Coding Systems For Text-Based Data: Ascii and Ebcdic

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While numeric data is represented by the binary numbering system, text-based data is represented by binary coding systems
specifically developed for text-based data—namely, ASCII, EBCDIC, and Unicode. These codes are used to represent all characters
that can appear in text data—such as numbers, letters, and special characters and symbols like the dollar sign, comma, percent symbol,
and mathematical symbols.


ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is the coding system
traditionally used with personal computers. EBCDIC (Extended Binary-Coded Decimal
Interchange Code) was developed by IBM, primarily for use with mainframes. ASCII is a 7-
digit (7-bit) code, although there are several different 8-bit extended versions of ASCII that
contain additional symbols not included in the 7-bit ASCII code. The extended ASCII
character sets (see some examples of 8-bit ASCII codes in Figure 2-4) and EBCDIC represent
each character as a unique combination of 8 bits (1 byte), which allows 256 (28) unique
combinations. Therefore, an 8-bit code can represent up to 256 characters (twice as many as a
7-bit code)—enough to include the characters used in the English alphabet, as well as some
non-English characters, the 10 digits used in the decimal numbering system, the other
characters usually found on a keyboard, and many special characters not included on a
keyboard such as mathematical symbols, graphic symbols, and additional punctuation marks.

Unicode Unlike ASCII and EBCDIC, which are limited to only the Latin alphabet used with the English language, Unicode is a
universal international coding standard designed to represent text-based data written in any ancient or modern language, including
those with different alphabets, such as Chinese, Greek, Hebrew, Amharic, Tibetan, and Russian (see Figure 2-5). Unicode uniquely
identifies each character using 0s and 1s, no matter which language, program, or computer platform is being used. It is a longer code,
consisting of 1 to 4 bytes (8 to 32 bits) per character, and can represent over one million characters, which is more than enough unique
combinations to represent the standard characters in all the world’s written languages, as well as thousands of mathematical and

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technical symbols, punctuation marks, and other symbols and signs. The biggest advantage of Unicode is that it can be used
worldwide with consistent and unambiguous results. Unicode is quickly replacing ASCII as the primary text-coding system. In fact,
Unicode includes the ASCII character set so ASCII data can be converted easily to Unicode when needed. Unicode is used by most
Web browsers and is widely used for Web pages and Web applications (Google data, for instance, is stored exclusively in Unicode).
Most recent software programs, including the latest versions of Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, and Microsoft Office, also use Unicode,
as do modern programming languages, such as Java and Python. Unicode is updated regularly to add new characters and new
languages not originally encoded—the most recent version is Unicode 6.2.

Coding Systems for Other Types of Data

So far, our discussion of data coding schemes has focused on numeric and text-based data, which consists of alphanumeric characters
and special symbols, such as the comma and dollar sign. Multimedia data, such as graphics, audio, and video data, must also be
represented in binary form in order to be used with a computer, as discussed next.

Graphics Data
Graphics data consists of still images, such as photographs or
drawings. One of the most common methods for storing graphics data
is in the form of a bitmap image—an image made up of a grid of
small dots, called pixels (short for picture elements), that re colored
appropriately to represent an image. The color to be displayed at each
pixel is represented by some combination of 0s and 1s, and the
number of bits required to store the color for each pixel ranges from 1
to 24 bits. For example, each pixel in a monochrome graphic can be
only one of two possible colors (such as black or white). These
monochrome images require only one bit of storage space per pixel
(for instance, the bit would contain a 1 when representing a pixel that
should display as white, and the bit would contain a 0 for a pixel that
should display as black). Images with more than two colors can use
4, 8, or 24 bits to store the color data for each pixel—this allows for
16 (24), 256 (28), or 16,777,216 (224) colors respectively, as shown
in Figure 2-6. The number of bits used per pixel depends on the type
of image being stored; for instance, the JPEG images taken by most
digital cameras today use 24-bit true color images. While this can
result in large file sizes, images can typically be compressed when
needed, such as to reduce the amount of storage space required to
store that image or to send a lower-resolution version of an image via

Audio Data

Like graphics data, audio data—such as a song or the sound of someone speaking—must be in digital form in order to be stored on a
storage medium or processed by a computer. To convert analog sound to digital sound, several thousand samples—digital
representations of the sound at particular moments—are taken every second. When the samples are played back in the proper order,
they re-create the sound of the voice or music. For example, audio CDs record sound using 2-byte samples, which are sampled at a
rate of 44,100 times per second. When these samples are played back at a rate of 44,100 samples per second, they sound like
continuous voice or music. With so many samples, however, sound files take up a great deal of storage space—about 32 MB for a 3-
minute stereo song (44,100 times × 2 bytes × 180 seconds × 2 channels). Because of its large size, audio data is usually compressed to
reduce its file size when it is transmitted over the Internet or stored on an iPod or other portable digital media player. For example,
files that are MP3-encoded—that is, compressed with the MP3 compression algorithm developed by the Motion Pictures Expert
Group (MPEG)—are about 10 times smaller than their uncompressed digital versions, so they download 10 times faster and take up
one-tenth of the storage space. The actual storage size required depends on the bit rate—the number of bits to be transferred per
second when the file is played—used when the file is initially created; audio files using the common bit rate of 128 Kbps (thousands
of bits per second) are about one-tenth the size of the original CD-quality recording.


Video data—such as home movies, feature films, video clips, and television shows—is displayed using a collection of frames; each
frame contains a still image. When the frames are projected one after the other (typically at a rate of 24 frames per second (fps) for
film-based video and 30 or 60 fps for video taken with digital video cameras), the illusion of movement is created. With so many
frames, the amount of data involved in showing a two-hour feature film can be substantial. Fortunately, like audio data, video data can
be compressed to reduce it to a manageable size. For example, a two-hour movie can be compressed to fit on a single DVD disc; it can
be compressed even further to be delivered over the Web.


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Just as numbers, text, and multimedia data must be represented by 0s and 1s, software programs must also be represented by 0s and
1s. Before a computer can execute any program instruction, such as requesting input from the user, moving a file from one storage
device to another, or opening a new window on the screen, it must convert the instruction into a binary code known as machine
language. An example of a typical machine language instruction is as follows:


A machine language instruction might look like a meaningless string of 0s and 1s, but it actually represents specific operations and
storage locations. The 32-bit instruction shown here, for instance, moves data between two specific memory locations on one type of
computer system. Early computers required programs to be written in machine language, but today’s computers allow programs to be
written in a programming language, which is then translated by the computer into machine language in order to be understood by the


Bit. The smallest unit of data a digital computer can recognize; represented by a 0 or a 1.

Byte. A group of 8 bits.

Kilobyte (KB). Approximately1 thousand bytes (1,024 bytes to be precise).

Megabyte (MB). Approximately 1 million bytes.

Gigabyte (GB). Approximately 1 billion bytes.

Terabyte (TB). Approximately 1 trillion bytes.

Petabyte (PB). Approximately 1,000 terabytes.

Exabyte (EB). Approximately 1,000 petabytes.

Zettabyte (ZB). Approximately 1,000 exabytes.

Yottabyte (YB). Approximately 1,000 zettabytes.

Decimal numbering system. The numbering system that represents all numbers using 10 symbols (0–9).

Binary numbering system. The numbering system that represents all numbers using just two symbols (0 and 1).

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange). A fixed-length, binary coding system used to represent text-based
data for computer processing on many types of computers.

Unicode. An international coding system that can be used to represent text-based data in any written language.

Machine language. A binary-based language for representing computer programs that the computer can execute directly.

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