Parsons The New School For Design / Summer 2011 CE Catalog

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Contents In This Catalog
1 Introduction and Discover a wide range of courses available this summer at
Academic Calendar Parsons The New School for Design.
2 Certificates Parsons is part of The New School, a leading university in New York City
4 Online Classes offering degree, certificate, and continuing education programs in art and
design, liberal arts and social sciences, management and urban policy,
6 Digital Design
and the performing arts. Learn more at
8 Graphic Design Parsons The New School for Design focuses on creating engaged citizens
9 Fine Arts and Foundation and outstanding artists, designers, scholars, and business leaders
through a design-based professional and liberal education. The school
10 F ashion Design and
embraces curricular innovation, pioneering uses of technology,
Fashion Business
collaborative methods, and global perspectives on the future of design.
13 Interior Design and
Architecture Studies
15  Parsons Pre-College Academy
How to Register
19  Tuition Payment Registration remains open throughout the term for courses with late start dates and course
20 Academic Policies and schedule adjustments. Registration forms are processed in the order in which they are received.
Registration Online
24  Campus Map Visit (at least three weekdays prior to class start date).

Registration by Fax 212.229.5648

You may fax your registration at least three weekdays prior to class start date. Please use the
appropriate registration form from this catalog. Noncredit and certificate ­registrations may be
faxed with credit card payment information. General credit and certificate students may fax
their registration if they are taking fewer than nine (9) credits.

Continuing Education Information Session Registration by Mail

Thursday, April 28, at 6:00 p.m. Must be postmarked at least two weeks prior to class start date. Mail registration form and
Kellen Auditorium, 66 Fifth Avenue payment to: New School Registrar’s Office, 79 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10003.
Parsons SPACE invites you to attend an
information session about courses, certifi- Registration by Phone 212.229.5690
cates, online study, and other options in Noncredit only. Monday–Friday, 9:15 a.m.–4:45 p.m. (closing at 3:00 p.m. on May 27; closed
Digital Design May 30, July 4, and Fridays from June 17 through August 12). Noncredit students may register
Fashion Design by phone and charge their fees to MasterCard, Visa, Discover, or American Express (using an
Fine Arts account number and expiration date). Phone registration must be com­pleted at least three
Graphic Design weekdays prior to the class start date.
Interior Design and
Architecture Studies Registration In Person
Students may register in person at the Registrar’s Office, 72 Fifth Avenue, lower level, between
13th and 14th Streets.
Useful Contacts
Registration | University Registrar’s Office Registrar’s Office Hours for Summer 2011
212.229.5690 Regular Hours: Monday–Thursday, 10:00 a.m.–5:45 p.m.
Friday, 10:00 a.m.–4:45 p.m.
Payments | Student Financial Services
(Closing at 3:00 p.m. on May 27; closed May 30, July 4, and Fridays
from June 17 through August 12)
General Information | University Extended Hours:
Customer Service Center (Closed Monday, May 30)
212.229.5150 May 31–June 3 Tuesday–Thursday, 9:00 a.m.–5:45 p.m.
Advising | Parsons Office of Admission Friday, 9:00 a.m.–4:45 p.m.
212.229.8989 June 6–10 Monday–Thursday, 9:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m.
Friday, 9:00 a.m.–4:45 p.m.
Parsons SPACE
(Summer, Pre-College Academy, and Continuing Education)
Parsons SPACE offers open enrollment programs with classes in Degree Programs at Parsons
Students may take continuing education
art and design for beginners as well as accomplished professionals.
courses for credit and apply them later
A continuing education, nondegree option, these classes provide toward a Parsons degree with approval
students with the training they need to launch or advance careers in from Parsons Admission.
art and design. For students seeking a structured course of study and
For information about the degree programs
a Parsons credential, certificate programs are available in several design at Parsons The New School for Design, visit
disciplines (see page 2). or contact the
Parsons Office of Admission, 212.229.8989.
Previous Experience Classroom Locations
Many classes are open to beginners. For All classes meet on the Parsons campus in New School Special Events
courses with a prerequisite, equivalent experi- Greenwich Village unless otherwise noted. The New School offers a variety of lectures,
ence may be sufficient, as determined by an Room assignments are available online via presentations, and workshops throughout
advisor in the Parsons SPACE office. Class Finder at Room the year. To receive email announcements
assignments are also posted on the first day about these events, please send a request to
Parsons SPACE Contact Information of class in the lobby of the Sheila C. Johnson [email protected].
For more information about classes and Center for Design, 66 Fifth Avenue.
certificate programs at Parsons SPACE, visit Parsons SPACE
or call 212.229.8933 or 877.528.3321 (toll- 66 Fifth Avenue, room 200
free in U.S.), Mon–Fri, 10 a.m.–6 p.m., or New York, NY 10011
email [email protected].

Academic Calendar
Continuing Education
June 6–July 18

Summer 2011 Continuing Education Online

See page 3.

June July Pre-College Academy

S M T W T F S S M T W T F S August 1–12
1 2 3 4 1 2
Summer Session Holidays
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
July 4 | Independence Day
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Mark Your Calendar
26 27 28 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 The fall 2011 semester begins September 12.

1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Join us for the first annual
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Parsons Festival,
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 May 7–23, 2011.
28 29 30 31

Introduction | 1
Certificate Completion
Parsons Certificates Students must complete certificate
requirements within two years. Requests for
Parsons certificates are available in graphic and digital design, fashion
extensions must be sent in writing to Parsons
design, fashion business, fine arts, and interior design. The certificate SPACE, Continuing Education program, 66
program provides basic training for adults interested in making a smooth Fifth Ave., room 200, New York, NY 10011,
or to [email protected].
transition into the art and design professions or in updating their skills.
More flexible and less rigorous than a standard university degree, the
certificate program is a part-time, noncredit course of study without Certificate Student Information
New Certificate Students
entrance requirements. For some students, this is a first experience
Courses are listed in recommended order.
studying art and design. Others enroll in the certificate program to expand To earn credits toward a certificate, students
their skills, to strengthen their p
­ ortfolios, or for enrichment. Pre-College must first register for the certificate program
in person, by fax, or online. Required
Academy certificates are also available (see page 15).
courses and electives may not be available
every semester. Parsons reserves the right to
adjust requirements and make appropriate
The Certificate Credential Certificates and Transfer Credits substitutions as needed.
A certificate is a stand-alone Parsons credential Parsons certificate courses may be taken for
that represents basic training in a specified credit or on a noncredit basis. Credit students Continuing Certificate Students
field of study. Students who earn a certificate who successfully complete individual courses If certificate requirements have changed since
often list it on their résumés or college may earn undergraduate credit for transfer to a student last registered, the student can either
applications to indicate that they have a degree program. In this case, tuition will be follow the previously published requirements
studied at Parsons. Class evaluations remain charged on a per-credit basis. or meet the new ones. If a program is
on permanent record with the university. discontinued, students can complete their
Parsons does not provide job placement or Certificate Grading certificates by making course sub­stitutions
internship services for certificate students. To earn a certificate, students must with the approval of the staff at Parsons
successfully complete all required courses. SPACE, Office of Continuing Education.
Certificate students receive a noncredit
Certificate Requirements grade of Approved (AP) or Not Approved International Certificate Student Visas
Basic Core Classes (NA). Students regis­tered for undergraduate Parsons authorizes I-20 visa applications
The Basic Core class combines two or three credit will receive standard letter grades. only for full-time study. The Parsons SPACE
courses that are certificate requirements office is unable to assist students who need
into one intensive class. Core classes are Certificate Registration visas for any certificate programs. Foreign
offered only in the fall and spring. Note: We strongly recommend that students register students seeking full-semester study at
Color Theory is listed in the Fine Arts and early for certificate classes, as popular courses Parsons should consult with the Parsons
Foundation section on page 9. often fill quickly and late registrants may have Admission Office.
difficulty finding required courses. Note:
Elective Requirements Phone registrations cannot be accepted for the Online Classes and Certificates
Each certificate has required electives. An certificate program. Parsons offers several online courses. In
elective is any single course equaling a addition, Parsons certificates are now
minimum of 25 contact hours of class time. Certificate Records available in graphic and digital design and
Certificate elective requirements are subject Students may request a transcript of their fashion business for online completion. (See
to change. If the elective requirements certificate classes from the New School pages 4–5 for online classes and certificates.)
change, ongoing certificate students may Registrar’s Office at 72 Fifth Avenue, lower
choose either to complete the previously level. Upon satisfactory completion of
published requirements or to meet the new all certificate requirements, students may
requirements. file a Certificate Petition Form with the
Continuing Education program office.
Forms filed by the end of each term are
evaluated the following semester. If approved,
the certificate will be issued the semester
following completion.

2 | Visit for additional courses and updates.

How Do I Begin? six-hour studios on Saturdays during the
Certificate students must begin by taking the semester. Students who elect to take Basic
foundation courses required for their major. Core must complete five additional courses to
There are two options for accomplishing this: earn their certificate.
taking one integrated Basic Core course or
taking three individual courses. (There is no Students who elect to take three individual
Basic Core option for students completing courses instead of Basic Core may complete
their certificate online.) them in one semester or over several semesters
and must complete five additional courses to
Basic Core covers the equivalent of two earn their certificate. (This includes online
discipline-specific studio courses plus color certificate students.)
theory. Classes meet twice a week or as

Fashion Design Certificate Fashion Business Online Certificate

Major Code: FASH New! Offering available online.
Major Code: FSHB
• Color Theory, Design Sketching I, or Fashion Design
and Construction Techniques I Basic Core • Consumer Behavior,
plus Fashion Merchandising,
• Construction Techniques II The Medium of Fashion,
• Fashion Flats Fashion History: 19th to 21st Century,
• Fashion history elective Retail Buying, and
plus Marketing in a Global Environment
• Two (2) elective courses plus
• Two (2) fashion elective courses

Graphic and Digital Design Certificate Interior Design Certificate

New option! May be completed online or on campus. Major Code: INTD
Major Code: GRDS
• Color Theory, Basic Drafting, or Interior Design
or Graphic/Digital
• Color Theory, Graphic Design I, and and Basic Interior Space Planning Basic Core
Digital Graphics w/Illustrator I Basic Core plus
plus • Interior Rendering, Perspective or Decorative Arts to
• Digital Imaging w/Photoshop I Drawing for Interiors, and Interior 1800, Decorative
• Graphic Design History Design (or Residential Interior Design) Arts from 1800,
plus and Antiques
• Typography I, InDesign, and or Three (3) digital Connoisseurship
one (1) digital or graphic and/or graphic plus
design elective course design elective • Two (2) elective courses

Fine Arts Certificate

Major Code: FINE

• Color Theory, Drawing I, and or Fine Arts

Painting I Basic Core
• Life Drawing
• Painting II
• Three (3) elective courses

Parsons Certificates | 3
Online Summer Sessions
Online Classes B || 5 weeks | June 6–July 8
9 weeks | June 6–Aug. 5
Online classes at Parsons enable students to study with our regular class-
room instructors anytime, from anywhere. Parsons online study provides
Summer Online Classes
students with visually rich interactive learning as they draw resources and
Digital Design
real-world examples from the Internet. Online credit classes comply with
(See pages 6–7 for tuition and descriptions.)
university academic guidelines and policies, and many online classes meet
Parsons certificate requirements. Dreamweaver Basics
PCDD 0301
A || 5 weeks | June 6–July 8
The Parsons Online Classroom After registration, students receive infor-
Students use a basic Internet connection to mation by mail about their classes, their Illustrator Basics
enter the classroom, in which instructors post MyNewSchool accounts, places to buy PCDD 0502
lectures, provide resources, ask and answer books and course packets, the university A || 5 weeks | June 6–July 8
questions, assign projects, and assess portal, library resources, and the university
progress. Students discuss topics by posting writing center. Photoshop Basics
comments, as if in a traditional classroom. PCDD 0503
Technical support and student service profes- B || 5 weeks | June 6–July 8
Course Availability sionals are available by telephone or email.
Parsons online classes, noted throughout the Digital Imaging with Photoshop I
catalog, are subject to availability. Some cer- Online Class Schedule PCDD 1402
tificate classes may be offered only once a year. Online courses run in weekly modules. The A || 9 weeks | June 6–Aug. 5
first week, students learn to navigate the
Certificate Student Online Registration classroom system and receive basic guidelines Digital Graphics with Illustrator
To register, use the online registration form at about postings and communication. PCDD 1404 A || 9 weeks | June 6–Aug. 5
Note: Phone registrations cannot be accepted Technical Information for Online Study
for the certificate program. Students must obtain and maintain computer
access to the Internet with a current browser. Graphic Design
Academic Calendar Additional software requirements are listed (See page 8 for tuition and descriptions.)
Online courses follow the same academic with course descriptions. To participate, stu-
calendars as the on-campus programs. dents must enter their user ID and password, Typography I
which they receive from The New School PCGA 1001
New School Student Services and after registration. B || 9 weeks | June 6–Aug. 5
General Information
All of the Student Services available to on- Books and Course Materials Graphic Design History
campus continuing education students are Once registered, students may purchase PCGA 1900
also available to online students. required books through the online bookstore A || 9 weeks | June 6–Aug. 5
and purchase required software at an educa-
Online Help and Support tional discount. Students should purchase art Business Basics: Entrepreneurship
For students who are new to online learn- supplies and other materials locally. PCGA 2021
ing, The New School provides a special A || 5 weeks | June 6–July 8
orientation that offers technical information Orientation for Online Study
and guidance on additional resources. The Visit the online student orientation center as
orientation enables each student to learn to soon as you log in for the first time (user ID
navigate the online classroom, gain familiar- and password required). Short exercises
ity with online communication, and get a are available during the first week of classes
sense of the dynamics of online interaction to familiarize students with the system.
before a course begins. Information provided
in the orientation remains available for refer-
ence throughout the semester.

4 | Visit for additional courses and updates.

Fine Arts and Foundation Online Study: All Pros, No Cons
(See page 9 for tuition and descriptions.) How do I start?
Like classroom study, online study begins
Color Theory with registration. Once registration is com-
PCFA 1100 plete, you will receive an account number
C || 9 weeks | June 6–Aug. 5 that provides access to the university’s portal,
MyNewSchool. Here you can read your
email, check your grades and account status,
Fashion Design and Fashion Business and find New School news and event listings.
(See pages 10–12 for tuition and descriptions.) Where do the classes meet?
You will find a link to your online “classroom”
The Medium of Fashion: Textiles, Structure, on MyNewSchool. For online classes, The
and Surface New School uses Blackboard, the most widely
PCFD 1270 used online-class software. The instructor
A || 9 weeks | June 6–Aug. 5 presents material on Blackboard and then
interacts with students by responding to the
Retail Buying comments they post. The Blackboard dialogue
PCFD 1871 is similar to discussions traditionally held in
B || 9 weeks | June 6–Aug. 5 a classroom. Posting comments and reading
responses is easy, especially if you have ever
Fashion Trends participated on a Web board or left a com-
PCFD 1820 ment on a blog. If this is your first online class,
A || 9 weeks | June 6–Aug. 5 take advantage of the Blackboard orientation
that is available to every online student.
Marketing in a Global Environment Why choose online study?
PCFD 1880 The advantage of online study is that you can
A || 9 weeks | June 6–Aug. 5 participate in discussions asynchronously, any
time of the day or night. You don’t have to be
Fashion History: 19th–21st Century online at the same time as your classmates,
PCFD 1802 but because you can read all the comments
A || 9 weeks | June 6–Aug. 5 every time you are “in class,” you’ll feel as if
everyone is together. Though each course is
Fashion Entrepreneurship different, we strongly recommend that you
PCFD 1840 log in to your class a minimum of three times
B || 9 weeks | June 6–Aug. 5 a week. Students studying for credit must
complete papers, projects, and take tests, just
as they would in the traditional classroom. To
get a better feel for the process, check out the
screenshots at

Certificates Available for Online Completion

Graphic and Digital Design Certificate Fashion Business Online Certificate
Major Code: GRDS Major Code: FSHB

or Graphic/Digital
• Color Theory, Graphic Design I, and • Consumer Behavior,
Digital Graphics w/Illustrator I Basic Core Fashion Merchandising,
plus The Medium of Fashion,
• Digital Imaging w/Photoshop I Fashion History: 19th to 21st Century,
• Graphic Design History Retail Buying, and
plus Marketing in a Global Environment
• Typography I, InDesign, and or Three (3) digital plus
one (1) digital or graphic and/or graphic • Two (2) fashion elective courses
design elective course design elective

Online Classes | 5
Computing Skills Preparatory Courses

Digital Design Macintosh Basics

PCDD 0101
Digital Design classes emphasize design and creativity while providing
A | 2 sessions | Tue & Thu, 6–8:50 p.m. |
intensive technical training. Instruction is flexible and inclusive, enabling May 31 & June 2 | $168 | Anne Finkelstein
both the beginner and the advanced student to make great strides during Proficiency with the Macintosh Operating
System is necessary for most of the computer
the semester.
courses that follow. This course is for those
with little or no previous experience on the
Mac. (No credit) Limited to 16.
Students may register for courses on a Macintosh Basics Requirement
noncredit, general credit, or certificate Macintosh Basics class is the best place to
basis. Noncredit and certificate tuition is start for those with few or no computing Digital Design and New Media Courses
listed per course. General credit tuition skills. It is necessary to have this background Web Design Basics
is $1,220 per credit. for most classes in our program. PCDD 0510
A | 5 sessions | Mon, 6–8:50 p.m. |
Open Advising Session Software Basics beg. June 6 | $668 | Kris Andrews
An information session about courses, Software Basics classes such as Photoshop Create a Web presence using the basic struc-
certificates, and other options will Basics and Illustrator Basics are recommended ture of HTML. Learn page layout, format
be held Thursday, April 28, at 6 p.m., for beginners. These classes focus on the fun- text, optimize images, and create hypertext
Kellen Auditorium, 66 Fifth Avenue. damentals of program operation. Prerequisite: links, image maps, and tables. Develop
Mac Basics (or equivalent experience). effective interface design and navigation.
Certificates Aspects of Web broadcasting are discussed.
For general guidelines on certificates, please Class Skill Levels Prerequisite: Mac Basics, Photoshop Basics, or
see the front section of this catalog. Our standard-level classes go beyond the equivalent. (1 credit) Limited to 16.
basics of program operation and presume
Graphic and Digital Design that a student is comfortable with the com- Web Design I
• Graphic/Digital Basic Core puter and software. They are recommended PCDD 1100
or for intermediate users who are familiar with A | 10 sessions | Tue & Thu, 6–8:50 p.m. |
Color Theory, Graphic Design I, and computers and want to tackle design issues. beg. June 7 | $1,336 | Sally Herships
Digital Graphics with Illustrator I Mac Basics (or equivalent experience) is nec- Learn the basic building blocks of Web
essary. Advanced courses teach complex user design and development, HTML, and CSS
plus techniques and challenge students to solve by creating a website or portfolio. Gain a
• Digital Imaging with Photoshop I more difficult creative problems. basic working knowledge of HTML and
• Graphic Design History the Document Object Model. Discuss and
Digital Prerequisites explore the elements of good Web design
plus Prerequisites are listed at the end of each and the basics of user interface. Find out
• Typography I, InDesign, and one (1) course description. Mac Basics (or equiva- how to choose a website host, register and set
digital or graphic design elective course lent experience) is necessary for most digital up a domain, and manage local and remote
or classes. We advise students to assess their file systems. Learn image optimization and
Three (3) digital and/or graphic design computing skills realistically before selecting production and the use of basic CSS to style
elective courses course schedules. type, select colors, and format page layout.
Prerequisite: Photoshop Basics or equivalent.
Note: Core classes are offered in the fall and Open Lab Access (2 credits) Limited to 16.
spring only. The Color Theory class is listed Students enrolled in any Digital Design class
in the Fine Arts and Foundation section of have limited lab access to the 4th floor of the
this catalog. Graphic design studio classes are UCC, 55 West 13th Street. Stations in these
listed in the Graphic Design section. classrooms are primarily accessible Mon–Thu
evenings, 9–11:30 p.m., and weekends.
High-end or commercially unavailable
software may have special access restrictions.
Note: For students beyond basic levels, we
strongly recommend the purchase of a home
computer. Open lab time is generally insuf-
ficient for more complex design projects.

6 | Visit for additional courses and updates.

Dreamweaver Basics Graphic Digital Design Courses Digital Graphics with Illustrator I
PCDD 0301 Photoshop Basics PCDD 1404
A || ONLINE | 5 weeks | June 6–July 8 | PCDD 0503 A || ONLINE | 9 weeks | June 6–Aug. 5 |
$334 | Greg Lovinski A | 5 sessions | Wed, 6–8:50 p.m. | $668 | Ivan Rivera
Understand the fundamentals of Adobe beg. June 8 | $668 | Michael Grimaldi Learn to draw, delineate, and design
Dreamweaver. Work with text, tables, images, B || ONLINE | 5 weeks | June 6–July 8 | electronically with this standard vector-based
and forms to create and publish a website. $334 | Tina Aufiero illustration and graphic design program. Cre-
Prerequisite: Photoshop Basics recommended. Learn the fundamentals of this digital image ate curves, lines, and shapes to make objects
(1 credit) Limited to 16. manipulation software application. Acquaint that can be colored, manipulated, moved,
yourself with the intuitive interface, features, duplicated, scaled, and rotated. Incorporate
Flash I and tools. Customize palettes, control layers, and display text around or within an object.
PCDD 1115 tweak scans, and master selections to create Prerequisite: Mac Basics, Illustrator Basics,
A | 10 sessions | Mon & Wed, 6–8:50 p.m. | the look you want. Prerequisite: Mac Basics or equivalent. (2 credits) Limited to 16.
beg. June 6 | $1,336 | David Tristman or equivalent. Online students must have
Using Flash, learn to control timelines, Photoshop CS or higher (Mac or Windows Adobe InDesign
libraries, and palettes to generate interactive platform). (1 credit) Limited to 16. PCDD 1450
animations suitable for the Web, corporate A | 10 sessions | Tue & Thu, 6–8:50 p.m. |
presentations, or inclusion in Adobe Director Digital Imaging with Photoshop I beg. June 7 | $1,336 | Anne Finkelstein
work. Emphasis is on vector graphics. PCDD 1402 In this class, students explore the fundamen-
Prerequisite: Mac Basics or equivalent. Photo- A || ONLINE | 9 weeks | June 6–August 5 | tals of InDesign, including all aspects of the
shop and Illustrator Basics recommended. $668 | Diane Margolin page-layout process. Importing, creating
(2 credits) Limited to 16. Acquire a working knowledge of this type, and working with imagery are covered
industry-standard software used for print, extensively. Production shortcuts for print,
Web pages, animation, presentation, video PDF, and the Web are discussed.
production, and enhancement of traditional (2 credits) Limited to 16.
and digital photography. Explore scanning
and color correction, tools and layers for
image compositing, elemental retouching,
and type treatments. Prerequisite: Mac Basics,
Photoshop Basics, or equivalent. Online
students must have Photoshop CS or higher
(Mac or Windows platform).
(2 credits) Limited to 16.

Illustrator Basics
PCDD 0502
A || ONLINE | 5 weeks | June 6–July 8 |
$334 | Greg Lovinski
Learn the fundamentals of this powerful il-
lustration and graphic design program. Draw
and design using the basic tools and features.
Create curves, lines, and shapes to make
objects. Manipulate, copy, and color your
objects, and arrange them into final artwork.
Prerequisite: Mac Basics or equivalent. Online Digital design courses are held at the
students must have Illustrator CS or higher University Computing Center (UCC),
(Mac or Windows platform). (1 credit) 55 West 13th Street. The UCC is
Limited to 16. primarily Macintosh based, with some
dedicated Windows NT labs and other
specialized machines.

When can I work in the computer lab?

CE students registered for a digital design
course may use classroom stations when
classes are not in session.

Digital Design | 7
Graphic Design
Graphic Design History
PCGA 1900
A || ONLINE | 9 weeks | June 6–August 5 |
Today’s graphic designers must know current technologies and be aware of
$668 | Christine Moog
the rapidly changing image market. The following courses enable students This course covers the recent history of
to develop their skills in both areas. graphic design from the mid-19th century
through the digital revolution. Leading
designers and influential movements are
Students may register for courses on a Graphic/Digital Design Courses covered, including Arts and Crafts, Art
noncredit, general credit, or certificate See Digital Design for more course descriptions. Nouveau, Dada, Bauhaus, Neue Grafik, and
basis. Noncredit and certificate tuition is Photoshop Basics D.I.Y. Punk. Explore the evolution of the
listed per course. General credit tuition Illustrator Basics discipline from typesetting to lithography to
is $1,220 per credit. Adobe InDesign digital design and investigate the relationship
Digital Imaging with Photoshop I of the discipline to propaganda, advertising,
Open Advising Session Digital Graphics with Illustrator I corporate branding, and social networking.
An information session about courses, (2 credits) Limited to 16.
certificates, and other options will be held
on Thursday, April 28, at 6 p.m., Kellen Basic Design Studio Courses
Auditorium, 66 Fifth Avenue. Typography I Business and Professional Practice Courses
PCGA 1001 Business Basics: Intellectual Property
Certificate A | 12 sessions | Tue & Thu, 6–8:30 p.m. | and Licensing
For general guidelines on certificates, please beg. June 7 | $668 | Etta Siegel PCGA 2020
see the front section of this catalog. B || ONLINE | 9 weeks | June 6–August 5 | A || ONLINE | 5 weeks | June 6–July 8 |
$668 | Lucie Eder $334 | Linda Saint Marc
Graphic and Digital Design A thorough understanding of typographic Protect your ideas, designs, and creative
• Graphic/Digital Basic Core concepts and methods is essential for effec- works. Gain an understanding of intellectual
or tive visual communication. Students examine property law and learn to identify and
Color Theory, Graphic Design I, and the evolution of the alphabet and the his- protect copyright, trademark, patent, and
Digital Graphics with Illustrator I tory and basics of typographic style (with an domain rights. Learn how to use licensing
emphasis on 20th-century type design and to turn intellectual property into money.
plus application). Projects help students under- Explore key topics using a variety of realistic
• Digital Imaging with Photoshop I stand the difference between legibility and case studies and your own concepts. Examine
• Graphic Design History readability and develop a discerning eye and the roles of creator, licensor, agent, and
the ability to create effective and expressive licensee. Develop your own multicategory
plus type designs. The impact of technology on licensing program. Sessions focus on
• Typography I, InDesign, and One (1) type design and the work of typographic licensing agreements, partner selection, deal
digital or graphic design elective course innovators are discussed. Online section negotiations, brand licensing sales tools, and
or requires access to a scanner. royalty revenue calculations. No previous
Three (3) digital and/or graphic design (2 credits) Limited to 16. business experience is required. (1 credit)
elective courses Limited to 16.
Graphic Design I
Note: Core classes are offered in the fall and PCGA 1005
spring only. The Color Theory class A | 12 sessions | Mon & Wed, 6–8:30 p.m. |
is listed in the Fine Arts and Foundation beg. June 6 | $668 | Etta Siegel
section of this catalog. Graphic design Learn design fundamentals and concept
computer classes are listed in the Digital development as they relate to typography,
Design section. composition, and color. Discover what
makes the difference between ordinary
images and powerful, effective graphics.
Strengthen your design communication
skills, and develop your style and vision as
you transform your concepts into finished
designs. (2 credits) Limited to 16. Related Courses:
Cartooning, page 9

8 | Visit for additional courses and updates.

Printmaking Studio Courses
Fine Arts and Foundation Introduction to Printmaking
PCFA 1800
Fine Arts and Foundation courses provide a basis for all the art and design A | 12 sessions | Tue & Thu, 6–8:30 p.m. |
disciplines. Beginning artists and illustrators are introduced to essential beg. June 7 | $688 | Michael Kirk
Beginning students explore printmaking
tools and ideas, while those with more experience develop their skills and
media, including etching, monotypes,
creativity in more advanced courses. and collagraphy. This workshop enables
students to develop their own personal
vision. In addition to covering conventional
Students may register for courses on a Drawing and Painting Studio Courses techniques, this course introduces students
noncredit, general credit, or certificate Drawing I to experimental methods. (2 credits)
basis. Noncredit and certificate tuition is PCFA 0501 Limited to 12.
listed per course. General credit tuition A | 12 sessions | Mon & Wed, 6–8:30 p.m. |
is $1,220 per credit. beg. June 6 | $668 | Mark Saltz Silkscreen Printing
For those who have never picked up a pencil PCFA 1802
Open Advising Session and beginners who prefer sticking to the A | 12 sessions | Mon & Wed, 6–8:30 p.m. |
A basic information session about courses, basics. Discuss form, drawing materials, line, beg. June 6 | $688 | Marie Dormuth
certificates, and other options will be held and shading. Learn about perspective, fore- B | 12 sessions | Tue & Thu, 6–8:30 p.m. |
on Thursday, April 28, at 6 p.m., Kellen shortening, gesture, drapery, and portraiture. beg. June 7 | $688 | Marie Dormuth
Auditorium, 66 Fifth Avenue. The class includes some life drawing from the Screenprinting is one of the simplest and
model. Bring to the first class vine charcoal, most direct ways of creating multiple-color
Certificate pencils, a kneaded eraser, and an 18˝ x 24˝ images. Using hand-drawn, digital, and
For general guidelines on certificates, please newsprint pad. (2 credits) Limited to 16. photographic sources, students learn to
see the front section of this catalog. construct images on almost any flat surface.
Painting I This class develops skills that can support
Fine Arts PCFA 1401 other artistic techniques. All printing is
• Fine Arts Basic Core A | 12 sessions | Tue & Thu, 6–8:30 p.m. | water-based. (2 credits) Limited to 12.
or beg. June 7 | $668 | Glenn Goldberg
Color Theory, Drawing I, Painting I This basic painting studio begins with an
examination of the use of color, composition, Illustration Studio Courses
plus spatial structure, and transition. Students Cartooning
• Life Drawing work with a variety of observed sources, PCFA 1041
• Painting II including the figure model, while receiving A | 12 sessions | Tue & Thu, 6–8:30 p.m. |
• Three (3) elective courses guidance on issues they are struggling beg. June 7 | $668 | Emily Flake
with. Art history and contemporary art are Cartooning, an often overlooked art form,
Note: Core classes are offered only in the fall incorporated. (2 credits) Limited to 16. enables artists to combine drawing, graphic
and spring. art, and writing to create unique narratives
on any imaginable theme. In this class, you
Foundation Studies Courses will study and create many kinds of cartoons,
Color Theory from single-panel gags to graphic novels.
PCFA 1100 In addition to reading work from Charles
A | 12 sessions | Mon & Wed, 6–8:30 p.m. | Addams to Osamu Tezuka, from Robert
beg. June 6 | $668 | Beverly Brodsky Crumb to Chris Ware, you develop, pencil,
B | 12 sessions | Tue & Thu, 6–8:30 p.m. | design, and ink your own stories, using com-
beg. June 7 | $668 | Richard Beenen puter programs to lay out, color, and edit for
C || ONLINE | 9 weeks | June 6–August 5 | printing. If you have an ambitious project,
$668 | Daniel McDonald you will receive technical assistance and
Discover color and its implications for guidance. No previous experience required.
designers and artists. Study ideas of space (2 credits) Limited to 16.
and the use of color to solve spatial problems.
Look at color harmony and the way colors
interact, as well as color qualities and combi-
nations. Online students must have access to
a scanner. (2 credits) Limited to 16.

Fine Arts and Foundation | 9

Fashion Graphics Studio Courses

Fashion Design and Design Sketching I

PCFD 1001

Fashion Business A | 12 sessions | Mon & Wed, 3–5:30 p.m. |

beg. June 6 | $668 | Milco Flores
Fashion design merges sketching and general visual skills with the power
B | 12 sessions | Mon & Wed, 6–8:30 p.m. |
of the imagination. Courses range from the general, like design sketching, beg. June 6 | $668 | Valentina Lokhova
to the specialized, like costume design. Fashion business courses, which C | 12 sessions | Tue & Thu, 6–8:30 p.m. |
beg. June 7 | $668 | Alfredo Cabrera
teach basic business practices in the context of fashion and design, prepare
A basic course in making a designer’s sketch.
students to work in a variety of fields in the fashion industry including Using a live model, draw and render designs
marketing, retailing, and merchandising. We are excited to introduce our with emphasis on the figure. Bring to the
first class an 18" × 24" newsprint pad and
new online certificate in fashion business.
soft charcoal or charcoal pencils.
(2 credits) Limited to 16.
Students may register for courses on a
noncredit, general credit, or certificate basis. Quick Fashion Sketching
Noncredit and certificate tuition is listed PCFD 1003
per course. General credit tuition is $1,220 A | 12 sessions | Tue and Thu, 6–8:30 p.m. |
per credit. beg. June 7 | $668 | Glenn Hilario
Designers, stylists, editors, manufactur-
Open Advising Session ers, and others will learn to interpret and
An information session about courses, communicate ideas through quick fashion
certificates, and other options will be sketching. Drawing from live fashion models,
held on Thursday, April 28, at 6 p.m., with an emphasis on speed, students learn
Kellen Auditorium, 66 Fifth Avenue. the basics of fashion figure proportion, move-
ment, and shape. Bring to the first class an
18" × 24" all-purpose sketch pad and soft
charcoal pencils. (2 credits) Limited to 16.
For general guidelines on certificates, please Fashion Flats
see pages 2 and 3. PCFD 2903
A | 12 sessions | Mon & Wed, 6–8:30 p.m. |
Fashion Design Certificate Fashion Business Online Certificate beg. June 6 | $668 | TBA
Major Code: FASH Major Code: FSHB Living in a digital world makes it increasingly
• Fashion Design Basic Core • Consumer Behavior, Fashion important to communicate in the universal
or Merchandising, The Medium of Fashion, language of flat sketching. Sketch designs
Color Theory, Design Sketching I, and Fashion History: 19th–21st Century, in flat form instead of on the fashion figure.
Construction Techniques I Retail Buying, and Marketing in a Develop flat sketches for spec sheets, presen-
Global Environment tations, and storyboards. Drawing skills are
plus helpful but not required. Bring to the first
• Construction Techniques II plus class an 8.5" × 11" tracing pad, a pencil, and
• Fashion Flats • Two (2) fashion elective courses a kneaded eraser. (2 credits) Limited to 16.
• Fashion history elective
• Two (2) elective courses

Note: Core classes are offered only in fall and

spring. The Color Theory class is listed in the
Fine Arts and Foundation section of this catalog.

If you have taken Basic Core, please register

for Construction Techniques II as your next
required class. If you are beginning your
certificate and are not taking Basic Core, you
must register for Construction Techniques I.

10 | Visit for additional courses and updates.

Fashion Construction Studio Courses Sewing I Fashion Design Studio Courses
Construction Techniques I PCFD 1201 Fabric Selection and Design Style
PCFD 1300 A | 10 sessions | Tue & Thu, 6–8:50 p.m. | PCFD 1261
For certificate students only. beg. June 7 | $688 | Vashti de Verteuil A | 6 sessions | Tue, 6–8:30 p.m. |
A | 12 sessions | Mon & Wed, 6–8:30 p.m. | Learn to sew simple garments using indus- beg. June 7 | $334 | Salvatore Cesarani
beg. June 6 | $688 | TBA trial equipment. Acquire the basic skills of Three sessions of this course meet during daytime
B | 12 sessions | Tue & Thu, 3–5:30 p.m. | cutting, construction and finishing using a hours at fiber shows and mills; attendance
beg. June 7 | $688 | Marcia DiLiberto commercial pattern. Learn about fabric selec- required. Explore fabric research and color
C | 12 sessions | Tue & Thu, 6–8:30 p.m. | tion and practice hand sewing techniques. theory before drawing your own design.
beg. June 7 | $688 | Svetlana Lukyanovich You will need a home sewing machine to Develop color swatch boards like those
Learn basic sewing, patternmaking, and complete homework assignments. Bring to used by designers to present their season
draping techniques, along with basic the first class a half yard of muslin, cotton collections. Discuss inspiration and personal
principles of design. Topics covered include thread, a tape measure, scissors, a needle, style while selecting fabric swatches. As a
machine and hand sewing; cutting and zip- and a ruler. This course meets at the midtown final step, create an original finished design,
per application; and ­slopers, skirts, bodices, campus, 232 West 40th Street. (2 credits) sure to be a colorful addition to your
collars, sleeves, and three-dimensional muslin Limited to 12. portfolio. (1 credit) Limited to 16.
interpretation. Bring to the first class a three-
yard cut of muslin, scissors, style tape (black), Patternmaking I The Medium of Fashion:
pins, a #4 pencil, and ­a notebook. (No PCFD 1203 Textiles, Structure, and Surface
credit) Limited to 12. A | 10 sessions | Mon & Wed, 6–8:50 p.m. | PCFD 1270
beg. June 6 | $688 | Gregory S. Angel A || ONLINE | 9 weeks | June 6–August 5 |
Construction Techniques II Learn the fundamentals of design room $668 | Tiffany Webber
PCFD 1301 patternmaking using basic body slopers. A practical exploration of the materials, ele-
For certificate students only. Become familiar with all areas of basic styl- ments, and techniques used in the modern
A | 12 sessions | Mon & Wed, 6–8:30 p.m. | ing, including slopers, skirts, bodices, collars, apparel and fashion industry. Topics include
beg. June 6 | $688 | Tsetsilia Tsypina sleeves, and dresses. Develop paper patterns natural and man-made fibers, yarns, textile
B | 12 sessions | Tue & Thu, 6–8:30 p.m. | and make a fabric sample that demonstrates structures such as knits and woven fabrics,
beg. June 7 | $688 | Evelyn Nelson proper fit. Bring to the first class a #4 pencil, garment structure, practical and decorative
Building on the basic draping and pattern- pins, and paper scissors. This course meets at trims, and surface design (printing, dyeing,
making skills learned in Construction the midtown campus, 232 West 40th Street. and embellishment). Geared to students
Techniques I, explore more intricate draping (2 credits) Limited to 12. of fashion design and design professionals
exercises to design more tailored apparel interested in understanding the “how” as well
and explore more advanced patternmaking as the “why” of textiles, this course covers
applications. Make muslin tests of several the components involved in the design and
garments and develop patterns for stretch manufacture of apparel and accessories.
fabrics. Use fabric to create a finished (2 credits) Limited to 16.
garment. Bring to the first class style tape
(black), scissors, a three-yard cut of muslin,
pins, measuring tape, and a notebook.
This course meets at the midtown campus,
232 West 40th Street. Prerequisite: Basic Core
or Construction Techniques I. (No credit)
Limited to 12.

How do I find my classroom?

Visit and click the Class
Finder link. (Do not log in.)

Where can I do my homework?

Students can work in the open workspace
at the Student Design Center
on the fourth floor of 2 West 13th Street.

Fashion Design and Fashion Business | 11

Fashion Style and History Studies Courses Fashion and Business Marketing in a Global Environment
Fashion History: 19th–21st Century Fashion Entrepreneurship PCFD 1880
PCFD 1802 PCFD 1840 A || ONLINE | 9 weeks | June 6–August 5 |
A || ONLINE | 9 weeks | June 6–August 5 | A | 12 sessions | Tue & Thu, 3–5:30 p.m. | $668 | Jeanine Polizzi
$668 | Michelle Labrague beg. June 7 | $668 | Steven Lindner This course provides a foundation in fashion
Students are introduced to Western fashion B || ONLINE | 9 weeks | June 6–August 5 | marketing strategy within a global context. Stu-
from the middle of the 19th century to the $668 | Donna Berger dents learn marketing terminology and concepts
present day. Broad thematic considerations Students aspiring to become entrepreneurs in through analysis of target markets, the global
include the nature of fashion (what it is and the fashion industry examine the skills needed marketplace, branding communication, and the
what it does); its relationship to modernity; to conceive, finance, open, and operate a suc- development of integrated marketing programs
production and consumption; art; globaliza- cessful fashion business. Through collabora- within the fashion industry. Students investigate
tion and customization; and identity and tive research and hands-on practice, students the theoretical and practical underpinnings of
the body. The class discusses the relationship learn the elements of opening a business and marketing design and learn to build profitable
of key designers, events, and movements to navigating the complexities of working with a customer relationships. The class examines the
these broad themes, covering the work of team. Students learn to create business models process of product planning, pricing, promo-
Worth and Westwood, the department store and structure legal business organizations, and tion, and distribution, with a focus on global
and dress reform, postmodernism, and anti- they explore the details of financing and insur- resources, opportunities, and threats. Students
fashion. (2 credits) Limited to 16. ance. (2 credits) Limited to 18. examine the role of marketing in a global busi-
ness organization, learn the components of a
Fashion Trends Retail Buying formal marketing plan, and gain a strategic skill
PCFD 1820 PCFD 1871 set related to marketing management, financial
A || ONLINE | 9 weeks | June 6–August 5 | A | 12 sessions | Tue & Thu, 6–8:30 p.m. | analysis, developing markets, and innovative
$668 | Patrick Hughes beg. June 7 | $668 | Steven Lindner problem solving. (2 credits) Limited to 16.
What is the fashion news? This course B || ONLINE | 9 weeks | June 6–August 5 |
examines significant cultural phenomena that $668 | Jennifer Heiser
shape the new sensibilities in fashion. Among Learn to work with a retail buyer or become Accessory Design, Display, and Styling
the components of the historically based one yourself. This course is essential for man- Accessory Design I
slide-lectures are the themes of revolution, agers, retail business owners, and all manu- PCFD 1902
music, cosmopolitanism, film, the influence facturer’s account representatives. Topics A | 12 sessions | Tue & Thu, 6–8:30 p.m. |
of couture, memory, and the acquisition of include open to buys, cumulative markups, beg. June 7 | $668 | Bliss Lau
the look. This class incorporates roundtable shortages, vendor analysis, and stock sales. Create a finished handbag from a basic pattern.
discussions and viewings of current collection Students learn to buy or communicate with Modify the design to create a unique bag using
showings from the world’s fashion capitals. buyers on their level and complete practical leather or fabric. Explore two- and three-dimen-
Online section requires access to a scanner. and realistic assignments. Bring a calculator sional design by draping a belt on the model
(2 credits) Limited to 16. to the first class. (2 credits) Limited to 18. form, and develop your design skills by creating
a full collection on paper based on these two
projects. Previous construction skills strongly
recommended. Bring to the first class a black
micron pen. (2 credits) Limited to 16.

12 | Visit for additional courses and updates.

General Credit Fax or Mail Registration
Registration Information Instructions
1. Use the form for general credit registration.
You may register online at, or 2. Enter the credit value for each course in the
register by fax, up to three days before the start date of class. Mail “Credits” column. (The number of
credits for each course is indicated by the
registration must be postmarked two weeks before your class begins.
digit at the end of the course description.)
You may include noncredit courses on
Fax or mail your completed registration Certificate Fax or Mail Registration the general credit registration form by
form to: Instructions entering “0” in this column. General credit
The New School 1. Use the form for certificate registration. registration for nine (9) or more credits
Registrar’s Office 2. Include the code “CT” in the box marked requires approval of a Parsons SPACE advi-
79 Fifth Avenue, 5th floor “Grade Option.” This notation ensures sor and must be ­completed in person.
New York, NY 10003 that the instructor will evaluate your 3. General credit tuition is $1,220 per credit.
Fax: 212.229.5648 participation in the class. If you are Tuition stated in the course description
registering for a course that is not part of applies to noncredit registration only.
your certificate program, put “NC” in the 4. Provide complete payment information.
Noncredit Fax or Mail Registration “Grade Option” box. If you wish to charge your fees to
Instructions 3. Important: Select the correct Major Code MasterCard, Visa, Discover, or American
1. Use the form for noncredit registration. from the list below and record it in the Express, enter the credit card ­number and
2. Provide complete payment information. box labeled “Major.” expiration date on the registration form. If
If you wish to charge your fees to Certificate Major Codes you are mailing your registration, you
MasterCard, Visa, Discover, or American FASH Fashion Design may also pay by personal check or money
Express, enter the credit card number and FSHB Fashion Business order payable to The New School. Do not
expiration date on the registration form. FINE Fine Arts send cash. Add the $60 University
If you are mailing your registration, you GRDS Graphic and Digital Design Services Fee.
may also pay by personal check or money INTD Interior Design 5. Enclose full payment. Students whose
order payable to The New School. Do ACAD Pre-College Academy tuition will be paid by a company or
not send cash. Add the $7 Noncredit 4. Provide complete payment information. govern­ment agency should follow the
Registration Fee. If you wish to charge your fees to instructions in the section under tuition
3. Enclose full payment. Students whose MasterCard, Visa, Discover, or American payment, page 19.
tuition will be paid by a company or gov- Express, enter the credit card number and 6. Fax or mail the completed form to the
ernment agency should follow the expiration date on the registration form. If above number/address.
instructions in the section under tuition you are mailing your registration, you 7. R eceipts will be processed and mailed
payment on page 19. may also pay by personal check or money to students.
4. F ax or mail the completed form to the order payable to The New School. Do not 8. Carefully read the policies for adding
above number/address. send cash. Add the $60 University and dropping courses and the refund
5. Receipts will be processed and mailed Services Fee for certificate registration. of tuition and fees detailed on pages 21
to students. 5. E nclose full payment. Students whose and 22.
6. Carefully read the policies for adding tuition will be paid by a company or gov-
and dropping courses and the refund ernment agency should follow the
of tuition and fees detailed on pages 21 instructions in the section under tuition
and 22. payment on page 19. You will receive your registration confir-
6. Fax or mail the completed form to the mation, receipt, statement, and schedule
above number/address. by mail, but not necessarily before your
7. Receipts will be processed and mailed to first class begins.
8. Carefully read the policies for adding
and dropping courses and the refund
of tuition and fees detailed on pages 21
and 22.

Fax or Mail Now!

Registrations will be processed in
the order in which they are received.
Noncredit registration FORM Term: SUMMER Year: 2011 NOCR

student BIRTH
c/o ETC.


HOME – –




Nonrefundable Noncredit BURSAR USE

Check enclosed  Charge to MasterCard, Visa, Discover, or American Express Registration Fee $7
Special fees
No. Exp. Date (lab, materials, etc.)
Signature Total enclosed

Use only one of the registration forms—certificate, noncredit, or general credit.

Fax or Mail Now!

Registrations will be processed in
the order in which they are received.
CERTIFICATE registration FORM Term: SUMMER Year: 2011 Status Major NCT

student BIRTH

c/o ETC.


HOME – –


ENTER YOUR COURSES BELOW. For courses that are part of your certificate program, indicate “CT” in the “GRADE OPTION” column.
For courses that are not part of your certificate program, indicate either “NC” or the number of credits, depending on whether or not you are
taking the course for credit.


Nonrefundable University
Check enclosed  Charge to MasterCard, Visa, Discover, or American Express Services Fee $60

Special fees
No. Exp. Date (lab, materials, etc.)

Signature Total enclosed






general credit registration (NONDEGREE) FORM Term: SUMMER Year: 2011 NODG

student BIRTH
c/o ETC.


HOME – –



As a general credit student, you are classified as non-matriculated. You are not a candidate for any New School degree. Credits earned are undergraduate ­credits.
If you have not previously registered for general credit or want help in choosing courses, please consult the Office of Admission, 212.229.8910, before registering.
Credits for courses taken prior to matriculation in a degree program may be ­applicable to a degree, subject to evaluation at the time of matriculation.

Date Signature







Nonrefundable University
Check enclosed  Charge to MasterCard, Visa, Discover, or American Express Services Fee $60 BURSAR USE

No. Exp. Date Special fees (lab,
materials etc.)
Signature T# INIT.
Total enclosed

* General credit tuition is $1,220 times the number of credits. (The tuition listed with each course description is the noncredit tuition.)
Basic Drafting

Interior Design and PCID 1002

A | 12 sessions | Mon & Wed, 6–8:30 p.m. |

Architecture Studies beg. June 6 | $668 | Sedge Hahm

B | 12 sessions | Tue & Thu, 6–8:30 p.m. |
Interior design and architecture studies courses give students an aware-
beg. June 7 | $668 | Rebecca Walter
ness of spatial organization. Interior decoration courses introduce students An introduction to the preparation of
to antiques and furnishing. drawings for architectural purposes.
Topics include identification and use of
drafting equipment, drafting in scale,
basic lettering, line weights, and standard
Students may register for courses on a Studio Courses notation conventions. The emphasis is on
noncredit, general credit, or certificate Basic Interior Space Planning orthographic projections related to floor
basis. Noncredit and certificate tuition is PCID 1001 plans, elevations, and ceiling plans. Trade
listed per course. General credit tuition A | 12 sessions | Mon & Wed, 6–8:30 p.m. | information related to the practice of
is $1,220 per credit. beg. June 6 | $668 | Krista Ninivaggi architectural and interior design is integrated
B | 12 sessions | Mon & Wed, 6–8:30 p.m. | throughout the curriculum. Gain the skills
Open Advising Session beg. June 6 | $668 | TBA and techniques necessary to express any
A basic information session about courses, C | 12 sessions | Tue & Thu, 3–5:30 p.m. | design concept graphically. Drafting tools
certificates, and other options will be held beg. June 7 | $668 | Nishan Kazazian are required. Bring to the first class tracing
on Thursday, April 28, at 6 p.m., Kellen D | 12 sessions | Tue & Thu, 6–8:30 p.m. | paper (Section A: 24"; Section B: 18"), #1
Auditorium, 66 Fifth Avenue. beg. June 7 | $668 | TBA and #2 wood pencils, and erasers. Materials
This is an introduction to planning inte- cost approximately $100. (2 credits) Limited
Certificate rior spaces for students without drafting to 16.
For general guidelines on certificates, please skills. Learn what it means to be an interior
see the front section of this catalog. designer and conceptual approaches to inte- Interior Rendering
rior design problems. Through sessions on PCID 1003
Interior Design color, scale and proportion, lighting, furni- A | 12 sessions | Tue & Thu, 3–5:30 p.m. |
• Interior Design Basic Core ture arrangement, floor and wall treatments, beg. June 7 | $668 | Constance Johannsen
or and client psychology, learn to conceptual- Learn about rendering materials, methods,
Color Theory, Basic Interior Space ize and plan creative solutions for interior and techniques. Use watercolor, marker,
Planning, Basic Drafting spaces. Master freehand drawing of floor pencil, ink, and mixed media to learn color
plans. Complete one interior design project, mixing and color theory, as well as shade and
plus from beginning concept through finished shadow. Apply rendering techniques to room
• Interior Rendering, Perspective visual and verbal presentation. Learn about drawings, plans, and elevations. Make media
Drawing for Interiors, Interior Design use of equipment, tools, and scale drawings. comparisons to determine the best use for
(or Residential Interior Design) No previous experience in interior design is each finish based on your own abilities. Use
or necessary. (2 credits) Limited to 16. what you’ve learned to create presentations
Decorative Arts to 1800, Decorative Arts with color and materials boards. Prerequisite:
from 1800, Antiques Connoisseurship Perspective Drawing for Interiors. (2 credits)
Limited to 16.
• Two (2) elective courses

Note: Core classes are offered in the fall

and spring only. The Color Theory class
is listed in the Fine Arts and Foundation
section of this catalog.

Interior Design and Architecture Studies | 13

Perspective Drawing for Interiors Residential Interior Design Antiques Studies
PCID 1005 PCID 1205 Antiques Connoisseurship
A | 12 sessions | Mon & Wed, 6–8:30 p.m. | A | 12 sessions | Tue & Thu, 6–8:30 p.m. | PCID 1900
beg. June 6 | $668 | Pedro Cuni beg. June 7 | $668 | Brooks Atwood A | 12 sessions | Tue & Thu, 12–2:30 p.m. |
Learn the mechanical skills needed to visu- Explore the possibilities of architectural beg. June 7 | $668 | Louise Devenish
ally communicate spatial concepts. Develop design of interior space for the private home Is it an antique or a reproduction? Learn the
the ability to translate floor plans into and apartment. Participate in exercises geared essential criteria for collecting and evaluating
three-dimensional interiors by exploring the to finding viable and interesting solutions antique ­furniture. Study quality, craftsman-
principles of one- and two-point perspective to design problems such as window, ceiling, ship, condition, and design in historical
drawing. Learn about isometric views, plan doorway, floor, and wall treatments. Review context. Learn how to judge articles in terms
and section perspective, introductory pencil drafting techniques that allow you to present of excellence and success as works of art.
rendering, and concepts of light and shadow. projects in a professional manner. Concen- Develop an eye for good design, proportion,
Bring to the first class an 11" × 14" drawing trate on space planning, furniture, color, and authenticity. Study English, French, and
pad, a pencil, and a ruler. (2 credits) and lighting. Explore materials, methods American pieces. Field trips include visits
Limited to 16. and professional practices. Prerequisite: Basic to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, fine
Drafting, Basic Interior Space Planning, furniture galleries, and conservation studios.
Interior Lighting Perspective Drawing for Interiors, or the A guest speaker from Sotheby’s speaks on
PCID 1140 equivalent. (2 credits) Limited to 16. validity and criteria for collecting.
A | 12 sessions | Tue & Thu, 6–8:30 p.m. | (2 credits) Limited to 16.
beg. June 7 | $668 | Jason Livingston Furniture Design
An introduction to theory, technique, and PCID 1010
creative lighting concepts basic to all inte- A | 12 sessions | Tue and Thu, 6–8:30 p.m.
riors. Study materials, color, luminaires, | beg. June 7 | $668 | Matthew Hoey
luminaire selection, layout, and approaches Examine all aspects of furniture design,
to various building types. Prerequisite: including materials, structure, form, style,
Basic Drafting or the equivalent. drawing, and production. Emphasis is placed
(2 credits) Limited to 16. on scale and human factors. This course also
covers the relationship of interior space, struc-
Interior Design ture, and form to object design. (2 credits)
PCID 1200 Limited to 16.
A | 12 sessions | Mon & Wed, 6–8:30 p.m. |
beg. June 6 | $668 | Ferruccio Babarcich Showrooms: A Design Resource
Explore the design process by developing a PCID 1730
commercial or residential project in a studio A | 10 sessions | Tue and Thu, 3–5:30 p.m.
environment. Begin from a concept and | beg. June 7 | $554 | TBA
develop your idea into a coherent interior Explore some of the industry’s finest show-
space, exploring issues of spatial layout and rooms through instructor-guided tours and
significance, materials and finishes, lighting, lectures. Update your design and resource
and furniture. Present your final project, knowledge. View fabrics, lighting, and fur-
complete with rendered drawings and a mate- niture, as well as window, wall, and floor
rials board. Prerequisite: Basic Drafting, Basic coverings. The first class meets at the Village
Interior Space Planning, or equivalent experi- campus; subsequent classes meet off campus at
ence. (2 credits) Limited to 16. a variety of Manhattan locations. (2 credits)
Limited to 16.

I lost my ID card. What should I do?

Contact the Cashiering Office at

14 | Visit for additional courses and updates.

Parsons Pre-College Academy
SUMMER Studio Art and Design Program
for Grades 4 through 12

W. L.
EDU -college

Explore art and design and develop skills through hands-on projects that
promote creative problem solving and collaboration.

Academy Course Levels Mail withdrawal requests to Parsons Student Activities

Academy students are grouped in classes SPACE, 66 Fifth Avenue, room 200, Daily events, which include innovative
according to their grade level in school. New York, NY 10011, or email design competitions and collaborative projects,
Summer Academy students choose a grade- [email protected]. Refund process- take place August 1–12, 12:00 noon to
level-appropriate course according to the ing takes approximately four weeks. 1:00 p.m., in the Student Design Center,
grade they are entering in fall 2011. 2 West 13th Street, 4th floor.
• Grades 4–5 Class Schedules
• Grades 6–8 Grades 4–5
• Grades 9–12 Monday–Friday
9:00 a.m.–12:00 noon (half day) or
Online Registration 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. (full day)
Registration is available online at Parents pick up half-day grades 4–5 students Summer Calendar
in their classrooms at 12:00 noon (or at 4:00
Tuition and Fees p.m. for students taking the full-day program). Monday, August 1
Grades 4–5, half day: $522 8:30 a.m.: Check-in for students in
Grades 4–5, full day: $1,037 Grades 4–5 students taking the full-day grades 4–8
Grades 6–12: $1,032 program have a one-hour supervised lunch 9:00 a.m.: Orientation for students in
Grades 9–12, certificate status: $1,085 at noon. grades 4–8
9:30 a.m.: Check-in for students in
Withdrawal and Refund Policy Grades 6–12 grades 9–12
All withdrawals must be made in writing Monday–Friday 10:00 a.m.: Orientation for students in
and received before the following dates: 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m., with a one-hour grades 9–12
before June 1, full refund of tuition; lunch break at noon
before July 1, refund of tuition minus Friday, August 12
20 percent; after July 1, no tuition refunds. Facilities Final day of classes
All classes meet at our Greenwich Village Exhibition of student work,
campus. Students will receive classroom assign- 2:00–4:00 p.m.
ments at orientation on the first day of class.

Pre-College Academy | 15
Students should bring nutritious ­lunches to
keep them going through a long day in the
Pre-College Academy Courses
Students select one grade-level-appropriate course. Drawing is either inte-
­studio. They may eat in the Student Design
Center with staff supervision. Cafeteria meal grated into the coursework or given as a separate studio component.
services are not available for this program.
Art and Design Survey Foundation Studio
Supplies PCAC 0011 | Section A PCAC 0012 | Section A
Additional registration materials and sup- Grades 4–5 Grades 4–5
ply lists will be emailed before the program 9:00 a.m.–12:00 noon 9:00 a.m.–12:00 noon
begins. Tuition does not include supplies, Immerse yourself in New York City's vast art Learn about observational drawing and the
which range from $100 to $200 depending and design resources. Visit current exhibi- design process by working on two- and
on the course. tions and examine the work of artists and three-dimensional projects in which you
designers who explore important themes in examine and interpret everyday objects and
College Credit art and innovative design. Translate what places in new ways. ­Professionals visit your
Parsons Pre-College Academy is a noncredit, you see into studio projects that involve class, and you take field trips for research,
nonresidential program. both traditional and experimental media. inspiration, and discovery. (Students in
(Students in grades 4–5 who wish to take grades 4–5 who wish to take an afternoon
an afternoon class must enroll in Big Beat: class must enroll in Big Beat: Brazilian
Brazilian Drumming.) Drumming.)

Big Beat: Brazilian Drumming 3-D Design and Drawing Studio

PCAC 0050 | Section A PCAC 0109 | Section A
Grades 4–5 Grades 6–8
Parsons Pre-College Academy 1:00–4:00 p.m. Explore the interdisciplinary nature of the
Certificate Program Focus on the rhythms, songs, and dance of design process using professional techniques.
The Parsons Pre-College Academy Brazil. Learn to play the alfaia (bass drum), Learn about architecture and product design,
Certificate Program, for students in caixa (snare drum), abê (shaker), and gonguê and build three-dimensional prototypes.
grades 9–12 who plan to apply to col- (bell), and sing traditional Brazilian songs. Like professionals, you work independently
leges of art and design, helps students In this high-energy course offered by The and in teams to find creative solutions to
create a body of work that reflects the New School for Jazz and Contemporary three-dimensional design problems. Students
strength of their ideas, skills, and under- Music, you explore the parallels between attend a daily drawing class.
standing of art and design. Certificate 400-year-old Maracatu rhythms and New
students may choose courses in a variety Orleans grooves that helped shape jazz, funk, Animation Design
of art disciplines, or they may focus on a and R&B. At semester’s end, perform with PCAC 0645 | Section A
specific area of study. musicians from the international recording Grades 9–12
group Nation Beat. Instruments are pro- PCAC 0103 | Section A
A grade of B– or higher in a Summer vided. (Students in grades 4–5 who would Grades 6–8
Intensive Studies course will count as like to take a morning class may register for A professional animator helps you develop
three course requirements toward an Cartooning, Foundation Studio, or Art and both stylistically and conceptually. In the
Academy certificate. Design Survey.) first half of the course, you focus on develop-
ing characters using traditional drawing and
Pre-College Academy Certificate Cartooning animation techniques. In the second half,
requirements: PCAC 0015 | Section A you go digital, using Macromedia Flash and
• Two (2) foundation courses. Choose Grades 4–5 other technology to streamline the animation
from Drawing, Painting, 3-D Studio, 9:00 a.m.–12:00 noon process. Learn about careers in animation
Advanced Drawing, and Digital Enjoy developing basic skills for rendering and meet animation professionals.
Design Lab characters and narrative sketches. Learn to
plus use marks to change facial expressions or
• Three (3) elective courses create a sense of motion in your drawings.
• Portfolio Development Create storyboards that lay the ground-
work for animation design. (Students in
For more information, visit newschool. grades 4–5 who wish to take an afternoon
edu/parsons/pre-college-academy. class must enroll in Big Beat: Brazilian

16 | Visit for additional courses and updates.

Architecture Fashion Design I Illustration
PCAC 0625 | Section A PCAC 0107 | Section A PCAC 0615 | Section A
Grades 9–12 Grades 6–8 Grades 9–12
Learn the fundamentals of three-dimensional A professional designer helps you visualize Illustrators are visual thinkers who cre-
and architectural design. Develop profes- and render fashion ideas, from research and ate comics, computer and film animation,
sional skills in field research, schematic concept development to the creation of final video games, children’s books, graphics for
drawing, and model making as you complete illustrations. Class discussions focus on the skateboards, images for magazines and news-
studio projects that involve conceptual and fashion industry, enabling you to recognize papers, and more. This course introduces
concrete architectural problems. Heighten the qualities of well-designed garments. you to the kinds of projects ­contemporary
your awareness of scale, form, and spatial Field trips and visiting professionals inform illustrators work on and helps you develop
relationships, essential for interpreting the you about processes, trends, and careers in your skills and style.
built environment. Trips to a design firm fashion.
and architecturally significant buildings Interior Design
help you understand what it means to be an Fashion Design II PCAC 0609 | Section A
architect. Drawing is incorporated into the PCAC 0655 | Section A Grades 9–12
projects of this daylong studio. Grades 9–12 Work with a professional designer to learn
Explore fashion’s role in society and the interior design concepts and the skills that
Design and Wear positive impact fashion designers are able allow you to express your ideas about three-
PCAC 0112 | Section A to make in the world. Practice fashion dimensional space. Develop solutions to
Grades 6–8 drawing and garment construction, hear meet people’s needs for habitation as deter-
Using street fashion as inspiration, design guest speakers, and take field trips in which mined by location, function, and lifestyle.
and make your own garments and accessories you examine socially and environmentally Drawing is incorporated into this daylong
by deconstructing t-shirts and altering found responsible design. studio.
items. Explore design through inventive
exercises, and repurpose everyday items and Game Design NYC: Exhibits and Work
materials for your projects. PCAC 0620 | Section A PCAC 0640 | Section A
Grades 9–12 Grades 9–12
Digital Video and Photography PCAC 0120 | Section A PCAC 0101 | Section A
PCAC 0605 | Section A Grades 6–8 Grades 6–8
Grades 9–12 Experiment as you learn to plan, produce, Immerse yourself in New York City's vast art
PCAC 0105 | Section A and test digital and nondigital games. and design resources. Visit current exhibi-
Grades 6–8 Complete exercises that explore game design tions and examine the work of artists and
New York City provides the visual inspira- and systems that allow for interactivity. designers who explore important themes in
tion for students as they explore themes and Work in teams to produce original games.   art and innovative design. Translate what
develop narratives using still photography you see into studio projects that involve both
and collaborate with classmates to create Graphic Design traditional and experimental media.
short films. Students view current exhibits PCAC 0604 | Section A
and are visited by professionals working in Grades 9–12 Painting and Drawing
the field. Investigate communication design, the visual PCAC 0635 | Section A
language of everyday life, by creating graphic Grades 9–12
Fashion Accessory Design design solutions. Explore typography, PCAC 0110 | Section A
PCAC 0630 | Section A composition, and the organization of infor- Grades 6–8
Grades 9–12 mation through practice and studio projects. Strengthen your technical and visual
Work with a professional to design and The curriculum, which focuses on traditional problem-solving skills using drawing and
develop a collection of handbags, belts, techniques, covers the role of technology and painting. Investigate form, color, and
wallets, and shoes through sketching. Also digital translation of ideas.   composition through structured projects.
design and make a handbag. Field trips and Research, field trips, and visits by working
guest speakers enhance your understanding artists deepen your understanding of how
of the fashion and accessory world. Develop contemporary and historical painters solve
portfolio pieces in a daily drawing class. problems. Drawing is incorporated into this
daylong studio.

Pre-College Academy | 17
Portfolio Development
PCAC 0660 | Section A
Students entering grade 12 only
Create new pieces for your college admis-
sion portfolio through challenging drawing
assignments, critiques, and advice. Learn
what constitutes portfolio-quality work
and how to organize your work to best
present visual themes that express your ideas.
Prerequisite: art and design experience.

PCAC 0650 | Section A
Grades 9–12
Learn to use traditional printmaking
techniques and tools to create effective com-
munication designs. Explore the design
process using a variety of methods and
materials. A daily drawing studio supports
traditional print studio practices and experi-
mentation with nontraditional techniques.

Product Design
PCAC 0610 | Section A
Grades 9–12
Investigate the interdisciplinary nature
of design and explore the product design
process. Like professionals, you work inde-
pendently and in groups to develop solutions
to three-dimensional design problems. A
daily drawing studio enables you to use draw-
ing as part of the design research process.

18 | Visit for additional courses and updates.

Deferral of Tuition for Employer
Tuition Payment Reimbursement
Students expecting reimbursement from
Noncredit Tuition Payments their employer/sponsor may defer pay-
Noncredit tuition is listed with each course Tuition and fees are due and payable at the ment of tuition and fees upon presentation
description. A $7 noncredit registration fee time of registration. Payments may be made of a signed official authorization from the
is charged per semester. Noncredit status with MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American employer/sponsor on company letterhead.
does not yield academic credit or a graded Express, personal check, or money order. The authorization, which must accompany
instructor evaluation. Checks or money orders should be made the appropriate form(s), should show a cur-
payable to The New School. Credit card rent date and include student name, New
Certificate Tuition payments should include account number, School ID number, the amount of tuition
Certificate tuition is listed with each expiration date, and signature. (and fees, if applicable) to be covered by the
course description. There is a $60 University employer/sponsor, the semester for which
Services Fee per semester. Certificate status Returned Check Fee tuition will be covered, the employer’s
is a noncredit pass/fail option. Students All checks returned from the bank are auto- address and phone number, and the specific
have an instructor evaluation for each course. matically redeposited for payment. If, for terms for payment (upon receipt of grades
Each course, when approved, is counted any reason, a check does not clear for pay- or upon registration). Payment may not be
toward the completion of the certificate. ment after being deposited a second time, deferred on any portion of the charges that
Certificate students may take courses for a penalty of $30 is charged to the student’s the employer has not agreed to pay.
undergraduate credit. account. The university cannot presume
that the student has withdrawn from classes Terms of Reimbursement
Credit Tuition because a check has not cleared or has been If the reimbursement will be made upon
Undergraduate credit tuition is $1,220 per stopped; payment and penalty remain due. receipt of grades, there is a participation fee
­credit plus a $60 University Services Fee per Payment for the amount of the returned of $150, and the student must complete
semester. Undergraduate credits are listed at check and the $30 returned check fee must both the Employer Reimbursement
the end of each course description in paren- be made with cash, certified bank check, or Deferment Form and the Deferral Credit
theses. (#) = listed number of undergraduate money order; another personal check will Card Payment Authorization. (These forms
credits. (NC) = not available for academic not be accepted. An additional 10 percent can be downloaded from the website: Go
credit. General credit status provides penalty is charged if payment for a returned to and
undergraduate credit based on a standard check is not received within four weeks. select “Billing and Payment.”) Payment of
graded instructor evaluation. Credit may After a second returned check, all future the $150 participation fee and any balance
be transferred to a program at Parsons or charges must be paid with cash, certified of tuition and university fees not covered by
another institution. Please consult with the bank check, or money order, and personal the authorization letter must be made before
Admission Office at Parsons or the in­tended checks will no longer be accepted from or along with submission of the deferment
institution to clarify transfer credit policies. the student. forms. Deferred charges must by paid in full
by February 1 for the fall semester, June 15
University Services Fees A penalty of 10 percent is charged to student for the spring semester, and August 15 for
The University Services Fee and the accounts with an outstanding balance. If it summer term.
noncredit registration fee cover registration becomes necessary to forward an account to
and various administrative services provided a collection agency, an additional 10 percent If payment is not contingent on receipt of
by the university to each student. The fee penalty will be charged on the balance. grades and The New School can bill the
is paid only once per semester regardless of employer directly, there is no participation
course load and is nonrefundable. fee. The student submits only the Employer
Reimbursement Deferment Form (found on
the website; see above) with the employer
authorization letter. The New School will
send an invoice for payment to the employer
according to the authorization. Payment for
any balance due not covered by the autho-
rization letter must be made before or along
with submission of the deferment form.

Tuition Payment | 19
documents a student’s permanent academic
Academic Policies record at the university. Students may request
a copy of their transcript to be mailed to the
and Procedures address of their choosing (including other
colleges and institutions) by submitting
International Students and Visas Online Access to Student Account an official request to the University
Attendance in the Parsons Continuing and Records Registrar’s Office. This can be done online
Education program does not qualify students All registered students (noncredit, general at or by completing
for student visas under U.S. government credit, and matriculated) can access their the transcript request form on the Web at
regulations. Those looking to study in a personal student information on the Internet
student visa-authorized program should through For more Standard transcript services are free of charge.
contact the Parsons Admission Office, information, visit If you Transcripts are not issued for students with
212.229.8910, about degree programs. have not logged on to outstanding debts to the university.
before, you will need your New School
Attendance Policy student ID (N followed by eight digits) to Reviews and Appeals
(Credit and certificate students only) get your log-in information. Once you have Grade reviews should be initiated and
Credit and certificate students are expected a log-in, you will have access to up-to-date completed in a timely manner. The student
to attend classes regularly and on time. There records of your student activities, including must initially request an explanation of a
are no excused absences or cut allowances. your course enrollment, the status of your grade or evaluation from the instructor. If
If, in the instructor’s judgment, a student’s tuition and fees (paid, owed, refundable), the student is not satisfied or has additional
absences are excessive, the final grade may be and, if you were enrolled for credit or questions, he or she may petition for a
affected. Limited absences are permitted for certificate approval, your grades. review, using the following procedure:
medical or other legitimate reasons and are
subject to make-up of the assigned work or Grade Reporting and Transcript Requests 1. T
 he student submits a letter outlining any
additional attendance requirements. Students Grades and academic transcripts are questions and/or objections to the faculty
are responsible for notifying instructors when maintained for credit and certificate students member, with a copy to the director and/
they know in advance that they will miss a only. Once grades are posted, students can or chairperson of the department.
class. Those who are absent for more than two access them through and 2. T
 he instructor will be required to submit
weeks (or three classes), excused or unexcused, request an official copy to be mailed to them. a written response to the concerns or
may be subject to involuntary withdrawal Students can also view and print an unofficial objections raised by the student, with a
from all of the courses affected. Continued copy of their transcript from my.newschool. copy to the director and/or chairperson of
registration at Parsons is contingent upon edu. An official transcript carries the registrar’s the department.
attendance, quality of work, and conduct. signature and the New School seal and

Grade Descriptions Special Grade Status W = Official Withdrawal By petition to

General Credit Evaluation I = Temporary Incomplete Indicates failure the Registrar’s Office, credit students may
The following evaluations apply to any to complete assigned work. This mark is withdraw from their credit registration
general credit student registered for the not given automatically but only on the without penalty after the drop deadline;
credit option. request of the student and at the discretion see Add/Drop and Refund Schedules on
A = 4.0 Excellent C+ = 2.3 Fair of the instructor. A Request for Grade of last page of catalog.
A– = 3.7 Excellent C = 2.0 Fair Temporary Incomplete Form must be com-
B+ = 3.3 Good C – = 1.7 Fair pleted and signed by both the student and WF = Withdrawal and Failure (GPA value
B = 3.0 Good D = 1.0 Poor the instructor. The time allowed for comple- 0) Issued by instructor to a student who
B– = 2.7 Good F = 0.0 Failure tion of the work and removal of the “I” mark has not attended or not completed all
will be set by the instructor, but may be no required work in a course and who has not
Certificate Evaluation later than the seventh week of the following officially withdrawn. It differs from “F,”
The following evaluations apply to certifi- fall semester for spring and summer grades which indicates that the student has com-
cate students registered for the noncredit of Incomplete, and no later than the seventh pleted all requirements but that the level
option. week of the following spring semester for fall of work did not qualify for a passing grade.
AP = Approved grades of Incomplete. Work that is not com-
NA = Not Approved pleted in the prescribed time will be recorded GM = Grade Not Reported for Student
as a final grade of “WF” by the Registrar’s

20 | Visit for additional courses and updates.

3. T
 he student may respond in writing to or inability to schedule appropriate 1. P
 ut your withdrawal request in writing.
the faculty member as well as to the direc- instructional space. If you are registered in a Refunds are pro-rated based on the
tor and/or chairperson of the department. course that is canceled, you will be notified schedules on page 22 and are calculated
4. I f a resolution has not been reached, the by telephone or email. You will be asked if from the date and time the written notice
student may request that the director or you wish to transfer to another course or if is received in the Registrar’s Office or
chairperson evaluate the petition, consulting you prefer a full refund of tuition and fees. the date of the postmark if the notice is
with both the student and the faculty mem- mailed (requests cannot be processed by
ber to determine the fairness of the grade. Add/Drop and Status Changes phone or email). Students may also
5. I f either the student or the faculty mem- Withdrawals, transfers from one course to withdraw by fax. The fax number is
ber is dissatisfied with the director or another, registration for additional courses, 212.229.5648.
chairperson’s decision, a final review and changes of status (e.g., from noncredit 2. P
 lease allow approximately four weeks
may be made with the associate dean for to credit) must be completed within the for refund processing. All refunds are
academic affairs at Parsons. The associate deadlines shown in the schedules at right. pro-rated, based on the schedules on
dean’s decision is final. Withdrawals, transfers from one course to page 22.
another, and changes of status can be made
Change of Grade in person or in writing by fax. (They may Note: Failure to attend classes and/or
Grades are subject to revision by the instruc- not be made by telephone or email.) Any notification to the instructor alone do not
tor, with the approval of the director, for additional tuition or fees resulting from a constitute official withdrawal. Failure to
one semester following the term in which the course transfer or status change are payable make or complete payment does not consti-
course was offered. After one semester has at the time the change is made. tute official withdrawal.
elapsed, all grades recorded in the University
Registrar’s Office become a permanent part Degree candidates and certificate students Student ID Card
of the academic record and no changes must obtain advisor approval for all program Noncredit students receive a non-photo
are allowed. changes, including withdrawals, grade of W, ID card with their Statement/Schedule
add/drop, and status changes, before going upon receipt of payment. Students taking
Noncredit Record of Attendance to the Registrar’s Office. courses for credit or certificate are entitled
Noncredit students do not receive an to a photo ID. All students should carry
academic evaluation or a course grade. If Grade of W: Students who are registered their ID whenever they come to Parsons/
verification is needed for class attendance, for academic credit have the option of The New School and be prepared to present
noncredit students may request a Noncredit withdrawing from a course and requesting it to security staff. The schedule for photo
Record of Attendance for all courses meeting a grade of W after the drop deadline has IDs is posted outside the Campus Card
for four or more sessions during the term in passed. A grade of W is recorded for the Services Office, located at 66 West 12th
which they are registered. course, which will appear on the student’s Street, 4th floor. If your card is lost or sto-
transcript. Deadlines for requesting a len, call the Campus Card Services Office at
The Noncredit Record of Attendance verifies grade of W are shown in the Add/Drop 212.229.5660 x3213 to find out whether the
the student’s completion of a course. and Refund Schedules at right. See Grade card has been returned. There is a $25 fee to
Noncredit Records of Attendance can be Descriptions (page 20) for a definition of replace a lost, stolen, or damaged card.
requested by fax to 212.229.5648 (credit the grade W.
card payment only), by mail, or in per- If you withdraw from all classes, the univer-
son from the Registrar’s Office (72 Fifth Refunds Due to Withdrawal sity may terminate your student privileges,
Avenue, New York, NY 10011) at least To obtain a refund of tuition and fees paid including access to the university’s buildings
four weeks before the final session of the or remove charges still due, a student and resources.
course. If a request is made after that time, must officially withdraw by written notice
the university is not required to provide the to the Registrar’s Office. Full refund of Library Access and Privileges
record. A separate record is issued for each course tuition requires advance withdrawal. The student photo ID card allows use of
noncredit course; the fee is $20. Payment Otherwise, the refund will be pro-rated. the New School Library consortium, includ-
must be made by check or MasterCard, Visa, See the Add/Drop and Refund schedule ing the Parsons Gimbel Library, the New
Discover, or American Express. No perma- on page 22 for deadlines. The registration/ School Fogelman Library, and the Mannes
nent records are kept for noncredit students. university services fee is not refundable Scherman Library. Students may also borrow
unless the course is canceled or the time, books from The Cooper Union, the New
Canceled Courses day, or instructor is officially changed by the York School of Interior Design, and New
Parsons reserves the right to withdraw university. York University’s Bobst Library.
courses or to adjust curriculum. Courses
typically are canceled because of insufficient
enrollment, the withdrawal of the instructor,

Academic Policies and Procedures | 21

summer Add/Drop and Refund Schedule

Number of course Deadline to add or Deadline for full tuition Deadline for tuition refunds Credit student withdrawal
sessions scheduled change status refund (tuition charged) deadline for grade of W

11 or more Before 3rd class Before 1st class Before 4th class Before 7th class
(10% per session)
6 –10 Before 2nd class Before 1st class Before 3rd class Before 4th class
(15% per session)
3–5 Before 2nd class Before 1st class Before 2nd class Not applicable
(30% of tuition)
1–2 Before 1st class Before 1st class Before 1st class (full refund) Not applicable

online Add/Drop and Refund Schedule

Number of weeks a course is Deadline to add or Deadline for tuition refunds Credit student withdrawal
online (orientation is week 1) change status (tuition charged) deadline for grade of W

9 weeks or more Before end of week 2 Before end of week 4 Before end of week 5
(before end of week 1,
full refund; before end of
weeks 2, 3, 4, 10% per week)
5 weeks Before end of week 2 Before end of week 2 Before end of week 3
(before end of week 1,
full refund; before end of
week 2, 30% of tuition)

Classroom Locations
All classes meet at the Parsons campus in
Greenwich Village unless stated otherwise
in the course description. For classroom
locations, visit and click
the Class Finder link. (Do not log in.)
Final room assignments are also posted and
updated at the locations shown here.

Digital rooms are posted at:

55 West 13th Street lobby
All other rooms are posted at:
2 West 13th Street lobby

Instructions for accessing online courses will

be emailed to you.

22 | Visit for additional courses and updates.

University Policy on Nondiscrimination The Family Educational Rights and Privacy The right to provide written consent before
The New School is committed to creat- Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights the university discloses personally identifi-
ing and maintaining an environment that with respect to their education records. able information from the student’s education
promotes diversity and tolerance in all areas These rights include: records, except to the extent that FERPA
of employment, education, and access to authorizes disclosure without consent.
educational, artistic, or cultural programs The right to inspect and review the student’s The university discloses education records
and activities. The New School does not education records within 45 days of the day without a student’s prior written consent
discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, the university receives a request for access. under the FERPA exception for disclosure
gender or sexual orientation, religion, reli- A student should submit to the registrar, to school officials with legitimate educa-
gious practices, mental or physical disability, dean, head of the academic department, or tional interests. A school official is a person
national or ethnic origin, citizenship status, other appropriate official, a written request employed by the university in an administra-
veteran or marital status. that identifies the record(s) the student wishes tive, supervisory, academic or research, or
to inspect. The university official will make support staff position (including law enforce-
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act arrangements for access and notify the student ment unit personnel and health services
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy of the time and place where the records may staff); a person or company with whom the
Act of 1974, with which The New School be inspected. If the records are not main- university has contracted as its agent to pro-
complies, was enacted to protect the privacy tained by the university official to whom vide a service instead of university employees
of education records, to establish the right of the request was submitted, that official shall or officials (such as an attorney, auditor, or
students to inspect and review their education advise the student of the correct official to collection agent); a person serving on the
records, and to provide guidelines for correc- whom the request should be addressed. New School Board of Trustees; or a student
tion of inaccurate or misleading statements. serving on an official committee, such as
The right to request the amendment of a disciplinary or grievance committee, or
The New School has established the fol- the student’s education records that the assisting another school official in perform-
lowing student information as public or student believes are inaccurate, misleading, ing his or her tasks.
directory information, which may be dis- or otherwise in violation of the student’s
closed by the institution at its discretion: privacy rights under FERPA. A school official has a legitimate educational
student name; major field of study; dates of A student who wishes to ask the university interest if the official needs to review an
attendance; full- or part-time enrollment sta- to amend a record should write to the uni- education record in order to fulfill his or her
tus; year level; degrees and awards received, versity official responsible for the record, professional responsibilities for the university.
including dean’s list; the most recent clearly identify the part of the record the stu-
previous educational institution attended; dent wants changed, and specify why, in the The right to file a complaint with the U.S.
addresses; phone numbers; photographs; student’s opinion, it should be changed. Department of Education concerning al-
email addresses; and date and place of birth. If the university decides not to amend the leged failures by the university to comply
record as requested, the university will notify with the requirements of FERPA.
Students may request that The New School the student in writing of the decision and The name and address of the office that
withhold release of their directory informa- the student’s right to a hearing regarding the administers FERPA is:
tion by notifying the Registrar’s Office in request for amendment. Additional informa- Family Policy Compliance Office
writing. This notification must be renewed tion regarding the hearing procedures will be U.S. Department of Education
annually at the start of each fall term. provided to the student when notified of the 400 Maryland Ave. SW
right to a hearing. Washington, DC 20202-4605

Academic Policies and Procedures | 23

J Mannes
(150 West 85th Street) 17TH ST.

O Goldmark
Center 16TH ST.
(37 West 65th Street) D Albert and Vera List
School of. School of . 79 Fifth Avenue Academic Center
Fashion R K Fashion . (6 East 16th Street)
(232 West 40th Schwartz Fashion .

15TH ST.
(560 Seventh Avenue)
71 Fifth Avenue W


GREENWICH VILLAGE AREA Study Center X 14th St. – Union Square
(4, 5, 6, L,N,Q,R)
6th Ave. – 14th St.
The New School (F,L,M) (90 Fifth Avenue) M
for Drama M 14TH ST.
(151 Bank Street)
80 Fifth Avenue


Fanton Hall/Welcome Center F

University Center*
(72 Fifth
( YOU AREAvenue)
HERE ) (65 Fifth Avenue)
Arnhold Hall I H E Parsons East
(55 West 13th Street) 13TH ST. (25 East 13th Street)



Sheila C. Johnson M

Design Center Johnson Center Annex
(2 West 13th Street, 66 Fifth Avenue) (68 Fifth Avenue)

12TH ST.

Alvin Johnson/J.M. Kaplan Hall A

(66 West 12th Street)

B Eugene Lang College Building

(65 West 11th Street) 11TH ST.

Lang Annex C

(64 West 11th Street)


The New School Campus Map

A 66 West 12th Street
Mannes Extension Program.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ground floor FOR DESIGN D E K L M N R

Creative Arts Therapy program office.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 916

Humanities Department.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9th floor
Film Production studios.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4th floor
Institute for Retired Professionals.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511 Accounting.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G
Gimbel Library.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2nd floor
New School Bachelor’s Program.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9th floor
New School for General Studies Dean’s Office.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
Media Studies and Film office.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12th floor Cafeterias...............................................118 West 13th Street B I
Social Sciences Department.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9th floor Center for New York City Affairs.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H
Writing Program.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503 M 68 Fifth Avenue Community Development Research Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H
Tishman Auditorium.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ground floor English Language Studies office.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mezzanine
Classrooms Posted .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lobby India China Institute.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N
N 66 Fifth Avenue
Classrooms Parsons Dean’s Office.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6th floor International Center for Migration, .
B 65 West 11th Street (enter at 66 West 12th Street) Parsons SPACE.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2nd floor Ethnicity and Citizenship.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
Wollman Hall.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5th floor Printmaking studio.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4th floor Schwartz Center for Economic Policy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D
Classrooms Kellen Auditorium
Classrooms, Galleries Student Development.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
C 64 West 11th Street
Foreign Languages Department.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lower level 79 Fifth Avenue Tishman Environment and Design Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H

International Student Services.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5th floor Transregional Center for Democratic Studies.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G
D 6 East 16th Street
Classrooms University Administration.......................................79 Fifth Avenue A
E 25 East 13th Street FOR GENERAL STUDIES.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A B D I L N University Center *(expected to be completed 2013)...................... F
Art Studios
University Writing Center.................................................................. W
Student Disability Services.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3rd floor THE NEW SCHOOL FOR LIBERAL ARTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B C
Registrar.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lower level Beth Israel Hospital .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317 East 17th Street
Student Financial Services.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lower level MILANO THE NEW SCHOOL FOR MANAGEMENT Cardozo Law Library .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Fifth Avenue
Office of Admission AND URBAN POLICY.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H
Cooper-Hewitt Museum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 East 91st Street
I 55 West 13th Street
Fogelman Library Circulation.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ground floor THE NEW SCHOOL FOR DRAMA.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Z Cooper Union Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cooper Square
Media Laboratories.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3rd, 4th, 8th, 9th floors Elmer Holmes Bobst Library.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washington Square South
Theresa Lang Community and Student Center.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2nd floor
THE NEW SCHOOL FOR JAZZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I

Classrooms THE NEW SCHOOL FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH. . . . . . . . . . D G

*The New School is undergoing expansion and renovation. Please go to to view updates of the map. Published March 2011.
Parsons The New School for Design is fully accredited by the Commission on Higher
Education of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools and the National
Association of Schools of Art and Design.

PARSONS (USPS 760-830) Volume 28, Number 5, April 2011. PARSONS is

published 6 times a year, in July, October, November, December, April, and May, by
The New School, 66 West 12th Street, New York, NY 10011. Periodicals rate paid
at New York, NY, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes
to Parsons, 66 West 12th Street, New York, NY 10011.

Published by Parsons The New School for Design

Produced by Communications and External Affairs, The New School
Cover photography: Martin Seck. Inside photography: Adam Schwartz, Jada Vogt.
Important Notice: The information published herein represents the plans of The New
School at the time of publication. The university reserves the right to change without notice
any matter contained in this publication including but not limited to tuition, fees, policies,
degree programs, names of programs, course offerings, academic activities, academic
requirements, facilities, faculty, and administrators. Payment of tuition for or attendance in
any classes shall constitute a student’s acceptance of the administration’s rights as set forth
in this notice.

The New School is committed to creating and maintaining an environment that promises
diversity and tolerance in all areas of employment, education and access to its educational,
artistic or cultural programs and activities. The New School does not discriminate on the
basis of age, race, color, gender or sexual orientation, religion, religious practice, mental or
physical disability, national or ethnic origin, citizenship status, or veteran or marital status.

Text stock: Rolland Enviro 100 Print, 70 lb., 100% post-consumer waste, certified Ecologo,
Processed Chlorine Free, FSC recycled and manufactured using biogas energy. Cover stock:
80 lb. Productolith Cover, recycled 10% post-consumer waste.
Parsons SPACE/66 Fifth Avenue/New York, NY 10011

Join us for the first annual Parsons Festival, May 7–23,
2011, celebrating the creativity and achievements of
the Parsons community. Events include student thesis
exhibitions, public programs, and a Parsons-wide block
party on Saturday, May 21. For more information, visit

Including fine arts, fashion, digital design, and more, this
program offers classes for students in grades 4–12
that stimulate their imaginations in an environment that
encourages exploration, collaboration, creative problem-
solving, and artistic growth.


Immerse yourself in the vibrant Parsons community by
visiting the exhibitions at the Sheila C. Johnson
Design Center. Two exhibitions will be on view this
summer: Re-collection and It’s Different. Re-collection
critically examines the practices of curating The
New School’s art collection. It’s Different showcases
the 30th annual Architectural League Prize for Young
Architects and Designers. For more information, visit


Thursday, April 28, at 6:00 p.m.
66 Fifth Avenue, New York City

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