Chapter 8 Terms

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Chapter 8 Terms

Term Definition

1. Era of Good Feelings The “Era of Good Feeling” refers to a period

in U.S. history from about 1815 until about
1825, characterized by a sense of optimism
and positivity associated with James
Monroe’s Presidency. The cause of the Era of
Good Feelings was the Democratic and
Republican Party gaining full control as well
as the death of the Federalist Party through
the Hartford Convention. The effect of the era
was a bust in the economy also known as the
Panic of 1819 (Causation).

2. Sectionalism Sectionalism is an exaggerated devotion to

the interests of a region over those of a
country as a whole. The cause of
Sectionalism was the Northwest Ordinance
where slavery was abolished in the North and
South which created sectionalism through the
Missouri Compromise. The effect was a
unification between the colonies and different
ideas in the issue of slavery, some were
anti-slavery and others were pro-slavery
which might cause another set of political
parties developing (Causation).

3. Henry Clay’s American System Henry Clay's "American System” is a devised

plan in the burst of nationalism that followed
the War of 1812 where a
government-sponsored program was made to
harmonize and balance the nation's
agriculture, commerce, and industry. The
cause of the system was the Panic of 1819.
The effect was more sectionalism between
the colonies because of jealousies of some
colonies getting internal improvements first
which increased more tensions but helped
the economy and raised revenue (Causation).

4. Internal Improvements Internal improvements is the term used

historically in the United States for public
works mainly for the creation of a
transportation infrastructure: roads, canals,
and navigation improvements. The cause of
the internal improvements was the Panic of
1819 which was a bust in the economy. The
effect was connecting the colonies together
which developed a sense of a stronger
unification again (Causation).

5. Missouri Compromise of 1820 The Missouri Compromise was enacted in

1820 to maintain the balance of power in
Congress where Missouri was admitted as a
slave state and Maine as a free state. The
cause of the Compromise was two new
states that wanted to enter the union which
are Maine and Missouri. The effect was more
sectionalism because it would break the
balance between the non-slave and slave
states and also the admission of two States
into the US (Causation).

6. Tallmadge Amendment The Tallmadge Amendment is discussed in

the Missouri Compromise where it prohibited
the further introduction of slaves into Missouri
and provided for emancipation of those
already there when they reached age 25. The
cause was Missouri’s statehood and the issue
of sectionalism and slavery. The effects were
long term which was the abolishment of
slavery (Causation).

7. Rush-Bagot Treaty Rush-Bagot Treaty is the treaty that

eliminated armaments on the Great Lakes
between the US and Great Britain. The cause
of the treaty was the British’s military situated
within the Great Lakes. The effect was better
diplomatic relations between the US and
Britain as well as both able to control the
Oregon Country (Causation).

8. Treaty of 1818 The Treaty of 1818, also known as the

Convention of 1818, is an international treaty
signed in 1818 between the United States
and Britain where the Convention respects
fisheries, boundaries and the restoration of
slaves and established the boundary between
U.S. and Canadian territories at the 49th
parallel. The cause of the treaty was the
Canadian Border between the US and Britain.
Its effect is the US being able to fish by
extending the border from Canada to the
Rocky Mountains (Causation).

9. Adams-Onis Treaty The Adams-Onís Treaty between the United

States and Spain and signed in February
1819 and negotiated by John Quincy Adams
and the Spanish Minister where the treaty
was the acquisition of Florida by the United
States and the establishment of a boundary
line between Spanish territory and the United
States. The cause of the treaty was raids by
Seminoles in the Spanish Florida barrier. The
effect was the US doubling in size again
which was similar to the Louisiana Purchase

10. Jackson’s Military Campaign in Florida The First Seminole War (c. 1816–1819)
began with General Andrew Jackson's
excursions into Spanish Florida against the
Seminoles after the conclusion of the War of
1812. The cause of the Seminole War was
raids by Seminoles on the Spanish Florida
Border. The effect was the Adam-Onis Treaty
after the wars which allowed the US to gain
Florida (Causation).

11. Monroe Doctrine The Monroe Doctrine was the U.S. foreign
policy enunciated by President James
Monroe in 1823 that the U.S. would not
interfere in European affairs and wars or with
existing colonies in the Western Hemisphere.
The cause of the statement was European
interference with American relations. The
effect was better relations with European
countries and established withstanding
relations with other countries (Causation).

12. Market Revolution The Market Revolution was a fundamental

transformation of the United States economy
throughout the first half of the 19th century
due to the widespread mechanization of
industry and the expansion and integration of
various economic markets both domestic and
foreign. The cause of the revolution was the
War of 1812 because they depended on
imports from other countries so they
transformed the economy by rapid expansion
of markets through a revolution. The effect
was the US becoming more self-sufficient and
improving their economy and unifying the
nation through new modes of transportation

13. Lowell System The Lowell system was a vertically integrated

system of textile production used in
nineteenth-century New England. The cause
of the system was the market revolution as
well as Henry Clay’s American system. The
effect was rapid expansion in the textile
industry as well as the development of the
industrial revolution and more inventions
involving textiles were created (Causation).

14. Interchangeable Parts Interchangeable parts are identical

components that can be substituted one for
another, particularly important in the history of
manufacturing. The cause of interchangeable
parts were components either not working
anymore, breaking, or the cause of rust. The
effect was the US becoming more
self-sufficient by saving money because
these parts are cheaper (Causation).

15. Panic of 1819 The Panic of 1819 was the first widespread
and durable financial crisis in the United
States. The cause of the Panic of 1819 was a
decline in the market through land as well as
state banks giving more money than they are
able to. The effect was the 1st major financial
crisis as well as closure of banks,
unemployment. Problems in agriculture, loans
were not repaid (Causation).

16. Transportation Revolution The Transportation Revolution was a

fundamental transformation of the United
States due to a rise in infrastructure of roads,
canals, and railroads. The cause of the
revolution was the Erie Canal because it
linked the markets in the East and the West.
The effect was rapid transportation
developments that made traveling faster. and
reduced costs of shipping (Causation).

17. Erie Canal The Erie Canal is a 363-mile waterway that

connects the Great Lakes with the Atlantic
Ocean via the Hudson River in upstate New
York. The cause of the canal was the desire
to connect the colonies together by building a
water route from New York through the
Atlantic Ocean to the Great Lakes. The
effects of lowering the cost of shipping and
increasing trade, as well as unification
between the colonies (Causation).

18. Commercial Agriculture Commercial agriculture is a large-scale

production of crops for sale, intended for
widespread distribution to wholesalers. The
cause of commercial agriculture was the
Panic of 1819 as well as the debt of multiple
wars which kept adding national debt to the
US. Other causes were cheap land, easy
credit, and improved transportation. The
effect was rapid production of many goods as
well as cash crops which helped the US’s
economy a bit and reduced the national debt

19. “Cheap Money” Cheap Money is money that can be borrowed

at a low rate of interest. The cause of “cheap
money” was the Panic of 1819 and people
needing loans to buy land and supplies and
seeds, etc. The Era of Good Feelings as well
as Commercial Agriculture played a role in
this. The effect was the foreclosure of banks
because of them promising more money than
they have which caused financial crises like
the Panic of 1819 (Causation).

20. McCulloch vs. Maryland McCulloch v. Maryland was a landmark

Supreme Court case from 1819 where the
court’s ruling asserted national supremacy
over state authority. The cause of McCulloch
v Maryland was an imposed tax by Maryland
on the bank of 15,000 dollars and McCulloch
refused to pay which created a case which
reached the Supreme Court. The effect was
Congress having the power to establish a
national bank, this used a loose interpretation
of the Constitution which shows that the ideas
of the Federalist Party live on (Causation).

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