Genus Presentation

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January 29, 2022

National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. BSE Limited

Exchange Plaza, Plot no. C/1, G Block, P.J. Towers,
Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Dalal Street, Fort,
Mumbai - 400 051. Mumbai – 400001

(NSE Symbol: GENUSPOWER) (BSE Code: 530343)

Dear Sir/Madam,

Sub: Investor Presentation

Pursuant to Regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations,
2015, we enclose herewith the Investor Presentation – January 2022.

We request to kindly take the same on record.

Thanking you,

Yours truly,
For Genus Power Infrastructures Limited

Ankit Jhanjhari
Company Secretary
Encl. as above

Genus Power Infrastructures Limited Corporate Office: Registered Office:

(A Kailash Group Company) SPL-3, RIICO Industrial Area, Sitapura, Tonk Road, G-123, Sector-63, Noida,
Corporate Identity Number Jaipur-302022, (Raj.), India Uttar Pradesh-201307 (India)
L51909UP1992PLC051997 T. +91-141-7102400/500 • F. +91-141-2770319, 7102503 T. +91-120-2581999
E. [email protected] • W. E. [email protected]
Genus Power
Infrastructures Limited

2022 Corporate

Safe Harbour
This presentation and the accompanying slides (the “Presentation”), by Genus Power Infrastructures Limited (the “Company”), have been
prepared solely for information purposes and do not constitute any offer, recommendation or invitation to purchase or subscribe for any
securities, and shall not form the basis or be relied on in connection with any contract or binding commitment what so ever. No offering of
securities of the Company will be made except by means of a statutory offering document containing detailed information about the Company.

This Presentation has been prepared by the Company based on information and data which the Company considers reliable, but the Company
makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, whatsoever, and no reliance shall be placed on, the truth, accuracy, completeness,
fairness and reasonableness of the contents of this Presentation. This Presentation may not be all inclusive and may not contain all of the
information that you may consider material. Any liability in respect of the contents of, or any omission from, this Presentation is expressly

Certain matters discussed in this Presentation may contain statements regarding the Company’s market opportunity and business prospects that
are individually and collectively forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and are
subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict. These risks and uncertainties include, but are
not limited to, the performance of the Indian economy and of the economies of various international markets, the performance of the industry in
India and world-wide, competition, the company’s ability to successfully implement its strategy, the Company’s future levels of growth and
expansion, technological implementation, changes and advancements, changes in revenue, income or cash flows, the Company’s market
preferences and its exposure to market risks, as well as other risks. The Company’s actual results, levels of activity, performance or achievements
could differ materially and adversely from results expressed in or implied by this Presentation. The Company assumes no obligation to update any
forward-looking information contained in this Presentation. Any forward-looking statements and projections made by third parties included in
this Presentation are not adopted by the Company and the Company is not responsible for such third party statements and projections.

Q3 FY22: Performance Highlights

Key Highlights Revenue (Rs. Crores) EBITDA (Rs. Crores)

Revenue for Q3Y22 was impacted +10% +44%

by reduced capacity utilization on
account of shortage of semi- 195.9 20.9
conductors and key electronic 14.5

Higher raw material prices and

lack of operating leverage due to
lower capacity utilization resulted Q2FY22 Q3FY22 Q2FY22 Q3FY22
in lower operating margins

• Became the First company in PBT (Rs. Crores) PAT (Rs. Crores)
Asia Pacific to supply 1.5
million Smart Meters
• Indigenously developed +25% +25%
Vending Software AgrimTM
accredited with STS 12.6 8.2
certification 10.0 6.6
• In FY21, our team had won 7
Gold and 2 Silver awards at the
“Quality Circle Forum of India”
Haridwar Chapter, Delhi
Chapter and Guwahati Chapter Q2FY22 Q3FY22 Q2FY22 Q3FY22

Standalone Results As per IND-AS
Note: Cash PAT includes PAT + Depreciation + Deferred Tax
Business Restructuring
STEP 1: Genus Prime Infra Limited Post Amalgamation subsidiary companies
Amalgamation of
will cease to exist
subsidiary companies
with Genus Prime Amalgamated
Genus Prime Infra Limited
Sansar Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd, Star
Vanijya Pvt. Ltd and Sunima Trading Pvt. ✓ No consideration shall be paid to subsidiary
Ltd (100% subsidiary of Genus Prime) companies as they are 100% owned by Genus Prime

STEP 2: Investment Business Undertaking of Post the scheme of Arrangement – 2 listed entities
Demerger of Genus Power’s Genus Power
investment in non-listed Genus Power
group entities Demerger
Genus Prime Infra

Genus Prime Infra Ltd. ✓ Shareholders of the Genus Power will get shares of
Genus Prime Infra Limited in ratio of 6:1

STEP 3: Genus Prime Infra Ltd. Post Merger Yajur Commodities Ltd.
Merger of Yajur
will cease to exist
Commodities with
Genus Prime Merger
Genus Prime Infra Limited
Yajur Commodities Limited
(a group company of Genus Power in ✓ Shareholders of the Yajur Commodities Limited will
which it owns 19.70% stake) get shares of Genus Prime Infra Limited in ratio of 5:3
Genus Trust holding of shares of Genus Power Infrastructures Ltd. and Genus Paper Boards Ltd. along with liquid investments will continue to be part of 4
Genus Power Infrastructures Ltd (standalone entity)
Strengthening of Board of Directors

Mr. Subhash Chandra Garg

(Independent Director)
▪ He was an IAS officer from the 1983 batch in Rajasthan cadre. He has served as Economic Affairs Secretary (July
2017-July 2019) and Finance Secretary of India in the Ministry of Finance and as Secretary, Ministry of Power (July
2019-October 2019)
▪ His appointment provides an important layer of oversight which will help us further strengthen our internal
controls, corporate governance and prepare for our next stage of growth
▪ His appointment will strengthen our board and fortify our corporate policies with a commitment to maximize
value for our shareholders.

▪ He is an established and highly respected professional with over 25 years of global

experience in the field of Smart Metering Technology and Product Development Dr. Keith Mario Torpy
▪ He brings strong domain knowledge of smart metering businesses combined with a
deep understanding of how new digital technologies are evolving (Non-Executive,
▪ He will play a key role in building new platforms of growth, developing new product Non-Independent Director)
capabilities, expanding our international footprint and securing our long-term growth
Performance Highlights For Last Few Quarters

Healthy Performance

285.8 292.1
268.6 275.4 268.0
200.2 195.9
182.8 177.8
166.2 165.1 168.8



Q1 FY18 Q2 FY18 Q3 FY18 Q4 FY18 Q1 FY19 Q2FY19 Q3FY19 Q4FY19 Q1FY20 Q2 FY20 Q3 FY20 Q4 FY20 Q1FY21 Q2FY21 Q3FY21 Q4FY21 Q1FY22 Q2FY22 Q3FY22

Revenue (Rs. Crores)

Standalone Results As per IND-AS
Strong Order Book

We upgrade our technology and product

Order Book (Rs. Crores) offering at regular interval backed by
continuous R&D


1,276 Strong Demand for various types of Meter
943 931 across State Electricity Boards & Private

685 Players


Mar-16 Mar-17 Mar-18 Mar-19 Mar-20 Mar-21 Dec-21

Genus uniquely positioned to suffice needs
of the rising demand of Meters

Management Commentary
“The Indian metering industry continues to face severe shortage of semi-conductors and other electronic components due to global wide phenomenon of logistical and supply issues in the
wake of COVID-19 pandemic. The supply-demand mismatch has also resulted in significant increase in prices of these key raw materials. This has severely hampered the capacity utilization
in Q3FY22, the same as it did in last quarter. We expect both - the supply and prices of raw material - to stabilize by beginning of FY23, leading to significant uptick in topline growth in next
financial year. At the same time, we have secured the supply of semi-conductors for the entire fiscal year of FY23.

With the implementation of ‘Reforms-Based, Result-Linked Power Distribution Sector Scheme’, we expect the entire landscape of the Indian metering industry to drastically change with
likely multi-fold jump in the annual industry size. This will also lead to momentous shift from conventional meters to smart meters in Indian metering industry thus enabling much improved
operating margins. This will be further aided by the new TOTEX (CAPEX + OPEX) model under the Design Build Finance Own Operate and Transfer (DBFOOT) arrangement wherein the SEBs
will not be required to undertake capex, as the same will be facilitated by Advanced Metering Infrastructure Service Provider (AMISP) a.k.a. system integrators. This will lead to robust
order inflows, healthy topline growth, better operating margins as well as much improved working capital cycle for coming 6 to 7 years, staring from FY23, for Indian metering industry.

Apart from being a value-added product which is 3 to 4 times expensive than conventional meters, sale of Smart Meters is also accompanied with a lot of after-sales services. Thus, we
expect significant revenue inflow from rendering of services towards smart meters, which normally has higher operating margins. This will all change the whole economic dynamics of
Indian smart metering industry in coming years.

SEBs are increasingly getting convinced of TOTEX model, whereby they will not have to undertake any capex for smart meters and undertake monthly payments (which are secured) to
AMISPs under ‘pay-as-you-save model’. We as a company will play dual roles of being AMISP (as per our limited appetite) as well as being smart metering vendors (a.k.a. technology
providers) to other AMISPs in ratio of about 30:70. The TOTEX model will lead to increased cash flow for SEBs, which should result in significant reduction of working capital cycle from the
current levels. The payment for meters supplied to other AMISPs will be on LC basis.

Also, as the capex will be largely undertaken by AMISPs, the quality as well as timely supply of smart meters will be important criterions for them while deciding on giving orders to
metering companies – rather than just finalizing on the basis of the lowest bidder. With our more than 20 years of historical track record of quality meter suppliers and economies of scale,
we are better placed to capture the humongous opportunity size ahead of us.

As we embark on this journey of momentous upcycle of the Indian metering industry, we are confident of meeting the highest industry standards for we are a full-fledged vertically
integrated company with backward integration and forward integration from the conceptual designing of the product to final packaging – wherein we build everything in-house from
conceptualization, design, tools room, moulding machines, assembly lines, test labs as well as our own communication software for providing end-to-end solutions. This is our biggest USP
as it gives us the capability to customize the products as per the individual requirements of our clients within the requisite timeframe with utmost cost efficiency. Being the largest player in
the Indian metering industry, we are fully geared up to extract higher share of gain from the multi-fold jump in the industry size.”
Mr. Jitendra Kumar Agarwal,
Joint Managing Director
Standalone Profit & Loss Statement
Particulars (Rs. Crores) Q3FY22 Q2FY22 QoQ 9MFY22 9MFY21 YoY
Total Revenue 195.9 177.8 10.2% 504.0 417.9 20.6%
Cost of Material Consumed 124.8 115.1 319.7 237.6
Employee Expenses 27.4 26.1 79.3 66.3
Other Expenses 22.8 22.1 64.5 51.6
EBITDA 20.9 14.5 44.0% 40.5 62.5 -35.2%
EBITDA (%) 10.7% 8.2% 8.0% 15.0%
Other Income 4.2 7.9 17.8 23.3
Depreciation 5.2 5.2 15.4 16.4
EBIT 19.9 17.3 14.7% 42.9 69.4 -38.2%
EBIT (%) 10.1% 9.7% 8.5% 16.6%
Finance Cost 7.3 7.3 20.2 17.4
Profit before Tax 12.6 10.0 25.4% 22.7 52.0 -56.3%
Tax 4.4 3.5 7.9 30.7
Profit after Tax 8.22 6.56 25.3% 14.8 21.3 -30.3%
PAT (%) 4.2% 3.7% 2.9% 5.1%
Cash PAT* 13.2 12.6 4.5% 30.3 35.7 -15.0%
Cash PAT (%) 6.7% 7.1% 6.0% 8.5%
EPS (in Rs.) 0.31 0.26 0.57 0.83
*Cash PAT includes PAT + Depreciation + Deferred Tax. 9
As per IND-AS
Standalone Balance Sheet
ASSETS (Rs. Crores) Sep-21 Mar-21 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES(Rs. Crores) Sep-21 Mar-21
Non-current assets Equity
Property, plant and equipment 139.9 146.0 Equity share capital 25.8 25.7
Capital work-in-progress 1.9 0.08 Other equity 906.9 908.8
Right of Use Assets 15.5 15.01 Total equity 932.7 934.5
Intangible assets 1.8 1.63
Investment in Associates 16.5 16.52 Non-current liabilities
Financial assets Financial liabilities
Investments 83.8 78.0 Borrowings 2.9 7.5
Loans 26.1 26.1 Lease liabilities 0.3 0.1
Others 51.6 16.42 Other financial liabilities 7.4 9.1
Non-financial assets 7.9 8.1 Provisions 34.3 35.0
Deferred tax assets (net) 0.8 3.35 Government grants 3.6 3.9
Net employee defined benefit liabilities 0.5 0.8
Sub-total - Non-Current Assets 345.72 311.2 Sub-total - Non-current liabilities 49.0 56.4

Current assets Current liabilities

Inventories 166.7 177.9 Financial liabilities
Financial assets Borrowings 236.0 199.3
Investments 152.5 134.8 Trade payables 151.7 166.0
Investment in trust 60.0 60.0 Lease liabilities 0.7 0.4
Loans 0.1 0.1 Other liabilities 0.9 1.0
Trade receivables 569.2 565.4 Government grants 0.7 0.7
Cash and cash equivalents 9.5 64.1 Net employee defined benefit liabilities 1.9 2.0
Other bank balances 78.9 50.6 Current tax liabilities (net) 3.8 2.7
Other financial assets 9.0 7.0 Provisions 9.5 12.4
Non-financial assets 29.5 24.8 Non-financial liabilities 34.2 20.3
Sub-total - Current Assets 1,075.2 1,084.5 Sub-total - Current liabilities 439.3 404.8
TOTAL - ASSETS 1,420.9 1,395.7 TOTAL - EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 1,420.9 1,395.7

As per IND-AS
Business Overview
Power Sector Leadership
Largest player in India’s electricity meter industry
Incorporated in 1992, Part of $400 mn Kailash Group ~27% market share in Meter Industry
Over 2 decades of experience in electricity metering solutions ~70% market share in Smart Meters
industry Share of Metering Projects increasing

Top-notch In-house R&D recognized by Govt of India

Empanelled with 40+ different utilities across the country 25,000 Sq. Mtrs of Integrated Manufacturing
65 mn+ Meters installed Annual Production capacity of 10 mn+ meters
Capability to undertake turnkey power projects up to 400 KV
Journey So Far
▪ Deployed Smart ▪ India's First Narrowband
▪ Production of
▪ AMR / Pre- Metering Solution at - IOT setup for AMI with
Electronic Energy
payment Meter/ Shapur (Junagarh) Vodafone Idea
DT Meter launched
▪ Established Single
PGVCL – India’s First ▪ Among the Top 10
▪ Ventured into Smart Village Project Global AMI
& Three Phase
Power Distribution ▪ Implemented India’s Companies as per IHS
Electronic Energy
Management first End to End Smart Markit’s
Projects Metering Solution at Electricity Meters Report
▪ Multi-functional & – Edition 2018
▪ Manufacturing Kala Amb HPSEB’s
facility at Haridwar Smart Grid Pilot Project ▪ Smart Meter Integrated
Meters launched
commissioned with Alstom line getting operational
1996 - 1999 2005 - 2009 2014 - 2016 2018 - 2019

1992 - 1995 2000 - 2004 2010 - 2013 2017 - 2018 2020 - 2021
• Company founded ▪ R&D recognized by ▪ Launched meter ▪ Intelligent Group ▪ Became the First
for manufacturing Government of with integrated Metering systems company in Asia
Thick Film Hybrid India APFC, Smart deployed at BSES Pacific to supply 1.5
▪ Lean Meters, smart million Smart Meters
Microcircuits & SMT ▪ Smart Meters order
PCB Assemblies Manufacturing street light from EESL for supply ▪ Indigenously
with help of TBM management of 13.5 lakh meters developed Vending
• First Production system, Group
consultants, USA Software AgrimTM
facility set up in Metering etc ▪ Only Indian company
Sitapura, Jaipur ▪ Increased product accredited with STS
to receive BIS
range of electronic certification
certification for
energy meters Smart Meters
▪ Set up and
production at Assam

Journey So Far

Meter Installed

Till 2003 Till 2006 Till 2010 Till 2014 Till 2018 Till 2021*

2,500,000 5,000,000 10,000,000 30,000,000 50,000,000 65,000,000

*As on 31st March 2021
Experienced Management Team

Mr. Ishwar Chand Agarwal

Executive Chairman

Mr. Kailash Chandra Mr. Rajendra Kumar

Agarwal Mr. Jitendra Kumar Agarwal
Agarwal Joint Managing Director
Vice-Chairman, Non-Executive,
Managing Director and CEO

Dr. Keith Mario Torpy

Mr. Subhash Chandra Garg Non-Executive,
Independent Director Non-Independent Director

Mr. R Viswanathan
Dr. Giriraj Nyati
Chief Management
COO - Metering Solution

Mr. Ranvir Singh Rathore

Mr. N L Nama Dr. Anukram Mishra Senior VP – Domestic Marketing
Chief Financial Officer Chief Technical Officer
and Sales
Pillars of Competitive Edge

Infrastructure R&D Certifications Workforce


Dies and MoldHERE
designs, In-house
Centre, CMMI
YOURlevelTEXT3 Company
HERE Armed with long-term,
Molding, Automated SMT recognised by Ministry of Accredited with - ISI, KEMA, highly-experienced and
lines, Lean Assembly Science and Technology, the SGS, STS, ZIGBEE, UL, DLMS best-in-class technologist,
techniques and the state-of- Government of India and etc., which is amongst the engineers and
the-art manufacturing accredited by National highest in Indian Metering executives
facilities with complete Accreditation Body for Solutions Industry
forward and backward Testing Labs

Business Verticals
Offers a wide spectrum of Smart Metering Solutions, that includes High End
Multifunction Single Phase and Three Phase Meters, CT Operated Meters &
HES (Head End System), ABT & Grid Meters, Distribution Transformer (DT
Meters), Pre-payment Meters, Group Metering, Smart Street Light
Management Solution, Net- Metering Solution for rooftop Solar, Data
Concentrator, Energy Management solution for Building Management and DC
Metering Solution, Gas Meter etc

Genus specializes in providing end-to-end metering solutions (AMI) with

communication modules and software under its Smart Energy Management


Customized and turnkey (ECC) solutions to the Power Transmission and
Distribution (T&D) sector
Under the turnkey ECC solutions, Genus offers One Stop Total Solution of
Metering, Engineering & Construction from ‘Concept to Commissioning’ with
distinctive specialization in Smart Metering Solution & Advance Metering

End to End Energy Management Solutions

Meters from Generation to Consumption 18

Diversified Product – Market Mix


Meters with communication LT / HT CT Meter with Integrated Single Phase Prepayment Meter
capability Communication
Three Phase Prepayment Meter
Single / Three Phase Smart Meters with Automatic Power
Meters Factor Controller Dual prepayment Solution

Net Meters ABT Meter DIN Rail Prepayment Meter

Smart Street Light Smart High end Meters Prepaid Vending Software
Management System
On-Line “Pre-paid” Metering
Group Metering Solution

Diversified Product – Market Mix


Thread Through Metering Grid & Sub-Station Meter (ABT Single Phase Portable Reference
Solution for Distribution Complaint) Meter
Three Phase Portable Reference
Smart DT Meter with Meter
Integrated Communication

Engineering Construction & Contracts
ECC Division Leveraging on Strength Complements the Metering Business
Provides total engineering and More than 20 years of experience in Increased implementation of Smart
construction solution from “Concept to Indian Power distribution sector metering solution
Engineered Energy meter solutions Higher sales growth under metering
Offers turnkey solutions of MV, HV & backed up with in-house R&D and division
EHV sub-stations & transmission lines technological prowess
Margin expansion
and execute turnkey jobs up to 420 KV
Gain Market share

Current Projects under implementation

Design, engineering, supply of equipments for Substation, Transmission Line and associated system for construction of 220 /33 KV Substation at
Chhatti Bariatu 33 KV Substation at Kerandari 33 KV D/C Line from Chatti Bariatu to Kerendari 200 KV D/C Transmission Line from PTPS to Pakri
Barwadih and from Pakri Barwadih to Chhatti Bariatu along with Back-Up Power Solution with installation of DG Sets and associated system in Coal
Mining Project of NTPC at Chatti Bariatu and Kerendari

Genus Power would benefit from the GOI’s plan to reduce T&D losses in coming years
Balanced Client Mix

SEB’s registered under UDAY schemes are the major revenue contributors 22
Manufacturing Assets at Glance

R&D Centre and Corporate Office, Sitapura, Jaipur Ramchandrapura, Jaipur

Haridwar, Uttaranchal Haridwar, Uttaranchal Guwahati, Assam

Total Installed capacity of over 10 million meters per annum 23

Quality Assurance

Quality is the hallmark of Genus products and services

Comprehensive testing is carried out at various stages of

product manufacturing starting from incoming raw
material/components to in-process stages and to the final
finished and packed product

In-House NABL Accredited Electronic Energy Meter

Testing Laboratories

A series of reliability tests are conducted periodically both

on in-house reliability chambers and from NABL approved
outside test labs, to establish a satisfactory life of the
product in the hands of the customer.

Quality Certifications

CMMI Level 3 STS certification Bureau Veritas National Accreditation Board for
QSI Certification
Company Testing and Calibration Laboratories

KEMA Certification R&D Lab recognized by MSD, GOI Silver Certificate by Frost & Sullivan IEC Certifications ZigBee Certification

STQC Certifications DLMS Certification for Meters EMC Certifications IECQ for quality of components C-DOT Certifications

Awarded various national and international quality accreditations such as 25

various ‘ISO’ marks, OHSAS 18001 ‘BIS‘, NABL, ‘STS’, ‘EMC’, ‘ISI’, ‘S’ mark, etc.,
Infrastructure & Testing Capabilities

Integrated Manufacturing Facilities 01

In-house Technology product since
02 Clean room PCB Assemblies
Truly “Made in India”
Automated SMT Lines 03

04 Reflow and wave soldering

• Quality Assurance
Lean Production Line 05 • Innovation & R&D
• In-House NABL Accredited Electronic
Energy Meter Testing Laboratories
06 Automated Test Benches (recognized by Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt.
of India)
• Lean Manufacturing
In-house tool room 07

Plastic Molding
Qualified & Capable to service the ever-
Sustainable Supply Chain 09
growing power sector demand by
adhering to stringent protocol
Controlled Stores
Key Awards Received

2004: 2011: 2013:

Rated among top 100 Electronic Outstanding performance award by The prestigious EFY Reader’s choice top 5
companies in India by EFY NDPL towards AT&C loss reduction brands

2015: 2015:
Accorded Excellence in Quality by “Silver Certificate of Merit” by Frost &
Golden Peacock National Quality Sullivan’s India Manufacturing Excellence
Awards, 2015 Awards 2015

2018: 2019-20:
The Global Center of Excellence at Jaipur for the successful testing & integration of Genus “Best Innovation Award” and “Brand Ambassador
Smart Electricity Meter Solution in the Living Lab in Jaipur 2020 Award” by Alleem Business Congress, UAE
Quality team won 7 Gold & 3 Silvers in 32nd National Convention Quality Circle Awards Ranked among “Top 25 Most Trusted Manufacturing
organised by “Quality Circle Forum of India” at Gwalior & Haridwar Companies in India” by the CEO Magazine

Recognition from CESC for “Active Involvement in Development of Smart Meters”
Our Multiple Team won 17 Awards (11 Gold ; 04 Silver; 02 Bronze) in Lucknow Center Convention,
Haridwar Center Convention and Kaizen Competition on Quality Circle Forum of India 27
Business Outlook

AT&C Losses in India are Three Times the Deficit

▪ AT&C Loss = (Energy input – Energy billed) * 100 / Energy input

▪ At present, India loses around 30% of its power generated due to transmission, distribution, billing generation
and collection inefficiencies

▪ Theft is the one of the main causes of the high losses. Theft occurs in several ways, viz: by tapping power lines
and tempering / by-passing meter etc

▪ Meters play a vital role in reduction of AT&C Losses

- Replacement of defective meters by tamper proof electronic meters / smart meters
- AMI / Smart metering to the consumer for reduction of commercial losses and billing and collection ease

▪ Smart meter has the following capabilities:

- Smart Meters and AMI Meters have communication capability
- It can register real time or near real time consumption of electricity or export both.
- Read the meter both locally or remotely
- Remote connection or disconnection of electricity
- Remote communication facilities through GSM / GPRS / RF etc

▪ India can save Rs. 9.5 lakh crore by investing Rs 1.25 lakh crore for replacing 25 crore conventional meters with
smart meters
Source: Various Articles
Reforms-Based, Result-Linked Power Distribution Sector Scheme
Government has approved Rs. 3.03 trillion power distribution company (DISCOM)
reform scheme. About half of the total funds of the scheme i.e. about Rs. 1.5 trillion
01 are to be deployed for installation of smart meters

Scheme aims to bring down AT&C losses from the present level of 21.4% to 12-15%
by 2024-25 & narrow the deficit between the cost of electricity and the price at
02 which it is supplied to ‘zero’ by 2024-25

▪ Scheme involves a compulsory smart metering ecosystem including in

about 250 million households
Revamped Distribution ▪ Proposes to install approximately 100 million Smart Meters across 500
Sector Scheme 03
Amrut cities, micro, SMEs, and government departments by December
2023 in the first phase

Metering (feeder and DT) will be carried out in TOTEX* mode. Grant for metering is
15%. Remaining 85% costs are expected to be financed through improvement in billing
and collections

05 PFC and REC have been nominated as nodal agencies for implementation of the scheme. The scheme will
*In TOTEX mode, Capital Expenditure and Operational be applicable till 2025-26 and will subsume programs such as the Integrated Power Development Scheme
Expenditure interrelation is acknowledged and they receive and the Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana 30
same attention in planning, implementation and regulation
Stringent Qualification Criteria & State-specific Interventions
Tripartite Agreements Different from
Qualification Criteria State-wise Evaluation Fund Disbursement
Earlier Schemes
DISCOMs would need Implementation of the
approvals from their state To qualify for the scheme, Evaluation framework for the Funds under the scheme will
Scheme would be based on DISCOMs will have to:
cabinets to become part of scheme will be formulated be released to DISCOMs on
the action plan worked out
the scheme based on the agreed action meeting pre-qualifying criteria
for each state rather than a • publish quarterly plan for each individual state as well as upon achievement
“one-size-fits-all” approach unaudited accounts in
Tripartite agreements of basic minimum
between states, DISCOMs 60 days of the end of benchmarks evaluated on the
and nodal agencies for the each quarter basis of agreed evaluation
scheme will be signed Reforms Based • ensure no new Base Year for Evaluation framework tied to financial
regulatory assets have improvements
DISCOMs have been asked to been created
Union Power Ministry has • state governments have The base year for evaluation
submit their applications DISCOMs will have to score a
suggested an indicative list paid subsidy in full will be 2019-20 while
with loss reduction plans to minimum 60 marks on the
of reforms to be covered by government bodies have trajectories will be set for
the Union Power Ministry by evaluation matrix to be
the DISCOMs under the paid bills 2021-22 to 2025-26 across
October 31, 2021 eligible for fund release each
scheme various parameters

Funding for Metering Other Key Condition for Funding

For metering, DISCOMs will be allowed to claim the grant funds in phased manner Under the five-year program, if a DISCOM is found ineligible for the reforms-based,
for every 5% of meters commissioned against total number of meters awarded results-linked scheme for financial assistance in any year, then the gap in funding to
complete its projects will have to be met by the DISCOM or its state government
Evident from the scale of tenders that have been floated recently, that various
states are eager to implement this Scheme thoroughly However, the unmet targets for one year will get added to the targets for the next year

IntelliSmart Infrastructure Private (IntelliSmart)

1 EESL, along with the National Investment and So, these smart meters become an 4
Infrastructure Fund (NIIF), has formed a JV − instrument of pay as you save. Under this
IntelliSmart Infrastructure Private (IntelliSmart) model the DISCOMs are not investing
− to implement the smart meter roll-out anything. DISCOMs pay the fees through
programme of power distribution companies savings they make

2 IntelliSmart operates on OpEx model,

6 6 6 6 6 Currently, DISCOMs are pre-dominantly 5
which is a typical build-operate- employing the capex model that is not
transfer (BOT) model – where in they efficient. As they set up few thousand
undertake the capex and install the meters on capex mode, it takes away their
smart meters without charging any valuable funds that can be invested into
money to DISCOMs network correction

3 Once the meters are commissioned the utilities IntelliSmart is proactively canvassing ‘Pay-as- 6
start saving on the AT&C losses to the tune of Rs. you-save model’ in order to break the inertia of
225 per meter per month on an average. DISCOMs who are resisting the adoption of OpEx
IntelliSmart charges anywhere between Rs. 75- 100 model. The investment is done by IntelliSmart
per meter per month that is backed by sovereign wealth fund NIIF
Source: Various Articles
Metering Opportunity


India has 250 million legacy meters

There are plans to install up to 130 million smart meters

As per the, notification by power ministry, dated 8th by 2021
September 2016 :

Mandatory rollout of Smart Meters, for consumers GOVERNMENT INVESTMENT

with monthly consumption of 500 units and more
The government is planning to invest up to $21 billion till 2025 in
smart grid technologies
Mandatory rollout of Smart Meters, for consumers
with monthly consumption of 200 units and more
The smart cities initiative is targeting 100+ cities in India, out of which
20 have been declared and work for them will start in the next month
Current Power minister Mr R. K. Singh has extended or two
deadline to end of FY22
More than 14 smart grid pilots have been launched in cities across
India, to push smart solutions in Power Generation & Distribution

Source: Various Articles
Smart Meter is the Future

Latching Switch
Smart meters will have a kill switch which will close off the utility supply.
What are Smart Meters ?
The kill switch will be operated via Internet. This will give power to
utility providers to start and stop the supply at the click of a button Smart meters are remarkably different from electronic
meters. While electronic meters only measure the amount of
Increased customer involvement utility used, a smart meter is used to measure the utility and
As all the data collected will be uploaded on the Internet the customers then transmit the reading without any human intervention
will be able to access it using their smart phones application. This will
give them a clear idea about daily, hourly and even per-minute ✓ Allowing utilities to introduce different prices for
consumption, and how it is billed different consumption during different season
✓ Control devices with two-way communication between
Prepaid Schemes the meter and the central system
Customers will be able to recharge their meters to the amount of energy
usage and consume only that much. As the meters are smart, they will
remind the consumer when the balance is running low, or when a larger
than normal chunk is being used. This will help consumers save money,
and take the load of billing off the local body

Consumption Patterns
As consumers will be able to access the data on their mobile phones /
tablets / PCs, they will be able to cut their expenses using simple
strategies. For example not using water heaters or electric irons during
peak hour
Source: Various Articles
Geared to Ride the Growth Wave
Market leaders in metering

National and International Extensive Management

Recognition and certifications Experience

Integrated manufacturing facility/

largest installation base
Strong Pre - qualification

In-house R&D Centre

Long Lasting Relationships
with the Customers

Comprehensive range of
metering products / solutions

First Indian Company to get BIS Certificate for Smart Meters 35

Financial Performance

Financial Highlights

Revenue (Rs. Crore) EBITDA (Rs. Crore)

1,056 1,060 173

835 128
642 609 102
87 93

FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21

PAT (Rs. Crore) Cash PAT (Rs. Crore)

94 116

72 92
58 73 69 74
52 51

FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21

Standalone Results As per IND-AS 37

Standalone Profit & Loss Statement
Particulars (Rs. Crores) FY21 FY20 YoY
Total Revenue 608.6 1,060.4 -42.6%
Cost of Material Consumed 350.2 664.0
Employee Expenses 87.8 108.7
Other Expenses 68.6 114.9
EBITDA 101.9 172.7 -41.0%
EBITDA (%) 16.7% 16.3%
Other Income 26.7 19.1
Depreciation 21.8 22.2
EBIT 106.9 169.7 -37.0%
EBIT (%) 17.6% 16.0%
Finance Cost 24.5 32.7
Profit before Tax 82.4 137.0 -39.8%
Tax 31.3 43.3
Profit after Tax 51.2* 93.7 -45.4%
PAT (%) 8.4% 8.8%
Cash PAT** 74.1 110.7 -33.1%
Cash PAT (%) 12.2% 10.4%
EPS (in Rs.) 1.99 3.64

*Inclusive of Rs. 10.89 crore of reversal of excess tax provisions done by the company in previous period 38
**Cash PAT includes PAT + Depreciation + Deferred Tax. As per IND-AS
Standalone Balance Sheet
ASSETS (Rs. Crores) Mar-21 Mar-20 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES(Rs. Crores) Mar-21 Mar-20
Non-current assets Equity
Property, plant and equipment 146.0 156.2 Equity share capital 25.7 25.7
Capital work-in-progress 0.1 0.8 Other equity 908.8 859.5
Right of Use Assets 15.0 15.8 Total equity 934.5 885.3
Intangible assets 1.6 1.3
Investment in Associates 16.5 15.9 Non-current liabilities
Financial assets Financial liabilities
Investments 78.0 76.2 Borrowings 7.5 23.3
Loans 28.8 28.7 Lease liabilities 0.0 0.3
Others 13.7 25.6 Other financial liabilities 9.1 11.0
Non-financial assets 8.1 11.6 Provisions 35.0 33.4
Deferred tax assets (net) 3.3 19.9 Government grants 3.9 4.6
Net employee defined benefit liabilities 0.8 1.5
Sub-total - Non-Current Assets 311.2 352.1 Sub-total - Non-current liabilities 56.4 74.1

Current assets Current liabilities

Inventories 177.9 151.2 Financial liabilities
Financial assets Borrowings 187.0 223.9
Investments 134.8 102.6 Trade payables 166.0 200.4
Investment in trust 60.0 60.0 Lease liabilities 0.4 0.8
Loans 0.9 1.4 Other liabilities 13.2 10.3
Trade receivables 565.4 629.2 Government grants 0.7 0.7
Cash and cash equivalents 64.1 71.6 Net employee defined benefit liabilities 2.0 2.2
Other bank balances 50.6 34.4 Current tax liabilities (net) 2.7 2.8
Other financial assets 6.2 7.2 Provisions 12.4 12.5
Non-financial assets 24.8 29.8 Non-financial liabilities 20.3 26.5
Sub-total - Current Assets 1,084.5 1,087.3 Sub-total - Current liabilities 404.8 480.0
TOTAL - ASSETS 1,395.7 1,439.3 TOTAL - EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 1,395.7 1,439.3

As per IND-AS
Consolidated Profit & Loss Statement
Particulars (Rs. Crores) FY21 FY20 Y-o-Y
Total Revenue 608.6 1,060.4 -43%
Cost of Material Consumed 350.2 664.0
Employee Expenses 87.8 108.7
Other Expenses 68.6 132.1
EBITDA 101.9 155.5 -34%
EBITDA (%) 16.7% 14.7%
Other Income 45.3 16.1
Depreciation 21.8 22.2
EBIT 125.5 149.5 -16%
EBIT (%) 20.6% 14.1%
Finance Cost 24.5 32.7
Profit before Tax 101.0 116.8 -14%
Tax 31.3 43.3
Profit before Associate 69.7 73.5 -5%
PAT % 11.5% 6.9%
Profit / Loss of Associates -1.1 -0.9
Profit after Tax 68.6* 72.6 -6%
PAT (%) 11.3% 6.9%
Cash PAT** 91.5 89.6 2%
Cash PAT (%) 15.0% 8.5%
EPS (in Rs.) 2.98 3.16
*Inclusive of Rs. 10.89 crore of reversal of excess tax provisions done by the company in previous period 40
**Cash PAT includes PAT + Depreciation + Deferred Tax. As per IND-AS
Consolidated Balance Sheet
ASSETS (Rs. Crores) Mar-21 Mar-20 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES(Rs. Crores) Mar-21 Mar-20
Non-current assets Equity
Property, plant and equipment 146.0 156.2 Equity share capital 23.0 23.0
Capital work-in-progress 0.1 0.8 Other equity 881.6 814.9
Right of Use Assets 15.0 15.8 Total equity 904.6 837.9
Intangible assets 1.6 1.3
Investment in Associates 12.9 13.5 Non-current liabilities
Financial assets Financial liabilities
Investments 78.0 76.2 Borrowings 7.5 23.3
Loans 28.8 28.7 Lease liabilities 0.0 0.3
Others 13.7 25.6 Other financial liabilities 9.1 11.0
Non-financial assets 8.1 11.6 Provisions 35.0 33.4
Deferred tax assets (net) 3.3 19.9 Government grants 3.9 4.6
Net employee defined benefit liabilities 0.8 1.5
Sub-total - Non-Current Assets 307.6 349.6 Sub-total - Non-current liabilities 56.4 74.1

Current assets Current liabilities

Inventories 177.9 151.2 Financial liabilities
Financial assets Borrowings 187.0 223.9
Investments 168.3 117.6 Trade payables 166.0 200.4
Investment in trust 0.0 0.0 Lease liabilities 0.4 0.8
Loans 0.9 1.4 Other liabilities 13.2 10.3
Trade receivables 565.4 629.2 Government grants 0.7 0.7
Cash and cash equivalents 64.1 71.6 Net employee defined benefit liabilities 2.0 2.2
Other bank balances 50.6 34.4 Current tax liabilities (net) 2.7 2.8
Other financial assets 6.2 7.2 Provisions 12.4 12.5
Non-financial assets 24.8 29.8 Non-financial liabilities 20.3 26.5
Sub-total - Current Assets 1,058.1 1,042.3 Sub-total - Current liabilities 404.8 480.0
TOTAL - ASSETS 1,365.7 1,391.9 TOTAL - EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 1,365.7 1,391.9

As per IND-AS
Genus Power Infrastructures Limited
CIN: L51909UP1992PLC051997

Mr. Ankit Jhanjhari

[email protected]

Strategic Growth Advisors Pvt. Limited

CIN: U74140MH2010PTC204285

Mr. Shogun Jain / Mr. Parin Narichania

[email protected] / [email protected]

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