Design and Performance Analysis of Pentagon Shaped Microstrip Patch Antenna

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International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)

ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-8, June, 2019

Design and Performance Analysis of Pentagon

Shaped Microstrip Patch Antenna
P A Nageswara Rao, YSukanya, P. Mallikarjuna Rao

Abstract: Integration of RF circuit components is required to hexagonal and thin strip(dipole) as well as triangular. So
make the antennas more compact and robust and is a trend in the feeding can be done by using any one of the methods
wireless application now-a-days. The micro strip antenna of such as co-axial feed, line feed, CPW feed, inset feed,
patch variety is able to satisfy the requirement but the proximity coupling or aperture coupling[4, 7-9]. Two
disadvantage is reduced gain and reduced band width. The gain
techniques of analysis are being used are cavity model and
has a range of 1-2 dB. So in order to increase the gain as well as
band width, the substrate with low dielectric characteristics and Transmission Line Model (TLM). Micro strip arrays cannot
higher thickness can be used. However, thickness increases be used at high power levels as they are poor sources of
surface waves. So, proper thickness of the substrate is required. radiation over a limited band of frequencies in wave guide
This paper proposes a micro strip patch antenna based on a and co-axial line. Santanu Kumar Behera & Y. Choukiker
special design (pentagon) suitable for resonant frequencies in the recommended a novel design based on Particle Swarm
range of 7.6 GHz to 7.9 GHz. So the analysis has been done by Optimization (PSO) along with MOM to obtain geometric
means ofAnsoft HFSS software V 17.0 by taking Rogers parameters. A.Deshmukh & G.Kumar have proposed a
RT/Duroid 5880 (tm) as substrate material into flattened L-shaped patch antenna to get wide band. Further
consideration.Subsequently the gain, band width, radiation
the band width of the above proposed antenna improved by
pattern and return loss has been evaluated with equivalent
designs. 23.7% -24.43% by Z. M. Chen [2]. A satisfactory
performance of the patch antenna is obtained by K. F. Lee
Index Terms: Microstrip patch antenna, Pentagon Shape, Gain, [2] with a reduced size using U – slot. S. C. Gao [2] used
Bandwidth, Return loss, Radiation pattern. photonic band gap to enhance gain and band width.


The micro strip patch antenna was first suggested by The working theory of micro strip patch antenna is
Deschampsin 1953.Munson and Howell commercialized explained as follows. The two sides of the substrate have
such antennas in two or three dimensions around 1970’s. maximum and minimum electric fields with the middle
Basically the patch antenna comprises a ground plane and a portion having zero value. With respect to the instantaneous
radiating patch separated by a substrate. The feed lines and phase of the functional signal, the field signs on the sides of
radiating elements are etched on the substrate with the patch change continuously. Finally, there is a spread of
photolithographic process [1]. An illustration of the micro Electric field towards the boundary so that TM10 mode is
strip patch antenna is revealed in fig. 1. radiated for rectangular patch.

Fr of patch antenna depends on the parameters like 1. Size

of the GND plane 2. Patch width (impedance) 3. Thickness
and εr of substrate. Applications of patch antenna include
global positioning systems (GPS), vehicle based satellite
link etc.

M. Abbaspour and H. R. Hassani suggested star shaped

patch antenna to enhance impedance bandwidth. Different
shapes of patch antenna in support of X band applications
are made with FR4 (Flame Retardant) Epoxy substrate
proposed by Sumanpreet Kaur Sidhu, Jagtar Singh Sivia [3].
Fig.1: Microstrip patch antenna By using pentagon shape it can be proved that the band
Radiating patch can have different shapes like circular, width is better in comparison with other shapes. More over
square, elliptical, rectangular, pentagon, return loss also gives advantage for pentagon shape.

Revised Manuscript Received on June 05, 2019 III. DESIGN OF ANTENNA

P A Nageswara Rao, Associate Professor presently working at
GayatriVidyaParishad College for Degree and PG Courses, Rushikonda, The pentagon shaped Microstrip antennas using
Visakhapatnam. Microstrip line feed technique are designed with HFSS V
YSukanya, Associate Professor presently working at Vignan’s Institute 17.0 software. The substrate used for the projected antennas
of Information Technology, Duvvada,Visakhapatnam
P. Mallikarjuna Rao, Professor, Department of Electronics &
is Rogers RT/duroid 5880 (tm) having εr = 2.2.
Communication Engineering, presently working in Department of
Electronics and Communication Engineering, College of Engineering (A),
Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.

Published By:
Retrieval Number G5651058719/19©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering &
1591 Sciences Publication
Design and Performance Analysis of Pentagon Shaped Microstrip Patch Antenna

Table 1 displays the substrate measurements projected for

three pentagon Microstrip patch designs [5, 6].

Table 1: Substrate Measurements Where, = Width of the patch

KIND X (mm) Y (mm) Z(mm) = Speed of light
Design A 100 90 3 = value of the dielectric substrate
Design B 100 90 3
2. The value of the effective dielectric constant (ɛ reff) is
Design C 75 50 3 evaluated from,

Patch width (mm), respective resonant frequency - fr

(GHz) & the antenna designs simulated in Ansoft HFSS are
provided in Tables 2 & 3 respectively. 3. The length (L) isevaluated from,
Table 2: Patch width and fr of projected antenna
(MM) 4. The increase in size of the antenna due to fringing is
determined from,
Design A 26.28 7.9
Design B 26.86 7.8
Design C 26.86 7.6 Where ‘ ’= height of the substrate

5. The characteristic impedance can be written as,

Table 3: The projected antenna designs using Ansoft HFSS

6. Ground plane length and ground plane width are given are
calculated by,

7. Height of a substrate is given by,

8. Feed line length is obtained by,

, Where, = is guided wavelength


The characteristic like gain, band width, return loss, and
radiation pattern are discussed in this paper for the projected
antenna. The impedance mismatch is measured by return
loss. The bandwidth states the frequency range over which
standing wave ratio is less than 2 which is a permissible
level for practical applications. At a constant distance from
the antenna, the power radiated as function of direction
describes radiation pattern. Gain of an antenna is defined
with respect to a reference antenna, which may be either λ/2
DesignC antenna or isotropic antenna and this method is called
technically as gain transfer method

Table 4 shows the results obtained for Design A.The

return loss graph for Design A is shownin Fig. 2. From the
graph it can be observed that the minimum return loss is -
24.34 dB at fr of 7.9 GHz. Fig. 3 and 4 shows the gain plot
and radiation pattern obtained for Design A.
1. The width of the patch is calculated from,

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering &
Retrieval Number G5651058719/19©BEIESP 1592 Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-8, June, 2019

Table 4: Design A outcomes Band-Width (GHz) 7.47-8.34

Characteristic Obtained Values
fr (GHz) 7.9
Return Loss (dB) -24.34
Gain (dB) 7.41
Band-Width (GHz) 7.62-8.12

Fig. 5: Design B - Return loss plot

Fig. 2: Design A – Return loss plot

Fig. 6: Design B - Gain plot

Fig. 3: Design A – Gain plot

Fig. 7: Radiation pattern of Design B

Table 6 displays the outcomes found from Design C. The

least return loss of -17.33 dB at fr of 7.6 GHz is obtained
from return loss plot shown in Fig. 8. The gain is obtained
as 5.60 dB from gain plot shown in Fig. 9. Fig. 10 shows the
radiation pattern found for Design C.
Fig. 4: Design A - Radiation pattern plot
Table 6: outcomes for Design C
The outcomes found from Design B are presented in table
Characteristic Obtained Values
5. Fig. 5 shows return loss plot having the least return loss
of -18.79 dB at fr of 7.8 GHz. The gain plot and radiation fr (GHz ) 7.6
pattern found for Design Barepresented in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7. Return Loss (dB) -17.33
Gain (dB) 5.60
Table 5: Design B outcomes
Bandwidth (GHz) 7.62-8.12
Characteristic Obtained Values
fr (GHz ) 7.8
Return Loss (dB) -18.79
Gain (dB) 7.67

Published By:
Retrieval Number G5651058719/19©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering &
1593 Sciences Publication
Design and Performance Analysis of Pentagon Shaped Microstrip Patch Antenna

From the above results, Design B is capable with better

results with fr of 7.8 GHz, gain of 7.67 dB and bandwidth of
0.87 MHz. Design A gives a bandwidth of 0.5 MHz and
gain of 7.41 dB at fr of 7.9 GHz and Design C gives a gain
of 5.60 dB and bandwidth of 0.5MHz at fr of 7.6GHz, which
gives low performance characteristics when compared to
Design B proposed antennas.


1. Constantine, A. Balanis, “Antenna Theory Analysis and Design” 2nd

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2. L. Chandiea, K. Anusudha. "Pentagon shaped microstrip patch
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3. M. Abbaspour and H. R. Hassani, ”Wideband star-shaped microstrip
patch antenna”, Progress InElectromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 1,
61–68, 2008.
4. Sumanpreet Kaur Sidhu, Jagtar Singh Sivia, “Comparison of
Different Types of Microstrip Patch Antennas”, International
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5. AnkurKaushal, SachinTyagi, “Microstrip patch antenna its types,
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6. Abhishek Joshi and Rahul Singhal, “Gain Improvement in Polygonal
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Fig. 9: Design C - Gain plot 8. Qurratul Ayn, P.A. Nageswar Rao, P. Mallikarjuna Rao, “Design and
Analysis of High Gain 2x1 and 4x1 Circular Patch Antenna Arrays
for 2.4 GHz Applications”, International Journal of Innovative
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9. P. A. Nageswara Rao, Qurratul Ayn, Y. Sukanya& P. Mallikarjuna
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11. Ch.Manohar Kumar, NVSS Kumar Muvvala “Effect of Metamaterial
Fig. 10: Design C - Radiation pattern on a Triangle Shaped Multi-Band Patch Antenna ”, Journal of
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The following Table 7 shows [10] the comparison for March 2019.
Design A, Design B and Design C obtained for resonant 12. S Krishna Veni1, G S K Gayatridevi “Design and Comparison of
frequencies 7.9 GHz, 7.8 GHz and 7.6 GHz respectively in Microstrip Patch Antennas for Wireless Body Area Network”,
International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (4.7) (2018)
which Microstrip line feed technique is used and Roger’s 167-170.
RT/Duroid 5880 (tm) as substrate materials for all the
designs. Design Bfor fr of 7.8 GHz gives the better AUTHORS PROFILE
performance compared to other two proposed antenna
designs. Dr. P. A. Nageswara Rao is an Associate
Table 7: Comparison of Results for Design A, Design B and Professor presently working at GayatriVidyaParishad
Design C College for Degree and PG Courses, Rushikonda,
Visakhapatnam. He has obtained Ph.D in 2016, ME in
Characteristics Design A Design B Design C 2003 and BE in 2000. He has 18 years of teaching
experience at various Engineering Colleges. He has 17
fr (GHz) 7.9 7.8 7.6 research Publications in International journals/National journals,
Conferences and Proceedings to his credit. The author is invited for guest
Return loss (dB) -24.34 -18.79 -17.33 talk in the areas of Electromagnetic Waves & Transmission Lines and
Antennas & Wave Propagation. His areas of research include Antennas and
Gain (dB) 7.41 7.67 5.60 Process Control Instrumentation. He is member of IETE and IAENG.E-
mail: [email protected],Contact No: 91-9849794284.
Bandwidth (GHz) 0.5 0.87 0.5


Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering &
Retrieval Number G5651058719/19©BEIESP 1594 Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-8, June, 2019

Mrs. Y. Sukanya is an Associate Professor

presently working at Vignan’s Institute of Information
Technology, Duvvada,Visakhapatnam. She is
presently pursuing Ph.D from GITAM University at
Visakhapatnam, obtained M.Techin 2008 and BE in
2001. She has 11 years of teaching experience. She has
11 research Publications in International journals/National journals,
Conferences and Proceedings to her credit. Her area of interest includes
Antennas and Signal Processing.

Mallikarjuna Rao Prudhiviis a Professor,

Department of Electronics & Communication
Engineering, presently working in Department of
Electronics and Communication Engineering, College
of Engineering (A), Andhra University,
Visakhapatnam. He has 33 years of teaching
experience. He obtained Ph.D. in 1998, ME in 1986 and BE in 1982. 12
research scholars have been awarded Ph.Ds under his guidance from
various reputed Universities and presently guiding 6 Ph.D scholars. He has
more than 100 research Publications in various International
journals/National journals, Conferences and Proceedings in his credit. He
has been awarded the best Ph.D. Thesis Award (Gold Medal from the
Honorable Governor of Andhra Pradesh) during the year 1999. He is a
fellow member of IETE and IEEE.

Published By:
Retrieval Number G5651058719/19©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering &
1595 Sciences Publication

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