the sidebar widgets configuration to change their order.

Each sidebar widget type requires characteristic configuration parameters. You can
configure each sidebar widget individually. You can also use the same sidebar
widget type several times with a different configuration.

The following sidebar widget types are available:

• “Attributes sidebar widget” on page 46

Displays category attribute values of the business workspace.
• “Recent Changes sidebar widget” on page 47
Displays a list of documents inside the business workspace, which have recently
been changed.
• “Related Items sidebar widget” on page 47
Displays links to other workspaces that are related to this business workspace,
both in parent or child relation.
• “Work Items sidebar widget” on page 49
Displays the work items the user has for the business workspace. These work
items include tasks, workflow tasks and follow-ups.
• “Workspace Reference sidebar widget” on page 50
For Extended ECM: Displays the linked business object of the business
application in a pop-up window.

44 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

3.9. Creating a workspace type

Figure 3-4: Sample sidebar widget

To manage sidebar widgets:

You manage and configure sidebar widgets for each workspace type.

1. To enable a sidebar widget, select the box in the Enabled column.

2. To change the order of the sidebar widgets, drag them to the desired position.
3. To define the title of a sidebar widget, you can either enter text, or use
replacement variables.
The supported variables are a subset of the replacement variables of the
Document Templates module.

• <ParentName />: The name of the business workspace.

• <Category_[category]_[attribute][value index] />: The value of the
specified attribute. The [category] parameter is the object ID of the
category or the category name, and [attribute] is the ID of the attribute or
the attribute name. The [value index] parameter is optional and is used to
identify the specific value for a multi-value attribute. The format for [value
index] is integer.

Example: <Category_Customer_Name />, <Category_273845_12[2] />

• <Login />: Login name of the current user.
• <UserID />: User ID of the current user.
• <UserName />: Name of the current user.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 45

Chapter 3 Configuring business workspaces

4. For JavaScript Sidebar UI widgets: Select Horizontal to include the sidebar

widget in a sidebar with horizontal orientation. Select Vertical to include the
sidebar widget in a sidebar with vertical orientation.

5. To configure each sidebar widget, click Detailed Configuration. For details, see
the following sections. Attributes sidebar widget

The Attributes sidebar widget displays attributes of the business workspace. You
can select any attribute available in Content Server categories. Typically, you select
information related to the business workspace.

Defines which attributes are displayed. Click Browse Content Server to select
the category; then select the attribute. It depends on the selected category which
attributes are available.

Categories Tab
Defines if a link is displayed in the sidebar widget that opens the Categories tab.
All categories and attributes of the business workspace are displayed on the
Categories tab.

46 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

3.9. Creating a workspace type Recent Changes sidebar widget

The Recent Changes sidebar widget displays a list of items that have been changed
in the last days.

Date to Use
Defines which date field is used to determine if an item is displayed in the list.
You can either use the date when the latest version was added (Version Added)
or the date of the last modification (Modify Date).

Oldest Change
Changes older than the defined number of days are not displayed. If you do not
enter a number, all changes are displayed.

Items to Display
Number of items that you want to be displayed in the list. If the number of
recent changes is higher than what you defined here, only the latest changes are
displayed. Related Items sidebar widget

The Related Items sidebar widget displays business workspaces that are related to
this business workspace.

Relationships are defined in the SAP system and delivered by the property provider.
They can also be added manually.

Manual relationships are always added as child workspaces in the hierarchy.

Tip: For an alternative to display related workspace in Content Server Classic

View, see “Displaying related business workspaces in a folder in Classic View”
on page 82.

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Chapter 3 Configuring business workspaces

Display Style
Defines if the related items are displayed as list (List) or as tree view (Tree).

Show Parent Relationships

Displays the business workspaces that are defined as parent workspaces for the
current workspace.

Show Child Relationships

Displays workspaces that are defined as child workspaces for the current

Workspace Types Shown

Restricts the related workspace types.

Children Shown / Relationships Shown

For the display style Tree: Defines how many child workspaces are displayed.
For the display style List: Defines how many relationships, parents and children,
are displayed. Default is 7.

Show Related Workspaces Folders

Defines if a link to the Related Workspaces folder, which is defined in the
template, is displayed. Select When not all items shown if you only want to
show the link when the number of workspaces exceeds the number defined for
Children Shown.

Tip: You can also configure if a search follows related items. For more
information, see “Configuring the search in related business workspaces”
on page 254.

48 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

3.9. Creating a workspace type Work Items sidebar widget

The Work Items sidebar widget displays the work items the current user has for the
business workspace. These work items include tasks, workflow tasks, and follow-

Show Ahead
Only work items with a due date before the specified number of days from
today are displayed.

Task Lists
A workflow can be started for the business workspaces and items inside a
business workspace with the function menu entry Initiate Business Workflow.
The sidebar widget displays all tasks in the My Assignments tab of the current
user for these workflows.

Follow Ups
Displays all follow ups of the current user for any Content Server item in the
business workspace. The follow ups are also displayed in the My Assignments
list of the user. Only follow-ups with status Active or In Progress are displayed.

Initiated Workflows
Defines if workflow steps related to the business workspace are displayed and if
steps without due date are also displayed.

Personal Assignments
Defines if a link to the personal assignments is displayed. These are all personal
assignments, not only those related to the business workspace.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 49

Chapter 3 Configuring business workspaces Workspace Reference sidebar widget

In Extended ECM, the Workspace Reference sidebar widget displays a link that
directs to the linked business object in the business application, which opens in a
pop-up window.

3.9.3 Defining the location and classification

Workspace Creation Settings
Define the location where business workspaces are stored, and select the
classification that is used for this new business workspace.
• Location
Define where new business workspaces of this type are created.
• Content Server Folder
Select static folder. Click Select and browse to the Content Server folder.
All business workspaces are created in this folder or in subfolders.
• From Category Attribute
Select a category attribute to determine the location of the business
Click Select and select a category. Then select an attribute. The attribute
must contain the Content Server node ID of the folder.
The business workspaces are then created in a folder that corresponds to
the attribute.

The business workspace is not moved automatically when the
attribute, which determines the location, is changed.
• From Business Property
Select a business property from the business application to determine the
location of the business workspace. You must enter the name of the
business property manually.
The business workspaces are then created in a folder that corresponds to
the business property’s value. The folder is created if it does not yet exist.

50 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

3.9. Creating a workspace type

The business workspace is not moved automatically when the
value of the business property, which determines the location, is
• Sub Location Path
You can create a subfolder structure. Select From Pattern to enter a pattern
for the subfolder creation. You can use normal text, categories and attributes,
business properties, and modifiers to create subfolders, for example
[2032760:Id:(3)]/[2032760:Id:+5]. For more information, see “Using
patterns for location path and workspace name” on page 53.
Click Insert Attribute to select a category and an attribute.
If a sublocation folder does not exist when the business workspace is created,
the folder is created. You must ensure that the category attribute is never
• Use also for manual creation
Select this option if you want to use the location settings also for manual
creation of business workspaces on Content Server. Business workspaces are
then only created in the specified location, regardless of the folder where the
user started the creation. After the business workspace has been created, the
user is directed to the newly created business workspace.

Note: If you use this option in combination with a sublocation path that
is based on an attribute, you must be aware of the following behavior:
When a user creates an early business workspace manually, it does not
automatically have the required attributes. As a consequence, the
attribute that determines the sublocation path can be empty and the
business workspace cannot be created. You can prevent this by adding
the attribute for the sublocation path to the document template so that
the attribute is displayed in the workspace creation wizard. In addition,
you must make it mandatory, so that the user is forced to provide a
value for the attribute that determines the sublocation path.

Location behavior of Cases and Binders

• Creation from business application
Binder workspaces: Both root location and sublocation path are used. If you
try to create a binder in a folder that is not configured as binder area in the
Template Workspaces configuration, you receive an error.
Case workspaces: Only the root location is used. Root location must be a
binder or case, otherwise an error is returned. The sublocation path is
ignored, because cases cannot be created within folders, only in binders or
• Manual creation on Content Server
Use also for manual creation is disabled: Binders and cases are always
created in the current location where the Create action is started.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 51

Chapter 3 Configuring business workspaces

Use also for manual creation is enabled: For binder workspaces, behavior is
the same as for the creation from business applications, which means that all
settings are used.
For case workspaces, the settings are always ignored. A case will always be
created within the current binder or case.

Define the classification that is also added to the resulting business workspaces
when they are created.

• Select Content Server Classification if you want to select a specific

classification. Click Select and browse to the classification.
• Select From Category Attribute if you want to use a category attribute to
determine the classification. Click Select and select a category. Then select an
The business workspaces are then created with the classification that
corresponds to the attribute.

Records Management
Enable Records Management for the creation of business workspaces and the
metadata widget in Smart View, which can display RM Classification
information. Changing this option immediately effects business workspaces of
this type.

3.9.4 Editing workspace names

You can display the names of business workspace in different languages and you
can compose a workspace name from attributes.

You can use the multilingual texts option for master data business objects.

Note: For business workspaces without business object types, you can specify
any name. These workspace types always have the name that is entered during
creation, independent of the settings you specify here.

You can use the multilingual texts option for master data business objects.

Example: The workspace type for “Equipment” has been configured to display workspace
names in English and French.

Kate has set her preferred metadata language in Content Server to English; she sees the
business workspace for equipment 1000476 under its English name “Equipment Truck 12”.
Monique, whose metadata language is French, sees the same workspace under its French
name “Équipement Camion 12”.

Tip: Users can change their preferred metadata language in Content Server:
Tools > Settings > Metadata Language.

52 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

3.9. Creating a workspace type

To configure business workspace names:

1. Add languages to the multilingual metadata in Content Server.

2. For Extended ECM systems - Edit the property provider to support

multilingual properties. For more information, see the SDK Guide on OpenText
My Support (

3. Add workspace name patterns for each language in the workspace type
configuration. You can use category ID and attributes, business properties, free
text as well as modifiers for the name pattern, for example, Equipment
[91100:Product Name]/[91100:Product Family] ([91100:Id:+3(4)]).
For more information, see “Using patterns for location path and workspace
name” on page 53.
Click Insert Attribute to select a category and an attribute. Alternatively, you
can type category ID and attribute or business property.

You must at least enter a pattern for the default language. Other
languages are optional.

4. Generate names also for workspaces without business object: Select this
option if you want to use the name pattern also for business workspaces that do
not have a business object, which could provide the metadata for the name
pattern. If you use this option, OpenText recommends that you use mandatory
attributes for the name pattern. So when creating a workspace, users must
provide metadata required for the name generation.

3.9.5 Using patterns for location path and workspace name

You can form a pattern from attributes, text and a modifying syntax to define the

• Location where business workspaces are stored. For more information, see
“Defining the location and classification” on page 50.
• Location where external documents are stored in a business workspace. For more
information, see “Defining the storage of external documents” on page 57.
• Name of business workspaces, also multilingual. For more information, see
“Editing workspace names” on page 52.

• Do not use a : colon to separate attributes, because the colon is used in
Content Server syntax.
• If one of the attributes in the name pattern for multilingual workspace
names and business object names does not provide a value, this attribute
is omitted without error message. For sublocation paths, empty values

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 53

Chapter 3 Configuring business workspaces

can cause an unwanted location and are therefore handled as an error.

They must be corrected.

To use the pattern for locations and workspace names:

1. For locations: From the Location or Sub Location Path list, select From Pattern.
2. Click Insert Attribute, then select an attribute and click Insert.
3. Enter text or syntax elements to form your pattern.

Tip: You can also use the reference number attribute for a more elaborate
number schema. For more information, see “Using the Reference attribute”
on page 55.

Examples for name patterns in Content Server

Free text and attributes

Combine text and attributes to form a name pattern. You can use special
characters to separate the name pattern elements, for example - dash, ( )
parenthesis, or / slash.
• Pattern - Material - [123117:Material Description] ([2032760:Id])
• Result - Material - Standard Water Pump SWP123 (00000123)

Offset: +0
Cut off the specified number of characters and displays the rest. Separate the
modifier from the attribute by a colon. An out-of-bound offset causes an error.
• Pattern - Material - [123117:Material Description] ([2032760:Id:
• Result - Material - Standard Water Pump SWP123 (0123)
Cut off the first four digits of the ID.

Length: (0)
Display the specified number of characters. Separate the modifier from the
attribute by a colon. An out-of-bound length causes an error.
• Pattern - Material - [123117:Material Description:(20)]
• Result - Material - Standard Water Pump (00000123)
Displayed only the first twenty characters of the Material Description.

Combine all of those pattern modifiers.
• Pattern - Material - [123117:Material Description:(20)]
• Result - Material - Standard Water Pump (012)

54 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

3.9. Creating a workspace type

Added the string “Material - ”, displayed only the first twenty characters
of the Material Description, cut off the first four digits of the material ID and
displayed only three, set the material ID in parenthesis.

3.9.6 Using the Reference attribute

New: You can now use the Text:Reference attribute to create a reference
number schema. You can also use this attribute to compose the workspace

You can use the Text:Reference attribute to create a reference number for business
workspaces. The reference number is a category attribute, which uses variables, text
strings, and other attributes to for a reference number schema.

You can also use the reference attribute to create the workspace name. If you use the
reference attribute for the workspace name, you must be aware of the following
behavior: If you change the reference number schema in a category and update all
existing objects with the changed category, only the attribute changes. The generated
name of the business workspace does not change.

Note: You can only have one Text:Reference attribute per category.

The Text:Reference attribute cannot be used in workflows.

Example 3-1: Example of a reference schema

Business workspaces for customers are stored in a folder structure, which

reflects departments, for example FS01 for Financial Services.

Reference [241162:CustomerName]-%fileplan%-%sequence%
Result Auto Klement-FS01/0015

241162:Custo Attribute CustomerName. In this example, the attribute has the

meName ID 241164.
%fileplan% Folder name.
%sequence% Serial number. It is formatted as a four digit number 000N. In this
example, it creates the number 0015.

To add a reference attribute:

1. Open the category that you use for workspace type.

2. Add the Text:Reference attribute to this category.
3. Define the attribute:

• Name: Name as it displays for the user, for example, file number or
reference number.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 55

Chapter 3 Configuring business workspaces

• Order: Attribute, which precedes the reference attribute in the category.

• Show in Search: Allows users to search based on this attribute.
• Length and Display length: Maximal length of the reference. Consider also
the length of other attributes and variables that you use in the Attribute
number schema.
• Attribute number schema: Define the schema. You can use the following

• Text: Text strings or special characters such as hyphens. If you want to

use a percentage sign as text, use the %% variable.
• Attributes: Content from other attributes in the same category. Select the
desired attribute from the list.
• Variables: Variables for dates, sequence and other. For more
information, see “Variables for the schema” on page 56.

Variables for the schema

%sequence% Consecutive number within the schema

%parentFileId Reference of the parent business workspace
%fileplan% Name of the folder in which the business workspace is stored
%rm- Name of the RM classification which the business workspace
classification% uses
%a% Abbreviated weekday with three characters. The characters
depend on the Content Server language settings. For
example, Mon or Tue for English
%b% Abbreviated month name with three characters. The
characters depend on the Content Server language settings.
For example, Jan or Mar for English
%c% System date
%d% Day in the month with two digits from 01 to 31
%j% Day in the year with three digits from 001 to 366
%m% Month with two digits from 01 to 12
%w% Weekday in one digit from 1 to 7, where 1 stands for Sunday
%y% Year with two digits. For example, 16 for 2016
%A% Full weekday name. The characters depend on the Content
Server language settings. For example, Monday
%B% Full month name. The characters depend on the Content
Server language settings. For example, March
%H% Hours in two two-digit hours on a 24-hour clock, from 00 to

56 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

3.9. Creating a workspace type

%I% Hours in two two-digit hours on a 12-hour clock, from 01 to

%p% AM or PM on a 12-hour clock
%M% Minutes in an hour from 00 to 59
%S% Seconds in a minute from 00 to 59
%P% Years marked as AD or BC
%U% Week number in the year, with Sunday as the first day of the
%W% Week number in the year, with Monday as the first day of the
%Y% Year with four digits. For example 2016
%% A percentage sign

• Attribute number format: Number of digits and leading zeros that are
added to a serial number created with the %sequence% variable. The entry
only adds digits if you use the variable in the Attribute number schema.

Example: 000N creates a serial number from 0001 to 9999.

• Store previous reference in: Attribute that saves legacy reference numbers.
A reference number can change if you changed one of the variables used, for
example, the file name.
4. Click OK.

3.9.7 Defining the storage of external documents

You can store attachments from a business application in a business workspace. You
can define if the documents are stored in a subfolder of that business workspace and
how the subfolder’s name is created based on attributes. You can also add a Records
Management (RM) classification automatically to these documents. You can either
use one specific RM classification or select it based on attributes.

Note: SAP document declaration is not affected. It is still carried out in the SAP
system itself.

You can add an RM classification, also based on attributes.

External Document Storage

• Sub Location Path
You can create a subfolder structure. Select From Pattern to enter a pattern
for the subfolder creation. You can use normal text, categories and attributes,
and modifiers to create subfolders, for example [2032760:Id:(3)]/
[2032760:Id:+5]. For more information, see “Using patterns for location
path and workspace name” on page 53.
Click Insert Attribute to select a category and an attribute.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 57

Chapter 3 Configuring business workspaces

Attributes must be mapped to business properties. If a sublocation folder

does not yet exist when the business workspace is created, the folder is
• RM Classification
Define if and how an RM classification is added to the document.

• Select None if you do not want to add an RM classification.

• Select From Category Attribute if you want to use a category attribute to
determine the RM classification of the external document.
Click Select and select a category. Then select an attribute. The attribute
must contain the Content Server node ID of the RM classification.
• Select RM Classification if you want to add one specific RM
classification. Click Select and select the classification.

3.9.8 Smart View: Defining workspace type names and icons

For Smart View, you can display an icon that is specific to a workspace type. You
can also localize the workspace type name. While the workspace name defines the
name of the single business workspace, the workspace type name can be displayed in
the header tile of a business workspace. The name is then displayed according to the
user’s preferred metadata language.

Perspective Manager
Start the Perspective Manager from this link. It opens with a reduced set of
features, which are essential for business workspaces. You can edit an existing
perspective or create a new one. For more information, see “Smart View:
Creating a perspective with Perspective Manager” on page 61.

Workspace Type Names

Add a workspace type name for each language in the workspace type

Note: To define multilingual workspace type names, add languages to the

multilingual metadata in Content Server. For more information, see
“Configuring multilingual metadata languages” on page 39.

Tip: Users can change their preferred metadata language in Content

Server: My Account > Settings > Metadata Language.

Widget Icon
The widget icon is displayed in the header tile of business workspaces of this
type. To add a workspace type icon, click Browse and select the icon.
Supported formats are gif, x-png, jpeg, pjpeg, and png.
Files must not be larger than 1 MB. For best results, use a square image with the
recommended size of 128x128 pixels.

58 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

3.9. Creating a workspace type

You can select from sample icons, which are located in the following folder on
your Content Server installation: <Content Server Home>\module\
otsapxecm_16_2_0\support\business_object_icons, for example \

Note: If no icon is configured for the workspace type, a default is taken.

Users with sufficient permissions can change the icon for an individual
business workspace.

3.9.9 Managing workspace types

To manage workspaces types:

1. On the global menu, click Enterprise > Connected Workspaces, and then click
Workspace Types.

2. To enable or disable a workspace type, from the function menu, select Disable
Creation. You see the current status of the workspace type in the Creation
Status column.

This workspace type is available to create new business workspaces.

This workspace type is not available to create new business workspaces;
however, this workspace type will be used to display business workspaces
that were already created from this type.

3. To edit an existing workspace type, click the name of the workspace type.

4. To delete a workspace type, from the function menu, select Delete.

You can only delete workspace types that are not referenced by a document
template, or a business workspace, or with Extended ECM, a business object

5. To check the indexing status of the items in a business workspace, see the
Indexing Status column:

Re-indexing required
This status always occurs when you change the indexing settings of the
workspace type.
You may see this status even if no workspaces or no sub-items within
workspaces exist yet. When performing the test run and no documents are
found for re-indexing, the status will change again to Indexing is up to

Up to date
All items have been passed to the index engine. However, it may still take
some time until the items are fully processed and searchable.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 59

Chapter 3 Configuring business workspaces

For more information about indexing, see “Indexing documents and other items
with business workspace attributes” on page 254.

3.10 Configuring business workspaces for Content

Server Smart View
3.10.1 Creating custom columns for Content Server Smart
You can create custom columns to display category attributes in widgets of Content
Server Smart View. For more information about widget configuration, see “Smart
View: Creating a perspective with Perspective Manager” on page 61.

With the installation of Connected Workspaces, the following custom columns have
already been created in the Facets volume in the Workspace Columns folder.
However, they are not prepared for sorting and filtering.
• Workspace Type ID
• Workspace Name in each language that is configured on Content Server, for
example Workspace Name en.
If you added another language after installation of Connected Workspaces, you
must create the respective column manually and prepare it for sorting and

To create a custom column:

1. On the global menu, click Enterprise > Connected Workspaces, and then click
Facets. Then navigate to a folder, where you want to store your custom

2. Click Add Item > Column.

3. Add a name and, optionally, a description.

4. Select a Data Source from the list of available category attributes. Each attribute
can only be used once in a custom column. If an attribute is already used as data
source for a custom column, it is not displayed anymore.

Tip: A custom column displays a maximum of 64 characters of data. If the

length of the data to be displayed in the column exceeds 64 characters, the
text is truncated and suspension points (...) appear to represent the
missing data. Setting the column width to a value greater than 64
characters does not affect this limitation.

5. To enable sorting and filtering, select Sortable.

To only display the property in the Workspaces widget or the Related
Workspaces widget, and in the browse view of Classic View, you need not select

60 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

3.10. Configuring business workspaces for Content Server Smart View

Click Add.

6. Wait for the column to be built. To monitor the status, select Properties >
Specific from the function menu.

7. Smart View: From the function menu of the custom column, select Properties >
Workspace. Then select Used for Sorting and Filtering. When you click Update
the database index is created concurrently, which may take a few minutes.
After the database index has been created, the custom column can be used for
filtering and sorting.

• Filtering is only supported for data type String.
• Sorting is not supported for User fields.
• Date fields can be sorted without respecting time.

For more information about custom columns, see the Content Server help.

3.10.2 Smart View: Creating a perspective with Perspective

Perspectives control how users see the layout of a business workspace in Content
Server Smart View. You design and configure a perspective in Perspective Manager,
a tool that walks you through the creation of a perspective and translates it into
ActiveView coding.

With OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions, Perspective Manager uses a
reduced set of options, focussing on perspectives for business workspaces. A new
perspective is tied to the workspace type by a rule and already contains a sample
layout: the Header widget, an Overview tab with Team and Metadata widget, and a
Documents tab with the Node Browsing Table widget.

• This chapter only covers perspectives for business workspaces. For more
information about the full functionality of Perspective Manager and
perspectives, see the online help of Perspective Manager.
• The perspective takes effect immediately. So if you need testing, create
the perspective on a test system first.

To create a perspective for a workspace type:

1. On the global menu, click Enterprise > Connected Workspaces, and then click
Workspace Types and open a workspace type.

Tip: To edit perspectives without Perspective Manager, click Perspectives

in the Connected Workspaces volume.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 61

Chapter 3 Configuring business workspaces

2. Click Workspace Types and open a workspace type.

3. In the Tile Configuration for Smart View section, click Manage Perspectives
for this workspace type.
The Perspective Manager opens in a new browser window.
4. On the General tab, click Create new and enter a title for the perspective.
5. On the Rules tab, you create logical rules, which control when the perspective is
used. The workspace type from which you called Perspective Manager is the
first rule. You must not remove this rule but you can add others.
6. On the Configure tab, you design the perspective of the workspace type.

• The widget library pane on the left contains widgets from installed modules,
one of which being Connected Workspaces.
• The working area in the middle is where you place the widgets.
• The options pane on the right displays configuration options of the selected
7. Click Code Editor to edit the ActiveView code directly. However, this option is
only for advanced users who are familiar with ActiveView.

Changes in the ActiveView code are not visible in the Perspective
Manager when you return to the design mode. You must save and
reload the perspective first.
8. When you are done, click Create.
9. To edit a perspective, open it in Perspective Manager and make the required
changes. Perspectives for Connected Workspaces are stored in the following
location: Perspectives volume > Connected Workspaces > [Folder named after
the workspace type with object ID]. The folder name changes when you
change the workspace type name, the ID remains the same. Header widget

The Header widget displays metadata like the name of the business workspace and
important attributes. Metadata is taken dynamically from category attributes, node
properties, and business properties. You can also add static text, line breaks, tabs,
and spaces.

You can also embed another widget in the Header widget, currently only the
Activity Feed widget.

Workspace Properties
Workspace properties are displayed in the left part of the Header widget in the
following top-down order, with the font becoming smaller. You can use the
suggested properties, add others, and combine attributes and properties with text.

62 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

3.10. Configuring business workspaces for Content Server Smart View

Title Name of the business workspace, prefilled with the {name}

node property.
Type Name of the workspace type, prefilled with the
business property.
Description Description of the business workspace, prefilled with the
{description} node property.

• Business properties must be configured with the business_properties prefix,

for example {business_properties.workspace_type_name}.
• {business_properties.workspace_type_name}: Name of workspace type.
• {business_properties.workspace_type_id}: ID of the workspace type,
useful for testing and preparing perspectives.
• Node properties require no prefix, for example {name}.
• {name}: Workspace name.
• {description}: The workspace node description.
• {type_name}: Name of the Content Server item type: Business Workspace.
• {create_date}: Date when business workspace was created, formatted
according to the current formatting rules.
• {create_user_id}: Name of the user who created the business workspace,
formatted to the user's readable display name.
• {modify_date}: Date when the business workspace was modified.
• {modify_user_id}: Name of the user who modified the business workspace,
formatted to the user's readable display name.
• {owner_group_id}: Name of the group the workspace owner belongs to.
• {owner_user_id}: Name of the workspace owner, formatted to the user's
readable display name.
• Category attributes
Click Add Attribute to Field and select attributes from the categories that
contain information for this business workspace.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 63

Chapter 3 Configuring business workspaces


Embed Widget Select one of the available widgets to embed it into the header
widget. It is displayed in the right half of the header widget.
Currently available is the Activity Feed widget, which
displays all activities in relation to this business workspace
and it related child workspaces. You see comments or recently
added documents.

If you want to use the Activity Feed widget, you must enable
Content Server Pulse and, optionally, create activity manager
objects. For more information, see “Creating an activity
manager object for the Activity Feed” on page 71. Related Workspaces widget

The Related Workspaces widget displays business workspaces that are related to the
currently opened business workspace. You must configure the widget in both
collapsed and expanded view. You can display business workspaces that are in a
parent relationship or in a child relationship, and you can have more than one
Related Workspaces widget in a perspective. Relations must be configured in
Content Server.


Title Title of the widget, typically the workspace type name in plain
Workspace type Workspace type of the related workspaces.
Relation type Child or Parent.

Collapsed view

Message for empty result Custom message if no business workspaces of this type are

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3.10. Configuring business workspaces for Content Server Smart View

Preview pane The preview pane is a window that opens when you hover
with the mouse over a related workspace in the widget. The
preview pane contains additional information as well as team
members of this business workspace.
• Preview title - Title of the preview pane, for example the
workspace type. The title is displayed in small font above
the display name of the related workspace.
• Message for empty metadata - Custom message if there is
no metadata to display.
• Name of role - Name of the role whose members are
displayed in the preview.
• Message for empty role - Custom message if there are no
roles or team members to display.
Message that is displayed if the specified role has no
members. The default text is No role members assigned.
Metadata in preview pane The preview pane uses data from category attributes. You
select a category or single attributes. To group attributes, enter
a group name and then select the categories and attributes.
Leave the group name empty to add a category or attribute
without a group. Drag attributes or groups to change the
• Group name - Name of a group of attributes or categories
• Category or attribute - Category or single attributes. You
can use the following data sources: A single attribute or a
complete category with all its attributes.
Order by Orders the list of related workspaces by a custom column and
defines the sort direction. The default sorting is ascending by
the name of the business workspace.

If you have not selected a custom column in the Order by

option, the workspaces are ordered by the custom column
configured in Related workspace title. And in this case, you
can only use custom columns that are configured for ordering.
If you selected a custom column that is not configured for
ordering, an error message is displayed when the widget is

For more information about configuration of custom columns,

see “Creating custom columns for Content Server Smart
View” on page 60.
Related workspace title Name of the related workspace. You can use a custom column
or one of the following variables: {name}, {description},
{type_name}, {modify_date}, {create_date}. The
{name} variable uses the name of the business workspace,
which may already be assembled from several attributes.

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Chapter 3 Configuring business workspaces

Related workspaces Description of the related workspace. You can use a custom
description column or one of the following variables: {name},
{description}, {type_name}, {modify_date},
{create_date}. The {name} variable uses the name of the
business workspace, which may already be assembled from
several attributes.
Metadata fields Additional fields to display metadata in the widget. Enter a
label and the value, which can be a custom column or one of
the following variables: {name}, {description},
{type_name}, {modify_date}, {create_date}. The
{name} variable uses the name of the business workspace,
which may already be assembled from several attributes.

To format a custom column to be displayed in currency

format, add :currency within in the brackets, for example:
{wnf_att_fl14_5:currency}. With this format, zeros are
displayed and thousands separators are added.

Expanded view

Order by Orders the list of workspaces by a custom column and defines

the sort direction. You can drag the columns to change the
Custom columns Custom columns to be displayed in the expanded view. Select
a custom column, then click Add to array. Team widget

The Team widget displays team members as well as roles that have no members.

Title Title of the Team widget. Default is Team. Metadata widget

The Metadata widget displays attributes of the business workspace.

Title Title of the Metadata widget. Default is Metadata.

Hide empty fields Hide metadata fields that have no value. Default is False.

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3.10. Configuring business workspaces for Content Server Smart View

Metadata The Metadata widget uses data from category attributes. You
select a category or single attributes. To group attributes, enter
a group name and then select the categories and attributes.
Leave the group name empty to add a category or attribute
without a group. Drag attributes or groups to change the
• Group name - Name of a group of attributes or categories.
You can use this option to visually group attributes.
• Category or attribute - Category or single attributes. To
add an attribute, select the category and then select the
attributes that you want to display.

Note: Metadata groups in the Related Workspaces

widget must not contain complete attribute sets.
However, you can select single attributes from an
attribute set.
Attribute sets with multiple rows are displayed as a
table in the Metadata widget. Make sure that the
table width does not exceed the width of the widget. Workspaces widget

The Workspaces widget displays workspaces of a certain type. Workspaces widgets
are typically used on a landing page. You can have more than one Workspaces


Title Title of the Workspaces widget, typically the type of business

workspaces listed here. Default is My workspaces.
Workspace type Type of business workspaces that you want to display.

Collapsed view

Message for empty result Custom message if no business workspaces of this type are

Expanded view

Order by Orders the list of workspaces by a custom column and defines

the sort direction. You can drag the columns to change the
Custom columns Custom columns to be displayed in the expanded view. Select
a custom column, then click Add to array.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 67

Chapter 3 Configuring business workspaces Business Attachments widget

The Business Attachments widget displays documents and other Content Server
items that are attached to a business object. Business attachments usually are not
stored in a business workspace. If not configured otherwise, the widget displays
business attachments for the business object of the current business workspace. You
can also display business objects for other business object.

Users can create a snapshot for all business attachments displayed in the widget.
Snapshots are folders in Content Server, which contain a generation of the latest
version of each business attachment if it is a document. It contains a shortcut to
object other than documents. The name of the folder starts with a prefix, which you
configure for the widget.

In the expanded view, you see additional information for each business attachment
such as comments, location and version.


Title Title of the Business Attachment widget. Default is Business

Snapshot folder name Prefix that is added to the snapshot folder when you create a
prefix snapshot from this widget. A snapshot freezes the current
version of all business attachments of the business object and
stores them in a folder.

Business attachment

Business object ID Category attribute that contains the ID of the business objects
for which you want to display business attachments.
Business object type Category attribute that contains the business object type.
External system ID Category attribute that contains the ID of the external system
where the business object type resides.

Note: If you want to use attribute sets in these fields, you must enter the
category ID manually, for example {categories.142384_5_1_6},
{categories.142384_5_1_7}, or {categories.142384_5_1_8}.

Collapsed view

Message for empty result Custom message if no business attachments are available.
Order by Orders the list of related workspaces by a column. The default
sorting is ascending by the name of the business workspace.

If you have not selected a column in the Order by option, the

workspaces are ordered by the name. If you selected a custom
column that is not configured for ordering, an error message
is displayed when the widget is loaded.

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3.10. Configuring business workspaces for Content Server Smart View

Business attachment title Name of the business attachment in the collapsed view. You
can use a custom column or one of the following variables:
{name}, {wnd_comments}, {description},
{type_name}, {modify_date}, {create_date}. The
{name} variable uses the name of the business workspace,
which may already be assembled from several attributes.
Business attachment Description of the business attachment. You can use a custom
description column or one of the following variables: {name},
{wnd_comments}, {description}, {type_name},
{modify_date}, {create_date}. The {name} variable
uses the name of the business workspace, which may already
be assembled from several attributes.
Metadata fields Additional fields to display metadata in the widget. Enter a
label and the value, which can be a custom column or one of
the following variables: {name}, {wnd_comments},
{description}, {type_name}, {modify_date},
{create_date}. The {name} variable uses the name of the
business workspace, which may already be assembled from
several attributes.

Expanded view

Order by Orders the list of business attachments by a column and

defines the sort direction. Dossier widget

The Dossier widget displays all documents in the business workspaces.

Default group by criterion Groups the documents by their creation date or a

Hide group by criterion Provides an option for users to hide certain groups of
dropbox documents. The default settings displays the dropbox.
Hide metadata Provides an option for users to hide metadata of documents.
The default settings displays the metadata.
Hide empty fields Hide metadata fields that contain no data. The default settings
displays empty metadata fields.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 69

Chapter 3 Configuring business workspaces Header widget with business object information

The Header widget of the Extended ECM Platform module contains information
about the business objects and connections to the respective business application.

Workspace Properties
Workspace properties are displayed in the left part of the Header widget in the
following top-down order, with the font becoming smaller. You can use the
suggested properties, add others, and combine attributes and properties with text.

Title Name of the business workspace, prefilled with the {name}

node property.

• Business properties must be configured with the business_properties prefix,

for example {business_properties.workspace_type_name}.

• {business_properties.workspace_type_name}: Name of workspace type.

• {business_properties.workspace_type_id}: ID of the workspace type,
useful for testing and preparing perspectives.
• Node properties require no prefix, for example {name}.

• {name}: Workspace name.

• {description}: The workspace node description.
• {type_name}: Name of the Content Server item type: Business Workspace.
• Category attributes
Click Add Attribute to Field and select attributes from the categories that
contain information for this business workspace.

Completeness check settings

You can configure rules that define which document a business workspace must be
contain. The completeness check displays the number of missing documents.

Metadata settings

Hide metadata Provides an option for users to hide metadata of documents.

The default settings displays the metadata.
Hide empty fields Hide metadata fields that contain no data. The default settings
displays empty metadata fields.

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3.10. Configuring business workspaces for Content Server Smart View

Metadata The Header widget uses data from category attributes. You
select a category or single attributes. To group attributes, enter
a group name and then select the categories and attributes.
Leave the group name empty to add a category or attribute
without a group. Drag attributes or groups to change the
• Group name - Name of a group of attributes or categories
• Category or attribute - Category or single attributes. You
can use the following data sources: A single attribute or a
complete category with all its attributes.

3.10.3 Creating an activity manager object for the Activity Feed

To use the Activity Feed in the Header widget, as well as the standard Activity Feed
widget, you must enable OpenText™ Content Server Pulse. With Content Server
Pulse enabled, all content and status activities for a business workspace and its
subitems are enabled. If you want to monitor attribute changes in addition, you
must create an activity manager object. An activity manager object is linked one
category attribute. A change in the attribute value creates an activity, which is then
shown in the Activity Feed widget.

Example: You add the category attribute Amount of a Sales Order to an activity manager
object. When the amount changes, it is displayed in the Activity Feed.

For detailed information about the activity manager object and Pulse, see the online
help for Content Server Pulse.

• Each activity manager evaluates its rules by the order in which they are
• The Activity Feed message supports localization and starts with a default
activity string message. Optionally, you can customize the activity string
with substitution placeholders for the attribute value.

To enable activity monitoring for business workspaces:

1. On the Content Server Administration page, select Pulse Administration >

Collaboration Administration.

2. From the Select Object Types to Manage list, select the Business Workspace
object type and click Add Object Type.

3. Select the collaboration feature that you want to make available.

4. Click Update.

To create an activity manager object:

1. From the global menu bar, select Tools > Facets Volume.

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Chapter 3 Configuring business workspaces

2. Optional Create a folder for the activity manager objects.

3. Click Add Item and select Activity Manager.

4. Enter at least a name and select a category attribute as data source.

5. Click Add.

To create rules for the activity manager:

1. Open the Specific tab of the activity manager object.

2. Click Add a new rule before this one.

3. Enter a rule name and select an option from the Rule Criteria list, for example,
Value Changed.

4. The Activity String is populated with a template string. You can edit the string
and also add multilingual versions.
The standard string looks like the following: [ObjName] [AttrName] changed
from ' [OldVal] ' to ' [NewVal] '.

Example: If you created an activity manager object that monitors the status of a sales
order workspace, the string would then produce the following activity message: Sales
Order 123 status changed from ‘pending’ to ‘closed’.

5. Edit the list of Included Object Types. Remove object types that you do not
want to monitor.

6. Click Submit.

3.11 Defining a document template for business

The creation of workspaces is based on Content Server Document Templates. A
document template is a Content Server item that contains folders, documents and
other content like task lists. You can use team roles and team participants to set up a
permission concept.


• For more information about Content Server Document Templates, see

section “Document Templates Volume Administration” in the Content
Server online help.
• Classic View: You may also add a Related Business Workspaces folder to
the template. This type of folder is used to display business workspaces that
are related, for example a customer workspace is related to business
workspaces for all its sales orders. For more information, see “Displaying
related business workspaces in a folder in Classic View” on page 82.

72 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

3.11. Defining a document template for business workspaces

3.11.1 Configuring document template settings

You must configure that the Content Server subtype for business workspaces
(subtype 848) can be used as a template.

Note: You need access to the Content Server administration to change the
document template settings.

To configure document template settings:

1. On the Content Server Administration page, click Document Templates

Administration > Configure Content Server Document Templates.

2. In the Managed object types section, click Configure and select at least the
Business Workspace (subtype 848) item.
3. For the Classification tree for document types, select a classification tree for
business workspaces that you created earlier. For more information, see
“Creating a classification for document templates and location” on page 38.

4. Set the other options as required. For more information, see the Content Server
online help for that page.

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Chapter 3 Configuring business workspaces

3.11.2 Creating a document template

To create a document template:

1. On global menu, click Enterprise > Document Templates.

2. Click Add Item > Business Workspace.

Note: If the Business Workspace option is not available, you can enable it.
For more information, see “Configuring document template settings”
on page 73.

Tip: You can add a business workspace, a case or a binder. Typically, you
create a template for each workspace type.
You may define several templates for the same workspace type but with
differences in their attributes. For example, you can have Customers with a
revenue larger than one million Euros and Customers with a revenue of less than
one million Euros represented in business workspaces based on different

Alternatively, you can copy an existing template. Select the template and click
Copy. In the Copy To field, enter a location within the Document Templates
Volume. Then configure the new template according to your requirements.

When you copy a folder that contains a workspace template, the
workspace template is not copied.

3. Fill the fields as required.

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3.11. Defining a document template for business workspaces

Users will see the name of the template in the Add menu of Content
Server Smart UI when they create a business workspace in Content
Server, for example Add > Customer or Add > Material. In previous
versions, it was Add > Business Workspace.
4. From the Classifications list, select the classification that you already selected
for business workspace location. For more information, see “Creating a location
for the business workspaces” on page 39.

The document template and the business workspace location must have
the same classification.
5. Select a Workspace Type from the list.
6. Click Add.
7. Configure the template as required.
In addition to the standard Content Server settings like classification and
permissions you can also configure the following:

• Custom categories to hold metadata.

Note: OpenText recommends that you disable metadata inheritance:

This feature copies metadata from categories of the business workspace
into categories of documents and other items in the business
workspace. However, as this is an one-off action, metadata updates are
not inherited. Inheritance also has impact on system performance.
Instead of inheritance, you can use the indexing function. For more
information, see “Indexing documents and other items with business
workspace attributes” on page 254.

To turn off inheritance, click Edit Inheritance and select Disable

Inheritance for categories in templates.
• Permission handling when the document template is used to create a
business workspace. For more information, see “Defining permission
handling for business workspace templates” on page 77.
• Replacement of groups used to restrict access to the business workspace or
parts of it. For more information, see “Defining group replacement settings”
on page 80.
• Team roles and team participants for a workspace template. For more
information, see “Defining team roles and team participants” on page 78.
• Folders for related business workspaces. For more information, see
“Displaying related business workspaces in a folder in Classic View”
on page 82.
8. Open the workspace template and add all relevant subfolders and documents
using the Add Item button.

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Chapter 3 Configuring business workspaces

9. To test the configuration, open the folder, which is configured for this template.
The Add dialog now contains an option with the template name.

Changes to the document template are not applied to existing workspaces
that have already been created from the template. They apply only to
business workspaces that will be created after you made the changes.

3.11.3 Document validation rules for a completeness check

With the completeness check you can ensure that a business workspace contains all
required documents. You create a classification for each document type that may be
present in a business workspace. When users upload documents to the business
workspace, they must assign the corresponding classification. The validation rule
checks for classifications of the document type and can further be narrowed down
with category attributes.

Example: In a Human Resources scenario, birth certificate and diploma are required
documents in a personnel business workspace. You create classifications Birth Certificate and
Diploma and assign them to the respective documents when uploaded. You create a
document validation rule that check the existence of one birth certificate in a specific folder.
For a manager level, two diplomas are required, one from high school and one from college,
which you can distinguish using category attributes.

Tip: Extended ECM Platform provides a Header widget for Smart View, which
displays the number of missing documents based on your validation rules.

The Rule expression is evaluated at the time of the document upload. The validity of
a document is based on the mandatory Date of Origin attribute and the
classification assigned during upload. The document is saved to the specified
workspace folder. The Document Validation rules are customized in the document

To customize Document Validation rules:

1. Click Enterprise > Document Templates. In the Function menu of your

template, click Properties > Document Validation Rule.

2. Edit an existing rule or create a new one. To create a new rule below an existing
one, click Add Classification.

3. Edit the following settings:

• Classification - in the list, click Browse Classification or My Favorites to

browse and select your classification from the document type classifications
tree you set up.

• Rule Expression - click Edit Expression to open the Expression Builder.

To create/edit a rule expression:
a. From the Actions list, select a type, for example, Job Information.

76 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

3.11. Defining a document template for business workspaces

b. To create and edit the expression, select a category attribute from the list
and select a condition operator. In the text box, enter the required
attribute value.
c. To expand the rule expression, add another row and select a logical
operator to connect the expressions.
To delete a row, click Remove This Row.
d. Click Submit.

• Location - from the list, select the workspace folder in which the document
is expected to be available.
• Validity (Months) - enter a time period in months to determine how long
the document shall be valid.
• Required - Select the check box if the document must be available in the
workspace folder. If the document is not available, a notification about the
missing document is displayed in the header widget of the employee
4. Click Save Changes.

3.11.4 Defining permission handling for business workspace

Permissions are defined for the document template and for the folder in which the
new workspace is created. You can define that these two permission sets are

The merging also applies to the items in the template. The permissions are merged
with the permissions of the location where the business workspace is created.

• If merging is enabled, the owner of the newly created business workspace
will be the one defined for the folder in which the new business workspace is
created. If merging is not enabled, the owner will be the same as the owner
of the template.

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Chapter 3 Configuring business workspaces

Example: User MMEIER creates a new business workspace for a customer using the
Customer template. For the Customer template, user MMEIER only has See access. For the
folder Customer, where the new business workspace is created, user MMEIER also has
Modify access.

If the Merge with creation location option is selected, user MMEIER will have both See and
Modify access. If the Merge with creation location option is not selected, user MMEIER will
have only See access.

To define how permissions are handled:

1. From the function menu of the document template, select Properties > Specific.

2. To merge the permissions, select Merge with creation location.

3.11.5 Defining team roles and team participants

You can use team roles and team participants to control access to the business
workspaces. In the template, you define which team roles and team participants
have permissions to the template and to the generated business workspaces. When
business workspaces are created from templates, all team roles and team
participants except for the Template Administrator are copied to the created

You can also define team roles and team participants directly in the Team widget of
a business workspace.

Note: You can also change team roles and team participants for each business
• Team Roles
You create team roles and assign permissions to them. These team roles become
the defaults for the business workspaces that are created from the templates.
When you add Content Server users or groups as team participants to roles, they
inherit the permissions of the team role.
Special roles
• Template Administrator
The Template Administrator role is added automatically to templates for
business workspaces. This role is used to control who can create and modify
item templates. The Template Administrator role is not copied to business
workspaces that are created from the template.
• Team Lead
You can assign one role to be the Team Lead role. The Team Lead role
appears with a red flag icon. Participants of the Team Lead role can edit
participants of other roles.
By default, the first role that you add in addition to the Template
Administrator role, becomes the Team Lead role. However, you can set any

78 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

3.11. Defining a document template for business workspaces

role as the Team Lead using the Set as Team Lead button. You can also delete
the Team Lead role if it is the only role in the list.
• Team Participants
You can add team participants to team roles. Participants can be users and
groups. Users and groups can be assigned to one or more roles. A role can have
multiple participants.

To define roles and permissions in Content Server Classic View:

1. From the function menu of the document template, select Team Roles and

2. Create a role:

a. On the left side of the page in the Role Access section, click Add Role.
b. On the right side of the page, in the Add new role section, enter a name in
the Role box.
c. Optional Enter a description in the Role Description box.
d. Click Add.

3. Assign permissions to the role:

a. On the left side of the page, click the role.

b. On the right side of the page, enable the permissions that you want to
assign to the role.
c. Click Update.

4. Optional Set the role as Team Lead:

a. On the left side of the page, click the role.

b. On the right side of the page, click Set as Team Lead.

5. On the left side of the page, click Done.

To assign participants to roles:

1. From the functions menu of the template, select Team Participants.

2. On the left side, in the Participants section, click Find & Add.

3. On the right side of the page, find the user or group that you want to add.

4. In the Role menu beside the user or group, select the role that you want to
assign to this user or group.

5. Click Submit.

6. On the left side, click Done.

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Chapter 3 Configuring business workspaces

3.11.6 Defining group replacement settings

When a business workspace is created from a template, you can replace the user
groups, which are used to restrict access to the template or to folders within it, with
generated groups. In the template for a business workspace, you define how these
groups are generated. The generating of groups can be based on categories and

The group replacement always applies when one of the attributes that is used to
define the group is changed: when the business workspace is created, when the
attribute of a business workspace is changed later, and when an attribute is filled

You can also use this mechanism to remove groups. If you define that a group
should be removed, this group has access only to the template and not to the
business workspace based on the template. For a detailed description of the
complete process, see section “Using generated groups to define permissions
for workspace folders ” in OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions - User
Management and Access Control Scenarios (ERLK-CUM).

• You use groups to restrict access to the template or parts of it. The groups are
only used for the template.
• You grant the groups direct access instead of adding them as team participants to
a team role.
• If you want to use variables, you have already defined them. For more
information, see “Defining and using variables” on page 81.
• If you want to use a category and an attribute, retrieve their ID.

To define group replacement settings:

1. From the function menu of the document template, select Properties > Specific.
The Group Replacements section lists all groups that are granted access to the
template or items within the template.

2. To remove the group, select the group name and leave the Target Group field
When a business workspace is created from this template, the group is removed
and will not be granted access to the created workspace.

3. To generate a group, select the group name. In the Target Group field, add the
name of the group to be generated. You can use the following replacement tags:

• Category: <Category CategoryID AttributeID />

Specifies a category attribute and is replaced by the value of the specified
category attribute when creating a new business workspace.

80 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

3.11. Defining a document template for business workspaces

Note: If the category ID or the attribute ID is wrong in the

configuration, you will receive an error and the business workspace is
not created.
If category ID and attribute ID are valid in the configuration and the
attribute either returns no value or is not defined in the business
application, the group replacement function removes the group and
creates a business workspace.
• Variable: <Variable VariableName />
Specifies a defined variable. For more information, see “Defining and using
variables” on page 81.

The replacement tags are replaced with actual values when a workspace is
created from the template.

Note: The replacement is only applied when a new workspace is created.

Already existing workspaces are not affected when changing the group
replacement settings.

3.11.7 Defining and using variables

You can define variables, which you can use for group replacement. You can use
group replacement to restrict access to the created workspace or parts of it.

To define variables:

1. On the global menu, click Enterprise > Connected Workspaces.

2. Click Variables for Replacement Tags.

3. Enter the name of the variable and the value and save your changes.

4. Click Add variable to add a row. Click Remove variable to delete a row.

5. Click Update to save your settings.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 81

Chapter 3 Configuring business workspaces

3.12 Displaying related business workspaces in a

folder in Classic View
Related Business Workspaces folders are used in Classic View to display business
workspaces that are somehow related to each other. This type of folder is the only
object type where users can add relationships manually.

Example: A customer workspace can have relationships to all sales orders, which this
customer placed. Or a product workspace can have relationships to all customers who bought
this product.

Tip: Alternatively, you can use the Related Items sidebar widget to display
relationships of a business workspace. For more information, see “Related
Items sidebar widget” on page 47.

Example 3-2: Automatic relationships in Extended ECM

In the SAP system, you have defined relationships between customers and
products. In the Customer document template, you can add a Related
Business Workspaces folder for products and call this folder Products.
Every created customer business workspace then contains a specific
Products folder with links to the related products ordered by this specific

Note: Automatic relationships must be created in the business application, so

additional coding is required. For more information about the property
provider, see “Implementing a property provider in SAP” on page 31.

• Relationships are defined in the SAP system.
• The property provider for this business object provides the relationships.
• Business workspaces must exist for the related business objects.

• Relationships between business workspaces are defined in Content Server.

Manual relation- Users can manually create relationships between business workspaces. This option
ships is only available in folders of the type Related Business Workspaces in Classic View.
Manually added relationships always are in child relation to the containing business
workspace. Only manually added relationships can be removed again.

You can add a manual relationship to an early business workspace, which is a

business workspace that does not yet have a workspace reference. When the
business workspace reference is added, automatic relationships are added. They also
replace duplicate manual relationships.

82 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

3.12. Displaying related business workspaces in a folder in Classic View

• Simple Search forms must be set up. For more information, see “Configuring a
simple search” on page 257.
• The Related Business Workspaces folder is configured to display child business
workspaces. Only in this case, the Add manual Business Relationships menu
option is available.

To define a Related Business Workspaces folder:

1. In the template, click Add Item > Related Business Workspaces.

2. On the Add: Related Business Workspaces page, define what kind of
relationships you want to display (Show Parent Relationships, Show Child
3. In the Workspace Types Shown section, you can restrict, which workspace
types are shown. Click Change and select the relevant types. The user of the
business workspace can later change this setting on the Specific tab.

Tip: You can use several Related Business Workspace folders for different
types of related items.

Tip: For more information about the user experience of this search option, see
section 3.1.4 “Searching related items” in OpenText Extended ECM for SAP
Solutions - User Guide (ERLK-UGD).

To configure the search in a Related Business Workspaces folder:

1. On the Content Server Administration page, click Search Administration >

Configure Search Location Modifiers > Follow Business Workspace
2. Select the following options as desired:

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 83

Chapter 3 Configuring business workspaces

• Status
Defines if related workspaces are not followed, always followed, or, if
following workspaces is provided as a selectable option, the user then can
select the Follow Contained Workspaces option in the Search From Here
• Limit
Sets the maximum number of business workspaces that are searchable. If the
content of the Related Business Workspaces folder exceeds this number, the
business workspaces that have been recently modified are searched first.

Tip: The search configuration is part of the business workspace type

configuration. For more information, see “Creating a workspace type”
on page 40.

3.13 Configuring business object types

You configure a business object type to use in Content Server. You select the
business object type from the business application, map properties of the business
object to categories and attributes in Content Server, and select a workspace
template. You can also enable the business object type for the use of business

Note: You can use cross-application business workspaces if you want to display
similar business objects from different SAP systems in one type of workspace.
For this, you use one workspace type for several business object types. For
example, a person is stored as a business partner in SAP SRM and as a vendor
in SAP ERP, both of these roles are displayed in the same workspace type. For
more information, see “Cross-application business workspaces for multiple
business objects” on page 17.

84 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

3.13. Configuring business object types

To create a new business object type:

1. On the Content Server Administration page, click Extended ECM

Administration > Configure Business Object Types.

2. Click New Business Object Type in the right corner of the list.

3. To define the new business object type, you need at least the information
described in Section 3.13.1: “Configuring a basic business object type”
on page 86. All other configuration sections are optional at this point and can
be completed later.

4. Click Save Changes.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 85

Chapter 3 Configuring business workspaces

3.13.1 Configuring a basic business object type

General section
• Name: Enter a name for the new business object type.

Business Object Type section

• External System: Select one of the business applications that is connected to
Content Server.

Tip: You can also create the business object type without connection to
the SAP system. The Extended ECM configuration tries to link to the
SAP system.
• Business Object Type: Select an entry from the list of all business object
types that are available in the SAP system. If you are not connected to the
SAP system, you can enter the business object type manually.

You must select a business object that is not already used in a
business object type configuration. Otherwise you cannot save this
business object type.
• Workspace Type: Select the workspace type that you created for this
business object type.
You can also create a new workspace type at this point. Click New
Workspace Type and define the workspace type. For more information, see
“Creating a workspace type” on page 40.
• Default Display for Workspace Type: If you have more than one business
object type associated with the same workspace type, enable this option to
make this business object type the default type to be displayed.
Content Server Classic View
If you did not select any business object type for default display the
following occurs in a business workspace:
• No sidebar widgets will be displayed in the newly created workspace

86 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

3.13. Configuring business object types

• No Web URL will be displayed on the Properties > General tab of the
business workspace

Whenever you select the Default Display ... option for a business object type,
it will be removed from other business object types that are linked to the
same workspace type.
• Default Search for Workspace Type: Enable this option so that users use the
search of this business object type when they create a business workspace
manually in Content Server.
Whenever you select this option for a business object type, it will be removed
from other business object types that are linked to the same workspace type.
• Display URL: Specify the URL that is used to display the business object.
The URL syntax depends on the respective type and version of the business

• For workspaces references, this URL is used for the Display button on the
General tab of the business workspace's properties (function menu
Properties > General).
• For added business objects, this URL is used when the user clicks the
Display action of an added business object in the Business Objects tab.

You can use variables to define the URL. For more information, see
“Creating the display URL” on page 90.

3.13.2 Configuring the creation of business workspaces

During business workspace creation, metadata from the SAP system is stored in
category attributes in Content Server. These categories and attributes have to be
configured and mapped to the business properties of the business object.

Property Mapping section

You can map simple business properties to simple attributes, and you can map
business property groups to set attributes. For both, you can use different
mapping methods:

• Category Attribute: The business property is mapped to a category and an

attribute. You can select the category from Content Server.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 87

Chapter 3 Configuring business workspaces

• Business property: The business property is mapped to a second business

property that contains the ID of the category. In the Attribute field, you enter
the attribute name of this category. The first business property is then
mapped to this attribute. To use this method, the property provider must be
implemented accordingly.

• Map all fields of the business object type that you want to display in
Content Server. Make sure that you also map all fields that are required
for the determination of the workspace name and the location. If you
need attributes for Content Server policies that are generated from SAP
authorizations, you must map them as well. For more information, see
“Mapping authorizations in SAP” on page 96.
• You cannot assign a property group to a simple attribute.

Business Properties
• Business Property: Name of the business property as it is provided by the
property provider. If the SAP System is available, click in the field to get a list
of all business properties of this business object.
• Mapping Method and Category / Attribute
Business Property: Enter the exact name of the business property and the
attribute name.
Category Attribute: Select the category and its attribute from Content Server.

Business Property Groups

• Property Group: Name of the property group as it is provided by the
property provider
• Mapping Method and Category / Set
Business Property: Enter the exact name of the business property that
determines the relevant category, and enter the set name. Then map a
business property of the group to an attribute of the set.
Category Set: Select the category and its attribute set from Content Server.
Then enter the property name and select an attribute from the set.

Workspace Template section

When users create a business workspace from the business application, they
cannot select the document template manually. With these options, you select
the method how the document template is determined:
• Content Server Template: Select the document template that you created for
this business object type from Content Server. For more information, see
“Defining a document template for business workspaces” on page 72.
• From Business Property: The business property provides the ID of the
template. This method is used when a dynamic template determination is

88 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

3.13. Configuring business object types

needed. To use this method, the property provider must be implemented


3.13.3 Assigning an attachment declaration to document type

Note: This option is not relevant for OpenText Extended ECM for SAP

In this section you assign an attachment declaration to a document type that is

defined for a business object in the business application.

If no mapping is configured here, the document will not be migrated to Content

Server using native attachment archiving.

Assignment of Attachment Declaration Configuration to Document Type section

• Document Type: Enter the document type that is configured for the business
object in the business application. The value must match exactly with the
value entered in the business application. A document type may be specified
at most once.
• Attachment Declaration: From the list of available attachment declarations
saved in Content Server, select a declaration to map to a document type. The
same attachment declaration can be mapped to different document types.

Tip: To add attachment declarations, on the global menu, click

Enterprise > Connected Workspaces > Attachment Declarations and
click Add Item.
• Create as business attachment: This feature is currently not available.

3.13.4 Managing business object types

To manage business object types:

1. To enable or disable a business object type, click the respective icon in the
Status column.

The business object type is available to create new business workspaces,
and it can be used to add as a business object to a Content Server item (if

This business object type cannot be used to create business workspaces.
Neither can it be used to add business objects to a Content Server item,

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 89

Chapter 3 Configuring business workspaces

regardless of whether the Used for Adding Business Objects option is

selected or not.
The business object type will still be available to display previously
created business workspaces or added business objects.
The business object type cannot be used for the search or display of the
corresponding workspace type.

2. To edit an existing business object type, click the name of the business object

3. To delete a business object type, click Purge in the Actions column. You
can only purge business object types that are not referenced by a business
workspace or a business attachment.

3.14 Creating the display URL

The display URL is used in Content Server to open business object data from the
business application in a browser window. The URL syntax depends on the
respective type and version of the SAP system.

• For workspace references, this URL is used for the Display button on the
General tab of the business workspace's properties (function menu Properties >
• For added business objects, this URL is used when the user clicks the Display
action of an added business object in the Business Objects tab.

The following sections provide example display URLs for selected business

3.14.1 SAP ERP

The display URL of an SAP ERP system uses the general transaction
RM_WSC_START_BO to identify the business object type. To identify the individual
business object, you can use the BorObjectID or a category attribute.

ERP URL with BorObjectID


$BaseUrl$ Base URL defined in the configuration of the connection to

the business application. For more information, see section
19.2 “Connecting an external system” in OpenText Extended
ECM for SAP Solutions - Installation and Upgrade Guide
RM_WSC_START_BO General transaction for Extended ECM
$BorObjectId$ BORident from SAP object

90 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

3.14. Creating the display URL

$BorObjectName$ SAP object type (for example KNA1)

ERP URL with business object ID from category attribute

If you want to use a category attribute instead of the business object ID for the
identification of the business object, you can use the following display URL and
replace the variables with your values:

$attribute:catname=<Cat ID>,attrname=<attribute name>$%3bOBJTYPE

<Cat ID> Category ID which you find in the URL of the category in
Content Server: ...&objId=1234567&...
<attribute name> Name of the attribute
<set name> With attributes grouped in a set, you must also use the set
name followed by a colon and the attribute name.

$attribute:catname=<Cat ID>,attrname=<set
name>:<attribute name>$

Example: ERP display URL with category and attribute:


ERP display URL with category and attribute set:


ERP URL for DocuLink view

For SAP ERP systems, the default display URL opens the business object in SAP
GUI for HTML. You can also use an URL that opens the respective DocuLink
view. The following example opens the DocuLink view as WebDynpro.


OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 91

Chapter 3 Configuring business workspaces

3.14.2 SAP SRM

The display URL of SAP SRM is based on object-based navigation (OBN) in SAP
Enterprise Portal. OBN offers portal users an additional method of navigation,
which is role-dependent and based on business objects. The display URL uses the
OBN technical name as well as the operation. For more information about OBN, see
the SAP Help Portal (

To identify the SAP SRM business object, you can use the BorObjectID or a category
attribute. Business partners (BUS1006), however, are handled differently.

The following provides URL templates that you can fill with the values from the
table below.

SRM URL type 1 with BorObjectID

Substitute <Technical Name> and <Operation> from table Table 3-1. Business
Object ID is determined automatically.
BOTechnicalName=<Technical Name>/Operation=<Operation>&NavMode=3&

Example: For SAP SRM Purchase Order: $BaseUrl$?NavigationTarget=OBN://

For SAP SRM Confirmation: $BaseUrl$?NavigationTarget=OBN://

SRM URL type 2 with business object ID from category attribute

Substitute <Technical Name> and <Operation> from table.
Business Object ID is determined from attribute. Enter category ID and attribute.
BOTechnicalName=<Technical Name>/Operation=<Operation>&NavMode=3&
SAPSRM_BOID=$attribute:catname=<Cat ID>,attrname=<Attr Name>$&

Example: For SAP SRM Shopping Cart: $BaseUrl$?NavigationTarget=OBN://

123456 is the ID of Shopping Cart Category, and GUID the attribute name.

SRM URL type 3 for object type Business Partner

Substitute <Technical Name> (bupa) from table.
Business object type BUS1006 (business partner) can have different roles, for
example, supplier or bidder. To address the correct role, <Operation> must be
provided by a category attribute. A sample property provider /OTX/
RMSRM_CL_WSPP_BUPA, which provides the attribute OBN_OPERATION is available

92 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

3.14. Creating the display URL

in OpenText My Support (

llisapi.dll/Overview/35570575). Business Object ID is determined from attribute.
BOTechnicalName=<Technical Name>/Operation=$attribute:catname=<Cat
ID>,attrname=<Cat Name for OBN>$&NavMode=3&SAPSRM_BOID=
$attribute:catname=<Cat ID>,attrname=<<Attr Name>$&

Example: For SAP SRM Business Partner: $BaseUrl$?NavigationTarget=OBN://

$attribute:catname=123456,attrname=OBN Operation$&NavMode=3&
123456 is the ID of SAP SRM Business Partner Category, OBN Operation is the
attribute name that determines the operation. The second category attribute GUID in the
same category 123456 contains the business object ID.

Table 3-1: SRM display URL variables

SRM business URL type <Technical Name> <Operation>

object type
Contract 1 cont detail
Contract version 2 cont detail
independent (/otx/
RFX (BUS2200) 1 rfx detail
RFx version 2 rfx detail
independent (/otx/
RFX Response 1 qte display_rfx_resp
RFX Response 2 qte display_rfx_resp
version independent
Shopping Cart 2 sc detailprof
Purchase Order 1 po detail
Confirmation 1 conf detail
Invoice (BUS2205) 1 inv detail

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 93

Chapter 3 Configuring business workspaces

SRM business URL type <Technical Name> <Operation>

object type
Business Partner 3 bupa from category
(BUS1006) attribute:
me=<Cat ID>,

3.14.3 SAP CRM

For SAP CRM systems, you must modify the default URL manually:

type=<Object Type>


Substitute <Object Type> with values from the respective column in “CRM business
objects that are supported by Extended ECM” on page 217.

Only for Add parameter &crm-object-keyname=PARTNER to the URL.

Partner You can add the business role to the CRM URL to avoid the role selection screen in
case a user is assigned to several business roles. For this, you add URL parameter &
saprole=<role> where <role> is the technical name of the business role, for example
SALESPRO for Sales Professional. You can use transaction CRMC_UI_PROFILE to display
the CRM business roles.

Example URL for Opportunity




Example URL for Business Partner displayed for Business Role “Sales




94 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

3.15. Granting object and usage privileges

3.14.4 SAP Fiori

For a display in SAP Fiori, you must modify the default URL of your Fiori app. The
Track Sales Order app has the following default URL:

&sap-language=<language>#<semantic object>-<action>

name>,attrname=<attribute name>

$\')/$attribute:catname=<category name>,attrname=<attribute name>$/


Replace <semantic object>, <action><category name> and <attribute name>

with the respective values in your system.

Example URL for Track Sales Order


&sap-language=EN#<Semantic Object>-Action

SalesOrders(\'$attribute:catname=6377616,attrname=Sales Order ID

$\')/$attribute:catname=6377616,attrname=Customer ID

$/$attribute:catname=6377616,attrname=Ship To$/1000/10/00

Note: This sample URL contains line breaks for better readability.

For more information, see “Integrating Extended ECM for SAP Solutions into
SAP Fiori apps“ on page 201.

3.15 Granting object and usage privileges

The following Content Server privileges are related to Connected Workspaces and
Extended ECM:
• Move Business Workspaces: Only users with this privilege can move a business
workspace to a different folder.
• Access Business Workspaces (Mandatory for Licensing): This privilege is
necessary to access a business workspace. It is also the basis for license
measurement. For more information, see “Performing license measurement“
on page 273.
• Change Reference: This privilege applies to early created business workspaces
that are later connected with a business object. Only users with this privilege can
later change the reference to the business object.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 95

Chapter 3 Configuring business workspaces

• Add/Edit/Remove Business Objects: This privilege allows users to add business

objects to Content Server items.
• Display Business Objects: This privilege allows users to display the data of a
business object in the business application.

To administer the privileges:

1. On the Content Server Administration page, click System Administration >

Administer Object and Usage Privileges.

2. Find the Connected Workspaces Operation usage types and configure them
according to your requirements.

For more information about permissions and privileges in Content Server, see
section 5.3 “Permissions on Content Server” in OpenText Extended ECM for SAP
Solutions - User Management and Access Control Scenarios (ERLK-CUM).

3.16 Mapping authorizations in SAP

Authorization object fields within SAP are mapped to category attributes of the
Content Server for specific business objects. This mapping is required if you want to
use Content Server policies generated from SAP authorizations.

The Content Server category attributes used for policies must be defined in
the metadata mapping configuration.

For information about the complete configuration, see section 8 “Using SAP
authorizations to restrict workspace access (optional)” in OpenText Extended ECM for
SAP Solutions - User Management and Access Control Scenarios (ERLK-CUM).

To define a workspace authorization mapping:

1. In the IMG, navigate to the Extended ECM > Maintain Business Object
Declarations activity and click Execute.

2. Select a business object declaration from the list and double-click Workspace

3. Click New Entries and provide the following information:

• Object Type: SAP business object type related to the workspace.

• Object: Authorization object in SAP which is related to the SAP business

object type.

4. Select the entry from the list of available authorizations and double-click Field

96 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

3.16. Mapping authorizations in SAP

5. Enter or modify the following parameters:

Object Type
SAP business object type related to the workspace.

Authorization object in SAP which is related to the SAP business object

Field name
Field name of authorization object in SAP which is related to the SAP
business object type.

Category unique name

Unique name configured for the Content Server category. For more
information about configuring unique names, see “Configuring unique
names for Content Server items” on page 147.

Note: If you are migrating from an existing configuration, you can

display the category ID that was used for the configuration in older
released. To show the Category ID column, enter &SHOW_LEGACY_ON in
the transaction field and press ENTER. To switch to the current view
again, enter &SHOW_LEGACY_OFF and press ENTER.

CS category attribute
Attribute name of the Content Server category.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 97

Chapter 3 Configuring business workspaces

3.17 Customizing the search help in SAP

Users use the Search help dialog to find a business object either when they create a
business workspace in Content Server, or when they add a business object as
workspace reference to a business workspace that you created earlier, or when they
add a business object to a Content Server item.

You define the search help in the business object declaration. For more information,
see “Creating a business object declaration in SAP” on page 32.

Optionally, you can further customize the search help settings:

• Provide input help (F4 help)
• Map the business object key

3.17.1 Providing input help for search help fields

You can add additional input help (F4 help) for fields of the search help. If there are
no settings for a search help parameter then a default input help will be determined
if possible. This setting is only necessary if a default input help cannot be
determined or if you want to provide a different input help.

To configure F4 support for the search help:

Note: You can only use Elementary Search help. Collective search help is not

1. In the IMG, navigate to the Extended ECM > Maintain Business Object
Declarations activity and click Execute.
2. Select a business object declaration from the available list; then double-click
Search Help F4 Support in the Dialog Structure area.
3. Enter or modify the following parameters:

Search Help Name

Name of the search help.
Parameter name of a search help.
Input help type
Specify the input help type to be used. If there are no settings for a search
help parameter, the input help will be a listbox for domains with fixed
values and a search help for check tables and ABAP search helps.
Search Help Name
Set an elementary ABAP search help for the search help parameter.
If this setting is left empty, the default search help will be read from the
DDIC information of the search help parameter. This setting is only
necessary if a collective search help is attached to the search help parameter

98 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

3.17. Customizing the search help in SAP

in the DDIC. In this case a default elementary search help cannot be

determined and must be set explicitly.

Search help key parameter

This setting is only necessary if the name of the key parameter of the search
help for the search help parameter is different from the search help

Search help text parameter

This setting is only necessary if a listbox input help is used and a different
parameter should be used as text. Specifies the name of the parameter of the
search help for the search help parameter that should be used as text in a
listbox input help. If this setting is left empty, the first parameter that is not
the key will be used as text by default.

Exact Search
If active, the search looks for values that exactly equal the search criteria
(value = search criteria). If not active, the search will look for values that
contain the search criteria (search for values with pattern
*search criteria*) .

3.17.2 Mapping the business object keys for a search help

A mapping of the business object key is only necessary if the name of a key field of a
business object does not correspond with a name of a parameter of the assigned
search help or if the filling of a key field must be deactivated. Map the business
object key field to the search help parameter that contains the key.

To map business object keys for a search help:

1. In the IMG, navigate to the Extended ECM > Business Object Declarations
activity, select a business object declaration from the available list and double-
click Search Help Business Object Key.

2. Enter or modify the following parameters:

Object Type
Business object that is used as workspace reference or as a business object
that is added to a Content Server item.

Key field
Key field of the business object.

Parameter of the search help.

Key inactive
If active, the key field of business object will not be filled. This setting is
used in cases where a key of a business object is composed of several key
fields, but not all fields should be filled.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 99

Chapter 3 Configuring business workspaces

For example, the business object WBS Element (BUS2054) has a key with two
key fields; but only one is actually used by SAP, for example when storing a
document with ArchiveLink.
To be consistent with SAP, deactivate the key field that is not used by
setting this parameter.

3.18 Customizing the automatic creation or update of

business workspaces in SAP
You can customize Extended ECM for SAP Solutions to automatically create or
update a business workspace whenever a certain event takes place.

Example: You decided to create a business workspace for each one of your customers.
Instead of creating the workspace manually when you created a new customer, you customize
Extended ECM for SAP Solutions to automatically create a business workspace for each new

For this, you use the SAP event CREATED that triggers the creation of a workspace.

In addition to the steps you take to enable manual workspace creation, you must
customize the events that trigger the automatic creation.

Extended ECM for SAP Solutions provides the following function modules for the
automatic update and creation of workspaces. To use the asynchronous queuing,
use the respective function module that end with _ASYNC or _ASY. For more
information, see “Creating business workspaces and declaring document
asynchronously” on page 101.

• /OTX/RM_WSC_UPD or /OTX/RM_WSC_UPD_ASYNC function module. This function

module updates an existing workspace with the CHANGED event. With a CREATE
event and all other events, the function module either updates the workspace or
creates a new workspace if it does not yet exist.
module. This function module updates an already existing workspace with any
event. It does not create a workspace.
module. You can use this function module, if a business object does not have the
relevant events.
function module. This function module updates an already existing workspace
that does not have the relevant events. It does not create a workspace.
For more information, see “SAP: Using change documents for the automatic
creation and updates when events are missing” on page 131.
• /OTX/RMSRM_CL_EVT_UPD method for SAP SRM. This method creates and
updates workspaces in SAP SRM.

100 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

3.19. Creating business workspaces and declaring document asynchronously

For more information about the Maintain Receiver Module Events IMG activity,
see “SAP: Linking events to receiver type function modules” on page 124.

3.19 Creating business workspaces and declaring

document asynchronously
The asynchronous queue for the creation of business workspaces and document
declaration helps you increase system speed and overcome occasional consistency

Use case: Asynchronous creation of business workspaces

With the asynchronous queue in place, creation and update requests for
business workspaces are queued for asynchronous processing. Usually, the
asynchronous process is started by a background job. The process then
processes the queue entries and creates or updates business workspaces. If an
operation fails, the entry stays in queue with a proper hint until the failure
source is remedied.

Use case: Asynchronous creation of business workspace plus related document

Some transactions create a business object and a document at the same time, for
example the ME21N transaction to create a purchase order. Extended ECM for
SAP Solutions is configured to store the document in the corresponding
business workspace. If no workspace exits, it creates a business workspace for
the business object. Technically, Extended ECM for SAP Solutions triggers the
creation of the business workspace, and very soon after that triggers the
declaration of the business document in that business workspace. If the business
workspace is not created at this time, for example because of a server overload,
an error occurs. The asynchronous queue ranks creation requests to ensure that
first the business workspace is created, and afterwards the business document
can be declared in this business workspace.
Both document declarations running in batch processes and document
declarations running in workflow requests (for example a bulk declaration
report running in background) run in the asynchronous queue.

Parallel You can use parallel processing for the asynchronous queue. In order to increase
processing speed, you can define that several processes run in parallel for a defined number of
items. You can define the settings for the program when you schedule the
background job.

Monitoring You can monitor the queue, check errors and re-start a queued item manually. You
can also control the queuing process by locking writing to or reading from the
queuing database table or locking the process itself. For more information, see
“Setting queue properties” on page 103.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 101

Chapter 3 Configuring business workspaces

Actor Enqueue Queue Queue

Event or user
Action Processor

1. Enqueue item

2. Store items
in queue

3. Trigger queue processing

4. Read items
from queue

5. Create business

mechanisms in
1. Lock queue filling 2. Lock queue reading 3. Lock automatic queue

Figure 3-5: Asynchronous queuing for business workspaces

API functions The Extended ECM for SAP Solutions contains function modules for Create or
and function Update events to be processed either synchronously or asynchronously. For
workspace creation that is not event based, you can use the new API methods. The
API is described in the SDK documentation, which you find in OpenText My
Support (

Note: OpenText recommends that you first analyze the rate of the workspace
creation and update operations and the time one operation consumes. In most
cases, the manual queue processing can deliver the best system response time
and resource consumption rate. So according to the results of the analysis
schedule the queue processing manually to run in periodically.

102 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

3.19. Creating business workspaces and declaring document asynchronously

3.19.1 Setting up asynchronous queueing for event based

Extended ECM for SAP Solutions provides function modules that you can use to
trigger the creation or update of business workspaces or business documents by an
event. To use the asynchronous queue, you must use the dedicated function
modules that contain _ASYNC or _ASY in their name.

If you want to process manual workspace creation via the asynchronous queue, you
must address the BOR API. For more information, see the SDK documentation,
which you find in OpenText My Support (

To use the asynchronous queue for event based creation of business


1. In the IMG, navigate to the Extended ECM > Maintain Receiver Module
Events activity and click Execute.

2. Configure eventing with a function module that is designed for the

asynchronous queue. For more information, see “SAP: Linking events to
receiver type function modules” on page 124.

Authorizations for the background user (for example WF-BATCH)

• For the /OTX/RM object, for the /OTX/RMACT field, set the value to 03.
• For the J_6NRL_WSC authorization object, for the /OTX/RMWAC field, set the value
to 01.

3.19.2 Setting queue properties

To maintain the queue properties:

1. In the IMG, navigate to the Extended ECM > Maintain Declaration Queue
activity and click Execute.

2. Set the following options according to your requirements:

• Lock queue filling: No more items can be written to the queue.

• Lock queue reading: The queue processing background process is
prevented from reading the queue and thus, it cannot create business
workspaces. This attribute is checked regularly by a running background
process and if set to true the process quits.

3. Define the settings of the queue processing program /OTX/


a. Start the SE38 transaction.

b. As program, enter /OTX/RM_WSC_Q_CONSUMER_BGJOB.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 103

Chapter 3 Configuring business workspaces

c. Click Execute.
d. Define the settings:

Number of items to process

Define the number of items to process in total. If the parameter is
empty the program runs as long as there are items to process.

Number of items to fetch

Define the number of items that are collected for processing at the same
time. Default is 150. Ideally, it is at least the multiplication of the
number of processes and the number of items per process. If there are
more items in the queue than the defined number, they are collected in
a new selection.

Number of items per process

Define the number of items that are processed by each process at the
same time. Default is 50.

Use old processing (deprecated)

Only select if you do not want to use the new processing logic. If you
select this check box, all other settings are ignored and parallel
processing is not possible.

Server group
You can define which server group should process the queue. For more
information about parallel processing with asynchronous RFC, see the
SAP documentation about parallel processing with asynchronous RFC
(for example at

Number of parallel processes

Define the number of processes that run in parallel. Default is 3. If you
want to use parallelization, enter at least 2.
e. Save your entries. These settings are used when the program is executed.
4. Use the SAP background job scheduler (transaction SM36) to plan the queue
processing program /OTX/RM_WSC_Q_CONSUMER_BGJOB.
Select a user with which the business workspaces will be created. This user
must have the authorizations defined in “Setting up asynchronous queueing for
event based creation” on page 103 and all necessary permissions in Content
Server. This user is also the owner of the business workspaces in Content

104 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

3.19. Creating business workspaces and declaring document asynchronously

3.19.3 Monitoring the asynchronous queue

You can view items in the asynchronous queue that failed to process. You can enable
the re-processing of the failed items.

To monitor the queue:

1. Run the /OTX/RM_WSC_Q transaction.

2. Enter your selection criteria as required.

In the Max. Nr. of Displayed Rows field, enter the number of rows you want to
see. You can later browse to the other rows.

3. Click Execute to start the report.

4. The report displays the content of the queue. It also summarizes the settings
you made in the queue properties.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 105

Chapter 3 Configuring business workspaces

The database table contains the following information:

• Priority: While adding new items, the process can also define the processing
priority and with that differentiate the workspace creation scenarios.
• SLG Reference: Click to view a more detailed entry in the SAP application
• Created by: Creator of the item
• Created on: Creation date and time in the format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.
• Activity: Activity, for example Create a workspace. For information about
the value, press F4.
• Obj. Type: Business object type
• Key: Business object key
• Cont. Rep., Doc ID, Doc.type StrgeDat, Date, Reserver, Flag: Only relevant
for document declaration items.

5. To retry the creation of business workspaces for queued items, select one or
more rows, then click Re-process selected items.

6. To view further rows, click Next items.

106 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

3.20. Enabling cross-application business workspaces for multiple business objects

3.20 Enabling cross-application business workspaces

for multiple business objects
A single business workspace can represent multiple, by business processes related
business objects from different SAP systems, for example the following:
• Customer that is used in SAP ERP and SAP CRM.
• Vendor that is used in SAP ERP and SAP SRM

Any user who has access to one of the business objects in one of the SAP system also
has access to the workspace, and thereby to the information provided by both

To enable the creation of cross-application workspaces for multiple business objects

from different SAP systems, follow the procedures to customize business
workspaces. In addition, take into consideration the following:
• Property providers
At least one property provider must contain information about the other related
business object type. For more information about creating a property provider,
see the SDK in OpenText My Support (
• Template and categories
Create a template and categories with attributes. You can either create a category
that fits both business object types or create separate categories for the two
business object types.
• Workspace types
You must use the same workspace type for both business object types.
• Business object types
Create business object types for each of the business object. The business object
types must have the same document template and the same workspace type.
Also define, which of the business object types should be the default for
displaying the business object in the SAP system and for displaying the search
For the field mapping, there are two options:
• Map the fields of the business object type to the same category attributes on
Content Server.
If information changed for a business object in the SAP systems then the
business workspace is updated. If two business objects map their fields to the
same attribute on Content Server, the last update wins.
• Map the fields of the business objects to attributes of different categories on
Content Server. This will lead to the attributes being displayed on different
tabs of the workspace.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 107

Chapter 3 Configuring business workspaces

• Access to workspaces and to functions related to the SAP system

If access to the business workspace is based on policies take into consideration
the following: If users have access to at least one of the business objects in one of
the SAP systems, and the policies are created accordingly, the users will have
access to the workspace on Content Server.
For displaying the search help, the SAP user that you configured in the Content
Server administration page Configure Connections to External Systems must
have the corresponding authorization in the SAP system that is defined as
default (Default Search for Workspace Type in the business object type
definition on Content Server). For more information, see section 19.2
“Connecting an external system” in OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions -
Installation and Upgrade Guide (ERLK-IGD).
• For some SAP versions, the SAP logon ticket seems to contain the target system
and client, so there might be restrictions concerning the use of cross-application
business workspaces together with SAP logon tickets.

Data update policy with several business objects in one workspace

If you created a configuration in which more than one business object is related to
one common business workspace, the metadata propagation from the business
applications is as follows:

1. If there is metadata unique to a particular business object and it is correctly

configured for propagation into the business workspace, it will be displayed as

2. If there is metadata that is common to more than one business object and this
metadata is correctly configured for each business object for propagation into the
business workspace, then the resulting value will reflect the last business object
which updated the common metadata.
“Last one to update common metadata wins!”

3.21 Enabling composite business workspaces

The composite business workspace scenario mainly depends on the property
provider. The property provider must be programmed to identify composite parent
and child relationships.

Example: The following BOR objects are examples for a composite business workspace
scenario in SAP Plant Maintenance:

• Parent: Maintenance Order (BUS2007)

Child: Maintenance Order Operation (AFVC_PM)
• Parent: Planned maintenance task list (BUS1019)
Child: Operations (custom business object /OTX/RMTLO is part of the SAP Extended ECM
Solution Accelerator for SAP PM)

108 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

3.21. Enabling composite business workspaces

Tip: A sample property provider for SAP ERP tasklists and operations is part
of the SAP Extended ECM Solution Accelerator for SAP PM (https://

The composite business workspace scenario has the following characteristics:

Business object declaration

• You need a business object declaration for both the parent and the child
business object.

For more information, see “Configuring business object types” on page 84.

Workspace type
You only need to specify the Workspace Location for the workspace type for the
topmost parent business object. For a child business object, the location is always
the business workspace of the parent, regardless what you specify in the
workspace type.

Child business workspaces cannot have their own policies; they inherit policies
from their parent.

SAP - When you create a business workspace for a parent business object
automatically or manually, business workspaces for all according child business
objects are created.
Content Server - When you create a business workspaces for a parent business
object, no business workspaces for child business objects are created.

When you delete a parent business workspace, all child business workspaces are
deleted, too.

Search behavior
Documents that are indexed with the metadata of their business workspace,
inherit also the metadata of all parent business workspaces.
For more information, see “Indexing documents and other items with business
workspace attributes” on page 254.

Sidebar widgets
• Attributes sidebar widget displays the attributes of the current business
• Recent Changes sidebar widget displays all recently added or changed
documents in the current and all child business workspaces.
• Related Items sidebar widget displays the relationships of the current
business workspace.
• Work Items sidebar widget displays your work items.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 109

Chapter 3 Configuring business workspaces

• Workspace Reference sidebar widget displays the workspace reference of

the current business workplace.

3.22 Enabling OpenText Recycle Bin for business

You can make use of the Content Server Recycle Bin module for business
workspaces. When users delete a business workspace, the workspace reference is
removed and the business workspace is moved to the Recycle Bin. The business
workspace is no longer connected to a business object, and the original business
object can be used for another business workspace. In addition, all relationships
from or to this business workspace are removed.

When the business workspace is restored from the Recycle Bin, it is not re-connected
to the original business object. Users must manually assign a business object as
workspace reference again.

Prerequisite OpenText Recycle Bin must be installed on Content Server.

To enable the recycle bin for business workspaces:

1. On the Content Server Administration page, click Recycle Bin > Configure
Recycle Bin.
2. Select Recycle Object for business workspaces, and cases and binders, if
3. Set the Access Restricted To option to Original Permissions.

3.23 Customizing container behavior of business

workspace items
The business workspace navigation behavior inside the Business Content window
discerns between container objects that contain child items and non-container objects
that do not contain any child items.
The customizing in Content Server and the Enterprise Library services determine,
whether a certain document node is recognized as a container object or not.

You can redefine this behavior in the configuration.

To customize container behavior:

1. In the OpenText Administration Client navigate to Enterprise Library Services

> Configuration.
2. You can add a comma-separated list of subtype values to the following

• elservice.knownContainerTypes
• elservice.knownNonContainerTypes

110 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

3.24. Checking the appearance of the SAP integration

Example: The Enterprise Library Service parameter elservice.

knownContainerTypes contains the following default list of subtype values: 31066,
That means that, for example, the node type TaskList with subtype = 204 will be
treated as a container object.

For more details, see section 3 “Configuration” in OpenText Runtime and Core
Services - Administration Guide (ELCS-AGD) and OpenText Runtime and Core
Services - Configuration Parameters (ELCS-RCP).

3.24 Checking the appearance of the SAP integration

If you want to integrate the Extended ECM for SAP Solutions functionality in SAP
CRM or SAP SRM, you can adjust the Content Server appearance and use an SAP
based skin. As a standard, these settings are made automatically during the
installation of the Content Server SAP Base module.

New: You can now define a unique name for a Content Server appearance, to
make the theme mapping transportable.

After installation, unique names for standard SAP themes already exist. You can edit
these unique names and their assignment. Changes take effect immediately. The
following SAP themes are already configured: content_server, default,
sap_tradeshow, sap_tradeshow_plus. Unique names for appearances must use the
prefix theme_ and they are always expected in lower case, even if SAP sends the
parameter in upper case. For more information, see “Configuring unique names for
Content Server items” on page 147.

To check the appearance integration:

1. In Content Server, go to the Administration page and select Appearances

Administration > Open the Appearances Volume.

2. Select the recommended appearance:

3. Check if the following settings are present according to Figure 3-6 or Figure 3-7.

• Current Status: Enabled

• Header section

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 111

Chapter 3 Configuring business workspaces

• Content Server Components section

• Workspace section

Figure 3-6: Appearance settings for SAP CRM

Header script for EXTENDED_ECM_CRM_DEFAULT -

<SCRIPT ID="crm_default" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>

<LINK ID="crm_default_css" REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css"/></
<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
document.getElementById("crm_default").src = supportPath +
document.getElementById("crm_default_css").href = supportPath +
var trunc_type = '_848';

112 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

3.24. Checking the appearance of the SAP integration

#pw_SideBarWrapper {display: none;}

Figure 3-7: Appearance settings for SAP SRM

<SCRIPT ID="srm_sap_tradeshow" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>
<LINK ID="srm_sap_tradeshow_css" REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/
<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
document.getElementById("srm_sap_tradeshow").src = supportPath +
document.getElementById("srm_sap_tradeshow_css").href =
supportPath + 'otsapxecm/srm_sap_tradeshow/
var trunc_type = '_848';

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 113

Chapter 3 Configuring business workspaces

These settings will turn off certain standard Content Server UI components such
as header and footer; an additional JavaScript will be added to the appearance
to manipulate the breadcrumb navigation.

3.25 Enabling the link to Smart View in Content

You can provide a menu option in the Tools menu, with which users can change
from Content Server Classic View to Smart View.

To enable the Smart View link:

1. On the Content Server Administration page, click Server Configuration >

Configure Presentation > Configure Container Options.

2. In the Navigation section, select Enable Smart View Link.

114 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

Chapter 4
Configuring business attachments

Business attachments are links between an item in Content Server and a business
• From the SAP perspective, you open your business object; then you add a
Content Server item as a business attachment. Business attachments are displayed
in the Business Content window. Typically, this a document, a folder or an URL.
• From the Content Server perspective, you add a business object to the Content
Server item.
A business object that is added to a Content Server item is displayed in the
Business Objects tab of that item. They are also indicated by the Business
Objects icon.

Business attachments can be created either manually or automatically.

Figure 4-1: Business attachments

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 115

Chapter 4 Configuring business attachments

4.1 Customizing steps

The following steps in this order are required to configure business attachments.

1. SAP Property Provider - Write your own property provider or use the default
property provider which is part of Extended ECM for SAP Solutions.
For more information, see “Implementing a property provider in SAP”
on page 31.
2. Content Server - Enable a business object type so that it can be used as business
For more information, see “Configuring the adding of business objects to
Content Server items” on page 116.
3. Content Server - Select which Content Server object types can be used for
business attachments, typically folders or documents.
For more information, see “Content Server: Selecting objects types to add
business objects to” on page 119.
4. Optional Content Server - Configure the automatic adding of business objects.
For more information, see “Content Server: Configuring the automatic adding
of business objects” on page 118.
5. Optional For an automatic update of the attributes when business objects are
changed: In the SAP system (IMG), maintain the receiver modules. For more
information, see “SAP: Linking events to receiver type function modules”
on page 124.

4.2 Configuring the adding of business objects to

Content Server items
In the Adding of Business Objects section, you configure if this business object type
can be added as a business object to a Content Server item.

Adding of Business Objects section

• Can be Added as Business Object: Select this option so that this business
object type can be added as a business object to a Content Server item.

116 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

4.2. Configuring the adding of business objects to Content Server items

• Options: Select the following options according to your requirements.

• Enable Meta Data Mapping from the External System to OpenText

Content Server: This enables automatic mapping of business object
metadata to the corresponding Content Server categories during the
adding of a business object. The property mapping of the business object
is used. For more information, see “Configuring the creation of business
workspaces” on page 87.

Note: This function requires a prior implementation of the SAP

property provider.

If metadata mapping is configured for added business objects,
you can only create one business attachment per workspace type
for a business object.
• Enable Callback Interface Before Adding Business Objects: Optional
execution of additional Business Add-Ins (BAdIs), which enhance the
SAP functions; these are executed prior to the process of adding a
business object.
• Enable Callback Interface Before Removing Business Objects: Optional
execution of additional Business Add-Ins (BAdIs), which enhance the
SAP functions; these are executed prior to the process of removing a
business object.

The BAdI is /OTX/RM_DOL_REF_LL in package /OTX/RM_DOL. For more

information, see section SAP BAdIs in the SDK documentation, which you
find in OpenText My Support (
• Business Object Name Pattern: Enter a pattern that will be used for the
business object name when it is added to a Content Server item. You can use
business properties and plain text, for example Document: [OBJTYPE]
[DESCRIPT] ([OBJKEY]). You can also use modifiers for the name pattern.
For more information, see “Using patterns for location path and workspace
name” on page 53.

Automatic Adding of Business Objects section

The options in the Automatic Adding of Business Objects section are only
relevant if you want a configuration that adds business object automatically to
Content Server items. For more information, see “Content Server: Configuring
the automatic adding of business objects” on page 118.

• Trigger Automatic Creation by: Specify a category attribute; this attribute

must be of the checkbox type (Boolean).
A business object is added automatically when the user opens the Category
properties tab of the document and enables the checkbox that is specified in
the Attribute field.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 117

Chapter 4 Configuring business attachments

• Retrieve Business Object Key from. Specify the attribute that contains the
key of the business object.

Note: The available parameter values are the key fields of the selected
business object type.

4.3 Content Server: Configuring the automatic

adding of business objects
You can configure that business objects are added automatically to a Content Server
item, triggered by an event, for example, when a user sets a certain attribute.

To enable automatic adding of business objects:

1. Open the business object type that you want to use to automatically add
business object to Content Server items.

2. Add a category to the business object type that contains a boolean attribute
(“true” or “false”) which you can use as a trigger.

3. For the business object type, add the following information:

• Trigger Automatic Creation by: Specify a category attribute; this attribute

must be of the checkbox type (Boolean).
A business object is added automatically when the user opens the Category
properties tab of the document and enables the checkbox that is specified in
the Attribute field.
• Retrieve Business Object Key from. Specify the attribute that contains the
key of the business object.

Note: The available parameter values are the key fields of the selected
business object type.

For more information about the automatic handling, see “Configuring eventing for
business workspaces and business attachments“ on page 123.

118 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

4.4. Content Server: Selecting objects types to add business objects to

4.4 Content Server: Selecting objects types to add

business objects to
You can select to which Content Server object type you can add a business object. All
object types that are available in your Content Server installation are listed.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 119

Chapter 4 Configuring business attachments

To select the Content Server objects:

1. On the Content Server Administration page, click Extended ECM > Configure
Content Server Objects.

2. Select all object types where users may add a business object or where a
business object can automatically be added, for example, folders, documents,
and workspaces.

Tip: You must select the object URL if you want users to view shortcuts in
the Business Objects tab of the business workspace. For more
information, see section 3.5 “Adding a shortcut to a Content Server item
using a Simple Search” in OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions - User
Guide (ERLK-UGD).

3. Click Update.

4.5 Content Server: Granting object and usage

The following Content Server privileges are related to business attachments:
• Add/Edit/Remove Business Objects
Only users with this privilege can add business objects as a link to a Content
Server item, edit the link or remove it.
• Display Business Objects
This restriction applies only to SAP business objects that are linked by adding
them to a Content Server item. It does not restrict the access to an SAP business
object from the corresponding business workspace.

To administer the privileges:

1. On the Content Server Administration page, click System Administration >

Administer Object and Usage Privileges.

2. Set the object and usage privileges as required.

For more information about permissions and privileges on Content Server, see
section 5.3 “Permissions on Content Server” in OpenText Extended ECM for SAP
Solutions - User Management and Access Control Scenarios (ERLK-CUM).

120 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

4.6. Automatically updating business attachments

4.6 Automatically updating business attachments

Extended ECM for SAP Solutions provides the following function modules for the
automatic update of business attachments:
• /OTX/RM_WSC_UPD_BUS_REFS function module for business objects that have
been added to Content Server item.
• /OTX/RM_WSC_UPD_BUS_REFS_SUPER function module. You can use this function
module if a business object does not have the relevant events.
For more information, see “SAP: Using change documents for the automatic
creation and updates when events are missing” on page 131.

For more information, see “SAP: Linking events to receiver type function modules”
on page 124.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 121

Chapter 5

Configuring eventing for business workspaces and

business attachments

You can customize the system so that whenever a business object is changed or
created, an action is triggered in Content Server. For example, when a business
object is created, a business workspace is created. Or when metadata is changed, this
change is transferred to the Content Server.

Typically, this is based on CREATED and CHANGED events which are triggered by
the business object. However, if a business object does not provide events, you can
use change documents as an alternative method. This chapter explains how to find
out which method is appropriate and how you customize it.

5.1 Preparing an eventing implementation

After you have identified the business object that should trigger the automatic
creation or update of a business workspace or a business attachment, you need to
find out which method to use for eventing:

• Events that are provided by the business object

• Change documents when events are missing

The following describes only roughly how to find eventing methods for a
business object type. For a detailed description, see the SAP NetWeaver help

To find out which eventing method the business object type requires:

1. Find out if your business object type provides the CREATE and CHANGE

a. Run transaction SWO1.

b. Enter the name of the business object and click Display.

c. Check if the business objects provides the required events. If so, you can
maintain the events in the IMG for Extended ECM for SAP Solutions. For
more information, see “SAP: Linking events to receiver type function
modules” on page 124.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 123

Chapter 5 Configuring eventing for business workspaces and business attachments

2. If the business object type does not provide events, check which change
documents it writes that you can use to trigger events:

a. Run transaction SE16 to view table TCDOB which maintains the change

b. In this table, the TABNAME is the name of the table, and the OBJECT is
the name of the change document object. For example, the business object
type KNA1 (Business Partner) writes a change document DEBI.

For more information, see “SAP: Using change documents for the automatic
creation and updates when events are missing” on page 131.

5.2 SAP: Linking events to receiver type function

When a business object is created or changed, an event is created for this object, for
example a CREATED event or a CHANGED event. You can use this event to create or
update the corresponding Content Server item. Typically these items include
business workspaces and added business objects.

You define entries for every relevant business object event and link them to the
respective function modules.

Tip: For composite workspaces, you might need a custom function module
with additional logic.

To use the asynchronous method via queuing, use the respective function module
that end with _ASYNC or _ASY. For more information, see “Creating business
workspaces and declaring document asynchronously” on page 101.

124 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

5.2. SAP: Linking events to receiver type function modules

The SAP Workflow System must be set up and running correctly for events
to be created (SWU3 transaction). For more information, see the SAP

Table 5-1: Receiver type function modules and events for business

Function Receiver function module Event

For (asynchronous) /OTX/RM_WSC_UPD Every relevant event,
creation and update of /OTX/RM_WSC_UPD_ASYNC for example CHANGED,
business workspaces. CREATED,
This function modules ASSETTOBECREATED
update an existing
workspace with the
CHANGED event. With a
CREATED event and all
other events, the
function module either
updates the workspace
or creates a new
workspace if it does
not exist yet.
For (asynchronous) /OTX/RM_WSC_UPD_EXISTING Every relevant event,
update of existing /OTX/RM_WSC_UPD_EXISTING_ASYNC for example CHANGED
business workspaces
This function module
updates an already
existing workspace
with any event. It does
not create new
creation of business /OTX/RM_WSC_UPD_SUPER_ASYNC
workspaces if the
business object does not
have the relevant
For more information,
see “SAP: Using
change documents for
the automatic creation
and updates when
events are missing”
on page 131.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 125

Chapter 5 Configuring eventing for business workspaces and business attachments

Function Receiver function module Event

For (asynchronous) /OTX/RM_WSC_UPD_SUPERTYPE_EXST Every relevant event,
update of existing /OTX/RM_WSC_UPD_SUPER_EXST_ASY for example CHANGED
business workspaces if
the business object does
not have the relevant
This function module
updates an already
existing workspace
that does not have the
relevant events. It does
not create a workspace.

For more information,

see “SAP: Using
change documents for
the automatic creation
and updates when
events are missing”
on page 131.

Table 5-2: Receiver type function modules and events for added business

Function Receiver function module Event

For added business /OTX/WSC_UPD_BUS_REFS Every relevant event,
objects if the according for example CHANGED,
business object has the CREATED,
relevant events. ASSETTOBECREATED
objects if the business
object does not have the
relevant events. For
more information, see
“SAP: Using change
documents for the
automatic creation and
updates when events
are missing”
on page 131.

To link events to a receiver function module:

1. In the IMG, navigate to the Extended ECM > Maintain Receiver Module
Events activity and click Execute.

2. Click New Entries.

126 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

5.2. SAP: Linking events to receiver type function modules

3. It depends on the object type if you define settings for a BOR Object Type or a
ABAP Class.

For BOR object types

• Object Category: BOR Object Type

• Object Type: Name of the object type, e.g. EQUI. For print lists, enter

• Event: Event of the SAP business object type, for example CHANGED,
CREATED, ASSETTOBECREATED. The name depends on the object type.

• For automatic creation and update of automatically created

workspaces, create entries for every relevant event, for example
object type.

• For update of manually created workspaces and for update of added

business objects, create entries for every CHANGED event. The names
depend on the object type.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 127

Chapter 5 Configuring eventing for business workspaces and business attachments

• Receiver Type: Enter a name that identifies this entry. If you are using
WSC_UPD_BUS_REFS_SUPER function module, enter the name of the
supertype of the derived business object, for example KNA1. For more
information, see “SAP: Using change documents for the automatic
creation and updates when events are missing” on page 131.
• Receiver Call: Select Function Module.
• Receiver Function Module: Receiver function module for the required
function, see “Receiver type function modules and events for business
workspaces ” on page 125 or “Receiver type function modules and
events for added business objects” on page 126.
• Check Function Module: Leave empty.
• Receiver Type Function Module: Leave empty.
• Destination of Receiver: Enter NONE to use the context of the user who
runs the functions. If you leave this field empty, the WF-BATCH user is
used. It must exist in your system.
• Event delivery: Select Using tRFC (Default).
• Linkage activated: Select this option to enable the linkage.

For ABAP classes

• Object Category: ABAP Class

• Object Type: Name of the object type, for example /SAPSRM/

• Event: Event of the SAP business object type, for example

READY_FOR_WORKFLOW. The names depend on the object type.

• Receiver Type: Enter a name that identifies this entry.

• Receiver Call: Enter Method.
• Class Name: Class for the required function. Enter /OTX/

• Check Function Module: Leave empty.

• Receiver Type Function Module: Leave empty.
• Destination of Receiver: Enter NONE to use the context of the user who
runs the functions. If you leave this field empty, the WF-BATCH user is
used. It must exist in your system.
• Event delivery: Select Using tRFC (Default).

4. Select Linkage activated to enable the linkage.

5. Click Save.

6. Repeat the procedure for every relevant business object type.

128 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

5.2. SAP: Linking events to receiver type function modules

For examples of possible entries for the different scenarios, see “Configuration
examples for business workspace and business object updates” on page 129.

Configuration examples for business workspace and business

object updates
Example 5-1: Update of business workspaces: receiver function
module for CHANGED event of the EQUI business object

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 129

Chapter 5 Configuring eventing for business workspaces and business attachments

Example 5-2: Update of business objects: receiver function module for

CHANGED event of the EQUI business object

130 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

5.3. SAP: Using change documents for the automatic creation and updates when events are

Example 5-3: Creation and update of business workspaces for

purchase orders in an SAP SRM system

5.3 SAP: Using change documents for the automatic

creation and updates when events are missing
There are business objects that do not have the CREATE and CHANGE events, which are
required to use the /OTX/RM_WSC_UPD and /OTX/RM_WSC_UPD_BUS_REFS function
modules. For these business objects, it might be an option to use change documents
to trigger automatic creation or updates.

Tip: To find out if a business object writes the documents, see “Preparing an
eventing implementation” on page 123.

In this case, use one the following function modules:

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 131

Chapter 5 Configuring eventing for business workspaces and business attachments

• /OTX/RM_WSC_UPD_SUPERTYPE for the automatic update and creation of

workspaces. Use /OTX/RM_WSC_UPD_SUPER_ASYNC for asynchronous queue
• /OTX/RM_WSC_UPD_SUPERTYPE_EXST for the automatic update of an already
existing workspace. It does not create a workspace. Use /OTX/
RM_WSC_UPD_SUPER_EXST_ASY for asynchronous queue processing.
• /OTX/RM_WSC_UPD_BUS_REFS_SUPER for the update of business objects that have
been added to the Content Server item.

Note: You can use only one of the function modules. If you need both the
update of business workspaces and of business objects, contact OpenText
Global Technical Services for assistance.

To enable automatic creation and updates using change documents:

1. In the SWO1 transaction, derive a new subtype for the business object that does
not have the required events. For example, create a subtype Z_KNA1 for the KNA1
supertype. As program, enter Z_KNA1.

2. In the SWO1 transaction, for the created subtype, add the /OTX/RMWSC interface.
This interface creates the relevant events for the derived business object.

3. In the Maintain Change Document Events activity, define the change

document that triggers the event for the derived business object type.
For example, for the derived Z_KNA1 business object type, you can use the
change document object DEBI to trigger a CHANGED event. For more information
about the activity, see “SAP: Maintaining change document events”
on page 133.

4. Link the function module to the event of the new subtype as described in “SAP:
Linking events to receiver type function modules” on page 124. In the Receiver
Type field, enter the name of the supertype of the derived business object, for
example KNA1.

132 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

5.4. SAP: Maintaining change document events

Example 5-4: Update of business objects: receiver module for the

CREATED event of the Z_KNA1 business object

5.4 SAP: Maintaining change document events

You can use the writing of change documents to trigger events for a business object
type. This is relevant for the following:
• For business object types that do not have the required events to create or update
a business workspace or business objects. For more information, see “SAP: Using
change documents for the automatic creation and updates when events are
missing” on page 131.
For example, you can define that when the DEBI change document is created, for
the Z_KNA1 business object type, the CREATED event is triggered.
• For the update of policies when role assignments are changed or deleted. For
more information, see section 8.5 “Enabling automatic policy assignment for
changed role assignments” in OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions - User
Management and Access Control Scenarios (ERLK-CUM). You define two entries for
the PFCG change document object. If the PFCG change document object is changed
or deleted, for the /OTX/PFCG object type the USER_CHANGED event is triggered.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 133

Chapter 5 Configuring eventing for business workspaces and business attachments

Tip: For more information about the creation of events when change
documents are written, see the SAP Help portal (

To maintain change document events:

1. In the IMG, navigate to the Extended ECM > Maintain Change Document
Events activity and click Execute.

2. Add the following entries:

For business object types that do not have the required events, link all relevant
actions of change document objects to the related business object events:

• Change doc. object: Enter the change document object, for example DEBI.
• Object Category: BOR Object Type
• Object Type: Derived business object type, for example Z_KNA1.
• Event: Enter CHANGED or CREATED.
• Trigger Event: Select On Create or On Change.

For the update of policies when role assignments are changed or deleted, create
two entries. For more information, see section 8.5 “Enabling automatic policy
assignment for changed role assignments” in OpenText Extended ECM for SAP
Solutions - User Management and Access Control Scenarios (ERLK-CUM).

• Change doc. object: PFCG

134 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

5.4. SAP: Maintaining change document events

• Object Category: BOR Object Type

• Object Type: /OTX/PFCG
• Trigger Event: Select once On Change and once On Delete.

3. Click Save.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 135

Chapter 6
Configuring document declarations

With Extended ECM for SAP Solutions, you can make ArchiveLink documents and
print lists available on Content Server. In addition, you can set the declared
documents under the responsibility of OpenText Records Management by assigning
an RM Classification. You have to define the following:
• Which types of documents do you want to declare: ArchiveLink document or
print lists?
• Do you want to set the declared documents under OpenText Records
Management (OpenText Records Management scenario)?
• Where do you want to store the documents and should they be available to users
on Content Server (Shared Documents scenario)?

• Records Management must be set up.
• The system is set up for document declaration according to section 19.5
“Preparing document declaration” in OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions -
Installation and Upgrade Guide (ERLK-IGD). After this the following must be
• Enterprise Library application with relevant permission settings.
• Records Management classification (only if you want to set the documents
under Records Management)
• Folder type and item type are imported.
• Authorization for records is defined.
• The system categories and
SystemPrintList were created.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 137

Chapter 6 Configuring document declarations

Define Document Type EL ID

From: Maintain
Enterprise Library
ArchiveLink Server Settings (SPRO)

Define Object Type Maintain EL

(OAC3) SPRO Document
Assign Declaration ID to Declarations in
ArchiveLink Object Type and Doc.Type SPRO

Business Property
From Content Server


RM Classification

Supplemental Markings

Figure 6-1: ArchiveLink document declaration: overview

6.1 Customizing steps

The following steps in this order are required to configure document declaration:

Steps overview

1. SAP Property Provider - Provide a property provider for the document

declaration. For more information, see “SAP: Implementing a property provider
for document declaration” on page 141.

2. Optional SAP IMG - Create a new Enterprise Library item type for document
metadata. You can use the property provider to create the category
automatically. For more information, see “SAP: Creating an Enterprise Library
item type and additional categories for a specific property provider”
on page 143.

3. SAP IMG - Create a document declaration. For more information, see “SAP:
Creating an document declaration” on page 149.

4. Optional SAP IMG - Maintain multilingual names for documents.

5. SAP IMG - Assign the newly created declaration ID to a business object and a
document type. For more information, see “SAP: Assigning a document
declaration to a business object and a document type” on page 160.

138 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

6.2. Enabling document declaration for ArchiveLink documents

6.2 Enabling document declaration for ArchiveLink

ArchiveLink is a standard SAP component to provide documents for a business
object. This can be either manually by the user or automatically, triggerd by an
event. The documents are stored in an archive and linked to the business object. In
addition, archived documents can be set under Records Management.

Prerequisites The system is set up for document declaration according to section 19.5 “Preparing
document declaration” in OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions - Installation and
Upgrade Guide (ERLK-IGD).

To enable document declaration for ArchiveLink documents:

1. In the SAP system, create a new business property provider if the default
property provider is not suitable for you. For more information, see “SAP:
Implementing a property provider for document declaration” on page 141.
2. On Content Server, create categories.
The categories are used to store metadata of the ArchiveLink document, such as
the ArchiveLink document type.
For more information, see “Content Server: Setting up categories for
ArchiveLink documents and print lists” on page 142.
3. Optional On Content Server, create a Records Management classification (RM
The RM classification is mandatory if you want to enable the Records
Management capabilities. The RM classification is typically part of an overall
file plan. For more information, see “Content Server: Setting up RM
classifications for ArchiveLink documents and print lists” on page 147.
4. Define unique names for all Content Server items, for example categories and
folders, that you want to use in your document declaration. For more
information, see “Configuring unique names for Content Server items”
on page 147.
5. In the SAP system (IMG), define a declaration for the defined Content Server
location, categories and classifications. For more information, see “SAP:
Creating an document declaration” on page 149.
If you want to enable Records Management, for the Records Management
settings, specify an existing RM classification and all additional fields as
6. Optional In the SAP system, enter the names of declared documents in additional
languages. For more information, see “SAP: Providing multilingual document
names” on page 158.
7. In the SAP system (IMG), assign a declaration ID to the document type and SAP
object type. For more information, see “SAP: Assigning a document declaration
to a business object and a document type” on page 160.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 139

Chapter 6 Configuring document declarations

8. Optional For automatic declaration, select the Automatic check box. Any new
ArchiveLink entry matching the given object type and document type is
automatically declared as a record.
In the SAP system (IMG), maintain the receiver modules to make sure that the
documents are updated automatically. For more information, see “Maintaining
receiver modules for CHANGED events (optional)” on page 167.

6.3 Enabling document declaration for print lists

Print lists are generated by reports in the SAP system. They can be stored in an
archive using the standard ArchiveLink functionality. Extended ECM for SAP
Solutions enables you to integrate these print lists in folders on Content Server.

Example 6-1: Print lists on Content Server

Your SAP system creates daily reports that you want to store on Content
Server. You can define a root folder for print lists created by the same report
and create subfolders for every day the report runs.

Prerequistes The system is set up for document declaration according to section 19.5 “Preparing
document declaration” in OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions - Installation and
Upgrade Guide (ERLK-IGD).

To enable document declaration for print lists:

1. In the SAP system, create a new business property provider if the default
property provider is not suitable for you. For more information, see “SAP:
Implementing a property provider for document declaration” on page 141.

2. On Content Server, set up categories.

The categories are used to store metadata of the ArchiveLink document, such as
the ArchiveLink document type.
For more information, see “Content Server: Setting up categories for
ArchiveLink documents and print lists” on page 142.

3. Optional On Content Server, set up Records Management classifications (RM

The RM classification is mandatory to enable the Records Management
capabilities. The RM classification is typically part of an overall file plan. For
more information, see “Content Server: Setting up RM classifications for
ArchiveLink documents and print lists” on page 147.

4. Define unique names for all Content Server items, for example categories and
folders, that you want to use in your document declaration. For more
information, see “Configuring unique names for Content Server items”
on page 147.

140 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

6.4. SAP: Implementing a property provider for document declaration

5. In the SAP system (IMG), define a declaration for the defined Content Server
location, categories and a classification. For more information, see “SAP:
Creating an document declaration” on page 149.
For the Document Location setting, keep the following in mind:

• If you select Constant and leave the field empty, the Enterprise Library
Services application folder becomes the root folder and the documents are
not accessible for users .
• The Workspace option is only relevant in special scenarios, i.e. if the
property provider associates the print list with a specific object.

If you want to use Records Management for the Records Management settings,
specify an existing RM classification and all additional fields as required.

6. Optional In the SAP system, define the names of declared documents in

additional languages. For more information, see “SAP: Providing multilingual
document names” on page 158.

7. In the SAP system (IMG), assign a declaration ID to the document type and SAP
object type. For more information, see “SAP: Assigning a document declaration
to a business object and a document type” on page 160.

8. Optional For automatic declaration when print lists are created: Select the
Automatic check box if any new print list entry matching the given object type
and document type should be declared as record automatically.
For automatic declaration when print lists are created: In the SAP system (IMG),
maintain the receiver modules events. For more information, see “Maintaining
receiver modules for automatic declaration of print lists” on page 164.

6.4 SAP: Implementing a property provider for

document declaration
Implementing a property provider is required if you want to enhance the basic
metadata of documents with more business properties. The Extended ECM for SAP
Solutions release contains the following default business property provider classes:

This provider class allows storing documents with all the ArchiveLink properties
like Document ID, Business Object Type, etc.
Generic property provider for document declaration. You can use this property
provider without further enhancement and development. You may also derive it
to change its behavior.
This provider class allows storing print lists.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 141

Chapter 6 Configuring document declarations

To enhance the business property provider:

1. Use the SE24 transaction to open the Class Builder.

2. You can enhance the default business property providers.

To enhance the basic metadata you have to derive a new class from the default
business property provider classes. All the elements needed for this
implementation are collected in the package interfaces of the /OTX/RM package
and the /OTX/RM_WSCI package.

Note: These interfaces may change with the next version of Extended
ECM for SAP Solutions. Therefore, be aware that possible upgrade tasks
will not be covered by Extended ECM for SAP Solutions.

For more information about property providers, see the SDK in OpenText My
Support (

6.5 Content Server: Setting up categories for

ArchiveLink documents and print lists
Extended ECM for SAP Solutions stores all metadata in Content Server categories
rather than using Enterprise Library item types. The imported item types otx.
sap.rm.SystemArchiveLink and can be copied to
categories described below.

You can also create system categories manually, but copying the imported item
types ensures that no mandatory category attributes are missing.

To create system categories:

1. Go to the Content Server Administration page and select the Enterprise

Library Administration > Open the Enterprise Library Types Volumes entry.

2. Browse to the folder named and open it.

3. Copy the category file to a different location

within the Categories volume. If required, you can change the category name.

Do not delete the original category file under Open the Enterprise
Library Types Volumes.

4. Repeat the above procedure with the category file

in the folder.

5. Create unique names for the system categories. You will need the unique name
for the document declaration configuration in the SAP IMG. For more
information, see “Configuring unique names for Content Server items”
on page 147.

142 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

6.6. SAP: Creating an Enterprise Library item type and additional categories for a specific
property provider

In addition to the system categories, you can create further categories for the
documents and records in Content Server. For more information, see “SAP: Creating
an Enterprise Library item type and additional categories for a specific property
provider” on page 143.

6.6 SAP: Creating an Enterprise Library item type

and additional categories for a specific property
This activity is useful to easily create a category using your own property provider.
For more information, see “SAP: Implementing a property provider for document
declaration” on page 141.

Note: This program only creates categories for non-generic property providers.
For more information about creating categories for a generic property
provider, see “SAP: Creating an Enterprise Library item type and additional
categories for a generic property provider” on page 145.

Alternatively or in addition to the method described below, you can create

categories manually. You can add them as additional categories in the Maintain
Document Declaration activity and fill the attributes with an appropriate property

Note: To define categories manually, on the global menu, click Enterprise >
Connected Workspaces, and then click Categories. Create categories and add
attributes to them.

To create a Content Server category for document declarations in the SAP


1. Navigate to the Extended ECM > Document (ArchiveLink) ... > Create Content
Server Category in the Enterprise Library Types Volume activity and click

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 143

Chapter 6 Configuring document declarations

2. Create a new Enterprise Library item type for each property provider that is
Specify the following parameters:

• Property Provider
Choose one of the business property providers available in the value list.
• Enterprise Library ID
Choose one of the configured IDs.
• Enterprise Library Type
Enter a name that features at least one dot to define a namespace.
• Type Description
Enter a description that states the purpose of the type.

3. Click Execute.

To create additional categories from the newly created item type:

1. On the Content Server Administration page, click Enterprise Library

Administration > Open the Enterprise Library Types Volumes.
2. Browse to the folder named like the item type you just created and open it.

144 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

6.7. SAP: Creating an Enterprise Library item type and additional categories for a generic
property provider

3. Copy the contained category file to a different location within the Enterprise
Workspace. If required, you can change the category name.

Do not delete the original category file under Open the Enterprise
Library Types Volumes.

Note: Note the location of the copied category file. You will need this
information to configure new document declarations in the IMG in SAP. For
more information, see “SAP: Creating an document declaration” on page 149.

6.7 SAP: Creating an Enterprise Library item type

and additional categories for a generic property
This activity is useful to easily create a category for a generic property provider. For
more information, see “SAP: Implementing a property provider for document
declaration” on page 141.

Alternatively or in addition to the method described below, you can create

categories manually. You can add them as additional categories in the Maintain
Document Declaration activity and fill the attributes with an appropriate property

Note: To define categories manually, on the global menu, Enterprise >

Connected Workspaces, and then click Categories. Create categories and add
attributes to them.

To create a Content Server category for document declarations in the SAP


1. Start the /OTX/RMGENTCR transaction.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 145

Chapter 6 Configuring document declarations

2. Create a new Enterprise Library item type for each business object type that
uses the generic property provider.
Specify the following parameters:

• Business Object Type

Enter the business object type.
• Generic Property Provider
Choose one of the generic business property providers available in the value
• Enterprise Library ID
Choose one of the configured IDs.
• Enterprise Library Type
Enter a name that features at least one dot to define a namespace.
• Type Description
Enter a description that states the purpose of the type.

3. Click Execute.

To create additional categories from the newly created item type:

1. On the Content Server Administration page, click Enterprise Library

Administration > Open the Enterprise Library Types Volumes.

2. Browse to the folder named like the item type you just created and open it.

3. Copy the contained category file to a different location within the Enterprise
Workspace. If required, you can change the category name.

146 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

6.8. Content Server: Setting up RM classifications for ArchiveLink documents and print lists

Do not delete the original category file under Open the Enterprise
Library Types Volumes.

Note: Note the location of the copied category file. You will need this
information to configure new document declarations in the IMG in SAP. For
more information, see “SAP: Creating an document declaration” on page 149.

6.8 Content Server: Setting up RM classifications for

ArchiveLink documents and print lists
You need Records Management (RM) classifications to assign the document or
record to a file plan or taxonomy in Content Server. This is mandatory for Records
Management. For more information, see the Content Server online help.

To define classifications:

• Define an RM classification to assign the document or record to a file plan or

taxonomy in Content Server. Mandatory for Records Management.

Note: If you already created an RM classification according to section

19.5.2 “Creating a Records Management classification (optional)” in
OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions - Installation and Upgrade Guide
(ERLK-IGD), you can omit this step here.

6.9 Configuring unique names for Content Server

Content Server uses node IDs to refer to Content Server items, for example attributes
in workspace type names. This creates problems when moving a configuration from
one system to another system, because node IDs are always specific to a certain
Content Server system. To avoid this, you can define unique names and use them for
the referenced Content Server items independently of their node ID.

New: You can now map SAP themes to Content Server appearances using
unique names.

Note: After you created all relevant items on Content Server and before you
create the document declarations or policy definitions, you must define unique
names for all Content Server items that are relevant for your document
declarations or policy definitions.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 147

Chapter 6 Configuring document declarations

To define unique names:

1. On the Content Server Administration page, click Extended ECM > Configure
unique names.
The displayed list may already contain unique names that where created during
the migration of old document declarations.

2. Enter the unique name. Maximum length is 26 characters.

• If you want to edit an already defined unique name, make sure that
you change the unique name in all document declarations in the SAP
system where it is used.
• To edit the unique name, enter the changed name into the field.
• To edit the assignment to a Content Server item, click Select again.
• Unique names for SAP themes must begin with theme_.

3. Click Select to assign the unique name to a Content Server item. All item types
are available.
Create unique names for all items that you want to use in your document
declarations and for policies.

Tip: If you want to add more than five new entries, enter the first five
unique names, save your changes and open the Configure Unique Names
page again. There will be five new rows.

4. To delete a unique name, click Delete.

5. Save your changes.

148 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

6.10. SAP: Creating an document declaration

6.10 SAP: Creating an document declaration

In this IMG activity, you define document declarations for ArchiveLink documents
and print lists.

For the document declaration, you need the following information; some of them
must be configured before you begin this procedure.

• Name of property provider

• Enterprise Library ID
• Unique names of system category and other categories
• Unique name of location folder or definition of business workspace
• Names of business properties and category attributes
• Unique name of RM Classification

To create a document declaration:

1. In the IMG, navigate to the OpenText Extended ECM ffor SAP Solutions >
Extended ECM > Document (ArchiveLink) ... > Maintain Document
Declarations activity and click Execute.

Click New Declaration.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 149

Chapter 6 Configuring document declarations

2. ID, Description, and Property Provider, and Business Object Type

Enter or modify the following parameters:

• Declaration ID
Enter a unique name for this declaration.
• Description
Enter a description that states the purpose of the document declaration.
• Business Property Provider
Select one of the available property providers from the value list.
Extended ECM for SAP Solutions includes the following default property
/OTX/RM_CL_PP_ALINK for ArchiveLink documents
/OTX/RM_GEN_ CL_PP_ALINK as generic property provider for ArchiveLink
/OTX/RM_CL_PP_PRINTLIST for print lists.

• Business Object Type

If you entered the generic property provider /OTX/RM_GEN_ CL_PP_ALINK or
a child of this class, enter the business object type.

Click Next.

150 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

6.10. SAP: Creating an document declaration

3. Enterprise Library Settings

Enter the following parameters:

Enterprise Library ID
Select one of the configured Enterprise Library IDs from the value list. For
more information about the connected Enterprise Libraries, see section 18.5
“Maintaining Extended ECM connections” in OpenText Extended ECM for
SAP Solutions - Installation and Upgrade Guide (ERLK-IGD).
System Category Unique Name
Select an existing unique name of an Extended ECM for SAP Solutions
system category. The category will store the system properties coming from
the property provider.
For more information about creating an Extended ECM for SAP Solutions
system category, see “Content Server: Setting up categories for ArchiveLink
documents and print lists” on page 142. For more information about unique
names, see “Configuring unique names for Content Server items”
on page 147.

Note: A suitable system category must contain all system attributes

that are defined by the selected property provider; and the attributes
must match both in name and data type.

Categories (optional)
You can add more categories that store the non-system properties coming
from the property provider specified before. Click Insert Category to add
a row and select an existing Content Server category by its unique name.

Note: The category that has been specified under System Category
cannot be selected.

To delete a row, select it and click Delete Category.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 151

Chapter 6 Configuring document declarations

Document Location
ArchiveLink documents and print lists declared as records are stored in
Content Server. The document location defines the target folder where
records will be stored. You refer to folders using the unique names you
defined for them. For more information about unique names, see
“Configuring unique names for Content Server items” on page 147.
The following parameters are available:

• The Root Folder field may contain a constant, the parameters of a

business workspace or a business property:

• Unique Name
Unique name of an existing folder within Content Server. However,
if the field is empty, the Enterprise Library Services Application
folder becomes the root folder. In this case, the document will not be
accessible to users.
• Workspace
By using the fields Object and Key, the business workspace where
the document will be located can be specified explicitly. If the fields
Object and Key are empty, the document or print list will be located
according to the workspace definition for the associated business

Note: When using a workspace as Root Folder, the

configuration for the workspace has to be done beforehand. For
more information, see “Configuring business workspaces“
on page 29.

• Object
Optional: SAP object type (e.g. EQUI)
• Key
Optional: Property of the property provider with the key of the
business object for the workspace where the document is stored.
• Business Property
ID of an existing folder within Content Server provided by a
property of the assigned property provider. If the value of the field is
0, the Content Server application folder becomes the root folder.

Note: If the Content Server application folder is used as root

folder, you cannot use any of the two impersonation scenarios (see
section 18.5 “Maintaining Extended ECM connections” in OpenText
Extended ECM for SAP Solutions - Installation and Upgrade Guide
• (Optional) In the Sub Folder field, you can define a pattern to specify
the sub folder name using normal text, document property values and

152 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

6.10. SAP: Creating an document declaration

Modify the default document location according to your storage

strategy. Insert the property placeholder using the Insert Placeholder
button. For more information, see “Creating a name pattern for record
declaration” on page 156.

Document Name
ArchiveLink documents and print lists declared as records are stored in the
defined document location; the record name is defined in the Document
Name field. You can create a name pattern with normal text, placeholders
and modifiers similar. For more information, see “Creating a name pattern
for record declaration” on page 156. Modify the default document name
according to your storage strategy. Insert the property placeholder using
the Insert Placeholder button.

• OpenText recommends that you define the Document Name in a way
that it gets an unique name.
• You can also configure different document names for different
languages. For more information, see “SAP: Providing multilingual
document names” on page 158.

Click Next.

4. Categories Mapping
The Categories Mapping dialog always displays a tab for the system category
and a tab for each additional category.

Note: The system category only supports standard ArchiveLink properties

which you cannot change.

Click Search help in the respective rows to define the mappings between
SAP business properties and category attributes.
Business properties with the same type and name as a category attribute are
suggested as default mapping. For each mapping pair, the F4 value list displays
all business properties with the same type as the corresponding category

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 153

Chapter 6 Configuring document declarations

5. If the mapping table has property groups, click the respective Map button to
define the mappings of the subproperties.
Click OK to close the Property Group Mapping dialog.
Click Next.

6. Records Management Settings

Specify all Records Management settings. Click Search help in the

respective fields to define the following parameters:

154 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

6.10. SAP: Creating an document declaration

• RM Classification (optional)
If you select Unique Name, you refer to the RM classification using the
unique name you defined for it. For more information about unique names,
see “Configuring unique names for Content Server items” on page 147.
If you select Template, a template mechanism with placeholders is provided
similar to the one for Document Location field. You can create a pattern to
define the RM Classification template using normal text, document property
values and modifiers.
Insert the property placeholder using the Insert Placeholder button. For
more information, see “Creating a name pattern for record declaration”
on page 156.

Parameters for the following can either be defined as a constant value or by

using a business property value.

• Record Date
• Status
• Status Date
• Mark Official

• Empty RM classification field
Be aware of the following behavior:
• Creating a document: If the document inherits an RM classification,
all other RM configuration parameters are applied.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 155

Chapter 6 Configuring document declarations

• Updating a document: If no RM classification is set but the document

already has an RM classification, the document keeps its current RM
classification, and all other RM configuration parameters are applied.
• If you do not provide an RM classification and the document does not
inherit an RM classification then this document will not be under
Records Management. The other RM parameters are therefore not
• If you fill the Record Date, Status, and Status Date field, but leave the
RM Classification empty, then the provided fields are only applied if
the document to create receives an RM classification via inheritance or
the document to update already has a RM classification.
• The values for RM Classification and Status must exist on the Content
Server Records Management server.
• Constant values for Record Date and Status Date are interpreted as
being in the GMT time zone.

Tip: These parameters correspond to the fields on the Records Detail tab
for a declared document in the Content Server Web UI.

7. Optional Select one or more of the available supplemental markings in the

Supplemental Markings table.
Click Finish.
The table of declarations displays the new declaration.

Creating a name pattern for record declaration

For record declaration, you can create a name pattern for document name and
subfolder path.

156 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

6.10. SAP: Creating an document declaration

The Insert Placeholder button displays a list of properties evaluated at record

declaration time. The properties that are available depend on the property provider
that you specified before.

Examples for name patterns in Content Server

Normal text and attributes

Combine normal text and attributes to form a pattern. You can use special
characters to separate the name pattern elements, for example - dash, ( )
parenthesis, or / dash.

• Pattern - [AL_PLUS_Attributes.DocDesc_engl], archived

[ArchiveLink.Storage Date]
• Result - Delivery slip for customer, archived 201403152015

Offset: +2
Cut off the specified number of characters and displays the rest. Separate the
modifier from the attribute by a colon. An out-of-bound offset causes an error.

• Pattern - [AL_PLUS_Attributes.DocDesc_engl], archived

[ArchiveLink.Storage Date+2]
• Result - Delivery slip for customer, archived 1403152015
The first two digits of the date are cut off.

Length: (8)
Displays the specified number of characters. Separate the modifier from the
attribute by a colon. An out-of-bound length causes an error.

• Pattern - [AL_PLUS_Attributes.DocDesc_engl], archived

[ArchiveLink.Storage Date(8)]
• Result - Delivery slip for customer, archived 20140315
Only the first eight digits of the date are displayed.

You can combine all of those pattern modifiers.

• Pattern - [AL_PLUS_Attributes.DocDesc_engl], archived

[ArchiveLink.Storage Date+2(6)]
• Result - Delivery slip for customer, archived 140315
The first two digits of the date are cut off and only six are displayed. The
word , archived was added.

An out-of-bound offset or length will cause an errors during the creation of the

You can compose a path of several attributes. However, if one of those attributes
does not provide a value, this attribute is omitted without error message.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 157

Chapter 6 Configuring document declarations

Example: You define the path with the following attributes: [Country]/[City]/
[MaterialType]. If the [City] attribute delivered no value the subpath would consist of
only [Country]/[MaterialType].

Note: To separate folders, use the slash character /; the colon : cannot be used
in Content Server paths. It is replaced by a space.

6.11 SAP: Providing multilingual document names

You can maintain the names of declared documents in many languages.

Customizing overview

1. Edit the property provider to support multilingual properties. For more

information, see the SDK Guide in OpenText My Support (https://
2. Maintain multilingual document names in the SAP system.
3. Add languages to the multilingual metadata in Content Server. For more
information, see “Configuring multilingual metadata languages” on page 39.

To maintain multilingual document names in the SAP system:

1. In the IMG, navigate to the OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions >
Extended ECM > Document (ArchiveLink) ... > Maintain Multilingual
Document Declaration Templates activity and click Execute.

2. Add an entry for each language that you want to support.

158 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

6.11. SAP: Providing multilingual document names

• Declare ID: Select the document declaration that you created in Step 2 of
“SAP: Creating an document declaration” on page 149.
• Lng ISO: Select a language ISO code.
• Title template: Enter naming schema for this language.
You can use variables for the document names. For more information, see
“Creating a business object declaration in SAP” on page 32.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 159

Chapter 6 Configuring document declarations

6.12 SAP: Assigning a document declaration to a

business object and a document type
In the document declaration you defined where and how an ArchiveLink document
or a print lists are declared. In this step, you assign the document declaration to an
SAP business object type and to the document type.

To assign a declaration ID to object type and document type:

1. In the IMG, navigate to the Extended ECM > Document (ArchiveLink) ... >
Assign Declaration ID to Object Type and Document Type activity and click

2. Click New Entries.

3. Click Search help in the respective fields to select an object type, a

document type, and the declaration ID.

a. Select Active to make this assignment visible to the document processing.

b. Select Automatic if any new ArchiveLink document or print list entry that
match the given object type and document type should be declared
automatically. For manual declaration via report and GOS menu, leave the
check box deselected.

160 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

6.13. SAP: Customizing the declare dialog to add documents to the attachment list

Note: For automatic declaration of print lists, the CREATED event for
print lists must be linked to the respective receiver module; for details
see “Maintaining receiver modules for automatic declaration of print
lists” on page 164.

c. Optional You can select Auth.Check if you want to perform an additional

Enterprise Library authority check on display and delete access of declared
ArchiveLink documents or print lists.

Do not select the Auth.Check check box when the GOS
enhancement /OTX/RM_BF_GOS_ATTACHMENT is activated; as it also
performs an authority check, performance will be impaired. For
more information, see “Customizing the GOS Attachment list for
Records Management” on page 190.

Note: This functionality requires the BAdI ALINK_AUTH_CON.

However, this BAdI does not function in all applications; HR
personnel administration is one example. Therefore this additional
check is not supported in all SAP applications.

d. Optional Enter a value in the Declaration delay to let the automatic

declaration process first check if the document is already in the archive. If
the document is found in the archive, the declaration process continues. If
the document is not found in the archive, the declaration process stops for
the defined amout of seconds you entered in the Declaration delay field
and continues afterwards. Enter a value in the Declaration retry field, how
many times you want the declaration process loop through the whole check
and wait process.

4. Click Save .

6.13 SAP: Customizing the declare dialog to add

documents to the attachment list
When users declare a document manually, a wizard helps them fill out the required
information. You can customize this dialog. You can define if a field is visible, and if
so, if it is mandatory.

The following explains how you configure each field of the respective sections.

Tip: See section 4.6.1 “Declaring records ” in OpenText Extended ECM for SAP
Solutions - User Guide (ERLK-UGD) for detailed explanations on how to use the
declare dialog.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 161

Chapter 6 Configuring document declarations

1. The Supplemental Markings table is only visible if the Content Server Security
Clearance Web Services module is installed and some supplemental markings
are defined (see Content Server Administration > Security Clearance
Administration > Security Clearance Levels and Supplemental Markings
Management). Selecting a supplemental marking is never mandatory.

2. On the Content Server Records Management Fields configuration page (see

Content Server > Records Management Workspace > Records Management
Administration > System Settings > RM Fields), you define which record detail
fields are visible and which of the visible ones are mandatory. Notice that the
Update Cycle Period field and the Next Review Date field are only mandatory
if the Essential field is mandatory and the user selects a vital essential code. The
Records Management Configuration page (see Content Server Administration
> Records Management Administration > Configure Records Management)
defines which essential codes are vital.

3. The Records Management Fields configuration also defines whether the Cross
Reference field is visible or not. Selecting a cross reference is never mandatory.

4. The Configure Records Management page (Records Management Workspace >

Records Management Administration > System Settings > RM Settings)
defines whether cross references can optionally be a version or not. If they can be

162 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

6.14. Configuring automatic document declaration

a version, a check box appears to let users choose whether the selected cross
reference should be a version or not.
5. The Categories field is always visible. This field is only mandatory if the MIME
type of the current document has been associated to one or more categories (see
Content Server Administration > System Administration > Administer MIME
Types and Categories).

6.14 Configuring automatic document declaration

When creating an ArchiveLink entry, a CREATED event is raised. Extended ECM
for SAP Solutions contains an active BAdI that reacts to the creation of ArchiveLink
entries. This BAdI looks up the IMG activity for document declaration. If there is a
matching configuration that is both enabled and set to automatic the BAdI declares
the ArchiveLink document.

Changing an ArchiveLink entry means reassigning it to another business object. In

this case, the same BAdI interacts again.

When a business object is updated, a workflow event, typically the CHANGED

workflow, is started. In this case, a function module, for example /OTX/
metadata of any document attached to the business object.

Asynchronous To use the asynchronous method via queuing, use the respective function module
queue that end with _ASYNC or _ASY. Also document declarations initiated by the workflow
user are processed via the asynchronous queue. For more information about the
asynchronous queue, see “Creating business workspaces and declaring document
asynchronously” on page 101.

For ArchiveLink documents and printlists, the following function modules are

ArchiveLink documents declared as documents in Content Server

To declare ArchiveLink documents automatically, you set the respective flag in
the document declaration. For more information, see “SAP: Assigning a
document declaration to a business object and a document type” on page 160.

Print lists declared as documents in Content Server

To declare print lists that are archived automatically, you use a function
For more information, see “Maintaining receiver modules for automatic
declaration of print lists” on page 164.

Update records metadata

To automatically update metadata of document that are linked to a business
object when the metadata was changed in the business transaction, you use
function modules:

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 163

Chapter 6 Configuring document declarations

For a complete update of title, location, metadata, classification, and security

clearance, use /OTX/RM_UPD_RECORD_VIA_EVENT or /OTX/
For an update of metadata only without changes in classification and security
clearance information, use /OTX/RM_UPDMD_RECORD_VIA_EVENT or /OTX/

Tip: The _ASYNC events are for using the asynchronous queue. For more
informations, see “Creating business workspaces and declaring document
asynchronously” on page 101.

For more information, see “Maintaining receiver modules for CHANGED events
(optional)” on page 167.

Table 6-1: Receiver function modules and events for document declaration

Function Receiver function module Event

For a complete /OTX/RM_UPD_RECORD_VIA_EVENT Every relevant event,
(asynchronous) update (/OTX/RM_UPD_REC_EVENT_ASYNC) for example CHANGED
of the record (i.e. title,
location, metadata,
classification, and
security clearance).
For an (asynchronous) /OTX/RM_UPDMD_RECORD_VIA_EVENT Every relevant event,
update of record (/OTX/RM_UPDMD_REC_EVENT_ASYNC) for example CHANGED
metadata only.
declaration of print lists (/OTX/

6.14.1 Maintaining receiver modules for automatic declaration

of print lists
This step is required if you want to set up a scenario where print lists that are
archived should be declared automatically as records documents.

You must activate the creation of the PRINTLIST.CREATED event. After activation, a
receiver module must be linked to the CREATED event of the PRINTLIST Object Type.

Note: The SAP Workflow System must be set up and running correctly for
events to be created (SWU3 transaction). For more information, see the SAP

To activate the creation of the CREATED event:

1. Navigate to the Extended ECM > Activate Receiver Module Events activity and
click Execute.

164 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

6.14. Configuring automatic document declaration

Click the Activate Receiver Module Events activity in the IMG.

2. Select the Trigger Event PRINTLIST.CREATED option.

3. Click Save.

To link the receiver module to the CREATED event:

1. Navigate to the Extended ECM > Maintain Receiver Module Events activity
and click Execute.
2. Click New Entries.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 165

Chapter 6 Configuring document declarations

Figure 6-2:

3. Specify the following parameters:

• Object Category: BOR Object Type

• Object Type: PRINTLIST
• Event: CREATED
• Receiver Type: Arbitrary
• Receiver Call: Function module
• Receiver Function Module: /OTX/RM_CRT_RECORD_PRINTLIST or /OTX/
RM_CRT_REC_PRINTLIST_ASYNC for using the declaration queue.

• Destination of Receiver: Enter NONE to use the context of the user who runs
the functions. If you leave this field empty, the WF-BATCH user is used. It
must exist in your system.
• Linkage Activated: Select this option.

Leave all other settings as shown in Figure 6-2.

166 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

6.14. Configuring automatic document declaration

4. Click Save.

Note: In the Assign Declaration ID to Object Type and Document Type

activity, select the Automatic check box if any new print list entry matching the
given object type and document type should be declared as record

For more information, see “SAP: Assigning a document declaration to a

business object and a document type” on page 160.

6.14.2 Maintaining receiver modules for CHANGED events

This step is required if you want to set up a scenario where a change of the metadata
in a business transaction automatically updates the metadata of the records linked to
this business object.

Example 6-2:

ArchiveLink documents linked to the finance business object BKPF are

declared as records. Some metadata like the reference number are stored at
the record item type during declaration. At a later stage, the reference
number changes; this should automatically update the reference number in
the item type.

Depending on the SAP version used, the following screens might look different on
your system.

To link the receiver module to the CHANGED event:

1. Navigate to the Extended ECM > Maintain Receiver Module Events activity
and click Execute.
2. Click New Entries.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 167

Chapter 6 Configuring document declarations

Figure 6-3: Example entry Event Type Linkages

3. Specify the following parameters:

• Object Category: BOR Object Type

• Object Type: Select the type that you want to update

• Event: Changed

• Receiver Type: Arbitrary

• Receiver Call: Function module.

• Receiver Function Module:

• For a complete update of title, location, metadata, classification, and

security clearance: /OTX/RM_UPD_RECORD_VIA_EVENT or /OTX/
• For an update of the metadata only /OTX/RM_UPDMD_RECORD_VIA_EVENT

168 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

6.14. Configuring automatic document declaration

• Destination of Receiver: Enter NONE to use the context of the user who runs
the functions. If you leave this field empty, the WF-BATCH user is used. It
must exist in your system.
• Linkage Activated: Select this option.

Leave all other settings as shown in Figure 6-3.

4. Click Save.

• In some application areas, events can be activated using SAP Change
• The SAP Workflow System must be set up and running correctly for events
to be created (SWU3 transaction). For more information, see the SAP

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 169

Chapter 7

Using the Content Server Integration Widget

The Content Server integration widget provides JavaScript libraries, which you can
use to display business workspaces and other Content Server functionality in a
modern and more flexible way. By defining a custom theme you can define how the
widget displays.

User When a user starts creating a new business workspace, the integration widget first
experience offers business workspaces without business object. Users can then decide if they
want to complete one of the available early workspaces or create a new on.

New: User can now select from existing business workspaces without business
object and complete these, or they can create a new business workspace.

You can use the Content Server integration widget for the integration of business
workspaces into the following:

• Business Content window (optional)

• SAP Fiori (required)
• SAP Web Dynpro applications (in Floorplan Manager):


This integration method uses SAP HTMLIslands.

Figure 7-1: Integration into Business Content window

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 171

Chapter 7 Using the Content Server Integration Widget

7.1 Prerequisites
Browser must be HTML5-compliant, which is any recent version of Firefox,
Safari, Chrome, and Internet Explorer starting from Version 10.
If you are using Internet Explorer, ensure that it starts in Standard mode.

SAP System
WebDynpro, for example SAP ERP, SAP SRM
• SAP_UI 740 (see SAP Note 1742528)
• Class CL_WD_HTML_ISLAND must exists on your system. Use transaction SE24
to check.

• In the IMG activity OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions >
Infrastructure > Maintain Extended ECM Connections, the Support
Directory field must contain the directory on Content Server where the files
for the Content Server integration widgets are stored.

172 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

7.1. Prerequisites

• In the IMG activity OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions > Extended
ECM > Maintain Business Object Declarations, the Use Widgets for UI
field must be selected. For more information, see “Creating a business object
declaration in SAP” on page 32.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 173

Chapter 7 Using the Content Server Integration Widget

SAP Notes
1746385 - Main WEBCUIF Browser Support Note
1753544 - Web Dynpro - HTML standards mode
1737445 - Internet Explorer standards mode rendering for EP
1742528 - Web Dynpro HTML integration: HTMLIsland, Container, Fragment

Microsoft IIS
If you want to use the integration widget and if you use Content Server on
Microsoft IIS, you must configure detailed errors messages on local and remote
requests. For more information, see section “Configuring Microsoft IIS to
Return Meaningful REST API Error Messages” in OpenText Content Server -
Installation Guide (LLESCOR-IGD).

7.2 Integration in NetWeaver Business Client

For the integration in NetWeaver Business Client, the following SAP Notes must be

• 1956448 - Unequal rendering for NWBC and Web Dynpro ABAP - Prerequisite
for SAP Note 1963267 - SAP NWBC ABAP Runtime Patch 36
• 1963267 - SAP NWBC ABAP Runtime Patch 36 - For SAP NetWeaver Business
Client (NWBC) for HTML: Enables Web Dynpro applications to be started as
defined in the WdPreferredRendering application parameter. For this, the SAP
NWBC for HTML automatically switches Internet Explorer to the suitable
rendering mode.

174 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

7.3. Troubleshooting for integration widget

7.3 Troubleshooting for integration widget

7.3.1 Browser does not display integration widget correctly
If you are using Internet Explorer to display the SAP application, check if it is in
Standard mode:

See also SAP Note 1753544 - Web Dynpro - HTML standards mode

To check the browser mode:

1. In Internet Explorer, press F12 and open the DOM Explorer.

2. Make sure that following entry exists in the <head> section:

<meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible content="IE-EDGE">

To set the browser mode for the Web Dynpro application:

1. In the Web Dynpro Explorer (SE80 transaction), go to your application.


7.3.2 User does not see logging in browser

To see logging of widgets in the Internet Explorer console for debugging, the user
must be registered in the /OTX/RM_WDGENTRA table.

To maintain users for logging:

1. Start transaction SE16 to maintain the /OTX/RM_WDGENTRA table.

2. Enter the user that you want to enable for logging.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 175

Chapter 7 Using the Content Server Integration Widget

7.3.3 Smart View in Content Server or the integration widget

returns Error: Bad Request (400)
Cause Content Server runs on Microsoft IIS, which is not configured to display detailed
errors for REST API calls.

Solution Do the following:

1. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

2. On the left, expand the Content Server web site, and click the Content Server
Application. The default Application name is OTCS.
3. In the middle pane, double-click Error Pages.

4. On the right, under Actions, click Edit Feature Settings.

5. On the Edit Error Pages Settings, enable Detailed errors in the Error Responses
section, and then click OK.

For more information, see section “Configuring Microsoft IIS to Return
Meaningful REST API Error Messages” in OpenText Content Server - Installation Guide

176 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

Chapter 8
Integrating Extended ECM for SAP Solutions into

You have several customizing options when integrating Extended ECM for SAP
Solutions into SAP GUI:
• Make business workspaces and business attachments available via Generic
Object Services (GOS).
• Customize the functions and appearance of the Business Content window.
• Customize the GOS Attachment list for Records Management.

8.1 Customizing the Generic Object Services (SAP

You can make business workspaces and business attachments available for users in
SAP GUI via Generic Object Services (GOS). The user can then create workspaces,
display existing ones and display, create and delete business attachments in SAP
GUI. For this, you customize the GOS table.

The Business Content window displays business workspaces, business attachments,

business documents, local TempoBox folders, other local files, and notes in one

Tip: For a detailed description of the Business Content window, see section 25.2
“OpenText Business Content window” in OpenText Archiving and Document
Access for SAP Solutions - Scenario Guide (ER-CCS).

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 177

Chapter 8 Integrating Extended ECM for SAP Solutions into SAP GUI

To customize General Object Services:

1. Start the SM30 transaction and enter SGOSATTR in the Table/View field. Click

2. Click New Entries.

3. Customize the new entry according to the following list. The OTX_ATTACH
service displays the Business Content window: business workspaces, business
attachments and business documents (ArchiveLink documents). From the
Business Content window, users can access the complete functionality.

Name of service

Provide a description, for example, Business Content. This description is
displayed in the GOS menu.

Quick Info
Provide a quick info, for example, Business Content. This information is
displayed for the icon.

Class for Generic Service


Service Type
Select Single Service .

178 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

8.2. Select items to be displayed in Business Content window


Note: Control and Commit required must remain unselected.

4. You must define the position of the new service in the General Object Services.
In the Next service field, enter the name of the service that should follow after
this service. If the service is the last, leave the field empty.

If you do not define the position correctly, it might not be displayed at

• You want to add the new service at the beginning of the existing services:
Enter the name of the first existing service in the Next service field of the
new service.
• You want to add the new service at the end of the existing services: Enter the
name of the new service in the Next service field of the last existing service.
Leave the Next service field of the new service empty.
• You want to add the new service in between the existing services: Enter the
name of the new service in the Next service field of the predecessor of
existing services. Enter the name of the successor existing service in the Next
service field of the new services.

5. Click Save.

Note: For more information about maintaining the SGOSATTR table, see the SAP
documentation (

For problems when displaying services in GOS, see SAP Note 961713 -
Structure of table SGOSATTR.

8.2 Select items to be displayed in Business Content

For each business object type, you can select, which items you want to be displayed
in the Business Content window.

New: You can now customize, which items are displayed in the Business
Content window of a certain business object type.

To customize the displayed items in a Business Content window:

1. In the IMG, navigate to the Extended ECM > Business Content Window >
Maintain Business Content Window Display Options and click Execute.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 179

Chapter 8 Integrating Extended ECM for SAP Solutions into SAP GUI

2. Click New Entries.

3. Select a business object type and then select the options that you want to be
Business workspace thumbnails
Drag and Drop in business workspaces
Business attachments
Business documents
Business documents thumbnails
Local files

Tip: For general settings of the Business Content window, which are also
placed in this dialog, see “Enabling the integration widget in the Business
Content window” on page 183.

8.3 Customizing the context menu of the Business

Content window
The context menu of the Business Content window in the SAP system displays a
selection of Content Server menu entries that are available for the specific item. You
can customize the context menu as follows:
• Remove Content Server menu entries that are not relevant and add specific menu
items that are available on Content Server, for example when a new module was
installed. The added menu items are displayed in the context menu only if they
are available for the item type. For more information, see “Customizing the
Business Content window context menu with Content Server menu entries ”
on page 181.
• In addition to the available Content Server menu entries, you can add new
entries and implement custom functionality. For more information, see “Adding
custom functionality to the Business Content window context menu”
on page 182.

Note: The customizing applies only to Content Server Classic View, not if the
integration widget is used as described in “Enabling the integration widget in
the Business Content window” on page 183.

180 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

8.3. Customizing the context menu of the Business Content window

8.3.1 Customizing the Business Content window context

menu with Content Server menu entries
You can remove irrelevant entries from the context menu or add specific menu
items, which are also available in Content Server, for example when a new module
was installed. The context menu items are displayed in the context menu only if they
are available for the item type.

To customize the context menu with Content Server menu entries:

1. In the IMG, navigate to the Extended ECM > Business Content Window >
Maintain Business Content Window Menu and click Execute.

2. Click New Entries.

3. Enter the following:

Code ID
Enter the code ID. Use the F4 help to retrieve the code ID.

Note: If the code ID is not listed in the F4 help, retrieve it from

Content Server: In the Content Server IDE plug-in for Eclipse, go to
the WebNodeCmd object in the WEBNODE OSpace. From the context
menu of the WebNodeCmd, select Open Inheritance View. A list
with all possible context menu objects is displayed. Find the respective
object and note the name.

MAKEFAVORI Add to Favorites
VIEWDOC View with Content Suite Viewer

Note: Alternatively, you can integrate Content Suite

Viewer using the SM30 transaction. This is the
recommended integration. For more information, see
“Integrating Viewers” on page 186.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 181

Chapter 8 Integrating Extended ECM for SAP Solutions into SAP GUI

Click Add or Remove. When you add an entry, it is added according to the
sequence in the Content Server menu. You cannot add already existing

Enter a description. This description is displayed in the context menu. You
can use && to display the & character.
If you want to add the entry in other languages, use the standard SAP
mechanism (Goto > Translation).

Example: In the following example, the new menu item Zip & Download is added to
the menu.

8.3.2 Adding custom functionality to the Business Content

window context menu
In addition to the available Content Server menu entries, you can add new entries to
the context menu and implement custom-made functionality using BAdI
technology. For detailed information, see the SDK on OpenText My Support (https://

Adding custom functionality:

1. In the IMG, navigate to the Extended ECM > Business Content Window >
Implement Business Content Window Menu BAdI and click Execute.

2. Implement your code. For detailed information, see the sample code provided
with the BAdI definition (menu Goto > Sample Code > Display).

• The method PROCESS_CTX_MENU_CONSTRUCTION is used to create an

additional context menu entry.
• In the method PROCESS_WKSP_FCODE you can react on the function codes
you assigned to your context menu entry.

182 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

8.4. Providing Drag-and-drop functionality for the Business Content window

8.4 Providing Drag-and-drop functionality for the

Business Content window
To upload documents, users can drag files from the local file system into a business
workspace. The local files system can either be the local file explorer or the Local
Files node in the Business Content window.

To copy files, users can drag between different nodes in the Business Content
window. To download files, they drag a file to the Local Files node.

For this functionality, users must have the S_GUI authorization object with the
ACTVT=60 parameter. This authorization object is part of the /OTX/RM_USER role.

8.5 Enabling the integration widget in the Business

Content window
In the Business Content window, users can work with business workspaces. You can
define separately for each business object type that users see the integration widget
(Content Server Smart View) instead of the default view. Optionally, you can also
define which theme to use.

If you want to use the integration widget and if you use Content Server on
Microsoft IIS, you must configure detailed errors messages on local and
remote requests. For more information, see section “Configuring
Microsoft IIS to Return Meaningful REST API Error Messages” in OpenText
Content Server - Installation Guide (LLESCOR-IGD).

To enable the integration widget (Content Server Smart View):

1. In the IMG, navigate to the Extended ECM > Maintain Business Object
Declarations activity and select Use Widgets for UI for the business objects for
which you want to enable the integration widget. For more information about
the activity, see “Creating a business object declaration in SAP” on page 32.

2. Optional To define the theme, in the IMG, navigate to the Extended ECM >
Business Content Window > Maintain Business Content Window Display
Options and click Execute.

a. In the General Settings section, click New Entries.

b. As Setting Name enter WSP_WIDGET_CSS_THEME and as Setting Value enter

the name of the theme, for example sap_bluecrystal.

Tip: For more customizing options for the Business Content window, see
“Select items to be displayed in Business Content window ” on page 179

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 183

Chapter 8 Integrating Extended ECM for SAP Solutions into SAP GUI

8.6 Maintaining Content Server subtypes as copy/

move target in the Business Content window
In the Business Content window, users can copy or move documents or other items
from one location to another location in Content Server. However, if you are using
custom Case subtypes and you want to copy or move documents to these custom
Case subtypes you must do the following SAP customizing.

All Content Server items that can be targets for a copy/move operation are
maintained in the /OTX/RM_STWL table. This table is part of Extended ECM for SAP
Solutions and it is filled with a predefined set of subtypes. The new table /OTX/
RM_STWL_C is available to maintain new entries.

As soon as /OTX/RM_STWL_C has one entry, the /OTX/RM_STWL is not used
anymore. If you intend to use /OTX/RM_STWL_C, you must copy the entries
of /OTX/RM_STWL into the custom table.

To maintain custom Case subtypes for copy/move operations:

1. Copy all entries from the /OTX/RM_STWL table to the Subtype column of the /
OTX/RM_STWL_C table.

a. Start transaction SE16 and open /OTX/RM_STWL.

b. Start transaction SM30 and open the maintenance view of the /OTX/
RM_STWL_C table.

c. Copy all entries from /OTX/RM_STWL into the clipboard. You can use CTRL
+ Y to copy several rows.

d. Copy the rows into the Subtype column of the /OTX/RM_STWL_C table.

e. Add the connection ID for which the subtype is valid.

2. Add a new entry for your new Case subtype:

• Conn. ID: Connection ID. You find this information in the IMG > OpenText
Extended ECM for SAP Solutions > Infrastructure > Maintain Extended
ECM Connections. For more information, see section 18.5 “Maintaining
Extended ECM connections” in OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions -
Installation and Upgrade Guide (ERLK-IGD).

• Subtype: ID of the Case subtype. You find this information in the Content
Server Administration page > Template Workspaces Administration >
Administer Case Types. The subtype ID of a Case is a positive integer
between 31350 and 31399. For more information, see the Content Server
online help for this administration page.

184 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

8.7. Providing access to local folders for the Business Content window

8.7 Providing access to local folders for the

Business Content window
The Business Content window automatically displays the local Tempo Box folder if
Tempo Box client is installed. In addition, users can add other local folders to the
Local files node in the Business Content window. For this functionality, users must
have the J_6NRL_LFS authorization object. This authorization object is part of the /

To assign the authorization object to a group:

1. Run the PFCG transaction.

2. Find the relevant role and add the J_6NRL_LFS authorization object.

Security settings - When a user accesses a local folder from the Business Content
window, an SAP security alert informs the user about the risk. Users can confirm the
message per access attempt or they can set the security options for their client.

To set the security options on SAP GUI:

1. From the SAP GUI menu, select Options.

2. Select Security > Security Settings.

3. Set Status and Default Action as required.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 185

Chapter 8 Integrating Extended ECM for SAP Solutions into SAP GUI

8.8 Providing thumbnails for business workspace

documents in the Business Content window
You can display thumbnail pictures for documents that are stored in a business
workspace in the Business Content window. This is a feature of Content Server,
which you must configure accordingly.

Thumbnail pictures for business documents are displayed automatically for
all document formats that are supported by the OpenText Imaging Web
Viewer. For more information, see section “Using the Business
Documents function” in OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP
Solutions - Scenario Guide (ER-CCS).

To provide thumbnails for business workspace documents:

1. On the Content Server Administration page, select Server Configuration >

Configure Presentation > Configure Thumbnails.

2. Enable thumbnail generation and display. Set the MIME types for those file
formats, for which you want to provide thumbnails.
For more information, see the Content Server Administration online help.

8.9 Integrating Viewers

Viewers are used to display documents in Business Content window, DocuLink and
Content Server. The following viewers can be integrated and used to display

OpenText™ Imaging Web Viewer and OpenText™ Imaging Windows Viewer

Can be used as viewers for files that are stored in Archive Center. They must be
of a MIME type that is supported by Web Viewer.

OpenText™ Content Suite Viewer

Can be enabled in Content Server. It uses an OpenText Brava! Server installation
specifically prepared for this use case. For more information about installation
and configuration, see the respective documentation.

Note: OpenText Brava! View for SAP Solutions runs against the OpenText
Imaging Windows Viewer integration of Archiving and Document Access on
an SAP system.

Since the Business Content window displays documents via Content Server it
cannot call Brava! View for SAP Solutions directly. Instead it uses the viewer
enabled for Content Server.

186 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

8.9. Integrating Viewers

Configuring the Content Server viewer

Configuring Web Viewer and OpenText Imaging Windows Viewer as Content
Server viewer:
• If you want to use one of these viewers define the relevant settings in Content
Server Administration. For more information, see section 22.5 “Configuring
external viewers for Content Server” in OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions
- Installation and Upgrade Guide (ERLK-IGD).
• Configure the mime types. For more information, see “Customizing MIME types
for preview” on page 189.
• Configure the viewer settings in the SAP system. For more information, see
section 20.2 “Configuration for Java Viewer/Web Viewer/Brava! View” in
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions - Scenario Guide (ER-

Configuring Content Suite Viewer as Content Server viewer:

• Brava! Installation: Brava Server Components for OpenText Content Suite Viewer –
Installation and Administration Guide.
• Content Suite Viewer Administration on Content Server Administration page:
Content Suite Viewer Admin Online Help - Content Server Administration (LLESDV-

Configuring the Business Content window viewer

Business Content window displays Content Server content. To use Content Suite
Viewer as viewer within the Business Content window, you can enable a menu
entry for the viewer and define that the document opens in the Content Suite Viewer
when the user double-clicks it.

• Enable Content Suite Viewer as Content Server viewer

• Brava! Installation: Brava Server Components for OpenText Content Suite Viewer
– Installation and Administration Guide, available on OpenText My Support
• Content Suite Viewer Administration on Content Server Administration page:
Content Suite Viewer Admin Online Help - Content Server Administration
• On Content Server, disable that the document opens for editing when the user
double-clicks it.
• Maintain mime types and define that Microsoft Office document are opened with
the viewer. For more information, see “Customizing MIME types for preview”
on page 189.
• Configure the Business Content window so that there is a new menu entry and
the document opens in Content Suite Viewer when the user double-clicks it.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 187

Chapter 8 Integrating Extended ECM for SAP Solutions into SAP GUI

To disable editing in Content Server

1. On the Content Server administration page, click Server Configuration >

Configure Security Parameters.

2. In the Document Function section, for the Open function, select Disabled.

Adding Content Suite Viewer action in Business Content window menu:

1. Start the SM30 transaction and enter /OTX/RM_WSC_FCOD in the Table/View

field. Click Maintain.

2. Click New Entries.

3. Customize the new entries according to the following lists.
Add an entry for Business Content window:


• Description: For example View or Display with Content Suite Viewer
• Activation: Select.
• Function Code: PICK

Add an entry for DocuLink:


• Description: For example View or Display with Content Suite Viewer
• Activation: Select.
• Function Code: PICK

Note: If you do not want to disable the Open document function on Content
Server, the FETCH function will be used instead of the defined VIEWDOC function
when users double-click a document in Business Content window. You can
circumvent this by defining a description that is alphabetically before the
description of the FETCH action, for example FETCH with description Open and
VIEWDOC with description Display.

188 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

8.10. Customizing MIME types for preview

8.10 Customizing MIME types for preview

The Business Content window relies on a hidden Windows Internet Explorer (IE) to
render documents for the preview. Internet Explorer takes care of calling the
respective rendering application. However, some Internet Explorer add-ons, for
example Web Viewer, handle specific MIME types by enabling an in-place rendition.
As a consequence, the Business Content window must use a visible Internet Explorer
to render the corresponding documents.

The /OTX/RM_GOS_DD table keeps a default list of MIME types for which Internet
Explorer add-ons enable an in-place rendition. If this list is not sufficient, you can
maintain a custom list in the /OTX/RM_GOS_DD_C table.

Note: The Business Content window ignores the /OTX/RM_GOS_DD table as

soon as the /OTX/RM_GOS_DD_C table has at least one entry.

Recommended setting for Web Viewer

If Web Viewer is enabled on Content Server, add MIME types of documents to the /
OTX/RM_GOS_DD_C table. If you did not maintain the MIME types in the /OTX/
RM_GOS_DD_C table, it can happen that an archived document that you want to open
in Business Content window causes an infinite loop.

Also add the MIME types from /OTX/RM_GOS_DD if you want to keep the
behavior of these MIME types as well.

Restrictions Web Viewer can only render documents that are archived to an OpenText archive.
For example, if you want to display a Microsoft Word document, Internet Explorer
starts Microsoft Word, but leaves an empty browser window open.

Recommended setting for OpenText Content Suite Viewer

If Content Suite Viewer is enabled on Content Server, add MIME types of
documents to the /OTX/RM_GOS_DD_C table. If you did not maintain the MIME types
in the /OTX/RM_GOS_DD_C table, it can happen that an archived document that you
want to open in Business Content window causes an infinite loop.

Also add the MIME types from /OTX/RM_GOS_DD if you want to keep the
behavior of these MIME types as well.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 189

Chapter 8 Integrating Extended ECM for SAP Solutions into SAP GUI

8.11 Customizing the GOS Attachment list for

Records Management
If you want to use business attachments and Records Management functionality in
the GOS Attachment list you must activate business functions.

Note: This customizing step is not necessary if you are using Business Content
window. For more information, see “Customizing the Generic Object Services
(SAP GUI) ” on page 177.

With business functions, you integrate the following into the GOS Attachment list:

Button Declare as record

Button View record details

Records Management Status symbol Is record

Business functions
Integrates Records Management functions into the GOS Attachment list.
Integrates business attachments into the GOS Attachment list.

190 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

8.11. Customizing the GOS Attachment list for Records Management

Integrates Records Management functionality into the OADR and OADD


To activate business functions:

1. In the IMG, navigate to the Extended ECM > Activate Business Functions
activity and click Execute.

2. Open the ENTERPRISE_EXTENSIONS folder and activate the following

options by selecting the checkbox in the Planned Status column:

• /OTX/RM_BF_DISP_PRINTLIST: Records Management for Display

• /OTX/RM_BF_GOS_ATTACHMENT: Business Function GOS Attachment

Note: /OTX/RM_DOL_BF_GOS_ATT_LIST is displayed but is no longer


3. Click Activate Changes.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 191

Chapter 9
Integrating Extended ECM for SAP Solutions into
SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer

Extended ECM for SAP Solutions provides an integration solution for SAP Hybris
Cloud for Customer. You can display the business workspace of a business object
along with the structured data. Integration points are the business objects Account,
Lead and Opportunity.

• Content Server module Extended ECM for SAP (xecmsap) must be installed
• You must have access to Content Server administration pages
• You must have access to SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer administration pages

Figure 9-1: Business workspace in an opportunity business object

New: You can now integrate business workspaces in SAP Hybris Cloud for
Customer. Extended ECM provides seamless integration for business objects
account, lead, and business opportunity.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 193

Chapter 9 Integrating Extended ECM for SAP Solutions into SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer

Corporate system

Corporate AD AD, LDAP


Corporate IdP

Extended ECM
SAP Hybris Cloud for OTDS
Customer HTTP R


Content Server
UI Permissions

Cloud for Customer SPI



Figure 9-2: Integration Architecture

SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer uses an Identity provider (IdP) for authentication.
For a single sign-on scenario, you set up a connection between OpenText Directory
Services and the corporate IdP using Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML). For
more information, see Section 5.1.4 “Configuration and use of SAML authentication”
in OpenText Directory Services - Installation and Administration Guide (OTDS-IWC).

To prepare Content Server for the integration:

1. External system
Create a connection to the SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer system:

a. On the Content Server Administration page, click Extended ECM >

Configure Connections to External Systems.

b. Create a new connection with the following special settings:

Connection Type: C4C SPI Adapter
Application Server Endpoint: The OData endpoint of your SAP Hybris
Cloud for Customer tenant, for example, https://my123456.

c. For more information, see Section 19.2 “Connecting an external system” in

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions - Installation and Upgrade Guide

194 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

2. Business workspace
Create workspace types, categories, classifications, and business object types for
the following business objects:

• Account
• Lead
• Opportunity

For more information, see “Configuring business workspaces“ on page 29.

To configure SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer for the integration:

1. Microsoft Silverlight
Make sure that you are working in Microsoft Silverlight® mode to have access
to the functions described below:

• From the main menu, select Adapt > Launch in Microsoft Silverlight. The
screens reload in a new window with additional options and menus or
prompts you to install Microsoft Silverlight®.
2. HTML mashup
Create an HTML mashup for each business object:

a. Go to the Administrator work center. Then choose Business Flexibility >

Mashup Authoring
b. Click New > New HTML Mashup and configure the following:

• Mashup Category: Business & Finance

• Port Binding: depending on the business object: Account = Addition
Account Information, Lead = InsideView Lead Information,
Opportunity = Opportunity Info
• Mashup Name: Business workspace, for example
• Status: Active
• Configuration Information
Type: URL
URL: URL to the Content Server, for example, https://
Height: Depending on your preferences, for example, 500 or 600.
• Parameters
func: xecmpf.GetWspIntegration
extsysid: ID of external system as defined in Content Server
botype: Business object type for Lead, Account or Opportunity
theme (optional): sap.bluecrystal

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 195

Chapter 9 Integrating Extended ECM for SAP Solutions into SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer

bokey: depending on the business object: Account =

AccountInternalID, Lead = LeadID, Opportunity = OpportunityID

3. Enhance screen with mashup

Open the screen, in which you want create a new tab to display the business
workspace: Account, Lead, or Opportunity.

4. From the menu, select Adapt > Enter Adaptation Mode and confirm.

5. From the menu, select Adapt > Edit Screen.

6. In the right Adapt pane, in the Mashups and Web Services section, select the
mashup you created for this business object.

7. In the Properties area below, enter the following:

Appearance: New Facet
Full Width: select

8. Click Save and then Publish to make the mashup available to all users.

9. From the menu, select Adapt > Leave Adaptation Mode.

196 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

9.1. Using scheduled processing to create business workspaces

9.1 Using scheduled processing to create business

For the initial creation of business workspaces from a SAP Hybris Cloud for
Customer integration, scheduled processing task create or update large numbers of
business workspaces. You can filter the business objects with the powerful Content
Server Expression Builder.

New: For a SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer integration, you can now use
scheduled processing task to create large amounts of business workspaces
automatically and in the background.

You can schedule the processing to run during off-hours with low server workload,
also periodically.

9.1.1 Creating a scheduled job

To create a scheduled processing task:

1. On the global menu, click Enterprise > Connected Workspaces.

2. Click Scheduled Processing.

3. Click Add Item> Scheduled Job.

4. Enter a name and a description, also in multiple languages.

5. As Job Type, currently only Create or Update Workspaces is available.

6. From the External System list, select the business application. The connection to
the business application must have been configured before.

7. Select one Business Object Type that is available on the selected system. You
will later be able to set filters for the business object type.
8. Keep the Scheduled Processing folder to create the task in.

9. Click Add.
In the next step you filter the business objects and create a schedule.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 197

Chapter 9 Integrating Extended ECM for SAP Solutions into SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer

9.1.2 Editing a scheduled job

After having created a task, you must specify details like the schedule or a filter on
the business object types.

To detail a scheduled job:

1. Open the scheduled job that you want to edit:

a. On the global menu, click Enterprise> Connected Workspaces.

b. Click Scheduled Processing.
c. Click the scheduled job.

2. If necessary, change the External System and Business Object Type.

3. In the Configuration section, set the following:

• Scenario: This option is not yet used.

• Business Object Filter: Click Edit Query to open the Expression Builder.
Design your expression to filter only the business objects that you want to

Note: In the SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer OData API, the logical
OR only works for the same property.

Example: Supported: "...$filter=AccountID eq '1001' or AccountID

eq '1002'"
Not supported: "...$filter=AccountID eq '1001' or Status eq '2'"

This implies that the adapter might spread a complex filter condition
over many OData requests. Technically, these requests are processed in
parallel via the OData batch mechanism for better performance.
However, this has an impact on pagination. As the page size is
respected for each request separately, it can happen that more result is
provided to the framework than was originally requested by the page
size. This may not have impact on the creation job because at the end
only those business entities are processes, which satisfy the defined
business object filter. Additionally, if it turns out that more than one
sub-request must be made to get the next batch of data, the processing
stops by design. To overcome this limitation either redesign the filter
criteria, or set the batch size higher.
• Update Only: Select this option if you only want to update existing business
workspaces with changed metadata rather than creating new business
• Page Size: Number of business objects fetched from the business application
in one step. Tweak this value to optimize the performance of the job. Default
is 100.

198 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

9.1. Using scheduled processing to create business workspaces

• Block Size: Number of business objects to be processed by one Distributed

Agent. Tweak this value to optimize the performance of the job. Default is

4. Click Configure Schedule to schedule the task:

a. On the Configure Scheduled Activities page, find the Extended ECM

Scheduled Processor sections.
b. Design your schedule in these sections as required. For more information,
see the online help for this page.
c. Click Submit.

5. Click Run Now to start the scheduled task immediately.

6. Click Update to save your settings.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 199

Chapter 10
Integrating Extended ECM for SAP Solutions into
SAP Fiori apps

You can make business workspaces available in SAP Fiori apps. The business
workspaces are displayed in a custom tile.

10.1 SAP Fiori architecture

SAP Business Suite features an ABAP engine, which is used for transactional
applications. Back-end application artifacts and application content are stored in the
back-end database.

In addition, the UI apps are deployed on a central SAP ABAP NetWeaver server,
which also contains the UI Service Add-on for the shell services and the Gateway
Add-on for the OData enablement of the ABAP-based Suite system.

Fiori apps are created using HTML5 and SAPUI5. For some extensions, the
underlying jQuery JS library may be used. All supported form factors and operating
systems are supported with one development project and a single code line per user
interface app.

10.2 Integration into OpenText products

SAP Fiori integrations are for example available for the following products:
• OpenText™ Extended ECM for SAP® Solutions
Described in this guide.
• OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions
For more information, see OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP
Solutions - Installation and Upgrade Guide (ER-IGD) and OpenText Archiving and
Document Access for SAP Solutions - Scenario Guide (ER-CCS).
• OpenText™ Business Center for SAP® Solutions
For more information, see OpenText Business Center for SAP Solutions -
Configuration Guide (BOCP-CGD)

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 201

Chapter 10 Integrating Extended ECM for SAP Solutions into SAP Fiori apps

10.3 Extended ECM for SAP Solutions in SAP Fiori

Extended ECM for SAP Solutions integrates in the different layers of SAP Fiori:

• Base functionality for Extended ECM for SAP Solutions in the backend
• Specific OData Services as extension of the Gateway layer in the backend
• SAP Fiori UI5 integration for business workspace functionality in the front-end
• Test application OpenText Test Launcher in the front-end
• Integration into existing SAP Fiori apps, for example Track Sales Order as
described in the solution accelerator

Figure 10-1: SAP Fiori Integration for Business Workspaces

10.3.1 Relevant packages for integration

The following packages are relevant for the integration and must be installed in the
according systems. After you have installed the packages, you can start to integrate
the functionality in your application.

Table 10-1: Relevant Packages for SAP Fiori (Business Workspaces)

Package Add-on Package Functionality System

/OTX/ OTEXRL Base functionality ERP (CRM, SRM) /
RM_CSUI_BASE Gateway Backend

202 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

10.4. Retrieving version information

Package Add-on Package Functionality System

/OTX/ OTEXRLO OData services, ERP/Gateway
RM_WSC_ODATA extension of the Backend
Gateway layer
If the backend does
not support OData
services (no
component IW_BEP
installed), the OData
services are installed
on the front-end
/OTX/RMF_UI OTEXRLF Extended ECM Fiori Central Hub/
apps and components Gateway Frontend
/OTX/RMF_UI4BC OTEXRLF Extended ECM Central Hub/
Business Workspace Gateway Frontend
for Business Center
/OTX/ OTEXBASF (ADA) Test application and Central Hub/
RMF_LAUNCH otx nodes in SICF Gateway Frontend

10.4 Retrieving version information

For each application, there is a static version.html that includes the version

To retrieve version information in a browser:

1. In a browser, in the address bar, enter the following

http(s)://<SAP hostname>:<SAP port>/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/otx/<subpath

of fiori app>/version.html


2. The version number displays in the browser window.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 203

Chapter 10 Integrating Extended ECM for SAP Solutions into SAP Fiori apps

10.5 Customizing for Fiori integration

The following steps are relevant to enable the Extended ECM for SAP Solutions
functionality in the different systems:

• You have installed and configured the SAP Fiori system landscape. For more
information about the system landscape, see SAP Help Portal at Setup of SAP
Fiori System Landscape with ABAP Environment (
• You have installed at least version 1.28.6 of SAP UI5. This version corresponds to
SAP_UI 740, patch level 13 and is required for the OTEXBASF and OTEXRLF
add-ons. For information about the installation and the recommended patch level
of SAP Netweaver 740, see SAP Note 1933498 (
If you use Microsoft Internet Explorer as browser, it is highly recommended to
install at least version 1.28.15 of SAP UI5. For information about the installation,
see SAP Note 2213049 (
• You have done the initial configuration of SAP Gateway. For more information,
see the following documentation:
For SAP NetWeaver 7.4, see SAP Help Portal at

The connection between the backend system and the front-end system
must be configured as a trusted connection.
• You have set up the SAP Fiori infrastructure. For more information, see SAP
Help Portal at Configuration of SAP Fiori Infrastructure (

The following steps are relevant to enable the Extended ECM for SAP Solutions
functionality in the different systems:

Table 10-2: Installation and configuration steps in the different systems

Step System Additional information

Basic installation of Extended SAP ERP (backend system) OpenText Extended ECM for
ECM for SAP Solutions SAP Solutions - Installation
and Upgrade Guide (ERLK-

204 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

10.5. Customizing for Fiori integration

Step System Additional information

Installation of additional SAP ERP (backend system) if Install the Extended ECM for
Extended ECM for SAP IW_BEP or SAP_GWFND are SAP Solutions OData services
Solutions packages for OData installed on the backend only if the
services: OTEXRLO other OData services are
installed there. If the backend
does not support OData
services, install them on the
front-end system.
Installation of additional SAP Gateway system (front- On the front-end, the basic
Extended ECM for SAP end system) installation of Extended ECM
Solutions packages for SAP for SAP Solutions is not
Fiori: OTEXBASF, OTEXRLF necessary.
Specific:Maintain Business SAP ERP (backend system) “Creating a business object
Object Declaration: Select declaration in SAP”
Use Widgets for UI on page 32
Specific:Maintain Extended SAP ERP (backend system) Section 18.5 “Maintaining
ECM Connections: Maintain Extended ECM connections”
support directory in OpenText Extended ECM for
SAP Solutions - Installation
and Upgrade Guide (ERLK-
Specific:If a Web Dispatcher is SAP ERP (backend system) Section 18.5 “Maintaining
used, enable and define the Extended ECM connections”
proxy settings for OpenText in OpenText Extended ECM for
Content Server. SAP Solutions - Installation
and Upgrade Guide (ERLK-
Setting up the SAP Fiori SAP Gateway system (front- SAP Help Portal: Setting Up
Launchpad end system) the Launchpad (http://

For more information, see SAP Help Portal:

• Links to all SAP Fiori documentation: SAP Fiori for SAP Business Suite (http://
• General Fiori Launchpad Enabling: SAP Fiori Launchpad (

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 205

Chapter 10 Integrating Extended ECM for SAP Solutions into SAP Fiori apps


After you have enabled the functionality in general, further steps are necessary to
integrate a specific application.

10.6 Customizing Fiori Launchpad for OpenText Test

OpenText Test Launcher /OTX/RMF_LAUNCH is a test application. You can use it to
test the integration of Extended ECM for SAP Solutions in the Fiori Launchpad. It is
contained in the ABAP Add-On OTEXBASF of Archiving and Document Access for
SAP Solutions.

Configuration overview
• The application comes with its OData services. You check if they are available
after installation and activate them if necessary.
• In the Fiori Launchpad, users work with their apps. You configure the Fiori
Launchpad to show the OpenText Test Launcher for relevant users such as
administrators who test the integration. For this, you create a tile catalog and a
tile group.
• The application is displayed in a tile. The tile is configured to show a specific
navigation target with a defined semantic object.
• The PFCG role defines which users can access a specific tile catalog and tile
group. For the test user, you define a specific role and assign a catalog and a
group to it.

10.6.1 Front-end: Adding the OData services

The OData services are typically installed on the back-end system, and you add
them as external services on the front-end system. If the OData services are not
added yet, you add them in the Activate and maintain services transaction.

To add the OData service:

1. Run the Activate and maintain services (/IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE) transaction.

2. Click Add Service.
3. Enter the system alias of your back-end system.
4. In the External Service Name field, enter the technical name of the relevant
OData services without the version number. The following services are
relevant: /OTX/RM_WSC_ODATA_SRV for business workspaces
5. In the Version field, enter the version number.
6. Click Get Services.

206 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

10.6. Customizing Fiori Launchpad for OpenText Test Launcher

7. Click Add Selected Services.

8. Enter a technical name for the service in your customer namespace.

9. Assign a package or click Local Object.

10. Click Execute to save the service.

11. On the Activate and maintain services screen, check if the system alias is
maintained correctly. If not, delete the alias and add the correct one.

10.6.2 Front-end: Activating the ICF services

Check if the relevant services are already activated. If not, activate them.

To activate the ICF service:

1. On the front-end server, start transaction Maintain Services (SICF).

2. Click Execute.
3. Navigate to default_host > sap > bc > ui5_ui5 > otx.

4. Activate the following services:

• rmf_bws_ui for the Extended ECM Business Workspace Component
• rmf_launch for the Test Launcher

To activate the service select it and on the menu, click Service/Host > Activate.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 207

Chapter 10 Integrating Extended ECM for SAP Solutions into SAP Fiori apps

10.6.3 Front-end: Configuring navigation

Navigation between launchpad applications is based on abstract representations
(intents) that are resolved to concrete navigation targets.

Each application within the launchpad has a resource locator (URL) by which it can
be loaded. Instead of directly encoding the (technical) name of the target application
into the URL hash, the launchpad performs an indirection by so-called intents.

The intent is resolved to the concrete navigation target by the launchpad target
resolution service. The concrete application targets have to be configured by the
administrator. In this configuration (called target mapping), admins map the
combination of a semantic object and an action (both defined in the app launcher
tile) to the navigation target by specifying launchpad role and instance as well as
application alias or ID. This allows any link specifying an intent-based URL to
trigger the correct application assigned to the user. Since target mappings are
assigned to users as part of a catalog, they can be assigned to PFCG roles, while an
intent is independent of a role and can therefore be resolved differently based on the
role of the user that triggers the navigation.

Prerequisites for customizing navigation

• The user who performs the customizing must be assigned the composite role
SAP_UI2_ADMIN or its related sub roles, and the SAP_UI2_USER_700 role.

Table 10-3 list all values that are needed in different configuration contexts. Define
meaningful values and make a note of them as you need them later in the process.

Table 10-3: Sample Values for Navigation

Object Action or Tool Value Needed later for

Semantic object Define Semantic For example Defining target
Objects for ZZXECM_SO mapping, defining
Navigation the tile
Catalog Launchpad Extended ECM Defining the PFCG
Designer> Catalog> Catalog, role
Add catalog XECM_TEST_CAT
Tile Launchpad Title: OpenText Defining the group
Designer> Catalog> Test Launcher
Tiles> Create
Group Launchpad Extended ECM Defining the PFCG
Designer> Add Group, role

208 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

10.6. Customizing Fiori Launchpad for OpenText Test Launcher Defining a semantic object

The semantic object is used later when you configure the target mapping for the tile

To define a semantic object:

1. In the IMG, navigate to the SAP Netweaver > SAP Fiori > UI Technologies >
Define Navigation Targets > Define Semantic Objects for Navigation activity
and click Execute.

2. Click New Entries and add a semantic object, for example ZZXECM_SO.

3. Enter a semantic object name and a semantic object description.

4. Click Save. Defining catalogs, target mapping, groups and tiles

In the SAP Fiori Launchpad Designer, you define the following:

• A catalog that contains target mapping, groups and tiles. Later, you assign the
catalog to the PFCG role.
• A target mapping for the catalog. For each application you define an intent
(semantic object) and a target (defined by the launchpad that you created earlier).
• A tile for each of your apps, for example the OpenText Test Launcher.
• A group within the catalog. Later, you assign the group to the PFCG role.
You can add tiles to the group.

To start the Launchpad Designer:

• In the IMG, navigate to the SAP Netweaver > SAP Fiori > UI Technologies >
Adding Apps to SAP Fiori Launchpad (Using SAP Fiori Launchpad Designer)
> SAP Fiori Launchpad Designer (Current Client) activity and click

Note: Maintain catalogs and groups either only in current client or only
across clients. Maintaining catalogs and groups mixed in current client
and across clients can lead to inconsistencies.

To create a catalog:

1. In the Launchpad Designer, on the Catalogs tab, in the footer, click + Add.

2. Add a title, for example Extended ECM Test, and an ID, for example

3. Click Save.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 209

Chapter 10 Integrating Extended ECM for SAP Solutions into SAP Fiori apps

To define target mapping:

1. In the new catalog, click Target Mapping.

2. In the footer, click Create Target Mapping.

3. Define the following in the Intent section:

• Semantic Object: Enter the ID of the semantic object that you defined
previously, for example ZZXECM_SO

• Action: Define a unique name in the context of the semantic object, for
example launcher.

4. Define the following in the Target section:

• Select SAP UI5 Fiori App.

• Title: for example OpenText Test Launcher

• URL: /sap/bc/ui5_ui5/otx/rmf_launch

• Component: otx.ecmlink.launcher

210 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

10.6. Customizing Fiori Launchpad for OpenText Test Launcher

To create a tile

1. In the catalog, click Tiles to open the list of tiles.

2. In the footer, click Create

3. Enter at least the following:

• Title and Subtitle: Enter the titles of the tile that are displayed for the user.
• Icon: Specify an icon that is displayed in the tile.
• Use semantic object navigation: Select.
• Semantic Object: Enter the ID of the semantic object that you defined
previously, for example ZZXECM_SO
• Action: Define a unique name in the context of the semantic object, for
example launcher.

4. Click Save.

5. Click the Back arrow to return to the catalog.

To create a group:

1. In the Launchpad Designer, on the Groups tab, in the footer, click + Add.

2. Define the following:

• ID: Enter an ID, for example XECM_TEST_GROUP. You use this ID later when
defining the PFCG role.
• Title: For example OpenText Test Group

3. Click Save.

4. To add tiles to the group, click + Add Tile

5. Click the search icon. In the window, enter the title of the tile that you defined
before, for example OpenText Test Launcher and filter the list for it.

6. The catalog list displays all catalogs that contain the tile. Click the catalog.

7. In the list of contained tiles, select the tile that you want to add, for example
OpenText Test Launcher.

8. Click the Back arrow to return to the group.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 211

Chapter 10 Integrating Extended ECM for SAP Solutions into SAP Fiori apps

10.6.4 Frontend: Configuring access

To grant the users access to the application, you create a new single role and do the

• Add the catalog and group that you created before to the role menu.
• Add Start authorizations for the OData services
• Assign users to the role.

After creating the role you assign it to the users.

To create a role for the Test Launcher:

1. Start the PFCG transaction.

2. Create a new single role and open the Menu tab.

3. On the Menu tab, open the menu of the button for adding objects and click SAP
Fiori Tile Catalog. Select or enter the following:

• Catalog Provider: Fiori Launchpad Catalogs

• Catalog ID: ID of the group created before, for example XECM_TEST_CAT

4. On the Menu tab, open the menu of the button for adding objects and click SAP
Fiori Tile Group.

212 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

10.7. Creating your own extension of an SAP Fiori app

5. In the Assign Group window, enter the following:

• Group ID: ID of the group created before, for example XECM_TEST_GROUP

6. On the Menu tab, open the menu of the button for adding objects and click
Authorization Default.
7. In the Service window, in the Authorization Default list, click Tadir Service.
Specify the following values:

• Program ID: R3TR

• Object Type: IWSG
8. In the table, enter the name of the OData service you have activated. Enter the
name as follows: <technical name_<four-digit version number with leading
zeros>. Enter the following:
Service for business workspaces: ZRM_WSC_ODATA_SRV_0001.
9. On the User tab, assign the role containing the catalogs, groups, and OData start
authorizations to a user by specifying the user ID.
Thereby, the user has UI access to the apps in the catalogs and the start
authorizations for the respective OData services on the front-end server.
10. On the Authorization tab, click the button next to Profile Name to generate the
authorization profile for the role.
11. Click Change Authorization Data, and then Generate.

10.7 Creating your own extension of an SAP Fiori app

One way to integrate the Extended ECM for SAP Solutions functionality is to create
an application that requires no modifications in the SAP-delivered standard

A typical SAP-delivered standard application consists of bootstrap files, views, view

controllers, and internationalization files. A custom application extends an SAP-
delivered standard application and consists of the bootstrap file Component.js,
which extends the Component.js of the SAP standard application,
internationalization file, view fragments, views, and view controllers. For general
SAP information, see Custom Application Extensibility (

For information about integrating Extended ECM for SAP Solutions functionality,
see OpenText ADA and xECM for SAP - SAP Fiori Integration API Guide 16

The Fiori-related solution accelerator provides sample custom applications that

integrates the Extended ECM for SAP Solutions functionality, for example into the
Track Sales Order app. When your create your own extension, review this solutions

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 213

Chapter 10 Integrating Extended ECM for SAP Solutions into SAP Fiori apps

• You have installed the following development tools: ABAP Development Tools
for SAP NetWeaver, SAPUI5 Application Development Tool for Eclipse
• SAPUI5 plugins are version 1.28.15or higher
• Ensure the local Tomcat web server is configured to work with SAPUI5 Eclipse
• You have installed the relevant Extended ECM for SAP Solutions Add-on
packages for Fiori integration and customized the system for the SAP Fiori

The main steps are:

• Download the SAP-delivered standard application from the ABAP system.
• Test the SAP-delivered standard application in the local Launchpad sandbox
• Create a custom application that extends an SAP-delivered standard application.
• Check the SAP-enabled extension options.
• Define the extensions metadata.
• Test the custom application on the local Launchpad sandbox environment.
• Upload the custom application to the ABAP system.
• Smoke-test the custom application on the ABAP system.
• Configure the custom application on Fiori Launchpad.
• Test the custom application on Fiori Launchpad.

For more information, see UI Extensibility Workflow (


At the end of all the steps to create a custom application that extends an SAP-
delivered standard application, the SAP Fiori sees a custom tile on the SAP Fiori

214 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

Chapter 11
Integrating Extended ECM for SAP Solutions into

To use the Extended ECM for SAP Solutions functionality in SAP CRM, you add
Extended ECM for SAP Solutions specific views, for example, for business partners,
opportunities, or leads.

Tip: Extended ECM for SAP Solutions also provides a Content Server
appearance that provides an SAP-like skin for business workspaces in Content
Server. For more information, see “Checking the appearance of the SAP
integration” on page 111.

Relevant packages for integration

The following packages are relevant for the integration and must be installed:

11.1 Customizing the integration into SAP CRM Web

Client UI
You can make workspaces and business attachments available in the SAP CRM Web
Client UI. Business workspace and Business attachments are displayed as
assignment blocks.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 215

Chapter 11 Integrating Extended ECM for SAP Solutions into SAP CRM

Figure 11-1: SAP CRM Web Client UI integration

The user has the following options:

• Browse an existing workspace and display its documents.
• Manually create a new workspace if there is no workspace for the respective
business object.
• Display the list of business attachments.
• Display the document referenced in the business attachments.
• Create a new business attachment.
• Delete a business attachment.

Finding CRM business objects

Table 11-1 contains a list of all SAP CRM business objects that have been identified
by OpenText. If you require other business objects, you can extract the necessary
information from the system:
• Component Name and View Set can usually be found in the Web Client UI by
clicking the header of the view and pressing F2.
• The Main Context can usually be found in the code of the
Window of the UI component.

CRM Lean Order (LORD) with all its business objects and UI components,
for example ERP_H, are not supported.

216 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

11.1. Customizing the integration into SAP CRM Web Client UI

Table 11-1: CRM business objects that are supported by Extended ECM

UI View Set Object Type Main BOR Object

component Context
Sales Professional
Partner BPHEADOve NT
(Account) rview
Opportunity BT111H_OPP BT111H_OPP BT111_OPPT BTORDER BUS2000111
T T/
Activity BT126H_APP BT126H_APP BT126_APPT BTORDER BUS2000110
T T/
T T/
Business BT126H_APP BT126H_APP BT126_APPT BTORDER BUS2000126
Activity T T/
MaterialOV V
Contract C C/
Sales Order BT115H_SLS BT115H_SLS BT115_SLSO BTORDER BUS2000115
O O/
Quotation BT115QH_SL BT115QH_SL BT115_SLSO BTORDER BUS2000115

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 217

Chapter 11 Integrating Extended ECM for SAP Solutions into SAP CRM

UI View Set Object Type Main BOR Object

component Context
Investigative Case Management
OverviewPag P
Channel Manager
OPOverview AIGN
Program OverviewPag ROGRAM AM
IT Service
Article ART_H ART_H/
Service Order BT116H_SRV BT116H_SRV BT116_SRVO BTORDER BUS2000116
O O/
Service Order BT116QH_SR BT116QH_SR BT116_SRVO BTORDER BUS2000116
Quotation VQ VQ/

218 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

11.1. Customizing the integration into SAP CRM Web Client UI

UI View Set Object Type Main BOR Object

component Context
Service BT112H_SC BT112H_SC/ BT112_SC BTORDER BUS2000112
Contract OVViewSet

To display business workspaces and business attachments in the SAP CRM Web
Client UI as assignment blocks, perform the following steps.

Note: If you are completely new to the way the SAP CRM Web UI framework
works, see the documentation and literature on Web UI development for a
better understanding.

To edit the component for Extended ECM for SAP Solutions integration:

1. You need an enhancement set active in the client that you want to use. If there is
no active enhancement set, create one. For information on how to create an
enhancement set, see the respective SAP documentation.

2. In the BSP Component Workbench (BSP_WD_CMPWB transaction), open the

component you want to enhance, for example BP_HEAD for business partners.
Access the workbench with your active enhancement set.

3. If your component has not been enhanced yet, create an enhancement for it
using the Enhance Component button.

a. Click Enhance Component.

b. Enter the name of the enhancement set and click Okay.

c. Enter a name for the new application that is created as part of the
component enhancement and click Okay.

A new BSP application is created as part of the component enhancement.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 219

Chapter 11 Integrating Extended ECM for SAP Solutions into SAP CRM

4. In the Runtime Repository Editor, switch to the edit mode and add a new
component usage with the name CUECMLink. The new component usage should
use the /OTX/RMCRM_GS_ECMLK component and the /OTX/RMCRM_GS_ECMLK/
WrkSpceWindow interface view for business workspaces.
On the ComponentUsages context menu, click Add Component Usage.

5. To the component usage, add the /OTX/RMCRM_GS_ECMLK/BusRefWindow

interface view for business attachments. From the context menu for the newly
created component usage, select Add Interface View.

6. In the Runtime Repository Editor, open the ViewSets node, select the view set
you want to enhance, and add the /OTX/RMCRM_GS_ECMLK/WrkSpceWindow
view for business workspaces and the /OTX/RMCRM_GS_ECMLK/BusRefWindow
view for business attachments to the respective view area.
For example, for business partners, go to the BP_HEAD\BPHEADOverview view
set. To the OverviewPage view area, add the /OTX/RMCRM_GS_ECMLK/
WrkSpceWindow view for business workspaces and the /OTX/RMCRM_GS_ECMLK/
BusRefWindow view for business attachments.

7. In the Runtime Repository Editor, click Save.

8. Open the Configuration tab for the view set and edit the Customer
Configuration. If there is no customer configuration, open the standard
configuration and click Copy Configuration to create a new one.

a. Move the newly added interface views to the list of displayed assignment
blocks and enter a title for each of them.
For example, for business partners, open the configuration tab for the
BP_HEAD\BPHEADOverview view and move the /OTX/RMCRM_GS_ECMLK/
WrkSpceWindow view for business workspaces and the /OTX/

220 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

11.1. Customizing the integration into SAP CRM Web Client UI

RMCRM_GS_ECMLK/BusRefWindow view for business attachments to the list

of displayed assignment blocks
b. Enter a title for each of them, for example Business Workspace and
Business Attachments.

Note: If you are using multiple languages, log on in each language

and define the title in the corresponding language.
c. Set the load option to Direct or Lazy.

9. On the Configuration tab, click Save.

10. Redefine the WD_USAGE_INITIALIZE method of the component controller:

a. In the Component Structure Browser, go to the Component Controller.

From the context menu of the Component Controller, select Enhance.

b. On the Controller Structure tab in the right pane, navigate to Sub

Component Handling. Redefine the WD_USAGE_INITIALIZE method.

You must use the enhanced component controller. Do not use the
original component controller.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 221

Chapter 11 Integrating Extended ECM for SAP Solutions into SAP CRM

c. Double-click the redefined WD_USAGE_INITIALIZE method and implement

the method. In the method code, replace <Main Context> with the name of
the main context of the UI component. For more information, see “CRM
business objects that are supported by Extended ECM” on page 217. For
example, for component BP_HEAD, replace <Main Context> with

METHOD wd_usage_initialize.

" If usage is ExtECM Component

IF iv_usage->usage_name EQ 'CUECMLink'.
" Bind ExtECM context PARENTNODE to CRM component root
iv_usage->bind_context_node( iv_controller_type =
iv_name =
iv_target_node_name =
'<Main Context>'
iv_node_2_bind =

222 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

11.1. Customizing the integration into SAP CRM Web Client UI

" Super method
super->wd_usage_initialize( iv_usage ).


d. Click Activate to activate the code.

For more information about SAP CRM and the Web Client UI framework, see the
respective SAP documentation in the SAP Help Portal (http:\\
• Web Client UI framework:

Special cases

SAP CRM business object Product

If you want to use the SAP CRM business object Product (UI Component
PRD01OV) for business workspaces or business attachments, you must
additionally implement the CRM_PRODIL_UIU_BADI BAdI.
1. Open the IMG and go to Customer Relationship Management >
Master Data> Products> Business Add-Ins> BAdI: Enhancements in
CRM WebClient UI for Products.
2. Implement method GET_VIEWS_TO_DISPLAY as follows:

METHOD if_ex_crm_prodil_uiu_badi~get_views_to_display.

ls_static_view TYPE bsp_dlc_ovw_dyn_views_list,
ls_view TYPE crmc_pril_uiu.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 223

Chapter 11 Integrating Extended ECM for SAP Solutions into SAP CRM

LOOP AT ct_static_views INTO ls_static_view WHERE

component EQ '/OTX/RMCRM_GS_ECMLK'.
ls_view-bsp_appl = ls_static_view-component.
ls_view-viewname = ls_static_view-viewname.
APPEND ls_view TO ct_views.

SAP CRM business object Installed Base

If you want to use the SAP CRM business object Installed Base (UI
Component IBMAIN), note that there is an error in SAP code in determining
the key of the BOR Object. For a workaround proceed like this:
1. Copy class CL_CRM_UIU_IBASE_MAPPER and make the following change

" Fix for SAP Error

* rs_result-objkey = lr_entity-
>get_property_as_string( iv_attr_name = 'GUID_COMPC' ).
IF lv_name = cl_crm_ibase_il_constant=>root_object.
rs_result-objkey = lr_entity-
>get_property_as_string( iv_attr_name = 'IB_GUID_16' ).
rs_result-objkey = lr_entity-
>get_property_as_string( iv_attr_name = 'GUID_COMPC' ).
2. Customize this class in the IMG: Customer Relationship Management
> UI Framework > Technical Role Definition > Define Object
Mapping for Object IBHeader.

Custom BAdI for mapping

If the predefined SAP mapping of SAP CRM objects to BOR objects is not
suitable for your needs, you can implement a BAdI using the IMG activity
CRM Settings > BAdI: Business Object Binding.

11.2 Customizing the integration into SAP CRM

Interaction Center Web Client UI
You can make business workspaces and business attachments available in the SAP
CRM Interaction Center Web Client UI. The business workspace and the business
attachments are displayed as tabs.

224 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

11.2. Customizing the integration into SAP CRM Interaction Center Web Client UI

Figure 11-2: SAP CRM Interaction Center Web Client UI integration

The user has the following options:

• Browse an existing workspace and display its documents.

• Manually create a new workspace if there is no workspace for the respective
business object.
• Display the list of business attachments.
• Display the document referenced in the business attachments.
• Create a new business attachment.
• Delete a business attachment.

To display business workspaces and business attachments in the SAP CRM IC Web
Client UI as additional tabs, perform the following steps.

Note: If you are completely new to the way the SAP CRM Web UI framework
works, refer to the documentation and literature on Web UI development for a
better understanding.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 225

Chapter 11 Integrating Extended ECM for SAP Solutions into SAP CRM

To edit the component for Extended ECM for SAP Solutions integration:

1. You need an enhancement set active in the client you want to use. If there is no
active enhancement set, create one. For information on how to create an
enhancement set, see the respective SAP documentation.

2. In the BSP Component Workbench (BSP_WD_CMPWB transaction), open the

component you want to enhance, for example IUICOVW which is the overview
page for business partners in IC Utilities.
Access the workbench with your active enhancement set.

3. If your component has not been enhanced yet, create an enhancement for it.

a. Click Enhance Component.

b. Enter the name of the enhancement set and click Okay.

c. Enter a name for the new application that is created as part of the
component enhancement and click Okay.

A new BSP application is created as part of the component enhancement.

4. In the Runtime Repository Editor, start the edit mode and add a new
component usage with the name usageECMLink.
The new component usage should use the /OTX/RMCRM_GS_ECMLK component
and the /OTX/RMCRM_GS_ECMLK/WrkSpceWindow interface view for business

5. To the component usage, add the/OTX/RMCRM_GS_ECMLK/BusRefWindow

interface view for business attachments. From the context menu of the newly
created component usage, select Add Interface View.

226 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

11.2. Customizing the integration into SAP CRM Interaction Center Web Client UI

6. In the Runtime Repository Editor, open the ViewSets node, select the view set
you want to enhance, and add the /OTX/RMCRM_GS_ECMLK/WrkSpceWindow
view for business workspaces and the /OTX/RMCRM_GS_ECMLK/BusRefWindow
view for business attachments to the respective view area.
For example, for the overview page for business partners in IC Utilities, go to
the IUICOVW/BottomVS view set. To the view area BottomVA, add the
usageECMLink./OTX/RMCRM_GS_ECMLINK/WrkSpceWindow for business
workspaces and the usageECMLink./OTX/RMCRM_GS_ECMLINK/BusRefWindow
view for business attachments.

7. In the Runtime Repository Editor, click Save.

8. In the Component Structure Browser, go to the view that contains the tabs and
where you would like to add the business workspace tab and the business
attachments tab.
For example, for the overview page for business partners in IC Utilities, go to
the IUICOVW/AccOvwNav view.
From the context menu of the view, select Enhance.

9. On the View Structure tab in the right pane, navigate to View Controller. To
open the view controller class, double-click on the implementation class of the
view controller.

a. Switch to the edit mode.

b. Clear the Filter option.
c. Click Redefine and redefine the FILL_TABLE method of the view controller
with the following coding:

METHOD fill_table.

* Local data declarations

DATA: ls_link TYPE crmt_thtmlb_link.

* Super method
super->fill_table( ).

* OpenText Links
ls_link-id = 'AccWrkSp'.
ls_link-text = 'Business Workspace'.
ls_link-onclick = 'WORKSPACE_CLICKED'.
APPEND ls_link TO links_tab.

ls_link-id = 'AccBusRef'.
ls_link-text = 'Business Attachment'.
ls_link-onclick = 'BUSREF_CLICKED'.
APPEND ls_link TO links_tab.

d. To activate the code, click Activate.
e. To return to the Component Structure Browser, click Back twice.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 227

Chapter 11 Integrating Extended ECM for SAP Solutions into SAP CRM

10. On the View Structure tab in the right pane, navigate to Outbound Plugs.

a. From the context menu of Outbound Plugs, select Create and create the
following outbound plugs:

• OP_ACCWRKSPACE for business workspaces

• OP_ACCBUSREF for business attachments

Tip: The OP_ prefix is added automatically. You only need to provide
the plug name.
b. Double-click the OP_ACCWRKSPACE outbound plug to implement it.
Implement it with the following coding:

METHOD op_accwrkspace.
view_manager->navigate( source_rep_view = rep_view
outbound_plug = 'NavToAccWrkspace' ).

Click Activate to activate the code.

c. Double-click the OP_ACCBUSREF outbound plug to implement it. Implement
it with the following coding:

METHOD op_accbusref.
view_manager->navigate( source_rep_view = rep_view
outbound_plug = 'NavToAccBusRef' ).

Click Activate to activate the code.

11. On the View Structure tab in the right pane, navigate to Event Handler.

a. From the context menu of Event Handler, select Create and create the
following event handlers:

• EH_ONWORKSPACE_CLICKED for business workspaces for the event

• EH_ONBUSREF_CLICKED for business attachments for the event

Tip: The EH_ON prefix is added automatically. You only need to

provide the actual name.

Note: The name of the event is case sensitive. Provide the name of the
events exactly like stated in uppercase.
b. Double-click the EH_ONWORKSPACE_CLICKED event handler to implement it.
Implement it with the following code:

METHOD eh_onworkspace_clicked.
selected_index = 'AccWrkSp'.
op_accwrkspace( ).

228 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

11.2. Customizing the integration into SAP CRM Interaction Center Web Client UI

Click Activate to activate the code.

c. Double-click the EH_ONBUSREF_CLICKED event handler to implement it.
Implement it with the following code:

METHOD eh_onbusref_clicked.
selected_index = 'AccBusRef'.
op_accbusref( ).

Click Activate to activate the code.

12. In the Runtime Repository Editor, go to Navigational Links and add an entry
for every new tab.
Add the navigational link NavToAccWrkspace for the workspace tab and
NavToAccBusRef for the business attachment tab.
The source is the current enhanced view with the relevant outbound plug
(ACCWRKSPACE for workspace, ACCBUSREF for business attachment).
The target is your newly defined usage (usageECMLink./OTX/
RMCRM_GS_ECMLK/WrkSpceWindow for workspaces, usageECMLink./OTX/
RMCRM_GS_ECMLK/BusRefWindow for business attachments).
For example, for the overview page for business partners in IC Utilities, add the
following navigational links:

• Navigational link: NavToAccWrkspace

Source view: IUICOVW/AccOvwNav, outbound plug ACCWRKSPACE
Target view: usageECMLink./OTX/RMCRM_GS_ECMLK/WrkSpceWindow,
inbound plug DEFAULT (leave the field empty)
• Navigational link: NavToAccBusRef
Source view: IUICOVW/AccOvwNav, outbound plug: ACCBUSREF
Target view: usageECMLink./OTX/RMCRM_GS_ECMLK/BusRefWindow,
inbound plug DEFAULT (leave field empty)

13. In the Runtime Repository Editor, click Save.

14. Redefine the WD_USAGE_INITIALIZE method of the component controller.

a. In the Component Structure Browser, go to the Component Controller.

From the context menu of the component controller, select Enhance.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 229

Chapter 11 Integrating Extended ECM for SAP Solutions into SAP CRM

b. On the Controller Structure tab in the right pane, navigate to Sub

Component Handling. Redefine the WD_USAGE_INITIALIZE method.

You must use the enhanced component controller. Do not use the
original component controller.

230 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

11.2. Customizing the integration into SAP CRM Interaction Center Web Client UI

c. Double-click the redefined WD_USAGE_INITIALIZE method and implement

the method.
For example, for component IUICOVW the method must be implemented as

METHOD wd_usage_initialize.

" If usage is ExtECM Component

IF iv_usage->usage_name EQ 'usageECMLink'.
" Bind ExtECM context PARENTNODE to CRM component root
iv_usage->bind_context_node( iv_controller_type =
iv_name = 'IUICOVW/CuCoOvw'
iv_target_node_name = 'ACCOUNT'
iv_node_2_bind = 'PARENTNODE' ).
" Super method
super->wd_usage_initialize( iv_usage ).


For other UI components, the method must be implemented as follows:

• If the main context is in a custom controller

Replace 'IUICOVW/CuCoOvw' in the method code with the name of the
custom controller.
Replace 'ACCOUNT' in the method code with the name of the main
• If the main context is in the component controller

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 231

Chapter 11 Integrating Extended ECM for SAP Solutions into SAP CRM

Implement the WD_USAGE_INITIALIZE method as described in Step 10

of “Customizing the integration into SAP CRM Web Client UI”
on page 215.
Replace 'CUECMLink' in the method code with 'usageECMLink'.
Replace <Main Context> in the method code with the name of the main
context. For more information, see table “CRM business objects that are
supported by Extended ECM” on page 217.

d. Click Activate to activate the code.

Note: If the predefined SAP mapping of SAP CRM objects to BOR objects is
not suitable for your needs, you can implement a BAdI using the IMG activity
CRM Settings > BAdI: Business Object Binding.

11.3 Providing documents from a business

workspace as email attachments
You can enable users of SAP CRM to add a document from the business workspace
as an attachment to an email. This function is available for Web Client UI and
Interaction Center Web Client UI.

To enable this function, you add a button to the email creation pages of SAP CRM
Web Client UI or SAP CRM Interaction Center Web Client UI. The user can click this
button to select a document from a business workspace and attach it to the email.

For more information about the user experience, see Section 7.5 “Adding a business
workspace document to an email” in OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions - User
Guide (ERLK-UGD).

For more information about SAP CRM and the Web Client UI framework, see the
respective SAP documentation in the SAP Help Portal:

232 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

11.3. Providing documents from a business workspace as email attachments


• Web Client UI framework (

11.3.1 Integrating Content Server access into the Web Client

email screen
To edit the email component for business workspace integration:

1. You need an active enhancement set in the client that you want to use. If there is
no active enhancement set, create one. For information on how to create an
enhancement set, see the respective SAP documentation.

2. In the BSP Component Workbench (BSP_WD_CMPWB transaction), open the

component BT126H_MAIL for the email page. Access the workbench with your
active enhancement set.

3. If component BT126H_MAIL has not been enhanced yet, create an enhancement

for it:

a. Click Enhance Component.

b. Enter the name of the enhancement set and click Okay.

c. Enter a name for the new application that is created as part of the
component enhancement, for example Z_BT126H_MAIL, and click Okay.
A new BSP application is created as part of the component enhancement.

4. In the Runtime Repository Editor, switch to the edit mode. From the
ComponentUsages context menu, select Add Component Usage to add the
new component usage CUCSTargetTree with the following parameters:

• component /OTX/RMCRM_TARG_TREE
• interface view /OTX/RMCRM_TARG_TREE/TargetTreeWindow

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 233

Chapter 11 Integrating Extended ECM for SAP Solutions into SAP CRM

5. In the Runtime Repository Editor, click Save.

6. In the Component Structure Browser, go to view BT126H_MAIL/send_screen.

From the context menu of the view, select Enhance.

7. On the View Structure tab in the right pane, navigate to View Controller. To
open the view controller class, double-click the implementation class of the
view controller.

a. Open the Attributes tab.

b. Switch to the edit mode.
c. Add the new attribute MH_ADDATTACHMENTCS_HELPER with the following

234 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

11.3. Providing documents from a business workspace as email attachments

• Level: Instance Attribute
• Visibility: Private
• Typing: Type Ref To
• Associated Type: /OTX/RMCRM_CL_BT126H_MAIL
d. Click Activate to activate the code.
e. Click Back to return to the Component Structure Browser.
8. On the View Structure tab in the right pane, navigate to Event Handler.

a. From the context menu of Event Handler, select Create and create the
following event handlers:



Note: The name of the event is case sensitive. Provide the name of the
events exactly like stated in uppercase.

Tip: The EN_ON prefix is added automatically. You only need to

provide the name of the event.
b. Double-click the EH_ONADDATTACHMENTCS event handler to implement it.
Implement it with the following code:

METHOD eh_onaddattachmentcs.

IF mh_addattachmentcs_helper IS INITIAL.
CREATE OBJECT mh_addattachmentcs_helper
pih_view_controller = me
pih_component_controller = me->comp_controller.


OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 235

Chapter 11 Integrating Extended ECM for SAP Solutions into SAP CRM

pih_view_context = me->typed_context ).


Click Activate to activate the code. Then click Back.

c. Double-click the EH_ONADDATTACHMENTCS_CLOSED event handler to

implement it. Implement it with the following code:

METHOD eh_onaddattachmentcs_closed.

CALL METHOD mh_addattachmentcs_helper-

ct_attachments = me->gt_attachments
ct_attachment_content = me->gt_attachment_content.


Click Activate to activate the code. Then click Back.

9. On the View Structure tab in the right pane, navigate to View Layout.

a. Double-click the page send_screen.htm to open it.

b. Find the tag <thtmlb:button id="CM_SearchButtonGrp" ……. />

c. Directly under this tag, add the following tag:

<thtmlb:button id="AddAttachmentCSButton"
text="<%=page->otr_trim( '/OTX/RMCRM_EMAIL_ATTACHMENT/
tooltip="<%=page->otr_trim( '/OTX/

d. Click Activate to activate the code. Then click Back.

236 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

11.3. Providing documents from a business workspace as email attachments

11.3.2 Integrating Content Server access into the Interaction

Center email screen
To edit the email component for business workspace integration:

1. You need an enhancement set active in the client you want to use. If there is no
active enhancement set, create one. For information on how to create an
enhancement set, see the respective SAP documentation.

2. In the BSP Component Workbench (BSP_WD_CMPWB transaction), open the

component CRMCMP_CCS_EML for the email page.
Access the workbench with your active enhancement set.

3. If the CRMCMP_CCS_EML component has not been enhanced yet, create an

enhancement for it.

a. Click Enhance Component.

b. Enter the name of the enhancement set, and click Okay.
c. Enter a name for the new application that is created as part of the
component enhancement, for example Z_CRMCMP_CCS_EM, and click

A new BSP application is created as part of the component enhancement.

4. In the Runtime Repository Editor, switch to the edit mode. From the
ComponentUsages context menu, select Add Component Usage to add the
new component usage CUCSTargetTree with the following parameters:

• component /OTX/RMCRM_TARG_TREE
• interface view /OTX/RMCRM_TARG_TREE/TargetTreeWindow

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 237

Chapter 11 Integrating Extended ECM for SAP Solutions into SAP CRM

5. In the Runtime Repository Editor, click Save.

6. In the Component Structure Browser, go to view CRMCMP_CCS_EML/

From the context menu of the view, select Enhance.

7. On the View Structure tab in the right pane, navigate to View Controller. To
open the view controller class, double-click the implementation class of the
view controller.

a. Open the Attributes tab.

b. Switch to the edit mode.
c. Add the new attribute MH_ADDATTACHMENTCS_HELPER with the following

238 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

11.3. Providing documents from a business workspace as email attachments

• Level: Instance Attribute
• Visibility: Private
• Typing: Type Ref To
d. Click Activate to activate the code.
e. Click Back to return to the Component Structure Browser.

8. On the View Structure tab in the right pane, navigate to Event Handler.

a. From the context menu of Event Handler, select Create and create the
following event handlers:




Note: The name of the event is case sensitive. Provide the name of the
events exactly like stated in uppercase.

Tip: The EN_ON prefix is added automatically. You only need to

provide the name of the event.
b. Double-click the EH_ONADDATTACHMENTCS event handler to implement it.
Implement it with the following code:

METHOD eh_onaddattachmentcs.

IF mh_addattachmentcs_helper IS INITIAL.
CREATE OBJECT mh_addattachmentcs_helper
pih_view_controller = me

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 239

Chapter 11 Integrating Extended ECM for SAP Solutions into SAP CRM

pih_component_controller = me->comp_controller.

pih_view_context = me->typed_context ).


Click Activate to activate the code. Then click Back.

c. Double-click the EH_ONADDATTACHMENTCS_CLOSED event handler to
implement it. Implement it with the following code:

METHOD eh_onaddattachmentcs_closed.

pih_view_context = me->typed_context ).


Click Activate to activate the code. Then click Back.

9. On the View Structure tab in the right pane, navigate to View Layout.

a. Double-click the page MailAttachments.htm to open it.

b. Find the tag <thtmlb:fileUpload id="myFileUpload1" …… />
c. Directly under this tag, add the following tag:

<thtmlb:button id="AddAttachmentCSButton"
text="<%=page->otr_trim( '/OTX/RMCRM_EMAIL_ATTACHMENT/
tooltip="<%=page->otr_trim( '/OTX/

240 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

11.4. Adapting the Content Server security parameters

Click Activate to activate the code. Then click Back.

11.4 Adapting the Content Server security parameters

To display business workspaces in SAP CRM web interface, you also have to adapt
the security parameter in Content Server.

To enable display of business workspaces in web applications of SAP:

1. On the Content Server Administration page, click Server Configuration >

Configure Security Parameters.

2. Specify the following parameters:

Frame Embedding
Must be unchecked. You do not want to prevent request handlers from
being embedded in external frames.

Trusted Referring Websites

Enter the URL of the SAP application website with port, for example

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 241

Chapter 12

Integrating Extended ECM for SAP Solutions into


To use the Extended ECM for SAP Solutions functionality in SAP SRM, you add
Extended ECM for SAP Solutions specific Web Dynpro components for business
objects like suppliers, purchase orders or shopping carts.

Relevant packages for integration

The following packages are relevant for the integration and must be installed:


12.1 Customizing the component configuration

You first create an enhancement for a component configuration and then you add
the workspace and business attachment tabs to the respective component

Tip: Extended ECM for SAP Solutions also provides a Content Server
appearance that provides an SAP-like skin for business workspaces in Content
Server. For more information, see “Checking the appearance of the SAP
integration” on page 111.

You can use Extended ECM for SAP Solutions, for example, in the following
component configurations:


• RFx Response for Strategic Purchaser: /SAPSRM/WDCC_FPM_OIF_QTE_PURCH
• RFx Response for Bidder: /SAPSRM/WDCC_FPM_OIF_QTE_BIDDER

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 243

Chapter 12 Integrating Extended ECM for SAP Solutions into SAP SRM

To create an enhancement for the component:

1. Use transaction SE80 to open the ABAP Development Workbench.

2. In the Repository Information System, go to Web Dynpro > Component
3. Find the component configurations that you want to enhance and repeat the
following steps for each of it.
Double-click the component configuration to open and edit it.
4. Click Start Configurator to open the Editor for the Web Dynpro ABAP
Component Configuration in a browser window.
5. Click Other Functions > Create Enhancement.
6. Create the new enhancement.
7. Click OK and make sure you get the verification message that the enhancement
was created successfully.

In the next steps, you modify each component configuration to show tabs for
business workspaces and business objects.

Make sure, you use the enhanced configuration and not the original.

To add tabs for business workspaces and business attachments to the


1. In the Editor for the Component configuration, click Change for the enhanced
version and not the original.
2. Click Add Main View. A new main view is added to the Hierarchy area.

244 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

12.1. Customizing the component configuration

3. Edit the attributes of the new main view:

• Mainview ID: A unique ID

• Mainview name: Name that appears on the tab.

Tip: To refresh the preview, select another main view.

Note: If you are using multiple languages, log on in each language and
define the title in the corresponding language.

4. In the Hierarchy area, open the node of the newly created main view and click
the user-interface building block (UIBB).

5. Edit the UIBB attributes:

• For Business Workspaces


• For Business Attachments


6. Click Save and wait for the verification message.

The browser view for your business object now contains the new tabs.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 245

Chapter 12 Integrating Extended ECM for SAP Solutions into SAP SRM

12.2 Customizing automatic creation of business

If you want to create business workspaces automatically whenever a business object
is created, you can use the standard SAP SRM BAdI BBP_DOC_SAVE_BADI. You find
the sample implementation /OTX/RMSRM_UI_SAVE of that BAdI in package /OTX/
RMSRM_UI. You must activate this BAdI before use.

For SAP SRM business objects that do not respond to the BBP_DOC_SAVE_BADI BAdI,
for example, BUS1006 for Supplier or Bidder, see “Configuring eventing for business
workspaces and business attachments“ on page 123.

To activate the sample BAdI implementation:

1. Start transaction SE80 and open package /OTX/RMSRM_UI.

2. In the Repository Browser, go to Enhancements > Classic BAdIs.

3. Double-click /OTX/RMSRM_DOC_SAVE.

4. Switch to edit mode and click Activate.

246 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

12.3. Adapting the Content Server security parameters

12.3 Adapting the Content Server security parameters

To display business workspaces in SAP SRM web interface, you also have to adapt
the security parameter in Content Server.

To enable display of business workspaces in web applications of SAP:

1. On the Content Server Administration page, click Server Configuration >

Configure Security Parameters.

2. Specify the following parameters:

Frame Embedding
Must be unchecked. You do not want to prevent request handlers from
being embedded in external frames.

Trusted Referring Websites

Enter the URL of the SAP application website with port, for example

12.4 Customizing the log-off from Content Server

If users log off from the SRM NetWeaver Portal, you have to make sure that they are
not only logged off from SAP NetWeaver Portal but also from Content Server. For
this, you create a custom log-off page and configure NetWeaver User Management
Engine (UME) to redirect to this HTML page during SAP NetWeaver Portal log-off.

To deploy the log-off from Content Server:

1. Download the required software packages from OpenText My Support and

install them on your systems.

• Extended ECM for SAP Solutions 16 Patch SAPRM-7954 (transport

D5GK900803) (
• Connected Workspaces 16 Patch pat160000099 (https://

2. On the SAP system, enable HTTPS for the connection to Content Server. For
more information, see Section 18.5 “Maintaining Extended ECM connections” in
OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions - Installation and Upgrade Guide (ERLK-

3. Activate the SICF node rm_wdgenlo, which is the BSP application to log off
from Content Server.

a. Run transaction SICF and click Execute:

b. Navigate to the following service: sap > bc > bsp > otx > rm_wdgenlo.
c. Right-click and select Activate Service.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 247

Chapter 12 Integrating Extended ECM for SAP Solutions into SAP SRM

4. Configure the URL redirection on the SAP NetWeaver Portal:

a. Log on to the SAP NetWeaver Portal as administrator.

b. Navigate to System Administration > System Configuration > UME
c. Click Open Expert Mode.
d. Filter for ume.logoff.redirect.
e. Click Modify.
f. Set the following parameters:

• ume.logoff.redirect.url: URL pointing to the Content Server logout

page that you created previously:
<Portal server>:<port>/sap/bc/bsp/otx/rm_wdgenlo/
default.htm?elib_id=<connection ID>
For example,

• ume.logoff.redirect.silent: false.

5. Maintain the white list to ensure that the log out is only possible from the
specific URL:

a. In the SM30 transaction, open the /OTX/RM_THTWHITE table.

b. Click New Entries and enter the following:

• Whitelist Entry Type: Referrer URL

• Sort Key: 02
• Protocol of URL: http or https
• Host Name: Name of the portal server as defined before
• Port: Port of portal server as defined before
• URL Template: /IRJ/PORTAL*
c. Save your settings.

12.5 Using version-independent business objects

To identify a single business object, normally the GUID is used as the business object
key. However, for business objects that support versioning, each change of the
business object creates a new version, and thus a new GUID, and subsequently a
new business workspace for this version.

To circumvent this, you can define that instead of the original version-dependent
business object, a version-independent object is used for Extended ECM. With this,
changes in the business object may create a new version of the business object but do
not create a new business workspace but update the metadata of the existing
business workspace.

248 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

12.5. Using version-independent business objects

Tip: To customize if SRM business objects are versionable in your SRM system,
use IMG activity SAP Supplier Relationship Management > SRM Server >
Cross-Application Basic Settings > Switch On Version Control for
Purchasing Documents.

The sample property providers for version-independent business object types are
available in OpenText My Support (

Business object types Version independent Property Provider

RFX Response (BUS2202) /OTX/RMRSP /OTX/
Contract (BUS200113) /OTX/RMCNT /OTX/
Purchase Order (BUS2201) /OTX/RMPO /OTX/
Invoice (BUS2205) /OTX/RMINV /OTX/
Auction (BUS2208) /OTX/RMAUC /OTX/

To use version-independent business objects:

1. In the IMG, navigate to the Extended ECM > SRM Settings > Maintain Version
Independent Objects activity and click Execute.

2. Create a new entry for the business object that you want to use version-
independent and select Version Independent Object.

Note: Use the version-independent object in all other configuration and

customizing in the SAP system and in Content Server, which use the business
object, for example business object types and business object declarations.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 249

Chapter 13
Preparing the Content Server search functionality
for users

Extended ECM for SAP Solutions indexes metadata, which is stored for business
workspaces and added business objects. To make this information available via the
search, Extended ECM automatically creates index regions.

To simplify the search for Content Server items, you can define search slices and
simple searches for a global business workspace search or a target browse search.

To support users in effectively reduce their search to only one specific workspace
type, you create a search slice for each workspace type.
• In Smart View: A selection list contains all search slices. The selected search slice
filters the search accordingly.

• In Classic View: The Search dialog contains a Slices list, which contains, for
example, a slice for the workspace type Customer. Users can reduce the search to
business workspaces of type Customer.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 251

Chapter 13 Preparing the Content Server search functionality for users

Searchable fields are called index regions within Content Server. The module
automatically creates the respective index regions as soon as the first business
workspace or the first business attachment are created and indexed.

Tip: Technically, a business workspace is created when you create a template,

thus the index regions for business workspaces are created at this time.

Table 13-1: Automatically created regions

Name Display Name / Description

For business workspaces
XECMWkspLinkRefTypeID Workspace Type
XECMWkspLinkSAPObjectComplete Business Object Reference
XECMWkspLinkSAPObjectKey Business Object Key
For business references
XECMRefLinkComment Reference Comment
XECMRefLinkCreateDate Reference Creation Date
XECMRefLinkCreatedBy Reference Created By (ID)
XECMRefLinkCreatedBy_FullName Reference Created By (Full Name)
XECMRefLinkCreatedBy_Name Reference Created By (Login Name)
XECMRefLinkRefTypeID Reference Business Object Type
XECMRefLinkSAPObjectComplete Reference Business Object Type with
XECMRefLinkSAPObjectKey Reference Business Object Key
XECMRefLinkSAPObjectName Reference Business Object Name

As a prerequisite for the search by search slices, the XECMWkspLinkRefTypeID field

must be queryable.

To make a field queryable:

1. On the Content Server Administration page, select Search Administration >

Open the System Object Volume > Enterprise Data Source Folder.

2. From the function menu of the Enterprise Search Manager object, select
Properties > Regions.

3. Select Queryable for the XECMWkspLinkRefTypeID field.

252 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

13.1. Creating search slices

13.1 Creating search slices

To create a search slice:

1. Find the ID of the workspace type:

a. On global menu, click Enterprise > Connected Workspaces

b. Click Workspace Types and open one of the workspace types.
c. The URL in the browser’s address field now shows a string that contains
the parameter ID_CFG, for example, ReferenceTypeEdit&ID_CFG=5.
d. Make a note of the value, in this example, 5.

2. From the Content Server menu, select Tools > Search.

3. From the Look For list, select Complex Query. Then create a complex query
and specify as search criterion: XECMWkspLinkRefTypeID:<ID_CFG value>.

4. Click Save as Slice and enter a name. The slice is saved to the Slice folder.

5. Set the permissions for the created slice to make it available for the respective

In addition, search templates can be defined that already contain all the standard
search fields normally used and have the display variables predefined.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 253

Chapter 13 Preparing the Content Server search functionality for users

13.2 Configuring the search in related business

You can configure the search so that users not only can search documents in the
current workspace but also search in related workspaces. For this, users have two
different starting points:

Related Business Workspaces folder

This folder displays business workspaces that are related and fulfill certain
You configure the search options for this type of folder in Content Server
Administration > Search Administration > Configure Search Location
Modifiers > Follow Business Workspace Relationships.
For detailed information, see “Displaying related business workspaces in a
folder in Classic View” on page 82.
Business Workspaces
For each business workspace type, you can configure the search behavior and
the options of the Search From Here box.
If enabled, the related workspaces search follows all related items that are
configured in the Related Items sidebar widgets for this business workspace
For detailed information, see “Creating a workspace type” on page 40.

13.3 Indexing documents and other items with

business workspace attributes
Content Server items like documents, folders, or tasks in a business workspace
usually do not have the same categories and attributes as business workspaces. For
each workspace type, you can decide if items within a business workspaces will be
indexed with the attributes of the business workspace. With the re-indexing feature
enabled, a search for attributes not only finds business workspaces but also the other
indexed items.

Attributes that were changed in the business workspace are propagated to the sub-
items to ensure clean data. Because of this feature as well as performance reasons
you should prefer indexing over metadata inheritance in document templates. For
more information, see “Defining basic settings and search settings for a workspace
type” on page 43.

New: You can now select which Content Server object types are indexed with
metadata from the business workspace.

You enable indexing for each business workspace type, and you select which items
are to be indexed. After changing the indexing setting, it may be necessary to re-
index documents. For more information, see “Creating a workspace type”
on page 40.

254 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

13.3. Indexing documents and other items with business workspace attributes

To enable indexing and to select, which items to be indexed:

1. On the global menu, click Enterprise > Connected Workspaces.

2. Click Workspace Types and open a workspace type.

3. In the Indexing Settings section, select Enable the indexing of category

attributes .... Click Apply.

4. Click Configure indexable subtypes.

5. From the list of all available Content Server object types, select the object types
that you want to be indexed with metadata from the business workspace. A
typical list could contain the following:

• Folder
• Shortcut
• Generation
• Task List
• Task
• Email
• Document
• Business Workspace

To start the indexing process:

1. On the global menu, click Enterprise > Connected Workspaces.

2. Click Workspace Types and open a workspace type.

3. Find a workspace type where the Indexing Status is Re-indexing required.

4. From the function menu of the workspace type, select Schedule for Re-

5. Select Run in test mode without indexing to see how many documents need re-

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 255

Chapter 13 Preparing the Content Server search functionality for users

Tip: Run the test mode first to estimate the impact of the indexing process
on Content Server performance.

6. To start the re-indexing, clear the Test run option and click Start.

256 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

13.4. Configuring a simple search

The re-indexing process is scheduled. You can monitor the actual indexing
progress on the Content Server System page.
Click the respective link on the current window to go to Content Server
System, then click Enterprise Data Source Folder > Enterprise Data Flow
Manager. You can monitor the processing in the Interchange Pools section.

13.4 Configuring a simple search

Simple searches are predefined and saved queries that help users to find a business
workspace or create shortcuts more easily.

Users can use those templates where they have sufficient permissions.

Users find simple searches in the following places in Content Server Classic View:

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 257

Chapter 13 Preparing the Content Server search functionality for users

• On the global menu with menu option Business Workspaces > Search.

• In the target browse window when users copy or move a Content Server item.

• Extended ECM: When users add a business relationship and search for the
related business workspace. For more information, see Section 3.6 “Creating a
relationship between business workspaces” in OpenText Extended ECM for SAP
Solutions - User Guide (ERLK-UGD).

• Simple searches are based on the Content Server concept of Custom View
• Simple searches can be multilingual, so a search form can have different
names per language.

To create a simple search:

1. Go to Tools > Search to create an advanced search. For more information about
advanced search options in Content Server, see the Content Server online help.

Tip: To find only business workspaces, you can use the system attribute
Object Type.

258 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

13.4. Configuring a simple search

2. Click Save Search Query. Enter a name and a description and save the search
form to the Content Server Saved Queries Volume folder.

Tip: You can define multilingual names and descriptions. Click

Multilingual values to add the names.

3. From the menu, select Enterprise > Connected Workspaces Volume > Saved
Queries Volume and find your new search form.

4. From the function menu of the search form, select Make Custom View Search.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 259

Chapter 13 Preparing the Content Server search functionality for users

5. Configure the search as desired. In the Options section, add the title and a
description for this simple search.
Click Save.
Users with sufficient permissions can now use the simple search.

260 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

Chapter 14
Managing authorization

Permission definitions on Content Server can either apply to the whole Content
Server system or to individual Content Server items.

For a detailed discussion of authorization concepts on different levels, see
OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions - User Management and Access
Control Scenarios (ERLK-CUM).
• System wide: Object privileges define who can create items of a specific type;
usage privileges define who can perform specific actions. For more information,
see Section 7.1 “Defining general restrictions on Content Server” in OpenText
Extended ECM for SAP Solutions - User Management and Access Control Scenarios
• On item level: Content Server permissions, security clearance. Content Server
permissions define access to each item, typically using groups. Permissions can
be inherited. For more information, see Section 7.2 “Defining item level
permissions on Content Server” in OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions -
User Management and Access Control Scenarios (ERLK-CUM).
• On workspace level: Business policies are generated from SAP authorization
profiles. They restrict access to a workspace and its subitems.

Note: For general information, see OpenText Extended ECM for SAP
Solutions - User Management and Access Control Scenarios (ERLK-CUM).
For information on detailed subjects, see the following:
• “SAP: Exporting authorizations” on page 262 and “Content Server:
Opening the policies volume” on page 264
• “Configuring the creation of business workspaces” on page 87, Mapping
of Business Properties section
• “Defining permission handling for business workspace templates”
on page 77

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 261

Chapter 14 Managing authorization

14.1 SAP: Exporting authorizations

An SAP profile restricts access to transactions and objects via authorization object
fields. To use this functionality also in Content Server, the SAP profiles are exported
to policies in Content Server. This ensures that only authorized users have access to
business workspaces.

Before you export the SAP authorization objects, you must create an appropriate
field mapping; each field of the authorization object that should be included in the
policies must be mapped to a Content Server category attribute. For more
information, see Section 3.13.2: “Configuring the creation of business workspaces”
on page 87 and “Mapping authorizations in SAP” on page 96.

For information about the overall process and all relevant activities, see Section 8
“Using SAP authorizations to restrict workspace access (optional)” in OpenText
Extended ECM for SAP Solutions - User Management and Access Control Scenarios

Note: If you populate cross-application business workspaces with business

objects from several systems, all business object types of this workspace are
used to identify the policies to check. If at least one policy, regardless from
which system, gives access, the user can access the business workspace.

Example: A user has the authorization to see customers in the SAP ERP system, but no
authorization to see the same customer in the SAP CRM system. In Content Server,
policies created from authorizations both in the SAP ERP system and in the SAP CRM
system restrict access to the created workspaces. The user can see the business
workspace because the policy created from the SAP ERP system gives access.

To export roles:

1. Make sure that in the Business Object Declaration activity of the SAP IMG the
fields that are used to restrict access are mapped to corresponding attributes of
a Content Server category, for example Sales Organization. For more
information, see “Mapping authorizations in SAP” on page 96.

2. Enter /n/OTX/RM_WSA_POL to start the report.

262 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

14.1. SAP: Exporting authorizations

3. Specify the following options:

Object Type, Role, Profile, User

Filter the data according to object type, role, profile and user.

Tip: If you want to assign the policies to users with the Grant Policies
option, set the filter so that only users which also exist in Content
Server are included.

Delete existing Policies

Select this checkbox to delete all existing Content Server policies and
assignments to users before setting new ones.

Select the Delete existing Policies option only if you want to reset
all policies and assignments.

Grant Policies
Select this checkbox to assign the generated policies to Content Server users.
As an alternative, you can assign policies to Content Server users manually
in Content Server.

Overwrite granted Policies

Select this checkbox to combine the prior deletion of policy assignments
with the creation of new assignments.

4. Click Execute.
The authorization mapping is transferred to the Content Server.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 263

Chapter 14 Managing authorization

Note: For the respective business objects, you must enable the use of policies
for the workspace type in Content Server (Policies Enabled checkbox); see also
“Creating a workspace type” on page 40.

14.2 Content Server: Opening the policies volume

After you have exported the SAP roles to policies in Content Server, the policies are
stored in a volume that you can view.

To browse the policies volume:

1. On the Content Server Administration page, click Extended ECM > Open
Policies Volume.
The Content Server Policies page displays the global policies volume with the
SAP policies that are applied to the business workspaces. The policies are
grouped in folders; there is one folder for each business object declaration.

2. To display the properties for each policy using the Properties functions menu:

• The General tab displays general Content Server information.

• The Specific tab displays the information, which SAP system and client
created the policy.
• The Authorizations tab displays attributes that are used to grant access.
• The Users tab displays users assigned to the policy.

To assign policies manually to a user:

1. From the Content Server main menu, select Enterprise > Users & Groups.

2. Find the user to which you want to grant policies and click Edit in the Actions

264 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

14.2. Content Server: Opening the policies volume

3. On the General tab, in the Policies granted field, add the policies you want to
grant the user.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 265

Chapter 15

Mapping SAP roles to OTDS groups or Content

Server groups

In Content Server, permissions define who can access a business workspace.

Typically, this is handled with groups to which the users are assigned. Content
Server users and groups are managed in Directory Services (OTDS).

You can fill OTDS groups with users from the SAP system depending on their role
assignment. The OTDS users and groups are synchronized to the Content Server

For the mapping, you create the OTDS groups in a separate non-synchronized
partition. You configure the Content Server resource in OTDS, define the partition
and a mapping in the SAP system, run it and configure eventing. Permissions for
groups in Content Server must be defined separately by the Content Server
administrators. For information about all relevant settings, see Section 9 “Mapping
SAP roles to groups” in OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions - User Management
and Access Control Scenarios (ERLK-CUM).

Note: For earlier versions, a Solution Accelerator was available for the
mapping of SAP roles to Directory Services groups. If you have been using this
Solution Accelerator, you can either stay with your former implementation or
switch to the new implementation. If you want to switch to the new
implementation, copy the mapping from the Solution Accelerator table to the
product table.

15.1 Defining the user partition for group mapping

OTDS groups All users that you want to add to an OTDS group must be in one single partition.
When adding a user to an OTDS group, the defined partition is appended to the SAP
user name. This requires that there is a one-to-one relationship of users in SAP to
users in OTDS.

For more information about setting up user mapping, see Section “One-to-one
user mapping without impersonation” in OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions -
User Management and Access Control Scenarios (ERLK-CUM).

Note: The OTDS group can be in a different partition which must be non-

Content Server For Content Server groups, the partition is only appended if
groups OTExternalID2,OTExternalID3, or OTExternalID4 is defined as _NAME_
attribute. In this case, define the partition.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 267

Chapter 15 Mapping SAP roles to OTDS groups or Content Server groups

To define the partition:

1. In the IMG, navigate to the OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions >
Infrastructure > Maintain Extended ECM Connections activity and click
2. Select the connection in the list and click Change.
3. In the OpenText Directory section, in the Partition field, enter the partition.

15.2 Configuring SAP group mapping

You can add SAP users to either an OTDS group or a Content Server group by using
an SAP transaction. The assignment is based on the assignment of the user to an SAP
role. In addition, you can also define that other users are removed from the OTDS or
Content Server group during the mapping so that the OTDS or Content Server
group only contains users that are currently assigned to the specified SAP role (strict
group membership).

Note: For information about all relevant settings, see Section 9 “Mapping SAP
roles to groups” in OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions - User Management
and Access Control Scenarios (ERLK-CUM).

New: You can now map SAP groups to OTDS groups and to Content Server

Mapping to OTDS groups: You must be an administrator of the partition and a

member of the otdsreadonlyadmins group in OTDS to start the mapping

Mapping to Content Server groups: You must be a at least a member of the

otdsreadonlyadmins group to start the mapping transaction. In Content Server, you
must have the permission to create, modify and delete groups and users.

To configure and run the mapping:

1. Start the /OTX/RM_RO_TO_GRP transaction.

2. Enter the connection ID. If only one connection is configured, this step is not
3. Select where you want to map the roles to, an OTDS group or a Content Server
4. Click Execute.
5. Enter the following:

• SAP Role: Enter the name of the SAP role.

• OTDS Group ID: Enter the ID of the OTDS group including its partition, for
example GroupForMapping@NonSynchronizedPartition. For each OTDS

268 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

15.2. Configuring SAP group mapping

group, you can only define one mapping. You can only map one SAP roles
to one OTDS group.
Content Server Group Name: Enter the name of the Content Server group.
If this group does not yet exist, it will be created.
• Strict Group Membership: If you do not select this option, the SAP users are
added to the existing members of the OTDS or Content Server group.

If you select the Strict Group Membership option, you delete all OTDS
or Content Server users from the group, who are not also members of
the SAP role. Only OTDS or Content Server users, who have an
equivalent in the SAP role remain in that group.

6. Click New to add a new row to the table.

7. Define the settings for all roles that you want to map to OTDS or Content Server
groups, respectively.

8. Click Test Mapping.

9. In the list, check how the users are added or removed to OTDS or Content
Server groups, respectively.

10. If the mapping is correct, click Start Mapping.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 269

Chapter 16

You have the following auditing options for Extended ECM for SAP Solutions:

• ArchiveLink auditing
Relevant to all ArchiveLink operations in SAP, e.g. in the GOS attachment list.
• Content Server auditing
Relevant to business workspaces and Content Server operations.
• DocuLink auditing
Relevant to all DocuLink operations.
• License Cockpit auditing
Relevant for all operations during license measurement

Auditing is dependent on the authentication of an SAP user on Content Server.

There are the following options:

• Same user in SAP and on Content Server (default)

• Impersonated user

ArchiveLink communication is always performed with a special system user. For

more information, see Section 6.1 “The SAP ArchiveLink interface” in OpenText
Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions - Scenario Guide (ER-CCS). Thus, if
you wish to have an audit that includes auditing information about the operations
Create Document, Display Document, Delete Document, use the SAP ArchiveLink
auditing. The following transactions are relevant:

• OAG1 – Archive Link Basic Settings: Select the ArchiveLink Logging check box.
• OALOGCUST – Customize ArchiveLink Logging: Define what should be logged.
• OA_LOG_VIEW_DOC – Display Application Log for Documents: Selection and
display report (Authorization for S_WFAR_LOG authorization object required for

The entries are written into the TOALOG table.

To monitor user actions in DocuLink for certain projects and attribute objects, you
can specify a protocol in customizing. These actions are saved in the protocol table /
IXOS/DC_TBPROT. For more information, see Section 21.3 “Administrating the
protocol tables” in OpenText DocuLink for SAP Solutions - Customizing and
Administration Guide (DC-CGD).

In Content Server, you can enable audits for ArchiveLink records:

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 271

Chapter 16 Auditing

• Open the following page: Content Server Administration > System

Administration > Administer Event Auditing > Set Audit Interests.
• Select the following items: AL Create, AL Read, AL Update.

272 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

Chapter 17
Performing license measurement

With the Extended ECM for SAP Solutions license measurement, you assess the
number and types of users who are working with an SAP system and Extended
ECM for SAP Solutions. License measurement for Archiving and Document Access
and Extended ECM for SAP Solutions can be integrated in the SAP license
measurement Global License Audit System (GLAS). With this information, you can
align your contract with SAP or OpenText to meet your requirements more

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 273

Chapter 17 Performing license measurement

17.1 Technical overview

Figure 17-1: License Measurement Overview

New: You can now use four more new license types. The allowance for
occasional user license types is now 52 days per year.

Extended ECM for SAP Solutions license measurement consists of the following

Measurement on the SAP system

Measurement on the SAP System is based on a business role with the
J_6NLC_TYP authorization object and an appropriate license type. Business roles
with this authorization object are then evaluated based on their license type
related to the product and depending on the degree of usage.

The authorization object J_6NLC_TYP is not used to grant access

Measurement on Content Server

Users and groups are assigned a license type that reflects their quantity of usage.
A privilege is used to count on how many days a user accesses business
workspaces. The license type along with the number of days on which this user
accessed a business workspace in Content Server are passed to the SAP system
where the data is consolidated and presented.

Note: A user is not locked, if the actual days of usage exceed the number
of days that are covered by the assigned license type. This mismatch is
noted in the license report.

274 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

17.1. Technical overview

The following license types are available, depending on whether they are sold by
SAP or OpenText.

Table 17-1: License types

Type Description
Licenses sold by OpenText
OXECMF OpenText Extended ECM for SAP – Professional User
OXECMO OpenText Extended ECM for SAP – Occasional User
OXECMB OpenText Extended ECM for SAP – External B2B User
OXECMC OpenText Extended ECM for SAP – External B2C User
OXECMN OpenText Extended ECM for SAP – Non-SAP User
ODOCF OpenText Document Access – Full Named User
ODOCW OpenText Document Access – Web Named User
ODOCO OpenText Document Access – Occasional User
OARCF OpenText Archiving – Full Named User
OARCW OpenText Archiving – Web Named User
OARCO OpenText Archiving – Occasional User
Licenses sold by SAP
SXECMF SAP Extended ECM by OpenText – Named User
SAP Extended ECM by OpenText limited access option
SXECMO For more information, see correction instructions in OpenText My Support
SAP Document Access by OpenText – User: Business Expert, Ltd.
SAP Document Access by OpenText – User: Employee, Employee Self
Service (ESS) User
SARCF SAP Archiving by OpenText – User: Business Expert, Ltd. Professional
SAP Archiving by OpenText – User: Employee, Employee Self Service (ESS)
SARCF2 SAP Archiving by OpenText
SARCO SAP Archiving by OpenText limited access option
SDOCF2 SAP Document Access by OpenText
SDOCO SAP Document Access byOpenText limited access option

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 275

Chapter 17 Performing license measurement

17.2 Prerequisites
To use the Extended ECM for SAP Solutions license measurement, you must do the

1. On the SAP system, create roles for each license type that you need with the
authorization object and appropriate license type, and assign them to the users.
2. In Content Server, assign the appropriate license type to the users of Extended
ECM for SAP Solutions. For example, a users that rarely needs to work with
business workspaces needs a different license than users that daily work with
business workspaces.

17.3 Preparing license measurement on the SAP

To prepare your SAP system for license measurement of OpenText products and
integrate into SAP System Measurement (transaction USMM), you must maintain
system measurement tables. You must also create special business roles that contain
an authorization object for measurement.

17.3.1 Setting up users for measurement

You need the following users for license measurement with the respective
authorizations objects.

276 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

17.3. Preparing license measurement on the SAP system

User type Authorization objects

User who runs license measurement on and • S_TCODE
for the local system
enabled to your requirement
ACTVT = 61
to enable generic ALV functions for /
ACTVT = 03
to fully use transaction /otx/license
and its function (see also documentation
for transaction USMM)
ACTVT = 03, 06
to enable the user to read the application
ACTVT = 03
to allow access to images inside the PDF
output of the license report
Communication user who is called via RFC • S_RFC
from a central license measurement system
ACTVT = 16
to allow this user to call the RFC enabled
functions of these function groups

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 277

Chapter 17 Performing license measurement

User type Authorization objects

User who runs license measurement on the All of the above and the following:
central license measurement system which • S_ICF
calls remote SAP systems
ICF_VALUE = <value of field
Authorization for Destination in
the RFC destination>
ACTVT = 03
The other fields may differ depending on
how restricted you setup your

user who runs a license measurement needs a business role with the following
authorization objects:

To set up a user for measurement:

1. Start transaction pfcg to assign the authorization role.

2. Create a role for a user who runs license measurement according to the
information given in the table above.

3. On the systems which are called via RFC, create a role for communication users
who are called via RFC from a central license measurement system.

17.3.2 Maintaining measurement tables

OpenText provides three function modules for the integration into SAP System

• /OTX/CL_GLAS_DOCUMENT_ACCESS - integration function for Document

• /OTX/CL_GLAS_ARCHIVING - integration function for Archiving
• /OTX/RM_LIC_GLAS_XECM - integration function for Extended ECM

The function modules provide the following:

• Writing status, warning and error messages to application log object SLG1.
If validation issues have been found, this shows as a warning message in the log
of each function. You then must check the more detailed license report in
transaction /otx/license.
• Each function module contains an external id referring to the related application/
• The function modules call a central method of the OpenText license evaluation to
calculate the license counts.

278 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

17.3. Preparing license measurement on the SAP system

To maintain SAP System Measurement tables:

• Start transaction SM30 to add the following tables:

TUAPP (Applications for System Measurement)

Add entries for OpenText applications to the TUAPP table.

Add the following entries only if you purchased your licenses from
SAP. If you purchased your licenses directly from OpenText, set
Call? = false for all these entries.

App. Version Name of Function PeriodType Call?

Application module
1140 0 SAP /OTX/ No period true
Archiving CL_GLAS_ assigned
OpenText G
1144 0 SAP /OTX/ No period true
Document CL_GLAS_ assigned
Access by DOCUMEN
1154 0 SAP Ext. /OTX/ No period true
Enterprise RM_LIC_G assigned
Content LAS_XECM
Mgmt by

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 279

Chapter 17 Performing license measurement

TUUNT (Units for System Measurement Objects)

Add the following units for the measurement of OpenText applications to
the TUUNT table.

Unit Measurement
1140 OT: Licensed User: Buss. Expert, Ltd Pro
1141 OT: Licensed User: Employee, ESS User
1144 OT: Licensed User: Buss. Expert, Ltd Pro
1145 OT: Licensed User: Employee, ESS User
1152 OT: User limited access option
1154 OT: User

280 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

17.4. Preparing license measurement on Content Server

17.4 Preparing license measurement on Content

On Content Server, you must do the following to enable license measurement:
• Assign a license type to a user or a group
• Grant the permission to access business workspaces
• For the authentication of this connection, OTDS is required.

To assign a license type to a user or group in Content Server:

1. In Content Server Administration page, click Enterprise > Users&Groups to
open the Content Server user management.
2. Find the user or group that you want to edit.
3. From the Extended ECM License list, select a license type.

Note: If there are conflicting license assignments for a user, because one of
his groups has a different type, the most comprehensive license type is

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 281

Chapter 17 Performing license measurement

To grant usage privileges for licensing:

Only users with the Access Business Workspaces privilege can access business
workspaces. Each time a user with this privilege accesses business workspace is
counted for the license measurement.

1. On the Content Server Administration page, click System Administration >

Administer Object and Usage Privileges.

2. Edit the restrictions for the usage privilege Extended ECM Operation > Access
Business Workspaces (Mandatory for Licensing) according to your license
model. Mismatches between granted privileges and license type assignment are
displayed in the report.

17.5 Running license measurement

OpenText License Management provides different modes in which you can
configure and run the measurement. You can switch between these modes during
configuration if necessary.

Note: The SAP administrator who runs the license measurement has
administration rights in Content Server.

Standard Mode
Use standard mode for a simple scenario:
• The SAP client on which you run the license dashboard is the only system
that is being measured.
• The Content Server instance that is being measured is customized in the IMG
activity OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions > Infrastructure >
Maintain Extended ECM Connections. You can select a Content Server if
more than one is configured.

Expert Mode
Use the expert mode for an system measurement of more than one SAP client
and possibly more Content Server installations.
You can use expert mode to include Content Servers that are connected to a
remote SAP system.

282 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

17.5. Running license measurement

17.5.1 Running in standard mode

Standard mode only uses the SAP system on which you started the license
measurement. All other SAP servers that you might have configured in expert mode
will be deactivated.

To run license measurement in standard mode:

1. Start transaction /OTX/LICENSE.

OpenText License Measurement Cockpit starts in standard mode.

2. Maintain OpenText Archives on this SAP Server

In the list of content repositories on this SAP server, you can select which
repository is used as an OpenText Archive. Access permissions for the
OpenText archives are used to validate license types. This setting is valid for all
clients on this server.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 283

Chapter 17 Performing license measurement

Note: OpenText Archives must be maintained on each remote SAP system

that you include in your measurement.

This section is only visible if Extended ECM is installed and Connection IDs are
maintained in the IMG activity.
Save your settings.

3. OpenText Products Sold by SAP That Have Been Licensed: Select if you
licensed OpenText Employee File Management (EFM) or OpenText Travel
Receipts Management for SAP Solutions (TRM). When you selected an option,
DocuLink projects that are recognized as EFM or TRM projects are ignored
when validating access permissions to DocuLink. In any case, TRM or EFM
DocuLink projects are listed in the license report.

Note: These licensed OpenText products must be maintained on each

remote SAP system that you include in your measurement.

Save your settings.

4. Include OpenText Content Server: Select an option from the list of available
Content Servers. This list contains entries that are maintained in the IMG
activity OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions > Infrastructure >
Maintain Extended ECM Connections.
Save your settings.

5. Click Start License Measurement and confirm the creation of the background
The Status section informs you about the status of the measurement. Click
Refresh to update the status. If the measurement was performed without errors,
click Display Latest License Report to view the report.
For more information, see “Understanding the consolidated measurement
results” on page 290.

17.5.2 Running in expert mode

You can use expert mode if you want to include other clients on the same SAP
system or remote SAP systems into the measurement. These SAP systems are
connected via RFC. Content Servers that are connected to these SAP systems can
also be included in the measurement.

In expert mode, you have the following options how license data is retrieved for
• Direct transfer through RFC connection. The remote system must be available
during the measurement.
• Export an XML file from the remote SAP system and import it to the license
measurement cockpit inbox. Use this option if the remote system is not available
during measurement. You can either create and export file manually on the

284 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

17.5. Running license measurement

remote system, save it to a disc, and then upload it to the measuring system, or
you can retrieve the export file through the RFC connection. In both cases, you
must make sure that the age of the retrieved license data does not exceed the
maximum age that you set for license data.
• Content Server connected to an SAP system.

To run license measurement in expert mode:

1. Start License Measurement Cockpit with transaction /OTX/LICENSE.

OpenText License Measurement Cockpit starts in standard mode.
2. Click Change to Expert Mode.
Click Always Start in Expert Mode if you want this option.
3. Maintain OpenText archives and product exclusions.
On the Preparation of SAP System tab, you can identify OpenText archives and
define which products you want to exclude from measurement.

a. Maintain OpenText Archives on this SAP Server

In the list of content repositories on this SAP server, you can select which
repository is used as an OpenText Archive. Access permissions for the
OpenText archives are used to validate license types. This setting is valid
for all clients on this server.

Note: OpenText Archives must be maintained on each remote SAP

system that you include in your measurement.

This section is only visible if Extended ECM is installed and Connection IDs
are maintained in the IMG activity.
Save your settings.
b. OpenText Products Sold by SAP That Have Been Licensed: Select if you
licensed OpenText Employee File Management (EFM) or OpenText Travel
Receipts Management for SAP Solutions (TRM). When you selected an
option, DocuLink projects that are recognized as EFM or TRM projects are
ignored when validating access permissions to DocuLink. In any case, TRM
or EFM DocuLink projects are listed in the license report.

Note: These licensed OpenText products must be maintained on each

remote SAP system that you include in your measurement.

Save your settings.

4. Define systems that you want to measure
On the Server and Inbox Measurement tab, you maintain all SAP systems and
Content Servers that are part of your system landscape and that you want to
measure. For each measurement, you can decide which systems you want to
include in that run. You can activate systems that are currently used and
deactivate systems that you currently do not need.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 285

Chapter 17 Performing license measurement

Note: If there are no active or inactive SAP systems maintained, at least

the SAP system from which you are running the license measurement will
be entered after a refresh.

Server is a SAP system

Server is a Content Server connected to the SAP system

View active / inactive systems

Toggle between active and inactive SAP clients and Content Severs

Activate / deactivate
Activate or deactivate an SAP client or a Content Server. Inactive systems
are only visible in the list of inactive systems. They are not deleted,
though. Measurement data that has been uploaded to the inbox for that
system, is invisible when the system is inactive. It is available again once
you activate the system.

New system
Create a system connection manually. Alternatively, create a destination
through an RFC destination.
For this, you need the following information. Most of the SAP related
information are available in transaction SLICENSE. Content Server related
information are taken from the Maintain Extended ECM Connections
IMG activity.

• SAP system number, installation number, hardware key, and client

• Server type C for Content Server or S for SAP system
• If the system type is C, provide the Connection ID as configured in the
IMG of that system as well a connection information and the RFC

New system with RFC connection

Add a SAP server or Content Server through an RFC destination.
You can use transaction SM59 to define a new RFC connection with
connection type 3.
If you entered an empty RFC destination, it will be replaced by RFC
destination NONE, which connects to the current SAP client.

286 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

17.5. Running license measurement

Edit entry
Edit an entry.

Set maximum age

Set the tolerable age in days of the uploaded measurement data. Data that
is older than this age, is not included in the measurement. This also
applies to manually uploaded data.

Change RFC destination

Change the RFC connection for one or more active systems

Delete selected entries

Delete a system entry. You can only delete inactive systems. Deleting an
inactive system also deletes corresponding data from the inbox.

5. Provide measurement data.

You can define how the measurement data is provided by the active systems:

• Automatic file transfer: An export file must be prepared on the remote

system. It must not be older than the maximum age you defined. The remote
system must be available and connected. The export file will then be
transferred to the inbox.
• Manual file transfer: The remote system must be in the list of active systems.
An export file must be prepared on the remote system. It must be exported
and it must be available on a disk or file system.

Enable or disable RFC connection

Enable or disable automatic import of measurement data during the
license measurement. You can disable an RFC connection for a
measurement and use manually imported license data from an exported
XML file instead. Nevertheless, the system must remain active in License
Measurement Cockpit. Only active systems are included in a license
measurement, regardless of the status of the RFC connection.

Upload from file system

Select an active system and upload a file with measurement data to the
inbox of the License Measurement Cockpit. The remote system needs not
be connected through RFC connection. You must have exported the
measurement data first on the remote system. For more information, see
“Creating an export file with license data” on page 289.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 287

Chapter 17 Performing license measurement

If the uploaded measurement data origins from a Content Server,

you must upload two files in a specific order. The file type is part of
the file name, if you did not change the name during export.
1. File of file type CL
2. File of file type CU

Upload via RFC

Select an active system and import measurement data to the inbox of the
License Measurement Cockpit. The remote system must be connected
through RFC. This action is implicitly carried out when you start a license
measurement run. You can use this manual step for a better monitoring.

Export to file system

Create an export file with license measurement data. For more
information, see “Creating an export file with license data” on page 289.

6. Start License Measurement

a. Click Start License Measurement.

b. Confirm that you want to start a background job for this. While the
background job is running, License Measurement Cockpit is locked for
other activities.
You can use transaction SM37 to monitor the background job. The status of
the background job is also displayed in the title bar of the inbox.

c. Click Refresh to refresh the status.

7. View measurement results.

After the measurement run is finished, you can view the result.

a. Click Display Latest License Report to open the latest report in PDF

Note: This is not necessarily a report of the most recent measurement

if this ended with errors. It is the report of the last measurement that
ended without errors.

b. Open the Status and Results tab to view a consolidated measurement

grouped by license type. For more information, see “License types”
on page 275. You can print the table, save, export or send it .

c. Open the Consolidated Users tab to view a consolidated list of users from
all systems. For more information, see “Understanding the consolidated
measurement results” on page 290.

288 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

17.6. Creating an export file with license data

17.6 Creating an export file with license data

If you want to measure a system that will not be available through an RFC
connection during the actual measurement, you can export the measurement data
from that system to a file and then import this file to the measuring system.

When you create the export file, the remote system must be available through an
RFC connection. The export file will first be uploaded to the inbox and then can be
saved to the local file system.

File types - Measurement data for an SAP system consists of one XML file of file
type SA. Measurement data of a Content Server consists of two files: Content Server
license info of file type CL and Content Server users list of file type CU.

Tip: If the measured system has no connection to the system where you are
going to do the actual measurement, and you cannot create the export file from
remote, you can do the following: In the License Measurement Cockpit of the
measured system, create an entry for an active SAP Client, and then create the
export file and save it to the file system or portable disk. Then import it to the
inbox of the measuring system.

To export a license measurement file:

1. Start License Measurement Cockpit with transaction /OTX/LICENSE.

License Measurement Cockpit starts in standard mode.

2. Click Change to Expert Mode.

3. Select the system, for which you want to create the export file.

4. Click Start License Measurement. License measurement must end without

errors before you can export the file.

5. On the Servers and Inbox for Measurement tab, click Export to File

6. Click Yes to confirm the export.

The export file is created and uploaded to the inbox of the License Measurement
Cockpit. A message box informs you about it.

7. After the import, select a directory to save the export file to.
If you exported measurement data from a Content Server, two files are saved:
First a file of file type CL with the Content Server license, and immediately after
that a file of file type CU with user information.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 289

Chapter 17 Performing license measurement

17.7 Understanding the consolidated measurement

You can view the results of the license measurement on different levels:

Overview list
On the Status and Result tab, you see the results of the consolidated measurement.
Total number or users, grouped by license type.

Compressed list
On the Consolidated Users tab, you see the Compressed User List of
Consolidation. Users from the measured systems are grouped to unique ID's and
properties. Duplicate users were identified by matching login names. Partition
suffixes of Content Server logins are ignored so that they match the SAP user IDs.

Example: User login on the SAP system is PETER, and user login on Content Server is
peter@partition. Both logins are consolidated into one count.

290 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

17.8. Understanding and resolving licensing issues

The yellow status icon indicates inconsistencies or mismatches in license type

assignment. For more information, see “Understanding and resolving licensing
issues” on page 291.

Column Count of grouped user IDs contains the number of different logins from
the measured systems that were mapped to one entry in the compressed user list.

Complete list
Click Change view and select Grouped users to view the Complete User List of all
Measured Systems.

If the source system is an SAP Client users with classification types T for
technical users and X for specifically excluded users were not transferred.
Also not transferred are users with invalid Valid from or Valid To dates in
the user management.

Aside from detailed information about the measured system and the user, this list
also contains license type information and the number of days in which the user has
used functions of Archiving, Document Access or Extended ECM. This information
is relevant for users with a license type for occasional users. If this number exceeds
50, an issue is displayed.

17.8 Understanding and resolving licensing issues

The license evaluation focusses on issues where a license type assignment is
technically inconsistent or insufficient.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 291

Chapter 17 Performing license measurement

17.8.1 Validation issues after consolidation

Validation issues types CA_ARCH, CA_DACC, CA_XECM
This is the same as types CA (Table 17-3) and XEXM_NO_LICENSE (Section 17.8.3).

User has permissions to access features of Archiving, Document Access or Extended

ECM but has not sufficient license types.

In single source systems, a license type of Extended ECM is sufficient for usage of
Archiving, Document Access or Extended ECM; a license type for Document Access
is also sufficient for usage of Archiving.

Validation issues type CO_TRUE

See types CO (Table 17-4) and XECM_MAX_ACCESS_EXCEEDED (Section 17.8.3).

At least in one of the measured systems, the user has accessed Archiving, Document
Access or Extended ECM functions on more than 50 days in the past year but none
of his license types is sufficient.

Validation issue type CL

License types sold by OpenText (type O) are mixed with license types of SAP
reselling (type S).

The license type is assigned to SAP logins by roles. Due to the role assignment, it can
occur that a role related to more than one license type is assigned to a user login.
Validation issue type CL occurs if licenses sold by OpenText and SAP are maintained
at the same time for the same user login and client.

In this case, the license type of the highest priority is preferred:

• Extended ECM > Document Access > Archiving

• Full > Occasional > Web

• Professional > ESS, Employee

• License sold by SAP > sold by OpenText

Table 17-2: Users with an OpenText license and an SAP license

ID Description
CL Users with an OpenText license and an SAP

292 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

17.8. Understanding and resolving licensing issues

As the consolidation merges data of duplicate users, it may be that in some
cases issues that were seen in the single source systems disappear. In other
cases, it may be that new issues are raised.

Example: Content Server user hmueller@ECM has no license type assigned and issue
XECM_NO_LICENSE was indicated.

SAP user hmueller has license type SXECMF xECM Full User sold by SAP and issue CL was

After consolidation, both user entries were identified to belong to the same person. The
resulting license type of this unique user is SXECMF. Therefore the issue XECM_NO_LICENSE
is no longer valid, which means that issue CA_XECM will not be raised for that unique ID. But
issue CL persists and is indicated as the inconsistency between seller models could still be a
source of error.

17.8.2 Validation issues types on the SAP system

OpenText license measurement checks if the maintained data is consistent. The
system gathers this information for each user in each client and collects counts. If
inconsistent data occur, a validation issue is counted. The validation issue counts are
listed in the OpenText license report. The report lists different types of validation
issues. Details on user level are shown in the list of evaluated users.
Only validation issues of valid dialog users are counted.

Validation issue type CA

User has access permissions to Archiving, Document Access or Extended ECM but
either no or a an insufficient license type was assigned to this user.

For each user, the license type of the highest priority is obtained from the values of
authorization object J_6NLC_TYP authorization object assigned to this user:
• Extended ECM > Document Access > Archiving
• Full > Occasional > Web

In addition, the program checks for access permissions of the user based on other
authorization objects:
• Archiving - S_WFAR_OBJ, S_WFAR_PRI
• Document Access - J_6NG_DATA (EFM, TRM projects excluded if licensing flags
for EFM and TRM are set), J_6NRL_SEA
• Extended ECM - J_6NRL_DOL, J_6NRL_WSC

The following results cause a validation issue:

• if the user is allowed to access a product but the maintained license type is not
• if no license type was maintained for a user.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 293

Chapter 17 Performing license measurement

• if only the wildcard value * is assigned as a license type to a user.

Table 17-3: CA: Maintained OpenText license is not sufficient compared to

license required by access permissions

ID Maintained license type Required product license

ARCH No OpenText license type OpenText Archiving or
maintained SAP Archiving by OpenText
DACC No OpenText license type OpenText Document Access
maintained or
SAP Document Access by
XECM No OpenText license type OpenText Extended ECM or
maintained SAP Extended ECM by
XECMALL Only wildcard values are OpenText Extended ECM or
maintained for OpenText SAP Extended ECM by
license type OpenText
XECMOARCF OpenText Archiving – Full OpenText Extended ECM or
Named User SAP Extended ECM by
XECMOARCW OpenText Archiving – Web OpenText Extended ECM or
Named User SAP Extended ECM by

Validation issue type CO

User has an “occasional” license type but has accessed Archiving, Document Access
or Extended ECM functions on the SAP system on more than 50 days in the past

License types for occasional usage are maintained when a user is accessing OpenText
applications only occasionally. This concerns, for example, ESS usage, usage as
Employee, or Web usage.

For license measurement, the maintained license type set in authorization object
J_6NLC_TYP is counted. At the same time, the access log entries not older than the
current date -1 year are cross checked in table /OTX/CL_T_ACCESS.

If the count of entries for a user login in a client is greater than 50, and the license
type is classified as a type for occasional usage, this causes a validation issue of type

294 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

17.8. Understanding and resolving licensing issues

Table 17-4: CO: Users with occasional license used the product on more than
52 days per year

ID Description
OARCO OpenText Archiving – Occasional User
OARCW OpenText Archiving – Web Named User
SARCW SAP Archiving by OpenText – User:
Employee, ESS User

Validation issue type CL

License types sold by OpenText (type O) are mixed with license types of SAP
reselling (type S).

The license type is assigned to SAP logins by roles. Due to the role assignment, it can
occur that a role related to more than one license type is assigned to a user login.
Validation issue type CL occurs if licenses sold by OpenText and SAP are maintained
at the same time for the same user login and client.

In this case, the license type of the highest priority is preferred:

• Extended ECM > Document Access > Archiving
• Full > Occasional > Web
• Professional > ESS, Employee
• License sold by SAP > sold by OpenText

Table 17-5: Users with an OpenText license and an SAP license

ID Description
CL Users with an OpenText license and an SAP

Log table /OTX/CL_T_ACCESS

The log table /OTX/CL_T_ACCESS stores information on daily access to

OpenText ABAP applications per client and user. This data is used in the
license validation. The entries of the table are written by applications
DocuLink, Business Content, Imaging Integration, FullText search, Forms
Management and DesktopLink. Occasional users are entitled to use OpenText
applications up to 50 days/year.

Data older than one year is not required and can be regularly deleted.

To delete log entries older than one year, run transaction se38 to start the
program /OTX/CL_MAINTAIN_ACCESS_LOG. It checks for ACTVT = 03 of
authorization object S_USER_GRP.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 295

Chapter 17 Performing license measurement

The data of this log table has no further relevance beyond license validation.

17.8.3 Validation issue types on Content Server

If on Content Server license types are assigned by group assignment, users can have
more than one license type assignment. If multiple license types are assigned to on
user, the most comprehensive license type is used.

User has access permissions to use Extended ECM features on Content Server but
has no sufficient license type.

Similar issue on SAP side is CA (Table 17-3) with ACCESS_TYPE = XECM.

User has an “occasional” license type but has accessed Extended ECM functions on
Content Server on more than 50 days in the past year.

Similar issue on SAP side is CO (Table 17-4).

License types sold by OpenText (type O) are mixed with license types of SAP
reselling (type S).

Similar issue on SAP side is CL (Table 17-5).

296 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

Chapter 18
Transporting configuration objects

New: You can now use the Content Server transport warehouse to transport
Connected Workspaces configurations.

You can use Content Server Transport Warehouse to transport one Connected
Workspaces configuration from one Content Server installation to another, for
example if you are using development, test and productive systems.

• Categories, classifications and folders

• Workspace types and variables for group replacement
• Workspace templates

For more information about the Transport Warehouse, see the Content Server online

To export business object types and unique names, you use the Connected
Workspaces transport mechanism. For more information, see “Exporting business
object types and unique names” on page 297.

18.1 Exporting business object types and unique

You can export business object types with the Extended ECM transport mechanism.

To export business object types and unique names from a Content Server:

1. On the Content Server Administration page, click Connected Workspaces >

Import/Export Configuration.

2. On the following page, click Export Configuration.

3. Enter a name for the transport file.

4. Select the items that you want to export.

You can click the business object type to open the configuration and view

5. Click Export.
The transport file is stored in the temp directory on this Content Server.
Additionally, it is stored in the personal workspace of the user who started the
export. You are redirected to that page after the export. You can download the
file from there.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 297

Chapter 18 Transporting configuration objects

Tip: You can include the transport file, which is stored in your personal
workspace, into a workbench to use Content Server Warehouse for transports.

18.2 Importing a configuration

New: You can now use Content Server Transport Warehouse for the transport
of a complete Extended ECM configuration.

Transporting Connected Workspaces configurations changed with version 16.2: it

now uses Content Server Transport Warehouse. However, you can still import
configurations that have been exported on a system with version 16. Business object
types are still exported and imported with the Connected Workspaces mechanism.

To import a Connected Workspaces 16 configuration on Content Server:

1. On the Content Server Administration page, click Connected Workspaces >

Import/Export Configuration.
2. On the following page, click Import Configuration.
3. Select the transport file from your local file system.
4. Click Preview. The transport file is checked and you can preview everything
that is going to be imported and where. Errors and warnings are also displayed.

ID Mapping
Contains all node IDs that have been found in the transport file, for example
for classifications, or for categories that are used for the location or the
workspace name. If the target system contains nodes with the same name as
the source system, they prefilled with that suggestion. You can change the

Workspace Types, Business Object Types, Unique Names, Variable

If workspace types, business object types, unique names and variable
definitions are part of the export, they are listed in these sections. You can

298 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

18.2. Importing a configuration

see what data is being imported, if workspace types or business object types
are created or updated.

5. Resolve the inconsistencies in the mapping:

a. Click Select to map another node. These settings are buffered and used
when you refresh the preview or start the import. Alternatively, edit the
transport file and save it.
b. Click Preview to read the new changes into the preview.

6. When you are satisfied with the import preview, click Import.
A result page informs you in detail about what has been imported.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 299

Chapter 19

Using batch operations

19.1 SAP: Creating or updating workspaces using

batch operations
Usually, business workspaces are created or updated automatically triggered by an
event or manually by users. However, in special cases you may wish to create or
update a series of business workspaces in one go. This can be done by generating an
SAP report for the respective business object type and using this report to create the
workspaces in Content Server.

The business object declaration has to be maintained before the report can be
executed; see also “Creating a business object declaration in SAP”
on page 32.


• The OTEXRL software component and the OTX namespace must be set to
modifiable using the SE03 transaction.
• Your SAP user must be registered as a developer.

To create workspaces in batch operation:

1. Generate the report for the batch declaration:

a. Enter /n/OTX/RM_WSC_GEN to run the report.

b. Select an appropriate SAP business object in the Object Type field.

c. Click Execute.
The generated report has the name /OTX/RM_WSC_CREATE_<business
object>; by default it is added to the /OTX/RM_WSCG package and inserted
in a transport request.

2. Run the report that you created to actually generate the workspaces:

a. Run the SA38 transaction.

b. Start the created mass report, for example, for equipments /OTX/

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 301

Chapter 19 Using batch operations

c. If required, specify selection criteria.

d. Select Update only to only update existing business workspaces and not
create new business workspaces.
Select Simulation to first check the report and see if the report matches
your expectations.
e. Click Execute.
The specified workspaces are created or updated in Content Server; errors
that may occur are added to the error queue and logged in the SAP log,
which you can access with the SLG1.

At the end, the batch process returns status and error information for each
workspace that was or was not created.

Special case: Composite business workspaces

If you are creating composite business workspaces in a batch operation you must
first create the parent business workspaces, as they are the location for the respective
child business workspaces. The location where child business workspaces are
created is always controlled by the property provider, regardless of any location
settings you may have entered in the business object declaration of the child. If there
is no business workspace in which a child business workspace can be created, no
child business workspaces are created.

302 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

19.2. SAP: Declaring ArchiveLink documents using batch operations

19.2 SAP: Declaring ArchiveLink documents using

batch operations
A batch declaration is required if you have large numbers of already existing
ArchiveLink documents that you want to declare. These documents may have been
created before the Extended ECM for SAP Solutions installation or their document
declaration were not maintained initially.

To use a batch declaration for records:

1. Run the /OTX/RMMIG transaction.

Alternatively, run the SA38 transaction, enter the report /OTX/
RM_MAKE_RECORDS in the Program field and click Execute.

2. Enter the respective parameters to select the required ArchiveLink entries.

3. Select the Update properties check box to update ArchiveLink entries that have
already been declared.

Note: The document name must be unique in order to avoid name

collisions during the batch process. Such a unique title template could be,
for example, Declaration ID [ArchiveLink.Storage Date] -
[ArchiveLink.Document ID]. For more information, see “SAP: Creating
an document declaration” on page 149.

Tip: If you selected a large amount of data, run the report in the
background using the Execute in Background command from the
Program menu.

4. Click Execute.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 303

Chapter 19 Using batch operations

The output shows the processed ArchiveLink entries; icons signal the result of the
declaration. Entries which are ignored are already records.
The following parameters are displayed:

ArchiveLink entries are declared in blocks; this is the block number.

The number within a block.

Error message for an ArchiveLink entry.

A summary on the processed ArchiveLink entries is given at the end of the output.

19.3 SAP: Declaring print list records using batch

A batch declaration is available if you want to declare existing print lists for
archiving purposes.

To use a batch declaration for print list records:

1. Run the /OTX/RMMIGPRINTL transaction.

Alternatively, run the SA38 transaction, enter the report /OTX/
RM_MAKE_RECORDS_PRINTLIST in the Program field and click Execute.

304 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

19.3. SAP: Declaring print list records using batch operations

2. Enter the respective parameters to select the required entries.

3. Select the Update properties check box to update entries that have already been

Tip: If you selected a large amount of data, run the report in the
background using the Execute in Background command from the
Program menu.

4. Click Execute.

The corresponding spool request (the output of report /OTX/

RM_MAKE_RECORDS_PRINTLIST) may look like this:

The output shows the processed entries; icons signal the result of the declaration.
Entries which are ignored are already records.
The following parameters are displayed:

Entries are declared in blocks; this is the block number.
The number within a block.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 305

Chapter 19 Using batch operations

Error message for an entry.

A summary on the processed entries is given at the end of the output.

19.4 SAP: Monitoring batch processing jobs

You can monitor batch jobs for declaring workspaces, ArchiveLink documents and
print lists in the /OTX/RMMON transaction.

To monitor batch processing jobs:

1. Run the /OTX/RMMON transaction.

2. In the Monitoring of document and workspace processing jobs dialog, enter

parameter to filter the list of jobs.

3. Click Execute.

306 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

19.5. SAP: Scheduling jobs for removing deleted records

Besides the standard SAP job attributes the number of processed entries, their
process status and the current declaration rate/minute are tracked. These values
are updated during the job execution. Click Refresh to display the most current

4. Click Job Details to access the SAP standard job overview, job log and spool

5. If required, click Delete Job to delete the monitoring entries.

19.5 SAP: Scheduling jobs for removing deleted

The report /OTX/RM_REMOVE_LINKS deletes ArchiveLink entries for documents that
no longer exist in Content Server. For this, you must select the Delete notifications
option in your Enterprise Library application. For more information, see Section
19.5.1 “Creating an Enterprise Library application” in OpenText Extended ECM for
SAP Solutions - Installation and Upgrade Guide (ERLK-IGD).

You can schedule the execution of the /OTX/RM_REMOVE_LINKS report according to

your needs. Depending on the dispositions on your system, a periodical or only
manual execution can be necessary.

To schedule a job:

1. Navigate to the Extended ECM > Document (ArchiveLink) ... > Schedule Job
Removing Deleted Records activity and click Execute.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 307

Chapter 19 Using batch operations

2. Define the job and schedule it.

3. Click Step.

308 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

19.5. SAP: Scheduling jobs for removing deleted records

4. Enter the value /OTX/RM_REMOVE_LINKS in the Name field of the ABAP

program group.

5. Click Save.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 309

Chapter 20
Analyzing and troubleshooting

20.1 Analyzing the SAP system

20.1.1 Understanding the SAP Diagnostic Program
You can use the Diagnostic Program to analyze your installation.

You can run the infrastructure diagnostic program after specifying at least
the Extended ECM connection in the Infrastructure section of the IMG.

The diagnostic program is aimed at two different target groups:

• The Infrastructure part is for technical consultants who set up the connection
between the SAP system and the OpenText servers. The report contains the
following types of information: the connection to Content Server, Web service
communication such as logical ports, the OTDS service or HTML controls.
• The Extended ECM part contains the infrastructure information in addition to
information about the customizing, like business object declarations, document
declarations, or item types.
This information only displays if you start the activity from OpenText Extended
ECM for SAP Solutions > Extended ECM > Diagnostic Program.

A green light icon indicates that everything is in order. For checks with a red light
icon, a recommendation is displayed. For more information about each check, see
“Understanding the details of the Diagnostic Program” on page 312.

Note: You can also run the Diagnostic Program as a background job.

To run the Diagnostic Program manually:

1. If you are only interested in infrastructure information, in the IMG, navigate to

the OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions > Infrastructure > Diagnostic
Program and click Execute.
If you are also interested in the Extended ECM specific information, in the IMG.
navigate to the OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions > Extended ECM
> Diagnostic Program activity.
2. If there is only one Extended ECM connection configured, the diagnosis is
started immediately. If there are more connections configured, perform the
following steps, enter the connection ID.

3. Click Execute.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 311

Chapter 20 Analyzing and troubleshooting

20.1.2 Understanding the details of the Diagnostic Program

This section lists the various tests of the Diagnostic Program and refers to sections in
this guide which contain helpful information.

Note: For the Infrastructure part of the Diagnostics Program, see Section 20.1.2
“Understanding the details of the Diagnostic Program” in OpenText Extended
ECM for SAP Solutions - Installation and Upgrade Guide (ERLK-IGD).

BO Declarations
Are there business object Extended ECM > Maintain “Creating a business object
declarations for this Business Object declaration in SAP”
connection ID? Declarations on page 32
Document Declarations

312 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

20.1. Analyzing the SAP system

Are there document Extended ECM > Document “SAP: Creating an document
declarations for this (ArchiveLink) ... > Maintain declaration” on page 149
connection ID? Document Declarations
Are there assignments for Extended ECM > Document
these document declarations? (ArchiveLink) ... > Assign
Declaration ID to Object
Type and Document Type
Are there automatic Extended ECM > Document
assignments? (ArchiveLink) ... > Assign
Declaration ID to Object
Type and Document Type
Item Types
Is the “” OpenText Administration Section 19.5.3 “Importing
folder type present? Client Enterprise Library folder and item type” in
Services server > Enterprise OpenText Extended ECM for
Library Services > SAP Solutions - Installation
Document Model > Folder and Upgrade Guide (ERLK-
Types IGD)
or rather
Does the folder type have a “SAP: Creating an Enterprise
default classification? Library item type and
Is the OpenText Administration additional categories for a
“” item Client Enterprise Library specific property provider”
type present? Services server > Enterprise on page 143
Library Services >
Document Model > Item
Is the
nk” item type present?
Is the
item type present?
Use Widgets in UI “Using the Content Server
Integration Widget“
on page 171
Is the “Support Directory” Infrastructure > Maintain Section 18.5 “Maintaining
provided for business objects Extended ECM Connections Extended ECM connections”
declarations using Widgets in OpenText Extended ECM for
in UI? SAP Solutions - Installation
and Upgrade Guide (ERLK-
Are parameters for Widgets See detailed error message if
available? applicable.
Is the OTDS REST Service

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 313

Chapter 20 Analyzing and troubleshooting

For SAP ERP or SRM only: Is Check if software component “Prerequisites” on page 172
the class SAP_UI is 740 or higher.
For SAP CRM only: Is the “Prerequisites” on page 172
WEBCUIF 701 component
Does the current SAP user Checks the permissions of Section 17.2 “Assigning SAP
have sufficient permissions the current user roles” in OpenText Extended
in SAP to declare records? ECM for SAP Solutions -
Installation and Upgrade Guide
Does the current SAP user Checks the permissions of Section 17.2 “Assigning SAP
have sufficient permissions the current user roles” in OpenText Extended
in SAP to view record ECM for SAP Solutions -
details? Installation and Upgrade Guide

20.1.3 Understanding the Configuration Report

You can use the SAP Configuration Report to summarize your Extended ECM for
SAP Solutions configuration. The report displays system and configuration
parameters coming from customizing transactions and tables. You can use this
information for reference and for debugging. You can export the list to a file.

To run the SAP Configuration Report:

1. In the IMG, navigate to the Extended ECM > Configuration Report activity and
click Execute .
The report opens. You can use standard SAP functions to view details, browse
the report, or filter separate lists in the report.

2. To save the report to a local file in, for example in HTML format or as a
spreadsheet, click Local file ..., and select the format that you want.

20.1.4 Using the Error Queues

Errors occurring during the declaration either of ArchiveLink entries, print lists or
business workspaces are tracked in an error queue. This queue can be accessed with
the following transactions:

ArchiveLink entries

Print lists

314 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

20.1. Analyzing the SAP system

Business workspaces and business attachments

All errors during declaration in batch mode are stored. Also update declaration
errors are tracked. The error queue then allows reprocessing the entries that failed.

To open the ArchiveLink records error queue:

1. Run the /OTX/RMPEQ transaction.

2. Restrict the entries to be listed by specifying the required parameters.

In addition to the standard ArchiveLink values you can also enter the user who
failed in the declaration process (Error created by field) and the date of the error
entry (Error created at field).
You may process the records either in the manual or in the automatic mode (see
Step 4):

3. Processing records in manual mode

a. If you want to first have a look at the error entries and afterwards re-
process these entries, select the Process records in manual mode check box
and specify the maximum number of entries in the Hit restriction field.
b. Click Execute.
The Error Queue Management dialog displays the selected entries. In this
manual mode, the number of hits is restricted to the value specified before.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 315

Chapter 20 Analyzing and troubleshooting

c. Select the entries you want to reprocess and click Re-process.

d. Click Yes.
A result list of the re-processed ArchiveLink entries is displayed.
e. To view the SAP log of the error that caused the entry in the error queue,
click the number in the Log number column.

4. Processing records in automatic mode

Deselect the Process records in manual mode check box and run the report
either in the background or directly.
The result list is the same as in the manual re-processing, with all entries of the
error queue filtered according to your selection mask entries.

To open the print list record error queue (SAP ERP 6.0 only):

1. Run the /OTX/RMPEQPRINTL transaction.

316 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

20.1. Analyzing the SAP system

2. Restrict the entries to be listed by specifying the required parameters.

In addition to the standard print list values you can also enter the user who
failed in the declaration process (Error created by field) and the date of the error
entry (Error created at field).
3. You may process the records either in the manual or in the automatic mode:
Proceed as described under Step 3 on page 315 or Step 4 on page 316,

To open the business workspaces error queue:

1. Run the /OTX/RM_WSC_PEQ transaction.

2. Restrict the entries to be listed by specifying the required parameters.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 317

Chapter 20 Analyzing and troubleshooting

In addition to the standard values you can also enter the user who failed in the
declaration process (Error created by field) and the date of the error entry (Error
created at field).

3. You may process the records either in the manual or in the automatic mode:
Proceed as described under Step 3 on page 315 or Step 4 on page 316,

4. To view the SAP log of the error that caused the entry in the error queue, click
the number in the Log number column.

20.1.5 Analyzing the application log

Extended ECM for SAP Solutions tracks errors and warning situations in the SAP
standard application log.

The application object for Extended ECM for SAP Solutions is /OTX/RM.

Depending on the scenario, the following subobjects are available:

/OTX/AUTH Authorization check

/OTX/BRUPD Business attachment update
/OTX/CONFIG Configuration
/OTX/DECUI Record declaration UI
/OTX/DISP Disposition report
/OTX/ERRQ Error queue failure
/OTX/GOS GOS attachment list
/OTX/GOSENH Modify GOS items via enhancement
/OTX/HTTPSRV HTTP server failure
/OTX/LINKE Link entry changed
/OTX/MIGR Migrate report
/OTX/MIG_IDS Migrate Content Server IDs report
/OTX/RMDOL Content Server Business Attachments
/OTX/RMWSA Workspace Policies
/OTX/RMWSS Business Object Search
/OTX/SEAB Full-text Search Base
/OTX/SEAPI Full-text search API
/OTX/SEARCH Search report
/OTX/SEAX Full-text search connector

318 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

20.1. Analyzing the SAP system

/OTX/UPD Update events
/OTX/WSSET Read, create, or update business workspace
/OTX/CRM SAP CRM related issues

Note: There are no additional objects or subobjects for an SAP SRM system.

To view the SAP application log:

1. Run the SLG1 transaction.

2. Enter the application object /OTX/RM in the Object field and specify additional
parameters as required. Use a subobject to filter the log.

3. Click Execute.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 319

Chapter 20 Analyzing and troubleshooting

4. Select a log entry and click Technical Information to display the entry's
technical context information.

320 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

20.1. Analyzing the SAP system

In an error situation with a specific ArchiveLink entry, you can view the
property values Client, Object Type, and SAP object ID.

5. Click Detailed Information to show the calls stack where the error or
warning occurred. Expand the selected log entry to get more detailed

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 321

Chapter 20 Analyzing and troubleshooting

6. Double-click on the subentry to show a detailed error message. If available, click

Detailed Information to display the details of the error message.

20.2 Understanding the Content Server System

The Content Server System Report contains extensive details about your Content
Server system.

Tip: Search for the term “Connected Workspaces / Extended ECM

Information” to find information related to Extended ECM for SAP Solutions.

The Content Server System Report contains module specific information in

both the full and the lite version.

For Extended ECM for SAP Solutions, the following information has been added at
the end of the report:

• Enterprise Library Applications

Application ID and volume ID and its status
• OpenText Directory Services
Connection information about OpenText Directory Services, URL of the web
service and the login screen of the Directory Services server.
• Classifications

322 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

20.2. Understanding the Content Server System Report

DataID, Name, SubType and detailed information about available classifications.

For more information about classifications, see Administering Classifications -
Classifications Admin Online Help (LLESCLS-H-AGD).
• Document Template Configuration
Document template parameters that have been specified on the Administration
page, presented in a technical format with information, for example, about
managed objects, or the DataID of the classification tree.
• Document Template Volume Information
All templates in the document template volume with detailed information. For
more information, see “Defining a document template for business workspaces”
on page 72.
• Business Object Configurations
Content of the business object types tables, which contain business object type
information. For more information, see “Configuring business object types”
on page 84.
• Workspace Types table
Content of the OTSAP_REFERENCE_TYPES table which contains information
about workspace types that you defined. For more information, see “Creating a
workspace type” on page 40.
• Content Server objects that can be added to business objects
Content Server objects that can be added to business objects. For more
information, see “Content Server: Selecting objects types to add business objects
to” on page 119.
• External System Entries
External systems that are connected to Content Server. Connection failures are
also listed. For more information, see the Content Server Administration help.
• Connected Workspaces external system multilingual information
Multilingual name settings for external systems. For more information, see
“Editing workspace names” on page 52.
• OpenText Imaging Viewers
Configured OpenText Imaging Viewers. For more information, see Section 22.5
“Configuring external viewers for Content Server” in OpenText Extended ECM for
SAP Solutions - Installation and Upgrade Guide (ERLK-IGD).
• Extended ECM Policy Information
All policies that are available. For more information, see OpenText Extended ECM
for SAP Solutions - User Management and Access Control Scenarios (ERLK-CUM).
• Business Object type callback information
Workspace template defined for the business object type when the business
workspace is created from the business application. For more information, see
“Configuring the creation of business workspaces” on page 87.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 323

Chapter 20 Analyzing and troubleshooting

• Business object type multilingual information

Multilingual business object metadata. For more information, see “Configuring
multilingual metadata languages” on page 39.
• Workspace type multilingual information
Multilingual workspace type names. For more information, see “Editing
workspace names” on page 52.
• Workspace type callback setting information
Location and classification settings for the different workspace types. For more
information, see “Defining the location and classification” on page 50.
• Business object type property map information
All mappings of business properties to category attributes.
• Business object type property group map information
Mappings or business property groups to category sets.
• Business object type property groups information
Property groups of the different business object types.
• Unique name settings
Unique names that are configured for reference, for example to categories,
folders, or themes.

Tip: You could use this report to compare two system environments, for
example the development system and the production system.

To generate a system report:

1. In the Server Configuration section on the Content Server Administration page,

click the System Report link.

2. On the System Report page, select either the Lite System Report or the Full
System Report option.

3. Click Generate.

Depending on the size of your system, the Full System Report may take
some time to be generated.

The generated report is a text document, called sysreport.txt, that resides in the
logs directory of your Content Server installation. When you finish generating a
System Report, the file path to the location where the file resides appears in the File
Path section on the Content Server System Report page. You can click the System
Report's link to access the report.

324 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

20.3. Configuring logging for the Connected Workspaces module

If a System Report has already been generated, a link to the most recently generated
report will appear as part of the header on the System Report page. To get the most
current version of the System Report, you must generate the report again.

20.3 Configuring logging for the Connected

Workspaces module
You can configure the level of details that should be logged for the Connected
Workspaces module. The messages are written in the thread*.log files of Content
Server. The Connected Workspaces module does not produce separate log files. For
more information about logging in Content Server, see Section 1.5.22 “Configuring
Server Logging” in OpenText Content Server Admin Online Help - Search Administration

• To use logging in Content Server in general, you must enable it: On the
Content Server Administration page, click Server Configuration >
Configure Server Parameters > Server Logging Options, and select a log
level for Content Server logging, for example, Detailed thread logging.
• Changing the log level settings does not require a restart of the Content
Server services. You set the logging for the current Content Service instance
not for other instances of the Content Server.

20.4 Creating log files for OpenText Customer

20.4.1 Logging authentication issues
To log authentication issues, you can activate additional authentication logging in
OpenText Administration Client and create a report of the OpenText Directory
Services configuration directly from its LDAP backend. You can use this report
when you report issues to OpenText Customer Support. For more information, see
Section 20 “System Status” in OpenText Directory Services - Installation and
Administration Guide (OTDS-IWC).

To configure authentication logging in Content Server:

1. Open OpenText Administration Client and login to the server where Enterprise
Library Services is installed.
2. Navigate to Enterprise Library Services > Configuration and adjust the
following value:

logging.OTDS.level = TRACE

3. Start the Directory Services web administration client in a web browser. Open
admin/ and sign in.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 325

Chapter 20 Analyzing and troubleshooting

4. Sign in as [email protected].

5. From the web administration menu, under the Info heading, click System

6. On the System Status page, click Download System Configuration Report.

7. The system configuration report downloads to your machine. An information

box displays, depending on your browser settings, that you can click to display
the report.

20.4.2 Generating Content Server log files

If you want to generate log files on a productive system and do not have the option
to restart Content Server and services, you can enable logging on a running system
without any restart. In this case the log file may contain information that is not
needed to analyze a specific error.

If you can stop and restart the system, you can generate a specific log files that
contain exactly the information that OpenText Customer Support needs to analyze
the problem.

To generate Content Server log files without a restart:

• On the Content Server Administration page, click Server Configuration >

Configure Server Parameters > Server Logging Options, and select a log level
for Content Server logging, for example, Detailed thread logging.

To generate Content Server log files with a restart:

1. Logon to the Content Server server with administrator rights.

2. On the Content Server Administration page, click Server Configuration >

Configure Server Parameters > Server Logging Options, and select a log level
for Content Server logging, for example, Detailed thread logging.

3. Stop the following services:

• Content Server (OTCS)

• Content Server Admin (OTCSAdmin)
• Content Server Cluster Agent

4. Stop the Apache Tomcat service from the OTDS, Extended ECM services, and
Enterprise Library service installation.

5. If you wish to keep the existing log files, backup all current log files in the
following directories:

• <Content Server home>\logs

• <Tomcat_home>\logs

6. From the logging directories <Content Server home>\logs and <Tomcat home>
\logs, delete all files, including those in subdirectories of the \logs directories.

326 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

20.4. Creating log files for OpenText Customer Support

Note: Do not delete the logs directory itself; any subdirectories under it
can be deleted.
7. Restart the following services so that the above changes take effect:

• Content Server (OTCS)

• Content Server Admin (OTCSAdmin)
• Content Server Cluster Agent
• Apache Tomcat Service
8. On the Content Server Administration page, click Server Configuration >
Configure Server Parameters > Server Logging Options, and select a log level
for Content Server logging, for example, Detailed thread logging.
9. Reproduce the errors that you were experiencing.
10. Optional If OpenText Customer Support asked you to generate a Content Server
system report, do it now. For more information, see “Understanding the
Content Server System Report” on page 322.
11. Stop the Content Server (OTCS), Content Server Admin (OTCSAdmin), Content
Server Cluster Agent, and Tomcat services.
12. Go to the <Content Server home>\logs directory and zip all files in there.
13. Go to the<Tomcat home>\logs directory and zip all files in there.
14. Reset the original logging settings. On the Content Server Administration page,
click Server Configuration> Configure Server Parameters> Server Logging
Options and set the log level.
15. Restart the Content Server (OTCS), Content Server Admin (OTCSAdmin) and
Tomcat services.
16. Contact OpenText Customer Support on how you can provide them with the
zipped log files.

20.4.3 Creating a cumulative update report

The cumulative update report tells which files will be changed when you apply an
update and to which version each file belongs.

To generate a cumulative update report:

1. On your Content Server server, open a command prompt window and navigate
into the <Content Server home>\bin directory.
2. Run the following command, where <cs-home> is the root directory of your
Content Server installation.

OTUpdateAnalyzer.bat -m <cs-home> -c

3. After the script completed, you can open the report in your default web
browser. When prompted, type y and press ENTER.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 327

Chapter 20 Analyzing and troubleshooting

4. Navigate into <Content Server home>\temp\OTUA and copy the files that
include the date on which the report was run, for example
OT_DELTA_REPORT_1372769971871.csv or

20.5 Finding version information for Extended ECM

for SAP Solutions relevant system components
This chapter explains how you can find out which version of the different
components is used in your system.

Version information is also included in the system reports of Content Server and the
configuration report SAP System.
• Content Server

From the Content Server menu, select Help > About Content Server. The
version is displayed, for example Content Server 16. You find detailed information
also in the Content Server system report. For more information, see
“Understanding the Content Server System Report” on page 322.
• Connected Workspaces module on Content Server
On the Content Server Administration page, click Module Administration >
Install Modules. You see the version of the module next to its name, for example
16.0.0 .
• Web Services and other OpenText components
Go to Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs or Programs and Features. In the
list of programs, you see which version is installed.
• SAP System, Database information and OpenText Components
In the SAP IMG (transaction SPRO, OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions
> Extended ECM > Configuration Report), run the Configuration Report to get
information about the SAP server. In this report, you find information like the
OTEXBASF, OTEXRLO, and OTEXRLF. For more information, see
“Understanding the Configuration Report” on page 314.
• Support Package of installed SAP System
In the SAP GUI application, from the menu, select System > Status. Then click

Component information to see the installed SAP components with release

number and highest support package. If you only want to know the version
OTEXBASF, OTEXRLO, and OTEXRLF you could use this instead of the
configuration report.
• SAP Fiori apps
For each application, there is a static version.html that includes the version
number. To retrieve the file, enter the following in a browser:

328 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

20.6. Troubleshooting

http(s)://<SAP hostname>:<SAP port>/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/otx/<subpath

of fiori app>/version.html

20.6 Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting describes some commonly encountered problems, with solutions or
tips on how to avoid them. For further information on known problems for your
Extended ECM for SAP Solutions version see the corresponding Release Notes in
OpenText My Support.

20.6.1 Content Server HTML dialogs do not display in SAP due

to an connection error
In SAP, the Content Server HTML dialogs do not display, for example, when
pressing F4 to select a Content Server system category of a Content Server folder. A
message like “This program cannot display the webpage.” is displayed.

Cause The connection fails.

Solution Check the following:

• Verify your server settings:
• Is the Content Server running?
• Is the Content Server protocol correct?
• Is the Content Server hostname correct?
• Is the Content Server port correct?
• Is the Content Server path correct?
• Is the Content Server hostname provided in a fully qualified format?
• Verify your SAP HTTP server settings:
• Do the SAP HTTP server and the Content Server have the same second-level
and top-level domain name?
• Verify that your Internet Explorer settings allow cookies.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 329

Chapter 20 Analyzing and troubleshooting

20.6.2 A logon screen is displayed instead of Content Server

HTML dialogs
Cause The Single-sign on mechanism failed.

Solution Check the following:

• Verify if the SAP system is in the same IP domain as the Enterprise Library
Services or Content Server. The first two levels are important, for example
• Verify that OTDS is properly configured.
• Verify that the SAPSSOEXT authentication handler is configured with the correct
PSE file with the correct SAP certificate.
• Verify that there is a corresponding Content Server user for the SAP user.
• Verify that the SAP logon ticket works.
For verifying SAP logon tickets, there is a tool from SAP which is now part of the
OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions installation medium (\SAP SSO
Libraries\SAP_SSO Diagnostic_Information).

ssosample -i <ticket_file> [-p <file containing public key>] -t

ssotrace.log -l 3


ssosample -i ticket.txt -p verify.pse -t ssotrace.log -l 3

The ticket information which should be copied into the ticket.txt file can be
obtained from the RCS.log from the logs directory of the application server.
Usually the ticket is valid for two minutes only. The PSE file needs to be exported
from the SAP system. For more information, see Section 18.1 “Exporting the SAP
PSE certificate for the SAP authentication handler” in OpenText Extended ECM for
SAP Solutions - Installation and Upgrade Guide (ERLK-IGD).
For more information, for example on error codes, also see the PDF files in the
same directory on the CD.

330 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

20.6. Troubleshooting

20.6.3 Smart View in Content Server or the integration widget

returns Error: Bad Request (400)
Cause Content Server runs on Microsoft IIS, which is not configured to display detailed
errors for REST API calls.

Solution Do the following:

1. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

2. On the left, expand the Content Server web site, and click the Content Server
Application. The default Application name is OTCS.

3. In the middle pane, double-click Error Pages.

4. On the right, under Actions, click Edit Feature Settings.

5. On the Edit Error Pages Settings, enable Detailed errors in the Error Responses
section, and then click OK.

For more information, see Section “Configuring Microsoft IIS to Return
Meaningful REST API Error Messages” in OpenText Content Server - Installation Guide

20.6.4 A user cannot declare records or view record details

Cause Either the SAP user or the corresponding Content Server user does not have
sufficient permissions.

Solution Do the following

• Verify the SAP user has the /OTX/RM_USER role.
• Verify that the Content Server user has sufficient permissions in the target folder
for the desired activity (creating or viewing).

20.6.5 A user cannot declare records or view record details or

maintain document declarations
Description Content Server HTML dialogs do not display (for example, when pressing F4 to
select a Content Server system category of a Content Server folder). The SAP
application log shows the error message that the SAP ticket could not be parsed.

Cause Time difference between the SAP server and the Content Server server.

Solution Verify that time settings of the SAP server and Content Server (RCS Server) are
It is recommended to use a time server to keep time settings of SAP and Content
Server identical.
In case of a virtualized server, modify the time settings of the respective real server,
as the virtual server draws its time settings from the real one.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 331

Chapter 20 Analyzing and troubleshooting

20.6.6 When storing a business document in a given SAP

business object, a record is not automatically declared
Cause Enterprise Library Services error, or configuration problem, or missing workflow
entry, or SAP Workflow System not running correctly.

Solution Check the following:

• Search the SAP logs for an Enterprise Library Services error message.
• Verify that the given document type has been associated to a declaration and this
association has been marked as automatic (IMG activity Assignment of
declaration ID to object type and doc. Type).
• Verify that a workflow entry has been configured (IMG activities Maintain/
Activate Receiver Module Events).
• Verify that the SAP Workflow System is set up and running correctly (SWU3
See SAP documentation for details.

20.6.7 Business workspaces cannot be displayed anymore in

SAP once the Undelete module is removed
Cause Enterprise Library Services configuration problem.

Solution In the OpenText Administration, under Enterprise Library Services >

Configuration, remove the value UndeleteWS from the
elservice.livelinkroots.roots entry.

20.6.8 Problems with MIME type of uploaded content

Cause Limitation in the process how OpenText Content Server determines the MIME type
of uploaded content.

Solution If you experience problems with viewing certain document types, add the fax
extension as an alternative to the image/tiff entry in the config\mime.types file
of OpenText Content Server.

332 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide

20.6. Troubleshooting

20.6.9 A workspace type is not available to configure a

business object type
Cause The workspace type is disabled.

Solution Enable the workspace type in Content Server Administration.

20.6.10 The URL to the business object is not displayed in the

workspace’s Properties tab
Cause No workspace type has been configured for default display for this business object

Solution In the business object type definition, select a workspace type for default display.
For more information, see “Configuring a basic business object type” on page 86.

20.6.11 Problems with SAP Fiori apps

Cause Configuration problem or technical problem in the frontend system, the backend
system, or on the client.


Check the following

• The user can press F12 in the browser to get a console log for more technical
errors which can be forwarded to the administrator combined with a date/time
when this came up.
• On the SAP front end server, use transaction /IWFND/ERROR_LOG to get error
messages. To change the log level, click Error Log > Global configuration.
• On the SAP backend server, use transaction /IWBEP/ERROR_LOG to get error
messages. To change the log level, click Error Log > Global configuration.
• On both SAP frontend and backend check the application log SLG1.
• Refer to SAP Fiori documentation for more logging and tracing options in the
Fiori framework.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 333

Chapter 21
Preparing a checklist for the maintenance team

Once the system is set up and customizing is finished, you can use the following
tools to prepare a hand-over documentation for the maintenance personnel whose
tasks are described in OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions - Administration
Guide (ERLK-AGD)

The following tools provide both necessary and useful information:

SAP system
• Diagnostic Program: “Understanding the SAP Diagnostic Program”
on page 311
Tests the customizing and provides solutions for errors.
• Configuration Report: “Understanding the Configuration Report”
on page 314
Provides information about Extended ECM for SAP Solutions related
customizing in the SAP system.

Content Server
System Report: “Understanding the Content Server System Report” on page 322
Contains the complete configuration information of the Content Server system.
Look for the “Extended ECM Information” section.
OpenText Administration Client
You can generate a report for OpenText Archive Center: Provides information
for the ArchiveLink setup in SAP (OAC0 transaction).

To generate the system configuration reports:

1. In OpenText Administration Client, log on to the server.

2. OpenText Archive Center

a. Go to Archive Server > System > Reports.

b. In the Reports pane, open the Scenarios tab and select the scenario.
c. In the Actions pane, click Generate Report. A new window opens,
which you can close.
d. Switch to the Reports tab in the Reports pane.
e. Click Refresh to list the newly generated reports.
f. Double-click one of the generated reports to view it.

OpenText Directory Services Web Client

The System Status page lets you view a System Configuration Report, version
information for the product, and highlights Potential Configuration Issues.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 335

Chapter 21 Preparing a checklist for the maintenance team

To generate the system configuration reports:

1. From the web administration menu, under the Info heading, click System

2. On the System Status page, click Download System Configuration Report.

3. The system configuration report downloads to your machine. An

information box displays, depending on your browser settings, that you can
click to display the report.

336 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide


An interface between the SAP system and an archiving system. Using

ArchiveLink, mostly static and finished documents are stored. ArchiveLink
documents can be declared in Extended ECM.


Content Server concept to store metadata. Attributes are organized in categories.

Business properties of a business object are mapped to attributes.

See Business Add-In (BAdI).

Business Add-In (BAdI)

SAP method to enhance standard SAP functions with custom functionality.

business attachment

Content Server item, for example a document or a folder, that is added as a link to
the business workspace of a business object. The item, which is used as business
attachment elsewhere, is indicated by an icon and has a link to the respective
business object. The other way around, you can configure a business object type,
so that it can be added to a Content Server item.

Business Content window

Window in SAP ERP that contains content, which is related to the business object.
The Business Content window can be opened in an SAP ERP system from the
Generic object services (GOS) menu of a business object. The Business Content
window displays the business workspace and its content, business attachments,
business documents (ArchiveLink), notes and local files.

business object

Representation of a “real life” object in the business application. This can be, for
example, a business partner, a service process, or a product. Business objects are
the center point of Extended ECM.

business reference

Business object that is linked to a business workspace. If the business workspace

already exists, users add the business object as business reference to it.

business object type

Configuration item for business objects in Content Server. The business object
type describes the structure of the data. A business object type in Content Server
has its counterpart in the business application.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 337


business workspace

Content Server item that contains documents and other items which are related to
a business object.

cases and binders

See business workspace.


Content Server concept to store metadata. A category contains attributes or

attribute sets. A category can be mapped to store metadata delivered from the
business application.

classic UI

Content Server user interface with folders, function menus and sidebars. As
opposed to Content Server Smart UI.
See Also smart UI.


Systematic grouping of metadata based on a specific set of criteria. Classifications

categorize Content Server items, for example, documents, compound documents,
and folders into a taxonomy of Classifications called Classification Trees. For
business workspaces, classifications control the layout and other options. It also
controls which template can be used for creating a new business workspace of
this type.

Connected Workspaces

Content Server module that enables the use of business workspace with or
without a connection to an external system.

See document declaration.

document declaration

Definition of how a document is to be stored in Archive Center via ArchiveLink.

document metadata

Describes the document and its business context. Different types of documents
may have different metadata assigned. Metadata can be used to search for a

document properties

Set of attributes that all documents share; for example, the owner of a document
or the creation date.

338 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide


document templates

Basis for new business workspaces that are managed with Extended ECM for
SAP Solutions. Templates are offered to the user based on the business object type
and the storage location of the new document.

Generic Object Services (GOS)

SAP: Functions that are not application-specific and can generally be used for any
business object, e.g. creating or displaying the business workspace.

See Generic Object Services (GOS).

group replacement

Method to dynamically assign access rights for a Content Server item such as a
business workspace or a document to a group of users. The group replacement is
typically based on attributes of the Content Server item.


Method in which users of the business application utilize other users to gain
access to Content Server. Impersonation must be implemented according to the
requirements of the business application.


Process of collecting data about Content Server items so that they can be searched
with Content Server search functionality.

integration widget

Enables an integration method to display Content Server content in HTML-based

application. Content is displayed with JavaScript and HTML5 technology rather
than embedding the classical Content Server user interface.

OpenText Directory Services (OTDS)

A repository of user information and a collection of services to manage this user

information. OTDS is used by Content Server for user authentication.

OpenText Records Management

Content Server module that controls documents and other objects based on rules
and classifications. Compliance and other legal regulations require that
documents have a controlled life time cycle that they are archived, that they can
be frozen or that they are deleted after a certain time. Records Management also
controls access to the documents. To set a document under the regulations of
Records Management, it is declared as record.

OSS notes
See SAP Notes.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 339


See OpenText Directory Services (OTDS).

Perspective Manager
See perspective.


Controls how users see the layout of a business workspace in Content Server
Smart View. Perspectives consider rules, for example, the workspace type,
template, or the user group. You design and configure a perspective in
Perspective Manager, a tool that walks you through the creation of a perspective
and translates it into ActiveView coding.


Method to transfer and apply SAP authorization objects in Content Server.

print lists

Documents that are created by the SAP system and, if necessary, can be processed
automatically. They represent extracts from the SAP data base, compiled
according to specific criteria, and created by reports.

property provider

Program or web service that delivers properties of a business object from the
business application to Content Server.

See OpenText Records Management.

Records Management
See OpenText Records Management.

Related Business Workspaces folders

Related Business Workspaces folders are used in Classic View to display business
workspaces that are somehow related to each other. This type of folder is the only
object type where users can add relationships manually.
See Also Related Business Workspaces folders on page 82.


Hierarchical relationship between business objects that are visualized as

relationships between business workspaces. A sidebar widget and Related
Workspaces Folders make related business workspaces visible. Automatic
relationships are defined in the property provider. Users can establish manual

340 OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide


RFC service

A program used for communication between the SAP application and the archive
system via RFC (Remote Function Calls).

SAP Notes

Notes provided by SAP that contain post-release changes or corrections for

already released versions of SAP products. When you encounter SAP-specific
problems or false behavior in SAP programs, especially after or during a new
installation of product components, check the SAP Support Portal for necessary
SAP notes.

SAP Reference IMG (SPRO)

A tool for customizing in the SAP system, opened with the SPRO transaction.

SAP Business Add-In

See Business Add-In (BAdI).

sidebar widget

Element of a business workspace in Classic View that displays various types of

business workspace metadata and information to the end user.

simple search

Saved query and customized search form that can be used to find business
workspaces, cases and binders, and to create shortcuts. Also known as Custom
View Search in Content Server.

smart UI

Content Server user interface with a landing page and container pages. The
content is presented in tiles that contain widgets. The pages are highly
configurable using the Perspective Manager.
See Also classic UI.

See SAP Reference IMG (SPRO).

system attributes

Metadata that all content items have in common, for example item names, creator
of an item, or the modification date.


Element of the user interface that displays information for the user.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions – Customizing Guide 341


workspace type

Content Server object that controls the location where a business workspace is
stored, some of the GUI components such as sidebar widgets, and the name
pattern of the business workspace.

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