Improving Wrist Imaging Through A Multicentre Educational Intervention: The Challenge of Orthogonal Projections

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Hand Therapy
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Improving wrist imaging through a ! The Author(s) 2020
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multicentre educational intervention:
DOI: 10.1177/1758998320935920
The challenge of orthogonal projections

Beverly Snaith1,2 , Scott Raine3, Lynsey Fowler2,

Christopher Osborne2, Sophie House4, Ryan Holmes5,
Emma Tattersall2,6, Emma Pierce5, Melanie Dobson4,7 and
James W Harcus7

Introduction: In relation to wrist imaging, the accepted requirement is two orthogonal projections obtained at 90 ,
each with the wrist in neutral position. However, the literature and anecdotal experience suggests that this principle is
not universally applied.
Method: This multiphase study was undertaken across eight different hospitals sites. Compliance with standard UK
technique was confirmed if there was a change in ulna orientation between the dorsi-palmar (DP) and lateral wrist
projections. A baseline evaluation for three days was randomly identified from the preceding three months. An edu-
cational intervention was implemented using a poster to demonstrate standard positioning. To measure the impact of
the intervention, further evaluation took place at two weeks (early) and three months (late).
Results: Across the study phases, only a minority of radiographs demonstrated compliance with the standard tech-
nique, with an identical anatomical appearance of the distal ulna across the projections. Initial compliance was 16.8%
(n ¼ 40/238), and this improved to 47.8% (n ¼ 77/161) post-intervention, but declined to 32.8% (n ¼ 41/125) within
three months. The presence of pathology appeared to influence practice, with a greater proportion of those with an
abnormal radiographic examination demonstrating a change in ulna appearances in the baseline cohort (p < 0.001) and
the late post-intervention group (p ¼ 0.002) but not in the examinations performed two weeks after staff education
(p ¼ 0.239).
Conclusion: Assessment of image quality is critical for diagnosis and treatment monitoring. Yet poor compliance with
standard anatomical principles was evident. A simple educational intervention resulted in a transient improvement in
wrist positioning, but the impact was not sustained over time.

Wrist, radiography, X-ray, quality improvement, education
Date received: 3 March 2020; accepted: 27 May 2020

Faculty of Health Studies, University of Bradford, Bradford, UK
The wrist is a complex anatomical region and outside Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust, Wakefield, UK
of carpal articulations the ulna provides stability, with North Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Trust, Scunthorpe, UK
The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust, Moorgate Rd, Rotherham, UK
pronation and supination facilitated by rotation and 5
Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust, Huddersfield, UK
sliding against the radius at the proximal and distal 6
Barnsley Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Barnsley, UK
radioulnar joints (DRUJ).1–3 The incidence of wrist 7
School of Medicine, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK
fractures is rising,4,5 with sports injuries, road traffic
Corresponding author:
collisions and falls representing the most common Beverly Snaith, University of Bradford, Richmond Road, Bradford BD7
mechanisms. Despite reservations about the sensitivity 1DP, UK.
of radiography for some fracture types,6 it remains the Email: [email protected]
2 Hand Therapy 0(0)

primary imaging modality.7 However, key to its utility a student radiographer had performed the examina-
is the quality of imaging examinations and assurance tion, the code of the supervising radiographer was
that the images accurately demonstrate the patient’s recorded.
In relation to imaging, orthogonal projections
should be obtained,8 with (a minimum of) two radio- Baseline (pre-intervention) evaluation
graphs obtained at 90 .9–11 For the wrist, this consists
Using a random number generator, three different
of a postero-anterior (PA), sometimes referred to as a
dorsi-palmar (DP) view, and a lateral projection. This dates were determined over a three-month period
enables assessment of the bony anatomy and radio- (July to September 2017). All patients attending for
ulna joint congruity. The wrist should be imaged in a wrist or scaphoid radiographs within the 24-hour
neutral position so as not to place the DRUJ under period were identified from the local radiology infor-
stress12 and the whole limb rotated for the lateral pro- mation system. Images were reviewed on the picture
jection to avoid isolated radial rotation.9,11,13 However, archive and communication system (PACS) in appro-
this principle is not universally applied. Shin et al.13 priate lighting conditions.
identified the issue, citing several publications showing The examinations included in the review were wrist
images with identical ulna orientation on the two pro- and/or scaphoid radiographs of any patient age or
jections. Such examples11,13 suggest that inconsistent referral groups. Scaphoid radiographs were included
positioning standards are an international issue, but it as two of the standard projections are identical to the
is unclear whether it relates to local accepted practice wrist examination. Exclusion criteria were forearm
and/or a lack of understanding of anatomy. examinations, radiographs demonstrating wrist immo-
No previous study has examined wrist positioning at bilisation (plaster cast or splint) or surgical intervention
scale. This article reports on a multicentre initiative to within the preceding three months, as these factors may
evaluate the accuracy of radiographic position and have resulted in an adaptation to standard techniques.
clinical practice compliance with the orthogonal prin-
ciples. An educational intervention was subsequently
undertaken, and longitudinal evaluation performed. Educational intervention
Following review of the baseline outcomes, a low-
Methods intensity passive intervention was designed. The inter-
The setting for this multiphase study was five NHS vention comprised a laminated A3 poster that was
Trusts in northern England, with data collected prominently displayed in staff clinical areas. The
across eight different hospital sites. All organisations poster described the correct and inappropriate techni-
are district general hospitals with some limited tertiary ques and included relevant photographs and radio-
facilities and are spread over a 70-mile radius. This graphs. The site-based authors provided an
study used the premise that the positioning described explanation of the purpose of the intervention and
in the most common UK imaging practice text- answered questions posed by staff. No information
books14,15 and in the scientific literature would result was provided regarding the prospective re-evaluation,
in two orthogonal images. For the PA projection, the of which staff were unaware. This approach is consis-
shoulder is abducted to 90 and the elbow placed in 90 tent with ongoing quality assurance processes in imag-
of flexion with the wrist pronated. This should be sup- ing with regular analysis of rejected and approved
plemented by a lateral with the arm extended and the radiographic projections and ongoing education
wrist rotated to superimpose the radius and ulna. programmes.
As this was an assessment of current practice, it was
considered a service evaluation and did not require eth-
ical approval. All images were reviewed at a site level Post-intervention evaluation
by experienced radiographers who were employees of
the host organisation. No images or identifiable patient To measure the impact of the intervention, further
data transferred between sites. The patient character- evaluation took place at two-weeks (early) and three-
istics and referral information collected included age, months (late). For each of these reviews, the sample
gender, clinical history, outcome, and image appearan- comprised two randomly selected days within a single
ces. To identify any bias in sampling, the details of the week using a random number table. All wrist and
individual performing the imaging examination was scaphoid radiographs were assessed for any initial
collected, and anonymity was assured by assigning a and sustained change in practice, with the baseline
unique code to each operator (at a site level). In case data collection methods repeated.
Snaith et al. 3

Statistical analysis anatomy had been excluded from the image on one
projection (n ¼ 3) or the fracture fragments (n ¼ 2)
Data were collated in Excel (Microsoft) for descriptive
made assessment challenging. The exclusions resulted
analysis. Further statistical analysis was performed in
in a final sample of 238 examinations performed by a
SPSS (v25.0) including analysis of variance (ANOVA)
total of 108 individuals.
for comparison of mean age and Chi squared for test of
The early and late phase evaluations comprised of
proportions between samples. Fisher’s exact test
221 and 168 examinations, respectively. Characteristics
enabled the comparison of compliance with the stan-
of the three phases are summarised in Table 1.
dard between phases. For all statistics, the significance
Similarity between the three samples was confirmed
level was set at 0.05.
in relation to age (p ¼ 0.037), and importantly there
No other changes in practice were planned, or
was no significant difference in the proportion of refer-
occurred, within the study timescales and hence it
ral routes (p ¼ 0.816) or the number of examinations
was assumed that any change was a result of the edu-
cational intervention. excluded during the initial screening (p ¼ 0.187).
Across the study phases, only a minority of radio-
graphs demonstrated compliance with the standard
Results technique. Rather than demonstrating a difference in
The baseline assessment included 301 imaging exami- the ulna position between the PA and lateral projec-
nations, comprising 242 wrist and 59 scaphoid series. tions (Figure 1), there was an identical anatomical
When the images were reviewed for position, 42 exami- appearance (Figure 2).
nations were excluded as the anatomy was obscured Clinical history appeared not to influence the posi-
because of a cast (n ¼ 33) or recent surgery (n ¼ 9). tioning of the wrist, with no significant difference in
Additionally, other examinations were excluded as compliance with the standard across patients with
the ulna could not be visualised (n ¼ 9), the ulna styloid acute trauma (n ¼ 24/159) compared to those without
was non-ossified making evaluation difficult (n ¼ 6), the any recent trauma (n ¼ 7/44) in the baseline sample
(p ¼ 0.894). In contrast, the presence of pathology did

Figure 1. Collimated example wrist radiographs ((a) postero-

anterior and (b) lateral) demonstrating compliance with the Figure 2. Collimated example wrist radiographs ((a) postero-
expected standard. Note the difference in orientation of the anterior and (b) lateral)) demonstrating non-compliance with
distal ulna. the expected standard. Note the same appearance of the distal
ulna and styloid process.

Table 1. Phase 1 sample and review characteristics.

Final department Trauma
Excluded sample Female Mean age referral history Abnormal Right sided
No (%) No. No. (%) years (range) No. (%) No. (%) No. (%) No. (%)

Baseline 62 (20.6) 239 135 (58.2) 43 (1–92) 157 (65.7) 195 (81.6) 81 (33.9) 121 (50.6)
Early post-intervention 60 (27.1) 161 84 (52.2) 48 (1–96) 103 (64.0) 128 (79.5) 49 (30.4) 68 (54.4)
Late post-intervention 43 (25.6) 125 82 (65.6) 46 (1–93) 82 (65.6) 110 (88.0) 40 (32.0) 76 (47.2)
4 Hand Therapy 0(0)

Table 2. Comparison of compliance with standard positioning across sites pre- and post-intervention.


Pre-intervention (baseline) Early post-intervention (two weeks) Late post-intervention (three months)

Site Sample n Compliance n (%) Sample n Compliance n (%) Sample n Compliance n (%)

A 21 4 (19.0) 15 7 (46.7) 17 7 (41.2)

B 36 9 (25.0) 18 9 (50.0) 12 4 (33.3)
D 13 3 (23.1) 26 12 (46.2) 18 5 (27.8)
E 39 2 (5.1) 29 13 (44.8)* 18 8 (44.4)
F 35 – (0.0) 8 5 (62.5)* 12 6 (50.0)
G 27 4 (14.8) 22 14 (63.6)* 12 4 (33.3)
I 28 6 (21.4) 20 8 (40.0) 16 4 (25.0)
J 39 12 (30.8) 23 9 (39.1) 20 3 (15.0)
Total 238 40 (16.8) 161 77 (47.8)* 125 41 (32.8)*
*p < 0.05 two-sided Fisher’s exact test.

appear to influence practice with a greater proportion and Peacock11 in the post-injury imaging examination,
of those with an abnormal radiographic examination this may result in increased pain and discomfort as the
demonstrating a change in ulna appearances in the muscles contract during rotation, potentially displacing
baseline cohort (p < 0.001). This was also found in fracture fragments. Importantly, examinations demon-
the late post-intervention group (p ¼ 0.002) but not in strating abnormal findings were more likely to have a
the examinations performed two weeks after staff edu- change in ulna appearance, and therefore arm position.
cation (p ¼ 0.239). It is presumed that this is because the patient main-
A positive impact of the intervention was noted after tained the neutral wrist position with full extension of
implementation, although this only reached signifi- the arm for the lateral projection. However, it may be
cance at a number of the sites (Table 2). There was because the radiographer had adapted the technique to
an overall significant drop off in compliance over account for potential pain and/or a reduced range of
time (p ¼ 0.011), but this again varied across the hospi- movement. The ability to maintain forearm rotation
tal sites. with a displaced distal radial fracture has been previ-
ously confirmed;22 however, research findings are
inconsistent.23,24 It is suggested that disruption to the
triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) releases the
The study highlights important outcomes, particularly DRUJ tether and enables functional motion at this
where the review of wrist imaging underpins clinical site.22,24
management plans. Knowledge of radiographic ana- Although the forearm appears to comprise parallel
tomical appearances is critical for diagnosis and treat- and somewhat rigid bony structures, the radius and
ment planning. Despite UK radiography education and ulna actually rotate independent of each other.25,26
text books14,15 demonstrating imaging techniques The radiographic positioning has implications for the
designed to produce orthogonal projections it is clear diagnosis of injuries with images demonstrating two
this is not embedded in practice. The poor compliance identical ulna projections reducing the potential for
with the standard may be exacerbated as some imaging fracture identification. Importantly, supination and
texts describe the maintenance of elbow flexion pronation movements stress the different ligamentous
between projections.16–19 Although some books complexes involved in the DRUJ and will alter the bio-
describe both techniques,20,21 only one provides justifi- mechanics and potentially mimic or hide soft tissue dis-
cation for the use of the orthogonal projection.21 ruption at this site. Additionally, measurement of ulna
The sampling strategy and number of staff involved variance, an abnormally short or elongated ulna, relies
during each phase of the study affirms that the findings on the maintenance of neutral wrist position as prona-
are not biased by only the inclusion of a few individu- tion and supination vary the length of the ulna, even
als. Despite most referrals within the evaluation period marginally.12,27
being post-trauma, radiographers were able to influ- It is unclear what the reason is behind the change in
ence the patients to supinate the forearm. This resulted radiographic principles away from orthogonal projec-
in lateral projections with a change in the radial, but tions, although this has been recognised by other
not the ulna, orientation. As acknowledged by Steward authors.8,9,12–14 The speed of image acquisition in the
Snaith et al. 5

digital age and limited knowledge of functional anato- differences. The images were assessed retrospectively
my may both play a part. Radiography is one of the solely for the orientation of the ulna and no observa-
easiest examinations to control the wrist position. tion of patient positioning was undertaken. The litera-
Despite the superiority in diagnostic ability, both mul- ture highlights several potential issues with
tidetector computed tomography (CT) and magnetic radiographic positioning; however, this study only
resonance imaging (MRI) examinations require the sought to assess the single issue and differing standards
arm to be outstretched above the head (AKA the may be taught and deemed acceptable internationally.
prone ‘superman’) or placed by the patient’s side,28 Importantly, the implications of the differences in wrist
which will usually induce some supination of the fore- positioning on clinical decision making and patient
arm. This is not the case for extremity cone-beam CT outcomes has not been evaluated and requires prospec-
which usually enables the patient to be seated with their tive investigation.
arm placed in the scanner gantry.6 It is therefore
important that those reviewing cross-sectional imaging
understand the impact of the issues. This is particularly Conclusion
relevant where DRUJ congruity is being assessed and
specifically when comparing studies which may have This study has confirmed that imaging acquisition tech-
been obtained in different positions.13 niques adopted by clinical staff have resultant implica-
Previous studies have examined the use of educa- tions for anatomical representation. Clinicians using
tional interventions to improve compliance with clini- wrist imaging for clinical diagnosis and treatment mon-
cal practice standards,29–32 particularly medication itoring should be aware of how to assess the quality of
administration errors,33 although radiography exam- the images and consider the implications of imaging
ples are limited.34,35 It is recognised that quality assur- techniques on decision making.
ance processes are used within imaging departments A simple educational intervention provided a tran-
and improvement strategies are employed, but these sient improvement in compliance with the accepted
appear to be focussed at a local level. The choice of a technique parameters, but the impact was not sustained
low intensity intervention enabled a broad reach across over time. Further multi-modal interventions including
multiple sites simultaneously and did not rely on indi- simulation may assist in cultural change, as it requires a
vidual attendance at a teaching session. Lecture-based fundamental challenge to knowledge of patient posi-
education has limitations, including poor retention of tioning and functional anatomy.
information, in addition to challenges of attendance
and delivery patterns.29 As educational posters also
are available over an extended period of time, it was Acknowledgements
also hoped that it could serve as a reminder for staff, The authors thank the hospital sites for their engagement.
supporting retention of knowledge. Although the over- The study was undertaken as part of a training academy
all improvement was initially significant, the impact for radiographer advanced practitioners.
was seen to vary across hospital sites; however, the
reason for this was not investigated further. It was dis- Declaration of conflicting interests
appointing that the benefit was not sustained, with
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
some sites reverting to the pre-intervention compliance,
or even lower. This failure to sustain change on the respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
back of an educational intervention is consistent with article.
other studies,29 although the outcomes did prove more
successful than other programmes.32 The use of multi- Funding
modal initiatives may help embed the principles of
The Academy was funded by Health Education England and
patient positioning, particularly the addition of
the South Yorkshire & Bassetlaw Integrated Care System
There are a number of limitations to this study.
First, the review of the images was undertaken by a
single (different) investigator at each site, although Informed consent
they utilised a standard process following group train- Verbal informed consent was obtained from legally author-
ing to minimise variation. The number of days ised representatives before the study commenced. The indi-
reviewed in each phase varied and was undertaken vidual hospital management team were aware of the conduct
over a different time period. The number of examina- of the audit and supported the activities. Written informed
tions reviewed and staff involved in the imaging should consent was obtained from participants whose images appear
reduce the potential for bias from any sampling within the manuscript.
6 Hand Therapy 0(0)

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