Unified Facilities Criteria (Ufc) : Design Procedures
Unified Facilities Criteria (Ufc) : Design Procedures
Unified Facilities Criteria (Ufc) : Design Procedures
25 May 2005
Including Change 8, 17 February 2011
Any copyrighted material included in this UFC is identified at its point of use.
Use of the copyrighted material apart from this UFC must have the permission of the
copyright holder.
The Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) system is prescribed by MIL-STD-3007 and provides
planning, design, construction, sustainment, restoration, and modernization criteria, and
applies to the Military Departments, the Defense Agencies, and the DoD Field Activities in
accordance with USD (AT&L) Memorandum dated 29 May 2002. UFC will be used for all DoD
projects and work for other customers where appropriate. All construction outside of the
United States is also governed by Status of forces Agreements (SOFA), Host Nation Funded
Construction Agreements (HNFA), and in some instances, Bilateral Infrastructure Agreements
(BIA). Therefore, the acquisition team must ensure compliance with the more stringent of the
UFC, the SOFA, the HNFA, and the BIA, as applicable.
UFC are living documents and will be periodically reviewed, updated, and made available to
users as part of the Services’ responsibility for providing technical criteria for military
construction. Headquarters, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (HQUSACE), Naval Facilities
Engineering Command (NAVFAC), and Air Force Civil Engineer Support Agency (AFCESA) are
responsible for administration of the UFC system. Defense agencies should contact the
preparing service for document interpretation and improvements. Technical content of UFC is
the responsibility of the cognizant DoD working group. Recommended changes with supporting
rationale should be sent to the respective service proponent office by the following electronic
form: Criteria Change Request (CCR). The form is also accessible from the Internet sites listed
UFC are effective upon issuance and are distributed only in electronic media from the following
Hard copies of UFC printed from electronic media should be checked against the current
electronic version prior to use to ensure that they are current.
______________________________________ ______________________________________
Chief, Engineering and Construction Chief Engineer
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Naval Facilities Engineering Command
______________________________________ ______________________________________
The Deputy Civil Engineer Director, Installations Requirements and
DCS/Installations & Logistics Management
Department of the Air Force Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense
(Installations and Environment)
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Including Change 8, 17 February 2011
UFC 1-300-09N
25 May 2005
Including Change 8, 17 February 2011
This UFC applies to projects for all NAVFAC activities, and their contractors that are
preparing construction contract drawings, specifications, and Request for Proposals for
shore facilities, and is applicable to both Design-Bid-Build (DBB) and Design-Build (DB)
List of references used in this UFC is at Appendix A.
List of abbreviations and other terms used in this UFC is provided at the Glossary.
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Design Naval shore facilities in accordance with all Navy and Department of Defense
(DoD) Criteria. DoD Design Criteria are available from the Whole Building Design
Guide web site (http://www.wbdg.org/ccb/browse_cat.php?o=29&c=4) and from the
Construction Criteria Base (CCB) web site (http://www.wbdg.org/ccb.) Design criteria
include general criteria, as well as specific criteria on particular elements of the work
(e.g., Geotechnical and Engineering Procedures for Foundation Design of Buildings and
Structures) and facility types (e.g., Bachelor Quarters). Design guidance is typically in
the form of Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC). The contract will reference the specific
guidance applicable to a particular project. Deviations from criteria must be approved
by the NAVFAC Chief Engineer.
For further information about the use of SI in projects and criteria documents, see MIL-
2-2.1 SI Definitions.
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Barrier-free design should be in accordance with the requirements of the DEPSECDEF
Memorandum “Access for People With Disabilities” dated Oct 31,2008. The
memorandum updates the DoD standards for making facilities accessible to people with
disabilities. The US Access Board issued an update of the accessibility guidelines
which the DEPSECDEF Memorandum implements with military unique requirements
specified in the memorandum attachment. The new “DoD ABA (Architectural Barriers
Act) Accessibility Standard and the DEPSECDEF Memorandum are located at
For sustainable design procedures and requirements for construction contracts see:
Use the U. S. Green Building Council’s LEED Green Building Rating System as a tool to
apply sustainable development principles and as a metric to measure the sustainability
achieved throughout the planning, design and construction processes. Projects that
must meet this certification are described in\5\ ECB 2008-1 /5/. These projects must
meet the LEED \5\ Silver /5/ level; unless justifiable conditions exist that limit the pursuit
and accomplishment of the LEED credits necessary for achieving the Certified level.
The Government determines the minimum sustainable LEED goals and verification
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Develop stateside project documents under the direction of a Registered Architect or a
Professional Engineer currently licensed in accordance with FAR 52-236-25,
Requirements for Registration of Designers. Develop foreign project documents under
the direction of a Registered Architect or a Professional Engineer currently licensed by a
United States state, commonwealth, or territory, the District of Columbia, or by the
foreign country in which the project is to be built.
Each drawing shall only be signed, sealed, and dated by the Registered Architect or the
Professional Engineer who is registered to practice in the particular field involved for
work depicted on that drawing, serves as the Designer of Record for that work, and
complies with requirements of FAR 52.236-26. Sign Record Documents in accordance
with Electronic Design Deliverable requirements.
2-7.1 Certification.
Where special certifications are required for the design, certify in accordance with the
contract and local requirements.
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The Design-Build (DB) RFP may utilize part of the Predesign phase to help define
acceptable options for the project, or may strictly state functional requirements, which
allows maximum design flexibility for the Design-Build Contractor. Stating functional
requirements is preferred; however, mold the process to meet the needs of the using
activity. Requirements in this chapter are for RFP Development only.
The RFP must include all six RFP Parts indicated below unless they are not applicable
to the project. The typical facility project will have information in every RFP Part, with
the possible exception of RFP Part Five, “Prescriptive Specifications.” Typically, Part
One is not \5\ prepared by the RFP developer, but is provided by the Acquisition office
after RFP parts Two through Six have been completed by the RFP developer /5/.
Verify with the NAVFAC Facility Engineering Command if space and tabs should be
provided in the RFP for Part One.
• Part One includes the Proposal Form and Documents and specifies the
contractual requirements.
• Part Two contains the General Requirements Specification Sections –
some only available at the Design-Build website.
• Part Three contains the Project Program for the project.
• Part Four contains the Performance Technical Specifications.
• Part Five contains any Prescriptive Specifications required for the Design-
Build RFP.
• Part Six is for Attachments (e.g., Boring Logs, reference drawings).
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1. RFP Coversheet
2. PART 1 Divider (when directed by the Command)
3. Overall, RFP Table of Contents (Parts 2-6)
4. PART 2 Divider
a. Part 2 Table of Contents
b. Part 2 Specification Sections (bookmark first page of each section)
5. PART 3 Divider
a. Part 3 Project Program Coversheet
b. Part 3 Table of Contents
c. Part 3 Project Program
6. PART 4 Divider
a. Part 4 Table of Contents
b. Part 4 Performance Technical Specifications (bookmark first page of each
7. PART 5 Divider (if prescriptive specifications are included in the RFP)
a. Part 5 Table of Contents
b. Part 5 Specification Sections (bookmark first page of each section)
8. PART 6 Divider
a. Part 6 Table of Contents
b. Attachments (bookmark first page of each attachment)
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Prepare drawings in accordance with Chapter 7, "Electronic Design Deliverables" and
as required herein.
Drawings shall be consistent in presentation and format. If one discipline shows
material selections directly on the details, other disciplines should conform to that
format, and not use numbers to refer to a numerical legend elsewhere on the drawings.
• Do not use “to be” for describing work that will be accomplished by the
Contractor. “To be” implies that someone will accomplish the work other than the
Contractor, such as the Government or another Contractor. If work is to be
accomplished by Government, for example, say “Government will remove
storage building prior to start of construction.”
• Do not use “proposed” for new construction. “Proposed” means future work by
others or work not in this contract.
• Do not use “new” for work in the contract. All work shown on the drawings is
considered new, unless indicated otherwise. Inconsistent use of “new”
throughout the drawings could mean that only some of the work is required.
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• Be careful with statements like “remove and replace,” which means to remove
old item or material and replace that item or material when work is completed.
This statement would be appropriate for work in a pump station where pumps
were removed prior to the work and those same pumps replaced after the work is
completed. On the contrary, if a portion of a concrete walk is cracked and
requires replacement, say “remove and provide concrete walk.”
• Do not indicate, “see specifications” on the drawings. The drawings and the
specifications form a complete construction package.
• Do not use words that have multiple meanings, requiring opinions, or judgmental
decisions, such as “timely,” “nearly,” “good-condition,” “suitable,” “well-balanced,”
“suitable for intended use,” “reasonable,” “approximately,” “reliable,” “proper,”
“usable,” “appropriate,” “adequate,” or “qualified.”
• Do not use terms that are not biddable by the Contractor nor enforceable by the
Government, such as “recondition,” “as directed,” “equal to,” “as required,”
“similar to,” “as necessary,” “as close as possible,” “repair,” “match existing,” or
• Some terms are only enforceable if quantities are shown on the drawings or
included in the specifications, such as “as indicated,” “as shown,” “specified
herein,” and “as noted.”
• Be careful when using the word, “typical,” especially if there are exceptions to the
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There is only one current version of a guide specification at any time. The guide
specification with the latest revision date automatically cancels specifications of the
same number with a previous date.
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Regional specifications are limited in number and scope to selected subjects, such as
temporary environmental controls, and contain a majority of local requirements.
Regional specifications are used in the same way as the UFGS except that they are
used only in the area of the specific facility engineering command jurisdiction. Regional
specifications are numbered the same as the UFGS that has been used as a basis for
the regional specification, with the exception of a regional designation at the fifth level
for specifications in MasterFormat 04; for example, in UFGS Section number, 01 13
30.00 22, “22” indicates the region. Assigned regional designations can be found with
the Regional specifications at http://www.wbdg.org/ccb/browse_cat.php?o=3&c=43.
On Design-Bid-Build projects, other guide specifications are only allowed as a basis for
information when not available in the UFGS. These developed specifications must be in
CSI MasterFormat™ and meet requirements of UFC 1-300-02, Unified Facilities Guide
Specifications (UFGS) Format Standard.
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1. Regional Guide Specifications (for the project location and where sections are
2. UFGS, Navy only (UFGS with a “20” at the fifth level in MasterFormat 04).
3. UFGS (unified, no designator following section number or at the fifth level).
4. Other DoD UFGS (tailor for Navy job)
5. Other Guide Specifications.
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Any specification section that contains proprietary items must include a notice to that
effect on the first page of the section. Place the following above the section number
and title at the top of the first page of the section:
This Specification Contains Proprietary Products.
The use of proprietary items has been the subject of many contract claims. Project
designers and specifiers must be aware of the restriction on the specification of
proprietary items and take special precautions to avoid their use unless formal written
approval is obtained.
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suggest the extension. Second, it is possible to add terms to a warranty, but only in the
rarest of circumstances and with written approval of a Level 1 Contracting Officer or
when UFGS indicate such an extension has been reviewed and approved by a Level 1
Contracting Officer.
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use. Usually, service records of new materials do not exist. It is therefore necessary to
base performance on laboratory tests. These tests:
Most manufacturers will furnish all requested information about a product and answer all
reasonable questions. The manufacturer may also provide a suggested, competitive,
generic type specification section that may be edited for the project. If there are not two
or more manufacturers or suppliers capable of supplying the product specified, the
product must be considered proprietary, and approval sought for its use in accordance
with paragraph “Proprietary Specifications”.
5-4.1 Precedence.
Refer to FAR 52-236-21. In general, treat anything mentioned in the specifications but
not shown on the drawings or shown on the drawings but not included in the
specifications as if shown or mentioned in both. In the case of discrepancies between
the drawings and specifications, the specifications take precedence. Order of
Precedence for RFP contracts is described in NFAS Clause 5252.236-9312 (when
published) and in UFGS 01 33 10.05 20.
5-4.2 Coordination.
Coordinate the drawings and the specifications to ensure that all items depicted in the
drawings are covered by an appropriate specification section and that all specification
sections relate to items in the drawings.
Department of Defense (DoD) agencies use a specification processing system called
"SpecsIntact," an acronym for "Specifications-Kept-Intact." SpecsIntact is the word
processing software used to edit the UFGS database.
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SpecsIntact is available for download, free of charge, at the SpecsIntact web site
5-6.4 Format.
The format (e.g., page layout, size, and electronic format) for specifications is defined
by UFC 1-300-02. Print job headers with the job title, exactly as it appears on the
drawings, justified to the left, and with the eProjects Work Order Number or Maximo
Number justified to the right. For Prefinal submittals, follow the job title with “(Prefinal).”
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\3\ Include within Division 01 a section instructing the project team and stakeholders to
use an integrated design process throughout the planning, design and delivery stages.
The MOU Technical Guidance for the integrated design process is available from the
WBDG web site (http://www.wbdg.org/sustainablemou_id.php.) Include applicable
references to the MOU Technical Guidance throughout project documentation. /3/
For RFP’s in which Parts are shared, such as Part 2, Part 4, and Part 5, projects may
be combined by simply using a Part 3 for each project, distinguished by the cover page
and title, and inserted in Part 3; and a Part 6 for each project, distinguished by the title,
and inserted in Part 6. In this case, parts A, B, and C dividers may not be required.
Reflect the layout in the overall Table of Contents.
Provide UFGS 00 01 15 (00102), List of Drawings, listing all of the drawings in the entire
package. Group drawing lists by Project.
Provide a single, overall Table of Contents, listing each Part and the sections or
documents in each Part. Note that SpecsIntact uses Courier New (10 pt) as the default
font. Use this font to generate the Table of Contents and any other documents in Word.
A sample Table of Contents is provided in Figure 5-1.
In Part A, provide one General Requirements (Division 01) specification for the
package. This Division should be accurate for all of the combined projects. The header
in Part A should list the titles of each project, justified to the left, and the corresponding
eProjects Work Order Number or Maximo number, for each project, justified to the right.
For Design-Bid-Build projects, and Design-Build RFP’s that require a submittal register,
provide submittal registers for each Part at the end of UFGS 01 33 00 (01330) Submittal
Procedures, or UFGS 01 33 00.05 20 (01332) Construction Submittal Procedures.
Separate submittal register for each part with a Divider, for example, indicating “Part A:
Submittal Register” or “Part B: Submittal Register.” Thus, prepare one submittal
register for the sections in Part A, one submittal register for the technical sections or
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RFP sections in Part B, and a submittal register for each of the additional technical or
RFP sections in the package.
For the remaining technical Parts B, C, etc., provide a Divider, a Table of Contents, and
the technical specification sections (00-49) or RFP sections (Parts 3-6). The header in
each part should contain only the title of that Project and the corresponding eProjects
Work Order Number or Maximo number, for that project.
-- End of Part A --
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-- End of Part B --
-- End of Part C --
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Multiple contract line items are not required if the project cost estimate is clearly within
the funds available. However, if the estimated construction cost exceeds the project
budget, option contract line items or additive contract line items may need to be
established in order to ensure that an award can be made within the available funds.
In composing contract line items, the “base item” must provide a usable facility. Work
for option items and additive items should be selected which can logically be separated
from the project without rendering the facility unusable. It is intended that the “base
item,” together with all the contract line items, will provide the maximum usable facility
for the funds available.
The number of items and the estimated cost per item will depend upon the nature of the
project. There shall be no more than four contract line items without specific approval of
the Contracting Officer. Each estimated option/additive item should tend to approximate
2% to 10% of the estimated base item.
Do not use the term “alternate” to represent line items. Do not use terms, such as “base
item” to indicate items in the primary contract line item.
funds. As additive items are determined to be within the funds available they are added
to the Contractor’s bid price. If they are not within the funds available they are skipped.
Each additive item shall be independent of the others.
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NAVFACINST 4250.1, Electronic Bid Solicitation (EBS) Policy, sets the policy for
NAVFAC compliance with DoD and Navy policy for paperless acquisition systems. The
instruction requires implementation of EBS at all NAVFAC components for all
construction projects. These Electronic Design Deliverables (EDD) requirements
implement this instruction and provide NAVFAC specific format guidance. Regardless of
acquisition method, all projects shall follow these EDD requirements.
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7-3.2 Drawings.
7-3.2.1 General.
Produce drawings using Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) software.
Provide Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF) files for design and record
drawing submittals. Provide drawings in Autodesk AutoCad ® “.dwg” format meeting
the following requirements.
7- Symbols.
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Approved drawing symbols for use on NAVFAC drawings are provided on the Whole
Building Design Guide web site in the drawing titled “Sample Symbology.dwg” (see 7-
3.7) and are illustrated in Figure 7-1.
Note that section cuts and elevation/photograph callouts utilize two-part bubbles which
assign a detail identification number using the grid coordinates as addressed in the
Uniform Drawing System of the NCS. The titles for those details utilize a single bubble
at the end of the underline which provides the detail number where it appears on the
sheet. The sheets(s) on which the detail is called out is (are) displayed to the bottom
left of the bubble.
7- Translations.
Construction drawings are required to be prepared in dual language at a majority of our
overseas locations. For drawings developed in dual language, provide adequate space
adjacent to each note, title, symbol, etc., for the foreign language translation. The final
drawing shall not appear cluttered or congested. Drawing translations (all notes, titles,
symbols, etc.) shall be provided with English on top and the Host Nation language on
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Model Files
Sheet Files
*** When used, typically the first two characters of the User Definable suffix address the floor number.
Use the last two characters to further specify quadrants, phases, or wings.
**** For example: BLDG0001-MAXIMO-C-101-12.dwg; The User Definable suffix “-12” is used here on a
Civil plan sheet where multiple tabs/layouts contain (12) adjacent sheets that are connected by match
Model file types, sheet file types, and discipline designators are founds in the NCS.
Obtain the Facility I.D. Designator and Job Number from the Contracting Officer or
Contracting Officer’s technical representative.
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7-3.5.1 General.
Convert documents to the Adobe Acrobat Portable Document File (PDF) format directly
from their authoring software. \5\ Any drawing files larger than 17Mb shall be broken
into smaller files. Drawing file sizes shall be a maximum of 17Mb with digital signatures.
There is no limit on file size for specifications or RFPs /5/
PDF files shall be bookmarked and visual “thumbnails” created. Create a bookmark for
the beginning of each drawing discipline. Create a sub-bookmark for individual drawing
sheets. Bookmark wording shall be as descriptive as practical (i.e., S-101 Foundation
Plan). When complete, the files shall open to the “bookmarks” view as the default view
with the drawing sheets visible in “fit to page” magnification. Before submission to
NAVFAC, the professional shall electronically sign and seal all sheets and appropriate
locations on the NAVFAC Title Block(s), see Paragraph 7.4. /5/
If the RFP contains drawings, provide a separate PDF for the RFP and the drawings.
Typically, reference drawings are provided in Part 6, this should be a separate file
because of the sheet size (11” x 17” or 22” x 34”), which will facilitate printing of this file
separately by the Contractor.
/5/ 1. Merge PDF files for each section into one PDF file.
2. Combine the PDF files of the Coversheet, Table of Contents, and other
project specific files including the Submittal Register. Insert blank pages where
needed so that sections, graphics, and reports begin on an odd number page.
Create “thumbnail” images of each page.
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4. Set the Document Properties of the PDF such that it opens to the first
page and to the “bookmarks” view as the default view with the specification or RFP
pages visible in “fit page” magnification.
File naming for any attachments to the amendment follows guidance for naming
specifications and drawings, with the exception that the amendment number should be
Combine attached drawing files into a single PDF file, and attached specification files
into a single PDF.
Prepare Record Drawings in accordance with the drawing format guidelines of this
Chapter and the following additional requirements. Make all drawing changes in
AutoCAD ® -compatible format incorporating modifications and as-built conditions. Use
the CADD standards used for the original design for as-built modifications and the
following guidelines:
• Make revisions on the original layer of the object being changed. Draw a “cloud”
around the changed portion and place it on layer Z-ANNO-REVC. Place revision
symbols and notes, including those placed in each drawing’s revision block, on
the Z-ANNO-REVS layer.
• Transfer all signatures, initials, dates and SAT-TO information in the title block
area on the contract drawings as text onto the record drawings.
• Upon completion of the drawing modifications, save all drawing files (with the
exception of X-ref’s) named as specified in 7-3.6.3.
• Produce a PDF file of each individual record drawing using a PDF page size that
corresponds to the original document sheet size. Provide a PDF print resolution
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that results in clear detail of all drawing features. Electronic signatures are not
Produce a TIFF file for Official Record Drawings by exporting each PDF file to the TIFF
format using Adobe Acrobat.
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XXXXXXX.(pdf or tiff)
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At a minimum NAVFAC shall sign the “For Commander NAVFAC” and the “SAT-TO”
areas in the title block. Additional signature fields for reviewers can be signed at the
discretion of the responsible FAC/FEC. /5/
7-5.1 General.
Provide Official submittals on Recordable Compact Discs (CD-R) or as directed.
Submit all CADD files in AutoDesk Drawing (*.DWG) format in NAVFAC supported
version indicated \5\ in the Design Information document on WBDG. Drawing files shall
be uncompressed and unzipped /5/. Purge files of all unused items (e.g. blocks, layers,
line types, and nested items). \8\ Do not submit single drawing files with multiple
layouts. Do not bind cross referenced parent and child drawings. /8/
/CADD folder - All Native CADD Files for all disciplines; include all X-refs, image,
or other external reference files.
/RFP folder - All source files of RFP package, further divided by subfolders into
Parts, except for specification section files or CADD files.
/Support folder
/Record Drawings/
/CADD - All record CADD files and X-refs for all disciplines shall be stored in
the same folder (directory).
/Basis of Design
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• Return the plans and specifications to the DOR for rework if the spot-
check or other procedure indicates inadequate quality control by the DOR
or if design errors or omissions are found.
• Process payment for final plans and specifications after adequate quality
control has been accomplished by the DOR.
• Delete comments directing the DOR to make specific changes to the
project design, except under unusual circumstances and with careful
documentation, to avoid assuming responsibility for the design.
• Specifically evaluate the DOR quality performance in A-E performance
evaluations, for both the post-design or post-RFP development completion
and the post-construction completion, for consideration in future selection
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equipment to be installed within, on, or adjacent to the building. Although Type (2)
drawings are sometimes prepared by SPAWAR, both types should bear standard
NAVFAC title blocks and drawing numbers in accordance with Chapter 7. On drawings
that require SPAWAR approval, SPAWAR signature can be applied in the NAVFAC
Signature Block in the supplemental location and the SPAWAR drawing cross reference
number can be provided on the border sheet (see 7-3.5.2, 7-3.7, and 7-4). SPAWAR
may also need to review where project impacts an adjacent facility, such as electro-
magnetic radiation from police stations or hospitals affecting antennae, transmitters, and
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• Vicinity Map
• Site Map
• Landscape Plan
• Floor Plan
• Elevations
• Building Sections
• Roof Plan
• Storm Water Management Plan
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Pre-design consists of identifying the requirement and developing the project
documentation. The requirements may come from a variety of sources i.e., new Navy
platforms, facilities planning data, or base realignment and closure. Project
documentation may involve multiple levels of approval. Projects are classified as minor
work, special projects or military construction. Each of these classifications has its own
authorization process.
Once the requirement has been identified, complete the Facility Planning Data and
initiate project development; select the best alternative to fulfill the requirement. This
may include renovation/modernization of an existing facility, new construction, leasing
or a combination. Include other elements of the project documentation to include: the
1391 in Electronic Project Generator (EPG) format with detailed scope, collateral
equipment list and cost, preliminary budgetary cost information for primary facility and
supporting facilities (e.g., utilities, connections, site work), site location and approval,
NEPA documents (CATEX, EA, EIS, RONA, RAC, etc), SHPO (as required), Economic
Analysis, Facilities Planning Data including Basic Facilities Requirement, and other
project specific data. In the site approval process, include the review of Land Use Plan
and any possible site constraints. The constraint issues may require unique design or
construction elements and, therefore, the site should be fully approved prior to initiating
the project design.
Time required for the completion of environmental documentation varies and may be
developed in parallel to the design effort, but must be completed prior to construction.
Include other data in the project documentation such as site drawings and sketches, site
location, map of existing supporting facilities and site utilities, location of identified
constraints, diagrams and sketches that suggest the relationships among project
Functional Space Areas, adjacent or related projects, and existing facilities.
9-1.2 DD 1391
Typically, provide Special Projects and most MILCON projects on Form DD 1391.
Identify Special Projects and MILCONs by the project number and make available for
review in the EPG data base (SPAWAR does not use EPG). Attach the necessary
documentation to the projects. Electronically approve Projects in EPG; electronic
signatures will be reflected in EPG data base. For more information about special
project authorization, see OPNAVINST 11010.20G.
9-1.6.1 Responsibilities.
The Government installation planners are responsible for obtaining information required
for project site approval prior to design.
The Designer of Record shall obtain all site and building data and investigate existing
site conditions, utilities, and facilities as necessary to properly integrate the design of
the project with existing conditions. Except as otherwise contracted, field investigations
shall include complete and accurate site investigation, topographic/hydrographic survey,
and verification of location and availability of utility and drainage systems. Existing as-
built record drawings, when available, will be furnished for information. However, the
DOR or Contractor shall be responsible for field verification of as-built drawings and
other site features that may influence project design.
In a Design-Build contract, the Designer of Record shall be responsible to verify all site
information given by the Government issued RFP. In addition, the DOR shall provide
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9-1.6.2 Coordination.
All site work, including topographic/hydrographic and soil surveys, shall be coordinated
with representatives of the Public Works, Utilities and Energy team, and other NAVFAC
design personnel. During execution of field investigation work, the Designer of Record
shall be responsible for obtaining necessary permits, and complying with applicable
laws, codes, and regulations, including OSHA regulations. The exact location of the
geotechnical excavation, whether by drilling or digging, shall be approved by the
appropriate authorities, be it the local utility service or by a company hired by the
geotechnical engineering firm to “scope” utilities. The DOR shall be responsible for all
damages to persons and property that occur as a result of their fault or negligence. The
DOR shall take proper safety precautions to protect the public, the property of the public
and the Government from physical hazards and unsafe conditions. Upon completion of
field investigation, return the property to its original condition except as released in
writing by the client activity.
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9- General.
Investigations and evaluations (including soil borings, test pits, ground penetrating radar
surveys, seismic refraction surveys, and electrical resistivity testing, laboratory testing)
shall be in accordance with ASTM standards to the fullest practical extent. The
classification and investigation of the soil shall be supervised by a registered
professional engineer. Where ASTM methods are not applicable, procedures and
apparatus used shall be in accordance with generally accepted engineering practice.
9- Laboratory.
The minimum laboratory testing shall include grouping like samples, conducting a sieve
analysis and Atterberg Limits tests, and performing natural moisture content
determinations to effectively depict in-situ conditions. The field logs shall be updated in
accordance with ASTM D 2487. Other testing, such as California Bearing Ratio,
unconfined compressive strength, consolidation testing, triaxial testing, and potential
volume change in suspected expansive clay areas, etc., shall be performed as required
by the contract or by the Contractor’s Geotechnical Engineer or DOR in a Design-Build
a PDF copy of the geotechnical report on CD shall be sent to direct mail to the
respective Echelon III command for projects residing in their area of responsibility./5/
For Design-Build projects, the submitted report shall be accompanied by a cover letter
from the DOR, identifying any recommendations of the report, proposed to be adopted
into the design, which are interpreted by the Contractor as either conflicting with or
being modifications to the Geotechnical or Pavement related requirements of the RFP.
9-1.11 Translations.
Construction drawings are required to be prepared in dual language at a majority of our
overseas locations. Unless the contract scope indicates otherwise, translation of
specifications shall not be required. Where dual language is required, the Host Nation
A&E shall be responsible for accurately translating all required documents such that
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they are clear and comprehendible to the local construction community. The Host
Nation A&E may also be contracted to translate Government furnished studies, surveys,
geotechnical reports, product specifications, host country requirements or other
technical documents prepared in a foreign language and serve as an interpreter when
meeting with local officials and contractors. Translations shall be included with the Pre-
Final (100%) submittal, through project completion. For drawings developed in dual
language, provide adequate space adjacent to each note, title, symbol, etc., for the
foreign language translation. The final drawing shall not appear cluttered or congested.
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10-1.5.2 Geotechnical.
The Basis of Design shall include a paragraph briefly describing the geotechnical
investigation program, the recommendations for the site preparation, and the
recommendations for the building foundation and pavement design.
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10-1.5.3 Structural
Provide a narrative report on how the design concept satisfies the customer’s
requirements, meets criteria and is cost effective. Include statements on the following:
• List a summary of the criteria upon which the structural design is based.
Including a statement of all loads: dead, live, wind, snow, earthquake and any
other significant load.
• List all assumptions required for the structural design where the design criteria is
undefined, unclear, conflicting or unknown. State the basis of the assumption
• Describe the structural floor and roof systems. Include a discussion of both the
gravity and lateral force resisting systems. Clearly describe the gravity and
lateral load paths providing all pertinent information such as, capacity, size,
dimensions, materials and design strengths. Define how foundations and slabs
on grade are used to distribute lateral forces between the structure and the
• Provide a narrative summary of the foundation system, including method for
determination of the bearing capacity, maximum allowable bearing capacity, and
lateral force capacity of the foundation, as well as other soil parameters used in
the design. Provide all pertinent information, such as capacity, size, dimensions
and a list of materials with design strengths.
• When appropriate, provide a statement of any special considerations that affect
the design (e.g. “superflat floors” for high stack warehouses, special corrosion
resistance requirements, fire-resistive requirements, crane or monorails, etc.)
• \5\Describe applicable special inspections, testing, and observations required per
IBC Chapter 17.
10-1.6 Calculations.
10-1.6.1 Purpose.
Design calculations shall be submitted at design stages indicated in the contract.
Calculations shall include references to all Navy and non-Navy criteria used. Computer
outputs shall be properly identified and appropriately referenced as to the program
name, version and source. Prepare calculations in metric units when metric design is
required. \5\For Geotechnoical and Structural requirements refer to paragraphs 10-
1.6.3 and 10-1.6.4 /5/ For additional information and specific requirements by
discipline, refer to the Discipline-Specific UFCs and the contract requirements.
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10-1.6.2 Format.
Calculations shall be bound documents, 8 ½” X 11”. Provide a cover sheet identifying
the document as the Calculations, and include the submittal stage, project title and
location, A-E Contract or Construction Contract number, eProjects Work Order Number
or Maximo Number, firm, Command, or Contractor name, and date. Organize
calculations by discipline in the same order as the drawings and bind in a manner
appropriate to the number of sheets included. An index shall follow the title sheet. Sub-
indexes shall be provided for disciplines having a very large number of sheets. All
sheets shall be numbered and page numbers included in the index.
• A cover sheet indicating the project title, location, construction contract number
and names of the persons originating and checking the calculations.
• Table of contents
• A brief statement describing the structural system, significant design parameters
and any restrictions that may affect the design.
• Applicable design criteria
• Loads: Include all loadings, forces, temperature changes, induced settlements,
and other internal and external actions that may affect the design of the structure.
The list must include the orientation and location, magnitude and units of
measure for each load.
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Design for lateral forces must include design calculations for wind, seismic, and
other potential loadings. The construction drawings must depict the governing
design elements base on both seismic and wind design requirements.
Computer generated calculations must identify the program name, source and
version. Provide input data, including loads. Loading diagrams, node diagrams, and
adequate documentation to illustrated the design. The schematic models used for
input must shows, as a minimum, nodes/joints, elements/members,
materials/properties, and all loadings, induced settlements/deflections, etc and a list
of load combinations. Results must include and output listing for maximum/minimum
stresses/forces and deflections for each element and the restrictions for each
loading case and combination.
10-1.7 Drawings.
General guidance for preparation of Drawings is provided in Chapter 4, "Drawings" and
Chapter 7, "Electronic Design Deliverables."
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• Loads: Provide loading information and identify source for all listed loads
• Foundation Conditions: Fully describe the foundation conditions and list the type
of foundation system and method employed to determine allowable soil bearing
values. Indicate the minimum allowable bearing capacity for shallow
foundations, or the pile or pier capacity in both tension and compression for deep
foundations. Indicate passive, active and at rest design pressures, the coefficient
of friction and the sub-grade modulus. Indicate if a site specific design spectrum
ahs be used in the design and give the site class in accordance with the seismic
design criteria used.
• Materials: Clearly define the types, grades and properties of materials for each
structural element and system.
• Quality Assurance: Provide a summary of the quality assurance requirements.
• Ammunition and Explosive Facilities: Drawings that include a standard approved
for Ammunition and Explosive storage facilities must include a note clearly
identifying the source, name and date of the standard design.
• Marine Structures: List mooring berthing and deck loads for marine structures,
including ship classes (e.g. DDG 51, CG 47, CVN, etc.) with associated
10-1.8 Specifications.
General guidance for preparation of Specifications is provided in Chapter 5,
"Specifications" and Chapter 7, "Electronic Design Deliverables."
10-1.9 RFP.
General guidance for preparation of RFP is also provided in Chapter 3, "Development of
Design-Build Request for Proposal (RFP)" and Chapter 7, "Electronic Design
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and provisions are made for the utility service entrances through foundation and for
major pieces of equipment for the foundation work critical path submittal.
For Design-Build, if defined by the RFP, the concept design may be the Contractor's
technical response to the RFP, including layout, functional drawings, and design. When
this is used, any exceptions to the UFC requirements should be outlined in the RFP
10-2.2 Drawings.
\5\ Provide drawings required by the contract, this document and discipline-specific
UFCs. Include the following drawings defined by the Discipline-Specific UFCs and as
applicable to the project: /5/
10-2.2.1 Architectural:
• Floor Plans – Provide all floor plans, new and demolition, indicating room
names and basic dimensions.
• Building Elevations – Provide all building elevations indicating all exterior
• Building Section – Indicate heights of critical building elements.
10-2.2.2 Civil:
• Conceptual Site Plan - Indicate above and below grade utility lines,
vehicular and pedestrian circulation paths, buildings, parking, paved
areas, preliminary landscape architectural concept, and existing site
features to remain.
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10-2.2.3 Electrical:
Need not provide extensive details but must be complete enough to thoroughly express
the Designer’s intentions and include the following:
10-2.2.5 Geotechnical:
Boring log drawings are encouraged, but not required.
10-2.3 Calculations:
\5\ Calculations must be complete and in sufficient detail to support the items outlined in
the Basis of Design and indicated on the drawings. Provide calculations required by
this document and the Discipline-Specific UFCs and as follows. /5/
10-2.3.1 Electrical:
Preliminary Design Analysis including Preliminary load calculations for utility
10-2.4.1 Description.
FACD studies and design charettes are cooperative efforts by the design team, user
and client representatives, installation planning staff, 1391 project team members, other
appropriate Regional staff, facility engineering command personnel, and other
interested parties. A charette may last one to three days, while a FACD may last one to
two weeks. They include on-site development of a conceptual design in response to
functional, aesthetic, environmental, base planning, site, budgetary, and other
requirements. Submittals should include meeting minutes, conceptual design, and
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documentation of the decision and information that led up to that decision, including a
partnering agreement signed by all the principle participants.
10-3.2 Drawings.
\5\ Provide drawings required by this document, the Design-Specific UFCs and the
contract. Include the following drawings as defined in the Discipline-Specific UFCs and
as applicable to the project: /5/
10-3.2.1 Architectural.
• Floor Plans – Provide all floor plans, new and demolition, indicating room
names and dimensions.
• Building Elevations – Provide all building elevations indicating all exterior
• Roof Plan – Provide a plan of all roof areas, indicating direction of slope
and method of drainage.
• Building Section – Indicate heights.
• Typical Wall Sections – Provide sufficient wall section(s) to indicate all
materials and different conditions.
• Finish Schedule – Indicate all proposed finishes.
• Furniture Plan.
10-3.2.3 Civil.
10-3.2.4 Structural.
10-3.2.5 Mechanical.
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• Plumbing Floor Plan. Show plumbing fixtures, floor drains and equipment
• Site Plan. Show connection to base steam distribution, location of
propane and oil tanks, layout of ground coupled heat pump well fields, etc.
• HVAC Floor Plan. Show equipment locations, one or two-line duct layout
and preliminary piping runs.
• Mechanical Room Plan. Show major equipment and maintenance access
space. Provide section view(s) to clarify layout and supports.
10-3.2.6 Electrical.
10-3.2.8 Geotechnical.
For Design-Bid-Build, and when required by the RFP, use Unified Facilities Guide
Specifications, as described in Chapter 5. Provide a listing of the UFGS used in the job
by Section Number, Title, and Section Date. Precedence for choosing UFGS master
guide specifications sections for use in a project is described in paragraph 5-2.5, unless
required otherwise by the contract.
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10-3.5 Calculations.
Provide the following calculations, as a minimum, and as defined in detail by the
Discipline-Specific UFCs.
10-3.5.2 Pavements.
Provide Pavements calculations in sufficient detail to support the items outlined in the
Basis of Design and indicated on the drawings.
10-3.5.4 Electrical.
Updated Design Analysis to substantiate design level shown. Provide calculations
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Submit all calculations supporting all fire suppression and fire alarm/detection systems
for the project. Calculations for systems, features, or elements other than fire
suppression or detection will be required as applicable. Fire suppression system
calculations must be prepared using commercially available computer software.
The Geotechnical Report, if modified during the previous review, shall be re-submitted
as an appendix to the Basis of Design; otherwise, do not submit.
10-4.1.1 Design-Build.
In addition, for Design-Build, update information including sustainable design
validation/certification information required in UFGS Section 01 33 10.05 20 (01331) of
the project RFP.
10-4.2 Drawings.
\5\ Drawings must be 100% complete, minus final signatures, and modified to reflect the
responses to previous review comments. The drawings must be complete to the extent
that they may be released for bid or constructed as submitted. Provide complete set of
construction drawings organized by discipline as described in this document and the
discipline specific UFCs. For Design-Build projects, follow the requirements of the RFP
when shop drawings are used as design drawings.
10-4.21 Electrical.
Provide the following:
• Fire Alarm Riser Diagram: Include only when separate Fire Protection
Drawings are not required to be included in the design.
• Other Riser Diagrams for Television, Security, and similar systems.
• Panel Schedules.
• Switchboards and Motor Control Center Schedules.
• Lighting Fixture Details.
Design submittal or RFP Development should be complete at this stage and require
only minor corrections if any. Organize RFP and specifications in accordance with
Chapters 3 and 5, respectively. Provide a submittal register with the specifications.
Request NAVFAC Drawing Numbers from the Government at this stage.
When using SpecsIntact, run all verification reports when printing. Print project
specification sections with the official date of release of the master guide specification to
display the version of the specification used. This date appears immediately below the
specification section title.
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For Design-Bid-Build projects and Design-Build RFP development, provide a PIF for the
project. The PIF is available on the Construction Criteria Base (CCB) at the Whole
Building Design Guide located at www.wbdg.org/ccb under the Specifications Library,
and then, NAVFAC Specifications.
10-4.6 Calculations.
Revise calculations as required to reflect resolution of all previous government review
comments. Provide design analysis that is 100% complete. Provide calculations for
each discipline in addition to the following detailed requirements.
10-4.6.1 Mechanical.
Submit calculations to support the plumbing and mechanical systems and the major
equipment comprising those systems. \5\ Submittals shall include, but not be limited to
cooling loads, heating loads, air balance, and outside air calculations./5/ Update the
energy analysis, provided at the Design Development phase, with the equipment
efficiencies scheduled on the drawings.
10-4.6.2 Electrical.
Provide updated Calculations from previous submittal to substantiate design level
shown, including the following, as applicable.
• Short Circuit.
• Voltage Drop.
• Lighting.
• Load Analysis.
• Motor Starting/Flicker Analysis.
• Sag, Tension, and Guying Analysis.
• Manhole Design Calculations.
• Cable Pulling Tension Calculations.
• Cathodic Protection Calculations.
• CATV Network Loss Calculations.
requiring maintenance for the life of the facility. Bronze, brass, aluminum, glass, and
stone are examples of acceptable plaque materials. Do not use plastic plaques. Do not
use wood plaques at exterior locations. Wood may only be used if it matches interior
wood building finishes at the mounting location and only when used in combination with
other acceptable plaque materials. Only use non-corrosive metal or stone plaques at
exterior mounting locations. Provide plaque materials that compliment the materials
and finishes at the location where it will be mounted. Message figures must be
permanently raised, cast, or cut into the face of the plaque. The plaque size must be in
proportion to the space available at the mounting location, however ensure that the
plaque is large enough for the names on the plaque to be readable at a distance of 5’-
0”. The plaque design shall be accomplished at the end of the project duration to
assure that current participants can be identified and recognized on the plaque.
Confirm the name and organization of each person recognized with the Contracting
Officer and include the following information items and leadership participants as a
• Facility Name
• Identify any recognition applied to the facility or person for which the
facility has been dedicated
• Date of occupancy (month/year)
• US Green Building Council LEED Certification achieved
• Using Activity Commander/ Commanding Officer
• Base Commander/ Commanding Officer
• NAVFAC Component Commander/ Facility Engineering Component
Commanding Officer
• Prime Contractor
• Architect/ Engineer (The main facility designer)
Unless specified otherwise by the Contract, provide final submittals in electronic format
in accordance with Chapter 7.
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10-5.2 Drawings.
Provide complete construction drawings (detailed in the PreFinal Design Phase)
organized by discipline in accordance with this UFC and Discipline-Specific UFCs.
Ensure NAVFAC drawing numbers are entered into the appropriate location on the
NAVFAC standard drawing border.
Signature Date
10-5.6 Calculations.
\5\ Revise design analysis and calculations as required to reflect resolution of all
previous government review comments and as required by this document and the
discipline-specific UFCs. /5/
The certification shall be provided on the cover sheet of project drawings and
specifications, in dual languages. The code compliance certification shall be provided as
indicated below, and dated, signed and stamped in accordance with the requirements
set forth in Chapter 7 of this document.
number, project title, location), AND HAVING THOROUGHLY REVIEWED THE
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11-1 SCOPE.
Submissions after final design or RFP development include providing DOR and
Government responses to Contractor Pre-Proposal Inquiries (PPI), Pre-Bid Inquiries
(PBI), and Requests for Information (RFI), and providing amendments, contract
modification documents, OMSI, and record drawings. Submissions may include
sketches, additions or corrections to drawings, specifications, or RFP, and a
continuation sheet with an explanation of changes.
Changes made to the RFP, drawings, and specifications after the Final Submission are
changes to the Contract Documents. Changes before contract award are amendments;
changes after contract award are contract modifications.
accordance with guidance below. When multiple drawing, sketch, RFP section, or
specification files are replaced or added, combine the documents by type into a single
file, and bookmark each document; i.e. combine the drawings into a single file and
bookmark each drawing, and combine the specification sections into a single file and
bookmark each section. Follow file size limitations discussed in paragraph 7-3.5.1.
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When drawings are revised and replaced, use a cloud to highlight the change. For
amendments, place a triangle with a sequential number in it, next to the cloud or the
item(s) changing for each sheet. For modifications, use a triangle with a sequential
letter instead of a number. Also provide this triangle with the number or the letter in the
revisions block. Under description, describe what the change is; listing the amendment
or contract modification number is not appropriate. Insert the date that the change was
made. This date and revision block distinguishes the revised drawing from the original
drawing. Do not change sheet numbers or sheet designations for revised drawings.
If sketches are required, use standard NAVFAC sketch templates (see 7-3.7). Contact
the Government representative or the Command’s Local Coordinator, who provides
NAVFAC drawing numbers, to obtain sketch numbers.
11-6 OMSI.
For Design-Build, OMSI is incorporated into the contract in Section 01 78 24.05 20
(01782N), Facility Operation and Maintenance Support Information. For Design-Bid-
Build, OMSI manuals are usually executed as either a Priced Option or as an unpriced
Phase to the A-E contract, or to the in-house Government scope of work, as a Post
Construction Award Service (PCAS). They may also be provided by the Contractor on
small Design-Bid-Build projects.
For Design-Bid-Build, the DOR will use the shop drawing and other submittals to
prepare the manuals. Typical submittals used are SD-03, Product Data, SD-06, Test
Reports, and SD-10, Operation and Maintenance Data. The Prefinal OMSI is usually
submitted 30 to 60 days before Beneficial Occupancy Date (BOD). This submittal is a
“working” document to be used by the ROICC/PWD for acceptance and testing, O&M,
and training by the activity. The Final OMSI submittal is generally made six months
after the Prefinal, incorporating missing submittals, TABS second season report, and
review comments. The final submittal usually includes an electronic version of the
manuals on CD.
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NAVFAC Dwg. Nos. 4376950 and 4376951 are added to the list of drawings and accompany this
NAVFAC Dwg. Nos. 4376308, 4376309, 4376310, 4376311, 4376312, 4376313, 4376314, 4376315,
and 4376316 are revised as of March 17, 1998. These revised drawings accompany this
Sketches SK-05-97-7040-1 and SK-05-97-7040-2 are added to the list of drawings. These sketches
accompany this amendment.
General Notes: Delete Note 1 in its entirety and replace with the following: “1. One lane of
Williamsburg Road shall remain open at all times."
Section 02457, STEEL SHEET PILES, is added to the Table of Contents and accompanies this
Delete sections 16050, 16303, and 16520 in their entirety and replace with Sections “16050X, BASIC
“16520X, EXTERIOR LIGHTING.” Sections 16050X, 16303X, and 16520X accompany this
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At the beginning of this paragraph add the following: “Contractor shall be responsible for security of
his own property.”
Delete this paragraph in its entirety and replace with the following:
The enclosed site available for storage shall be located at the North side of the building near the
Lobby’s North entrance.
The Contractor will be working in and around an occupied building. The storage of materials unless
approved by the Contracting Officer will not be allowed in the building.”
After the text “snap cover type”, add “color shall be white.” Workmanship
Furnish test equipment and personnel, and submit written copies of test results. Give Contracting
Officer five working days notice prior to each test.
Each device subject to manual operation shall be operated at least five times, demonstrating
satisfactory operation five out of five times.”
-- End of Amendment --
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Van Pad Pavement Detail A/C12/C12: Delete “(5.2 Mpa FLEXURAL STRENGTH)” and replace with
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A/E/C Architect/Engineer/Contractor
CD Compact Disk
DB Design-Build
DBB Design-Bid-Build
EA Environmental Assessment
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IP Inch-Pound (English)
PM Project Manager
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ASHRAE 90.1, Energy Standards for Buildings, Except Low Rise Residential Buildings,
American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers
(ASHRAE), http://www.ashrae.org/
ASTM D 1586, Standard Test Method for Penetration Test and Split-Barrel Sampling of
Soils, ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West
Conshohocken, PA, 19428-2959 USA Phone: (610) 832-9585 Fax: (610) 832-9555,
ASTM D 2487, Standard Practice for Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes
(Unified Soil Classification System), ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO
Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA, 19428-2959 USA Phone: (610) 832-9585 Fax:
(610) 832-9555, http://www.astm.org
ASTM D 2488, Standard Practice for Description and Identification of Soils (Visual-
Manual Procedure), ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West
Conshohocken, PA, 19428-2959 USA Phone: (610) 832-9585 Fax: (610) 832-9555,
ASTM D 3740, Standard Practice for Minimum Requirements for Agencies Engaged in
Testing and/or Inspection of Soil and Rock as Used in Engineering Design and
Construction, ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West
Conshohocken, PA, 19428-2959 USA Phone: (610) 832-9585 Fax: (610) 832-9555,
ASTM E 1557, Standard Classification for Building Elements and Related Sitework -
UNIFORMAT II, ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West
Conshohocken, PA, 19428-2959 USA Phone: (610) 832-9585 Fax: (610) 832-9555,
DFAR 227.71, Rights in Technical Data, Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for
Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, http://www.acq.osd.mil/dpap/dars/dfars/index.htm
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ERDC/ITL TR-06-X, A/E/C CADD Standard, U.S. Army Engineer Research and
Development Center, Vicksburg, MS 39180-6199, https://cadbim.usace.army.mil/
FAR 52-236-21, Specifications and Drawings for Construction, February 1997, General
Services Administration, FAR Secretariat, http://www.arnet.gov/far/
\7\ IBC 2006, /7/ International Building Code, International Code Council, 5203
Leesburg Pike, Suite 708, Falls Church, VA 22041. http://www.ibc.org.
ISO 13567, Technical Product Documentation - Organization and Naming of Layers for
CAD, International Organization for Standardization, http://www.iso.org
MIL-STD-3007, Standard Practice for Unified Facilities Criteria and Unified Facilities
Guide Specifications, Defense Standardization Program, available electronically
from http://www.wbdg.org/pdfs/milstd3007.pdf
NAVFAC Cost Engineering Policy and Procedures, Engineering Innovation and Criteria
Office, NAVFAC, 6506 Hampton, Blvd, Norfolk, VA 23508, 757-322-4322,
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NCS, United States National CAD Standard for Architecture, Engineering, &
Construction (A/E/C), National Institute of Building Sciences, 1090 Vermont Ave,
NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC, 20005, (202) 289-7800, http://www.nibs.org/
NFPA 20, Standard for Installation of Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection, National Fire
Protection Association (NFPA), 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02169, (617) 770-
3000, fax (617) 770-0700, http://www.nfpa.org/
Public Law 106-229, Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act,
UFC 1-300-02, Unified Facilities Guide Specifications (UFGS) Format Standard, Tri-
Service Engineering Senior Executive Panel, http://dod.wbdg.org/
UFC 3-220-03FA, Soils and Geology Procedures for Foundation Design of Buildings
and Other Structures (Except Hydraulic Structures), Tri-Service Engineering Senior
Executive Panel, http://dod.wbdg.org/,
\7\ UFC 3-301-01 Structural Engineering /7/, NAVFAC Atlantic, Engineering Criteria and
Programs Office, 6506 Hampton, Blvd, Norfolk, VA 23508, 757-322-4200, \7\
http://dod.wbdg.org/ /7/
UFC 3-600-10N, Fire Protection, NAVFAC Atlantic, Engineering Criteria and Programs
Office, 6506 Hampton, Blvd, Norfolk, VA 23508, 757-322-4200,
UFC 4-010-02, DoD Minimum Antiterrorism Standoff Distances for Buildings, Tri-
Service Engineering Senior Executive Panel, http://dod.wbdg.org/
UFC 1-300-09N
25 May 2005
Including Change 8, 17 February 2011
UFGS 01 45 00.05 20, Design and Construction Quality Control, NAVFAC Atlantic,
Engineering Criteria and Programs Office, 6506 Hampton, Blvd, Norfolk, VA 23508,
757-322-4200, http://dod.wbdg.org/
UFC 1-300-09N
25 May 2005
Including Change 8, 17 February 2011