Partnership Exercise 2

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Marilou Malquisto, Ma.

Fretcyl Beringuel and Mark Anthony Alemanza were all successful

entrepreneurs. They believed that once pulled their resources together and with their combined expertise and
managerial skills, they can surely beat the existing competitors in the locality. Their respective post-losing
trial balance are presented below:

Malquisto Beringuel Alemanza

Cash ₱ 950,000 ₱ 850,000 ₱ 750,000
Accounts Receivable 70,000 90,000 25,000
Estimated (3,000) (5,000) (2,000)
Uncollectible Account
Merchandise Inventory 420,000 600,000 450,000
Equipment 350,000 480,000 250,000
Accumulated (180,000) (230,000) (175,000)
Capital ₱ 1,607,000 ₱ 1,785,000 ₱ 1,298,000

They agreed to comply with the following adjustments:

▪ Accounts receivable should have the following probability of collection: Malquisto 90%,
Beringuel 95%, Alemanza 98%
▪ Merchandise should be valued at 90% of the book value for obsolence
▪ Equipment should have carrying value as follows:
Malquisto P165,000, Beringuel P150,000 Alemanza P180,000
▪ Each of the prospective partner should level off the cash contribution to P1,000,000.

M. Malquisto

Uncollectible Accounts

Accounts Receivable ₱ 70,000

Required Allowance 63,000
Per Books 3,000
Adjustments ₱ 60,000

M. Malquisto, Capital ₱ 60,000

Estimated Uncollectible Accounts ₱ 60,000

FMV of Inventory ₱ 420,000

Book Value 378,000
Decrease in Value for Inventory ₱ 42,000

M. Malquisto, Capital ₱ 42,000

Merchandise Inventory ₱ 42,000

Accumulated Depreciation

FMV ₱ 350,000
Book Value 165,000
Adjustment ₱ 185,000

Accumulated Depreciation ₱ 185,000

M. Malquisto, Capital ₱ 185,000

Closing Entries

Estimated Uncollectible Accounts ₱ 63,000

Accumulated Depreciation 5,000
M. Malquisto, Capital 1,690,000
Cash in Bank ₱ 950,000
Accounts Receivable 70,000
Merchandise Inventory 378,000
Equipment 350,000
M. Beringuel

Uncollectible Accounts

Accounts Receivable ₱ 90,000

Required Allowance 85,500
Per Books 5,000
Adjustments ₱ 80,000

M. Beringuel, Capital ₱ 80,000

Estimated Uncollectible Accounts ₱ 80,000


FMV of Inventory ₱ 600,000

Book Value 540,000
Decrease in Value for Inventory ₱ 60,000

M. Beringuel, Capital ₱ 60,000

Merchandise Inventory ₱ 60,000

Accumulated Depreciation

FMV ₱ 480,000
Book Value 150,000
Adjustment ₱ 330,000

Accumulated Depreciation ₱ 330,000

M. Beringuel, Capital ₱ 330,000
Closing Entries

Estimated Uncollectible Accounts ₱ 85,000

Accumulated Depreciation 560,000
M. Beringuel, Capital 1,975,000
Cash in Bank ₱ 850,000
Accounts Receivable 90,000
Merchandise Inventory 660,000
Equipment 480,000

M. Alemanza

Uncollectible Accounts

Accounts Receivable ₱ 25,000

Required Allowance 24,500
Per Books 2,000
Adjustments ₱ 22,500

M. Alemanza, Capital ₱ 22,500

Estimated Uncollectible Accounts ₱ 22,500


FMV of Inventory ₱ 450,000

Book Value 405,000
Decrease in Value for Inventory ₱ 45,000

M. Beringuel, Capital ₱ 45,000

Merchandise Inventory ₱ 45,000
Accumulated Depreciation

FMV ₱ 250,000
Book Value 180,000
Adjustment ₱ 70,000

Accumulated Depreciation ₱ 70,000

M. Beringuel, Capital ₱ 70,000

Closing Entries

Estimated Uncollectible Accounts ₱ 24,500

Accumulated Depreciation 105,000
M. Alemanza, Capital 1,300,500
Cash in Bank ₱ 750,000
Accounts Receivable 25,000
Merchandise Inventory 495,000
Equipment 250,000

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