Language Focus: Was Swimming

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Eyes Open 2 Unit 3 Test: Standard

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Language focus
1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Use the past continuous.
0 I was swimming (swim) at the new pool yesterday afternoon.
1 James (not listen) to me in class.
2 We (play) football at 3 pm yesterday.
3 Mum (shop) in town on Saturday.
4 I (not do) my homework at 6 pm.
5 They (not watch) TV yesterday evening.

2 Use the words in brackets to complete the questions. Use the past continuous.
0 (Where / you / sit) Where were you sitting in the cinema last night?
1 (you / listen) to the radio this morning?
2 (What / Emma / watch) on TV?
3 (I / make) a lot of noise this morning?
4 (What / Mum and Dad / prepare) for supper?
5 (Mark and Phil / play) computer games?

3 Underline the correct answer.

0 Sarah was breaking / broke a cup when she was washing up.
1 Luckily, I wasn’t waiting / didn’t wait at the bus stop when it rained. I was at home.
2 Tom’s phone was ringing / rang while we were doing our test.
3 We were watching / watched a good film when Dad came home.
4 I wasn’t checking / didn’t check my emails before I went to school.
5 We were listening to music when somebody was knocking / knocked at the door.

4 Complete the sentences. Use could/couldn’t and the verbs in brackets.

0 I couldn’t understand (not understand) Maths when I was small.
1 (your brother / read) when he was four years old?
2 Anthony (not swim) when he was a child.
3 Dad (speak) German when he was ten.
4 We (not play) any musical instruments as children.
5 (you / play) chess at the age of ten?

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Eyes Open 2 Unit 3 Test: Standard

5 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There is one more word than you need.
caught ​
chased ​
jumped ​
fell over ​
ran away ​
hid ​

In the newspaper yesterday, there was a story about a thief! The thief took a woman’s bag and
0 ran away
down the street. A man 1 him, but the thief 2 the woman’s
bag into a bin. Then he 3
over a wall and 4 in a garden. But the man
knew where he was and 5 him! That man was a hero!

6 Complete the sentences with the adverbial form of the words in brackets.
0 Think carefully (careful) before you answer.
1 Susan opened the door (quiet).
2 Dan did all his homework really (good) last week. His teacher was very pleased!
3 Tim answered the Maths questions (easy) because he’s so clever!
4 I read my emails (quick) and then went to school.
5 Max ate his ice cream (slow) because it was so delicious!

7 Underline the correct answer.

0 Can you look for / after my dog when I am away?
1 I need to look for / after my keys. I can’t find them!
2 Tom, can you look in / for the living room? My book’s probably there.
3 I have to look for / after my little brother tonight while my parents are out.
4 That cloud in the sky looks in / like a cat!
5 Our teacher opened the door and looked in / for the classroom.

8 Complete the words. The first letter is there to help you. There is one space for
each other letter in the word.
What do we call someone who …
0 owns a farm? farmer
1 takes photos for their job? p
2 swims in a pool, river or sea? s
3 explores new places? e
4 buys things in shops? s
5 paints pictures? p

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Eyes Open 2 Unit 3 Test: Standard

Useful language
9 Complete the five conversations. Choose the correct answer: a, b or c.
0 I’ve got something to tell you! a That’s not true!
b What is it?
c It’s important.
1 A woman rang and asked to speak to me. a Why did you do that?
b Where was your phone?
c What did you say?
2 Something strange happened this morning. a Why? What did you do?
b What was wrong?
c Really? What?
3 My phone was broken – but it still rang! a That’s weird!
b But you never ring!
c I don’t think so!
4 Guess what? I won a competition! a Oh no!
b Cool!
c Thank you!
5 What did you win? a I got a digital camera.
b I never enter competitions.
c I don’t mind.

10 Listen to a woman talking to a police officer. Answer the questions.
Choose the correct answer: a, b or c.
0 The woman was coming home from 3 When she opened the front door, someone
a the shops. a called her.
b her office. b was just leaving the garden.
c her friend’s house. c came out of the house.
1 Her husband is learning 4 She saw a man carrying
a French. a cameras and jewellery.
b English. b cameras and money.
c Spanish. c money and jewellery.
2 When she reached her house, she 5 The woman thinks the man was wearing
a ran to the front door. a jeans and a hoodie.
b didn’t open the door. b a hoodie and a hat.
c felt a bit afraid. c jeans and a hat.

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Eyes Open 2 Unit 3 Test: Standard

11 Read the article about the famous crime writer, Agatha Christie.

Agatha Christie – her life and work

Agatha Christie was born in 1890 to a rich Agatha Christie’s other famous detective, after
family in the south west of England. She spent Hercule Poirot, was Miss Jane Marple. Poirot
a lot of her early childhood alone, with few appeared in more novels than Miss Marple,
friends, because her mother decided to teach but Christie much preferred Miss Marple as
her at home. She loved reading and started a character. She used her grandmother as the
writing at an early age. model for Miss Marple!
She married her first husband in 1914. A Agatha Christie, the ‘queen of crime’, died
publishing company published her first novel in 1976 at the age of 85. She is the best-
featuring the famous Belgian detective, Hercule selling novelist of all time: her 66
Poirot, in 1919. He appeared in 33 of her novels detective novels and 14 short story
and in 54 short stories but she never liked him! collections are available in more
than 100 languages; and sales of her
books are approximately 4 billion
After her divorce in 1926, Agatha Christie
copies. Her play The Mousetrap
married an archaeologist and she developed
opened in London in 1952 and
a great interest in archaeology. She and her
it was still on in 2015 –
husband travelled together to many exotic
an unbelievable 63 years later!
places and she set a lot of her most successful
murder mysteries in those places.

Are the sentences True (T) or False (F)?

0 Because her family was rich, Agatha Christie went to an expensive school. F
1 Hercule Poirot was her favourite character in her books.
2 Agatha began to travel to foreign countries after her second marriage.
3 The character Miss Marple was in more books than Hercule Poirot.
4 Agatha based Miss Marple on someone in her family.
5 Agatha has sold more books than any other writer.

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Eyes Open 2 Unit 3 Test: Standard

12 Write a story about a strange or unusual event. Use the questions to help you.

When did it happen?

Where did it happen?
Who did it happen to?
What were the people doing?
How did it end?

Write 55–65 words.



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