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Notes: Physics (Grade 10) Unit:11 (Sound) Conceptual Questions

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Class: 10th Subject: physics

Physics (Grade 10)

Unit:11 (SOUND) Conceptual Questions:
Q.1: Define sound.
Ans: sound is the form of energy, which is produced by a vibrating body.

Q.2: Does loudness of a sound depend on the physical condition of the ear ?
Ans: loudness of a sound also depends on the physical condition of the ears of the listener. A sound appears
to be louder to a person with sensitive ears then to a man with defective ear.

Q.3: Differentiate between ultrasonic and infrasonic.

Ans: The sound of frequency higher then 20,000 Hz are called ultrasonic.
The sounds of frequency less then 20Hz are called infrasonic.

Q.4: On what factors the loudness of sound depends?

Ans: The loudness of a sound depends upon the following factors.

• Amplitude of vibrating body.

• Area of vibrating body.
• Distance from vibrating body

Q.5: On what factor the pitch of the sound depends?

Ans: The pitch of the sound depends on the frequency of the sound. Greater the frequency higher will be the
pitch.The voice of woman and children are shriller because of the higher pitch.

Q.6: what is quality of sound?

Ans: It is the property of sound by which we can differentiate between the sounds of the same pitch and
loudness Example: we can differentiate between sounds coming from piano and guitar.
Q.7: Differentiate between noise and musical sound.
Ans: Noise. A sound, which produces unpleasant effect in the ear, is called a noise.
These sounds have no regular frequency and amplitude. Example: sound coming from factories.
Sound coming from vehicles.
Musical sound.A sound, which produces a pleasing effect in the ear, is called musical sound.
These sounds have regular frequency and amplitude. Example: sound of violin and flute.

Q.8: what is the audible frequency range?

The sound of frequencies above 20Hz and below 20,000Hz is audible frequency range.
Q.9: what are the necessary things for the production and propogation of sound?
Ans:Three things are necessary for the production and propogation of sound.
(i) a vibrating body (ii) a material medium.
(iii) receiver like ear.

Q.10: why we cannot hear nuclear explosions occuring on sun?

Ans: We can not hear nuclear explosions because there is no medium between the sun and earth.vacuum is
present between the sun and earth.

Q.11: differentiate between compression and rarefaction?

Ans: The portion of the wave where crowding of the particles of the medium is maximum is called
The portion of the wave where crowding of the particles of the medium is minimum called rarefaction.
Q.12: we see a pendulum vibrating but no sound is heard.why?
Ans: sound waves are produced by a vibrating body but are not heard because their frequency is less than
Q.13 on a humid day a louder sound heard why?
Ans: on a humid day, water vapours are greater in air, sound travels with greater speed in liquids than gases
that’s why a louder sound is heard on humid days.

Q .14 how sound is produced?

Ans: Sound is a form of energy which is produced by a vibrating body whenever a sound is produced the
vibrations of the sounding body can be observed.

Q .15 write some users of ultrasonic in medical field.

Ans: Ultrasonic waves are used
i.to crush the kidney stone and remove it
ii.to destroy germs and bacteria present in liquid
iii.for the scaling of teeth
iv.to remove blood clot formed in the arteries
v. to diagnose different diseases

Q .16 How change in temperature affect the velocity of sound?

Ans: Velocity of sound increases by 0.61ms‐¹ for every one degree centigrade raise in temperature.
Q.17 How ultrasonic are helpful in industry?
Ans: A power beam of ultrasonic is allowed to pass Through the defective parts, while passing, these waves
are reflected by the surface of these cracks,which indicates the presence of cracks.

Q.18 How can we determine the depth of the ocean by the help of ultrasonic?
An ultrasonic pulse is sent down towards the ocean bed from the bottom of a ship this pulse after reflection
from the ocean bed reaches the ship ,where it is detected.The time taken by the ultrasonic pulse in travelling
from the ship to the ocean bed and back is noted.using this time and speed of sound in water the depth of
the ocean can be easily determined.

Q.19 what is resonance?

The phenomenon, in which there is remarkable increase in the amplitude and loudness of sound when the
frequency of air column becomes equal to that of the tuning fork is called resonance.

Q.20 can sound waves pass through water.

Ans: sound waves are longitudinal in nature and can pass through a material medium only and not through
vaccum.As water is a material medium sound waves can pass through it.

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