Las Eapp Quarter 2 Week 2

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Paglaum, Dumalinao , Zamboanga del Sur

English for Academic and Professional Purposes

Quarter 2 WEEK 2
S.Y. 2021-2022

Name:____________________________Grade/Section:_______________Date: __________

Title of the Lesson:

Defend a Stand on an Issue by Presenting Reasonable Arguments Supported by Properly Cited
Factual Evidence

Background Information:
In everyday life , people take sides and form opinions on anything that involves them.
However , defending your point by simply saying,’’ Because I think so’’ wont help you make a case.
When we face an issue and are challenged to make a stand , it is necessary for us to support it with
logical arguments. It is therefore important that you learn how to properly outline your thoughts
and make valid arguments.
You will take part in a larger debate by stating your arguments and proposed course of
action. Interesting and challenging , right ? in this lesson, you are expected to determine different
kinds of logical fallacy, identify factors on authenticity and validity of evidences/information and
defend your stand on a particular issue by presenting reasonable arguments supported by properly
cited factual evidences.
Every now and then, we find the need to take a stand on an issue. How do we defend this stand ?
How do we convince others about the soundness of our position ?
What are the these logical fallacies ? Why is there a need for you to be familiar with it ? L ogical
Fallacies are Errors in Reasoning that invalidate an argument. As a critical thinker you have to
identify and examine fallacies and manipulative language. It is therefore important that you know
some of the common fallacies.
Study the types of fallacy and its example:
Fallacy Description Example
False Dilemma Occurs when an arguer Either you fully devote yourself
presents his/her arguments as to company or you quit.
one of only two options of
multiple possibilities
Appeal to Ignorance Occurs when something is The writer does not talk about
instantly concluded to be true the connection between the
just because it is not proven to victim’s killer and his sister, so
be false , and vice versa. there must be none.
Slippery slope Occurs when a series of If we ban computer shops, then
increasingly superficial and students will not be able to do
unacceptable consequences is research. And if they do not
drawn have tools for research, these
students will fail their subjects.
Complex Question Occurs when two or more ‘’have you stopped cheating on
points are rolled into one and exams ?’’
the reader is expected to accept
or reject both at the same time,
when one point may be
satisfactory while the other is
Appeal to Force Occurs when a threat, instead If you do not admit that
of reasoning is used to argue evolution is not real , we will
isolate you from the group.
Appeal to Pity Occurs when the element of Please do not fire me for being
pity is used instead of logical absent all month, I have a sick
reasoning mother and a special child to
Appeal to Consequences Occurs when unpleasant You can’t believe that
consequences of believing colonialism is bad, because if it
something are pointed out to were, then we would not be
show that the belief is false civilized.
Occurs when an argument is Most Filipinas want to have fair
Bandwagon considered to be valid because skin because they think they
it is what the majority thinks took beautiful. Therefore ,
having fair skin must be the
real standard of beauty.
Attacking The Person Occurs when someone tries to I cannot accept your argument
refute an argument by because , unlike me, you were
attacking the character of a not educated at Harvard
person instead of attacking the University.
ideas of the argument
Appeal to Authority Occurs when the argument Bill Gates , the co-founder of
quotes an expert who’s not Microsoft , recommends the
qualified in the particular effective fabric softening
subject matter. properties of Downy Fabric
Anonymous Authority The authority in question is not Experts claims that eating
mentioned or named peanuts causes pimples.
Hasty Generalization Occurs when a sample is not Martha, the foreigner from
significant enough to support a France is very impolite. French
generalization about a People are mean and rude.
Source:Barrot,J.T. (2016) .Academic Reading and Writing for Senior High School .C&E Publishing,Inc.
Warning : Do not use these kinds of logical fallacies when you defend your stand. It weakens your
So , what are the things that you have to do in order to refrain from these fallacies ? study the next
topic .
Factors on Authenticity and Validity of Evidences/Information
While there is a wealth of information found in various sources electronically or non-
electronically, you should also keep in mind that not all of these pieces of information that you plan
to include in your academic writing venture.
Note: There is always a risk that the sources taken from the Internet or anywhere else have biased
or incorrect information, so you have to evaluate and filter your sources before using them. The
following are some of the criteria assessing whether the source is suitable to use for academic
purposes. The criteria include relevance, authority , currency, contents, and location of sources.
1. Relevance of the Source
 How well does the source support your stand?
 You can check the title, table of contents, summary , introduction or headings of the
text to have a sense of its content.
2. Authority/Author’s Qualifications
 Is the author’s name identified ?
 Is the author’s background , education or training related to the topic ?
 If the source does not have an author, think twice before using it.
 Legitimate academic texts must include citations. Citations demonstrate that the
writer has thoroughly researched the topic and is not plagiarizing the material.
3. Currency/Date of Publication
 What is the date of the publication ?
 In most fields , the data from the older publication may no longer be valid. As much as
possible , the date of publication should be at most five years earlier.
4. Contents/Accuracy of Information
 Does the author have a lot of citations in his or her text and /or bibliography or works
cited section?
 You do not want to use source that is disputable, so make sure to verify your findings
with multiple sources.
5. Location of Sources
 Where was the source published ? was it published digitally or in print ?
 Is it a book, an academic journal or a reputable news source as or
 Does it provide complete publication information such as author/s , editors, title, date
of publication and publisher?
 What is the URL of the website? Remember: aside from
your claim/argument,
 Avoid using blogs or personal homepage and wiki sites
you have to discuss
Add on : Pieces of evidences to strengthen the author’s claims: counter arguments.
These are the
Evidence from surveys, library research and experiments. arguments opposing a
Evidence from informant interviews (those who have direct stand.
experience related to the problem/issue

Evidence from expert interviews

Presentation of Reasonable Arguments and Factual Evidences to Defend A Stand

Guidelines in presentation of reasonable arguments and factual evidences to defend a stand :

C-ontains a clear proposition or statement that must be defended
A-ssess conflicting opinions or opposing views on the issue
T- akes a firm stand on the issue
L- ists arguments in an organized manner to defend the stand
C- onsider your audience/reader

Learning Competency:

At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to defends a stand on an issue by presenting
reasonable arguments supported by properly cited factual evidences.CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-IIa-d-4.

Study the example using the guide questions:

Sample Outline
Topic Have CP’s and Social Media made families closer or not ?
Stand/Position No, I believe that CP’s and Social Media have not made families closer.
Explanation There is less talk and more text nowadays ; less touch and more tweets
Evidence The report, entitled Bringing Families Closer Together, provides a snapshot of
the impact of communication technology on families..
Conclusion Einstein has predicted , ‘’I fear one day that technology will surpass our
human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.’’ Cellular
phones and Social Media have made a rift in the relationships among family
Guide questions:
1. What is the topic ?
2. What is the stand of the writer ?
3. Look at the explanation and evidence. Are there any connection?
4. How did the writer show the conclusion?

Activity 1 :Choose Who-One !

Instructions : fill out the box with the needed information. Have a brief yet clear answer.

Situation Your pet Dog is in critical condition while laboring her puppies and according
to the Veterinarian only one has the chance to survive. Because of this, the
doctor is asking you to decide as to who should be kept alive
Stand /Position




Activity 2 : Defend your Stand

Instructions : Given the issue , write your stand . Defend it using your claims/arguments. For each
arguments, give an evidence .Write your answers on space provided.
Example : Cycling to commute to work or school
Stand : In favor
Argument: Health benefits , environment-friendly
Evidence: Cycling as a mode of transport should be promoted since it has several health benefits.
It’s easy on the joints. When you sit on bike , you put your weight on a pair of bones in the pelvis
called the ischial tuberosities. ‘’ That makes it good for anyone with joint pain or related stiffness,
‘’says Dr. Clare Safran-Norton , a physical therapist at Harvard -affiliated Brigham and Women’s
Hospital. In addition, it can save non-renewable resources. According to the Encyclopedia of Energy
, bicycles can cover a given distance using one-thousandth of the fuel that an automobile uses. It
cuts down on greenhouse gas emissions and global climate change and reduces pollutants.

1. Issue : Use of Social Media Websites in school

Argument: _________________________________________________________________________

2. Issue: Anti-Terrorism Act of 2022

Stand :____________________________________________________________________

Rubric :

Content: 15
Organization: 10
Grammar and mechanics : 10
Total: 35

Activity 3 : Take A Stand !

Instruction : choose One of the issues below . Create an essay , then state and defend your stand .
Give at least 3 claims /arguments : each arguments should have at least two evidences. Write your essay in a separate
sheet of Bond paper with your name and strand/section and attached it to this Activity sheet,
1. Is Covid -19 Man-made or Natural?
2. Legalize Death Penalty
3. Illegal Drugs in Medical Use
Rubrics :
Organization: 30
Format: 20
Mechanics :20

Directions: Construct a short paragraph for each number below beginning with the given phrase.
Write your answers on space provided.
1. I learned that __________________________________________________
2. I enjoyed most on ____________________________________________
3. I want to learn more _____________________________________________

Content -3 points
Grammar -2 points
Total - 5 points for each number

References /news /2016/05/03/how-to vote-on-may-9-election-day-dos-and

Prepared by: Jheralyn D. Ellorando

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