Passive of Asserive Sentence: Type-I

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1. He won the race. 14. Columbus discovered America.

2. I teach English. 15. We expect good news.
3. The children have painted the wall. 16. People worship the cow in India.
4. The father punishes his son. 17. Sohan was interviewing the political leaders.
5. Rashmi was watching a movie. 18. The police are questioning Mr. and Mrs.
6. They have deployed the soldiers. Sharma.
7. She had donated her blood. 19. Your father has not invited my friends in the
8. Rani has sold the car. party.
9. Tarun invited them to the party. 20. The boys are not playing cricket in the field
10. My friend did not tease you yesterday. today.
11. The officer was not punishing the criminals. 21. They had warned us again and again.
12. A dog has bitten you. 22. The noise of traffic kept me awake.
13. I am doing sums. 23. The boys were digging a hole in the ground.
24. I can do it. 33. We should not cheat our friends.
25. We should help the poor. 34. The country will not forget the services of
26. Shyam will welcome the guests. Gandhiji.
27. They will observe the situation quickly. 35. They should follow all the instructions carefully.
28. She can solve many questions. 36. He would play cricket.
29. They will kill the bird. 37. I might use your pen.
30. They could solve the problem. 38. You dare not face your teacher.
31. He might solve it. 39. The children could use the place.
32. They need not examine the patients.
40. You should have helped your friends. 43. The king would not have killed the wounded lion.
41. You should have helped her. 44. I should have met him yesterday.
42. They ought to have respected the priest. 45. I must have informed the officer.
46. He taught me grammar. 59. The lawyer gave her the details of her father's
47. Mr. Gupta told us stories. will.
48. I gave him a book. 60. Gopal gave him a present.
49. They asked me a very difficult question. 61. Gandhi ji taught us the lesson of non-violence.
50. She handed me the letter. 62. The guide showed the visitors many beautiful
51. He promised me a prize. places.
52. The king gave the minister a horse. 63. I sent him a letter.
53. Munni offered him the dresses last week. 64. The headmaster gave him a prize.
54. Teachers might have given their students some
55. I offered him a job.
56. She asked the students their names.
57. I wrote him a letter.
58. He promised his grandchildren the money.

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65. He bought me a new coat. 68. You can find me my bag?
66. He made us all coffee. 69. My father built us a house.
67. My father bought me a cycle.
70. The teacher made Sujeet monitor. 74. They elected him their leader.
71. People elected him mayor. 75. We crowned him King.
72. His parents named him Susheel. 76. They selected him manager.
73. We chose him our leader. 77. They appointed him clerk.
78. He knows me. 95. This unexpected news surprised me.
79. Rakesh could have obliged Mohan. 96. He satisfied me.
80. This job interests me. 97. His behaviour shocked me.
81. Monu knows this address. 98. The book has interested me.
82. The question will annoy the students. 99. He shocked me.
83. Susheel marries Soniya. 100. Her behaviour annoyed him.
84. The bot carries my books. 101. She vexed me.
85. An arrow kills a snake. 102. Your story has interested me.
86. Bihar grows rice. 103. Her presence worries me.
87. The law restricts the migration. 104. The way he speaks to me annoys me.
88. The fake comments frustrate us. 105. Her behaviour vexes me sometimes.
89. This jar contains Sugar. 106. What makes food?
90. The book has interested me very much. 107. The students have displeased the interviewer.
91. Smoke and fire engulfed the locality. 108. His behaviour disgusts me.
92. The news astonished/Surprised/alarmed us. 109. The students lined the street.
93. I know it. 110. The customers throng the Shops before festival.
94. Clouds covered the sky.
111. Someone has broken my window. 118. People speak English all over the world.
112. People speak Hindi in India. 119. People always admired this kind of activity.
113. Everyone will blame us. 120. Somebody will beat you one day.
114. The policeman shot the criminal with a revolver. 121. One uses milk for making curd and sweets.
115. One may gain success by constant effort. 122. One must keep one's promises.
116. The police caught the thief. 123. Someone is following us.
117. The government will have built ten thousand 124. Someone has stolen my suitcase.
houses for the poor by the end of next year.
Merger (H.V. + not)
125. He did not say anything. 136. I did not trust anybody.
126. Rahul does not respond anyone
127. She did not write any answer.
128. Shreya cannot insult any guests.
129. He cannot please anything.
130. Nobody was answering the question.
131. None can challenge it.
132. Anybody can't break this stick.
133. None can lift this heavy box.
134. No one can prove God.
135. Nobody has nominated them so far.
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137. We should not laugh at the poor. 151. She turned down my request.
138. The police are looking into the case. 152. They have given up the idea.
139. The man cut down the tree. 153. They will see me off at the airport.
140. Somebody has put out the light. 154. The train knocked down the man.
141. Tanya stands by them. 155. Mother looks after children.
142. All his friends laugh at him. 156. The master turned out the servant.
143. They objected to his proposal. 157. The higher authority turned down his poposals.
144. We must listen to our elders. 158. We should not look down upon the poor.
145. Should he look into the matter? 159. The police enquired into the case.
146. What are you looking for? 160. A car ran over the child.
147. Mothers bring up children. 161. Nancy looks after the baby.
148. We insist on punctuality and discipline in this 162. The burglar broke into the house.
school. 163. We should look up to the patriots of India.
149. They make fun of him. 164. We must now deal with these problems.
150. You must account for every penny. 165. The boy laughed at the beggar.
166. They are to sell the car. 175. We shall have to discuss the matter again.
167. I am to write a letter. 176. They have to confess their guilt.
168. Sandeep is about to meet me. 177. The principal has to distribute prizes among the
169. They were to paint the house. winners.
170. Someone is to help those orphans. 178. I am to write a letter.
171. I am to do it. 179. Mr. Gupta has to plant a tree.
172. They had to build the bridge. 180. They had to play Badminton.
173. My father is to buy a car. 181. The boys will have to write a letter.
174. The teacher was to teach us. 182. I am not going to tolerate this nonsense anymore.
183. There are two books to read. 189. There are many pictures to paste.
184. There is some food to eat. 190. There is a letter to write.
185. There is nothing to laugh at. 191. There was no money to spend.
186. There is no time to lose. 192. There is nothing to gain.
187. There was a lot of work to do. 193. There is no time to waste.
188. There is nothing to weep for.
194. It is time to close the shop. 200. It is now time to defeat the enemies.
195. It is high time to abolish corruption. 201. It is time to pay the electric bill.
196. It is time to accept the challenge. 202. It is time to take tea.
197. It is time to take exercise. 203. It is now time to play cricket.
198. It is now time to start the race. 204. It is about time to learn computer.
199. It is time to say our prayers. 205. It was time to play hockey.
206. I want you to write a letter. 209. I want them to bring flowers.
207. I like audience to respect him. 210. The teacher likes Mohan to read the Ramayana.
208. I want someone to take photographs.
211. I wish Mohan to invite me. 214. He likes Ram to respect him.
212. he wants people to like him. 215. He doesn't like people to call him.
213. I like people to respect me.

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216. The Gardener found the boys plucking the 218. I saw him leaving the house.
flowers. 219. I saw him picking up the Gun.
217. I saw him opening the gate. 220. The teacher found the boys insulting the clerk.
221. You wish Mohan inviting her. 222. I remember the teacher teaching him.
223. I don't like people keeping me waiting. 225. I found him insulting me.
224. He wants people liking him. 226. She found you calling her.
227. The joker made the spectators laugh. 235. I heard him speak on several subjects
228. I saw Guriya watch T.V. 236. We watched him go.
229. We saw him dance. 237. I heard him speak on several subjects.
230. He bade me go. 238. I saw him teach.
231. I made her laugh. 239. He saw me laughing.
232. I found him swim. 240. People found her sing.
233. They let me go. 241. The teacher lets him go.
234. We saw the plane take off. 242. He lets me go.
TYPE-I (Principal clause + Sub-ordinate clause)
243. The officer will have arrested the criminals before 260. Someone has broken my pen so I cannot write
the judge punished that innocent man. with it.
244. The teachers stop teaching when the peon rings 261. He is going to school on foot because somebody
the bell. has stolen his cycle.
245. Somebody must have taken my watch when the 262. While he was watering the plants, a snake bit
light was off. him.
246. No one can eat fish unless someone cooks it. 263. The mason had constructed the wall before the
247. Rohan demanded that the lesson was explained. sun rose.
248. As soon as the police saw the criminal, they 264. I shall teach him if he comes here.
chased him. 265. Ishan has decided that the books will be sold.
249. We shall deposit the money in the bank so that no 266. A detective arrested him as soon as he got home.
thief will steal it.
250. Nobody would have harmed him if they had
warned him of the danger.
251. The poor fellow could have gathered much
wealth if he had been a little dishonest.
252. The mason had constructed the wall before the
sun rose.
253. You should boil water before you use it.
254. Tarun found that the dooe was broken.
255. They informed him that he could not buy the car
because somebody had already bought it.
256. Nobody can defeat you if you are alert.
257. This is the place where we shall play the match.
258. The teacher will not beat you if you come in time.
259. I have sharpened the knives because I have to cut
a number of sticks.
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TYPE-II (Principal Clause + Co-ordinate Clause)
267. Mr. Gupta wrote the book and (he) published it. 278. He neither questions nor understands them.
268. The police arrested the thief and sent him to jail. 279. She loves either Govind or Pooja.
269. People called you and honoured me. 280. She knew and told the answers.
270. They had cooked the food before you arrived. 281. I have not only met but also invited him.
271. We can buy gold but we cannot buy sympathy. 282. Mr. Gupta both wrote and published the book.
272. Seema came and told the truth. 283. Shreya opened the door and went inside.
273. She appreciated and married Pawan. 284. People are raising a hue and cry and are breaking
274. Sanjay has done and will do good work. the furniture.
275. The thief broke into the house and took away the 285. He caught the bird and killed it.
things. 286. Smoke and flames engulfed the area and made
276. Somebody has broken the glass and I cannot use rescue operations difficult.
it. 287. They cooked the food and sent it to the
277. I had lost the money but I have found it again. orphanage.
TYPE-III (Principal Clause + Co-ordinate Clause + Sub-ordinate Clause)
288. The accountant counted the money and he found 290. We added up the money and found that it was
that it was correct. correct.
289. The student solved all the questions and found
that they were correct.
291. The boy hopes that he will succeed. 294. One must endure what one cannot cure.
292. We all know that there is only one God. 295. They say that he can teach almost anything in this
293. The officer hoped that the terrorist would world.
296. Akbar expected to conquer Chittor. 299. The boy hopes to succeed in the exam.
297. I hope to get the prize. 300. Romans expected to conquer carthage.
298. The Greeks expected to win the international 301. Spain expected to win the world cup.
302. People believe that Jahgira is a thief. 320. People say that figs are better for us than bananas.
303. People say that he was a spy. 321. They say that he will complete the work even
304. They say that he knows the fact. though we oppose him.
305. She said that she was late. 322. People say that if you have to gain something,
306. They did not say that the teacher scolded anyone. 323. you must lose something.
307. Mohini says that she can make flowerpots. 324. People say that Ram is rich.
308. Salman said that he did not kill the deer. 325. Years ago, people believed that the earth was flat.
309. Raman thoughts that the guards were lazy. 326. People felt that the officers are corrupt.
310. The PM said that China would face the music. 327. Everyone believe that Mr. Gupta is very rich.
311. Karan will explain that the news was fake.
312. They believed that he failed.
313. They said that he knew.
314. People believe that he has much wealth.
315. They know that she works hard.
316. They say that you did that.
317. They believe that she was alone there.
318. I found that it was correct.
319. We know that Columbus discovered America.

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328. I teach a boy who is laborious. 332. Those who live in glass houses should not throw
329. God helps those who help themselves. stone on others.
330. She scolded the boys who were whistling. 333. Those who worked hard seldom obtained good
331. A man who has money should help the man who marks.
has no money.
334. Will you do this work? 347. Can we send the parcel tomorrow?
335. Have they not helped the handicapped man yet? 348. Must we cut this tree?
336. Was he not solving those sums properly? 349. Were they not cutting trees?
337. Could they not arrest the terrorist? 350. Must you obey your parents?
338. Do you understand what I mean? 351. Need they have done this work?
339. Had I to teach her? 352. Are children to sing a song?
340. Were they to invite you? 353. Had they to punish the thief?
341. Am I not helping you? 354. Are you to deposit the money?
342. Has the servant not cleaned the room? 355. Might I have used your pen?
343. Do you hear what she said? 356. Can you solve the question?
344. Could he open the box? 357. Did the teacher teach him yesterday?
345. Would you do that? 358. Are they not cheating us?
346. Will they repay the money?
TYPE-I (How, When, Why, Where)
359. How have you solved this question? 369. Why had they to kill the bird?
360. How did the boys solve the problem? 370. Why should he not invite them in the party?
361. Where has the Robber hidden the booty? 371. Why have you broken the mirror?
362. Where did you find this book? 372. Why did they give up the search?
363. How can I teach her? 373. Why are you repairing the bicycle?
364. Why do you carry this bag? 374. Where do you speak English?
365. What is the time to close the shop? 375. When did they start the project?
366. What have you told them? 376. When will they distribute money among us?
367. When do you help him? 377. Why should I promise her a present?
368. How have you to teach the students? 378. Where were they playing the cricket match?
TYPE-II (Which, Whose, What, How many, How much)
379. Which book did you buy yesterday? 394. What causes the havoc?
380. Which colour attracts you? 395. What does he eat?
381. Which boy helped you yesterday? 396. What does it?
382. Which book does he like? 397. What has helped you?
383. Which boy broke the glass? 398. What has he bought?
334. What are they to do? 399. What did he say?
384. Which boy did it? 400. How many Students donated blood to save the
385. What are they to do? injured people?
386. Which girl cheated you? 401. How many cups have they broken?
387. Which book inspires you? 402. How many students helped the poor man?
388. Whose ideals do you follow? 403. How many students will they award?
404. How many students did the teacher teach?
389. How many books have you to write?
405. How much grain fulfills our need?
390. Whose book has helped you? 406. How much grain did he buy?
391. Whose book have you stolen? 407. How much rice do we export every year?
392. What colour have you chosen for your house? 408. How much food satisfies your hunger?
393. What are you doing? 409. How much milk does the baby drink daily?
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410. Who wrote the Ramayana? 416. Who can teach you English?
411. Who helps you? 417. Who will teach you those magical tricks?
412. Who did it? 418. Who built the Tajmahal?
413. Who will win the prize? 419. Who can defeat you?
414. Who has to buy a car? 420. Who will have to do it?
415. Who has to bring the newspaper? 421. Who knows you?
TYPE-IV (Whom)
422. Whom do you love? 426. Whom was he to honour?
423. Whom will you beat? 427. Whom did you give the message?
424. Whom did you call? 428. Whom will you teach Hindi tomorrow?
425. Whom have you invited in the party? 429. Whom have you given?
TYPE-I (Request)
430. Please enter by the left door. 435. Please sit down.
431. Kindly post this letter. 436. Please, dance.
432. Take your chair, please. 437. Please, give me a pen.
433. Come on time, please. 438. Please, forgive me.
434. Kindly, switch off your phones.
TYPE-II (Order/Command)
439. Shut the door. 452. Don't touch this wire.
440. Put down your signature. 453. Open the door.
441. Do not make a noise. 454. Switch off the fan.
442. Put out the light. 455. Don't pluck flowers.
443. Do this work. 456. Do it.
444. Run fast. 457. Put it on the table.
445. Keep quiet. 458. Don't invite Mohan.
446. Sit down. 459. Never tell a lie.
447. Stand up. 460. Do not commit any mistake.
448. Go there. 461. Show the papers.
449. Come tomorrow. 462. Never cheat your frineds.
450. Bring a glass of water. 463. Close the door.
451. Switch on the radio.
TYPE-III (Advice/Suggestion)
464. Consult the doctor. 472. Work hard.
465. Love the poor. 473. Learn these words by heart.
466. Love the children 474. Don't insult the poor.
467. Don't worry. 475. Keep your word.
468. Don't waste this chance. 476. Obey your teacher.
469. Keep the promises. 477. Help the poor.
470. Honour the brave. 478. Feed the poor.
471. Love your country.
479. Let me write a letter. 485. Let him see the picture.
480. Let him bring a glass of water.
481. Let us buy this shirt.
482. Let him complete the work.
483. Let him inform the police.
484. Let him buy a camera.

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486. Quinine tastes bitter. 496. Those mangoes smell sweet.
487. Honey tastes sweet. 497. The stone feels rough.
488. Rocks feel rough and hard. 498. The milk smells sour.
489. The ice-cream tastes delicious. 499. Hurrah! We have won the match.
490. Sugar tastes sweet. 500. Alas! We have lost the tournament.
491. This surface feels smooth. 501. Those mangoes smell sweet.
492. Grapes taste sour. 502. Thank!/thank you!
493. The rose smells sweet. 503. May the king live long!
494. Sugar sells very cheap. 504. May I come in?
495. A lemon tastes sour.
505. The box was being painted by him.
506. Poor boys should be helped.
507. The country should be loved.
508. The models are stared at.
509. The thief will be arrested.
510. Let the post be advertised.
511. The fort can be conquered
512. We are taught English here.
513. The thief was arrested.
514. A man was knocked down here last evening.
515. The matter has been discussed.
516. You are requested to keep off the grass.
517. Our elders must be listened to.
518. I was shocked at his behaviour.
519. He was elected chairman.
520. The fur coats were imported from Sweden by us.
521. A bullet in the chest is adored by the brave.
522. Decisions must be taken.
523. The room was cleaned.
524. Physically challenged people should not be
laughed at by the public.
525. I was recommended another lawyer.
526. Many a person has been saved from the man-
eaters by these hunters.
527. He is known to me.
528. What is being looked for by you?
529. By whom was this poem written?
530. He is to be helped.
531. What is to be done?
532. Nothing has been done.
533. Rice is grown in Bihar.
534. You are requested to permit him.
535. Teachers should be respected.
536. This machine must not be used after 5.30 pm.
537. A tree has been cut by me.

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