Republic of The Philippines

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Republic of the Philippines


Region V
SY 2020-2021

Study 1


Polangui Community College



Fiel 2
This is to send my deepest and heartfelt gratitude to all the persons

involved for the success of this portfolio.

To the Polangui Community College Administration headed by Mrs.

Rosalinda B. Barquez, Ph. D., for the effort in implementing this face-to-

face observation in teaching despite of the COVID 19 crisis. To our caring

and loving field study teacher Mrs. Mary Ann S. Pillarda, Ed. D., for guiding

us in our journey and lending your hand as a good listener and facilitator\

adviser. For the PGCHS Family headed by Dr. Alicia Lim in having us open and

welcome in your school, Mr. Edwin C. Delos Angeles who assisted us in

assigning with our respective Resource\Cooperating teacher {RT\CT}. Mr. Prinz

John Encisa for being one of the coolest and nice CT, your experience and

knowledge will be much appreciated and how you helped us in achieving and in

finishing this output and journey. To my partner John Vincent Gaon for the

nice team we made. My best friends Cindy and Keith who always there for me in

making my outputs at the same time if I’m needing a help from the others,

friends who makes me believe always that I can do it no matter what happen.

My family who supported my financial needs and moral support. To all of you

that I have mentioned. Thank you is not enough.

I am always blessed and fulfilled with joy with our great creator, in

leading myself to my journey and letting me just go beyond with my destiny.


I. Cover Page 1

II. Title Page 2

III. Acknowledgement 3

IV. Table of Contents 4

V. Introduction 5

VI. Curriculum Vitae 7

VII. Belief on Teaching and Learning 8

VIII. Certificate of Completion 9

IX. Compilation of Worksheets 10

Module 1 11

Module 2 33

Module 3 41

Module 4 60

Module 5 75

Module 6 89

Module 7 98

X. Reflections of Learning on the Field Study areas observed 108

XI. Evidence of Learning 110

XII. Reflection 156


Field Study 1, introduce student observers to the learner’s behavior in

the different phases of development, school environment and the school

community. Field Study 1 is the first in series of six sequential studies in

the Bachelor of Elementary Education and the Bachelor of Secondary Education

Programs (BEED and BSED) offered by the Teacher Education Institutions

(TEIs). The focus of Field Study 1 is observation to the learners, school

structure and the community.

Since this is the first time the student’s teachers have been exposed

to the school environment, they are expected to take note of the school and

classroom facilities, and the organizational setup of the school. Field Study

1 is a professional Education subject wherein it is prerogative of the TEI to

match with an appropriate subject such as Child and Adolescents Development,

Principles of Teaching, or Facilitating Learning.

The Polangui Community College was implemented a Face-to-Face

Observation for Teaching amidst pandemic. This is headed by Mrs. Rosalinda B.

Barquez, Ph.D. who asked permission from the Local Government Unit of

Polangui about this implementation and practice, and approved immediately by

the Commission on Higher Education because of its competitive and qualified

requirements mandated based on the safety protocols about COVID 19 pandemic

situation. Each Education Students of PCC from BSED Filipino, BPED, and BTLED

was deployed from their respective area or school of observation\Field Study.

The Practice Students Teachers (PSTs) shall observe the behavior of the

learners in the actual learning environment. It offers them opportunities and

prospects for career development as they observe the school structure, the

classroom, the school facilities, the teachers, the parents, and the

students. To assist their transition, the students will be paired with a

“buddy” in creating of Action Research but has individual E-Portfolio and

compilation of worksheets. Included in FS 1 is the enhancement of the

students’ communication skills with his/her buddy during their hands-on

teaching in the remaining field studies. This observation course provides

them avenues to enhance their communication skills as they exchange ideas

with their buddy, with the cooperating teachers, with students, and with

parents. This observation includes the way teachers interact with each other,

students, parents, and other stakeholders. Based on their observation in the

learners PSTs shall develop their understanding on feasible approaches to

facilitate learning considering the various phases of growth and development.

#15 Uranus St. Centro Occidental Pob.
Polangui, Albay

Birthdate: November 08, 1999
Birthplace: Pasay City
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Civil Status: Single
Father’s Name: Jerome San Pandes Juan
Mother’s Name: Mary Irine Romaraog Alcasid

 COLLEGE – Polangui Community College
 Senior High School – Polangui General Comprehensive High School
2016-2018 (Graduate)
 Junior High School – PGCHS (Transferee-Grade 8)
2013-2016 (Completer)
 Elementary – Polangui North central School (Transferee-Grade 4)
2009-2012 (Graduate)

 Freelance Dance Choreographer
 Freelance Music Arranger (Marching Band)
 Freelance Fitness Instructor
 Freelance Tutor
 Former Bagger at SM Hypermarket Polangui
 CEO of Sario’s Bentelogan



Brgy. Captain
Centro Occidental

Department Head-EsP

Mr. Bean Café

Beliefs on Teaching and Learning
Pre & Post
Teaching and learning cannot be considering as an easy undertaking. It

undergoes process. As a future teacher, I see teaching as one of the most

complicated and challenging jobs today. It needs expertise in the subject

matter and skills in the science. Teaching is not only a profession but it

more on passion. You do not just talk what the books told you, you do not

just transfer knowledge to your learners, you yourself transfer your life to


As we teach, our students don’t be aggressive, you should be

progressive. The teacher and students must have willingness to accept

mistakes, failures, and changes. We should be open for new ideas and lessons

because these could make us more knowledgeable and could create a big

difference. Teachers touch the lives of every student and that what makes

teaching purposeful. We, need to be committed and engaged to our students and

their learnings. For it to realize, we must have the eagerness to teach,

sense of humor, patience and enthusiasm. Otherwise, we will not enjoy this

noble profession. I believe that being teacher is having an infinite

reflection to all learners who have been reached their ambition and for the

others who continuing their chosen profession.

mpi 11

Republic of the Philippines
Region V



At the end of the module the students are able to:

1. Determine the characteristics of a school environment that is safe, secure and is supportive of learning.
2. Describe how a safe and secure learning environment contributes to the physical, socioemotional and
cognitive development of learners.


This module provides an opportunity for students to examine and reflect on a school environment that
promotes learning and development.


The following are some of the words that you may encounter in this learning module: ARRANGE those


Exploring the School Campus
Activity 1.Exploring the school Campus

1. Visit a school. Look into facilities and support learning areas in the campus then in the classroom.
2. Observe and use the checklist as you move around the school premises.
3. Analyzed your gathered data about the school environment.
4. Present your idea of a good school environment through any of these:

a. Descriptive paragraph
b. Photo essay
c. Sketch or drawing
d. Poem , song or rap


As you move around the campus, observations forms are provided for you to document your observations. It is
advised that you read the entire worksheet before proceeding to the school site. A good understanding of the activities and
tasks to be accomplished in the activity sheets will yield better understanding,

Resource Teacher: PRINZ JOHN C. ENCISA Teacher’s Signature: _____________

Grade Level taught:9-URANIUM Subject Area: MAPEH
Date DECEMBER 13-17, 2021


Familiarize yourself with the different areas and facilities of the school. Check the column to indicate their availability. Give a
brief description of those that are available, and say how each will contribute to the students’ learning and development.

Facilities / Description Will it contribute to the students’

learning and development .Why?

Office of the principal / The Office of the Principal has Yes, to be organizes and as a head of

complete facilities, tables and the school premises, you will build a
has computers to operate with and a command with them visually, the
cctv cameras for the assurance of presence of elegance and formality of
safety for the both teachers and the office.
Library / The books were well organized Yes, it is conducive for readers and
depends on its section where it will focus on their studying because of
belongs. Have long tables to read with its health and good environment/
a a fresh and quiet environment.
Counseling Room / Guidance Counselors room may Yes, in maintaining the peace in the
consist of tables and divisions for school and having a well trained and
counselling wherein to take a private respectful young ones someday
and secure environment for school
issues or students’ behavioral

Canteen/cafeteria / The Canteen is located at the middle To feed not only the tummies but also
area of the school premises so that it the hungry minds of the students to
can easily drop by the students who think progressively and
wants to buy food or snacks to eat. knowledgeably.
Medical Clinic / It looks like just a home x private room Yes, in securing the health of the
in the hospital. Very accommodating students in avoiding absenteeism and
and relaxing in such a way that you tardiness.
can heal not only by medicine but also
on how it looks like.
Audio Visual /Learning / They use their Computer Room as School symposiums and students
Resource Center their Audio Visual or Media Center. seminars are mostly held at the AVR.
Having a well-lit and air-conditioned
Center could motivate students to
listen and learn when the school
organized a symposiums and
seminars as they invite resource
Science Laboratory / The Science Laboratory is not yet Science laboratories are
available this time because of the Very important in students' leaning
pandemic. There are two science specially in their science subjects
laboratory one for JHS and the other because science is more on
for SHS.The JHS science lab has 6 experiments and hands on learning;
cabinets for lab equipment like students could learn science concepts
microscopes, test tubes. Weighing easily and they were enjoy their
scales, beakers and etc.(it's quite studies because science is fun as
complete): it has two blackboards: on experiments were fun.
the center of the room you can see a
two long laboratory table: and a
teachers table in front. The SHS has I
long blackboard in front: long built in
cabinet for lab equipment and

apparatus on the backbone comfort
room:6 laboratory table and 25 stalls;
four big rectangle lights: and a one ref
type air condition
Gymnasium / The Gymnasium is appropriate to Students' gatherings are
students when performing their P.E. important in the school. As the
classes, it’s spacious enough and has gymnasium could accommodate a
a complete facilities (e.g. rings, nets, thousand of students, students
balls, score boards ) could easily gather there’s their
gymnasium is open air, the
environment’s not suffocating even
there were lots of students.

Outdoor/Garden / Each department subject has Gardens can contribute to refresh the
designated garden. The gardens were minds of the students when they
clean and full of Healthy plants. were studying. Having healthy plants
on the garden could help the
students to have a peaceful and
refreshing environment when they
were stress in their
Home Economics Room / The home economics room has one a Home Economies Room is
dining table:refrigerator,a stove with important. This is, takes place. This is
an oven under:kitchen:long cupboards important to help student, their prior
and 2 rooms. knowledge.
Industrial Workshop
PTA Office / PTA located at the pavilion And they PTA is a school association run by
have also comfort and they have also some of the parents and teachers to
has its own office. discuss matters that affect the children
and to organize events to raise
money. PTA is an abbreviation for
‘parent-teacher association’.
Comfort Room for Boys / The Comfort Room for Boys is Comfort rooms are very important in a
separated from the Girls. It’s also very school, because students tend to
neat. urinate every day. It is a biological
need of a students and as it is
addressed by having comfort rooms it
could help them feel comfortable when
Comfort Room for Girls / The Comfort Room for Girls is Comfort rooms are very important in a
maintained clean for hygienic school, because students tend to
purposes. urinate every day. It is a biological
need of a students and as it is
addressed by having comfort rooms it

could help them feel comfortable when

An Observation Guide for the Classroom Visit

Guide Question/Classroom Observation Report

1. Describe the community or neighborhood where the school is found.

 Polangui General Comprehensive High School is the flagship secondary school of the municipality of
Polangui and one of the leading schools in the province of Albay Mother School}. It has an average
population of 4,000 students. PGCHS has 7 present curricula. It is located along the Polangui Road at
Purok Earth, Centro Occidental, Polangui, Albay; having a total service area of 48,708 square meters.and
also in the right side is the BUPC and the front of pgchs is the polangui north grandstand.

2. Describe the school campus. What colors do you see. What is the condition of the buildings?
 The school campus is composed of several buildings for high school grades and senior high school
students. On the external view, Blue, White and yellow colors are dominating my eyes. Blue for the color
of the school, the walls are painted blue and yellow for the plants and trees around and inside the school
premises. As you entered each classroom, your eyes will be so amused for so many colors painted on the
walls, such as paintings, murals, charts, posters, quotations and famous sayings. The buildings are in
good condition and very well taken care of by the members of polangui general comprehensive high
school and also, they new building for all facilities.

3. Pass by the offices. What impression do you have of these offices?

 During my stay inside the school while passing by the offices, I observed that the office structures are well
organize and easy to identify. It welcomes and open to all stakeholders. Also, I consider it easy to
recognize since it has labeled properly. It is very accommodating, well arranged and formal which is very
thematic to each functions and design.

4. Walk through the school halls, the library, the cafeteria. Look around and find out the other facilities that the school
 There are students’ corners in front of the cafeteria and library. You can find centralized speakers on each
of the classroom corridor and a fire extinguisher. Each floor on the three-store building has emergency fire
hose and emergency exits. There is also an Aqua center on the backstage for the supply of the school
water, and three best tanks also for students’ water refilling. Along the corridors and you can find a sink for
hand washing.

Resource Teacher: PRINZ JOHN C. ENCISA Teacher’s Signature:__________________
Grade Level taught: 9-URANIUM Subject Area: MAPEH
Date: December 13 17, 2021

An Observation Guide for the Classroom Visit

Classroom facilities Description
(location, number, arrangement, condition)
1. Wall Displays At the top of the board her comes the opening and the closing prayer
Attach herewith is the mission, vision and the core values of the school
There are also paintings that is related about music arts pe and health.
2. Teacher’s Table It is made from wood.
It is colored into brown and well varnished.
Attached are the class schedule and the adviser’s schedule of classes
It has chalk and eraser and marker pens below the tables and a file box on
a top.

3. Learner’s Desks Learner’s desks or arm desks

Most of them are for right handed but a few is for left handed.
Others are ruined and not in condition. Because others are made of plastic
and other are made from wood and metal.
4. Blackboard The black board seems to be more likely 3/4 length of the room and its wide
is more likely 1/2% of the height of the room.
Location: It is placed in front
Arrangement: Built in front were all students could see the writings on the
Condition: there is no damage, its texture was furnish and the green
pigment is still look pretty good,
5. Learning Materials/Visual Aids There is a bulletin boards displaying facts and trivia as well as subject
related information.
Location: bulletin board is found above the blackboard and bulletin Boards
were at the back, side and in front.
Number: 3 bulletin boards
Arrangement: The bulletin is side by side above the blackboard, and at the
back side to side
Condition: No damage. Good as new
Write your observation report.

Location of the School: Purok Earth CENTRO OCCIDENTAL POLANGUI ALBAY
Date to Visit: DECEMBER 13-17 2021

1.look at the walls of the classroom. What are posted on the walls? What heroes, religious figures, lessons, visual
aids, announcements do you see posted?
At the top of the board her comes the opening and the closing prayer
Attach herewith is the mission, vision and the core values of the school
There are also paintings that is related about music arts pe and health.
It has also Philippine national heroes and a religious picture of God at the middle.
Important lectures and announcements are posted also.

2.Examine how the pieces of furniture are arranged. Where is the teacher’s table located? How are the tables and
chairs/desks arranged?
It is made from wood.
It is colored into brown and well varnished.
Attached are the class schedule and the adviser’s schedule of classes
It has chalk and eraser and marker pens below the tables and a file box on a top.
It is placed maybe on the middle front of the board or at the right-side corner of the back of the classroom
Has one chair for teacher and two for the visitors.

3.What learning materials/equipment are present?

As od now, it only has modules and answer sheets and boxes because the school is practicing a blended learning
mode of teaching.

4.Observe the students. How many are occupying one room?

Only the parents of the students are allowed to enter the school premises for the transactions and releasing or
retrieval of the student’s outputs and modules.

5.Is the room well −lit and well −ventilated?

Yes, it has fresh air and a fan that will help for ventilation.


Classroom Description
Facilities (location, number,
arrangement, condition)
1.Wall Displays on every corner; eleven;
well-arranged; newly posted
2.Teacher's Table front and back; two,
unorganized; old and new

3.Learner'sDesks center; fifty; complex; rusty
4.Blackboard front; two; strongly nailed;
5.Comfort Room At the end of the building; one; improper;
not so clean


How do the school campus and the classroom in particular impact the learning of the students going to school? What are
your conclusions?

 The condition of every building and the school environment had really affect the students learning development.
The students cannot concentrate into their classes if their school environment does not suit to their learning
adaptability. Thus, in educating the students, we should have to consider a best environment for them.How does
this relate to your knowledge of child and adolescent

How does this relate to your knowledge of child and adolescent to development? How does this relate to your knowledge of
facilitating learning?

 It was said that the environment of a child affects a lot to his development. When taking into this kind of stage, this
is the very crucial level on which what the child experiences be can bore within his life. What environment he
experiences might be remained handled within his existences.


1. Would you like to teach in the school environment you just observed?
Why ? Why not?
Yes. Because the school environment is very accessible, the surroundings is very peaceful and covered by green
pasture that brighten up the day and gives a cool and cozy environment.

2. What kind of school campus is conducive to learning?

A school that is conductive to learning is a school that has complete facilities that will surely help and benefited by
the student learners to understand the subject matter they are studying.

3. What kind of classroom is conducive to learning?

A classroom that is conducive to learning is a classroom with proper chairs, functioning electric fans for the ease of
students, all other facilities that will greatly contribute for the attainment of knowledge of the students and most
especially an expert teacher by profession and by heart.

4. In the future, how can you accomplish your answer in number 3?

For now, I will study hard so that I can be a good teacher in the future. If I have good grades and right experiences

I have no doubts that I can accomplish to become a compassionate teacher by mind, heart and soul.

5. Write your additional learnings and insights here.

I learned that every student has their own reaction to the environment they are in, that’s why the teacher’s should
be complex and flexible to know that.


As you look around and examine board displays, use the observation guide and forms provided for you to document your

An Observation Guide for Board Displays

Read the following carefully before you observe.

1. Go around the school and examine the board displays. How many board displays do you see?

2. What are the display boards found? Are they in places where target viewers can see them?.

3. What are the displays about? What key messages do they convey? What images and colors do you see?
How are the pieces of information and images arranged?

4. What materials were used in making the displays? Are borders used?

5. Do you notice some errors? (misspelled words, grammar inconsistencies and the like)

6. Are the message clear and easily understand?

7. Think about what got your attention. Why did it get your attention?

8. Take a photo of the displays boards 9 if allowed)


We did go there at PGCHS last of December 14,2021 for another observation. Upon reading this Episode, I did try as much
as I can to look around at their board displays in that certain school. As far as I remember, I did saw six display boards in
different places and every department of school. The first thing that I did notice was the big bulletin board located in the
entrance area. It contains some information like that of COVID protocol information on certain school related topic, names
of different students which l think a classroom setting, and the names of the contributors that was imprinted in the said
display board, In order to see the actual, a picture was being provided below as reference.

Based on the questions on the observation guide, write your observation report.


(You may paste pictures of the Board Displays here)

From among the board displays that you saw, pick one that got most you interested in. Evaluate it using the evaluation form

Directions: Read the items given below and encircle the correct answer.

1. With the PPST as guide , an ideal learning environment should have the following characteristics,

a. The learning environment promotes fairness

b. Is safe and conducive for learning
c. Builds many professional linkages
d. Establishes and maintains consistent standards of learner’s behavior.

2. Which facilities are present in a health-promoting school environment?

I. Canteen that’s ells all kind of food including junk food
II. Comfort rooms common for boys and girls
III. Sanitary drinking fountains
IV. Safe playground

a. II,III, and IV c. I and II

b. I, II,III, an IV d. III and IV

3. Which physical environment sup[ports learning?

a. Availability of flexible classroom furniture

b. Presence of spacious classrooms
c. Prominence of bulletin boards in every building
d. Tall school buildings

Field Study: Observations of Teaching –Learning in Actual School Environment, Lucas , Lorimar
publishing Inc. ,2020


Republic of the Philippines

Region V
Polangui, Albay



At the end of the module the students are able to:

1. Describe the characteristics, needs and interests of learners from different developmental levels.

This module provides you an opportunity to observe learners of different ages and grade levels. It
highlights the differences in their characteristics and needs. As a future teacher, it is important for you to
determine the learner’s characteristics and needs so that you will be able to plan and implement learning
activities and assessment that are shall developmentally appropriate.


 Learner diversity
 Needs
 Interests
 Characteristics



An Observation Guide for Learner’s Characteristics

Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation report on the provided space.


1. Observe their gross motor skills how they carry themselves, how they move , walk, run, go up the stairs, etc.
 Their gross motor skills are well behaved and they can control it very well. They move, walk very often.
2. Are gross movements clumsy or deliberate / smooth?
 Their gross movements are smooth.
3. How about their fine motor skills? Writing, drawing, etc.
 Their fine motor skills Like writing and Drawing are well Defined.


1. Describe how they interact with teachers and other adults.
 They interact with Teachers only when They’re answering.
2. Note how they also interact with peers. What do they talk about? What are their concerns?
 They only interact With their classmates When it comes to Group activity. Sometimes they
Chitchat too.


1. Describe the emotional disposition or temperament of the learners. ( happy, sad, easily cries, mood-
 They are just calm and active in the class They don't have that much mood shifts.
2. How do they express their wants/ needs? Can they wait?
 They express their wants/needs by saying it personally to the teacher. They are patient.
3. How do they handle frustrations?
 They handle frustrations by controlling their emotions.
4. Describe their level of confidence as shown in the behavior. Are they self-conscious?
 Their level of Confidence is normal. They are really self Conscious.


1. Describe their ability to use words to communicate their ideas. Note their language proficiency.
 They explain their Ideas and opinions Very well since they Are also very Proficient to the
2. Describe how they figure out things. Do they comprehend easily? Look for evidence of their thinking
 They figure out things Slowly but surely. They analyze things Very well before
3. Were there opportunities for problem solving? Described how they showed problem solving abilities
 There were a lot of opportunities for problem solving. They showed it through board
work and collaborative activities.

1. Use the observation guide and matrices provided for you to document y
Learner’s Development Matrix

Record the data you gathered about the learner’s characteristics and needs in this matrix. This will allow you to
compare the characteristics and needs of learners at different levels. The items under each domain are by no means
exhaustive. These are just sample indicators. You may add other aspects which you may have observed.

Development Domains Preschooler Elementary High School
Indicate age range of children Indicate age range of children Indicate age range of children
observed.3-4 observed.7-8 observed.15-16

Physical Still developing; a bit Energetic and Graceful and composed

Gross motor skills clumsy but veryhyper sometimes hyper Can write legibly
Writing skill yet to be Can write in cursive both in manuscript
Fine motor skills developed but in a slow pace and cursive Main self-
Able to use utensils Assertiveness is help skills are fully
Self-help skills to eat and able to present;household developed:
wash hand by himself skills are eating,dressing-up,
Others Needs aids and developing grooming and household
supervision most of Less supervision skills More independent
the time than preschool than preschoolers
and elementary

Social Does not pay more attention Very obedient and Well-disciplined;
but can follow simple believes their teachers more participates well in
Interaction with teachers Instruction Able to make than their parents class;respects their
friends and play with the Loves to tease teachers Most of them
Interaction with classmates other children Loves classmates and belong in group of
and friends toys;likes to scribble friends but still cliques;talks about the
Can throw tantrums plays with them opposite sex Latest
Interests sometimes Playing games; fashion and gadgetry
coloring books Concerned with
Others A time when curiosity is appearance
Emotional Very moody;expresses A bit moody;Narrow Hides their true
feelings with more use of attention span;Does not feelings;scared of
Moods and temperament, non-verbal language, hide feelings;expresses rejection;expresses
expression of feelings e.g.crying,puppy feelings with more use of feelings or problems
eyes,pouting lips Very words Sometimes a bit by talking to friends
Emotional independence dependents especially dependents but likes to try or peers Depend more on
towards the mother things on his own Loves the friends than parents
Others If he don't get what attention from parents;if he when it comes to emotional
she want,he cries and shout gets upset it's only for a things A bit confused if she
a lot small period of time is already a girl or a
woman;adolescent period
Cognitive Can communicate Can communicate Can communicate
with little words and very well in Filipino well in English. Level of
Communication skills more on non-verbal language but only a communicative competence
More on creativity little bit in English Child can is average Can perform
Thinking skills like molding clay and generalize with guidance deductive and inductive
more on physical and apply the idea with reasoning and analysis
Problem-solving activity like dancing other examples and Not available Understands
Not available exercises Performs well in the less better with
Others Not available problem solving but still integration of real

doubts his answers Can life situations
solve simple real life
situational problems
Can solve simple
real life situational

Write the most salient developmental characteristics of the learners you observed. Based on these
characteristics, think of implications for the teacher.

Level Salient Characteristics Observed Implications to the Teaching-Learning


Pre school  Preschool like to move around  Therefore, the teacher should
a lot. remember to use music and
Age range of learners observed 3- movement activities not just in PE
4 but in all subject areas.
 Therefore, teachers should not
expect preschoolers to stay seated
for a long period of time ,

Pre school  Preschoolers can sometimes  Therefore the teacher

throw tantrums and still should remember to use toy as
Age range of learners observed developing motor skills a form of reward and try to be
3-4 patient at all times. The Teacher
should also give physical
activities that can help in developing
and fine motor skills in a child, such
as molding clay, playtime and basic
scribbling. Teachers should not
expect preschoolers to be skilled in
Elementary  Elementary pupils like to play  Teachers should
Age range of learners observed games a lot;they are also remember to use
7-8 beginning to show a higher games as motivation
rate in motor skills than in class to keep the
thepreschoolers interest of the
·Teachers must expect
that fine-motor skills
need more practice to
get better results

High School  High school students  Therefore the teacher
Age range of learners observed are fond of talking about should have an activity
15-16 the stuffs they like. about their lessons that
will suit to the interest
of the students.

 Therefore the teacher

must have an
adjustment in dealing
with the students and
must have knowledge
about current the students would
always want.


1. While you observing the learners, did you recall your own experiences when you were their age? What similarities or
differences do you have with the learners you observed?

 Yes, One of our similarities is when my teacher is asking a question and I don’t know the answer I simply ask my
seatmates, And one of the differences is even if l am bored in the class I listen attentively.

2. Think of a teacher you cannot forget for positive or negative reasons. How did she/he help or not help you with your
needs( physical, emotional, social, and cognitive)? How did it affect you?

 Ma’am Rosa Mendoza Delos Angeles my teacher in high school is one of the teacher that I cannot forget because she is
my one teacher and she is helping me in my high school life by giving me some ideas in my volleyball skills and also
giving me advices when I have a problem I can also see her that she is a good teacher and that motivates me to be a
good teacher.

3. Share your other insights .

 In teaching your lesson, there are students that are not interested in the lesson. So that as a teacher you need to be
energetic to catch the attention of your students.

Directions: Read the items given below and encircle the correct answer.

1. A 14 –year old felt ignored by her crush whom she believes is her one true love. She is crying incessantly and
refuse to listen and accept sound advice that the teacher is offering. Her refusal to accept is

a. She thinks what she feel is too special and unique , that no one has felt like this before
b. The teenager’s favorite word is “no”, and she will simply reject everything the teacher says
c. 14-year olds are not yet capable of perspective taking and cannot take the teacher’s perspective
d. Teenagers never listen to adult advice

2. A preschooler is thinking about how best to develop the fine motor skills of the 4-year old. Which of the following
should he best consider?

b. Provide daily coloring book activities.

c. Ask the children to do repeated writing drills everyday.
d. Encourage children to eat independently.
e. Conduct a variety of fun and challenging activities involving hand muscles daily.

3. Science teacher Rita showed her class a glass of water with an egg in it. She asked the class: “What happens to
the egg if I add three-tablespoon salt to the glass of water?” This is hypothesis formulation. What can you infer
about the cognitive developmental stage of Teacher Rita’s class?

b. Formal operational stage

c. Concrete operational stage
d. Pre-operational stage
e. Between concrete and formal operational stage

Field Study: Observations of Teaching –Learning in Actual School Environment, Lucas , Lorimar
publishing Inc. ,2020


1. Development is relatively orderly. Development follows directional patterns such as, from the head to the
toe9cephalocaudal), and from the center of the body then outwards (proximodistal)
2. Development takes place gradually.
3. All domains of development and learning –physical , social and emotional, and cognitive are important , and
they are closely related.
4. Development proceeds toward greater complexity, self-regulation, symbolic or representational capabilities.


Republic of the Philippines

Region V
Polangui, Albay



Activity 3.1: Observing differences among learners’ gender, needs, strengthens, interests,
and experiences: and difference among learners’ linguistic, cultural, socio-
economic, religious backgrounds, and difficult circumstances.

Observing differences among learner’s gender, needs, strengths, interests, and
experiences; and differences among learners’ linguistic, cultural, socio-economic,
religious backgrounds, and difficult circumstances.

Resource Teacher: PRINZ JOHN ENCISA Teacher’s Signature:
Subject Area: MAPEH
Date: DECEMBER 13-17 2021
The learners’ differences and the type of interaction they bring surely affect the quality of
teaching and learning. This activity is about observing and gathering to find out how student
diversity affects learning.
To realize the Intended Learning Outcomes, work your way through these steps:

Step 1. Observe a class in different parts of a school day. ( beginning of the day, class
time, recess, etc.)
Step 2. Describe the characteristics of the learners in terms of age, gender, and social
and cultural diversity.
Step 3. Describe the interaction that transpires inside and outside the classroom.
Step 4. Interview your Resource Teacher about the principles that she uses in dealing
with diversity in the classroom.
Step 5. Analyze the impact of individual differences on learner’s interactions.
The observation form is provided for me to document my observations.




Identify the persons who play the key roles in the relationships and interactions in the
classroom. What roles do they play? Is there somebody who appears to be the
leader, a mascot/joker, an attention seeker, a little teacher, a doubter/pessimist?
 In class, there are leaders who are reminding their classmates to be quiet and
listen to the lesson. Also, there are few of the students, especially at the back
who are always throw a joke when the class in going to be bored. There is also
attention seeker who are always raising his hand to answer the question.

What makes the learners assume these roles? What factors affect their behavior?
 The leaders who are mostly class officer’s thinks that they are responsible and
role models. Some of the students who are attention seeker shows their
behavior that they think they have to get the attention of the whole class and

the teacher to show that they are exist. Also, joker/mascot shows their
personality and behavior in a positive way that they think that their roles are to
show happiness to the class.

Is there anyone you observed who appear left out? Are students who appear
“different?” Why do they appear different? Are they accepted or rejected by the
others? How is this shown?
 There are one out of the 35 students who is appear left out and always quiet
during the class and wanted to be alone outside or after the class. She doesn’t
want to be in a crowded place, maybe she is too shy to express her ideas and
not so confident when it comes to group activities. But some of her classmates
are trying and letting her join with their group.

What does the teacher do to address issues like this?

 The teacher does to address this issue is encouraging her to express herself
more, especially during the discussion, the teacher always called her to
answer the question so she can always have a confident to share her ideas
and always participate in the class. The teacher trying to involve the student so
she will not think that she is left out to the whole class.

How does the teacher influence the class interaction considering the individual
differences of the students?
 Considering the differences of the students the teacher has a good
relationship with her students. She didn’t discriminate her students. She
always gave good feedback to all students who answer her question even
though it is not the correct answer.

What strategies does the teacher use to maximize the benefits of diversity in the
classroom? How does the teacher leverage diversity?
 The teacher strategies to maximize the benefits of diversity in the classroom
are to get to know more her students, to communicate them and acknowledge
their own ideas so he can read and understand every personality of his
students without being biased.


How did you feel being in that classroom? Did you feel a sense of unity of oneness
among the learners and between the teacher and the learners?

 Entering the classroom, I feel a bit uncomfortable because students keep

staring at me. But I can see them that they are trying to be quiet because there
is an observer in their class. And I did feel a sense of unity of oneness among
the learners and between the teacher and the learners.

Activity 3.2: Observing differences among learners with disabilities, giftedness,

and talents

Resource Teacher: Prinz John Encisa Teacher Signature:__________ School: PGCHS
Grade/Year Level: 9 Uranium
Subject Area:
MAPEH Date:______________

To realize the Intended Learning Outcomes, work your way through these steps.
Observe at least two of these classes.
SPED class with learners with intellectual disabilities
SPED class with learners with physical disabilities
SPED class for the gifted and talented
a regular class with inclusion of learners with disabilities

Note the needs of the learners that the teacher should address.
Interview the teachers to find out more about the learners
Write your observations report
Analyze your observation data
Reflect on your experience


Use the observation guide provided for you to document your observations.



Did you observation match the information given by the teacher?

 Yes. The observation matches the information given by the teacher because, I
observed that the students in front to middle are more active to answer than
the students at the back.

Describe the differences in ability levels of the students in the class? What practices or
strategies are or done to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of the learners?
 Those students who are participating actively in the class have the ability to
easily understand the lesson. As I can see, the strategies are done to meet the
needs of the learners; the teachers are trying her best to deliver the discussion
so her students can easily understand especially those who are in low
achieving students. Because they can also able to answer the teacher’s
question and they can also follow the instruction given by their teacher.

Describe the methods used by the teacher in handling the students’ differences in
abilities. How did the students respond to the teacher? Did the teacher use
differentiated instruction? If yes, describe how.
 The teacher strategies to maximize the benefits of diversity in the classroom
are to get to know more her students, to communicate them and acknowledge
their own ideas so he can read and understand every personality of his
students without being biased. The teacher didn’t discriminate her students;

she gives feedback to the students even if the student’s answers are not
precisely correct.

Recall the time when you were in elementary or high school. Recall the high and low
achievements in your class. How did your teacher deal with differences in abilities? Was
your teacher effective?
 When I was in elementary and high school. There are high and low
achievement in class. And our teacher knows it, regarding with the
differences in abilities and achievement our teacher thinks of us as a
whole and as one, she show no favoritism in our class and everyone is
equal and unique with their own way.

What dispositions and traits will you need as a future to meet the needs of the learners?
 In the future, as I will be teaching in the next generation, to meet the
needs of the learners, one of my strategies that I will use is treating my
students fairly. I will not proceed to the next topic until the other students
didn’t understand the previous lesson. I will not also discriminate them and
I try to know their needs, understand their personality and character so I
can easily communicate with them. As a teacher I’ll make sure that my
students will learn and gain knowledge, understand their opinions and
encourage them to have a confidence to share their own ideas or
perspective in the discussion. Also mold them to prepare their selves in
the reality with competitiveness

Activity 3.3: Observing the school experiences of learners who belong to

indigenous groups.

Resource Teacher: Prinz John Encisa

Teacher Signature:__________ School: PGCHS
Grade/Year Level: 9 – Uranium
Subject Area: MAPEH Date:______________

To realize the Intended Learning Outcomes, work your way through these

Ensure that you have received the no. 3. Focused on Indigenous Peoples in the
Learning Essentials of Episode 3.
Observe in a school with a program for IP learners. Below are some suggested schools:
Ujah School of Living Tradition, Hungduan, Ifugao
Sentrong Paaralan ng mfa Agta, General Nakar, Quezon
Sitio Tarukan Primary School, Capas Tarlac
Mangyan Center for Learning and Development, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro
Paaralang Mangyan na Angkop sa Kulturang Aalagan (PAMANAKA), San Jose
Occidental Mindoro
Tubuanan Ati Learning Center, Balabg, Borcay Island

Balay Turun-an Schools of Living Traditions, Brgy Garangan anf Brgy. Agcalaga,
Calinog, Iloilo
T’boli School of Living Tradition, Lake Sebu, South Cotabato
Draghuyan-Bukidnon Tribal Community School, Dalwangan, Malaybalay, Bukidnon
Talaandig School of Living Traditions, Lantapan, Bukidnon
Bayanihan Elementary School, Marilog, Davao
Lumad Bakwit School, UP Diliman, Quezon City

Please note: Ensure proper coordination of your college/universe to obtain permission

from these schools before you visit.

If an actual visit is not feasible, consider a “virtual visit” through social media. And
if still not feasible consider a “virtual” field study through watching Indigenous
Peoples in the Philippines videos. There are several available at YouTube. You
can start with this video by DepEd:

DepEd Indigenous Peples Education Office. National Indigenous Month (October) Video,
2013. Retrieve from

Write your observation report

Analyze your observation data using the Indigenous Peoples Education Framework
Reflect on your experience.

Use the observation guide provided for you to document your observations

Write your observation report here.



Curriculum Design, Answer each question based on your

Competencies, and Content observation and interview data
Does the school foster a Yes, the school foster a sense of belonging to
sense of belonging to one’s one’s ancestral domain and a deep
ancestral domain, a deep understanding of the community’s belief and
understanding of the practices because, the students feel that they
community’s belief and are belong to the community. They should

practices? Cite examples understand the culture, tradition and beliefs their
community. Like for example of Aeta Mag-Antsi,
they beliefs that education is passing their
culture to the next generation of their tribe.
Does the school show Yes. The school show respect of the
respect of the community’s community’s expression of spirituality. As much
expression of spirituality? as they want to teach the students to know and
How? understand things in life, the teacher also
teaches them to give respect and what is the
importance of their community to their life.
Does the school foster in the Yes. The school foster in the indigenous learners
indigenous learners a deep a deep appreciation of their identity because, the
appreciation of their IP program is conducted and executed for the
identity? How? indigenous learners so they can appreciate their
identity aside from their culture.
Does the curriculum tech Yes. The curriculum teaching tech skills and
skills and competencies in competencies in the indigenous learners that will
the indigenous learners that help them develop and protect their ancestral
will help them develop and domain and culture. For example, most of the
protect their ancestral Aetas Mag-Antsi, the indigenous learners really
domain and culture? want to compute and understand the subject
Math, because according to them, some of non-
indigenous people are taking them as a fool.
They want to understand and know more things
so they can protect their life and their ancestral
domain aside to their culture.
Does the curriculum link Yes. The curriculum link new concepts to the life
new concepts to the life experience of the community. The concept of the
experience of the curriculum is to recognizing and including the
community? community context so the competency of the
skills is related to the life experience of every
indigenous learner.
Do the teaching strategies Yes. They do the teaching strategies to help
help strengthen, enrich, and strengthen, enrich and complement the
complement the community’s indigenous teaching-process.The
community’s indigenous teaching strategies is based on the teacher, it
teaching-process? really hard to teach when there are no available
instructional materials but teacher must be a
resourceful so he/she can teach to help the
indigenous people to enrich, strengthen their
Does the curriculum Yes. The curriculum maximizes the use of the
maximize the use of the ancestral domain and activities of the community
ancestral domain and as relevant settings for learning in combination
activities of the community with classroom-based sessions. The teacher
as relevant settings for must use of the ancestral domains and activities

learning in combination with of the community, for examples, during the class
classroom-based sessions? the teacher conduct a dance that are related to
Cite examples. their culture so the students learn in both
community activities and their traditions.
Is cultural sensitivity to Yes. It applied in the development and use of
uphold culture, beliefs and instructional materials because how the teachers
practice, observed and can teach to the indigenous learners if they are
applied in the development not familiar with the things use by teacher.
and use of instructional
materials and learning
resources? How? (For
example, Culture bearers of
the Indigenous Peoples are
Do assessment practices Yes. The assessment practices consider
consider community values community values and culture. It will base on
and culture? How? considering the community values and culture of
every learner so they can adopt the lesson very
Do assessment process Yes. Aside from teaching the importance of their
include application of higher identity, the higher order thinking skills must
order thinking skills? execute to the students, it will help them to
develop their cognitive skills.

What do you think can still be done to promote and uphold the indigenous
people’s knowledge systems and practices and rights in schools?
 I think to give more awareness or information to non-indigenous people
because most of us they didn’t know their culture, we just have a
knowledge that there are indigenous people. We should stop the racial
discrimination instead we should raise to the other people that these
people are need to educate them and give importance that they are
belong to our society. To promote and uphold the indigenous people’s
knowledge systems and practices and rights in schools there are nine
ways to support the rights of indigenous people:
Focus on the priorities;
Include indigenous people in discussions;
Apply the law to ensure land rights are protected;
Build public awareness;
Recognize their role in the community, in the school;
Bridge the gap between policy and practice;
Encourage the state to fulfill wider rights;
Don’t speak for indigenous people;
Learn from stories of progress.

Reflect based on your actual visit or video that you watched.

What new things did you learn about indigenous peoples?
 There is a different from the other schools and curriculum program. The IP
teachers must know the culture, traditions, and language of the indigenous
people he/she must to teach. It is not easy to teach for the indigenous
people aside from their culture, the teacher must adopt the daily life, and
always being resourceful to teach the indigenous people or his students
because of lack of books provided by the government.

What did you appreciate most from your experience in visiting the school with
indigenous learners? Why?
 Based on the videos I watched, the hospitality of the IP and respect to the
teacher, they treat them as one of them.
For indigenous learners, as a future teacher, I promise these three things:
Be open to and respect indigenous peoples by:
 accept their culture, welcome them as one and belong in the community.
Uphold and celebrate their culture, beliefs and practices by:
 respect and give importance to their culture so they can comfortable with.
Advocate for indigenous peoples by:
 acknowledge them, encourage, and appreciate their culture, do not
discriminate them, show them that there are belong in the society.

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

With the principle of individual differences in mind, what methods and strategies
will you remember in the future to ensure that you will be able to meet the needs of both
the high and low achievers in your class? Make a collection of strategies on how to
address the students’ different ability levels.

 In the future, as I will be teaching the next generation, one of my

strategies that I will use is treating my students fairly. I will not proceed to
the next topic until the other students didn’t understand the previous
lesson. I will not also discriminate them and I try to know their needs,
understand their personality and character so I can easily communicate
with them. As a teacher I’ll make sure that my students will learn and gain
knowledge, understand their opinions and encourage them to have a
confidence to share their own ideas or perspective in the discussion. Also
mold them to prepare their selves in the reality with competitiveness. As of
Indigenous students I will accept their culture, welcome them as one and
belong in the community, respect and give importance to their culture so
they can comfortable with, acknowledge them, encourage, and appreciate
their culture, do not discriminate them, show them that there are belong in
the society

LINK Theory to Practice

Directions: Read the items given below and encircle the correct answer.

1. Which statement on student diversity is CORRECT?

a. The teacher must do his/her best to reduce student diversity in class.
b. The less the diversity of student in class, the better for the teacher and
ⓒ. The teacher should accept and value diversity

2. Which student thinking/behavior indicates that he/she values diversity

a. He/She regards his culture as superior to other’s cultures
b. He/She regards his culture as inferior to other’s cultures
ⓒ.He/She accept the fact that all people are unique in their own way
d. He/She emphasizes the differences among people and disregards their

3. What is teaching-learning implication of student diversity?

a. Compare students
ⓑ. Make use of a variety of teaching and assessment methods and activities
c. Do homogenous grouping for group activities
d. Develop different standards for different student group

4. Are all features of the Indigenous People Education Curriculum, EXCEPT

a. Affirms and strengthen indigenous cultural diversity
b. Makes education exclusive to the indigenous culture
c. Revitalizes, regenerates and enriches IKSPS and indigenous languages
ⓓ. Anchors the learning context on the ancestral domain, the community’s
world view, and its indigenous cultural institutions

5. All are best practices in using learning resources for indigenous learners,
a. Culturally generated learning resources only include indigenous group’s
artifacts, stories, dances, songs, and musical instruments
b. The language used in instructional materials, especially in primary years,
which highlight mother tongue, is consulted with the indigenous community
c. Cultural sensitivity and protocols are observed in development and use of
instructional materials.
ⓓ. The indigenous community’s property rights are upheld in publishing
learning resources

6. All are best practices for assessment in the Indigenous Peoples eEducation

Framework, EXCEPT
a. Including the practice of competencies in actual community and family
b. Applying high-order thinking skills and integrative understanding across
subject areas
ⓒ. Using international context in the assessment standard and content
faithfully without modification
d. Including community-generated assessment processes that are part of
indigenous learning system

7. Read the following comments by the teacher. Which of these comments will
likely make a child try harder, rather than give up?
a. Sinuswerte ka ngayon dito sa test, ha?
b. Hindi ka talaga magaling dito sa paksang ito, no?
c. Nakikita ko na kailangan mong maglaan ng mas mahabang panahon sa
paksang ito para lubos mong maunawaan ito.
ⓓ. Nahihirapan ka na sa paksang ito. Maaari kitang tulungan.

8. Which of the following demonstrates differentiated instruction?

a. The teacher group the learners by their ability level and makes the group work
the same topic but assign a different task appropriate for each group to
ⓑ. The teacher divides the class in to three heterogeneous groups and
assigns different content topics for the groups to work.
c. The teacher groups the learners by their ability level and assigns different
content topics for the group to work on.
d. The teacher groups the learners by ability levels and assigns each group a
different task on the same topic, and then requests three different teachers,
each to assess one of the groups.

9. Which teaching practice gives primary consideration to individual differences?

a. Allowing children to show that they learned the stages of mitosis in a way
where they feel most comfortable
b. Allowing children to show that they learned the stages of mitosis in a way
where they fell most comfortable except by lecturing
c. Preparing two different sets of examination, one for the last learners and
another for the slow learners.

ⓓ. Applying two sets of different standards


EVALUATE Performance Task

Evaluate Your Work Task Field Study 1, Episode 3 Focus on Gender, Needs, Interests, Experiences
Languages, Race, Culture, Religion, Socio-economic Status, Difficult Circumstances and
Indigenous Peoples
Learning Outcomes: describe the characteristics and needs of learners from diverse backgrounds ·
identify the needs of students with different levels of abilities in the classroom · identify best practices in
differentiated teaching to suit the learner needs in a diverse class (PPST 3.1.1) ·demonstrate openness,
understanding and acceptance of the learners’ diverse needs and backgrounds

Name of FS Student: KYLE KRISTOREI A. SAN JUAN Date Submitted _________________

Year and Section : 4TH YEAR - A Course: BPED

Needs Improvement
Learning Excellent Satisfactory Satisfactory
Episode 4 3 2
Accomplishe All observation One (1) to two (2) Three (3) Four (4) or more observation
d question/tasks observation observation questions/ tasks not
Observation completely answered/ questions/tasks question/tasks not answered/
Sheet accomplished not answered/ answered/ accomplished
accomplished accomplished
Analysis All questions were All questions were Questions were Four (4) or more observation
answered completely; answered not answered questions were not
answers are with depth completely; completely; answered; answers not
and are thoroughly answers are answers are not connected to theories; more
grounded on theories; clearly connected clearly connected than four (4) grammatical
grammar and spelling to theories; to theories; one spelling errors.
are free from error. grammar and (1) to three (3)
spelling are free grammatical/
from errors. spelling errors.
Reflection Profound and clear; Clear but lacks Not so clear and Unclear and shallow; rarely
supported by what depth; supported shallow; supported what were
were observed and by what were somewhat observed and analyzed
analyzed observed and supported by what
analyzed were observed
and analyzed
Learning Portfolio is reflected on Portfolio is Portfolio is not Portfolio is not reflected on in
Artifacts in the context of the reflected on in the reflected on in the the context of the learning
learning outcomes; context of the context of the outcomes; not complete; not
Complete, well- learning learning organized, not relevant
organized, highly outcomes. outcomes.
relevant to the learning Complete; well- Complete; not
outcome organized, very organized,
relevant to the relevant to the
learning outcome learning outcome
Submission Submitted before the Submitted on the Submitted a day Submitted two (2) days or
deadline deadline after the deadline more after the deadline



Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-below

Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71- below

_____________________________ __________________________
Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date


Republic of the Philippines



Learner Diversity: The Community and Home Environment

SPARK your Interest

Episode 4 provides for you to have more in-depth look the factors that affect the
development of a learner. Focus will be on the early experiences and characteristics of
the learner as described by the family and other significant others. You will also focus
how the teacher links with the community to maximize the learning and development of

TARGET Your Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this Episode, I must be able to:

⮚ Describe the influencing factors in the home environment that affect the student’s
⮚ Seek advice concerning that build relationships with parents/guardian and the
wider community (6.12); and
⮚ Identify effect strategies on how teachers can work together with the family

REVISIT the Learning Essentials

1. Uriel Bronfenbrenner’s bio-ecological model presents the learner within the

context of layers of relationship systems that make up the learner’s environment.
The layers are:

Microsystem Mesosystem - Ecosystem - Microsystem - Chrono

- the connection the bigger Outermost .laye system -
includes the between the social system r which includes the element of
structure such structures in which cultural values, time, patterns

as one’s the includes the customs and of stability and
family, school microsystem city laws pacing of the
and government, child’s
neighborhood the workplace everyday life
and the mass

The model helps the teacher look into every aspect in the learner’s environment
to understand his behavior. The teacher’s important role is not to replace what is
missing at home (if any), but to work so that the school becomes an environment that
welcomes and nurtures families. The teacher works to create a partnership with the
family and the community to bring out the best in every learner.

2. Baum rind’s Parenting Styles

Authoritarian. Parents are very firm with their children and expect unwavering
and unquestioning obedience. Rules are set by parents and misbehavior
is met with withdrawal of affection, physical punishment or threats.
Permissive. Parents are not firm or controlling. They have few expectations.
May be warm and caring but appear to be uninvolved and uninterested.
Rejecting – Neglecting. Parents are disengaged from children. Neither
demanding nor responsive to children. Provide no structure, superior,
supervision, support or guidance.
Authoritative. Parents achieve a good blend. They are firm yet loving. Have
clear and reasonable expectations and limits for their children. Treat
children with respect and warmth. Make children understand
consequence of their behavior.

Children of:
Authoritarian Parents: are often unhappy, fearful, withdrawn, inhibited,
hostile and aggressive. They have low self-esteem and difficulty with
Permissive Parents: believe that their parents do not care for them. They are
often impulsive, aggressive and lack self-control; may they have low
levels of independence and responsibility.
Rejecting – Neglecting Parents: are found to be the least competent in their
over-all functioning and adjustment.

Authoritative Parents: are socially competent, self-reliant, and have greater
ability to show self-control. They have higher self-esteem and re better
-Based on Child Development by Shamrock, 2004.


Activity 4.1 Observing the learner’s community and home environment

Resource Teacher: PRINZ JOHN C. ENCISA

Teacher’s Signature: __________
Grade/Year Level: GRADE 9
Subject Area: MAPEH
Date: DECEMBER 13-17 2021

To realize my Intended Learning Outcomes, I will work my way through these


1. Select a learner from the class which you have previously observed.
2. Interview the teacher about the learner’s characteristics and the community.
3. Conduct a home visit to your selected learner’s residence.
4. Interview the parents about

a. the rules they implemented at home concerning their child’s schooling.

b. the learner’s activities and behavior while at home.

5. Write the Learner’s Profile.

6. Analyze your observation and interview data.
7. Reflect on your observation experience.


Use the activity form provided for you to document your observations.

Read the following carefully before you begin to observation/interview. Then write
your observation report on the space provided.

The Learner

1. Make a general observation of the learner. Describe him/her in each of the

domains of development.

● Physical-body built and height (thin, chubby, underweight, overweight),

level of physical activity (fast, slow, lethargic, active, etc.)
● Social-interaction with teachers and classmates (loner, shy, friendly, goes
into fights, liked by others, etc.)
● Emotional moods (temperament, cries easily, loses temper, happy shows
enthusiasm, excited, indifferent, etc.)
● Cognitive (appears to understand lessons, copes with the lessons, excels,
lags behind, shows reasoning skills, turns in assignments and
requirements, etc.)

Interview the Teacher

1. What are the most noticeable characteristics of the learner? (emotional

disposition, behavior and discipline, sense of responsibility, study habits,
academic performance, relationship with peers, relationship with adults, social
2. How does the teacher communicate with the parents? How often? What do they
discuss? How do they decide of the best course of action to resolve issues or
3. How does the teacher utilize resources in the community to support the teaching-
learning process? How does the teacher work with the community to meet the
needs of the learners?

Interview with Parents

1. Conduct a home visit. Once there, observe the home set-up. (Home is orderly,
family pictures in the living room, etc.)
2. Use the Interview Questions on the next page. Just ask the questions with which
you feel comfortable.

Suggested Parent Interview Guide

Your teacher may ask you to use a more detailed interview guide. Be free to
translate the questions, if necessary.

Name of the Learner:

Date of Birth: DOMINIC F. IBO Age:15
Grade/Year Level: Grade 9 Gender: M
Number of Sibling: 4
Birth Order: 3

Age: 37 Occupation: HOUSE WIFE Educational Attainment: HIGH SCHOOL
Father: JAY BARIÑA IBO Occupation: INSTALLER (wall paper Educational
Attainment: HIGH SCHOOL

Learner’s Physical Aspect:


1. Mother’s Health during pregnancy with the learner:

 The mother's health during pregnancy with the learner is normal in the sense
that she always eats fruits and vegetables and takes vitamins which is good
for pregnant women.

2. Ailments or health problems of the learner as a child:

 The child grows up physically and mentally fit and she it self does not have
any health problems ever since she was delivered.

3. Age of the learner when he started to walk/talk:

 He started to walk at 10 months old and talk few words on 8 months.

4. Food preferences of the learner as a child and at present:

 When he was a child then is mix feed as her mother is working. At present
prefers to eat vegetables & fruits and healthy snacks.

5. Who took care of him/her as a child?

 Her grand parents took good care of her as a child as her parents are both
Learner’s Social Aspect:

1. Describe your child’s sociability (friendly, outgoing or shy, loner.

 The learner is very sociable and easy to get along well with others.

2. Who were the learner’s playmates?

 The learners playmates are her siblings and closed neighborhood and

3. As a child the, was he/she allowed to play outside?

 The learner is allowed to go outside for as long as she wont go beyond the
limit like outside the gate or going to street.

4. Is he/she allowed to go to out with friends?

 he is allowed as long as her not far from home and always bring her sister
with her.

5. Do you have rules for him/her to follow regarding going out?

 The learner has clear rules regarding going out just too stay inside the
premises at all times.

6. What are these rules?

 Never go beyond the house premises.

 Never go alone without parents consent

1. What are your expectations of your child?

 To be respectful and do well in the class and be obedient at home.

2. How does you provide a nurturing environment for your child?

 The parents does not expect too much of her and always encourage

her to express herself and study hard to have a battier future. he was
always reminded of their love and care for her despite of being busy at

3. Does your child go to you when he/she feels down or has a problem? What
do you do to meet his/her emotional needs?

 The learner is very expressive to her parents especially to her mother

who treated here like a Friend type. The parents always listen to her
when the learner has something to say or share to them.

4. What do you do when he/she is not successful in something?

 If the learners is not successful in something they will just say “its ok
you can do it next time”.
How do you discipline your children?
In discipline the leaner, the parents see to it that they wont tolerate her and always
correct the child in a biblical pattern since the Father is a Pastor and her mother is in
the ministry also.

1. Do you have rules in the house? What are they?

 1.Never go out without the parents knowing

 2.Never tell a lie.

2. How do you impose the rules?

 The parents impose the rules by posting it in their rooms so that they
may be reminded everyday

3. What are the consequences of breaking the rules?

 The parents uses rod or belt “Palo” to acknowledge their wrongs and
explain them
Learner’s Cognitive Aspect:

1. What are the child’s interests?

 The child is interest is in Arts, Music, sports movies.

2. What is he/she good at in school?

 The learner is good at school as she is consistently received academic
awards or with high honors since Kindergarten.

3. In what subject/s does he/she have difficulty?

 The child does good in every subjects and less difficulty in math and
yet manageable.

4. How do you monitor his/her performance in school? How do you motivate


 The parents always monitor her child performance at school by looking

at her assignments and activities.

5. Do you have rules at home to help him develop good study habits?

 The parents learner always imposed to her child to study first and
finish the assignment before watching a movies.

6. What are these rules? How are they implemented?

 Her mother monitor her performance by checking her assignment and

activities and going to school attending parents meeting.


Name of the Learner DOMINIC F. IBO

Date of Home Visit : DECEMBER 30 2021
Date of Birth: DECEMBER 8,2006 Age: 15
Grade/Year Level : GRADE 9 Gender: MALE

Family Profile
Number of Siblings:4
Birth Order:3
Age: 37
Occupation: HOUSE WIFE Education Attainment: HIGHSCHOOL GRAD
Occupation: INSTALLER (wallpaper) Education Attainment: HIGHSCHOOL GRAD


The Learner's Development Profile

Physical Development

 The learner is physically fit, do there are certain foods that causes
allergies reaction to her but she has learned to avoid those foods that
will trigger her allergies. He is well behaved and soft spoken. He is
also a fast learner especially in the school where she received
numerous awards.

Social Development

 The leaner is sociable and friendly. She makes or find a friend easy
even if she just met for awhile. He has mostly lot of friends at the
church where she is joining actively the Sunday school for kids.

Emotional-Moral Development

 The leaner is open to her parents whenever she feel sad or bother for
something.Her mother also is very considerate and understanding to
her feelings and always encourage her. Though her parents is strict at
times and give her punishment when needed, but the love and care is
always on top.

Cognitive Development

 The learners interests are in academic tracks and less likely on sports.
He loves reading books, singing songs or dancing and watching
movies like Disney. Her favorite subject is science and English. Her
mother monitor her performance by checking her assignment and
activities and going to school attending parents meeting.


 As I observed, the leaner is physically and emotionally good because

her parents is very supportive in her. She gain friends causally
because of her friendly nature. She kind of talkative and curios about
everything and ask sometimes ask complex questions. Her level of
maturity. learning, and skill is different from a child similar to her age
that’s why she always topped in the school.


 The parents of the learner did a great role in their Childs attitude and
behavior. They have clear and specific rules set at home.


 For me every rules in their home is Cleary defined and expectations is

set properly for their child She has already a balance life both outside
and inside the home.


Your findings and recommendations in the Learner Development Profile will help
you answer the questions here.

1. From your home visit and interview, what do you think is the style of parenting
experienced by the learner? Explain your answer.

 The parents of the learner knows when to say NO or YES to her and even
being consistent on their decision as parent. You cannot sense of
favoritism as they spend equal attention to them.

2. Relating your data with what you learned from child development, what family
factors do you think contribute to the development and over-all adjustment of the
learner in school?

 If the parents supports their children on their educational needs, for sure
the children will perform well better than others. It can motivate a child to
be a good performer at school because they knew within their selves that
they his parents is always at his back in danger or in victory.

3. Does the communication between the home-school have an effect on the

learner? If yes, what are these effects?

 Yes. Because education begins at home. Parents were always the best
teacher of their children. It is good that parents should be responsible and
vigilant enough to guide their children into a better education.

4. How can the teacher partner with the community to contribute to the
development and learning of the students? Who are the people or which
institutions can the teacher tap to seek advice regarding the development and
learning of students?

 Teachers truly are the backbone of society. They are role models to
children, offer guidance and dedication and give young people the power
of education. Because of teachers, countries are able to further develop
socially and economically. Teachers play important roles in the lives of the
students they encounter. They impact what and how students learn every
day in the classroom, and their encouragement and nurturing helps
students do their best and reach goals.


1. Reflect on your own development as a child. What type of parenting did you
experience? How did it affect you?

 When I was a child my mother is the one who contrite in our study.
Guiding my assignments.
Projects and other school activities. This inspire me to teach others also
and share my Knowledge like my mother did.

2. As a future, how would you established good home-schooled collaboration? How

can you work well with the parents? How can you help them? How they can help

 Parent has an important role in their child’s learning development. If i will

become a teacher someday, I will choose to call up the attention of every
parents and have a seminar in regards to their children’s needs:
psychologically and emotionally.

LINK Theory to Practice

Directions: Read the items given below and encircle the correct answer.

1. Which are most likely the kind of children raised by authoritarian parents?

I. Fearful
II. Inhibited
III. Hostile
IV. Withdrawn

A. I and II C. II and III

B. I, II and III D. I, II, III and IV

2. If a child was raised by authoritative parents, how will most likely will he/she
behave in class?

A. Relates well to classmates

B. Is suspicious of others
C. Quarrels often with classmates
D. Has low level of independence


3. Which parenting style/s contribute/s to the development of children who have low
level of responsibility?

A. Authoritarian C. Permissive
B. Authoritative D. Neglecting and permissive


SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

Evaluate Your Work Task Field Study 1, Episode 4 – Learner Diversity: The Community and Home Environment
Learning Outcome: Describe the influencing factors in the home environment that affect the student’s learning.


Date Submitted DECEMBER 17. 2021
Year and Section 4A Course BPED

Very Satisfactory Needs

Learning Excellent 3 Satisfactory Improvement
Episode 4 2 1
Accomplished All observation One (1) to two (2) Three (3) Four (4) or more
Observation Sheet questions/tasks observation observation observation
completely questions/tasks not questions/tasks not questions/tasks not
answered/ answered/ answered/ answered/
accomplished accomplished accomplished accomplished
Analysis All questions were All questions were Questions were not Four (4) or more
answered answered answered observation questions
completely; completely; completely; were not answered;
answers were are answers are clearly answers are not answers not
with depth and are connected to clearly connected to connected to theories;

thoroughly theories; grammar theories; one (1) more than four (4)
grounded on and spelling are free to three (3) grammatical spelling
theories; grammar from errors grammatical/ errors
and spelling are free spelling errors
from error
Reflection Profound and clear; Clear but lacks Not so clear and Unclear and shallow,
supported by what depth; supported by shallow; somewhat rarely supported by
were observed and what were observed supported by what what were observed
analyzed and analyzed were observed and and analyzed
Learning Artifacts Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is not Portfolio is not
reflected on in the reflected on in the reflected on in the reflected on in the
context of the context of the context of the context of the
learning outcomes; learning outcomes. learning outcomes. learning outcomes;
Complete. Well- Complete, well- Complete; not not complete; not
organized, highly organized, very organized, relevant organized; not
relevant to the relevant to the to the learning relevant
learning outcome learning outcome outcome
Submission Submitted before Submitted on the Submitted a day Submitted two (2)
the deadline deadline after the deadline days or more after the


Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-below
Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 72-below

_________________________________ ___________________
Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date


Republic of the Philippines
Region V




Learner Diversity: Creating an Appropriate Learning Environment

SPARK your Interest

This learning Episode provides an opportunity to examine how classrooms are

structures or designed to allow everyone’s maximum participation for effective learning.
You should be able to examine how classroom management practices affect learning.
This Episode enhances the application of the theories learned in the following
professional subject such as Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching and The Child and
Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles.

TARGET Your Intended Learning Outcome

At the end of this Episode, I must be able to:

 Plan on how to manage time, space, and resources; and

 Provide a learning environment appropriate to the learners and conductive
to learning

REVISIT the Learning Essentials

The classroom climate that is conductive for learning is one that is non-
threatening yet business-like. It is a classroom where, when creating audio-visual
presentations, the following are observed:

 Specific classroom rules and procedures are clear.

 Classroom rules and procedures are discussed within the first few days of
the school.
 Students are involved in the design of rules and procedures.

 Techniques to acknowledge and reinforce acceptable behavior are
 Clear limits for unacceptable behavior are established and negative
consequences for such are communicated.
 Classroom process are democratic.


Activity 5.1 Managing Time, Space and Learning Resources

Resource Teacher: PRINZ JOHN C. ENCISA

Teacher’s Signature: ______________
Grade/Year Level: GRADE 9 URANIUM
Subject Area: MAPEH
Date: DECEMBER 13-17 2021


Observe and use the observation sheet provided for you to document your

1. As you observe the class, look into the characteristics of the learners. Note their

2. How many boys are there? How many girls?

 There are 37 boys and the girls is 17 Total of 54 students

3. Focus on their behavior. Are they already ale to manage their own behavior?

 Not already, they tend not to behave immediately due to late childhood

4. Can the learners already work independently?

 Others are not but there are some who can work independently.

5. Describe their span of attention.

 Half an hour of the lecture they are active but the remaining times are
disruptive and more on storytelling and chitchatting.


Analyze and answer these questions on observed classroom management

practices. It is also good to ask the teacher for additional information, so you can
validate your observation. Write your notes below. And then organize your data in the
Table that follows.

1. Are there areas in the classroom for specific purposes (storage of teaching aids,
books, students’ belongings, supplies, etc.)? Describe these areas. Will it make a
difference if these areas for specific purposes are not present?

 The classroom set up is just a typical and traditional Philippine high-school

style where there is a blackboard in front of the room and a table in the
center front. The row of sears is occupying the whole space of the room
with only minimal spaces left for other areas. There is a long table at the
back where students put their belongings. There is a small cabinet in the
left side of the classroom near the window. It is where some of the old
projects/outputs of previous students are displayed. The wall displays are
mostly in the right side and back of the wall. Although it does not
encourage active learning environment, how it is being organized it is still
promoting positive learning among students.

2. Are there rules and procedure posted in the room? List them down. Do

 these rules reinforce positive behavior?

Some of the class rules posted in the room are:
No talking during classes. Raise your hand if you want to speak.
No chewing gums/eating food during classes.
Turn off your phones.
Come in class early.
Establishing classroom rules reflect the students successful learning.
Students become responsible for their action and leads them to
understand their task Clearly.

3. Did the students participate in making the classroom rules? If the Resource
Teacher is available, ask him/her to describe the process. What’s the effect of
students’ participation in rule-making on student’s behavior?

 According to the teacher, the students participated in establishing the

classroom rules through vocation headed by the classroom president with
the guidance of the teacher. Students who are involved in creating the
rules are most-likely to become disciplined and responsible who conforms
on the rules positively.

4. What are the daily routines done by the Resource Teacher? (prayer, attendance,
assignment of monitors, warm-up activities, etc.) How are they done?

 To start the class, the teacher greets the students and ask a
representative from the class to lead the prayer. Then, she asks
everybody how they are doing. Usually, students say they are doing good.
She let them be seated that starts to prepare her presentation (laptop,
projector). She also records the attendance through calling the students
‘last name. After that, she proceeds with the lesson by a motivational

5. Is there a seating arrangement? What is the basis of this arrangement? Does this
help manage the class?

 The class were seated alphabetically from A to Z But in the case of

students with difficulties in sight or hearing, she lets them be seated in
front. Using this arrangement, the teacher easily identify the absent
students. This also help her to recognize a student’s name especially in
oral recitation.

6. Observe the noise level in the classroom. How is this managed?

 In a high school classroom, noise level is quite high as students like to talk
a lot with their seatmates. During the discussion, all students are very
participative and everyone want to share their answers. However, the
teacher remains calm in telling them to lower their voices. She tells them
that that are also other classes that they can disturb with their loud noises.

7. If a learner is not following instruction or is off-task, what does the Resource

Teacher do? Describe the behavior strategies used?

 There are students who do not follow instructions especially when working
on their tasks. The teacher still accepts their output but reminds them to
pay attention to the instruction because she will not accept their output
anymore if they made the same mistake again. This helps them learn from
their mistake and be attentive to the teacher's instructions.

8. What does the Resource Teacher do to reinforce positive behavior? (behavior

The following are the strategies used by the teacher to reinforce positive

 Let them establish classroom rules.

 Address problems in a friendly manner. She doesn’t scold them, instead
talks to Them calmly.
 Celebrate achievements through praising them.
 Give rewards or incentives to motivate them strive harder.
 Make the class discussion engaging and fun.
 Incorporate activities that promote collaboration and peer teaching


Reflect as a future teacher.

1. Why do you need to enforce positive discipline?

Enforcing a positive discipline is essential in managing the classroom well. Even

though the students are well-mannered, there are unpredictable situations that
would challenge the teachers’ patience. There is a need to enforce a positive
discipline among students to positively address the conflicts that may arise in the
classroom without being too harsh on students. Students will not think negatively
about themselves and this will eliminate unwanted behaviors or reactions from
students. This will also help the teacher inculcate positive values among
students. In addition, students will be responsible for their actions, to be rational,
and critical and decide smartly in different situations.

Activity 5.2 Identifying the Different Aspects of Classroom Management

Resource Teacher: PRINZ JOHN C. ENCISA

Teacher’s Signature: ______________
Grade/Year Level: Gr.9 URANIUM
Subject Area: MAPEH
Date: DECEMBER 13-17 2021


Observe a class and accomplish the given matrix.

Aspects of Classroom Effect on the Learning
Management Description (to be filled out after you answer the
analysis questions)
1. Specific Areas in the The classroom is These make them feel
Classroom traditional set-up with safe and comfortable in
table in the back for their learning spaces.
students belongings and
reading corner in the back
2. Classroom Rules The classroom rules are The rules help them to
well established and become responsible and
effective. well-mannered.
3. Classroom The classroom These enables them learn
Procedures procedures are carefully portably and comfortably.
taught and modeled.
4. Daily Procedures Daily routines are well- These maintain consistent
established. standards.
5. Seating Arrangements The seating arrangement This lead them learn
is well-implemented and better and participate in
help learners to be the class well
6. Handling The Teacher handles the This does not threatens
misbehavior/off-task misbehavior calmly and the learners instead
behavior politely. motivates them to do
better next time.
7. Reinforcement of Reinforcement of positive It increases their
Positive Behavior behavior is appropriate, confidence, regulates their
effective and catalyzes behavior and reduce
favorable result. negative behavior.


1. How did the classroom organization and routines affect the learner’s
Classroom organization and routine affect the learner’s behaviors positively
through making them responsible and helps manage their learning better. It also
increases their confidence, regulates their behaviors and builds good relationship
in the classroom. Students may also be able to develop self-control that can
reduce the possibility that they may fail on their classes.

2. What should the teacher have in mind when she/he designs the classroom
organization and routines? What theories and principles should you have
in mind?
In designing classroom organization and routine, the teacher must consider the
following theories and principles:

 Behaviorist theory or Behaviorism which is focusing on the behaviors of

the students including the positive and the negative ones.
 Humanist theory or Humanism that emphasizes the human capabilities,
what the students ’goals, their learning style and preferences.
 Democratic theory in which the students are given the opportunities to
participate in the decision-making regarding learning as well as the equal
chances to choose their own educational path.
 Psychoanalytic theory in which the teacher must consider individuals
thoughts, feelings and experiences consciously or subconsciously.
 Cognitive theory should also be considered to give attention to the
learners’ mental processes and their construction of knowledge.

3. Which behavior strategies were effective in managing the behavior of the

learners? In motivating students? Why were they effective?

The following are the behavioral strategies that teachers may use to manage the
behavior of students or motivate them effectively:

 Organize the classroom set-up in a new learner-centered darkroom space

where students can be more independent and self-reliant
 Utilize wide variety of tools,materials,approaches,and strategies in
teaching to support the different types of learners.
 Create classroom expectations or simply classroom rules that are
achievable by students
 Reinforce teaching routines and procedures effectively.
 Acknowledge good behavior and reward them for doing well. This will not
only motivate them but this will maintain their demonstration of good


Reflect on the following and write your insights.

1. Imagine yourself organizing your classroom in the future. In what grade year
level do you see yourself? What routines and procedures would you consider for
this level? Why?

In the near future, I see myself teaching junior high school students in my mapeh
class. I will start my class through a prayer, which for me is very important To be
followed by asking them about how they are doing, are they happy, what do they
feel about our subject,etc.These questions will help me determine the current
status of students regarding learning my classes. I con also find out cagily the
strategies that I need to carry out to address their needs if they ever shared to
me what do they feel about learning my subject. Then of course, the usual
procedures like attendance, motivational activity and actual discussion with
constant posing of questions to check their comprehension

2. Make a list of the rules you are likely to implement in this level. Why would you
choose these rules?
The rules that ! would most-likely to implement in this group of students are
the following:

 Be respectful. A common rule that everyone should learn.

 Be on time. To help them realize the value of punctuality.
 Keep Quiet Raise your hand if you want to speak-To minimize loud
 Follow Directions. To remind them that through following directions, thing
will work well.
 No foods/gums/drinks while in class discussion. It is disrespectful for
teachers if the students are eating while they are discussing.

3. Should learners be involved in making the class rules? Why?

Students need to be involved in the making of classroom rules to help them

develop their leadership Skills as well as make them understand the value of
being responsible in their own action and Behaviorist also allows for collaboration
between students and teachers in agreeing on the rules That they need to
establish.But,making the rules should be guided by the teachers as they’re the
One who knows the guidelines and how to facilitate well in discussing the rules to

LINK Theory to Practice

Direction: Read the items given below and encircle the correct answer.

1. Focusing on natural consequences of students’ behavior develops more self-
regulation in the students. Which of the following teacher demonstrates focusing
on natural consequences?

A. “Those who were noisy today during seatwork will not be allowed to
play games in the computer later.”
B. “If it takes you longer to finish the seatwork because time is
wasted with chatting, then we won’t have time to go to the
playground anymore.”
C. “Those who are well-behaved in class will be given plus 5 points in the
D. If you get a grade of 95 or higher in the first two assignments, you will
be exempted from the 3rd assignment.

2. Learners are more likely to internalize and follow classroom rules when _______.

A. the teacher clearly explains the rules she prepared

B. the teachers know the punishments for not following the rules
C. the learners participate in the rule-making process
D. the teacher gives additional points for those who follow the rules


3. For a teacher to establish and maintain consistent standards of learners’

behavior, they should do all EXCEPT __________________.

A. give immediate feedback to reinforce appropriate behavior of learners

B. be open to exceptions each time a learner misbehaves in class
C. communicate and enforce school policies and procedures clearly and
D. handle behavior problems promptly and with due respect to learners’


SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

Paste pieces of evidence of classroom rules that work in class. You may also put
pictures of the physical space and learning stations which contribute to the effective
implementations of classroom management.

Evaluate Your Work Task Field Study 1, Episode 2 – Learner Diversity: Developmental Characteristics, Needs, and
Learning Outcome: Determine the characteristics, needs and interests of learners from different developmental levels.

Name of FS Student: KYLE KRISTOREI A. SAN JUAN Date Submitted DECEMBER 17 2021
Year and Section:4 A Course: BPED

Very Satisfactory Needs
Learning Excellent 3 Satisfactory Improvement
Episode 4 2 1
Accomplished All observation One (1) to two (2) Three (3) Four (4) or more
Observation Sheet questions/tasks observation observation observation
completely questions/tasks not questions/tasks not questions/tasks not
answered/ answered/ answered/ answered/
accomplished accomplished accomplished accomplished
Analysis All questions were All questions were Questions were not Four (4) or more
answered answered answered observation questions
completely; completely; completely; were not answered;
answers were are answers are clearly answers are not answers not
with depth and are connected to clearly connected to connected to theories;
thoroughly theories; grammar theories; one (1) more than four (4)
grounded on and spelling are free to three (3) grammatical spelling
theories; grammar from errors grammatical/ errors
and spelling are free spelling errors
from error
Reflection Profound and clear; Clear but lacks Not so clear and Unclear and shallow,
supported by what depth; supported by shallow; somewhat rarely supported by
were observed and what were observed supported by what what were observed
analyzed and analyzed were observed and and analyzed
Learning Artifacts Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is not Portfolio is not
reflected on in the reflected on in the reflected on in the reflected on in the
context of the context of the context of the context of the
learning outcomes; learning outcomes. learning outcomes. learning outcomes;
Complete. Well- Complete, well- Complete; not not complete; not
organized, highly organized, very organized, relevant organized; not
relevant to the relevant to the to the learning relevant
learning outcome learning outcome outcome
Submission Submitted before Submitted on the Submitted a day Submitted two (2)
the deadline deadline after the deadline days or more after the


Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-below
Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 72-below

_________________________________ ___________________
Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date

Republic of the Philippines
Region V




Learner Diversity: Classroom Management and Classroom Routines

SPARK your Interest

This Episode focuses on the classroom structure and routines performed by

teachers in class to provide a safe, friendly non- threatening and caring environment.
Effective classroom routines ensure order and discipline to help the students to stay
calm and focused in their daily tasks.

TARGT Your Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this Episode, I must be able to:

 Identify the classroom routines set by the teacher; and

 Observe how the students execute the various classroom routines.

REVISIT the Learning Essentials

Routines are the backbone of daily classroom life. They facilitate teaching and
learning Routines don’t just make the life of the teacher easier. They save value
classroom time. Efficient routines makes it easier for students to learn and achieve

Establishing routines early in the school year:

 enables you to run your daily activities run smoothly;
 ensures you to manage time effectively
 helps you maintain order in the classroom;
 makes you more focused in teaching because you spend less time in
giving directions' instructions; and
 enables you to the learners what are expected of them.


Activity 6.1 Observing Classroom Management and Routines

Resource Teacher: PRINZ JOHN C. ENCISA

Teacher’s Signature: ______________
Grade/Year Level: GRADE 9 URANIUM
Subject Area: MAPHE
Date: DECEMBER 13-17 2021


Observe the classroom routines of the Resource Teacher by accomplishing the

given checklist.

Checklist on Classroom Routines

Check Yes (/) if observed and (X) if not observed.
Classroom Routines Observed (/) Not Observed (X)
1. Movement into the classroom /
2. Transition in classroom activities /
3. Movement out of the classroom X
4. Use of lavatories / comfort room / washroom /
5. Passing of papers /
6. Passing of books /
7. Working with pairs/groups /
8. Tardy students /
9. Absent students /
10. Submission/Collection of materials /
11. Submission of projects /
12. Asking questions during lessons /
13. Asking for assistance /
14. Joining classroom activities /
15. Lining up /
16. Walking in line X
17. Fire drill / emergencies X

18. Movements between activities /
19. Use of classroom supplies /
20. Checking of assignment /


Analyze the routines set by the Resource Teacher by answering the following

1. Were the routines effective in ensuring discipline and order in the class?
Why? Why not?

 Yes, the routine is effective and it ensures the discipline in classroom. Having a
classroom routine can help children know what to expect and make each day run
smoothly. These routines are so important it ensure the actions that are need to
be completed safely and can help prevent accidents. Therefore, it makes sense
to implement procedures in your classroom. Planning and implementing
classroom procedures.

2. Which of those routines were systematic and consistently implemented?

Explain your answer.

 The routines that are systematic and has consistency that are implemented are
Movement into the classroom. Transition in classroom activities. Working with
pairs/groups. Submission Collection of materials, Asking questions during
lessons. Asking for assistance and etc. These routines are being executed by the
students and teacher.


Reflect on the various routines observed.

1. Which of the routines will you most likely apply in your class? Why? Why not?

 I think the routines that I will apply when I become a teacher are Movement into
the classroom, Submission of projects, Transition in classroom activities, working
with pairs/groups, Submission/Collection of materials, asking questions during
lessons, asking for assistance and Fire drill/ emergencies. These routines have
positive impact to the students that will help them to their learning process and
understand every lesson that being teach.

Activity 6.2 Listing Down Classroom Rules

Resource Teacher: PRINCE JOHN C. ENCISA

Teacher’s Signature: ______________
Grade/Year Level: GRADE 9
Subject Area: MAPEH
Date: December 13-17 2021


Observe a class and list down the classroom rules formulated by the Resource
Teacher. Cite the importance of these rules.

Classroom rules are imperative and must be reinforced the learners’ safety and
security. Rules also teach discipline and self-control. Rules eliminate stress and will
provide a routine pleasant, secured and non-threatening environment. Rules ensure the
students’ engagements and focus in their classroom activities.

Classroom Rules Importance

1. E.g., Read directions well Ensures less error in answering the
2. Be respectful to your Classmates, The more harmonious the classroom will
teachers, and personnel’s. be.
3. Be kind, policeman courteous to It creates relationship to each of every
others. one of them.
4. Come prepared with supplies and The more effective the learning is
completed homework. because they are prepared.
5. Listen to the teacher and It improves the relationship when the
classmates, and follow directions. opinions of one another are valued.
6. Raise your hand when you would It creates a respectful manner to the
like to speak in class or if you need students
to leave the classroom for any


1. Analyze each given rule. What circumstances led to the formulation of the

 These rules were created because of many problems that has encountered
before and it has led to a formulation of the rule to avoid it repeatedly. Also, in
order to have progress in school and to have control over students there must be
a rule to be follow.

2. Are classroom rules really important?

 Classroom rules are established to teach students how to act in an appropriate

and safe manner in the classroom, hence boosting student learning. In school,
every minute counts. Everything will be in disarray if the pupils do not have any
rules to follow. This could lead to students inflicting physical and mental harm on
one another.


Reflect on the various classroom rules set by the Resource Teacher. Will
you have the same rules? If not, what rules are you going to employ? Explain
your answer.

 When I eventually become a teacher. I believe I will have implied it. However. I
believe I will incorporate some routines, such as praying before doing anything
else, because thanking the Lord first for all of the information he has bestowed
upon us is precious.

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

Take some snapshots of the classroom routines employed by the Resource

Teacher which are worth emulating. Tell something about the pictures.

RBI – radio Based Instruction Teaching

Distributing and retrieval of modules with students’ parents and guardians.

Evaluate Your Work Task Field Study 1, Episode 2 – Learner Diversity: Developmental Characteristics, Needs, and
Learning Outcome: Determine the characteristics, needs and interests of learners from different developmental levels.

Name of FS Student: KYLE KRISTOREI A. SAN JUAN Date Submitted DECEMBER 17 2021
Year and Section :4 A Course: BPED

Very Satisfactory Needs

Learning Excellent 3 Satisfactory Improvement
Episode 4 2 1
Accomplished All observation One (1) to two (2) Three (3) Four (4) or more
Observation Sheet questions/tasks observation observation observation
completely questions/tasks not questions/tasks not questions/tasks not
answered/ answered/ answered/ answered/
accomplished accomplished accomplished accomplished
Analysis All questions were All questions were Questions were not Four (4) or more
answered answered answered observation questions
completely; completely; completely; were not answered;
answers were are answers are clearly answers are not answers not
with depth and are connected to clearly connected to connected to theories;
thoroughly theories; grammar theories; one (1) more than four (4)
grounded on and spelling are free to three (3) grammatical spelling
theories; grammar from errors grammatical/ errors
and spelling are free spelling errors
from error
Reflection Profound and clear; Clear but lacks Not so clear and Unclear and shallow,
supported by what depth; supported by shallow; somewhat rarely supported by
were observed and what were observed supported by what what were observed
analyzed and analyzed were observed and and analyzed

Learning Artifacts Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is not Portfolio is not
reflected on in the reflected on in the reflected on in the reflected on in the
context of the context of the context of the context of the
learning outcomes; learning outcomes. learning outcomes. learning outcomes;
Complete. Well- Complete, well- Complete; not not complete; not
organized, highly organized, very organized, relevant organized; not
relevant to the relevant to the to the learning relevant
learning outcome learning outcome outcome
Submission Submitted before Submitted on the Submitted a day Submitted two (2)
the deadline deadline after the deadline days or more after the


Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-below
Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 72-below

_________________________________ ___________________
Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date

LINK Theory to Practice

1. What term applies to the established ways of managing a classroom into an

organized and systematic structure?

A. Classroom routine
B. Positive discipline
C. Classroom discipline
D. Classroom management

2. When is the best time to establish classroom routines?

A. At the start of the year
B. At the end of the class
C. At the start of the activity
D. At the start of class discussion

3. What is the primary reason for the establishment of classroom routines?

A. To ensure order
B. To eliminate stress
C. To be fair at all times
D. To control the class

4. To ensure order in the transition activities, what must be done?

A. Assign a leader.
B. Post the rules.
C. Let students work in groups.
D. Set the rules before the activity.

5. What routine must be set to guarantee the safety of the students?

A. Assign a leader.
B. Let them work in pairs.
C. Let them work individually.
D. Set the do’s and dont’s in every activity.


Republic of the Philippines

Region V




Learner Diversity: Physical and Personal Aspects of Classroom

SPARK your Interest

This Episode tackles classroom management and discipline. It focuses on the

personal and physical aspects of classroom management which are central to teaching
and therefore must be consistently implanted.

TARGER Your Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this Episode, I must be able to:

 Identify the two (2) aspects of classroom management; and

 Determine the classroom management strategies that the Resource
Teaching employed in his/her class.

REVISIT the Learning Essentials

Classroom management refers to the wide variety of skills and techniques that
teachers use to keep students organized, orderly, focused, attentive on tasks and
academically productive in class.
Ref: glossary. org

Importance of Effective Classroom Management

 increases chance of student success

 paves the way for the teacher to engage students in learning
 helps create an organized classroom environment
 increases instructional time
 creates consistency in the employment of rules and regulations
 aligns management strategies with school wide standards
 decreases misbehavior in the classroom
 gives student boundaries as well as consequences
Two aspects of Classroom Management

1. Personal Classroom Management consists of managing your own self to

ensure order and discipline in your class. It includes:
1.1. voice

1.2. personal grooming
1.3. attendance
1.4. punctuality
1.5. personal graciousness

Managing yourself as a teacher contributes to the order and well-being of your


2. Personal Classroom Management consists of managing the learning

environment. Attending to those physical elements of the learning
environment ensures the safety, security and order in the class. It includes:
2.1. ventilation
2.2. lightning
2.3. assistance
2.4. seating arrangements
2.5. structure / design of the classroom
2.6. physical space / learning stations

Some Effective Classroom Management Strategies

1. Model to the students how to act in different situations.

2. Establish classroom guidelines.
3. Document the rules
4. Refrain from punishing the entire class.
5. Encourage initiative from class.
6. Offer praise and rewards.
7. Use non-verbal communication
8. Take time to celebrate group effort.
9. Let students work in groups.
10. Interview students to assess their needs.
11. Address bad behavior quickly.
12. Consider peer teaching.
13. Continuously engage the students.
14. Assign open-ended projects.
15. Write group contracts.


Activity 7.1 Identifying Personal and Personal Aspects of Classroom


Resource Teacher: PRINZ JOHN C. ENCISA

Teacher’s Signature: ______________

Grade/Year Level: GRADE 9
Subject Area: MAPEH
Date: DECEMBER 13-17 2021


Observe a class and interview the Resource Teacher. Ask how the personal and
physical aspects of classroom management ensure proper classroom management and
Check if these aspects were observed in the classroom.

Aspects of Classroom Management YES NO

1. Personal Classroom Management
1.1 Is the teacher well-groomed that he/she demands respect from the /
entire learners?
1.2 Is the teacher’s voice modulated and can be headed by the entire class? /
1.3 Was the teacher present in class? /
1.4 Dis the teacher arrive on time in class? /
1.5 Does the teacher exude a positive attitude towards teaching? /
2. Physical Classroom Management
2.1 Is the classroom well-ventilated? /
2.2 Is the lightning good enough? /
2.3 Is the classroom free from noise? /
2.4 Does the seating arrangement provide better interaction? /
2.5 Is the design/structure of the room inviting to classroom activities? /
2.6 Is the physical space/learning station clear from obstruction? /


Analyze the different elements of personal/physical classroom management and

answer the following questions?

1. How does the voice of the teacher affect classroom instruction?

 Modulated voice affects leaning of the students in a positive way, wherein they
can here. All the discussed topics or better at conveying messages to the

2. How does the punctuality of the teacher affect classroom discipline?

 Punctuality of the teacher affect classroom discipline its because a teacher

should always the role model of the students. They are the ones that were being

looked up by the students and by that the leaners might put in their minds that its
okay to be late always.

3. Why do we need to check on the physical aspects of classroom


 Because it influences teacher and student behaviors. This intricate and detailed
planning makes some behaviors possible and eliminates others.


Reflect on the aspects of personal and classroom management.

1. What does this statement mean to you as a future teacher? Explain.

“No amount of good instruction will come out without effective classroom

 In order for us to ensure the effective classroom management first, we should

possess all the qualities of being a good teacher and have attained all the
personal classroom management elements such as personal grooming,
punctuality, etc. And also ensure the physical classroom management such as
good ventilation, lighting, learning stations and so on.

2. What are your plans in ensuring effective classroom management?

 I’ll Give my students the power to openly express their ideas and make their own
choices. Valuing students’ ideas not only enhances the lessons with fresh ideas
but can develop students’ self-esteem and self-confidence.

Activity 7.2 Demonstrating knowledge of positive and non-violent discipline in

the management of learner behavior

Resource Teacher: PRINZ JOHN C. ENCISA

Teacher’s Signature: ______________
Grade/Year Level: GRADE 9
Subject Area: MAPEH

Date: DECEMBER 13-17 2021


Observe the classroom management strategies that your Resource Teacher

employs in the classroom. You may also conduct an interview to substantiate

Check the management strategies employed by the Resource Teacher.

Check (/) observed, put an (X) if not observed and O for no opportunity to observe.

Observed Not No Opportunity

Observed to observe
Effective Classroom Management Strategies
1. Model to the students how to act in different /
2. Establish classroom guidelines /
3. Document the rules /
4. Refrain from punishing the entire class /
5. Encourage initiative from class /
6. Offer praise and rewards /
7. Use non-verbal communication /
8. Take time to celebrate group effort /
9. Let students work in groups /
10. Interview students to assess their needs /
11. Address bad behavior quickly /
12. Consider peer teaching /
13. Continuously engage the students /
14. Assign open-ended project /
15. Write group contracts /


Analyze the checklist you have accomplished and answer the given questions:

1. How many strategies were employed by the Resource Teacher? Did these
contribute to better classroom management? Explain your answer.

 There are many strategies employed by the Resource Teacher and these
strategies indeed contributed to better classroom management. Because
according to our Resource Teacher if you yourself as a teacher plays as the role
model to your students and you show respect and authority to the class
eventually you will achieve the effective implementation of these classroom
management strategies.

2. What were not used by the Resource Teacher? Were these important?
What should have been used instead? Explain.

 As we interview our Resource Teacher, he have said that these classroom

management are somehow the same with what he implemented in his class and
he added that these are all important and effective and were all been used.


As a future teacher, reflect on the observations then answer the given question.

1. What classroom management strategies do I need to employ to respond to

diverse types of learners?

 The classroom management strategies that we need to employ in order to

respond to diverse types of learners are first, interview them to assess their
needs and let them work in groups in order for them to be aware of their
individual differences. Consider peer teaching and take time to celebrate group
effort. These are just some of the many important classroom management
strategies tap effectively employ in the class and as we go on, we can always
think of new strategies and improvement in our classroom.

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

Show piece(s) of evidence of learning to capture the classroom management

strategies used by your Resource Teacher.

Evaluate Your Work Task Field Study 1, Episode 2 – Learner Diversity: Developmental Characteristics, Needs, and
Learning Outcome: Determine the characteristics, needs and interests of learners from different developmental levels.

Name of FS Student: KYLE KRISTOREI A. SAN JUAN Date Submitted DECEMBER 17, 2021
Year and Section: 4 A Course: BPED

Very Satisfactory Needs

Learning Excellent 3 Satisfactory Improvement
Episode 4 2 1
Accomplished All observation One (1) to two (2) Three (3) Four (4) or more
Observation Sheet questions/tasks observation observation observation
completely questions/tasks not questions/tasks not questions/tasks not
answered/ answered/ answered/ answered/
accomplished accomplished accomplished accomplished
Analysis All questions were All questions were Questions were not Four (4) or more
answered answered answered observation questions
completely; completely; completely; were not answered;
answers were are answers are clearly answers are not answers not
with depth and are connected to clearly connected to connected to theories;
thoroughly theories; grammar theories; one (1) more than four (4)
grounded on and spelling are free to three (3) grammatical spelling
theories; grammar from errors grammatical/ errors
and spelling are free spelling errors
from error
Reflection Profound and clear; Clear but lacks Not so clear and Unclear and shallow,
supported by what depth; supported by shallow; somewhat rarely supported by

were observed and what were observed supported by what what were observed
analyzed and analyzed were observed and and analyzed
Learning Artifacts Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is not Portfolio is not
reflected on in the reflected on in the reflected on in the reflected on in the
context of the context of the context of the context of the
learning outcomes; learning outcomes. learning outcomes. learning outcomes;
Complete. Well- Complete, well- Complete; not not complete; not
organized, highly organized, very organized, relevant organized; not
relevant to the relevant to the to the learning relevant
learning outcome learning outcome outcome
Submission Submitted before Submitted on the Submitted a day Submitted two (2)
the deadline deadline after the deadline days or more after the


Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-below
Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 72-below

_________________________________ ___________________
Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date

LINK Theory to Practice

1. How will you prevent truancy among students?

A. Check attendance regularly

B. Allocate budget for each student
C. Improve sanctions on absentees
D. Prepare and teach your lessons effectively at all times

2. What will be the most effective way of dealing with non-participative students?

A. Let them do what pleases them

B. Refer the matter to the Guidance Counselor
C. Employ engaging and enjoying activities
D. Give them the grades they deserves based on their performance


3. How will you help the shy and timid students in your class?

A. Treat them naturally

B. Let them be as they are
C. Refer them to the Guidance Office
D. Encourage them to join as many activities in class


4. How will you put optimum use the leadership skills of your students?

A. Recognize their leadership skills

B. Let them just do what they please
C. Refrain from calling them all the time
D. Empower them to initiate activities in class


5. To discipline unruly students. Teacher Helen always tells her students

“Remember I am the person in authority here. I have the power to pass or fail
you.” Do you agree with Teacher Helen’s references to power?

A. We need more data to give a categorical answer

B. Yes, passing and failing are in the hands of a teacher
C. Yes, one may use the power given you to blackmail students
D. No, teacher authority is not meant to be used to pass or fail students.


Reflections on the Field Study
Areas observed
Field Study 1 is entitled “Observations of Teaching-Learning Actual

School Environment” and it was indeed a great way to start my field study

journey at Polangui general Comprehensive High School. This episode focuses

on determining an environment of the school that provides social, and

physical environment supportive of learning to the learners. My first task

during my observation was to have attend the orientation for me to meet the

School Principal and my Cooperating Teacher. After the orientation I was able

to have a campus tour in Polangui General Comprehensive High School (PGCHS)

and look into their available facilities that will support effective learning

environment. I knew it that PGCHS is one of the fortunate schools that

provide maximum learning and development opportunities to mold their

learners. Teachers and learners feel safe, having the concrete and painted

school buildings. The outdoor space within the campus where they conduct a

flag ceremony is also ideal for class group game/activities and other

presentations or events. This is the area where the students freely play

during recess time. The schoolyard was clean, refreshing and beautiful. The

school library contains abundant learning resources, not well arranged

because of typhoon prevention but still in good looking. There was a good

lighting and ventilation. Oh, such bliss to sit there and quietly read a lot

of reading materials. They also have a School Clinic that is well equipped,

an ICT room with computers and other essential “E-Learning” paraphernalia, an

Industrial Workshop Area wherein the students conducted the practical skills

are being nurtured and Covered Court for school activities. The School

Canteen was neat and clean and offers a healthy foods/snacks. Lastly the

Principal’s Office very stunning, well organized and looks inviting. The way

that classroom is arranged communicates is very important to deliver the

messages to the students, how the classroom will be utilized, how it is

function as a learning environment. Books and other interesting materials are

neatly displayed in such a way that allows students to use them as long as

they want but following the rules which by the assigned teacher. Bulletin

boards contained student’s outputs and attractive art which related to the

topics of study and information about class activities-this will serve as the

place for learning and fun for the students inside of the classroom and the

work of the learners is being seen has a valued because it is displayed to be

seen and shared to others. Going to school is the most enjoyable and

adventurous momentum to each student that surely will never be forgotten in

their life. A school that has good environment and provides good quality

education consider as “home sweet home with a purpose” where the learners

look forward always to be back and going to. School is not only our Alma

Mater but it is the place where became stronger and better to face all




Polangui Radio Based Instruction for Teaching located at

Pamahalaang Bayan ng Polangui








My time observing was not only educational in terms of how to become

the teacher I aspire to be, but also in terms of how to improve myself as

student and my own learning. I came across some fantastic learning tools,

which I have since incorporated into my own education to help me develop my

own learning. One way that my time spent on the field work has improved my

own learning is

in how I manage the way I learn. During my fieldwork, I observed numerous

ways in which the teacher adapted her lessons to accommodate different

learning styles for her students in order to improve their learning. This

made me reflect on my own learning style and how I learned and processed

information. I’ve learned that simply reflecting on what I’m seeing in the

virtual classroom/onsite classroom is not enough; I need to comprehend and

gain knowledge about the classroom in a more profound and meaningful way,

such as by relating observations to theories and psychology studies. In

addition, I’ve learned to reflect more deeply on what’s going on around me,

rather than just looking at what’s on the surface. Throughout my observation,

I took notes for my easy throwback. I attempted to convey not only what was

happening but also why it was happening, as well as any thoughts or feelings

that the students, teacher, or myself had. Finally, I improved my reflation

skills by asking myself questions like “what would I do.” “how would I do

it,” and “how would I react?”. I realized that teachers bear a lot of

responsibilities. They must balance the curriculum, students, pare3nts,

lesson plans and other personal management while remaining professional. They

are many difficult moments in teaching. What are the most common ones, ow we

can we best overcome them? Though the challenges differ, my approaches are

similar; be rational, not reactive; emphasize developing intrinsic MOTIVATION

OF LEARNING, rather than extrinsic motivation. I fell will face numerous

hurdles as I enter the teaching profession, but who wouldn’t with a job that

demands collaboration with others? The greatest issue I see myself having is

keeping my cool while dealing with students who are acting out. There are

times when it is quite easy for me to lift my lid when someone does something

I do not like or approve of. Remembering how I’ve seen professors handle

similar circumstances and not getting engaged too quickly is one approach for

me to deal with this difficulty I believe there comes a time when a student

must become enrage and scolded, but not before attempting to resolve the

issue in a civil manner and not in front of their classmates. Throughout my

observation, I’ve discovered a variety of important teaching elements. I know

now a lot more than I did before, whether it’s how to run a classroom unite/

virtual classroom or how to create a great learning environment. When I do

achieve my goal becoming a teacher, I aim to use some of the lessons I’ve

gained from this experience to help build a successful classroom and

atmosphere for my students and colleagues.


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