Chrome Hammer

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At a glance
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The key takeaways are that this appears to be rules and background information for a tabletop miniatures game set in a cyberpunk dystopian future with corporate factions.

The setting is a cyberpunk dystopian future where technology is cheap and life is harsh, with a retro 1980s aesthetic. The theme focuses on corporate factions battling using deniable assets in scenarios.

The basic rules involve units, turns, orders, shooting, assault, scanning, close calls, and special actions like hacking and hotwiring. Damage and conditions like exposed, hidden, and fragged are also explained.



//What is this thing?

This is a tabletop minis game. It’s like a minis wargame, but it isn’t really about “war” most of the time.
It’s small scale, with only five or six Units for each side, though some of the Corporate Units might
consist of three or four figures each. The game is mostly scenario driven, with a little campaign of
Corporations trying to take each other down with deniable assets, but there’s nothing to say that you
can’t just pick one of the scenarios as a one off, or use the resources here to create your own scenarios.

The great thing about the Hammer family of games is that if you and your opponent can come to a
generous understanding of “how things should work” you can go a long way without even having to
reference the book!

This is also an homage to the 1980s dystopian future, where technology is cheap, and life even cheaper.
That seems pretty grim, but so is war, and there are plenty of games about that. So just concentrate on
the neon and chrome. It’s all just a VR sim anyway.

If you have questions, you can link to the ‘grid and send cyber-mail to [email protected].

//Distribution and Permissions

You totally have permission to have this printed up at your local print shop. I know that I hate working
from PDFs. You can also use this to cobble together personalized reference sheets for use during the

//Spirit of the Game

Despite the dystopian nature of the setting, the Squad•Hammer series of games are games for civilized
gentlefolk, and the better sort of minion. Modifiers and rules for most situations are presented for your
convenience, but you are expected to be able to play fairly and come to quick agreement on how best to
model the tiny battle before you. Certainly, other games say this, perhaps as a stopgap, but it is the
heart of Squad•Hammer, and I for one feel like a better person when I’m playing it as such.


//Style Over Substance

What makes this a “cyberpunk” game? Well, these things are relative, but here is what this game does:
It presents a high-tech, sci-fi world with great wealth inequality, corporate dominance, dehumanization,
violence, and 1980s retro-future flickering neon and tarnished chrome. Much of that is simply the style
presented by color, font and word choices, but some of it is reflected in the way the way the campaign is
structured and the options available. It’s mostly just cues for you to use your imagination, or maybe you
can plug a chip into your datajack to do the imagining for you.

Either way, it really enhances the game if you take those cues and run with them to add your own detail.
What exactly is the Corporation researching that you’re trying to steal? Did you buy off the company
man, or did you resort to blackmail? Is that building that’s being used for cover a brothel or a noodle-
shop (or both)?

<!--Before You Play-->

Make sure that you and the other player are on the same page. Point out which figures represent which
Units. Identify terrain features by type and any special rules. Will you be playing a campaign, or just a
single game?

Once you have hashed all of that out, put on some tea and get to it!


<!--The Game Rules-->

Your forces consist of several Units. A Unit can be almost anything that operates as a single undivided
entity on the table.

Examples include:

• A squad of infantry.
• A single drone.
• A single, large, patrol mech.
• An individual ‘Punk.

If a Unit has multiple individual components (such as a squad of several troopers) they must be arranged
at all times with no more than 1” between each figure. The figures that make up such a Unit can never
split off or otherwise be divided out. Think of the individual pieces as the cosmetic representation of the

The game is played in a series of Turns. A Turn consists of each player having a go, in the same order
each Turn. The player’s chance to act is called the Player Phase. When each player has taken their
Phase, we have an End Step where a few bookkeeping tasks are done, then it’s on to the next Turn.

In a typical game of ‘Punks versus the Corporation, the ‘Punks go first, but other scenarios might have a
different player start.

//The End Step

When you reach the End Step do the following bits in order:

• Advance the clock

• Apply stuff
• Check if somebody won

Advance the Clock

If keeping time is important, roll 1D6 and advance the clock that many minutes.

Apply Stuff
If you have decided that anything is going to happen at a specific time and that time is now, make it

Check if Somebody Won

Is one side unable to keep fighting? Did one side abandon the field? Did time run out? Did an orbital
strike take out the entire facility? If not, then keep going!


//The Order Roll

When your Phase comes around you must make an Order Roll to see how much you can do. Roll 2D6
and pick the higher of the two dice. This is how many Orders you can issue in your Phase. Each Order
allows one of your Units to take an action. Units can only receive one Order each. Excess Orders are
wasted. Issue your Orders one at a time, carrying out all actions and dice rolls before deciding what Unit
to issue the next Order to.

//The Orders
There are several different Orders that a Unit can be given:

Carry Out Hacking, Hotwiring, and other assorted actions.

Defend Adopt a defensive posture
Engage Move tactically and attack the enemy
Lay Low Find someplace to hide until they lose you
Move Out Move quickly to get into position
Patrol Move carefully and look for hidden dangers
Regroup Sort out casualties and damage taken

Units ordered to Defend should be given a token or marker to remember their status. They retain it
until they move for ANY reason or are given a new Order. Returning fire or fighting off an assault does
not remove the token.

Units can move if they are given Engage, Move Out, Defend, Patrol, or Carry Out Orders. Each Unit has
a Speed defined in inches.

If a Unit is given an Engage Order, it may move using its normal Speed. The Unit is not required to use all (or any)
of its movement.

Move Out
If a Unit is given a Move Out Order, you may roll 1D6 and increase its Speed for this activation by the
result of the roll. Unlike other movement options, however, the desired destination and path must be
declared before rolling the die. If the roll falls short, the figure is moved as far as it is able along the
path. If the roll exceeds the amount need to reach the destination, the remainder is wasted.

If a Hidden Unit Moves Out, and the result on the die is a natural 6, the Unit immediately loses 1

When given a Patrol Order, the Unit moves at -2 Speed (minimum 1) and may not cross Linear
Obstacles. If the Unit travels across difficult terrain, subtract 2 and THEN halve. The Unit is not
required to use all (or any) of its movement.


If a Unit is given a Defend Order, it can move using its normal Speed but must end the move further
away from any visible opponents than it began. The Unit is not required to use all (or any) of its

Carry Out
When given a Carry Out Order, the Unit moves at half its normal Speed. If the Unit travels across
difficult terrain, its speed is not halved again. The Unit is not required to use all (or any) of its

Regroup or Lay Low

No movement is possible when given a Regroup or Lay Low Order.

Make a Hole!
Allied Units may move through (but not onto) one another. Units may not move through enemy Units
unless that enemy is Hidden. If they want to stop you, they’ll have to Expose themselves.

Bad Going
If the terrain is rough, dense or otherwise difficult to move through, Units must move at a reduced rate.
Infantry and walker-type vehicles (basically anything that walks) move at half Speed. The easiest way to
do this is to just take the distance you are covering on the table and doubling it.

Units that hover, fly, jump or otherwise don’t really touch the ground are not reduced at all of course,
neither are any Units representing a single individual character.

Other ground vehicles will Bog Down and can move no more than 3” within any such ground during
their move. This can be combined with normal movement outside the terrain feature if the total
movement expended does not exceed the Speed.

However, you are more likely to encounter Linear Obstacles in the dense urban environment. These are
mainly low walls, barricades and the occasional parked vehicle. Climbing over these obstacles halves the
remainder of that Unit’s movement allowance. This applies to individual character units as well.

Ground vehicles often cannot even cross Linear Obstacles, but those that can (like some tanks, perhaps)
follow the same rules.

Units that don’t touch the ground, or very tall walkers, can ignore movement penalties from Linear

Going Up!
A Unit that starts its Phase touching an unlocked door at the base of a building, or a roof access, may
automatically enter that building. Move the Unit to the new door. (Elevators in the future are super-
fast!) This counts as its entire base movement, though if it Moves Out it still gets the extra die of
movement starting at the destination door.

If enemy units are blocking the door, it will be necessary to engage in close combat to try to get them to
move. The moving Unit stays by the original door. If the blocking Unit loses, it is moved away as


normal, and the moving Unit is placed by the new door. If the moving Unit loses, it just goes “back
downstairs” and thus does not move.

Stairs do not count as Bad Going, but ladders do.

Fractional Movement
If a Unit must move at half Speed, do not round up or down. Use the fractional movement. A
movement allowance of 5 inches halved would allow 2½ inches of movement.

If a Unit is given an Engage Order, it may move and then attack, in that order.

Units must be given Engage orders to make ranged attacks. All firepower of a Unit is usually condensed
into a single attack roll or “shot”. This might represent monofilament blades in the dark, a few shells, a
long burst of machine gun fire or the combined outputs of an entire squad firing rifles, throwing
grenades, and generally being disagreeable. Units may shoot at any target they can see. Note that
Hidden Units normally cannot be seen unless Exposed.

To fire across any Linear Obstacle (such as walls and barricades) or into/through any area feature (such
as steam or ruins) either the firer or the target must be within 3” of the feature. Otherwise line of sight
is blocked. Exposed Units block lines of sight unless the firer or target is noticeably taller than the
interfering Unit. Particularly tall Units can ignore Linear Obstacles and smaller Units when establishing
line of sight.

Units at a higher elevation can also ignore Linear Obstacles when establishing line of sight. However,
Units on raised platforms, like rooftops, cannot see or be seen by Units at lower elevations unless the
elevated Unit is in base contact with the intervening platform edge.

A Hidden Unit that attacks a target more than 3” away is automatically Exposed.


Did You Hit?

To hit the target, roll 2D6 and try to score the target number or higher.

The base target number is 7+. Below are some suggested target modifiers:

+1 Target is Defending
+2 Target is obscured (usually by intervening terrain)
-1 Shooter did not move
-1 Shooter started attack Hidden

How Much Did You Mess Them Up?

To determine how much you hurt them, roll a D6. The result is the amount of Damage you inflict on the
target. If the target is touching solid, bullet resistant cover (a plasticrete wall, the corner of a building, a
crashed speeder, etc.) that is between them and the shooter, subtract 1 point from the damage (to a
minimum of 1). All Damage sustained is tallied up and tracked. We recommend placing a small die
(perhaps red) next to the unit to track the total Damage taken over the course of the game.

Shooting Back
If the target is within 9” (but beyond 3”) and survives the attack, it may fire back or retreat a normal
move away from the attacker. If it opts to fire, this is resolved the same way as the initial shot. Returning
fire does not allow return-return fire or any other reaction.

If for some reason the attacker is not Exposed, the target may not return fire, but may “counter-scan”
instead, making a scan test to Expose the attacker.


If a Unit is given an Engage Order, it may move and then attack, in that order.

A Unit must be given an Engage order to engage in close combat. A Unit that attacks a target within 3”
will engage it in an Assault. This represents everything from hacking with swords and axes to close
ranged fire and hurling grenades. It is typically unpleasant. There is no need to move models into
contact. We can assume they dash towards each other and then back up to their original positions or
simply blast each other at point-blank range.

The Unit being targeted IMMEDIATELY takes 1 point of Damage. If the attacker is Hidden, the Unit
being targeted takes 2 points of Damage instead. If this Frags the Unit, there is no need to do anything

Otherwise roll a D6 for each Unit.

Subtract 1 if it is at a disadvantage tactically (such as the attacker attacking across a wall). Subtract 1 if it
has taken more Damage than its opponent. (Yes, including the automatic point(s) just inflicted.) Add 1
if the attacker started the Phase Hidden.

Single individual characters fight squads at -1 unless they are heroes (like ‘Punks), in which case they
fight at +1. Giant robots fight normal sized troops at +1.

+1 Hero or Vehicle versus Squad

+1 Started attack Hidden
-1 Other Individual versus Squad
-1 Other Tactical Disadvantage (Use your best judgement)
-1 Has taken more Damage
-1 Target is Defending

Resolving the Fight

Compare the final totals:

On a draw, each Unit takes 1 Damage and if they are still alive will immediately fight again unless either
player declares they wish to retreat a full move. Otherwise the lower scoring Unit takes Damage equal
to the difference in rolls and then retreats a full move away.

If an Assault ends with one side moving away, any Hidden Units participating are Exposed.

If one Unit rolls a natural 6 and the other rolls a natural 1, the Unit that scored a 1 is wiped out
automatically. The grunts either get cut down as the enemy gets the drop on them or an enemy trooper
manages to jam a grenade into the turret hatch.


//Taking Damage
Any time a Unit takes Damage, it is added up and tracked. Placing a small die next to the Unit is easy but
you may prefer using tokens or a tracking sheet.

If a Unit accumulates 7 points of Damage or more, it is Fragged and is removed from play. Damage is an
abstract measure encompassing physical damage, systems malfunctions, wounds and casualties, shock,
fear, exhaustion and loss of will.

//Removing Damage
When given a Defend Order, a Unit may move away from the enemy and remove a single point of
Damage it has accumulated. Units can never end up with negative Damage for any reason.

When given a Regroup Order, a Unit may remove 2 points of accumulated Damage, but cannot move.
Units can never end up with negative Damage for any reason.

//Keeping a Low Profile

Many scenarios will start with some units (usually ‘Punks) Hidden. While we can all see them on the
table, and they are right there in front of the enemy Units, the Hidden Units are invisible. This is an
abstraction of various stealth technologies and techniques and small pieces of terrain that are not
obvious on the map. However, the enemy are scanning for trouble, attempting to defeat their foes’
Stealth. Hidden Units start with 6 Stealth. Certain effects can remove Stealth from the Unit, and when
Stealth reaches 0, the Unit is Exposed, and the enemy will be coming for him!

Attacking outside of Assault range (3”) immediately Exposes the attacking Unit.

Hidden Units may voluntarily become Exposed at any time.


When given a Patrol Order, the Unit may move at -2 Speed and then scan, in that order.

Units must be given Patrol orders to scan for Hidden enemies. Units may scan a target in line of sight,
attempting to remove the target’s Stealth.

To scan across any Linear Obstacle (such as walls and barricades) or into/through any area feature (such
as steam or ruins) either the scanner or the target must be within 3” of the feature. Otherwise line of
sight is blocked. Units block lines of sight unless the scanner or target is noticeably taller than the
interfering Unit. Particularly tall Units can ignore Linear Obstacles when establishing line of sight.

Units at a higher elevation can also ignore Linear Obstacles when establishing line of sight. However,
Units on raised platforms, like rooftops, cannot see or be seen by Units at lower elevations unless the
elevated Unit is in base contact with the intervening platform edge.

Did You Spot Them?

To scan the target, roll 2D6 and try to score the target number or higher.

The base target number is 8+. Below are some suggested target modifiers:

+1 Target is Defending
+2 Target is obscured
+1 Target beyond 9 inches
-1 Scanner did not move
-1 Scanner in elevated position

Did You See That?

To determine how much attention can be brought to bear on a target, roll a D6. The result is the amount
of Stealth the target loses. We recommend placing a differently colored small die (perhaps black or
blue) next to the unit to track the total Stealth over the course of the game.

Just the Wind

A failed attempt to scan at greater than 9” has no other effect. However, failing to scan within 9” means
that the Unit moves at Patrol speed in a random direction. Roll 1D6 (near the model if you can).
Whichever direction the ‘1’ is pointing is the direction the Unit moves. If the ‘1’ is face up, the Unit does
not move. If the ‘1’ is face down, the target’s player gets to choose the direction. This cannot take the
Unit into dangerous terrain or over the edge of a building or anything silly. They are just wandering off,
looking for the target. If the Unit cannot move the full move, keep moving them along the edge of
whatever is in their way until the move is complete.


//Close Calls
When given a Patrol Order, the Unit may move at -2 Speed and then scan, in that order.

If a Unit scans a Hidden target within 3” they will engage in a Close Call. The target loses 1 Stealth
immediately. If this Exposes the target, the scanning Unit may continue with an Assault instead (but do
not inflict any automatic Damage). Otherwise, roll a D6 for each Unit. Hidden Units add 1 if they are
obscured, and another 1 if they are directly touching intervening terrain.

+1 Hidden and obscured

+1 Hidden and touching intervening terrain

If one Unit scores higher, the other Unit loses the difference in Stealth. Exposed Units have no Stealth
to lose, so it’s wasted on them. On a tie, both sides lose a point of Stealth (possibly becoming exposed),
and immediately test again. There’s nowhere to run.

Nothing to See Here

A failed Close Call means that the Unit is moved in a random direction, as for a normal scan failure (see
Just the Wind, above). In addition, the target may also make a move at half Speed.

//Losing Stealth
Hidden Units should be marked in some way to indicate that they are Hidden. Placing a small die set to
the current Stealth next to the Unit is easy but you may prefer using tokens or a tracking sheet.

If a Unit loses all its Stealth, it is Exposed. Also, if a Unit is Exposed, is loses all its Stealth. All enemies
become Alerted to the Unit’s presence until it can become Hidden again. Depending on the scenario,
this might trigger other effects, like activating reinforcements. A Unit may not have less than 0 Stealth.

//Recovering Stealth
Lay Low
When given a Lay Low Order, a Unit capable of becoming Hidden that is out of enemy line of sight may
recover 2 points of Stealth but cannot move. Units can never recover more Stealth than their starting


//Doing Other Things

Carry Out
When given a Carry Out Order, the Unit may move at half Speed and then perform a non-combat
action, in that order.

The Carry Out Order is used for all manner of situations that do not fit elsewhere.

Standard Carry Out Orders include:

Hack TN 8+ Manipulate a secure Terminal

Hotwire TN 8+ Electromechanically compromise a system, like a lock or a power source

Any of these is handled through a Skill Check. Roll 2D6 and attempt to roll equal to or higher than the
target number. Some Units may have talents or gear that grants them a bonus to this test.

The base target number for Hacking and Hotwiring is 8+.

+1 Unit has 4 to 6 Damage

+1 Any enemy Units in Assault range (3 inches)

Hidden Units that perform Carry Out Orders lose 1 Stealth.




## While the Corporations are monstrous, ‘Punks are just smaller, more charismatic monsters.
## Still, at least they’re your monsters.

All ‘Punks share the same basic profile. A lot of them are clones anyway.

• ‘Punk (Individual Hero)

o Speed: 7 (-1 per Upgrade)
o Upgrade slots: 2
o Stealth: 6
o Hit Points: 6

However, ‘Punks can scrape together a few Upgrades. Bonuses from Upgrades don’t stack. ‘Punks are
assumed, of course, to have guns and smartphones and bath salts and such, but nothing that has any
special effect on the rules. Each Upgrade reduces the ‘Punk’s Speed by 1 inch. New (or more, or fewer,
or no) upgrades may be selected before each mission.


BoomStikk™ +1 to hit Squads in Firefight (9 inches)

BulletMan™ Provides Armor(1)
Cloaker-DX™ Provides Cloak(1)
Cyb3rd3ck™ +2 to Hack
DeeCoi™ When first Exposed, set Stealth to the result of 1D6 and move this Unit to a valid position
exactly 6 inches away, but no closer to enemy table edge. Single use
DroneBuddy™ Allows for a second ranged (not Assault) attack. Inflicts 1D3 Damage. If this Unit takes
Damage, DroneBuddy™ may be sacrificed to negate 1 point of Damage. This Unit has a -3
Stealth penalty while DroneBuddy™ is in play
JustGrenades™ +2 Damage versus Squads in Assault and this Unit becomes Exposed after the attack.
LazerSword™ +1 to rolled Damage in Assault
NetRouter™ Carry Out [TN 8+] will move a Terminal within 12 inches up to 6 inches in any direction but
must end in contact with another piece of terrain.
NUMBer1™ +1 Hit Point
PlazmaTorch™ +2 to Hotwire
Shhhilencer™ While Hidden, may attack beyond Assault (3 inches) range, but loses 3 Stealth
SlapPatches™ Carry Out [TN 8+] ending in contact will recover Fragged ally to 5 Damage. If capable of
becoming Hidden, and out of enemy line of sight, ally Stealth set to 2
SnipperRiffle™ +1 to attack and +1 Damage when attacking beyond 9 inches and not moving
StimStims™ This ‘Punk may be given a free bonus Order once per Phase. If used, next Phase this Unit
must Defend, and cannot use StimStims™


‘Punks can also earn Edges that persist from game to game in a campaign. Edges that provide static bonuses (e.g.
+1) “stack” and can apply multiple times (i.e. +1 to Hack and +1 to Hack = +2 to Hack).

After each mission that the ‘Punks won, roll for a random Edge for each ‘Punk that survived the mission (i.e. was
not fragged at the end). Restoring from a backup clone does not count as “surviving”.

1 Ambush Spend two Orders now to take a no-move Engage Order during the enemy Phase
2 Brutal +1 to rolled Damage in Assaults
3 Brute Force May lose Stealth for an equal Hack bonus, before rolling
1-2 4 Ghost May sacrifice Move Out die roll to move through (but not onto) enemy Units
5 Grit +1 Hit Point
6 Hacktivist +1 to Hack
1 Monkey Wrench May lose Stealth for an equal Hotwire bonus, before rolling
2 Motivated May be activated without an Order
3-4 3 Nosy +1 VP from hacked Data Terminals
4 Parkour May sacrifice Move Out die roll to freely move over Linear Obstacles or climb 1 story
5 Predator Not automatically Exposed after initiating an Assault, but lose 2 Stealth instead
6 Saboteur +1 to Hotwire
1 Serpentine May sacrifice Move Out die roll for +2 defense vs non-Assault attacks
2 Sixth Sense +1 modifier in Close Call
5-6 3 Sneaky +1 Stealth
4 Tagged You get NOTHING! If you get Tagged again, your apartment gets bombed. You are Fragged.
The Corporation may spend 1 Stock to clone you (and any other Fragged ‘Punks as normal.)
5 Techie May keep one piece of Looted gear as an Upgrade
6 Vengeful +1 Attack & +1 Damage vs. enemy Unit that Fragged an ally during this mission

‘Punk VR
‘Punks in VR use personalized avatars, which can look like anything, but all of their Edges and Upgrades are only
digital versions of what they have in meat-space. You can just port your ‘Punk into VR as is, or use a black and
neon repaint, or use dragons and robots and whatever, but with your ‘Punk’s signature colors, or maybe 2D
standees of pixel-art versions of themselves. Go nuts! Just keep track of who’s who.


//The Corporations

## The Corporations might seem like huge, faceless monsters, but at least they’re civilized.
## Do you really want these ‘Punks to burn it all down?
## Do you really want to pay 37¢ extra for a can of NuSoy™?

Corporate Forces
Corporate forces are more varied. They have got the resources for it.

Each Unit below has a cost listed in Giga₿itcoins. Scenarios will provide a G₿ budget for the
Corporation. If just making something up, both Corporations can use the same G₿ limit. When facing
‘Punks outside of a scenario, try 10G₿ for every 5 Hidden ‘Punks.

• Guard (Individual, Bio: 1G₿)

o Speed: 6
• Droid (Individual, Synth: 1G₿)
o Speed: 6
• Troopers (Squad of 4, Bio: 1G₿)
o Speed: 5
o Joes: +1 to Attack, -1 to Scan
• Stormtroopers (Squad of 3, Bio: 1G₿)
o Speed: 6
o CQC: +1 to Attack in Assaults
o Charge!: Reroll 1s when rolling to Move Out.
• Drone (Individual, Synth: 2G₿)
o Speed: 5
o Recon: Scans remove +1 Stealth. Patrol Speed: 5
o Small Caliber: Attacks do 1d3 Damage.
o Hover: Ignores movement penalties for Linear Obstacles. Never in cover.
o Fragile: 5 Hit Points.
• Cyber-Dog (Individual, Synth: 2G₿)
o Speed: 7
o Dogs: Can only attack in Assault. Cannot enter buildings.
o Sniffers: Scans remove +1 Stealth.
o Lockjaw: Targets cannot choose to break from close combat.
• R&D (Support: 6GB₿)
o Test Subjects: Not a Unit per se and is not placed on the table. After the scenario plays
out, the Corporation may roll 1d6, regaining a point of lost Stock on a 7+. Gain a +1
bonus for each ‘Punk Fragged during this scenario (that remains Fragged at the end).


• Power-Suit (Individual, Bio: 3GB₿)

o Speed: 4
o Steady: Patrol Speed: 4
o Heavy Weapons: Attacks do +1 Damage.
o Heavy Armor: Armor (1).
o Just Plain Heavy: Cannot cross Linear Obstacles.
• Rapid Response Team (Squad of 4, Bio: 4G₿)
o Speed: 6
o Professionals: +1 to attack and +1 Damage.
o Rapid Response: When an enemy becomes Exposed, gets an immediate, free move.
• Sniper (Individual, Bio: 5G₿)
o Speed: 4 (7 while Hidden)
o Chameleon Suit: Starts Hidden. Laying Low restores ALL Stealth.
o Into the Shadows: Defend Order recovers 1 Stealth if the figure ends move out of sight.
o Snipe: If no enemies within 9 inches, shooting loses only 1d6 Stealth.
o Loner: 5 Hit Points.
• Air Strike (Support: 3G₿)
o Shared Resource: Only available on Phase when doubles are rolled for Orders.
o Strafing Run: Choose two Exposed targets. At least one must be visible to an allied
Unit. Draw an imaginary line, 3 inches wide, between those two Units, and make an
attack roll against all Units touching that line, allied or enemy, Hidden or Exposed.
• ED-2099 (Walker Vehicle, Synth: 6G₿)
o Speed: 4
o Steady: Patrol Speed: 4
o Tank: Armor (3)
o Big: Cannot enter buildings.
o Dumb: Scans remove 1D3 Stealth.
o 20 Seconds to Comply: A result of doubles when
attacking misses, and another attack roll is made
immediately against a visible ally in line of sight.
(Ignore doubles for this second attack.)
o Overkill: Roll 2D6 for Damage.
Keep the greater die and add +1.
o Lowest Bidder: This Unit never recovers Damage.
• HQ Orbital Strike (Support: 12G₿)
o Last Resort: Can only be used after the enemy
has completed its objective.
o Scorched Earth: All Units on the table after 10
“minutes” suffer 1d6+2 Damage.
o Klaxons: Units destroyed in this manner count
toward the opponent’s Victory Points.
Get off the table! Corporate Units must leave
from Spawn Points.


Corporate Investment
Corporations try for vertical integration (read “monopoly”) all the time but are still known for some
thing or other. Choose (or roll) a Corporate specialty:

1 Artificial Intelligence
2 Banking
3 Cybernetics
4 Entertainment
5 Pharma
6 Military

--Artificial Intelligence
Expert Systems: +1 Order per Phase.

• ICE (Individual, Program: 4G₿)

o Speed: 4
o Steady: Patrol Speed: 4
o Virtual: Ignores Linear Obstacles. Starts Hidden. Cannot attack or be attacked.
o Server Side: Spawns only at (random) Data Terminals.
o Complex Code: If Exposed, may be Fragged with a Carry Out (Hack) Order in 9”.
o Backups: If Fragged, respawns (Hidden) at random Data Terminal.
o Port Scanner: +2 to scan targets with a bonus to Hack.

##Intrusion Countermeasures (I.C. or “ICE”) are aggressive security programs that seek out hackers.

Corporation Name:

1 Cyber- -Com
2 Data- -Net
3 Info- -Scape
4 Infini- -Tech
5 Virtua- -Soft
6 Neuro- -Dyne


Embezzled Funds: All Units cost one less G₿ (minimum 1 G₿).

• Hired Gun (Individual, “Hero”: 3G₿ - 11G₿)

o Speed: 7
o Professional: +1 to attack, +1 to scan
o On Retainer: Extra +1 bonuses to attack, scan, Speed, and Hit Points may be purchased.
No more than two bonuses per category.

Corporation Name:

1 Global- -Holdings
2 Euro- -Trust
3 Ameri- -Corp
4 Citi- -Cash
5 Gilder- -Fund
6 Infini- -Bank

Killing Machines: All Synth Units do +1 Damage in Assault and can move toward enemies while

• Full Conversion ‘Borg (Individual, Hero, Bio, Synth: 5G₿)

o Speed: 4
o Steady: Patrol Speed: 4
o Unstoppable: Armor(2)
o Stalker: Any attack that doesn’t Frag this Unit grants it an immediate 4” move toward
any enemy Unit.
o Terrifying: Enemies must retreat on tied Assaults.
o Just Won’t Die: 8 Hit Points.
o No User-Serviceable Parts: Cannot recover Damage.

Corporation Name:

1 Cyber- -Wave
2 Neuro- -Maxx
3 Robo- -Firm
4 Nuvo- -Mation
5 Dyna- -Mantic
6 Hyper- -Lution


FATALITY!: Carry Out [7+] ending in contact to defile a Fragged enemy for the cameras. One attempt
per enemy. Success earns difference in VP (0VP – 5VP). Failure loses 1 VP.

• Reali-T-Cams™ (Squad of 3, Synth: 4G₿)

o Speed: 7
o Propaganda: Damage inflicted on enemy Units in 9” and LoS of Reali-T-Cams™ counts
as VP.
o Local Storage: VPs collected by Reali-T-Cams™ are lost if it is Fragged.
o Lights, Camera… Nothing!: Can only use Patrol and Move Out Orders.
o Hover: Never in Cover. Ignores movement penalties from Linear Obstacles.

Corporation Name:

1 Thyme- -Network News

2 FOZ- -Columbia
3 23rd Century- -Pictures
4 Dinsee- -Box Office
5 Cinemix- -Home Entertainment
6 Verity- -Verner


Juiced: Bio Units gain +1 Speed and +1 Hit Point.

• ‘Roider (Individual, Hero, Bio: 3G₿)

o Speed: 8 (includes “Juiced” bonus)
o Blind Rage: May only be given Orders while Alert.
o Explosive Rage: May only be purchased when a Guard Unit takes Damage and isn’t
Fragged. You may replace that Unit with a ‘Roider.
o Numb: 9 Hit Points (includes “Juiced” bonus)
o Twitchy: May only Move Out and Engage.
o Aggro: May only attack in Assault. +2 to attack in Assault.

Corporation Name:

1 Visor- -Corp
2 Merci- -Pharm
3 Meyer- -Labs
4 Suppli- -Health
5 Pharma- -Dyne
6 Neutra- -Lyfe

Shock & Awe: When Damage roll vs an enemy Unit comes up 5+ (before modifiers), all enemies must
Defend next Phase (even if they normally cannot).

• Sarge (Individual, Hero, Bio: 5G₿)

o Speed: 7
o Dead-Eye: +1 Damage
o Tough as Nails: 8 Hit Points.
o Leader: Allies in line of sight and 9” get +1 to attack, scan, and Carry Out, as well as
recovering +1 Damage when Defending or Regrouping.

Corporation Name:

1 Uzi- -Arms
2 Armor- -Tech
3 Mil- -Dynamics
4 Martial- -Innovations
5 Defensive- -Core
6 Stork- -Korp


Corporate VR
The Corporations have dedicated “Intrusion Countermeasures” programs (aka “ICE”) that they use to
defend their Grid nodes. These are basically VR-only Units that the Corporation must choose from
when playing a VR mission (like “Grid Locked”).

• Sentry™ (Individual VR Program: 1G₿)

o Speed: 6
• Watchdog™ (Individual: 2G₿)
o Speed: 7
o Dogs: Can only attack in Assault.
o Sniffers: Scans remove +1 Stealth.
o Lockjaw: Targets cannot choose to break from close combat.
• WizzardEye™ (Individual: 2G₿)
o Speed: 5
o Recon: Scans remove +1 Stealth. Patrol Speed: 5
o Small Caliber: Attacks do 1d3 Damage.
o Hover: Ignores movement penalties for Linear Obstacles. Never in cover.
o Fragile: 5 Hit Points.
• DMon™ (Individual: 3GB₿)
o Speed: 4
o Steady: Patrol Speed: 4
o Flames: Attacks do +1 Damage.
o Infernal Aura: Armor (1).
• Spyders™ (Squad of 4: 4G₿)
o Speed: 6
o Poison: +1 to attack and +1 Damage.
o Tremors: When an enemy becomes Exposed, gets an immediate, free move.
• Void™ (Individual VR Program: 5G₿)
o Speed: 8
o Triggered: Cannot scan.
o Feedback: Fragged enemies are not Tagged. They are Fragged immediately and cannot
be recovered during the mission. (Corporations may clone as normal.)
• ED-3000™ (Beta-Sim) (Individual: 6G₿)
o Speed: 4
o Steady: Patrol Speed: 4
o Tank: Armor (3)
o Targeted: Cannot scan.
o Overkill: Roll 2D6 for Damage. Keep the greater die and add +1.
o Dev-Kit: This Unit never recovers Damage.
o Memory Leak: If Orders dice (for any allied Unit) come up double sixes, this Unit is
removed from the table (returning to the reinforcement pool, if available).


These scenarios were designed to work with the campaign system If just playing a one-off game
everything should be the same, though you will be assumed to be using five ‘Punks.

//Virus Upload

## The Corporation has too much money!

## Time to upload a sneaky worm to steal their fractional bitcoins.

1. Suggested play area is 3’ x 3’ (or maybe 2’ x 2’).
2. The Corporation sets up some cool urban cyberpunk terrain, with buildings and walls and such.
3. The Corporation places a Data Terminal in two diagonally adjacent quadrants of the table, up
against terrain like a wall or building.
4. The Corporation places a Loot Crate in each of the remaining quadrants, up against terrain.
5. The Corporation places the Objective Terminal near the center of its table edge.
6. Spawn points are at the four corners of the play area.
7. The Corporation selects 5 Units as reserves.
8. The ‘Punks choose 5 ‘Punks and equip them with desired Upgrades.
9. The ‘Punks start in the center of their table edge and take the first Phase.
10. On the Corporation’s first Phase, four Guards are spawned at random spawn points (1D6)

1-2 Corporate Left

3-4 Corporate Right
5 ‘Punks Left
6 ‘Punks Right

Corporation: Keep the ‘Punks from uploading the virus (probably by killing them).

‘Punks: Upload the virus to the Objective Terminal [Target 8+].

Purchase with Response Points. See Special Rules, below.

Failing to Hack a Data Terminal locks that terminal. Mark it as locked. It may no longer be hacked. The
‘Punk loses 2 Stealth immediately.

Successfully Hacking the Data Terminal locks it and grants the ‘Punks a Data Token. Check for its value
(1d6 VP) at game end.


Failing to Hotwire a Loot Crate inflicts 1D3 damage immediately.

Successfully Hotwiring a Loot Crate grants a random item from the Loot Table immediately. This new item may be
used immediately, even if it exceeds the Unit’s Upgrade slots, but cannot be kept after the mission.

Loot Table

1 SL33Z3™ Upgrade Provides Cloak(2)

2 KR4NK™ Upgrade +2 Speed for this mission
3 SBD 3000™ Upgrade While Hidden, can attack beyond 3 inches, but loses 2 Stealth
4 Deflect-R™ Upgrade Provides Armor(2)
5 Mazamun-A™ Upgrade +1 to attack and Damage roll in Assault
6 Joltt™ Upgrade Carry Out [Automatic] ending in base contact will recover Fragged ally to 5
Damage. If capable of becoming Hidden and out of enemy line of sight, set
Stealth to 4.

Special Rules
If the ‘Punks win, they can use the “extra cash” to pay for a cloned backup. This is like the cloning option that the
Corporation offers, but only applies to one specific ‘Punk selected from among the surviving ‘Punks at the end of
this mission and cannot be used during the mission in which it was acquired.

Stealth lost by the ‘Punks become Response Points for the Corporation. They may be spent at any time for one of
the following effects.

Call for Backup * RP Once during your Phase, assign an Order to a Reserve Unit and pay its G₿ cost in
Response Points to spawn it at a random spawn point. The Unit may now complete
its Order normally
Activate Camera 3 RP Select a ‘Punk. If that ‘Punk moves during its next Phase, it loses 1D6-1 Stealth.
Hup! Hup! 2 RP Select a Corporate Unit. It may accept a Move Out Order during its Phase and may
cross linear terrain.
Pop-Up 3 RP A barricade (a linear obstacle) up to 3 inches wide slides up out of the ground at any
location choses by the Corporation
Floodlights 2 RP One scan attempt gets a +1 bonus this Phase

End Game
The game ends when there are no more active ‘Punks on the table.

The ‘Punks

7 VP Successfully upload the virus

3 VP Every Corporate Unit Fragged
1 VP Every Loot Crate opened
1d6 VP Every Data Token (rolled at game end)

The Corporation

7 VP Every ‘Punk Fragged

2 VP Every ‘Punk Exposed


//Company Man

## Company men are loyal, but money is money.

## You’ve managed to bribe one to unlock a vault for you using his corporate credentials.
## He must survive long enough to get the job done, but after that is involvement is… optional.

1. Suggested play area is 3’ x 3’ (or maybe 2’ x 2’).
2. The Corporation sets up some cool urban cyberpunk terrain, with buildings and walls and such.
3. The Corporation places a Data Terminal in two diagonally adjacent quadrants of the table, up
against terrain like a wall or building.
4. The Corporation places a Loot Crate in each of the remaining quadrants, up against terrain.
5. The Corporation places the Objective Terminal near the center of its table edge.
6. Spawn points are at the four corners of the play area.
7. The Corporation selects 5 Units as reserves.
8. The ‘Punks choose 5 ‘Punks and equip them with desired Upgrades.
9. The ‘Punks start in the center of their table edge and take the first Phase.
10. On the Corporation’s first Phase, four Guards are spawned at random spawn points (1D6)

1-2 Corporate Left

3-4 Corporate Right
5 ‘Punks Left
6 ‘Punks Right

Corporation: Keep the ‘Punks from accessing the vault (probably by killing them). Optionally, capture
the traitorous Company Man. The Corporation adds 1 to any attempt to scan the Company Man (he’s
an employee, but he’s not supposed to be there today). However, they can’t attack him, and may only
arrest him as a Carry Out Order ending in base contact [Target 8+]. Once arrested, the Company Man
moves with the capturing Unit. Escorting the Company Man into contact with a spawn point removes
both the Company Man and that Unit from play.

‘Punks: Access the vault after the Company Man unlocks it. Unlocking the vault requires the Company
Man to take a Carry Out Order ending in base contact with the vault but is otherwise automatic.
Accessing the vault requires a ‘Punk to take a Carry Out Order ending in base contact with the vault but
is otherwise automatic. That ‘Punk is then “inside” the vault and cannot be attacked, spotted or
otherwise interacted with until it is next given an Order. The Company Man is unarmed, carries no gear,
and cannot attack.

Purchase with Response Points. See Special Rules, below.


Failing to Hack a Data Terminal locks that terminal. Mark it as locked. It may no longer be hacked. The
‘Punk loses 2 Stealth immediately.

Successfully Hacking the Data Terminal locks it grants the ‘Punks a Data Token. Check for its value (1d6
VP) at game end.

Failing to Hotwire a Loot Crate inflicts 1D3 damage immediately.

Successfully Hotwiring a Loot Crate grants a random item from the Loot Table immediately. This new
item may be used immediately, even if it exceeds the Unit’s Upgrade slots, but cannot be kept after the

Loot Table

1 SL33Z3™ Upgrade Provides Cloak(2)

2 KR4NK™ Upgrade +2 Speed for this mission
3 SBD 3000™ Upgrade While Hidden, can attack beyond 3 inches, but loses 2 Stealth
4 Deflect-R™ Upgrade Provides Armor(2)
5 Mazamun-A™ Upgrade +1 to attack and Damage roll in Assault
6 Joltt™ Upgrade Carry Out [Automatic] ending in base contact will recover Fragged ally to 5
Damage. If capable of becoming Hidden and out of enemy line of sight, set
Stealth to 4.

Special Rules
If the ‘Punks win, they can roll on the Loot Table above. They have acquired the STLs to 4D print that
gear and may now select it as a standard Upgrade option.

Or! Roll on the table below! These cybernetic upgrades take effect after the mission, are permanent
(until cloned), and do not take up an Upgrade slot.

1 KaMillion™ Cybernetic Provides Cloak(1)

Chromatic Skin Upgrade
2 The Twitcher™ Cybernetic +1 Speed
Wired Reflexes Upgrade
3 DermaPlate™ Cybernetic While Hidden, can attack beyond 3 inches, but loses 2 Stealth
Implant Upgrade
4 Laz-R-Us™ Cybernetic If this Unit is Fragged, on its next Phase, assign it a Carry Out [TN
Implant Upgrade 6+] Order. Success will restore this Unit to 5 Damage. If capable of
becoming Hidden, and out of enemy line of sight, this Unit recovers 2
Stealth as well. One use per mission
5 Pop-Clawz™ Cybernetic +1 to Damage roll in Assault
Implant Upgrade
6 Cortical Cybernetic As an automatically successful Carry Out order, activate Cortical
Impact™ Upgrade Impact™ and roll 1D6 for each other Unit (friendly or enemy)
Cortex Bomb within 3 inches. These Units are Fragged on 2-6. This Unit is
Fragged and is removed from the table. It cannot be the target of
any ability and does not count toward R&D. The guy is a fine red


Stealth lost by the ‘Punks become Response Points for the Corporation. They may be spent at any time for one of
the following effects.

Call for Backup * RP Once during your Phase, assign an Order to a Reserve Unit and pay its G₿ cost in
Response Points to spawn it at a random spawn point. The Unit may now complete
its Order normally
Activate Camera 3 RP Select a ‘Punk. If that ‘Punk moves during its next Phase, it loses 1D6-1 Stealth.
Hup! Hup! 2 RP Select a Corporate Unit. It may accept a Move Out Order during its Phase and may
cross linear terrain.
Pop-Up 3 RP A barricade (a linear obstacle) up to 3 inches wide slides up out of the ground at any
location choses by the Corporation
Floodlights 2 RP One scan attempt gets a +1 bonus this Phase

End Game
The game ends when there are no more active ‘Punks on the table.

The ‘Punks

7 VP Successfully access the vault

3 VP Every Corporate Unit Fragged
1 VP Every Loot Crate opened
1d6 VP Every Data Token (rolled at game end)

The Corporation

7 VP Every ‘Punk Fragged

10 VP Escort the Company Man to a spawn point



## When the Corporations control everything, sometimes ‘Punks are left fighting over the scraps.
## This is a straight up gang fight, but you still have to find them in the busy city streets.

1. Suggested play area is 3’ x 3’ (or maybe 2’ x 2’).
2. Set up the table with some cool, urban cyberpunk terrain in a manner agreeable to both sides.
3. Both sides start with ALL of their ‘Punks deployed along their table edge.
4. Place three Network Terminals as close to the center line as possible, and as evenly spaced as possible.
5. All ‘Punks start Exposed.
6. Dice off to see who gets to choose their table edge. The other player gets the first Phase.

‘Punks: Frag as many of the enemy ‘Punks as you can before the rent-a-cops come down on you (3 Turns after the
first Frag).

None, but see “SWAT” in Special Rules, below.

See Special Rules, below.

Special Rules
Successfully hacking a Network Terminal (8+) grants that team a Network Token, which may be spent for the
following effects:

AR SPAM After a Unit is assigned an Order, but before it is carried out, that Unit must use that Order to Defend
Dispatch Reroute Add another Turn to the game
Firewall After a Network Token is spent, but before it takes effect, roll 1d6. Negate that effect on a result of 3+
Peep At any time, Expose a hidden Unit
Pr0n Gain 1VP
SWAT Summon a generic Corporate Guard to any point on any table edge. It will move to cover and attack
the nearest visible ‘Punk. If none are visible, it will move to a position where it can attack the nearest
Exposed ‘Punk. If no attack is possible, it will Move Out toward the nearest Exposed ‘Punk. If there
are no Exposed ‘Punks, it will move toward the center of the table

End Game
The game ends with the last Turn has ended.

The ‘Punks

7 VP Every enemy ‘Punk Fragged

1 VP Every Corporate Unit Fragged
1 VP Every “Pr0n”


//Hostile Takeover

## Two Corporations. One resource. Go!

1. Suggested play area is 3’ x 3’ (or maybe 2’ x 2’).
2. Both Corporations have 10G₿ to purchase Units.
3. Set up the table with some cool terrain. Anything will do, although jungles and wastelands and
other resource rich areas that are out of the public eye are preferable.
4. Set up an Objective (maybe about 3” x 3”) in the center of the table. This can be just a square,
or maybe a small building or drill rig or something.
5. Dice off to see who gets to choose their table edge. The other player plays on the opposite
6. Both sides start with all of their Units in play within 3” of their home table edge.
7. Dice off to see who goes first.

Corporation: Get Units within 3” of the Objective.



Special Rules

End Game
The game ends after 7 Rounds. If the score is tied, play another Round. Repeat this until somebody has
the higher score. Clearly, the game is also over if one side has no more active Units on the table.

The Corporation

1 VP End a Phase with one or more Units within 3” of the Objective

1 VP Every enemy Unit Fragged
2 VP End a Phase with more Units within 3” of the Objective than your opponent
3 VP End a Phase with only your Units within 3” of the Objective


//Grid Lock

## Sometimes hacking requires a personal touch (and a big SFX budget).

## Get in and lock the Corporation out before they send a hit squad to your coffin-hotel.

1. Suggested play area is 3’ x 3’ (or maybe 2’ x 2’).
2. The Corporation has 10G₿ to purchase VR Units.
3. Set up the table with some cool VR terrain in an agreeable manner. Anything will do (VR can
look like whatever), but boxy neon geometry is a popular choice.
4. Set up four VR Stacks (maybe about 2” x 2”), one in the approximate center of each quadrant of
the table. (Maybe tall yellow geometries. Hexagonal solids. Or pyramids.)
5. The ‘Punks start, Hidden, in a random corner of the table.
6. The Corporate Units start in the opposite corner.
7. Both sides start with all of their Units in play within 3” of the table edge.
8. The ‘Punks go first.

Corporation: Frag as many ‘Punk avatars as possible before they can gain control of this node, shutting
the Corporation out.

‘Punks: Take control of all four VR Stacks in this node.



Special Rules
If the ‘Punks win, remove all Tags from their crew.

• Block Assets: Buildings cannot be entered.

• Tracers: “Fragged” ‘Punks aren’t dead, they’re just Tagged. If a ‘Punk ever acquires two Tags, a
sniper Frags him while he’s heading out to the club. Stock may be spent to recover clones of all
Fragged ‘Punks as normal. “Fragged” ‘Punks are Tagged immediately, even if revived in the
same mission.
• Warez: ‘Punks may use their normal array of Upgrades and Edges. They are simply virtual
programs instead.
• Non-Euclidean Geometry: Movement is straight-line only. If a Unit needs to turn, it must spend
another Order to move in the new direction. Crossing linear terrain ends the Unit’s movement
immediately. On the other hand, a Unit starting its Phase in base contact with a “building” may
use all its movement to go up the wall to the top of the building. If Moving Out, the extra
movement from the die roll may be used after reaching the top.


• Grid-Control: The Corporation starts in control of all VR Stacks. ‘Punks (only) may gain control
of a VR Stack with a Hack [Target 8+] while in contact with the VR Stack.
When rolling for Orders, for each die equal to or less than the number of VR Stacks that player
controls, that player gains a VR Point. These points can be spent on various special effects, or
saved for later.

Bullet Time 1 VRP When hit by a ranged (not Assault) attack, attack misses on a 1D6 roll of 3+
D.O.S. 1 VRP Cancel a Grid Control special ability on a 1D6 roll of 4+
Glitch 2 VRP Target Unit is scattered 6 inches in a random direction. Roll 1D6. The direction of the
‘1’ is the direction the Unit is teleported. If this would put the unit inside a building or
other Unit, keep moving in that direction until there is no conflict, and the Unit takes 1
Damage. If the Glitch would put the Unit over a table edge, stop there and the Unit
takes 1 Damage. If the ‘1’ is face up, the Unit does not move. If the ‘1’ is face down,
the target’s enemy chooses the direction
Lag 1 VRP Target Unit suffers a penalty to one Order. If a die roll is involved, add +2 to the
Target Number. Otherwise, Movement counts a Bad Going. The Lag may be declared
after the Order has been announced
Overclock 1 VRP Give an Order to a Unit that already received an Order this Phase. Roll 1D6. On a
result of 6 the Order is wasted, and the Unit takes 1 Damage
SPISPOPD 1 VRP May move through terrain (even blocking terrain) as if it were not there. If the
distance travelled is insufficient to clear blocking terrain, keep moving in that direction
until there is no conflict, and the Unit takes 2 Damage
Tuning 2 VRP Move a piece of terrain up to 6 inches. It may be turned to face any direction. Units
on the terrain move with it. Units contacted by the terrain are moved the least
possible distance (owner’s choice) to not be crushed by the terrain. Must come to rest
in an otherwise legal position (i.e. not overlapping other terrain)

End Game
The game ends when there are no active ‘Punks on the table or the ‘Punks control all four VR Stacks.

The Corporation

4 VP Tag a ‘Punk
3 VP Each VR Stack controlled at game’s end

The ‘Punks

3 VP Frag a Corporate Unit

3 VP Each VR Stack controlled at game’s end


//Mandated Downsizing

## Management says to blow up your facility.

1. Only available when the defending Corporation has 1 Stock left.
2. Must be selected to win the campaign.
3. Suggested play area is 3’ x 3’ (or maybe 2’ x 2’).
4. Both Corporations have 10G₿ to purchase Units.
5. Set up the table with some cool, urban cyberpunk terrain in a manner agreeable to both sides.
6. Set up an Objective (a small building) along the defending Corporation’s home edge.
7. The defending Corporation sets up anywhere on its half of the table.
8. The attacking Corporation enters from its table edge.
9. The attacker goes first.

Attacking Corporation: Overload the facility’s reactor and blow the other Corporation to hell!

Defending Corporation: Don’t let the enemy blow up your facility!



Special Rules
Attacking Corporation: Move a Unit into contact with the Objective as a Carry Out action. The dice must score
HIGHER than the defender’s previous roll to disable the reactor (or 0 if no previous roll). The entire facility will
now explode in 10 minutes unless the process is overridden. Another attempt may not be made until the defender
overrides it.

Defending Corporation: If the reactor has been overloaded, it can be spun down by moving a Unit into contact
with the Objective as a Carry Out action, scoring HIGHER than the attacker’s previous roll to trigger the meltdown.
The countdown resets to 0, and the reactor will not explode unless triggered again, as above, by the attacker.

End Game
The game ends when one side has no more active ‘Units on the table, or the reactor blows, killing everything on
the table.

The Corporations

• If the reactor melts down, the defending Corporation loses 1 Stock, and loses the campaign.
• If the reactor did not melt down, the defending Corporation regains 1 Stock.


//Asset Extraction

## Find the guy. Sneak him out.

11. Suggested play area is 3’ x 3’ (or maybe 2’ x 2’).
12. The Corporation sets up some cool urban cyberpunk terrain, with buildings and walls and such.
13. The Corporation places a Data Terminal in two diagonally adjacent quadrants of the table, up
against terrain like a wall or building.
14. The Corporation places a Loot Crate in each of the remaining quadrants, up against terrain.
15. The Corporation places the Objective entrance near the center of its table edge.
16. Spawn points are at the four corners of the play area.
17. The Corporation selects 5 Units as reserves.
18. The ‘Punks choose 5 ‘Punks and equip them with desired Upgrades.
19. The ‘Punks start in the center of their table edge and take the first Phase.
20. On the Corporation’s first Phase, four Guards are spawned at random spawn points (1D6)

1-2 Corporate Left

3-4 Corporate Right
5 ‘Punks Left
6 ‘Punks Right

‘Punks: Get the VIP out via the center of the ‘Punks home edge.

Corporation: Kill the VIP.

Buy with Response Points.

Failing to Hack a Data Terminal locks that terminal. It can no longer be hacked. The Hacker loses 2

Successfully Hacking the Data Terminal locks it and grants the ‘Punks a Data Token. Check for its value
(1d6 VP) at game end.

Failing to Hotwire a Loot Crate inflicts 1D6 damage. Retries are still possible.

Successfully Hotwiring a Loot Crate provides a 1D6 roll on the table below. The item is usable
immediately, but if the ‘Punk doesn’t have an empty Upgrade slot, it will have to choose which items to


Loot Table

1 SL33Z3™ Upgrade Provides Cloak(2)

2 KR4NK™ Upgrade +2 Speed for this mission
3 SBD 3000™ Upgrade While Hidden, can attack beyond 3 inches, but loses 2 Stealth
4 Deflect-R™ Upgrade Provides Armor(2)
5 Mazamun-A™ Upgrade +1 to attack and Damage roll in Assault
6 Joltt™ Upgrade Carry Out [Automatic] ending in base contact will recover Fragged ally to 5
Damage. If capable of becoming Hidden and out of enemy line of sight, set
Stealth to 4.

Special Rules
The VIP can’t hide, but the Corporation can’t shoot the VIP if there is an Exposed ‘Punk in line of sight.

The VIP has Speed 5. The VIP may take Move Out actions but may not attack.

If the ‘Punks are successful, the VIP joins their crew with standard ‘Punk stats. Randomly roll an Edge
for the VIP and give him or her a cool street name.

Stealth lost by the ‘Punks become Response Points for the Corporation. They may be spent at any time
for one of the following effects.

Call for Backup * RP Once during your Phase, assign an Order to a Reserve Unit and pay its G₿ cost in
Response Points to spawn it at a random spawn point. The Unit may now complete
its Order normally
Activate Camera 3 RP Select a ‘Punk. If that ‘Punk moves during its next Phase, it loses 1D6-1 Stealth.
Hup! Hup! 2 RP Select a Corporate Unit. It may accept a Move Out Order during its Phase and may
cross linear terrain.
Pop-Up 3 RP A barricade (a linear obstacle) up to 3 inches wide slides up out of the ground at any
location choses by the Corporation
Floodlights 2 RP One scan attempt gets a +1 bonus this Phase

End Game
The game ends when there are no more active ‘Punks on the table (so you’ll need to get the VIP out

The ‘Punks

7 VP Get the VIP off the table

3 VP Every Corporate Unit Fragged
1d6 VP Every Data Token (rolled at game end)

The Corporation:

7 VP Frag the VIP

7 VP Every ‘Punk Fragged


//Wet Work

## The ‘Punks are meeting up. Now’s the chance to take them out!

1. Only available if at least one enemy ‘Punk has a Tag.
2. Suggested play area is 3’ x 3’ (or maybe 2’ x 2’).
3. Set up the table with some cool, urban cyberpunk terrain in a manner agreeable to both sides.
4. The Corporation has 10G₿ to purchase Units.
5. The ‘Punks start with ALL ‘Punks on the table.
6. The ‘Punks set up within 2 inches of the table’s center.
7. The Corporation sets up along any or all table edges, out of the ‘Punks’ Line of Sight.
8. The ‘Punks have NO upgrades.
9. Place four Data Terminals, one in the center of each quadrant of the table (or as close as
10. Place an Exit Token in each corner without revealing them. Three are blank. One is the exit.
11. All Tagged ‘Punks start Exposed, and then lose their Tags.
(In a one-off game, one ‘Punk is considered Tagged for this purpose.)
12. All other ‘Punks begin with 1D6 Stealth (roll for each).
13. The Corporation goes first.

‘Punks: Find the exit and escape.

The Corporation: Kill (or at least damage) as many ‘Punks as possible.


‘Punks may Hack Network Terminals. See Special Rules, below.

Special Rules
To use the exit, a ‘Punk must use a Carry Out [TN 5+] Order ending in contact with an Exit Token. If the
Exit Token has not been revealed, it is now revealed. If it is the exit, the ‘Punk leaves the table. If it is
not, the ‘Punk takes 1 Damage from the armed roadblock waiting for them.

‘Punks can hack Network Terminals. Each successful Hack (TN 8) allows the ‘Punk to select one of the
options below:

A/R Flood One ‘Punk has Stealth set to 3

Log Wipe (Once per Terminal) The ‘Punks gain 1D6 VP immediately
Priority Target All Corporate Units must attempt to Engage selected Exposed ‘Punk next Phase
Static The Corporation must use the LESSER Order die next Phase
Traffic Cams The ‘Punk player may peek at one of the Exit Tokens


This is a public area, and the Corporation must be careful with its shots. Corporate forces may not
attack beyond 9 inches.

At the end of the game roll 1D6 for each Network Terminal that did not receive a Log Wipe. For each
die result of 4+, a random ‘Punk gets Tagged.

End Game
The game ends when there are no more active ‘Punks on the table.

The ‘Punks

1 VP Every Corporate Unit Fragged

1 VP Every Hit Point remaining on ‘Punks that leave the table
1D6 VP Every Log Wipe

The Corporation:

1 VP Every point of Damage on ‘Punks that leave the table

8 VP Every ‘Punk Fragged


Ok, “campaign” might be a strong word, but at least a series of linked missions with some progression.

First, each player creates a Corporation. Give it a name and an Investment (Military, Pharma, etc.).
Each Corporation starts with 7 Stock. Then, each player creates a gang of five ‘Punks. Give each ‘Punk
one random Edge. Also, give them cool street names, like “Badger” or “Neo” or “Ice” so you’ll feel
worse when they eventually get Fragged.

To begin the campaign, start with //Hostile Takeover to see who gets their nose bloodied.

If you are called upon to generate a random scenario, roll on this table:

1 //Virus Upload
2 //The Company Man
3 //Smackdown
4 //Hostile Takeover
5 //Asset Extraction
6 //Grid Lock

Choose your forces. The ‘Punks just have their gang. The Corporation has the resources to choose new
units for each game.

Play out the scenario. The winner is determined by the points total at the end of the game, although
there may still be benefits gained during the scenario that are effective even if your side loses.

If the Corporation loses, its Stock drops by 1 point. If it reaches 1, play out //Mandated Downsizing. If
this brings the that Corporation’s stock to 0, it loses the campaign. If the Stock is not yet 0, that
Corporation’s controlling player gets to choose the next scenario (as the attacker). If no Corporation
lost the scenario, roll for the next scenario randomly. The player that did not choose (or roll) last time is
the attacker.

If the ‘Punks lose, no Stock is gained or lost, but any ‘Punks that were fragged are permanently dead.
Even if the ‘Punks win, any fragged ‘Punks are so much meat destined for the NuSoy™ vats. However,
the Corporation belonging to the ‘Punk’s controller may spend 1 Stock to restore all fragged ‘Punks to
clones from “totally legal” backups. The ‘Punks retain all Edges, but any weapons, cybernetics or other
gear are lost. Otherwise, the ‘Punks are replaced by n00bz without any special equipment and no Edges


This unit is aware of an enemy in the area. This usually happens immediately upon an enemy becoming
Exposed. This may allow the Unit new options, depending upon the scenario.

Armor (#)
Subtract the amount of Damage indicated (#) from the Damage about to be received. If this brings the
Damage to less than 1, take 1 Damage instead.

An attack within 3”.

Close Call
An attempt to reveal a Hidden target within 3”.

Dice Off
Each player rolls 1d6. The higher roll wins. Reroll ties unless instructed otherwise.

A skill or special ability.

Not Hidden. 0 Stealth.

An attack within 9”, but farther than 3”.

Taken enough Damage (usually 7) to remove it from play.

A specific Carry Out order designed to circumvent computer programs and security features.

Hit Points
The amount of Damage that a Unit can take before being Fragged.

Not Exposed. Cannot be targeted by attacks. Normally 6 Stealth.

A specific Carry Out order designed to break or bypass devices.


Starting ‘Punks without any Edges.

A “cyberpunk”. A disaffected, probably criminal, street tough, more than happy to screw over the
Corporations for enough credits to buy more cybernetics, back himself up to a clone, or maybe eat.

Cloak (#)
When this unit is about to lose Stealth, lose this much (#) less Stealth. If this would result in no lost
Stealth, lose 1 Stealth instead.

A rating of how well hidden a Unit is. 0 Stealth is Exposed. More than 0 Stealth is Hidden.

An attempt to reveal a Hidden target within 9”, but farther than 3”.


Carry Out Hacking, Hotwiring, and other assorted actions.
Defend Adopt a defensive posture
Engage Move tactically and attack the enemy
Lay Low Find someplace to hide until they lose you
Move Out Move quickly to get into position
Patrol Move carefully and look for hidden dangers
Regroup Sort out casualties and damage taken


+1 Target is Defending
+2 Target is obscured
-1 Shooter did not move
-1 Shooter started attack Hidden

ASSAULT [1D6 vs 1D6]

+1 Hero or Vehicle versus Squad
+1 Started attack Hidden
-1 Other Individual versus Squad
-1 Other Tactical Disadvantage
-1 Has taken more Damage
-1 Target is Defending


+1 Target is Defending
+2 Target is obscured
+1 Target beyond 9 inches
-1 Scanner did not move
-1 Scanner in elevated position

CLOSE CALL [1D6 vs 1D6]

+1 Hidden and obscured
+1 Hidden and touching intervening terrain


+1 Unit has 4 to 6 Damage
+1 Any enemy Units in Assault range (3 inches)

1 //Virus Upload
2 //Company Man
3 //Smackdown
4 //Hostile Takeover
5 //Asset Extraction
6 //Grid Lock


Version Log
1.2.9 Changed what happens when fighting in doorways.
Changed “Hired Gun” abilities
Added Quick Reference Sheet
Fixed Typos

1.2.8 Release


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