Notes: Physics (Grade 10) Unit:11 (Sound) Conceptual Questions
Notes: Physics (Grade 10) Unit:11 (Sound) Conceptual Questions
Notes: Physics (Grade 10) Unit:11 (Sound) Conceptual Questions
Q.2: Does loudness of a sound depend on the physical condition of the ear ?
Ans: loudness of a sound also depends on the physical condition of the ears of the listener. A sound appears
to be louder to a person with sensitive ears then to a man with defective ear.
Q.18 How can we determine the depth of the ocean by the help of ultrasonic?
An ultrasonic pulse is sent down towards the ocean bed from the bottom of a ship this pulse after reflection
from the ocean bed reaches the ship ,where it is detected.The time taken by the ultrasonic pulse in travelling
from the ship to the ocean bed and back is noted.using this time and speed of sound in water the depth of
the ocean can be easily determined.