Educ 124 Module 5

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Module 5

Lesson 1-Organizational Leadership

Now, think of any words that give descriptions, or qualities to a teacher who you
think is a leader. Write them down as pointed by arrows.

Shows empathy

Approachable Supportive

Have patience

Have positive attitude

After you provide those descriptions and qualities of a leader, self-check

yourself now. Answer this quick 10-question quiz to help you discover if you are a
leader or a manager. While there’s more to it than these 10 questions, this will help
you see what direction you lean towards and how to adjust.

1. Are you more work-focused or people-focused?

a. Work Focused b. People Focused
2. Do you prefer stability in a job or do you welcome and navigate change well?
a. Stability b. Change
3. Are you more reactive or proactive?
a. Reactive b. Proactive
4. Do you prefer to micro-manage or do you trust people to meet the goals?
a. Micro-Manage b. Trust People
5. Are you tasked-focused or vision-focused?
a. Task Focused b. Vision Focused
6. Do you like to enforce culture or shape culture?
a. Enforce Culture b. Shape Culture
7. Does conflict bother you or do you find it useful?
a. Don’t Like Conflict b. Find Conflict Useful
8. Do you tend to blame others or take the blame even if it wasn’t your fault?
a. Blame Others b. Take the Blame
9. Do you tend to take the credit when things go well or give credit where credit is due?
a. Take Credit b. Give Credit
10. Do you like to minimize risks or take the risks?
a. Minimize Risks b. Take Risks

If you answered “A” the majority of the time, you are probably more of a manager. If you
answered “B” the majority of the time, you are more of a leader. Not all managers are
leaders but all leaders have to be managers to some degree. Use these questions to help
you discover areas of growth for becoming more of a leader people follow than a manager
people submit to.


Base on the above activity, answer the questions below as guide for reflective
thinking. Use the space after each question to discuss your answer.

1. Who are organizational leaders? Discuss.

It is the leaders who help set overall targets for the organization through
empowering members within the community to accomplish things in
support of those aims effectively. These responsibilities could be in strategic
planning or far more in leadership roles in the field of leading. The best
part about this is that they are necessary in all kinds of firms.

2. What qualities an organizational leader must have? Do you

have those qualities? Explain why you considered those qualities.
Leaders serves as role models for their constituents in any aspect or action
in which they belong. Having self-management skills should demonstrate
self- control, flexibility, and self-awareness. With these qualities, the leader
may be able to better control their pressures in order to achieve that their
feelings and emotions do not influence their actions or the way they respond or
connect with others. I have some of these qualities, yet I cannot say that I can be
a good leader, since I am not capable in interacting with other people.

3. Finally, what to you is leadership? Organizational leadership?

Leadership is about teamwork, it holds that the connection is a two-way
process in which, it should take time to listen to their members and
consider their thoughts, opinions, and complaints. Leaders with this characteristic
believe that the entire group is pleased with any choice that is taken when the
leader takes the time to engage with them, this will lead in a degree of
respect and commitment in any organizational processes.


A. Below are the situations that usually took place in a typical school.
Imagine that you are the school head. Challenge your leadership
skills on how you will respond to the following situations. Write
your response to the space provided.

1. Teacher Luke comes to you with a suggestion to help the team. As

their head, it’s something you probably already should have done,
but haven’t gotten around to.
First, I would ensure that my group wants to feel safe taking questions and
suggestion, by accepting and listening to their ideas and opinions and then I will
also pose a question to guarantee that I thoroughly appreciate what they
recommend or suggests. Hence, my team member now feels
understood, and I have also gain a better idea of whether you would want to
drive a problem or opportunity to the front of my target sheets.

2. Your school recruits a new faculty raised from the city. You were
raised in an area where everyone says things indirectly and gently,
but your new hire is more direct.

By knowing their personality differences, I can now take the opportunity

to fully understand them. I will be more specific in my interaction with
them, and try not to stress too hard. I will also teach them how to prove a
statement with somewhat brighter points and calmer thoughts.

3. During a faculty meeting, unexpectedly, Teacher Juan asks a tough

question: they zoom out and question the value of the project you’re
all focused on. “How did we get here? What made us decide to do
this in the first place?”
Simply answer the query directly. I either justify the reasons
behind the decision they might not be aware of for the benefit of the whole
group, or you approach them calmly and encourage concerns to clarify the reasons. I will
also discuss it with them in their next one-on-one meeting or privately.

B. Based on this lesson, write your own concept of a leader or leadership.

Being a leader comes down to your perspective and your desire to

positively keep hold of challenges and opportunities. It sees the views in
which the bottle is completely half filled, which means that everyone needs
to support them. In short, leadership is a process whereby an individual
influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal (Northouse,
Leaders may encounter many challenges along the way but they must
maintain consistency and concentrate on the goal that they are seeking to
accomplish.With a plain trim of consistency can instill trust in the members,
helping them to understand that their leader knows what he or she is doing.
Having the ability to encourage people and make them hook up with one's
values and aims is a sign of a good leader, specifically when times are
difficult during one's service. In the end, The payoff is well worth than your
Lesson 2-Leadership Skills and Styles

Activity Recalling the Past. While you are in your most

comfortable learning place at home, think of a team
activity that you were once engaged in. What’s the nature
of the activity? How did your team perform during the
activity? Feel free to write what you can recall in the box

This when I get involved in the planning and designing of the

activities. As a result, I derive the higher organizational benefit from
activities that aimed toward maximizing people's own creativity and
discovering what we really enjoy doing and learning. For certain
people, games may be cliched or insensitive, but for us, we want
experiences that can help us learn and improve in ways that include
the external side of our life.

Base on the above activity, answer the questions below as a guide for
reflective thinking. Use the space after each question for your answer.
1. What actions work in favor of achieving the group’s goal? If the
group failed, what actions do you think didn’t work well?
Members may accomplish their mutual goals once they share a
high degree of commitment. This must be described and established in
such a way that each member understands the common goal. And if the group failed, I
am responsible for conveying a good vision of what my members perceive. A
vision strategy which is likely to expose some members' concerns,
misunderstandings, or defenses, that must be positively handled.

2. Did your team choose a leader? How the decision was done?

The decision was done in a systematic way, in which generally

tests the use of one's creativity to create a new vision, one's decision to
ensure the perception is realistic and achievable, and one's sensitivity to
foresee how others will respond to the new idea and gain their help.

3. If no leader was initially chosen, did a leader emerge as the activity took place?
Leaders hold a special role in their organizations, maintaining
control and giving guidance. Without these guidance, everything would be
in chaos. Many leaders emerge as a result of the demands of the situation.
Different scenarios involve distinct combinations of experience, talents, and
ability. Therefore, the group will find another person who has the
expertise, talents, and abilities that the group needs in order to accomplish its

4. How did the group’s leader influence the members?

Leaders are responsible with successfully directing corporate goal

accomplishment while taking into account the skills of team members
which required to deliver the organizational effectiveness.
5. How does the activity relate to what you think as leadership?

Leaders assist members and themselves in doing the right thing.

They develop a course of action, construct a thrilling view, and learn
something new. Since, leadership is about evaluating where you need to go as
a team or group in order to win it’s complex, challenging and exciting tasks.


What’s your leadership styles? When you lead for the first time, you might adopt a
style of leadership that you've experienced from someone else, or that you've heard or
read about. If it seems to work, you'll likely stick with it – in effect, it becomes "your"
style. This quiz will help you to identify the style that you naturally lean toward, and
introduce you to alternative approaches that you might find it helpful to develop, and
the occasions when they may be appropriate. Read the following statements and
indicate how you would most likely behave if you were the group/team leader, choosing
from the following rating: A = Always, F = Frequently, O = Occasionally, S = Seldom,
N = Never. Write letter only before each item.

If I were the group/team leader . . .

O 1. I would most likely act as the spokesperson of the group.

A 2. Policies would be determined by majority rule.

A 3. I would allow members complete freedom in their work.

A 4. I would encourage all members to follow the rules.

A 5. I would permit members to use their own judgment in solving problems.

S 6. I would stress being ahead of competing groups.

A 7. I would use group brainstorming as a way to come up with new ideas.

F 8. I would expect input from everyone on how best to get a job done.

A 9. I would try out my ideas in the group.

A 10. I would let the members do their work the way they think best.

A 11. I would be working hard for personal recognition.

A 12. Meetings would be chaired in rotation, so everyone had a chance to chair.

A 13. I would let people work out their own differences.

O 14. I would keep the work moving at a rapid pace.

S 15. I would turn the members loose on a job and let them go to it.

A 16. I would settle conflicts when they occur in the group.

A 17. People would sign up for tasks depending on what they enjoyed doing.

F 18. I would represent the group at outside meetings.

A 19. I would be reluctant to allow the members any freedom of action.

F 20. I would decide what should be done and how it should be done.

F 21. I would push for increased productivity in assigned tasks.

F 22. I would give authority to only those members I felt I could control.

A 23. Things would usually turn out as I had predicted.

F 24. I would allow the group a high degree of initiative.

A 25. I would assign group members particular tasks.

A 26. I would be willing to make changes.

A 27. Problem solving would be handled by the group as a whole.

A 28. I would trust the group members to exercise good judgment.

F 29. I would schedule the work to be done.

O 30. I would refuse to explain my action.

S 31. I would persuade others that my ideas are to their advantage.

A 32. I would permit the group to set its own pace.

N 33. I would urge the group to beat its previous record.

N 34. I would act without consulting the group.

O 35. I would ask that group members follow standard rules and regulations.
When you are done completing the questionnaire, place check mark (✓) on the following
items 1, 4, 6, 11, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, and 35 that were
answered with “Frequently” or “Always” while asterisk (*) beside numbers 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9,
10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 24, 26, 27, 28, and 32 that were answered with “Frequently” or
“Always”. Those with several check marks lean toward an authoritarian style of leadership.
They take control and like things to be done their way. Those with several asterisks tend
toward a team (democratic or participative) style of leadership.

Now, answer the following questions briefly.

1. Cite some situations in which democratic leadership would be

more effective than autocratic leadership?
Many people have opposed autocratic leadership because it does not
provide in constructive criticism, resulting in a lack of morale and high
rates of loss of job and lack of freedom. While in democratic leadership
there is an open communication in the, which allows the members directly
communicate with all members of the organization

2. What are some situations in which autocratic leadership

would be more effective than democratic leadership?
It has certain benefits. For instance, it creates a straightforward view of the
organization's mission and goals. Members can easily identify what is required of
them and specific expectations and goals are provided by all employees,
and they are required to meet it.

3. How each leadership styles impact the development of the organization?

Both styles help you to lead people to accomplish an organization's
collective goals while also motivating and inspiring them to do so. If
organizations want to maintain productivity and also attracting
members, they must strike a balance between these two approaches.

Leader Identification. In this activity, I want you to identify a person you regard as a
great (effective) leader. This leader could be someone you know, or someone you have
heard of or have read about. Write his/her name on the circle in the center, then write
down the qualities/characteristics or skills/abilities you believe have made this person
an effective leader on the outside circles.




to others
Lesson 3-Leadership Theories and Models

Survival Game. Below are 5 situations that deal with different aspects of human
survival in a barren region. For each of the 5 questions, you must individually choose
the solution that seems best. Imagine you are in that region, alone and have very limited
survival equipment. Once you have individually answered each question, form a group
chat of 5 members to review each question with you. Your group must decide, by
reaching a consensus, what is the best alternative for each situation. You must not,
under any circumstances, change your individual answers after the team discussion.
Individual answers and group answers will then be compared with responses provided.

Situation 1. You are lost in a wild region and you are hungry. The best way
for you to recognize edible plants (at least those you don’t know) is to:

a. Try out what the birds are eating.

b. Eat all the plants except those that have bright scarlet berries.
c. Place a small piece of the plant on your lip for five minutes;
if nothing happens, try to eat some.

Individual Answer C. Group Answer C.

Situation 2. The weather is turning warm and dry. You have about one
litre of water with you. You should:

a. Ration the water and just drink approximately one cup a day.
b. Refrain from drinking before halting for the night; then drink
what you think you need.
c. Drink as much as you feel you need because you are thirsty.

Individual Answer A. Group Answer A.

Situation 3. You find yourself in a snake-infested area. The best way to protect yourself
from the snakes is to:

a. Make as much noise as possible with your feet.

b. Walk softly and noiselessly.
c. Move only at night.

Individual Answer B. Group Answer B.

Situation 4. The weather is turning warm and dry. You have about one liter of water
with you. You should:

a. Ration the water and just drink approximately one cup a day.
b. Refrain from drinking before halting for the night; then drink what you think
you need.
c. Drink as much as you feel you need because you are thirsty.

Individual Answer A. Group Answer A.

Situation 5. You find yourself on stony terrain over which you must climb to
pass. The boulders are - moss-covered and slippery. You must climb:

a. Barefoot. b. With your boots on. c. With your socks on.

Individual Answer B. Group Answer B.


With the above activity, answer the following questions briefly.

1. Was it hard for your team to come to a consensus?

It wasn’t hard for my group, since we all shared our own opinions about
that situations, and decided to have the same answer in both individual and

2. What role did leadership play in reaching consensus?

Leadership promotes collaboration and understands the importance of
listening in order to reach a consensus. When the consensus was done, all
members will benefit, whether directly or indirectly. It may also
result in an united force, which is useful when a group, for example, may make
choices that might not be common with other groups.

3. What were the successes and challenges in reaching consensus?

Building consensus among various groups fosters a sense of unity and a
collective nature all of which are essential for carrying out decisions. The
challenge is that there are times where a group is technically asked
to find consensus, but they know what the right consensus is based on
previous experience with their members, so no proposed changes are

4. What skills were required for your team to reach a consensus?

In the organizational sector, team decision-making is necessary. It is,
however, a complex and difficult practice. But if you do it correctly, you
can have clever ideas to your members while also targeting your plans and future
goals. This makes it possible for team members to negotiate and reach a
consensus, which leads to the final decision.

5. Did you recognize the different skills and knowledge within your team?
Yes, since all of us participate fully in this activity, and some exposed their
skills and share a lot of information which can help in gaining new ideas with
the work of unity.

6. Did you see the problems of making assumptions?

The concern with assumptions is that we consider them to be so. We're
convinced they're real. We create assumptions on what people are doing or
thinking, and we take it seriously and then accuse them, with that, we can
possibly bringing up our toxic behavior which may results into

7. How do communication and decision-making skills affect leadership?

Individual decision-making will not always be the case. There will be
moments where leaders will need the input of others to make a decision,
and the leaders will be able to recognize those times and facilitate the
group discussions to achieve the right decision.

8. How might different leadership styles (e.g., autocratic, democratic,

bureaucratic, laissez-faire) influence the process of a team coming to
a consensus?
Autocratic leaders make decisions without asking their members, even
though their advice is valuable. This is ideal because choices must be
made immediately, there is no requirement for members feedback, and group
consensus is not needed for a good result. While in Democratic leaders take
decisions, but team members are included in the process. They foster innovation,
and people are often deeply involved in the development and decisions.
Members in a laissez- faire environment offer their group members a lot of
freedom in how they function their tasks and establish their targets.


Discuss with Me. Identify which of the situational leadership styles (e.g., autocratic,
bureaucratic, democratic, laissez-faire) is most likely to be demonstrated in each of the
behavior styles in Hersey-and Blanchard Situational Model. Justify how each
leadership style becomes effective in the given behaviors. Write your discussion in a
white bond paper of not less than 500 words. Fold the paper and insert it in this module
What’s the Implication? Aside from the implications of the leadership theories
discussed above, what other implications to education you can still think of? Write
down your answers after every theory.

1. Great Leader Theory

According to this theory, leadership is a natural trait. It contends that
leaders are born rather than created. As per the philosophy, leaders must
possess characteristics such as persuasion, dominant attitude, judgment,
bravery, intellect, aggressiveness, and action focus, which cannot be
demonstrated or studied in a formal context.
2. Trait Theory
According to this theory, leadership skills or traits may be learned. This
trait theory of leadership, certainly distinguished attributes or traits that are
unique to leaders, and it is indeed effective to those who hold qualities to some degree.

3. Situational or Contingency Theory

According to this theory, leadership style is determined by influences such
as the essence of the members, their situation, or some other aspect. In line with
that, leaders must be adaptable and responsive enough to react to the
situations specific to the organizations in which they serve.

4. Behaviorist Theory
The behavioral leadership theory reflects on how leaders respond and
suggests that these characteristics will be admired by other leaders. It
implies that leaders are not born productive, but can be developed by fairly
basic actions.

Comparison Matrix. Go for further reading on the leadership theories

discussed and accomplish the comparison matrix below.


Without this theory we wouldn't It makes people blindly follow.
be where we are.
Great Leader

It gives a detailed knowledge There is also a disagreement over

and understanding of the leader which traits are the most important
element in the leadership for an effective leader.
Trait Theory

The contingency approach is A complex strategy is used in the

flexible in existence. As a result, contingency approach. The
it varies depending on the approach's idea is very basic, but in
circumstances. It enables practice it becomes more
members to adapt strategies to complicated.
new conditions.
People can learn to become Focuses on the actions of leaders not
leaders through teaching and on mental qualities or internal states.
Behaviorist observation.

Lesson 4- Transformational and Servant Leadership

“Follow the path where to
work towards common


Write the explanation of your quote on the space provided.

People must be guided to commit with passion and confidence to goals. It
instills commitment and trust along the path in order to accomplish
organizational goals.

Think about the best teacher you’ve had since then, you probably remember
those who saw you as your own person, who challenged you, who helped you grow and
learn. Write below how this best teacher transformed you into what you are now.
Aside from my parents, my teachers have had the most influence on my
life. And I am grateful for their efforts. It helps me to become a better
person and appreciate the beauty of the real world. After decades of
identifying or carrying students, and modifying textbooks and exams, we
now realize that the expertise and abilities of our teachers are the most major
components in developing education.

Acrostic Poem. Based on the lessons from Lesson 1 to 4 of Module 5, what to you are
the qualities or behaviors a leader should have.
L ead with courage
E and guidance
ffectively guides
and influences
ctively strive
the work
towards theof
A esire to create an
achievement of
urge to be led
xpert andgoals
D espect others
eek out success
E and

What should you do? Below are situations that would challenge your leadership skills.
Let’s see how well you respond to each situation.

1. You are introducing new changes in your school. However, Filipinos usually
subscribe to our “ningas cogon” mentality. How this Filipino mentality affects
the implementation of the changes. As a school head, how will you counteract
As a leader, I should be able to communicate with the people with whom I
interact. And then I will introduce the whole subject matter and then act as if it's a
cultural movement that will presenting to the audience, and the Ningas-Congon
mindset was now removed, and they won't easily lose interest in the new

2. Most of your teachers are young and novice to the system. But when you
introduce to them a task. Some are hesitant because they lack the confidence to
take risks and do the task. As their leader, what will you do to keep them on
This technique has proven to be unsuccessful for both innovation and for
novice teachers. Hence, I will create a school-wide community of
technology adoption and risk-taking that can illustrate and benefit teachers
from these challenges.

Face to Face with the Leader. In this task, you will be given a chance to talk to the
leader you admire most in your locality. Ask him on his/her best practices in leading
his team or group. Video-document your interview and be ready to share your video
with the class.

Reflection. Choose at least one leadership theory or model and how this theory/model
will impact the school, the teachers, the students, and the community.

I choose Trait Theory since leadership theories are schools of reasoning

that proposed to understand how and when such people became leaders. The theories
stress the traits and behaviors that people should imitate to improve their own
leadership skills. This will affect the members of the school community and this will
focus on the physiological attributes such as appearance, weight, and height;
demographics such as age, education, and familial background; and intelligence, which
encompasses decisiveness, judgment, and knowledge in the school.

Lesson 5-Evolution Leadership Theory

Fair Self-centered Competitive

Knowledgeable Close minded Formal

Approachable Indecisive Sarcastic

Respectful Complex

Character Traits of a Good Leader

To be a
good leader,
you must be
enough to
that others
obey your
orders. To
gain the
respect of
11. Who are the evolutionary leaders?
you must We are the evolutionary leaders who inspires people to act
also exude and helps others also to become leaders, as well as making
trust, meaningful and positive change either within a
single organization,
courage, and or an influencer to the world.
12. Why are they called evolutionary leaders?

They called evolutionary leaders because they came from

generations to generations in an increasingly flexible
workforce. As our world advances, we need to thrive hence we
also need evolutionary leaders.

13. What are the characteristics of evolutionary leaders?

These leaders are self-aware and mindful, they also
recognize their own weaknesses and problems, and
working hard to improve their own behavior in order to be the
best individual and leader they can be.

14. What do evolutionary leaders do?

Evolutionary leaders understand that their influence
extends well beyond their immediate role or organization,
and that it has the potential to change the entire world.

15. Why do we need evolutionary leaders?

We need Evolutionary Leaders because they can help us to
define, recognize and develop our goal. They also support
us in aligning our views and identifying the factors in doing our


Concept Mapping

Develop a concept map showing your understanding of the above-

presented concepts. Write your answer on the space provided. Then, write a
one-paragraph essay about the concept map that you have developed.
I listed these things above because we need a different type of
leadership that is ready to approach this world of transformation and difficulties we will
face in the future. These leaders who understand that organizations must evolve to solve
humanity's most complex situations as our world advances rapidly.

Lesson 6- Teacher Leadership


Draw a Symbol
In this activity, you are going to draw an object that symbolizes
teacher leadership. Explain why you choose that symbol for
teacher leadership.
We all know that teachers are our leaders. They create a specific model
with how they think, talk, and act. They guide their students through intensive learning
opportunities and engaging activities. Their ability to commit with students to expand their
programs and services demonstrates their effort to improve students' academic and social
interactions. Indeed, teachers are very passionate about teaching and evaluating. They fulfill their
interest by keeping up to pace with the most effective evidence strategies for educating their
students. Furthermore, they are knowledgeable about personal development in order advance
their life goals.

Analysis 6. What is teacher leadership?

The concept "teacher leadership" applies to the range of

skills shown by teachers that strive to educate students
while also having an impact that reaches outside their own

7. What do you think are the roles of teacher leaders in school

Teacher leaders play a variety of roles in order to boost
school and student development. If these tasks are allocated
professionally or exchanged informally, they increase the
ability of the whole school to change. Many teachers will act as
leaders of their students and superiors this might include by
sharing instructional resources.

8. What do you think are the key areas that can foster the growth
of teacher leaders?
Knowledge and skill in engaging others in complex work
are key areas of a teacher leader. It also requires an
ideological commitment for the school's central purpose and the
strength to face challenges to completing that mission. Hence,
this will foster the growth of the teachers.


Reflective Journal

Points for Reflection:

1. Are teacher leaders important? Why? Why not?
2. Who can be considered as teacher leaders?
3. What remarkable character traits make them as teacher
4. How will you make yourself a teacher leader in the future?

Teachers have a huge influence on both students and communities. It takes

a lot of effort to shape children's minds. They interact, do research, create, guide, and
inform, among other factors. They also include organizing and motivating others with
the aim of strengthening the school's quality of its vital teaching and learning roles.
Moreover, every teacher leaders, whether defined as such by qualification and job
description or merely by making a real difference in their school or community, help to
move education progress. As a potential educator, I want to pursue a teacher
leadership organization that will help me prepare to address the special challenges that
students with mental, behavioral, and learning disabilities face, as well as the
educators who deal with them. In other words, I will change the world of education and
help students who are in need.

Lesson 7- Instructional Leadership


8. What did you understand about instructional leadership based

from the illustration above?
The illustration shows that instructional leadership is the
root of these 3 aspects or mindset. This have a strong moral
purpose aimed at fostering deep learning outcomes,
academic analysis, mutual trust, and the pursuit of knowledge
in nature.

9. How would you describe instructional leadership?

Instructional leadership skills allow principals to provide
teachers with the guidance and tools they need to provide
more productive teachings. This includes certain organizational
activities such as financial planning, planning, and conducting
classes; moreover, the majority of an instructional leader's
role is to engage with others that they are responsible for teaching
and work with them for the benefit of a school and its

10. Cite an example or a situation wherein instructional leadership

can be observed.
This is when a principal may implement new technologies
for teaching resources and personnel interventions, which
entails preparation. To promote innovation and creative teaching in
their schools, instructional leaders should be able to bridge the
gap with policy and capability.


Virtual/Field Interview with School Heads

The students will conduct a virtual/field interview with at least three (3) basic
education school heads/principals about the policy implementation of SBM, SIP,
and Brigada Eskwela.

I’m sorry ma’am if I haven’t answered this part, I already contacted these people in
my past school, but they didn’t respond. Since the school was in a preparation for a
virtual graduation, and I think they’re busy. Hoping for your kind and consideration
ma’am, thank you.

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