Catalysts: C-,N-And S-Doped Tio Photocatalysts: A Review
Catalysts: C-,N-And S-Doped Tio Photocatalysts: A Review
Catalysts: C-,N-And S-Doped Tio Photocatalysts: A Review
C-,N- and S-Doped TiO2 Photocatalysts: A Review
Aleksandra Piatkowska
˛ 1 , Magdalena Janus 2, * , Kacper Szymański 1 and Sylwia Mozia 1, *
Abstract: This article presents an overview of the reports on the doping of TiO2 with carbon, nitrogen,
and sulfur, including single, co-, and tri-doping. A comparison of the properties of the photocatalysts
synthesized from various precursors of TiO2 and C, N, or S dopants is summarized. Selected
methods of synthesis of the non-metal doped TiO2 are also described. Furthermore, the influence
of the preparation conditions on the doping mode (interstitial or substitutional) with reference
to various types of the modified TiO2 is summarized. The mechanisms of photocatalysis for the
different modes of the non-metal doping are also discussed. Moreover, selected applications of the
non-metal doped TiO2 photocatalysts are shown, including the removal of organic compounds from
water/wastewater, air purification, production of hydrogen, lithium storage, inactivation of bacteria,
or carbon dioxide reduction.
Keywords: TiO2 ; photocatalyst; photocatalysis; carbon; nitrogen; sulfur; doped; co-doped; tri-doped
Citation: Piatkowska,
˛ A.; Janus, M.; 1. Introduction
Szymański, K.; Mozia, S. C-,N- and
More than ever before, environmental problems have become a major concern. Urban-
S-Doped TiO2 Photocatalysts: A
Review. Catalysts 2021, 11, 144.
ization and rapid growth of industries generate abundant amounts of pollutants which
are released into the environment. Among them, there are highly hazardous materials
such as pharmaceuticals [1,2], dioxins [3], pesticides [4], herbicides [1], phenols [4,5], and
textile dyes [1,4–6]. This increasing occurrence of organic pollutants in the environment is
Received: 30 November 2020 a serious danger for health and the lives of humans and other living beings. Conventional
Accepted: 14 January 2021 treatment methods very often fail in the removal of these kinds of residues entirely, because
Published: 19 January 2021 of their high (bio)chemical stability. Moreover, a conventional approach is associated with
the operational problems and high costs. Hence, the development of new and efficient
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral methods of the removal of organic contaminants is a matter of growing interest [1,2,4].
with regard to jurisdictional claims in In recent decades, semiconductor photocatalysis has been proved to be an efficient
published maps and institutional affil- approach for organic compounds decomposition and degradation. TiO2 has been widely
iations. and successfully used as a photocatalyst in many different areas (Figure 1) due to its
advantages, such as low cost and good chemical stability. However, it requires employing
relatively high photon energy to be activated. For this reason, many methods of narrowing
of the band gap of TiO2 have been proposed, aimed at the direct usage of sunlight [7,8].
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Amongst them, doping of TiO2 with non-metals such as carbon, nitrogen and sulfur is often
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. reported as one of the most effective ways of increasing its photocatalytic activity under
This article is an open access article visible light [1,9,10]. Non-metal doping of TiO2 leads to changes in the electronic band
distributed under the terms and structure, resulting in a smaller band gap energy value, and thus an improved response in
conditions of the Creative Commons the visible light [7,8,11].
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
Figure 1. Applications
Figure 1. Applications of
of photocatalysis.
The idea
idea of of non-metal
non-metal doping doping of TiO22 has
of TiO has been discussed in
been discussed numerous reviews
in numerous reviews
through the the years
years [1,9,10,12–23].
[1,9,10,12–23]. Most Most of of the
the recent
recent reviews
reviews referred
referred to to nitrogen
nitrogen only, only,
which is one of the the most
most frequently
frequently used used non-metal
non-metal dopants [17,24–34]. On On the
the other
other hand,
the reviews
exclusivelytotoS-doped S-dopedTiO TiO2 are
2 arevery limited
very limited[35]. In some
[35]. In some papers, the
modifications of TiO with carbon are also summarized
the modifications of TiO2 with carbon are also summarized [1,10,36,37]. Shi et el. [36]
2 [1,10,36,37]. Shi et el. [36] pre-
presented various
carbon-based (nano)composites,
(nano)composites, including
including C-doped
C-doped TiOTiO
2. Moreover,
2 . Moreover, di-
diverse, more
more complex
complex configurations,
configurations,e.g., e.g.,with
multi-walledcarbon carbonnanotubes
nanotubes(MWCNT) (MWCNT)
in TiO22-SiO
/MWCNT[37], [37],with
(CDs) in in CDs-N-TiO
CDs-N-TiO22 [38], [38], and
and Ag-modified
g-C33N N44/N-doped
/N-dopedTiO TiO 2 2[24]
onlyone one review
review referring
referring to the
beneficial effects
effects andand challenges
challenges of of tri-doping
tri-doping of of TiO22 with
with carbon,
carbon, nitrogen,
nitrogen, and and sulfur,
published in 2017 [39]. Moreover, recently, a review on single
which was published single doping
doping of TiO TiO22
with various non-metals, including C, N, and S was published [1].
In contrast
In contrast with the above papers, this review focuses on a complex comparison of
various typestypes andandconfigurations
configurationsofofTiO TiO2 doping
2 doping with
non-metals suchsuchas as
carbon, nitrogen,
and sulfur, including single-, co-, and tri-doping. The aim of
gen, and sulfur, including single-, co-, and tri-doping. The aim of this work was to sys- this work was to systematize
the knowledge
tematize with reference
the knowledge to the abovementioned
with reference doping types,
to the abovementioned doping especially in terms of
types, especially in
the doping mode (i.e., the way the dopant interacts with
terms of the doping mode (i.e., the way the dopant interacts with the unit cell of the unit cell of crystal structure
or the surface
structure or theofsurface
a semiconductor),
of a semiconductor),the effecttheof effect
the single-, co-, andco-,
of the single-, tri-doping on the
and tri-doping
on the mechanism of photocatalysis,
of photocatalysis, as wellasas theas
well possible applications
the possible applicationsof theofdoped
the doped TiO2 .TiO
The 2.
overview of the single C, N, and S doping creates a base for
The overview of the single C, N, and S doping creates a base for a better understanding of a better understanding of
the co-
the co-andandtri-doping.
tri-doping.The The first
first partpart of the
of the review
review presents
presents a brief
a brief introduction
introduction to thetoTiOthe2
TiO photocatalysis.
2 The influence of various non-metal dopants
The influence of various non-metal dopants (C, N, and S) on the photo- (C, N, and S) on the
catalysts’ propertiesproperties
is reportedis reported
in the in the subsequent
subsequent sections. sections. A discussion
A discussion on the type on the of
type of the doping source,
the doping source, TiO2 precursor, TiO precursor, and the photocatalyst preparation
2 and the photocatalyst preparation method is presented method
is presented
for all modes for all modes
of doping of TiOof 2doping
with C, of N,TiO 2 with
or S. C, N, or S. The
The morphological andmorphological
structural charac- and
structural characteristics of the photocatalysts as well as the photocatalytic
teristics of the photocatalysts as well as the photocatalytic activity are also summarized. activity are also
The literature The literature
reports selected reports selected
for this review forare
review areappropriately
distributed appropriately
among Sec-
among Sections 3–9 according to the description
tions 3–9 according to the description of the doping type proposed of the doping type proposed by the authors
by the authors of the
of the cited papers.
cited papers.
2. TiO2 Photocatalysis
2. TiO2 Photocatalysis
The discovery of the photocatalytic splitting of water on TiO2 electrodes in 1972
The discovery
heralded a new era of of the photocatalytic
heterogeneous splitting of water
photocatalysis on TiO2several
[40]. Despite electrodes in 1972
decades her-
alded a new era of heterogeneous photocatalysis [40]. Despite several decades
passed since then, the most popular photocatalyst is still TiO2 . Amongst the different having
passed since
structures then, the
of titania, mostand
anatase popular
rutile photocatalyst
are commonly is stillinTiO
used 2. Amongst the different
photocatalysis, with anatase
structures of titania, anatase and rutile
displaying a higher photocatalytic activity. are commonly used in photocatalysis, with anatase
displaying a higher photocatalytic activity.
Catalysts 2021,
Catalysts 11, 144
2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 33 of
of 58
In heterogeneous
In heterogeneousphotocatalysis,
surfaceofofa aphotocata-
lyst. Thegeneral
decompositionof of organic
organic compounds
compounds is
summarized in
summarized in Figure
Figure 2.
Figure 2.
Figure The mechanism
2. The mechanism of
of photocatalytic
photocatalytic decomposition
decomposition of
of organic
organic compounds.
First, the energy higher than the band gap energy of the semiconductor is required
First, the energy higher than the band gap energy of the semiconductor is required
for photon absorption and excitation of an electron (e−− ) from the valence band (VB) to the
for photon absorption and excitation of an+ electron (e ) from the valence band (VB) to the
conduction band (CB), resulting in hole (h ) generation. The holes in the VB can react with
conduction band (CB), resulting in hole (h+) generation. The holes in the VB can react with
the surface adsorbed water or hydroxyl ions to form hydroxyl radicals, which are extremely
the surface adsorbed water or hydroxyl ions to form hydroxyl radicals, which are ex-
strong oxidants (oxidation potential around +2.7 V). The photoexcited electrons in the CB
tremely strong oxidants (oxidation potential around +2.7 V). The photoexcited electrons
can generate superoxide radicals due to the reaction with oxygen, being the main electron
in the CB can generate superoxide radicals due to the reaction with oxygen, being the
acceptor in the system. Further reactions lead to the formation of other reactive oxygen
main electron acceptor in the system. Further reactions lead to the formation of other re-
species (ROS) such as hydrogen peroxide, hydroperoxyl radicals, or hydroxyl radicals.
active oxygen participate
These species species (ROS) such
in the as hydrogen
degradation peroxide,
of organic hydroperoxyl
contaminants radicals, or hy-
droxyl radicals. These species participate in the degradation of organic contaminants
The effectiveness of the photodegradation of pollutants on the semiconductor surface [41–
is influenced by: (i) the chemical composition, structure and concentration of pollutants,
(ii) the effectiveness
radiation of the(iii)
intensity, photodegradation
the exposure time, of pollutants on the semiconductor
(iv) the amount of photocatalystsurface
is influenced by: (i) the chemical composition, structure and concentration
(v) the oxygen content in the reaction medium, (vi) the pH value of the solution, (vii) the of pollutants,
(ii) the radiation
properties intensity, (iii)(specific
of a photocatalyst the exposure
area,(iv) the amount ofstructure,
crystallographic photocatalyst
(v) the oxygen content in the reaction medium, (vi) the
surface defects, presence of additives and dopants, etc.) [45,46]. pH value of the solution, (vii) the
properties of a photocatalyst
Photocatalysis can be also(specific
for the area, crystallographic
oxidation of inorganicstructure,
such ofas
oxides.presence of additives
The mechanism and dopants,
of photocatalytic NO etc.)
oxidation under UV illumination is
represented can be(1)–(7)
by Equations also applied
[47]. Thefor the oxidation
reactants of inorganic
are adsorbed compounds, such
on the photocatalyst as
nitrogen oxides. The mechanism of photocatalytic NOx oxidation under UV illumination
is represented by Equations (1)–(7) TIO2 [47]. O ↔reactants
+ H2The TiO2 − Hare 2 O adsorbed on the photocatalyst (1)
TiO2 + O2 ↔ TiO2 − O2 (2)
TIO + H O ↔ TiO H O (1)
TiO2 + NO ↔ TiO2 − NO (3)
TiO + O ↔ TiO O (2)
TiO2 + NO2 ↔ TiO2 − NO2 (4)
TiO + NO ↔ TiO NO • (3)
and subsequently the NOx species undergo oxidation by the OH radicals as follows:
TiO + NO ↔ TiO NO (4)
NO + • OH → HNO2 (5)
and subsequently the NOx species undergo oxidation by the •OH radicals as follows:
+ • OH
HNO2 NO →→
+ OH NO2 + H2 O
HNO (6)
Catalysts 2021, 11, 144 4 of 56
3. C-Doped TiO2
The introduction of C atoms into TiO2 structure can lead to band gap narrowing
and thus improvement in visible light absorption. The C-doped TiO2 photocatalysts
were employed for the removal of organic compounds, e.g., dyes and pharmaceuticals,
from aqueous matrices [67–70], the production of hydrogen, or utilized as the bactericidal
agents [71–73]. The development of photocatalysts containing various carbon species has
recently been presented by Shi et al. [36]. The authors paid special attention to the strategies
of synthesis of C-doped TiO2 , N,C-doped TiO2 , metal-C-doped TiO2 , and other co-doped
C/TiO2 composites. In the present review, the C-doping of TiO2 using different types of
carbon precursors is discussed.
In general, it is hard to distinguish the most frequently used carbon precursors, because
the researchers apply very different compounds to prepare C-doped TiO2 photocatalysts.
Some examples are summarized in Table 1. Among the applied compounds, there are
several substances which simultaneously acted as the TiO2 and carbon precursors, e.g.,
titanium carbide (TiC) [68,69,72], titanium(IV) oxyacetylacetonate [74], and titanium(IV)
butoxide (TBOT) [73,75–77].
Table 1. Selected examples of methods and precursors applied during preparation of C-doped TiO2 photocatalysts.
Table 1. Cont.
Figure 3. Schematic illustration of the preparation procedure of the honeycombed C-doped TiO2 and Au@C-doped T
Reproduced from [101] with permission from Elsevier.
The successful incorporation of carbon atoms into the TiO2 lattice can be co
Figure 3.
Figure 3. Schematic on of
illustration the thebasis
ofthe of X-ray
preparation photoelectron
procedure of the
of the honeycombedspectroscopy
honeycombed C-doped TiO
C-doped TiO(XPS) analysis [76,102–104].
22 and Au@C-doped TiO22. .
TiO Exe
Reproduced from
Reproduced from [101] withXPS
[101] with spectra
permission from
from the C-doped TiO2 are shown in Figure 4 [103]. The two strong peak
ringThe usually in the range of 527–531
successful incorporation
incorporation of
and 456–465 eV correspond to O 1s and Ti 2p
The successful of carbon
atomsinto intothetheTiO
TiO2 lattice
2 lattice cancanbebeconfirmed
confirmed on
on basisbasis of(BE),
of X-ray
(XPS) presence
analysis of[76,102–104].
and titanium
Exemplary XPS [76,1
XPS peaks
spectraof the ofcentered
the C-doped near
TiO 2 are
TiO 530showneV are attributed
in Figure 4 [103]. either
The twoto lattice
2 are shown in Figure 4 [103]. The two strong peaks occur-
peaks ) or surface ad
ring in
) oxygen.the range
in theTherangeof 527–531
of 527–531mayand 456–465 eV
result in
and 456–465 correspond
eV a to
correspond O 1s
and BE,Ti 2p
Ti 2p binding
energies(BE), (BE),respectively,
eration of oxygen vacancies (Ov).the presenceof
Qian et al.of
presence oxygenand
[101] andtitanium
reported titanium[76,102–104].
an increase in the Olat/O
The peaks centered
centered near near 530530 eV
eV areare attributed
attributed either
either toto lattice
lattice (O(O lat)) or
or surface
surface adsorbed
(O doping The withC-doping
carbon may fromresult 2.7 toin3.3. Furthermore, thethus introduction of carbon
(O sur
sur ) )oxygen.
oxygen. The C-doping may result a decrease
in a decrease in Oin1sOBE, 1sthus
BE, enhancing
enhancing the gen- the
TiO 2 lattice
of oxygen
of oxygen
in a (O
(Ov ). Qian et al. increase in Ti anand
[101] reported 3+
v). Qian et al. [101] reported an increase in the Olat/Olat
Ti in
4+ binding
the Osur /Oenergy,
ratiosur obse
a shift
upon uponof the
doping dopingTi 2p
with with carbon
3/2 position,
carbon from
from 2.7 to 2.7
which to 3.3. Furthermore,
is associated
3.3. Furthermore, thewiththe introduction
a change
introduction of carbon
in the into
of carbon into
the e
the TiO lattice results in a simultaneous increase in Ti 3+ and Ti4+ binding energy, observed
TiO of Oresults
2 lattice and in Tiaatoms. The Cincrease
simultaneous 1s peak is observed
in Ti 3+ and Ti binding
4+ typically energy,at observed
about 284–285 as eV
as a shift of the Ti 2p3/2 position, which is associated with a change in the coordination
shift of theshown Ti 2p3/2 position, which is associated with a change in
in Figure 4b, this peak can be further deconvoluted into two peak the coordination environ-
environment of O and Ti atoms. The C 1s peak is observed typically at about 284–285
spondingof O and to Ti
BE atoms.
of The and
284.7 C 1s 288.4
peak iseV, observed typically at about
and representing 284–285
residual eV. In (C-C)
carbon the with
eV. In the example shown in Figure 4b, this peak can be further deconvoluted into two
example shown in Figure 4b, this peak can be further deconvoluted into two peaks corre-
and C to
corresponding atoms
BE ofsubstituting
284.7 and 288.4TieV, inand
TiO2 latticeresidual
to BE of 284.7 and 288.4 eV, and representing residual carbon (C-C) with sp2 hy-
(C-O) carbon
(C-C) Othe
with sp 2 hybridization and C atoms substituting Ti in the TiO lattice (C-O) [76,102–104].
related toand
bridization carbon
C atoms species can beTialso
substituting in thepresent in the
TiO2 lattice (C-O) case
2 of C-modified
[76,102–104]. Other peaks TiO2. For e
Other peaks related to carbon species can be also present in the case of C-modified TiO2 .
the peak
related assigned
to carbon species tocan
also present C=O in species
the case of was observed
C-modified TiOat2. BE
For of 288.6 eV [101
For example, the peak assigned to the residual C=O species was observed at BE of 288.6
the peak assigned
Ti-Cwhile peakthe to
was the residual C=O species was observed at BE of 288.6 eV [101], while
eV [101], Ti-Creported
peak was at 282.3 at
reported eV282.3
[105].eV [105].
the Ti-C peak was reported at 282.3 eV [105].
Figure 4. XPS spectra of C-doped TiO2 : (a) full scan; (b) focus scan of C 1s. Reproduced from [103]
with permission.
The above data reveal that carbon doping into TiO2 can occur according to 3 various
pathways: (i) substitution of Olat with C leading to a replacement of Ti-O by Ti-C bonds,
(ii) replacement of Ti by C due to the rupture of Ti-O and creation of C-O bonds, or (iii)
stabilization of C at the interstitial position [106,107].
The above data reveal that carbon doping into TiO2 can occur according to 3 various
pathways: (i) substitution of Olat with C leading to a replacement of Ti-O by Ti-C bonds,
(ii) replacement of Ti by C due to the rupture of Ti-O and creation of C-O bonds, or (iii)
Catalysts 2021, 11, 144 7 of 56
stabilization of C at the interstitial position [106,107].
C-doped TiO2 photocatalysts exhibit enhanced photocatalytic activity associated
with changes in the crystalline structure, narrowing of the band gap, and lowering of the
point ofC-doped TiO2 photocatalysts
zero charge value [1]. Theexhibit enhanced
crystalline photocatalytic
structure activity
is affected by theassociated with con-
changes in the crystalline structure, narrowing of the band gap, and lowering of the point
ditions of the photocatalysts, such as calcination temperature and atmosphere. In general,
of zero charge value [1]. The crystalline structure is affected by the preparation conditions
theofpresence of carbon retards
the photocatalysts, the phase transformation
such as calcination temperature andfrom anatase In
atmosphere. to general,
rutile [1].
over, it wasoffound
presence carbonthat thethe
retards crystallinity of C-doped
phase transformation from TiO 2 nanotubes can be enhanced by
anatase to rutile [1]. Moreover, it
annealing in argon atmosphere instead of oxygen or nitrogen
was found that the crystallinity of C-doped TiO2 nanotubes can be enhanced [108]. Furthermore,
by annealingappli-
cation of Ar
in argon or N2 wasinstead
atmosphere foundoftooxygen
be advantageous
or nitrogen [108].in terms of improvement
Furthermore, applicationin ofphotocata-
Ar or
lytic was found to be
That advantageous
was ascribed tointhe terms of improvement
formation of Ov due in photocatalytic
to C-doping, activity. That trap
which could
was ascribed to the formation of O due to C-doping,
the electrons and reduce the recombination of e /h pairs [108].
v — + which could trap the electrons and
reduce the recombination of e— /h+ pairs [108].
Figure 5 presents a comparison of the pathways of electron transfer in the C-doped
Figure 5 presents a comparison of the pathways of electron transfer in the C-doped
TiO2 annealed under inert (Ar, N2) and oxidizing (O2) atmosphere. In both cases, the for-
TiO2 annealed under inert (Ar, N2 ) and oxidizing (O2 ) atmosphere. In both cases, the
mation of a new state above the VB can be observed, which was attributed to the C 2p
formation of a new state above the VB can be observed, which was attributed to the C
2p of theofinterstitial
state carbon.
the interstitial Moreover,
carbon. Moreover, ininthe
thephotocatalysts annealedinin the
photocatalysts annealed
the inert environment, a formation of an additional state below the CB was postulated,which
environment, a formation of an additional state below the CB was postulated,
was ascribed
which to the antibonding
was ascribed C-O state
to the antibonding resulting
C-O state resultingfrom
The C-O
C-O state
was state
notwas not observed
observed in theofcase
in the case of calcination
calcination in oxygen
in oxygen flowflow because
because suchsuch conditions
conditions dimin-
diminished the
ished the Ov [108]. v O [108].
FigureFigure 5. Pathways
5. Pathways of electrontransfer
of electron transfer in
in the
presenceof of
radiation in C-doped
radiation TiO2 annealed
in C-doped under inert
TiO2 annealed (Ar-TiO
under 2, N
inert 2 -TiO2 ) 2, N2-
TiO2) and
2 -TiO 2 ) atmosphere
2-TiO 2) atmosphere(adapted fromfrom
(adapted [108]).[108]).
Figure 6. Schematic
Figure 6. Schematic illustration
illustration of
of the
the mechanism
mechanism of
of photocatalysis
photocatalysis over
over C-doped
C-doped TiO
TiO22 nanorods
nanorods under
under visible
visible light
(adapted from [109]).
(adapted from [109]).
The photocatalytic activityactivityof ofthe
photocatalystsunder under visible
visible light
light ir-
radiation is is commonly
commonly evaluated
evaluated with with the application
the application of various
of various dyes asdyes
modelas model com-
althoughalthough such an approach
such an approach was already was discussed
already discussed in the literature
in the literature as the inap-
as the inappropriate
method [110].method This[110]. This isdyes
is because because
absorb dyes absorb
visible visible
light and light and asthe
as a result a result the pho-
reaction might reaction might be
be induced notinduced
only bynot theonly by the absorption
absorption of the visible of the
by thelight by the
lyst, but also by butthe
also by the photoabsorption
photoabsorption of the radiation
of the radiation by the dye by (i.e.,
the dyedye(i.e., dye sensi-
tization). since, in most
Nonetheless, since, literature
in most reports
literatureon reports
the visibleon light-active photocatalysts,
the visible light-active the
dyes are routinely
catalysts, the dyes applied,
are routinelyin this review in
applied, some
review some are also presented
examples and presented
are also discussed.
For instance,
and discussed. SongForetinstance,
al. [100] applied
Song etthe al.C-doped TiO2 /carbon
[100] applied nanofibrous
the C-doped films (CTCNF)
TiO2/carbon nano-
fibrous films (CTCNF) for photocatalytic decomposition of rhodamine B (Rh B) irradiation.
for photocatalytic decomposition of rhodamine B (Rh B) under visible light under visi-
ble 150
light min of theAfter
irradiation. experiment
150 minthe decolorization
of the experiment the rate reached 66.4%–94.2%,
decolorization rate reached being the
for the film carbonized at 900 ◦ C and the highest for the film carbonized at 800 ◦ C
94.2%, the lowest for the film carbonized at 900 °C and the highest for the film carbon-
ized The photocatalytic
at 800 °C (CTCNF-800). stability of thestability
The photocatalytic CTCNF-800 of thewas kept constant
CTCNF-800 wasduring
kept con-six
cycles of recycle and reuse, with the decolorization efficiency exceeding
stant during six cycles of recycle and reuse, with the decolorization efficiency exceeding 92%. Moreover, the
92%. reportedthe
Moreover, good durability
authors reportedof thegoodfilmdurability
stored forof1 year in air
the film without
stored for illumination
1 year in air
(90% Rh B decolorization efficiency).
without illumination (90% Rh B decolorization efficiency).
The C-doped
The C-doped TiO TiO22 photocatalysts
photocatalysts were were also
also applied
applied forfor the
the removal
removal of of other
other organic
compounds, suchasaspharmaceuticals,
pharmaceuticals, personal
personal carecare products
products andand
even even bacteria,
bacteria, fromfrom
water [67–70,72,73], as well as for hydrogen production [71]. For instance,
ter [67–70,72,73], as well as for hydrogen production [71]. For instance, Shi et al. [68] pre- Shi et al. [68]
prepared the carbon self-doped TiO 2 flakes (CTF) with octahedral
pared the carbon self-doped TiO2 flakes (CTF) with octahedral bipyramid skeleton struc- bipyramid skeleton
ture and exposed
and exposed {001} {001}
facet by facet by hydrothermal
hydrothermal treatment
treatment of TiCofpowder
TiC powder in a HF-
in a HF-HNO 3
aqueous3 aqueous solution. The photocatalyst was applied for the
solution. The photocatalyst was applied for the mineralization of antibiotic mineralization of antibiotic
ciprofloxacin (CIP)
ciprofloxacin (CIP) under
irradiation. The researchers
The researchers revealed
about 70%
of CIP was mineralized in 6 h of experiment. For comparison,
70% of CIP was mineralized in 6 h of experiment. For comparison, the CIP mineralization the CIP mineralization in
the presence of TiO2 P25 as a reference did not occur, while in the case of C-doped TiO2
in the presence of TiO 2 P25 as a reference did not occur, while in the case of C-doped TiO2
sheets (CTS), it was about half the value (35%). According to the authors, the enhanced
sheets (CTS), it was about half the value (35%). According to the authors, the enhanced
photoactivity of CTF was mainly caused by the synergic effect of several factors: (i) the
photoactivity of CTF was mainly caused by the synergic effect of several factors: (i) the
narrowing of the band gap due to the carbon doping, (ii) the higher percentage of the
narrowing of the band gap due to the carbon doping, (ii) the higher percentage of the
exposed {001} facets, (iii) the larger specific surface area of C-doped TiO2 , and (iv) its unique
exposed {001} facets, (iii) the larger specific surface area of C-doped TiO2, and (iv) its
octahedral bipyramid skeleton structure.
unique octahedral bipyramid skeleton structure.
The application of C-doped TiO for the removal of various pollutants from air was
The application of C-doped TiO22 for the removal of various pollutants from air was
also examined [81,111]. Huang et al. [81] applied mesoporous nanocrystalline C-doped
also examined [81,111]. Huang et al. [81] applied mesoporous nanocrystalline C-doped
Catalysts 2021, 11, 144 9 of 56
TiO2 obtained through a direct solution-phase carbonization using TiCl4 and DEA as
precursors in order to oxidize NOx in indoor air conditions under simulated solar light
irradiation. The effectiveness of removal was significantly higher compared to the com-
mercial TiO2 P25 and amounted to 25% and 12% after 40 min of irradiation in the case of
C-doped TiO2 calcined at 500 and 600 ◦ C, respectively.
Shim et al. [73], fabricated C-doped TiO2 in order to inactivate Listeria monocytogenes
bacteria. After 2.5 h of visible light irradiation with and without UV radiation, a 2.10
and 2.45 log reduction in bacteria was achieved, respectively. The authors stated that the
photocatalytically produced ROS were responsible for the observed disinfection effect.
The C-doped TiO2 materials were also applied for hydrogen production [71]. In
the presence of the carbon-doped TiO2 decorated with reduced graphene oxide (r-GO)
and methanol as an electron donor, the H2 production under visible light (400–690 nm)
amounted to 1.50 ± 0.2 mmol g−1 h−1 [71].
In another approach, the C-doped TiO2 was applied for photoreduction of CO2 [59]. A
series of photocatalysts were prepared by sol-gel method with the application of citric acid
as a carbon source. The best performance exhibited the C-doped TiO2 calcined at 300 ◦ C
and subsequently subjected to Al reduction treatment. The space–time yield of CH4 and CO
amounted to 4.1 and 2.5 µmol g−1 h−1 under solar light, and 0.53 and 0.63 µmol g−1 h−1
in the case of visible light irradiation, respectively.
The presented above overview shows that C-doping of TiO2 is at the center of interest
of numerous researchers. Various substrates and synthesis methods have been applied
for production of C-doped TiO2 . Among them, the most common approaches include
utilization of sugars, organic acids, and (bio)polymers as carbon sources and titanium
alkoxides as TiO2 precursors, and synthesis of the photocatalysts via sol-gel, sol-microwave,
and solvothermal methods. There are only a few works on less common approaches, such
as those based on utilization of banana stem fibers and butterfly wings as carbon sources,
or application of electrospinning for the photocatalysts fabrication. The C-doped TiO2 was
reported to have a potential application in photocatalytic processes utilizing visible or solar
light. They include removal of organic contaminants from water, bacterial inactivation
and hydrogen production. Nonetheless, a majority of papers are still focused on the
decolorization of dyes, while degradation and mineralization of other contaminants are
less extensively investigated.
4. N-Doped TiO2
Among all the non-metal dopants, nitrogen is the one most frequently used [1]. This is
predominantly due to its small ionization energy and its atomic size comparable with that
of oxygen [112]. Numerous precursors of nitrogen have been employed for the preparation
of N-doped TiO2 , as can be seen in Table 2.
Table 2. Selected examples of methods and precursors applied during preparation of the N-doped TiO2 photocatalysts.
Table 2. Cont.
Table 3. A comparison of the properties of the N-doped TiO2 photocatalysts synthesized using TTIP
as TiO2 precursor and different nitrogen sources (concentration of 25 vol%) [166].
a b Ebg c (eV)
Photocatalyst dTiO2 (nm) SBET (m2 g−1 )
N-TiO2 (urea) 10.8 79 3.03
N-TiO2 (TEA) 11.5 12 2.89
N-TiO2 (NH3 ) 18.0 29 3.01
aCrystallite size estimated from XRD. SBET estimated with the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) method. c Band
Huang et al. [164] prepared novel N-doped anatase mesoporous bead photocatalysts
using a two-cycle microwave-assisted hydrothermal method with three various nitrogen
precursors: 1,6-diaminohexane (HDA), TEA and urea. They used TTIP as a TiO2 precursor.
Different nitrogen sources gave different degrees of N doping: 6.16, 1.14, and 1.24 wt.% for
HDA, TEA and urea, respectively.
Apart from different nitrogen precursors, various other approaches for N doping into
TiO2 have also been described (Table 2). Typically, wet chemical methods were applied,
including hydrolysis [164,167–173], sol-gel [112,134,165,174–187], solvothermal [135,153,
188] and plasma enhanced electrolysis [173,189]. There are also dry methods, such as
magnetron sputtering [190,191] and other approaches, e.g., chemical vapor deposition
(CVD) [136], pulsed laser deposition (PLD) [192], and arc melting [193].
The as-prepared N-doped TiO2 is typically post-annealed to improve the photocat-
alytic activity. Zhang et al. [185] investigated the influence of the calcination temperature
on the optical and photocatalytic properties of the photocatalysts. They found that the tem-
perature should not be lower than 200 ◦ C. Moreover, a very high calcination temperature
was reported to have an adverse effect on the TiO2 photocatalytic activity. The highest
visible-light activity of N-TiO2 at N/Ti molar ratio of 1 was observed for the calcination
temperature of 350 ◦ C.
Krivtsov et al. [194] demonstrated that thermal treatment at temperatures of 400−500 ◦ C
caused nitrogen species to occupy interstitial positions in TiO2 . However, the treatment
under air at higher temperatures almost completely removed the N-dopants, reducing the
Mohamed et al. [183] examined photocatalytic activity of the N-doped TiO2 calcined
at different temperatures. They prepared the photocatalysts with the sol-gel method using
HNO3 and TBOT as N and TiO2 precursors, respectively. The results of their research
are presented in Table 4. The photocatalytic activity increased under both visible and UV
irradiation as the calcination temperature increased, reaching its maximum at 400 ◦ C. A
further increase in the temperature led to a decrease in the photocatalytic activity both for
visible and UV light. Moreover, the efficiency of Ph photodecomposition under visible
light in the presence of the N-doped TiO2 was visibly higher compared to that observed for
commercial TiO2 P25 and pure anatase TiO2 (TAA). The incorporation of nitrogen resulted
in a considerably narrower band gap, leading to an improved vis-light photoactivity of the
modified photocatalysts compared to the undoped TiO2 .
Table 4. Properties and photocatalytic activity of the N-doped TiO2 photocatalysts prepared at different calcination
temperature, where T75 is the photocatalyst dried at 75 ◦ C, and T200, T400, T600 and T800 are the photocatalysts calcined at
200, 400, 600, and 800 ◦ C respectively, TAA is pure anatase TiO2 purchased from Sigma Aldrich. Initial concentration of Ph
was 50 mg L−1 [183].
Table 4. Properties and photocatalytic activity of the N-doped TiO2 photocatalysts prepared at different calcination tem-
perature, where T75 is the photocatalyst dried at 75 °C, and T200, T400, T600 and T800 are the photocatalysts calcined at
2021, 11, 600,
400, 144 and 800 °C respectively, TAA is pure anatase TiO2 purchased from Sigma Aldrich. Initial concentration12 ofof 56
Ph was 50 mg L [183].
There aretwo
incorporationinto intothe
structure,in- in-
terstitial (addition of nitrogen into the TiO 2 lattice) and substitutional (replacement of ox-
terstitial (addition of nitrogen into the TiO2 lattice) and substitutional (replacement of
ygen) [112,195].
oxygen) [112,195]. ToTo show
show thethe
state of nitrogen,
state of nitrogen,XPSXPS
analysis is performed.
analysis is performed.In theIn literature,
the lit-
the peak around 400 eV is widely assigned to the interstitial nitrogen
erature, the peak around 400 eV is widely assigned to the interstitial nitrogen species, species, directly
bound bound
directly to the to lattice oxygen
the lattice (Ti-O-N)
oxygen [164,195].
(Ti-O-N) According
[164,195]. to Marques
According to Marques et[134] and
al. [134]
Mahy et al. [165], the photoelectron lines associated with Ti-N
and Mahy et al. [165], the photoelectron lines associated with Ti-N bonds inherent to abonds inherent to a suc-
cessful substitutional
successful substitutional doping
doping appear in the
appear in 396–398 eV range,
the 396–398 whilewhile
eV range, lines lines
400 eV400are
eV assigned
are usually to the interstitially
assigned doped doped
to the interstitially nitrogen. Cao et al.
nitrogen. Cao[196] confirmed
et al. the pres-
[196] confirmed
the of the peak
presence of theatpeak
399.4ateV, implying
399.4 substitutional
eV, implying nitrogen
substitutional doping doping
nitrogen (O-Ti-N) and the
and thepeak
other atpeak
400.8ateV, which
400.8 eV, can be assigned
which to the interstitial
can be assigned nitrogennitrogen
to the interstitial doping (Ti-O-N)
(Figure 7).
(Ti-O-N) It has7).been
(Figure reported
It has that thethat
been reported interstitial N atoms
the interstitial N give
atoms rise to rise
give the higher energy
to the higher
states in
energy the band
states in thegapbandandgap behave as stronger
and behave hole trapping
as stronger sites, reducing
hole trapping the directthe
sites, reducing ox-
direct ability. They
oxidation ability.are alsoare
They easily
alsooxidized in air atinhigh
easily oxidized temperatures
air at [193]. [193].
high temperatures
Figure7.7. Photoelectron N
Figure N 1s
forthe N-doped
the TiO
N-doped 2 photocatalyst.
TiO Reproduced
2 photocatalyst. from
from withwith
permission fromfrom
permission Elsevier.
The peaklocalized
localizedaround around400400eV eVmay
tions, potentiallydue
species 2−
speciessuch suchasasNNO2
2 2 O 2 2−, NO
NO x
x , N
N 2
2 , NH
NH x
x or
NHOH [165,172,174].
[165,172,174]. Nitrogen
Nitrogen within
(NO −− nitrates (NO −− ) is commonly characterized by the N 1s with BE higher than
(NO 2 2 ) and nitrates (NO 33 ) is commonly characterized by the N 1s with BE higher than 403
403 eV, while nitrogen within nitrides (N − ) occurs in a range of 396–398 eV [195].
eV, while nitrogen within nitrides (N3 ) 3occurs in a range of 396–398 eV [195].
8. Effect
FigureFigure of N-doping
8. Effect of N-dopingononTiO photocatalysis.
TiO22 photocatalysis. Proposed
Proposed bandband structure
structure of N-doped
of N-doped TiO
TiO2 under 2 under
visible lightvisible
irradi- light
ation (adapted from [17,39,200]).
irradiation (adapted from [17,39,200]).
A modified
A modified mechanismwas
mechanism wasproposed
proposedby byCao
photocatalysis over Ti3+over
driven photocatalysis andTiN3+ co-doped
and N co-doped photocatalysts.
photocatalysts. The materials
The materials were were ob-
obtained by
NaBH by NaBH4of reduction of urea-modified
urea-modified mesoporousmesoporous
TiO TiO2 spheres
spheres under under
Ar Ar atmos- and
4 2
phere and
elevated elevated temperature
temperature (350 mechanism
(350 ◦ C). The °C). The mechanism is schematically
is schematically illustrated
illustrated in
in Figure 9.
Figure 9. N-doping of TiO2 resulted in emerging of a new impurity level above the VB,
N-doping of TiO2 resulted in emerging of a new impurity level above the VB, which was
which was already discussed above. Additionally, below the CB, an intermediate energy
already discussed above. Additionally, 3+below the CB, an intermediate energy level was
level was generated by introduction of Ti and Ov. That narrowed the band gap and con-
Catalysts 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW
introduction of Ti3+ and
photocatalytic Ov . That
efficiency in anarrowed
visible light.
14 of 58
the band gap and consequently
improved photocatalytic efficiency in a visible light.
9. Schematic
FigureFigure illustration
9. Schematic forfor
illustration thethe
solar-drivenphotocatalytic mechanismofof
photocatalytic mechanism N-doped
N-doped TiOTiO 2 (adapted
2 (adapted fromfrom
The ratio of the substitutional to interstitial N can be changed, e.g., via the calcination
procedure. Bjelajac et al. [201] reported that N-doping of TiO2 nanotubes realized by an-
nealing in an ammonia atmosphere resulted in both substitutional and interstitial incor-
poration of nitrogen. However, only interstitial N was observed when a post-treatment
by calcination in air was realized. It was also reported [200] that in the case of the doping
of a crystalline material (strong Ti-O bonds), the substitution of oxygen with N can be
Catalysts 2021, 11, 144 14 of 56
The ratio of the substitutional to interstitial N can be changed, e.g., via the calcination
procedure. Bjelajac et al. [201] reported that N-doping of TiO2 nanotubes realized by
annealing in an ammonia atmosphere resulted in both substitutional and interstitial incor-
poration of nitrogen. However, only interstitial N was observed when a post-treatment
by calcination in air was realized. It was also reported [200] that in the case of the doping
of a crystalline material (strong Ti-O bonds), the substitution of oxygen with N can be
prevented, which results in a lower concentration of substitutional N. On the opposite, the
amorphous structure of TiO2 (weak Ti-O bonds) facilitates substitutional N-doping.
Nonetheless, the role of the interstitial and substitutional nitrogen in the improvement
in the photocatalytic activity of N-doped TiO2 is still unclear. Some authors reported that
interstitial N exhibited better photoactivity under visible irradiation than substitutional
N [202,203], while others reported that the substitutional N improves the photocatalytic
activity to a higher extent [204,205]. Moreover, there are works showing that the visible
photocatalytic activity is better when the quantity of the interstitial and substitutional N is
equal [200].
Photocatalytic activity of the N-doped TiO2 has been examined in various applica-
tions. In general, the N-doped TiO2 photocatalysts were used for the removal of organic
compounds, in particular dyes [164,167,170,174,175,182,185,196,206–208] and pharmaceu-
ticals [170,174,209,210] from water. The other degraded pollutants were phenol [128],
furfural [211], parabens [176], surfactants [212], and herbicides (paraquat [172], and benta-
zon [213]). The application of the N-doped TiO2 photocatalysts for removal of contaminants
such as acetaldehyde [214], benzene [215], ethylbenzene [216], NH3 [117], and NOx [217]
from gaseous phase was also proposed. Some of the photocatalysts exhibited antibacte-
rial properties, e.g., towards Escherichia coli [166,209,218,219] and against oral cariogenic
biofilms [153]. Moreover, application of the N-doped TiO2 for human breast cancer diag-
nostics [220] and treatment of cancers such as melanoma [221] was proposed.
Monteiro et al. [209] prepared a series of visible light-active N-doped TiO2 photocat-
alysts by a simple impregnation method, well suited for a scale-up to mass production.
They used urea and TiO2 P25 as precursors. Photocatalytic activity of the obtained pho-
tocatalysts was tested by degradation of diphenhydramine hydrochloride (DP) under
visible light irradiation and was found to depend on the amount of nitrogen dopant and
calcination temperature. The optimal calcination temperature was found to be 380 ◦ C. The
photocatalyst prepared at the urea/TiO2 ratio of 0.5 exhibited the highest photocatalytic
efficiency (Figure 10). This was explained by the lowest band gap energy obtained for that
photocatalyst (2.99 eV).
Xing et al. [174] used a common antibiotic CIP to evaluate the photocatalytic prop-
erties of the N-doped TiO2 immobilized on the glass spheres. The photocatalytic activity
experiments were carried out with 20 mL CIP aqueous solution (20 mg L−1 ) and the sup-
ported photocatalyst loading was equal to 3 g L−1 . A 90% removal rate in 90 min under
visible light irradiation from a 500 W xenon lamp (λ > 420 nm) was reported. Moreover, the
removal rate of CIP in the five cycles of reuse was more than 90% in 120 min and almost no
exfoliated photocatalyst was observed.
Delavari et al. [139] synthesized the N-doped titania nanotube arrays via electrochem-
ical anodization method. The photocatalyst was applied to photocatalytic conversion of
CO2 and CH4 . With optimal experimental conditions of 250 W UV light power, 2 cm
distance between UV lamp and reactor and initial amount of 10% CO2 , the efficiency of
photoconversion was up to 41.5% and 62.2% for CO2 and CH4 , respectively.
The N-doped TiO2 was also used in the photocatalytic production of hydrogen [168,222].
Reddy et al. [168] prepared various N-doped TiO2 photocatalysts using the hydrothermal
method followed by calcination in air at 350 ◦ C. Among them, the one with multiphase titania
consisting of 69% anatase, 17% brookite and 14% rutile showed the highest photoactivity
towards hydrogen production (10.5 mmol h−1 g−1 ). Preethi et al. [222] synthesized their
photocatalyst by anodization method followed by annealing under 50 mL min−1 NH3 flow at
450 and 550 ◦ C for 2 h. The obtained efficiency of H2 generation was ~2–3 mmol h−1 g−1 .
Catalysts 2021,11,
Catalysts2021, 11,144
15 of
of 56
applied for effective water and air purification, as well as energy production, or medical
and antimicrobial applications.
5. S-Doped TiO2
The application of sulfur as a TiO2 dopant is considered to provide significant benefi-
cial effects for the photocatalytic activity. In a considerable number of literature reports on
the S-doped TiO2 , sulfur is introduced into the photocatalyst by using an organic precursor,
thiourea [45,46,102,223–245]. Nevertheless, it should be emphasized here that some authors
used this precursor for the preparation of co-doped S,N-TiO2 , C,S-TiO2 or C,N-TiO2 . In
this section, thiourea is considered as a precursor of the S-doped TiO2 only. There are
also other organic compounds applied as a source of sulfur, including dimethyl sulfoxide
(DMSO) [246–248], 1,2-ethanedithiol (EDT) [249], thioacetamide [250], and thiourea diox-
ide [251]. Accordingly, there are reports on application of inorganic compounds containing
sulfur, such as TiOSO4 [252–254], CS2 [236,255], TiS2 [256–258], H2 S [259,260], H2 SO4 [261],
K2 S2 O5 [262], Na2 SO4 [263], sulfur powder [245,264–267], and sodium thiosulfate [268].
During a typical preparation of the S-doped TiO2 photocatalysts, TiO2 precursors are mostly
titanium alkoxides (TTIP [45,223,224,227–230,242,249,250,260,261,265], TBOT [225,226,232–
234,246,248,266]). Inorganic titanium sources can be Ti(OH)4 [267], TiCl4 [237–240,247,263],
TiH2 [251], TiO2 P25 [46,231], TiC [269], or metallic Ti [235,236,255]. Wang et al. [256] used
TiS2 as a source of both sulfur and titanium. They applied the low-temperature hydrother-
mal oxidation of TiS2 in pH neutral solvent to obtain an S-doped TiO2 photocatalyst with
a high photocatalytic activity. Another example of a compound acting as a precursor of
both sulfur and titanium can be TiOSO4 [252–254]. Table 5 presents an overview of the
sulfur precursors and synthesis methods applied during the preparation of the S-doped
TiO2 photocatalysts.
Table 5. Selected examples of methods and precursors applied during preparation of the S-doped TiO2 photocatalysts.
Various approaches have been employed for the doping of TiO2 with sulfur. Some com-
mon methods were used, including hydrothermal [232,257], solvothermal [248], sol-gel [45,
102,223,224,227,228,230,234,247,271], sol-gel followed by hydrothermal treatment [229,242],
sonothermal [249,266], wet impregnation [46,231,268], and intercalation [246].
Ultrasound application TTIP, TiOSO4 EDT, TiOSO4 [249,254]
Wet impregnation TiO2 P25 [268]
Catalysts 2021, 11, 144 Various approaches have been employed for the doping of TiO2 with sulfur. Some 17 of 56
common methods were used, including hydrothermal [232,257], solvothermal [248], sol-
gel [45,102,223,224,227,228,230,234,247,271], sol-gel followed by hydrothermal treatment
[229,242], sonothermal [249,266], wet impregnation [46,231,268], and intercalation [246].
Moreover, newer newer
synthetic synthetichave
strategies strategies have
also been also beenPillai
proposed. proposed. Pillaiused
et al. [267] et al. [267] used
continuous ball milling with moderate thermoannealing (Figure 11), which resulted in
continuous ball milling with moderate thermoannealing (Figure 11), which resulted in a
a unique S-doped TiO2 nanostructure composed of macroporous channels with meso-
unique S-doped TiO2 nanostructure composed of macroporous channels with mesopo-
porous cores. This environmentally friendly, solventless and template-free method requires
rous cores. This environmentally friendly, solventless and template-free method requires
titanium hydroxide and elemental sulfur as substrates.
titanium hydroxide and elemental sulfur as substrates.
Figure 11. Schematic 11. Schematic of
the procedureofofthe procedure
preparation ofof preparationS-doped
macroporous of macroporous S-doped TiOReprinted
TiO2 photocatalysts. 2
Table 6. Effect 6. Effectconcentration
of S-dopant of S-dopant concentration on the
on the crystallite crystallite
phase of TiO2phase of TiO2temperature:
. Calcination . Calcination temperature:
750 °C [249]. 750 ◦ C [249].
There are two possible routes of sulfur doping-cationic or anionic. It has been reported
that cationic doping takes place by titanium substitution with S4+ or S6+ , while anionic
doping occurs by oxygen substitution with S2− [272]. The chemical state of the doped
sulfur can be investigated by the XPS analysis (Figure 12). Generally, a peak at the BE
values above 168 eV in the S 2p spectra can be assigned to sulfur on the higher oxidation
state (S4+ , S6+ ), substituting Ti atoms in the lattice of TiO2 [236,260]. The peaks around
160–163 eV can indicate the Ti-S bonds’ formation due to the substitution of O atoms in the
TiO2 lattice by S2− [236,246,251,273].
There are two possible routes of sulfur doping-cationic or anionic. It has been re-
ported that cationic doping takes place by titanium substitution with S4+ or S6+, while ani-
onic doping occurs by oxygen substitution with S2− [272]. The chemical state of the doped
sulfur can be investigated by the XPS analysis (Figure 12). Generally, a peak at the BE
values above 168 eV in the S 2p spectra can be assigned to sulfur on the higher oxidation
Catalysts 2021, 11, 144 state (S4+, S6+), substituting Ti atoms in the lattice of TiO2 [236,260]. The peaks around 160– 18 of 56
163 eV can indicate the Ti-S bonds’ formation due to the substitution of O atoms in the
TiO2 lattice by S2− [236,246,251,273].
Figure 12. XPS 12. XPSspectra
survey survey spectra
(a) of (a) of undoped
undoped (TO)
(TO) andS-doped
and S-doped TiO2 nanorods and S 2p region spectra (b) of anionic
TiO 2 nanorods and S 2p region spectra (b) of anionic
(2ATO) and cationic (2CTO) S-doped TiO2 nanorods. Reproduced from [236] with permission from Elsevier.
(2ATO) and cationic (2CTO) S-doped TiO2 nanorods. Reproduced from [236] with permission from Elsevier.
The presence of cationic sulfur in the S-doped TiO2 photocatalysts was confirmed in
The presence
the literature by of
thecationic sulfur atin168.3
peaks positioned the [246],
S-doped TiO2orphotocatalysts
168.5 [232], 168.9 eV [233]. Zhu waset confirmed
in theal.literature
[248] claimedbythat
peak atpositioned at 168.3 [246],
168.5 eV, corresponding 168.5
to S6+, can [232],deconvo-
be further or 168.9 eV [233].
Zhu etluted
al. into
[248] two peaks at that
claimed 168.5 and
the 169.7
eV,which to Sto6+S, 2p
can be attributed
corresponding can
be further
and S 2p1/2, respectively, with S 2p3/2 peak about twice the intensity or area higher than the
deconvoluted into two peaks at 168.5 and 169.7 eV (Figure 13), which can
S 2p1/2 peak. Doping S6+ into TiO2 structure can form an impurity energy level above the
be attributed to S
2p3/2 and S 2p
VB, resulting , respectively, with S 2p
1/2in a reduction in the TiO2 band3/2 peak
gap [260].about twice the intensity or area higher
than the SAnionic
Catalysts 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 2p1/2 peak. Doping
sulfur doping S6+ difficult
is more into TiO structure
to2achieve sincecan formstrength
the bond an impurity
of the ex-energy 19 level
of 58
isting Ti-O bond (672.4 KJ/mol) is larger than Ti-S bond
above the VB, resulting in a reduction in the TiO2 band gap [260]. (418.0 KJ/mol). Additionally, the
ionic radius of S2− (1.7 Å) has a higher value than O2− (1.22 Å) [246]. As a result, the incor-
poration of sulfur by substitution of Ti4+ with S6+ is energetically more favorable than the
replacement of O2− by S2− [248].
Figure 13. SS 2p
2p signals
signals taken
taken from
spectrumofofthe S-doped
the TiO
S-doped 2 NPs.
TiO Reprinted with per-
2 NPs. Reprinted with
mission from [248]. Copyright 2015 American Chemical Society.
permission from [248]. Copyright 2015 American Chemical Society.
Basera et
Anionic al. [274]
sulfur applied
doping the density
is more difficultfunctional
to achieve theory
the bond to model the S-doped
strength of the
TiO2, referring
existing Ti-O bond to various defect possibilities:
(672.4 KJ/mol) is larger than (i) substitutional
Ti-S bond (418.0 (S)OKJ/mol).
, i.e., representing
the ionic radius of S2−(ii)
oxygen, (1.7interstitial
Å) has a highersulfur (SO)
value O, than O2−a(1.22
and (iii) combination
Å) [246]. of As(S) and (SO)
a Oresult, the O
in which interstitial sulfur shares a lattice 4+
site with 6+
(S) forming
incorporation of sulfur by substitution of Ti with S is energetically more favorable than
O (S 2) O . The authors reported
the replacement of O2− by
under conditions poorS2−in[248].
oxygen, the substitutional sulfur (S)O is dominant, while
under conditions
Basera rich applied
et al. [274] in oxygen, thethe interstitial
density sulfurtheory
functional (SO)O becomes
(DFT) to more modelstable. In other
the S-doped
TiO the incorporation
2 , referring to various defect O may be easier
of (S)possibilities: than (SO)O under
(i) substitutional (S)O ,oxygen-poor
i.e., representing conditions,
which is due oxygen, (ii) interstitial
to a lower formationsulfur energy. (SO)O , and (iii) a combination of (S)O and (SO)O
in which interstitial
Bakar sulfur
et al. [236] shares a lattice
compared site with (S)O forming
photodecomposition (S2 )Oof
efficiency . The authors
methyl orangereported
that under conditions poor in oxygen, the substitutional
over 2ATO and 2CTO S-doped TiO2. The photocatalysts were prepared sulfur (S) O is dominant, while
via template free
under conditions rich inOPM
and low-temperature oxygen, the interstitial
followed sulfur (SO)through
by crystallization O becomes more stable.treatment.
hydrothermal In other
Thiourea the was
reported to ofbe(S)mainly
O may responsible
be easier than for(SO) O under
cationic oxygen-poor
S-doping conditions,
due to the substitu-
tion ofis Ti
due to aS6+lower
4+ by , whileformation
CS2 promotedenergy.the anionic doping via substitution of O2− by S2−.
Both, Bakar et al.
cationic and[236] compared
anionic S-doped photodecomposition
photocatalysts revealed efficiency of methyl
the enhanced orange
visible light(MO)
over 2ATO and 2CTO S-doped
tocatalytic activity. However, S was TiO
6+ 2 . The photocatalysts were prepared via
found to be responsible for reducing the TiO2 crys- template free
tallite size and in the cationic S-doped TiO2 the photoinduced holes and chemisorbed hy-
droxyls played a major role during photocatalysis. On the other hand, the S2− doping re-
sulted in an increased TiO2 crystallite size, and in anionic S-doped TiO2, the photoinduced
holes and electrons played a nearly equal role in the photocatalytic activity.
substituting oxygen, (ii) interstitial sulfur (SO)O, and (iii) a combination of (S)O and (SO)O
in which interstitial sulfur shares a lattice site with (S)O forming (S2)O. The authors reported
that under conditions poor in oxygen, the substitutional sulfur (S)O is dominant, while
under conditions rich in oxygen, the interstitial sulfur (SO)O becomes more stable. In other
words, the incorporation of (S)O may be easier than (SO)O under oxygen-poor conditions,
Catalysts 2021, 11, 144 19 of 56
which is due to a lower formation energy.
Bakar et al. [236] compared photodecomposition efficiency of methyl orange (MO)
over 2ATO and 2CTO S-doped TiO2. The photocatalysts were prepared via template free
and low-temperature
low-temperature OPM OPM followed
followed by by crystallization
crystallization through
through hydrothermal
hydrothermal treatment.
Thiourea waswas reported
reportedto tobe
responsible for cationic
for cationicS-doping
S-dopingduedueto the substitution
to the substitu-
2−2−by S22−
tion 4+ by4+ S6+ , while
of Tiof Ti by S6+, while CS2CS promoted
2 promoted thetheanionic
anionic doping
doping viavia
substitution ofofOO by S −..
Both, cationic
Both, cationicandandanionic
anionic S-doped
S-doped photocatalysts
photocatalysts revealed
revealed the enhanced
the enhanced visible
visible light light
photocatalytic activity. However, S 6+ was found to be responsible for reducing the TiO
tocatalytic activity. However, S was found to be responsible for reducing the TiO2 crys-2
tallite size size
and and
in thein cationic
the cationic S-doped
S-doped TiO2TiO the photoinduced
the2 photoinduced holes
holes and and chemisorbed
chemisorbed hy-
hydroxyls played a major role during photocatalysis. 2− doping
droxyls played a major role during photocatalysis. OnOnthethe other
other hand,
hand, thethe
S2−Sdoping re-
sulted inin
anan increasedTiO
increased TiO 2 crystallitesize,
2 crystallite size,and
S-doped TiOTiO22,,the
the photoinduced
holes and
holes and electrons
electrons played
played aa nearly
nearly equal
equal role
role in
in the
the photocatalytic
photocatalytic activity.
The mechanism of photocatalysis in
The mechanism of photocatalysis in the presence ofthe presence of the
the cationic
cationic and
and anionic
anionic S-doped
TiO22 was proposed by various researchers [236,275]. Ma et al. [275] obtained the cationic
TiO was proposed by various researchers [236,275]. Ma et al. [275] obtained the cationic
doping by
doping by the
the application
application of of thiourea
thiourea as as sulfur
sulfur precursor,
precursor, while
while the
the usage
usage of of CS resulted
CS22 resulted
in both
in both cationic
cationic and
and anionic
anionic doping
doping (Figure
(Figure 14).
Figure 14. Schematic representation of the photocatalytic degradation mechanism over cationic and anionic S-doped TiO
(adapted from [275]).
The improvement of the photocatalytic activity of the cationic S-doped TiO2 was
attributed to [261,275]: (i) the formation of a midgap level under the CB due to the incorpo-
ration of S6+ , leading to the band gap narrowing and increase in the visible-light absorption;
(ii) the enhanced adsorption of OH− on the photocatalyst surface resulting from the created
charge imbalance in the bulk of TiO2 upon replacement of Ti4+ by S6+ . These adsorbed
hydroxyl ions and the OH− ions present in the bulk solution can be oxidized by h+ to form
highly oxidative • OH radicals; and (iii) the formation of Ti-O-S bonds, which due to the
higher electronegativity of O atoms leads to a partial transfer of electrons from sulfur to
oxygen. As a result, the electron-deficient S atoms can capture the e− , which reduces the
recombination of electron-hole pairs and improves the quantum efficiency. In the case of
the cationic and anionic S-doped TiO2 , the enhancement of the photoactivity was explained
by: (i) the formation of Ti-O-S and O-Ti-S bands in the crystal lattice under the cationic
and anionic S-doping, respectively, which introduce new impurity levels between the VB
and CB. As a result, the formation of electron–hole pairs under the visible light radiation
is improved; (ii) the generation of Ov and defects in the TiO2 lattice, which contribute to
the improvement of photoactivity by (a) enhancement of visible light absorption and (b)
capture of electrons thus inhibiting the e− -h+ recombination; (iii) the increased generation
of hydroxyl and superoxide radicals by the reaction of h+ and e− with the adsorbed H2 O
and O2 , respectively [261,275]. Moreover, an important role of the surface-adsorbed SO4 2−
groups in charge separation due to acting as electron traps was also proposed [261].
The photocatalytic activity of S-doped TiO2 under visible light is usually investigated
using dyes as model compounds. Table 7 presents the properties of different thiourea
S-doped TiO2 prepared using various titania precursors and the efficiency of methylene
blue (MB) decomposition under visible light in the presence of these photocatalysts.
Catalysts 2021, 11, 144 20 of 56
Table 7. Methylene blue (MB) decomposition under visible light irradiation in the presence of S-doped TiO2 obtained using thiourea and various titania precursors.
Household lamp
Sol-gel 600 - - 47.6 - 10 71.83%, 6 h [276]
(2.5 W/m2 )
150 W high-pressure
Hydrolysis 120 0.64–0.80 wt.% - - - 10 Up to 59%, 4 h [277]
TTIP Xenon lamp
162.2 (S2− ), 164.0
Vapor-thermal 250 - (S), 165.2 (S4+ ), 99.1–125.2 - 300 W Xenon lamp 10 78.4–99.9%, 1 h [278]
168.6 (S6+ )
assisted spray 400 - - - 2.85 570 W Xenon lamp 3.2 80%, 5 h [225]
S/Ti molar ratio of 163.5 (S2− ), 164.4
Thermal CVD 180 and 250 81.7–210.9 2.4 300 W Xenon lamp 10 92.5–99.8%, 2 h [226]
0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 (S), 168.0 (S6+ )
TiCl4 Sol-gel 500 4 mol% 173.1 (S6+ ) - - 350 W Xenon lamp 9 ~60%, 100 min [238]
Ti(OH)2 O Thermal 600 Ti(OH)2 O/thiourea - - 2.56 Visible light 8 ~70%, 6 h [241]
hydrolysis molar ratio of 1:3
temperature and Ti/S molar ratio of
Metallic Ti
template free
1:1, 1:2 and 1:3 168.4 (S6+ ) - 2.89 18 W Daylight lamp 10 Up to 92%, 4 h [235]
eration of hydroxyl and superoxide radicals by the reaction of h+ and e- with the adsorbed
H2O and O2, respectively [261,275]. Moreover, an important role of the surface-adsorbed
SO42− groups in charge separation due to acting as electron traps was also proposed [261].
The photocatalytic activity of S-doped TiO2 under visible light is usually investigated
Catalysts 2021, 11, 144 using dyes as model compounds. Table 7 presents the properties of different thiourea 21 of 56S-
doped TiO2 prepared using various titania precursors and the efficiency of methylene blue
(MB) decomposition under visible light in the presence of these photocatalysts.
examinedthe theeffect
temperatureononthe thevisible
S-dopedTiO TiO2 prepared
2 prepared bybyhydrothermal
oxidationofofTiS TiS
2 2
calcination ininairair(ST-550-10).
(ST-550-10).Rh RhB Bwas
usedasasa amodel
compound.As Ascan canbebeseen
(Figure15), 15),about
using TS-550-10 and 80% using TS-120-4 within 60 min. This difference inphotocatalytic
TS-550-10 and 80% using TS-120-4 within 60 min. This difference in the the photocata-
activity was attributed
lytic activity to the significantly
was attributed larger surface
to the significantly area of ST-120-4,
larger surface affordedafforded
area of ST-120-4, by the
low-temperature hydrothermal synthesis. The surface area of ST-550-10 was 6.6 m 2 g−1 ,
by the low-temperature hydrothermal 2 − 1
synthesis. The surface area of ST-550-10 was 6.6 m2
while that of
g−1, while ST-120-4
that was 46.4
of ST-120-4 wasm 46.4g m,2 i.e.,
g−1, seven times
i.e., seven greater.
times greater.
Figure 15.Normalized
concentration (C/C
(C/C 0 )0)ofofRh
RhBBasasa afunction
functionofof illumination
illumination time
time forfor pure
pure TiO2 ,
TiO2, ST-120-4,
ST-120-4, ST-550-10,
ST-550-10, andreferences.
and blank blank references.
Reproduced Reproduced from
from [256] [256]
with with permission.
doping with sulfur. Examination of different S:Ti ratios (Table 8) revealed that the optimum
value was 0.7:1, in the case of which the band gap energy was lowered by about 10%
compared to the undoped TiO2 . Moreover, the photocatalyst with the S:Ti ratio of 0.7:1 had
the lowest average particle size (27.2 nm), as was determined by the transmission electron
microscopy (TEM).
Table 8. Effect of S-dopant concentration on the Ebg and average particle size of S-doped TiO2 [268].
Furthermore, the S-doped TiO2 showed potential for application in antimicrobial
field. Dunnill et al. [279] investigated the inhibition of E. coli growth in the presence of the
S-doped TiO2 films. The samples were irradiated with the white light source, typically
used in the hospitals. After 24 h of irradiation, a 99.5% inhibition of bacterial growth (i.e.,
2.3 log10 reduction) was observed.
Other researchers [61] described a significant improvement in the photoreduction of
CO2 using S-doped TiO2 under UV-A and visible light irradiation. A series of photocatalysts
was obtained via simple sonothermal method using sulfur powder as a dopant source. For
the most active S-doped TiO2 , the evolution of 6.25 µmol g−1 of methane, 2.74 µmol g−1 of
Catalysts 2021, 11, 144 23 of 56
ethylene, 0.074 µmol g−1 of propylene and 0.030 µmol g−1 of propane after 24 h of UV-A
irradiation in KOH solution was reported. Moreover, generation of methane and methanol
in the acetonitrile-water mixture was observed under visible light, with the yield of 167.6
and 12,828.4 µmol g−1 , respectively.
Based on the analysis of the literature data, it can be concluded that doping of TiO2
with sulfur is not as common as doping it with nitrogen, but still is one of the major
strategies of non-metal modification of TiO2 aimed at improvement of its visible light
photoactivity. The main source of sulfur is thiourea, although many other compounds have
also been used, such as DMSO, TiOSO4 , and sulfur powder. A majority of the photocatalysts
were prepared with the use of titanium alkoxides as TiO2 precursors. Among numerous
synthesis methods, sol-gel and hydrothermal treatment are the most common approaches.
The two possible routes of sulfur doping are cationic (S6+ /S4+ ) or anionic (S2− ), with the
former being more energetically favorable and thus more often reported. It was found that
S-doped TiO2 materials exhibit superior properties as antibacterial agents. Moreover, this
type of photocatalyst was employed in the decolorization of dyes and decomposition of
both organic and inorganic contaminants.
6. C,N-Co-Doped TiO2
The C,N-co-doped TiO2 can be obtained by application of various carbon and nitrogen
sources. A summary of the precursors is shown in Table 9. Among all nitrogen precursors,
ammonia was the most commonly used, while in the case of the carbon source, various
researchers applied different compounds (Table 9). The most popular Ti sources were TTIP
and TBOT. The modified photocatalysts were obtained by numerous approaches, including
sol-gel, solvothermal and hydrothermal methods, calcination, pyrolysis, or even green
bioinspired synthesis.
According to Ananpattarachai et al. [89] the C,N-co-doped TiO2 combines the syner-
gistic effect of the C-doped and N-doped TiO2 . Due to the carbon doping, the pollutant
could be easier adsorbed on the surface of TiO2 . The carbonaceous specie I formed by the
incorporated C atoms could act as a photosensitizer (C*). After the excitation of this specie,
electrons can be injected into the CB of TiO2 . Further, these electrons could be transferred to
O2 adsorbed on the photocatalyst surface, leading to the formation of the superoxide anion
radicals (O2 •− ), which could be subsequently transformed to H2 O2 and • OH, and together
with the oxidative species formed by the oxidation of H2 O and OH− by holes participate
in pollutants degradation (Figure 16). Nitrogen doping could lead to the narrowing of the
band gap by creation of an intra band gap states (IB) above the VB, enabling the visible
light absorption. Furthermore, nitrogen doping can result in a shift of the flat-band (FB)
potential position to a higher level than in the case of an unmodified TiO2 .
Catalysts 2021, 11, 144 24 of 56
Table 9. A summary of the precursors applied for the synthesis of the C,N-co-doped TiO2 and the examples of application of the photocatalysts.
Nitrogen Precursor Carbon Precursor Tio2 Precursor or Type Synthesis Method Pollutant (Initial Concentration) Photodecomposition or Removal Ref.
Efficiency and Conditions
Citric acid TiCl4 Sol-gel 4-NP (7.0 × 10−2 mmol L−1 ) 87% in 420 min, visible light [280]
Reactive Red 198 (RR198)
96% in 20 h, visible light [281]
(500 mg L−1 )
100% of bacteria inactivated in 60
Escherichia coli (1.5 × 108 CFU mL−1 ) min, visible light [282]
Amorphous TiO2 Calcination under gas flow 100% of bacteria inactivated in 60
Isopropanol Escherichia coli (1.5 × 108 CFU mL−1 ) min, visible light [282]
Nitric acid Tween 80 TTIP Sol-gel CIP and levofloxacin 78.2% and 96.7% in 2 h, visible light [296]
Titanium (diisopropoxide)
N-lauroyl-L -glutamic acid N-lauroyl-L -glutamic acid
bis (2,4-pentanedionate)
Selfassembly soft-template Ph (10 mg L−1 ) 92% in 150 min, visible light [297]
Orange G
N-methyl-formamide N-methyl-formamide TTIP Sol-gel 99% in 1 h, visible light [298]
(80 mg L−1 )
PAN PAN TBOT Hydrolysis and calcination Rh B (20 mg L−1 ) About 99% in 4 h, visible light [299]
Carbon tetrachloride TiO2 NPs powder Stirring and carbonization Ph (20 mg L−1 ) 87% in 150 min, UV radiation [300]
Polyaniline Rh B
Polyaniline TBOT Polymerization and sol-gel (2.0 × 10−5 mol L−1 ) and Ph 90% in 100 min and 84% in 150 min, [301]
coating visible light
(10 mg L−1 )
Catalysts 2021, 11, 144 25 of 56
Table 9. Cont.
Nitrogen Precursor Carbon Precursor Tio2 Precursor or Type Synthesis Method Pollutant (Initial Concentration) Photodecomposition or Removal Ref.
Efficiency and Conditions
Electrospinning and MB
PVP PVP TTIP 95% in 120 min, visible light [302]
calcination (2.0 × 10−5 mol L−1 )
Tetrakis(dimethylamino) Mesoporous carbon
titanium (TDMAT) molecular sieves CMK-3
TDMAT Stirring in autoclave Rh B (10 mg L−1 ) 99.87% in 60 min, visible light [303]
Triethanolamine (TELA) TELA TTIP Sol-gel 94.39% in 90 min, visible light [89]
(100 mg L−1 )
Tetrabutylammonium MB
(1.8 × 10−5 mol L−1 ) Over 90% in 7 h, visible light [304]
hydroxide (TBAH)
TBOT Sol-gel
Urea Microcystis aeruginosa (~3.0 × 106 Up to 92.7% of bacteria inactivated in
Urea cells mL−1 ) 12 h, visible light
Ti foil CBD MO (5 mg L−1 ) 100% in 30 min, visible light [306]
electrons can be injected into the CB of TiO2. Further, these electrons could be transferred
to O2 adsorbed on the photocatalyst surface, leading to the formation of the superoxide
anion radicals (O2•—), which could be subsequently transformed to H2O2 and •OH, and
together with the oxidative species formed by the oxidation of H2O and OH— by holes
participate in pollutants degradation (Figure 16). Nitrogen doping could lead to the nar-
Catalysts 2021, 11, 144 26 of 56
rowing of the band gap by creation of an intra band gap states (IB) above the VB, enabling
the visible light absorption. Furthermore, nitrogen doping can result in a shift of the flat-
band (FB) potential position to a higher level than in the case of an unmodified TiO2.
Figure 16. Schematic mechanism of photocatalysis in the presence of C,N-co-doped TiO2 under visible light (adapted
from16. Schematic mechanism of photocatalysis in the presence of C,N-co-doped TiO2 under visible light (adapted from [89]).
To investigate the state of N and C in the modified photocatalysts the XPS analysis is
To investigate the state of N and C in the modified photocatalysts the XPS analysis
typically conducted. Table 10 presents a summary of the nitrogen and carbon species de-
is typically conducted. Table 10 presents a summary of the nitrogen and carbon species
tected in the XPS spectra of the C,N-co-doped TiO2. Usually, the N 1s signals in the range of
detected in the XPS spectra of the C,N-co-doped TiO2 . Usually, the N 1s signals in the
ca. 396–402 eV are attributed to the presence of O-Ti-N bonds, indicating the substitutional
range of ca. 396–402 eV are attributed to the presence of O-Ti-N bonds, indicating the
substitutional incorporation of N atom into the TiO2 lattice [89,280,298,300,302,303,305–
308]. The presence of carbon is confirmed by the peaks ranging from 284.6 to 289.6 eV
(Table 10). The most commonly reported signals are the peaks at 285.9–286.7 and 288.5–
288.7 eV, which are mainly ascribed to C-O and C=O bonds [89,280,289,296,298,302,303,
305,306], and the signals at 288.0–288.9 eV attributed to the Ti-O-C bonds [89,288,296,297,
Table 10. An overview of N 1s and C 1s signals reported in the XPS spectra of the C,N-co-doped TiO2 .
The visible light photocatalytic activity of the C,N-co-doped TiO2 was evaluated
mainly on the basis of the decomposition of dyes and phenolic compounds (Table 9).
Ananpattarachai et al. [89] compared the photocatalytic activity of the C-doped TiO2 , N-
doped TiO2 , and C,N-co-doped TiO2 photocatalysts, prepared via sol-gel method with TTIP
used as a TiO2 precursor. ETA, DEA and TELA were applied as the carbon and nitrogen
sources. The activity of the photocatalysts was tested in the 2-chlorophenol removal process
under visible light. After 90 min of irradiation, the C,N-co-doped TiO2 exhibited the highest
removal efficiency of 94.39%, while for the C-doped and N-doped TiO2 , it was 79.74% and
69.36%, respectively. Under the same conditions, the photodegradation efficiency in the
case of the undoped TiO2 was about 24%. The best performance of the C,N-co-doped TiO2
was accounted by a synergistic effect of carbon and nitrogen co-doping, which allowed to
obtain the lowest band gap energy amongst all the prepared photocatalysts (2.80 eV).
Xiao et al. [284] applied the C-modified and N-doped TiO2 hollow spheres for the
degradation of tetracycline (TC) and TCH under simulated solar irradiation. The degrada-
tion rate constants k reached 0.1812 and 0.1785 min−1 , respectively. Moreover, the authors
reported that after four cycles of reusing, the material exhibited almost unchanged TC
degradation efficiency.
Recently, the pollution of the environment with microplastics has become a matter
of concern. Ariza-Tarazona et al. [287] prepared C,N-co-doped TiO2 photocatalysts and
investigated the impact of pH and temperature on the degradation process of the high-
density polyethylene (HDPE) microplastics under visible light. The influence of these
factors is shown in Figure 17. The results prove that low pH and low temperature had
a combined positive effect on the microplastics’ degradation. This could be due to the
presence of H+ ions facilitating the degradation process. Low temperature contributed
to the microplastics’ fragmentation, increasing their surface area and interaction with the
photocatalyst. The authors obtained over 70% average mass loss at pH 3 and temperature
of 0 ◦ C.
density polyethylene (HDPE) microplastics under visible light. The influence of these fac-
tors is shown in Figure 17. The results prove that low pH and low temperature had a
combined positive effect on the microplastics’ degradation. This could be due to the pres-
ence of H+ ions facilitating the degradation process. Low temperature contributed to the
microplastics’ fragmentation, increasing their surface area and interaction with the pho-
Catalysts 2021, 11, 144 28 of 56
tocatalyst. The authors obtained over 70% average mass loss at pH 3 and temperature of
0 °C.
Figure 17. Photocatalytic degradationofof microplastics
microplastics under
under different
different experimental
experimental conditions:
conditions: (a)
(a) relative
microplastics concentration
relative and
concentration (b)(b)
and microplastics mass
microplastics loss.
mass Reproduced
loss. Reproducedfrom [287]
from with
[287] with
permission from
permission from Elsevier.
Another proposed
photocatalytic H2Hproduction.
2 production. Zhang
Zhang et[308]
al. [308]
pared the the C,N-co-doped
C,N-co-doped TiOTiO 2 hollow
2 hollow spheres
spheres using using
as a as a precursor
precursor of anatase
of anatase TiO2
and2 aand a self-doping
self-doping source
source of Cofand
C and
N.N. The
The photocatalystwas
photocatalyst wassynthesized
synthesized by by a one-pot
hydrothermal method.
method. The resulting
resulting C,N-co-doped
C,N-co-doped TiO TiO22 showed enhanced photocatalytic
activity towards
towards H H22 production under
under the
the visible
visible light
light irradiation.
irradiation. The
The HH22 generation
generation rate rate
was 445 times higher than for pure
times higher than for pure TiO22TiO .
The modification of TiO TiO22 with nitrogen and carbon was also found to be an efficient efficient
approach to to enhance
enhanceits itsantibacterial
[282].TheThe photocatalysts
photocatalysts werewere prepared
prepared us-
using gaseous
ing gaseous NH NH
3 as
a nitrogen source
source andand aliphatic
aliphatic alcohols
alcohols (methanol,
(methanol, ethanol
ethanol andand
propanol) as as carbon
carbon sources.The
sources. TheC,N-co-doped
C,N-co-dopedTiO TiO2 2was
was incorporated
incorporated intointo concrete
plates. The plates were irradiated with an artificial solar light in the presence of
plates. The plates were irradiated with an artificial solar light in the presence of Escherichia Escherichia
coli bacteria.
bacteria. AA complete
irradiation was
irradiation wasobserved
observed in
the case of the photocatalysts treated at 100 ◦ C in the presence of ethanol and isopropanol
and treated at 300 ◦ C in the presence of methanol. The authors reported that not only
inactivation but also damage of the bacterial cells was achieved.
The review of the current state of the art revealed that the simultaneous doping with
carbon and nitrogen is a predominately used mode of co-doping of TiO2 with C, N and
S non-metals. A majority of the photocatalysts were synthesized on the base of titanium
alkoxides as TiO2 precursors, similarly as in the case of C- and N-doped TiO2 . Numerous
methods have been applied; some of them were common, such as sol-gel, solvothermal or
calcination under gas flow, but there were also others such as pyrolysis, electrospinning,
and CBD. Various alcohols are usually used as carbon sources. The most common nitrogen
source is ammonia, although many other compounds were used, for example compounds
containing amine groups such as glycine, HMT, or polyaniline. Moreover, some researchers
used a single compound as both C and N source. Among others, PAN, TELA and urea were
used for this purpose. The C,N-co-doped TiO2 has been successfully applied to decompose
various organic pollutants and hydrogen production. It was also used as an antibacterial
Catalysts 2021, 11, 144 29 of 56
7. C,S-Co-Doped TiO2
The literature reports on the C,S-co-doped TiO2 are very limited. There are only a
few papers on that subject and a majority of them were published in the last 5 years. The
summary of substrates and methods applied for the preparation of the C,S-co-doped TiO2
is shown in Table 11.
Table 11. A summary of the precursors applied for C,S-co-doped TiO2 synthesis and the examples of application of the
Ivanov et al. [156], Khalyavka et al. [157], and Romanovska et al. [310] used the
widely applied thiourea as a dopant of C and S. Although the authors [310] claimed their
photocatalyst to be C,S-co-doped TiO2 , the XPS analysis revealed the signals characteristic
for C, N and S (285, 400, and 170 eV, respectively). The calculated surface content of the
non-metals was 16.7 at% for C, 0.4 at% for S and 0.3 at% for N. Nonetheless, since the
elemental analysis showed no presence of nitrogen, the authors attributed the observed
weak XPS signal in the N 1s region to the adsorption of gaseous N2 and NH3 from the
The entirely new approaches were proposed by El Nemr et al. [102] and Chaudhary
et al. [309]. The method reported by El Nemr et al. [102] was an ecofriendly procedure
based on the sol-gel synthesis under alkaline conditions in the presence of Eichhornia
crassipes aqueous leaf extract, followed by calcination in air at 400 ◦ C. Except for deionized
water, no other solvents were applied. Chaudhary et al. [309] proposed the application of
the sulfate rich seaweed polysaccharides, carrageenans, (kappa (κ-), iota (ι-) and lambda
(λ-)) from red seaweeds as a source of sulfur and carbon, while TTIP was used as TiO2
substrate. Sulfur was present in two oxidation states, S4+ and S0 , corresponding to the
XPS BE of 168 and 164.4 eV, respectively. It was observed that application of calcination at
600 ◦ C led to a conversion of S0 to S4+ , as was concluded from a disappearance of the 164.4
eV peak and the presence of an intense peak at ~168 eV. The authors concluded that no
new Ti-S bond was formed at the expense of Ti-O bonds, and that the sulfate ions could
form O-S-O bonds on the TiO2 surface. The presence of C 1s peak at 287.4 eV was also
observed and it was assigned to the graphitic carbon.
Ivanov et al. [156] proposed a more conventional approach in which metatitanic acid
was applied as a TiO2 precursor, while thiourea was the source of carbon and sulfur. A
homogenous mixture of the substrates was calcined at 500 ◦ C. The obtained C,S-co-doped
TiO2 contained sulfur exclusively in the oxidation state of +6 (XPS BE of 168.8 eV). In the
Catalysts 2021, 11, 144 30 of 56
case of carbon, three peaks at BE of 285, 287 and 289 eV were observed. The signal at
285 eV was attributed to an external post-synthesis (not in vacuo) contamination. The
other two peaks were assigned to C-O and C=O bonds indicating the presence of carbon
substituting lattice Ti atoms and forming a Ti-O-C structure or C=O groups adsorbed on
the photocatalyst surface. The surface content of sulfur and carbon was visibly higher
(2.8 and 30.3 at%, respectively) than the content in the powder volume (0.36 and 5.07 at%,
Photocatalytic activity of the C,S-co-doped TiO2 was analyzed mainly on the basis of
the removal of various dyes, including Rh B [156,313], RB19 [102], RR76 [102], MB [156]
and ST [157]. El Nemr et al. [102] investigated the photoactivity of the C,S-co-doped TiO2
with reference to RB19 and RR76 decolorization in a real textile wastewater and the toxicity
of the treated and untreated effluents. A 400 W halide lamp was used as a radiation
source. The results were compared with those obtained in the presence of C-doped TiO2
and S-doped TiO2 . It was reported that although all the doped photocatalysts exhibited
higher photocatalytic activity than pure TiO2 , the efficiency of decolorization was higher
for the C-doped TiO2 than for the other photocatalysts. After 30 min of irradiation the
concentration of RB19 decreased by 5.5%, 77.8%, 72.2%, and 73.3%, while the concentration
of RR76 was lowered by 7.5%, 86.7%, 73.3%, and 63.3%, in the presence of TiO2 , C-TiO2 ,
C,S-TiO2 and S-TiO2 , respectively. However, the analysis of chemical oxygen demand
revealed that the highest degradation efficiency was obtained in the presence of C,S-co-
doped TiO2 (97%), while in the case of the C-doped TiO2 and S-doped TiO2 , it amounted to
91%. The toxicity of the treated wastewater samples analyzed with reference to rotifer and
Artemia salina was less than 4%, being significantly lower compared to that of the untreated
wastewater (95–98%). On the basis of the tests conducted in the presence of scavengers, it
was concluded that the main species participating in the decomposition of the dyes were
photogenerated holes, not the hydroxyl radicals. Moreover, the obtained photocatalyst
was successfully recovered and reused at least three times without significant decrease in
In another case [157], the dye ST was photocatalytically degraded under UV and
visible (568 nm) light in the presence of a series of C,S-co-doped TiO2 with various dopants
content. The decolorization rates were in the range of 0.68–4.04 × 104 s−1 for UV and
0.20–0.63 × 104 s−1 for visible light, depending on the photocatalyst composition. In the
case of the pure TiO2 , the decolorization rate was 2.58 × 104 s−1 for UV, while no visible
decomposition was observed for vis. The authors concluded that the following effects were
responsible for the enhanced dye removal: (i) interfacial bonding, (ii) defective sites, (iii)
narrowing of the band gap, (iv) inhibition of electron-hole pair recombination in the pres-
ence of carbon and sulfur, (v) prolongation of the lifetime of the photogenerated charges,
(vi) formation of doping electronic states and (vii) change in textural characteristics.
Hohol et al. [313] applied the C,S-co-doped TiO2 as well as TiO2 P25 as the modifiers
of the cement mortars. The photocatalytic activity was analyzed on the basis of Rh B
removal in the visible light. The sample containing 2 wt.% of the C,S-co-doped TiO2
revealed the highest photocatalytic activity corresponding to the 87% removal efficiency
after 2 h of irradiation. The cement mortars modified with 1 wt.% of the C,S-co-doped
TiO2 , 2 wt.% of TiO2 P25 and 1 wt.% of TiO2 P25 showed a removal efficiency of 65, 44 and
37%, respectively.
The overview presented above reveals that the number of papers on C,S-co-doped
TiO2 is very limited. However, it is worth noting again here the case of thiourea precursor.
As was already explained, this compound is used for the preparation of the S-doped
TiO2 , C,S-co-doped TiO2 , or even C,N,S-tri-doped TiO2 , thus in some cases it is difficult to
distinguish between these types of single- and multiple doping. Thus, further investigations
on the C,S-co-doped TiO2 are necessary. The studies should be especially related to the
synthesis method and type of precursors, the structural and electronic properties of the
photocatalysts and their effect on the photocatalytic activity analyzed with reference to
other compounds than dyes.
Catalysts 2021, 11, 144 31 of 56
8. N,S-Co-Doped TiO2
The simultaneous doping with nitrogen and sulfur is considered as an efficient method
to obtain a reduction in the band gap of TiO2 [314]. Thiourea [231,247,276,315–320] as an
S source and urea [87,231,315,316,318] or ammonium nitrate [276] as an N source are
usually proposed. There are also reports on the application of ammonium sulfate [321] and
ammonium thiocyanate [322] as both N and S precursors. Albrbar et al. [247] applied an
aprotic solvent DMSO as a precursor for S-doping, while the annealing in ammonia stream
was applied for N-doping.
Some authors performed a comparative evaluation of the non-metal doped TiO2 .
The N,S-co-doped TiO2 was compared with the N-doped and S-doped photocatalysts. A
summary of these data is shown in Table 12. Sol-gel and wet impregnation were mainly
applied as synthesis methods. In general, co-doping resulted in a smaller crystallite size
of anatase and lower band gap energy values than observed in the case of the single-
doped photocatalysts. The effect of the co-doping on the SBET was dependent on the
synthesis method. An increase in the specific surface area compared to the single co-doped
photocatalysts was observed only in the case of the sol-gel approach.
Table 12. A comparison of the properties of the N-doped TiO2 , S-doped TiO2 and N,S-co-doped TiO2 , synthesized by
various methods with the use of different dopant sources.
No. Photocatalyst Doping Source Synthesis Method SBET (m2 g−1 ) Size of Ebg (eV) Ref.
Anatase (nm)
N-doped TiO2 Ammonia 100.1 8.2 2.67
S-doped TiO2 DMSO Non-hydrolytic 69.7 10.5 3.07 [87,231,315]
Ammonia and sol-gel
N,S-co-doped TiO2 144.8 5.1 2.32
N-doped TiO2 Urea 55.35 18.8 2.79
2 S-doped TiO2 Thiourea Wet impregnation 50.16 18.5 2.65 [276]
N,S-co-doped TiO2 Urea and thiourea 45.74 16.9 2.68
N-doped TiO2 Ammonium nitrate 39.5 - -
S-doped TiO2 Thiourea 47.6 - - [231]
Ammonium nitrate 68.6 - -
N,S-co-doped TiO2 and thiourea
N-doped TiO2 Dodecylamine - 10.32 2.95
S-doped TiO2 Thiourea - 10.83 3.00
4 [320]
Dodecylamine and
N,S-co-doped TiO2 - 9.59 2.89
N-doped TiO2 Urea 143.61 13.7 2.99
5 S-doped TiO2 Thiourea Wet impregnation 158.30 14.1 3.08 [247]
N,S-co-doped TiO2 Urea and thiourea 97.11 13.8 2.96
Figure 18 shows the effects of the N and S dopants on the visible light photocatalytic
activity of the N,S-co-doped TiO2 photocatalyst. According to Chung et al. [314], nitrogen
forms a delocalized state in the band gap of TiO2 leading to the enhanced solution bulk
reaction by increasing the visible light absorption. On the other hand, sulfur promotes the
adsorption of organic species present in the solution onto the surface of the N,S-co-doped
TiO2 , thereby enhancing the surface reaction with cationic organic pollutants.
Figure 18 shows the effects of the N and S dopants on the visible light photocatalytic
activity of the N,S-co-doped TiO2 photocatalyst. According to Chung et al. [314], nitrogen
forms a delocalized state in the band gap of TiO2 leading to the enhanced solution bulk
Catalysts 2021, 11, 144
reaction by increasing the visible light absorption. On the other hand, sulfur promotes the
32 of 56
adsorption of organic species present in the solution onto the surface of the N,S-co-doped
TiO2, thereby enhancing the surface reaction with cationic organic pollutants.
Figure Schematic
Figure Schematicillustration ofof
illustration the suggested
the suggestedeffects ofof
effects the nitrogen
the and
nitrogen sulfur
and dopants
sulfur onon
dopants the enhanced
the visible
enhanced light
visible light
photocatalytic activity of the N,S-co-doped TiO
photocatalytic activity of the N,S-co-doped TiO (adapted from [314,323–326]).
2 2 (adapted from [314,323–326]).
N,S-co-dopedTiO 2 synthesized
TiO by the non-hydrolytic sol-gel
2 synthesized by the non-hydrolytic sol-gel
approach using DMSO and gaseous
approach using DMSO and gaseous NH NH 3 3 as S and N precursors,respectively,
as S and N precursors, respectively,revealed
interstitial nitrogen doping and cationic sulfur doping by the substitution of Ti4+4+ with 4+
interstitial nitrogen doping and cationic sulfur doping by the substitution of Ti with S
S4+ and6+S6+ [247]. The N 1s peak was observed at ~400 eV. The authors noticed that the
and S [247]. The N 1s peak was observed at ~400 eV. The authors noticed that the inter-
interstitial doping of 3-N3- ion into TiO2 lattice is typical for annealing of titania in ammonia
stitial doping of N ion into TiO2 lattice is typical for annealing of titania in ammonia
atmosphere. The S 2 p signal was in the form of a doublet with a maximum of the S 2p3/2
atmosphere. The S 2 p signal was in the form of a doublet with a maximum of the S 2p3/2
at 169.6 eV. It was also noted that annealing in ammonia suppresses the oxidation of sulfur,
at 169.6 eV. It was also noted that annealing in4+ammonia suppresses the oxidation of sul-
and as a result the substitution of Ti4+ with S and S6+ is less favorable compared to
fur, and as a result the substitution of Ti with S and S6+ is less favorable compared
4+ 4+ to
calcination in air [247]. The presence of interstitial N and substitution of Ti4+ with S4+ /S6+
calcination in air [247]. The presence of interstitial N and substitution of Ti4+ with S4+/S6+
was also reported in the case of application of ammonium thiocyanate as a dopant [322].
In contrast, Abu Bakar et al. [316] reported the absence of the interstitial nitrogen and
the presence of the anionic N-doping in the case of N,S-co-doped TiO2 obtained by the
OPM-assisted hydrothermal procedure using ammonia, thiourea and urea as N and S
precursors. The substitution of O atoms by N atoms in the TiO2 lattice led to the formation
of O-Ti-N bonds. The main form of sulfur was S6+ substituting Ti4+ , as was found on
the basis of the XPS peak at 168.7 eV. Moreover, a weak signal at the BE of 163.8 eV was
observed indicating that anionic doping due to the replacement of oxygen by S2− in the
crystal lattice of TiO2 also occurred. The above data clearly show that the synthesis route
strongly affects the type of doping.
The photocatalytic activity of the N,S-co-doped TiO2 was examined using dyes such as
Rh B [314,316,324], MB [291], MO [317,322,326], reactive orange 16 (RO16) [247], as well as
HA [87,231], Ph [276,316], TC [325], non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibupro-
fen (IBP) and naproxen (NPX) [323], anti-cancer drug 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) [327], or an
organophosphorus flame retardant tris(1-chloro-2-propyl)phosphate (TCPP) [321]. Table 13
presents selected examples of the application of the N,S-co-doped TiO2 photocatalysts in
organic pollutants removal.
Catalysts 2021, 11, 144 33 of 56
Table 13. Selected examples of precursors, methods applied during preparation and applications of the N,S-co-doped TiO2
Eslami et al. [323] prepared the N,S-co-doped TiO2 NPs and nanosheets through facile
sol-gel and hydrothermal methods, respectively. They used thiourea as nitrogen and sulfur
source, and TBOT as the TiO2 precursor. The photocatalytic activity of the two types of the
modified TiO2 was examined in IBP and NPX decomposition under visible light (Figure 19).
The NPs displayed better photocatalytic activity by degrading 85% of IBP and 99.3% of
NPX, whereas 71.6% of IBP and 99.1% of NPX were degraded by nanosheet structures. 33
Catalysts 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW Both
of 58
photocatalysts exhibited higher degradation and mineralization efficiency than TiO2 P25.
Figure 19. Comparison
Comparison ofofdegradation
degradationand andmineralization
mineralizationof of
NPXNPXunder visible
under lightlight
visible in
the presence of various photocatalysts (S1-N,S-co-doped TiO 2 NPs and S2-N,S-co-doped TiO2
in the presence of various photocatalysts (S1-N,S-co-doped TiO2 NPs and S2-N,S-co-doped TiO2
nanosheets). Process parameters: initial IBP or NPX concentration: 5 mg L −1, photocatalyst loading
nanosheets). Process parameters: initial IBP or NPX concentration: 5 mg L−1 , photocatalyst loading
2 g L−−11, pH 6, irradiation time: 90 min. Reproduced from [323] with permission from John Wiley
2 g L , pH 6, irradiation time: 90 min. Reproduced from [323] with permission from John Wiley
and Sons.
and Sons.
The N,S-co-doped TiO2 nanowires (NWs) were synthesized by Zhang et al. [318] via
The N,S-co-doped TiO2 nanowires (NWs) were synthesized by Zhang et al. [318] via
hydrothermal approach using titanium sulfate, thiourea and urea as the precursors. The
hydrothermal approach using titanium sulfate, thiourea and urea as the precursors. The
experiments exhibited that the N,S-co-doped NWs can be easily separated from aqueous
experiments exhibited that the N,S-co-doped NWs can be easily separated from aqueous
suspension by aa simple
simple sedimentation
sedimentation within
within ca.
ca. 30
30 min,
min, while
TiO2 2P25
mains turbid at this time. Furthermore, the N,S-co-doped NWs were proved to maintain their
photocatalytic activity during five cycles of atrazine degradation under visible light. The au-
thors concluded that the ease of separation and the stable photocatalytic performance make
the prepared photocatalyst an attractive candidate for the industrial water purification.
The influence of the climate conditions on the photocatalysis process with N,S-co-
Catalysts 2021, 11, 144 34 of 56
remains turbid at this time. Furthermore, the N,S-co-doped NWs were proved to maintain
their photocatalytic activity during five cycles of atrazine degradation under visible light.
The authors concluded that the ease of separation and the stable photocatalytic perfor-
mance make the prepared photocatalyst an attractive candidate for the industrial water
The influence of the climate conditions on the photocatalysis process with N,S-co-
doped TiO2 was studied by Khalilian et al. [326]. Thiourea was applied as a source of
nitrogen and sulfur while TBOT was used as TiO2 precursor. The authors compared the
degradation efficiency of MO under natural sunlight irradiation in cloudy and clear sky.
The MO decomposition rate was 96% after 3 h in clear sky conditions, while in the case of
the cloudy sky it reached 90% after 4.5 h. A more significant difference was observed after
a shorter irradiation time, e.g., after 1 h, the decolorization rate amounted to about 75%
and 30%, respectively.
Ju et al. [317] applied hydrothermal treatment followed by calcination for the prepa-
ration of the N,S-co-doped TiO2 photocatalysts from Ti(SO4 )2 and thiourea as precursors.
Various N/Ti atomic ratio and calcination temperature were used. The highest photocat-
alytic activity during MO removal under sunlight exhibited the photocatalyst obtained at
3% of N and calcined at 500 ◦ C. The authors attributed the highest photoactivity of this
photocatalyst to the small crystallite size of anatase (7 nm). The analysis of the influence of
the pH of MO solution on its decolorization rate revealed the highest removal efficiency
(92% after 6 h) at pH 4.
Yan et al. [324] prepared the N,S-co-doped TiO2 films by S-doping with thiourea of
the previously N-doped TiO2 nanograss array films on Ti wire mesh obtained through
moderate chemical oxidation. The films were applied for Rh B decolorization under
visible light irradiation. The decomposition rate constants calculated for the undoped,
N-doped and N,S co-doped TiO2 amounted to 9.77 × 10−4 , 3.39 × 10−3 and 1.70 × 10−2 ,
respectively. These data show that the photocatalytic activity of the pure TiO2 was increased
by 2.5 times due to N-doping, while the subsequent S-doping enhanced it by 4.0 times.
The N,S-co-doped TiO2 film kept its photocatalytic activity under visible light during
five cycles of reuse, while in the case of the N-doped TiO2 , a gradual deterioration of the
photodecolorization rate was observed.
Birben et al. [231] compared the photocatalytic performance of the N-doped TiO2 , S-
doped TiO2 and S,N-co-doped TiO2 synthesized according to the wet impregnation method
with the use of TiO2 P25 (about 80% anatase and 20% rutile) or Hombikat UV-100 (100%
anatase) as TiO2 sources. The photocatalytic activity of the prepared photocatalysts was
assessed regarding the photocatalytic degradation of HA in terms of decolorization and
mineralization. The experiment was conducted in the reactor equipped with a 250 W m−2
Xenon lamp (wavelength range of 300–800 nm). Initial concentrations of HA and photocata-
lysts were 20 mg L−1 and 0.25 g L−1 , respectively. The results reveal that the S,N-co-doped
TiO2 prepared with the use of Hombikat UV-100 had the highest photocatalytic degradation
efficiency among all the examined photocatalysts. The pseudo-first order rate constants
k calculated for color removal and mineralization amounted to 11.4 × 10−2 min−1 and
6.80 × 10−2 min−1 , respectively. In the case of the S,N-co-doped TiO2 P25, the photocat-
alytic performance was significantly worse (k = 2.28 × 10−2 min−1 and 2.81 × 10−2 min−1 ,
Another application of the N,S-co-doped TiO2 photocatalyst was described by
Antonopoulou et al. [321]. The authors prepared the photocatalysts via the sol-gel method
using TBOT as a TiO2 precursor and ammonium sulfate as a source of S and N. Different
N,S:Ti molar ratios of 0.5, 1, and 1.5 were applied. The photocatalytic efficiency of the
obtained materials was evaluated during photodegradation of an organophosphorus flame
retardant TCPP under simulated solar light (Xenon lamp (2.2 kW) with 290 nm cut-off
glass filter) and under visible light (>400 nm, 20 W led flood lamp emitting 1600 lumens).
The highest photodegradation efficiency under visible light was observed in the case of
the N,S-co-doped TiO2 obtained with the equimolar N,S:Ti ratio. The pseudo-first order
Catalysts 2021, 11, 144 35 of 56
rate constant k amounted to 0.64 × 10−3 min−1 . For the simulated solar light, however, the
photodegradation was more efficient in the presence of the single N-doped TiO2 than in the
case of the N,S-co-doped TiO2 with the rate constants of 2.6 × 10−3 and 1.6 × 10−3 min−1 ,
respectively. Nonetheless, the lowest photodegradation of TCPP was observed for the
undoped TiO2 (0.01 × 10−3 and 0.31 × 10−3 min−1 for visible and simulated solar light,
The N,S-co-doped TiO2 was also proposed to be applied in lithium storage.
Jiao et al. [328] compared the lithium storage capacity of the undoped, N-doped, S-doped
and N,S-co-doped TiO2 as active anode materials. The N-doped TiO2 revealed only slightly
(3.5 times) higher storage capacity than the undoped TiO2 , while the S-doped TiO2 was
characterized by even lower efficiency than TiO2 . However, co-doping of TiO2 with N
and S led to a significantly (17 times) higher storage capacity compared to the undoped
TiO2 . The superior performance of the N,S-co-doped TiO2 compared to the undoped
and single doped TiO2 was ascribed to its significantly improved electronic conductivity
resulting from a modified electronic structure of the semiconductor due to a homogenous
distribution of the N and S dopants.
The presented above overview shows that co-doping of TiO2 with N and S can
enhance the photocatalytic activity of titania under visible light due to the formation of
new impurity levels. The N,S-co-doped TiO2 photocatalysts were prepared mainly via
sol-gel and wet impregnation approaches. The major reported source of sulfur is thiourea,
while the applied nitrogen sources include primarily ammonia, ammonium nitrate and
urea. It remains unclear what the role of thiourea is as a source of nitrogen in this context.
Furthermore, the authors did not discuss the presence of carbon, which is another element
in the thiourea structure. Hence, an additional research on this subject is essential. The
N,S-co-doped TiO2 photocatalysts were successfully employed in the photodecomposition
of organic compounds, mostly dyes, but also pharmaceuticals and HA.
9. C,N,S-Tri-Doped TiO2
Single doping of TiO2 with carbon, nitrogen, or sulfur results in an improved photocat-
alytic activity under visible light. Tri-doping of TiO2 has been proposed as a more efficient
method of enhancement of photoactivity and extending the visible light absorption range
of titania photocatalysts [7,8,329–337]. Sushma et al., in their review [39], summarized the
progress on C,N,S-tri-doped TiO2 in the years 2008–2015. They compared the characteristics
of the photocatalysts regarding preparation method and further temperature treatment, the
type of dopant as well as TiO2 precursor, the band gap energy obtained from UV-vis/DR
spectra and the dopant states acquired from XPS. The most common methods were sol-gel
and hydrothermal treatment. TBOT and TTIP were often used as the TiO2 precursors,
while thiourea and cystine were the most frequently applied sources of C, N and S dopants.
In Table 14, there is a continuation of the overview covering the articles from the year 2015
to the present.
It can be seen (Table 14) that the most widely used C, N and S dopant is still thiourea [7,
8,329–334,338–341]. Moreover, cystine [335,336], L -cysteine [342], and urea [337] were used
as the precursors. The incorporation of the non-metals into TiO2 was usually confirmed
on the basis of the XPS analysis. Most reports [8,330–339,341,342] indicated the occurrence
of the peaks at about 285 eV, which could be related to the presence of carbonate species
(Table 14). Additionally, some reports [7,8,330,331,334–337] revealed the presence of the
peak at about 290 eV, related to the C=O bonds. Nitrogen was reported to be present in
two major modes-substitutional (∼399 eV) [7,8,331,333,335–338,341,342] and interstitial
(∼400 eV) [8,330–339,341]. Moreover, the adsorbed N2 and NH3 were also found [337]. In
most of the reviewed articles [7,8,330,331,333–337], cationic doping of sulfur was observed.
Sulfur existed in S6+ oxidation state, as was confirmed by the peaks at about 168 and
169 eV [7,8,331,333–339,341]. Anionic doping was reported by Wang et al. [342], who
observed an XPS peak at about 163.3 eV corresponding to the S2− oxidation state.
Catalysts 2021, 11, 144 36 of 56
Table 14. Characteristics of the C,N,S-tri-doped TiO2 obtained by various methods and using different precursors.
Preparation Ratio (C, N, S Annealing Doping Mode of C, N and S and
Year Method Precursors Source to Ti Temperature, Ebg (eV) Ref.
Time Respective BE from XPS
Carbon: adventitious carbon species
(284.6 eV), graphite intercalation
20 mL TTIP, compounds (285.3 eV) and C-O (298.6 eV);
2015 15 wt.% 300, 400, 500 NR Nitrogen: substituted oxygen lattice sites
Sol-gel Thiourea, TTIP and 600 ◦ C [333]
thiourea as O-Ti-N (396.5 eV) and interstitially
doped into TiO2 lattice (400.5 eV);
Sulfur: Ti4+ substituted by S6+ (169.4 eV)
Carbon: XPS peak at 285 eV;
2016 Sol-gel Thiourea, TBOT 1:100 450 ◦ C, 1 h NR Nitrogen: XPS peak 400 eV; [332]
Sulfur: XPS peaks at 165 and 233 eV
Carbon: C-O (286.5 eV) and C=O
(288.6 eV) bonds;
Hydrothermal Nitrogen: interstitially doped as Ti-O-N
2017 Thiourea, TiC 0.63 - NR [330]
(120 ◦ C, 2 h) (400.1 eV);
Sulfur: formed Ti-O-S bonds due to
cationic doping (168.5 eV)
Carbon: carbonate species C-O (286.46 eV)
Thiourea, and C=O (288.9 eV);
Hydrothermal anatase/brookite
2017 1:1 450 ◦ C, 1 h 2.9 Nitrogen: interstitially Ti-O-N and [8]
(200 ◦ C, 20 h) heterojunction substitutionally O-Ti-N doped (400.9 eV);
Sulfur: Ti4+ substituted by S6+ (168.6 eV)
Carbon: hydrocarbons from precursor
and adventitious carbon (284.6 eV), C-O
(286.1 eV) and C=O (288.6 eV) species;
Hydrothermal 1.7 mL TBOT,
2017 Cystine, TBOT 450 ◦ C, 2 h 2.51–2.95 Nitrogen: partially substituted oxygen [335]
(180 ◦ C, 24 h) 0.5 g cystine
lattice sites as O-Ti-N (399.7 eV) and
interstitially doped as Ti-O-N (400.9 eV)
Sulfur: Ti4+ substituted by S6+ (168.3 eV)
Carbon: elemental C on the surface
Sonochemical (287.60 eV), C-O (289.40 eV) and C=O
(20 kHz, room 0.05:1, 0.2:1 300, 400 and (291.50 eV) bonds;
2017 Thiourea, TBOT 2.66 [7]
temperature and 0.5:1 500 ◦ C, 3 h Nitrogen: N doped into the TiO2 lattice
(RT)) (396.00 eV);
Sulfur: Ti4+ substituted by S6+ (171.50 eV)
Hydrolysis 10 mL TTIP,
2018 Thiourea, TTIP 5 wt.% 400 ◦ C 2.91 NR [329]
(RT, 6 h) thiourea
Carbon: C substituted oxygen atom in the
TiO2 lattice forming Ti-C (281.7 eV), C
formed complex unsaturated groups and
carbonate species C=C or C-C (284.4 eV),
Thermal 600 ◦ C, 2 and C-O (287.5 eV) and C=O (289.1 eV);
2018 Urea, Ti(SO4 )2 N:Ti = 4:1 1.39–3.05 Nitrogen: N substituted oxygen atom [337]
decomposition 4h
O-Ti-N (∼399 eV) and interstitially doped
in the TiO2 lattice (∼400 eV), adsorbed as
N2 and NH3 (∼401, ∼402, ∼404 and
∼408 eV);
Sulfur: S6+ in TiO2 (168.38 and 169.48 eV)
Sol-gel 10 mL TBOT,
2020 followed by dip Thiourea, TBOT 2.5 mol% 450 ◦ C, 2 h NR NR [340]
coating thiourea
Carbon: elemental carbon formed by
incomplete combustion (284.7 eV), C
replaced Ti atoms in lattice forming
Hydrothermal Thiourea, 400, 500, 600 Ti-O-C structure (286.4 eV), presence of
2020 2:1 and 700 ◦ C, 1 h 2.88 [343]
(180 ◦ C, 12 h) TiOSO4 C=O bond (289.0 eV)
Nitrogen: N replaced O atoms (400.3 eV)
Sulfur: S6+ replaced Ti4+ (168.7 eV and
169.5 eV)
NR—not reported.
as a photosensitizer, injecting an electron into the CB (compare Figure 16), whereas incor-
with Nas2p
of nitrogen
and S 2p orbitals.
injecting As electron
a result,
intothe of the O 2p orbitals
CB (compare
band gap isFigure
of TiO
16), whereas
narrower compared
2 with N 2p and
incor- to the un-
poration of nitrogen and sulfur leads to mixing of the O 2p orbitals of TiO2 with N 2p and TiO2, which
S 2p orbitals. As a result, the band gap is narrower compared to the undoped
doped TiO 2 , which allows the direct electron excitation into CB using the visible light.
S 2pallows the
orbitals. Asdirect electron
a result, the bandexcitation into CB
gap is narrower using the
to the light.TiO
undoped Additionally,
2, which the ani-
allows the anionic
superoxide superoxide
direct electron •— radials O2
O2 could
excitation into CBbe could
using be generated
by light.
the visible a reduction by a
of thethe
Additionally, reduction
ani- of the
O2 mole-
adsorbed O •
2 molecules
with CB radials O2•—CB
electrons, could
be and
afterwards byafterwards
a reduction
hydroxyl ofhydroxyl
radicalsthe•OH canradicals
adsorbed mole- OH
be can be
formed. with
According CB electrons,
to the and afterwards
authors [7], inhydroxyl
the caseradicals
of the OH can be formed.
to the authors [7], in the case of the C,N,S-tri-doped TiO2, this route of hydroxyl According
TiO 2 , this route of
to the authors [7], in the case of the C,N,S-tri-doped TiO 2, this route of hydroxyl radicals
hydroxyl formation
radicals formation plays arole.
plays a significant significant role.
formation plays a significant role.
Figure 21. Electron migration in C,N,S-tri-doped TiO2 with binary polymorphs (adapted from [334]).
Figure 21. Electron migration in C,N,S-tri-doped TiO2 with binary polymorphs (adapted from [334]).
Figure 21. Electron migration in C,N,S-tri-doped TiO2 with binary polymorphs (adapted from [334]).
to the presence of the mixed phases the charge separation occurs which limits the negative
phenomenon of electron-hole recombination. There are two possible methods of electron
transfer: (i) from the CB of anatase to the CB of rutile and (ii) from the CB edge of rutile to
the lattice trapping sites of anatase localized below the CB of both anatase and rutile. At
the same time, the hole transfer from the VB of anatase to the VB of rutile occurs. The third
pathway assumes carbon to behave like a photosensitizer, which injects an electron into
the CB (compare Figure 20).
Table 15 presents a brief summary of photocatalytic applications of the C,N,S-tri-
doped TiO2 . It was used to decompose dyes such as Rh B [330,333], MB [337,340], MO [335]
and Rose Bengal [329]. Another common application was the removal of pharmaceutical
compounds such as DCF [7], IBP [8], and TC [338] from water. Chun et al. [332] used the
C,N,S-tri-doped TiO2 for the decomposition of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such
as benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene and o-xylene. Tri-doped TiO2 was also applied for
decomposition of NOx [339,342].
Khedr et al. [8] revealed about 40 times higher initial rate of IBP photodegradation
under visible light with application of the C,N,S-tri-doped TiO2 (1.779 µmol min−1 ) in
comparison with the undoped TiO2 (0.043 µmol min−1 ). The efficiency of mineralization
was 95.2% and 2.8% for the tri-doped and unmodified photocatalysts, respectively.
Wang et al. [338] prepared several C,N,S-tri-doped TiO2 photocatalysts via sol-gel
method using different thiourea to Ti molar ratio (0.03:1, 0.05:1, 0.10:1 and 0.15:1) and
various calcination temperature (350, 450, 550 and 650 ◦ C). The authors tested the photo-
catalytic activity of the obtained photocatalysts in the TC removal process under visible
light irradiation. The highest photocatalytic activity (97% removal after 3 h) exhibited the
photocatalyst calcined at 450 ◦ C with the thiourea to Ti molar ratio of 0.05:1. The surface
content of the non-metals in that photocatalyst was 12.56 at% of C, 1.60 at% of S, and 0.54
at% of N, as was found from the XPS analysis. For comparison, the commercial TiO2 P25
achieved 26% removal efficiency. The authors attributed the superior performance of the
C,N,S-tri-doped TiO2 to the synergistic effects of (i) the high adsorption of TC associated
with the high specific surface area of the photocatalyst, (ii) the narrowing of the band gap
resulting from the C,N,S tri-doping, (iii) the presence of carbonaceous species which acted
as a photosensitizer, and (iii) the good crystallinity of the anatase phase.
The C,N,S-tri-doped single crystal black TiO2 nanosheets with exposed {001} facets
synthesized by the hydrothermal in situ solid state reduction approach were applied for the
photocatalytic decolorization of MO and evolution of hydrogen under visible light. After
180 min of irradiation, the MO decomposition rate reached 92.13% and was significantly
higher than that obtained in the presence of the undoped TiO2 (42.38%). Similarly, the
highest H2 evolution rate (149.7 µmol h−1 g−1 ) was observed for the C,N,S-tri-doped single
crystal black TiO2 . The authors asserted the high stability of the photocatalyst, confirmed
by the constant hydrogen evolution rate during five cycles of reuse [335].
Bengtsson et al. [339] applied the C,N,S-tri-doped TiO2 synthesized from TTIP and
thiourea for the degradation of NOx in air under visible light. The influence of the cal-
cination temperature (400–650 ◦ C) and thiourea content on the properties and activity
of the photocatalysts was especially investigated. It was found that the increase in the
calcination temperature improved the photoactivity under visible light, while in the case of
UV irradiation, the correlation was not clear. Moreover, it was reported that a key role in
the decomposition of NOx under visible light was played by the presence of nitrogen doped
in the TiO2 structure. On the contrary, an increase in sulfur content resulted in a decrease
in the efficiency of NOx degradation. The effect of the carbon amount was ambiguous and
it was postulated than an optimal content exists (16–20 at.%), above and below which the
presence of carbon has a negative influence on the photoactivity. Moreover, no correlation
between the band gap and the photocatalytic activity under visible light was observed.
The data presented above show that in recent years, only a few groups of researchers
worked on the C,N,S-tri-doped TiO2 photocatalysts. Most of them used thiourea as the C,
N and S source. Thiourea was also utilized for the preparation of S-doped, C,S-co-doped
and N,S-co-doped TiO2 . Thus, it remains vague as to what is the role of this precursor
in the synthesis of single- and co-doped photocatalysts. The C,N,S-tri-doped TiO2 was
obtained mainly through sol-gel and hydrothermal procedures, although wet impregnation
and sonochemical approaches were also proposed. Regardless of the synthesis method,
sulfur was typically incorporated in the TiO2 crystal lattice in the S6+ oxidation state, as
was concluded on the basis of the XPS analysis. Incorporation of carbon was usually
confirmed by the peaks related to the presence of C–O and C=O species. In the case of
nitrogen, both doping modes, i.e., substitutional or interstitial, were reported, depending
on the preparation procedure. The C,N,S-tri-doped TiO2 materials have been proved to
exhibit a superior photocatalytic performance towards the photodecomposition of organic
compounds such dyes and pharmaceuticals in water, as well as the photodegradation of
VOCs or NOx in air.
Catalysts 2021, 11, 144 40 of 56
of experiments were applied, e.g., light sources and intensity, type and concentration
of model pollutant, or dose of photocatalysts. Therefore, simple and reliable standard
methods for testing of photocatalytic activity that will be widely applied by scientists
around the world are a key issue to enable the comparison of the results obtained in
different laboratories. That would contribute to defining the correlations and development
of methods for designing the highly active photocatalysts.
A majority of applications of doped photocatalysts refer to the removal of pollutants
from water and wastewater. The C-, N-, and S-doped photocatalysts were applied mainly
for the decomposition of various dyes. Considering that the main aim of modification
of TiO2 with the non-metals is the enhancement of its visible light photoactivity, such an
attempt is not appropriate, as was already widely discussed in the literature. This is because
of the dye sensitization effect. Therefore, it is very important to study the photocatalytic
activity with the application of colorless compounds, such as phenols, pharmaceuticals,
etc. Moreover, the determination of mineralization efficiency apart from decomposition
rates is also important. A detailed evaluation of the mechanisms of the visible light
photocatalysis, with reference to the by-product formation or the role of various ROS is
also of high significance. Finally, the toxicity of the treated solutions should be carefully
examined as one of the most important parameters reflecting the treatment efficiency and
environmental safety. The important research should also focus on applications of doped
photocatalysts other than water/wastewater treatment. The visible light photocatalytic air
treatment, hydrogen production, CO2 photoreduction, and bacterial inactivation are still
not thoroughly examined.
The enhanced photocatalytic activity under visible light irradiation makes the doped
TiO2 a promising material for low-cost photocatalytic processes. Nonetheless, although
the modified photocatalysts show superior properties compared to the undoped TiO2 ,
more investigations are still needed to develop the production methods at the industrial
scale. The crucial matter is to obtain stable and reusable photocatalysts using simple and
economically feasible procedures.
CIP ciprofloxacin
Cit-TiO2 TiO2 modified with citric acid as carbon source
CTCNF C-doped TiO2 /carbon nanofibrous film
CTF C-doped TiO2 flakes
CTS C-doped TiO2 sheets
CVD chemical vapor deposition
DC doxycycline
DCF diclofenac
DEA diethanolamine
DFT density functional theory
DMF N,N-dimethylformamide
DMSO dimethyl sulfoxide
DP diphenhydramine hydrochloride
dTiO2 crystallite size estimated from XRD
e− electron
Ebg band gap energy
EDA ethylenediamine
EDT 1,2-ethanedithiol
EDTA-Na2 ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt
EPF extrapallial fluid
ETA ethanolamine
FB flat-band
h+ hole
HA humic acids
HDA 1,6-diaminohexane
HDPE high-density polyethylene
HMT hexamethylenetetramine
IB intra band gap states
IBP ibuprofen
k pseudo-first order rate constant
MB methylene blue
MCP monocrotophos
MO methyl orange
MWCNT multi-walled carbon nanotubes
Ni interstitial nitrogen state
Ns substitutional nitrogen state
NHE normal hydrogen electrode
NPs nanoparticles
NPX naproxen
NWs nanowires
Olat lattice oxygen
Osur surface adsorbed oxygen
Ov oxygen vacancy
OPM oxidant peroxide method
PAN polyacrylonitrile
PLD pulsed laser deposition
Ph phenol
PS polystyrene
PVP polyvinylpyrrolidone
QP quinalphos
r-GO reduced graphene oxide
RB19 reactive blue 19
Rh B rhodamine b
RO16 reactive orange 16
ROS reactive oxygen species
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