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Mobile Applications in China's Smart Cities:: State-of-the-Art and Lessons Learned

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Journal of Global Information Management

Volume 29 • Issue 6 • November-December 2021

Mobile Applications in China’s Smart Cities:

State-of-the-Art and Lessons Learned
Bingqian Zhang, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China
Guochao Peng, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China
Fei Xing, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China
Si Chen, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China


Aligned with the global trend of smartness, China has invested heavily in over 700 smart city projects
across over 500 cities. Hundreds of smart city apps, initiated by local authorities, have so emerged in
the daily lives of Chinese citizens, but anecdotal evidence showed that these official apps have many
problems and deficiencies. This study captures a snapshot of current development and problems of
official smart city apps in China. A total of 333 such apps, together with 15,754 comments, were
collected, reviewed, and analyzed. The results showed that China’s smart city apps fall into three
application areas (i.e., smart transportation, smart healthcare, and smart livelihood), of which each
provides some promising features and services. However, a range of functional, interface, design,
usage, and service-related problems were found in these apps. This paper concluded that further to
the very efforts on infrastructure and hardware, local authorities in China, and worldwide need to pay
more attention to smart apps in order to maximize potential return of their smart city investments.

China, Government, Mobile Application, Smart City, Smart City Apps


In recent years, governors and policy makers worldwide have paid much attention to smart cities
with aims to enhance efficiency of city infrastructure, utilities and services, as well as to create a
more sustainable and liveable environment for citizens (Nam and Pardo, 2011). A smart city can be
defined as a place seeking to integrate advanced information and communication technologies with
city infrastructure and physical facilities to “address social, economic and environmental problems”
(Townsend, 2013).
The set of advanced technologies for building smart cities can range from embedded sensors and
hardware facilities in the infrastructure level, to mobile applications (also referred to as apps) in the
user end (Nam and Pardo, 2011; Peng et al., 2017). In this context, large-scale deployment of hardware
facilities and smart devices in city level will be very costly (Peng et al., 2017). In contrast, the cost
of developing a mobile app is fairly low. Consequently, city authorities may often be more inclined
to focus on hardware and infrastructural elements of smart cities, and sometimes may underestimate
the importance of end-user apps (Peng et al., 2017). However, mobile applications are the actual tools

DOI: 10.4018/JGIM.20211101.oa26
This article published as an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and production in any medium,
provided the author of the original work and original publication source are properly credited.

Journal of Global Information Management
Volume 29 • Issue 6 • November-December 2021

used on a daily basis by citizens, who often may not pay much attention to infrastructural facilities.
As such, a poorly designed mobile city app may not just lead to citizen dissatisfaction, but will also
prevent the realization of intended benefits promised by smart city solutions.
In China, aligned with the global trend of smartness, the country has invested heavily in its
national smart city initiative, with over 700 smart city projects across more than 500 Chinese cities
initiated since 2012. Accompanied with these smart city investments, local authorities have initiated
and launched hundreds of mobile city apps, which can now be easily downloaded by citizens.
However, when these official city apps emerged in the everyday lives of millions of Chinese citizens,
many design problems and deficiencies affecting their usage have become increasingly apparent to
the general public. In fact, this phenomenon does not just occur in China. The study done by Peng
et al. (2017) reported a range of crucial problems (e.g. low usability, persistent technical bugs, and
functional deficiencies) embedded in a smart parking app provided by the Westminster city council
in Greater London. Nevertheless, and despite the imperative need, there is very limited research that
aims to capture a holistic view on current development and problems of smart city apps in the world
in general and in the Chinese context in particular. The study reported in this paper thus attempts to
fill this knowledge gap, by answering two research questions:

1) What is the state-of-the-art development of official smart city apps in China?

2) What are the levels of user satisfaction as well as problems and deficiencies associated with
these city apps?

In order to answer these research questions, a total of 333 smart city apps initiated by local
authorities in China, together with 15754 online comments, were collected, reviewed and analyzed.
The results and lessons learned from this study will be of interest and importance to city governors,
service providers, IT practitioners and researchers who are engaged with smart city development in
China and worldwide.


This section presents the current state of research for both smart city and mobile application fields. This
critical review followed the funneled approach proposed by Saunders et al. (2003, pp. 44-50), using
keyword searches (e.g. smart city, eco-city, smart technology, smart application, mobile application,
mobile service, and smart city app) in a number of databases (e.g. Web of Science, Engineering Index,
ScienceDirect, Emerald, Google Scholar, and ProQuest), as well as tracking forward and backward
citations of identified papers.

2.1. Smart City

Smart city is a complicated and multifaceted concept. Technically, it involves the deployment and
usage of a set of information and communication technologies, such as Internet of Things (IoT),
sensors, cloud computing, big data analytics, mobile devices, and end-user apps (Nam and Pardo,
2011). Further to technological elements, the realization of any smart city vision needs to consider
a wide range of socio-technical factors, such as citizen engagement, local policies, legal regulations,
existing facilities, economic situation, and even natural environment (Peng et al., 2017; Chourabi et
al., 2012).
Owing to this multifaceted nature, smart city becomes a truly multidisciplinary subject that attracts
the interests of researchers from many different areas, including computer sciences, telecommunication
engineering, electronic and electrical engineering, urban planning, public management, political
sciences, environmental studies, and information sciences, etc. In light of this discussion, an extensive

Journal of Global Information Management
Volume 29 • Issue 6 • November-December 2021

review of the literature showed that current studies on smart cities could be broadly divided into three
strands (as further summarised in Table 1):

• The first strand of smart city literature focuses primarily on technical and engineering aspects,
which reflect the heavy role of technology in building smart cities. Studies in this strand covered
a wide range of topics, such as IoT architecture and wireless sensor networks in smart cities
(Luque-Vega et al., 2020; Minoli et al., 2017), smart city testbeds and prototype design (Sotres
et al., 2017; Cardone et al., 2014), smart city simulation models (Ugljanin et al., 2020; Yamagata
and Seya, 2013), and big data analytic tools and algorithms for smart cities (Li et al., 2020; Qiu
et al., 2017).
• The second strand of literature reports on a mixture of urban planning, political and environmental
issues of smart cities. Studies found in this strand generally aimed to define the concept, scope,
services and trends of smart city from a macro level (Maestre-Gongora & Bernal, 2019; Kirimtat
et al., 2020), establish appropriate policies and plans for smart city development (Caragliu and
Del Bo, 2019; Angelidou, 2017), measure the performance of smart cities with diverse indicators
(Pinna et al., 2017; Li et al., 2020), and explore sustainability and environmental effects of smart
cities (Aina, 2017; Haarstad and Wathne 2019).
• The third strand of literature joins up the first two strands with socio-technical angles that stress
on the importance and intersection of information, technology, organization and citizens in smart
cities. Research in this strand attempts to explore organizational issues in smart city development
(Pereira et al., 2017a), investigate citizen perceptions and concerns about data privacy and security
in smart cities (Li and Liao, 2017; Sookhak et al., 2018), understand the role of big data, data
management, and open data in smart cities (Liu et al., 2017; Pereira et al., 2017b; Neves et al.,
2020), and examine the usefulness, usability and acceptance of user-centric smart city services
(Peng et al., 2017; Gholami et al., 2020).

After further comparison and review of the retrieved literature, it became clear that smart city
research in the first and second strands has been very rich. In contrast, the number of journal articles
in the third strand has been increasing in recent years but still seem to be limited. In fact, current
articles in the third strand (e.g. Yeh, 2017; Gupta and Narayan, 2020) already demonstrated that the
intersection of information, technology, organization and citizens can have significant influences on
large-scale deployment and usage of smart city services, but many knowledge gaps in this strand are
yet to be filled. One of the knowledge gaps that should be filled urgently by socio-technical researchers
is concerned with current development, challenges and usage of smart city mobile applications, as
further discussed below.

2.2. Smart City Mobile Applications

Our review of the literature returned many studies investigated issues and factors affecting the design,
development, and user acceptance and behavior towards mobile apps in various contexts, such as
mobile games and entertainment (Wei, 2008), mobile commerce (Leavitt, 2010), mobile social network
(Vatanasakdakul et al., 2020), mobile fitness and health (Baudier et al., 2020), mobile learning (Abdou
and Jasimuddin, 2020), mobile banking (Mojtahed et al., 2013; Lonkani et al., 2020), and mobile
government (Talukder et al., 2020; Liu et al., 2014).
However, smart city apps are rather different from other mobile applications, especially
considering the fact that such apps are an integral part of a smart city solution as well as the essential
window to connect smart service providers with citizens (Peng et al., 2017). Smart city apps can thus
take advantage of the latest technologies and facilities (especially IoT networks and wireless sensors)
embedded in the smart city ecosystem. After combining and processing various datasets provided
by diverse entities, including government, citizens, IoT sensor infrastructure and other related data
sources (Aguilera et al., 2016), smart city apps can offer many innovative functions and real-time

Journal of Global Information Management
Volume 29 • Issue 6 • November-December 2021

Table 1. Three strands of current research on smart city

    Research     Subject Areas     Key Journals     Key Topics     Example Papers

1. Technical Smart city IoT
and engineering • Computer Computer architecture, sensors and Luque-Vega et al., 2020;
studies sciences; Networks; wireless networks Minoli et al., 2017;
• Software IEEE Systems
Smart city testbed and Sotres et al., 2017;
engineering; Journal;
prototype design Cardone et al., 2014
Electronic IEEE Sensors
and electrical Journal; Smart city simulation Ugljanin et al., 2020;
engineering, etc. IEEE Internet of and models Yamagata and Seya, 2013
Things Journal,
etc. Big data and algorithms
for smart cities Qiu et al., 2017;
Li et al., 2020
2. Urban and Defining the scope,
environmental • Urban planning; Cities; concept, services and Maestre-Gongora &
studies • Public Journal of Urban trends of smart cities Bernal, 2019;
management; Technology; Kirimtat et al., 2020
• Political Technological
Smart city measurement Pinna et al., 2017; Li et
sciences; Forecasting and
and evaluation al., 2020
• Environmental Social Change;
sciences, etc. Sustainability; Smart city policies and Angelidou, 2017;
Energy policy, etc. plans Caragliu and Del Bo,
Sustainability and Aina, 2017; Haarstad
environmental effects of and Wathne 2019
smart cities
Organizational issues in
Pereira et al., 2017a
Government smart city development
Information Privacy and security
• Information Quarterly; Li and Liao, 2017;
issues and provisions in
sciences; Social Science Sookhak et al., 2018
smart cities
3. Socio-technical • Information Computer Review;
studies system; Journal of Urban The role of big data, data Liu et al., 2017; Pereira
• Urban Technology; management, and open et al., 2017b; Neves et
technology, etc. Knowledge and data in smart cities al., 2020
Information Usefulness and usability Peng et al., 2017; Yeh,
Systems, etc. of smart city technologies 2017; Cledou et al., 2017;
and services Gholami et al., 2020

services that go beyond the technical limitations of conventional mobile apps, such as providing
real-time availability of parking spaces and showing instant bus arrival time, etc (Peng et al., 2017;
Giuffrè et al., 2012).
Surprisingly, and despite their unique nature and importance towards realizing the smart vision,
there is a significant scarcity of studies focusing on smart city apps. Our extensive review of the
literature only returned a small number of related articles (e.g. Giuffrè et al., 2012; Aguilera et al.,
2016; Delmastro et al., 2016; Bagloee et al., 2017; Peng et al., 2017), which discussed the prototype
design, technical features or usage issues of some specific smart city apps. Nevertheless, it was
very rare to retrieve articles to investigate and offer a holistic view on current development patterns,
challenges and usage of smart city apps in a particular city and even country. We feel that an in-depth
research on one specific smart city app can provide useful insights and lessons, but a holistic study of
common trends, functions and issues of smart city apps available in a given city and/or country will

Journal of Global Information Management
Volume 29 • Issue 6 • November-December 2021

probably lead to more significant findings to guide future policy making, city planning, and technical
development. Such holistic study is particularly needed in the Chinese context, considering China’s
smart city initiatives and market size, as well as the rapidly increasing number of smart city apps
emerging in hundreds of Chinese cities. Therefore, we consider this study (as the first of its type in
the Chinese context) to be both timely and significant.


3.1 Desktop Survey of Official Smart City Apps in China

For the purpose of this study, the researchers focused exclusively on official smart city apps initiated
by local authorities in China (excluding smart apps developed by private companies, like Uber), and
so hoped to shed light on the latest development resulted from the government’s national smart city
initiatives. Considering the large number of smart city apps available in China, the researchers adopted
a desktop survey approach by collecting data from app stores rather than from physical investigation
of individuals. This desktop survey involved the collection of both quantitative and qualitative data
to form the profile of each retrieved smart city app. In terms of quantitative data, the survey focused
on aspects including app name, application area, main functions, city, province, region, user rating
and numbers of user comments. In terms of qualitative data, the survey particularly focused on online
textual comments left by users, with the aim of identifying potential problems and deficiencies of
the retrieved app.

3.2 Data Collection Process

Although no fieldwork was conducted, the data collection process of this desktop survey was still not
easy. In particular, China has 672 cities, which have rather unbalanced development. It was found very
difficult and time consuming to search for suitable smart city apps across all Chinese cities without
a clearer focus. In order to overcome this challenge, the researchers retrieved the Sixth China Smart
City Development Assessment Report published by Govmade (a well-known domestic consulting
company). This report identified 201 Chinese cities that had engaged in the smart city journey (i.e.
had launched clear smart city development plan and/or had started related pilot projects), and assessed
their performance from six dimensions, namely smart infrastructure, smart governance, smart living,
smart economy, smart citizens, and security system (full report available in Chinese at: http://www.
echinagov.com/report/53667.htm). The city list offered in the report helped the researchers to refine
and narrow the scope of this desktop survey (i.e. from all cities in the country to the 201 smart cities
Furthermore, there are many app stores available in the Chinese market (e.g. iTunes App Store
for iOS users; Baidu Mobile Assistant, 360 Mobile Assistant, and Tencent App store for Android
users). Different app stores contained different user comments and separated ratings toward the same
smart city app, and so making it difficult to gather a holistic profile for the city apps concerned. In
order to overcome this issue, the researchers identified a domestic mobile data mining and analysis
tool, called Qimai (https://www.qimai.cn/). This tool offered a highly integrated and one-stop online
platform that allowed the researchers to retrieve all related information of a given app, without the
hazard of going through the various iOS and Android app stores.
Subsequently, the research team searched for suitable smart city apps in the Qimai platform by
using Chinese keywords like “智慧” (the Chinese characters of “smart”, pronounced zhihui), plus
various application areas (e.g. transportation, parking, bus, bike sharing, health, hospital, energy,
public administration, etc) and the names of the 201 identified smart cities. In order to enhance the
quality of data, smart city apps were selected based on three criteria: 1) it should be initiated by local
authorities in one of the 201 cities; 2) it should contain some real-time and dynamic functions and
be an integral part of a smart city solution; 3) it should have a considerable number of downloads

Journal of Global Information Management
Volume 29 • Issue 6 • November-December 2021

and user comments. This effort led to the identification of 333 official smart city apps. For each
identified app, a comprehensive set of quantitative and qualitative data (as mentioned in section 3.1)
was collected. These 333 official smart city apps were found in 140 different cities across 30 provinces
in China. The collected datasets also included 15754 textual user comments (i.e. 47 comments per
app in average). The datasets were then analyzed by using three layers of quantitative and qualitative
methods, as further presented and discussed in the following finding sections.


4.1 Quantitative Analysis and Results on China’s Smart City Apps

The researchers processed and analyzed the collected quantitative data by using a number of statistical
tools (e.g. means, frequencies, ANOVA, and Pearson’s correlation) in IBM SPSS. This led to some
interesting and informative findings to show regional distribution, functions and application areas,
and user satisfaction rates of China’s official smart city apps.

4.1.1 Regional Distribution of Smart City Apps in China

In geographical terms, 333 smart city apps were found in 140 Chinese cities covering 26 provinces
and 4 municipalities. As shown in Table 2, these cities, provinces and municipalities were further
aggregated into two categories, namely coastal regions (App No. = 201, 60.36%) and inland regions
(App No. = 132, 39.64%). In fact, it is widely acknowledged that China has unbalanced economic
development. Its coastal regions are historically more developed than inland regions, and constantly
accounted for nearly 60% of the country’s total GDP (He et al., 2014). Considering these economic
facts, the researchers proposed two hypotheses in relation to smart city development, namely H1: a
region’s smart city app number is positively related to its local GDP, and H2: the average number of
smart city apps launched by coastal regions is higher than that of inland regions. Pearson’s Correlation
was used to test H1. The results shown in Table 2 confirmed that the variables of ‘Provincial GDP’
and ‘No. of apps’ were positively related with a strong Pearson’s correlation coefficient of r = .857
(p< .001). Therefore, H1 is strongly supported. A further ANOVA test was carried out to compare the
means of app numbers between coastal and inland regions. Although there are a few exceptional cases
(e.g. Anhui as an inland province has a good number of apps), the results confirmed H2 by indicating
that the average number of smart city apps in coastal regions reached 20, which was significantly
higher than the average app number (i.e. 6.6) of inland regions (p = .002).

4.1.2 Functionalities and Application Areas of Smart City Apps in China

On the other hand, and in terms of usage context and functions, the 333 smart city apps identified
across different Chinese cities and regions seemed to maintain high level of consistency and similarity.
In particular, based on their functionalities, the researchers could easily classify the identified smart
city apps into three main application areas, namely smart transportation, smart healthcare, and smart
livelihood (as shown in Table 3). Apps in the smart transportation area (n=148, 44.4%) contained
functions for citizens to check traffic conditions, bus arrival times, or parking availability in real-
time. Smart health apps (n=59, 17.7%) offered functions like mobile medical appointment, electronic
medical record, pocket doctor, and predictive alerts of potential public diseases based on big data
analysis. Smart livelihood apps (n=126, 37.8%) provided a wide range of mobile government services
and neighborhood services, together with some add-on functions from the health and transportation
categories. These results seemed to suggest that transportation, healthcare and livelihood are currently
the top prioritized areas in the smart city development agenda of both national and local governments
in China.

Journal of Global Information Management
Volume 29 • Issue 6 • November-December 2021
Table 2. Regional distribution of identified smart city apps in China

Province or Provincial Total

No. of % of Total %
Type Municipality Representative cities GDP * No. of
apps apps of apps
(M) apps
Jiangsu Nanjing, Suzhou 92595.40 46 13.81
Shandong Jinan, Qingdao 76469.70 40 12.01
Zhejiang Hangzhou, Ningbo 56197.00 39 11.71
Guangdong Guangzhou, Shenzhen 97277.77 29 8.71

Coastal Fujian Fuzhou, Xiamen 35804.04 13 3.90

regions Hebei Shijiazhuang 36010.30 13 3.90 60.36

Liaoning Shenyang, Dalian 25315.40 9 2.70

Guangxi Nanning 20352.51 6 1.80
Shanghai (M) -- 32679.87 3 0.90
Tianjin (M) -- 18809.64 3 0.90
Anhui Hefei 30006.80 22 6.61
Sichuan Chengdu 40678.10 14 4.20
Hunan Changsha 36425.78 12 3.60
Henan Zhengzhou 48055.90 9 2.70
Jiangxi Nanchang 21984.80 7 2.10
Inner Mongolia Huhhot 17289.20 7 2.10
Shaanxi Xi’an 24438.30 7 2.10
Xinjiang Urumqi 12199.08 7 2.10
Guizhou Guiyang 14806.45 6 1.80

Inland Hubei Wuhan 39366.60 6 1.80

regions Gansu Lanzhou 8246.10 5 1.50 39.64

Shanxi Taiyuan 16818.11 5 1.50

Hainan Haikou, Sanya 4832.05 4 1.20
Jilin Changchun 15074.62 4 1.20
Chongqing (M) -- 20362.20 4 1.20
Beijing (M) -- 30320.00 3 0.90
Ningxia Yinchuan 3705.18 3 0.90
Yunnan Kunming 17881.10 3 0.90
Heilongjiang Harbin 16361.60 2 0.60
Qinghai Xining 2865.23 2 0.60
Total 30   913228.83 333 100 333 100
Pearson’s Correlation (Local No. of regions Correlation Coefficient P
GDP VS. App No.)
30 .857*** .000
  No. of Total app Ave. app S.D. F P
ANOVA Test regions No. No.
(To compare means of app
Coastal 10 201 20.1 11.330 11.549 .002
numbers between coastal and
inland regions) Inland 20 132 6.6 5.665
* Unit= 100 million RMB, GDP in 2018, retrieved from the China Statistical Yearbook 2019

Journal of Global Information Management
Volume 29 • Issue 6 • November-December 2021

4.1.3 User Satisfaction Rates of Smart City Apps in China

Although hundreds of smart city apps were identified across China, further analysis of the data showed
that current user satisfaction rates of these apps were not high. As shown in Table 4, the average
user rating of the 333 smart city apps only reached 2.99 (min=1, max=5). More importantly, and
as discussed above, China’s coastal regions had invested heavily in smart city and produced many
more smart city apps than inland regions in average. However, the results in Table 4 showed that app
ratings offered by users in coastal regions were not high (i.e. 2.90 in average), and in fact were even
slightly lower than the average rating of inland regions (i.e. 3.13). The histogram in Figure 1 showed
this more clearly, e.g. coastal provinces like Jiangsu, Shandong and Zhejiang with high numbers of
smart city apps had average ratings below 3, whereas inland provinces like Yunnan and Xinjiang had
high ratings closed to 4. In other words, it is evident from our results that, for China’s smart city apps,
quantity does not necessarily lead to quality. The next step of the research was to explore reasons
and problems affecting the quality of these smart city apps by analyzing the textual user comments
collected, as further discussed below.

4.2 Qualitative Content Analysis and Results on

Problems of China’s Smart City Apps
Bearing in mind the above quantitative findings, the researchers carried out a qualitative content
analysis to process and explore the 15754 user comments collected from app stores, with the aim of
identifying and investigating deficiencies and problems currently existed in China’s smart city apps.

4.2.1 The Process of Qualitative Content Analysis

In social sciences, qualitative content analysis is one of the most widely used techniques to analyze
textual data (Morgan, 1993). This approach is particularly suitable when existing theory or literature
on a phenomenon (e.g. problems of China’s smart city apps) is limited (Hsieh and Shannon, 2005). By
following the guidelines given by Hsieh and Shannon, the researchers firstly read through the collected
user comments to get familiar with the dataset and obtain a sense of the whole. Subsequently, the
researchers started the coding process by focusing on a subset of 626 user comments collected for 9
selected and representative smart city apps (i.e. 3 apps with the highest number of user comments for
each of the three application areas). The researchers read these 626 user comments word-by-word to
derive codes, which captured key user thoughts or concepts regarding issues and deficiencies existing
in the 9 selected smart city apps. An initial coding scheme with quotations was then established and
used as a tool to facilitate constant comparison. Next, the researchers read and re-read the remaining
dataset (i.e. the rest 15128 comments for the other 324 apps) with the aim of extracting more evidence,
text and quotations to the codes. During this process, some new codes emerged, and some established
codes were deleted, merged or split, as appropriate. The different codes were then linked and grouped
into meaningful categories or clusters. Consequently, 6 clusters of critical problems were found in
China’s smart city apps, namely:

• Overcomplicated and irrational app design

• Failure to meet essential and personalized needs of citizens
• Technical bugs that lead to frequent system crash
• Inaccurate information provided by smart city apps
• Poor quality of city services obtained through apps
• Lack of actual data and system integration

These 6 clusters of critical problems are common in the different types of identified smart city
apps, and are discussed in details below with support of selected quotations/examples and relevant

Journal of Global Information Management
Volume 29 • Issue 6 • November-December 2021

Table 3. Application areas and functions of official smart city apps in China

Category ID Key Functions and Description App

Services Examples
Smart 1 Real-time traffic Report real-time traffic information (including road closure, Ningbotong*
Transportation condition reporting and construction, accidents), and recommend suitable traffic (www.nbtong.
Apps (n= 148; route planner routes to drivers.
44.4%) (http://www.
2 Real-time public Citizens can check stop locations and real-time running
transport searcher schedules of nearby public transports (e.g. buses, subways, art/2014/1/6/
trams, and bikes). art_18_735380.
3 Real-time parking Search for parking locations, get real-time availability of
search and reservation parking spaces, reserve empty spaces in advance, and pay
for parking fees.

4 Traffic violations Drivers can receive auto notifications when they get fined
reporting and push due to traffic violations, and can also report cases of traffic
notifications violations of other drivers.

5 Add-on traffic services Citizens can use the app to top up public traffic cards, search
for nearby petrol stations, and make appointments to renew
driving license, etc.

Smart Health Apps 1 Mobile hospital Citizens can make appointments with chosen doctors in Hangzhou Smart
Medical Care (http://
(n= 59; 17.7%) services a specific time slot, and pay for diagnosis, treatment, and wsjsw.hangzhou.gov.
medicine costs. cn/zwdt/44046.jhtml)
Health Jiaxing
2 Electronic medical Citizens’ original records of medical diagnosis and gov.cn/jgjt/gzdt_7865/
record treatment are stored electronically and can be accessed qtywxx_7869/201602/
through the app. t20160219_572611.
3 Pocket doctor Citizens firstly answer “yes” and “no” questions about a
current health condition, and then are given a preliminary
diagnosis by the app, and even receive online advices from

4 Public disease Carry out big data analysis of local citizen usage records
prevention and alerts to predict potential sources of public diseases, and send
citizens advice and alerts for disease prevention.

5 Add-on health and Citizens can use the app to receive results of physical
medical services check-up, check for hospital bed availability, and search for
opening time and directions of local hospitals, etc.

Smart Livelihood 1 AR city navigation Include augmented reality features along with native city Smart Xiaoshan (http://
Apps (n= 126; map. When a route is selected, citizens can hold the device cn/art/2015/4/27/
37.8%) up at a specific part of the city, local Points of Interest (e.g. art_1313942_6613938.
nearby shops, restaurants, and other local amenities) will Smart Kunshan (http://
then be displayed on the screen. www.uzzf.com/
2 A wide range of government administration services can * Please note, the
websites given above
Mobile government be accessed through the app, such as checking balance are all in Chinese
services and details of social insurance, making appointments with
city administration departments (e.g. passport or ID card
applications), tracking progress of applications

3 Smart neighborhood Pay for utility bills and property management fees, get push
services notifications on neighborhood activities and news, search
for nearby housekeeping services, and remotely control the
entry system of building hall, etc.

4 Integrated add- Make appointments with doctors in chosen hospitals,

on health and check direction and opening time of local hospitals, top up
transportation services traffic cards, real-time public bus searcher, real-time traffic
condition checking, real-time parking search, etc.

Journal of Global Information Management
Volume 29 • Issue 6 • November-December 2021

Table 4. Means of app user ratings

Region Application area N Mean N Mean S.D.

Smart transportation 93 2.77
Coastal regions Smart healthcare 37 2.88 201 2.90 1.157
Smart livelihood 71 3.08
Smart transportation 55 2.76
Inland regions Smart healthcare 22 3.09 132 3.13 1.095
Smart livelihood 55 3.54
Overall average (Min=1; Max=5) 333 2.99 1.124

4.2.2 Overcomplicated and Irrational App Design

It is argued in the literature that simplicity and ease of use are the essential characteristics of any
successful mobile applications (Charland and Lerous, 2011). Cardone et al (2013) echoed that, only
apps with concise, simple and clear designs could bring in good user experience and keep users
satisfied. However, the results of our content analysis showed that not all smart city apps in China
were designed in such a user-friendly way. In particular, users complained that the interfaces of
some apps were “too complicated” and even “confusing”. Some developers seemed to “put too many
contents and functions in the app without a clear hierarchy or logical structure” (User of ST App 12).
Citizens thus found it “hard and time consuming to understand how these apps work” (User of SH
App 32). Overall, a considerable number of citizens cogently concluded that smart city apps with
overcomplicated and irrational designs would “neither bring people convenience nor improve the
quality of their busy city lives” (User of SL App 72).

Figure 1. Average app ratings in provinces

Journal of Global Information Management
Volume 29 • Issue 6 • November-December 2021

4.2.3 Failure to Meet Essential and Personalized Needs of Citizens

Researchers in the field (e.g. Lee and Lee, 2014; Yeh, 2017; Peng et al., 2017) often highlight that
smart cities in general and smart apps in particular should provide user-centric functions and services
to meet the needs of citizens. However, our content analysis identified a lot of examples and evidence
to indicate that the requirements of citizens had not always been thoroughly considered and met by
smart city apps in China. For instance, citizens complained that “there were no alternative methods to
make mobile payments” (User of ST App 139), they “cannot create and store personal travel routes”
(User of ST App 24), and “medical push notifications did not suit personal situation and needs” (User
of SH App 4 8). Such issues will inevitably reduce usefulness and usability of smart city apps and
can also lead to user dissatisfaction (Peng et al., 2017).

4.2.4 Technical Bugs that Lead to Frequent System Crash

The analysis of the collected users comments showed that, many technical bugs seemed to exist in a
considerable number of smart city apps, which thus crashed frequently. Unexpected crashes of smart
city apps will not just bring unnecessary hazards to users, but can also lead to data and even financial
losses. For instance, some smart transportation apps might just quit automatically, when users tried
to “upload photocopy of driving license” (User of ST App 146), “search for bus arrival time” (User
of ST App 9), or “top up traffic cards” (User of ST App 62). In other cases with smart health apps,
the smartphone screen just became white, when citizens attempted to “login to a medical account”
(User of SH App 37), “pay for medical fee” (User of SH App 15), or “search for available doctor
appointments” (User of SH App 25). In the context of smart livelihood, citizens complained that
when paying for utility bills, some apps might “just keep loading forever” (User of SL App 114). As
such, “all data entered to the app will be gone…[and sometimes] personal bank account has been
charged but the bill has not been actually paid” (User of SL App 72).

4.2.5 Inaccurate Information Provided by Smart City Apps

In the smart city ecosystem, the accuracy and quality of information provided by mobile apps
will be crucial to realize the intended purposes and benefits of smart solutions (Peng et al., 2017).
However, our findings showed that information provided by smart city apps in China were not always
accurate and sometimes could be very misleading. For example, users complained that some smart
transportation apps provided “incorrect location information on parking spaces or inaccurate bus
arrival time” (User of ST App 46), and so causing unnecessary time loss in their journey. On the
other hand, smart healthcare apps allow citizens to find their preferred doctors at all local hospitals by
conditions and specialties and then book an online appointment, but “medical specialties of doctors
might be misreported in the system and their availability were often not updated in real-time” (User
of SH App 16). Such problems were also found in smart livelihood apps, which offered similar health
and transportation add-on services.

4.2.6 Poor Quality of City Services Obtained Through Apps

Service quality of smart city apps refers to their capability of meeting users’ personal service demands,
such as system responding time and problem solving efficiency. In the smart city ecosystem, city apps
will not just link citizens with sensor infrastructure, but will also act as the intermediary between
citizens and service providers (e.g. government admission departments, hospitals, bus companies,
and utility companies). However, it emerged from our data that, the quality of city services obtained
through these apps might not always be guaranteed. For example, the “pocket doctor” function of
smart health apps can allow citizens to seek online advices from hospital doctors regarding a current
health condition. Nevertheless, many citizens complained that when they tried to use this function,
they either “received no reply from the other side” (User of SH App 23) or “got a very simple answer
from someone who apparently had very limited clinical experience” (User of SH App 41). Similar

Journal of Global Information Management
Volume 29 • Issue 6 • November-December 2021

circumstances were also identified with the usage of smart livelihood apps, from which citizens
received “no reply from government admission departments when making online inquiries (User of
SL App 131).

4.2.7 Lack of Actual Data and System Integration

In order to avoid having too many different apps that cause inconvenience to citizens, there is an
increasing trend for Chinese cities to integrate the different existing smart city apps into a one-stop
application. This attempt is evident from the extensive list of functions and features of smart livelihood
apps (as detailed in Table 3 in section 4.1.2), which also contain integrated add-on services from the
health and transportation categories. The ultimate aim is that, by integrating these apps and related
user data into a single platform, local authorities can perform more meaningful big data analysis and
offer highly innovative services to citizens (e.g. predict potential sources of public diseases and send
citizens advanced alerts/advices for disease prevention). However, results of our content analysis
showed that this endeavor is still in a very early stage. Specifically, and as highlighted by citizens,
when they tried to use add-on health or transportation services (e.g. searching for bus arrival time)
contained in smart livelihood apps, “an alternative app (e.g. a smart bus app) would just pop up” (User
of SL App 133), or even worse “the system might simply point users to the webpage of the related
service provider, such as bus company” (User of SL App 25). In other words, although these smart
city apps seem to offer a wide range of functions and services, many of these embedded components
have not been truly integrated together.

4.3 Quantification of Critical Problems Existed in China’s Smart City Apps

The last stage of our data analysis aimed to provide further validation of the 6 crucial problems
identified in China’s smart city apps and also offered a quantitative view that complemented the
qualitative findings presented in the previous sections. This last stage followed a quantitative content
analysis approach proposed by Morgan (1993), and contained four systematic steps:

1) Started from the first smart city app in the list and re-read its collected user comments;
2) Confirmed whether or not the above 6 problems existed in this app (when a given problem was
mentioned in over 10% of the user comments, we considered this as a noticeable issue for the
app and so marked down “Yes”);
3) Repeated step 1 and 2 for all of the 333 identified apps;
4) Calculated the frequencies of occurrence of the 6 crucial problems in the identified smart city

The results shown in Figure 2 confirmed that, the 6 identified problems occurred frequently in
China’s smart city apps across all the three application areas. Among these, ‘technical bug’ was the
most common problem found in almost 56% (i.e. 186 out of 333) of the retrieved apps, followed by
‘failure to meet essential and personalized needs of citizens’ (43.9%), ‘poor quality of city services
obtained through apps’ (32.4%) and ‘lack of actual data and system integration’ (27.9%). The remaining
two identified problems (i.e. ‘inaccurate information’ and ‘overcomplicated and irrational design’)
were found in a smaller but still significant number (i.e. 16.8% and 11.1% respectively) of smart city
apps. Overall, it is clear that, the identified app problems will need to be addressed urgently, in order
for China to achieve its nationwide smart city initiative.


The quantitative and qualitative findings derived from the desktop survey provide clear answers
about current development patterns of official smart city apps in China as well as their problems and

Journal of Global Information Management
Volume 29 • Issue 6 • November-December 2021

Figure 2. Frequency of occurrence of the identified app problems in China

deficiencies. Based on these findings, the researchers identified a number of important lessons, which
should be shared with and learned by government leaders, service providers, and fellow researchers
of smart city in not just China but in fact worldwide:

• Our study echoed the findings of existing literature (e.g. Peng et al., 2017) and confirmed that
although end-user apps may only account for a small percentage of smart city investment, local
authorities cannot underestimate their importance towards the success of smart city development.
In particular, and as discussed and illustrated above, city apps will serve as the intermediary
that connects citizens with sensor infrastructure as well as service providers in the smart city
ecosystem. In this context, regardless the heavy investment made in the infrastructure level, if the
associated city app has not been designed, developed and maintained properly, the implemented
smart city solution will not be able to deliver its intended benefits. Therefore, the strategic role
of smart city apps should be fully recognized and acknowledged by local authorities and service
• In light of the above discussion, the intermediate nature of smart city apps determines that
critical problems affecting their performance are not just related to technical aspects of the app
itself. As clearly identified in our study, further to design flaws and technical bugs of the app,
socio-technical factors related to data quality, citizen requirements, and support and cooperation
of service providers can substantially influence usability, output accuracy and service quality
of smart city apps.
• Internationally, a smart city app initiated by local authorities is often a very specific application
(e.g. smart parking, smart bus, and smart energy monitoring). This is resulting in the emergence
of dozens of smart city apps, which may not always be in good quality and so lead to poor
usage experience and potential usage hazards. Thus, there is an increasing trend for smart city
endeavors to evolve from isolated systems to integrated city applications. However, anecdotal
evidence shows that for many cities, having such an integrated smart system is still a dream yet
to come true. In China, most cities have made important first steps towards building an integrated

Journal of Global Information Management
Volume 29 • Issue 6 • November-December 2021

smart city system. However, the status quo and problems encountered by Chinese cities also
show that, this integration effort is never easy due to the inherent complexity of this task and the
multiple parties and stakeholders involved. It is clear from our findings that, simply throwing
a wide range of functions and services into a city app does not lead to the creation of a truly
integrated application. Further to technical constraints, local authorities need to seek ways to
resolve collaboration and data sharing barriers across all parties concerned, and so provide the
necessary foundation for the development of integrated smart city systems.
• It is arguable that local authorities may sometimes simply treat smart city as a fashionable symbol
and attempt to achieve only short-term results without careful planning and thorough consideration
of local needs. Indeed, it can be argued that the above crucial problems identified in China’s
smart city apps are direct results of such short-term behaviors in the local level. This argument
can be further supported by the fact that, although Chinese citizens have repetitively raised the
same pitfalls and deficiencies of many smart city apps in their online comments, the situation
has not been much improved. In other words, local authorities did not seem to make enough
effort in long-term maintenance and continuous improvement towards the developed smart city
apps. It should be highlighted that such short-term behavior is not just found in Chinese smart
cities. A recent study done by Peng et al (2017) demonstrated that similar problems also occur
in Western cities, like London. Therefore, the findings and lessons derived from our study could
be valuable and useful beyond the Chinese context.


This paper reported on a survey study that investigated the status quo and critical problems of
China’s official smart city apps. The results showed that current smart city apps developed by local
authorities in China constantly focused on three application areas (i.e. smart transportation, smart
healthcare, and smart livelihood) with some interesting functions. However, and at the same time,
the development of these Chinese city apps experienced very similar problems nationwide, especially
related to functional, design, usage and service-related issues.
The main conclusions reached from our study are that, China’s recent large-scale deployment
of IoT infrastructure and hardware facilities is certainly not the only important task in its smart city
journey, and that end-user app is a fundamental and integral part of the smart city ecosystem. Smart
city apps should thus receive equal attention from local authorities, service providers, industrial
partners, and academics. It is clearly demonstrated in this study that problems and deficiencies of
city apps will not just reduce the value and usefulness of the entire smart city solution, but will also
damage the reputation and image of local authorities and related cities. Therefore, when much effort
was given to infrastructure and hardware, there is a clear need for local authorities to pay more
attention to smart city apps, in order to maximize potential return of their smart city investments.
The results of this study have important contributions. In practical terms, the findings of this
research can raise awareness of national and local authorities in China regarding the importance and
current problems of their smart city apps. It is particularly important for local authorities to realize
that quantity is not the same as quality. In fact, the findings of the study suggest that it is better to
focus resources on a smaller number of smart city apps with better quality, rather than having dozens
of apps with many inherent issues. We hope the findings and insights derived from this study can be
used to guide continuous improvement of smart city apps, and eventually enhance the possibility of
success of China’s smart city initiative. In scientific terms, the literature review section on smart city
(i.e. section 2.1) already constitutes a contribution in itself, by synthesizing and highlighting the three
strands of current smart city research, as well as pointing out current knowledge gaps in socio-technical
aspects. In addition, this is likely to be the first nationwide study focused on development pattern and
critical problems of smart city apps in the Chinese context. It provides a good starting point for fellow
researchers to carry out similar studies in their chosen cities and even other countries in the future.

Journal of Global Information Management
Volume 29 • Issue 6 • November-December 2021

Finally, it should be acknowledged that this study has two apparent drawbacks, which indicate the
needs of improvement in future research. First, this study was done by using secondary data available
in app stores. The nature of such data and source made it difficult for the researchers to carry out
more in-depth analysis for the phenomenon under investigation, e.g. potential relationships between
the usage of smart city apps and urban demographics in China, as well as reasons and causes behind
the identified app problems. In order to carry out more holistic analysis and in-depth investigation,
researchers in future studies can try to collect primary data by using interview and/or questionnaire,
as well as to retrieve other secondary datasets related to local conditions (e.g. census, statistics on
public facility distributions, and local news). Second, it was time-consuming to process and analyze
thousands of user comments manually by using the conventional content analysis approach. In fact,
text mining methods and algorithms are nowadays increasingly used to extract useful patterns and
information hidden in a large amount of unstructured text, e.g. review comments, social media
posts, emails, and web contents, etc. It is strongly recommended that researchers, especially social
scientists, should try to develop and apply text mining skills as relevant in future research involving
unstructured data.


This research was supported by two grants respectively funded by the National Natural Science
Foundation of China (No.: 71974215) and the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong (No.:

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Volume 29 • Issue 6 • November-December 2021


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Bingqian Zhang is a PhD student in Information Science in the School of Information Management at Sun Yat-
Sen University, China. Her research focused on the fields of smart city, smart health and user behaviour. She has
been a key participant of a number of national and industrial grants, and has published a number of papers in both
journals and international conferences.

Guochao Peng (PhD) is based at the School of Information Management at Sun Yat-sen University, China. He
holds a BSc in Information Management (1st Class Honours) and a PhD in Information Systems (IS), both from the
University of Sheffield. Prof Peng has over 100 publications in the IS field, including 1 book, 1 edited conference
proceeding, 7 book chapters, 30 high-quality journal articles, and 50 referred full conference papers. He is the
co-founder and co-chair of the IADIS International Conference on Information Systems Post-Implementation and
Change Management (ISPCM) since 2012. He has also conducted peer review of submissions to more than 15
leading IS journals and international conferences. Guochao Peng is the corresponding author of this paper.

Fei Xing is a PhD student in Information Science in the School of Information Management at Sun Yat-Sen University,
China. He earned his MSc in Information Systems at the University of Sheffield, UK. He has published a number of
papers in both top journals and international conferences in smart manufacturing, smart cities and smart healthcare.

Si Chen (PhD) is an assistant professor in the School of Information Management at Nanjing University in China.
Her research interests lie in information systems adoption and evaluation, information systems strategic alignment
and human-computer interaction. Her research has been published in academic journals and conferences such
as Information Processing & Management, Aslib Journal of Information Management, Information Systems, and
e-Business Management, ICDIM, CSSS, GIAMS and HCI International.


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