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2019 SFCR Conso (EN)

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Activity and performance 5
Governance system 6
Risk profile 6
Valuations for the purposes of solvency 7
Capital management 7


A.1. Group profile 8
A.1.1. Structure 8
A.1.2. Regulator and Auditor 8
Content A.1.3. Activity report
A.1.4. Human resources management
A.2. Underwriting Performance 9
A.2.1. Non-Life 9
A.2.2. Life 10
A.3. Investment Performance 10
A.3.1. Information concerning charges and proceeds compared
to the previous year 10
A.3.2. Performance (in %) 11
A.3.3. Securitisation investments 11
A.4. Performance of other activities 11
A.5. Other information 11

Consolidated Solvency and Financial Condition Report 2019 BELFIUS INSURANCE 2

B.1. General information on the governance system 13 B.2.4. Risk management at group level 18
B.1.1. Board of Directors 13 B.2.5. ORSA process 18
B.1.2. Management Board 13 B.2.5.1. Identifying risks 20
B.1.3. Specialist committees created by the Board of Directors 13 B.2.5.2. Measuring current capital and solvency 20
B.1.4. Other committees 13 B.2.5.3. Forecasting capital and solvency 20
B.1.5. Remuneration of the administrative, B.2.5.4. Determining and performing stress and scenario analyses 20
management or control body 13 B.2.5.5. Assessing respect of risk appetite limits 21
B.1.5.1. Remuneration policy and practice 13 B.2.5.6. Report on the ORSA 21
B.1.5.2. Procedure 14 B.3. Internal control system 21
B.1.6. Shareholder structure 14 B.3.1. Description of the internal control system 21
B.1.6.1. Structure 14 B.3.1.1. Internal control processes 21
B.1.6.2. Strategic objectives 14 B.3.1.2. Governance of the internal control system 22
B.1.7. Major transactions intra-group 15 B.3.2. Process of assessing risks and controls 22
B.1.8. Competence and honourability (Fit & Proper) 15 B.3.3. Internal control system at Group level 22
B.1.8.1. Requirements 15 B.4. Compliance 22
B.1.8.2. Process 15 B.5. Internal Audit Function 23
B.2. Risk management system including the internal assessment B.5.1. Task 23
of risks and solvency 15 B.5.2. Organisation and independence 23
B.2.1. Risk management task 15 B.6. Actuarial function 23
B.2.2. Objectives of the risk management department 16 B.7. Outsourcing 24
B.2.3. Governance of risk management 16 B.8. Other information 24
B.2.3.1. Overall view 16
B.2.3.2. Roles and responsibilities 17

Consolidated Solvency and Financial Condition Report 2019 BELFIUS INSURANCE 3

C.1. Underwriting risk 25 E.1. Capital management objectives 30
C.2. Market risk 25 E.2. Capital structure and quality 31
C.3. Credit risk 25 E.3. Reconciliation between the net asset value under Solvency II
C.4. Liquidity risk 25 and IFRS capital 33
C.5. Operational risk 25 E.4. Available Financial Resources (AFR) 33
C.6. Other material risks 25 E.5. Capital requirements 34
C.7. Other information 25 E.5.1. Required solvency capital 34
E.5.2. Solvency II consolidated solvency ratio 35
D.1. Asset valuation 26 E.7. Parameters specific to the company 35
D.1.1. Description of the bases, methods and main assumptions 26 E.8. Non-compliance risk 35
D.1.2. Differences in valuation for Solvency purposes E.9. Other significant information 36
and financial reporting 27
D.2. Technical provisions 27 LIST OF ABREVIATIONS 37
D.2.1. Best estimate and Risk margin 27
Best Estimate Non Life 27 F. APPENDICES 38
Best Estimate Life 27 F.1. Appendix 1: List of associated companies 38
Non-Economic assumptions 28 F.2. Appendix 2: List of public QRT’s 39
D.3. Other liabilities 29
Provisions other than technical provisions 29
Deferred taxes 29
Subordinated Liabilities 29
D.4. Alternative methods for valuation 29
D.5. Any other information 29

Consolidated Solvency and Financial Condition Report 2019 BELFIUS INSURANCE 4


The purpose of the Solvency and Financial Condition Report (SFCR) is to provide information As at 31 December 2019 the Group had 1,224 full-time equivalent members of staff.
required by the Solvency II regulatory framework in respect of Belfius Insurance group (“the Group” Belfius Insurance has two operational segments, Retail & Commercial Insurance (“RCI”) and Public
or “Belfius Insurance”) at 31 December 2019. & Corporate Insurance (“PCI”).

This report sets out aspects of the Group’s business and performance, system of governance, The RCI strategy rests on three pillars:
risk profile, valuation methods used for solvency purposes and its capital management practices.
→ ongoing development of the bank-insurance model, a growth driver for the Belfius Group;
On 23 March 2020, the European Insurance and Occupational Pension Authority (EIOPA) issued → the DVV/Les AP network continues to focus on added value for its intermediaries; and
a statement confirming that COVID-19 should be considered as a “major development” as → Corona Direct, the Group’s direct insurer, is an independent company and also acts as a pioneer
per article 54(1) of the Solvency II Directive. Hence insurance undertakings should publish any in future digital development for all the channels of Belfius Insurance.
appropriate information on the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic.
In 2018, Belfius Insurance decided to concentrate its Non-Life activities within PCI on the social
In these moments of disruption and social distancing, Belfius Insurance has ensured continuity to sector segment through direct distribution and to run-off the Non-Life activities to other institu­
its clients and preserved a strong solvency and capital position. As the final outcome of the crisis tional and corporate clients through the broker channel. This strategy continued in 2019. The
is still very uncertain, a regular monitoring of the solvency and capital position remains a high freed-up resources are reallocated to its strong developing Non-Life insurance business with
priority. SME customers through its own (bank and DVV/LAP) distribution channels.

Further information relating to the pandemic can be found in the respective sections of the report. In the 2019 financial year, Belfius Insurance achieved net result of EUR 204 million. This excellent
result is the fruit of our long-term strategy: strengthening the bank-insurance model, the constant
focus on innovative insurancesolutions, controlling our costs with particular attention paid to the

Activity and performance

profitability of all our channels, the development of the Non-Life portfolio, an adequate manage-
ment of our Life activities, the digitalisation of our offer and customer satisfaction.

In order to face future challenges with confidence, a series of projects have been set up. Close
As a multi-channel insurer on the Belgian market, Belfius Insurance group offers a complete range collaboration with our parent company Belfius Bank should lead to an even stronger digital
of Life and Non-Life insurance products to individuals, companies, freelances, the social sector insurance product range, as well as an integrated and tailored customer experience. The strategic
and the public sector. plan 2020-2025 aims to make Belfius Insurance a leading insurer on the Belgian market. We are
constantly improving our processes to increase their efficiency and thus their impact on customer
In 2019, Belfius Insurance collected EUR 1,849 million on the Belgian market, of which 61% for satisfaction. The Leadershift program, set up in collaboration with Belfius Bank, will prepare the
Life. Belfius managers for the challenges of the future.

Consolidated Solvency and Financial Condition Report 2019 BELFIUS INSURANCE 5 Summary
Governance system The Asset and Liability Management Committee (“ALCo”) takes the tactical decisions that have
an impact on the balance sheet of Belfius Insurance and on its profitability, taking account of the
group’s risk appetite. It verifies compliance with the guidelines and limits for the management of
This section on governance is intended to enable a good understanding of the manner by which the investment portfolio.
governance is organised within Belfius Insurance and its appropriateness to the regulations
relating to the supervision of insurance companies in Belgium, the commercial strategy and In addition, the Board of Directors of Belfius Insurance can rely on an Audit Committee comprising
operations. It contains information on the structure of its administrative, management and three non-executive directors.
surveillance bodies as well as a description of their principal responsibilities.
Furthermore, the Board of Directors can rely on the Risk & Underwriting Committee for advice on
Belfius Insurance makes a clear distinction of responsibility between the different governing the various fields of risk management such as risk appetite, material exposure to the risks, the
bodies. The Board of Directors is responsible for defining the general and risk strategy. strategy and the impact thereof on the capital, the organisation of risk management and the
alignment to the nature of the existing risks.
The Management Board is mandated by the Board of Directors (which delegates its relevant
powers to the former) with the management of Belfius Insurance. To ensure the proper operation

Risk profile
and development of Belfius Insurance, the Management Board is responsible for establishing and
maintaining an appropriate risk management. It defines and coordinates the policy of Belfius
Insurance in line with the strategy laid down by the Board of Directors. It allocates the means and
resources and sets the deadlines for the implementation of actions defined under that policy. It
verifies whether the objectives are attained and whether the risk management is tailored to all Like other insurance companies, Belfius Insurance is exposed to risks of various sorts: financial or
the needs. Finally, it adapts the needs to internal and external developments. non-financial, existing or emerging, measurable qualitatively or quantitatively. The significance of
The teams that must specifically ensure effective risk management are: these risks is assessed sometimes on the basis of regulatory requirements (Solvency II) and
sometimes by taking a specific look at the company.
→ The Risk Management team (second line of control) under the responsibility of the Chief Risk
Officer, member of the Management Board, tasked with the supervision of the risk management Correspondence of risk level and risk appetite is monitored regularly and retrospectively but also
policy. This team defines lines of action for limits and delegated powers, monitors and measures before any decision which might have a material impact on the level of risk.
the total risks, and awakes the implementation of harmonized methods in the different entities.
→ The actuarial function (second line of control) is reponsible for the continuous compliance with The proper management of such risks is facilitated by adapted governance, which ensures their
the requirements regarding the technical aspects in Belfius Insurance: The technical provisions, detection, assessment and management.
the compliancy of the profit sharing policy, the underwriting policy and the adequacy of the
reinsurance plans. The actuarial function reports directly to the Chief Risk Officer. Moreover, a wide diversification is allowed by virtue of the diversity of insurance activities, dis-
→ The Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) (first and second line of control) ensures compliance with tribution channels, and techniques enabling the Group to avoid excessive concentrations both of
the integrity policy and the development of the ethics policy in Belfius Insurance assets and of liabilities.
→ The Internal Audit (third line of control) reports directly to the Chief Executive Officer, chairman
of the Management Board. Internal audit monitors the implementation and proper application Finally, Belfius Insurance is subject to the supervision of the Belgian and European supervisory
of the internal control process (fisrt and second line). authorities. As a major operator, regular contacts enable the supervisors to be aware of elements
→ The transversal committees see to the follow-up of the various aspects of the management which might influence its risk profile and stress tests enable the supervisor to measure its resilience
of risks to which Belfius Insurance is exposed. to these.

Consolidated Solvency and Financial Condition Report 2019 BELFIUS INSURANCE 6 Summary
Valuations for the purposes of solvency Considering Belfius Insurance’s level of available capital, the risk that its capital might fall under
the SCR (Solvency Required Capital) or the MCR (Minimum Capital Requirement) is very limited.
This is confirmed by the results of the stress tests on its business plan, the regulatory stress tests
In order to measure its solvency, Belfius Insurance values its assets and liabilities at their “fair and various sensitivity analyses performed during accounting closings.
value” and in line with the requirements of the Solvency II regulations.

Approximation methods are used but to an extremely limited extent.

The differences resulting from comparison of the Solvency II balance sheet and the IFRS balance
sheet are also explained in this section of the document.

Capital management
Belfius Insurance calculates its capital requirement using the standard Solvency II formula,
reflecting the rules and guidelines of the EIOPA and the National Bank of Belgium.

At the end of December 2019, the SCR of Belfius Insurance at a consolidated level was EUR
1,162 million. The major part of the capital requirement arises from market risk, in particular the
risk associated with spreads or equities. Considering the policy aimed at maintaining a reduced
gap between asset and liability durations, the capital requirement dealing with the interest rate
risk remains rather limited.

At the end of December 2019, the regulatory capital of Belfius Insurance was EUR 2,466 million.
This leads to a Solvency II ratio of 212% at the date. Note that the Solvency II ratio previously
communicated in the press release of Belfius Bank on 21 February 2020, amounted to 199% and
included a proposed dividend of EUR 120 million. However, following the outbreak of the COVID-19
crisis, the Board of Directors of Belfius Insurance proposed to the General Assembly to integrate
the dividend over the financial year 2019 in retained earnings pending the analysis of all impacts
of the COVID-19 crisis on the financial position, thus no foreseeable dividend is included in the
Solvency ratio of 212% at the end of December 2019. This has been validated and accepted by
the General Assembly on April 28th 2020.

Consolidated Solvency and Financial Condition Report 2019 BELFIUS INSURANCE 7 Summary
A. Activities and performance

A.1. Group profile

A.1.1. Structure

A.1.2. Regulator and Auditor

Regulator: National Bank of Belgium (NBB), Boulevard du Berlaimont, 1000 Brussels. Telephone:
FHIC 02/221 21 11

Auditor: Deloitte Auditeurs d’enterprise, SC s.f.d. SCRL, Luchthaven Nationaal 1 J / Gateway

Building, 1930 Zaventem.

A.1.3. Activity report

For information regarding the activity report please refer to the annual report published on

A.1.4. Human resources management

For information regarding the human resource management of Belfius Insurance Group please
refer to the annual report published on https://www.belfius.be/about-us/en/investors/results-

For information regarding the structure of the group please refer to the annual report published
on https://www.belfius.be/about-us/en/investors/results-reports/reports

Consolidated Solvency and Financial Condition Report 2019 BELFIUS INSURANCE 8 Activities and performance
A.2. Underwriting Performance

A.2.1. Non-Life
The table below shows the result of Non-Life insurances by product group for the years 2018 A slight decrease of the Non-Life results can be noted due to a higher natural catastrophe charge
and 2019 as published in the Annual Report 2019. and a lower financial result. The technical results evolve positively thanks to the growth of
premiums. Commissions and net claims (with reinsurance impact) increase in line with the gross
Gross premiums collected increased by 2%, from EUR 700 million to EUR 711 million. This growth premiums. The loss ratio is better than previous year: in the growing segment Retail and Commercial,
is evidence of the success of the Bank-insurance model and the digital developments in which the loss ratio is decreasing despite the impact of natural catastrophes in March (storm) and June
Belfius is investing, that offset the decrease in the segment Public and Corporate due to the (floods); this improvement is explained by the excellent result in the all-risks. The segment Public
managerial decision to put in run-off the PCI Bank-insurance and brokers channels. and Corporate presents a heavier loss ratio compared to 2018, due to some adjustments on large
claims in all-risks, bad results in worker’s compensation and property (NatCat).

The costs are slightly higher than in 2018 resulting in a stable cost ratio thanks to the higher gross

Gross earned Claims Acquisition Technical Net income Operating Gross earned Claims Acquisition Technical Net income Operating
premiums incurred commissions result on capital expenses premiums incurred commissions result on capital expenses
and other from ceded and other from ceded
technical reinsurance technical reinsurance
(in thousands of EUR) expenses (in thousands of EUR) expenses
31 DECEMBER 2018 699,714 (375,567) (134,937) (30,559) 38,988 (157,192) 31 DECEMBER 2019 711,365 (391,947) (137,219) (18,414) 34,410 (159,265)
Accepted reinsurance 1,858 (1,831) (207) (283) 1,123 (3) Accepted reinsurance 818 142 (99) 3,595 1,075 (12)
Direct business 697,856 (373,736) (134,730) (30,276) 37,865 (157,189) Direct business 710,546 (392,089) (137,121) (22,009) 33,334 (159,254)
All risks/accidents 118,021 (67,736) (24,433) (3,230) 7,713 (28,308) All risks/accidents 118,910 (68,776) (24,439) (5,264) 8,246 (30,199)
Cars/third party Cars/third party
liability 175,886 (81,365) (28,779) (7,711) 16,721 (42,651) liability 178,596 (86,947) (29,345) (4,293) 16,368 (43,377)
Cars/other branches 100,703 (57,756) (18,673) (776) 1,252 (24,561) Cars/other branches 103,385 (60,623) (18,957) (804) (1,484) (25,001)
Fire and other Fire and other
damage to property 237,905 (104,601) (57,308) (17,956) 6,350 (45,690) damage to property 246,252 (121,284) (59,759) (12,023) 6,769 (47,707)
Other (1) 65,341 (62,277) (5,537) (603) 5,829 (15,980) Other (1) 63,403 (54,458) (4,621) 375 3,435 (12,969)
(1) Includes Credit and suretyship, Non-Life distribution, health and accidents at work. (1) Includes Credit and suretyship, Non-Life distribution, health and accidents at work.

Consolidated Solvency and Financial Condition Report 2019 BELFIUS INSURANCE 9 Activities and performance
A.2.2. Life This high amount of redemptions led to a strong decrease of the average guaranteed rate and
therefore, an improvement of the technical results. Logically, the financial income decreased
The figures shown in the table below reflect the activity as published in the Annual Report 2019.
due to the shrinking portfolio, but only slightly. This is a consequence of the good financial
management of the asset portfolio (treasury optimisation with repo, growth of income on
funds …). The margin therefore increased leading to a solid improvement of the results.
2019 Due to the high pressure on the interest rates, the gross earned premium decreased a bit as
the guaranteed rate on the new production is low, especially for the investment type products
Insurance Investment Index-linked & Total
contracts contracts Unit-linked (mainly Branch 44). The production for pension products is still growing.
(in thousands of EUR) with DPF → Index-linked and unit-linked insurances
Gross technical provisions 4,815,588 7,078,339 3,671,372 15,565,299 In 2019, Belfius Insurance has realised a strong increase of its outstanding, with nearly +30%
Part of the reinsurer 13,138 13,138 compared to 2018. This is thanks to the high amount of transfers of reserves, coming from
Gross earned premiums 481,081 277,465 370,523 1,129,069 the redemptions in guaranteed products, which more than compensates the lower premiums.
Furthermore, 2019 experienced a positive impact of the market effect, which also contributes
to the increase of the reserves.
2018 As the results in unit-linked are based on a fee on the reserves, a growth was realised, but the
results remain modest compared to the total Life results. Indeed, the margin remains low in
Insurance Investment Index-linked & Total
contracts contracts Unit-linked comparison to the guaranteed products (with high profitability coming from the stock).
(in thousands of EUR) with DPF
Gross technical provisions 4,686,633 7,957,237 2,837,971 15,481,841

A.3. Investment Performance

Part of the reinsurer 12,390 12,390
Gross earned premiums 498,703 298,225 413,898 1,210,826

→ Insurance contracts A.3.1. Information concerning charges and proceeds

Slight decrease of gross earned premiums, mainly due to PCI and the discontinuation of the
sector pension plan Sefocam (impact of EUR -28 million). In Bank-insurance, an excellent increase
compared to the previous year
of the premiums for outstanding balance insurance was realised, with a further increase of the The 2019 financial results amount to EUR 542 million, broadly in line with the 2018 results.
cross-sell with the mortgages. This impact positively influences the results as those products
have an excellent profitability. The net interest margin has continued to decline although at a slower pace, ending EUR 11 million
The results were also positively impacted by capital gains realised on bonds for ALM reasons. lower at EUR 421 million. This pressure on the interest margin continues to be driven by known
This more than compensated the positive impact of the reassessment of technical provisions factors:
of 2018. No further reassessment of provisions (with impact on the P&L) was performed in
2019. → a further decline in Life reserves, resulting from the changed focus towards Branch 23,
→ Investment contracts with DPF mortgage-linked or fiscal (insurance) products leading to a decrease of financial assets;
This product line faced numerous redemptions on policies at maturity (rate guaranteed over 8 → the interest income on the mortgages portfolios has also decreased due to prepayment and
years), concerning more than EUR 1 billion outstanding. A part was reinvested in new products repayments.
(Branch 23), but the majority of policies at maturity were redeemed by customers. As a conse­
quence, mathematical reserves fell significantly for these products in run-off.

Consolidated Solvency and Financial Condition Report 2019 BELFIUS INSURANCE 10 Activities and performance
Dividend income slightly decreased at EUR 51.58 million, but remains a significant contributor to A.3.3. Securitisation investments
the investment portfolio revenues.
As illustrated in the table on the left, Belfius
Market Value
(in EUR) 31/12/2018 31/12/2019 Insurance had an exposure of EUR 73.3 mil­
Belfius Insurance has realised EUR 57.16 million in capital gains, slightly below the 2018 level.
lion in RMBS and EUR 121.1 million in Danish
However, the realisation of capital gains depends on the available market opportunities and is Danish Mortgages 179,481,520 121,141,104.60
RMBS 85,219,779 73,331,787 Mortgages. Part of the portfolios in those
driven by the ALM policy rather than a pure P&L objective. The results were mainly achieved due
asset classes have amortised in 2019.
to the sale of Belgian government bonds.

Net income on capital A.4. Performance of other activities

(In thousands of EUR) 31/12/2018 31/12/2019
Interest income & expense 421,308 409,407
Dividend Income 58,580 51,790 Belfius Insurance has launched Jaimy in 2018 which is a joint venture with BCG which puts quality
Net income from equity method companies 963 1,339 tradesmen and individuals in contact (via internet website and mobile app) for various works about
Net income from financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss (22,351) (1,098) home improvements like painting, electrical work, plumbing, heating …
Net income on investments and liabilities (capital gains) 66,441 57,163
Other income & expense 16,089 23,888
The platform has grown in 2019 with an increase of paying trader use and leads bought month
TOTAL 541,030 542,488
after month. The growth is encouraging. The income remains low in 2019.

Belfius Insurance has also launched Jane at the end of 2019. Jane is a joint venture with BCG that
develops and provides a mobile app for elderly people who want to stay at home and retain their
A.3.2. Performance (in %) independence for longer and for their loved ones who want to be reassured that everything is
fine and know when they are needed.
Overall the portfolios (fixed income and equites) Asset class Performance
have shown strong market performances in
Govies 7.55%
2019 (calculated as total return performances Fixed income

A.5. Other information

Credit 6.01%
which differ from the accounting return). Over Equity 25.02%
Equity portfolio
2019, the equity portfolios: listed equities and Real estate 22.19%
listed real estate have respectively performed
25.02% and 22.19% on an annual basis, slightly below their respective benchmarks due to a more
The current pandemic which originated last December in China but has spread worldwide over
defensive positioning.
the first quarter of 2020 affects people, the whole market and Belfius. This impacts our personal
and professional lives, the health of the population, the global economy and the financial markets.
The performance of the fixed income portfolio in 2019 was 7.55% for the government bonds
portfolio and 6.01% for the credit portfolio. Both were driven by rate and credit spread decreases
Belfius Insurance started to monitor the situation as from January, realised the exceptional
particularly in Q2 and Q3 on the back of ECB easing policies announced in September 2019
character of this health crisis and gradually adapted its Crisis management and Business Continuity
(although the trend reverted a bit by year end).
Plan (BCP) in order to protect people and to ensure business continuity to its clients

Consolidated Solvency and Financial Condition Report 2019 BELFIUS INSURANCE 11 Activities and performance
Most operations are fully supported by home working so that employees can continue working in
a safe environment. Belfius Insurance continues to align its approach to the instructions from the
Belgian government.

Given the solvency II ratio as at 31 December of 212% and taking into account relevant stress
tests at the time of writing, Belfius Insurance is expected to have sufficient available funds in
excess of the SCR and its own risk appetite.

Belfius Insurance is commited to maintain access and insurance coverage to its clients via its three
brands (Belfius Bank, DVV and Corona Direct). The measures include providing clear and relevant
information to its clients and intermediaries, supporting DVV network, implementing the sector
level agreements dedicated to households and companies that are the most adversely affected
by COVID-19 but also by promoting digitalization to facilitate some underwriting and claim
settlements processes.

The impact on business interruption (resulting in lower Non-Life production) could be mitigated
by lower than expected claims.

The strategic asset allocation of Belfius insurance is calibrated to be resilient against a severe but
plausible worst case scenario enabling to reduce the impact of stressed financial markets due to
the COVID-19 crisis.

The impact on our investment portfolio is followed-up on a weekly basis as part of our overall
solvency monitoring, as well as being subject to further stress scenarios.

Consolidated Solvency and Financial Condition Report 2019 BELFIUS INSURANCE 12 Activities and performance
B. Governance system

B.1. General information on the B.1.5. Remuneration of the administrative, management or

governance system control body
B.1.5.1. Remuneration policy and practice
The Board of Directors sets the remuneration of the members of the Management Board at the

B.1.1. Board of Directors proposal of the Remuneration Committee and on the recommendation of the chairperson of the
Management Board (see remuneration policy for the Belfius Group).
Information regarding the Board of Directors can be found in the annual report published on
https://www.belfius.be/about-us/en/investors/results-reports/reports The Remuneration Committee formulates proposals to the Board of Directors of Belfius Bank and
Belfius Insurance with regard to the remuneration policy for categories 1 and 2 of employees

B.1.2. Management Board described in the remuneration policy for the Belfius Group. Category 1 includes members of the
Board of Directors of Belfius Bank and Belfius Insurance (executive directors). Category 2 concerns
Information regarding the Management Board can be found in the annual report published on members of staff whose activities have a significant impact on the risk profile of the Belfius
https://www.belfius.be/about-us/en/investors/results-reports/reports Group, including senior management and individuals whose jobs involve risks or independent
audit functions and staff whose total remuneration places them on the same level of remuneration

B.1.3. Specialist committees created by the Board of Directors as senior management or individuals whose jobs involve risks (for this see the remuneration
policy of the Belfius Group).
Information regarding the Audit Committee and Risk & Underwriting committee can be found in
the annual report published on https://www.belfius.be/about-us/en/investors/results-reports/ In certain special cases, the Remuneration Committee may propose to depart from the remunera­
reports tion policy on the basis of a reasoned proposal from the chairperson of the Management Board
(for example for reasons of retention/conforming with the market). If this is the case, the Board

B.1.4. Other committees of Directors will take a decision based on the recommendation of the appointments and Remu-
neration Committee.
Information regarding the Nomination Committee, Remuneration Committee and Mediation
Committee can be found in the annual report published on https://www.belfius.be/about-us/en/ The consequences of the remuneration policy in terms of risk and the management of risks
investors/results-reports/reports are analysed overall by HRM in conjunction with various departments (Risk Management, Audit,
Compliance, etc.).

Each year the Remuneration Committee will receive from the Management Board a report on the
policy applied in the subsidiaries of Belfius Bank and Belfius Insurance (including Corona SA) with
regard to remuneration and human resources.

Consolidated Solvency and Financial Condition Report 2019 BELFIUS INSURANCE 13 Governance system
The remuneration policy and practices that apply to the members of the Board of Directors and B.1.6. Shareholder structure
Management Board and to the managers of independent control functions are set out in a policy.
B.1.6.1. Structure
This policy covers the principles of the remuneration policy, with an explanation of the relative
As of the date of this report, the registered capital of Belfius Insurance was EUR 567,425,226.84,
importance of the fixed part and variable part of the remuneration.
represented by 2,579,938 registered shares, each representing one-two million five hundred and
seventy-nine thousand nine hundred and thirty-eighths of the capital.
Within the Belfius Group there is no right to the allocation of share options, shares or other
variable components of remuneration.
The shares in Belfius Insurance are owned by Belfius Bank SA (2,579,937 shares) and by Belfius
Asset Finance Holding (one share).
The main features of the supplementary pension scheme of the members of the Management
Board and early retirement from the Management Board are as follows:
As of the date of this report, the company has also issued 100,000 registered beneficiary shares
without par value. These beneficiary shares do not represent the registered capital. The rights
The guarantees covered by the group insurance policy taken out by Belfius Insurance (Corona has
associated with these beneficiary shares are set out in the articles of association of Belfius
done te same) for the benefit of the members of the Management Board, from the 1 June 2012,
Insurance. The shareholder of Belfius Insurance contributes to the proper, prudent management
are based on:
of Belfius Insurance, as well as to its sound governance and sustainable development.

→ Pension lump sum of the defined contribution type

Corona’s registered share capital amounts to EUR 21,000,000 and is represented by 840,000
→ Cover for ancillary risk
shares. Belfius Insurance holds 839,999 shares (i.e. 99.99%) of Corona and Belfius Insurance Invest
holds one share.
With regard to the pension regulations, it is the “General Terms and Conditions that set out the
scope, terms and operating principles of the various types of life insurance and ancillary cover”.
B.1.6.2. Strategic objectives
The aim of Belfius Insurance, entity responsible for the insurance group, is to be a leading insurer
→ Point 1 of the general terms and conditions describes the operating principles regarding
by 2025, by pursuing the following goals:
technical insurance that applies uniformly to all types of insurance
→ Point 2 describes the various forms of risk cover. This point also applies uniformly to all types
→ Growing in Life and Non-Life through organic growth and targeted acquisitions;
of insurance.
→ Being anchored in the Belgian market and present in all sectors of the economy and in as many
→ Point 3 covers the provisions that are specific to group insurance.
households as possible;
→ Point 9 deals with the various provisions that apply uniformly to all types of insurance.
→ Making a major contribution in order to equip all Belfius customers;
→ Positioning Belfius Insurance as a reference in the field of end-to-end customer experience;
The non-executive directors of Belfius Insurance and Corona have no retirement scheme subscribed
→ Offering extended services beyond insurance;
to and paid for Belfius Group entities. For the managers of independent control functions, they
→ Thanks to its digital expertise and salesforce, Belfius Insurance is developing sufficiently in all
come under the same group insurance scheme subscribed to be Belfius Insurance for members
customer segments and is making a stable and growing profit contribution to Belfius Group.
of staff.

B.1.5.2. Procedure
The entitlement to remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors and the Management
Board is described in the remuneration policy.

Consolidated Solvency and Financial Condition Report 2019 BELFIUS INSURANCE 14 Governance system
B.1.7. Major transactions intra-group B.1.8.2. Process
The process by which Belfius Insurance assesses whether the holders of key function are “Fit &
Two agreements should be mentioned in terms of major transactions:
Proper” is detailed in the “Fit & Proper” policy. This policy includes the procedures relative the
appointment, renewal and revocation of a key function, as described at the end of the “Fit &
→ The first is the distribution agreement between Belfius Bank SA and Belfius Insurance, updated
Proper” policy.
regularly (most recently updated and signed on 22 December 2016), entered into for an indefinite
period, the subject of which is “the distribution of Belfius Insurance insurance products by
Belfius Bank to its Retail & Commercial Banking (RCB) customers”.
→ The second consists of two “Term Subordinated Loan” subordinated loan agreements entered
into between Belfius Bank and Belfius Insurance on 23 December 2016.
B.2. Risk management system including
the internal assessment of risks and
B.1.8. Competence and honourability (Fit & Proper)
B.1.8.1. Requirements
Each director who is a member of the Management Board, as well as each manager of independent
control functions (hereinafter: key functions) must possess, when appointed, as well as through
the time he/she exercises his/her function, the required expertise and professional integrity. B.2.1. Risk management task
The mission and role of the risk department is to define and implement a robust risk management
These key functions must meet the requirements relative to the expertise (“Fit”) and integrity
framework that encompasses:
(“Proper”) that are described in the “Fit & Proper” policy of Belfius Insurance. These requirements
mean that each holder of a key function must be fit for the function carried out by the holder and
→ an acceptable risk appetite framework taking into account the business strategy;
also satisfy the “Fit & Proper” assessment standards, both for Belfius Insurance and for its
→ a set of independent and integrated risk measures for different types of risks completed with
regulated subsidiaries in Belgium (such as Corona SA). These “Fit & Proper” standards are those
internal limits and triggers consistent with the approved risk appetite;
interpreted by the National Bank of Belgium, as the supervisory authority, in its circular BNB_2018_25
→ an effective process to identify, measure, assess and define adequate responses to the risks
dated 18 September 2018 and the Fit & Proper Handbook relating to the expertise and profes-
Belfius Insurance and its subsidiaries faces in the short and in the long term;
sional standards (“Fit & Proper”) required for members of the Management Board, directors,
→ a suitable reporting to make management aware of the overall risk profile in order to ensure
managers of independent control functions and effective directors of financial establishments
an appropriate decision-taking as well as clear risk recommendations.
(abbreviated hereinafter to: “the NBB ‘Fit & Proper’ circular and handbook”).
The Risk Management Framework defines in greater details the mission of the risk department.
A job profile is also established by the company in question (Belfius Insurance or the subsidiary
It defines the framework in which the entirety of the strategies, processes and procedures are
concerned) and this is adjusted to suit the position required. Each job profile is then sent to the
developed in order to identify, assess, monitor, manage and report the risks that Belfius Insurance
supervisory authority (the NBB) at the time the candidate’s dossier is submitted. Regular assess-
may face.
ments are also made of the aptitude of the directors and members of the Management Board and
managers of independent control functions. For details of the “Fit & Proper” requirements at
Belfius Insurance, please refer to the “Fit & Proper” policy.

Consolidated Solvency and Financial Condition Report 2019 BELFIUS INSURANCE 15 Governance system
Risk & Underwriting
B.2.2. Objectives of the risk management department Committee

The following objectives are defined for the Risk department:

→ define a Risk Appetite Framework for the insurance activities that is consistent with the Group MANAGEMENT BOARD
→ monitor and manage market, credit, ALM and liquidity risks, underwriting & reserving risks and
operational and strategic risks for Belfius Insurance;
→ optimize the Belfius Insurance Group risk profile, in line with its strategy, and in collaboration TRANSVERSAL COMMITTEES
with the business units and activity lines;
→ promote and encourage the risk culture within the group and implement the Risk Management
practice driven by Solvency II principles;
→ supervise proper data governance and quality framework throughout Belfius Insurance; Operational entities Internal Audit
→ implement risk assessment methods for each of Belfius Insurance’s activities and operating
entities to which this RMF applies;
→ successfully integrate subsidiaries within the Belfius Insurance Group from a risk management
perspective and implement best practices in all operational entities; CONTROL LEVEL 1 CONTROL LEVEL 2 CONTROL LEVEL 3
→ ensure compliance with local and international legal and regulatory reporting requirements (in
collaboration with the Finance Department);
→ ensure the transversal coordination of the ORSA Process.

The risk management department does not manage compliance, fiscal or legal risks, which fall The internal control in the operational entities (control level 1) comprises the follow-up of the
within the competence of specific departments. execution of key controls and ensures due implementation of action plans established to improve
these key controls.

B.2.3. Governance of risk management The teams that must specifically ensure effective risk management are the:
B.2.3.1. Overall view
Risk Management at Belfius Insurance has built up its risk organisation in order to increase the → Risk Management team (control level 2) under the responsibility of the Chief Risk Officer,
role of the risk management function and to embed risk processes in a more structured and member of the Management Board, tasked with the supervision of the risk management
organised way throughout the whole firm as expressed in the scheme on the right. policy. This team defines lines of action for limits and delegated powers, monitors and measures
the total risks, and awakes the implementation of harmonised methods in the different entities;
→ The Actuarial Function (control level 2), reporting to the CRO of Belfius Insurance;
→ The Compliance Officer (control level 1 and 2) ensures compliance with the integrity policy and
the development of the ethics policy in Belfius Insurance. She reports to the CRO of Belfius;
→ The Internal Audit (control level 3) reports directly to the Chief Executive Officer, chairperson
of the Management Board. Internal audit monitors the implementation and proper application
of the internal control process (level 1 and level 2). The cross-sectional committees see to the
follow-up of the various aspects of the management of risks to which Belfius Insurance is

Consolidated Solvency and Financial Condition Report 2019 BELFIUS INSURANCE 16 Governance system
On top of that, transversal committees(1) manage issues that are transversal to several depart- B. Management Board
ments. In that context, the risk department is required to express an independent opinion on the The Management Board has various responsibilities in the risk management of Belfius Insurance,
topics that are discussed during the meetings of the transversal committees. This opinion is since it:
binding. If no consensus is reached, an escalation process is defined to take the final decision.
→ is responsible for the implementation of the risk management system. This system is aligned
Those committees report to the Management Board which reports to the Board of Directors. To to the definition of policies, processes and procedures which will enable the Belfius Insurance
provide the Board of Directors with advice on risk-related topics, two specific committees have group to identify, monitor and respond to the risks which the group runs;
been created: the Risk and Underwriting Committee and the Audit Committee. → regularly reviews the risk limits/tolerance proposed by the risk management department;
→ constitutes the risk management function and establishes all the means necessary to identify,
The Risk Management Framework provides with more details on the different parties involved in measure, monitor and respond to risks;
the management of the risks that Belfius Insurance faces in its activities. → ensures the regular monitoring of real levels of risk with regard to limits and triggers, and takes
measures in case of non-observance. In particular it sees to the monitoring of operational risks
B.2.3.2. Roles and responsibilities by reporting operating incidents;
B. Board of Directors → the CRO regularly informs the Board of Directors (directly or via the Risk & Underwriting
The Board of Directors plays a key role in the risk management process by ensuring that an Committee) of matters related to risk management;
appropriate response is given to the risk which Belfius faces. → challenges the performance and results of the ORSA process;
→ validates qualitative and quantitative reports on risks prior to their being sent to the NBB;
As a consequence, the Board of Directors: → approves and monitors the principal assumptions used in the risk models proposed by the
Model Validation Committee;
→ defines and validates the risk management strategy, as well as the risk management framework → decides on the management of capital and its allocation to entities/activities of the Belfius
and policies; Insurance group;
→ defines and validates the risk appetite in line with the overall strategic objectives; → monitors the use of capital and steers the solvency ratios of the Belfius Insurance group;
→ ensures that the Management Board has integrated risk management well and that all neces- → the following responsibilities fall directly within the competence of the Management Board
sary means have been implemented in order to identify, measure, monitor and respond to risks; and not committees: approval of policies, guiding the ORSA and validating assumptions.
→ ensures that the internal audit function regularly reviews risk management;
→ defines the terms of performance of the ORSA process through the validation of ORSA policy; To avoid conflicts of interest, members of the Management Board who hold products of Belfius
and Insurance or their associated parties hold such products may not, in the absence of consensus,
→ validates the capital and business management strategy in the light of the results of the ORSA. participate in any vote concerning such products.

This is applied, mutatis mutandis, to the role of the Board of Directors of subsidiaries subject to
the Risk Management Framework.

Within the context of risk management, the Board of Directors must ensure that strategic decisions
and policies are compatible with the structure, size and specific features of group entities. It also
ensures that specific activities and the associated risks of each group entity are covered, and (1) Main transversal committees are: the Asset and Liability Committee (ALCo), the Manco RC, the Manco PCI, the Brand Committee, the
moreover that the risk management of the insurance group is integrated, coherent and effective. Model Committee, the Crisis Committee, the Procurement Committee.

Consolidated Solvency and Financial Condition Report 2019 BELFIUS INSURANCE 17 Governance system
B. Transversal committees Belfius Insurance’s risk taxonomy applies to its subsidiaries in the scope of this RMF. The individual
assessment processes, including operational risk assessments, internal risk control, and ORSA will
be aligned with those of Belfius Insurance.
Committee Task
Regularly reviews the prices of products issued Methodology & model-management and corresponding validation is centralised at Belfius Insurance
Product and Pricing steering group (PPSG) by Belfius Insurance Risk management level. The local entities provide their expertise for developing company specific
both for Life and Non-Life activities Advises the Management Board on a rule and on methodology & models such as liability-models for Life business or the definition of company
the annual allocation of participation to profits
Decision-taking body for ALM and investment
specific parameters (USP) for Non-Life business. The models and applications will be available for
ALCO Analyses and monitors the evolution of ALM and the the subsidiaries in order to prepare their Solvency and Risk reporting. Industrialisation may lead
regulatory environment for Belfius Insurance at a group scale to centralised reporting but the local entities remain accountable for reconciliation and final vali­
Supervises the entire validation process over the life of dation of the reported results.
the development of models
Advises the Management Board as to the decisions to be taken
Model Committee at that level Belfius Insurance applies the transparency-rule when handling the asset holding companies for
Validates models (prior to their implementation) the calculation of its risk indicators.
Effectively manages projects relating to the models used
in risk management Correspondents have been nominated at the subsidiaries’ level in order to ensure a proper commu­
Advises the Management Board and effectively manages
Crisis Management Committee
the crisis faced by Belfius Insurance
nication between the mother company and its subsidiaries.
Advises the Mangement Board on the quarterly and annual
QRT Validation Steering group opening QRT (Quarterly Reporting Templates), including Regular meetings are organised between the CRO and the risk correspondents to ensure consist-
the report on financial stability, the ECB report and the public ency in the risk management approaches. On top of that, some specific topics are directly discussed
information, as well as associated narrative reports
for the whole insurance group by both the Reinsurance and the ALCO group committee.

Risk Management at group level considers in its risk management system the risks both at indivi­
The task of the transversal committees is presented in the table above. dual and group level and their interdependencies.

B.2.4. Risk management at group level B.2.5. ORSA process

Belfius Insurance ensures a risk management function at group-level which is equipped with ORSA starts as a top-down process owned by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors
competent personal resources and adequate systems. Each subsidiary can rely on these resources elaborates the strategy and supervises the implementation of this strategy. The Board of Direc-
but has the ultimate responsibility to put in place a risk management system for assessing and tors can be helped in its tasks by advisory committees, such as the Risk and Underwriting Com-
monitoring its own risks. mittee (RUC) of Belfius Insurance and the Audit Committee.

Each subsidiary as such will have in place its individual risk management strategy, but this strategy The Management Board is the effective management of Belfius Insurance. Its main responsibility
will be aligned to the group-wide risk strategy of Belfius Insurance, similar to Belfius Insurance is to ensure that the company is in line with the strategy, the risks and policies approved by the
aligning its risk appetite to the risk appetite at Belfius Bank level. The local Risk Appetite policy Board of Directors. In this context, the Management Board leads and coordinates the different
has to be approved by the local Board of Directors. The local Management Board will monitor its ORSA activities and supervises the management in the realisation of the ORSA.
key risk indicators on a quarterly basis and report their status to its Board of Directors. Further to
the Risk Appetite policy, each individual risk-policy will also be submitted to the Board of Directors.

Consolidated Solvency and Financial Condition Report 2019 BELFIUS INSURANCE 18 Governance system


Markets, clients, products, pricing … Income, return, market share,
customer satisfaction …

Maximum risk a company can / is willing to support



The Risk Management Function is responsible for the integration of all risk aspects in the Identify the sources of uncertainty (qualitative and quantitative
management decisions and operational processes of the company. It therefore plays an active IDENTIFY risks), taking into consideration both the impact and the probability
RISKS of occurrence of the risks
role in the ORSA implementation.

A parallel bottom-up process can then start. The ORSA process is performed according to the MEASURE THE Express the overall solvency needs in quantitative terms and
guidelines of the Board of Directors and results are consolidated in a reporting. This reporting is CURRENT CAPITAL AND complement the quantification by a qualitative description of the
then sent to the Management Board, the RUC and the Board of Directors.

A pre-requisite to the ORSA performance is to have in place a clear business strategy, strategic FORECAST
Express the overall solvency needs in a forward looking perspective
targets as well as a risk appetite framework. There is then a clear articulation between the objec- to show the ability to remain a going concern.
tives of Belfius Insurance (financial and non-financial), its strategy and its risk appetite. The three
components have to be determined in parallel in an iterative process as they are linked to and
influence each other. PERFORM STRESS Carry out stress tests, reverse stress tests as well as scenario

The overview on the right depicts the ORSA process and its link with the strategy and risk
Compare current and future risk profile with risk appetite
The performance of the ORSA itself is made of seven steps at Belfius Insurance as described in LIMITS
the table on the right.
Provide a recovery plan under the base case and under stress tests
ELABORATE as well as scenario analyses. This plan can propose actions on
This process is proportionate to the nature, scale and complexity of the risks inherent in the A RECOVERY PLAN capital, liquidity, business, investment ….
business of Belfius Insurance. It enables Belfius Insurance to properly identify and assess the risks
it faces in the short and long term and to which it is or could be exposed
Once the process and result of the ORSA have been approved by
REPORT the management, realize the ORSA internal report and the ORSA
ON ORSA supervisory report

Consolidated Solvency and Financial Condition Report 2019 BELFIUS INSURANCE 19 Governance system
B.2.5.1. Identifying risks This step will allow assessing the overall solvency needs taking into account the specific risk
The first step of the ORSA exercise is to identify and assess the material risks for Belfius Insurance. profile of Belfius Insurance. Indeed, for the purpose of this stage, other metrics or models than
In that context, the internal control exercise allows to establish, in close collaboration with the the one used for the SCR could be used if judged necessary. If valuation and recognition bases
different business units and activity lines, the risk profile of the different business units and different from the Solvency II basis are used, it is justified how they ensure better consideration
activity lines and to list the risk mitigating actions that exist. It is yearly performed and is defined of the risk profile, approved risk tolerance limits and business strategy.
as a 3-steps process including:
Doing so, this measurement of the current solvency position will take into account any significant
1. Identification of risks (inherent risks): deviation from the assumptions underlying the SCR.
→ Inherent risks are the risks that an activity would pose if no controls or other mitigating
factors were in place (the gross risks or risks before controls). To ensure consistency between B.2.5.3. Forecasting capital and solvency
the different entities of Belfius Insurance, a common risk glossary is used. The assessment of the overall solvency needs is forward looking. Therefore the next step of the
→ The inherent risk level is determined by two factors: the potential impact and the probability ORSA process consists in the projection of SCR and AFR along the business plan horizon (compliant
of occurrence. The nature of the impact (financial / non-financial) may vary depending on with regulatory requirements). This forward-looking assessment aims at ensuring that solvency
the considered risk and process. needs are covered all along the business plan horizon.

2. Inventory and assessment of the controls related to the identified risks The baseline scenario that serves as input for the forecast exercise is realised in close collaboration
→ The existing controls related to the most important risks selected must be considered. between the Risk, Finance and Investments departments. It includes assumptions on production
A control is related to a risk if it reduces the potential impact of the risk or its occurrence levels, as well as economic assumptions used for the business plan.
probability. A risk can be covered by several controls.
Results are presented. In case solvency needs are not covered, the Management Board must be
3. Assessment of the residual risk informed and take appropriate measures. The business plan may be reviewed. In this step, the
→ The residual risk is defined as the risk linked to the normal situation, based on the assumption actuarial function provides input concerning the continuous compliance with the requirements
that all existing controls have been considered, with their actual quality. The residual risk regarding the calculation of technical provisions and the risks arising from this calculation.
level is determined by the inherent risk level and the quality of controls.
This step allows assessing the overall solvency needs taking into account the specific risk profile
The scope of these assessments includes all classes of risks: insurance, financial, operational, and of Belfius Insurance and the own fund quality, both in a forward looking perspective.
strategic and reputation risks. This assessment is facilitated by Risk Management and the resulting
risk profile is challenged by audit. Afterwards the assessment is presented to the Management B.2.5.4. Determining and performing stress and scenario analyses
Board, presented to Audit Committee and finally presented to the Board of Directors. As part of the business and capital planning, Belfius Insurance carries out stress-tests, reverse
stress-tests as well as scenario analyses to feed into its ORSA:
This first step of the ORSA will allow to partially assess the significance of the deviation of the
risk profile from the SCR, on a qualitative basis (deviations in the scope). Indeed, the risk identifica­ → Sensitivity testing is a method of stress testing which provides an assessment of the impact
tion and assessment will allow examining if all material risks are considered in the SCR calculation. of a small or large predefined shock in a single specific risk factor;
→ Scenario / stress testing is a forward looking assessment of the impact of multiple changes in
B.2.5.2. Measuring current capital and solvency a single risk driver or multiple changes in multiple risk drivers;
The second step consists in a computation (and assessment) of the current SCR and Available → Reverse stress testing is a process of identifying and assessing the events and scenarios that
Financial Resources (AFR). The own fund quality (tiering) will also be assessed. In this step, the might render a financial institution’s business model unviable.
actuarial function helps to ensure the continuous compliance with the requirements regarding
the calculation of technical provisions and the risks arising from this calculation.

Consolidated Solvency and Financial Condition Report 2019 BELFIUS INSURANCE 20 Governance system
Those (reverse) stress tests and scenarios are proposed by the Risk department and validated by The assessment of current and forecast solvency position and the stress testing allows measuring
the Board. At least one stress test is in line with Belfius Bank. The other stress tests are chosen the actual and forecasted solvency position, in normal as well as in stressed situations.
in function of an assessment of the major risks faced by Belfius Insurance.
At this step, one can assess the (non) respect of the risk appetite triggers and limits.
The exercise of performing the stress tests is made in collaboration with:
This step is key in considering the link between risk profile, approved tolerance limits and overall
→ the Risk department of Belfius Bank in order to ensure consistency in the approaches adopted solvency needs. It allows demonstrating the compliance of future business activities within group
for the ORSA and the ICAAP exercise; and entity risk appetite and limits.
→ Finance to include stress tests on business plan assumptions in the scenarios;
→ Investments to include stress tests on economic assumptions. B.2.5.6. Report on the ORSA
The last step of the ORSA process is to produce a reporting on the realised exercise.
The performance of stress tests within the ORSA process is done annually or when there is a
significant change in the risk profile of Belfius Insurance (ad-hoc ORSA). Other internal or regula- The reporting is prepared by Risk and presented to the Management Board, the RUC and the Board
tory stress tests are performed on request. of Directors who finally approves it. Finance, Investments and other departments are consulted
when necessary.
This exercise will allow assessing the overall solvency need and the compliance with the capital
requirements in extreme situations. It will also help assessing the liquidity needs in such situations Once the reporting is approved, it must be transmitted to the senior executives.
and the coverage ratio.

B.2.5.5. Assessing respect of risk appetite limits

Another important aspect of the ORSA relates to the risk appetite which expresses the maximum B.3. Internal control system
risk a company is willing to take to reach its business and strategic objectives, given the expecta­
tions of and the mandate received from the key stakeholders.

Within Belfius Insurance, a “traffic light” (red, orange, green) approach is adopted for the risk
B.3.1. Description of the internal control system
appetite. B.3.1.1. Internal control processes
Internal control system is a process giving reasonable assurance that organisation’s objectives,
the effectiveness and efficiency of operations, the reliability of financial information and compli-
When the values of performance indicators are below the trigger, ance of the laws and regulations will reach the desired level.
a green light is mentioned

Like any internal control system, it is designed to reduce the residual risk to an acceptable level
in accordance with Belfius Insurance’s risk appetite.
When the values of performance indicators are between the trigger and the limit,
an orange light is mentioned and an action plan has to be actioned to monitor the problem


When the values of risk indicators are below the Limit, a red light is mentioned and
the Belfius Insurance Management Board has to take a decision

Consolidated Solvency and Financial Condition Report 2019 BELFIUS INSURANCE 21 Governance system
More precisely, the internal control processes at Belfius Insurance are driven by five main objectives: B.3.3. Internal control system at Group level
The internal control environment at Group level is implemented through internal management
→ checking the effectiveness of the risk management processes across the entire organization;
and organisation structures which integrate controls in all the processes of Belfius Insurance and
→ ensuring the reliability and pertinence of accounting and financial information;
its main subsidiaries.
→ ensuring compliance of regulations and professional ethics rules, both internally and externally;
→ improving the operation of Belfius Insurance whilst ensuring the effective management of
The assessment of risks within the framework of internal control, facilitated by the risk management
existing means; and
department, follows the same process in three stages as described above.
→ ensuring the operational effectiveness of all the activity lines.
The results of the assessment are submitted to the Management Board for approval and to the
B.3.1.2. Governance of the internal control system
Audit Committee for information. This process is applied to Belfius Insurance and its main subsidiary
In accordance with the instructions of the Board of Directors, the Management Board of Belfius
(Corona Direct).
Insurance leads and coordinates the various activity lines.

In order to ensure the smooth operation and development of Belfius Insurance, the Management
Board is ultimately responsible for the establishment and maintenance of an appropriate internal
control system. It defines and coordinates the management policy of Belfius Insurance within the
B.4. Compliance
framework of the strategy defined by the Board of Directors. It allocates means and sets deadlines
for the implementation of measures decided under this policy. It checks that the targeted objec-
The compliance function is organised in accordance with the compliance policy of the Belfius
tives are achieved and that the internal control system meets all the requirements. Finally, it
group (compliance charter and integrity policy) with the objective of preventing and controlling
adjusts those requirements on the basis of internal and external developments.
compliance risks as a result of non-observance of the laws, regulations and internal rules.

The exercise of internal control involves the three lines of defence including:
Belfius Insurance has a centralised compliance function aimed at preventing money laundering
operations and financing of terrorism, advising management and the business on the risks within
→ business and support functions;
the fields of activity of the compliance function, coordinating training initiatives and maintaining
→ risk management and compliance departments and the actuarial function; and
and raising awareness within the fields of compliance, checking the effectiveness and respect of
→ internal audit.
procedures and strategic lines within those fields and reporting on the activities and risks of those
fields. The compliance function also ensures that compliance risks are covered by adequate first
B.3.2. Process of assessing risks and controls line controls. The compliance function may also call on compliance correspondents in various
important departments.
Assessing risks and controls involves three stages, namely:

The company remains vigilant vis-à-vis risks with regard to money laundering and the financing
→ identifying inherent risks;
of terrorism. In 2019, the IT-project of AMLD4 was implemented under supervision of Compliance.
→ taking stock and assessing the controls associated to the identified risks;
The compliance with the risk assessment has been carried out by the operational and commercial
→ assessing the residual risk.
departments. Product governance was implemented as a part of the implementation of the so
called “IDD”-guideline. A monitoring plan was drawn up and executed for the respect of the regu­
The assessment may or may not give rise to action plans depending on the risk response (i.e. accept,
lation on supplementary pensions. The completion of the mystery-shopping project resulted in
mitigate transfer or avoid).

Consolidated Solvency and Financial Condition Report 2019 BELFIUS INSURANCE 22 Governance system
an actionplan which is currently being executed. Lastly the “Branch Audit DVV”-team, which was B.5.2. Organisation and independence
transferred to Compliance end 2018, has assessed the audit methodology and has established a
The independence of the internal audit function is guaranteed by the fact that the Audit Executive
methodology for the riskscoring by DVV-LAP-agencies.
administratively reports to the Belfius Insurance CEO and functionally to the Audit Committee
chairman. A functional link is also defined between the Belfius Bank Audit Executive. A declaration
In addition to the more traditional task of advising management, and the technical and commercial
confirming the internal audit independence is made to the Audit Committee each year.
departments, the compliance function continues to develop the activity of monitoring and is a
first point of contact for the regulators regarding the different compliance matters.
A dedicated internal audit methodology has been defined. It aims at explaining the overall organi­
sation and the processes required to perform its tasks, which are summarised hereunder.

B.5. Internal Audit Function To organise efficiently the internal audit activities, an exhaustive mapping – the audit universe -
of all processes embedded within Belfius Insurance and its subsidiaries has been defined. Each
year, the different risks are identified and assessed. Based on the score obtained, the internal
audit function defines the coverage frequency as validated in 2017 by the Audit Committee. The
B.5.1. Task processes with a high or very high score are covered once every three years. The others with a
Medium, Low or Very Low score are covered once every five years.
As defined by the IIA Standards, Internal auditing is “an independent, objective assurance and
consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organisation’s operations. It helps an
Based on the risk identified and the back testing exercise (i.e. check to ensure all processes are
organisation accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate
correctly covered in due time) an audit plan and a resource plan for at least the three coming
and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes”. Its
years are defined. The resource plan aims at evaluating the adequacy of the resources in terms
mission is to enhance and protect organisational value by providing risk-based and objective
of expertise and quantity required.
assurance, advice, and insight.

The internal audit activity evaluates, based on risk based approach and throughout its different
audit assignment, risk exposures relating to the organisation’s governance, operations, and infor-
mation systems regarding the:
B.6. Actuarial function
→ Achievement of the organisation’s strategic objectives.
In line with the provisions of Article 59 of the Act of 13.03.2016 and section 5.3 of circular
→ Reliability and integrity of financial and operational information.
NBB_2016_31(1) as updated by the circular NBB_2018_23, the Actuarial Function is charged with
→ Effectiveness and efficiency of operations and programs.
the following tasks:
→ Safeguarding of assets.
→ Compliance with laws, regulations, policies, procedures, and contracts.
→ Coordinating the technical provisions stated in Solvency II – balance sheet;
→ Assessing the level of the technical insurance provisions stated in the annual accounts (drawn
The purpose, authority, and responsibility of the internal audit activity have been formally defined
up according to Belgian standards);
in a common Belfius internal audit charter, consistent with the Mission of Internal Audit and the
→ Assessing the underwriting and pricing policy;
mandatory elements of the International Professional Practices Framework (the Core Principles
→ Assessing the reinsurance policy;
for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing, the Code of Ethics, the Standards, and the
→ Tasks connected with the implementation of the risk management system;
Definition of Internal Auditing). This charter has been validated by the Audit Committee on 16
→ Assessing the profit-sharing and discount policy and compliance with the related legal requirements.
March 2018 and confirmed on 8 February 2019.

(1) Circular NBB_2016_31 about the prudential requirements of the NBB regarding the governance system for the insurance and
reinsurance sector.

Consolidated Solvency and Financial Condition Report 2019 BELFIUS INSURANCE 23 Governance system
These are set out greater detail in the Actuarial Function Policy. B.8. Other information
The scope of the Actuarial Function contains Belfius Insurance, Corona and Belfius Insurance
Consolidated. There has been no need for significant changes to the System of Governance following COVID-19
crisis. This evidences the robustness of our System of Governance in place.
The Actuarial Function is also part of/invited to attend various bodies: Product & Pricing Steering
Group Life, Product & Pricing Steering Group Non-Life, Model Committee, Reinsurance Risk The frequency of some management committees has been increased in this volatile environment.
Steering, Cost Committee, Task Force IFRS17, Reserving Committee, the various consultative Their priority was and still is to manage the crisis situation and to mitigate its impacts. They
bodies in the context of Solvency II balance sheet, etc. continue monitoring the situation and meet when deemed necessary. Today, the crisis team is
working at unlockdown scenarios which will be subject and adapted to public authorities instructions.

B.7. Outsourcing
Following COVID-19 outbreak, business continuity and precautionary measures have been
gradually implemented at Belfius as from Mid-February with the intent to prevent contamination
and then activate the “long term” Business Continuity Plan. All business travels, trainings and
events were cancelled and IT capacity was checked in order to allow intensive telework.
Belfius Insurance calls on various external partners for certain, primarily technical, IT activities
(PI2) for the management of the IT infrastructure, Hexaware for certain developments, and other Belfius then adapted its measures to the lockdown situation by ensuring access to the Belfius
external suppliers. This cooperation is monitored continuously and action plans are defined and office for critical functions and by ensuring IT capacity for full telework. IT security is strengthened
implemented to tackle any points requiring further attention. In that respect, a series of measures in order to reduce spoofing risk and an anti-fraud committee is held on a weekly basis. Also, a close
have been taken with PI2 to improve the performance and stability of the systems. The efforts monitoring of critical outsourcing partners is done and the Outsourcing Management Committee
will in the future be continued with a view to ongoing improvement. meets weekly.

The roles and responsibilities of each party are described in the various agreements concerning
discretionary management and the service for financial management of the insurance portfolios
of Belfius Insurance and its subsidiaries.

The final decision for the management of financial instruments lies with the ALCo. The instructions
of the ALCo are to be carried out by Candriam and are monitored closely by the ALCo.

Consolidated Solvency and Financial Condition Report 2019 BELFIUS INSURANCE 24 Governance system
C. Risk profile

The following paragraphs deal in detail with the various risks which Belfius Insurance runs. C.4. Liquidity risk

C.1. Underwriting risk

For a description of the liquidity risks of Belfius Insurance please refer to the annual report pub-
lished on https://www.belfius.be/about-us/en/investors/results-reports/reports

C.5. Operational risk

For a description of the underwriting risks of Belfius Insurance please refer to the annual report
published on https://www.belfius.be/about-us/en/investors/results-reports/reports

C.2. Market risk

For a description of the operational risks of Belfius Insurance please refer to the annual report
published on https://www.belfius.be/about-us/en/investors/results-reports/reports

C.6. Other material risks

For a description of the market risks of Belfius Insurance please refer to the annual report published
on https://www.belfius.be/about-us/en/investors/results-reports/reports

C.3. Credit risk

For a description of the other material risks of Belfius Insurance please refer to the annual report
published on https://www.belfius.be/about-us/en/investors/results-reports/reports

C.7. Other information

For a description of the credit risks of Belfius Insurance please refer to the annual report published
on https://www.belfius.be/about-us/en/investors/results-reports/reports

COVID-19 pandemic has the potential to have significant impacts on each of the main risk catego­
ries mentioned above (Underwriting, Market, Credit, Liquidity and Operational). Based on scenario
analyses and using the latest information available at the end of March 2020, it is expected that
Belfius Insurance will be resilient to these risks.

Consolidated Solvency and Financial Condition Report 2019 BELFIUS INSURANCE 25 Risk profile
D. Valuations for solvency purposes
The table below summarises the fair value hierarchy for the most important asset classes:

D.1. Asset valuation

Asset class Mio EUR % of total

LEVEL 1 TOTAL 14,668 65.3%

D.1.1. Description of the bases, methods and main assumptions Participations 365 1.6%
Equities - listed 779 3.5%
The Solvency II regulation starts from a Market Value Balance Sheet (MVBS), therefore all assets Government Bonds 7,031 31.3%
and liabilities on the balance sheet are valued at ”fair value”. The Solvency II directive defines the Corporate Bonds 2,383 10.6%
fair value for assets as the amount for which they could be exchanged between knowledgeable Structured notes 2 0.0%
Investment funds 438 1.9%
willing parties in an arm’s length transaction.
Derivatives [active] 0.0%
Assets held for index-linked and unit-linked funds 3,671 16.3%
Belfius Insurance applies the valuation hierarchy as defined in Solvency II Delegated regulation.
LEVEL 2 TOTAL 524 2.3%
→ Level 1: If the market is active – meaning that reliable bid-offer prices are available representing Government Bonds 53 0.2%
effective transactions for meaningful amounts concluded on an arm’s length basis between Corporate Bonds 359 1.6%
willing counterparties – these market prices provide for reliable evidence of fair value and are Structured notes 69 0.3%
Collateralised securities 24 0.1%
therefore used for fair value measurement (f.e. quoted shares, high liquid bonds, etc.).
Deposits other than cash equivalents 8 0.0%
→ Level 2 & Level 3: Financial instruments, for which no quoted market prices in active markets Loans & mortgages to individuals 13 0.1%
are available, are valued by means of valuation techniques. The determination whether or not
there is an active market is based on criteria such as volume, bid-offer spread and the number LEVEL 3 TOTAL 7,275 32.4%
of price/spread contributions. The models that Belfius uses range from standard models avail- Property, plant & equipment held for own use 1 0.0%
able in the market to in-house developed valuation models. Availability of some observable Property (other than for own use) 720 3.2%
Participations 160 0.7%
market prices and model inputs reduces the need for management judgement and estimation
Equities - unlisted 10 0.0%
and the uncertainty associated with the determination of fair values. These availabilities vary Government Bonds 834 3.7%
depending on the products and markets and are subject to changes based on specific events Corporate Bonds 358 1.6%
and general conditions in the financial markets. Structured notes 89 0.4%
Belfius requires that two conditions are met for inclusion in level 2: Collateralised securities 50 0.2%
• the model must have either passed a successful validation by the Validation department of Investment funds 191 0.9%
Belfius Bank or comply with the price reconciliation process run by the Market Risk depart- Derivatives [active] 0.0%
Deposits other than cash equivalents 0.0%
ment of Belfius Bank that has been installed to test the reliability of valuations;
Loans on policies 107 0.5%
• the data that Belfius incorporates in its valuation models are either directly observable data Loans & mortgages to individuals 4,218 18.8%
(prices) or indirectly observable data (spreads). Other loans & mortgages 537 2.4%

TOTAL 22,467 100.0%

Consolidated Solvency and Financial Condition Report 2019 BELFIUS INSURANCE 26 Valuations for solvency purposes
D.1.2. Differences in valuation for Solvency purposes and The best estimate and risk margins of the different homogenous risk groups can be found the

financial reporting quantitative reporting templates S.12.01 and S.17.01 provided to the NBB.

For Solvency purposes all assets are valued at fair value while for financial reporting purposes Best Estimate Non-Life
the valuation rules of IFRS are applied. The most important difference between Solvency II and The best estimate for Non-Life insurance activities consists of two parts, the claims best estimate
IFRS relates to the measurement of fixed income securities. and the premium best estimate.

The classification and measurement of financial assets under IFRS 9 is based on both the business The claims best estimate is based on cash flow projections that relate to claims having occurred
model for managing the financial assets and the characteristics of the financial assets’ contractual before or at the valuation date – whether the claims arising from these events have been reported
cash flows. The debt securities of Belfius Insurance are managed according to their ALM policies or not:
and guidelines, therefore a large part of this portfolio is defined as “held to collect”. As most of
the debt securities held by Belfius Insurance also meet the SPPI (solely payments of principal and → cash in flows: payments for salvage and subrogation;
interest) test, those bonds are measured at amortised cost following IFRS 9. → cash out flows: claims payments, claims handling expenses.

The expected claims payments are obtained from the ultimate loss per accident year estimated

D.2. Technical provisions

from the triangles of provision and payments constructed based on the Chain Ladder method.
The triangles are constructed based on the last 16 years of history. If for certain products the
history available is insufficient the accounting provisions are used as best estimate.

D.2.1. Best estimate and Risk margin The premium best estimate relates to future claims, premiums and costs related to the contracts
in force. Belfius Insurance uses the simplified method of calculation indicated by EIOPA. This
As required by the Solvency II directive, the technical provisions are equal to the sum of a best method is founded on an estimate of the ultimate (net) combined ratio discounted per activity
estimate and a risk margin. This amount corresponds to the current amount an insurance under- line.
taking would have to pay if it would transfer its insurance and reinsurance obligations immediately
to another insurance undertaking. Note that the premium best estimate also includes contracts with tacit renewal for which can-
celation notification date (typically 3 months before the end date of the contract) is passed.
The actuarial methods used to calculate the best estimate and risk margin are different for Life
and Non-Life insurance activities. Therefore the insurance obligations are divided into homogenous Best Estimate Life
risk groups to perform the best estimate calculations. The best estimates of Life insurance liabilities may be broken down into two sub-components:

For each homogeneous risk group the future cash in and out flows required to settle the insurance → the best estimate of the value of fixed cash flows;
obligations over the lifetime thereof are projected and discounted using the relevant risk-free → the best estimate of variable cash flows.
interest rate term structure provided by EIOPA. Belfius Insurance uses the risk free interest rate
including a volatility adjustment, except for its unit linked business. The best estimate of fixed cash flows corresponds to the current value of insurance cash flows
which are not dependent on economic conditions. These cash-flows are modelled in the liabilities
For the quantitative impact assessment of not applying the volatility adjustment please refer to cash flow model and depend on biometric, commercial and regulatory assumptions.
the quantitative reporting template S.22.01 provided to the NBB.

Consolidated Solvency and Financial Condition Report 2019 BELFIUS INSURANCE 27 Valuations for solvency purposes
The main components of fixed cash flows are: Assumptions of mortality
For assumptions of mortality, Belfius Insurance uses appropriate experience tables (Assuralia or
→ Cash in flows Statbel). Coefficients are applied by product group on the mortality rates of these tables in order
• premiums; to take account of the mortality observed on the specific product group of Belfius Insurance.
• contractual premium renewals.
→ Cash out flows Assumptions on redemptions
• benefit payments; Assumptions on redemptions are calculated according to the type of insurance product and the
• operational expenses; year of the insurance policy.
• other cash flows (e.g. levies).
A history of five years is retained. For products for which available data are insufficient, a redemption
The best estimate of variable cash flows corresponds to the current value of insurance cash flows rate for a similar product is used.
which depend on economic conditions. These cash flows are modelled in the ALM model and
depend partially on fixed cash flows. Assumptions are challenged by the head of the activity line, the actuarial function and the risk
management department prior to being presented to the Model Committee which challenges
The main components of variable cash flows are: them in its turn. So redemption rates may be adjusted if necessary in the light of expert judgements.

→ the evolution of funds for financing classic group insurance products; Assumptions on costs
→ the financial costs and variable commissions; Assumptions on costs are determined by the activity line in relation to information emanating
→ profit sharing cash flows; from the Management Control department. Costs are broken down into:
→ the adjusted market value of the redemption penalty.
→ costs relating to acquisitions;
Belfius Insurance uses the Prophet software for modelling liabilities cash flows and ALM modelling. → administrative costs;
Prophet, which is software using generally accepted actuarial methods, is specifically designed → claims management costs;
for modelling insurance portfolios, commencing with liabilities and their interaction with the assets → financial costs.
on which they rely, while allowing the discretionary management of items such as reinvestment
and allocation of profit-sharing. An inflation rate is applied year-on-year on cash flows associated with costs (excluding financial
costs). Business plan inflation assumptions are used.
All cash flow projections take into account the contract boundary definition as specified in the
Solvency II regulation. Economic assumptions
Belfius Insurance uses risk neutral economic scenarios for the valuation of its life insurance
Non-Economic assumptions liabilities. The economic scenarios used in stochastic projections are generated by the Moody’s
In order to project the future cash flows a number of projection assumptions are required. Analytics Economic Scenario Generator (ESG) tool. The outputs from the ESG tool feed the ALM
model for stochastic valuation of the portfolios.
Belfius Insurance reassesses the non-economic assumptions at least once a year, based on the
most recent data. The results of the reassessment are presented to the Model Committee which
can propose to the Management Board to revise the assumptions or not.

Consolidated Solvency and Financial Condition Report 2019 BELFIUS INSURANCE 28 Valuations for solvency purposes
D.3. Other liabilities D.5. Any other information
For most liabilities the valuations used in the IFRS financial statements are considered to be The valuations reported in this section are based on information up to 31 December 2019 and do
consistent with the valuation rules prescribed in the Solvency II legislation. However for some not reflect the impact of COVID-19.
categories some specific revaluations are done:
At the time of writing, the stock markets remain very volatile and reflect the propagation of the

Provisions other than technical provisions health crisis to a financial crisis anticipating a severe economic downturn. The equity markets
sharply slumped while sovereign and credit spreads have widened. The sovereign stabilized some-
Under Solvency II an additional provision is constituted by virtue of elements not fully covered by how after massive interventions from central banks. The volatility in financial markets due to the
the best estimate valuation model. pandemic crisis and the impact on asset and liability values are being monitored closely with
management plans to take action on time if needed.

Deferred taxes The financial impact of potential claims is difficult to estimate at this stage. The pandemic is
Deferred taxes are calculated on all temporary valuation differences between the Solvency II likely to result in higher health and death claims whereas a lower claim frequency is expected in
balance sheet and the tax balance sheet. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset against each car following lockdown. The actual claims and expected trends are closely monitored but the risk
other and the net deferred tax position is included in the market value balance sheet. of significant losses is expected to be rather limited given the coverage, portfolio composition
and appropriate reinsurance scheme.

Subordinated Liabilities
The fair value of the subordinated debt issued by Belfius Insurance does not take into account
the change in own credit standing of Belfius Insurance after initial recognition.

D.4. Alternative methods for valuation

In line with Solvency II guidance and philosophy, the alternative valuation methods are used for
sufficiently material items for which no reliable market price is available. The assets and liabilities
for which the alternative valuation methods apply are identified in section D1. For other asset
classes, IFRS valuation is sufficiently close to any value that would be obtained using an elaborate
alternative valuation method in which case IFRS valuation is considered an acceptable proxy.

Consolidated Solvency and Financial Condition Report 2019 BELFIUS INSURANCE 29 Valuations for solvency purposes
E. Capital management

E.1. Capital management objectives A prospective view is taken of the capital needs based on the strategic planning exercise, taking
into account the Belfius Insurance group risk appetite targets.

Managing capital is the ongoing process of determining and maintaining the quantity and quality As part of capital management, within the ORSA forwardlooking exercise, Belfius Insurance group
of capital that is appropriate for Belfius Insurance group. So the objective of capital management performs annual solvency projections and reviews the expected structure of own funds and
is to ensure the constant adequacy and optimal allocation of available capital. In view of all the future requirements. This helps to focus on actions for future funding, should that requirement
market developments potentially harmful to the company, it is essential when calculating the own show from the projection, which is referred to as the capital planning.
funds which the company must have in order to cover its risks, to have an excellent knowledge
of the nature and extent of those risks. The business plan (reflecting the activities which Belfius Insurance group intends to carry on over
the next years, the products it wishes to offer and likewise the tariffs at which such products will
Capital management is a vital element of healthy and appropriate management. It takes account be placed on the market) forms the base of the projection of funding requirements.
of the validated risk appetite and the operational risk limits arising therefrom.
The capital planning report highlights key outputs of the capital planning exercise, with the purpose
Within this framework, Belfius Insurance group regularly assesses its exposure to risk and of challenging the feasibility of the business plan with respect to solvency limits, foreseeing the
identifies the capital requirements corresponding to that exposure. impact of the company strategic orientation on its main economic figures and its solvency. As a
consequence, the potential future issuance of new own fund items to maintain a strong solvency
It also assesses the level of capital available to cover regulatory capital requirements. Belfius and their tiering are part of the medium-term capital planning exercise.
Insurance group ensures that capital tiering meets the conditions of admissibility defined by
Solvency II. Belfius Insurance policy regarding capital has defined the lines of conduct necessary Given the conclusion of the latest capital planning exercise, where the projected evolution of the
to frame the effective monitoring and classification of capital elements. own funds is sufficient to face the expected solvency requirements in line with the business plan
ambitions, Belfius Insurance group does not have any plans to issue new shares in the short or
Moreover, by means of specific procedures, Belfius Insurance group makes periodic checks of the medium term.
Solvency II ratio and the capital established, within the framework of the risk management system.
The Management Board and the Board of Directors are informed at least every three months of But if the solvency ratio expected in a given scenario should be revealed to be lower than the
the solvency position and its evolution. level accepted by the Board of Directors, Belfius Insurance group would develop an action plan to
control this capital risk. The actions likely to be decided in order to control the risk related to the
Furthermore, Belfius Insurance group performs stress tests, for which it submits certain specific capital may consist on one hand of a reduction of the required capital (and therefore, the under-
market parameters to shocks. It should show from these tests that available capital is sufficient lying risks) and on the other hand, of a reinforcement of the capital base.
to resist such shocks. For each of the shocks applied in 2019, the solvency ratio after the shock
proved to be higher than the internal risk appetite limit approved by the Board of Directors.

Consolidated Solvency and Financial Condition Report 2019 BELFIUS INSURANCE 30 Capital management
Our internal objective for the solvency ratio is to have sufficient but no excessive capital, enabling The continuous decline of the interest rates led to an increasing Best Estimate of Technical
us to respect our risk appetite and the requirements of all stakeholders. This optimal ratio should Provisions, but this was more than offset by the increasing market value of our investments,
allow us to make the best use of capital to serve a profitable growth scenario. Belfius Insurance backed by a strong stock market performance at year end. A further reduction of the deferred
group has, in the current market circumstances and under current regulations, defined a minimum tax liabilities can be observed too and no foreseeable dividend is expected due to the COVID-19
operational Solvency II ratio of 160%, on solo and consolidated levels. The objectives of capital crisis.
and risk management are closely linked to the dividend policy, which takes account of the wishes
of shareholders, management and the supervisory authority whilst offering good protection to The table below presents the capital taken into account, classified by Tier.
our customers.

Note that the Solvency II ratio previously communicated in the press release of Belfius Bank on Belfius Insurance consolidated Unrestricted Restricted
21 February 2020, amounted to 199% and included a proposed dividend of EUR 120 million. (in millions of EUR)  Tier 1 Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Total
However, following the outbreak of the COVID-19 crisis, the Board of Directors of Belfius Insurance Elements of basic own funds 1,925 171 360 0 2,455
proposed to the General Assembly to integrate the dividend over the financial year 2019 in retained Capital in paid-up ordinary shares 557 - - - 557
earnings pending the analysis of all impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on the financial position, thus Reconciliaton reserve 1,263 - - - 1,263
no foreseeable dividend is included in the Solvency ratio of 212% at the end of December 2019. Surplus Funds 105 - - - 105
Subordinated liabilities - 171 360 0 530
This has been validated and accepted by the General Assembly on 28 April 2020.
Net deferred tax assets - - - 0 0
Elements deducted from own funds 0 0 0 0 0
Elements of ancillary own funds - - 11 0 11

E.2. Capital structure and quality

Capital in non paid-up ordinary shares - - 11 0 11
MCR eligible own funds 1,925 171 106 0 2,202
SCR eligible own funds 1,925 171 371 0 2,466

Belfius Insurance group assesses the classification of its capital elements in accordance with the
structure defined in the “Tiering” classification of Solvency II. The characteristics of the entirety
of the capital elements determining that classification are examined in order to know if they may Belfius Insurance Group has unrestricted Tier 1 capital, restricted Tier 1 capital, Tier 2 capital and
be considered elements of available capital, and to identify the “Tier” into which they fall. The Tier 2 ancillary own funds. As 2019 ended with a deferred tax debt in the balance sheet established
calculation of capital taken into consideration within the framework of minimum capital require- in accordance with Solvency II standards, no deferred tax receivable may be used as Tier 3 capital.
ments (MCR) and solvency capital requirements (SCR) takes account of the criteria and limits
imposed by the law (eligibility). Unrestricted Tier 1 capital of EUR 1,925 million consists of fully paid-up ordinary share capital,
surplus funds and the reconciliation reserve.
The regulatory own funds of Belfius Insurance group amounted to EUR 2,466 million at the end
of December 2019. It was composed for 85% of the highest quality capital Tier 1. Tier 2 capital Belfius Insurance has a single majority shareholder (Belfius Bank SA, 99.9%). The ordinary share
equalled EUR 371 million and consisted mainly of two subordinated loans granted by Belfius Bank. capital is EUR 567.4 million, of which EUR 556.5 million is paid up. It is not subordinated and its
term is indefinite. Belfius Insurance has issued no preferential shares and no share premium
Compared to December 2018, the regulatory own funds of Belfius Insurance group have increased account.
by EUR 235 million.
The surplus funds for an amount of EUR 105 million represent the Fund for future allocations of
Belfius Insurance and Corona.

Consolidated Solvency and Financial Condition Report 2019 BELFIUS INSURANCE 31 Capital management
The reconciliation reserve corresponds to the positive difference between assets and liabilities → Restricted Tier 1 capital consists of a perpetual subordinated loan with a nominal amount of
valued in accordance with the Solvency II Directive, reduced by ordinary paid-up capital, surplus EUR 170 million entirely issued before 18 January 2015 which, by virtue of a transitional
funds and forseeable dividends. measure, is considered for ten years as core Tier 1 capital. Belfius Insurance has no intention
of redeeming this loan in the near future.
Below is an analysis of the evolution of the unrestricted Tier 1 elements over 2019: → Two subordinated loans show characteristics which allow them to be qualified as elements of
core Tier 2 capital. The market value of these liabilities was calculated in accordance with the
Solvency II regulations.
Changes during bookyear 2019 Unrestricted → The first has a nominal value of EUR 250 million, a fixed interest rate and a term of ten years.
(in millions of EUR) Tier 1 The second has a nominal value of EUR 100 million, a variable interest rate, a term of ten years
UNRESTRICTED TIER 1 END OF 2018 1,699 with a call after five years.
Constituted by: → The ordinary non-paid-up and non-called share capital, which may be called on request for an
The positive excess of assets over liabilities 1,859 amount of EUR 10.9 million, has the characteristics which allow it to be qualified as ancillary
Forseeable dividends (160) Tier 2 capital of the Belfius Insurance group. The NBB approved the request in relation to this
In other words:
ancillary asset component not shown in the balance sheet. The use of this element is subject
Ordinary paid-up share capital 557
to quantitative restrictions; the component may not be used to cover the MCR.
Surplus funds 124
Reconciliation reserve 1,019 → As Belfius Insurance has no participation in financial organisations or credit institutions with a
holding of more than 10% of the ordinary paid-up share capital and the reconciliation reserve,
CAPITAL INCREASES DURING THE PERIOD 0 no deduction has to be applied.
Belfius Insurance only has a single holding in another insurance company, namely a 100%
holding in Corona Direct for a BGAAP book value of EUR 17.7 million. After consolidation, they
CHANGES IN THE RECONCILIATION RESERVE 244 form the Belfius Insurance group to which this SFCR refers. In addition to their share capital,
Changes in the IFRS equity Belfius Insurance group 368 the subsidiaries of Belfius Insurance group have not issued any capital element.
Changes in the value of assets Solvency II 306
Changes in the value of technical provisions Solvency II (754) There are no significant restrictions affecting the availability and transferability of own funds.
Changes in the value of reinsurance Solvency II (3)
Change in the value of subordinated loans Solvency II (9)
Difference in the level of forseeable dividends 160
Other changes in Solvency II 3
Delta deferred taxes 172


Constituted by:
The positive excess assets over liabilities 1,925
Forseeable dividends 0
In other words:
Ordinary paid-up share capital 557
Surplus funds 105
Reconciliation reserve 1,263

Consolidated Solvency and Financial Condition Report 2019 BELFIUS INSURANCE 32 Capital management
E.3. Reconciliation between the net asset The difference between the IFRS consolidated capital and the net asset value (difference between

value under Solvency II and IFRS capital

assets and liabilities) calculated under Solvency II is explained to a large extent by the fact

→ that all assets falling under Solvency II are valued at market value, whilst the valuation under
IFRS depends on the classification [IFRS9 Business model] of the financial instruments; and
The table below presents the reconciliation between capital included in the IFRS annual consoli- → that the technical provisions are also stated at market(-consistent) value in the Solvency II
dated financial statements of Belfius for end of December 2019 and the net asset value (equal balance sheet.
to the difference between assets and liabilities) as calculated under Solvency II:
For more detailed information on this subject, please refer to Chapter D - Valuations for solvency
Belfius Insurance consolidated
(in millions of EUR)

E.4. Available Financial Resources (AFR)

Ordinary paid-up share capital 557
Legal reserve 57
Non-available reserves 1
Available reserves 70
Profit/loss carried forward 658
The table below presents an overview of the eligible own funds to cover the Solvency II requirements:
Profit of the year 204
Latent or deferred gains and losses not recognised in P&L 764
Shadow accounting and Shadow loss (38,0) Belfius Insurance consolidated 31/12/2018 31/12/2019
Remeasurement Pension Plans (7) (in millions of EUR)  (IFRS 9) (IFRS 9)
Deferred taxes on IFRS adjustments (145)
Non-controlling interests 25
Tier 1 1,859 1,925
IFRS Equity 1,794 2,144
Valuation difference (after tax) 65 (219)
Solvency II adjustments
Restricted Tier 1 170 171
Adjustment of the asset valuation 1,678
Tier 2 362 371
Adjustment of the intangible asset valuation (59)
Subordinated debt 351 360
Adjustment of the subordinated loan valuation (10)
Others 11 11
Adjustment of the valuation of technical provisions (1,845)
Adjustment of the reinsurance valuation (25)
Scope and other changes (including minorities) (2)
AFR before foreseeable dividend 2,391 2,466
Deferred taxes on previous Solvency II adjustments 44
Foreseeable dividend (160) 0

Consolidated Solvency and Financial Condition Report 2019 BELFIUS INSURANCE 33 Capital management
At the end of 2019, the Solvency II consolidated available capital (AFR) was EUR 2,466 million in The table below presents an overview of the required capital:
total, before dividend distribution. It is composed, up to 85 %, of first class capital, Tier 1 capital.

Compared to December 2018, the regulatory own funds of Belfius Insurance group have increased (in millions of EUR)  31/12/2018 31/12/2019
by EUR 235 million. The continuous decline of the interest rates led to an increasing Best Estimate SOLVENCY CAPITAL REQUIREMENT 1,097 1,162
of Technical Provisions, but this was more than offset by the increasing market value of our Market Risk 1,024 917
investments, backed by a strong stock market performance at year end. A further reduction of Credit Risk 170 188
the deferred tax liabilities can be observed too and no foreseeable dividend is expected due to Insurance Risk 640 667
the COVID-19 crisis. Operational Risk 94 97
Diversification (511) (528)
Loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions and deferred taxes (318) (178)
As part of capital management, within the ORSA forward looking exercise, Belfius Insurance group
performs annual solvency projections and reviews the expected structure of own funds and
future requirements. In the capital planning exercise, where the projected evolution of the own
funds is sufficient to face the expected solvency requirements in line with the business plan Belfius Insurance group’s SCR amounted to EUR 1,162 million at the end of December 2019, an
ambitions, the Available Financial Resources (AFR) still slightly increase after payment of dividends. increase of EUR 65 million compared to the end of 2018.

The slight increase is due to the declining positive effect of the Loss Absorbing Capacity of

E.5. Capital requirements

Deferred Taxes (LAC DT), partially offset by a positive effect of the revision of the treatment
of guarantees by the regional governments and local authorities (RGLA) and the treatment of
long-term and unlisted equities (LTE).

E.5.1. Required solvency capital Market Risk is still the main contributor to the SCR due to the spread risk and equity risk. The SCR
linked to the interest rate risk is rather limited thanks to the practice of strictly limiting the gap
The Solvency II Capital Requirement (SCR) is calculated based on the consolidated asset and between the duration of assets and that of liabilities on the balance sheet of Belfius Insurance
liability portfolio of Belfius Insurance, Corona and those investment entities that are fully consol- group.
idated for Solvency II purposes. Note that the Solvency II ratio previously communicated in the
press release of Belfius Bank on 21 February 2020, amounted to 199% and included a proposed The Belfius Insurance consolidated Minimum Capital Requirement (MCR) amounts to EUR 531 mil­
dividend of EUR 120 million. Since the beginning of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has created an lion as at end of December 2019, which is the sum of the MCRs for Belfius Insurance and Corona
unprecedented global social and economic crisis. The spread of the COVID-19 virus may heavily Direct.
weight on the global economic growth in 2020. So pending the analysis of all impacts of the
COVID-19 crisis on the financial position, the Board of Directors of Belfius Insurance proposed to For more detailed information, please refer to the Quantitative Reporting Template (QRT) S.25.01.22.
the General Assembly to integrate the dividend over the financial year 2019 in retained earnings.
This has been validated and accepted by the General Assembly on 28 April 2020. The evolution of required capital was made the object of a projection within the framework of the
Own Risk & Solvency Assessment. The projected Solvency requirement has a smooth decreasing
The SCR for Belfius Insurance is determined using the “Standard Formula” as defined in the evolution over the business plan horizon despite the declining positive effect of the LAC DT.
Solvency II regulation, taking into account a volatility adjustment and making use of the transi-
tional measure for equities and it includes the application of the restriction on the use of Loss
Absorbing Capacity of Deferred Taxes as prescribed by the NBB.

Consolidated Solvency and Financial Condition Report 2019 BELFIUS INSURANCE 34 Capital management
E.5.2. Solvency II consolidated solvency ratio In addition to the establishment of a complete risk framework, the Solvency II regulations also
require a self-assessment in which, taking the business plan into account, the future capital
The Solvency II ratio (before dividend) of Belfius
buffers are highlighted and a number of sensitivities are implemented. The conclusion of the
Solvency II ratio 31/12/2018 31/12/2019 Insurance Group stood at 212% at the end of
capital planning exercise is that the projected evolution of the own funds is more than sufficient
December 2019, slightly lower than the ratio
Solvency II ratio to face the expected solvency requirements in line with the business plan ambitions. The capital
(before dividend) 219% 212% as of December 2018. This decrease is the
management strategy underlying the capital planning exercise aims to make an optimal use of
Solvency II ratio consequence of the increase in SCR which was
(after dividend) 203% 212%
the available capital to:
not fully compensated by a same proportionate
increase in regulatory own funds.
→ sustain the growth of the Non-Life activity;
→ realize the Strategic Asset Allocation in order to maximize the financial revenues, taking into
Note that the Solvency II ratio previously communicated in the press release of Belfius Bank on
account the Risk Appetite Framework and associated stress tests;
21 February 2020, amounted to 199% and included a proposed dividend of EUR 120 million.
→ compensate the progressive decrease of the current positive effect of the Loss Absorbing
However, following the outbreak of the COVID-19 crisis, the Board of Directors of Belfius Insurance
Capacity of deferred taxes.
proposed to the General Assembly to integrate the dividend over the financial year 2019 in retained
earnings pending the analysis of all impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on the financial position, thus
no foreseeable dividend is included in the Solvency ratio of 212% at the end of December 2019.
This has been validated and accepted by the General Assembly on 28 April 2020.
E.6. Internal model
Further to the minimum regulatory requirements of 100%, Belfius Insurance has, in current
market circumstances and under current regulations, defined a minimum operational Solvency II
Not applicable in the case of Belfius Insurance.
ratio of 160%, on solo and consolidated levels.

A 50 bps fall in the interest level (compared with the level at the end of 2019) would have an
impact of -10pp on the Solvency II ratio. A stock market shock of -30% on share prices would have
an impact of -9pp while a drop in the real estate portfolio of 15% would decrease the solvency
E.7. Parameters specific to the company
ratio by -8pp.

Not applicable in the case of Belfius Insurance.

A 50 bps rise in the credit spreads across the whole bond and credit portfolio leads to a drop of
-26 bps and the elimination of the Volatility Adjustment in calculation of the Best Estimate of
liabilities would result in an impact of -10pp.

The reduction of the Ultimate Forward rate (UFR) from the current level of 3.90% to a level of
E.8. Non-compliance risk
3% would only decrease our solvency ratio by -11pp.

Considering the available capital of Belfius Insurance, the risk of non-compliance with the SCR or
the MCR is not very high. The results of the stress tests on the business plan and various analyses
of sensitivity performed at closing date do not raise any issues regarding the SCR or the MCR.

Consolidated Solvency and Financial Condition Report 2019 BELFIUS INSURANCE 35 Capital management
E.9. Other significant information
The unprecedented global social and economic crisis caused by COVID-19 virus may heavily weight
on the global economic growth in 2020. So pending the analysis of all impacts of the COVID-19
crisis on the financial position, the Board of Directors of Belfius Insurance proposed to the
General Assembly to integrate the dividend over the financial year 2019 in retained earnings. This
has been validated and accepted by the General Assembly on 28 April 2020.

The Solvency II ratio previously communicated in the press release of Belfius Bank on 21 February
2020, amounted to 199% and included a proposed dividend of EUR 120 million. The exclusion of
the foreseeable dividend leads to a Solvency ratio of 212% at the end of December 2019.

In view of the Solvency ratio of 212% as at 31 December 2019 and considering relevant stress
tests, Belfius Insurance does not expect any breach of its Solvency Capital Requirement. This
statement remains valid in the context of COVID-19.

The risks associated with the further development of the current pandemic are closely monitored
and analysed to perform regular stress testing and define appropriate management actions if

Consolidated Solvency and Financial Condition Report 2019 BELFIUS INSURANCE 36 Capital management
List of abreviations
AFR Available Financial Resources
AMBS Administrative, Management or Supervisory Body
ALCO Assets & Liabilities Committee
ALM Assets & Liabilities Management
BE Best Estimate
BGAAP Belgian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
CEO Chief Executive Officer
CF Cash Flow
CFO Chief Financial Officer
CRO Chief Risk Officer
ECB European Central Bank
EIOPA European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority
ESG Economic Scenarios Generator
FTE Full Time Employee
ICAAP Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process
IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards
LAC DT Loss Absorbing Capacity of Deferred Taxes
NBB National Bank of Belgium
ORSA Own Risk and Solvency Assessment
P&L Profit and Losses
PCI Public and Corporate Insurance
QRT Quantitative Reporting Templates
QRR Quarterly Risk Report
RCI Retail and Commercial Insurance
RMF Risk Management Framework
RSR Regular Solvency Reporting
RUC Risk and Underwriting Committee
SCR Solvency Capital Requirements
SFCR Solvency and Financial Condition Reporting
UFR Ultimate Forward Rate

Consolidated Solvency and Financial Condition Report 2019 BELFIUS INSURANCE 37 List of abreviations
F. Appendices

F.1. Appendix 1: List of associated companies

List of companies associated with the group Subsidiaries, equity accounted enterprises, affiliated enterprises and enterprises
in which the group holds rights representing at least 20% of the issued capital

1. Fully-consolidated subsidiaries in IFRS statements

Name Head office % of capital held (1) Solvency II Statutory Solvency II Consolidated

Auxipar NV Karel Rogierplein 11 – B-1210 Brussel 74.99 Participation at fair value Integrally Consolidated
Belfius Insurance Invest NV Karel Rogierplein 11 – B-1210 Brussel 100 Transparancy Integrally Consolidated
(merged with Belfius Insurance from July 2019)
Belfius Insurance Services Finance SA Rue de l’Industrie 20 – L-8399 Windhof 100 Transparancy Integrally Consolidated
Jaimy NV Karel Rogierplein 11 – B-1210 Brussel 78.56 Participation at fair value Participation at fair value
Caring People NV De kleetlaan 7A – B-1831 Diegem 100 Participation at fair value Participation at fair value
Jane NV (ex Charlin NV) Karel Rogierplein 11 – B-1210 Brussel 77.45 Participation at fair value Participation at fair value
Coquelets NV Karel Rogierplein 11 – B-1210 Brussel 100 Transparancy Integrally Consolidated
Corona NV De kleetlaan 7A – B-1831 Diegem 100 Participation at fair value Integrally Consolidated
Elantis SA Rue des Clarisses 38 – B-4000 Liège 100 Participation at fair value Participation at fair value
ImmoActivity NV Karel Rogierplein 11 – B-1210 Brussel 100 Transparancy Integrally Consolidated
Immo Malvoz BVBA Karel Rogierplein 11 – B-1210 Brussel 100 Transparancy Integrally Consolidated
Immo Zeedrift NV Karel Rogierplein 11 – B-1210 Brussel 100 Transparancy Integrally Consolidated
Interfinance CVBA Karel Rogierplein 11 – B-1210 Brussel 74.99 Participation at fair value Integrally Consolidated
Legros-Renier Les Amarentes Seigneurie de Loverval NV Karel Rogierplein 11 – B-1210 Brussel 100 Transparancy Integrally Consolidated
LFB NV Karel Rogierplein 11 – B-1210 Brussel 100 Transparancy Integrally Consolidated
Offico Immo BVBA Karel Rogierplein 11 – B-1210 Brussel 100 Transparancy Integrally Consolidated
Immo Trèfles SPRL Place Charles Rogier 11 – B-1210 Bruxelles 100 Transparancy Integrally Consolidated
(1) Percentage of capital held by holding company

There are no significant restrictions on the subsidiaries, on their ability to access or use assets, and settle liabilities, of the group.

Consolidated Solvency and Financial Condition Report 2019 BELFIUS INSURANCE 38 Appendices
2. Non-consolidated subsidiaries
Name Head office % of capital held(1) Reason for exclusion Solvency II Statutory Solvency II Consolidated

Belsur BVBA Kruidtuinlaan 44 – B-1000 Brussel 100 Not material Participation at fair value Participation at fair value
Bureau Laveaux & Martin BVBA Brusselsesteenweg 346C – B-9090 Melle 100 Not material Participation at fair value Participation at fair value
Qualitass NV Vilvoordsesteenweg 166 –B-1850 Grimbergen 100 Not material Participation at fair value Participation at fair value
VDL - Interass NV Brusselsesteenweg 346C –B-9090 Melle 100 Not material Participation at fair value Participation at fair value

3. Affiliated companies accounted for by the equity method

Name Head office % of capital held (1) Solvency II Statutory Solvency II Consolidated

L’economie populaire de ciney cvba Rue Edouard Dinot 32 – B-5590 Ciney 61.37 Participation at fair value Participation at fair value
De Haan Vakantiehuizen NV Woluwelaan 46 – B-1200 Sint-Lambrechts-Woluwe 25 Participation at fair value Participation at fair value
M80 Capital Comm.V. Overwinningsstraat 1 – B-1060 Sint-Gillis 22,11 Participation at fair value Participation at fair value

4. Affiliated companies not accounted for by the equity method

Name Head office % of capital held(1) Reason for exclusion Solvency II Statutory Solvency II Consolidated

Assurcard NV Fonteinstraat 1A bus 0301 – B-3000 Leuven 20 Not material Participation at fair value Participation at fair value
Belwing SA Avenue Maurice-Destenay 13 – B-4000 Liège 20 Not material Participation at fair value Participation at fair value
Les News 24 NV Genèvestraat 175 – B-1140 Evere 33.22 Not material Participation at fair value Participation at fair value
Syneco Agence Conseil VZW Place l’Ilon 13 – B-5000 Namur 20 Not material Participation at fair value Participation at fair value
(1) Percentage of capital held by holding company

F.2. Appendix 2: List of public QRT’s

The QRT’s are published on the site: https://www.belfius.be/about-us/en/investors/results-reports/reports

Consolidated Solvency and Financial Condition Report 2019 BELFIUS INSURANCE 39 Appendices
Need further general info on Belfius Insurance? Please e-mail communication@belfius-insurance.be

Any other queries? Call +32 2 286 76 11 (Mon-Thurs: 8.30 am - 17 pm/Fri: 8.30 am - 16.30 pm).

And, of course, you can always follow us on:


or on website www.belfius-insurance.be

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