Disciplines and Ideas in The Applied Social Sciences: Quarter 1-Week 6

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Manila Education Center Arroceros Forest Park
Antonio J. Villegas St. Ermita, Manila

Disciplines and Ideas in

the Applied Social
Clientele and Audiences, Work
Services, Processes and Methods in
Social Work

Quarter 1- Week 6
Module 6

Most Essential Learning Competencies:

1. Describe the clientele of social work.
2. Distinguish the needs of individuals, groups,
organization, and communities
3. Illustrate the different processes and methods
involved in undertaking social work


Before starting the module, I want you to set aside other tasks that will disturb
you while enjoying the lessons. Read the simple instructions below to successfully
enjoy the objectives of this kit. Have fun!

1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated in every page of
this module.
2. Write on your notebook the concepts about the lessons. Writing enhances
learning, that is important to develop and keep in mind.
3. Perform all the provided activities in the module.
4. Let your facilitator/guardian assess your answers using the answer key card.
5. Analyze conceptually the posttest and apply what you have learned.
6. Enjoy studying!


• Expectations - These are what you will be able to know after completing the
lessons in the module.
• Pretest - This will measure your prior knowledge and the concepts to be
mastered throughout the lesson.
• Looking Back to your Lesson - This section will measure what learnings
and skills did you understand from the previous lesson.
• Brief Introduction - This section will give you an overview of the lesson.
• Discussion - This section provides a short discussion of the lesson. This
aims to help you discover and understand new concepts and skills.
• Activities - This is a set of activities you will perform with a partner.
• Remember - This section summarizes the concepts and applications of the
• Check your understanding - It will verify how you learned from the lesson.
• Posttest - This will measure how much you have learned from the entire

You will understand the different types and needs of clientele and audience,
and the processes and methods in social work.

Specifically, this module will help you to

• identify the different types and needs of clientele and audience in social work
• analyze the processes and methods of social work
Let us start your journey in learning more on Clientele and
Audiences of Social Work. I am sure you are ready and
excited to answer the Pretest. Smile and cheer up!

Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct, and FALSE if the statement is
wrong. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Social workers help people address their basic needs and enhance their well-
2. Evaluation is the stage where the social worker identifies the strength and
resources available to meet the needs of the community.
3. Sexualized behavior, unhappiness, and isolation are common indicators of
sexual, physical, and emotional abuse.
4. Group is defined as people involved in organized pattern of interaction.
5. The most common methods or techniques used in social case work are
interview, counseling, and observation.
6. The most appropriate to use in evaluating client satisfaction is by giving
them an evaluation test.
7. There is a need to consider the characteristics of the clients, their
experiences, culture, and socio-economic status to be able to communicate
with them effectively.
8. Social action is a process through which social policy is transformed into
social service.
9. Social work interview is like a personal conversation with a friend.
10. Social workers must be aware of the different stages of social work process
because these will help them carry out and evaluate their interventions in
order to both be accountable for, and reflect upon, their actions.

Great, you finished answering the questions. You may request your
facilitator to check your work. Congratulations and keep on learning!

Roles and Functions of Social Workers

To prove your understanding of the past lesson, you should be ready to

accomplish this task. You may do the following.

Directions: Using the illustration below, write down the different roles and
functions of social workers. Give at least six.

Source: https://www.clipartlogo.com/istock/funny-and-cheerful-character-social-worker-

Critical Thinking Questions:

1. Would you consider the work of a social worker challenging yet rewarding
career? Why?

The primary concern of the social work profession is to address the basic
needs of the people and enhance their well-being. Social workers promote social
justice, fairness, and social change with and on behalf of clients. Client refers to
any person or body that is the recipient of, or has contracted to receive, social work
or social service work services, including an individual, couple, group, family,
organization, government agency or community. These can be direct or indirect
social work services.

Clientele and Audiences in
1 Social Work

Characteristic of Clientele and Audience of Social Work

All people with various social concerns share characteristics and qualities of
the clientele and audience of social work; individuals, families, groups and
communities needing assistance in realizing change of behavior or attitude and
experiencing different personal and social problems like grief and loss, different
kinds of violence, abuse, terminal illness and etc. The type of information that is
effective and suitable will be influenced by the characteristics of the target
audience, including their gender, ethnicity, culture, age, disability, sexuality,
lifestyle, communication needs, location, health literacy, socio-economic status,
beliefs, preferences, health condition, and coping strategies. There is a need to
consider the characteristics of the audience, such as disability, language spoken
and health literacy, and the impact of this on how it is most effective to
communicate with them.
Needs of Various type of Clientele and Audiences of Social Work
Social workers are dominant members of society who work passionately to
relieve suffering and better the lives of all people in need. They engage themselves
in different clients with different behaviors and characters who are seeking for help
and assistance. These help and assistance vary for each type of clientele and
audience of social work. In the school context for example, guidance counselors
provide the need for personal guidance among the students by helping them find
better and more appropriate career choices that is suitable for them. In terms of
family on the other hand, social worker professionals provide the need for conflict
resolution skills to couples and children to deal with problems and issues that
threaten their unity. Their goals are to reconcile couples or the family members,
and to help them realize the importance of marriage, parenting, and the family as a
whole. They work closely with their clients to help them get through with difficult
challenges in life whether it’s addiction, abuse, disability, poverty, discrimination
and the like. They help them discover new and innovative ways to resolve or cope
up with those personal and social problems thereby giving them the knowledge,
skills and empowerment they need in order to improve their lives.

The Individual as Client of Social Work

Social workers play a critical role in stabilizing the lives of individuals and
families through a variety of intervention. They are oriented also toward the
prevention, improvement or resolution of health, social, and environmental issues
that affect individuals. Social work services promote the health and well-being of
individuals by helping them to become more self-sufficient and competent members
of the society. Problems like loss of job, divorce, alcoholism, illness, and violence
may result to depression which in turn may lead to death if not given appropriate
action. That is why social work services are very important in coping up with the
challenges in every stage of our lives.
The group and organization as Client of Social Work
Groups are essential part of social life. The inevitability of being with them
makes it one of the most important factors in our society. It exists in communities,
organizations, students in schools, teachers in school, and departments in
workplaces. They can be highly rewarding to their members and to society as a
whole, but there are also significant problems and issues that must be resolved in
order to have a successful organization. The needs can range from desire to reduce
conflict or manage it, become more productive as a team or work better together.
Social work practice with groups builds on the important impact of groups on
individuals and utilizes group processes to accomplish individual and group goals.
The community as Client of Social Work
Social workers help communities to function effectively. They conduct
assessment on a larger scale and design programs and specific intervention
techniques. Such programs include organizational and community practice or
community empowerment and program development. Once established, a strong
community generates a participatory energy that makes members feel integrated
and empowered. This sense of community brings out the best in people and
inspires them to do more for themselves and those around them.

Social Work Services,
2 Processes and Methods

Social service, also called welfare service or social work, according to

dictionary is any of the numerous publicly or privately provided services intended
to aid disadvantaged, distressed, or vulnerable persons or groups. The term social
service also denotes the profession engaged in rendering such services. Social
workers help people to become more confident and efficient to address their own
needs. They strengthen the responsiveness of the organizations, communities and
other social institutions to individual needs and social problems.
Social Work Processes

The social work process comprises a sequence of actions or tasks that draw
on all of the components of practice. Although its process is presented sequentially,
it rarely follows a clear linear route and is more often a fluid, circular cycle whereby
workers move from assessment through to implementation and evaluation and
back to assessment again. Despite this fluidity, some parts of the process, such as
assessment, have clearly defined procedures guided by local or national policy.
Some tasks may be fairly short and discrete, but many are longer term and more
complex, such as assessments. You will also find that tasks often overlap and are
revisited over a period of involvement with a service user. The tasks or stages of the
social work process are shown in Figure 1 below.

Assessment. Identifies the strength and resources available to meet the needs of
the community. Assessment provides a framework for developing and identifying
services and solutions to the issues that must be taken.
Deciding on Outcomes. Outcomes must be based on the objectives. It must be
aligned with the needs of the clients. It is a good idea if we define the intended
learning outcomes clearly in advance and with others.
Planning. In this stage the social worker begins working with the client, developing
a plan with the client in order to accomplish goals that work to resolve the targeted
issues. Specific actions and objectives are created in order for the goals to become
more attainable.
Intervention. When the contract is executed, and each side does their part in
ensuring the contract gets met. The contract can be revised if both parties agree to
a revision. The social worker is generally responsible for monitoring progress and
attaining information so services can be rendered to the client.
Evaluation. It can take the forms of a questionnaire, a one on one meeting where
the social worker receives feedback from the client about the process, a goal
attainment scale which the client fills out, and many other ways.
Developing an understanding and awareness of the social work process is
one of the prerequisites for becoming a ‘reflective’ practitioner. Reflection refers to
the ability to work in a thoughtful and systematic way. Practitioners need to be
aware (and inform service users) of why they are engaged in particular tasks and to
be able to justify their methods of working. Interventions should be meaningful and
fit within an overall plan or strategy. Awareness of the different stages of the social
work process can assist social workers to prepare for, carry out and evaluate their
interventions in order to both be accountable for, and reflect upon, their actions.
Source: https://www.open.edu/openlearn/health-sports-psychology/social-care-social-

Social Work Methods

The main concern of social work is to solve psycho-social problems of

individuals, groups, and communities through the conscious application of
knowledge in methods, tools, techniques and skills of social work. In this task, the
social worker has to be equipped with all the necessary methods of social work that
ease his work to help the people in solving their own problems
The first three of the methods given are known as the primary or direct
methods. These are direct and primary in the sense that they are directly applied in
the field situation among the people to solve their problems. These methods are
involved to solve the problems at the grass-root level by the social worker’s direct
intervention. The latter three are known as secondary or indirect methods, because
they are involved indirectly by some specialized agencies or a set of organized
people. Unlike the primary methods, these methods generally operate at the
secondary levels but not with the people directly.
1. Social case work. It is the primary method of social work. It deals with
individual problems through one to one relationship which is guided by
professional knowledge of the social case worker. Under this method the social case
worker attempts to repair the impaired relationship of the client with his social
environment and through a guided interaction. She/he enables the client to adapt
with his/her social environment. Through this method the case worker discovers
different aspects of the client’s problem, prepares an appropriate treatment plan
and finally with professional knowledge in social relationship tries to bring about
necessary changes in the attitude and behavior of the client in favor of his own
growth and development.

2. Social group work. Social group work is another primary method of social work.
It is a process in which the individuals in a social group are helped by a
professionally qualified worker, who guides their interaction through planned
program activities so that they may be able to relate themselves with others and
find growth opportunities in accordance with their needs and capacities towards
the noble end of individual group and community development. In this method the
group worker uses the group as a potential tool for the positive change and
personality development of individuals. In group work individuals in the group are
most important and all program activities revolve around their needs for
development. Through the group work process, they are helped to improve their
relationship and personality traits which may help them to develop themselves and
their community as whole.
3. Community Organization. Community organization as a method of social work
is a process through which efforts are directed towards meeting the community
needs by organizing human and material resources of the community. Identifying
problems, finding resources relevant to their needs, developing and organizing
inter-personal and inter-group relationship, planning and executing effective
program activities are some of the specific activities in community organization
method. Organized and collaborative effort of the members of the community for
their own development is the main concern of this method.
4. Social welfare administration. Social welfare administration is one of the
secondary methods of social work. It refers to a process through which social policy
is transformed into social service. In the other words, it is a process to manage the
affairs of social work or social welfare. Developing programs, mobilizing resources,
recruiting and involving suitable personnel, proper organization, and coordination,
providing skillful leadership, supervision and guidance of staff, budgeting, and
evaluation are some of the specified activities involved in social welfare
administration method.
5. Social work research. Social work research is another important method of
social work. It refers to the systematic and critical enquiry of the questions
encountered by social work professional in the field of application. Through this
method efforts are made to find answers to the existing and emerging problems of
social work so as to make them use in the practical fields. Social work research like
that of other social sciences is contributing a lot to the store house of its knowledge
and helping in the better planning and implementation of social work programs.
6. Social action. Social action method of social work is the one that is used to
bring about desirable changes in the defective system for ensuring social progress.
Through this method attempts are made to mobilize people, to create awareness on
existing problems, to organize them and to encourage them to raise their voice
against undesirable practices which hampers their development and finally to
create pressure for bringing about suitable legislation for social progress. This
method seeks to relate the community needs with the solution of the problems
mainly through collective initiatives.
Source: https://socialworkeducationbd.blogspot.com/2017/08/methods-of-social-work.html

Activity 1.1 Clients and Needs!
Direction: Analyze the pictures below. Identify what kind of clientele is being
shown. Determine their needs and what assistance can be given to them.

1. __________________________________________

Source: https://www.funpic.me/watch?v=

2. __________________________________________

Source: https://www.youtube.com/

3. __________________________________________
Source: https://www.philstar.com/

4. __________________________________________

Source: http://filipinofun.blogspot.com/2013/05

5. __________________________________________
Source: https://soapboxie.com/government/

Activity 1.2 Case Studies
Direction: Read the case studies. As you go through each, take a few moments to
list and think about what you see as the problems, issues and challenges emerging.
Answer the questions given.

Case Study No. 1

Sam is 17 years old and has been drinking alcohol for the last three years. Having
been suspended from school at 15 years of age, Sam did not return to education
and has been unemployed since 'officially' leaving school. Recently Sam has
become bored and has started hanging around with a group of older youths who
are involved in offending and who drink every day.
Sam's parents have become increasingly concerned about him and are now at their
wits' end because Sam has been charged with shoplifting, breach of the peace and
possession of marijuana.
1. What are the issues for Sam?
2. What can be done here?
3. Who can help?
Case Study No. 2
Vicky is in her mid-fifties and is divorced with a grown-up family. Much to her
delight, they are now providing her with much-longed-for grandchildren. While she
has friends and some family roundabout with whom she has regular contact, Vicky
lives on her own. Her interests include gardening, theatre, literature - both reading
and writing herself - as well as her pets and her faith.
Vicky has a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia and has spent a lot of time in the
Royal Edinburgh Hospital over the years due to prolonged periods of poor mental
health. She had to give up work several years ago because of this. Vicky has been
receiving daily support for about three years. This support includes assisting Vicky
with practical tasks; offering emotional support; and helping her to find ways to
manage her mental health and general well-being.

One of the things Vicky receives support with is doing her weekly shopping.
Crowded places heighten her paranoia, making her think that people are talking
about her. You arrive at the house expecting Vicky to be ready to go, but instead
she is pacing up and down, looking really distressed. When you ask what is wrong,
she tells you there's no point in going shopping. When you ask why not, she tells
you she won't need it, as the voices are reminding her what a bad person she is
and that she doesn't deserve to live any more. You then notice that she has
emptied all her medication into a pile on the coffee table.
You know that Vicky has obeyed her voices in the past, taking potentially fatal
overdoses. When well, Vicky has very trusting relationships with all those involved
in her support, especially you, but she finds it difficult to trust anyone when she is
unwell. She has resolved not to go to hospital ever again.
1. What is the first thing you are going to do or say?
2. How do you ensure that Vicky is kept safe and still respect her wishes and
feelings? Do you have any right to intervene?
3. Where/from whom could you seek help?

Activity 1.3 Social Work Methods!
Direction: Identify what type of social method is being used in each situation.
Explain briefly why.

1. The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) is a human development

measure of the national government that provides conditional cash grants to
the poorest of the poor, to improve the health, nutrition, and the education
of children aged 0-18. It has dual objectives as the flagship poverty
alleviation program of the Aquino administration: social assistance, giving
monetary support to extremely poor families to respond to their immediate
needs; and
social development, breaking the intergenerational poverty cycle by investing
in the health and education of poor children through programs
2. John, a 6-year old, was referred to the Center for an interdisciplinary team
evaluation due to developmental and behavioral concerns. John's mother,
Jessica, accompanied him to the assessment and was interviewed by the
social worker. Jessica stated that she wanted to know what was wrong with
John and what she could do to help him.
3. In response to the growing problem of alcoholism in downtown Portland, the
Burnside Consortium was created by the City of Portland and Multnomah
County, with the purpose of administering a National Institute on
Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse (NIAAA) Public Inebriate grant (Central City
Concern, n.d.). The Consortium’s early work focused on alcohol recovery
treatment and affordable housing management and rehabilitation.
4. Rona, a social worker from San Jose encountered many cases of domestic
violence. To help lessen the problem, she decided to do a research about the
strategies to encourage women to report domestic violence cases.
5. A local outpatient counseling agency recruited two social workers to work
with a single-parent support group. Single parents commonly face struggles
related to financial stress, loneliness and isolation, the need to balance
personal needs with caring for a family, and struggles with co-parenting with
an ex-spouse.


Me, Myself & I

Direction: Choose among the common social problems experienced by many

adolescents today. Imagine yourself as a social worker, plan on how you will handle
your expected clients.

Teenage Pregnancy Cyberbullying Internet/Online Addiction

Drug/Alcohol Abuse Pornography

 Today we are filled with injustices, inequalities and incredibly complex
challenges that really affect not only individuals but the whole
community as well. Because of that, we need people who are
committed to make differences in our lives, people who are willing to
give help and assistance with no recourse required.
 Social workers are found in every facet of our society, providing
services to the people. They help the people and the community to
function effectively. They are committed to bring positive change, to
help different people facing different problems and to be an advocate
for those who have lost their voice. Without the help of a passionate
social worker, people would have gone without the support and
guidance they needed to lead a healthy and fulfilling life they deserve.

Directions: Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen
letter on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Sociologists describe the term group as
a. People with different characteristics and behavior
b. People involved in organized pattern of interaction
c. People talking in a public place
d. Participants in conferences and gatherings
2. Which of the following is not a technique of social case work?
a. Counseling
b. Observation
c. Interviewing
d. Experimenting
3. In getting feedback from the client about the process or services given by the
social worker, what approaches would be most appropriate to use?
a. Ask the client to complete a service evaluation and satisfaction form
b. Ask the client about his/her satisfaction
c. Give clients an evaluation test
d. Ask supervisor for feedback
4. It is the stage where the social worker and the client review the information
shared by the client to develop strategies for intervening.
a. Assessment
b. Evaluation
c. Planning
d. Intervention

5. You are interviewing a client whose speech patterns are different, as a social
worker, what should be your primary consideration on that?
a. speech is influenced by ethnicity
b. sexuality and lifestyle will cause variations in speech
c. communication patterns vary due to economic conditions
d. speech is influenced by culture, experiences and socio-economic status
6. What are the common indicators of sexual, physical and emotional abuse?
a. violence against women
b. sexualized behavior
c. Neither a nor b
d. Both a and b
7. It refers to a process through which social policy is transformed into social
a. Social action
b. Social welfare administration
c. Social work research
d. Social case work
8. All of the following are TRUE about social work interview except
a. It is like a conversation with a friend
b. It is usually a face to face interaction which involves both verbal and
non-verbal communication between people during which ideas, attitudes
and feelings are exchanged.
c. The conversation is geared to a specific or general purpose which may be
imparting information, giving help or assessing client’s situation.
d. It is a conversation with a deliberate purpose, a purpose mutually
accepted by the participants.
9. Which of the following client populations need modification of interviewing
a. Infants, children, and adolescents (developmental)
b. Those whose communication is compromised by developmental disorders
i.e. autism, retardation
c. Those whose communication is compromised by psychosis such as
Schizophrenia, the presence of hallucinations and delusions
d. All of the above
10. The following are goals/objectives of social work except
a. To promote the health and well-being of individuals
b. To improve the quality of life of the people
c. To help the members of the organization to be more productive as a team
d. To solve the issues of corruption in the government

Online Sources












Writers: Belinda P. Maruquez

Editor: Amalia C. Solis - EPS
Reviewers: Fructuoso O. Salao / Hernani D. Patches Jr. (Content)
Joe D. Verzosa (Language)
Management Team: Maria Magdalena M. Lim-Schools Division
Superintendent-Manila, Aida H. Rondilla-Chief Education Supervisor
Lucky S. Carpio-EPS and Lady Hannah C. Gillo, Librarian II-LRMS


Name :____________________________________________ Grade and Section:___________

School: ______________________ Date: _____________ Subj. Teacher: _______________

Quarter: 1 Module No.: 6 Week No.: 6

1. Describe the clientele of social work.
2. Distinguish the needs of individuals, groups, organization, and
3. Illustrate the different processes and methods involved in undertaking social
 Clientele and Audiences in Social Work
 Social work services, Processes and Methods

Journal Entry

We will look back at what we have covered, and we will synthesize the
importance of social work today.
Directions: Make a simple narrative about yourself on how you will apply Martin
Luther King Jr.’s famous quotation, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is,
“what are you doing for others?”


1. B
2. D
3. A
4. A
5. C
6. D
7. B
8. A
9. D
10. D
10. TRUE


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