Iron Man - USA 12 2007
Iron Man - USA 12 2007
Iron Man - USA 12 2007
•15-Minute Mass Workouts
•Heavy/Light Size-Surge
•Ode to HIT Man Arthur Jones
Muscle-Building Magic?
Mr. America Speaks Out
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We Know Training ™
It’s time to go back to the future with a retooled heavy/
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presteroid era used to get huge.
Roger Schwab remembers the maverick businessman
and bodybuilder who created Nautilus machines. All hail
the father of high-intensity training.
and Arthur Jones. •15-Minute Mass Workouts
•Heavy/Light Size-Surge
•Ode to HIT Man Arthur Jones
•Fast-Blast Nautilus Principles
Jerry Brainum continues his Muscle-Building Magic?
Mr. America Speaks Out
dissection of the research on those $5.98
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•Lateral Strength—New Muscle Twists and Turns
two power-packed bodybuiding 0 70992 37390 1
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•Gym Tale—Big Back and a Big Mac
•Norway Super Series Strongman Showdown
Bill Dobbins is da bomb of dot-com, with beauties
decorating the environment from landscape to
Coach Charles Poliquin’s unique views on building size
and strength.
Postexercise nutrition without carbs? Also, living on one
meal a day and serious glutamine gluttony.
Arthur Jones,
page 88 74 CRITICAL MASS
Steve Holman on the Size Surge program—phase 1
workout included in its entirety.
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Fearless Flyers
Q: I read in your training blog
[at] that you no longer
use cable flyes or crossovers for
chest. Since you also say that
continuous tension is one of the
keys to muscle growth, what do
you do for chest now to get that
[no-rest, tension-throughout-
the-set] effect? I see you use
dumbbell flyes, but don’t you lose
tension at the top on those?
A: One side of our crossover ma-
chine broke, so for chest we’re having
to go old school—or maybe that’s home
school. Home trainees usually don’t
have cable setups to work chest. We’ve
always suggested they either use a two-
second squeeze at the top of each rep
Toney Freeman. of dumbbell flyes or do only the bottom
third of the stroke, like exaggerated X
Reps. We’re doing both.
SUPER STRUCTURE On flat-bench flyes we do a full-range
set, either touching the dumbbells to-
Tall Dudes, Keep Your Heads Up! gether at the top to squeeze the pecs or
stopping just short of touching them and
squeezing the pecs.
Conventional bodybuilding wisdom tells us that if you’re over 6’ tall, your At exhaustion we immediately grab a
chances of ever being able to build enough muscle to have an impressive phy- lighter set of dumbbells and do only the
sique are, so to speak, rather slim. One man who’s clearly proven that adage bottom third of the stroke—a.k.a. an X-
wrong is ’07 IRON MAN Pro champion Toney Freeman, who stands at 6’2” and only set. That produces stretch overload
competes at a massive 285 pounds. as well as continuous tension. So you’ll
Toney gives hope to taller guys the world over and savors the chance to en- see more development down the center
courage them all to follow their dreams. “When I was starting out, I had people of your pecs, the cleavage area.
telling me just about every day that I was wasting my time, and that nobody as tall Stretch exercises, like dumbbell flyes,
as me could ever become a good bodybuilder,” he says. “What you really need to are great for developing the target mus-
do is look not so much at height as at bone structure. If indeed you are tall with cles at the insertion. Another good ex-
extremely long limbs relative to your torso and have narrow clavicles, then you’re ample is dumbbell pullovers, which tend
built more like a pro basketball player. to bring out the lower lats. And let’s not
A bodybuilder’s physique may not be forget to mention the animal study that
in the cards for you after all, though produced a 300 percent muscle mass
that doesn’t mean you still can’t train increase with one month of progressive-
to get progressively bigger and stron- stretch overload—yes, a triple-size mass
ger. But if you have wide shoulders increase! Stretch-position exercises
and your limbs are average in length, are critical if you want the fastest, most
you can certainly build a good phy- complete muscle gains possible. (For
sique.” more on that study and stretch-position
For the taller man it often takes exercises, see the e-book 3D Muscle
more time to fill out and achieve a Building, available at 3DMuscleBuilding
thickly muscled look than it does for .com.) —Steve Holman and
a shorter guy, so patience is a must. Jonathan Lawson
“You can’t neglect the role of nutrition
either,” Toney points out. “It takes a
whole lot of good food for anybody to
put on muscle, but a taller guy often
has a faster metabolism, which means
eating is that much more important for
making gains.”
Neveux \ Model: Toney Freeman
—Ron Harris
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An Alternative to Flyes
Readers of this column know that I try to provide
information that can help you prevent weight-training
injuries or work around them. Sometimes our injuries
are permanent or we choose to not have surgery to
rectify the problem, so it’s necessary to work around
them. Shoulder injuries are common in the gym, and
shoulder damage can severely limit your training—or
stop it altogether.
As you know, the behind-the-neck press and
bench press are commonly dropped from training
routines because the trainee’s shoulder can’t tolerate
the stress and load. Enough pain can force you to
drop those exercises, though incline dumbbell press-
es are often a viable substitute. Dumbbell flyes can
cause so much shoulder pain that they are dropped.
You can see how a chest workout starts to get dif-
ficult as the number of possible exercises goes down.
I recall watching a former Mr. Olympia train at the
World Gym in Venice. He used 175 pounds on the
bench press and had shoulder pain for two weeks.
Coleman DVD
about 20 percent to that load and have your partner lift it keep growing as fast as possible?
for you, then you lower that 120 pounds for two or three A: About 70 percent of the population should change
negatives. routines every six workouts for a given bodypart. That’s
Training to failure is essential. People define training to when people stop making gains. For the other 30 percent of
failure in a lot of different ways, but I believe you should the population it’s either more or less, but in my opinion,
reach concentric, or positive, failure on each set. You’re not even if you can tolerate a program longer, if you change
gonna get bigger unless you do that. every six workouts, you’ll do better. In other words, if you’re
Strength and hypertrophy are functions
of the total number of motor units activated.
So if you do sets of eight with a six-rep-maxi-
mum weight, you won’t grow. When people
start adding forced reps and similar tech-
niques, they just trash their nervous system.
The key to achieving muscle growth is
to try to knock off as many motor units as
possible within a given time frame and then
provide enough rest to allow the adaptation
to occur.
freak. I’ve seen only one guy out of maybe 80 respond like methods, visit www
Also, see his ad on page Charles Poliquin
Q: What supplements are most neglected in body- 205. IM w w w. C h a r l e s P o l i q u i n . n e t
builders’ diets?
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Nutrition With a Get-Big Mission
amino acid content in the blood. When
the subjects got more carbs, they had
a greater insulin response, but that
didn’t translate into greater protein
synthesis. The researchers also noted
points to insulin’s playing a permissive
role in muscle protein anabolic effects.
So while you need a certain level of
insulin, having more than that won’t
influence protein synthesis.
For those purposes, carbs are still the
best recovery source. So although you
don’t need to take in carbs with protein
for posttraining muscle protein synthe-
sis, you still need them for full recovery.
that carbs brought down the count of An important point to take into con- Besides, carbs that you get soon after
branched-chain amino acids in plasma sideration is that the study looked only the workout go straight into glycogen
and muscle, which could point to less at the relationship between muscle replenishment, not adversely affecting
muscle breakdown, but the study didn’t protein synthesis and carb and protein fat oxidation or bodyfat loss.
measure that. intake after a workout. Another aspect —Jerry Brainum
The insulin induced by the protein of workout recovery involves muscle
alone—without carbs—was more than glycogen replenishment. Muscle gly- 1 Koopman, R., et al. (2007). Co-
the amount suggested for maximizing cogen drops by 30 to 40 percent after ingestion of carbohydrate with protein
muscle protein synthesis and reducing a weight-training session. You must does not further augment post-exercise
protein breakdown. That may explain replenish it to fully repair muscles and to muscle protein synthesis. Am J Physiol
why the carbs were superfluous. It also restore energy in the trained muscles. Endocrino Metab. 137:1880-1886.
You know that the omega-3 fat in fish to cancer and other illnesses.
is good for your heart, but now there’s an Here’s another quote from his
anabolic reason to eat fatty fish or take fish book that will be of interest to body-
oil capsules. Canadian scientists found that builders: “What steroid users don’t
omega-3s accelerate protein synthesis and know is that omega-3 essential fatty
decrease hunger. That may explain why acids can deliver the effects they
Nicholas Perricone, M.D., in his book The want—significantly improve athletic
Perricone Weight-Loss Diet, says his anti-in- performance, helping to make mus-
flammatory eating recommendations, which cle cells stronger and more efficient;
include a liberal intake of omega-3s, reduce actually build muscle and lose body-
bodyfat and preserve muscle: “Physicians fat—without the dangerous side
have long been puzzled by the following fact: effects. There are even steroidlike
When people lose a significant amount of substances in the body, like PPARs,
bodyweight, 50 percent of it is muscle mass. that can help achieve those goals
This loss of muscle mass is responsible for when activated by omega-3.”
that drawn, aged appearance of those who The moral: Whether you’re trying
have lost weight. Yet my patients following to lose fat, gain muscle or both, get
the anti-inflammatory diet exhibited none of plenty of omega-3 fats every day, be
this loss of muscle mass.” Dr. Perricone goes it from fish or fish oil capsules.
on to explain the connection between inflam- —Becky Holman
mation and obesity, and how omega-3 fats
can reduce inflammation, which is also linked
Food Facts
That can affect your
workouts, weight and wellness
ies on balding
concluded that
H E A LT H Y L I F E treating men for a
deficiency in iron
In a new study, eight shunts the aminos to the liver, where they are degraded,
men who were train- or oxidized. (That, by the way, also disproves the idea that
ing with weights at active people can get fat from eating excessive protein. It just
least four days a week doesn’t happen.)
got either nonfat milk So is soy junk to be avoided? In truth, small amounts of
or soy protein after soy, especially when combined with slower-acting animal
training. The drinks proteins, like the ones derived from milk, won’t cause any
contained the same problems. The key point is that from an anabolic point of
number of calories view, milk proteins are more reliable than soy proteins are.
and amount of protein —Jerry Brai-
(18 grams). The soy num
drink also contained
1.5 grams of fat and Wilkinson,
23 grams of carbs. S.B., et al. (2007).
While both drinks resulted in a positive net protein balance, Consumption of
the cow’s milk proved superior to the soy in fostering overall fluid skim milk
protein balance and muscle protein synthesis. promotes greater
The authors suggest that the milk was superior because muscle protein
it’s digested more slowly. They also think that the rapid uptake accretion after
of soy—it’s a faster protein than whey—led to its being used resistance exer-
more for synthesis of serum proteins and urea (a product of cise than does
protein breakdown) than for muscle protein synthesis. The consumption of
rapid increase in extracellular amino acid content that comes an isonitrogenous
from soy leads to an abrupt shutdown of protein synthesis. and isoenergetic soy protein beverage. Am J Clin Nutr.
When the body senses a large delivery of amino acids, it 85:1031-40.
Obesity trend
Chub Club Grows continues Sunshine for Strength
According to In a new study of al-
an article from the most 1,000 subjects,
Associated Press, those who were deficient
almost one-third in vitamin D scored lower
of the adults in the on grip-strength tests,
United States are as well as muscle-co-
considered obese, ordination and balance
and a whopping tests. Vitamin D helps in
two-thirds are calcium absorption, and
considered over- calcium is necessary for
weight. This coun- muscle contraction. Vita-
try has one of the min D also aids in protein synthesis to repair mus-
highest obesity rates in the world, not something cles. Many dairy products and cereals are fortified
we should be proud of. with D, or you could just get a little sunshine.
—Becky Holman —Becky Holman
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Eat to Grow
Plant for More Pump Carla Sanchez on their radio show Performance Nutrition,
Web and podcast at
Dr. Antonio is the CEO of the International Society of Sports
Bodybuilders know that nitric oxide supplements Nutrition— His other Web sites include,, www
enhance the pump during a workout. Research also, and www.JoseAntonioPhD
suggests that NO can do good things for fat burn- .com.
ing too. Most NO precursors are
arginine based; however, there References
may be another pump producer in 1 Wilkinson, S.B., et al. (2006). Addition of glutamine to
town—pycnogenol. It’s a plant ex- essential amino acids and carbohydrate does not enhance
tract that appears to enhance NO anabolism in young human males following exercise. Appl
production too, and studies indi- Physiol Nutr Metab. 31(5):518-529.
2 Stottrup, N.B., et al. (2006). L-glutamate and glutamine
cate that it can lower blood pres-
sure. Try taking 100 milligrams improve haemodynamic function and restore myocardial gly-
cogen content during postischaemic reperfusion: A radioac-
with your NO-booster supplement
tive tracer study in the rat isolated heart. Clin Exp Pharmacol
before a workout—weights and/ Physiol. 33(11):1099-1103.
or cardio. 3 Iwashita, S., et al. (2006). Glutamine supplementation
—Becky Holman increases postprandial energy expenditure and fat oxidation in humans. J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 30(2):76-80.
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e’ve decided to give Power/Rep Range/Shock a rest and move on
to something that’s a bit more recovery oriented—heavy/light. It’s
a concept used by many bodybuilders in the presteroid era, and,
if you look back at their photos, you’ll see that a lot of them got
huge with no pharmaceutical help and no supplements—okay, some of them
ate bull testicles, but that’s not really a supplement.
Of course, we’ve updated the legend-
ary H/L program with our own special Contracted.
tweaks, like 3D Positions of Flexion and
X Reps, but the old-school concept re-
mains intact. Each bodypart gets a hard,
heavy hit with lower reps to exhaustion
alternated with a lighter, subfailure work-
out for blood flow, nutrient delivery and
recuperation and growth acceleration.
The subfailure-pump workouts promote
muscle fullness with glycogen deposi-
tion and saturation—the old-timers were
pretty darn smart.
Another thing unique about our H/L
program is the split.
62 DECEMBER 2007 \
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w w w. I ro n M a n M a g a z i n e . c o m
Follow a higher-rep
midrange exercise
with a contracted-
position move on light Week 2
day for a full pump. Monday: Delts, midback, biceps,
Tuesday: Legs and lower back
Wednesday: Chest, lats, triceps,
Thursday: Off
Friday: Delts, midback, biceps,
forearms + soleus
Weekend: Off (with cardio)
Week 3
Repeat Week 1
Week 1
Monday: Chest, lats, triceps, abs
Tuesday: Legs and lower back
Wednesday: Delts, midback,
biceps, forearms
Thursday: Off
Friday: Chest, lats, triceps, abs +
Model: Robert Hatch
New Breakthrough
Training System DVD
You'll get 12 Info-Packed issues
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IRON MAN Training & Research Center Muscle-Training Program 98: Legs
Workout 3A: Quads (H), Hamstrings (L), Calves (H), Squats 2 x 10-15
Lower Back (L) Hack squats 2 x 10-15
Leg extensions 1 x 15-20
Leg extensions (X Reps) 2 x 8-10
Feet-forward Smith-machine front squats 1 x 7-9
Squats 2 x 7-9
Walking lunges 1 x 7-9
Hack squats 2 x 7-9
Leg curls (drop set; X Reps) 1 x 8(7)
Leg extensions (X Reps) 1 x 10
Stiff-legged deadlifts 2 x 7-9
Sissy squats (X Reps) 1 x 7-9
Knee-extension leg press calf raises 2 x 20
Feet-forward Smith-machine front squats 1 x 10-15
Walking lunges 1 x 10-15
Standing calf raises 2 x 15
Leg curls (drop set) 1 x 8(7)
Hack-machine calf raises 2 x 10
Stiff-legged deadlifts 1 x 7-9
One-leg calf raises 1 x 15
Knee-extension leg press calf raises
Lower-back machine (X Reps) 1 x 10-12
(X Reps) 3 x 10, 12, 14
Superset Note: The leg workout is always performed on Tues-
Standing calf raises (X Reps) 2 x 10 day; that is, legs are worked only once a week every
Hack-machine calf raises (X Reps) 2 x 10 week—seven full days of recovery. Workouts 3A and
Donkey calf raises (X Reps) 1 x 10-15 3B alternate.
Hyperextensions (X Reps) 1 x 10-15
Note: Where X-Reps are designated, usually only one
set or phase of a drop set is performed with X Reps or
Workout 3B: Quads (L), Hamstrings (H), Calves (L), an X-Rep hybrid technique from the e-book Beyond X-
Lower Back (H) Rep Muscle Building. See the X-Blog at
for more workout details.
Leg extensions 2 x 10-15
The Ultimate Mass Workout. Beyond X-Rep Muscle 3D Muscle Building. X-traordinary Muscle-
This is the original X-Rep Building. More on X Reps Positions-of-Flexion mass Building Workouts. The big
manual. Includes the and X-hybrid techniques, training. Includes the 20- 10 mass-program arsenal.
ultimate exercise for each including X Fade and pounds-of-muscle-in-10- Includes Heavy/Light, 20-
muscle and workouts. Double-X Overload. weeks size surge program. Rep Squat, Power Pyramid.
Free download from
Steve Holman’s
Critical Mass
Size Surge good choice. They are both in the e-book 3D Muscle Build-
ing. Here’s Jonathan’s phase 1 program, the first five weeks,
from Chapter 2:
Knockout Monday
Leg extensions
Semistiff-legged deadlifts
2 x 7-9
1 x 7-9
1 x 7-9
Leg curls 1 x 7-9
Q: I’m a 20-year-old college student looking to get Bench presses 2 x 7-9
back into lifting. I’ve made great gains in the past, Flat-bench flyes 1 x 7-9
but because I’ve moved or run out of money, I have Incline dumbbell presses 2 x 7-9
not been able to stay consistent. To give you an idea, Chins or pulldowns 2 x 7-9
my junior year of high school I took my squat from a Bent-over rows 2 x 7-9
230 max to using 345 for eight. I tend to get stronger Dumbbell presses 2 x 7-9
but with not as much mass as I want. Now I’m ready Dumbbell upright rows 2 x 7-9
to hit it harder than ever—and get bigger than ever. Leg presses or donkey calf raises 2 x 12-18
I’m almost 6’ and weigh 170, and I’m tired of hearing
my sister say, “Are you okay? You look sick.” I agree Wednesday
with her. I consider myself a good specimen with Deadlifts 2 x 7-9
potential to grow quickly, not a hardgainer. I con- Standing calf raises 2 x 12-18
sider you and Jonathan [Lawson] innovators in the Barbell curls 2 x 7-9
industry, looking for real answers for real people. Concentration curls 2 x 7-9
You have a lot of books and e-books available, so Lying triceps extensions 2 x 7-9
which one should should I start with? I want the best Pushdowns or kickbacks 2 x 7-9
results as fast as possible, of course, but without Wrist curls 1 x 12-18
overtraining. I thought about the original 10-Week Hammer curls 1 x 7-9
Size Surge program, but then I read that there is an Incline kneeups 2 x 7-9
updated version in your e-book 3D Muscle-Build- Ab Bench crunch pulls 2 x 7-9
ing. Should I try that? Also, I want to box a couple
of nights a week—with focus mitts, bag work, speed Friday
bag and occasional sparring. Can I do that while Squats 2 x 7-9
going after my size and strength goal? Leg extensions 1 x 7-9
A: First, thanks for your confidence. You sound motivat- Leg curls 2 x 7-9
ed, so the first thing you should do is take “before” photos. Seated calf raises 2 x 12-18
It will open your eyes about how you really look—a mo- Bench presses 2 x 7-9
tivational reality check. Do some semirelaxed shots from Flat-bench flyes 1 x 7-9
the front, side and back, then some standard bodybuilding Incline dumbbell presses 2 x 7-9
poses. Chins or pulldowns 2 x 7-9
Your instincts are right on: The Size Surge routine, either Bent-over rows 2 x 7-9
the original one Jonathan used or the updated version, is a Dumbbell presses 2 x 7-9
Dumbbell upright rows 2 x 7-9
Naturally Huge
Too Old
to Grow?
Q: I’m 33 years old and have been
Naturally Huge
flowery makeover, he would have Bill Trumbo, Marvin Eder, Jack Del-
M ay 1971, in the
pages of this magazine, a
passionate teacher wrote
the following:
“And lo, a single wise man raises
said, “Don’t bother.” So here is the
story of Nautilus and, more impor-
tant, the truth about a man swathed
in controversy, a controversy that
blurred clear-cut genius.
linger and Bill Pearl. What they all
had in common was massive mus-
cularity. They looked strong, and
they were strong.
For the most part they shared
his head in the East. Long, much Early in life Jones realized that another characteristic: They trained
too long, have I awaited his coming. progressive-weight training stimu- heavy and hard on the basic exer-
Thirty years, to be exact. It’s a hard lated the fastest and most sig- cises, doing whole-body workouts
and lonely path when your ideas are nificant physical results. It was in three days a week—mainly full
not accepted.... Yes, a wise man has the mid-to-late 1940s, a period of squats, overhead presses, weighted
risen in the East. As a matter of fact, enlightenment in American body- chinups, heavily weighted dips
only time will tell, but he may be a building, when Jones came of age. and barbell curls. There was little
Messiah—a Messiah of muscles.” He was in his early 20s and was mention of “etching in the cuts,”
Little did Vince Gironda realize most influenced by the physique of “sculpting” or even split routines.
at the time of his prophecy the ex- John Grimek. Other heavily muscled Of course, there were also no ste-
plosive impact Arthur Jones would men had physiques Jones also roids, growth hormone, insulin or
have or the huge shadow he would found impressive: Clarence Ross, synthol. “Genetic potential” and
cast, depending on one’s viewpoint, George Eiferman, Kimon Voyages, “muscle-belly lengths” were phrases
on bodybuilding’s loosely knit com-
munity over the next three decades.
Change, especially dramatic
change, will inevitably be threaten-
ing to some, bringing instant reac-
tion. To others, change will bring
an opportunity for progress, even
breakthrough—taking the current
state of the art to the next, higher
level. History will ultimately judge
the impact of Arthur Jones and his
discoveries on the fields of body-
building, sportsmedicine and fit-
Photo courtesy of Ellington Darden, Ph.D.
4) It dem-
that the
same prin-
ciples could
be applied
to all of the
major mus-
cular struc-
tures. The
initial line
of Nautilus
of five
Sergio Oliva. so-called
of equipment attached to heavy that thoroughly worked all of the
occupying an inordinate amount of chains—culminating, after many major upper-body muscles and
thought over the next 20 years. prototypes, in a cam-driven ma- the upper legs.
The realization of Nautilus chine that was built like a bridge
machines was a long and tedious and that developed strength The introductory machines
process originally involving the use through a full range of motion, not incorporated the concept of pre-
Arthur was the reason the average person off the street is in the gym today. He and the machines he created dic-
tated short workouts and easy access for the average person. He started something that the masses could relate to,
brief workouts. He was a pioneer in the exercise field and will be missed by many. We all know he was a born leader.
—Casey Viator, bodybuilding legend
In my opinion, two things brought about the fitness revolution that started in the 1970s. One was the documen-
tary “Pumping Iron,” which exposed people to resistance training and gave a glimpse into bodybuilding. The second
was Nautilus exercise machines, invented by Arthur Jones. He made it cool to work out, and everyone in the world
wanted to do it. The whole fitness industry exists today because of this one man.
—Boyer Coe, bodybuilding legend
I hope that Arthur Jones’ contributions in the fields of fitness, sports medicine, exercise physiology and orthope-
dic rehabilitation will be recognized and appreciated. With the accomplishments and contributions he has made
over the past 40 years, he should have been awarded the Nobel Prize.
—Jim Flanagan
MedX Vice President of Sales and lifelong friend
If you measure a man by his legacy, Arthur Jones was a giant. His invention of the MedX lumbar extension ma-
chine has saved thousands from back operations and helped thousands more to leave their wheelchairs and walk
again. I hope Arthur Jones receives the Nobel Prize for creating this machine.
—Nicholas Orlando
Dear friend and business partner
Arthur Jones took the bodybuilding world by storm way back in 1970, and he did it with his sensational and to-
tally inventive training articles in Iron Man. I can remember even to this day, devouring every single word that he
wrote before reading the rest of the magazine. Ten years later I found myself working for the man himself at his
Nautilus plant in Lake Helen, Florida. In my opinion, Arthur was a complex individual, but I would also have to say
that he was a genius inventor who did not receive enough praise or gratitude for his amazing efforts and discoveries
in the world of bodybuilding, strength training, fitness and health. A few years later Arthur turned his attention to
the world of back pain and recovery and invented amazing machines which he called MedX. I doubt if we will see the
likes of Arthur Jones again.
—Chris Lund, Flex
I remember the time after the 1971 Pittsburgh Championships, when I had just won the title and I was traveling
with a friend, Robert Lauda, to Deland, Florida, to purchase some equipment for my home gym which I’d read about
in Iron Man. That summer Casey Viator was training with Arthur Jones. Arthur was a straightforward, no-B.S. kind
of guy but funny in the way he told stories, many of which I heard that week. Arthur left his mark on the bodybuild-
ing world when he invented Nautilus machines. I also learned what truly intense training was early in my body-
building career from watching Arthur work out with Casey. It left a lasting impression on me.
—Jim Manion, NPC President
I am not among those privileged to have known Art Jones as a friend. I suspect the number who are is miniscule.
But I was an avid reader of his controversial columns and remember distinctly that he despised all that had come
before the Nautilus explosion, including those stellar bodies that dared to credit their look to reps and sets and free
weights. I remember being regaled by the stories about Sergio and Jones and the people Jones threatened to feed
to his crocs. And then one day the man himself showed up at Weider headquarters, Lord alone knows what for. He
hardly talked to any of us, except to acknowledge his presence. Talk about stern-faced. As much as the Weider writ-
ers might’ve wanted to exchange a word or two with Jones, we thought better of it. Instead we settled for what Mike
Mentzer and Casey Viator swore was true, that Arthur Jones was just about the best thing to happen to muscle build-
ing since. . .hell, that Art was the best thing that ever happened to the world, period. Other than Ayn Rand, of course.
Truly one of bodybuilding’s unforgettable characters!
—Rick Wayne, legendary bodybuilding writer
(continued from page 94) 50 years ago took me 20 years to realize that two
meant that anything goes. Equip- sets were better than four and an-
ment preference takes second other 20 years to realize that one set
place as pharmacology marches was better than two.”
forward—anything for growth. The In what would become legend,
debate doesn’t center on Jones’ the last workout that Casey Via-
original reasons for the machines— tor performed under Arthur Jones’ what you like; we all have opinions.
direct work, harder work and maxi- watch several days before he annihi- What is not opinion is that Jones
mum results stimulated in the least lated the competition at the ’71 Mr. burst on to a stagnant scene, domi-
amount of time. Sadly, those are not America competition consisted of nated by super routines maxing
the cornerstones of today’s training. the following leg work: a high-rep- out to twice-a-day workouts, six
High intensity vs. high volume etition set of leg presses, followed or seven days a week. He offered a
is another venomous argument. If immediately (no rest) by a high-rep training regimen that emphasized
the article is long enough and the set of leg extensions, followed im- harder work, a quest for strength,
author old enough, inevitably the mediately by a 13-rep set of full brevity, logic, sufficient rest and
antagonist will be—surprise—Ar- squats with 503 pounds. Three total recovery and equipment capable
thur Jones. Never mind that Jones sets for the hips and front thighs. of working all of the involved mus-
himself trained for many years with The balance of the workout was culature with varying resistance
what could be described as high leg curls followed by one set each through a full range of motion. He
volume, if four sets of 12 exercises, of 10 exercises for the upper body. talked plain and clear—no mixed
three days a week, reflects high For the biggest competition of his messages. For that he was a pariah.
volume. After numerous attempts career, that is how Viator trained. He Only in bodybuilding.
to surpass a seemingly impossible could have trained anywhere under Arthur sold Nautilus in 1986 and
plateau, he reduced his workouts anyone’s tutelage, with as many sets went on to perhaps his greatest
in half. When he immediately as he wished using any equipment work—spending millions of dollars
surpassed his previous best, he he preferred. He chose Jones. on research and development of the
reduced it again—then again. Each Casey built his physique to a high MedX lumbar extension machine,
reduction in volume, not intensity, competitive level with barbells. He the only equipment capable of spe-
resulted in size and strength gains realized his potential using Nautilus cifically testing and rehabilitating
that exceeded anything he’d experi- and one-set-to-failure training. A the vulnerable muscles that extend
enced previously. Self-effacingly, he one-of-a-kind example? Possible the lumbar spine. It was a discovery
recalled, “Being as bright as I was, it only with a genetic freak? Think of potentially enormous conse-
Model: Steve Holman
Stiff-legged deadlifts
Shoulder presses
Bench presses
Model: Dave Fisher
Deadlifts (rest/pause style) 1 x 20
Shrugs 1 x 10
Chins 2 x 6-8
Bench presses 2 x 4-6
Dumbbell presses 1 x 10
Cable lateral raises 1 x 15
Squats 2 x 4-6
Leg curls 1 x 15
Calf raises 2 x 15
1) Indirect Effect
Jones wrote, “Throw a stone into
a pool, and it will make a splash and
the wave will run to the [edges] of
the pool. The larger the stone, the
larger the splash and the larger the
resulting wave.” He was making a
comparison to what happens in the
human body when a specific muscle
is worked. The indirect effect de-
scribes the phenomenon that oc-
curs when you exercise any muscle
correctly: Growth will be produced
as a result, and it will affect, to a
lesser extent, all other muscles of
the body.
The effect is proximity related.
The closer a muscle is to the exer-
cised muscle, the more it is affected
indirectly. Also, the larger the mus-
cle exercised, the greater its effect
on overall growth.
The common practice among
hardgainers of performing only
full squats for periods of time is
based entirely on the indirect-effect
principle. Full squats affect growth
throughout the body. Such a pro-
gram creates a minimum drain on
the system and a maximum gain on
the one exercise being used. If that fect led to three guidelines for a should be worked first, since they
one exercise is the squat, the result- good program that are used in all have the greatest potential to affect
ing growth stimulation has enor- training circles to this day: To get overall growth.
mous potential because the exercise good results from exercise, 1) the
involves the largest muscle struc- program should be well rounded, 2) 2) Limit Exercise Number
tures of the body and influences the the greatest concentration of effort
greatest number of muscle groups. should go to working the largest The best results come from com-
The principle of indirect ef- muscles, and 3) the larger muscles pound exercis- (continued on page 116)
3) High Intensity
of overtraining be-
cause you don’t have If you’re totally new to HIT, you
to expend as much may not have heard of Jones’ in-
energy training. You tensity recommendations. Prepare
(continued from page 112) es, which leave more for recov- yourself!
involve the major muscle groups ery and growth. According to Jones, “For the pro-
and work more than one muscle at a Jones did prescribe preexhaus- duction of best results one must
time. As the human body very rarely tion, however; that is, an isolation attempt the momentarily impos-
performs movements in which a exercise immediately followed by sible.” That means you should carry
muscle is isolated, why would you a compound movement for the each set to a point where you’re
try for muscle growth by doing iso- same bodypart. For example, flyes forcing against the weight even after
lation exercises, which work only supersetted with bench presses. it’s stopped moving upward. When
a single muscle? The triceps, for That prefatigued the pectorals so the weight stops midrep and won’t
example, are designed to work syn- that the weak link, in this case the move another inch, you’re done
ergistically with the pectorals and triceps, were stronger on the com- with the set.
deltoids in all presses; they respond pound exercise, the bench presses. Contrary to popular belief, Jones
to the same stimulus as the larger That produced a more direct hit for did not encourage the use of inten-
muscles being worked. the chest. If you do the bench press sity techniques to further increase
Using the big, compound exercis- first, your triceps fatigue before your momentary intensity. In his opinion
es is much more efficient, since you chest. Preexhaustion was the basis they were counterproductive, as
can effectively work a large number for many of the compound Nautilus they would reduce the amount of
of muscle groups with only a few machines. tension placed on a muscle in the
exercises. That limits the possibility subsequent reps—unnecessary
5) Reciprocity
On the surface the failure
nutrition—with some
4) Secondary Growth calling it 90 percent of
training results. That
fallacy must be dispelled.
Regardless of how hard you work True, continued growth
in the gym, you need to account for cannot occur without
certain factors if you want growth: proper nutrition, but
nutrition, adequate rest, avoidance you don’t need to be-
of overwork—that is, overtraining— come a fanatic about it.
and positive psychology. The recommendation
Model: Dan Decker
Is Born
Bulking Up Has Its Consequences
by Ron Harris
Episode 29
was the night be- ers perceive themselves—as never approaching the size of my collec-
fore Christmas, big or heavy enough. I can attest to tion—34 at last count. Even in the
or at least the late the legitimacy of that disorder, as dim lighting, something was dif-
morning on the day I and many other lifters have been ferent about Randy. Normally he
before Christmas, classic cases. I started out at 90 was always showing clear muscle
and Randy and I were performing pounds, and even when I got up to separations and a few veins in the
our sacred preworkout ritual in the 240, which was just 30 pounds away upper body. Now it was all blurry
locker room. It didn’t involve cut- from triple my original bodyweight, and out-of-focus. I put on my a-hole
ting off any chicken heads, smoking I wasn’t satisfied with what I saw in face and got sarcastic.
peyote, or voodoo or Santeria—just the mirror. The late Trevor Smith, “You’re up 10 pounds—just how
the balance-beam scale in the bath- owner of Nuclear Nutrition, was much have you been eating lately?”
room. Actually, let me correct that. ridiculed on the Internet because he Randy went into defense mode
Weighing ourselves every time be- never dieted down and competed. at once. “I’m trying to gain size now,
fore we trained did have an element Even when he got up to 400 pounds right?”
of voodoo to it. Weighing less than at just over six feet tall—when I saw “Yes, muscle size. Not a bunch of
we wanted affected our attitudes him, his arms looked to be about lard, jackass. Answer the question:
and could sometimes bum us out 26 inches around—Trevor felt he Just how much have you been eat-
for the whole workout. needed a little bit more size before ing?”
Yes, that’s right, I said we would he was ready to do a show. “Well,” he stammered, “the
get upset if we didn’t weigh enough. So it was with great pride and a dealership had its big party, and of
Contrast that with an anorexic, who beaming countenance that young course the sister dealership a few
believes she weighs too much, even Randy announced to me in a most cities away had its Christmas party,
though she may be a walking skele- jovial tone, “210 pounds, brutha!” and there were all kinds of desserts
ton at 85 pounds. Published reports Don’t ask why he was calling me and drinks to be had if one were so
say that’s what happened to one of “brutha.” It’s a Boston thing that inclined.”
the Olsen twins (don’t ask). I never understood, some kind of “Looks to me like you were quite
About a decade ago, psychiatrists tough-guy way of calling someone a inclined, smoothie.”
identified a disorder they labeled buddy that may have had its origins “I wanted to bulk up to at least
body image dysmorphia. The in pro wrestling. Randy was wear- 225 before I had to diet down to 190
layman’s term, reverse anorexia, ing one of the many tank tops he for the show.”
captures the way many bodybuild- owned, though he’s still far from “Look, I don’t have a calculator
Best Time of Day to Train “As there are so many variables make training and nutrition work
that affect our energy, you’ll have together: “Maintain a high-intensity
Q: I’d like to know if there to look for the pattern of your en- routine up to the day of the contest,
is an “ideal” time to train. I’ve ergy leaks and make the necessary and rely on your diet to bring in the
heard that some bodybuild- adjustments. If you discover, for cuts. Since your muscles grow in
ers work out as early as 5 a.m. I instance, that overtraining is the response to the stress and intensity
tried that once and just didn’t culprit, you might take a week off imposed on them, that same level
have the energy to train with to recover some of your reserves, must at least be maintained if you
the necessary intensity to make and then resume your training with wish to keep your muscle size up to
progress. When I train at night, a more sensible, less draining regi- the day of the contest.”
however, I feel too tired from men.”
my job. What did Mike suggest?
A: Training early in the morning Mike Mentzer and
can be a problem for some people. Preparing for a Contest Arthur Jones
In effect, you’re coming off an eight-
hour fast, which means your blood Q: I’ve been following Mike’s Q: I know that Mike believed
sugar could be somewhat low. Mike training system as outlined in that he learned a great deal
touched on the issue: his book High Intensity Train- from Arthur Jones, the creator
“If your job is so tiring that you ing the Mike Mentzer Way of Nautilus machines. Some
can’t muster enough energy at the (McGraw-Hill) for two months have even said that Mike’s
end of the day to train, you might and have been very happy with Heavy Duty training is simply a
want to find a new job. If that’s not the results. This winter I’m en- rehash of Jones’ theories on in-
feasible, you’ll have to develop the tering a physique contest for tensity. What are your thoughts?
discipline necessary for early morn- the first time, and I was wonder- A: It’s true that Mike held Arthur
ing training. You might look at your ing if there is any way I should Jones in very high regard. I don’t
current routine, nutrition practices alter my training routine in recall Mike’s saying a bad word
and whether you’re getting enough preparing for the contest. about the man. He always spoke
rest for the root cause of your A: Mike would be the first to tell of him with profound respect. Still,
chronic fatigue. If you are training you—absolutely not! According to Heavy Duty isn’t simply a rehash of
too much, you may be overtraining, Mike, “Most bodybuilders make the Jones’ beliefs. Jones didn’t discover
leading to massive energy depletion. mistake of increasing the amount the concept of training intensity. As
“Look to your personal habits, of their training before a contest, Mike once told me:
also. Are you tense more than you which unavoidably lowers the inten- “As far back as the late 19th cen-
should be most of the time? Are you sity of effort one is able to generate. tury German physiologists discov-
dissipating all of your reserve vitality That, coupled with the fact that a ered that the hypertrophy of muscle
partying and participating in sports? low-calorie [that is, lower-carbo- tissue is directly related to the in-
Balik \ Model: Mike Mentzer
Are you getting enough carbohy- hydrate] diet tends to deplete a tensity of exercise, not the duration.
drates in your diet? [Most reputable person’s recovery ability, will cause a That’s been verified repeatedly by
nutritional scientists recommend loss of muscle tissue, something no contemporary physiologists, includ-
that up to 60 percent of your daily right-thinking bodybuilder would ing Steinhaus, O’Shea and Zeinov.
dietary intake be composed of car- do before a contest.” What I’ve done is make a practical
bohydrates.] Mike’s prescription would be to application of the evidence supplied
by scientific research in exercise at the rate he’d hoped to. That’s what two) per session; work out once
physiology to weight training.” prompted him to look more closely every four to 10 days depending
Mike trained the orthodox Nau- into the areas of volume and recov- upon your recovery ability.
tilus way back in the late ’70s. He ery ability.
even won the Mr. America contest After supervising the training of Jones: Use negative-only training
using that method—three whole- some 2,000 clients, Mike discovered once a week.
body workouts a week, one set to that recovery ability among indi-
Mentzer: Use negative-only
failure, and no more than four exer- viduals varies across a very broad
training sparingly.
cises per muscle group. Even with continuum and that most of us
his tremendous genetics, however, don’t have the muscular potential Mike and Jones agreed that
he recognized that he wasn’t gaining or recovery ability of bodybuilding Nautilus machines had a huge ad-
art 1 was all about growth 1980s a third of the men had low
hormone, what it does testosterone. Over the term of the
and the pros and cons of study that group had a 33 percent
hormone-replacement greater death rate than the men
therapy. This installment covers who had higher testosterone levels.
testosterone. The difference in death rate wasn’t
explained by negative habits, such
Does Testosterone as smoking, drinking, lack of exer-
cise or even such diseases as dia-
Prolong Life?
betes and heart disease.
In 1993 a group of researchers The men with low T had more
from Germany, noting that women cytokines, which are markers of
usually outlive men, attempted body inflammation. They also
to determine why. They analyzed had larger waistlines, a marker of
more than 277 years of records the visceral abdominal fat that is
of the life spans of castrati, who linked to insulin insensitivity, dia-
produce little or no testosterone, betes and cardiovascular disease.
and uncastrated male singers. They Indeed, the amount of visceral
found no significant difference fat is proportional to testosterone
between those with low and nor- levels and inflammation—more fat
mal testosterone levels in relation equals less testosterone and more
to life span.20 inflammation. Men with low T are
A recent longitudinal study, how- three times as likely to have the
ever, found that having low testos- metabolic syndrome, character-
terone increased the risk of death ized by insufficient high-density
in men over age 50. For 18 years, lipoprotein (the good cholesterol),
beginning in the 1970s, researchers high blood fat, hypertension and
tracked the causes of death in 800 elevated blood glucose.
men aged 50 to 91 living in Rancho When men age, T tends to de-
Bernardo, California. In the early cline and (continued on page 152)
“Damn it, no more broccoli florets. would move the fastest. Good thing
I can’t stand it when they run out,” I I didn’t have much to do that day,
angrily mumbled under my breath as I once again chose the tortoise
as I passed through the frozen-veg- among the rabbits. Knowing I was
etables section of my local super- in for the long haul, I leafed through
market. “I guess I’ll have to go with a National Enquirer, sensing the
the spears then. They’d better have points melting off my IQ with every
the asparagus I like.” page. Just then I felt a little vibra-
Yes, another unexciting day of tion in my pants. Nah—just my cell
food shopping, filling my cart with phone. It was Andy.
the same few items I purchase every “Eric, I am going out of my mind.
trip. I could probably do it with I am craving a Big Mac like mad,
my eyes closed at this point, as my bro.”
obsessive-compulsive personality “Your show is three weeks away,
has me visiting the same aisles in my man. After that you can eat
the same order every time. It’s al- McDonald’s clean.”
ways salad first, then natural peanut “I dreamt of Big Macs all night. I
butter, walnuts, olive oil, oatmeal, need one—or three.”
whole-grain bread, steak, chicken, “Listen. Sit tight, and I’ll call you
liquid egg whites and finally vegeta- back in five.” With that, I swiped my
bles. Yes, quite boring and predict- debit card, paid my tab and headed
able, although sometimes I torture for the parking lot. Since I live only
myself by looking through the bak- about five minutes from the super-
ery section, as well as at all of those market, I figured I’d just call Andy
yummy sugary cereals (man, I miss back when I got home.
Tony the Tiger, not to mention my Before I move forward with my
good pal Cap’n Crunch). little tale I should tell you that
On this particular Wednesday the Andy’s a client I was helping prepare
checkout lines were all crowded, so for a bodybuilding competition. At
I attempted to tap into my psychic three weeks out he was already lean
powers in order to predict which enough to step onstage; I always
Partial Deadlifts
Read entire label and follow directions. Regular exercise and proper nutrition are essential for achieving your bodybuilding goals. © 2007 NxLabs™. All rights reserved.
Free download from
Model: David Yeung
Longer tension
Underhand Rows times can provide
a new stimulus
for a burst of
(continued from page 167) muscle growth.
“Oh, and you have to do an extra
45 minutes of cardio as well.”
“Deal, bro. Deal.”
“It won’t be an ordinary back
workout. Meet me in two hours.”
I got all of my exercises, sets, reps
and intensity techniques lined up
in my head while I sucked down
a chocolate-flavored whey shake
mixed with water, waxy maize
starch and a half cup of oatmeal.
About 30 minutes later I was ready
to tear that gym apart and make
Andy “do the Technicolor yawn.” 1 1/2-Rep Chins
When I met him at the gym, I
told him to set up two Olympic bars
side by side, with a pair of 45s on “Awww. Wanna go “Seriously, Eric, you know I love to
each. “Put one of them in the power home to your mommy for some learn the hows and whys of training,
rack with the pins set at knee level milk and cookies? Or better yet, so please tell me the purpose of this
and the other on the floor.” some plain chicken and a dry baked sadistic superset.”
“What are we doing with this potato?” “The purpose? To make the back
setup? “Okay, okay. How many reps on thick like a wall. To form two pillars
“Just a little superset to get each?” of steel that start from your neck
warmed up.” “Ten.” and insert all the way down to your
“What kind of superset requires “Ten? That’s just for the warmups, rear end. That’s the purpose.”
the use of two Olympic bars?” right? “Cool, but I mean, what is the
“The kind where you will be “Nope, the same goes for our benefit of starting off the floor and
doing deadlifts off the floor followed work sets.” then moving to the rack?”
immediately by partial rack deads.” By now Andy was staring at me “So we can get a full range of mo-
“Are you completely insane?” like a deer caught in headlights. tion using the assistance of our legs,
Callard by Rod Labbe
he first time I met Roger Callard, he of the dapper RL: Jump-start the action by
hitting us with a memorable
mustache and rugged Midwestern stock, I was taken anecdote from your film career.
with his charming down-home manner. How about “Sextette” (1978)?
In our subsequent encounters—and there have Performing alongside the leg-
been dozens—Roger has maintained an almost Zen- endary Mae West must’ve been
quite an experience.
like calmness. His voice remains suitably modulated, his face
RC: Well, it was an experience
placid and furrow-free. He’s so mellow, it eventually spilled [laughs]. Casting director Skip Hen-
over and absorbed my naturally manic demeanor. derson asked me if I could get a
Need I mention that Mr. Callard happens to be a bodybuild- bunch of bodybuilders together for
ing pioneer from the glory days of “Pumping Iron”? Those a comedy musical called “Sextette,”
written by Mae West. So we went
of us who have been around a while remember him on the up to Mae’s house—a mansion, of
beach in those funky Weider ads, course—and everything was white
demonstrating some medieval tor- on white, totally old-school Hol-
ture device none-too-cleverly dis- lywood. We were even instructed
to call her Miss West. She was just
guised as an exercising tool. I never like you’d expect—the diva persona
quite believed he got so jacked by didn’t crack for a second.
Unless mareked otherwise photography and art provided by Roger Callard archives.
bending an oversize Slinky, and cer- RL: Did Miss West really have
tainly those clunky weighted wrist to be fed lines during filming?
RC: Yep, it happened. To elimi-
sheaths couldn’t possibly have built nate flubs, they ran a wire through
such mighty biceps. her wig and into a hidden earpiece.
Or could they? Worked fine, until she suddenly
Nah. Beef like that takes time blurted, “The traffic on the 405
is heavy.” Everybody froze. Ken
spent with the iron. And I mean Hughes, our director, took her aside,
serious time, away from frothing but Mae seemed unfazed—so we
surfer waves and babes spilling continued as if everything was fine
out of string bikinis. With Roger, it’s about and dandy.
testing limits. He joins the ranks of the bodybuilding icons RL: Whoever gave her such an
odd line?
who stand atop Olympus and survey their dominion. From RC: She’d accidentally picked
farm life in rural Michigan to IRON MAN’s Legends of Body- up feedback from a passing traffic
building—what a long, strange trip it’s been. helicopter.
Roger Callard’s Competitive Record actor, but life sometimes takes you
down unexpected paths.
’72 Mr. Michigan, Overall winner RL: Who gave you a leg up?
’74 IFBB Mr. America, Medium, 3rd RC: In the film industry? All of it
was by accident, a fluke. After grad-
’74 IFBB Mr. Western America, Medium, 1st uating from Michigan State Univer-
’75 IFBB Mr. America, Medium, 1st sity, I moved out to California with
bodybuilding on my mind. Jumped
’75 IFBB Mr. USA, Medium, 1st into the scene whole hog—lots of
’76 IFBB Mr. America, Medium, 2nd sun and fun and an awesome body-
building community. Then, at my
’76 IFBB Mr. International, Medium, 2nd gym one day, this little powerlifter
’76 IFBB Mr. Western America, Overall winner named Peanuts West approached
me and asked, “Wanna do a movie?
’77 IFBB Mr. America, Middleweight, 1st It’s called ‘The World’s Strongest
’78 IFBB Mr. International, Middleweight, 1st Man,’ starring Kurt Russell.” I was
intrigued, so we—a couple of body-
’78 IFBB North American Championships, Medium, 2nd builders and I—went down to Bur-
bank and met Bill Shepherd, their
casting director. He loved us. I’d
It is funny, but Mae was 86 or 87 like watching a slo-mo train acted in college and even won a few
years old at the time. We were lucky wreck. You can’t turn away. high school drama awards.
to get the movie finished without RC: Awful. And having those RL: Weren’t you a jock in high
any major mishaps, given her ad- bodybuilders around didn’t help. school?
vanced age. Movies featuring bodybuilders are RC: I was a jockish type of guy,
RL: I caught a cable show- usually horrible anyway. They can’t but that detoured a bit when my
ing of “Sextette” not long ago. play real people, only caricatures. high school football coach, Bill Mor-
Fascinating stuff, especially the RL: Your professional acting ris, told me I had to be in the junior
opening scene where Mae ar- credits stretch back to 1973. play. Since the other football players
rives in a wedding gown. Kinda RC It wasn’t my intention to be an and cheerleaders were doing it, I
RL: Didn’t you work with Bob
Conrad? He’s a nostalgic favor-
ite of mine. est SAT scores in the country, I went RL: You entered the body-
RC: Bob’s a pro, a man’s man. I to Michigan State on an academic building scene at an interesting
guested on his series “A Man Called scholarship and studied sociology, transitional time.
Sloan,” and we had a scene where I psychology and anthropology. I also RC: Interesting, to a point. Per-
had to knock him out. He wanted to played football and ran track. It was spectives and attitudes had us
see how I threw a punch. So I threw a diversified collegiate experience. pigeonholed. If you worked out,
it, and Bob said, “Yeah, that would RL: Not exactly the subjects people assumed you were either gay
definitely knock someone out.” We one associates with bodybuild- or numb as a post.
pulled off the scene without a hitch. ing. RL: But your generation
RL: Michigan is where you RC: Most of my contemporaries erased those stereotypes.
lifted your first barbell. Or was are educated men. The image of RC: The impact of what we cre-
it a cow? Maybe a bale of hay? bodybuilder as meathead is a fal- ated may not ever be fully under-
RC: Farm work doesn’t build lacy. stood. Prior to the ’70s athletes
wimps [laughs]. It requires endur- RL: You were still training? didn’t weight-train. My boxing and
ance and strength. Days and nights RC: Yes, for football, not body- football coaches were very skeptical
are long, and as soon as one job building. Lifting made me feel good, about lifting. Once regular lifting
ends, another begins. and I was looking good, too, but was incorporated into sports, results
Actually, I didn’t think about the moment I met Kent Kuehn, a shattered long-held myths.
weight training until my older bodybuilder and former Mr. Michi- RL: The ’70s bodybuilding
brother came home from Michi- gan, my perspective shifted. It did scene has a patina all its own.
gan State packed with muscle. It a complete 360. Kent asked, “What Being part of that phenom-
impressed me so much that on my are you doing here?” I answered, enon—talk about your cultural
very next birthday I received a 12- “I’m a football player.” He said, revolution.
gauge shotgun and a set of weights. “Football player? Heck, you’ve got RC: You don’t appreciate a time
In one year, at age 13, I was beating what it takes to be a bodybuilder.” until it’s passed. We were young
25-year-olds arm wrestling. He introduced me to Don Ross, and explorers living on the edge and
RL: Were you a skinny lad? we clicked instantly. Ron Gibson, striving for a dream.
RC: Very. But man, oh man, I Mr. Ohio, was also one of my buds. RL: What was different about
wanted to grow. I’d press and curl That’s when I competed for the first your era?
and do one-hand lifts with 150 time. RC: Bodybuilding back then was
pounds. That made me strong. I RL: The ’72 Mr. Michigan—was bicoastal: New York and Los Ange-
was also an extremely agile kid and that before or after graduation? les. We trained at Gold’s Gym—Ar-
always running around, which built RC: Not long before. My original nold, Frank Zane, Denny Gable, Bill
good legs. intent was to graduate and try out Grant, Franco [Columbu], Manny
RL: When did you graduate? for the Chargers; instead, I went to Perry, Bob Birdsong, everybody.
RC: In 1968, a rough year politi- Venice Beach and became a body- Weider photographed us on the
cally. After scoring one of the high- builder. beach and created a bodybuilding
hell. All the rage back in the up a few good notches.
’70s. RC: Cory’s a superior athlete
RL: Dave also helped you out sense of unreality about you from Wisconsin. She presented a
in the muscle-building depart- guys, too—as if Olympus had great body, with good muscle size
ment. dropped off a few of its best to and never lost her femininity.
RC: He expanded my intuitive walk among lesser mortals. RL: What about today’s phy-
style of training and opened new RC: People admired us so much; siques?
creative doors for me. The intuitive they literally did whatever we RC: They’re cartoons. The line
method doesn’t force anything, so wanted. Here’s a ridiculous example. between male and female has been
injuries are at a minimum. In the We’re at the gym, and this kid from intentionally blurred. Feminine
gym, you do what you want rather Canada’s watching me work out. He beauty doesn’t mean anything any-
than what you have to do. wants to know how I got so dark. I more. At least, not in bodybuilding.
RL: What is bodybuilding to tell him we used special tanning oil And it’s just as bad on the man’s side
you? and asked Ken Waller if there’s any now.
RC: Balance. Bodybuilders need left. The kid starts putting it on and Look at Samir Bannout. He won
balance. Armand Tanny said I says, “Gee, this stuff sure is red.” the Olympia at 187 pounds, perfect
had a high-speed look even while RL: Wait, let me guess—it was for his bone structure and height.
standing still. That’s the greatest transmission oil. But Samir thought he had to pack
compliment anyone’s ever paid me. RC: Ha. The poor guy never on beef to beat Haney. Not good.
When people see your physique, doubted us for a second. After he’s You can’t turn a Corvette into a
they know who you are. Look at my oiled up, Arnold stands back and Hummer without losing quality.
old photos, when I’m in a lineup. proclaims, “Roger, doesn’t he look One factor of greatness is recog-
I’m wearing my game face. It said, like a god? I want Joe to see him.” nizing and identifying it without
“Don’t f*@$ with me.” So, off the kid goes to Joe’s office, sits comparing yourself to others. Once
RL: Athleticism was part of on his expensive leather couch with you let them into the circle, you’re
your persona. red shit all over him, and Joe freaks. doomed.
RC: Impossible to separate the The kid hightails it back to our RL: You weren’t after size?
two. But there should be a balance gym, and Arnold says, “Don’t worry, RC: No, although that came with
between athleticism and muscular- you’re too far into the future for Joe the territory. I worked out so I could
ity. When trainees get so big they to comprehend—you are beyond.” punch harder, hit the ball farther
can’t run or move fluidly, balance Last time any of us saw him, he was and jump higher. Take a guy like
has been sacrificed. walking on the beach covered in Frank Zane—he wasn’t massive, but
RL: Physiques of the ’70s re- transmission oil and sand. Zane beat huge guys. Too many men
flected that ideal, I do believe. RL: And you held a straight suffer from the Platz syndrome, and
RC: Growth drugs didn’t define face while this was going down? that’s not bodybuilding.
us. We sought strength and propor- RC: My acting skills were sorely RL: Classic bodybuilders have
tion. Strength has always been my tested. Of course, nobody ques- small waists, small ankles and
motivation, bottom line. A good- tioned Arnold. To have him call you wrists.
looking body is nice, but I want a god was like being knighted. RC: Bodybuilding’s an illusion.
functionality. RL: Well, you guys were larger A flair. If you have big shoulders,
RL: There was an interesting than life, so who would doubt your arms won’t look as big, and if
iking power! The cry could be heard
for miles around. The ultimate test of
manhood—the alpha-male test of all
time—was back in Norway. Produced and
presented by Sven Karlsen’s Viking Power
Productions, the last of the World Strongman Super Se-
ries Grand Prix for 2007 was where the titans of Europe
had come to contest their power. The cameras of Fox
Sports and Norwegian TV converged on the beautiful
mountain resort of Storefjell, in Norway.
It’s a three-hour train ride through Norway’s scenic
mountains and fjords to the town of Gol and another
20 minutes’ drive to Storefjell. Beauteous land—from
turf-covered log homes to rich green farmland on
which cattle and sheep graze peacefully to the raging
rivers that cut through the mountainside and eventu-
ally empty into majestic blue-green lakes—surrounds
the Storefjell Resort Hotel. \ DECEMBER 2007 193
Free download from
Mariusz was
determined to get
the lift, even if it
didn’t count.
round. Terry Hollands easily bested to be struggling with the event, and weights. The reason: His right foot
Mariusz Pudzianowski in the tire Mariusz were the last two to attempt was bent at an irregular angle up
flip. Mariusz had a strong start but the final weight of 350 kilograms toward his left knee. It looked as if
then had difficulty handling the (770 pounds). Neither could com- his ankle was broken. He limped off
massive tire, which gave Terry the plete the lift, but Mariusz was deter- the show ground to the contestants’
edge he needed. mined to get the lift even if it didn’t warmup room with the help of other
In the axle lift, the first event after count. He went all out for a second competitors. It was later announced
the elimination round, each contes- attempt but to no avail. that his right calf muscle had se-
tant had one chance to deadlift the The tide of the contest fatefully verely cramped—no break.
axle, starting at 310 kilograms (682 turned against Terry Hollands dur- By the time of the final event it
pounds). The weight was increased ing the farmer’s walk. As Terry’s bout was almost certain that Mariusz
with each successive set until no started, he took a few long strides was going to make good on his as-
one could lift it. Terry, who appeared but stopped and dropped the sault for the gold. The Atlas stones
of strenuous exercise—even
sneezing—may precipi-
Bodybuilding Pharmacology
were blocked. as heart arrhythmia, tremors and pos-
Human studies sibly heart attacks. Less well-known
have demon- potential side effects are testicular
strated that those damage and immune suppression.
who are clinically Even low-dose clen can damage heart
deficient in GH muscle.
suffer from ac- The doses the monkeys got in
celerated brain the study were similar to what’s
degeneration. prescribed for asthma. That dose
The prefrontal doesn’t cause cardiovascular prob-
cortex is vital lems, though it does induce transient
for guiding be- tremors. The initial research looks
havior, thinking promising, but further human studies
and working are needed to clarify whether and how
memory. Damage clenbuterol might be used to treat
to it—common human brain disorders.
with aging—can A study that examined the impact
result in a failure of estrogen and insulinlike growth fac-
to plan and or- tor 1 in the brain indicates that they
ganize behavior. partner to protect the brain against
Some popular bodybuilding drugs like clenbuterol in It partly explains the damaging effects of cortisol, a
small doses appear to reduce or prevent brain erosion. the frequent stress hormone that attacks the sec-
memory defi- tions of the brain that govern learning
cits (“Where are and memory.5 That’s why long-term
ic drugs of any kind have no relation those keys?”) that start about age stress is considered a major cause of
to the condition and won’t escalate 40. The prefrontal cortex is sensitive brain aging.
symptoms. to levels of norepinephrine, a cat- IGF-1 rises in response to exercise
echolamine hormone also involved and a high-protein diet, as well as
Can Hormones Protect in fat oxidation. In the brain, moder- in the presence of growth hormone.
ate levels of norepinephrine bind to Estrogen is produced in much greater
Your Brain? alpha-2 adrenergic receptors and amounts in women than in men, and
You hear so many bad things about improve prefrontal cortex function, some researchers think that it helps
testosterone and growth hormone which means alertness and memory preserve women’s brains. Estrogen
that it’s easy to overlook what hap- retention. has beneficial cardiovascular effects,
pens to bodies that don’t have them. Since the brain also contains beta- such as maintenance of high-density-
Public prejudice is fueled by sensa- adrenergic receptors, a new study lipoprotein cholesterol, and possibly
tionalist reports in popular media. tested the effects of the drug clenb- long-term brain protection, although
Anabolic-drug use by professional uterol on brain function.4 Clenbuterol that’s not as evident in men is as it is
athletes, such as baseball players, is normally prescribed as an asthma in women.
leads the uninformed to believe that drug in Europe but was never ap-
such drugs are no use to “normal” proved for use in the United States.
people. Since it is structurally similar to cat- References
Nothing could be further from the echolamines, it binds to beta-2 adren-
truth, which is readily available in ergic receptors in the body. 1 Kasikcioglu, E., et al. (2007). Aortic
the medical literature. The following Clenbuterol was directly injected elastic properties in athletes using
studies—none of which rated publi- into the brains of young and old rats anabolic-androgenic steroids. Int J
cation in the popular media—relate that showed mental deficits linked Cardiol. 114:132-134.
to preventing degenerative brain to poor prefrontal cortex function. 2 Stefani, S.L., et al. (2007). Bicuspid
disorders. The drug was also supplied to mon- aortic valve in competitive athletes.
In one study mice that were inject- keys. Previous studies have shown Brit J Sports Med. In press.
ed with a protein called beta amyloid, that clenbuterol selectively affects 3 Ling, F.A., et al. (2007). Protective
a type of which is considered the root the amygdala and hippocampus, effect of recombinant human somato-
of Alzheimer’s disease,3 developed which have to do with emotions and tropin on amyloid B-peptide induced
memory loss and confusion—exactly memory. learning and memory deficits in mice.
what occurs in Alzheimer’s patients. The study found that clenbuterol Growth Hor IGF-1 Res. In press.
Some of the mice, however, got increased brain function. While that 4 Ramos B.P., et al. (2007). Beta-2
human growth hormone. The mice points to possible therapeutic uses adrenergic agonist, clenbuterol, en-
with induced Alzheimer’s experienced of clenbuterol in treating brain dis- hances working memory performance
an increase in free radicals, toxic orders, there are some problems. in aging animals. Neurobiol Aging. In
by-products of oxygen metabolism Bodybuilders use clenbuterol for press.
that destroy the neurons that produce muscle growth and fat loss, but it can 5 Garcia-Segura, L.M., et al. (2007).
acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter as- also cause bone loss, which can lead Estradiol, insulin-like growth factor-1
sociated with memory and learning. to fractures in older people. Excess and brain aging. Psychneuroendocrin.
In the mice that got GH, those effects clenbutrol produces such side effects In press. IM
If you find something on the Web that IM readers should know about, send the URL to Eric at [email protected].
It’s been 25 years since a 43-year-old Chris Dicker-
son won the Mr. Olympia title in ’82. Chris remains
the oldest man ever to have won the IFBB’s most
prestigious competition. Thus I felt it fitting to intro-
duce IRON MAN readers to the bodybuilding legend’s
Web site. Chris’ amazing competitive career spans
more than 30 years, starting with the ’65 Mr. Long
Beach three years before your faithful correspondent
was born and culminating in a fourth-place finish at
the Master’s Olympia at the age of 55. In 1970 Chris
became the first African American to win the AAU Mr.
America contest, helping pave the way for so many in-
credible champions of color. The IFBB inducted Chris
into its Hall of Fame in 2000, solidifying his reputation
as one of the greatest bodybuilders ever to grace the
stage. And Chris truly did grace the stage as one of the most dramatic and artistic posers of all time. In fact, he didn’t
just pose; he created “art in motion” with his physique. That may not be surprising coming from a man who studied
classical music, eventually becoming an accomplished opera singer—and singing the national anthem at several
bodybuilding contests. Performing is in his blood. While his site is very simple and basic, it’s still worth a look just to
see the classic black-and-white photos on each page. By today’s standards Chris was far from massive, but the beau-
ty of his physique is undeniable. In fact, he won nine IFBB titles before he stopped competing. Nowadays he lives in
South Florida, not far from yours truly. Recently, I trained right alongside of him in a Gold’s Gym in Fort Lauderdale.
Yes, I trained right next to a legend, and he trained right next to someone who is a legend in his own mind—me. It
was truly inspirational to see a Mr. Olympia at age 67 still pumping iron and with a big smile. That’s bodybuilding.
That’s Chris Dickerson.
In one of my early columns I did a short piece about this Web site,
but it’s time to bring it up again, as it is one of best resources on the
Net for bodybuilders, athletes and fitness instructors. As an online
personal trainer I design workout programs for my clients on a daily
basis. Quite often I’m asked the proper form for a particular move-
ment. Since I’m not in the gym with them, I need to point clients to-
ward a site that will not only describe the correct execution but also
show the exercise being performed, preferably through video. EXRX
.net fills that need better than any other site I’ve found. What’s best
about it is that you don’t need to download the video. It simply plays
on the page as soon as you click on the movement you wish to view.
Along with the video and description of each exercise is a list of all of
the muscles involved, including the target, synergists and stabilizers.
If you’re a science geek like me, you can also click on each of the
muscles listed and learn about its specific function, anatomy, origin,
insertion and more. Fascinating stuff for those interested in the musculoskeletal system. I could write several pages on all that this site
has to offer. It also covers such topics as exercise psychology, nutrition, biomechanics, program design, anabolics, safety and fat-loss
myths, among many others. I must admit I find myself returning to the site every day and spending at least half my time on it looking for
hot photos of fitness models. And just in case my girlfriend is reading this: “Just kidding, honey.”
were king base exercise, and a new movement is added (thus the
and a tight name) as the workout progresses to the final giant set. I al-
waistline ways recommend that people using this technique choose
was the
rule. While
his legs
owed his
body, his
physique still had a beautiful flow from top to bottom, right
to left. I wish bodybuilding would once again favor that
Those who do Milos’ giant set workouts are generally
professional bodybuilders who obviously have a large
number of advantages over the average trainee. Aside
from the fact that their genetics for muscle building are
Neveux \ Model: Derik Farnsworth
Evan in Heaven
Swami picks Centopani to nab the
overall at the Nationals
The second time will be the charm for Evan Centopani come this
season’s NPC National Championships, set for November 16 and 17
at the Dallas Convention Center. Yup, the Swami is going back to the
5’11”, 250-pounder from Connecticut, though Evan, my ’06 pick for the
title, was bested by Desmond Miller and his Wheels of Steel in Miami
Hey, losing only to Dense (as in thick, knuckleheads) Desmond ain’t
nothing to be disappointed about. The 25-year-old Centopani should be
the man to beat in Texas at the NPC’s big dance in a couple of weeks.
Stokely Palmer, he of the giant guns who was right behind Evan
in the superheavyweight class a year ago, might have something to say
about that. Palmer’s been a top contender for years, and it shouldn’t
surprise anyone if he goes down to the wire with Centopani.
Keep in mind, fans, that I’m writing this in early September, and Al Auguste.
I have no idea who all will be competing (other than Centopani, of
course), so please don’t send me disparaging e-mail because I left Peter
your guy out. Putnam.
In the other classes, I’m picking Shaun “Ain’t
No Chump” Crump to earn his pro card with
a victory in the heavyweight class; however,
if Brandon Curry decides to compete after
wowing us with his second-place finish at the
USA, look out! And with Darrell Terrell and
Jeff Schwartzer possibly in the chase after
their impressive performances at the North
Americans and USA, respectively, it should be
one terrific division.
Peter Putnam was deeply disappointed
when he didn’t get his pro card at the USA; word
has it that both Peter and his runner-up, Al Au-
guste, will be onstage in the light-heavyweight Shaun
class in Dallas. And you also don’t want to forget Crump.
Charles Dixon, who scored back-to-back run-
’06 Nationals photography by John Balik and Merv
ner-up finishes in the light heavies at the ’05 and ’06 Nationals, Mike
or last year’s biggest surprise, Mike Yablon. Yablon.
I was going with Alex Azarian as my pick in the light-
weight class, but the ’06 USA Lightweight champion could
wind up in the welterweights this year, and, if he does, he
might shred his way to the crown, battling Jesse Sabater
pose for pose. That leaves the lightweight battle, which should
be a dandy between David Candy and Kelly Bautista
(and Azarian, if he lands in the lightweights after all), while Jeff
Fernando Abaco and John Sebastian are my top picks Schwartzer.
in the bantams.
See ya in Dallas.
206 DECEMBER 2007 \
Free download from
Why South To whom does SUPERSHOW
Carolina’s so this bouncing Where in the
easy to spot bundle of joy world is World
on the map. belong? headed?
Pages 209 and Pages 209 Page 211
208 and 211.
up to second to qualify
for the O—something
Hinds said in our
summary in Dallas NPC Super Show stars (back row): Kelly Hill,
absolutely would not Stacie House and John Dural. Front row:
Allen Grissom and Patricia Houston.
happen. Lunch on you,
Isaac? As the most objective reporter in the business, I won’t leave
out that Lifter was as hot as a Saturday night special with his men’s Guy
predictions for the Europa—got all five, right in a row, posted at a week out from the show.
On the subject of “The Experts,” look what his stint as a replace-
ment for Ron “Yogi” Avidan in the ’07 USA wrap-up did for Omar
Deckard. At the Europa he landed right behind Taylor in fifth, his
highest finish as a pro to date. Hanging around intelligent, well-built
people is definitely the way to go, Omar.
ADD EUROPA, NPC EDITION—After hosting all three pro-
women’s shows, as well as the men’s 210-and-under event, I had
my first experience being at the podium for the NPC Europa compe-
tition the following evening. As with most NPC shows in Texas, this
one was huge—135 competitors, with exceptional winners.
Louisiana’s John Dural, a 5’6” 188-pounder with Lee Haney–
like pecs and Anthony Watkins–type guns, took the light-heavyweight
and overall crowns in the men’s division, while lightweight Patricia
Houston proved to be a heavyweight in the judges’ eyes, earning the
women’s overall title. Congrats also to figure winner Kelly
Hill, fitness titlist Stacie House and men’s novice champ
Allen Grissom.
Now, I was going to tell you a bit more about all of them,
but since Patricia, a.k.a. “the Rocket” (what else should
I call this built woman from Houston?) was the only one to
follow up with some background info, she gets all the ink.
Claiming to be 5’ tall (I’ll give her 4’11 1/4” on a good day),
the 112-pound dynamo ranks her abs, personality and smile
as her biggest assets, in that order. Funny, those are my
strongest points as well. Houston also said she appreciates
her brother Pete and gave thanks to trainer,
IFBB pro and contest promoter John “Tank”
Sherman, who guided her to the win with his
many years of knowledge.
Patricia used to have a devotion to hamburg-
ers and pizza; when Pete started competing,
and her father’s health began to deteriorate due
to multiple sclerosis, congestive heart failure and
double leg amputations, Patricia joined a gym.
The rest, as they say, is history.
Houston is single—currently looking for in-
terested parties (you can send e-mail to her at
[email protected] if you fill the bill)—and At the Flex Wheeler Classic
works as a business analyst. I say the Rocket (clockwise from upper left): Tanji
can do some damage at the Nationals, which, Johnson and Bert Perry; Mark
ironically, will take place on the same stage Byers enjoys the rewards of being
where she cleaned house at the Europa. Don’t
the overall winner; L.T. with Lance
Maxwell; and Dexter Jackson,
let that smile fool ya. Troy Alves and Victor Martinez.
2007 \\
Free download from
FINAL ADD, EUROPA—On Sunday, while waiting to board
the plane back to Burbank, California’s Bob Hope Airport, I
began chatting with two striking young ladies who were obvious-
ly beauty contestants or models. My assessment was accurate:
They were headed for Pasadena, where they would participate in
the Teen USA Pageant. Lauren Caitlin Upton was Ms. Teen
South Carolina; Katie Coble was Ms. Teen North Carolina.
I introduced the kids to Yogi Avidan after he almost missed
the flight due to spending too much time in the bathroom (no
comments from the peanut gallery, please). He ended up sitting
next to Katie on the flight; I found it amusing, as Katie flinched at
every bodybuilding photo Avidan showed her.
Competitive person that I am, I informed Yogi that we must
predict the finish of the Teen USA event, even though we’d seen
NAC notables only two of the contestants. I took Lauren and told Avidan he
(from left): Erik was picking Katie. Then, even though Isaac Hinds was more
Todd Fankhouser, than 1,000 miles away and had no idea what was going on, I
Jewell. Darrell Terrell and gave him Ms. Teen Colorado in honor of his home state. Avidan
Mike Horn.
snapped a picture of me with the champs while we were waiting
for our luggage. Ended up being a noteworthy photo.
If you follow the news at all, you realize by now that Lauren, even
though she placed third overall (wouldn’t you just know it—Ms. Colorado
won the whole thing—great pick, Isaac!), ended up grabbing all the head-
lines at the nationally televised event with her response to a very tough
question during the final round. Not to dwell on the question—at this point
it’s been batted around way too much—but Upton’s response
cost her the title, in my opinion. Fact is, she ended up getting
all the media exposure, landing a spot on “The Today Show”
and being the subject of talk show hosts all over the country.
Remember the adage, Any publicity is good publicity. As one
Los Angeles radio host said, “I don’t know anything about the
winner or what she looks like.”
Here was an 18-year-old kid who was under a lot of pres-
sure and got stuck with a tough question with half the world
watching (at least it probably seemed that way to her). Like the
rest of us would have shined in that moment—not!
Photography by Bill Dobbins,
This month we present more of Bill Dobbins’ work
from his popular Web site. From babes with muscle
mass to gals with, um, lots of sass, it’s a cross
section of beautiful bodies guaranteed to boost your
testosterone, and it kicks off with none other than
eight-time Ms. Olympia Lenda Murray, soaking up
some vitamin D.
Arina Manta
Natalie Benson
Cindy Phillips
Irene Anderson
From women
with serious
mass to those
with more sassy
chassis, Bill
Dobbins’ Web
site has it all.
220 DECEMBER 2007 \
Free download from
IRON MAN Hardbody
Melissa Deal
first win at the Atlantic City Pro Fitness event, round, who, besides Greenwood and Gainey,
but that was before I knew there’d be a ringer included Brenda Santiago (fourth overall),
in the lineup—Olympia vet Tracey Green- Stacy Simons (fifth) and Lea Waide (ninth).
wood, who quickly became the gal most likely
to get the judges’ attention. It was also before I Hollie Stewart got the
judges’ attention with her
knew that the judges have clued-in to how good entertaining routine.
Bethany Gainey is. So it was not exactly an
Atlantic City Pro photog
picked up the good. She’s an IFBB World champ—duh! Ditto for runner-
second-place up Myriam Capes, who was coming off a tied-for-16th
check, while pro- finish at the Europa. An engaging performer, Capes is the
newbie Meriza ’06 Canadian National champ and, as you can see in the
DeGuzman accompanying photo, she’s cute as a button.
joined the quali- The show attracted a lineup of six, and I’m thinking there
fied-at-her-first-show club by landing in third. were ladies on both sides of the Atlantic kicking themselves
With just 16 competitors the contest turned out to be the for not having entered. It produced a full complement of
perfect place for fitness star Tanji Johnson to try her luck three additions to the Olympia lineup, with the third com-
at figure. Though she’s not really noted for her marks on that ing from Canada as well. (How often does that happen?)
side of the score sheet, Tanji has been at an all-time-peak, Stephanie Worsfold, 15th at the Europa in her return
physiquewise, this year, and her fourth-place finish was prob- to fitness after marking time in figure for a couple of years,
ably about right. placed third to earn her first trip to the O since 1997.
Rookie Heather
Texas transplant Susan Green became the
Groshek got great buzz in new hot body in
her fitness-pro debut at figure. Look for her
the Europa Super Show Arkansas mom Lori Kimes in IronManMaga-
and increasingly better rturned to the fitness stage in’s gigantic
placings, landing in sev- 2006 after a couple of years off Olympia Weekend
enth in A.C. and appears to be having a ball. coverage.
and Jessica
curse of being a complete un- quickly rushed to my
Steffens. known, taking light-heavyweight defense: “If he knew
and overall honors over a slew of how old you were—”
experienced NPC competitors, like Christine Sabo and Mi- but I stopped him
chelle Brent in her class. She also made off with the single pro cold. I no longer give
card up for grabs, leaving those experienced ladies one last shot out that number. The
at a card in 2007, at the NPC Nationals in Dallas on November 15 conversation got me
and 16. thinking, however, Not bad for an old babe.
That’s me on the left pos-
about how very many ing with C-class winner and
women who are no P&C reader Becky Clawson
longer nubile young at the ’07 Figure Nationals.
Speaking of hot new
figure bods. Turkish- things revel at the idea The 30-year-old mortgage
banker and personal trainer
born Hazal Nelson of having a killer bod from Columbus, Ohio (a
has made dramatic and getting onstage
improvements in her veritable baby), looked fabu-
physique—and her in a bikini. Witness the lous making her pro debut
placings—over the growth of the mas- in Atlantic City, where, argu-
past year, going from ably, she deserved better
ters pro qualifiers in
13th at the ’06 North than her middle-of-the-pack
Americans to a pro- women’s bodybuilding finish.
qualifying second in and figure.
her class at the ’07 Of course, masters begins at 35 for women in the NPC
Figure Nationals to
fifth in her debut in and IFBB vs. 40 for men, a distinction that seems a bit out
A.C. of date (I won’t say sexist). If 60 is the new 40, then 35 is
the new 23. Maybe that’s why so many are shooting for
the pros and competing post masters age. They’re just
nubile young things, after all.
This month we shine the P&C spotlight on some of the
ladies over 35 and beyond who are making championship
efforts in the gym—and redefining the idea of middle-age
fitness. In the sports of fitness, figure and women’s body-
building, they’re everywhere. You’ll find just a few on the
following page.
a trainer, nutrition coach years younger? “I love it,”
and lifestyle coach, says the Southern Cali-
among the many entries fornia–based Nancy. “The
on her résumé, and with a sabbatical or two along training, the discipline, the sculpting my physique, the
the way, has continued competing, most recently putting pretty stones on my suit.”
in figure. She earned her pro card at the ’07 North And besides, she usually beats them.
45, ’00 Ms.
Cheri champ.
Lewis, 40,
39, figure
45, ’07 Team
Lamm, 36,
Wan, 38,
fitness reporter
and Pump & Cir-
cumstance scribe,
Gina Ostarly, 40, in care of
figure competitor.
IRON MAN, 1701 Ives Ave.,
Oxnard, CA 93033; or via e-mail at
Francesca Apolito, 47, Muscle
Beach over-45 figure winner. [email protected].
Roland Balik
Free download from
Only the Strong Shall Survive
ou probably realize to athletes because they’re respon- was the brainchild of Tony Ciarelli
the necessity of main- sible for stabilizing the body both at and Erik Johnson. My function was
taining proportionate rest and in motion—in other words, to instruct the young athletes, along
strength among vari- balance. They’re also needed for with Stephanie and Maryn Ciarelli,
ous muscle groups. turning the trunk and lower body on some basics of strength training.
It’s common knowledge that if you dynamically. Of course, some sports The main reason I agreed to make
let your hamstrings lag too far be- use those groups more than others, the long trip across country and
hind your quads, you’ll have prob- but nearly every athletic activity you put up with the miseries of fly-
lems in the form of strains or pulled can imagine employs them to some ing—other than to take a break from
muscles. The same deal applies to degree. the freezing temperatures in Mary-
the muscles that make up the upper Consider the wrestler trying to land—was to spend some time with
portion of the chest and those in the twist out of a pin, the tennis player two of my favorite people, Tony and
top of the back. Understanding the blasting into a serve, the swimmer Stephanie. We go back to when I was
traps’ relationship to the pecs and rotating from side to side during the the strength coach at the University
deltoids helps you lay out a program backstroke or freestyle, a basketball of Hawaii. Tony was a javelin throw-
that produces results and limits the player whirling to make or block a er. Stephanie was neither a student
risk of injury. Additionally, you need shot, the volleyballer diving to dig nor an athlete, but she tagged along
balance between your upper and a ball or slamming into a spike, the with Tony to the weight room and
lower body if you want to keep mak- violent motion of a pitcher or batter announced that she wanted me to
ing strength gains. in baseball, the hockey player re- train her. Just what I needed—an-
These facts are generally ac- leasing a slap shot, the pole vaulter other person to train. I already had
knowledged and applied to pro- turning at the precise moment to more than 150 to deal with in a
grams. When people ask me to glide over the crossbar—and on and variety of sports, and without the
review a routine, however, I find on and so forth. benefit of any assistants. Plus, the
that they overlook working some No group of athletes relies on room was small, with only one pull-
muscles that are extremely critical those lateral muscles as much as ing and squatting station.
for success in their chosen sport. throwers in the field events: shot I figured that if I gave her no
Some muscles are completely ne- put, discus, javelin and hammer. I quarter, she’d quit, so she got exactly
glected, and others just aren’t get- was reminded of that when I took the same treatment as the men.
ting enough direct work. part in a thrower’s clinic for high She took her turn in the squat rack
The muscle groups I’m referring school athletes and coaches at New- along with athletes handling four
to are the ones that form the lateral port Harbor High School in Newport hundred-plus. She had to unload
parts of the body. They’re essential Beach, California, in February. It the weights, reload for her set and
I came up with a routine of spe- adductors, abductors and calves straight throughout the movement,
cialized exercises for the muscles were the muscles I wanted him to as opposed to bending your elbows.
that are responsible for turning the strengthen. Start with the dumbbells against
body. There are quite a few—many Here are the exercises that I in- your upper thighs, palms facing in-
more than people think until they cluded in his routine for the various ward. Extend your arms up and out
examine the body from top to bot- muscles, plus pointers on form. until the weights are parallel to the
tom. Glen’s lateral deltoids, lats, Lateral deltoids: lateral raises with floor. Resist gravity at the top, then
obliques, transverse abdominis, dumbbells. Try to keep your arms lower the weights in a controlled
mistakes are rounding the and lat pulls on a machine are excel-
back, hitching through the lent auxiliary movements. Be sure
middle, bending the arms to do both of them to the front and
before contracting the traps not behind the neck. As I’ve stated
and turning the elbows before, the shoulder girdle isn’t
down and back instead of designed to deal with resistance be-
up and out. Learning to hind the head. It’s more productive
close throughout the lift. Once the coordinate all of these steps takes to chin and pull to the front anyway;
bar passes your knees, drive your practice, so don’t get discouraged if why tempt fate?
hips forward forcefully and imme- you fail to achieve perfect form right Now we move to two groups that
diately shrug your traps. Then and away. The bar should move upward I consider extremely important
only then do you bend your elbows. like a whip, slowly at first, picking for lateral strength: obliques and
At that point, you should be high on up speed through the middle and transverse abdominis, the two
your toes, your body vertical, with turning into a blur at the top. When groups most overlooked in the
your elbows up and out. you hit everything just right, the bar process of strengthening the lateral
Don’t let the bar crash back to the will jump upward, seemingly on its muscles. Most people figure that if
floor. Rather, lower it to your waist, own. they’re working their abs regularly,
pause, and then set it on the floor. While learning how to high pull, they’re taking care of their obliques
That will enable you to maintain a do five sets of five, and stay with and transverse abs. I doubt it, for
the trunk is to attack the transverse you can handle, and see if your sides
abs. Because they seldom receive are sore the following day. If they
any direct attention, they’ll respond aren’t, do even more. The number
quickly. I use several different exer- of sets and reps for the two twisting
cises for them. One is to place a bar exercises depends on how strong
behind your neck and, while stand- your transverse abs are to start with.
ing or seated, twist from side to side. Keep running the reps until you feel
Another is to hold either an Olym- the muscles fatigue, and you’ll know
pic bar or a lighter standard bar you’re on the right track.
straight out in front of your body, Like the side-to-side bends for
then twist from side to side. For the the obliques, these can all be done
last one you also use an Olympic on your nontraining days. That way
bar, but you hold it vertically with you won’t be tempted to cut down
one end planted on the floor. Grip on the reps or hurry through them.
the bar in front of your face with Although the leg abductors play
your right hand on top. Tip and turn an important role in turning and
the bar as far to your right side as stabilizing the body, they receive
you can, then return to the starting sufficient work in most programs.
Neveux \ Model: Dan Decker
position and do it again and again, On the other hand, it’s fairly com-
Heavy weights on until you feel your transverse abs mon for the adductors to be out
side bends can on that side tire. Now reverse the of proportion, strengthwise, to the
build the obliques, position of your hands, and do the outer leg muscles.
thickening the waist. same movement to your left side. I’m a huge fan of the adductor
Do three sets of as many of these as machine. Within only a few weeks
-books are getting more and more popular, due to the basic routine, it’s done incredible things for trainees’ mass via meta-
Internet, so it’s time we start paying attention. That’s particu- bolic activation. Take your pick of two programs—a slightly longer
larly true of the new offering from, X-traordinary workout or a more abbreviated one for hardgainers. With either
Muscle-Building Workouts, an electronic bodybuilding book by you’ll be breathing like a locomotive and growing like a fertilized
IRON MAN’s own Steve Holman and Jonathan Lawson. It’s an weed in spring.
e-tome with a twist. Abbreviated routines continue in Chapter 3 with Time-Bomb
XMBW is a workbook of sorts, as the workouts are all pre- Training, based on the two-set/drop method Holman and Lawson
sented in a printable format. Each chapter describes the principles have discussed in their e-zine and in their Train, Eat, Grow series
behind a particular program, dissects it and then gets you psyched in IRON MAN. It’s a way to get at the three major components of
about why it works. From there you get each day’s workout in muscle growth—max force, tension and
a full-page format so you can occlusion and stretch overload—with only
print it out, take it to the gym two sets of one big exercise. Efficiency is
and log your poundages. All you the name of the game here. Bodybuilders
need is a small clipboard and a with major time constraints, this one’s for
pencil, and you’re in bodybuild- you. They’re tough-but-quick full-body
ing business. workouts, with a recommended train-
X-traordinary Muscle-Build- ing scheme of three days per week. For
ing Workouts includes some variety there’s a Wednesday workout with
familiar programs, but most are different exercises. Very innovative!
peppered with unique twists Chapters 4, 5 and 6 contain work-
and turns for growth and burn. X outs based on the legendary heavy/light
Reps are sprinkled throughout, as concept—although you accomplish it
are drop sets and other intensity by different means in each. Volume/
techniques. The programs are all Intensity Fusion is geared to hardgain-
about intensity, although some ers. Overcoming low neuromuscular
fuse high intensity with subfailure efficiency is the way skinny dudes get
pump attacks, bringing you fiber bigger bodyparts. The Volume/Intensity
growth, capillary bed enlargement, Fusion workout gets the job done by
cell volumization and so on—a killer alternating short high-intensity routines
strategy for hypertrophy. with subfailure volume programs. The
First up is the 3D Power Pyramid intro explains the hardgainer plight to
Program. You get a blast of motiva- a tee and provides plenty of big-gain
tion right at the start, as a quote from motivation. The workouts are four or
an early user regales you with his five days a week.
results after eight weeks on the pro- The Traumatic/Nontraumatic
gram: 20 pounds of muscle, bench Program contains short workouts
press from 340 to 405 and squats for each bodypart, but you alternate
from 460 to 515. You’ll be even more fiber-damaging routines with less
motivated when you read about the severe programs, the latter based
power of pyramiding the weight over on machine and cable work. For
three sets on the compound exer- example, a traumatic quad workout would be free-bar squats,
cises and finishing with one set of a stretch-position exercise and pyramiding the weight over three sets (9, 7, 5), followed by stretch
one set of a contracted-position move—your basic 3D POF. The overload on weighted sissy squats. The nontraumatic routine would
program is a two-way split on which you train Monday, Tuesday, be Smith-machine squats, two sets of eight to 12 reps, followed by
Thursday and Friday, with an average of five sets per bodypart. leg extensions—less traumatic stretch than sissies—in three- and a
Chapter 2 is a classic 20-rep squat program. A brutal-but-brief four-days-a-week versions.
Brain Food
and four-days-a-week versions.
The last workout is X-Rep Reload. It’s a version of Eric recent study found that
Broser’s Power/Rep Range/Shock system that Holman and people who got a drink
Lawson have infused with X Reps and X-hybrid techniques like that contained flavo-
Double-X Overload. They even discuss Dante’s DoggCrapp, or nols— healthful compounds
multirep rest/pause, training and how they use it during Shock found in chocolate—had im-
workouts. X-Rep Reload is a more advanced routine with proved blood flow to the brain.
more volume and twists and turns than any of the others in the That means more oxygen and
e-book. Use it as is, or incorporate some of the ideas into your nutrients were delivered to the
current workout. They call it X-Rep Reload because it’s based old memory computer. Could dark chocolate be part of the
on the very first X-Rep program they used to get such spec- solution to Alzheimer’s disease? Possibly, but don’t overdo
tacular results in only one month, as depicted in their before
it. High levels of bodyfat reduce blood flow, which can de-
and after photos at
crease brain function. In other words, an all-chocolate diet
You get 10 complete printable programs in all, with a de-
is not recommended for preventing Alzheimer’s.
tailed discussion of each. My only problem is that with each
chapter I was convinced that the workout I was reading about
—Becky Holman
was the answer to my get-big prayers. Then I’d read the next
chapter and change my tune. I also prefer a bit more volume
than some of the workouts provide, but that’s an easy fix. Just
do a few more sets.
The last part of the e-book, called Appendix 1, is a look at
stretch-overload research and in my opinion is worth the price Antiaging
of the whole e-book. It delves into hyperplasia—the splitting of
muscle fibers—and discusses the animal study that produced
a 300 percent muscle mass increase after only one month Wrinkles Be Gone
of progressive stretch overload. Rep speed; negative, or ec-
centric, work; and a new concept, Forced X Overload, are all cientists in
covered. Stretch overload is a very big muscle-size trigger. I Korea treated
can verify that after using the techniques Holman and Lawson skin with an
discuss in my workouts and getting a burst of new muscle omega-3 fat found
size. in fish oil. After ex-
I have all of the e-books those guys have written, and each posing the skin to
one builds on the other. That said, this one stands alone as a damaging light, the
detailed workbook of get-big programs you can take to the
researchers found
gym—literally. It’s about time someone took the e-book to the
that compounds
next level like that. This is a must-have, must-read e-book for
anyone and everyone interested in building more muscle. Two that destroy elastic-
biceps up! ity in the skin had
—Butch Lebowitz decreased by more
than 70 percent. Yet another reason to eat fish and/or
Editor’s note: X-traordinary Muscle-Building Workouts— take fish oil capsules.
10 Complete Print-and-Go Size and Strength Programs is —Becky Holman
available at
and check out the scene. The flight of stairs year-old quickie workout favorite when
from the parking lot knocks me out. You in a pinch, as the moves are easy to
laugh, but my gym bag weighs as much as set up, familiar, comfortable, fun and
a Chevy short block. Got my stuff in there: provide a pump, an agreeable burn,
food, drink, special gadgets, wraps, belt a slow rise in heart rate, body warmth
and things that crawl and go bump in the and breathing, offering the first deli-
night. I also have WD-40, never again to be cious slurps of progress, direction and
mistaken for underarm deodorant. Yow-za, investment.
Momma! I’m beginning to cook, and a mini blast is before me.
Everything looks cool. Back doors are wide open, fans are I learn the hard way, and sometimes I don’t learn at all. It’s hap-
blowing, my bench is free, and a few friendly faces dot the gym. A pened before: A good arm workout is best when it’s not overdone.
slug of water—make sure it’s water and not DMSO—and I’m on Too often I’ve found myself barreling along with vigor, spirit and
my way. good intentions in the lead and my instincts lagging behind, and
It’s a sunny Sunday in coastal California, and anybody with half I exceed my maximum training input. I overthrow my ball of en-
a brain is outdoors enjoying the good life: beach, hiking, biking, ergy, strength and purpose, and it lands in a distant thorn patch.
boating and picnicking. How would I know, you ask, as I don’t Exhausted, beaten and bleeding, I exit the gym on my hands and
know anybody with half a brain? Ha. Very cute. Laree has half a knees.
brain, wiseguy! Not today. Not me. Here’s one wiseguy who’s too clever for that
Today is a day of trial and error. Actually, every day is a day of old mistake. Sunny Sundays cast new light on old training gloom.
trial and error, but this one is specific: some low-input squats and I’ll savor a short, sweet and irresistible arm blast, and (I’m persis-
deadlifts to test the body’s mechanics, range of motion, endur- tent) revisit plan A, squats and deadlifts, with appropriate revisions.
ance and strength and lack thereof. I’ll dip only into the two burly exercises to remind my body of their
Good grief! Whose idea was this? action and inspect the effects of their load. This weightlifting stuff
I’m strong and courageous, but I’m not overly inspired. I’m can be very intimate.
attentive and dedicated, but I’m not exactly happy. The workout Arms are done, and I return to the corner lifting platform for
will be done, but I’m not about to set any records. To exercise and recon and a sip of cold premixed Bomber Blend. I put a lone plate
determine my abilities: That is my purpose. on the bar before me and do four sets of eight reps of deads. I
I start with the usual blend of crunches, leg raises and rope could do a lot more. I could do a lot less. But four sets multiplied
tucks to warm up, shape up and tighten up my midsection (dream by eight reps of absolute focus, rigorous muscle action and inter-
on). Focus is achieved; effort and finesse are dialed in. nal vigor cannot be surpassed.
At the start, midway and in completion, it’s clear my level of The squat rack eventually bears the same weight for the same
input is seriously compromised. Fatigue is immediate and not combination, and by workout’s end I’m cooked medium rare, just
amenable to friendly persuasion. It must be the long week and the way I like it.
previous workouts, the hot weather, sleep limitations and the pos- See? You can take your workout and reform it according to
sible loss of precious bodyweight. Rats! Time for plan B. your needs and desires, if they’re legit, and providing your chang-
Plan B is whatever I feel like doing that can be done without es are wise and applied with hard work, good form, acute focus
overdoing it, exclusive of packing up and going home. When the and smart purpose. It’s called moving on and going forward, think-
weights seem nailed to the floor and the burn feels more like a ing, feeling and making sense. You can
sting, the pump’s in the dumps and I know a quick exit is off-limits, do it, if you know what you’re doing.
I return to my gym bag, a headquarters of sorts, and think. Have courage and faith.
Another slug of water—I give myself 30 seconds, tops. Review- —Dave Draper
ing previous workouts, assessing my physical responses and
considering my desires and needs, I make my conclusions. Intu- Editor’s note: For more from
ition surfaces. Dave Draper, visit www.DaveDraper
Biceps and triceps it is, with whatever stray muscles I can drag .com and sign up for his free newslet-
along in the act—a spot of shoulders, a chunk of chest and a bit ter. You can also check out his amaz-
of back. Arms will dominate, and there’ll be no leg work today. ing Top Squat training tool, classic
I feel better knowing deadlifts and squats aren’t in my immedi- photos, workout Q&A and forum.
British study found that just
30 seconds of intense exer-
cise is enough to clear your
head, relax you and reduce anger.
So the next time you’re in a heated
argument with someone, sprint for
30 seconds. You’ll feel more re-
laxed, plus you’ll be about a quarter
mile away from the irritating SOB.
—Becky Holman
Another Reason to Stay Lean
ccording to researchers at Harvard’s
medical school, an obese person
is more likely than a lean person to
develop multiple myeloma, a cancer of the
blood cells that produce antibodies. More
than 50,000 people in the United States
have this disease. It appears that cells found
in fat tissue produce interleukin-6, which
promotes an inflammation response from
the immune system. Those who exercise
more may have a lower risk.
—Becky Holman
Stress and Bad Breath
e all know that stress and ner-
vousness can increase cortisol,
which can cannibalize muscle
tissue. It turns out that muscle growth isn’t
the only thing that goes bad—so can your
breath. Stress produces more sulfur com-
pounds and diminishes saliva production,
both of which contribute to breath distress.
Chewing gum or sucking on mints can help.
—Becky Holman
Dick Falcon
hotographers who are
also bodybuilders can
deploy a much greater
understanding of the sport
when they snap the shutter.
One thinks of great lensmen
like Russ Warner, Bob Del-
monteque and, of course,
John Balik, who were all
physique athletes before they
stepped behind the camera.
A lesser-known bodybuilder
who also took great pictures
he July ’07 issue of for long-term memory func-
Bottom Line Health tioning, such as not being
contained in interest- overweight and not being
ing article by Eric R. Kandel, physically inactive, both of
M.D., a Nobel Prize–winner which reduce blood flow to
currently with the Columbia the brain. It’s also important
University Center for Neu- to see life as an adven-
robiology and Behavior. Ac- ture—to see oneself not in a
cording to Kandel, “There static state, but in a process
are factors that are important of continual growth and a
state of expanding
knowledge.” Main-
taining a process
of continual growth
helps the brain keep
challenged as you
age. So, no matter
how old you get,
be open to learning
new things.
—Becky Holman
1) Train, Eat, Grow—The Positions-
of-Flexion Muscle-Training Manual by
Jeane Sunseri-Warp
Residence: San Jose, California
Career Highlights: ’07 NPC Junior Cali-
fornia Figure Championships, overall
winner; ’07 San Jose Figure Champion-
ships, A class, 1st
Factoids: A former San Jose State Uni-
versity soccer player, she is of Italian-
French heritage and is married.
Rene Chavez
Residence: Chino, California
Occupation: Owner, Constructive Fitness,
Contests: ’07 NPC California Championships,
lightweight, 1st; ’05 Orange County Classic,
novice overall winner
Factoid: Won both open and novice divisions
in his first-ever contest, the ’04 Excalibur.
are all beautiful. And a spe-
cial thanks to the editors
who made me sound so
great. Thanks to John [Balik]
Jim Morris, age 71 (yes, 71!).
for giving me the platform to
air my views and to David Young for his patience.
Jim Morris
via Internet