Vertical and Horizontal Turning/Grinding Centers

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Vertical and

INDEX Turning/Grinding Centers

Turning and grinding – of course with INDEX

The INDEX Turning/Grinding times and further improve- tionally designed for the large ing. The high-quality guide
Centers combine the advan- ments in quality and process process forces during turning systems ensure the high
tages of turning and grind- safety. In addition, you will and milling, while ensuring precision and long service life
ing during hard machining. profit from the rigidity of our tolerances down to the you expect from INDEX.
The results are shorter cycle machine concept that is tradi- nearest micron during grind-
The results speak for

Three major advantages: Micron-precision:

1. Cycle time advantage: • Grinding roundness:
• Hard preturning enables 0.1 to 0.5 μm
minimal grinding allowances • Roughness Ra: 0.1 to 4 μm
• Grinding replaces finishing • Roughness Rz: 1 to 3 μm
operation during turning • Very tight dimensional and
2. Quality advantage: positional tolerances by
• Utmost accuracy in the complete machining in one
micron range clamping setup
• Ultimate surface quality
and dimensional accuracy ➔ This means typical
even for interrupted cuts grinding qualities
• Surfaces ground flush in
top quality
3. Process advantage:
• Achieving high cmk values
by combined hard turning
and grinding
INDEX Turning/Grinding Centers

We have the solution that fits your task

Internal grinding External grinding Clamping Use of grinding Front and rear Automatic feeding
between centers tool holders end machining and removal of parts


INDEX R200, R300

INDEX Turning/Grinding Centers

The vertical grinding talent – the INDEX V160C

Whatever turning or grinding
task you are faced with, you
determine yourself which
options you want. The clearly
structured modular system
offers you the unique advan-
tage of incorporating in your
machine precisely those func-
tions that you need for your
specific production require-
ments – nothing more and
nothing less.

Internal grinding units External grinding units

High-performance spindles Typically for INDEX: Highest
running in anti-friction bear- rigidity and precision through
ings with direct drive. large high-precision anti-
Use of conventional, friction bearings.
CBN, and diamond tools Use of conventional, CBN,
possible. and diamond tools possible.

Grinding components

Number of grinding spindles:

External max. 1
Internal max. 4

Grinding wheel dia. mm 400

Grinding wheel width mm 70
Power (at 100% / 25%) max. kW 10 / 15
Speed external max. rpm 6.000
Speed internal max. rpm 105,000

Workpiece dia. max. mm 220

INDEX Turning/Grinding Centers

Limitless possibilities in 5 axes – the INDEX R200, R300

Kinematics perfectly suited for
grinding allow simultaneous
front and rear end machining
in 5 degrees of freedom. This
opens up so far unimagined
possibilities for internal, exter-
nal and flat grinding.
The magazine’s large tool ca-
pacity saves you setup times
and always gives you the best
tool for the process.

Grinding components
R200 R300
Grinding wheel dia. mm 50 (80*) 63 (160*)
Mounting for grinding wheel arbors HSK-A40 HSK-T63
Power (at 100%) kW 11 24
Torque (at 100 / 25 %) Nm 19 / 30 65 / 95
Rotational speed rpm 18,000 9,000

*Adjacent magazine stations must remain free

INDEX Turning/Grinding Centers

Precise & setup-friendly – INDEX grinding tool holders

Convert your INDEX lathe
into a grinding machine
Thanks to their rigid struc-
ture, high precision and
tightness, INDEX lathes are
ideally suited for the use of
grinding tool holders. 3

Your benefits: 2 5
• Optimum condition for
process-safe complete
machining 6
• Saves grinding operations
on a separate machine
• Reduces cycle times
• Avoids several clamping
• Grinding cycles also with
• External, face, groove and
flat grinding 1 & 5: External grinding spindle
2 & 6: Turning tool
3: Measuring probe
4: Caliper

Radial and axial grinding tool holders

Grinding tool holder VDI 25

Grinding wheel dia., best mm 125
Grinding wheel dia., max. mm 150
Grinding wheel mounting D20
Grinding wheel width, max. mm 40 (radial 20)
Cutting speed vc max. m/s 80

Grinding tool holder VDI 30

Grinding wheel dia., best mm 150
Grinding wheel dia., max. mm 200
Grinding wheel mounting D32 (radial D20)
Grinding wheel width, max. mm 40
Cutting speed vc max. m/s 80
For slanted type, please call.

INDEX Turning/Grinding Centers

Micron precision for various technologies

Thread grinding
Cost-effective manufacturing of high-precision threads

• Any type of threads and pitches freely programmable

• Ratio effect through prechasing and finish-grinding
• Even ball-screw drives and high-precision nuts can be
ground easily

Of course, easily and flexibly available also as INDEX

grinding tool holders.

Eccentric grinding
Grinding of various geometries and free shapes

• Finish-grinding of camshafts, polygons, Capto mountings,

control cams, etc.
• Electronically coupled and precise
• Internal or external, cylindrical or conical

Of course, easily and flexibly available also as INDEX

grinding tool holders.

Face grinding
Grinding of various geometries and free shapes

• Flat grinding of width across flats, grooves,

serrations, etc.
• Machining of all six sides
• High-precision surface shapes and positions

Of course, easily and flexibly available also as INDEX

grinding tool holders.

Measuring – verified quality

In-process measurements
Continuous diameter monitoring by caliper during
the grinding process

• 0.1 µm resolution
• Ultimate process safety
• Time-independent measurements

Post-process measurements
Dimensional verification using switching probe or air gap
measurement on the clamped workpiece

• Shape and position verification of workpieces

• Flexible use for measuring diameters,
chamfers and complex shapes
• Different measuring points can be probed

External post-process measurements

Connecting an external measuring station for
process monitoring

• Automatic loading / unloading of the measuring station

• Time-independent measurements
• Measurements of diameters, runs, positions, and
• Static and dynamic measurements possible

External measuring allows integrating a variety of

different measuring methods. Tell us your machining
and measuring tasks.

INDEX Turning/Grinding Centers

Simply automatic – dressing, balancing and sparking

Whether aluminum oxide or
Highest quality by dressing
with single grain diamonds,
tiles, rondists or diamond
rings from the clamping
A large variety of grinding
wheel contours can be
programmed with ease.
Periodically dressing your
grinding wheel keeps it
sharp and in shape.

Balancing and sparking

Electromechanical balancing
head and solid-borne sound
sensor or motor current
for controlling the grinding
Automatic sparking and
balancing reduces your cycle
times and produces highest
surface qualities.

The control – user-friendly in every situation
Beneficial: The INDEX Easy working
C200-4D control concept Operating the control makes
is based on the power- it easy to safely handle sev-
ful SIEMENS SINUMERIK eral tool carriers simultane-
840D powerline. Optimal: ously: whether during setup
The C200-4D control was and run-in or by synchronized
enhanced by INDEX with representation of the subsys-
intelligent features in applica- tems, also during program-
tion and speed to high-effi- ming.
ciency machining with several
subsystems. Tailored machine • All displays and controls in
cycles and time-optimized plain text
machining sequences thus • Clear overview of all axes
result in true added value to and spindles in one screen
the machine. • Start conditions for safe
program launch by guided
traversing to the machine
home position
• In case of errors: display of
error location and cause

Grinding support Convenient control cycles

To support the operator support recurring tasks and
during combined machin- complex machining func-
ing, each turn-grind center tions. Plain text messages in
is equipped with a state-of- pop-up windows provide the
the-art user-friendly control user with detailed information
similar to that of a lathe. and aid in troubleshooting.
Programs can be created
quickly, safely and easily.
For example, dressing and
correction amounts are
calculated automatically.

INDEX Turning/Grinding Centers

Technical data

Work area V160C
Rotation diameter, max. mm 310

Main spindle
Spindle bore mm 65
Spindle diameter in front bearing mm 110
Spindle nose ISO 702/1 Size 140 mm
Chuck diameter mm 160 (200)
Rotational speed rpm 5,000
Power (at 100% / 40%) kW 20 / 27
Torque (at 100% / 40%) Nm 105 / 145
C-axis resolution Degrees 0.001

Feed axes X Z Y B
Slide travel mm 955 260 120 360°
Rapid traverse m/min 80 40 7,5 180°
Feed force kN 8 10 10
Acceleration m/s2 10 7

Tool turret
Tool system DIN 69880 mm 25 x 48 / 30 x 55
Number of stations 12
Indexing time for 1 station / for 6 stations s 0.2 / 0.4
Tool drive speed rpm 6,000
Power (at 25%) kW 8,5
Torque (at 25%) Nm 14

External grinding
Grinding wheel diameter mm 400
Grinding wheel width mm 70
Mounting for grinding wheel flanges DIN 254 D63
Rotational speed rpm 6,000
Power (at 100% / 25%) kW 10 / 15

Internal grinding
Rotational speed rpm up to 105,000
Spindle lubrication oil-air

Additional options
Solid-borne sound measurement with contact-less signal transmission
Dressing tools: single grain dresser, tile dresser, rondists, diamond rings
In-process and post-process measuring, electrically and pneumatically
Automatic part supply and removal

1933 2430

Technical data
R200, R300

Main spindle, counter spindle R200 R300
Bar capacity mm 65 102
Chuck diameter mm 175 315
Rotational speed rpm 5,000 3,500
Power (at 100% / 40%) kW 20 / 24 47 / 52
Torque (at 100% / 40%) Nm 135 / 190 450 / 690

Main spindle, counter spindle feed drives

Min. collet clearance mm 20 22
Slide travel of Z-axis (main and counter spindle) mm 390 610
Slide travel of X-axis (counter spindle only) mm 600 780
Rapid traverse m/min 45 40
Feed force N 4,000 7,000

Tool carriers 1 and 2

Quill diameter mm 190 240
B-axis angle of rotation Degrees 270 270
Brake holding torque B-axis Nm 2,000 3,000
Slide travel X1 mm 350 (50 below spindle center) 580 (80 below spindle center)
Slide travel Y1 / Y2 mm ± 80 ± 140

Motorized milling spindle

Tool system DIN 69893 HSK-A40 HSK-T63
Max. rotational speed rpm 18,000 9,000
Power (at 100 %) KW 11 24,5
Torque (at 100% / 25%) Nm 19 / 30 65 / 95
Brake holding torque Nm ca. 200 400
Fixed tool pockets on MMS 6 x VDI25 6 x VDI30

Tool magazine
Number of tools 80 (120) 70 (140)

External and internal grinding spindles R200 R300
Grinding wheel diameter mm 50 (80*) 63 (160*)
Mounting for grinding wheel arbors HSK-A40 HSK-T63
Rotational speed rpm 18,000 9,000
Power (at 100%) kW 11 24
Torque (at 100% / 25%) Nm 19 / 30 65 / 95
* Adjacent magazine stations must remain free

Additional options
Solid-borne sound measurement with contact-less signal transmission, post-process measuring
Dressing tools: single grain dresser, tile dresser, rondists, diamond rings
Automatic part supply and removal

R200 R300
3998 3707 4550




LY9002.4564-08.13 WA Printed in Germany Subject to change without prior notice

INDEX-Werke GmbH & Co. KG

Hahn & Tessky
Plochinger Straße 92
73730 Esslingen, Germany
Tel. +49 (711) 3191-0
Fax +49 (711) 3191-587

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