Learning Activity Sheet Empowerment Technologies-Senior High School

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Second Quarter, Week 7

Name of Learner: _____________________________ Date: ________________________

Section: _____________________________________Grade Level___________________

Sustaining an ICT Project for Social Change

Background Information for Learners

You have learned in your previous lessons how to plan, create, design and publish your website,
but there are other works that you have to do in able for you to encourage people to view your site more
often, increase web traffic and reach more visits. Below are the things to remember to sustain an ICT
project for social change.
1. Update contents regularly. Add new and updated contents like write ups, pictures, videos,
infographics, blogs, news, articles and ideas.
2. Update links. Regularly check links to other sites to make sure they are current and better if you
have links to add.
Some benefits of updated link:
• More visibility of your webpage in search results
• Receive traffic from other websites linked to you
• High-quality incoming links mean your site will be admired as a valuable
• Link updating also helps in getting fast in search results quicker.
3. Reply to inquiries. Providing a quick response to the viewer is vital to gather and collect feedback
on web content, especially to enhance the support, including forums, online
communities, emails, blogs, and comments.
4. Webpage Design. Web design is essential because it impresses how your audience sees your
brand. Make your website looks attractive by new images or a design renovation. Give
it a facelift with some new photos or a design renovation.
Project Management for ICT Content
Content Management System(CMS) is a computer application that supports the creation and
modification of digital content using a common user interface, thus usually supporting multiple users
working in a collaborative environment.
Some examples of Content Management System are the following:
1.WordPress – is a free content management system used to build and maintain websites. Its ease of use
and unique blogging features have helped it become the most popular blogging tool on the web.
2.Drupal - open source software that can be used by individuals or groups of users even those lacking
technical skills to easily create and manage many types of Web sites.
3.Joomla - is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) for publishing web content.

Learning Competency
Generate a report on the performance of their ICT Project for Social Change on the basis of data
gathered from available monitoring tools and evaluating techniques. (CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-IIs-22)


Activity 1
Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and write FALSE if otherwise. Write your
answer on the space provided before each number.
______1. Regular website maintenance is essential to keep the viewers of the website satisfied.
______2. You have to be active and reply to your visitors on any inquiry, questions or comment that they
may have.
______3. WordPress provides a web-based user interface for designing, publishing, and updating
______4. Content Management System(CMS) may withhold you with templates and it will definitely
hinder you to create and manage digital content.
______5. Common problems such as broken links and presence of nonfunctioning site elements should
be fixed immediately.
______6. Drupal is the world's most popular CMS software.
______7. Link building is an important part of search engine optimization
______8. Web design plays an important role in creating a brand that becomes a part of people's lives.
______9. Joomla is built on a model–view–controller web application framework that can be used
independently of the CMS that allows you to build powerful online applications.
______10. The appearance of the website is the last basis why people visit it.
Activity 2
Directions: Read and answer each item carefully. Write the letter of your answer on the space
____1. Which process of Content Management System improves the content of the
A. Editing
B. Review
C. Updating
D. All of the above
____2. Which of the following is not a way of sustaining an ICT Project?
A. Regularly updates the content
B. Uploading images and videos on the Website
C. Adding feedback and survey features
D. Using traffic and traction monitoring
____3. What is a popular free open source CMS platform that comes with lots of different
templates and extensions?
A. Joomla
B. WordPress
C. Drupal
D. Ghost
____4. The following are the main criteria in assessing the quality of web sites except for?
A. Content
B. Relevance
C. Organization
D. Design
____5. Which of the following statement is correct in evaluating the website content?
A. Replications of topics
B. Only focus on Cons
C. New techniques get tested
D. Usability evaluation is not valuable to validate ideas

Activity 3
Directions: In this activity, you need five (5) of your classmates to evaluate the website you
created using the evaluation checklist below. No face to face evaluation shall be made. You may use any
of the following platforms to get their answers:
1. Short Message Service
2. Call
3. FB Messenger
4. Google Form

ICT Project for Social Change Website Evaluation Checklist

Name of Website: __________________________________________________________
URL: ____________________________________________________________________
Content Quality
It deals with the characteristics of websites’ information.
1. Websites’ information was timely and relevant.
2. Information is presented in different forms (text , video, audio, etc.)
3. Information is presented in an objective manner without political,
cultural, religious, or institutional biases.
4.Information is precise, there is no spelling error or grammar error.
Design Quality
It is concern with the visual characteristics of websites’ design.
1. The design of the website is innovative.
2. Uses appropriate color, text and non text elements such
as images, sounds, and videos.
Organization Quality
It deals with the logical grouping, categorization, or structure of websites’ elements.
1. Link to all the website’s pages is available from the main page and are working properly.
2. A general layout of each page is consistent through the website
3. Adequate website map or navigation bar/menu is available
in each page to facilitate navigating the website.
User-friendly Quality
It deals with the capability of the website to maintain specific level of performance when used.
1. The website is easy to use, understand, operate, find information, or navigate.
2. Website’s address is appropriate and easy to remember.
3. FAQ is available that summarizes frequently asked
questions and their answers.
Based on the responses of your classmates’ do you think your website is effective to
have an impact on Social Change? Yes or No? Explain your answer.

Criteria 4 3 2
Strong main Adequate stated Unclear main
Main Topic idea restated in the main idea weakly idea
closing restated not restated in
sentence in closing sentence closing
Supporting Two supporting One supporting No supporting
Sentences Sentences per Sentence per paragraph sentences
Few, if any, Several errors Many errors that
Grammar errors That do not interfere interfere with meaning
with meaning

References for Learners

Charlotte Quemada published on Mar 6, 2018 Accessed last December 20, 2020

PresidentHackerDolphin7592. n.d. Accessed last December 20, 2020


Kathy Schrock’s 5Ws of Web Site Evaluation Created by: NCUSD 203’s LRC Directors 2006 Revised
by: Josh Mika, Beebe Elementary LRC 2007 Accessed last December 23, 2020

Layla Hasan, Emad Abuelrub, Assessing the quality of web sites on 2011 Accessed last
December 23, 2020 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aci.2009.03.001.




Name of Writer


Division ICT Coordinator OIC-EPS

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