GB992 Open API Map R18.0.1

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TM Forum Reference

Open API Map

Release 18.0.1
September 2018

Latest Update: TM Forum Release 18.0.1 TM Forum Approved

Version 3.2.2 IPR Mode: RAND

TM Forum 2018. All Rights Reserved.

Open API Map Guide


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Open API Map Guide

Table of Contents
NOTICE......................................................................................................................................... 2
Table of Contents ......................................................................................................................... 4
List of Figures ............................................................................................................................... 6
Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................... 6
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 8
1.1. The audience of the API Map ................................................................................................... 8
2. Open Digital API Map Overview .............................................................................................. 9
2.1. Business value of API Map ....................................................................................................... 9
2.2. Principles of API Map ............................................................................................................... 9
2.3. Consistency with API Catalog ................................................................................................. 10
3. Hierarchy of the API & Resource Map .....................................................................................11
3.1. Level 0 Map ............................................................................................................................ 11
3.2. Level 1 Map ............................................................................................................................ 12
3.2.1. Level 1 Map – Current & Deprecrated API’s .............................................................. 14
3.2.2. Mapping between current TM Forum API and Information Framework .................. 22
3.2.3. Level 1 Map – Planned & Future API’s....................................................................... 28
3.2.4. Mapping between planned/future TM Forum API and Information Framework ..... 30
3.3. Level 2 Map ............................................................................................................................ 32
3.3.1. API in Marketing/Sales............................................................................................... 32
3.3.2. API in Product ............................................................................................................ 34
3.3.3. API in Customer ......................................................................................................... 36
3.3.4. API in Service ............................................................................................................. 40
3.3.5. API in Resource .......................................................................................................... 43
3.3.6. API in Engaged Party .................................................................................................. 45
3.3.7. API in Enterprise ........................................................................................................ 48
3.3.8. API in Common .......................................................................................................... 49
4. API Dependency Relation .......................................................................................................53
5. API Map Usage examples .......................................................................................................64
5.1. API Deployment View in Vodafone ........................................................................................ 66
5.1.1. Level 0 of API Deployment View ................................................................................ 67
5.1.2. Level 1 of API Deployment View ................................................................................ 67
5.2. API Deployment View inBT .................................................................................................... 69
5.2.1. Level 0 of API Deployment View ................................................................................ 70
5.2.2. Level 1 of API Deployment View ................................................................................ 70
5.3. API Deployment View in Orange ............................................................................................ 71

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5.3.1. Level 0 of API Deployment View ................................................................................ 73

5.3.2. Level 1 of API Deployment View ................................................................................ 73
5.4. API Deployment View in Huawei ........................................................................................... 75
5.4.1. Level 0 of API Deployment View ................................................................................ 76
5.4.2. Level 1 of API Deployment View ................................................................................ 76
6. API verification via Business Process (GB921D, PRELIMINARY) ................................................78
7. Administrative Appendix .......................................................................................................79
7.1. About this document ............................................................................................................. 79
7.2. Document History .................................................................................................................. 79
7.2.1. Version History .......................................................................................................... 79
7.2.2. Release History .......................................................................................................... 80
7.3. Company Contact Details ....................................................................................................... 80
7.4. Acknowledgments .................................................................................................................. 80

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List of Figures
Figure 1 – Level 0 Map ......................................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 2 – Level 1 Map ......................................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 3 - API Map Level 1 (Current/Existing & Deprecated) ............................................................................ 14
Figure 4 - API Map Level 1 (Planned &Future) ................................................................................................... 29
Figure 5 – Legend ................................................................................................................................................. 32
Figure 6- API in Marketing/Sales ......................................................................................................................... 32
Figure 7 – API in Product ..................................................................................................................................... 34
Figure 8 – API in Customer .................................................................................................................................. 36
Figure 9 – API in Service....................................................................................................................................... 40
Figure 10 – API in Resource ................................................................................................................................. 43
Figure 11 – API in Engaged Party......................................................................................................................... 45
Figure 12 – API in Enterprise ............................................................................................................................... 48
Figure 13 – API in Common ................................................................................................................................. 49
Figure 14 – DPRA Platform template .................................................................................................................. 64
Figure 15 – Platform meta-model....................................................................................................................... 65
Figure 16 – Vodafone Platform Architecture ..................................................................................................... 66
Figure 17 – Level 0 Deployment view ................................................................................................................. 67
Figure 18 – Level 1 Deployment view ................................................................................................................. 68
Figure 19 – Level 1 Deployment view (Current APIs)......................................................................................... 68
Figure 20 – Level1 Deployment view (Planned & Future API's) ........................................................................ 69
Figure 21 – BT Platform Architecture ................................................................................................................. 69
Figure 22 – Level 0 BT API Deployment view ..................................................................................................... 70
Figure 23 – Level 1 BT Deployment view............................................................................................................ 70
Figure 24 – Level 1 BT Deployment view (Current API’s) .................................................................................. 71
Figure 25 – Level 1 BT Deployment view (Planned & Current) ......................................................................... 71
Figure 26 – Orange’s business functionality ....................................................................................................... 72
Figure 27 – Orange’s level 0 of API Deployment View....................................................................................... 73
Figure 28 – API used by Orange are mapped to the platform layers................................................................ 74
Figure 29 – APIs are mapped to the platform layers ......................................................................................... 75
Figure 30 – Level 0 of Huawei’s deployment view............................................................................................. 76
Figure 31 – Level 1 of Huawei’s deployment view............................................................................................. 77

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Executive Summary
In this increasingly digitized world, IT technology is connecting more and more people. This
technology brings the enterprises into a dynamic, distributed environment and delivers
business value on multiple channels including desktops and mobile devices. Since the
complexity and scale is unprecedented, more openness and agility is required during
innovation and competition in today’s economy. The industrial trend has shown clearly that
enterprises must provide more visibility to their APIs (Application Programming Interfaces)
to facilitate open integration.
The TM Forum knows the importance of APIs and a group of open digital API definitions has
been made. To date, those definitions have been based on the contributions of discrete API
The API Map is intended to show the complete landscape of all the necessary APIs in a
telecommunications ecosystem. It can guide the Service Providers or other large
Enterprises to construct the ecosystem to attract DSP partners and integrating with them
or as a basis of customization for individual partnerships.
The API Map will also uncover the future-oriented planning for potential new business APIs.
In the years hereafter, those API definitions will be explored and the efforts to build them
are encouraged fully.
The use of a standard API Map will facilitate the understanding of the interoperability
between Service Providers and their partners and provide additional benefits for the
enterprises such as:
- With a unified API Map, an enterprise can experience:
o Lower software integration costs, as application vendors converge on standardized
exposure of capabilities
o Increased portability of applications
o Improved interoperability within and between business functions
o Easier upgrade and exchange of system components.
- By exposing IT capabilities as APIs, we will find new partnership models to enhance our services.

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1. Introduction
This document provides an overview of the TM Forum API Map and its inheritance from the
TM Forum API done to-date.
Its purpose is to present the value of the TM Forum API Map which shows the complete
picture of business related API for the first time.
It is structured as follows:
- An overview of the Open Digital API Map:
o The business value it can provide
o The principles of the API Map
- A hierarchical taxonomy of the API Map
- A description of all the current TM Forum APIs in the API Map
- A summary of planned and future APIs which are in development now or need to be developed in
future within the TM Forum.

1.1. The audience of the API Map

This document is intended for any party wishing to play a role in the open digital economy
– Commercial, Operations and Technical management in Communications and Digital
Service Providers, Content Providers and Brokers, Software Suppliers and Systems
Integrators – who want to use/bundle simple content/communication services traditionally
only available to Telco/Cable providers & partners.
It should have optimal benefit for players in industries outside ICT (example Automotive,
Health Care ...), or for small technology startups that cannot afford the high investment in
bespoke enterprise integration.
The specific focus is on business people wishing to know what they can achieve by using TM
Forum APIs. In addition, IT Architects and developers will benefit from an overview of
available APIs.

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2. Open Digital API Map Overview

2.1. Business value of API Map

The API Map is helpful in a variety of possibilities to create distinct values. By building API following
the map, the digital ecosystem can be achieved with fewer obstacles and it will result in systems
integration and data sharing between partners through API interactions:
- For vertical industries
o Reduce the difficulties to enter and combine communication capabilities with the creative
products, spanning national borders and specific brands
- For start-ups and SME
o Availability of a simple and modern interface technology requiring minimum domain
expertise and allowing quick setup and deployment.
- For Telco & Information Providers
o Reduce administration of multiple external disparate interfaces.
o Faster capitalization of assets (increased usage through micro and cross industry exposure).

2.2. Principles of API Map

There are a number of industry-standard principles that guide the construction of good APIs,
such as:
• Abstraction: Reflect the “business” service being provided, hiding the implementation.
• Loose-coupling: Do not expose any technical dependencies/intimate knowledge of the underlying
• Reusability: APIs are defined with re-use in mind (even for unknown future use-cases).
• Discoverability: Service contracts can be effectively communicated and interpreted.
• Developer-friendly: APIs can be consumed with minimal effort/cost.
Especially for the API in this Map, the division and position of the APIs also follow the
distinct organization principles, as follows:
• Each API belongs to one or several Level 0 domains rooted in TMF Information Framework (SID)
• The domain of the API is determined by the relevant Information Framework ABE which is the base
of the main resource of that API.
o If there are multiple Information Framework ABE entities which are depended by one API
resource, the main Information Framework ABE is chosen according to the degree of
correlation between Information Framework ABE and API resource.
o If there are multiple Information Framework ABE entities which are depended by one API
resource, and the Information Framework ABE entities have same degree of importance
for this API resource, such API should be placed in all relevant domains.

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o The relationship between API and Information Framework will still be verified via business
process (As shown in Chapter 4, this will be done in the future).
• The existing published TMF API is expected to keep as it is currently. Any change to the existing APIs
should be discussed and agreed.
• The API should contain the tightly-related resources for the same purpose. The loose-coupled
resources need to be divided into different API.
• The purpose of API and exposed resources in the API should not be duplicated.

2.3. Consistency with API Catalog

The API Catalog is regarded as the unique representation of TM Forum APIs for the
members to trace all the APIs which has been confirmed by API Governance Board.
This Map keeps the consistent information with the API Catalog, but it contains the levels
and detailed descriptions for those API. Additionally, the map provides the landscape for
the API evolution. It also gives the examples for the usage of APIs to help the members to
understand and apply them.

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3. Hierarchy of the API & Resource Map

The TMF APIs can be related to all other TMF frameworks, in that they:
- Are typically entity-centric, manipulating a primary resource that can be found in TMF
Information Framework, an Information view of the API’s
- Play a part in (potentially a number of) business processes from TMF-BPF (eTOM), a Business
Process view of the API’s
- Can be exposed by a normalized endpoint application or application-domain described by
TMF-TAM, an Application view of the API’s

You can therefore consider the API Map as a central catalog with a number of framework-centric views,
expressed as mappings into that catalog.
Multiple views of the API Map are required to address different concerns and to represent different
The Information view of the API Map shows the API and API resources mapped to the Information
Framework data domains and ABE’s. This is useful to understand what data is managed through which API’s.
The Business Process view of the API Map shows the API’s in business context. This is useful to understand
how API’s are used to support the business processes of an organisation.
The ‘Information view’ of the API Map is organized in multiple levels:
- Level 0: the standard Frameworx business domains
- Level 1: The main TM Forum APIs, typically the primary resource, and aligned to TMF Information
Framework ABEs.
- Level 2: the component resources exposed within the API.

3.1. Level 0 Map

The general business capabilities are divided according to SID domain:

Marketing/Sales The Market/Sales domain supports the sales and marketing activities needed to
gain business from customers and potential customers.
Product The Product domain is concerned with the lifecycle of products offered to and
procured by customers.
Customer The Customer domain represents individuals or organizations that obtain
products from an enterprise, such as a service provider. It represents of all
types of contact with the customer, the management of the relationship, and
the administration of customer data.
Service The Service Domain is concerned with the definition, development, and
operational aspects of Services used to realize offerings to the market.
Resource The Resource domain is concerned with the definition, development, and
operational aspects of the applications, computing, and networks which
represent the infrastructure of an enterprise.
Engaged Party The Engaged Party domain encompasses planning of strategies for Engaged
Parties, handling of all types of contact with Engaged Parties, the management
of the relationship, and the administration of Engaged Parties data. I

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Enterprise The Enterprise domain provides support and sets policy for the overall business,
enterprise or Service Provider. It also includes activities that are common to all
enterprises across all industries such as accounting and human resource
Common The common domain is of different nature from the above defined ones as the
processes, information data and applications described there do not necessarily
have relationships.

Figure 1 – Level 0 Map

3.2. Level 1 Map

Level 1 is the main TM Forum APIs and aligned to TMF-Information Framework ABEs.
Each level-0 part in the API Map shall contain the APIs which are based on the enterprise business
operation requirements.

An API can contain a group of API resources which are aggregated to accomplish the same business
purpose. API resource is mapped in Level 2 of the API Map.

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The legend of the API status is as the following:

Figure 2 – Level 1 Map

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Meaning of the status:

 “Current” : The API has been published with approved specification.
 “Planned”: The API has the draft specification which is still under reviewing of the stakeholders.
 “Future”: The API is recognized as useful, but no specification has been accepted by the API
Governance board to start the reviewing.
 “Deprecated”: The API has been once published. However, it is replaced by other new API or
become not required.

1) Product Ordering API, SLA API, Activation and Configuration, , Payment Management API appear in
multiple domains due to the Information Framework mapping relationship.
2) “Address” API will be renamed as “Geographic Address”

3.2.1. Level 1 Map – Current & Deprecated API’s

The following is a view of all existing TMF APIs:

Figure 3 - API Map Level 1 (Current/Existing & Deprecated)

Note: Product Ordering API, SLA API, Activation and Configuration API appear in multiple domains
due to the SID mapping relationship.

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To date, the TM Forum Open Digital API has delivered or started defining the following APIs:

- Billing Management API

The Billing Management API provides standardized mechanisms for billing account, bill item
and settlement note advice management either in B2B or B2B2C contexts. It allows creation,
update and retrieval of a billing account either in a B2B2C relationship context (creation of
mass market customer billing account within a “Billing on Behalf of” process for example) or
in a B2B context (creation of a billing account for a partner or B2B customer). It allows also
creation and query of bill items allowing partners or B2B customer to check their invoice. In
addition, it allows notification of settlement note advice to partners who can, then, query it.
There are plans to improve the billing management API. For 16.5 everything is going to stay
as it is in the billing domain.

- Promotion API
Promotion is the online incentive which provides discount, gift or other substantial
stimulation to encourage more consumption according to the purchased offering.

- Shopping Cart API

This API provides a shopping cart which is used for the temporarily selection and reservation of
offerings in e-commerce and retail purchase.

- Product Ordering API

The Product Ordering API provides a standardized mechanism for placing a product order with all of
the necessary order parameters. The API consists of a simple set of operations that interact with
CRM/Order negotiation systems in a consistent manner. A product order is created based on a
product offering that is defined in a catalog. The product offering identifies the product or set of
products that are available to a customer, and includes characteristics such as pricing, product
options and market.

The product order references the product offering and identifies any specific requests made by the

- Product Catalog Management API

The Product Catalog Management API allows the management of the entire lifecycle of the catalog
elements, the consultation of catalog elements during several processes such as ordering process,
campaign management and sales management.

- Loyalty Management API

A loyalty program product specification is a detailed description of a loyalty program made available
externally in the form of a Loyalty Product to Loyalty Program Members. A loyalty program product
specification defines one or more Loyalty Rules that have to be checked in order to identify the
actions to apply

- Trouble Ticket API

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The Trouble Ticket API provides a standardized client interface to Trouble Ticket Management
Systems for creating, tracking and managing trouble tickets among partners as a result of an issue or
problem identified by a customer or another system. Examples of Trouble Ticket API clients include
CRM applications, network management or fault management systems, or other trouble ticket
management systems (e.g. B2B).

The API supports the ability to send requests to create a new trouble ticket specifying the nature and
severity of the trouble as well as all necessary related information. The API also includes mechanisms
to search for and update existing trouble tickets. Notifications are defined to provide information
when a ticket has been updated, including status changes. A basic set of states of a trouble ticket has
been specified to handle ticket lifecycle management.

- SLA Management API

The SLA API provides a standardized interface for SLA life cycle Management (SLA Negotiation, SLA
configuration SLA Activation/enforcement, SLA Operations, SLA violation / consequence handling,
SLA reporting) between a Customer and a Service Provider which provides offers (product with
attached SLA in its catalog) the customer can discover, browse, trigger and order.

It also will be also useful in a multi-partner environment where exchanging SLA is needed in order to
allow rapid and efficient SLA life cycle management across partners’ environment. From SLA
perspective, duties and rights are assigned to each actor & associated roles mainly in the case where
a service is composed of various components brought by different partners within federation or / and
syndication models.

- Performance Management API

The Performance Management API provides standardized mechanism for performance management
such as creation, partial or full update and retrieval of the resources involved in performance
management (Measurement Production Job, Measurement Collection Job, and Ad hoc Collection). It
allows also notification of events related to performance.

- Customer Management API

The Customer Management API provides standardized mechanism for customer and customer
account management, such as creation, update, retrieval, deletion and notification of events.

Customer can be a person, an organization or another service provider who buys products from an
enterprise. Customer management API allows management of identification and financial
information about him.

- Party Management API

The Party Management API provides standardized mechanism for party management such as
creation, update, retrieval, deletion and notification of events.

Party can be an individual or an organization that has any kind of relation with the enterprise.

Party is created to record individual or organization information before the assignment of any role.

For example, within the context of a split billing mechanism, Party management API allows creation
of the individual or organization that will play the role of 3rd party payer for a given offer and, then,
allows retrieval or update of their information.

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- Usage Management API

The Usage management API provides standardized mechanism for usage management such as
creation, update, retrieval, import and export of a collection of usages.

This API will be extended to include more services relevant to usage charging.

Usage API manages both rated and non-rated usage.

For example, Usage API allows a service provider:

• To retrieve usage generated by a partner service platform in order to rate it,
• To provide rated usage to a partner for consumption follow up purposes.

- Product Inventory Management API

The Product Inventory API provides standardized mechanism for product inventory management
such as creation, partial or full update and retrieval of the representation of a product in the
inventory. It also allows the notification of events related to product lifecycle.
For example, product inventory API can be used to retrieve products owned by a customer or update
the status of an installed product.

- Activation and Configuration API

The Activation and Configuration API allows the user to retrieve, create, update, delete services and
retrieve the monitor resource used to monitor the execution of asynchronous requests on specific

- Privacy Management API

The Privacy Management API provides the management for the customer privacy information and

- Onboarding Management API

It provides standardized mechanisms for managing an onboarding process. The intention for
onboarding process in the Digital Ecosystem is to have a lightweight approach similar to an end-user
signing-on to terms and conditions for downloadable applications. The interface will provide
onboarding that identifies that a new API would be needed to automate the onboarding process. The
onboarding of the “Party”, the role can be Partner, Supplier, Developer, etc. The onboarding of the
“Services” could be product offerings.

- Agreement Management API

This API provides standardized mechanism for managing agreements, especially in the context on
partnerships between partners.

- Service Qualification API

Service Qualification API is one of the Pre-Ordering Management APIs. Service Qualification API goal
is to provide service availability at Customer location.

- Appointment API

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The Appointment API is one of the Pre-Ordering Management APIs. The appointment API provides a
standardized mechanism to book an appointment with all the necessary appointment characteristics.
First, the API consists in searching free slots based on parameters, as for example a party. Then, the
appointment is created. The appointment has characteristics such as nature of appointment, place of

- Quote API

The Quote API is one of the Pre-Ordering Management APIs. The customer Quote API provides a
standardized mechanism for placing a customer quote with all of the necessary quote parameters.

- Prepay Balance Management API

Prepay Balance Management API manages the balance, recharge (top-up) and transfer resources.

- Service Quality Management API

This API provides Quality Management for the certain service. It enables easy integration of Service
Quality Management applications and client applications within the Digital Eco-system, where
Service Quality Management application may reside in one enterprise and client applications may be
in multiple other Enterprises.

- Service Test Management API

This API provides test procedure for the certain service. The Service Test API provides a standardized
mechanism for placing a service test with all of the necessary test parameters.

- Change Management API

This API provides the control mechanism for the change of the service. Change Management process
is to respond to the customer’s changing business requirements while maximizing value and reducing
incidents, disruption and network. The Change Management API provides the standard integration
capabilities between external applications and Change Management Application.

- Service Catalog API

This API allows the management of the entire lifecycle of the catalog elements, the consultation of
catalog elements during service processes.

- Service Inventory

The Service Inventory API can be used to query the service instances for a customer via Self Service
Portal or the Call Centre operator can query the service instances on behalf of the customer while a
customer may have a complaint or a query.

- Service Ordering API

The Service Ordering API provides a standardized mechanism for placing a service order with all of
the necessary order parameters. It allows users to create, update & retrieve Service Orders and
manages related notifications.

- Resource Ordering API

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This API provides the order implementation on the resource to change or allocate the resource to
meet the request of product order and service order.

- Resource Function Activation& Configuration API

This API is to be used for provisioning of components in support of cloud services. The components
may be virtualized or physical.

- Service Problem Management API

This SPM API is used for the service providers (Defined as the Middle B) to manage the service
problems in their service area. Service problem is generated based on the information declared by
Middle B or the event information notified from infrastructure providers (Defined as the First B) who
provide the infrastructure of cloud or network.

- Resource Catalog API

The Resource Catalog Management API REST specification allows the management of the entire
lifecycle of the Resource Catalog elements, the consultation of resource catalog elements during
several processes such as ordering process, campaign management, and sales management.

- Document Management API

It provides the operations to synchronize documents and document versions across systems. It also
provides operations for uploading documents by Users as well as for viewing of documents online.

- Payment Methods API

This API supports the frequently-used payment methods for the customer to choose and pay the
usage, including voucher card, coupon and money transfer.

- Account Management API

The Account API provides standardized mechanism for the management of billing and
settlement accounts, as well as for financial accounting (account receivable) either in B2B or
B2B2C contexts.

- Party Role API

Party role is the basis data for the customer and partner. It is the business incarnation of the

- Partnership Type API

The Partnership Type API provides standardized mechanisms for creating partnership types.
It is one of the APIs involved in an onboarding process.

- User Roles and Permissions API

This API is used to manage the user account with which the customer or staff can log-in and
log-off the system and the permission for the user to enter or operate the special

- Entity Catalog Management API

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This API provides the capability to manage the entity catalog API. The catalog entity item
could be an entity, entity specification, product offering, service candidate, or resource
candidate that appears in an entity catalog.

- Federated ID Management API

This API covers the operations required to allow an application (for instance a selfcare mobile
app) request identity information about the individual that is making use of the functionality
provided by such application (the user), or in general to allow an application to request
identity related information about an individual to the system holding such identity

- Payment Management API

This API manages the payment action of the customer.

- Recommendation API
Recommendation API is used to recommend offering quickly based on the history and real-
time context of customer. It is a real-time and personalized recommendation API. It is usually
provided by e-commerce or BSS, CRM system in omni-channel.

- Customer Bill Management API

This API allows to find and retrieve one or several customer bills (also called invoices)
produced for a customer. A customer bill is an electronic or paper document produced at the
end of the billing process. The customer bill gathers and displays different items (applied
customer billing rates generated during the rating and billing processes) to be charged to a
customer. It represents a total amount due for all the products during the billing period and
all significant information like dates, bill reference. The API model support the needs for the
three basic billing types : postpaid periodical bill, postpaid real-time bill and prepaid real-time

This API provides also operations to find and retrieve the details of applied customer billing
rates presented on a customer bill.

And this API is also used to manage the creation request of a customer bill in real-time (on

- Product Offering Qualification API

Product Offering Qualification API is one of Pre-Ordering Management API Family. Product
Offering Qualification API goal is to provide Product Offering commercial eligibility. This API
allows to
• request a specific productOffering eligibility
• look for productOffering eligibles (or not) from a product category
• look for productOffering eligibles (or not) from a productspec description.

- Service Problem Management API

This SPM API is used for the service providers (Defined as the Middle B) to manage the
service problems in their service area.

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- Resource Inventory API

The intent of this API is to provide a consistent/standardized mechanism to query and
manipulate the Resource inventory.

- Alarm Management API

The Alarm Management API provides the standardized client interface to Alarm Management
systems for creating, tracking and managing alarms among partners. The interface supports
alarm management on both resources and services. The alarmed objects are not restricted to
any particular technology or a vendor, so the API can be used in a wide variety of fault
management cases.

- Resource Pool Management API

This Resource Pool management API provides feature of resource reservation at pre-order
phase. In order to reserve physical product, logical product, and virtual product, the API uses
the idea of resource pool.

- Party Interaction Management API

The Party Interaction Management API provides a mechanism to manage party interactions.
Creation, update and retrieval.

- Geographic Address API

The Geographic Address Management API provides a standardized client interface to an Address
management system.

- Geographic Site API

This API covers the operations to manage (create, read, delete) sites that can be associated to a
customer, an account, a service delivery or other entities.

This API defines a Site as a convenience class that allows to easily refer to places important to other
entities, where a geographic place is the entity that can answer the question “where?”, allowing to
determine where things are in relation to the earth's surface, and can be represented either in a
textual structured way (geographic address) or as a geometry referred to a spatial reference system
(geographic location).

- Geographic Location API

A Geographic Location is a point, a surface or a volume defined by geographic point(s). These points
should be associated with accuracy and a spatial reference.

The geographic location API provides a standardized client interface to a location management

- Communication API

It provides a standardized mechanism for Communication management such as creation, update,

retrieval, deletion and notification of the system communication events.

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Communication message means a notification approach in the format of a message which can be
dispatched (sent) to the certain user by the system with the content which can be felt and
understood by the recipient. The user can be either a final customer or a customer service agent. The
message can reach the customer in different interaction channels, including: email, short message,
mobile app notification (push).

Communication API performs the following operation on the resource of “Communication Message”.
There are two types of operations provided in this API. One is the management of the request
message body. Another is for sending the communication message to the customer.

- Usage Consumption API

The usage consumption API allow to view at a given point the balance and the consumption counters
of the various buckets (SMS, Voice, Data for example) that one or more user(s) consume with each of
his devices, according to the purchased offers and options.

A usage consumption report retrieves the data related to these balances and various consumption
counters and calculated at the time of the request by the server.

So, the API allows to retrieve usage consumption report with information about balances and
consumption counters for a given criteria: subscribed offer or option, a given device or a user for

- Performance Threshold API

The Performance Thresholding API provides a standardized client interface to Service and Resource
Performance Management Systems for manipulating (create/update/delete)
threshold/violation/exception rules. It enables alarms/notifications on exceptions and scheduling of
threshold/violation/exception evaluation.

The API supports the ability to define a Threshold as a set of rules that determine when to raise an
alarm and when to clear it for various severity levels. Correspondingly, for each rule used for raising
alarms, the expected alarm fields of the Threshold Crossing Alarm (TCA) can be set over the interface.
The API will support Performance Thresholds creation deletion and query.

- Shipment Tracking API

Telco companies often send goods to customers. Shipment information can be provided to them, so
they can be aware of when things were shipped and when they will arrive. Typically, Telco’s use
different delivery companies to deliver things on their behalf and this API intends to abstract the end
developers from that complexity by providing a single interface. A Shipment Tracking captures
information about the current status of the shipment, the past checkpoints and the estimated arrival
date. Via this API, tracking information can be retrieved by providing an order Id or the shipping
company’s tracking id.

3.2.2. Mapping between current TM Forum API and Information Framework

The mapping between the current TM Forum API and Information Framework ABE is described as the
table below. The above figure is made based on the mapping results. The policy is that any API will be
put in its main domain.

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If one API covers several domains besides Customer and Engaged Party together, the main domain
will be decided by the business. If one API covers Customer and Engaged Party together, the main
domain will be decided by the business also but generally Engaged Party is prior to Customer.

Information Framework Domain::L1 API L0

# API NAME(API) Resource (API)
ABE- Domain
Product Domain ::Product Offering
ABE :: Product catalog ABE
Category To be investigated
1. Product Catalog
Product Domain::Product Offering Product
Management API Product Offering
Product Domain::Product
Product Specification
Specification ABE
Inventory Product Product Domain::Product ABE Product
Management API
Customer Domain::Customer ABE
Billing Account Engaged Party Domain::Additional
Party Entities ABE
Customer Domain::Customer Bill
Customer Bill Format
Engaged Party Domain::Party
Revenue ABE
3. Billing Customer Domain::Customer Bill Customer
Management API
Customer Bill ABE
Presentation Media Engaged Party Domain::Party
Revenue ABE
Customer Domain::Applied
Customer Billing Rate ABE
Applied Billing Charge
Engaged Party Domain::Party
Revenue ABE
Settlement Note Advice To be investigated
4. Customer
Customer Customer Domain::Customer ABE Customer
Management API
5. Service Customer Domain:: Customer
Service Qualification Customer
Qualification API Order ABE
6. Quote Customer Domain:: Customer
Quote Customer
Management API Interaction ABE
Search Task N/A
Appointment API Customer
Common Domain::Calendar ABE
Balance To be investigated
Balance Top Up To be investigated
Bucket Balance To be investigated
8. Prepay Balance Accumulated Balance To be investigated
Management API Balance Adjustment To be investigated
Balance Activity To be investigated
Balance Reserve To be investigated
Balance Unreserve To be investigated

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Information Framework Domain::L1 API L0

# API NAME(API) Resource (API)
ABE- Domain
Balance Deduct To be investigated
Balance transfer To be investigated
Engaged Party Domain::Party Order
9. Product Ordering ABE Customer &
Product Order
Management API Customer Domain::Customer Order Engaged Party
Engaged Party Domain::Agreement
10. SLA Management SLA Resource Customer &
Customer Domain:: Customer
API Engaged Party
Service Level Agreement ABE
SLA Violation Resource N/A
Service Domain:: Service
Service Level Objective
11. Service Quality Performance ABE
Manage API Service Level Service Domain:: Service
Specification Performance ABE
12. Service Test Service Test Service Domain::Service Test ABE
Management API Service Test Specification Service Domain::Service Test ABE
13. Change
Change Request Engaged Party Domain:: Party Service
Management API
Order ABE
Service Domain:: Service
Service Catalog
Specification ABE
Service Domain:: Service
Service Category
14. Service Catalog Specification ABE
API Service Domain:: Service
Service Candidate
Specification ABE
Service Domain:: Service
Service Specification
Specification ABE
15. Service Inventory
Service Service Domain: Service ABE Service
16. Service Problem Service Domain::Service Problem
Service Problem Service
Management API ABE
17. Service Ordering
Service Order Service Domain::Service Order ABE Service
Service Service Domain::Service ABE
18. Activation and Service &
Resource(abstract) Resource Domain::Resource ABE
Configuration API Resource
Monitor N/A
19. Resource Resource Domain:: Resource Order
Resource Order Resource
Ordering API ABE
Resource Domain:: Resource
Resource Catalog
Catalog ABE
Resource Category No existing ABE for mapping
20. Resource Catalog
Resource Domain:: Resource Resource
API Resource Candidate
Specification ABE
Resource Domain:: Resource
Resource Specification
Specification ABE
Resource Domain:: Resource
21. Resource Resource Function
Specification ABE Resource
Resource Function/Heal Resource Domain:: Resource ABE

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Information Framework Domain::L1 API L0

# API NAME(API) Resource (API)
ABE- Domain
Activation & Resource Function/Scale Resource Domain:: Resource ABE
Configuration API Resource Function/
Resource Domain:: Resource ABE
22. Party Individual Engaged Party Domain::Party ABE
Engaged Party
Management API Organization Engaged Party Domain::Party ABE
Engaged Party Domain::Party
Party Privacy Profile
Privacy ABE
23. Privacy Engaged Party Domain::Party
Party Privacy Profile Type Engaged Party
Management API Privacy ABE
Engaged Party Domain::Party
Party Privacy Agreement
Privacy ABE
24. Onboarding Party Role Engaged Party Domain:: Party ABE
Engaged Party
Management API Partnership Type Engaged Party Domain:: Party ABE
25. Partnership Type
Partnership Type Engaged Party Domain:: Party ABE Engaged Party
Party Role API Party Role Engaged Party Domain:: Party ABE Engaged Party
Engaged Party Domain:: Agreement
27. Agreement ABE
Engaged Party
Management API Engaged Party Domain:: Agreement
Agreement Specification
Common Business Entities
Geographic Address
Domain::Location ABE
Geographic Address
To be studied
28. Geographic Common Business Entities
Area Common
Address API Domain::Location ABE
Common Business Entities
Domain::Location ABE
Common Business Entities
Street Segment
Domain::Location ABE
29. Trouble Ticket Common Business Entities
Ticket Resource Common
Management API Domain::Trouble Ticket ABE
30. Usage Common Business Entities
Usage Resource Common
Management API Domain::Usage ABE
Usage Specification Common Business Entities Common
Resource Domain::Usage ABE
Measurement Production Common Business Entities (Note:
Job Resource Domain::Performance ABE Performance
31. Performance Measurement Collection Common Business Entities ABE is in
Management API Job Resource Domain::Performance ABE Common
Ad-hoc Collection Common Business Entities Entity Domain
Resource Domain::Performance ABE in Information
32. Loyalty Loyalty Program Product
Product Domain::Loyalty ABE Product
Management Spec

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Information Framework Domain::L1 API L0

# API NAME(API) Resource (API)
ABE- Domain

Product Domain ::Product Offering
Promotion API Promotion Product
ABE::Product Promotion ABE
Customer Domain::Customer Order
34. Shopping Cart ABE
Shopping Cart Customer
API Engaged Party Domain :: Party
Order ABE
Common Business Entities:: User
35. User Roles & UserRole
and Roles ABE Common
Permission No existing ABE for mapping
Common Business Entities
Entity Catalog Domain ::Catalog ABE :: Entity
Catalog ABE
Category No existing ABE for mapping
Common Business Entities
Entity Catalog Item Domain ::Catalog ABE :: Entity
Catalog ABE
36. Entity Catalog Common Business Entities Common
Management Entity Specification Domain :: Root Business Entities
Common Business Entities
Association Domain :: Root Business Entities
Common Business Entities
Association Specification Domain :: Root Business Entities
Common Business Entities
37. Document Domain :: Root Business Entities
Document Common
Management API ABE
No existing ABE for Document itself
Engaged Party Domain :: Party
Voucher Revenue ABE :: Party Bill Collection
ABE :: Party Payment ABE
Engaged Party Domain :: Party
38. Payment
Card Payment Revenue ABE :: Party Bill Collection Engaged Party
Methods API
ABE :: Party Payment ABE
Engaged Party Domain :: Party
Money Transfer Revenue ABE :: Party Bill Collection
ABE :: Party Payment ABE
Engaged Party Domain:: Additional
Party Account
Party Entities ABE
Customer Domain::Customer ABE
Billing Account Engaged Party Domain::Additional
39. Account Party Entities ABE Engaged Party
Management API
Engaged Party Domain:: Party
Settlement Account Revenue ABE :: Party Settlement
ABE (preliminary)
Financial Account Enterprise Domain :: Finance ABE

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Information Framework Domain::L1 API L0

# API NAME(API) Resource (API)
ABE- Domain
Customer Domain::Customer Bill
Billing Cycle Specification
Engaged Party Domain::Party
Revenue ABE :: Party Bill ABE
Customer Domain::Customer Bill
Bill Format
Engaged Party Domain::Party
Revenue ABE :: Party Bill ABE
Customer Domain::Customer Bill
Bill Presentation Media
Engaged Party Domain::Party
Revenue ABE :: Party Bill ABE
Federated ID API User Info To be studied Customer
41. Alarm
Alarm Resource:: Resource Trouble ABE Resource
Management API
42. Resource Logical Resource Resource:: Resource ABE
Inventory API Physical Resource Resource:: Resource ABE
Common Business
Geographic Location Common
Entities::Location ABE
43. Geographic Retrieve Geographic
No existing ABE for mapping
Location API Location
Retrieve Location
No existing ABE for mapping
44. Geographic Site
Geographic Site
45. Communication Common Business Entities::
Communication Message Common
API Business Interaction ABE
Usage Consumption Product Domain :: Product ABE ::
46. Usage Report Usage Volume Product ABE
Consumption API Usage Consumption
Report Request
Common Business Entities
Measurement Collection
Domain :: Performance ABE
47. Performance Common Business Entities
Measurement Production Common
Threshold API Domain :: Performance ABE
Common Business Entities
Ad-hoc Collection
Domain :: Performance ABE
Customer Domain :: Customer Bill
Collection ABE::Customer Payment
Payment ABE
Engaged Party Domain:: Party Bill
48. Payment Collection ABE::Party Payment ABE Customer
Management Customer Domain :: Customer Bill Engaged Party
Collection ABE::Customer Payment
Refund ABE
Engaged Party Domain:: Party Bill
Collection ABE::Party Payment ABE

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Information Framework Domain::L1 API L0

# API NAME(API) Resource (API)
ABE- Domain
49. Product Offering Product Offering
To be studied Customer
Qualification Qualification
50. Resource Pool Reservation To be studied
Management API Resource Pool To be studied
51. Recommendation Product Domain::Product Offering
Recommendation Product
API ABE (partial)
52. Shipment
Shipment Tracking To be studied Common
Tracking API
Customer Domain::Applied
Applied Customer Billing Customer Billing Rate ABE
Rate Engaged Party Domain::Party
Revenue ABE
53. Customer Domain::Customer Bill
Customer Bill API Customer
Customer Bill
Engaged Party Domain::Party
Revenue ABE
Customer Bill On
No existing ABE for mapping
Common Business Entities
Party Interaction Party Interaction Domain :: Business Interaction ABE Engaged Party

Note: Product Ordering API, SLA API, Activation and Configuration, Payment Management API appear
in multiple domains due to the Information Framework mapping relationship.

3.2.3. Level 1 Map – Planned & Future API’s

The following is a view of all the potential business APIs Level 1 Map that briefly describes
each resource for the potential business API. In the years hereafter, those API definitions
will be further explored and the efforts to build them are encouraged fully for all the
Note: More details about the future API shall be supplemented when the API is confirmed.
Currently the brief descriptions of those APIs are given in this chapter for understanding.

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Figure 4 - API Map Level 1 (Planned &Future)

Here lists the APIs which have been planned in TM Forum and the proposed APIs which could be
used to fill in the unfinished area in API Map.

This list is the guide for the API development in the future. The details of these APIs are expected to
be found in the separate API specification.

- Marketing API
This API is used to manage the campaign to represent the carrier-initiated marketing activity
which aims at the better recognition about its brand and offerings by the market.
- Sales Management API
This API provides interfaces for Sales Lead, Sales Opportunity, Sales Quote and the other
management capabilities to support the sales activities to build relationship with the
prospect customer who could be a person or organization that has an interest in the goods
and/or services and possibly become the actual customers with one or more Subscriptions.
- Sales Organization Management API
Provides the management capability for sales organization. The structure of a sales
organization identifies how an organizations sales department is organized in order facilitate
the organizations sales growth.

- Product Stock Management API

This API checks availability of products in stock, and provides adjustment, reservation for the stock.

- Customer Preference API
It provides the capabilities to manage the customers’ preference for their information access
and control, including permission and profile.

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- Customer 360 View

This API helps to have a full analysis of customer.

- Digital Service Management API
Provides the management capabilities to manage the operating lifecycle of digital services –
i.e. it exposes a simple “Operations API” defined in the “Digital Services Reference
Architecture (DSRA)”. This includes the endpoints to manage the lifecycle of a digital service
and their state and to manage alarms, SLAs, thresholds and related metrics in the context of
application delivered and consumed through digital channels

- Topology API

This API is used to support application to have an up to date and accurate view of the topology and
the vertexes and edges required to provide the service. At the same time, topology API could be used
to feed other applications for value-adding – such as a layer network view for provisioning, or a
vertical slice for assurance.
- Retail Premise API
This API is the management of the enterprise routine tasks, including project, purchase order
and retail premises information enquiry.
- Workforce Management API
This API manages work force which supports and execute the manual work that can be sent
to a workforce staff team to process.

- Customer Insight API
This API is the statistics and business intelligence capabilities for the enterprise data.
- Project API
It is the management of internal enterprise project.
- Event Management

Event is any of the action triggered by the human or the system which requires the notification to the
other system.
- Experience Management

Experience is the data and their impact which reflect the feeling of the user of the system. Based on
the experience, the user can give judgment to the system about its usability.

3.2.4. Mapping between planned/future TM Forum API and Information Framework

The mapping between the planned and future TM Forum API and Information Framework ABE is
described as the table below.

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API Information Framework

# Resource (API) API L0 Domain
NAME(API) Domain::L1 ABE-

1. Marketing Market/Sales Domain::

Marketing resource Market/Sales
API Marketing Campaign ABE

Market/Sales Domain::
Sales Lead
Contact/Lead/Prospect ABE
Market/Sales Domain::
Sales Opportunity
Contact/Lead/Prospect ABE
Management Sales Task N/A Market/Sales
Market/Sales Domain::
Sales Account
Contact/Lead/Prospect ABE
Market/Sales Domain::
Sales Partner Account
Contact/Lead/Prospect ABE
3. Organization Sales Channel Market/Sales Domain:: Sales
Management Management Channel ABE
Product Stock No existing ABE for mapping
Product Stock
4. Product Stock
Management No existing ABE for mapping Product
Product Stock
No existing ABE for mapping

Customer Customer Preference Customer::Customer ABE

Preference Customer
API Customer Permission No existing ABE for mapping

6. Customer 360
Customer 360 View Customer::Customer ABE Customer
View API
Digital Service
Management Digital Service Service ::Service ABE Service
8. Common Business Entities
Topology API N/A Resource
Domain :: Topology ABE

9. Purchase
Purchase Order Engaged Party Domain :: Party EngagedParty
Order API
Order ABE
10. Retail Enterprise Domain:: Enterprise
Retail Premise Enterprise
Premise API Effectiveness ABE
11. Enterprise Domain ::Workforce
Management Work Order Enterprise
12. Common Business Entities
Project API Project Common
Domain:: Project ABE
13. Customer Check Customer Credit Engaged Party Domain ::
Insight API Rating Additional Party Entities ABE

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API Information Framework

# Resource (API) API L0 Domain
NAME(API) Domain::L1 ABE-
Common Business Entities
Domain:: Performance ABE
Customer Insight
Engaged Party Domain :: Party
ABE :: Party Profile ABE
14. Event Common Business Entities
NA Common
Management Domain:: Event ABE
15. Experience
NA No existing ABE for mapping Common

3.3. Level 2 Map

Level 2 shows the API which inherits from the current TM Forum API or extends on the base of TM
Forum API.

The legend in the Level 2 diagram is as:

Figure 5 – Legend

3.3.1. API in Marketing/Sales

Figure 6- API in Marketing/Sales

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The list of APIs in this portion is as follows:

- Marketing API
 Marketing Campaign (as API resource)
Campaign represents the carrier-initiated marketing activity which aims at the better
recognition about its brand and offerings by the market.

- Sales Management API

 Sales Lead (as API resource)
A Sales Lead is the identification of a person or organization that has an interest in the goods
and/or services provided in the prospect of them becoming Customers with one or more
 Sales Opportunity (as API resource)
Sales Opportunity is an 'opportunity' to generate revenue from a Sales Account or Sales Lead.
Opportunities are the pending deals that need to be tracked and on which Sales Team plans
and executes Sales Activities (Events and Tasks). Opportunities build the “pipeline” that will
contribute to sales forecasts and planning.
 Sales Account (as API resource)
The Sales Team within the operator or its partners opens a Sales Account for the potential
customer on behalf of a Party. At this point the Party may be new to the Service Provider or
the partner as a Sales Lead in which case they have the role of Prospect or may be an existing
Customer. The Sales Account and associated Sales Opportunity form the basis around which
sales activities are focused.
 Sales Partner Account (as API resource)
It provides a capability for a consumer to search for and return the set of Sales Partner
Account (the potential customer managed by the partner) records that match the supplied
criteria in the request.
 Sales Task (as API resource)
A Sales Task represents a business activity such as making a phone call or other to-do items.
It can define and track activities for many different objects, including campaigns, accounts,
contacts, and leads. An example of a Sales Task would be Manager scheduling a Task for an
Assignee to make a call to the contact lead of a Sales Lead at a given time.
- Sales Organization Management API
 Sales Channel Management (as API resource)
It provides the management capability for sales channels and organization which execute
sales activities.

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3.3.2. API in Product

Figure 7 – API in Product

The list of APIs in this portion is as follows:

- Product Catalog API

 Catalog (as API resource)
Catalog is a collection of Product Offerings, intended for a specific Distribution Channel,
enhanced with additional information such as SLA parameters, invoicing and shipping detail.
 Category (as API resource)
The category resource is used to group product offerings, service and resource candidates in
logical containers. Categories can contain other categories and/or product offerings, resource
or service candidates.
 Product Offering (as API resource)
The Product Offering resource represents entities that are orderable from the provider of the
catalog, this resource includes pricing information
Product Offering in a Product Catalog combines pricing and availability information with
Product Specifications that describe the relationships between Products, the Services used to
realize the Products and the Resources they require.
 Product Specification (as API resource)
Product Specification Resource is a detailed description of a tangible or intangible object
made available externally in the form of a Product Offering to customers or other parties
playing a party role.

- Loyalty Management API

 Loyalty Program Product Specification (as API resource)
A loyalty program product specification is a detailed description of a loyalty program made
available externally in the form of a Loyalty Product to Loyalty Program Members. A loyalty
program product specification defines one or more Loyalty Rules that have to be checked in
order to identify the actions to apply

- Product Inventory Management API

 Product (as API resource)

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Product attributes are its identifier, name, description, status, related product offering,
characteristics, specification, related billing account and parties, location, realized service and
price information

- Promotion API
 Promotion (as API resource)
Promotion is the online incentive which provides discount, gift or other substantial
stimulation to encourage more consumption according to the purchased offering.
- Recommendation API
 Recommendation (as API resource)
Recommendation is a type of automated (typically, conditional) system action to determine
which products offerings to be presented as up-sells, cross-sells, and related products to each
customer segment based on customer and session specific information. The design-time
offers, and product recommendations may come from Marketing and Catalog. The run-time
evaluation and presentment will be executed with contextual/session information. Normally,
it supports the recommendation of the offer which is proper for the customer, provides Up-
sell and cross-sell based on contextual and catalog rules.

- Product Stock Management API

 Product Stock(as API resource)
The Product Stock service provides the capability for consumers to search for the stock levels
and configuration of one or various Product Offering within Retail Premises (Store) or Storage
Premises (Warehouse or Depot).
The service supports the Inventory Management systems within Vodafone and forms part of
the supply chain from Suppliers and Partners to get goods and services to a Point Of Sale for
Customers involved in the selling processes.
 Product Stock Adjustment(as API resource)
The Product Stock Adjustment service is an "Entity" service that provides a capability for
consumers to sync stock levels in case a change is necessary in the Store Inventory
Management (SIM) system. It will query the stock level at a particular location and adjust it,
which includes notifying and synching the stock level with Retail or Storage (Warehouse or
Depot) Premises.
The service keeps the record of a change to the quantity of Product Stock for reasons other
than stock receipt, stock dispatch or sale. Thus, Product Stock Adjustment may cover short
shipment and shrinkage cases, like theft or wastage.
 Product Stock Reservation(as API resource)
The Product Stock Reservation service provides the capability for consumers to reserve a
defined quantity of stock (physical Product Offerings at a retail Premises or Warehouse) for a
sales order and remove that quantity from the available stock.

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3.3.3. API in Customer

Figure 8 – API in Customer

Note: Product Ordering API, SLA API appear in multiple domains due to the Information Framework
mapping relationship.

The list of APIs in this portion is as follows:

- Customer Management API

 Customer (as API resource)
Customer represents a person or organization that buys products and services from the
enterprise or receives free offers or services.
- Appointment API
 Appointment (as API resource)
An appointment is a meeting with several persons, in one place, in order to do an action (an
intervention, a sale …). This action has a root, for example a trouble ticket.
 Search Task (as API resource)
This task resource is used to look for free slots before booking an appointment (cf.

- Product Ordering API

 Product Order (as API resource)
It provides a standardized mechanism for placing a product order with all of the necessary
order parameters. The API consists of a simple set of operations that interact with
CRM/Order negotiation systems in a consistent manner. A product order is created based on
a product offering that is defined in a catalog. The product offering identifies the product or

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set of products that are available to a customer, and includes characteristics such as pricing,
product options and market.
- Product Offering Qualification API
 Product Offering qualification (as API resource)
It checks whether the offering can be delivered to a specific location.
Service provider execute Product-Offering Qualification task to get the customer location
Feasibility include Commercial and Technical eligibility.
- Payment Management
 Payment (as API resource)
The Payment resource represents a performed payment. It contains both information about
the payment and the payment method used to perform it. That information could be used
for reconciliation purposes with payment gateways, to centralize information of several
payment gateways in a single place, to keep track of payment methods used in case refunds
must be made, etc.
 Refund (as API resource)
Operations over refund resource are expected to be performed by a privileged user/system
(such as an admin)
- Customer Bill API
 Customer Bill(as API resource)
A billing account is a detailed description.
The customer bill is linked to one or more documents that can be downloaded via a provided
 Applied Customer Billing Rate
A customer bill displays applied billing rates created before or during the billing process
 Customer Bill On Demand
This resource is used to manage the creation request of a customer bill in real-time (on
- Shopping Cart API
 Shopping Cart (as API resource)
The shopping cart is widely used for the temporarily selection and reservation of offerings in
e-commerce and retail purchase.
- Quote Management API
 Quote (as API resource)
It provides a mechanism for placing a customer quote based on a product offer in a catalog
It identifies available product to a customer w/ pricing, product options and agreement
- Prepay Balance Management API
 Bucket Balance (as API resource)
The Bucket Balance resource represents and tracks the amount remained or owed for a
certain type of service by certain customer. The balance is associated to a specific product or
reference to a product (i.e.: a commercial id such as an msisidn) and a service type .This
resource covers the main attributes defined in class CustomerAccountBalance defined in SID
(validFor, remainedAmount).
 Accumulated Balance(as API resource)
The Accumulated Balance resource represents and tracks the aggregated amount remained
or owed in certain account which is owned by certain customer for a set of buckets. This is an
optional resource that may be useful to allow a consumer understand the specific balance for

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a given service/product, aggregating all the buckets that hold balance for that service (e.g.:
acquired by the customer, offered for free as a promotion by the operator, granted by
another customer, ….) without requesting one by one the balance in all the buckets and then
perform the addition.
 Balance Top up Request (as API resource)
The resource is a detailed description of a recharge operation requested over a subscription.
 Balance Transfer Request (as API resource)
The resource is a detailed description of credit transfer operation requested between two
 Balance Adjustment Request (as API resource)
The resource is a detailed description of credit adjustment operation performed on a given
 Balance Activity(as API resource)
The Balance Activity resource is a detailed description of a specific balance-related action
that has happened over a given bucket balance. Typically, a recharge/transfer/adjustment
request creates one activity, but a request for an auto-top-up operation actually triggers
multiple periodic balance-related activities.
 Balance Reserve Operation(as API resource)
The Balance Reserve Operation resource is a detailed description of a balance reserve
operation requested over a bucket (defined by a specific product or reference to a product
(i.e.: a commercial id such as an msisidn) and a service type)
 Balance Unreserve Operation(as API resource)
The Balance Unreserve Operation resource is a detailed description of a balance unreserve
operation requested over a product
 Balance Deduct(as API resource)
The Balance Deduct task resource is a detailed description of deduction operation. If
balanceReserve Resource ID is contained in the deduct request message, the reserved
balance will be performed deduct operation (if part of the reserved balance is deducted, the
remaining amount will be released); if balanceReserve Resource ID is not contained in the
deduct request message, the balance will be deducted directly.

- Customer Preference API

 Customer Permission (as API resource)
The Customer Permission service is an "Entity" service that provides capabilities to store and
manage the set of Permissions configured by a Party in the Role of Customer.
 Customer Preference (as API resource)
The Customer Preference service is an "Entity" service that provides capabilities to store and
manage the set of Preferences configured by a Party in the Role of Customer.

- Customer 360 View API

The customer 360° view interface allows finding and retrieving the main information
regarding the customer. A customer view gathers different information to be presented to a
user or the customer himself. This interface is designed in order to be consumed by any kind
of front end which need to present a customer view.
In order to build a customer 360°View, the following information can be retrieved:

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 Individual or organization information,

 Contact medium: mail, telephone, …,
 Product order,
 Product : offers subscribed by the customer,
 Customer problem,
 Interaction : inbound and outbound contact,
 Customer bill,
 Usage

- Bill Management API

 Billing Account (as API resource)
A billing account is a detailed description of a customer’s bill structure.
 Customer Bill Format (as API resource)
A detailed description of the way in which a customer’s bill is presented.
 Customer Billing Cycle Specification (as API resource)
It is a detailed description of when to initiate a billing cycle and the various sub steps of a
billing cycle.
 Customer Bill Presentation Media (as API resource)
It is a means of communicating a Customer Bill, supported by the associated bill format. For
example, post mail, email, and web page.
 Applied Customer Billing Charge (as API resource)
It includes the bill amount, usually of money, for which a person or an organization is
financially liable.
 Settlement Note Advice (as API resource)
The settlement is about transferring money receiving by a partner to another partner. The
settlement is notified to the partner with a settlement note advice containing details in
settlement lines.
- SLA Management API
 Service Level Agreement (SLA) (as API resource)
The SLA API provides a standardized interface for SLA life cycle Management (SLA
Negotiation, SLA configuration, SLA Activation/enforcement, SLA Operations, SLA reporting)
between a Customer and a Service Provider which provides offers (product with attached SLA
in its catalog) the customer can discover, browse, trigger and order.
 SLA Violation (as API resource)
It is about SLA violation / consequence handling.
- Federated ID API
 Userinfo (as API resource)
The Userinfo resource represents a class that allows to define identity related information of
an individual (i.e.: a Party).

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3.3.4. API in Service

Figure 9 – API in Service

Note: Activation and Configuration API appears in multiple domains due to the Information
Framework mapping relationship.

The list of APIs in this portion is as follows:

- Activation and configuration API
 Service (as API resource)
Services may be the process to support the accomplishment of sales or customer request,
normally it requires human handled work. It can be activated or configured by the Activation
and Configuration API.
 Monitor (as API resource)
This is to monitor the activation progress.
 Resource (abstract) (as API resource)
It is to describe the common set of attributes shared by all concrete resource (e.g. cross-
connect, shelf). The abstract Resource collection is a container or collection for all the
“concrete” resources.

- Service Ordering API

 Service Order (as API resource)
Service order composed of order lines (order Items):
- Line “1”: Ordering of a new simple Service that needs a physical delivery place and an
appointment to be delivered
- Line “2”: Modification of a characteristic value of an already owned Service, and change the
user associated to this Service

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- Line “3”: Ordering of a new simple Service that needs (is supported by) another already
owned Service

- Service Catalog API

 Service Catalog (as API resource)

The root entity for catalog management.

 Service Category (as API resource)

The category resource is used to group service candidates in logical containers.

 Service Candidate (as API resource)

A Service Candidate is an entity that makes a Service Specification available to a catalog. A Service
Candidate and its associated Service Specification may be published - made visible - in any number of
Service Catalogs, or in none.
 Service Specification (as API resource)

Service Specification is a class for representing a generic means for implementing a particular type of

- Service Inventory API

 Service (as API resource)

Service is an abstract base class for defining the Service hierarchy. All Services are characterized as
either being possibly visible and usable by a Customer or not. This gives rise to the two subclasses of
Service: Customer Facing Service and Resource Facing Service.

- Service Problem Management API

 Service Problem (as API resource)
Service problem is generated based on the information declared by Middle B or the event
information notified from infrastructure providers (Defined as the First B) who provide the
infrastructure of cloud or network.
- Service Qualification Management API
 Service Qualification (as API resource)
Service Qualification API is used to perform a technical eligibility. It allows to retrieve a list of
services that are technically available in the context of the interaction (place, party, service

- Digital Service Management API

 Digital Service (as API resource)

This digital service is a kind of service that managed in this API.

- Service Test Management API

 Service Test (as API resource)

A service test specification describes the service test in terms of parameters to be configured and
measures to be taken.
 Service Test Specification (as API resource)

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A service test is an entity that exists that exists for a controlled test invocation on a service. The
service test is executed according to a schedule and contains service test configuration parameters
that are to be applied at execution time, and service test measures that result.

- Change Management API

 Change Request (as API resource)

Change Management process is to respond to the customer’s changing business requirements while
maximizing value and reducing incidents, disruption and network. The Change Management API
provides the standard integration capabilities between external applications and Change
Management Application. The API consists of a simple set of operations that interact with Change
Request in a consistent manner. A Change Request is an IT service management discipline. The
objective of change management in this context is to ensure that standardized methods and
procedures are used for efficient and prompt handling of all changes to control IT infrastructure and
Network, in order to minimize the number and impact of any related incidents upon service.

- Service Quality Management API

 Service Level Objective (as API resource)

Service level objective is the quality goal for a Service Level Specification defined in terms of
parameters and metrics, thresholds, and tolerances associated with the parameters.
 Service Level Specification (as API resource)

A service level specification is a pre-defined or negotiated set of Service Level Objectives, and
consequences that occur, if the objectives are not met.

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3.3.5. API in Resource

Figure 10 – API in Resource

Note: Activation and Configuration API appears in multiple domains due to the Information
Framework mapping relationship.

The list of APIs in this portion is as follows:

- Activation and configuration API

Note: the description for this API is same as the API in “Service” domain
- Resource Function Activation & Configuration API
 Resource Function (as API resource)
A network service that is composed from one or many virtual or physical network functions.
 Resource Function /Heal (as API resource)
Task resource used to request heal of the network service
 Resource Function /Scale (as API resource)
Task resource used to request scale of the network service
 Resource Function /Migrate (as API resource)
Task resource used to request migration of the network service

- Resource Catalog API

 Resource Catalog (as API resource)

The root entity for catalog management.

 Resource Category (as API resource)

The category resource is used to group service candidates in logical containers.

 Resource Candidate (as API resource)

A Resource Candidate: Is an entity that makes a Resource Specification available to a catalog.

 Resource Specification (as API resource)

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A Resource Specification is an abstract base class for representing a generic means for implementing
a particular type of Resource. In essence, a Resource Specification defines the common attributes
and relationships of a set of related Resources, while Resource defines a specific instance that is
based on a particular Resource Specification.

- Resource Ordering API

 Resource Order (as API resource)

A Resource order composed of 3 order lines (orderItems):

- Line “1”: Ordering of a new simple Resource that needs a physical delivery place and an
appointment to be delivered.
- Line “2”: Modification of a characteristic value of an already owned Resource, and change
the user associated to this Resource.
- Line “3”: Ordering of a new simple Resource that needs (is supported by) another already
owned Resource (in this case for example a new Resource that relies on the owned mobile access
Resource to be installed).

- Alarm Management API

 Alarm (as API resource)
The alarm contains information about a given alarm condition of an alarmed Managed
- Resource Inventory API
 Logical Resource (as API resource)
The Logical Resource is an “Entity” providing capabilities to update and retrieve sets of logical
recourses, for example, mobile number is one type of logical resource
 Physical Resource (as API resource)
The Physical Resource is an “Entity” providing capabilities to update and retrieve sets of
physical recourses allocated to the Service Provider by external 3rd party providers.

- Topology API
The resource of this API is not decided in this version.

- Resource Pool Management API

 Resource Pool Resource
Resource Pool can indicate total capacity, free capacity and used capacity of a resource and
it takes ownership to assign resource.
 Reservation Resource
It is used to reserve resources or resource capacity to be assigned / allocated from First B
Pool according to request from Middle B.
 Push TASK
Increases the size of the Pool by adding resources to the Middle B assignment Pool according
to the request of Middle B.
 Extract TASK
To reduces the size of the Pool by extracting resources of the Middle B assignment Pool
according to the request of Middle B.

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3.3.6. API in Engaged Party

Figure 11 – API in Engaged Party

Note: Product Ordering API, SLA API appear in multiple domains due to the Information Framework
mapping relationship.

The list of APIs in this portion is as follows:

- Party Interaction API
 Party Interaction (as API resource)
The party interaction resource is used for indicating an interaction within a user and a
company (e.g.: visit to a store, call to a call center, message received in a marketing
campaign, etc.). A user interaction might result in other actions, such as submitted orders or
raised tickets. A user interaction has a description, a reason, an originator (the user or the
company) and contains a reference to an account, to other related parties and to the channel
where it occurred.

- Account Management API

 Billing Account (as API resource)
A billing account is a detailed description of a customer’s bill structure.
 Bill Format (as API resource)
A detailed description of the way in which a customer’s bill is presented.
 Billing Cycle Specification (as API resource)
It is a detailed description of when to initiate a billing cycle and the various sub steps of a
billing cycle.
 Bill Presentation Media (as API resource)
It is a means of communicating a Customer Bill, supported by the associated bill format. For
example, post mail, email, and web page.
 Party Account

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Account used for billing or for settlement purposes concerning a given party (an organization
or an individual).
 Settlement Account
A party account used for settlement purposes. It includes a description of the structure used
for the settlement (frequency, presentation media, format and so on).
 Financial Account
An account of money owed by a party to another entity in exchange for goods or services
that have been delivered or used. A financial (account receivable account/account payable)
aggregates the amounts of one or more party accounts (billing or settlement) owned by a
given party.
- Privacy Management API
 Party Privacy Profile (as API resource)
A Party Privacy Profile represents the privacy choices made by a Party Role.
 Party Privacy Profile Type (as API resource)
A Party Privacy Profile Type represents a type description for Party Privacy Profiles.
 Party Privacy Agreement (as API resource)
A Party Privacy Agreement represents the approval made by the Party about a Party Privacy
- Payment Methods API
 Payment Method (as API resource)
The Payment Method resource represents an instantiated payment method that can be of
different types. Some fields are common to all types while the method specification details
depend on the type.
- Party Management API
 Individual (as API resource)
Individual represents a single human being (a man, woman or child). The individual can be a
customer, an employee or any other person that the organization needs to store information
 Organization (as API resource)
Organization represents a group of people identified by shared interests or purpose.
Examples include business, department, and enterprise.

- Product Ordering API

 Product Order (as API resource)
Note: the description is same as this API in “Customer” domain
- SLA Management API
Note: the description is same as this API in “Customer” domain
- Party Role
 Party Role (as API resource)
Party role is the basis data for the customer and partner. It is the business incarnation of the
This resource represents the party role, the part played by a party in a given context.
- Partnership Type
 Partnership Type (as API resource)

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A partnership type contains all the information for the setup of a partnership of a given kind.
This includes the list of identified role types for the partnership with the corresponding
agreement specifications.

- Onboarding Management API Family

 Party Role (as API resource)
This resource represents the party role, the part played by a party in a given context.
 Partnership Type (as API resource)
A partnership type contains all the information for the setup of a partnership of a given kind.
This includes the list of identified role types for the partnership with the corresponding
agreement specifications.

Onboarding Management API has strong dependencies with the following management APIs:
- Party Management API: used to query, create, update or delete information on individuals
or organizations that will be onboarded;
- Agreement Management API: used to query, create, update or delete agreements and
agreement specifications. These agreements need to be created and updated when signed
by the involved parties.
- Billing Management API (It will be enriched and renamed as Account Management API in
the future): used to retrieve, create, update or delete different kinds of accounts that made
be needed in the context of the onboarding process, such as billing or settlement accounts
and financial accounts.

Other indirect APIs dependencies when using this API are:

- Product Catalog Management API: used to connect agreements to product offerings
- Product Inventory Management API: retrieval of products related to product offerings.
- Product ordering management API: establishing order on available products.

- Agreement Management API

 Agreement (as API resource)
An agreement represents a contract or arrangement, either written or verbal and sometimes
enforceable by law, such as a service level agreement or a customer price agreement. An
agreement involves a number of other business entities, such as products, services, and
resources and/or their specifications.
 Agreement Specification (as API resource)
A template of an agreement that can be used when establishing partnerships.

- Purchase Order API

 Purchase Order (as API resource)
It supports capability to manage purchase order raised by the operator to 3rd party suppliers.

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3.3.7. API in Enterprise

Figure 12 – API in Enterprise

The list of API in the Enterprise domain is as follows:

- Retail Premise API
 Retail Premise (as API resource)
It is the information maintenance of physical retail outlets.

- Workforce Management API

 Work order (as API resource)
This API manages work force which supports and execute the manual work that can be sent
to a workforce staff team to process.

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3.3.8. API in Common

Figure 13 – API in Common

The list of API in the Common domain is as follows:

- Performance Management API
 Measurement Collection (as API resource)
Measurement Collection Job is used to control the periodic collection of performance
indicators, implemented as a sub-entity of the PM Measurement Job.
 Measurement Production (as API resource)
Performance measurements production functionality is about controlling the generation of
 Ad-hoc Collection (as API resource)
Ad-hoc collection is an on-demand collection method of Performance measurements results
from a consuming application, requesting spontaneously a set of data for a set of network or
service testing resources for a given temporal context.
- Trouble Ticket API
 Ticket (as API resource)
It represents a problem which affects the customer experience. It can be raised by the
customer (a complaint) or by the service provider.
- Document Management API
 Document (as API resource)
It provides the operations to synchronize documents and document versions across systems.
It also provides operations for uploading documents by Users as well as for viewing of
documents online.
- Communication API
 Communication Message (as API resource)

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Communication message means a notification approach in the format of a message which

can be dispatched (sent) to the certain user by the system with the content which can be felt
and understood by the recipient. The user can be either a final customer or a customer
service agent. The message can reach the customer in different interaction channels,
including: email, short message, mobile app notification (push).

- Customer Insight API

 Customer Insight (as API resource)
It supports capability to retrieve customer analytics profile.
 Check Customer Credit Rating (as API resource)
Credit rating is to manage the estimation of credit score of the customer.

- Geographic Location API

 Geographic Location (as API resource)
Structured textual way of describing a geographic location. A geographic location allows
describing through coordinate(s), a point, a line or a space.
 Retrieve Location (as API resource)
This resource is used to manage the request and response to retrieve a thing (any object).
 Retrieve Location Relation (as API resource)
This resource is used to manage the request and response to retrieve the relation between
two geographic locations.
- Geographic Address API
 Geographic Address (as API resource)
Structured textual way of describing how to find a Property in an urban area (country
properties are often defined differently).
 Geographic Address Validation (as API resource)
This resource is used to manage geographic address validation request and response.
 Area (as API resource)
Area corresponds to a geographic area as a city, a locality, a district, etc.
 Street (as API resource)
A street is a road in a city or locality that has buildings that are usually close together along
one or both sides.
 Street Segment (as API resource)
Street Segment corresponds to a part of a given street referenced by a number (22) or a set
of number (22-24). Sometimes a suffix is added.
This level can represent an entire address, which is accessible through hyperlinking.
- Geographic Site API
 Geographic Site (as API resource)
The Geographic Site resource represents a class that allows to easily refer to Places
important to other entities (such as a customer, an account, a product, ….).
- Entity Catalog Management API
 Entity Catalog (as API resource)
The root entity for entity catalog management. An entity catalog can be defined as a
collection of entity catalog items and arranging them in a particular manner based on the

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 Category (as API resource)

The (entity) category resource is used to group entity catalog items in logical containers.
Categories can contain other categories.
 Entity Catalog Item (as API resource)
An EntityCatalogItem is an entity that allows any ProductOffering, ServiceCandidate,
ResourceCandidate, or even any object inheriting from RootEntity, to be available to a
catalog. The CatalogSpecification and Policy of the catalog governs the content of the
EntityCatalogItem. This API addresses only EntitySpecification items extended from
RootEntity as EntityCatalogItem.
 Entity Specification (as API resource)
EntitySpecification is a class that offers characteristics to describe a type of entity. Entities
are a generic construct that may be used to describe bespoke business entities that are not
effectively covered by the existing SID model.
 Association (as API resource)
Association is the class that describe a relationship between two or more entity specifications
based on a given association specification.
 Association Specification (as API resource)
Association Specification is an association class that describes a type of relationship between
two entities. This is a generic construct that may be used to describe relationship types and
roles. The role and type of each entity in the relationship is given by an association role
specification. Two role specifications are embedded in the association specification
- Usage Management API
 Usage (as API resource)
An occurrence of employing a Product, Service, or Resource for its intended purpose, which
is of interest to the business and can have charges applied to it. It is comprised of
characteristics, which represent attributes of usage.
 Usage Specification (as API resource)
A detailed description of a usage event that are of interest to the business and can have
charges applied to it. It is comprised of characteristics, which define all attributes known for a
particular type of usage.
- User Roles and Permissions API
 User (as API resource)
This API is used to manage the user account with which the customer or staff can log-in and
log-off the system.
 Privilege (as API resource)
Privilege means the permission for the user to enter or operate the special information. This
API is used to manage the privilege to control the data visibility and operation scope for the
- Performance Threshold API
 Threshold (as API resource)
Performance Threshold Management is about identifying exceptional behavior of monitored
performance indicators. Threshold Management is built as an additional layer on top of
standard Performance Monitoring. A PM Producing application that is already producing
indicators is asked to set a Threshold over a Performance Indicator and raise an alarm when
this Threshold is crossed. When the indicator returns to its normal behavior an alarm clear
alarm event is sent.

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- Project API
 Project (as API resource)
It is the management of internal enterprise project.

- Usage Consumption
 Usage Consumption Report (as API resource)
A usage consumption report enables to know at a given point the balances and the
consumption counters related to various buckets (SMS, Voice, Data for example). It could be
calculated for a device identified by a public identifier (msisidn number for a mobile device
for example or PSTN or VOIP number for a fix device), for a subscribed offer or option or for a
 Usage Consumption Report Request (as API resource)
This resource is used to manage the calculation request of a usage consumption report.

- Event Management
The resource of this API is not decided in this version.
- Experience Management
The resource of this API is not decided in this version.

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4. API Dependency Relation

In TM Forum API, some of them depend on the other. Such dependency relationship exists
and impacts the adaptation of API in the digital environment. The recognition of those
dependencies is important and meaningful for the users to understand the priority and
sequence of the API.

Here the API dependencies are listed for the published ones due to the consideration of
maturity and stability of API.
The dependency can be categorized as “internal” and ”external”.
 Internal dependency means the resource entities inside the API have dependency
between them, such as “Catalog” resource of “Product Catalog Management API”
depends on “Category” resource of the same API
 External dependency means the resource entities of the API have dependency upon
the resource of another API

Normally, external dependency should be paid more attention.

Internal Internal External External API External API

Dependency Resource Depend Depended Resource
Resource (API) Exists or Not Entity ency Depended
Depended Exists or
Y Category Y Party Party
Catalog Management
Category N N
Y Category Y Service Service
Product Catalogue API Candidate
Product Product Y Product SLA SLA
Catalog Offering Specification Management
Management API
API Resource Resource
Catalog API Candidate
N Y Party Party
Service Service
Catalog Specification
Resource Resource
Catalog Specification
Product N Y Product Product
Inventory Catalog Specification

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Internal Internal External External API External API

Dependency Resource Depend Depended Resource
Resource (API) Exists or Not Entity ency Depended
Depended Exists or
Management Product Product
API Catalog Offering
Ressource Ressource
Inventory API
Service Service
Inventory API
Account API BillingAccount
Agreement Agreement
Party Party
Product Product
Catalog API Offering
Product Product
Shopping Cart Y
Shopping Cart N Catalog Specification
Party Party
Y Management
Party Party
Y Y Management
Bill Onboarding Party Role
Party Account Y Presentation Y Management
Media API
Billing Cycle
Y Bill Format
Billing Account Y Party Account
Account Onboarding Party Role
Management Settlement
Y Party Account Y Management
API Account
Onboarding Party Role
N Y Management
Financial API
Account Party Party
Y Management
Billing Cycle
Billing Cycle

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Internal Internal External External API External API

Dependency Resource Depend Depended Resource
Resource (API) Exists or Not Entity ency Depended
Depended Exists or
Bill Format N N
Bill Presentation
Y customer bill Y Party Party
presentation Management
Billing Customer Customer Customer
Account billing cycle Mgmt Account
Customer bill Customer Payment
Format Mgmt Mean
Customer N N
Billing Cycle
Customer Bill N N
Customer Bill N N
Applied Billing N N
Settlement N Y Product Product
Note Advice Catalog Specification
Customer Y Customer Y Party Party
Management Customer Account Management
N N Service Service
Inventory API
Service Service Service
Qualification Catalog Specification
Service Address API Address
Qualification N Y Product Product
API Catalog, Offering
Product Product
Inventory API,
Address API
N Y Product Product
Catalog Offering
Document Attachment
Management Quote
Customer Customer

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Internal Internal External External API External API

Dependency Resource Depend Depended Resource
Resource (API) Exists or Not Entity ency Depended
Depended Exists or
Product Product
Inventory API
Billing BillingAccount
Appointment Appointment
Agreement Agreement
Party Party
N Y Party Party
Search Task
(available slot)
Appointment N Y Document Attachment
API Management
Y Party Party
N Y Party Party
Balance Management
Product Product
Balance N
Balance N Y Party Party
Topup Reques Management
Product Product
Customer Payment
Mgmt Mean
N Y Party Party
Product Product
N Y Party Party
Product Management
Ordering API
Product Order
Management Billing Billing Account
API Management

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Internal Internal External External API External API

Dependency Resource Depend Depended Resource
Resource (API) Exists or Not Entity ency Depended
Depended Exists or
Product Product
Appointment Appointment
Product Product
Catalog Offering
SLA (Service N Y Party Party
Level Management
Agreement) API
Y SLA Y Party Party
API SLA Violation
Service Level N N
Service Level Y Service Level N
Manage API
Specification Objective
N Service Test Y Service Service
Service Test Service Test
Specification Inventory
Service Test N Y Service Service
Specification Catalog Specification
N Y Party Mgmt Party
Change API
Request N Y SLA SLA
Y Service Y Party Party
Category Management
Service N N
Y Service Y SLA SLA
Catalog API
Service Category
Candidate Y Service
Service N N
N Y Service Service
Catalog Specification
Y Service Service Order
Service Ordering
Inventory API
Y Party Party
Service N Y Party Party
Problem Service Management
Management Problem API
API Y Alarm API Alarm

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Internal Internal External External API External API

Dependency Resource Depend Depended Resource
Resource (API) Exists or Not Entity ency Depended
Depended Exists or
Y Trouble Ticket Trouble Ticket
Y Resource Resource
Y SLA SLA Violation
Y Service Service
N Y Service Service
Y Service Service
Catalog Specification
Y Service Service
Service Order Catalog Catalog
Ordering API
Party Party
Appointment Appointment
and Resource(abst N N
Configuration ract)
N Y Resource Resource
Party Party
Resource Resource
Ordering API Order
Resource Resource
Catalog Specification
Appointment Appointment
Y Service Y Party Party
Category Management
Resource N N
Y Resource Y SLA SLA
Catalog API
Resource Category
Candidate Y Resource
Resource N N
Resource Network N Y Service Service
Function Service Catalogue API Specification

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Internal Internal External External API External API

Dependency Resource Depend Depended Resource
Resource (API) Exists or Not Entity ency Depended
Depended Exists or
Configuration Service Service
& Activation Inventory API
API Party Party
Resource Resource
Inventory API
Network N N
Service Heal
or VNF/Heal
Network N N
Service Scale
or VNF/Scale
Network N N
Migrate or
Party Individual N N
Management N N
Party Privacy Y Party Privacy Y Product Product
Profile Profile Type Catalog Offering
Party Privacy N N
Privacy API
Profile Type
Party Privacy Y Party Privacy Y Agreement Agreement
Agreement Profile
N Y Party Party
Onboarding Party Role
Y Agreement Agreement
API Y Customer Payment
Mgmt Mean
Partnership N Y Agreement Agreement
Type Management Specification
Y Agreement Y Product Product
Specification Catalog Offering
Y Onboarding Party Role
Agreement Management
Management N Y Party Party
API Management
Service Service
Catalog Category

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Internal Internal External External API External API

Dependency Resource Depend Depended Resource
Resource (API) Exists or Not Entity ency Depended
Depended Exists or
Geographic N N
Geographic Validation
Address API N N
Street Y Address N
Street Y Address N
N Y Party Party
Trouble Ticket Ticket
API Resource
Y Usage Y Party Party
Usage Specification Management
Management API
API product product
inventory API
Measurement N N
Job Resource
Performance Measurement N N
Management Collection Job
API Resource
Ad-hoc N N
Loyalty Loyalty N Y Product Product
Management Program Catalog Specification
API Product Spec
Internal Internal External External API External API
Dependency Resource Depend Depended Resource
Resource (API) Exists or Not Entity ency Depended
Depended Exists or
Promotion N
Y Shopping Cart Shopping Cart
Y Product Product
Recommenda Recommenda
Catalog Offering
tion API tion
Y Product Product Order
Y Party Party

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Internal Internal External External API External API

Dependency Resource Depend Depended Resource
Resource (API) Exists or Not Entity ency Depended
Depended Exists or
Y Entity Catalog Category
Communicati Communicatio N Y Party Party
on API n Message Management
Document N Y Party Party
Management Document Management
Usage N Y Party Party
Consumption Management
Usage report
Consumption Usage N Y Product Product
API Consumption Management
N Y Party Party
Geographic Geographic Geographic Geographic
Site API Site Address Address
Geographic Geographic
Location Location
Geographic Geographic N N
Location API Location
N Y Party Party
Product Product Product
Offering Catalog Category
Qualification Product Product
API Catalog Offering
Product Product
Catalog Specification
Y Category Y Party Party
Entity Catalog
Entity Y Entity Y Party Party
Entity Catalog Category Catalog Item Management
Management Y Category N
Entity Catalog
API Entity N
Entity N Y Party Party
Specification Management
Performance Performance N N
Threshold API Threshold
Alarm N N
Management Alarm
Federated ID N Y Party Party
API Management

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Internal Internal External External API External API

Dependency Resource Depend Depended Resource
Resource (API) Exists or Not Entity ency Depended
Depended Exists or
Party Role Party Role
N Y Resource Resource
Logical Catalog Specification
Resource Party Party
Resource Management
Inventory API N Y Resource Resource
Physical Catalog Specification
Resource Party Party
Y Resource
Y Resource Resource
Reservation Inventory
Resource Pool Item Y Party Party
Management Management
API Y Product Product
Catalog Offering
N Y Activation & Resource
Resource Pool Configuration collection
N Y Party Party
Payment Payment
Methods API Method
N Y Party Party
Payment Management
Management Payment API
API Account Account
N Y Party Party
Payment Payment
Product Order Product Product
Ordering API
Catalog Offering
Product Product
Catalog Specification
Appointment Appointment
Party N Y Party Party
Interaction Management
UserRoles permissions N N
and N N
Permissions User Role

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Internal Internal External External API External API

Dependency Resource Depend Depended Resource
Resource (API) Exists or Not Entity ency Depended
Depended Exists or
Customer Bill N Y Account Financial
API Management Account
Y Account Billing Account
Y Party Party
Y Payment Payment
Applied Y Bill N
Customer Bill N Y Party Party
on Demand Management
Shipment Shipment N Y Geographic Geographic
Tracking API Tracking Location Location
N Y Party Party
Party Role API Party Role
Agreement Agreement
Customer Payment
Mgmt Mean
Partnership Partnership N Y Agreement Agreement
Type API Type Management Specification

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5. API Map Usage examples

This chapter includes some practical examples of platforms as different service providers have defined
them and how Open API Map is used to enable a platform-based business model as defined in the
Digital Platform Reference Architecture (DPRA).

Figure 14 – DPRA Platform template

The value of transformation to a platform model to service providers as explained in the DPRA is that the
platform model can help:
- To unbundle ownership of the infrastructure (e.g. network access or cloud infrastructure) from the
offering of value-added services to consumers
- Promotes disaggregation of network functions (e.g.) which enable the offering of rich and new value-
added composite services
- Allow for the aggregation of service elements from multiple producers to offer new and value-added
services (i.e. service composition across producer boundaries).
Platform based business models can also be used to efficiently leverage an operator's core
assets and provide competitive differentiation.
The service providers are already in the middle of many service chains so have a natural
placement to easily become the curator between producers and consumers of services.
They must transform from a "Producer" mentality to a "Curator" or match maker mentality.
The DPRA is based on 3 key concepts:
- Platforms: Instances are units of deployment defined by enterprises using templates defined by
Standards Defining Organizations (SDO), including the TM Forum.

They are 'Black box like', can be Vendor /Operator specific, allow for internal evolution and
innovation, and whose implementation can be agile and flexible i.e. time varying.

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Platform instances are not standardized by SDOs but by enterprises.

- Platform Capabilities are exposed by a Platform and are the units of integration used to create
composed capabilities from multiple Platform Capabilities / Platforms.

Platform Capabilities define the rules and best practices for using the combination of Open
APIs used to realize them.

Platform Capabilities can be standardized by SDOs.

- Open APIs which are the units of interoperability that realize Platform Capabilities and can be
conformance and interoperability tested.

Open APIs are standardized and governed by the TM Forum as well as other SDOs.

Digital Platform Reference Architecture shows the relationship between platforms and

Figure 15 – Platform meta-model

A Platform is typically made up of a number of systems managed as a coherent unit to

deliver a well-defined set of business capabilities through simple to use Open APIs.

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5.1. API Deployment View in Vodafone

As seen above, The TMF Open API’s help realize a set of Platform capabilities that can be
standardized by SDO’s.

At Vodafone, the Open APIs are shown in context of Platform instances, a deployment view of the
Open API’s.

A deployment view to the API Map:

- Enables to focus on platform capabilities that need to be exposed trough API’s rather on how to
implement them using different systems/applications
- Enables inter-operability whilst enabling innovation in the implementation. While consuming platform
capabilities and integrate trough Open API’s we should not have any knowledge of the underlying
systems or processes that deliver those capabilities.

The deployment view is the overall illustration of the API’s in the API Map where we show
each API in context of the platform that acts as “system of record” or “authoritative master”
for the associated API resources.

Figure 16 – Vodafone Platform Architecture

A number of platform instances have been established in Vodafone which:

• can be implemented differently in different company

• But expose the same business capabilities and realised using the same APIs
• Enable agility across the companies by re-use of the same APIs and platform capabilities.

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In Vodafone Platform Architecture:

- Customer Management layer includes CRM, Billing and Order Management platform, Retail
Operations and Logistics, Contact Centre Operations platform
- Service Management layer includes Service fulfilment, Service Assurance, Charging & Policy
Management platforms
- Resource Management layer includes Resource Inventory &Lifecycle Management, Resource
activation & Configuration, Resource Fault & Performance platforms

The ‘Deployment view’ of the API Map is organized in multiple levels:

- Level 0: the platform layers, 4 business abstraction layers: customer & product management, service
management, resource management, business management
- Level 1: The main TM Forum APIs, typically the primary resource
- Level 2: the component resources exposed within the API

5.1.1. Level 0 of API Deployment View

The deployment view of the API’s is aligned with the Customer/Service/Resource view as
the overall business abstractions as below:

Figure 17 – Level 0 Deployment view

5.1.2. Level 1 of API Deployment View

In this Level 1 depiction, the API’ from the API Map are mapped to the platform layers above
The Level 1 of API Deployment view is as the following:

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Figure 18 – Level 1 Deployment view

Here are the current APIs in the deployment view:

Figure 19 – Level 1 Deployment view (Current APIs)

The APIs in the planned or future status can be mapped on the deployment view as the

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Figure 20 – Level1 Deployment view (Planned & Future API's)

5.2. API Deployment View in BT

BT’s business functionality has been partitioned into a set of cooperating IT platforms that enables:
- Reusable common capabilities (SDK’s/API’s) – keeping engineering costs down
- Reusable process blocks – consistent customer experience

BT has 26 platforms and 700 systems which drives simplicity and ruthless standardization and is
intended to minimise whole life costs, reduce cycle time for launching new capabilities and facilitate
business agility.

Figure 21 – BT Platform Architecture

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5.2.1. Level 0 of API Deployment View

The deployment view of the API’s is aligned with the Customer/Service/Resource view as
the overall business abstractions as below:

Figure 22 – Level 0 BT API Deployment view

5.2.2. Level 1 of API Deployment View

In this Level 1 depicted, the API’ from the API Map are mapped to the platform layers above
The Level 1 of API Deployment view is as the following:

Figure 23 – Level 1 BT Deployment view

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Here are the current APIs in the deployment view:

Figure 24 – Level 1 BT Deployment view (Current API’s)

The APIs in the planned or future status can be mapped on the deployment view as the

Figure 25 – Level 1 BT Deployment view (Planned & Current)

5.3. API Deployment View in Orange

Orange’s business functionality has also been partitioned into a set of cooperating IT platforms
depicted below.

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systems of engagement

Figure 26 – Orange’s business functionality

In Orange architecture:
- Systems of Engagement deals with User Interfaces (UI) sequences to carry out Party
Interactions using APIs. They hold no business process. They are tied to fast evolving
technologies to support Front End portals and Secured APIs exposed to 3rd party systems.
- Systems of Record deals with operational processes. They handle Offers &Products (WHAT?)
built, run and maintained in a Factory (HOW?) that provides the underlying Services (aka CFS)
or physical products, involving Parties (WHO & WHY?).
- Systems of Insights deal with all non-operational and Analytical processes and support the
strategy design. They process information produced by the enterprise to provide various
insights on its activity (including BI, Financial Management, Fraud Management & Revenue
Assurance,…). They perform complex event/data processing (e.g. eligibility assessment) and
interwork with other systems through event publication.

System of record is composed of 3 platforms:

- Party Platform handles Persons (employees, customers, users), Parties (suppliers, partners,
organizations, external systems); it includes all related data and repositories and the
associated management functions. This includes CRM, Invoicing, Financial Management and
all Human Resources functions. This platform holds the functions related to the Identity. It is
therefore involved (by a function call) every time a process requires personal identification
- Offer & Product platform handles the commercial catalogue of Offers and Products, the
installed base (with the link to the contract owner in the Party platform). It manages all the
function required for the Customer Order Management (order capture to bill calculation),
Product assurance, Product rating, QoS management. This platform is kept agnostic of the
customer, since the data and functions it carries do not depend on which party is involved.
- Factory Platform handles the technical plan on which the Products rely. It holds the asset of
technical solutions (CFS and resources) facing the Products defined in the Offer & Product
Platform catalogue. This platform is responsible for the delivery of the CFS requested by the
Customer Order Management. It makes the choice of the appropriate solution (set of
resources), delivers it and then operates, repairs the service. This platform holds the

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technical repositories and installed Resource base (that is the installed CFS linked with the
technical resources of the solution).

5.3.1. Level 0 of API Deployment View

The deployment view of the API’s is aligned with the Party/Offer & Product/Factory view as the
overall business abstractions as below:


Offer & Product



Figure 27 – Orange’s level 0 of API Deployment View

5.3.2. Level 1 of API Deployment View

In this Level 1 depiction, the API used by Orange are mapped to the platform layers above. They
can be Orange Standard API (in black) or TM Forum standard API (in white).

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Figure 28 – API used by Orange are mapped to the platform layers

In this Level 1 depiction, the API’ from the API Map are mapped to the Orange platform

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Figure 29 – APIs are mapped to the platform layers

5.4. API Deployment View in Huawei

Huawei deployment view is composed of three main parts and infrastructure:

 Systems of Engagement are technologies that directly support customer interactions through
 Systems of Record are technologies that manage and store transactions, content, and processes.
 Systems of Insight are technologies that provide business analysis and statistics.
 Systems of Operation are technologies that intelligently manage physical products, networks,
and infrastructure.

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5.4.1. Level 0 of API Deployment View

Figure 30 – Level 0 of Huawei’s deployment view

5.4.2. Level 1 of API Deployment View

In this Level 1 depiction, the TMF APIs are mapped to the platform layers above.

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Figure 31 – Level 1 of Huawei’s deployment view

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6. API verification via Business Process (GB921D,


The business process is the end to end line which organizes a group of activities for the certain
purpose. When these activities collaborate together to support the accomplishment of the process,
API is necessary for the interactions between the activities. By describing the API used in the steps of
business process, the completeness and consistency of APIs can be verified.

There is wide range of business processes which are adopted in the different domains. The
recommended selection for the process is based on TM Forum Process Framework (eTOM). In this
document, API verifications will be built based on these published outcomes.

The Level 3 of TMF Process Framework is chosen as the benchmark of API verification. The Level 3 is
the standard process which is also used in GB921D for process decomposition. The granularity of
other levels appears improper because they are too high (Level 0/1/2) or too low (Level 4/5).

The section number of Level 2 and Level 3 process is kept in the mapping, so the original TM Forum
Process Framework content can be conveniently found for comparison.

The TMF API relevance to the TMF Process Framework is depicted in three types:

 API name
If the Level 3 Process has the corresponding API to support, the name of API is shown in the
mapping table.
 API is not defined

If the process may be supported using API from IT system, but the API has not been defined in the
API Map, it is indicated as “API is not defined” so API can be considered in future.
 API is not required
If the process does not require API to support, for example, this process is manually handled,
this process is indicated as “API is not required”

Note: this assessment is based on the knowledge until TMF R16.5. New API may be induced in future
for the process which is currently recognized as “API is not required”
Please refer to the spreadsheet for the GB992 Addendum Mapping between API and
Business_Process_Framework. This is the addendum of this document to contain all the details of the
mapping to support the API verification.

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7. Administrative Appendix
This Appendix provides additional background material about the TM Forum and this document. In
general, sections may be included or omitted as desired; however, a Document History must always be

7.1. About this document

This is a TM Forum Guidebook. The guidebook format is used when:

o The document lays out a ‘core’ part of TM Forum’s approach to automating business
processes. Such guidebooks would include the Telecom Operations Map and the
Technology Integration Map, but not the detailed specifications that are developed in
support of the approach.
o Information about TM Forum policy, or goals or programs is provided, such as the
Strategic Plan or Operating Plan.
o Information about the marketplace is provided, as in the report on the size of the
BSS/OSS market.

7.2. Document History

7.2.1. Version History

Version Number Date Modified Modified by: Description of changes

1.0.0 12-Jun-2016 Pierre Gauthier First issue of document

1.0.1 13-Jun-2016 Alicja Kawecki Updated cover; minor

formatting/style edits prior
to publication for Fx16
2.0.0 01-Dec-2016 Pierre Gauthier Updated for Fx16.5

2.0.1 09-Dec-2016 Alicja Kawecki Updated cover, minor

formatting/style edits prior
to publication for Fx16.5
3.0 12-Jul-2018 Hongxia Hao Updated Section 7 and 8
according to Release R17.5
and R18.0.
3.1 12-Jul-2018 Cécile Mapping with SID update
Ludwichowski by the SID / Open API
mapping taskforce.
3.2.0 24-Jul-2018 Add inputs from Update text for Resource
Takayuki Pool AIP (pg 43) and Digital
Nakamura (NTT) Services API (pg 29)
and Dirk Rejakl
3.2.1 01-Aug-2018 Adrienne Walcott Formatting/style edits prior
to R18 publishing

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Version Number Date Modified Modified by: Description of changes

3.2.2 24-Sep-2018 Adrienne Walcott Updated to reflect TM

Forum Approved Status

7.2.2. Release History

Release Number Date Modified Modified by: Description of changes

1.0 12-Jun-2016 Pierre Gauthier First release of document

2.0 01-Dec-2016 Pierre Gauthier Second release for Fx16.5

18.0.0 24-Jul-2018 Derek Flexer Updated for R18

18.0.1 24-Sep-2018 Adrienne Updated to reflect TM

Walcott Forum Approved Status

7.3. Company Contact Details

Company Team Member Representative

TM Forum Pierre Gauthier
Vodafone Lester Thomas
Huawei Hongxia Hao
Orange Jean-Luc Tymen

7.4. Acknowledgments

This document was prepared by the members of the TM Forum Agile Business and IT team:
o Pierre Gauthier, TM Forum, Editor
o Lester Thomas, Vodafone, Author
o Steve Harrop, Vodafone, Author
o Nicoleta Stoica, Vodafone, Author
o Jingyi Han, Huawei, Author
o Xu Ma, Huawei, Author
o Yiling(Sammy) Liu, Huawei, Author
o Yisong Jiang, Huawei, Author
o Jean-Luc Tymen, Orange, Author
o Cecile Ludwichowski , Orange, Author
o Andreas Polz, Infonova, Author
o Hongxia Hao, Huawei, Author
o Michel Besson, TMF, Author

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