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Available Commands

The following list shows the commands enabled within the simulation. All listed commands
are available for all simulations, although not every command is required to complete the tasks
defined by the scenario. Online help and every valid shortened form of each command are
always available. Where applicable, the corresponding no version of each command is

User/Privileged Exec Commands

 clear frame-relay-inarp
 configure terminal
 copy running-config startup-config
 copy startup-config running-config
 disable
 disconnect
 enable
 exit
 help
 ping <ip address>
 show cdp
 show cdp interface
 show cdp interface <all supported interfaces>
 show cdp neighbors
 show cdp neighbors <all supported interfaces>
 show configuration
 show controllers
 show frame-relay lmi
 show frame-relay map
 show frame-relay pvc
 show frame-relay route
 show history
 show interfaces
 show interfaces <all supported interfaces> (including
bri0:1, bri0:2)
 show ip access-lists
 show ip interface
 show ip interface <all supported interfaces>
 show ip route
 show ipx route
 show ipx servers
 show isdn active
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 show isdn history
 show isdn status
 show running-config
 show startup-config
 show version
 terminal editing
 terminal history
 terminal history size <size>
 terminal no editing
 terminal no history
 traceroute <ip address>

Global Configuration Commands

 access-list <1-99> deny/permit <address>

 access-list <1-99> deny/permit <address> <wildcard mask>
 access-list <1-99> deny/permit host <address>
 banner <banner text>
 banner exec <banner text>
 banner incoming <banner text>
 banner login <banner text>
 banner motd <banner text>
 cdp holdtime <time>
 cdp timer <time>
 cdp run
 dialer-list <1-10> protocol ip deny/permit
 enable password <password>
 enable secret <password>
 end
 exit
 help
 hostname <name>
 interface bri <number>
 interface ethernet <number> (with subinterfaces)
 interface serial <number> (with subinterfaces)
 ip route <address> <mask> <interface> <next hop address>
 ip routing
 ipx routing
 isdn switch-type <type>
 line console 0
 line vty <number>
 line vty <number> <number>
 router rip
 router igrp <AS number>
 router eigrp <AS number>
 router ospf <process id>

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Ethernet Interface Commands

 cdp enable
 description <LINE>
 exit
 help
 ip access-group <number> in/out
 ip address <address> <mask>
 ipx network <address>
 ipx network <address> encapsulation <type>
 ipx network <address> encapsulation <type> secondary
 shutdown

Serial Interface Commands

 cdp enable
 clock rate <number>
 description <LINE>
 encapsulation frame-relay
 encapsulation hdlc
 encapsulation ppp
 exit
 frame-relay interface-dlci <number>
 frame-relay inverse-arp
 frame-relay map ip <address> <dlci>
 help
 ip access-group <1-99>
 ip address <address> <mask>
 ipx network <address>
 ipx network <address> encapsulation <type>
 ipx network <address> encapsulation <type> secondary
 shutdown

BRI Commands

 description <LINE>
 dialer fast-idle
 dialer idle-timeout
 dialer map ip <address> <string>
 dialer string <string>
 dialer-group <number>
 exit
 help
 ip address <address> <mask>
 isdn spid1 <string> <string>
 isdn spid2 <string> <string>
 isdn switch-type <type>

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 shutdown

Line/Console Commands

 exit
 help
 login
 password <password>

Router Commands

 network

Switch User/Privileged Mode Commands

 configure
 configure terminal
 disable
 enable
 exit
 help
 ping <ip address>
 show cdp
 show cdp interface
 show cdp interface <ethernet/fast ethernet ports>
 show cdp neighbors
 show cdp neighbors <ethernet/fast ethernet ports>
 show history
 show interfaces
 show interfaces <ethernet/fast ethernet ports>
 show ip
 show running-config
 show spanning-tree
 show spanning-tree <number>
 show version
 show vlan
 show vlan <number>
 show vlan-membership
 show vtp

Switch Global Commands

 cdp holdtime <number>

 cdp timer <number>
 enable password level 15 <password>
 end
 exit

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 help
 hostname <name>
 interface <ethernet/fastethernet port>
 ip address <address> <mask>
 ip default-gateway <address>
 spanning-tree <number> ...
 switchport access vlan <number>
 vlan <number>
 vlan <number> name <name>
 vtp client/server/transparent

Switch Ethernet/Fast Ethernet Commands

 cdp enable
 description <WORD>
 exit
 help
 shutdown
 vlan-membership static <number>

Uses of the OSI Model

You should be familiar with the OSI model, because it is the most widely used method for
talking about network communications. However, remember that it is only a theoretical model
that defines standards for programmers and network administrators, not a model of actual
physical layers.

Using the OSI model to discuss networking concepts has the following advantages:

 Provides a common language or reference point between network professionals

 Divides networking tasks into logical layers for easier comprehension
 Allows specialization of features at different levels
 Aids in troubleshooting
 Promotes standards interoperability between networks and devices
 Provides modularity in networking features (developers can change features without
changing the entire approach)

However, you must remember the following limitations of the OSI model.

 OSI layers are theoretical and do not actually perform real functions.
 Industry implementations rarely have a layer-to-layer correspondence with the OSI
 Different protocols within the stack perform different functions that help send or
receive the overall message.
 A particular protocol implementation may not represent every OSI layer (or may
spread across multiple layers).

OSI Model Layers

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The following table compares the functions performed at each OSI model layer.

Description and Device
Layer Protocols sulati
Keywords s
 User interface  Telnet
Application and
 Communication partner  TFTP
 Data format (file
 Encryption, translation,
Presentation and compression
 ASCII, ets
 Data format and
 Keeps data streams
separate (session
Session  RPC
 Set up, maintain, and ets
tear down
 Reliable
and unreliable
(connectionless)  TCP Segm
communications (connection ents,
 End-to-end flow -oriented) Data
control gram
 Port and socket  UDP s, and
numbers (connection Pack
less) ets
 Segmentation,
sequencing, and
 Logical addresses  IP Pack
 Path determination  IPX ets
(identification and  AppleTal and
Network Router
selection) k Data
 Routing packets  DECNET s

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 Convert bits into protocols:
bytes and bytes into 802.2
(LL frames (LLC),
C)  MAC address, a.k.a. 802.3
D burned in address (Ethernet),
a (BIA), hardware 802.5
t address (Token
a  Logical network Ring),
Switche Fram
topology 802.11
s es
L  Media access (Wireless)
i  Flow control
n (MA o Acknowledge  WAN
k C) ments protocols:
o Buffering HDLC,
o Windowing PPP, Frame
 Parity and CRC ISDN,
 Move bits across
232 (serial Cable
 Cables, connectors,
signaling) Connect
pin positions
 V.35 ors
 Electrical signals
Physical (modem Hubs Bits
(voltage, bit
signaling) and
 Cat5 repeater
 Physical topology
 RJ45
(network layout)

Connection-oriented vs. Connectionless

You should know the following facts about connection-oriented communication:

 Connection-oriented protocols are reliable. They perform session initiation, error

detection, and error correction. They identify and retransmit lost packets.
 A connection-oriented protocol is a good choice where reliable, error-free
communications are more important than speed.
 The three phases of connection-oriented communication are:
1. Session initialization (connection establishment),
2. Session maintenance (data transfer), and
3. Session termination (connection release).

You should also know the following facts about connectionless communication:

 Connectionless services assume an existing link between devices and allow

transmission without extensive session establishment.

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 Connectionless communications include no error checking or acknowledgement
 Connectionless communications use no error checking, session establishment, or
 Connectionless protocols allow quick, efficient communication. However, data errors
and packet loss might occur.


As you study this section, answer the following questions:

 How does the DOD model correspond to the OSI model?

 Which TCP/IP protocols allow for copying and moving files?
 What does the Telnet protocol allow you to do?
 Which protocol includes a set of messages that controls how data moves through a
 What is the role of the subnet mask?
 What is the default address class of the IP address
 What three address ranges are used for private IP addresses?
 What is the broadcast address of network

This section covers the following exam objectives:

 102. Design an IP addressing scheme to meet design requirements

 401. Describe network communications using layered models
 405. Evaluate TCP/IP communication process and its associated protocols

TCP/IP Protocols

The following table lists several protocols in the TCP/IP protocol suite.

OSI Model
Protocol Description DOD Model Layer
File Transfer Protocol
(FTP) provides a generic
method of transferring files.
It can include file security
FTP Presentation, Application/Process
through usernames and
passwords, and it allows file
transfer between dissimilar
computer systems.
TFTP Trivial File Transfer Application, Application/Process
Protocol (TFTP) is similar Presentation,
to FTP. It lets you transfer Session
files between a host and an
FTP server. However, it
provides no user
authentication and uses
UDP instead of TCP as the
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transport protocol.
The Hypertext Transfer
Protocol (HTTP) is used by
Web browsers and Web
servers to exchange files
(such as Web pages)
through the World Wide
Web and intranets. HTTP
can be described as an
HTTP Presentation, Application/Process
information requesting and
responding protocol. It is
typically used to request
and send Web documents,
but is also used as the
protocol for communication
between agents using
different TCP/IP protocols.
Simple Mail Transfer
Protocol (SMTP) is used to
route electronic mail
through the internetwork.
SMTP Presentation, Application/Process
E-mail applications provide
the interface to
communicate with SMTP
or mail servers.
Simple Network
Management Protocol
(SNMP) is a protocol
designed for managing
complex networks. SNMP
lets network hosts exchange
SNMP Presentation, Application/Process
configuration and status
information. This
information can be gathered
by management software
and used to monitor and
manage the network.
Remote Terminal
Emulation (Telnet) allows
an attached computer to act
as a dumb terminal, with Application,
Telnet data processing taking place Presentation, Application/Process
on the TCP/IP host Session
computer. It is still widely
used to provide connectivity
between dissimilar systems.
NFS Network File System (NFS) Application, Application/Process
was initially developed by Presentation,

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Sun Microsystems. It
consists of several protocols
that enable users on various
platforms to seamlessly
access files from remote file
Transmission Control
Protocol (TCP) operates at
the Transport layer. It
provides connection-
oriented services and
TCP performs segment Transport Host-to-Host (Transport)
sequencing and service
addressing. It also performs
important error-checking
functions and is considered
a host-to-host protocol.
User Datagram Protocol
(UDP) is considered a host-
to-host protocol like TCP. It
also performs functions at
the Transport layer.
UDP Transport Host-to-Host (Transport)
However, it is not
connection-oriented like
TCP. Because of less
overhead, it transfers data
faster, but is not as reliable.
Domain Name System
(DNS) is a system that is
distributed throughout the
internetwork to provide
DNS address/name resolution. Transport Host-to-Host (Transport)
For example, the name
"" would
be identified with a specific
IP address.
Internet Protocol (IP) is the
main TCP/IP protocol. It is
a connectionless protocol
that makes routing path
IP decisions, based on the Network Internet
information it receives from
ARP. It also handles logical
addressing issues through
the use of IP addresses.
ICMP Internet Control Message Network Internet
Protocol (ICMP) works
closely with IP in providing

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error and control
information that helps move
data packets through the
IGMP (Internet Group
Membership Protocol) is a
protocol for defining host
groups. All group members
can receive broadcast
messages intended for the
IGMP Network Internet
group (called multicasts).
Multicast groups can be
composed of devices within
the same network or across
networks (connected with a
Address Resolution
Protocol (ARP) creates a
complete Internet address
by combining the logical
ARP network address with the Network Internet
physical address. It works
with other protocols to
provide logical name
address resolution.
RARP Both BOOTP (Bootstrap Network Internet
Protocol) and RARP
(Reverse Address
Resolution Protocol) are
used to discover the IP
address of a device with a
known MAC address.
BOOTP is an enhancement
to RARP, and is more
BOOTP commonly implemented Network Internet
than RARP. As its name
implies, BOOTP is used by
computers as they boot to
receive an IP address from a
BOOTP server. The
BOOTP address request
packet sent by the host is
answered by the server.
DHCP The Dynamic Host Network Internet
Configuration Protocol
(DHCP) simplifies address
administration. DHCP
servers maintain a list of

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available and assigned
addresses, and
communicate configuration
information to requesting
hosts. DHCP has the
following two components.
 A protocol for delivering
IP configuration parameters
from a DHCP server to a

 A protocol specifying
how IP addresses are
Open Shortest Path First
(OSPF) is a route discovery
protocol that uses the link-
state method. It is more
OSPF Network Internet
efficient than RIP in
updating routing tables,
especially on large
Routing Information
Protocol (RIP) is a route
discovery protocol that uses
RIP the distance-vector method. Network Internet
If the network is large and
complex, OSPF should be
used instead of RIP.

The TCP/IP protocol suite was developed to work independently of the Physical layer
implementation. You can use a wide variety of architectures with the TCP/IP protocol suite.

IP Address Classes

A single IP address identifies both the network address and the host address. The subnet
mask is used to separate the network and host addresses.

IP addresses have a default class. The address class identifies the range of IP addresses and
a default subnet mask used for the range. The following table shows the default address class
for each IP address range.

Default Subnet
Class Address Range First Octet Range
A to (00000001--01111111
B to 128-191
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192-223 to
C (11000000--11011111
224-239 to
D (11100000--11101111 n/a
240-255 to
E (11110000--11111111 n/a

When using the default subnet mask for an IP address, you have the following number of
available host addresses:

 Class A addresses give you 16,777,214 hosts per network.

 Class B addresses give you 65,534 hosts per network.
 Class C addresses give you 254 hosts per network.

Special Addresses

The following address ranges have been reserved for private use.

 to
 to
 to

Use addresses in these ranges for your private networks. Routers connected to the Internet
typically filter messages within these ranges and prevent them from being propagated to the

You should also understand the following special addresses.

IP Address Use
This network address is used by routers to specify the "default"
route. Using a generic value reduces the number of routing table
entries. (Some older routers use this address as a broadcast
An address with all bits of the network portion of an address set
to 0 refers to a host on "this" network. Examples:
All bits of the network
 host on a Class A network
portion of an address set
 host on a Class B network
to 0
 host on a Class C network
All bits of the host An address with all bits of the host portion of an address set to 0

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refers to the network itself. Examples:
 Class A network address:
portion of an address set
 Class B network address:
to 0
 Class C network address:
An address with all bits of the host portion of an address set to 1
is a broadcast message for all hosts on the network. Examples:
 to all hosts on Class A
All bits of the host network
portion of an address set  to all hosts on Class B
to 1 network

 to all hosts on Class C

This network address is reserved for the loopback address. (Note: This address is not included in the range of Class A or Class B
addresses.) The address refers to the local host.
This address is used to indicate a broadcast message intended for
all hosts on this network.

Device Communication

As you study this section, answer the following questions:

 Which OSI model layer uses service data units called frames?
 When moving from top to bottom through the OSI model layers, which comes first,
packets or segments?
 A computer needs to send a message to another computer on the same network. What
MAC address would go in to the destination portion of the frame?
 A computer needs to send a message to another computer on a different network. What
MAC address would go in to the destination portion of the frame?
 As a packet moves from device to device through an internetwork, do the Network
layer addresses change or remain the same?

This section covers the following exam objectives:

 401. Describe network communications using layered models

 405. Evaluate TCP/IP communication process and its associated protocols

Service Data Units and Encapsulation

Encapsulation is the process of breaking a message into packets, adding control and other
information, and transmitting the message through the transmission media. You need to know
the following five-step data encapsulation process:

1. Upper layers prepare the data to be sent through the network.

2. The Transport layer breaks the data into pieces called segments, adding sequencing
and control information.

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3. The Network layer converts the segments into packets, adding logical network and
device addresses.
4. The Data Link layer converts the packets into frames, adding physical device
addressing information.
5. The Physical layer converts the frames into bits for transmission across the
transmission media.

The following short descriptions can help you remember the steps of the data encapsulation

1. Upper layers--data
2. Transport layer--segments
3. Network layer--packets containing logical addresses
4. Data Link layer--framing that adds physical addresses
5. Physical layer--bits

LAN Design


As you study this section, answer the following questions:

 What is the purpose of the jam signal and the back off in Ethernet communications?
 What is the rated speed of Cat3 cable?
 What is the maximum cable length allowed for 100BaseTX?
 Two devices are using full-duplex communications with the 1000BaseT standards.
What is the amount of bandwidth available?
 Under what conditions can you disable collision detection on an Ethernet network?

This section covers the following exam objectives:

 101. Design a simple LAN using Cisco Technology

 104. Design a simple internetwork using Cisco technology
 205. Implement a LAN
 403. Compare and contrast key characteristics of LAN environments
 405. Evaluate TCP/IP communication process and its associated protocols
 406. Describe the components of network devices

Ethernet Architecture Facts

The following table shows specifics of the Ethernet architecture.

Physical topologies--bus, star, cascading star

Topology Logical topology--bus (physical bus, logical bus; physical star, logical
bus), star (physical star, logical star)
Media Access CSMA/CD--Carrier Sense, Multiple Access/Collision Detection
Method (contention). Devices use the following process to send data.
1. Because all devices have equal access to the transmission media
(multiple access), a device with data to send first listens to the transmission

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medium to determine if it is free (carrier sense).
2. If it is not free, the device waits a random time and listens again
to the transmission medium. When it is free, the device transmits its
3. If two devices transmit at the same time, a collision occurs. The
sending devices detect the collision (collision detection) and send a jam

4. Both devices wait a random length of time before attempting to

resend the original message (called backoff).
Thick coaxial, thin coaxial, twisted-pair, fiber-optic
The most common Ethernet implementations use unshielded twisted-pair
cables (UTP). Each cable consists of eight wires, twisted into four pairs.
UTP cables are classified by categories:
Transmission  Cat3, rated up to 10 Mbps
Media  Cat4, rated up to 16 Mbps
 Cat5, rated up to 100 Mbps
 Cat5e, rated up to 1,000 Mbps (gigabit)

UTP cables are connected with RJ-45 connectors.

Frame size = 64 to 1518 bytes (this is the same for all Ethernet standards)
Four frame types are supported:
 Ethernet 802.3--This frame type is the original Ethernet frame type.
 Ethernet 802.2--This frame type accommodates standards set by the
IEEE 802.2 committee related to the logical link control (LLC) sublayer. It
is a more current frame type than 802.3.
 Ethernet II--This frame type provides the ability to use TCP/IP as a
Frame Type
transport/network layer protocol. Other Ethernet frame types operate
strictly with IPX/SPX as a transport/network layer protocol.

 Ethernet SNAP--This frame type (SubNetwork Address Protocol) is an

enhanced version of Ethernet 802.2 that allows for greater compatibility
with other network architectures such as Token Ring. This frame type also
supports TCP/IP.
The MAC address (also called the burned-in address) is used as the Data
Link layer physical device address. The MAC address is a 12-digit
hexadecimal number. Each digit ranges from 0-9 or A-F.
The MAC address FFFFFFFFFFFF is the broadcast address. Packets
addressed to the broadcast address will be processed by all devices.

Ethernet Standards

The following table compares the characteristics of various Ethernet implementations.

Category Standard Bandwidth Cable Type Segment
Ethernet 10Base5 10 Mbps Coaxial 500 meters
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10Base2 10 Mbps 185 meters
10 Mbps
(half duplex)
10BaseT pair (Cat3, 100 meters
20 Mbps (full
4, or 5)
100 Mbps
(half duplex) Twisted
100BaseTX 100 meters
200 Mbps pair (Cat5)
(full duplex)
100 Mbps
(half duplex) Twisted
100BaseT4 100 meters
200 Mbps pair (Cat5)
Fast (full duplex)
Ethernet 412 meters (half
100 Mbps multimode
(half duplex) cable)
100BaseFX Fiber optic
200 Mbps 2,000 meters
(full duplex) (full duplex
1,000 Mbps 220 to 550
1000BaseSX (half duplex) meters
Fiber optic
(short) 2,000 Mbps depending on
(full duplex) cable quality
1,000 Mbps 550 to 5,000
1000BaseLX (half duplex) meters
Fiber optic
(long) 2,000 Mbps depending on
Gigabit (full duplex) cable quality
Ethernet 1,000 Mbps
25 meters, used
1000BaseCX (half duplex) Special
within wiring
(short copper) 2,000 Mbps copper
(full duplex)
1,000 Mbps
(half duplex) Twisted
1000BaseT 100 meters
2,000 Mbps pair (Cat5e)
(full duplex)

Half- and Full-Duplex

With the original Ethernet standards, all devices shared the same cable. This caused two

 Collisions occur when two devices transmit at the same time. Devices needed to be
able to detect and recover from collisions.
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 Each device could either transmit or receive data at any given time. This meant that the
device was either receiving data or listening for incoming data. Devices were not able to both
send and receive at the same time (much like using a one-lane road for traffic in two different

These two problems were solved in the following ways:

 Using twisted pair cable, multiple strands of wires are combined into a single cable.
Devices can use different wires to send and receive data (allowing them to do both
 Using switches, devices are given a dedicated communication path. With a single
device connected to a switch port, collisions are eliminated.

With these problems solved, you can turn off collision detection. Devices can transmit and
receive data simultaneously, and can begin transmitting data as soon as they have data to send.

Devices with collision detection turned on operate in half-duplex mode; devices with
collision detection turned off operate in full-duplex mode.

Mode Description Bandwidth

 Collision detection is turned on
 The device can only send or receive
Up to the rated bandwidth (10 Mbps
Half- at any given time
for 10BaseT, 100 Mbps for
100BaseT, etc.)
 Devices connected to a hub must use
half-duplex communication
 Collision detection is turned off
 The device can send and receive at
the same time Double the rated bandwidth (20
 Requires full-duplex capable NICs Mbps for 10BaseT, 200 Mbps for
100BaseT, etc.)
Requires switches with dedicated
switch ports (a single device per port)

Upgrading to FastEthernet

Fast Ethernet was designed to be as compatible with 10BaseT Ethernet as possible. This
provides an easy migration path from 10BaseT to 100BaseT/100BaseT4 (and even to Gigabit
Ethernet). Most new networking devices that are Fast or Gigabit Ethernet capable also support
10BaseT standards. Devices autosense the specifics of the network configuration and set
themselves to use the fastest communication method possible.

If your network uses 10BaseT and has Cat5 cable, you can slowly migrate from 10BaseT to
FastEthernet (remember that FastEthernet uses Cat5 cable). As you replace components such as
NICs and hubs with FastEthernet devices, portions of the network will begin operating at
FastEthernet speeds.

You can begin your upgrade with:

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 Critical components, such as hubs, switches, and server NICs
 Segments that service mission-critical applications
 Workstations that have heavy bandwidth requirements

Bridging and Switching

As you study this section, answer the following questions:

 What is the difference between a bridge and a switch?

 What is the 80/20 rule of network segmentation with bridges?
 How do bridges and switches learn MAC addresses?
 What is the difference between the store-and-forward and the fragment-free switching
 Which switching method is the fastest?

This section covers the following exam objectives:

 101. Design a simple LAN using Cisco Technology

 401. Describe network communications using layered models
 403. Compare and contrast key characteristics of LAN environments
 405. Evaluate TCP/IP communication process and its associated protocols
 406. Describe the components of network devices

Bridge Facts

You should understand the following concepts relating to the operation of bridges.

 Bridges connect two media segments that use the same protocol.
 Bridges examine the source address to determine the media segment of network
 Bridges operate at the Data Link layer of the OSI model.
 Bridges maintain a table of device addresses and their corresponding segments.
 Each segment connected by a bridge can have the same network address.
 Messages within a media segment are prevented from crossing over to another

Bridges offer the following advantages:

 Bridges prevent wasted bandwidth by eliminating unnecessary traffic between

 Bridges increase the maximum network length.
 Bridges forward packets for multiple upper-layer protocols.
 Bridges can link segments with dissimilar transmission media and media access

Bridges have the following limitations:

 Bridges cannot link multiple architectures because different frame types are used.
 Bridges cannot translate upper-layer protocols.
 Bridges cannot forward packets to different networks based on the network address.
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 Bridges do not filter broadcast packets.

Use bridges to isolate traffic to a segment, or to prevent unwanted traffic from crossing over
to other segments, or to slow WAN links. When designing the placement of bridges on the
network, follow the 80/20 rule.

 At least 80% of network traffic should stay within a segment.

 No more than 20% of network traffic should pass through the bridge to another

Switch Facts

Switches provide functionality similar to bridges, but typically on a larger scale and with
higher performance.

 Switches are associated with the Data Link layer of the OSI Model.
 Switches build a forwarding database in a manner similar to bridges. Switches
examine the source and destination Data Link (MAC) address in each packet to build the
database and make forwarding decisions.
 Switches connect multiple segments or devices and forward packets to only one
specific port.
 You can connect a single device to a switch port or multiple devices to a switch port
by using a hub.

Switches offer the following advantages over a non-switched network.

 Switches create separate collision domains.

 Switches provide guaranteed bandwidth between devices (if dedicated ports are used).
 Switches can be used to provide collision-free networking (i.e. if only one device is
connected to each switch port).
 Switches enable full-duplex communication.
 Switches induce less latency than other segmentation solutions.
 Switches can simultaneously switch multiple messages.
 Switches can mix 10 Mbps- and 100 Mbps-capable devices (if the switch is a 100
Mbps switch).
 Ethernet switches can be implemented without re-cabling.

Bridge and Switch Forwarding Facts

Both bridges and switches build a forwarding database. The database is a list of Data Link
(MAC) addresses and the port used to reach the device. Bridges and switches can automatically
learn about devices to build the forwarding database. A network administrator can also program
the device database manually. Bridges and switches use the following process to dynamically
build the forwarding database:

 The process begins by examining the source address of an incoming packet. If the
source address is not in the forwarding database, an entry for the address is made in the
database. The port it came in on is also recorded.
 The destination address is then examined.

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o If the destination address is not in the database, the packet is sent out all ports except
for the one on which it was received.
o If the destination address is in the database, the packet is forwarded to the appropriate
port if the port is different than the one on which it was received.
o Broadcast packets are forwarded to all ports except the one on which they were

Transparent bridges forward packets only if the following conditions are met.

 The frame contains upper-layer data (data from the LLC sublayer on up).
 The frame's integrity has been verified (a valid CRC).
 The frame is not addressed to the bridge.

How switches forward packets depends on the switch type. The following table compares
the different methods the switch uses to forward packets (Cisco switches support all three

Method Characteristics
Store-and-forward switches:
 Receive the entire frame.
 Verify the frame's integrity (check the CRC). Frames with errors are not
 Forward the frame to the destination device.

 Introduce more latency (delay) than cut-through switches.

Cut-through switches:
 Read the destination device address.
Cut-through  Forward the packet without verifying frame integrity.

 Are faster than store-and-forward switches (less latency).

Fragment-free switches:
 Read the first 64 bytes of a frame.
 Verify that the packet is not a fragment.
 Forward non-fragmented frames.

 Introduce some latency, but not as great as store-and-forward switching.

Newer switches can monitor each port and determine which method to use. They can
automatically switch to store-and-forward if the number of errors on a port exceeds a
configurable threshold.


As you study this section, answer the following questions:

 What type of information is stored in the routing table?

 What is convergence?
 What is the function of a routing protocol?

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 What is the hop count?

This section covers the following exam objectives:

 401. Describe network communications using layered models

 405. Evaluate TCP/IP communication process and its associated protocols
 406. Describe the components of network devices

Routing Facts

Routers can forward packets through an internetwork by maintaining routing information in

a database called a routing table. The routing table typically contains the address of all known
networks and routing information about that network such as:

 Interface
 Routing Path
 Next Hop
 Route Metric (Cost)
 Route Timeout

Routers build and maintain their routing database by periodically sharing information with
other routers. The exact format of these exchanges is based on the routing protocol. The routing
protocol determines:

 The information contained in the routing table

 How messages are routed from one network to another
 How topology changes (i.e. updates to the routing table) are communicated between

Regardless of the method used, changes in routing information take some time to be
propagated to all routers on the network. The term convergence is used to describe the condition
when all routers have the same (or correct) routing information.

Message Routing Facts

Keep in mind the following points about how a packet is addressed as it travels through an

 On an Ethernet network, the Data Link layer address is the MAC address. On an IP
network, the IP address is the Network layer address.
 Both Data Link physical addresses and Network logical addresses are used.
 The Network address contains both a logical network address and a logical device
address. IP (Network) addresses are contained in the IP header; MAC (Data Link) addresses are
contained in the Ethernet frame header.
 Both the source and destination Network and Data Link addresses are typically
contained in the packet.
 The Data Link destination address indicates the physical address of the next hop on the
 Data Link addresses in the packet change as the packet is delivered from hop to hop.
 The Network destination addresses indicate the address of the final destination device.
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 Network addresses remain constant as the packet is delivered from hop to hop.
 A router uses the logical network address specified at the Network layer to forward
messages to the appropriate LAN segment.

LAN Segmentation

As you study this section, answer the following questions:

 What is the difference between a collision domain and a broadcast domain?

 Your network uses only hubs as connection devices. What happens to the number of
collisions on the network as you add devices?
 Your network uses only switches as connection devices. All devices have a dedicated
switch port. What happens to the number of collisions on the network as you add devices?
 What happens to the collision and broadcast domains as you segment the network with
 Which device provides guaranteed bandwidth between devices?
 Which device can you use to filter broadcast traffic?

This section covers the following exam objectives:

 101. Design a simple LAN using Cisco Technology

 104. Design a simple internetwork using Cisco technology
 403. Compare and contrast key characteristics of LAN environments

Segmentation Facts

LAN segmentation is the process of dividing the network to overcome problems such as
excessive collisions, broadcast traffic, or heavy network traffic. By segmenting a LAN, you can
increase network performance, maximize bandwidth, and reduce congestion.

As you segment the network, you will need to consider the collision and broadcast domains
on the network.

 A collision domain is any network or subnetwork where devices share the same
transmission medium and where packets can collide. Collisions naturally increase as the number
of devices in a collision domain increase.
 A broadcast domain is any network or subnetwork where computers can receive
frame-level broadcasts from their neighbors. As you add devices to a network segment, the
amount of broadcast traffic on a segment also increases. Note: A special condition called a
broadcast storm happens when broadcast traffic is sent, regenerated, and responded to. In this
condition, the amount of broadcast traffic consumes network bandwidth and prevents normal
communications. Faulty devices or improper configuration conditions can lead to a broadcast

Segmentation may increase the number of both the collision and broadcast domains.
Membership within collision or broadcast domains differs depending on the connection device

Device Collision Domain Broadcast Domain

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All devices connected to the hub are in the All devices are in the same broadcast
same collision domain domain
All devices connected to a single port are in All devices connected to the bridge
Bridge or
the same collision domain (each port is its or the switch are in the same
own collision domain) broadcast domain
All devices accessible through an
All devices connected to a single interface
Router interface (network) are in the same
are in the same collision domain
broadcast domain

In considering a network expansion solution, it is important to identify the connectivity

problems you need to resolve, and then identify the device that is best suited for that situation.
The main differences between routers, switches, and bridges is the range of services each
performs and the OSI layer at which they operate.

Device Characteristics
Routers perform the following functions that are not performed by bridges or switches.
 Route packets between separate networks
 Modify packet size through fragmentation and combination
 Route packets based on service address

Choose a router if you need to:

 Connect your network to a WAN (such as the Internet)
 Filter broadcast traffic (prevent broadcast storms)
Router  Connect two separate networks that use the same protocol
 Improve performance in the event of a topology change (routers recover faster than
bridges or switches)
 Reduce the number of devices within a domain (increase the number of broadcast
 Enforce network security
 Dynamically select the best route through an internetwork

 Connect two networks of different architectures (e.g. Ethernet to token ring)

Choose a switch if you need to:
 Provide guaranteed bandwidth between devices
 Reduce collisions by decreasing the number of devices in a collision domain (i.e. create
multiple collision domains)
Switch  Implement full-duplex communication
 Connect two network segments or devices using the same protocol
 Provide improved performance over a current bridged network

 Switch traffic without the cost or administration involved with routers

Bridge Choose a bridge if you need to:
 Isolate data traffic to one network segment
 Route traffic from one segment to another (with the same network ID)
 Link unlike physical media (e.g. twisted pair and coaxial Ethernet) of the same
architecture type
 Link segments that use the same protocol

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 Create segments without the expense and administration of routers

In most cases where you might use a bridge, choose a switch instead.

In general, follow these guidelines to make decisions about the appropriate connectivity

 Use a bridge to segment the network (divide network traffic) and to provide fault
 Use a switch to reduce collisions and offer guaranteed bandwidth between devices.
 Use a router to filter broadcast messages, implement security, or connect between
different networks.

CISCO Devices
Connecting Devices

As you study this section, answer the following questions:

 What type of cable do you use to connect a PC to a router console port?

 What HyperTerminal settings should you use to connect to the router console for the
first time?
 What are the requirements for using a VTY (virtual terminal) connection to a Cisco

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After finishing this section, you should be able to complete the following tasks:

 Use HyperTerminal to connect to a Cisco device console.

 Use Telnet to create a virtual terminal connection to a Cisco device.

This section covers the following exam objectives:

 205. Implement a LAN

Connection Facts

Cisco routers and switches do not have monitors, and they do not directly support keyboards
or mouse commands. Therefore, you need to connect the router to either a dedicated terminal or
a PC to configure it. There are several options you can use to gain access the console. These

 Connecting through the Console port

 Connecting through the LAN or WAN with a virtual terminal connection
 Connecting through the Auxiliary port (available on some routers)

You can connect to routers and switches using the following cable types:

Cable Type Pin-outs Use

1 --> 8 Connect a rollover cable to a

2 --> 7 serial connector.
3 --> 6 Connect the RJ-45 end to the
4 --> 5 console port, connect the
5 --> 4 serial end to the serial port
6 --> 3 of a PC.
7 --> 2 Use HyperTerminal to make
8 --> 1 the console connection.
Rollover Cable

Connect an Ethernet port on

a router to an Ethernet port
1 --> 1
on a hub or switch.
2 --> 2
If the router has an AUI port,
3 --> 3
connect one end to an AUI
6 --> 6
transceiver before
connecting to the router.

Straight-through Ethernet Cable

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Connect an Ethernet port on

a router to the NIC in a PC.
1 --> 3 Connect two switches (or
2 --> 6 hubs) together.
3 --> 1 If the router has an AUI port,
6 --> 2 connect one end to an AUI
transceiver before
connecting to the router.
Crossover Ethernet Cable

When connecting routers through a serial port, use the appropriate serial cable.

When connecting to a Cisco device through the console port, you can use the
HyperTerminal program included with Windows to make a console connection with the router.
Default console port settings are:

 9600 baud (or a rate supported by your router)

 Data bits = 8 (default)
 Parity = None (default)
 Stop bits = 1 (default)
 Flow control = None

Command Line Interface

As you study this section, answer the following questions:

 What router mode is indicated by the # prompt?

 How would you get a list of allowed keywords for a command?
 You use help to get a list of keywords for a command. In the list of options you see:
A.B.C.D. What should you type?
 How can you move the cursor backwards one word?
 How do you turn off console configuration messages?

After finishing this section, you should be able to complete the following tasks:

 Use help to identify possible commands, keywords, and parameters.

 Use help to complete a command.
 Use advanced editing features to efficiently enter commands at the console.
 Turn on and access commands in the history buffer.

This section covers the following exam objectives:

 203. Configure a router for additional administrative functionality

 208. Perform an initial configuration on a router
 305. Troubleshoot a device as part of a working network

Command Mode Prompts and Commands

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Mode Prompt To Enter To Exit
User EXEC Router> Press <enter>, log in logout, or
Privileged disable (exit
Router# enable
EXEC disconnects)
Global Router(config)# config terminal exit, ^Z*
Line line <type> <number> exit, ^Z*
Router(config- interface <type>
Interface exit, ^Z*
if)# <number>
Router(config- interface <type>
Subinterface exit, ^Z*
subif)# <number>.<subnumber>
Router router <type> exit, ^Z*
None, interactive setup or erase startup-
Setup ^C
dialog config + reload
ROM Monitor mode lets you
configure your router if the router
can't find a valid system image, or if
the boot sequence is interrupted
ROM Monitor rommon> when you start the router. It is an
emergency command-line access to
the router. To go to EXEC mode
from this mode, type continue
at the prompt.
RXBoot mode lets a router boot
with a limited version of the IOS
when it cannot find a valid IOS
RXBoot <boot> image in Flash. You enter RXBoot
mode by modifying the
configuration register before
rebooting the router.

*^Z (<ctrl> + Z) exits all configuration modes to privileged EXEC mode. exit "backs
up" one configuration mode.

Command Help Facts

Help is available in all router modes. It is context sensitive, so the information you see
depends on what you are doing. Cisco bases this on the mode you are in and the words or partial
words you type with the ?.

To... Use...

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Show list of all commands available in the current ?
Show commands that begin with specific letter(s) xx? (no space between the letter and ?)
command ? (space between command
Show keywords for a command
and ?)
Get the full command from a partial command partial command + <tab> (no space)

Note: Typing ? acts as a return, and repeats the last command you entered after the Help
information displays. You do not need to retype the command after you ask for help on it.

When you use Help to display the possible keywords for a command, you will see the
following types of items.

When you see... Supply...

WORD (in caps) Type a one-word response
LINE (in caps) Type a multiple-word response
keyword Identifies a specific keyword that must be typed as shown
<0-4567> Enter a number within the range in brackets
<0-FFFFFF> Enter a hexadecimal number within the range in brackets
<cr> The command is complete as typed, press Enter to execute the command
A.B.C.D Enter an IP address

Editing Features Facts

This feature uses the same keystrokes as UNIX emacs editing. The following lists
summarize the router advanced editing features.

Use this ... To ...

<Ctrl> + A Move to the beginning of the line
<Ctrl> + E Move to the end of the line
<Ctrl> + B
Go back one character
Left arrow
<Ctrl> + F
Go forward one character
Right arrow
<Esc> + B Go back one word
<Esc> + F Move forward one word
terminal editing Turn advanced editing on
terminal no editing Turn advanced editing off

When you are in advanced editing mode, the $ indicator appears after the prompt. As you
type, commands longer than the command line appear to scroll under the prompt.

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Command History Command List

By default, the IOS automatically saves the last 10 commands in the command history
buffer. The command history is specific to the configuration mode you are in.

Use . . . To . . .
<Ctrl> + A Move cursor to beginning of line
<Ctrl> + E Move cursor to the end of line
<Ctrl> + Z Quit a configuration mode
<Ctrl> + B Move cursor back one character
<Esc> + B Move cursor back one word
<Esc> + F Move the cursor ahead one word
<Ctrl> + P or Up arrow Show the previous command
<Ctrl> + N or Down arrow Show the next command
terminal history Turn the command history on
terminal no history Turn the command history off
terminal history size <number> Set the size of the history buffer
show history Show all the commands in the history buffer

Controlling Screen Output

As you work with the router at the console and make configuration changes, response
messages are often displayed on the screen. The following table describes various ways to
control the response messages shown.

Problem Solution
When making configuration changes, the following message is Use:
constantly displayed (sometimes as you are typing): no logging console
%SYS-5-CONFIG_1: Configured from
console by console
to turn these messages off.

When working with the router through a Telnet session, when you use terminal monitor
a debug command, output will not be shown. to send debug output to the
telnet session.
logging buffered
When viewing debug information, you want to review previous to send logging information
information, or debug information is shown too quickly for you to to RAM, then use:
examine it. show log
to view information one
screen at a time.

System Startup

As you study this section, answer the following questions:

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 If the router can't find an IOS image in flash, where will it look next?
 What happens if the router can't find a configuration file at startup?
 What is the role of the configuration register?
 What configuration register value tells the router to skip the startup-config file?

After finishing this section, you should be able to complete the following tasks:

 Use setup mode to complete an initial configuration of a router.

This section covers the following exam objectives:

 203. Configure a router for additional administrative functionality

 208. Perform an initial configuration on a router
 305. Troubleshoot a device as part of a working network

Startup Facts

The following graphic details the process used to boot the router.

When you turn the router on, it runs through the following boot process.

1. The Power-On Self Test (POST) checks the router's hardware. When the POST
completes successfully, the System OK LED indicator comes on.
2. The router checks the configuration register to identify where to load the IOS image
from. A setting of 0x2102 means that the router will use information in the startup-config file to
locate the IOS image. If the startup-config file is missing or does not specify a location, it will
check the following locations for the IOS image:
1. Flash (the default location)
2. TFTP server
3. ROM (used if no other source is found)
3. The router loads the configuration file into RAM (which configures the router). The
router can load a configuration file from:
1. NVRAM (startup-configuration file)
2. TFTP server

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3. If a configuration file is not found, the router starts in setup mode.

Setup Mode Facts

If the router is brand new, it has no startup-config file. Therefore, when it boots, it
immediately enters Setup mode. Setup mode is a special, guided routine that asks you a series of
questions and uses your responses to make basic configuration entries.

There are two ways to enter setup mode:

 Boot the router without the startup-config file. This happens when you erase the
current startup-config file, or when you boot a new router.
 Use the setup command from privileged mode.

You can exit setup mode without answering all the questions by pressing <Ctrl> + C. The
information you've entered to that point will not be saved.

Note: By default, new Cisco routers have no passwords set, and all interfaces are in
shutdown mode until they're enabled.

Managing System Files

As you study this section, answer the following questions:

 Where is the startup-config file stored? Where is the running-config file stored?
 What is stored in ROM?
 What is the generic syntax for loading a configuration file into RAM?
 What does the boot system command do?

After finishing this section, you should be able to complete the following tasks:

 Save your configuration changes.

 Load an IOS image from an alternate location.

This section covers the following exam objectives:

 207. Manage system image and device configuration files

 208. Perform an initial configuration on a router

Router Memory

Be sure you understand the difference between the following types of router storage.

Memory Type Characteristics

Preprogrammed, non-writable memory containing the bootstrap startup program,
ROM (read-only
an older, smaller-scale version of the operating system (IOS) software, and the
Power-on Self-Test (POST) program

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Non-volatile but programmable memory containing the proprietary Cisco
operating system (IOS) images
RAM (random Volatile memory containing the running operating system and current (unsaved)
access memory) configuration information
NVRAM (non- Non-volatile but persistent memory that contains the backup copy of the startup
volatile RAM) configuration (startup-config) file and virtual configuration register

The contents of non-volatile memory (such as ROM, flash, and NVRAM) remain when the
router is powered off (however, you must modify the configuration registry and NVRAM
during password recovery). The contents of volatile memory (RAM) are lost when the router is
powered down.

Copy Command List

The router can load a configuration file from:

 NVRAM (startup-configuration file by default value 0x2102)

 TFTP server

Changes to the configuration are stored in RAM in the running-config file. To save your
configuration changes permanently, and to load different versions of the configuration files
from various locations, use the copy command in privileged EXEC mode.

Use . . . To . . .
Router#copy run start Save the contents of the running-config file to NVRAM
Router#copy start run Copy the startup-config file into RAM

Router#copy run tftp Save the contents of the running-config file to a TFTP

Router#copy start tftp Save the contents of the startup-config file to a TFTP

Router#copy tftp start Copy a configuration file from the TFTP server into

Router#copy tftp run Copy a configuration file from the TFTP server into
Configure a Cisco router as a TFTP server. When using
Router(config)#tftp-server this command, you must specific the location (flash or
flash <filename> rom) of the IOS image file as well as the IOS image file

You can also use the erase command to delete the configuration files--but be very
careful not to erase files you need!

Use . . . To . . .
Router#erase flash Delete the contents of Flash memory (deletes the IOS image)
Router#erase start Erase the contents of the startup-config file
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Router#erase nvram Delete the contents of NVRAM (which also erases startup-config)
Router#reload Restarts the router

You can also use the following commands to manage system files:

Use . . . To . . .

show version Display information about hardware and firmware including

the configuration register value
configure memory
or Copy configuration information from another source (like
copy startup-config NVRAM)
configure terminal Configure information into the RAM of a router

IOS Boot and Upgrade Location Command List

The router can load an IOS image from the following locations:

 Flash
 TFTP server
 ROM (limited version of the IOS software)

Use the boot system command in global configuration mode to identify alternate
locations for the IOS image. Use the copy command to archive, upgrade, or replace an IOS

Use . . . To . . .
Router(config)#boot system flash Identify an IOS image file in flash to
<IOSfilename> use at boot.
Router(config)#boot system tftp Identify an IOS image file on a
<IOSfilename> <tftp_address> TFTP server to use at boot.
Router(config)#boot system rom (IOS versions
11.2 and below) Specify to use the limited IOS
Router(config)#boot system flash version stored in ROM at boot.
bootflash: (IOS versions 12.0 and above

Router#copy flash tftp Back up (copy) the IOS image from

Flash to the TFTP server.

Router#copy tftp flash Restore the IOS image from backup

on the TFTP server to Flash.

Note: When you use the boot system command, you are not making backup copies of the
IOS image, nor are you replacing the default IOS search order. You are directing the router
where to look for the IOS image on boot-up. It tries each location in turn, until it finds a valid
IOS image. If one is not found, it returns to the default load sequence.

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Using Show Commands

After finishing this section, you should be able to complete the following tasks:

 Use show commands to find information about the device configuration.

This section covers the following exam objectives:

 207. Manage system image and device configuration files

 208. Perform an initial configuration on a router
 305. Troubleshoot a device as part of a working network

Show Command List (Basic)

The following list summarizes common information you can display using common show

Use this command... To...

show version View hardware configuration, running IOS version, ROM bootstrap
version, and RAM and processor information
show running-
config View the currently running configuration file
show startup-
config View the startup configuration file stored in NVRAM (the saved copy of
or the configuration file)
show config
View the size of the configuration files and the available flash memory
show flash*
View information for all IOS image files stored on the router
show history View the commands in the command history list
show protocols
show interfaces
View the IP addresses assigned to a specific interface
show ip
show protocols
or View the status of all interfaces
show interfaces

*The show flash command is not enabled in the simulations.

Initial Router Configuration

Hostname and Interface Descriptions

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After finishing this section, you should be able to complete the following tasks:

 Change the device host name.

 Configure descriptions on device interfaces.

This section covers the following exam objectives:

 208. Perform an initial configuration on a router

Router and Interface Identification Command List

During initial setup, you can configure a host name for your router. This is the name that
appears in the EXEC prompt. Unlike the router itself, the router interfaces do not have specific
names that change the prompt. However, you can add a description to the configuration file that
helps you identify the interface.

Use . . . To . . .
Router(config)#hostname <name> Change the host name of the router
Router(config)#int serial 0
Router(config)#int ser 0 Go to interface configuration mode for the first
Router(config)#int ser0 serial interface. Use the Ethernet (e, eth) keywords
Router(config)#int s0 to switch to Ethernet interface mode.
<description text> Set a description for a specific interface

The following set of commands sets the hostname of the router to ATL1:

Router#config t
Router(config)#hostname ATL1

The following set of commands adds a description of "ATL to NYC" for the first serial
interface on the router:

Router(config)#int ser 0
Router(config-if)#description ATL to NYC

Note: To undo any configuration change, use the same command preceded by the no
keyword followed by the command. For example, to remove a description from an interface,
use the following command:

Router(config-if)#no description

Notice that in many cases you can leave off additional parameters when using the no

System Passwords
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As you study this section, answer the following questions:

 What is the difference between the enable and the enable secret passwords?
 How would you require a password when logging on through the console?
 You have configured the VTY lines on a router with a password but you did not use
the login command. Will VTY login be allowed? Will a password be required?
 What must you do to disable VTY login?

After finishing this section, you should be able to complete the following tasks:

 Configure router passwords including: enable, console, and VTY.

 Restrict console and VTY access to a Cisco device.

This section covers the following exam objectives:

 203. Configure a router for additional administrative functionality

 208. Perform an initial configuration on a router

Router Password Facts

The following table list three of the most common passwords that you can configure on your

Console Controls the ability to log on to the router through a console connection
Controls the ability to log on to the router using a virtual terminal (VTY) or Telnet
Controls the ability to switch to configuration modes. There are two different
passwords that might be used:
 The enable password is stored in clear text in the configuration file.
EXEC mode
 The enable secret password is stored encrypted in the configuration file.

The router always uses the enable secret password if it exists.

Be aware of the following recommendations for configuring router passwords:

 Passwords are case-sensitive.

 For security reasons, you should not use the same password for both your enable and
enable secret passwords.
 You can set the enable, enable secret, and line passwords in setup mode. However,
there are other passwords that you cannot set in setup mode.
 Cisco routers support Terminal Access Controller Access Control System (TACACS)
and Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) to centrally validate users
attempting to gain access to the router.

Password Command List

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Use . . . To . . .
Router(config)#enable Set the encrypted password used for privileged mode access. The enable
secret <password> secret is always used if it exists.
Router(config)#enable Set the unencrypted password for privileged mode access. This
password <password> password is used if the enable secret is not set.
con 0 Switch to the line configuration mode for the console.
Router(config)#line Switch to the line configuration mode for the virtual terminal. Specify
vty <0-197> <1-197> one line number or a range of line numbers (line vty 0 4).
line)#password Set the line password (for either console or VTY access).
line)#login Require the password for line access.
enable secret
enable password Remove the password. The no login command disables password
Router(config-line)#no checking.
password-encryption Encrypt all passwords.

Note: If you do not use the login command in line mode, a password will not be
required for access, even though one is set.

Access to the router console through a telnet session is controlled by the login and the
password entries. To prevent VTY access, there must be a login entry without a password
set. Access is allowed based on the following conditions:

 no login, no password = access is allowed without a password

 login, no password = access is denied (the error message indicates that a password is
required but none is set)
 no login, password = access is allowed without a password
 login, password = access is allowed only with correct password

Password Recovery

Password recovery is the process of discovering or resetting forgotten router passwords. In

the recovery process, you modify the configuration register to bypass the startup-config file and
boot the router with a limited IOS version. You can then load the existing startup-config file and
view or modify the current password settings.

The exact process you use to recover lost passwords depends on the router model. List
below are the general steps you would take for the 2500 series routers:

1. Establish a console connection to the router.

2. Turn the router off and on.

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3. Within 60 seconds, use the keyboard to send a break sequence to the router. For a
Windows system, the break sequence is typically one of the following:
o Break + F5
o Shift + F5
o ^$B (Shift + 6, Shift + 4, Shift + b)
4. At the prompt, type o. Record the value for the configuration register (usually
5. Type o/r 0x2142 to change the configuration register setting. (On some routers,
use the confreg command followed by the appropriate register value to make the change.)
6. Type i to reboot. With the configuration register changed, the router reboots
bypassing the startup-config file.
7. The router will automatically enter Setup mode. At this point you can:
o Use Setup mode to configure the router (including the passwords).
o Quit Setup mode (using Ctrl + C) and change only the existing passwords.
1. Type copy start run to load the startup-config file.
2. Enter configuration mode to change the passwords.
3. Type config-register 0x2102 to change the configuration register
back to the default.
4. Exit configuration mode and use copy run start to save the changes to
the passwords.
8. Use the reload command to restart the router normally.


As you study this section, answer the following questions:

 When do each of the banners display?

 What banner do you configure if you use the banner command without specifying the
banner type?
 What is the role of the delimiting character?
 You type the following command at the router: banner exec this is it. What will show
following a successful login?

After finishing this section, you should be able to complete the following tasks:

 Configure, modify, and delete router banners.

This section covers the following exam objectives:

 208. Perform an initial configuration on a router

Banner Command List

Banners display messages that anyone logging into the router can see. The following four
types of banners display at various times during the login or startup sequence.

Use . . . To . . .
Router(config)#banner Set the Message-of-the-day (MOTD) banner. The MOTD

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motd banner displays immediately after a connection is made.

Router(config)#banner Set the login banner. The login banner displays after the
login MOTD banner and before the login prompt.
Router(config)#banner Set the EXEC banner. The exec banner displays after a
exec successful login.
Router(config)#banner Set the incoming banner. The incoming banner displays for a
incoming reverse telnet session.
Router(config)#no banner
<type> Removes the specified banner

Note: The banner command without a keyword defaults to set the MOTD banner.

Follow the banner command with a delimiting character. The delimiter encloses the banner
text, and helps the router identify the beginning and ending of the banner. This allows you to
construct multiple-line banners.

The following commands set the MOTD, login, and EXEC banners, using # as the delimiting
character and inserting a hard return between each banner:

Router(config)#banner motd # This is the Message-of-the-day banner!

Router(config)#banner login # This is the Login banner!
Router(config)#banner exec # This is the Exec banner!


As you study this section, answer the following questions:

 You have added an IP address to a router interface. What else must you do before you
can ping the interface?
 What is indicated by the status "line protocol down?"
 You examine the router interface status and see the interface and line protocol are up.
Will a ping to the interface succeed? Why or why not?

After finishing this section, you should be able to complete the following tasks:

 Assign an IP address to an interface.

 Enable an interface with the no shutdown command.
 Use interface status information to troubleshoot communication issues.

This section covers the following exam objectives:

 208. Perform an initial configuration on a router

Interface Command List

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Use the following commands to configure interfaces and view interface information.

Use . . . To . . .
Router>sh ip int View the IP configuration of all interfaces.

Router(config)#int eth0 Enter configuration mode for an interface.

Router(config)#int serial 0 Note: You can include or omit the space between the
interface keyword and the interface number.
Router(config)#ip address
<address> <mask> Assign an IP address to the interface.
Router(config)#no shutdown Enable an interface (remove the shutdown command).

Router#ping <ip address> Test communication with a specific interface using its
IP address.

The following set of commands configures the IP address with a mask of for the first Serial interface on the router and activates the interface.

Router(config)#int ser 0
Router(config-if)#ip address
Router(config-if)#no shutdown

Interface Statuses

You can use the interface status to troubleshoot connectivity problems and quickly see
whether the link between the router and the network is operational. The following table
summarizes some possible conditions indicated by the interface status.

A status of... Indicates...

administratively down, line protocol is The interface is shut down (with the shutdown
down command)
Hardware or network connection problem (Physical
down, line protocol down layer)
No carrier detect signal
Connection or communication problem (Data Link
up, line protocol is down layer)
No keepalives
up, line protocol is up The link is functional

Even though the interface status shows "up, line protocol is up," you might need to perform
additional tasks for router-to-router communication to take place (such as assigning an IP
address). The interface status indicates whether Data Link layer communications are enabled.
However, most networking tasks occur at higher layers (Network through Application layers).

Back-to-Back Routers

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As you study this section, answer the following questions:

 What is a DTE device?

 What is the function of the clock rate command? When do you not need to set the
clock rate?
 On which device must you configure the clock rate when connecting two routers back-
to-back with a serial connection?

After finishing this section, you should be able to complete the following tasks:

 Configure two routers using a back-to-back serial connection.

 Troubleshoot serial connections.

This section covers the following exam objectives:

 208. Perform an initial configuration on a router

Back-to-Back Configuration Facts

When you configure a router to connect to a network through a serial interface, the router
must be connected to a device (such as a CSU/DSU or another router) that provides clocking
signals. When you configure two routers in a back-to-back configuration through their serial
ports, one router interface must be configured to provide the clocking signals for the connection.

 The router providing clocking is known as the DCE (data circuit-terminating

 The router not providing clocking is known as the DTE (data terminal equipment).

The DCE interface is identified in two ways:

 The cable connecting the two routers has both a DCE and a DTE end. Connect the
DCE end of the cable to the interface you want to be the DCE device.
 The DCE interface is configured to provide a clocking signal with the clock rate
command. If the clock rate command is not issued, clocking is not provided, and the line
between the two routers will not change to up.

Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP)

As you study this section, answer the following questions:

 What are the requirements for using CDP?

 You have not yet configured an IP address on a Cisco router, but the interface is up.
Will the router be able to use CDP to discover neighboring device information?
 You want to view information about a router that is two hops away? How can you
view this information?
 How do you turn off CDP advertisements for a single interface? How do you disable
CDP on a router?

After finishing this section, you should be able to complete the following tasks:

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 Use CDP to view information about neighboring devices.
 Enable and disable CDP on devices and specific interfaces.
 Configure CDP timers.

This section covers the following exam objectives:

 203. Configure a router for additional administrative functionality

 307. Perform simple WAN troubleshooting

CDP Command List

The Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) is a protocol that Cisco devices use to learn and share
information about each other. Cisco devices, such as routers and switches, can discover
neighboring Cisco devices through CDP.

 By default, CDP is enabled on all interfaces.

 CDP only shares information with directly connected (neighboring) devices.
 CDP works when there is a valid Data Link layer connection.
 CDP works regardless of the Network layer and other protocols used. It can discover
information on LANs, Frame Relay, and other network architectures.

Use the following commands to customize and view CDP information.

Use . . . To . . .
Router(config)#cdp holdtime Specify the amount of time that information in a packet is still
<10-255> valid (default = 180 seconds)
Router(config)#cdp timer Specify how often CDP packets are exchanged (default = 60
<5-900> seconds)
Router(config)#cdp run Enable CDP on the router
Router(config)#no cdp run
Disable CDP on a router, to prevent the router from exchanging
CDP packets
enable Turns CDP for an interface on
Router(config-if)#no cdp
enable Turns CDP for an interface off
Router#show cdp View CDP information
Show information about neighbors accessed through an interface
Router#show cdp interface Show CDP configuration information for the router including the
holdtime, encapsulation, and CDP exchange interval
Show information about all neighboring Cisco devices including:
 Device ID
 Local interface
Router#show cdp neighbors
 Holdtime
 Capability
 Platform

 Port ID

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Shows all information for the show cdp neighbors
command and adds:
Router#show cdp neighbors  Network address
detail  Enabled protocols

 Software version

The following commands turns on CDP for the router and configures it to send CDP packets
every 90 seconds.

Router(config)#cdp run
Router(config)#cdp timer 90

The following commands turns off CDP on the router's first Ethernet interface.

Router(config)#int eth 0
Router(config-if)#no cdp enable

Switch Configuration

Switch Basics

As you study this section, answer the following questions:

 How does switch configuration differ from router configuration?

 What configuration modes are unique to switches?

After finishing this section, you should be able to complete the following tasks:

 Configure basic switch parameters.

 Configure an IP address on a switch.

This section covers the following exam objectives:

 202. Configure IP addresses, subnet masks, and gateway addresses on routers and
 204. Configure a switch with VLANS and inter-switch communication
 206. Customize a switch configuration to meet specified network requirements
 209. Perform an initial configuration on a switch

Switch Components

Switches connect multiple segments or devices and forward packets to only one specific
port. Modern switches can also be used to create virtual LANs (VLANs) and perform some
tasks previously performed only by routers (Layer 3 switches). An important characteristic of a
switch is multiple ports, all of which are part of the same network segment.

In this course, you will learn how to configure the Catalyst 2950 series switch. Each switch
port has a single LED. The color of the LEDs change to give you information about how the
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switch is working. Port LEDs mean different things based on the mode selected with the Mode

Mode Meaning
Solid green = Operational
Stat Flashing green = Link activity
Off = Non-functional
All switch port lights act as a meter to indicate overall utilization. The more lights that are
lit, the higher the utilization.
Solid green = Full duplex
Off = Half duplex
Solid green = 100 Mbps
Off = 10 Mbps

On a simple LAN, you can connect the switch to the network, connect devices, and it will
automatically begin switching traffic to the correct ports. The switch comes preconfigured to
work out-of-the-box without configuration. To customize the switch configuration, connect to
the switch in one of the following ways:

 Console connection
 Telnet session
 Web management software (connect through the LAN through a Web browser)

Note: You must configure an IP address for the switch to manage it through a Telnet or
Web session.

Switch Configuration Modes

Like a router, the switch has similar configuration modes, with some differences to account
for switch functionality not included in routers. The following graphic illustrates some of the
configuration modes of the switch.

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Like a router, the switch has multiple interface modes depending on the physical (or logical)
interface type. For this course, you should be familiar with the following switch interface

 FastEthernet (100 Mbps Ethernet)

 GigabitEthernet (1 GB Ethernet)
 VLAN (Logical management interface)

Note: When switching to interface configuration mode, follow the interface type and
number (FastEthernet0) with the port number (/14). Ports are numbered beginning with 1 (not

In addition to the special interface modes, Catalyst switches include a vlan database
configuration mode. Configuration tasks that you can perform in this mode overlap
configuration tasks you can complete in the vlan configuration mode. You should
understand the following about these two modes:

 Enter the vlan database configuration mode from the privileged user prompt.
Enter vlan mode from the global configuration prompt.
 The vlan database mode allows you to configure a subset of features supported
by the vlan configuration mode. In other words, there will be some configuration tasks that
you cannot perform in vlan database mode. You can always use the vlan
configuration mode to perform all VLAN configuration tasks.
 Changes made in the vlan database configuration mode do not take effect until
you save the changes, either before or while exiting the configuration mode. On the other hand,
changes made in vlan mode take place immediately.
 Changes made in the vlan database configuration mode are not stored in the
regular switch configuration file.

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Note: Do not confuse the vlan configuration mode with the interface vlan
configuration mode.

You will learn more about using each of the configuration modes throughout this section.

Switch Configuration Command List

Using the switch command line interface is similar to using the router command line
interface. If you are familiar with router configuration, you will probably be able to guess how
to complete many switch configuration tasks. Use the same options to get help, to move
between configuration modes, to set the hostname, and to save and load configuration files.

The following table lists common switch configuration commands.

Task Command
Move to privileged mode from user mode switch>enable
Move to user mode from privileged mode switch#disable
Move to global configuration mode switch#configure terminal
switch(config)#interface fastethernet0/14
switch(config)#interface gigabitethernet
Move to interface configuration mode switch(config)#interface con 0
switch(config)#interface vty 0 4
switch(config)#interface vlan 1
Leave the current configuration mode, or switch(config-if)#exit
exit the system
Exit all configuration modes switch(config)#^Z
Show the current switch configuration switch#show running-config
Show switch information such as software switch#show version
version and hardware components
Show interface status and configuration switch#show interfaces
information switch#show interfaces fastethernet 0/14

switch#copy running-config
Save the current switch configuration startup-config
Load a configuration file from another switch#copy
location tftp://
switch(config)#enable password
Set the enable password (to cisco) cisco
Set the secret password (to cisco) switch(config)#enable secret cisco
switch(config)#ip default-gateway
Set the default gateway
Set the switch hostname switch(config)#hostname ATL
Set a description for a port IS_VLAN
Enable CDP on the switch switch(config)#cdp run

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Enable CDP on a port switch(config-if)#cdp enable
switch(config)#cdp holdtime 181
Set CDP parameters switch(config)#cdp timer 66
switch(config-if)#speed 10
Set the port speed switch(config-if)#speed 100
switch(config-if)#speed auto
switch(config-if)#duplex half
Set the duplex mode switch(config-if)#duplex full
switch(config-if)#duplex auto

Switch IP Address Facts

One task that is different for switches than for routers is configuring the IP address. Keep in
mind the following facts about IP addresses configured on switches:

 Basic switches operate at Layer 2, and therefore do not need an IP address to function.
In fact, a switch performs switching functions just fine without an IP address set.
 You only need to configure a switch IP address if you want to perform in-band
management of the switch from a Telnet or Web session.
 The switch itself has only a single (active) IP address. Each switch port does not have
an IP address (unless the switch is performing Layer 3 switching, a function which is not
supported on 2950 switches). The IP address identifies the switch as a host on the network but is
not required for switching functions.

To configure the switch IP address, you set the address on the management VLAN logical
interface. This is a logical interface defined on the switch to allow management functions. By
default, this VLAN is VLAN 1 on the switch. Use the following commands to configure the
switch IP address:

switch#config terminal
switch(config)#interface vlan 1
switch(config-if)#ip address
switch(config-if)#no shutdown

Note: To enable management from a remote network, you will also need to configure the
default gateway on the switch using the following command (notice that the default gateway is
set in global configuration mode):

switch(config)#ip default-gateway

Virtual LANs (VLANs)

As you study this section, answer the following questions:

 Which frame tagging protocol is an industry-standard protocol?

 You have two VLANs configured on a single switch. How many broadcast domains
are there? How many collision domains are there?

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 What happens if two devices on the same switch are assigned to different VLANs?
 What two methods can you use to define a new VLAN?

After finishing this section, you should be able to complete the following tasks:

 Create VLANs and assign switch ports to a VLAN.

This section covers the following exam objectives:

 204. Configure a switch with VLANS and inter-switch communication

 206. Customize a switch configuration to meet specified network requirements
 403. Compare and contrast key characteristics of LAN environments

Frame Tagging Facts

Although you can create VLANs with only one switch, most networks involve connecting
multiple switches. The area between switches is called the switch fabric. As a frame moves
from switch to switch within the switch fabric, each switch must be able to identify the
destination virtual LAN.

One way to identify the VLAN is for the switch to use a filtering table that maps VLANs to
MAC addresses. However, this solution does not scale well. For large networks, switches
append a VLAN ID to each frame. This process, called frame tagging or frame coloring,
identifies the VLAN of the destination device.

Remember the following facts regarding switch frame tagging (or coloring).

 VLAN IDs identify the VLAN of the destination device.

 Tags are appended by the first switch in the path, and removed by the last.
 Only VLAN-capable devices understand the frame tag.
 Tags must be removed before a frame is forwarded to a non-VLAN-capable device.
 Tag formats and specifications can vary from vendor to vendor. When designing
VLANs, you might need to stick with one switch vendor. Cisco's proprietary protocol is called
the Inter-Switch Link (ISL) protocol. Use 802.1q-capable switches to ensure a consistent
tagging protocol.

VLAN Facts

A virtual LAN (VLAN) can be defined as:

 Broadcast domains defined by switch port rather than network address

 A grouping of devices based on service need, protocol, or other criteria rather than
physical proximity

Using VLANs lets you assign devices on different switch ports to different logical (or
virtual) LANs. Although each switch can be connected to multiple VLANs, each switch port
can be assigned to only one VLAN at a time. The following graphic shows a single-switch
VLAN configuration.

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Be aware of the following facts about VLANs:

 In the graphic above, FastEthernet ports 0/1 and 0/2 are members of VLAN 1.
FastEthernet ports 0/3 and 0/4 are members of VLAN 2.
 In the graphic above, workstations in VLAN 1 will not be able to communicate with
workstations in VLAN 2, even though they are connected to the same physical switch.
 Defining VLANs creates additional broadcast domains. The above example has two
broadcast domains, each of which corresponds to one of the VLANs.
 By default, switches come configured with several default VLANs:
o VLAN 1
o VLAN 1002
o VLAN 1003
o VLAN 1004
o VLAN 1005
 By default, all ports are members of VLAN 1.

Creating VLANs with switches offers the following administrative benefits.

 You can create virtual LANs based on criteria other than physical location (such as
workgroup, protocol, or service)
 You can simplify device moves (devices are moved to new VLANs by modifying the
port assignment)
 You can control broadcast traffic and create collision domains based on logical criteria
 You can control security (isolate traffic within a VLAN)
 You can load-balance network traffic (divide traffic logically rather than physically)

Creating VLANs with switches offers the following benefits over using routers to create
distinct networks.

 Switches are easier to administer than routers

 Switches are less expensive than routers
 Switches offer higher performance (introduce less latency)

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A disadvantage of using switches to create VLANs is that you might be tied to a specific
vendor. Details of how VLANs are created and identified can vary from vendor to vendor.
Creating a VLAN might mean you must use only that vendor's switches throughout the
network. When using multiple vendors in a switched network, be sure each switch supports the
802.1q standards if you want to implement VLANs.

Despite advances in switch technology, routers are still needed to:

 Filter WAN traffic

 Route traffic between separate networks
 Route packets between VLANs

VLAN Command List

To configure a simple VLAN, first create the VLAN, and then assign ports to that VLAN.
The following table shows common VLAN configuration commands.

Task Command(s)
switch#vlan database*
switch(vlan)#vlan 2 name
Define a VLAN (You can create VLANs in either name**
vlan database mode or by using the vlan command in switch(vlan)#exit OR apply
global configuration mode.) switch(config)#vlan 2
Assign ports to the VLAN access vlan number***
Show a list of VLANs on the system switch#show vlan
Show information for a specific VLAN switch#show vlan id number

*Notice that the vlan database command is issued in privileged EXEC mode.
**Giving the VLAN a name is optional.
***If you have not yet defined the VLAN, it will be created automatically when you assign the port to the VLAN.

The following commands create VLAN 12 named IS_VLAN, identifies port 0/12 as having
only workstations attached to it, and assigns the port to VLAN 12.

switch#config t
switch(config)#vlan 12
switch(config-vlan)#name IS_VLAN
switch(config-vlan)#interface fast 0/12
switch(config-if)#switchport access vlan 12


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As you study this section, answer the following questions:

 What is the function of the VTP protocol?

 A switch in transparent mode. Will the switch learn VLAN information from other
switches? Will the switch propagate information to other switches?
 Why is trunking important to VLAN configuration?
 What trunking protocols are supported on a Cisco 2950 switch?
 What protocol does a Cisco switch use to automatically detect trunk ports?

After finishing this section, you should be able to complete the following tasks:

 Configure the VTP mode.

 Configure trunking on a switch port.

This section covers the following exam objectives:

 204. Configure a switch with VLANS and inter-switch communication

 206. Customize a switch configuration to meet specified network requirements


Trunking is a term used to describe connecting two switches together. Trunking is important
when you configure VLANs that span multiple switches as shown in the diagram.

Be aware of the following facts regarding trunking and VLANs:

 In the above graphic, each switch has two VLANs. One port on each switch has been
assigned to each VLAN.
 Workstations in VLAN 1 can only communicate with workstations in VLAN 1. This
means that the two workstations connected to the same switch cannot communicate with each
other. Communications within the VLAN must pass through the trunk link to the other switch.
 Trunk ports identify which ports are connected to other switches.
 Trunk ports are automatically members of all VLANs defined on the switch.
 Typically, Gigabit Ethernet ports are used for trunk ports.

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When trunking is used, frames that are sent over a trunk port are tagged with the VLAN ID
number so that the receiving switch knows to which VLAN the frame belongs. Cisco supports
two trunking protocols that are used for tagging frames.

A Cisco-proprietary trunking protocol.
Inter-Switch Link ISL can only be used between Cisco devices.
(ISL) ISL tags each frame with the VLAN ID.
Catalyst 2950 switches do not support ISL.
An IEEE standard for trunking and therefore supported by a wide range of
With 802.1Q trunking, frames from the default VLAN 1 are not tagged.
Frames from all other VLANs are tagged.

Cisco switches have the ability to automatically detect ports that are trunk ports, and to
negotiate the trunking protocol used between devices. Switches use the Dynamic Trunking
Protocol (DTP) to detect and configure trunk ports. For example, when you connect two
switches together, they will automatically recognize each other and select the trunking protocol
to use.

Trunking Command List

The following table lists important commands for configuring and monitoring trunking on a

Command Function
 Enables trunking on the interface.
mode trunk
 The port will not use DTP on the interface.
Switch(config-if)#switchport trunk  Sets the trunking protocol to use
encapsulation dot1q
Switch(config-if)#switchport trunk  2950 switches only support 802.1Q and therefore
encapsulation isl
you will not use this command on 2950 switches
 Enables automatic trunking discovery and
Switch(config-if)#switchport configuration.
mode dynamic auto
 The switch uses DTP to configure trunking.
 Enables dynamic trunking configuration.
 If a switch is connected, it will attempt to use the
Switch(config-if)#switchport desired trunking protocol (802.1Q for 2950 switches).
mode dynamic desirable
 If a switch is not connected, it will communicate as
a normal port.
Switch(config-if)#switchport  Disables trunking configuration on the port.
mode access
 You must disable trunking before you can assign a
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port to a VLAN.
Shows interface trunking information with the
 Mode
Switch#show interface trunk
Switch#show interface fa0/1 trunk  Encapsulation
 Trunking status

 VLAN assignments

VTP Facts

The VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) simplifies VLAN configuration on a multi-switch

network by propagating configuration changes to other switches. With the VTP, switches are
placed in one of the following three configuration modes.

Mode Characteristics
A switch in server mode is used to modify the VLAN configuration. Configuration
information is then broadcast to other VTP devices.
A switch in client mode receives changes from a VTP server and passes VTP
Client information to other switches. However, you cannot modify the VLAN configuration
from a switch in client mode.
A switch in transparent mode does not receive VTP configuration information from
other switches. It passes VTP information to other switches as it receives the
Transparent information. You can modify VLAN configuration information from a switch in
transparent mode, but the changes apply only to the local switch (changes are not sent
to other devices).

Keep in mind the following facts about VTP:

 To make VLAN changes on a switch, the switch must be in either server or transparent
 If you cannot modify the VLAN configuration, the switch is in client mode.
 By default, switches are configured in server mode.
 Use the vtp mode command to configure the VTP mode of the switch.
 Use the show vtp status command to view the current vtp mode of the switch.

Spanning Tree

As you study this section, answer the following questions:

 What is the purpose of the spanning tree protocol?

 What is the role of designated bridges?
 What are BPDUs and when are they exchanged?
 A switch port is in blocking state. Will it learn MAC addresses? Will it send and
receive frames?
 A switch port is in learning state. Will it learn MAC addresses? Will it send and
receive frames?

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 A switch port is identified as a backup port. What state is it in?
 Why must EtherChannel be used to create multiple links between switches that can be
used at the same time?

After finishing this section, you should be able to complete the following tasks:

 Add and remove VLANs from spanning tree.

This section covers the following exam objectives:

 206. Customize a switch configuration to meet specified network requirements

 302. Perform LAN and VLAN troubleshooting
 402. Describe the Spanning Tree process

Spanning Tree Facts

To provide for fault tolerance, many networks implement redundant paths between devices
using multiple switches. However, providing redundant paths between segments causes packets
to be passed between the redundant paths endlessly. This condition is known as a bridging loop.

To prevent bridging loops, the IEEE 802.1d committee defined a standard called the
spanning tree algorithm (STA), or spanning tree protocol (STP). With this protocol, one bridge
(or switch) for each route is assigned as the designated bridge. Only the designated bridge can
forward packets. Redundant bridges (and switches) are assigned as backups.

The spanning tree algorithm provides the following benefits:

 Eliminates bridging loops

 Provides redundant paths between devices
 Enables dynamic role configuration
 Recovers automatically from a topology change or device failure
 Identifies the optimal path between any two network devices

The spanning tree algorithm automatically discovers the network topology, and creates a
single, optimum path through a network by assigning one of the following roles to each bridge
or switch. The bridge role determines how the device functions in relation to other devices, and
whether the device forwards traffic to other segments.

Role Characteristics
The root bridge is the master or controlling bridge. The root bridge periodically
broadcasts configuration messages. These messages are used to select routes and
reconfigure the roles of other bridges if necessary. There is only one root bridge per
Root Bridge
network. It should be assigned by the network administrator.
When selecting the root bridge, select the bridge that is closest to the physical center
of the network.
A designated bridge is any other device that participates in forwarding packets
Designated through the network. They are selected automatically by exchanging bridge
Bridge configuration packets.
To prevent bridging loops, there is only one designated bridge per segment.

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All redundant devices are classified as backup bridges. Backup bridges listen to
network traffic and build the bridge database. However, they will not forward packets.
A backup bridge can take over if the root bridge or a designated bridge fails.

Devices send special packets called Bridge Protocol Data Units (BPDUs) out each port.
BPDUs sent and received from other bridges are used to determine the bridge roles, verify that
neighbor devices are still functioning, and recover from network topology changes. Devices
participating in the spanning tree algorithm use the following process to configure themselves:

1. At startup, switches send BPDUs (Bridge Protocol Data Units) out each port.
2. Switches use information in the BPDUs to elect a root bridge.
3. Switches on redundant paths are configured as either designated (active) or backup
(inactive) switches.
4. After configuration, switches periodically send BPDUs to ensure connectivity and
discover topology changes.

As the switch participates in the configuration process, and while it operates, each of its
ports is placed into one of five states. The port state determines whether the port receives and
forwards normal network messages.

Port State Description

A device in the disabled state is powered on but does not participate in listening to
Disabled network messages or forwarding them. A bridge must be manually placed in the
disabled state.
When a device is first powered on, it is in the blocking state. In addition, backup
Blocking bridges are always in a blocking state. The bridge receives packets and BPDUs sent to
all bridges, but will not process any other packets.
The listening state is a transitionary state between blocking and learning. The port
remains in listening state for a specific period of time. This time period allows
Listening network traffic to settle down after a change has occurred. For example, if a bridge
goes down, all other bridges go to the listening state for a period of time. During this
time the bridges redefine their roles.
A port in the learning state is receiving packets and building the bridge database
Learning (associating MAC addresses with ports). A timer is also associated with this state. The
port goes to the forwarding state after the timer expires.
The root bridge and designated bridges are in the forwarding state when they can
Forwarding receive and forward packets. A port in the forwarding state can both learn and

Note: When you use spanning tree on a switch with multiple VLANs, each VLAN runs a
separate instance of the spanning tree protocol.

Spanning Tree Command List

You can configure multiple paths with switches to provide fault-tolerance. As you know,
having multiple paths means that the network is susceptible to data transmission (bridging)

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loops. Like bridges, switches can run the spanning tree algorithm to prevent such loops from

By default, the spanning tree protocol is enabled on all Cisco switches. Switch port
configuration is automatic when the switch is connected to the network and powered on. Use
the following commands to customize the spanning tree protocol.

Command Function
Switch(config)#no spanning-tree
vlan number Disables spanning tree on the selected VLAN.

Switch(config)#spanning-tree Forces the switch to be the root of the spanning

vlan number root primary tree.
Show spanning tree configuration information. To
determine if the VLAN is functioning properly,
Switch#show spanning-tree verify that the first line of the output is:
VLAN1 is executing the IEEE
compatible spanning tree protocol.

The following commands disable spanning tree for VLAN 12 and force the switch to be the root
of the spanning tree for VLAN 1.

Switch(config)#no spanning-tree vlan 12

Switch(config)#spanning-tree vlan 1 root primary

EtherChannel Facts

EtherChannel combines multiple switch ports into a single, logical link between two
switches. With EtherChannel:

 You can combine 2-8 ports into a single link.

 All links in the channel group are used for communication between the switches.
 Use EtherChannel to increase the bandwidth between switches.
 Use EtherChannel to establish automatic-redundant paths between switches. If one
link fails, communication will still occur over the other links in the group.
 Use EtherChannel to reduce spanning tree convergence times.

Use the channel-group command for a port to enable EtherChannel as follows:

Switch(config)#interface fast 0/12

Switch(config-if)#channel-group 1 mode on

Each channel group has its own number. All ports assigned to the same channel group will
be viewed as a single logical link.

Note: If you do not use the channel-group command, the spanning tree algorithm will
identify each link as a redundant path to the other bridge and will put one of the ports in
blocking state.

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Advanced Switching

As you study this section, answer the following questions:

 How does switch port security increase the security of your network?
 What does the sticky keyword do when used with the switchport port-security
 What is the default switching mode and VTP configuration of a 2950 switch?
 What methods can you use to route packets between VLANs (in either a single- or
multi-switched network)?

After finishing this section, you should be able to complete the following tasks:

 Configure switch port security.

This section covers the following exam objectives:

 204. Configure a switch with VLANS and inter-switch communication

 206. Customize a switch configuration to meet specified network requirements

Port Security Facts

The basic function of a switch is to pass packets from one host to another. Under normal
operations, the switch learns the MAC address of the device(s) connected to each of its ports.
When a device is connected to the switch port, the MAC address of the frame from the
connected device is place in a forwarding table. Under normal circumstances, there are no
restrictions on the devices that can be attached to a switch port.

With switch port security, you configure the switch to allow only specific devices to use a
given port. You identify the MAC address of allowed devices. Any devices not explicitly
identified will not be allowed to send frames through the switch. To configure port security,
take the following general actions on the port:

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 Explicitly configure the port as an access port (a port with attached hosts, not with an
attached switch).
 Enable switch port security.
 Identify the MAC addresses that can use the switch.

The following commands list the switch port configuration commands:

Command Function
if)#switchport mode Identifies the port as an access port.
if)#switchport port- Enables port security.
if)#switchport port- Identifies the allowed MAC address (h.h.h is a hexadecimal
security mac-address number).
Configures the maximum number of MAC addresses that
if)#switchport port- can be allowed for a port. The default allows only a single
security maximum number MAC address per port. Use this command to increase the
number allowed.
Configures the switch to dynamically identify the allowed
if)#switchport port- MAC address. The address in the first frame received by the
security mac-address switch port is the allowed MAC address for the port.
sticky Note: The Catalyst switch can sticky learn a maximum of
132 MAC addresses.
Identifies the action the switch will take when an
unauthorized device attempts to use the port. Action
keywords are:
switch(config-if)#switchport  protect drops the frames from the unauthorized
port-security device
violation action  restrict does the same as protect and also
generates an SNMP trap

 shutdown disables the port

switch#show port-security
interface interfacetype Shows port security information for the specified port.
and number

The following commands configure switch port security to allow only host 5ab9.0012.02af to
use Fast Ethernet port 0/12:

switch(config)#interface fast 0/12

switch(config-if)#switchport mode access
switch(config-if)#switchport port-security
switch(config-if)#switchport port-security mac-address 5ab9.0012.02af

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The following commands configures Fast Ethernet port 0/15 to accept the first MAC
address it receives as the allowed MAC address for the port:

switch(config)#interface fast 0/15

switch(config-if)#switchport mode access
switch(config-if)#switchport port-security
switch(config-if)#switchport port-security mac-address sticky

Default Switch Configuration

By default, a Catalyst 2950 switch comes configured as follows:

 All ports are enabled (no shutdown).

 All ports will automatically detect the duplex mode.
 All ports will automatically detect the port speed.
 All ports will perform automatic trunking negotiation.
 The switch uses fragment-free switching.
 Spanning tree is enabled.
 VTP mode is set to transparent.
 All ports are members of VLAN 1.
 Default VLANs of 1, 1002, 1003, 1004, and 1005 exist.
 802.1Q trunking is used (2950 switches only support 802.1Q trunking).

Inter-VLAN Routing

In a typical configuration with multiple VLANs and a single or multiple switches,

workstations in one VLAN will not be able to communicate with workstations in other VLANs.
To enable inter-VLAN communication, you will need to use a router (or a Layer 3 switch) as
shown in the following graphic.

Be aware of the following conditions with inter-VLAN routing:

 The top example uses two physical interfaces on the router.

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 The bottom example uses a single physical interface on the router. In this
configuration, the physical interface is divided into two logical interfaces called subinterfaces.
This configuration is also called a router on a stick.
 In each case, the router interfaces are connected to switch trunk ports. The router
interfaces or subinterfaces must be running a trunking protocol (either ISL or 802.1Q).
 Each interface or subinterface requires an IP address.

Managing TCP/IP

After finishing this section, you should be able to complete the following tasks:

 Given a subnet mask and an IP address, find the network address.

 Given a network address and the number of desired subnets and hosts, select the
subnet mask.
 From a network address and subnet mask, identify valid subnet addresses.
 From a subnet address and mask, identify the range of valid host addresses.

This section covers the following exam objectives:

 102. Design an IP addressing scheme to meet design requirements

 202. Configure IP addresses, subnet masks, and gateway addresses on routers and

Classless Interdomain Routing (CIDR)

You can think of the Internet as one big network. As such, each device on the network needs
its own unique IP address. In the early days of the Internet, every device would receive a
registered IP address. As the Internet grew, however, it became apparent that the number of
hosts would quickly exceed the number of possible IP addresses.

One solution to the problem is Classless Interdomain Routing (CIDR). Classfull addresses
are IP addresses that use the default subnet mask. They are classfull because the default subnet
mask is used to identify the network and host portions of the address. Classless addresses are
those that use a custom mask value to separate network and host portions of the IP address.
CIDR allows for variable length subnet masking (VLSM) and enables the following features:

 Subnetting, dividing a network address into multiple smaller subnets. For example,
this allows a single Class B or Class C addresses to be divided and used by multiple
 Supernetting, combining multiple network addresses into a single larger subnet. For
example, this allows multiple Class C addresses to be combined into a single network.
 Route aggregation (also called route summarization), where multiple routes are
combined in a routing table as a single route.

CIDR routers use the following information to identify networks.

 The beginning network address in the range

 The number of bits used in the subnet mask
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For example, the routing table represents the address as, where 21 is the
number of bits in the custom subnet mask.

In addition to CIDR, the following other solutions were put into place to make efficient use
of available IP addresses:

 IP version 6. IPv6 uses 128-bit addresses instead of the 32-bit addresses used with
IPv4. IPv6 is not yet used on the Internet.
 Private addressing with address translation. With private addressing, hosts are
assigned an unregistered address in a predefined range. All hosts on the private network use a
single registered IP address to connect to the Internet. A special router (called a network address
translation or NAT router) translates the multiple private addresses into the single registered IP

Binary Calculations

To perform subnetting operations, you will need to be proficient at converting decimal and
binary numbers. When working with IP addresses, work with each octet separately. The
following table shows the decimal value for various binary values with a single 1 bit.

1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 00 0 0
Binary 0 0 0 1 0 00 0 0
Value 0 0 0 0 1 01 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Decimal 6 3 1
2 8 4 2 1
Value 4 2 6

To find the decimal value of a number with multiple 1 bits, simply add the decimal value of
the bits together. For example, the decimal value of the binary number 10010101 is:

10000000 = 128
00010000 = 16
00000100 = 4
00000001 = 1
Total = 128 + 8 + 4 + 2 = 149

To calculate the number of valid subnets or the number of hosts per subnet, you will need to
know how to find the exponential values of 2. Use the following chart to identify the exponent
values and the final possible number (after subtracting 2 from each exponent).

# of bits 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Exponent 2^1 2^2 2^3 2^4 2^5 2^6 2^7 2^8 2^9 2^10 2^11 2^12
Exponent 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096

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0 2 6 14 30 62 128 254 510 1022 2046 4094
number (-2)

Tip: Memorize the shaded values. To find smaller or larger values, divide or multiply the
exponent value by 2.

Subnetting Operations

Use the following chart to identify the solutions to common subnetting tasks.

Scenario Solution
Begin by converting the subnet mask to a binary
number. Then use the formula to find the number of
Given a network address and subnet mask,
subnets and hosts.
how many subnets can you have and how
To find the number of valid subnets, n = the number of
many hosts per subnet?
additional bits borrowed from the default mask.
To find the number of valid hosts, n = the number of
unmasked bits by the custom mask.
Given a network address and customer
Write out the default subnet mask in binary. Then
requirements, what subnet mask should you
borrow bits and use the formula to find the number that
gives you enough subnets and hosts.
Magic number
The magic number is the decimal value of the last one
bit in the subnet mask.
Given a network address and a subnet The magic number identifies:
mask, identify the valid subnet addresses.  The first valid subnet address

 The increment value to find additional subnet

Trust the line
Use the following process to find the information you
Given an IP address and subnet mask, find
1. Identify the subnet and host portions of the mask,
draw a line
 Subnet address
2. To find the subnet address, set all host bits to 0
 Broadcast address
3. To find the broadcast address, set all host bits to 1
4. The valid host range is:
 Valid host address range
o First address = Subnet address + 1

o Last address = Broadcast address - 1

Configuring IP

As you study this section, answer the following questions:

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 What is the decimal form of a /21 mask?
 What is the function of the ip host command?

After finishing this section, you should be able to complete the following tasks:

 Configure IP addresses on router interfaces, selecting the appropriate subnet mask and
a valid host address.

This section covers the following exam objectives:

 202. Configure IP addresses, subnet masks, and gateway addresses on routers and
 305. Troubleshoot a device as part of a working network

Assigning IP Addresses

With Cisco routers, you have the following three choices for viewing the subnet mask.

Method Description Example

Dotted Four octets with set incremental values between 0
decimal and 255. This is the most common form used and
recognized by network administrators.
Bit count The bit count is a number that follows the IP address /24 (identifies 24 bits in the
and indicates the total number of masked bits. The mask)
bit count is typically found in routing tables.
Hexadecimal Eight hexadecimal numbers (each number ranges 0xFFFFFF00 (the 0x
from 0 to F). indicates a hexadecimal
number follows)

You can modify how the router displays the subnet mask. In privileged EXEC mode, use the
following command:

terminal ip netmask-format <format keyword>

Format keywords are bit-count, decimal, or hexadecimal.

When setting up a network for IP, you will have to make various decisions about the
addresses used on the network. Use the following process to identify and assign IP addresses
throughout your network.

1. Identify the number of network addresses. Each network segment will require its own
network (subnet) address. In addition, each WAN connection must have its own network
address (typically assigned by the WAN service provider).
2. Identify the number of hosts for each subnet. You will need one IP address for each
device. Be sure to include an IP address for each router interface.
3. Calculate the subnet mask that will subdivide your network.
4. Identify the valid subnet addresses, and assign them to network segments.
5. Identify valid IP addresses on each subnet (i.e. the host address range). Assign IP
addresses to hosts, or plan on using DHCP to dynamically assign IP addresses.
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You can also assign multiple IP addresses to a single interface. To do this, use the secondary
parameter with the ip address command as follows:

ip address secondary

Managing Host Names

Host names allow you to identify network devices using logical names instead of IP
addresses. Use the following commands to configure static host names or enable DNS on a

Command Function
ip host <name> <address> Identifies hostnames, creating static DNS entries
ip domain-name <name> Identifies the router default domain (for DNS)
ip name-server <address> Sets the default DNS name server
ip domain-lookup Enables the router to use DNS to identify IP addresses from host

Use the show hosts command to display a list of known IP hosts.

Address Resolution

As you study this section, answer the following questions:

 What is the difference between the ARP and RARP protocols?

 What is the difference between the BootP and DHCP protocols?
 How does NAT work to conserve the IP address space?

After finishing this section, you should be able to complete the following tasks:

 Configure NAT on a router.

This section covers the following exam objectives:

 202. Configure IP addresses, subnet masks, and gateway addresses on routers and
 405. Evaluate TCP/IP communication process and its associated protocols

Address Resolution Protocols

You should know the following protocols that perform address resolution.

Protocol Description
Address Resolution
Used by hosts to discover the MAC address of a computer from its IP address.
Protocol (ARP)
Reverse Address Used by a host to discover the IP address of a computer from its MAC address.
Resolution Protocol

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Used by a host (such as a diskless workstation) to query a bootstrap computer and
Bootstrap Protocol
receive an IP address assignment. A BootP server has a static list of MAC
addresses and their corresponding IP addresses.
An improvement on BootP, DHCP is used to dynamically assign IP address and
Dynamic Host other TCP/IP configuration parameters. A DHCP server can use a static list to
Configuration assign a specific IP address to a specific host. More commonly, however, the
Protocol (DHCP) DHCP server automatically assigns an IP address from a preset range of possible

NAT Facts

Network Address Translation (NAT) allows you to connect a private network to the Internet
without obtaining registered addresses for every host. Private addresses are translated to the
public address of the NAT router. NAT can be used to provide a measure of security for your
private network, or to provide Internet connectivity with a limited number of registered IP

As you work with NAT, it's important to understand the following terminology.

Term Definition
The inside network is the private network.
A router interface that connects to the private network is also called the inside interface.
The outside network is the public network (the Internet).
A router interface that connects to the public network is also called the outside interface.
Inside local
The inside local address is the IP address of the host on the inside network.
Inside The inside global address is the IP address of the host after it has been translated for use
global on the Internet. The term global refers to the registered IP address that identifies the
address inside host on the Internet.
Outside The outside global address is an IP address of an Internet host. For example, when you

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global visit a Web site, your computer will use the global outside address to contact the Web
address server.
An outside local address is an outside global address that has been translated for inside
(or private) use. In other words, the NAT router translates an Internet host IP address
into a private IP address. Instead of using the Web server address, the internal computer
will use the translated address instead.

When you configure NAT, you have the following options on a Cisco router.

Implementation Characteristics
With static NAT, each inside host IP address is manually
associated with a registered IP address. In other words, you
Static NAT
manually map an inside local address to an inside global
Dynamic NAT is just like static NAT, except that the
address mappings are done automatically. The NAT router
Dynamic NAT
has a pool of inside global IP addresses that it uses to map to
inside local addresses.
Overloading is the process of assigning multiple inside
Overload with Port
local addresses to a single inside global address. Port numbers
Address Translation
are used to identify specific inside local hosts. The port
number is appended to the inside global IP address.

Note: When you configure NAT, be sure to use an IP address in the private IP address
ranges for the inside local IP addresses. Otherwise, hosts on your network might not be able to
access outside hosts with the same IP address. A Cisco router can be configured to overcome
this problem, but the configuration is difficult.

Private IP addresses do not need to be registered, and fall within the following ranges:

 to
 to
 to

NAT Command List

The exact method and commands you use to configure NAT on a Cisco router depends on
the NAT method you use. The following table lists the configuration steps and commands for
each method.

Method Configuration Process Command Examples

Static NAT Configure static mappings Router(config)#ip nat inside
(mapping inside local source static
addresses to outside local
Identify inside and outside Router(config)#interface ethernet0

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Router(config-if)#ip nat inside
interfaces serial0
Router(config-if)#ip nat outside
Router(config)#ip nat pool mary
Define an inside global netmask
address pool
Identify allowed translated Router(config)#access-list 1
inside local addresses** permit
Dynamic Associate the allowed list Router(config)#ip nat inside
NAT with the pool source list 1 pool mary
Router(config)#interface ethernet0
Router(config-if)#ip nat inside
Identify inside and outside Router(config-if)#interface
interfaces serial0
Router(config-if)#ip nat outside
Identify allowed translated Router(config)#access-list 1
inside local addresses** permit
Associate the allowed list Router(config)#ip nat inside
with the inside interface and source list 1 interface ethernet0
identify the translation type overload
as overloaded
with PAT
Router(config)#interface ethernet0
Router(config-if)#ip nat inside
Identify inside and outside Router(config-if)#interface
interfaces serial0
Router(config-if)#ip nat outside

**These examples use access lists to identify a range of inside addresses that will be translated. You will learn
about access lists in Module 7.

Note: When you use the overloaded method, the outside global address that is used is the IP
address of the outside router interface.

Troubleshooting IP

As you study this section, answer the following questions:

 What is the difference between Ping and Traceroute?

 You can ping a device but can't open a Telnet session with that device. What is the
 Which utility can you use to test upper-layer protocols as well as lower-layer
 What does the source quench message do?

This section covers the following exam objectives:

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 202. Configure IP addresses, subnet masks, and gateway addresses on routers and
 301. Utilize the OSI model as a guide for systematic network troubleshooting
 304. Troubleshoot IP addressing and host configuration
 305. Troubleshoot a device as part of a working network
 407. Evaluate rules for packet control

IP Troubleshooting Tools

Three tools you can use to help troubleshoot are ping, traceroute, and Telnet.

Tool Description Tests Reports

Uses ICMP echo The physical path to the Success (destination
packets destination responded) or failure
ping Operates at the Network layer (no response)
Network layer configuration of source, Round trip time to
intermediary, and destination
destination devices
Uses ICMP echo The physical path to the IP address of each hop
packets and TTL destination to destination
Operates at the Network layer Host name of each hop
Network layer configuration of source, (if configured)
traceroute intermediate, and Round trip time to
destination devices destination and each
intermediary device
Success (destination
responded) or failure
(no response)
Uses upper-layer The physical path to the No report generated.
protocols destination An open connection
Operates above the Network layer indicates a valid
Network layer (relies configuration of source, connection.
telnet on lower-layer intermediate, and
protocols) destination devices
configuration of source
and destination devices

The following table describes special conventions that you should be aware of when
working with these utilities.

Utility Considerations
ping  By default, the ping command performs five tests to the destination. It waits 2
seconds for a response from the target router.
 An exclamation mark indicates a successful ping. A period indicates a failure.
 Ping includes an extended mode (available only in privileged EXEC mode).

 Extended ping lets you modify the number of tests, the timeout, and even the
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protocol tested. With extended ping, you can test non-IP protocols (such as AppleTalk or
Novell IPX).
 Traceroute sends successive ICMP messages to a destination with increasing TTL
values. For example, the first test pings the destination using a TTL of 1, the second
pings with a TTL of 2, and so on.
 By default, traceroute sends three ping tests for each TTL value. It waits three
seconds for a response.
 Responses to each test within the traceroute command are as follows:
o A time exceeded message indicates that a router has received the packet but
the TTL has expired. For example, if the TTL is set to 3, the third router in the path
responds with the time exceeded message.
o A destination unreachable message indicates that the router in the path
does not have a route to the destination network or device.
o An asterisk ( * ) indicates that the timer has expired without a response.

 Traceroute includes an extended version that lets you modify the number of packets
sent, the timeout, and the protocol. With extended traceroute, you can test non-IP
 To suspend a Telnet session, press Ctrl + Shift + 6, then X.
 To resume a Telnet session, use the resume command.
 By default, debug information shows only on the console, not in the Telnet session
window. Use the terminal monitor command to show debug information in a
Telnet session.

ICMP Messages

The Internet Control Message Protocol is a special-purpose message mechanism added to

the TCP/IP suite that lets computers and routers in an internetwork report errors or provide
information about unexpected circumstances. Remember that IP is a connectionless protocol
and as such, contains no procedures that help to monitor successful packet delivery or test
connectivity. Hosts use ICMP to send error messages to other hosts.

ICMP messages include the following types:

Message Characteristics
The ICMP echo message is used to discover hosts and networks, and to verify that
Echo they are reachable. The ping utility is a popular utility that uses ICMP echo
The destination unreachable message is sent if a packet cannot reach its destination
for a variety of reasons. It might indicate the host is unavailable, or that there were
problems detected in the packet header.
The time exceeded message is sent when the packet's time-to-live (TTL) counter
Time exceeded
has expired.
Redirect The redirect message is sent from a router to the sending device to indicate that a
different route should be chosen for the packet. The redirect message can be sent if
a better route is in the router's table, or if the selected route is unavailable or

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The source quench message is sent by a receiving device to indicate that the flow
Source quench of packets is too fast. When a sending device receives a source quench message, it
slows its rate of transmission.
The router discovery message is a special broadcast message sent by hosts to
Router discover the routers on a network. Routers respond to the message indicating their
discovery presence. They do not exchange routing information, but simply announce their

IP Troubleshooting Tips

One important step in troubleshooting network communications is to verify the IP address,

subnet mask, and default gateway settings of each host. Keep in mind the following as you
troubleshoot IP:

 All computers must be assigned a unique IP address.

 Hosts on the same physical network should have IP addresses in the same address
 The subnet mask value for all computers on the same physical network must be the
 Configure the default gateway value to enable internetwork communication.
 The default gateway address must be on the same subnet as the host's IP address.
 You do not need to configure an IP address on a switch for frames to be switched
through the switch. To ping to and from a switch or to remotely manage the switch, configure
an IP address on the switch.

Listed below are several common symptoms and things to try to correct communication

Problem Symptoms Solution

Because the problem exists with
A single host cannot communicate Ping to any other host only one host, troubleshoot the
with any other host. fails. configuration of the host with the
Ping to hosts on the same
A single host can communicate network succeed, ping to
with all hosts on the same hosts on other networks
fails. Verify the default gateway setting
network, but can't communicate
of the host with the problem.
with any host on any other Traceroute on the host
network. times out with only a
single entry.
All hosts can communicate within Ping to hosts on the same If DHCP is used to assign IP
the same network, but cannot network succeed, ping to information to hosts, verify the
communicate with any host hosts on other networks default gateway setting delivered by
outside of the local network. fails. the DHCP server.
Traceroute on the host
times out with only a
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single entry.
The routing table on the
router shows only Verify the routing configuration of
directly-connected the default gateway router.
Ping to the remote
network fails, traceroute
on the host times out with
only a single entry. Add a route to the routing table, or
The routing table on the configure the gateway of last resort
All hosts cannot communicate router does not show the (default route) on the router.
with hosts on a specific outside destination network, or
network. Communication with the gateway of last resort
other networks is fine. is not set.
Troubleshoot other routers in the
The routing table has a
path to the destination network. Use
route to the destination
traceroute to identify the last
network. Traceroute on
responding router and begin
the router times out.
troubleshooting there.
Ping to the remote host
fails. Traceroute to the
All hosts cannot communicate remote host indicates no
with a specific remote host. response from the host. Troubleshoot the configuration of
Communication with other remote
The routing table shows a the remote host.
hosts in the same remote network
is fine. route to the destination
network (or the gateway
of last resort is used).

Access List Concepts

As you study this section, answer the following questions:

 You want to create an access list that restricts traffic from host What type
of access list can you use?
 You want to create an access list that restricts ICMP traffic. What type of access list
would you choose?
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 How many access lists can be applied to a single interface?
 What is the last statement in every access list?

This section covers the following exam objectives:

 210. Implement access lists

Access List Facts

Routers use access lists to control incoming or outgoing traffic. You should know the
following characteristics of an access list.

 Access lists describe the traffic type that will be controlled.

 Access list entries describe the traffic characteristics.
 Access list entries identify either permitted or denied traffic.
 Access list entries can describe a specific traffic type, or allow or restrict all traffic.
 When created, an access list contains an implicit "deny all" entry at the end of the
access list.
 Each access list applies only to a specific protocol.
 Each router interface can have up to two access lists for each protocol, one for
incoming traffic and one for outgoing traffic.
 When an access list is applied to an interface, it identifies whether the list restricts
incoming or outgoing traffic.
 Access lists exist globally on the router, but filter traffic only for the interfaces to
which they have been applied.
 Each access list can be applied to more than one interface. However, each interface
can only have one incoming and one outgoing list.
 Access lists can be used to log traffic that matches the list statements.

When you create an access list, it automatically contains a "deny any" statement, although
this statement does not appear in the list itself. For a list to allow any traffic, it must have at
least one permit statement, either permitting a specific traffic type or permitting all traffic not
specifically restricted.

There are two general types of access lists: basic and extended.

Use a standard list to filter on... Use an extended list to filter on...
Source IP protocol (i.e. IP, TCP, UDP, etc.)
Source hostname or host IP address
Source hostname or host IP address Source or destination socket number
Destination hostname or host IP address
Precedence or TOS values

IP Access List Command List

Configuring access lists involves two general steps:

1. Create the list and list entries with the access-list command
2. Apply the list to a specific interface with the ip access-group command

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Use . . . To . . .
Create an access list entry. Use the following
Router(config)#access-list number ranges to define the access list:
<number> 1-99 = Standard IP access lists
100-199 = Extended IP access lists
Router(config-if)#ip access- Apply the standard or extended IP access list to a
group <number> specific interface.

The following commands create a standard IP access list that permits all outgoing traffic except
the traffic from network, and applies the list to the Ethernet0 interface.

Router(config)#access-list 1 deny

Router(config)#access-list 1 permit any
Router(config)#int e0
Router(config-if)#ip access-group 1 out

The following commands create a standard IP access list that rejects all traffic except traffic
from host, and applies the list to the Serial0 interface.

Router(config)#access-list 2 permit

Router(config)#int s0
Router(config-if)#ip access-group 2 in

Note: Remember that each access list contains an explicit deny any entry. When created, the
access list denies all traffic except traffic explicitly permitted by permit statements in the list.

The following commands create an extended IP access list that rejects packets from host sent to host, and applies the list to the second serial interface.

Router(config)#access-list 101 deny ip

Router(config)#access-list 101 permit ip any any
Router(config)#int s1
Router(config-if)#ip access-group 101 in

The following commands create an extended IP access list that does not forward TCP
packets from any host on network to network, and applies the list to the first
serial interface.

Router(config)#access-list 111 deny tcp
Router(config)#access-list 111 permit ip any any
Router(config)#int s0
Router(config-if)#ip access-group 111 in

Working with Wildcard Masks

As you study this section, answer the following questions:

 How do you identify a network address in an access list statement?

 What does a 0 in a wildcard mask indicate?

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After finishing this section, you should be able to complete the following tasks:

 Use wildcard masks in access list statements to control traffic based on network

This section covers the following exam objectives:

 105. Develop an access list to meet user specifications

 210. Implement access lists

Calculating Wildcard Masks

The wildcard mask is used with access list statements to identify a range of IP addresses
(such as all addresses on a specific network). When used to identify network addresses in access
list statements, wildcard masks are the exact opposite of a subnet mask. To calculate the
wildcard mask:

1. Identify the decimal value of the subnet mask.

2. Subtract each octet in the subnet mask from 255.

For example, suppose you wanted to allow all traffic on network To find the
wildcard mask:

1. A mask that covers 21 bits converts to

2. The wildcard mask would be:
o First octet: 255 - 255 = 0
o Second octet: 255 - 255 = 0
o Third octet: 255 - 248 = 7
o Fourth octet: 255 - 0 = 255

This gives you the mask of:

Like subnet masks, wildcard masks operate at the bit level. Any bit in the wildcard mask
with a 0 value means that the bit must match to match the access list statement. A bit with a 1
value means that the bit does not have to match. For example, let's examine the subnet address,
subnet mask, and wildcard mask in binary form for the preceding example.

Address Type Decimal Values Binary Values

Subnet address 00001010.00001100.00010000.00000000

Subnet mask 11111111.11111111.11111000.00000000

Wildcard mask 00000000.00000000.00000111.11111111

Notice how the bits in the wildcard mask are exactly opposite of the bits in the subnet mask.
Suppose an access list were created with a statement as follows:

access-list 12 deny

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Suppose that a packet addressed to was received. The router uses the wildcard
mask to compare the bits in the address to the bits in the subnet address.

Addr Decimal
Binary Values
ess Type Values
Subne 10.12.16 00001010.00001100.00010000.000000
t address .0 00
Wildc 00000000.00000000.00000111.111111
ard mask 5 11
Target 00001010.00001100.00010000.000011
address 11
How the router applies the
mask to the address mmmmmmmm.mmmmmmmm.mmmmmiii.iiiiii
m=match ii
x=doesn't match

In this example, all bits identified with a 0 in the wildcard mask must match between the
address and the network address. Any bit identified with a 1 is ignored. In this example, matches the access list statement and the traffic is denied.

Now suppose that a packet addressed to was received. The router uses the
wildcard mask to compare the bits in the address to the bits in the subnet address.

Addr Decimal
Binary Values
ess Type Values
Subne 10.12.16 00001010.00001100.00010000.000000
t address .0 00
Wildc 00000000.00000000.00000111.111111
ard mask 5 11
Target 00001010.00001101.00010001.000011
address 11
How the router applies the
mask to the address
 m=match mmmmmmmm.mmmmmmmx.mmmmmiii.iiiiiiii
 i=ignored

 x=doesn't match

Notice that this address does not match the access list statement as identified with the
wildcard mask. In this case, traffic would be permitted.

Designing Access Lists

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After you have created an access list, you must apply it to an interface. In many cases, this
means you will need to decide which router, with port, and which direction to apply the access
list to. Keep in mind the following:

 Each interface can only have one inbound and one outbound access list for each
protocol. This means that an interface can have either a standard inbound or an extended
inbound IP access list, but not both.
 You can have two access lists for the same direction applied to an interface if the lists
restrict different networking protocols. For example, you can have one outbound IP access list
and one outbound IPX access list.
 When constructing access lists, place the most restrictive statements at the top. Traffic
is matched to access list statements in the order they appear in the list. If traffic matches a
statement high in the list, subsequent statements will not be applied to the traffic.
 Each access list has an implicit deny any statement at the end of the access list.
Your access list must contain at least one allow statement, or no traffic will be allowed.
 Access lists applied to inbound traffic filter packets before the routing decision is
made. Access lists applied to outbound traffic filter packets after the routing decision is made.
 As a general rule, apply extended access lists as close to the source router as possible.
This keeps the packets from being sent throughout the rest of the network.
 As a general rule, apply standard access lists as close to the destination router as
possible. This is because standard access lists can only filter on source address. Placing the list
too close to the source will prevent any traffic from the source from getting to any other parts of
the network.
 When making placement decisions, carefully read all access lists statements and
requirements. Identify blocked and allowed traffic, as well as the direction that traffic will be
traveling. Place the access list on the interface where a single list will block (or allow) all
necessary traffic.

Monitoring Access Lists

The following list summarizes the commands to use for viewing specific access list
information on the router.

If you want to view... Use...

All access lists that exist on the show run
router show access-lists
All access lists applied to an show ip int
interface show run
Rejected traffic information show log
IP access lists configured on the show run
router show ip access-lists
show access-lists
A specific access list <number>

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Routing Concepts

As you study this section, answer the following questions:

 What is the difference between a routing protocol and a routed protocol?

 What is the difference between distance vector routing and link state routing?
 What is a flash update?
 What is poison reverse?
 Why don't link state protocols use hold down timers, split horizon, or poison reverse?
 What is in an LSP?
 What is a designated router?

This section covers the following exam objectives:

 103. Select an appropriate routing protocol based on user requirements

 404. Evaluate the characteristics of routing protocols

Routing Protocol Facts

Each organization that has been assigned a network address from an ISP is considered an
autonomous system (AS). That organization is free to create one large network, or divide the
network into subnets. Each autonomous system is identified by an AS number. This number can
be locally administered, or registered if the AS is connected to the Internet.

Routers are used within an AS to segment (subnet) the network. In addition, they are used to
connect multiple ASs together. Routers use a routing protocol to dynamically discover routes,
build routing tables, and make decisions about how to send packets through the internetwork.

Routing protocols can be classified based on whether they are routing traffic within or
between autonomous systems.

 Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP)--protocol that routes traffic within the AS

 Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP)--protocol that routes traffic outside of or between
 Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)--enhancement of EGP that routes traffic between

In this course, you will learn about the following Interior Gateway Protocols:

 Routing Information Protocol (RIP)

 Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP)
 Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
 Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP)

Distance Vector Routing Facts

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Keep in mind the following principles about the distance vector method.

 Routers send updates only to their neighbor routers

 Routers send their entire routing table
 Tables are sent at regular intervals (each router is configured to specify its own update
 Routers modify their tables based on information received from their neighbors

Because routers using the distance vector method send their entire routing table at specified
intervals, they are susceptible to a condition known as a routing loop (also called a count-to-
infinity condition). Like a bridging loop, a routing loop occurs when two routers share different
information. The following methods can be used to minimize the effects of a routing loop.

Method Characteristics
Using the split horizon method (also called best information),
routers keep track of where the information about a route came from.
Routers do not report route information to the routers on that path. In
other words, routers do not report information back to the router from
which their information originated.
Using the split horizon with poison reverse method (also called
poison reverse or route poisoning), routers continue to send
information about routes back to the next hop router, but advertise the
path as unreachable. If the next hop router notices that the route is still
reachable, it ignores the information. If, however, the path timeout has
horizon with
been reached, the route is immediately set to unreachable (16 hops for
poison reverse
Convergence happens faster with poison reverse than with simple split
horizon. However, it results in greater network traffic because the entire
table is broadcast each time an update is sent.
With the triggered update method (also known as a flash updates),
routers that receive updated (changed) information broadcast those
Triggered changes immediately rather than waiting for the next reporting interval.
updates With this method, routers broadcast their routing tables periodically,
punctuated by special broadcasts if conditions have changed. This
method reduces the convergence time.
With the hold down method, routers will, for a period of time,
"hold" an update that reinstates an expired link. The time period
Hold typically reflects the time required to attain convergence on the
downs network.
The hold down timer is reset when the timer runs out or when a
network change occurs.

The distance vector method has the following advantages:

 Stable and proven method (distance vector was the original routing algorithm)
 Easy to implement and administer
 Bandwidth requirements negligible for a typical LAN environment
 Requires less hardware and processing power than other routing methods

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Distance vector has the following disadvantages:

 Relatively long time to reach convergence (updates sent at specified intervals)

 Routers must recalculate their routing tables before forwarding changes
 Susceptible to routing loops (count-to-infinity)
 Bandwidth requirements can be too great for WAN or complex LAN environments

Link State Routing Facts

Keep in mind the following information about the link state method.

 Routers broadcast LSPs to all routers (this process is known as flooding).

 Routers send information about only their own links.
 Link-state protocols send hello packets to discover new neighbors.
 LSPs are sent at regular intervals and when any of the following conditions occur.
o There is a new neighbor.
o A neighbor has gone down.
o The cost to a neighbor has changed.
 Neighboring routers exchange LSAs (link-state advertisements) to construct a
topological database.
 The SPF algorithm is applied to the topological database to create an SPF tree from
which a table of routing paths and associated ports is built.
 Routers use LSPs to build their tables and calculate the best route.
 Routers select routes based on the shortest route using an algorithm known as Shortest
Path First (SPF).
 Network administrators have greater flexibility in setting the metrics used to calculate

The link state method has the following advantages over the distance vector method.

 Less convergence time (because updates are forwarded immediately)

 Not susceptible to routing loops
 Less susceptible to erroneous information (because only firsthand information is
 Bandwidth requirements negligible for a typical LAN environment

Although more stable than the distance vector method, the link state method has the
following problems:

 The link state algorithm requires greater CPU and memory capability to calculate the
network topology and select the route because the algorithm re-creates the exact topology of the
network for route computation.
 It generates a high amount of traffic when LSPs are initially flooded through the
network or when the topology changes. However, after the initial configuration occurs, the
traffic from the link state method is smaller than that from the distance vector method.
 It is possible for LSPs to get delayed or lost, resulting in an inconsistent view of the
network. This is particularly a problem for larger networks, if parts of the network come on line
at different times, or if the bandwidth between links vary (i.e. LSPs travel faster through parts of
the network than through others).

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In particular, the last problem is of greatest concern. The following solutions are often
implemented to overcome some of the effects of inconsistent LSP information.

 Slowing the LSP update rate keeps information more consistent.

 Routers can be grouped into areas. Routers share information within the area, and
routers on area borders share information between areas. (Areas logically subdivide an
Autonomous System (AS), a collection of areas under common administration.)
 One router in each area is designated as the authoritative source of routing information
(called a designated router). Each area router receives updates from the designated router.
 LSPs can be identified with a time stamp, sequence or ID number, or aging timer to
ensure proper synchronization.

Static Routes

As you study this section, answer the following questions:

 In what cases would you use a static route rather than a routing protocol?
 What does a route to network identify?

After finishing this section, you should be able to complete the following tasks:

 Configure static routes.

This section covers the following exam objectives:

 201. Configure routing protocols given user requirements

 303. Troubleshoot routing protocols

Static Route Facts

Most networks will use one (or more) routing protocols to automatically share and learn
routes. Listed below are several situations when you might want to configure static routes.

 To configure a default route or a route out of a stub network (a stub network is one
that has a single route into and out of the network).
 For small networks that do not change very often and that have only a few networks.
 To turn off all routing protocols and reduce traffic or improve security.
 To configure routes that are lost due to route summarization.

Static Route Command List

Static routes lock a router into using the route you specify for all packets. Configuring static
routes is useful for increasing security, and for small networks or networks that have only one
possible path. You can also configure a default router. When your router cannot find a packet's
address in its routing table, it sends the packet to the default router.

Use . . . To . . .
Router(config)#ip route Identify a next hop router to receive packets
<destination> <next_hop> sent to the specified destination network.

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Router(config)#ip route Identify the interface used to forward packets
<destination> <interface> to the specified destination network.
Identify a default network on which all
Router(config)#ip default-
network <network> packets sent to unknown networks are
Enables the router to match routes based on
Router(config)#ip classless the number of bits in the mask and not the
default subnet mask.

The following command creates a static route to network through the router with
the IP address and gives it a value of 25.

Router(config)#ip route 25

The following command creates a permanent static route to network through
the router's second serial interface.

Router(config)#ip route serial 1 30 permanent

The following command designates network as the default network for the local

Router(config)#ip default-network

The following command identifies a default route through an interface with address

Router(config)#ip route

Configuring RIP

After finishing this section, you should be able to complete the following tasks:

 Enable IP routing.
 Configure RIP networks.

This section covers the following exam objectives:

 201. Configure routing protocols given user requirements

 404. Evaluate the characteristics of routing protocols

RIP Facts

The Routing Information Protocol (RIP) is a simple, effective routing protocol for small- to
medium-sized networks. It has the following characteristics when running on a Cisco router.

 RIP uses hop and tick counts to calculate optimal routes.

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 RIP routing is limited to 15 hops to any location (16 hops indicates the network is
 RIP uses the split horizon with poison reverse method to prevent the count-to-infinity
 RIP uses only classful routing, so it uses full address classes, not subnets.
 RIP broadcasts updates to the entire network.
 RIP can maintain up to six multiple paths to each network, but only if the cost is the
 RIP supports load balancing over same-cost paths.
 The update interval default is 30, the invalid timer default is 180, the holddown timer
default is 180, and the flush timer default is 240.

Note: Because RIP uses the hop count in determining the best route to a remote network, it
might end up selecting a less than optimal route. For example, suppose that two routes exist
between two networks. One route uses a 56 Kbps link with a single hop, while the other route
uses a Gigabit link that has two hops. Because the first route has fewer hops, RIP will select this
route as the optimal route.

RIP Command List

To configure any routing protocol, use the following three steps:

1. Enable IP routing if it is not already enabled (use the ip routing command).

2. Switch to router configuration mode (use the router command, followed by the
routing protocol you want to configure).
3. Identify the networks that will participate in dynamic routing (use the network
command, followed by the address of a network to which the router is directly connected). This
identifies the interfaces that will share and process received routing updates.

Use . . . To . . .
Enable IP routing for the entire router.
Router(config)#ip routing IP routing is enabled by default. Use this
command only if it has been disabled.

Router(config)#router rip Enter router RIP configuration mode

(also referred to as "enabling RIP").

Router(config- Identify networks that will participate

router)#network <address> in the router protocol. Notice that you
identify networks, and not interfaces.
Router(config)#no ip
routing Disable IP routing on the router.
Router(config)#no router rip Disable RIP and remove all RIP networks.
Router(config-router)#no Remove a specific RIP network.
network <network>
Router(config)#passive- Prevent routing update messages from
interface <interface> behind sent through a router interface.

When you use the network command to identify the networks that will participate in RIP
routing, follow these rules.
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 Identify only networks to which the router is directly connected.
 Use the classful network address, not a subnetted network address.

The following commands enable IP routing and identify two networks that will participate in
the RIP routing protocol.

Router(config)#ip routing
Router(config)#router rip

Troubleshooting RIP

As you study this section, answer the following questions:

 When using the show ip route command, what is indicated by a route tagged with the
letter C?
 Which command would you use to view RIP update timer information?

After finishing this section, you should be able to complete the following tasks:

 Use show commands to monitor RIP routing.

 Interpret debug ip rip output to identify possible causes of routing problems.
 Given a scenario, correct RIP routing problems.

This section covers the following exam objectives:

 303. Troubleshoot routing protocols

 307. Perform simple WAN troubleshooting

RIP Troubleshooting Introduction

The next set of simulations gives you a chance to troubleshoot RIP routing. All simulations
use the same network layout as shown.

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For each scenario, one or more routers have been misconfigured. Your job is to diagnose
and fix the problem.

In each case, begin by verifying the problem. From the LAX router, ping the SFO Ethernet0
interface. The following commands may be useful in identifying the problem.

 ping or traceroute
 show ip route
 sh int/sh ip int
 sh run

For example, one way to use the sh ip route command in troubleshooting is to view
the routing table for each router, identifying which networks are missing from the routing table.
Based on the missing networks, you can then examine the configuration of specific routers to
identify the problem.

RIP Debugging

If you are having problems with routers not sharing or learning routes, you can use the
following commands to help identify the problem:

 show ip route
 show ip protocols
 debug ip rip

You should be familiar with the RIP routing update sequences and messages. From the
output of a debug ip rip command, you should be able to identify the consequences of the
various messages. Listed below is sample output from the debug ip rip command.

1    RIP: received v1 update from on Ethernet0

2 in 1 hops
3 in 15 hops
4    RIP: sending v1 update to via Serial0 (
5         network, metric 2
6         network, metric 1
7         network in 16 hops (inaccessible)
8    RIP: received v1 update from on Serial0
9 in 1 hops
10 in 2 hops
11   RIP: sending v1 update to via Ethernet0
12        network, metric 1
13        network, metric 2
14        network, metric 3

The following table interprets each line in the sample output.

1, 8 This line identifies the router and the interface where RIP updates
are received. In this example, the router is connected to two other

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 Router on Ethernet0

 Router on Serial0

Indented below each RIP line are the specific routing entries that are
received. This example shows the following routes received:
 and from router on Etherent0
 and from router on
2-3, 9-10

The hop count shown in the received route will be the metric used
when the route is placed in the routing table of the local router.
This line identifies the interface on which RIP updates are sent. In
this example, the following interfaces have been enabled to share RIP
 Serial0 with an IP address of
 Ethernet0 with an IP address of
4, 11
This means that the following commands have been entered on the

router rip
Indented below the RIP line are the entries that are shared with other
routers. Be aware of the following items:
 Before sending the information, the router increments the hop
count. To identify the hop count in the local routing table, subtract 1
5-7, 12-
from the sent hop count.
 Line 7 (network is advertised as inaccessible (16
hops). This is because the local router has a hop count of 15 for that
network. 16 hops is the maximum hop count for RIP.

For comparison, here's how the routing table of the local router would appear:

R [120/1] via, 00:00:05, Ethernet0

C is directly connected, Ethernet0
C is directly connected, Serial0
R [120/1] via, 00:00:04, Serial0
R [120/2] via, 00:00:04, Serial0
R [120/15] via, 00:00:05, Ethernet0

Additional Configuration Practice

This section contains additional labs that you can use to practice the router configuration
tasks you have learned to this point in the course. For each lab, you will take a new router and
complete its configuration to connect to the given network.

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RIP Practice Network Diagram

The next five Labs all use the same network diagram. Your task will be to configure one of
the routers from scratch to connect to the network and share routing information with the other
routers. As you work through your configuration, keep in mind the following:

 Check the connected routers to identify the network mask used on each network. Then
select an IP address that is not already in use on the network (i.e. select a different address than
the one to which the router you are configuring connects).
 Use show commands and other techniques to check your work. When you are finished,
the sh ip route command should display all the networks shown in the diagram.
 The ping command is available for troubleshooting if you need it, but the
traceroute command is not enabled in the simulation.
 If you are following the Networking Academy
curriculum, you will be required to complete the following tasks in class
that are not required in this simulation: 
o Identify routers throughout the network with the ip host command.
o Disable DNS lookup with the no ip domain-lookup command.
o Disable IP classless with the no ip classless command.

Shown here is the network diagram used for all five scenarios.

Configuring IGRP

As you study this section, answer the following questions:

 What are the differences between RIP and IGRP?

 What is the default update timer of IGRP?
 What is the purpose of the AS number in IGRP configuration? What happens if this
number is different on two routers?
 What happens if you configure RIP and IGRP on the same router?

After finishing this section, you should be able to complete the following tasks:

 Configure IGRP routing.

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This section covers the following exam objectives:

 201. Configure routing protocols given user requirements

IGRP Facts

Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP) is a dynamic routing protocol that sends
neighboring routers updates of its routing table. It is Cisco's proprietary routing protocol, which
Cisco recommends that you use instead of RIP. IGRP has the following characteristics:

 IGRP can handle much larger networks, with a hop count limit of 255 (rather than 16).
You can also configure the hop count limit.
 IGRP uses a composite metric (a 24-bit number assigned to each path that can include
such factors as bandwidth, delay, reliability, loading, and MTU).
 IGRP supports multiple-path connections. It will keep track of same-cost and
different-cost routes. It can keep track of up to six different paths.
 IGRP uses flash updates (sending changed information immediately) for faster
 IGRP uses an autonomous system (AS) number as part of the configuration.
 IGRP uses split horizon with poison reverse.
 The default update interval is higher for IGRP than RIP because it uses flash updates.
 Defaults are:
o Update interval = 90 seconds
o Invalid route = 270 seconds (3 times the update)
o Holddown = 280 seconds (3 times the update + 10)
o Flush = 630 seconds (7 times the update)

IGRP Command List

Configuring IGRP is very similar to configuring RIP. When using the router command,
however, you must include the AS number. This AS number must be the same on each router
that will share information.

Use . . . To . . .
Enable IP routing for the entire router. IP routing
routing is enabled by default. Use this command only if it has
been disabled.
Enter router IGRP configuration mode for the
Router(config)#router specified Autonomous System. Note: When
igrp <ASnumber> configuring multiple routers to share information with
IGRP, the AS number must match on all routers.
Identify networks that will participate in the router
protocol. Notice that you identify networks, and not
Router(config- interfaces.
router)#network <address> When identifying networks, use the classful network
address (the network specified with the default subnet

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The following commands identify two networks that will participate in the IGRP routing
protocol for AS number 25 (assuming IP routing is already enabled).

Router(config)#router igrp 25

Troubleshooting IGRP

After finishing this section, you should be able to complete the following tasks:

 Use show commands to monitor IGRP routing.

 Given a scenario, correct IGRP routing problems.

This section covers the following exam objectives:

 303. Troubleshoot routing protocols

IGRP Troubleshooting Introduction

The next set of simulations gives you a chance to troubleshoot IGRP routing. All
simulations use the same network layout as shown.

For each scenario, one or more routers have been misconfigured. Your job is to diagnose
and fix the problem.

In each case, begin by verifying the problem. From the LAX router, ping the SFO Ethernet0
interface. The following commands may be useful in identifying the problem.

 ping or traceroute
 sh ip route
 sh int/sh ip int
 sh run
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For example, one way to use the sh ip route command in troubleshooting is to view
the routing table for each router, identifying which networks are missing from the routing table.
Based on the missing networks, you can then examine the configuration of specific routers to
identify the problem.


As you study this section, answer the following questions:

 How does the process ID number used with OSPF compare with the AS number used
with IGRP?
 Must the process ID number used on different routers match?
 What is Area 0 in an OSPF implementation?
 How many areas can a single subnet be in?

After finishing this section, you should be able to complete the following tasks:

 Configure OSPF routing.

 Given a scenario, correct OSPF routing problems.

This section covers the following exam objectives:

 201. Configure routing protocols given user requirements

 302. Perform LAN and VLAN troubleshooting
 303. Troubleshoot routing protocols
 404. Evaluate the characteristics of routing protocols

OSPF Facts

The Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) routing protocol is a robust link state routing protocol
well-suited for large networks. You should remember the following characteristics of link state
protocols that apply to OSPF:

 Is a public (non-proprietary) routing protocol.

 Is considered a classless routing protocol because it does not assume the default subnet
masks are used. It sends the subnet mask in the routing update and supports route
summarization and VLSM.
 Is not susceptible to routing loops. Instead, OSPF uses built-in loop avoidance
techniques. Mechanisms such as holddown timers, split horizon, or poison reverse are not
 Is scalable and does not have the 16 hop limitation of RIP.
 Uses hello packets to discover neighbor routers.
 Shares routing information through Link State Advertisements (LSAs). LSAs contain
small bits of information about routes. (Unadvertised links save on IP space, but they cannot be
pinged because they won't appear in an OSPF routing table.)
 Under normal conditions, OSPF only sends out updated information rather than
exchanging the entire routing table.
 Converges faster than a distance vector protocol.
 Can require additional processing power (and therefore increased system
requirements). Good design can minimize this impact.
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 Maintains a logical topographical map of the network in addition to maintaining routes
to various networks.
 Uses areas to subdivide large networks. Routers within an area share information
about the area. Routers on the edge of areas (called Area Border Routers (ABR)) share
summarized information between areas.
o The backbone is a specialized area connected to all other areas. It contains networks
not held within another area, and distributes routing information between areas. You can think
of the backbone as the "master" or "root" area. Its address is always All OSPF networks
must have a backbone area.
o A stub area is an area with a single path in to and out of the area.
 Uses link costs as a metric for determining best routes. The Shortest Path First (SPF)
algorithm (also called the Dijkstra SPF algorithm) is used to identify and select the optimal

As part of the OSPF process, each router is assigned a router ID (RID). The router ID is:

 The highest IP address assigned to a loopback (logical) interface.

 If a loopback interface is not defined, the highest IP address of the router's physical

Because the loopback interface takes precedence over the physical interfaces in determining
the router ID, you can force a specific router ID by defining a loopback interface and assigning
it an IP address.

OSPF Command List

OSPF is fairly simple, with only a few variations from the RIP and IGRP configuration
steps you have previously use. Configuration is as simple as defining the OSPF process using
the router ospf command, and then identifying the networks that will participate in OSPF
routing. The following table lists the commands and details for configuring OSPF.

Command Purpose
Use to enter configuration mode for
The process ID identifies a separate routing
process on the router. Note: Although
Router(config)#router similar, the process ID number is not the
ospf process-id same thing as the AS number used in
IGRP/EIGRP routing.
Process IDs do not need to match between
routers (in other words, two routers
configured with different process IDs might
still share OSPF information).
Router(config- Identifies networks that participate in
router)#network n.n.n.n OSPF routing.
m.m.m.m area number n.n.n.n is the network address. This can be a
subnetted, classless network.
m.m.m.m is a wildcard mask (not the normal
subnet mask). The wildcard mask identifies
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the subnet address.
number is the area number in the OSPF
topology. The area number must match
between routers.

The following graphic shows a sample network with two OSPF areas.

Use the following commands to configure OSPF on each router:

router ospf 1
SF network area 0
O network area 1
network area 1
router ospf 2
LA network area 1
X network area 1
router ospf 1
PH network area 1
X network area 1

Notice the following in the configuration:

 The process ID on each router does not match. OSPF uses areas to identify sharing of
routes, not the process ID.
 You can use the subnet address with the appropriate wildcard mask (as in, or you can use the IP address of the router interface with a mask of

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 The network command identifies the subnet, wildcard mask, and the OSPF area of the
subnet. A subnet can only be in one area.

Managing OSPF

The following table lists some commands that are useful in monitoring and troubleshooting

Command Function
show ip route View the routing table and OSPF entries.
show ip ospf View neighbor OSPF routers. Shows the neighbor
neighbor router ID numbers.
View interfaces that are running OSPF. Includes
information such as:
 Area number
show ip ospf  Process ID
interface  Router ID
 Timer settings

 Adjacent routers


As you study this section, answer the following questions:

 What type of routing protocol is EIGRP?

 How does EIGRP configuration compare to IGRP configuration?

After finishing this section, you should be able to complete the following tasks:

 Configure EIGRP routing.

 Use show commands to monitor EIGRP routing.
 Given a scenario, correct EIGRP routing problems.

This section covers the following exam objectives:

 201. Configure routing protocols given user requirements

 303. Troubleshoot routing protocols
 404. Evaluate the characteristics of routing protocols


Enhanced IGRP is a Cisco-proprietary balanced hybrid routing protocol that combines the
best features of distance vector and link state routing. EIGRP:

 Sends the subnet mask in the routing update. It supports route summarization and

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 Supports automatic classful route summarization at major network boundaries (this is
the default in EIGRP). Unlike IGRP and RIP, manual route summarization can also be
configured on arbitrary network boundaries to reduce the routing table size.
 Is not susceptible to routing loops. Instead, EIGRP uses built-in loop avoidance
techniques. Mechanisms such as holddown timers, split horizon, or poison reverse are not
 Is scalable and does not have the 16 hop limitation of RIP.
 Uses hello packets to discover neighbor routers.
 Exchanges the full routing table at startup, and then partial routing updates thereafter.
 Uses bandwidth and delay for the route metric (similar to IGRP).
 Maintains partial network topology information in addition to routes.
 Keeps multiple paths to a single network.
 Minimizes network bandwidth usage for routing updates. During normal operation
EIGRP transmits only hello packets across the network. EIGRP does not send periodic routing
updates like RIP and IGRP. When change occurs, only routing table changes are propagated in
EIGRP not the entire table.
 Requires less processing and memory than link state protocols.
 Converges more quickly than distance vector protocols. In some cases, convergence
can be almost instantaneous because an EIGRP router stores backup routes for destinations. If
no appropriate route or backup exists in the routing table, EIGRP will query neighbor routers to
discover an alternate route. In this manner, EIGRP can quickly adapt to alternate routes when
changes occur.
 Uses the DUAL link-state algorithm for calculating routes.
 Supports multiple protocols. EIGRP can exchange routes for IP, AppleTalk and
IPX/SPX networks.

EIGRP Command List

You configure EIGRP just the same as you would configure IGRP. The following table lists
the applicable commands.

Command Function

Router(config)#router Defines an EIGRP process.

eigrp number The number must match between routers
for information to be shared.
Router(config-router)#network Identifies a network that participates in
n.n.n.n the routing process.

The following commands enable EIGRP on a router and defines three networks that participate
in the routing process.

Router(config)#router eigrp 2

Use the following commands to manage and monitor EIGRP.

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Command Features
show ip route View EIGRP-learned routes.
show eigrp View neighboring routers from which EIGRP routes can be
neighbors learned. Lists the IP address of the connected router.
show eigrp View the interfaces that are running EIGRP and the number of
interfaces connected routers.

Routing Protocol Comparison

As you study this section, answer the following questions:

 Which routing protocols support route summarization and variable length subnet
masks (VLSM)?
 Which routing protocols are public-standard protocols?
 Which routing protocol uses areas for configuration?
 Which routing protocol uses wildcard masks for configuration?
 If a router learns of a route to network B through both IGRP and OSPF, which route
will it prefer?

This section covers the following exam objectives:

 103. Select an appropriate routing protocol based on user requirements

 404. Evaluate the characteristics of routing protocols

Routing Protocol Comparison

The following table compares various features of the routing protocols you will need to
know for this course.

Character OSP EIGR

istic F P
Routing Distan Link Balanc
method ce vector state ed hybrid
Yes No Yes No
Bandw Bandw
Hop Link
Metric idth and idth and
count cost
delay delay
VLSM Vers No Yes Yes
support ion 2
Classless only
Sends mask in

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Convergen Slo
(faster Fast Fast
ce time w
than RIP)
before sending No No Yes Yes
also sends
Sends full
routing table at Yes No No
updates of
each update
Hold Hold
down down
timers, timers, Full Partial
split split network network
horizon, horizon, topology topology
poison poison
reverse reverse
Can Lower
and CPU Low Low
be high than OSPF
Uses areas
in network No No Yes No
wildcards to
define No No Yes No

Routing Administrative Distances

The administrative distance is a number assigned to a source of routing information (such as

a static route or a specific routing protocol). The router uses these values to select the source of
information to use when multiple routes to a destination exist. A smaller number indicates a
more trusted route. The following table shows the default administrative values for a Cisco

Route Source

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Static route 1
EIGRP summary
EIGRP internal
IGRP 100
OSPF 110
RIP 120
EIGRP external

Note: You can modify how routes are selected by modifying the administrative distance
associated with a source.

Routers can learn about routes to other networks using multiple routing protocols. In
addition, there might be multiple paths between any two points. When making routing
decisions, the router uses the following criteria for choosing between multiple routes:

1. If a router has learned of two routes to a single network through different routing
protocols (such as RIP and OSPF), it will choose the route with the lowest administrative
distance (OSPF in this example).
2. If a router has learned of two routes through the same protocol (for example two routes
through EIGRP), the router will choose the route that has the best cost as defined by the routing
metric (for EIGRP the link with the highest bandwidth and least delay will be used).

WAN Concepts

As you study this section, answer the following questions:

 Who is responsible for the local loop, the customer or the service provider?
 Which WAN service option uses fixed length cells?
 Which WAN service options use digital signals over regular telephone lines?
 What is the maximum bandwidth of ISDN BRI?
 Which Data Link encapsulation method is used with ISDN? X.25? Which method
would you choose for dial-up lines to provide the most compatibility with other systems?

This section covers the following exam objectives:

 104. Design a simple internetwork using Cisco technology

 106. Choose WAN services to meet customer requirements
 211. Implement simple WAN protocols
 307. Perform simple WAN troubleshooting
 408. Evaluate key characteristics of WANs

WAN Structure

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A typical WAN structure includes the following components.

Component Description
Devices physically located on the subscriber's premises. CPE
includes the telephone wire, telephone, modem, and other
equipment, both the devices the subscriber owns and the ones
leased from the WAN provider. The wiring typically includes UTP
equipment (CPE)
cable with RJ-11 or RJ-45 connectors. CPE is sometimes used
synonymously with DTE.
A device on the network side of a WAN link that sends and
receives data. The DTE resides on the subscriber's premises, and
marks the point of entry between the LAN and the WAN. DTEs are
Data terminal
usually routers, but computers and multiplexers can also act as
equipment (DTE)
DTEs. Broadly, DTEs are any equipment at the customer's site, and
can include all computers. In a narrow sense, the DTE is the device
that communicates with the DCE at the other end.
Cable that extends from the demarc to the central telephone
office. The demarc media is owned and maintained by the
Local loop telephone company. Typically, it is UTP, but it can also be one or a
combination of UTP, fiber optic, or other media. Fiber optic cable
to the demarc is rare.
The point where the telephone company's telephone wiring
connects to the subscriber's wiring. The demarc can also be called
Demarcation the network interface or point of presence.
point (demarc) Typically, the customer is responsible for all equipment on one side
of the demarc. The phone company is responsible for all equipment
on the other side of the demarc.
The switching facility closest to the subscriber, and the nearest
point of presence for the WAN provider. It provides WAN-cloud
entry and exit points for incoming and outgoing calls, and acts as a
switching point to forward data to other central offices. A CO
Central office provides services such as switching incoming telephone signals to
(CO) outgoing trunk lines. It also provides reliable DC power to the local
loop to establish an electric circuit. COs use long-distance, or toll,
carriers to provide connections to almost anywhere in the world.
Long-distance carriers are usually owned and operated by
companies such as AT&T or MCI.
A device that communicates with both DTEs and the WAN
cloud. DCEs are typically routers at the service provider that relay
Data circuit- messages between the customer and the WAN cloud. In a strict
terminating sense, a DCE is any device that supplies clocking signals to DTEs.
equipment (DCE) Thus, a modem or CSU/DSU at the customer site is often classified
as a DCE. DCEs may be devices similar to DTEs (such as routers),
except that each device plays a different role.
WAN cloud The hierarchy of trunks, switches, and central offices that make

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up the network of telephone lines. It is represented as a cloud
because the physical structure varies, and different networks with
common connection points may overlap. Few people thoroughly
understand where data goes as it is switched through the "cloud."
What is important is that data goes in, travels through the line, and
arrives at its destination.
A switch on a carrier's packet-switched network. PSEs are the
intermediary points in the WAN cloud.
exchange (PSE)

WAN Services Facts

Listed below are the most common WAN transmission media.

Line Type Characteristics

POTS service has the following characteristics:
 Existing wires use only one twisted pair
 Analog signals are used through the local loop
 A modem is required to convert digital signals to
Plain Old
Telephone Service
 The line has an effective limit of 56 Kbps
You can also use the same physical wires for digital
signaling. Multiple digital channels are sent over the same
physical wires.
24 64-Kbps channels (used in the U.S.)
(a.k.a. DS-1)
672 64-Kbps channels
(a.k.a. DS-3)
E-1 31 64-Kbps channels (used in Europe)

Note: WAN services also use fiber optic, wireless, satellite, and other transmission media.
However, the use of these media to the local loop is not common at this time.

If your organization needs WAN connectivity, you can choose from the following service

Band Li Sign
Service width ne aling
(Max.) Type Method
Public 56 PO Anal Dialup
Switched Kbps TS og over regular
Telephone telephone
Network lines

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Leased 56 PO Anal line with
lines Kbps TS og consistent line
64 PO Anal
X.25 packet sizes
Kbps TS og
Ideal for low-
quality lines
Frame 1.54 TS Digit
packet sizes
Relay Mbps T-1 al
Asynchr Fixed-size
onous cells (53-byte)
1.2 twisted Digit
Transfer High-quality,
Gbps pair, al
Mode high-speed
(ATM) lines
Basic rate
operates over
Integrate 144 regular
d Services Kbps PO telephone
Digital (BRI) TS lines and is a
Network 4 Mbps T-1 dialup service
(ISDN) (PRI) Primary rate
operates over
using digital
signals over
(1.544 or PO Digit
DSL lines
lower is TS al
DSL comes in
many different
flavors (such
as ADSL and

There is no clear distinction between WAN services such as Frame Relay and ISDN. For
example, you can use Frame Relay protocol over ISDN lines. Once a device connects to the
WAN cloud, internal protocols can convert data traffic into the necessary formats, then convert
the data again at the other end.

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WAN Encapsulation Facts

WAN Physical layer protocols specify the hardware and bit signaling methods. Data Link
layer protocols control some or all of the following functions:

 Error checking and correction

 Link establishment
 Frame-field composition
 Point-to-point flow control

Data Link layer protocols also describe the encapsulation method or the frame format. WAN
encapsulation methods are typically called HDLC (high-level data link control). This term is
both a generic name for Data Link protocols and the name of a specific protocol within a WAN
protocol suite or service. Depending on the WAN service and connection method, you will
select one of the following encapsulation methods.

 Cisco HDLC for synchronous, point-to-point connections with other Cisco routers
(Cisco HDLC does not communicate with other vendors' implementations of HDLC). This is
the default encapsulation method for synchronous serial links on Cisco routers.
 LAPB for X.25 networks.
 LAPD in combination with another protocol for the B channels in ISDN networks.
LAPD is a Layer 2 ISDN protocol that manages flow and signaling.
 PPP for dial-up LAN access, circuit-switched WAN networks, and ISDN networks.
PPP is non-proprietary, so it works in implementations that use products from multiple vendors.
 Cisco/IETF for Frame Relay networks.

Note: Routers on each side of a WAN link must use the same encapsulation method to be
able to communicate.



As you study this section, answer the following questions:

 What is the purpose of LCPs in PPP communications?

 Which authentication method is more secure, PAP or CHAP?
 How do you configure the password used with PPP authentication?

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After finishing this section, you should be able to complete the following tasks:

 Configure PPP encapsulation on serial links.

 Configure PPP authentication including username and password combinations.

This section covers the following exam objectives:

 211. Implement simple WAN protocols

 307. Perform simple WAN troubleshooting
 401. Describe network communications using layered models
 408. Evaluate key characteristics of WANs

PPP Facts

The following list represents some of the key features of the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP):

 It can be used on a wide variety of physical interfaces including asynchronous serial,

synchronous serial (dial up), and ISDN.
 It supports multiple Network layer protocols, including IP, IPX, AppleTalk, and
numerous others.
 Optional authentication is provided through PAP (2-way authentication) or CHAP (3-
way authentication).
 It supports multilink connections, load-balancing traffic over multiple physical links.
 It includes Link Quality Monitoring (LQM) which can detect link errors and
automatically terminate links with excessive errors.
 It includes looped link detection that can identify when messages sent from a router
are looped back to that router. This is done through routers sending magic numbers in
communications. If a router receives a packet with its own magic number, the link is looped.

PPP uses two main protocols to establish and maintain the link.

Protocol Description
The Link Control Protocol (LCP) is responsible for establishing,
maintaining, and tearing down the PPP link. LCP packets are
exchanged periodically to do the following:
 During link establishment, LCPs are used to agree upon
Link encapsulation, packet size, and compression settings. LCPs also
Control indicate whether authentication should be used.
Protocol  Throughout the session, LCPs are exchanged to detect and
(LCP) correct errors or to control the use of multiple links (multilink).
 When the session is terminated, LCPs are responsible for
tearing down the link.

A single Link Control Protocol runs for each physical connection.

Network The Network Control Protocol (NCP) is used to agree upon and
Control configure Network layer protocols to use (such as IP, IPX, or
Protocol AppleTalk). Each Network layer protocol has a corresponding control
(NCP) protocol packet. Examples of control protocols include:
 IP Control Protocol (IPCP)

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 CDP Control Protocol (CDPCP)
 IPX Control Protocol (IPXCP)
 AppleTalk Control Protocol (ATCP)

A single PPP link can run multiple control protocols, one for each
Network-layer protocol supported on the link.

PPP establishes communication in three phases.

1. LCP phase. LCPs are exchanged to open the link and agree upon link settings such as
encapsulation, packet size, and whether authentication will be used.
2. Authenticate phase (optional). During this phase, authentication-specific packets are
exchanged to configure authentication parameters and authenticate the devices. LCPs might also
be exchanged during this phase to maintain the link.
3. NCP phase. NCPs are exchanged to agree on upper-layer protocols to use. For
example, routers might exchange IPCP and CDPCP packets to agree upon using IP and CDP for
Network-layer communications. During this phase, LCPs might continue to be exchanged.

PPP Command List

PPP configuration is often done in connection with configuring other services. To configure
PPP on the router, you complete the following tasks:

1. Set PPP encapsulation on the interface. You must set the encapsulation method to PPP
before you can configure authentication or compression.
2. Select CHAP and/or PAP as the authentication method (optional).
3. If authentication is used, configure username/password combinations.

PPP options are configured in interface mode for a specific interface.

Use . . . To . . .
Router(config-if)#encapsulation Set the encapsulation type to
ppp PPP
Set the authentication
Router(config-if)#ppp authentication method(s)
Router(config-if)#ppp authentication When multiple methods are
chap pap specified, the first method will be
tried first
compression Set compression options

Router(config-if)#ppp chap|pap Set the password used with

password <password> CHAP or PAP for an unknown
Router(config)#username Set the username and
<hostname> password <password> password for the local router

Router(config)#bandwidth <value> Set a bandwidth value for an


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Router#show interface
View encapsulation and PPP
information on an interface

To hide the CHAP password from view in the configuration file, use the service
password-encryption command from the global configuration mode.

The following commands configure the SFO router to use PPP and enable it to connect to the
LAX router using PAP authentication.

SFO(config)#hostname LAX password cisco5

SFO(config)#int s0
SFO(config-if)#encap ppp
SFO(config-if)#ppp auth pap

Frame Relay Concepts

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As you study this section, answer the following questions:

 What is the CIR?

 What does "locally significant" mean in relation to the DLCI number?
 What functions are performed by LMI?
 What is the difference between a point-to-point and a multipoint link?

This section covers the following exam objectives:

 211. Implement simple WAN protocols

 401. Describe network communications using layered models
 408. Evaluate key characteristics of WANs

Frame Relay Facts

Frame relay is a standard for packet switching WAN communications over high-quality,
digital lines. Frame-relay networks:

 Provide error detection but not error recovery. It is up to end devices to request a
retransmission of lost packets.
 Can provide data transfer up to 1.54 Mbps.
 Have a variable packet size (called a frame) .
 Can be used as a backbone connection to LANs.
 Can be implemented over a variety of connection lines (56K, T-1, T-3).
 Operate at the Physical and Data Link layers of the OSI model.

When you sign up for Frame Relay service, you are assigned a level of service called a
Committed Information Rate (CIR). The CIR is the maximum guaranteed data transmission
rate you will receive on the Frame Relay network. When network traffic is low, you will likely
be able to send data faster than the CIR. As network traffic increases, priority is given to data
coming from customers with a higher CIR, and the effective rate may drop. In any case, you are
guaranteed to have at least the amount of bandwidth specified by the CIR.

You should be familiar with the following concepts about how Frame Relay networks send

 Routers connect to a Frame Relay switch either directly or through a CSU/DSU.

 Frame relay networks simulate an "always on" connection with PVCs.
 Sending routers send data immediately without establishing a session.
 Frame Relay switches perform error checking but not correction.
 Corrupted packets are simply dropped without notification.
 Packets travel through the Frame Relay cloud without acknowledgments.
 Error correction is performed by sending and receiving devices.
 Frame Relay switches begin dropping packets when congestion occurs.
 Congestion is the most common cause of packet loss on a Frame Relay network.
 Packets are discarded based on information in the Discard Eligible (DE) bit.
 Frame Relay switches send Backward Explicit Congestion Notification (BECN)
messages to slow data transfer rates.

Frame Relay Protocols

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Most Frame Relay installations involve connecting to a Frame Relay network through a T-1
line. The router connects to a CSU/DSU, which is connected to the Frame Relay network. The
Frame Relay network is made up of multiple switches for moving packets.

You should be aware of the following Frame Relay protocols:

Protocol Characteristics
Like an Ethernet MAC address, DLCIs identify each virtual
 The DLCI ranges between 16 and 1007.
 The DLCI represents the connection between two frame
relay devices.
 The Frame Relay service provider assigns the DLCI
when the virtual circuit is set up.
Identifiers (DLCIs)
 Each DLCI is unique for the local network, but not for
the entire WAN. In other words, the same DLCI number can be
used multiple times in the entire network to identify different
Local Management Interface (LMI) is a set of management
protocol extensions that automates many Frame Relay
management tasks. LMI is responsible for managing the
connection and reporting connection status. LMI can:
 Maintain the link between the router and the switch.
 Gather status information about other routers and
connections on the network.
 Enable dynamic DLCI assignment through multicasting
Interface (LMI)
 Make DLCIs globally significant for the entire network.
Although DLCI numbers are only locally significant, through LMI
these numbers can be globally significant (i.e. the same number is
used throughout the entire network to identify a specific link).

Cisco routers support three LMI types: Cisco, ANSI, and


When you connect a router to the Frame Relay network, the router interface has a direct line
to the Frame Relay switch at the service provider. Although there is only one physical path
between the router and the switch, Frame Relay supports multiple virtual circuits. When
configuring a Frame Relay connection or circuit, you have the following options:

 Point-to-Point. A point-to-point link simulates a direct connection with a destination

device. With a point-to-point connection, the circuit is configured to talk to only one other
 Multipoint. A multipoint link configures each circuit to communicate with more than
one destination device. The same circuit is used for multiple conversations.

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Enabling Frame Relay

After finishing this section, you should be able to complete the following tasks:

 Set frame relay encapsulation on a serial interface.

 Configure frame relay to use inverse arp for address discovery.

This section covers the following exam objectives:

 211. Implement simple WAN protocols

 307. Perform simple WAN troubleshooting

Frame Relay Command List

When configuring a router for Frame Relay, the DLCI number acts like a Data Link or
physical device address. Because Frame Relay supports multiple upper-layer protocols (such as
IP, IPX, and DECnet), you will need to associate logical, Network layer destination addresses
with the DLCI number used to reach that address. For multipoint connections, you have the
following configuration options.

 Dynamically associate DLCIs with inverse ARP. The router uses the inverse ARP
protocol to dynamically discover destination addresses associated with a specific DLCI. This is
the default.
 Manually map addresses to DLCIs. The administrator identifies the address of each
destination device, and associates each address with a DLCI. Although more work, results are
less prone to errors than when using inverse ARP.

To configure Frame Relay on an interface, complete the following tasks:

 Enable Frame Relay on the interface by setting the encapsulation type

 Assign a Network layer address to the interface (such as an IP address)
 Configure dynamic (inverse ARP) or static (mapped) addresses
 For a point-to-point subinterface, or a multipoint subinterface with dynamic
addressing, assign a DLCI to the subinterface
 Configure the LMI settings (optional). By default, Cisco routers autosense the LMI
type and configure themselves accordingly. You only need to set the LMI type if autosensing
does not work or if you want to manually assign it.

Note: You must set the encapsulation method on the interface before you can issue any
other Frame Relay commands.

Use . . . To . . .
Set the encapsulation method
Router(config- You can following this command by various
if)#encap frame-relay keywords to set a specific frame relay encapsulation
protocol. Cisco is the default frame relay
Router(config- Turn on inverse ARP (it is on by default)

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Map protocol addresses to DLCIs
Router(config- Note: Add the broadcast parameter to the
if)#frame-relay map command to configure the router to forward
broadcast traffic over the link.

Router#show frame Display the contents of the frame-relay map

map cache (showing IP address to DLCI number
Router#clear frame- Clear the dynamic entries from the frame-relay
relay-inarp map cache.
Router#show frame
pvc Show DLCI statistics and information.
Router#frame lmi-
type <LMI type> Configure LMI on the Cisco router

The following commands enable Frame Relay on serial interface 1 using IETF as the
encapsulation method and dynamic addressing.

Router(config)#int s1
Router(config-if)#encap frame-relay ietf

The following commands enable Frame Relay on serial interface 0 using Cisco as the
encapsulation method, disable inverse ARP, and map IP address to DLCI 25.

Router(config)#int s0
Router(config-if)#encap frame-relay
Router(config-if)#no frame inverse
Router(config-if)#frame-relay map ip 25

Static Mappings

After finishing this section, you should be able to complete the following tasks:

 Disable inverse arp.

 Configure static mappings.

This section covers the following exam objectives:

 211. Implement simple WAN protocols


As you study this section, answer the following questions:

 What is a subinterface?
 Why would you use a subinterface?
 When configuring subinterfaces, what should you not configure on the main interface?
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After finishing this section, you should be able to complete the following tasks:

 Configure serial subinterfaces for Frame Relay.

This section covers the following exam objectives:

 211. Implement simple WAN protocols

 408. Evaluate key characteristics of WANs

Subinterfaces Facts

Cisco uses the term interface to describe the physical component that connects the router to
a network. A subinterface is a virtual interface that you configure on a Cisco router's physical
interface. Instead of adding physical interfaces, using subinterfaces lets you subdivide a single
physical interface into several separate virtual channels. With subinterfaces, you can expand
your router's capability without adding modules containing physical interfaces. They make it
possible to support multiple connections and/or networks through a single physical port.

When you connect a router to the Frame Relay network, the router interface has a direct line
to the Frame Relay switch at the service provider. Although there is only one physical path
between the router and the switch, Frame Relay supports multiple virtual circuits. When
configuring a Frame Relay connection or circuit, you have the following options:

 Point-to-Point. A point-to-point link simulates a direct connection with a destination

device. With a point-to-point connection, the circuit is configured to talk to only one other
 Multipoint. A multipoint link configures each circuit to communicate with more than
one destination device. The same circuit is used for multiple conversations.

Using subinterfaces also lets you send routing updates out the same physical interface on
which they were received. Using subinterfaces in this manner overcomes the split horizon
problem that can occur when sending updates out the same interface.

Frame Relay Subinterface Command List

To configure Frame Relay on a subinterface, complete the following tasks:

 Enable Frame Relay on the interface and set the encapsulation method
 Create the subinterface, specifying either point-to-point or multipoint
 For a point-to-point connection or a multipoint connection using inverse ARP, assign
the DLCI number to the subinterface
 For a multipoint connection using static assignments, map DLCIs to protocol

In addition, you will need to assign a Network layer address to the subinterface. Do not
assign an IP address to the main interface.

Use . . . To . . .
Router(config-if)#int sX.X <type> Create the subinterface

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Router(config-subif)#frame-relay Assign the DLCI to the
interface-dlci interface

Router(config-subif)#frame-relay map Map protocol addresses

to DLCIs

The following commands create a point-to-point subinterface on the first serial interface and
assign it to DLCI 44. The subinterface is configured to use inverse ARP.

Router(config)#int s0
Router(config-if)#encap frame
Router(config-if)#int s0.55 point
Router(config-subif)#frame interface-dlci 44

The following commands create a multipoint subinterface on the second serial interface, and
configure it with a static IP mapping of device to DLCI 111.

Router(config)#int s1
Router(config-if)#encap frame
Router(config-if)#int s1.103 mult
Router(config-subif)#frame map ip 111

Troubleshooting Frame Relay

As you study this section, answer the following questions:

 Which command would you use to view the DLCI numbers for each interface?
 Why wouldn't you use the DLCI number included in the show interfaces command to
identify assigned DLCIs?
 Which commands can you use to view the LMI type used on your router?

After finishing this section, you should be able to complete the following tasks:

 Use show commands to monitor frame relay on a router.

 Troubleshoot a frame relay configuration.

This section covers the following exam objectives:

 307. Perform simple WAN troubleshooting

Frame Relay Troubleshooting Introduction

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The next set of simulations gives you a chance to troubleshoot Frame Relay. All simulations
use the same network layout as shown.

The scenario description for each exercise identifies whether the routers should be
configured using inverse-arp or static mappings. Each scenario has some misconfiguration that
prevents communication.

The following commands may be useful in identifying the problem.

 ping
 sh frame map
 sh frame pvc
 sh int/sh ip int
 sh run
 no ip
 sh frame-relay
 sh frame-relay traffic

Frame Relay Troubleshooting Tips

As you troubleshoot Frame Relay, keep in mind the following tips:

 All routers at all locations must be configured to use the same frame relay
encapsulation method.
 When using all Cisco routers, you can use the default Frame Relay encapsulation type
(cisco). When using routers of multiple vendors, use the ietf encapsulation type.
 Frame Relay routers must know the DLCI number that is used to reach remote routers.
Use inverse arp to dynamically discover DLCI numbers. Use static mappings to associate DLCI
numbers with IP addresses manually.
 When configuring subinterfaces, do not set an IP address on the main interface.
Instead, set IP addresses on each subinterface.
 For a point-to-point subinterface, or a multipoint subinterface with dynamic
addressing, you must manually assign a DLCI to the subinterface.
 By default, Cisco routers autosense the LMI type and configure themselves
accordingly. You only need to set the LMI type if autosensing does not work or if you want to
manually assign it.

Monitoring Frame Relay

The following list summarizes the commands to use for viewing specific Frame Relay
information on the router.

If you want to view . . . Use . . .

show run
DLCI numbers show frame pvc
Frame Relay encapsulation method show int

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show run
LMI information and traffic show frame lmi
statistics show int
Interface configuration (DCE or show frame pvc
DTE) show int
show frame
Global traffic statistics traffic
Addresses and associated DLCIs show frame map

Note: Output for the show interfaces command shows an entry for DLCI followed by a
number. This information is not the DLCI number associated with the interface.

ISDN Concepts

As you study this section, answer the following questions:

 How many data channels are in an ISDN BRI link?

 What topics are defined by ISDN Q standards?
 What type of devices are TE2 devices? TE1 devices?
 What is the function of the TEI and SPIDs? Which do you manually configure?
 You have a router with a U interface. To which other devices would the interface
 Which switch types are most commonly used in North America?

This section covers the following exam objectives:

 106. Choose WAN services to meet customer requirements

 211. Implement simple WAN protocols
 401. Describe network communications using layered models
 406. Describe the components of network devices
 408. Evaluate key characteristics of WANs

ISDN Facts

Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) is a set of standards covering the Physical, Data
Link, and Network layers. It allows fast, digital transmission of both voice and data (including
graphics, video, and so on) over existing telephone lines. It supports the majority of upper-level
protocols and encapsulation protocols.

ISDN uses T-carrier technology to quickly and efficiently send digital data streams. The
physical cable of an ISDN connection is divided into logical channels. Channels are classified
as one of two types:

 B channels are used to carry data.

 D channels are used to carry control and signaling information.

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When you order ISDN service, you have the choice between the following services.

Service Characteristics
channels channel
Uses existing phone lines
(but may not be available
Basic where existing copper wires
Two 64 One
Rate ISDN don't support it)
Kbps 16 Kbps
(BRI) The connection is "demand-
dial" (established only when
data needs to be sent)
Primary Twenty- Uses an entire T-1 line
Rate ISDN three 64 Sometimes called 23B+D
64 Kbps
(PRI) Kbps The connection is "always on"

Note: The total bandwidth of an ISDN BRI line is 144 Kbps (two B channels and one D
channel). The total data transfer rate is 128 Kbps (data is sent only on the two B channels).

ISDN BRI is a relatively low-cost WAN service that is ideal for the following situations:

 Home office or telecommuters who need a relatively fast connection

 Businesses that need to periodically send data between sites (bursty traffic patterns)

ISDN BRI offers the following benefits over dial-up modems and other WAN connection

 Faster data transfer rates (128 Kbps) than dial-up modems (56 Kbps maximum)
 Faster call establishment (dial-up) than modems
 Lower cost than other WAN solutions (users pay a monthly fee plus connection

ISDN Protocol Standards

ISDN standards are grouped according to function. The protocol groupings and descriptions
follow a lettering standard.

Standards for ISDN on the existing phone network, such as
international addressing
Standards for ISDN concepts, terminology, and services, such
as network services
Standards for switching and signaling, such as call setup, flow
control, and error correction

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In practice, you will probably not need to know these standards, but you will need to
memorize them for the certification exam. Use the following to help remember the

E for Existing networks

I for Identifying concepts
Q for Quality switching signals

ISDN Components and Reference Points

ISDN devices are classified based on whether they are ISDN-capable and the role they can
play on the network.

Device Function
An NT1 (Network Terminator) is the connection point between the
local loop and ISDN network. A Cisco router might be classified as an
NT1 NT1. In North America, the customer is responsible for the NT1.
Outside of North America, NT1 functionality is the responsibility of the
service provider.
An NT2 (Network Switching Equipment) connects with an NT1. It
NT2 lets you connect multiple devices, and/or split the signal into data and
voice transmissions. NT2s are optional.
A TE1 (Terminal Endpoint Device type 1) is an ISDN-compatible
device such as a router, computer, or ISDN telephone.
A TE2 (Terminal Endpoint Device type 2) is a non-ISDN-
compatible device such as a computer without an ISDN adapter.
Generically speaking, a TA (Terminal Adapter) is any device that
generates traffic on an ISDN line. More specifically, the term is usually
used to describes a device that converts non-ISDN signals to ISDN
signals. The TA is often called an ISDN modem, although it does not
convert digital signals to analog signals. Rather, it converts ISDN
signals to non-ISDN signals.

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The ISDN standard defines several reference points, where different protocols and devices
connect with each other. It identifies proper connections with the following interface

Interface Type
R Interface between a TA and non-ISDN equipment (TE2).
Interface between the NT2 and an ISDN device (TE1 or
T Interface between an NT2 and the NT1.
Interface between the NT1 and the local loop (ISDN wall

Note: Because they are electrically the same, the S and T interfaces are often identified as
an S/T interface.

To remember the reference points, place the letters in order (R, S, T, U), then follow a
packet from a non-ISDN device to the local loop. Label the wire between each device with the
corresponding letter.

When connecting devices on an ISDN network, pay attention to the interface type (R, S, T,
or U) of each device. Be sure to connect the correct device to the correct interface. For example,
to connect a router to an ISDN network, you might have the following options (depending on
the configuration of the router):

 Connect a router with an S/T interface to either an NT1 or an NT2 (but not directly to
the local loop).
 Connect a router with a U interface directly to the local loop. Do not connect the U
interface to an NT1 or an NT2.
 Connect a router with a serial interface (i.e. an R reference point) to a TA. The TA can
then connect to the NT1 or NT2.

ISDN Addressing

ISDN is a Network layer protocol that operates over a specific hardware interface
configuration. For this reason, ISDN has its own Network and Data Link layer addressing.
ISDN uses the following addresses:

Address Characteristics
Data Link layer address (similar to an Ethernet MAC address).
TEIs are dynamically assigned to the router by the ISDN switch
Endpoint Identifier
when the connection is made.
Each ISDN device is assigned one TEI.
Service Protocol Network layer address (similar to a telephone number that that
Identifier (SPID) allows each channel to make and receive calls).
Depending on the specific ISDN implementation, each device can
have one or more SPIDs. The following are common SPID

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 One SPID is assigned to the entire device
 Each B channel has its own SPID
 Each B channel can have more than one assigned SPID

The WAN service provide assigns the SPIDs for you to

configure on the router.

Your ISDN router will be connected to an ISDN switch at the WAN service provider. Your
router must be configured to communicate with the switch type used by your WAN service
provider. Cisco routers support over 10 switch types. In North America, the most common types

 Northern DMS-100
 National ISDN-1

ISDN Communication Facts

The following process is used to initialize an ISDN router.

1. The router uses the D channel to perform Data Link (layer 2) initialization. TEIs are
dynamically assigned to identify the router.
2. The router uses the D channel to perform Network (layer 3) initialization. It uses its
preconfigured SPIDs (if required) to set up the B channels.

When a router needs to communicate with another ISDN device, the following process is

1. The sending device requests a connection through the D channel.

2. The receiving device answers and the link is established.
3. The B channel is used to transmit data. The D channel is used for session maintenance.
4. After the transmission is over, the D channel is used to tear down the link.

Link Access Protocol for the D-Channel (LAPD) is the Data Link encapsulation protocol
used on an ISDN network. As its name implies, it operates on the D channel of an ISDN
connection and is used for:

 Initializing Layer 2 and Layer 3 communications.

 Assigning TEIs.
 Maintaining the session.
 Terminating the link.

Configuring BRI Interfaces

After finishing this section, you should be able to complete the following tasks:

 Set the ISDN switch type, both on the router and an interface.
 Configure SPIDs.

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 Use show commands to view ISDN link status.

This section covers the following exam objectives:

 211. Implement simple WAN protocols

 408. Evaluate key characteristics of WANs

ISDN Command List

To configure an ISDN connection, you need to complete the following configuration


 Configure the ISDN switch type

 Assign SPIDs (if required)
 Configure encapsulation

Use the following commands to configure an ISDN connection. The exact commands you
will use depend on the equipment used at the central office.

Use . . . To . . .
Router(config)#interface Switch to ISDN interface configuration
bri0 mode.
Set the ISDN switch type to match that
used by the service provider. For IOS 11.2
Router(config)#isdn and below, this is a global configuration
switch-type <type> command. For IOS 11.3 and above, use this
command in interface mode or global
configuration mode.

Router(config-if)#isdn Identify SPIDs for an interface. Use only

spid<#> <number> <number> if SPID numbers are not dynamically
Router(config-if)#encap Set the encapsulation method for the
ppp interface (PPP is the most common).
Router#show isdn status View the status of the ISDN connection.
Router#show isdn active Show active ISDN phone calls.

Router#show isdn history Show all past and current ISDN phone
Enables multilink on the interface. An
Router(config-if)#ppp ISDN connection consists of multiple logical
multilink B channels on a single physical connection.
To use multiple channels at the same time,
enable multilink PPP (MLP).

Router(config)#dialer Identifies the utilization percentage that

load-threshold must exist for the additional channels to be

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The following commands set the switch type, encapsulation method, and assigns two SPIDs for
an ISDN interface:

Router(config)#isdn switch-type basic-5ess

Router(config)#int bri0
Router(config-if)#encap ppp
Router(config-if)#isdn spid1 0835866201 8358662
Router(config-if)#isdn spid2 0835866401 8358664

About ISDN Simulations

The following commands have been enabled in the simulations for configuring and testing
an ISDN connection:

 interface bri0
 isdn switch-type
 isdn spid1, isdn spid2
 show isdn status
 show isdn active
 show isdn history
 show interface bri0, bri0:1, bri0:2

You should be aware of the following conditions regarding configuring ISDN connections
on a live system:

 As best practice, you should set the ISDN switch type and SPIDs with the interface
shut down. Verify that the configuration settings are correct before bringing the interface up. If
you misconfigure the interface and connect to the ISDN switch, the switch at the service
provider may report excessive errors and disable itself. You will then need to contact your
service provider to reset the switch.
 The status reported with the show isdn status command in the simulations
updates automatically and immediately after making configuration changes. On a live system,
these statuses may not update, or take several minutes to change. In addition, you may need to
use the clear interface bri0 command or restart the router on a live system before
some configuration changes take place.
 This product simulates the IOS version 12.x method of setting the switch type. How
the switch type is set, and what is required, differs depending on the IOS version:
o For IOS versions 11.2 and below, you can only set the switch type globally.
o For IOS versions 11.3 and above, you can set the switch type globally or on an
interface basis.
o For IOS versions 11.3 up to (but not including) 12.0, the router can still make a
connection if the switch type is defined globally, even if one is not defined for the interface.
o For IOS versions 12.0 and above, the switch type must be defined for the interface.
Setting it globally automatically adds it to the interface, but if it is removed from the interface,
the connection cannot be made.

BRI Interface Facts

As you work with ISDN BRI interfaces, keep in mind the following:

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 Each BRI interface represents a single connection to an ISDN network. On a Cisco
router, BRI interfaces are identified as BRI0, BRI1, etc.
 Each physical BRI interface has three separate channels (1 D channel and 2 B
channels). The two B channels for the first BRI interface are identified as BRI0:1 and BRI0:2.
 When you remove the shutdown for a BRI interface, the interface status changes to
spoofing. Think of spoofing as "pretending" to be up. Normally, routes that correspond to an
interface are not placed in the routing table until the interface status is up. Spoofing allows the
router to place entries in the routing table for dial-on-demand interfaces.
 BRI interfaces are up only when a call is successfully placed to another router.
 Channels are up when a call is initiated that uses that specific channel. It is possible to
have one channel active and the other channel inactive.

Dial-on-Demand Routing (DDR)

As you study this section, answer the following questions:

 What is interesting traffic?

 If a link is down, what happens to un-interesting traffic?
 What is the relationship between a dialer string, dialer group, and dialer map?
 How do you identify routers to call?

After finishing this section, you should be able to complete the following tasks:

 Use access lists, dialer lists, and dialer groups to identify interesting traffic.
 Use dialer strings and dialer maps to identify called devices.
 Configure static routes to bring a DDR link up.

This section covers the following exam objectives:

 211. Implement simple WAN protocols

 408. Evaluate key characteristics of WANs

DDR Facts

A dial-on-demand link is one that is non-persistent (not always on). The link is brought up
(or dialed) when traffic needs to cross the link. When the link is idle, the connection is
terminated. Use access lists to identify the type of traffic that will bring the link up (called
interesting traffic). Keep in mind the following points about dial-on-demand routing (DDR):

 Access lists define interesting traffic (traffic that will bring the link up).
 If a DDR link is down, only interesting traffic will bring it up. Non-interesting traffic
is ignored (never sent).
 If a DDR link is up, all traffic, both interesting and non-interesting, will be sent over
the link. The list of interesting traffic only defines which traffic brings the link up, not which
traffic can cross the link once it is established.
 The DDR link will be brought down if no interesting traffic has crossed the link in a
specified period of time. Non-interesting traffic that needs to be sent will not keep the link up if
the time limit has expired.

Interesting traffic is identified and applied to an interface using the following three items:
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Access List Dialer List Dialer Group

Contains multiple Identifies all traffic
entries that define of a specific protocol, or Applies a dialer list
interesting traffic identifies an access list to an interface
Each list applies only to Contains multiple Maximum of one group
one protocol in type entries, a maximum of per interface
Access lists are optional one per protocol

Dialer interfaces (such as ISDN BRI) are non-persistent and might be used to connect to
multiple devices. The link between two devices is established when one device calls another and
the answering device answers the request. This process is much like placing a telephone call.
Identify the host called by the router using one of the following commands in interface mode:

 dialer string, to identify a single number to dial for all connections.

 dialer map, to identify a specific destination and the corresponding number to dial.

DDR Command List

Configuring dial-on-demand routing involves completing the following general steps:

 Configure the interface to connect to the network, such as:

o Configuring the ISDN connection
o Configuring IP addresses for applicable interfaces
 Define interesting traffic
 Apply the interesting traffic definition to the dial-on-demand interface
 Configure the numbers to call when interesting traffic is received
 Configure static routes to remote networks accessible through the ISDN link
 Configure the DDR timers (optional)

Use . . . To . . .

Router(config)#access-list Configure access list statements that

define interesting traffic
Router(config)#dialer-list Identify the traffic type or access list
<#> protocol <type> that defines interesting traffic.

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group <#> Apply the dialer-list to an interface.

Identify the number to dial to contact

Router(config-if)#dialer the destination router. Use this command
string <number> if the router contacts only one other
Identify the number to dial to contact
Router(config-if)#dialer the destination router. Use this command
map ip <address> <number> if the router contacts multiple routers over
the same physical interface.
Configure static routes to remote
networks accessible through the ISDN
Router(config)#ip route link. This allows hosts on the local
network to access hosts on the remote

The following commands define all IP traffic as interesting traffic for BRI0 and identifies two
numbers of a single destination router to dial when traffic must be sent.

Router(config)#dialer-list 7 protocol ip permit

Router(config)#int bri0
Router(config-if)#dialer-group 7
Router(config-if)#dialer string 5551111
Router(config-if)#dialer string 5552222

The following commands create an access list and dialer list, apply it to an interface, defines
a called device, and configures a static route to the remote device. The link will be brought up
for HTTP or FTP traffic.

Router(config)#access-list 101 permit tcp any host eq 80

Router(config)#access-list 101 permit tcp any host eq 21
Router(config)#dialer-list 9 protocol ip list 101
Router(config)#int bri0
Router(config-if)#dialer-group 9
Router(config-if)#dialer map ip name LAX 5552345
Router(config)#ip route bri0

Note: You can also configure serial or asynchronous interfaces to support dial-on-demand
routing. To enable DDR on a serial interface, use the following command:

Router(config-if)#dialer in-band

Dialer Profiles

In a typical ISDN BRI connection, the router has a single BRI interface that is used to
connect to all other sites. If your router has multiple BRI (or PRI) interfaces, or if you want to
use different B channels to reach multiple sites, you have the following choices:

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 Use dialer lists to configure specific interfaces to connect with specific sites. For
example, if you have two interfaces and four sites, one interface could connect to half of the
sites, and the other interface could connect to the other half.
 Use dialer profiles to pool all physical interfaces into a single logical interface. In this
way, traffic to any of the four sites could be sent out either of the two interfaces.

Configuring dialer profiles is beyond the scope of this course, but involves the following
general process.

 Create access list statements to define interesting traffic. Create a dialer-list

statement pointing to the access list.
 Create a special dialer interface. This is a logical interface that groups multiple
physical interfaces.
 Configure the dialer interface as you would a physical interface with dialer-
group commands and dialer map statements.
 Associate a dialer pool number with the logical dialer interface.
 Assign each physical interface to the dialer pool.

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