2022 Debate Toolkit (Eng)

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By participating in the JCI Debate Competition, JCI members actively engage with the Individual
Development Area of Opportunity.

It is in competition such as this that young leaders must face an audience and not buckle under the
pressure. While solo on a stage, it is confidence, poise and preparedness that is key. In these
moments, your weaknesses cannot be hidden under other teammates' strengths. These programs
challenge our members to remember that as important as international collaboration is, we cannot help
others if we do not first fully develop ourselves. Here JCI provides an opportunity for young leaders to
rise to the occasion and shine with determination.
Being a more dynamic and engaging speaker and communicator shows the power of JCI to mold
enterprising young leaders. By growing in these areas and taking those skills back to their professional
lives, JCI members boost the image of the JCI brand and prove the added value of being a member.


Registration Deadline
JCI World Headquarters will announce the program registration deadline dates on JCI social media
accounts. Teams must be submitted by this date to be included in the program. Contact
[email protected] for more information about program deadline dates.

The application timeline is outlined below.

Area Conferences
Opening of Applications:
Africa & the Middle East Conference: TBC
Conference of America: March 1, 2022
Asia-Pacific Conference: March 8, 2022
European Conference: March 22, 2022
Deadline for Applications:
Late applications will not be considered.
Africa & the Middle East Conference: TBC
Conference of America: April 5, 2022, 23:59 GMT.
Asia-Pacific Conference: April 20, 2022, 23:59 GMT.
European Conference: April 27, 2022, 23:59 GMT.
World Congress
Opening of Applications:
Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Deadline for Applications:

Late applications will not be considered.
Tuesday, September 20, 2022 at 23:59 GMT.

Online Registration
To compete, active members must register online at JVC before the registration deadline. Priority is
given on a first-come, first-serve basis, honoring the first eight teams to register. Remaining teams are
automatically placed on a waitlist.

Additionally, contestants must be registered for the corresponding JCI Event to participate in the
program. For organisational purposes, please kindly ensure that your entire team has signed up for the
JCI Event no later than:

Africa & the Middle East Conference: TBC

America Conference: April 18, 2022, 23:59 GMT.
Asia-Pacific Conference: May 4, 2022, 23:59 GMT.
European Conference: May 11, 2022, 23:59 GMT.
World Congress: October 4, 2022, 23:59 GMT.

In the event of not meeting the deadline, the team will be disqualified and the space will be given to the
first team on the waiting list.

Application Approval
To compete, a team’s application must have their National President’s approval. A National
Organization may enter one team per JCI Debating Championship at Area Conferences and World
Registration Fees
Contestants are responsible for covering their own Area Conference and World Congress registration
fees. Winning teams from Area Conferences DO NOT proceed forward into the competition at World
Congress. Debating teams that wish to participate in the Debating Championship at World Congress,
may register to do so.

NOTE: Teams may comprise multiple JCI National Organizations but must be competing under the title
of a singular National Organization. A team will consist of three total members; one Team Captain and
two additional speakers for support.

Speaking Language
Contestants may register to compete in the following four JCI official languages: English, Spanish,
French or Japanese. Please make sure you choose the language correctly when registering. Only the
language in the registration will be taken into account.

Team Lineup
Ballots are drawn randomly by Program Chairs before the competition begins to decide the team
lineup. The first team drawn will compete against the second team drawn, the third team will debate
against the fourth team drawn, and so on until all the teams have been assigned. In the event of an
odd number of teams, the last team drawn will be given a “pass” and automatically advance to the
second round.
Speaking Structure
The call on whether to speak FOR or AGAINST takes place before the motion is announced. Each
team member shall have 2 or 3 minutes to develop and present the position of their team; either FOR
or AGAINST. The debate structure will include the following speaking order:

NOTE: According to British Parliamentary debate, the proposition FOR provides the final word
that finalizes the overall debate, because they proposed the motion.
Debate Motions
Each debate round will adhere to the following rules:
Teams will be notified of their motion 15 minutes before the start of the debate. Teams are
responsible for being present when the debate motion is announced.
The first team drawn or the first team through to successive rounds will debate on the FOR side of
the motion.
The Final debate round will adhere to the following rules:
Teams will be notified of their motion 30 minutes before the debate and will meet in order to
determine the position of teams.
Determining the FOR and AGAINST position is decided by the finalist team with the highest overall
points from the semi-final round by calling the coin toss. The winner of the coin toss will choose
their position of FOR or AGAINST the motion. After the position is chosen, the Chair will then
announce the motion.

Time Requirements
Teams must speak for the allotted time outlined in the enclosed Time Sheet. Points are deducted
when a speaker goes over or under the allotted time, i.e. 1-point is deducted for every second that a
speaker exceeds or falls short of the ten-second buffer period. Point deductions for time also apply to
Team Captain summations – these should be deducted from the Captain’s Summary Total.

Each team is allowed one 60 second timeout during the debate. A timeout may only be called
between speakers, immediately after a speaker has finished delivering their arguments and has
stepped back from the podium. Team Captains must indicate to the Chairperson that their team wishes
to use a timeout. The Timekeeper will inform the team when their 60 seconds are up.

Points of Information
Points of Information are for speakers to clarify an argument made during the debate competition. Only
participating speakers can present a point of information. When giving a point of information, use the
procedures outlined:
Raise your hand in a visible manner, stand up and address the speaker at the podium and
request “on a point of information”.
A speaker may refuse your point by saying “no thank you” or indicating with a gesture. If they
refuse to yield to the floor, return to your seat. When the speaker indicates they will listen to your
point, deliver it clearly and briefly, then return to your seat. There will be no conversation.
As the speaker, you may accept, refuse or indicate you will address the point of information when
you have finished your current point.
A point of information may only be made during the second and third minutes of the speaker’s
time. The FIRST 60 seconds of the speaker’s time is protected. Therefore, a point of information
can only be introduced after the FIRST 60 seconds of the speaker’s time has elapsed. For clarity,
Points of Information can also be offered during the second minute of a Team Captain’s

Championship Chairpersons
JCI World Headquarters appoints Chairpersons to oversee the proceedings of the Championship. All
JCI members are expected to show courtesy and respect to the assigned Championship Chairpersons.

Judging Panel
A three-person judging panel evaluates the debating competition. The Chair of the Judging Panel
delivers the winning result to the program Chairperson. The Judges verdict is indisputable once

Attendee Restrictions
Flash photography and recording devices are not permitted during debates. Entering and exiting guests
must wait until each debate round has finished.

Winner Announcement
Each round must have a winning team that advances and a losing team that is eliminated. Ties are not
permitted; as one team must advance, and a tie breaking point will be given to the team deemed the
winner by overall score. The final winner is announced during the award ceremony.

Appointed by JCI World Headquarters
JCI World Headquarters appoints Championship Chairpersons who will share the responsibilities in
overseeing the competition proceedings.
Serves as Championship Emcees
Welcomes delegates and reads the competition script at the podium while assisting Judges and
escorting candidates as needed.
Prepares Championship Chairperson Script
Updates the script template found inside of this toolkit by inserting contestant names provided by JCI
World Headquarters after drawing ballot numbers.

Manages Onsite Championship Logistics

Manages the onsite coordination and room set up of the Championship (check sound system and
microphones) to ensure the program runs smoothly.
Ensures teams have their own private space in which to wait before their debate as contestants
are not allowed to hear their opponents before debating.
Gathers the next team prior to the completion of each round.
Appoints and Trains Three Qualified Judges and One Timekeeper
Selects experienced Judges who understand the team’s selected language.
Coordinates with Judges and Timekeepers on their assigned duties.
Appoints one Judge to serve as the chair of the judging panel and one Timekeeper who has a
watch or cell phone to keep track of time.
Draws Ballot Numbers to Decide the Debate Order
Draw ballot numbers 30 minutes before the debate to decide the debating order.
Place all teams in their debating order so that they are ready to be announced.

Announces the Debate Motions to Debate Teams

Emails potential debate motions formatted by JCI WHQ to debate teams on the first day of the
hosting JCI Event.
Share the motion for each round to teams 15 minutes before their debate. Note, that this rule
does not apply to the Final round where teams have 30 minutes to prepare.
Announces the motion for the NEXT debate at the halfway point (i.e. immediately after the 1st
Speaker AGAINST).

Determines the Structure of Debate Brackets

Uses the brackets provided by the Program Manager, determined by the number of debate
rounds needed to complete the championship.
Ensures Judges and Timekeepers have enough score sheets for each debate.

Reviews Program Proceedings with Contestants and Judges

Ensures teams are in the room to speak when it is their turn.
Calls the next team in the procession to the podium after the Chair of the Judging Panel indicates
that all three Judges are ready to hear the next team.
Assists ESL contestants with program logistics when necessary.
Assigns Doorkeepers
Assigns doorkeepers to manage the entering and exiting of attendees during rounds.

Chairperson Debating Checklist and Room Layout

Chairpersons are responsible to be at the room a half hour early to ensure the room is set up correctly,
microphones are working and the contestants and Judges are present.

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