Written Prelim Exams: University of Saint Anthony

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(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)

Iriga City


Written Prelim Exams

Instructions: Determine if the arguments is true or false, valid and sound, inductive or
deductive. Explain your answer.

1. Because the way we are a result of our genetic inheritance and early experience,
we “cannot be truly or ultimately morally responsible for our actions”.
 Our personality is a result that we inherited on our parents like for example, our
hair color, skin color, height and certain diseases is the example traits of a human
that we might inherited. For example, I am smart and determined because I got
the attitude from my mother or my father. And it's also said that our attitude or
characteristic are also shaped because of our past experiences that made us to
what we are today. Usually physical characteristics are we inherited from our
parents through genetics. In early experiences, we are typically developed earlier
than others in way of doing things. So basically it’s a true and sound argument.
Our present selves, our attitudes, personal views, and how we perceive the world
has the influence of the traits from our parents that we inherited. On the other
hand this argument is an inductive argument which mainly discusses an existing
theory and the truth of the premises according to the arguer provides only good
reasons to assume the conclusion is most likely true.

2. People can’t have an opinion these days without people either agreeing with you
or disagreeing with you.
 It is a true argument because nowadays, other people might be dependent on
others' opinions before they agree or disagree with someone's confirmation
because when you say opinion, means that it is your personal beliefs. And when it
is personal, it is instigated by your biases and choices, and most of the time those
personal biases and choices don't reciprocate to every individual's opinions which
ultimately results in disagreements. So yeah, people basically "choose" what to
agree and disagree with. So this stated argument is a deductive argument, the
arguer believes that if the premises are true, then the conclusion must be true as

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