Author prefers to be anonymous. To
assure you has enough experience as a
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 2
TYPES OF TRADING .......................................................................................................................... 3
GAMBIT OF DAY TRADING ................................................................................................................ 4
INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................ 4
KEY POINTERS OF DAY TRADING .................................................................................................... 4
ADVANTAGES .............................................................................................................................. 4
CHALLENGES................................................................................................................................ 4
DIFFERENT METHODOLOGIES OF DAY TRADING .................................................................................. 5
WHAT WORKS IN DAY TRADING? ................................................................................................... 5
RISK MANAGEMENT ..................................................................................................................... 5
TRADING PSYHOLOGY................................................................................................................... 5
DECISION POINT........................................................................................................................... 6
PURE PRICE ACTION TRADING........................................................................................................ 6
PIVOTS TRADING WITH PRICE ACTION ............................................................................................ 6
SMART MONEY CONCEPTS [SMC]................................................................................................... 7
VWAP TRADING ........................................................................................................................... 7
SOME GOOD FREE SOURCES TO LEARN ........................................................................................... 7
DISCLAIMERS & BEST PRACTICES .................................................................................................... 8
In the world of Stock and Commodities trading there are various forms of Analysis
and trading.
Forms of Analysis:
Trading Position i.e. Buy or sell are taken in the market place with the intention to square
off before close of market. This write up will details this style of trading
Trading Position i.e. Buy or Sell [Futures or where Sales C/Fwd is permitted] is taken with
the intention to square off the position the next day at open or during the next
Day [Popularly known as BTST]
Trading Position i.e. Buy or Sell [Futures or where Sales C/Fwd is permitted] is taken with
the intention to hold it for few days to weeks
Trading Position i.e. Buy or Sell [Futures or where Sales C/Fwd is permitted] is taken with
the intention to carry the trade unless the trend has given indication to change
Since option trading were introduced there are many ways to trade options i.e.
Day Trading involves the following: -
- Buying a stock in anticipation of prices to move upwards and later on selling it in order to profit from
- Selling a stock in anticipation of prices to move downwards and later on buying the stock to profit
from it
- Positions are never carried from one day to another
- Requires specialised skill since it involved lot of speed and accuracy element
[You can refer to this as a source to start your journey for day trading]
This involves the following aspects
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAPLia6-jOQ
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5BtIStQQqA
- https://youtu.be/aUgaUeCmSOQ
- https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9myHLrE5hrOgq9VGFwAFKm58-fuD4Kbo
- Mark Minvervini Books all of them
- This involves your thought process i.e. Traders Mindset
- It is very important because this is like a business and unlike our day to day job does not have a
constant source of income
Sources to Study
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9Z9qUTTuhA
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7LKJ59yQow
- All books and videos by Mark Douglas
Developed by Nifty Nirvana – Trading using this method involves using decision points popularly known as
DP trading
Sources to Study
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCJdDP_yTMo
- http://niftynirvana.blogspot.com/
- Books are available in nifty nirvana free of cost
- It has 100’s of examples since 2012
- Best Practioner for DP trading known to me @Only_Nifty [Twitter handle]
This study involves to study price in the entirety and derive conclusions from the same
Sources to Study
- Your Trading Coach Blog and Six Volume Study Guide [Author Lance Beggs]
- https://yourtradingcoach.com/blog
- Books and Course by Al Brooks [Very difficult and In Depth]
- Logical Price Action [Based on Wycoff has Intraday as well] [Very detailed and easy to grasp]
- BOOK: Price Action Break Down by Laurentiu Damir
- Good Indian Courses
o VP Financials [Risk Reward is bit of Challenge but the mentor is good]
o A&A Trading Blog [Good for Beginners, low cost good study material]
o https://www.cnceptual.com/ [Good with Price Action + Open Interest]
Pivot trading is one of them, these Pivots are static Pivots which are derived from previous Day prices and
then used in the current day, you might hear terms like R1,R2,R3 S1,S2,S2 CPR etc
Sources to Study
- Secrets of Pivot Trading by Franklin Ochoa [Source for all Pivot Related Materials]
- AJ Trading School https://ajtradingschool.wordpress.com/
o Good focussed Price Action + Pivot based Study
o Post Course Support for one month
- Your Intraday Coach [Looks okay for me concepts are from Lance Beggs + Pivots]
- https://pivotcall.com/ ➔ By Vikram [Price Action + Pivots – Good for Beginners]
- https://www.cprbykgs.com/ by Gomathi Shankar [Found this also fine]
This method involves following Big Traders who trade with huge capital. The idea is to estimate their entries
/ exits / intentions and to profit from their flow of money.
It involves Supply / Demand and Price Expansion / Contraction
Sources to Study
This is normally not a method to be used in isolation it can be coupled with Price Action.
VWAP (for the day) normally depicts where the majority of trading for the day has been done.
Sources to Study
- https://dotnettutorials.net/lesson/vwap-trading/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IruE3_h8RmQ&t=37s
- How to Day Trade for a Living – Andrew Aziz
- https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9myHLrE5hrPMGyFDPv-IQmJCqxVwRaMf
- https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEBJVA1q-TllF3nYpsK8NuD0FaXeidPyj
- https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEBJVA1q-Tln_ZvZzPzKdCPZN4GvwyGji
I. RISK MANAGEMENT AND PYSCHOLOGY ARE MANDATORY. You can use any other methods listed
above or combination of them to trade
II. Always focus on ACTION oriented learning i.e. that is focussed on execution of your strategy
III. Calculate the returns on the basis of Capital Deployed and not in absolute returns
IV. Any Technique does not work all the time. The key is TO STAY AWAY WHEN THE PARAMETERS ARE
V. When you are trading and have a lot of trades to your experience you will come to know that
sometimes you will have to SCALE UP depending on circumstances and sometimes you need to stay
away from the markets – THIS IS THE KEY
VI. Not to HOP Systems unless it does not match your trading Style
VII. Do not go by Profit Screen Shots – The good way to Show profits is like Companies Show in the
Annual Reports all other ways to display profitability is a BLUFF
VIII. Note down your shortcomings and try to slowly overcome them via guidance or self learning
IX. Repeat what works for you and discard the ones which does not work for you
X. Always see the results as a SET OF TRADES i.e. 20/30 Trades and check the outcome. Do not consider
only one trade to determine the overall outcome
XI. For PRO traders day trading is not scalable beyond certain extent it is one of the forms of trading in
the Arsenal apart from other forms
XII. Markets are continuously evolving but the base concepts remain the same with incremental changes
that need to be adopted
The compilation is done based on the best of my information and for your perusal. Please excuse me on any
mistakes or omissions there are tons of things that I might not be aware of or might be unexplored by me till
The above material is compiled for the ones who are searching for information at one place, this is sort of
give back for the help FTU Community has given me till date.
Day Trading is a full time profession you can practise it with job and only when successful take it as a
profession. While at job have a fixed time to trade and develop a discipline to trade only during those hours.
If there are no trades coming your way just don’t force the trades accept it as a blank day and get back to
Lastly if you are still reading then looks like you have a firing need to learn pick up a methodology from the
above and start practising
Take a method check it suits you, backtest and check if it works and then EAT, SLEEP, LIVE with that method.
As per me approximately 3-12 months minimum only learning [Depending on your background, commitment
etc] is required and 1-2 years or practise is required to become a profession SURGEON OF DAY TRADING.