Algae As Functional Ingredients in Senegalese Sole Microdiets

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Algae as functional ingredients in Senegalese sole microdiets

Technical Report · September 2020

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29582.38720

0 161

9 authors, including:

Diogo Peixoto J.M.G. Silva

University of Porto Cermaq


Joao Navalho Benjamín Costas

Necton, S.A. University of Porto


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Algae as functional ingredients

in Senegalese sole microdiets
Maria Morais, Diogo Peixoto Daniel Afonso, Helena Abreu, Joana Silva, João Navalho,
Wilson Pinto, Benjamin Costas, Ana Gonçalves, SPAROS, CIIMAR, Algaplus,
Allmicroalgae - Natural Products S.A., Necton S.A., GreenCoLab

Figure 1. a) Nannochloropsis sp. cells. Photo: Allmicroalgae. b) Dried Gracilaria gracilis. Photo: AlgaPlus.

Algae as functional ingredients for fish larvae Within the goal of a constant search for new
Micro- and macro-algae are rich sources of bioactive alternative and sustainable ingredients for optimal
compounds that can influence fish growth, nutrient fish health and performance the VALORMAR project
utilization, resistance to diseases and, as a natural has developed and tested new microdiets that may
source of antioxidants, have beneficial effects in overall innovate the hatchery feeds market, bringing to the
health (Sáez et al., 2020; Sharma et al., 2019). In addition table diets that not only increase sustainable standards
to these factors, their nutritional composition and in a cost efficient manner but also have the potential
sustainable nature have made them great candidates to benefit fish development in the long term,
for alternative feed additives in fish diets. resulting in more robust fish.
Fish larvae and other early stages of development
are more susceptible to oxidative stress due to their Micro- and macro- algae blends
high metabolic rate associated with very fast growth increase sole post-larvae performance
and other factors (Sharma et al., 2019). This leads to A trial was performed to assess if the inclusion of algae
pressure on fish fitness and may cause high mortalities blends (Fig. 1) had a positive effect on fish growth,
due to larvae´s limited capacity to respond to daily immune and oxidative response on weaned post-larvae
challenges derived from a complex environment and of Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis). Larvae were
dietary changes. Here, the application of algae as a reared in a recirculating system from 15 to 63 days
feed ingredient may have a positive influence on after hatching (DAH), using an initial density of 3,000
larvae’s early resistance, immune capacity and larvae/m2. After weaning (27 and 28 DAH), co-feeding
physiologic output. with Artemia and a commercial diet, 34 DAH post-

Hatchery Feed & Management Vol 8 Issue 3 2020


Figure 2. S. senegalensis post-larvae total length (TL) at 49 and 63 DAH, and relative growth rate (RGR) throughout a 29-day feeding trial.
Different letters indicate significant differences.

larvae were offered experimental diets supplied At 49 DAH, lysozyme activity was higher when fish were
throughout the day through automatic feeders. fed with Blend 6 when compared to both Blend 3 and
Diets were a) control commercial diet (CTRL), b) control diets. However, at 63 DAH lysozyme activity
commercial-like diet with 1.5% Nannochloropsis sp. in fish fed with both algae blends presented a higher
and 1.5% of Gracilaria gracilis biomass (Blend 3) and lysozyme activity, with higher prominence on fish fed
c) commercial-like diet with 3% Nannochloropsis sp. with Blend 6 (Fig. 3). Both at 49 and 63 DAH, peroxidase
and 3% Gracilaria gracilis biomass (Blend 6). Responses activity was higher in fish fed with Blend 6 whereas
were evaluated at 49 and 63 DAH in a 29-day feeding the control diet and Blend 3 presented no differences
trial. Differences between groups were assessed by between each other (Fig. 3). Accordingly, there was an
ANOVA after assurance of parametric conditions, overall positive response of these two key components
considering significant when p<0.05. of the fish innate immune response in post-larvae fed
After 29 days, fish fed with both algae blend with the inclusion of algae.
supplemented diets had better growth performance Despite no statistical differences observed regarding
(Fig. 2) than fish fed the control diet, with higher tGSH and SOD enzymatic activity (Fig. 4) at 49 DAH or
emphasis on the fish growth response when fed 63DAH, a tendency of higher tGSH and SOD enzymatic
Blend 3 diet. Interestingly, the immune and antioxidant activity when fish were fed diets with algae blends was
analysis indicated higher responsiveness also in post- observed, supporting a positive effect of the functional
larvae fed with diets supplemented with algae blends. ingredients. Both micro- and macro-algae are a source

Figure 3. Fold change lysozyme and peroxidase activity of Solea senegalensis post-larvae at 49 DAH and 63 DAH during a 29-day feeding.
Different letters indicate significant differences between diets and * indicate differences from the control group at the same DAH.

Hatchery Feed & Management Vol 8 Issue 3 2020


Figure 4. Fold change superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and total glutathione (tGSH) of Solea senegalensis post-larvae at 49 DAH and 63
DAH during a 29-day feeding trial.

of marine-derived polysaccharides which can improve Acknowledgments

different aspects of the innate immune system, such This work was funded by project 24517_VALORMAR
as lysozyme enzyme which is an important index of supported by Compete 2020, Lisboa 2020, CRESC Algarve 2020,
innate immune that occurs in mucus, lymphoid tissue, Portugal 2020 and the European Union through FEDER/ERDF.
and serum and is involved in a wide range of protective Partner IPMA (Olhão, Portugal) is acknowledged for providing
mechanisms, including bacteriolysis, complement- sole larvae.
mediated opsonization, phagocyte and antibacterial
activities (Safavi et al., 2019). References available on request
Another important enzyme of the immune system
is peroxidase that acts as an essential microbicidal
agent and maintains the redox balance of the immune
More information:
cells (Guardiola et al., 2018). Moreover, studies have
Ana Gonçalves
shown that the natural antioxidant enzymes present Researcher
in both micro- and macro-algae play an important GreenCoLab and Sparos, Portugal
role in the antioxidant defense system by removing E: [email protected]
free radicals and decreasing the toxicity of drugs and
chemicals in biological systems (Safavi et al., 2019).
Therefore, these natural emergent ingredients may
be key in improving not only fish immunity as well as
their oxidative response throughout the delicate post-
weaning stage.

Both diets, with the inclusion of macro- and micro-
algae, have displayed great potential in terms of fish
growth as well as immune and oxidative responses due
to their combined bioactive properties. Therefore, the
application of Blend 3 presents higher potential since it
triggers relevant functional responses in fish at a lower
cost. This study supports the usage of algae blends as a
new alternative and sustainable feed ingredients in the
early life stages of fish.

Hatchery Feed & Management Vol 8 Issue 3 2020

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