Models Methods Simulating Gas Pipeline Blowdown (1989) - KK Botros Et Al

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Models and Methods of Simulating Gas Pipeline Blowdown


Nova Husky Research Corp., 2928 16 Street N.E., Calgary, Alberta, T2E 7K7

Estimation of gas pipeline blowdown time requires the determination of the pressure-time history for the unsteady
dischargeof gas through a blowdown stack open to the atmosphere. Computationalprocedures entail various assumptions
whose validity and contributions to the accuracy are often not assessed. This paper discusses the computational models
and solution methods and further assesses the significance of the various assumptions involved.
Volume and pipe models, numerical and analytical methods of solution, effects of stack entrance and friction losses and
discharge coefficient are evaluated. The accuracy of a particular model or method of solution is greatly dependent on the
jZ/Dratio of the pipe section under blowdown. Comparison with field measurements of a straight pipe section and a
complicated compressor station yard piping enabled evaluation of the above models.

Afin d’estimer le temps de chasse d’une conduite de gaz, il est necessaire de determiner la relation pression-temps pour
la dtcharge en regime instationnairedu gaz dans une cheminte de vide-vite ouverte sur I’atmosphtre. Les mtthodes de
calcul par ordinateur foumissent des hypotheses Cmises.
Les modtles de volume et de conduite, les mkthodes de resolution numkriques et analytiques, les effets de I’entrk de
la cheminee et des pertes par friction ainsi que le coefficientde dkharge sont tvalu6s. L’exactituded’un modtle particulier
ou d’une mtthode de rtsolution depend fortement du rapportfllD de la section de conduite sous vide-vite. Les modkles
ci-dessus ont pu &tretvaluts par comparaison avec lesmesures de champ d’une section de conduite droite et d’une
tuyauterie d’une station complexe de compresseurs.

Keywords: gas pipeline blowdown, pipeline transient, unsteady flow, blowdown simulation.

E vacuation of a gas pipeline occurs during blowdown or

after rupture of a pipeline element. In the first case the
exit cross-sectional area of the riser is much smaller than that
not affect the flow rate during sonic discharge but slightly
raise the pipe pressure at which this phase is terminated.
However, during the subsonic discharge obviously these
of the main pipe. Consequently, the gas velocity in the losses decrease the flow rate and hence slow down the dis-
pipeline is typically about 10 - 30 mls during sonic discharge charge process. It seems that these opposite effects, i.e. faster
and the flow can be regarded as quasi-steady. Stagnation discharge due to extension of sonic venting and slower dis-
pressure at the stack exit, which determines the discharge flux charge during the subsonic phase, allow for a simplification
to the atmosphere, is a function of pipeline pressure at the to regard the valve throat as an exit to the ambient pressure.
stack entrance and pressure losses in the riser. In case of a Therefore, this simplification was applied to all models and
rupture, however, the exit area can be as large as the main methods of solution discussed in this paper.
pipe cross-sectional area and thus flow velocity in the pipe Generally, the flow pattern along Ls2 depends on
becomes high (about 350 mls initially at the ruptured section) throatlstack area ratio, the pipe pressure and whether
and varies rapidly with time. The above comparison indi- (fLs2 I Ds)>< (fLs2 I Ds)m= (Shapiro, 1953). These factors
cates that the two cases require different physical models and determine flow at the exit, Me >< 1. For the stack character-
mathematical descriptions for the calculation of pressure-
ized above, (fLs2/Ds) < (tL.s2/Ds)max. However, with abnor-
time history during evacuation of the pipeline. This study is mally long Ls2 or different area ratio, the flow may be choked
restricted to blowdown only. at the exit but not at the valve throat. In that case the
The schematic in Figure 1 shows a blowdown riser at the downstream friction losses such as thoie along Lsi will de-
end of a pipeline section. The internal flow during sonic crease the flow rate during the sonic discharge.
discharge from the stack occurs with low velocity in the main Accuracy in predicting the blowdown time is determined
pipe, moderate velocity along Lsi, sonic velocity at the valve by proper description of thermo- and gas dynamic behavior
throat and mostly supersonic velocity along Ls2 and at the of gas during this unsteady process. Specifically, gas expan-
exit. This pattern can be attributed to a typical stack with a sion in the pipe and at the throat and precise determination of
plug valve. The geometry of such a stack is characterized by friction losses in the riser and of throat discharge coefficient,
the effective cross-sectional area ratio of the valve throat to are of particular importance. Pressure losses depend on LID,
the stack being equal to about 0.6 and Ls2/Ds being less than LsilDs, Ls2/DS, shape of the riser inlet and roughness of the
10. After an abrupt enlargement of the duct cross-section main pipe and the riser. It is expected that stack friction losses
downstream of the throat, a supersonic flow with oblique can extend the blowdown time by about 5 to 10% (Gradle,
shock waves occurs until the main pipe pressure falls to a 1984).
level approximately 2.5 times the ambient pressure The literature related to blowdown time prediction is rather
(Jungowski, 1968; Anderson and Meier, 1982). With further scarce (Gradle, 1984) contrary to many papers dealing with
decrease in the main pipe pressure, a subsonic flow is estab- slow (Osiadacz, 1984; Streeter and Wylie, 1970 Rachford
lished along Ls2, and soon after, the sonic discharge is termi- and Dupont, 1974) or fast transients (Flatt, 1986; Cronje et
nated when the pipe pressure drops approximately below 1.5 al., 1980; Groves et al., 1978; Picard and Bishnoi, 1988) in
times the ambient pressure. Due to the pressure recovery gas pipeline systems.
downstream of the throat, the pipe pressure terminating the In this paper two physical models are described; the pipe-
sonic discharge is lower than that with Ls2 = 0 when no line section is regarded either as a volume with stagnation
pressure recovery takes place and as a result, the duration of conditions inside or as apipe with velocity increasing towards
sonic venting is extended. The friction losses along Ls2 do the exit. Solutions of the pertinent equations for each model

Analytical Volume Solution
For perfect gas and T = constant, Equation (2) yields
dp = dPIRT ................................ (3)
and thus Equation (1) can be transformed into
GRTdr = -V . dP ........................... (4)
For sonic flow at the valve throat and assuming isentropic
expansion from the pipe stagnation conditions, the mass flow
rate (Shapiro, 1953) is:

Figure 1 - Schematic of a blowdown section.

were obtained analytically for natural gas with some refer-
Gc = [-I&[ .L.+
, 1

~1 k

2 P . Arb . cd
........ ( 5 )
ence gas paramenters and numerically taking into account the
real gas properties at each time step during blowdown. Ef-
where the discharge coefficient Cd depends on the type of the
fects of friction losses in the riser upstream of the throat were
also considered in the numerical methods. Calculated blow-
The time constant zv is defined as:
down times were compared with those obtained using graphs
of Gradle (1984) and own field measurements of a straight k+ 1
pipe section and a compressor station yard piping.
Gas expansion in the main pipe generally is regarded as an
isothermal process because the shortest blowdown lasts at
least a couple of minutes during which heat transfer to the gas
occurs. Thermal capacitance of the pipe and surrounding soil where c is the speed of sound (c = -\lkRT). Introducing
secures sufficient heat flow to prevent much change in the gas Equations ( 5 ) and (6) in the original Equation (4) yields the
temperature. To assess this assumption the gas temperature normalized differential equation:
was measured and calculated during the blowdown of a
compressor station piping. The lowest temperature measured di, = -dP/P ............................... (7)
was slightly below freezing and the one calculated with a
steady heat transfer model was -12°C. Nevertheless, the where the normalized pressure P = PIPa, Pa is the ambient
pressure-time profile calculated for the latter case was very pressure and time7 = t ITV.
close to that calculated for the isothermal process. In reality, After integration from initial pressure Pi to the pressure Pc,
the lowest temperature most probably was below the mea- which terminates sonic flow, one obtains the time of sonic
sured one due to some thermal inertia of the thermometer venting as:
housing but above the calculated temperature due to the -
enhanced heat transfer with a transient temperature distribu- tc = lnPi - lnPc ............................. (8)
tion in the soil. If contents of the heaviest gas components
are not exceeding the specification gas requirements, conden- or taking into account that
sation should not occur above -10°C and therefore it seems
that typically there is no need to take it into account. During
the isentropic gas expansion at the throat the gas temperature
is lowered considerably, but due to the relaxation time con- L A
densation should not affect the process of expansion and thus
the flow rate. then, the dimensionless time for the sonic venting can be
written as;
Volume Model

This model neglects the effects of flow and friction along

the main pipe and hence assumes that stagnation conditions Generally, the pressure-time history during sonic venting can
prevail inside the whole pipe section under blowdown. Iso- be determined from Equation (8) as:
thermal gas expansion is assumed inside the main pipe and
isentropic flow through the stack. PI Pi = exp (-7) ............................ (1 1)
Mass conservation requires that where 0 <T<Tc. This indicates that the pressure drop in the
main pipe occurs exponentially during sonic venting.
Gdt = - V d p ............................... .(I) Following the sonic venting is a subsonic discharge where
the critical flow pressure corresponding to the line stagnation
The equation of state of the gas has the form: pressure is less than the ambient pressure Pa. During this
period, the mass flow rate can be expressed as:
p = p(P, 7,) ................................ .(2) I I

Gs= ~ r[&r[p-f - p-?]'p. Arh . Cd

The procedures describing the analytical and the numerical k - 1
solutions of these equations are given below. ........................................ (12)
N(k,Pb) ts

ph ph
k Pc 1.1 1.01 1 .oo1 1.1 1.01 1.001

1.3 1.8324 2.5525 3.4560 3.7406 0.5785 0.7833 0.8479

1.314 1.8409 2.5233 3.4108 3.6907 0.5842 0.7897 0.8545
1.35 1.8627 2.4585 3.3100 3.5787 0.5985 0.8058 0.8712
1.4 1.8929 2.3883 3.1987 3.4546 0.6181 0.8278 0.8941

Introducing Equation (1 2) into Equation (4)and following are determined from the state equation. The throat pressure
the previous transformations we obtain the differential equa- and temperature (Pth, Tth) are related to the pressure and
tions: temperature of the gas in the pipe volume (P,T ) and can be
calculated from the state equation using an iterative proce-
dure for isentropic expansion to sonic conditions. Addition-
dT = +[ 2k-’ ( k - 1)’ / ( k
(F-2lk - F-(k+l)/k
. . . . . . . . . . (13) ally, the thermodynamic relation:

Numerical integration from Pc to P b yields the time of sub-

sonic venting
7s -- 2Vk-I) ( k - 1)v2 (k + I ) ( ~ + ’ ) JN
~ ((~k-,I Pb)
) is used to describe the isothermal expansion of the gas inside
........................................ the pipe volume, where y is the specific heat ratio. Hence
Equation (17) can be written as:
where N(k, Pb) denotes the value of the integral and P h > 1 .
The effect of k and Pb on isis shown in Table 1.
The total normalized time of blowdown from Pi to Pb will
then be
- _
fh = tc +- ts ................................ (15)
Equation ( 1 8) is also used to calculate the speed of sound c
from the equation of state.
or in seconds For subsonicdischarge, i.e. when the critical flow pressure
is less than the ambient pressure, Equation (19) is replaced by
- -
th = th . Tv ................................ (16)
yV _
Numerical Volume Solution
,2 dt
= -pthUrhAtheCd ....................... (20)

In the above analytical solution, the gas properties needed

for the analysis, namely k and c, were assumed constant for where: pth = p ( p a Tth)
the duration of the blowdown and were calculated at a refer- ulh = throat velocity calculated from the isentropic
ence pressure and temperature (averaged throughout the pro- expansion from the pipeline volume conditions (P,T) to the
cess) from an equation of state. This is rather a necessary ambient pressure Pa .
assumption if a closed form analytical solution is required. This also requires an iterative procedure since the R.H.S.
In order to account for variations in gas properties as condi- of Equation (20) is also a function of the pressure and tem-
tions change in the pipe volume, numerical methods are perature in the pipe volume, i.e.
necessary. An appropriate equation of state such as the
BWRS or AGA-8 equations, is needed to provide not only
the P-p-Trelation [Equation (2)] but also the derived thermo-
dynamic properties required for the numerical computation.
The mass conservation equation, Equation (I), is still valid, Both Equation (19) and Equation (21) are quasi-linear,
and the assumptions of isothermal expansion of the gas inside ordinary differential equations of the first order and were
the pipe volume and isentropic flow through the stack (adia- solved numerically using the variable order Backward Dif-
batic flow with no losses) still apply. ferentiation Formula (BDF) method known as Gear’s method
For sonic discharge, Equation (1) can be written as: (Harwell Subroutine Library - DC03 Routine, 1988). The
iterative procedures involved in the isentropic expansion of
v4dt = -(pth . Cth . Ath . cd) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (17) the gas to the stack throat are quite intensive particularly with
the AGA-8 state equation whose coefficients are temperature
where subscript ‘th’ refers to throat condition, and dependent. For this reason, the BWRS state equation was
used in the present analysis and in all of the results presented
Pth = P (Pth , Tth in this paper. Comparison of these equations of state per-
formed by Studzinski et al. (1988) for isentropic expansion
Cth = C (Pth, Tth ) of the gas to critical flow conditions, however, revealed that
the difference between the two equations in enthalpy predic- To solve this boundw value problem the method of s e p
tion lies between 1-2%. aration-of-variables (Carslaw and Jaeger, 1959) was applied
and the solution of Equation (27) is given by
Pipe Model
This model takes into account flow velocity and friction
P(x, t) = [ A cos(k) + B sin(hx) 3 exp(-lch2t) .... (29)
losses along the main pipe section under evacuation. The Differentiation of Equation (29), and introduction of the
other assumptions are the same as for the volume model, i.e. boundary condition at x = 0 results in B = 0 and hence
isothermal expansion of the gas in the main pipe and
isentropic through the stack. P(x, t ) = A cos(hx) exp(-d2t) ................. (30)
The one-dimensional flow along the pipe is described by
the continuity equation The boundary condition at x = L yields from Equation
2e + =0 ............................ (22)
ax + a E P ( L , t ) = 0 ................... (31)
the momentum equation
After introduction of Equation (30) we get
aU au + --
- + U-
1 ap
, at ax p ax + fu 1 2 0 = 0 .............(23) a tan(a)= a E L ............................ (32)

and the gas state equation, Equation (2). where a = U .

The initial conditions will be fulfilledif the solution can be
Analytical Pipe Solution developed in an infinite series as
As in the previous analytical solution for the volume
model, a closed form solution is only possible with ideal gas P(X,t) I Pi = C A,, c o s ( w / L) exp(-lca% / L ~...) (33)
behavior, i.e. P = pRT. Introduction of the gas flux Q = pu n=l
as a variable, linearization of the resistive term
The coefficientsAn can be calculated from the relation
f u 2 / 2 D = (fu/2D)av . u = a u . . ..............(24)
where a is the attenuation factor, and omission of the inertial
terms in Equation (23) results in the modified equations of
continuity: and after integration

ap + 3 = 0 . . .....................
An = 4 sin an1(2% + sin 201n) ............... (35)
(1 I RT) - .(25)
at ax Table 1 of Appendix IV in Carslaw and Jaegex (1959)
and momentum: indicates that for aEL < 0.1 the second root a2 of Equation
(35) is greater than ten times the first root a1 and thus the
ap series is rapidly converging. In this rangeA1 is also very close
ax + a Q = 0 ..............................
- (26) to unity (A1 = 1.016for aEL = 0.1). With decreasingaEL, the
coefficient A1 tends to unity and the higher An coefficients
DifferentiatingEquation (26) with respect to x and subtract- tend to zero. According to Equation (33) at x = 0 and t = 0
ing from Equation (25) yields the pressure ratio is determined by the sum of the An coeffi-
cients only. Since the initial pressure ratio should be equal to
unity, the error associated with taking the first term only is
equal to 1.6%. With growing time t, convergence improves
because the second and subsequent terms are more sup-
pressed than the first one. Therefore for the calculationof the
where pressure drop with time during blowdown the first term in
Equation (33) is sufficient and hence at x = 0,
K =-
................................... .(28)
P / Pi = exp(-Ka!t I L2) ...................... (36)
The partial differentialequation,Equation (27),describing Normalizing time t by the constant zp, where
a slowly varying flow in the main pipe, is linear, parabolic
and of the second order and is known as the one-dimensional ...............................
heat conduction equation (Carslaw and Jaeger, 1959). This 2p = L2/KCXf (37)
equation can be solved once the boundary and initial condi- an exponential expression identical to Equation (1 1) is ob-
tions for the pipeline are specified. At the closed end, x = 0 tained:
(Figure 1). Q = 0 prevails at all times and thus from Equation
(26), aP/ax = 0. At the stack end, x = L, and during sonic P I Pi = exp(-$ ............................. (38)
venting the gas flux is proportional to the pipe pressure, i.e.
Q = EP [see Equation (5)] where E is a constant. At the but containing a different normalization time constant 2.,
beginning of blowdown the pressure in the entire pipeline is Note that from Equations (6), (28). (32) and (37),
equal to Pi, thereby setting the initial conditions. limzp = zv, and that for a > 0,zp> zv, indicatingthat friction
TABLE2 1.o
Gas Composition

Component Mole %

Methane 91.63
Ethane 4.55 .

Propane 1.12
i-Butane 0.16
n-Butane 0.2 1
i-Pentane 0.05
n-Pentane 0.07
Nitrogen 1.78 0 1 2 3 4 5
Carbon-dioxide 0.43 -
t = t17"
Figure 2 - Pressure-time profiles from analytical and numerical
TABLE3 volume models (without stack losses).
Gas Properties @ 1O'C
(from BWRS with C,, data from Aly & Lee, 1981) Thus, for each time step, At, a system of 2n (where n is the
number of nodes dividing the pipe section) non-linear alge-
Pressure Sound Speed k braic equations are formulated from the implicit finite differ-
[kPal [m/sl ence scheme. These equations are solved simultaneously
using Newton's method. A distinct advantage of this scheme
is that the solution is generally stable for all choices of At and
SO00 399.33 1.4600
Av and it is relatively simple to implement. In addition, the
6OOo 395.95 1.3679 formulation of a straight section of a pipeline results, natu-
4000 398.96 1.3176 rally, in a block-mdiagonal system of equations for which the
Thomas algorithm described in Rosenberg (1969) can be
2000 406.42 1.2966 applied quite readily. Note that the blocks in this tridiagonal
loo0 411.29 1.2936 system are 2x2 since the number of dependent variables is
100 416.14 1.2941 two. In the case of complicated piping networks, this block
triagonal property is no longer in effect, and a technique based
on a sparse variant of Gaussian elimination for sparse systems
attenuation in the main pipe tends to increase the blowdown of equations is used (Duff, 1980).
The normalized time of sonic venting can be calculated Example Of Pressure-TimeComputations
introducing Equation (lo), and hence the dimensional time rc
from Computations for the above models and solution methods
- were performed on an example blowdown of a straight sec-
fc = rc . T, ................................ (39) tion of pipe through one riser at the end (see Figure 1). The
cross-sectional areas involved in this example are:
Numerical Pipe Solution Ap = 0.8623 m2, AS = 0.0729 m2 and Ath = 0.0498 m2. The
gas composition used is given in Table 2 and the correspond-
The same one-dimensional unsteady gas flow equations ing gas properties at 10°C are given in Table 3. The results
are used here, again neglecting the inertial terms in the are presented in a normalized form for general application.
momentum equation, i.e.
Figure 2 shows a comparison between the two methods of
solution for the volume model, namely the analytical and
mumerical methods for three differenct initial1 pressures, Pi
= 4000, 6000 and 8000 kPa. The time is normalized with
respect to zV[see Equation (6)]. The reference gas properties
ap +felel = 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (41)
momentum: - in zv were taken as the average values during the blowdown
ax 2pD
and these are: c = 404 m/s for all Pi cases and k = 1.300, 1.314
combined with the state equation [Equation (2)] and the and 1.350 corresponding to Pi = 4000,6000, and 8000 Wa,
assumptions of isothermal flow along the pipe [Equation respectively [see Table 31. As a result, the analytical solution
(l8)J and isentropic expansion through the blowdown stack. gives only one profile of the dimensionless pressure up to the
This yields a set of non-linear, first-order parabolic partial end of sonic discharge independent of the initial pressure.
differential equations for the dependent variables P and Q. The termination points indicating the end of sonic venting are
An Euler implicit finite difference scheme has been used to different, naturally, for the different initial pressures. Three
obtain the solution. This scheme is known to be first-order different profiles corresponding to the three initial pressures
accurate in time and second-order accurate in space (Ander- resulting from the numerical solution are also shown in the
son et al., 1984). A typical two-dimensional grid is used with same figure. This figure illustrates clearly the effects of
the previously noted boundary conditions: (1) zero flux at accounting for real gas behavior and the variations of the gas
x = 0; and (2) a flux at x = L which depends on the stack throat properties during blowdown. Clearly, the discrepancy be-
area, Cd coefficient, and the line pressure via real gas tween the analytical and the numerical profiles increases as
isentropic expansion to sonic and then subsonic discharge. the initial line pressure increases. For example, a t t = 3.0, the

1.0 ~
1.0 h

a - 4000,6000,8000 kPa b- 4000 kPa a - Analytical Volume Model
c- 6OOOkPa b - NumericalVolume Model
d- 8000 kPa c- Analytical P i p Model
d- Numerical P i p Model
0 . Indicates end of sonic venling .Indicates end of sonic vensng
0.1 .

0.01 0.01
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 2 4 6 0' 10
- -
t = f/rp t t/rg
Figure 3 - Pressure-timeprofiles from analytical and numerical pipe Figure 5 - Pressure-time profile comparison for P , = 6000 kPa
models (without stack losses). (without stack losses).
1.0 1 effects of both the real gas behavior and the mathematical
a - Analytical Pipe Model
difference in the methods of solution. In order to quantify the
b - Numerical Pipe Model (ideal gas) relative contribution of these effects, the numerical computa-
c - Numerical Pipe Model (real gas)
tion was run twice for Pi = 6000 kPa using the perfect gas
- End of sonic venting
equation of state and the real gas equations, respectively. The
results are compared with the analytical solution in Figure 4.
Finally, and in order to give an overall comparison of the
two models (volume vs. pipe) and the corresponding methods
of solution (analytical vs. numerical), the results of Figures 2
and 3 were plotted in Figure 5. Only the initial pressure case
of 6000 kPa is presented and the time is normalized according
to the following general normalization:
t = t/z,. .................................. (43)

where zg is a general time constant defined by

analytical solution gives only one value for Pi/Pi = 0.05

regardless of the initial pressure, while the numerical solution Notice that the analytical solutions are no longer straight
gives P1/Pi = 0.05 15,0.056 and 0.059 for Pi = 4000,6000 and lines on the semi-log graph from the initial conditions to sonic
8000 P a , respectively. It should be emphasized here that discharge due to the difference in time normalization. Com-
since the model equations are the same for both methods, the paring the results of Figure 5 shows that the pressure-time
above discrepancy is attributed only to the variation in the real profile obtained from the analytical volume model is below
gas properties in the numerical method with pressure declin- that obtained from the numerical volume model. This is
ing during blowdown. attributed mainly to the effect of real gas behavior. In addi-
tion, the volume model solutions generally underpredict the
Figure 3 shows a similar comparison between the analyti-
cal and numerical solutions for the pipe model, for the three blowdown time due to the lack of attenuation resulting from
initial pressures of 4000,6000 and 8000kPa. The time in this friction along the main pipe.
model is normalized with respect to zp [see Equation (37)]. Effects Of Stack Losses
The reference gas properties (c and k ) used in 7, are the same
as used in zv while the main pipe attenuation parameter In the above analyses, the flow through the stack was
a = (f~/2D)~,, was determined from the expression (Osiadacz, assumed isentropic, i.e. stack entrance and friction losses
1987) along the length of the stack were neglected. In order to
assess the effect of this simplification the entrance loss and
/ 3 0 ) [u2(L) + u(L) . u ( 0 ) - u 2 ( 0 ) ] ......(42) friction along Lsi were taken into account. Pressure recovery
[u(L) - 40)1 downstream of the throat and friction along Ls2 were omitted
as before. According to the discussion given in the Introduc-
For sonic venting in the present example, U ( L )was~ ~cal- tion, pressure recovery enhances the discharge by extending
culatedas 13m/s,f=O.Ol,D= 1.048mand hencea=0.0415. the sonic phase but the loss along Ls2 lowers the discharge
In the analytical solution, the sonic boundary condition was rate during the subsonic phase. The pressure-time profiles
extended for the subsonic range, as an approximation. This already calculated indicate that the subsonic phase constitutes
approximation is because an analytical solution is not possi- typically about 20% of the total blowdown time, but the
ble with the introduction of the subsonic boundary conditions. corresponding pressure drop is only 1-2.5% of the initial
The associated error of this approximation will be given later. pressure level. In other words during the subsonic phase the
The profiles shown in Figure 3 demonstrate the combined pipe pressure drops by less than 100 kPa. These notions
WilhouI slack losses (Cd= 1.0)
With lflcfion losses along the slack (C, = 1.0)
1 Profile
Without slack iosses icd 1.01
With lriciion losses along the Slack (cd- 1.0)
3 With slackenmce losses (C, = 1.0) 3 Wilh slack enlranm losses (C, = 1.O)
4 With lricUon and enlranca losses (c, = 1.0) 4 With friction and enlrance losses (C, = 1.a)
th 1dcUon and enhance bsses (C, = 0.95) 5 With lrinion and entrance losses (Cd = 0.95)

0.1 7
lndicales end of Wnlc venung

0.1 -
0 .lndlcales end 01 s n l c venUng

I I t I I I
0.01 0.01
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10

Figure 6 - Pressure-time profiles from numerical pipe model with Figure 7 - Pressure-time profiles from numerical pipe model with
stack losses (time nomalized w.r.t. T~). stack losses (time normalized w.r.t. ( zg Pol /Pf,,h)).

imply that for a typical stack characterized in the Introduction where 5 is the entrance loss coefficient (5 = 1h for sharp-
the processes occurring downstream of the throat can only edged entrance), and Poi and P02 are stagnation pressures at
change the blowdown history insignificantly. Therefore, the sections 1 and 2, respectively (see Figure 1). Again, as a good
throat was still regarded as an exit to the atmospheric pres- approximation, the following expressions can be used for the
sure. Most probably the errors in determination of the en- stagnation pressures:
trance loss, friction factor along Lsi and valve discharge
coefficient will have a much stronger effect on the total
blowdown time than this simplifying assumption.
Additionally, since the stack is normally short the frictional .(49)
flow along it can be assumed adiabatic. The energy equation
for unsteady compressible gas flow in one-dimensional con-
stant area ducts (streamwise viscous and conductive effects
being neglected) can be written as follows (Issa and Spalding,
Po2 = P2 1 + k2 [ ~ 2 '( ~ G2
I]= k?

. . . . . . . . . .(50)

at e + 13 $(.+; I);
+ + = q . . . . . . . (451
where the values for ki,k2, ci and c2 are evaluated for the real
gas from the state equation at the conditions of sections 1 and
2, respectively.
Combining the above formulation with the numerical so-
where q represents the rate of heat transfer per unit mass of
lution for the main pipe model, the blowdown pressure-time
the gas and is identically zero for adiabatic flow. Introducing
profiles were obtained for the stack geometry shown in Figure
the continuity equation, Equation (22), and the full momen-
1. Figure 6 shows the effects of accounting for stack friction
tum equation, Equation (23), the above energy equation after
losses and for the entrance losses (5 = OS), separately and
some manipulation becomes (Picard and Bishnoi, 1988):
combined. Notice that these losses, particularly the entrance
losses, increase the blowdown time. Profiles (1) through (4)
of Figure 6 are for C d = 1.0. In this particular example,
accounting for friction along the stack increased the blow-
down time by 1.5%, while sharp-edged entrance losses in-
creased it by 6.5% and the combined losses by 8%.
This energy equation, Equation (46), along with the conti- approximately. Profile 5, however, shows the effects of both
nuity equation, Equation (22), and the original momentum losses combined but for Cd= 0.95. It is interesting to see that
equation, Equation (23), constitute a set of non-linear hyper- the dimensionless blowdown time, as defined in Equation
bolic partial differential equations. This was solved by the (43). for c d = 0.95 is less than that for c d = 1.o (profile 4).
general implicit finite difference scheme of Beam and Warm- This is because the discharge flow rate is lower for Cd = 0.95
ing (1 976). which in turn reduces the effects of the stack friction and
entrance losses.
As for the entrance losses at the stack inlet, a quasi-steady
flow can be assumed at each time step of the numerical In addition, if the time is normalized in a way to allow for
solution. The following equations can then be applied: these losses, that is

continuity: piuiA, = p2u2A2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (47)

where Path is the throat stagnation pressure, all the profiles of
Figure 6 collapses to one during the sonic discharge as shown
pressure loss equation: Poi - P02 = 5-p2u3
. . . . . (48) in Figure 7. The subsonic discharge pressure-time profiles,

Comparison of Results

L=lkm I
4000 6000 8000 I 4000 6000 8000
Time (sec) tc tb

Method I

Volume Model
- analyitical 234 292 264 322 286 343 4687 5834 5281 6440 5710 6897
- numerical 237 296 271 330 296 356 4731 5920 5419 6609 5933 7121
Pipe Model
- numerical 227 270 254 297 271 315 4661 5542 5226 6111 5575 6470
- analytical 240 298 272 330 292 351 4910 6170 5570 6850 5970 7290
- numerical with
stack losses 247 321 284 352 312 380 5072 6631 5841 7400 6412 7971
- charts in Gradle I
(1984) without stack
losses - 320 - 340 - 370 - 5800 - 6300 - 6800
- charts in Gradle
(1984) with stack
losses - 341 - 362 - 394 - 6180 - 6720 - 7250

however, deviate from each other as the discharge flow is not Generally, the above-mentioned discrepancies between the
directly proportional to the stagnation pressure during the analytical and numerical solutions in the two models depend
subsonic phase. on the values of c, k and the attenuation factora used with the
analytical solutions. These parameters are determined with
Comparison Of Results some tolerance and thus higher or lower discrepancies are
possible. In addition, these discrepancies depend on two
In order to assess the effects of the models and methods of main parameters, namely: fL/D and Ap/(Arh Cd). The
solution on blowdown time some computations were per- discharge coefficient Cd depends primarily on the flow con-
formed. The results are tabulated in Table 4 which also traction coefficient resulting from valve geometry and is
contains respective results using the charts in Gradle (1984). normally provided by the valve manufacturer. Figure 8
Geometry and computation parameters used here are those shows clearly the effects of these two parameters on the sonic
given in the previous examples. The stack length Ls was blowdown time for example. The results are presented in
taken as 3 m for friction loss calculations, while Cd was terms of the ratio of the sonic blowdown time from the
assumed unity. The time of sonic venting, tc, and total different models to that obtained from the numerical pipe
blowdown time, tb, to a line pressure 1% above atmospheric model. It is demonstrated in these figures that the discrep-
pressure were calculated for three values of Pl and pipe ancy increases asfLID increases or Ap/(Ath Cd) decreases.
lengths of 1 km and 20 km. The results are tabulated in Table
4. Comparison With Field Measurements
Examination of Table 4 indicates that the real gas proper-
ties (in the numerical solution) increase tc and tb by 1-4% in Field measurements were taken during blowdown of a gas
the volume model. In the pipe model the dicrepancy between pipeling section in NOVA CORPORATION O F
analytical and numerical solutions increases to 5 7 % for tc. ALBERTA’S gas transmission system. Particulars of this
For tb calculations, however, the numerical pipe solution section are:
gives values 9- 1 1% higher than those predicted with the Dp = 0.203 m Pi = 4089 kPa
analytical method. This is because the sonic boundary con- Ds= 0.097 m Ti = 302 K
ditions were extended for the subsonic region in the analytical Arh = 0.00548 m2 5 = 0.2
model to allow for integration of the equation as mentioned LSi = 1.3 m Gas Composition (Table 2)
before. Ls2 = 0.7 k= 1.298 at P = 2000 kPa,T = 302 K
Table 4 also shows the effects of stack entrance and friction L = 25523 m c = 420 m/s at P = 2000 kPa,
losses. The entrance losses were taken with the maximum E, T = 302 K
value equal to 0.5 corresponding to a shapedged entrance. Figure 9 shows the measured P-tprofile in the main pipe
With this value of 5, stack losses tend to increase both tf and at section 1 (see Figure 1). Since the diameter of the main
tb by a maximum of 6-8%. pipe section is small in this example, it was appropriate to first
Due to the poor resolution of the charts in Gradle (1984), match the measured P-tprofile with that obtained from the
the evaluated tb is rather inaccurate but generally is about numerical pipe model in order to evaluate the missing value
3-7% longer for the short pipeline and 3-6% shorter for the of the discharge coefficient. This Cd was found to be 0.75
longer pipeline as compared to the numerical pipe model. which gave a good agreement between the measured profile
The charts also give a consistent 6.5% increase in th due to and that obtained from the numerical pipe model. This value
stack losses. of Cd seems quite reasonable for a plug valve when compared




. - =
Analytical Plpe Model

Analytical Volume Model

J Volume



0’ I 0.01
1 10 100 loo0 loo00 0

f LID TIME (seconds)

Figure 9 - Pressure- time profile comparison with Field Measure-
ments of a straight pipe section blowdown (fzlo = 1685).

1.4 t discrepancy at t = 0, the two profiles coincide as time elapses,

and approach the measured results.
Analytical Pipe Model, I Another field measurement was taken during blowdown of
a three-unit compressor station also in the NOVA CORPO-
RATION OF ALBERTA gas transmission system. Station
configuration and dimensions are shown in Figure 10. Other
particulars are:
Ds = 0.2476 m Pj = 6042 kPa
Arh = 0.0301 m2 T; = 292 K
LSi= 1.829 m Gas Composition (Table 2)
0.2 - A,’(AmC,) = 17.3 Ls2 = 1.295 m k = 1.314 at P = 3000 kPa, T = 292 K
6 = 0.2 c = 410 m/s at P = 3000 kPa,
01 I T = 292 K
1 10 100 lo00 loo00
Figure 11 shows the measured P-t profile at point ‘x’ very
fLlD close to the blowdown stack (see Figure lo). Similarly, for
Figure 8 - Ratio of sonic venting blowdown time of various models best match of the measured profile to that obtained from the
with respect to numerical pipe model numerical pipe model Cd = 0.87 was used in the model. The
transient flow through the orifice plates, check and globe
to 0.73 for choked sharp-edged orifice with zero velocity of valves and other elements was accounted for in the simulation
approach (Shapiro, 1953 - page 100). The friction factor was but are not discussed here in detail due to space limitation of
calculated at each time step for each discretized section of the this paper. In this particular example, the Cd = 0.87 is a
pipe as a function of Reynolds number and relative pipe surprisingly high value probably due to different geometry of
roughness = 1.5 x 10-4 . Entrance and friction losses in the the stack valve, and also due to the fact that the system is
stack are both accounted for in the computation. Notice in composed of many throttling elements. These throttling ele-
particular the sharp pressure decrease at the beginning of the ments were assumed fully open in the simulation, where in
blowdown and the ability of the model to simulate this. This reality this may not be the case. As such, error in underesti-
sharp pressure decrease is primarily due to the relatively high mating local resistances can lead to higher pressure at point
(AthCd/Ap)resulting in a pronounced transient effects imme- ‘x’, and hence a fictitiously higher Cd value would be
diately after the opening of the blowdown valve. required to match the measured P-t profile. The results
The same value of Cd (= 0.75) was used in the other models obtained from all models except the analytical pipe model
and the respective profiles are also shown in Figure 9. Notice, (which is not possible to obtain due to complexity of the
the huge discrepancies in both volume models (analytical and station configuration) are presented for comparison. It is also
numerical) in estimating the P-r profile. This is mainly due evident in this case study that the volume (analytical and
to the fact that for such a large value offZID, the physical numerical) models fall short in predicting the blowdown
model in this case falls short of representing the gas expan- profile and time.
sion/flow in the pipe. For the analytical pipe model, the
attenuation factor u estimated using Equation (42) was = Conclusions
0.676 (in this example u(L)= 30 m/s andf= 0.0134) and hence
the constant uEL = 3.873. With such large constant (> O . l ) , Analytical and numerical analysis verified against field
certainly the first term of Equation (33) will not be sufficient measurements on a pipeline section enabled evaluation of the
as was assumed before, particularly at x = L and t = 0. The validity of the volume and pipe models and the effects of
first six terms were therefore taken in Equation (33) and the friction losses.
corresponding anfrom Carslaw and Jaeger (1959) and A,, It was found that the accuracy of the results obtained from
from Equation (34) were calculated. Profile ’C’ of Figure 9 the various models and solution methods depend greatly on
shows the results of taking these six terms while profile ’d’ thejUD ratio of the pipe section under blowdown and the
shows the results of the first term only [i.e., A1 cos (ai)exp stack relative size with respect to the main pipe size. Gener-
(-KW r/L2)]. It is interesting to see that even with such large ally asJzlD increases, predictions using all models except the


7' OriflCC



24' z4'

Figure 10 - Compressor station yard piping configuration (numbers in brackets indicate lengths in meters).
90' ,,
'X' SD

series solution of the analytical pipe model in order to better
predict the P-t profile.
Finally, it should be emphasized that the precision in
c - Numerical Pipe Model
estimating the blowdown time greatly depends on the accu-
a ~ Field Measurements
racy of the input data used in the simulation particularly the
pipe and riser geometry, friction loss and discharge coeffi-
-- cients, and real gas properties.

The work presented here is part of a research project sponsored

t by NOVA CORPORATION OF ALBERTA and the permission to
publish it is hereby acknowledged. The authors also acknowledge
the valuable comments made by one of the reviewers.
0 50 100 150 2w
TIME (seconds) Nomenclature
11 = pipe attenuation factor
Figure 1 1 - Pressure-time profile comparison with field measUrementS A = pipe cross-sectionalarea
during blowdown of the compressor station shown in Figure 10. Ai, Bi = constants, i = 1,2, ....n
C = speed of sound
numerical pipe model tend to become inaccurate. However, cd = stack valve discharge coefficient
for relatively lowfl/D values, all models provide reasonable CP, = specific heat at constant pressure (at normal pressure
predictions and therefore the simple analytical volume calcu- and temperature conditions)
C" = specific heat at constant volume
lations can be used effectively.
D = pipe inside diameter
A case study (withfl/D = 1,685)involving field measure- e = internal energy per unit mass
ments showed that both the analytical and numerical volume E = constant of dimension [QP]
models fall short in predicting the P-t profile and the blow- f = Moody friction factor
down time. The same conclusion can be drawn from another f = function of, i.e.fl.....)
G = gas mass flow rate
case study involving field measurements of blowdown of a k = gas isentropic exponent
complicated network of a three-unit compressor station yard L = total pipe length
piping. The relatively large value of fz/D for the first case LS = total stack length
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