World Goes Over The Barrel: Snow Adds To War Woes

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Vol. 65 No.

265 | WEDNESDAY | MARCH 9, 2022 | 16 Pages |


300c. 230c.


Sunrise: 06:52 am
Sunset : 06:46 pm

ED officers ‘ATMs’ for

US, UK ban on
BJP, says Sanjay Raut
FPJ NEWS SERVICE deputy prime minister, lost no time Delaware, said that Americans need-
NEW YORK/LONDON in warning that Russia could snap ed to be ready for the consequences
Europe’s supply of natural gas
Russian oil to rattle if Russia retaliated, a move he said

energy market
In a concerted move, which could through a pipeline if the allies move would be aimed at dividing the allies.

Says he has filed FIR against four of its officers

raise gas prices and further rattle to stop importing Russian oil. “We might well see energy prices
global energy markets, US President “It is absolutely clear that any em- double because Putin realizes that
Joe Biden has banned Russian oil bargo on Russian oil would lead to he’s got Western Europe over a bar-


and gas. catastrophic consequences for the rel,” Coons said on CNN. SANJAY JOG
Close on its heels, the UK an- global market,” Novak said. Britain too announced that it MUMBAI
nounced it will phase out imports “European politicians need to hon- would phase out imports of Russian
of Russian oil by the end of the year. estly warn their citizens and con- oil. The announcement does not af- Shiv Sena Member of Parliament and
The US move will shut off the flow sumers what to expect,” he said. “If fect Russian gas supplies and will leader Sanjay Raut slammed the Enforce-
of Russian fuel into the country — you want to reject energy supplies give oil importers several months to ment Directorate on Tuesday, claiming
which receives less than 10 percent from Russia, go ahead. We are ready make alternative plans to try to avoid that some ED officers had become ‘ATMs’
of its energy resources from Krem- for it. We know where we could redi- any disruption in Britain. of the BJP in Maharashtra. He added that
lin. rect the volumes to.” Nonetheless, the announcement in the ED was running a big racket in Mum-
Alexander Novak, the Russian Senator Chris Coons, Democrat of CONTD. ON NATION PAGE bai and he had filed an FIR against four of
its officials in Mumbai.
“Mumbai Police will soon begin investi-
gating a criminal syndicate and extortion
racket by a nexus of ED officers. Mark my
words, some of these ED officers will go to
jail too,” he said.
On the raids currently underway in “I have been watching the income tax de-
Mumbai and Pune, Raut said, “Why are partment attack our workers since this
Central agencies targeting a select few morning. Until the municipal elections

694 Indian students stranded in Sumy

from states like West Bengal and Maha- are held, I think the I-T department will
rashtra? Can’t they get anybody else from conduct raids in every BMC ward and

allowed to take ‘safe’ corridor

other states? It’s a tactic to pressurise and Shiv Sena shakha in Mumbai.
destabilize the MVA government,” he “Now this department has the same
claimed. However, he added, the MVA gov- work remaining to do. The question being

Fadnavis drops ‘pen drive bomb’

was confirmed by the MEA ernment would complete its tenure. CONTD. ON NATION PAGE
LVIV spokesperson. He said all the Indian
students have moved out of Sumy
Buses crammed with refugees, who and are currently on way to Poltava,
are fleeing the Russian invasion, left from where they will board trains to
two embattled cities via safe corri- western Ukraine. Flights under Op-
dors on Tuesday. eration Ganga are being prepared to SANJAY JOG navis alleged that the 125-hour video in the
Among them were 694 Indian stu- bring them home. MUMBAI pen drive shows a special public
dents and some Chinese nationals Moscow had offered to transport prosecutor conspiring to trap opposition
stranded in Sumy. With that, the them to Russia but there were few Amid the trading of charges by ruling and leaders under the Maharashtra Control of
mass migration from Ukraine has takers. opposition parties over the actions initiat- Organised Crime Act (MCOCA) and other
touched 2 million. To add to the woes of mass migra- ed by Central probe agencies, the leader of such cases.
Their buses stopped briefly tion, the weather has turned ex- the opposition in the state assembly, De- “What is going on in the state if a special
because of shooting when they were tremely cold in Ukraine and neigh- vendra Fadnavis (BJP) on Tuesday public prosecutor of the state government
crossing the Ukrainian checkpoint. bouring countries, making the jour- dropped a ‘pen drive bomb.’ plans a conspiracy against us? All these
Russian military vehicles showed up ney for those fleeing the Russian in- He handed over a pen drive to Deputy things have happened, I have videos. Who
at that moment and opened sporadic vasion "incredibly harsh", said Speaker of the Assembly Narhari Zirwal, will investigate this? I request you, Mr
fire but it was not aimed at the buses, Joung-ah Ghedini-Williams, claiming that it contained 125 hours of Speaker, that this must be investigated by
the head of Sumy administration spokesperson for the United Nations video recording about the conspiracy the CBI,” Fadnavis said. He added that if
told the BBC. High Commissioner for Refugees. hatched by the special public prosecutor the state government failed to do so, the
The Russian column of armoured Speaking from Warsaw, she told against BJP leaders in Maharashtra and BJP would approach the court.
vehicles quickly left the area, he BBC News that "tired and trauma- demanded a CBI probe in the matter. “A special public prosecutor is a hatching
added. It is not clear whether anyone tised" women and children were Initiating a debate on law and order and a criminal conspiracy with planning from
was hurt. queuing for up to 24 hours as they related issues in the state assembly, Fad- CONTD. ON NATION PAGE
The conditions are likely to get worse in the coming days as mercury plunges to -20C. The Indian evacuation from Sumy CONTD. ON NATION PAGE

So, it can be Jio Borivali station, now


KAMAL MISHRA will not be permitted. is open to all Central and state govern-
MUMBAI Under this scheme, a prefix or suffix ment institutions, PSUs, as well as re-
of the brand name (not more than two puted private companies including
The Western Railway is all set to allow words) or a logo will be added to the banks/financial entities, excluding ad-
the names of commercial brands to be name of the railway station. Co-brand- vertising agencies. The contract for co-
added to the names of its stations, for a ing shall be permitted at all the places in branding of stations will be awarded
fee. However, it will not name the brands the station building area wherever the through an open online tendering
in its announcements and adding the name of the railway station is displayed process for one to three years.
names of individuals to station names and in the circulating area.This scheme CONTD. ON NATION PAGE


Cloudy sky for

two days, now

Mumbai will experience

light drizzles and cloudy
weather for the next two
days because of the interac-
tion of a western distur-
bance with a trough (a mild
form of low-pressure area)
running from the southeast
Arabian Sea of the Kerala
coast to the Konkan coast,
according to the Head of Re-
gional Meteorological de-
partment, Mumbai, Jayanta
Sarkar said, “For north
Maharashtra, a warning has
been issued for thunder-
storms and hailstones as
well, especially for regions
like Jalgaon and Dhule.
However, the mild cloudy
weather in Mumbai will
continue for at least two
days and after that, it will be
back to clear, dry weather.”

NEW DELHI: India is
resuming scheduled
international commercial
passenger flights to and
from India from March 27.
The flights are suspended
since March 23, 2020
because of Covid-19. Air
bubble pacts will cease
after that.
WAR-ZONE UN warns of increasing repression in Russia
GENEVA: UN's top human rights official is warning that a new Russian legislation in Russia. High Commission for Human Rights Michelle

EU pledges to fight Putin's ‘information war’ in Europe

law allowing harsh punishment for spreading what is deemed to be Bachelet told the UN Human Rights Council that "space for discussion
MUMBAI | WEDNESDAY | MARCH 9, 2022 fake information about armed forces adds to concern about repressive or criticism of public policies is increasingly and profoundly restricted."

AGENCIES / Brussels lawmakers. adding that information vide our societies." services.
"We are not trying to de- should be a protected good. Borrell insisted that Kaniete said online plat- "Because president Putin
European Union officials cide what is true and what "If the information is sys- Sputnik was created forms and tech companies wants the people to be en-
on Tuesday defended the 27-
nation bloc's decision to ban
is false. We don't have min-
isters of the Truth. But we
tematically contaminated
by lies and twisted, citizens by a presidential need to suspend all social
accounts engaged in "deny-
tertained, not to pay atten-
tion to what is happening,"
Russian state-controlled have to focus on foreign ac- can't have a clear under- decree with the aim of ing, glorifying and justify- she said.
media outlets from broad- tors who intentionally, in a standing of reality and reporting on Russia's ing Putin's aggression, war "It would not be right to
casting in the region as de- coordinated manner, try to their political judgment is policies abroad, and crimes and crimes against see Russians being enter-
cisive steps to check a manipulate our informa- similarly twisted."
that Russia Today is humanity." tained, and next door
capable of conducting
Kremlin-led "information tion environment." Borrell insisted that Sput- She also proposed to rein- Ukrainians being killed."
war." The EU has decided to sus- nik was created by a presi- force content in Russian Both Borrell and Jourova
Speaking at the European pend the broadcasting ac- dential decree with the aim an "information war" and Ukrainian to resist the expressed deep concerns
Parliament during a debate tivities of Sputnik and of reporting on Russia's against the western pressure from Russia's dis- about the imposed censor-
on foreign interference and RT/Russia Today in the policies abroad, and said world. information. ship in Russia that threat-
disinformation, the EU's bloc until Russia ends its that Russia Today is capa- "In short, any tech plat- ens independent journal-
top diplomat Josep Borrell war in Ukraine and stop ble of conducting an "infor- form giving space to Putin's ists with jail terms and de-
brushed off critics who say disinformation campaigns mation war" against the Ukrainian soldiers check documents of men leaving the city of funneled more than USD propaganda or complying prives citizens access to ver-
the EU is threatening free- in member states. western world. Irpin on Tuesday. —AFP 300 million into 33 countries with his censorship request ified information about
dom of information with Borrell said Moscow-con- Borrell said he will soon to interfere in democratic is an accomplice to Putin's what their government is

Ukraine not interested in NATO

the ban on Sputnik and trolled outlets are part of a propose a new mechanism mation are also proposing counter foreign threats in a processes," she said. aggression," she said. doing in Ukraine.
RT/Russia Today. well-oiled propaganda ma- that will allow the EU to to establish a sanctions bid to prevent third coun- "Putin's propaganda ma- European Commission "It is more important than
"They are not independ- chine providing biased sanction disinformation ac- regime to deal with foreign tries damaging democra- chinery wasn't just Vera Jourova said Putin ever to reach the Russian
ent media, they are assets, news about Vladimir tors. meddling. cies. switched on on 24 February. wants his people to be "apa- people, and provide them
they are weapons, in the Putin's true intentions. Lawmakers from the spe- MEP Sandra Kalniete, the "Let's call a spade a spade. It has already been working thetic" and praised stream- with information," Jourova
Kremlin's manipulation "If the information is bad, cial committee on foreign author of the report, said Russia, China and other au- in Europe for decades, at- ing platform Netflix's deci- said. "Every possible chan-
ecosystem," Borrell told democracy is bad," he said, interference and disinfor- it's crucial for the EU to thoritarian regimes have tempting to poison and di- sion to suspend its Russian nel should be used."

How Belarus became

Iran launches

Russia's pawn
2nd satellite for
TEHRAN: Iran's paramilitary
Revolutionary Guard AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE
launched a second Warsaw
reconnaissance satellite into NATALYA CHERNYSHOVA
space, state media reported President Volodymyr Zelen-
on Tuesday, just as world sky said he is no longer The political crisis that has gripped Belarus for the past 18 months
powers awaited Tehran's pressing for NATO member- has seen president Alexander Lukashenko transition from a
decision in negotiations over ship for Ukraine, a delicate peacemaker to a pawn in Vladimir Putin's war on Ukraine.
the country's tattered nuclear issue that was one of Rus- After hosting talks in 2015 to end fighting in eastern Ukraine,
deal. State television sia's stated reasons for invad- Belarus has now opted to facilitate the Russian attack on its
identified the launch as ing its pro-Western neigh- neighbour. In doing so, Lukashenka has surrendered the
taking place in its bour. sovereignty of his own state. The relationship between Minsk and
northeastern Shahroud In another apparent nod Moscow has a long and complicated history. Until the 2020
Desert, without specifying aimed at placating Moscow, Belarusian revolution, Lukashenko maintained a cautious
when. The Guard said the Zelensky said he is open to independence in foreign policy. This included keeping the Russian
Noor-2 satellite reached a "compromise" on the status military out of Belarus. The fraudulent presidential elections of
low orbit of 500 km above of two breakaway pro-Russ- August 2020, however, sparked the largest protests in the
the Earth's surface on the ian territories that President country's modern history. Faced with the greatest popular
Ghased satellite carrier, the Vladimir Putin recognized challenge in his 26 years in power, Lukashenko was quick to churn
state-run IRNA news agency as independent just before out anti-Nato rhetoric, aimed at Putin as much as at domestic
reported. It described the unleashing the invasion on audiences. This strategy worked. In Lukashenko's vulnerable
Ghased, or "Messenger" in February 24. position, Kremlin saw an opportunity and offered support.
Farsi, as a three-phase, mixed "I have cooled down regard-
fuel satellite carrier. ing this question a long time A complicated relationship
5 killed, 28
ago after we understood The stability and prosperity of the final Soviet decades made many
that...NATO is not prepared Belarusians reluctant to see the USSR die. And even before
injured in blast to accept Ukraine," Zelensky Lukashenko was elected president in 1994, Minsk pursued closer
in Pakistan said in an interview aired
Monday night on ABC News.
An Ukrainian tank rolls along a main road on Tuesday. economic and political ties with Russia.
In 1999, Belarus and Russia signed a treaty establishing the Union
KARACHI: At least five "The alliance is afraid of State. This vaguely defined entity saw both states retain their
security personnel were killed controversial things, and the military posture of these - Donetsk and Lugansk -- that Zelensky said he was open to mise on how these territories sovereignty but share some supranational institutions. Most of the
and 28 others injured on confrontation with Russia," new Western allies on its have been at war with Kyiv dialogue. "I'm talking about will live on." larger integration goals - a single currency; common taxation; a
Tuesday in a blast in Sibi the president added. doorstep. since 2014. security guarantees," he "What is important to me is joint defence policy - never materialised, however. Belarusians
district of Pakistan's troubled Referring to NATO mem- Shortly before he shocked said. how the people in those terri- might have close
southwestern Balochistan bership, Zelensky said the world by ordering the in- Putin now wants Ukraine, He said these two regions tories are going to live who affinity with Russia
province during President Arif through an interpreter that vasion of Ukraine, Putin rec- too, to recognize them as sov- "have not been recognized by want to be part of Ukraine, (most being Russian
Alvi's visit to the area to he does not want to be presi- ognized as independent two ereign and independent. anyone but Russia, these who in Ukraine will say that speakers) but baulk
attend an annual cultural at the idea of a full

India, G4 allies call for serious look at veto powers in UNSC

dent of a "country which is separatist pro-Russian "re- When ABC asked him pseudo republics. But we can they want to have them in,"
festival, police said. The blast begging something on its publics" in eastern Ukraine - about this Russian demand, discuss and find the compro- Zelensky said. merger with the
took place near an open area knees." Russian Federation.
where the festival was being Russia has said it does not
held. Five security personnel want neighbouring Ukraine Pivotal moment
were killed in the explosion, to join NATO, the transat- Putin's aggressive
officials said. lantic alliance created at the UNITED NATIONS: India and of India, Brazil, Germany and failures are seriously Intergovernmental stance on Ukraine
Deadly floods
start of the Cold War to pro- its allies in pushing for the Japan, Tokyo's Permanent undermining the legitimacy of Negotiations (IGN) on Council from the early
tect Europe from the Soviet reform of the Security Council Representative Ishikane this important body on reforms laying out the 2010s initially
continue to Union. have called for a serious look Kimihiro said on Monday: multiple occasions." position of the four countries worried A woman reacts as her relatives evacuate
lash Australia In more recent years the al-
liance has expanded further
at the veto powers of the
permanent members which
"Due to the use of veto, the
Security Council has at times
Therefore, he said, "the
question of veto requires
known as the G4, which
together work for an
In 2014,
Irpin, northwest of Kyiv on Tuesday.
SYDNEY: Flash floods are and further east to take in are "undermining the failed to fulfil its profound and serious expansion of the permanent Lukashenko avoided formally recognising Russia's annexation of
continuing to lash Australia's former Soviet bloc countries, legitimacy" of the UN's responsibility to maintain discussions". membership of the Council Crimea and instead made overtures to the west.
east coast, causing hundreds infuriating the Kremlin. highest decision-making body. international peace and Ishkane was speaking at a and mutually support their And then 2020 happened. Lukashenko's violent crackdown
of people to flee their homes Presenting the joint position security. We have seen these meeting of the claims to a permanent seat. brought on Western sanctions, which intensified after Minsk

War casts shadow

Russia sees NATO enlarge-
and has so far resulted in the ment as a threat, as it does hijacked an international flight over its airspace. He manufactured

India has 'compulsions' with Use humanitarian

deaths of 13 people in a migrant crisis on the Polish border, which earned Belarus
Queensland and seven in widespread condemnation. A night scene of an ambulance in

on Women's Day
corridors to leave,
New South Wales (NSW), front of a large facility with lights and people waiting outside.

Russia : former US diplomat

police said on Tuesday. The By the end of 2020, relentless repression had forced the protest

Indians told
police said the latest fatalities movement underground. Belarus currently has 1,076 political
include two people, believed prisoners, but thousands more were detained, and scores fled the
to be a mother and her adult country to escape persecution. Meanwhile, in November 2021,
son, whose car was swept Minsk and Moscow signed a comprehensive economic integration
into a stormwater canal in WASHINGTON: India their neighbourhood, AGENCIES / Kyiv AGENCIES / Kyiv programme and agreed a joint military doctrine. Lukashenko's
western Sydney, reports has compulsions with territorial issues international isolation gave Putin a new ability to force Minsk to
Xinhua news agency. As of with Russia and with China. I think, Indian Embassy in Ukraine Tuesday is International accept the presence of Russian troops on the Belarusian-Ukrainian
Tuesday, the NSW State territorial issues with as Americans, we issued an advisory for Indi- Women's Day, an impor- border, only 50 miles from Kyiv.
Emergency Service (SES) had China in its have an affinity an nationals stranded in tant official holiday in Rus- This undoubtedly played a key role in Moscow's decision to attack
issued evacuation orders for neighbourhood, a toward Indians for Ukraine urging them to sia and Ukraine dating Ukraine. And while Minsk has claimed that its troops are not yet
regions stretching from the former American their democracy, and leave the conflict-ridden from the Soviet era. involved, Belarus has nonetheless taken steps to reverse its 1994
state's northern border with diplomat has told US the pluralism of their country using the humani- Women are normally feted decision to abandon nuclear weapons. On February 27, 2022, a
Queensland through to its lawmakers in response to a system. We've got to work tarian corridors using with flowers and choco- national referendum scrapped the country's constitutional pledge
southern border with Victoria, question on a string of through these issues as friends trains or any other means of lates and speeches, but this to remain nuclear-free. The Lukashenko regime has long falsified
with displaced residents abstentions at the United Nations because we have to signal the transport from 10 am on year the holiday was over- electoral outcomes and this referendum was no different. Anti-war
being urged to seek shelter in by New Delhi against Russia's strength of the two greatest Tuesday (local time). shadowed in Ukraine by A woman receives a flower sentiment remains strong among Belarusians, as demonstrated by
evacuation centres. massive military offensive in democracies in the world," said "The Humanitarian Corri- war, and in Russia by eco- from a priest on the occassion the hundreds of protestors on the referendum day who came out
1 dead, 2 critical of the Int’l womens' day at a
Ukraine. Atul Keshap. dor for evacuation of nomic chaos. to show solidarity with Ukraine; 800 were arrested.
India has faced criticism from Keshap, who is now president stranded people has been Sugary messages of love train station in Poland. Exhausted by repression and with their opposition leaders exiled
after shooting US lawmakers, both Republicans of US India Business Council announced in various parts and support were shared or imprisoned, ordinary Belarusians have few tools at their
outside US school and Democrats, for choosing to
abstain from the UN Security
(USIBC) and previously served in
US State Department in multiple
of Ukraine from 1000 hrs on
8 March 2022," the advisory
on social networks as in
previous years, but many
address Tuesday saying:
"Ukrainians, we usually
disposal to effectively resist the government. If they were to try to
fight Lukashenko, the state army and special forces would likely
Washington: A 15-year-old Council and General Assembly positions, including the charge said. were tinged with sorrow or celebrate this holiday, the be used against them. But if Lukashenko decides to throw his
boy has died, while two resolutions against Russia's d'affaires to India, said this It added that considering pleas for peace. holiday of spring. We con- army into Putin's war, this could all change.
others remain in critical military operation in Ukraine. during a Congressional hearing the security situation, the Ukrainian President gratulate our women, our (The writer is Senior Lecturer in Modern History,
condition after a shooting "India has compulsions with on Indo-Pacific organised by the establishment of the next Volodymyr Zelenskyy daughters, wives, mothers. University of Winchester)

‘Around 12,000 Russian

outside a high school in Des Russia, they have compulsions in House Foreign Affairs Committee. humanitarian corridor is opened his morning video Usually. But not today."

‘Yes, we need hands': Kitchen pops up in Kyiv

Moines, the capital city of the
US state of Iowa, authorities FEEDING THE FIGHT

forces killed in action’

said on Tuesday, adding that
possible suspects have been
detained. The two injured
were female teenagers, aged
16 and 18, emergency
officials told reporters. Police AGENCIES / Kyiv tent village that had sprung tions as the humanitarian
said they started receiving up between a multi-story crisis in Ukraine deepened,
calls at 2.48 pm on Monday The field kitchen at a building and a barrier and as Russian forces in- AGENCIES stroyed facilities also in-
of gunfire reported from a makeshift camp in made of stacked tires and tensified their shelling. Kyiv clude 60 cisterns, 474 ve-
passing vehicle. Des Moines Ukraine's capital was a sandbags. "I came and Blue-and-yellow Ukrain- hicles, 3 vessels, 7 UAVs
police had tweeted earlier hive of activity on Monday, asked, and they said: Yes, ian flags flew above some of Ukraine's Ministry of and 27 Russian anti-air-
that there were "multiple giving volunteers a way to we need hands.' That's it, the field kitchen's tents. Foreign Affairs (MFA) on craft warfare systems.
shooting victims" outside East contribute to the war effort and we are not sitting and Stacks of wood crates and Tuesday said that around Russian forces
High School, located about -- and providing a much- reading terrifying mes- piles of firewood made for 12,000 Russian forces launched military opera-
2.4 km northeast of the city's needed distraction from the sages on news channels." walls within the camp. have been killed since the tions in Ukraine on Feb-
downtown area. Officials harrowing news about Rus- Another volunteer at the Boiling vegetable soup sent invasion of Ukraine ruary 24, three days after
have not released the victims' sia's escalating invasion. kitchen, Oleksiy steam into the cold air; started. Moscow recognised
identities, nor have A woman identified only Shevchenko, said: "We are wood fire crackled. According to the MFA Ukraine's breakaway re-
authorities confirmed as Oksana, whose husband cooking soups, porridge for Men in camouflage uni- data, 1,036 armoured ve- gions, Donetsk and
whether they were students. is fighting in the army, said our military, for civilians forms inspected canned hicles of different types, Luhansk as independent
The school was temporarily the kitchen duty gives her a and for everyone who needs food with messages 48 aircraft, 80 helicopters, republics followed by the
on lockdown, but has been way to avoid latest develop- our help, including hospi- scrawled on them in black 303 tanks, 120 artillery announcement of a "spe-
given the all-clear, Des ments. tals." marker. pieces and 56 MLRs were cial military operation"
Moines Public Schools said in "I got information that Volunteers chopped red "Thank you, darlings! We hit during the combat. to "demilitarize" and "de-
a statement on Monday people need help in the Ukrainian Americans and others prepare boxes of aid in an auto peppers and boiled potatoes pray for you. God with us!" Furthermore, the de- nazify" Ukraine.
afternoon. kitchen," she said from the garage in New York City to be shipped to Ukraine. at the kitchen's various sta- said one can.
Vol. 65 No. 265 | WEDNESDAY | MARCH 9, 2022 | 16 Pages |


Aaditya pal
comes under
I-T scanner

The income tax (I-T) depart-

ment carried out searches in OUR CORRESPONDENT say why the administration
about 20 locations in Mum- LUCKNOW/VARANASI has not made security
bai and arrangements (for EVMs)."
Pune on Samajwadi Party chief "The force meant for the
Tuesday, Akhilesh Yadav on Tuesday Uttar Pradesh Assembly

How to cram yoga into

of prem- accused the ruling BJP of polls has not left the state yet.
ises trying to "steal" votes, saying What are the reasons that
linked to that a truck carrying EVMs the EVMs were being trans-
people as- was "intercepted" in ported without any securi-

your railway commute

sociated Varanasi while two others ty?" the SP chief asked.
with lead- got away. He also said EVMs are kept
ers of the Shiv Sena. The The Varanasi district ad- in a strong room and without
premises searched were ministration, however, said informing the respective
linked to businessman EVMs meant for training candidates, the machines
Sadanand Kadam in Mum- purposes were being trans- cannot be moved or shifted
bai and Regional Transport ported in a truck, which was Samajwadi Party workers stop the convoy carrying EVMs in Varanasi. from one place to another.
Officer (RTO) officer Ba- stopped by some "political "In Bareilly, three sealed
jrang Kharmate in Pune and
Rahul Kanal, close
persons" who spread "ru-
mours" that the machines
have taken cognizance of the
matter, and action will be
the election are slim.
He said the instructions
boxes (with EVMs) were
found in a vehicle of the mu- For five years, fitness enthusiasts have been holding a
confidant of Sena minister were used in the just-con- taken as per the provisions are particularly with regard nicipal corporation carrying women’s day special yoga session in local trains, teaching
commuters how to utilize their travel time for fitness
Aaditya Thackeray. cluded polls. of the law." to 47 seats that the BJP had garbage. A similar incident
“Our searches are related A delegation comprising At a press conference in won in the last state assem- was also reported from
to tax evasion matters. The senior SP leaders and its al- Lucknow, Yadav alleged that bly polls with a margin of Sonbhadra. What justifica-
seized documents and lies on Tuesday evening sub- senior government officials less than 5,000 votes. tion does the government SHERINE RAJ and meditation even in- seizing this day to send out
digital evidence will be ex- mitted a memorandum to in the state capital are direct- "Today, in Varanasi, where have?" Yadav asked. MUMBAI side a crowded local train. a message.
amined to ascertain if there the Election Commission al- ing their subordinates in the the EVMs were being taken, He claimed that at the Most of Mumbai’s female Ruchita Shah, yoga in-
was any tax violation,” said leging the "stealing of EVMs districts to slow down the one truck (with the ma- ground level, votes were cast On international women’s commuters are experts structor and founder of
an I-T official. in Varanasi". counting of votes and pro- chines) was caught, while against the BJP and that day, fitness enthusiasts when it comes to agilely Heal-Station, a yoga cen-
Last year, the Enforcement When contacted, Addition- long the process till late two other trucks fled. If the there is anger among the held yoga sessions for fe- boarding a train and bag- tre, said, “I conducted a

Congress bid to avert poaching

Directorate (ED) had record- al Chief Electoral Officer B night where the chances of government is not stealing public. male commuters in the lo- ging a seat but the athleti- yoga session for my team
ed statements of Kharmate, D R Tiwari told PTI, "We the BJP candidates winning votes, then it should at least CONTD. ON NATION PAGE cal train, an event they cism ends with this effort. in the train once and re-
former RTO officer from have been conducting for Then it is time to steal a alised that it actually
Wardha and state transport the last four years.  nap or lock eyes for an ex- works. People are just sit-
minister Anil Parab in con- These women have been tended period with their ting mostly glued to their
nection with a money-laun- teaching commuters how smartphones. Exercise is phones; instead, if they do
dering case registered by the to utilize their travel time not even the remotest idea some easy yoga exercises,
ED against former Maha- for fitness by practising on their minds, spurring it actually goes a long way

Post-poll situation may be fluid in Goa, Uttarakhand and Punjab

rashtra home minister Anil simple yoga, breathing fitness enthusiasts into CONTD. ON NATION PAGE

Centre rapped in Salem case

Deshmukh. Kharmate is
known to be a close aide of
Parab. The ED had been OUR BUREAU The party has rushed sen- tion. The TMC hopes to fare The TMC is also inclined to
probing the allegations of NEW DELHI ior Karnataka leader DK well in Goa; the exit polls, settle for a pre-poll alliance
cash for transfer and post- Shiv Kumar to Panjim to too,  indicated that its al- with the Congress party and
ings in the RTO department. The Congress is confident of help the AICC in-charge of liance would manage to get a has said that if the BJP re- OUR BUREAU / New Delhi
The I-T action came a week winning the Assembly elec- the state and the Goa couple of seats in the turns to power, the Congress MM Sundresh. "It would have far reaching ram-
after the department tions in Goa and Uttarak- party president grap- state. In the India To- should be blamed for it. The Supreme Court on Tuesday took exception ifications the next time you want someone to be
searched the premises of hand, but it is prepared for ple with any such day-Axis exit polls, Meanwhile, Chhattisgarh to an affidavit by the Central Bureau of Investi- extradited," it warned.
Shiv Sena leader and corpo- any eventuality. prospect. the TMC-Maharas- Chief Minister Bhupesh gation (CBI) that the solemn sovereign assur- Listing the matter on April 12, it sought an af-
rator Yashwant Jadhav, who It is especially ready to Anticipating trawadi Gomantak Baghel is being sent to ance given by the Indian Government to Portu- fidavit from the union home secretary within
heads the standing commit- thwart any poaching – as "horse-trading," the Party (MGP) alliance Dehradun to ensure the party gal on the maximum sentence to Abu Salem three weeks on the solemn sovereign assurance
tee of the Brihanmumbai had happened in Goa in 2017, Trinamool Congress is projected to win 2-5 does not face any difficulty while seeking his extradition as an accused in given by then Home Minister Lal Krishna Ad-
Municipal Corporation. Af- when its majority of 17 seats has deployed Ab- assembly seats and in Uttarakhand in the post- the 1993 Mumbai bomb blast case is not binding. vani to the concerned authorities and the courts
ter three days of raids at was upturned by the BJP by hishek Banerjee, Prashant could emerge as the third result scenario. "The Union of India gives the assurance to a in Portugal.

Tata Motors resorted to unfair

over 33 locations, the depart engineering mass defec- Kishor and Derek O'Brien to biggest front in the coastal The party leadership is foreign country. Does it stand by it or not," asked In a previous hearing, the Bench had referred
CONTD. ON NATION PAGE tions. cope with any such situa- state. CONTD. ON NATION PAGE a Bench of Justices Sanjay Kishan Kaul and CONTD. ON NATION PAGE

labour practice: High Court

Automobile giant asked to compensate 52 employees, whom the company
‘systematically’ didn’t allow to complete 240 days, as this would have made
them eligible to be appointed on a permanent basis 
NARSI BENWAL special department which recruited nor was any evidence placed before the
MUMBAI temporary employees multiple times. It labour court to establish a convincing
pointed out that not a single such em- reason as to why these temporaries
In a setback for the Tata Motors, the ployee was allowed to work for more were not allowed to complete 240 days,
Bombay High Court has held that the than 240 days and in fact, their services when most of them had completed be-
company resorted to an unfair labour were terminated just when they com- tween 230 and 238 days,” the bench said,
practice with thousands of its tempo- pleted 238 days or around 225 days. After adding, “This demolishes the case of
rary workers, by first recruiting them, the termination, the employees were the management that the temporaries’
letting them work for some months and again recruited after a gap of half a engagement was strictly correlated to
then terminating their services, only to year and the pattern was repeated for the rise and fall of manufacturing activ-
repeat the process again. The HC held around 2,500 to 3,000 such temporary ities exactly after completing seven
that the only intention of the company employees. months in employment. It was a com-
was to ensure that these workers did not Justice Ghuge, in his orders passed on plete pretence.”
complete 240 days, as this would have February 25, noted that some of the “I have come to the firm conclusion
made them eligible to be appointed on a temporary workers worked for almost that in hundreds of cases, the company
permanent basis.  238 days in one round, while several had has created a farcical picture by posing
A bench of Justice Ravindra worked in several rounds lasting from that the work allotted to the tempo-
Ghuge has accordingly ordered the au- 225 to 235 days. “These temporaries raries was limited only to the maxi-
tomobile giant to pay compensation to were disengaged when they were very mum extent of seven months. The ded-
the 52 employees, who moved the HC close to 240 days and some were even icated department for engagement of
challenging the orders of an industrial short by 2 to 8 days. The modus operan- temporary workers, apparently kept a
court in Pune that had refused them re- di adopted by the company has thus close watch on the duration of employ-
lief.  been fully exposed,” the judge noted.  ment of these employees. This
The temporary employees, represent- “The management neither has any indicates that the company has created
ed by advocate Rahul Kamerkar, high- explanation, which ought to be based on an eyewash and paper-work with the

TN army buff joins

lighted the fact that the company had a evidence and not by way of arguments, CONTD. ON NATION PAGE

Social activist

faces abuse on

Ukrainian Army
Women’s Day

Dayabai, the well-known

AGENCIES Malayali social activist who
CHENNAI works among the tribals of
Madhya Pradesh, has com-
A 21-year-old from Tamil Nadu, who was re- plained of verbal abuse by
jected twice by the Indian Army, is now fight- her co-passengers during a
ing in the Ukrainian Army against the invad- train journey from Ernaku-
ing Russian troops. lam to Rajkot.
Intelligence reports received by the Union Ironically, she was going to
government have revealed that the Tamil her destination after attend-
youth, Sainikhesh Ravichandran of Thu- ing various events in con-
daliyur in Coimbatore, is a student of Aero- nection with the World
space engineering at Kharkiv National Uni- Women’s Day in Kochi.
versity in Ukraine. The co-passengers, who be-
A group of Intelligence Bureau officers had longed to a family of four
visited Sanikesh’s residence a couple of days had informed his parents a with two children, passed de-
ago to inquire as to why he had joined the few days before the war broke risive comments about her
Ukrainian military. out that he had got employment in a video looks and the tribal activist,
His parents informed the IB sleuths that he game developing company. who has won several awards
had a passion for the armed forces and The family came to know that he had joined for her selfless work among
showed his room which was plastered with the Ukraine military only when the intelli- the tribals, says she could
photographs of Indian Army. gence sleuths visited them. not hold back her tears for
Sainiikesh, according to the police officers, His father Ravichandran, when contacted, the rest of the journey.
had even approached the US consulate in told IANS, "I am terribly upset and I have re- The abuses were hurled
Chennai to ascertain whether he could join quested the Government of India to bring my while one of the family
the US Army. son back. He had contacted us a few days ago members was talking on the
He was since then actively pursuing his and said that he was safe; but he did not heed phone. “Look at her face, is
five-year aerospace engineering course and to our requests to come back." CONTD. ON NATION PAGE
MUMBAI MVA leaders meet Guv seeking date for Speaker election

Amnesty scheme for stranded

The representatives of the ruling MVA on Tuesday met Governor Congress) and transport minister Anil Parab (Shiv Sena) met the
Bhagat Singh Koshyari for the third time in less than a week to Governor at the Raj Bhavan here, they said, adding that Deputy Chief
request him to finalise the election date for the Assembly Speaker’s Minister Ajit Pawar and PWD Minister Ashok Chavan had held a

slum rehab projects soon

post, sources said. Revenue minister Balasaheb Thorat (of the discussion on the issue with Koshyari on Monday. –Staff Reporter

Committee of ruling, Oppn


MLAs to be set up for talks

The schemes were stalled as the builders have been booked by the ED, police or the EOW
The Bombay High SANJAY JOG
Court on Tuesday [email protected]
SANJAY JOG dismissed the public
[email protected] Financial institutions interest litigation As the strike by the employ-
approved by RBI (PIL) petition seek- ees of the Maharashtra
The Maharashtra govern- ing stay on the re- State Road Transport Cor-
ment will soon announce an and SEBI would be lease of the film poration (MSRTC) contin-
amenity scheme for the allowed to complete ‘Kashmir Files’. The ues, state council chairman
speedy implementation of PIL was filed by Ut- Ramraje Naik-Nimbalkar
stranded 523 slum rehabilita- the projects tar Pradesh resident on Tuesday asked the state
tion projects in Mumbai, an- Intezar Hussain government to set up a com-
nounced Housing Minister Ji- FIs will be exempted
 Sayed. mittee of members from the
tendra Awhad in the state as- The film is set to be ruling and opposition par-
sembly to a question raised by released on March 11, ties of both the houses of
from the payment of
BJP legislator Ashish Shelar. 5% premium Friday. the legislature to hold talks
"Amenity scheme has been The plea stated that with the striking employees
formulated with a focus on Housing minister the trailer of film sitting at Azad Maidan.
slumdwellers who should get seemed to depict that Nimbalkar’s announce- Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation (MSRTC)

their homes following the the movie was about ment came days after a employees protest at Azad Maidan. (File photo) –BHUSHAN KOYANDE
expects CM’s
speedy implementation of the approval in the next Muslims killing three-member committee
slum rehabilitation projects Kashmiri Pandits headed by former chief sec- resolve the issues raised which started from October
which have been stuck up for two days thereby hurting the retary ruled out the possi- by them.” 28, 2021. MSRTC’s accumu-
a number of reasons. The file sentiments of the bility of MSRTC’s merger Parab earlier told the lated loss, including closure
has been approved by both the dia (SEBI) would be allowed leading newspapers, will in- custody. "Hence the slum Muslim community. with the state government. council that a slew of deci- during the pandemic, is ex-
housing department and the to complete the stranded re- vite applications from the dwellers have nowhere to go. He claimed that Transport Minister sions, including salary hike, pected to be Rs 11,000 crore.
chief secretary and has now habilitation projects. In case FIs, which will have to sub- Their original homes have the whole movie Anil Parab announced a have been taken by the gov- Parab has said that 28,000
gone to the chief minister for of FIs that have already pro- mit these in 45 days to take been demolished, the showed a one-sided committee will be soon ernment and the MSRTC. employees out of over 92,000
his final approval. It is expect- vided funds for the imple- up the stalled projects. builders have stopped paying view of the incident established. Besides, the government total employees have re-
ed to be duly signed and ap- mentation of slum rehabili- Shelar brought to Awhad’s them their due rents, and which could ignite Nimbalkar said, “We have made appeals to the striking sumed work, while those
proved by the CM in the next tation projects, they will be notice that more than 40 per hence these slum dwellers and inflame mem- witnessed that during the employees to return to who have been expelled
two days,’’ said Awhad. notified as joint developers. cent of the slum rehabilita- have no guardian left. And bers of the Hindu festive season, commuters work. have been given time to re-
According to the proposed The RBI and SEBI-ap- tion schemes have been thus, in a situation like this, community and pos- faced huge problems due to Nimbalkar’s directive, fol- join after completion of le-
amnesty scheme, the finan- proved FIs will be exempted stalled, as the builders have the government must come sibly trigger vio- the strike. Therefore, a com- lowed by Parab’s announce- gal formalities. He assured
cial institutions (FIs) ap- from the payment of 5 per been booked under inquiries up with some concrete plan lence and immeas- mittee comprising members ment, is important as the that the MSRTC will revoke
proved by the Reserve Bank cent premium. The SRA, un- by the ED, police or the Eco- to ensure that these slum urable destruction from the ruling and opposi- MSRTC has already in- the suspension of employ-

State rolls out primary health Malik says arrested

of India (RBI) and the Secu- der the amnesty scheme nomics Offences Wing. Of dwellers at least receive their across the country. tion benches should be set curred a loss of over Rs ees if they resume work by
rities Exchange Board of In- through advertisements in these, some builders are in due rents," he said. up to hold discussions and 1,200 crore due to the strike March 10.

Ramkrishna flouted
care innovation in Nashik without giving chance
principles of fair,
to show documents
equitable access: CBI
SOMENDRA SHARMA the co-location facility in com- SANJAY JOG ception. I am proud that the families was completed be- security have been impacted.
[email protected] parison to other brokers. [email protected] department of public health tween August 2018 and Octo- The proportion of women
Till 2014, information was pioneered this innovation to ber 2020 (in 27 months). aged 15-49 years with low
In the co-location case, the disseminated by exchange The state public health de- empower women. When you As per the study, critical de- Body Mass Index (BMI) re- URVI MAHAJANI the public for over 20-25
Central Bureau of Investiga- server to the brokers attached partment has rolled out its empower women, you em- terminants of neonatal mained at 25.8 per cent and [email protected] years.
tion's (CBI) investigation has with co-location facility first-ever primary health power the entire family and health are nutritional status 25.6 per cent, and proportion Raising questions over
revealed that Tick-by-Tick through TBT-based system care interventional innova- possibly the entire genera- of women, their weight and of non-pregnant women Maharashtra state minister Munira’s statement, Desai
(TBT) architecture was prone architecture. In this architec- tion for promoting health of tion.” He said the govern- haemoglobin level, age at aged 15-49 years who are Nawab Malik has alleged argued, “For 22 years she
to manipulation which com- ture, data was disseminated women in Peth and Sinnar ment has scaled up the pro- conception, and micronutri- anaemic (less than 12 that the Enforcement Direc- hasn't collected rent and
promised market fairness in a sequential manner blocks in Nashik district. A gramme in districts of Gad- ent levels during the pericon- gram/dl) remained at 55.4 torate (ED) did not even she has forgotten her prop-
and integrity. whereby stock brokers who study conducted in the dis- chiroli, Nandurbar, Washim, ceptional period. Preconcep- per cent and 54.6 per cent give him a chance to pro- erty, which is today worth
The agency, in its remand connected to server with less- trict has revealed that con- Osmanabad, Palghar, Yavat- tion health promotion and during 2015-16 and 2019-20, duce documents and prove Rs 300 crore? Malik is not
application submitted before er load would gain an unfair sistent maternal health is mal, Chandrapur, Gondia care (PCC) in women pre- respectively, in Nashik. the legality of the transac- even given benefit of doubt
the Rouse Avenue Court in advantage, the CBI claimed. important to prevent neona- and Amravati (Melghat). vents death and morbidity Luigi D’Aquino, chief of tion in the purchase of the and allowed to go and col-
Delhi, against former MD & Averring that the launch of tal health. Promoting health The development of techni- among them and prevents health, UNICEF Delhi, said, property in Kurla-Goawala lect documents. He was ar-
CEO of National Stock Ex- co-location at the NSE was a of adolescent girls and cal guidelines and behaviour- stillbirth, neonatal deaths, “UNICEF is committed to Compound. rested immediately as if he
change (NSE), Chitra Ramkr- major policy decision involv- women not only prevents low al change communication low birth weight, prematuri- promote primary health care Malik was arrested by the was going to abscond,”
ishna, on Monday, had alleged ing the NSE's MD & CEO and birth weight, preterm birth material, as well as assess- ty, and poor cognitive devel- and universal health promo- ED on February 23 for al- added Desai.
that the NSE, senior officers, and neonatal deaths, but also ment of this complex public opment in children. tion of women and children legedly hatching a criminal Reading from the ECIR
headed by the CBI stated, promotes the fundamental health intervention, was done Officials said the improve- for achieving health and conspiracy for usurping (case registers by ED), De-
Ramkrishna, “During Ramkr- human right to health and by the UNICEF office of Ma- ment in women’s health and wellbeing of all by 2030. For one Munira Plumber's an- sai pointed out that the al-
didn't consider ishna's tenure as wellbeing. harashtra and Pune’s Bharati reduction in adverse preg- promoting health of new- cestral property in Kurla leged offence pertained to
the principles joint MD, NSE, State public health minis- Vidyapeeth Medical College. nancy outcomes is a remark- borns and prevention of low with current market value 1999 and 2003 when there
of fair and equi- the co-location ter Rajesh Tope said, “You Its innovation planning start- able achievement in the birth weight and prematuri- of around Rs 300 crore. was no Prevention of Mon-
table access was conceptu- are what you eat. But latest ed in 2017-18 and the actual background of slowdown in ty, it is very important to pro- Malik’s counsel Amit De- ey Laundering Act in
while taking a alised and im- evidence highlights that you implementation was started economic growth during the mote the health of adoles- sai argued that Malik was force. Also, Malik has not
decision re- plemented. She are what your mother (and on April 7, 2018. The follow-up Covid-19 pandemic when cent girls and women in the called for questioning early been named in the alleged
garding the system architec- was appointed as MD & CEO father) ate at the time of con- of women planning their household incomes and food reproductive age group.” in the morning on Febru- transactions as per the
ture. of NSE on April 01, 2013.” ary 23; he was arrested in ECIR.

Faded paintings in
The CBI had registered a “Subsequently, the M/s the afternoon and produced Besides , the other FIRs,
criminal offence against San- OPG Securities Pvt Ltd was in the evening for remand. registered against Da-

Bibi ka Maqbara
jay Gupta, Aman Kokrady, A allowed to connect to second- Munira claims that she wood’s brother Iqbal

brought back to life

N Shah, M/s OPG Securities ary server of the COLO-TBT recently learnt that her Kaskar and his henchman
Pvt Ltd and unknown offi- Dissemination server for over property was sold. In her Iqbal Mirchi and others do
cials of the Securities and Ex- 300 trading days causing it un- statement to the investigat- not mention Malik at all.
change Board of India (SEBI) due gain," it underscored. Paintings spread over an area of ing agency, she has said The ED, in its reply affi-
and NSE in May, 2018. "It is further submitted that 600 square metres in the that she had given Power of davit, had said that they
In its FIR, the CBI had al- M/s OPG Securities was renowned Bibi ka Maqbara in Attorney for removal of en- are probing Malik in rela-
leged that between 2010-14, warned repeatedly in the year Aurangabad in the state that croachment from her prop- tion to two other offences
owner and promoter of OPG 2012 that accessing the sec- had faded over a period of time erty but never for sale. as well. ED counsels – addi-
Securities, in collusion with ondary server is a violation of have been brought back to life “She (Munira) has admit- tional solicitor general
unknown officials of the NSE the rules/guidelines of the with colours brought from ted to association with Sal- Anil Singh and advocate
abused the bourse's server ar- NSE,” the agency mentioned. Rajasthan, a senior im Patel, driver of Haseena Hiten Venegaonkar – in-
chitecture. This enabled the It pointed out that issuance Archaeological Survey of India Parkar, sister of fugitive formed the court that al-
said company to login first to of such warnings to the OPG official said on Tuesday. The work gangster Dawood Ibrahim,” though there were different
the server and get the data Securities was stopped post of restoring these paintings was said Desai. FIRs, the probe in these
split-second faster than others, Ramkrishna assumed undertaken in four steps, with Based on her statement, cases was merged as there
leading to unfair advantage. charge as the NSE's MD & the initial brushing and cleaning ED recorded statements of were overlapping transac-
The co-location is a set up CEO. The CBI apprised that being done delicately with the other Dawood henchmen tions and certain common
wherein the broker's comput- they have also identified the help of organic solvents, after who are currently in cus- accused. The agency has
er is located in the same area person who was responsible which reintegration of gaps in tody regarding sale of the also raised a preliminary
as the server of the stock ex- for putting in place the co-lo- the paintings was undertaken, property. Desai added that objection over the main-
change. This particular set up cation architecture at NSE followed by the application of Munira’s statements are be- tainability of Malik’s
Women police officers celebrate International Women's Day at Vidhan Bhavan on Tuesday,

Crude palm oil price at all-time high

of server gives speed advan- and the said person was re- fresh colours, the official said. ing used against the minis- habeas corpus (produce
during the ongoing Budget Session of Maharashtra Assembly.

Sachin Joshi’s transactions have

tage to the brokers availing porting to Ramkrishna. –BHUSHAN KOYANDE –Agencies ter who has been serving persons in court) petition.

HC asks why can’t Varavara

be granted permanent bail
no nexus with tainted money: Court NARSI BENWAL the amenities in the prison,
Retail prices see 20-25% increase in two weeks
STAFF REPORTER single penny from the value in respect of the real [email protected] which have attained finality. AMIT SRIVASTAVA MA) admitted that the rise in
Mumbai group’s Yes Bank account. estate business as he is a “…Those findings have [email protected] CPO has impacted the retail
A special court that grant- It said there is absolutely known film star and has The Bombay High Court on attained finality, and we don’t price of edible oil. GROMA
ed bail to actor and busi- nothing before the court to been involved in the real es- Tuesday sought to know from understand why he (Rao) can't With no signs of a ceasefire secretary Bhimji
nessman Sachin Joshi ar- point out the money trail or tate business in Mumbai, the National Investigation be granted permanent bail in the Russia-Ukraine war, Bhanushali said the war has
rested last year in a money layering and therefore, it Goa, Pune and Jaipur for Agency (NIA) as to why Telugu when there is a finding that the price of crude palm oil pushed CPO prices and this
laundering case concern- prima facie appears that he the past 15 years and suc- poet-activist Varvara Rao, a placing him in custody is (CPO) reached an all-time has further impacted the
ing Yes Bank-Omkar Group is not directly or indirectly cessfully completed a large prime accused in the Bhima- incompatible with his health high in the country, reflect- overall import cost and retail
of companies, has said in involved in dealing with number of them including Koregaon, cannot be given condition and would risk ing a 20-25 per cent increase price of essential commodi-
its detailed order that while the proceeds of crime. It four and five star hotels. permanent bail on medical deterioration of his health to a in retail prices during the ties.
there are some business also stated that though the The court said it is ‘aston- grounds. In February 2021, point of no return,” the bench last fortnight. Traders feel if India imports CPO mainly
transactions between Joshi ED has alleged that Joshi’s ishing’ that many amounts another bench of the HC opined. CPO imports are not in- from Indonesia and refined
and Omkar Group, mentioned by the ED in already made certain At this, special public creased immediately, there said Thakkar, adding that palm oil from Malaysia. The
these have absolutely its chargesheet relate to observations against the lack of prosecutor Sandesh Patil for will be a shortage of edible palm oil constitutes around central government has al-
no nexus with Rs 410 GROUP FRAUD CASE a period prior to the loan medical facilities in Taloja jail. the NIA, said that Justice oil in the country. 50 per cent of the total edible ready requested Indonesia
crore that the En- disbursed to Omkar A bench of Justices Sunil Shinde had passed the orders President of the All India oil consumption. to increase the export of the
forcement Directorate (ED) are ‘paper companies’, but Group by Yes Bank. The Shukre and Govind Sanap was in view of the raging Covid-19 Edible Oil Merchant Federa- According to Thakkar, a CPO. Traders at APMC,
claims to be proceeds of that it does not appear to be loan was disbursed in Au- hearing a plea filed by Rao pandemic in February 2021. tion (AIEOMF), Shankar further rise in palm oil Vashi, said there is a price
crime that he allegedly prima facie probable. gust 2016 and the agency through senior counsel Anand He attempted to justify the Thakkar said the import prices will severely impact change every day. “With the
helped launder. It was Joshi’s claim had shown suspicious Grover, who on Tuesday listed prosecuting agency’s decision price of CPO reached 1910 some small industries. dip in supply of sunflower
The agency had claimed through his advocates transactions to Joshi from out various ailments his client not to challenge the February dollars for each tonne, which “All fried packed snacks oil, the demand for palm oil
that the group had laun- Aabad Ponda and Subhash Omkar group in April that is suffering from including 2021 orders as the NIA took a is an all-time high. “The sold by street vendors are has increased,” said a trad-
dered the money and not Jadhav that he had been year. ‘early stages of Parkinson’s ‘lenient view’ for Rao given March import price is cooked in palm oil as it main- er from APMC. Meanwhile,
used it for the purpose it paid the amount he re- “It is necessary to note disease’. that he is 82 year old. around 1910 dollars for every tains the taste and does not there is a substantial rise in
was sanctioned for – rede- ceived from Omkar group such entries to understand During the hearing, Justice At this, Justice Shukre said, tonne of CPO and the new or- affect the smell,” he said. the production of mustard
velopment of a project. for using his brand name to how the ED has put forward Shukre noted that another “So the NIA thinks now is the der will be more,” said The prices of edible oils seeds and this will help in
Joshi’s company had re- evict slum dwellers for a re- its case by mingling vari- bench led by Justice Sambhaji right time to change its Thakkar. have already been boiling for stabilising the price of mus-
ceived a part of the amount development project. Spe- ous amounts claiming them Shinde had in February 2021 attitude? Do not forget that his “At present, there is a stock the last year and the Russian tard oil in days to come. “We
and helped the group laun- cial Judge MG Deshpande to be proceeds of crime, granted bail to Rao on medical age has now advanced and that is sufficient for the next invasion has worsened the do not see much price rise
der it, it claimed. accepted the submission when proceeds of crime grounds for six months and, in the Taloja prison facilities are one month. However, there is situation further. Even the in mustard oil as there is
The court noted that and said it appears that were not even conceived,” that order, Justice Shinde had incompatible with his medical a need to increase imports to Grain, Rice & Oilseeds, Mer- good yield this year,” said a
Joshi has not received a Joshi has a peculiar brand it stated. given certain findings against conditions.” maintain the stocks level,” chants’ Association (GRO- trader.
In 2019 Byculla fake currency case, man held from Pune
Wrong side drivers face action, 108
The city crime branch arrested a 25-year-old man from crime branch unit 3 arrested two persons with 35
Pune in connection with a three-year-old counterfeit counterfeit currency notes of ₹2000 denomination from

Miraculous relief
currency case. The accused, Mohammad Shamim Alam, has Byculla area. During the investigation, Alam’s name

FIRs filed against violators in 2 days

been on the run for the last three years. In July 2019, the surfaced; however, he was absconding. –Staff Reporter

for magur eater

PRIYANKA NAVALKAR mets and 15 auto- gest the streets for smooth
KEM doctors remove 2.8 cm bone stuck in neck
[email protected] rickshaw/taxi drivers faced movement of vehicular traf-
action for driving without fic. The 36 violators caught SWAPNIL MISHRA
In a major action against the permit, he said. The police for wrong-side driving were [email protected]
violators of traffic rules, the also removed 187 abandoned booked under relevant sec-
Mumbai Police on Tuesday vehicles from the road and tions of the Indian Penal Here’s a warning for fish-
filed 72 First Information Re- 700 vehicles were penalised Code and Motor Vehicle Act eaters. Don’t swallow rice or
port (FIRs) under relevant sec- for parking outside railway for rash driving. banana to force down a stuck
tions of the Indian Penal Code stations. On Monday morning, bone in your throat. A 48-year-
and the Motor Vehicle Act On Monday, the highest 251 Pandey also tweeted about old fish-eater, last week, land-
against those caught driving offences of one-way driving these actions and even ed up at KEM Hospital in Par-
wrong-side. Meanwhile, on were recorded in the western warned the speedy bikers. el with a fishbone stuck in her
Monday 36 FIRs were regis- FILE PHOTO VIBHAV BIRWATKAR suburbs; of which 87 were in The top cop also said that neck region. It was successful-
tered. Kandivali whereas south the wrong-side drivers will ly removed by ENT surgeon
The crackdown comes a for rash driving. seat belt, an official said. The Mumbai ranked second with not only be arrested but also Dr Neelam Sathe, who called
day after Sanjay Pandey, the The city police on Tuesday corresponding figures for 130 offences followed by 103 produced before the court. it a rare case of the bone mi-
new police commissioner of also penalised 902 people for Monday’s violations were in eastern suburbs and 80 in Their vehicles will be im- grating downward from the
Mumbai, held a Facebook wrong-side entry on one-way 563, 2,047 and 658, respective- central suburbs, said a traffic pounded, too, he added. oral cavity and throat.
Live and informed that those roads, 2,477 others were fined ly. police official. Previously, offences such as Husnabano Nizamuddin
found driving wrong-side for violating parking norms Besides, on Tuesday, 2,966 The police also removed 226 wrong-side driving or lane Shaikh loves eating freshwa-
will not be asked to pay fines, while 777 were caught driv- two-wheeler riders were pe- abandoned vehicles on Mon- cutting attracted a fine of Rs ter magur, or catfish. On

Wockhardt sets up diabetic foot

but will be directly booked ing cars without wearing the nalised for not wearing hel- day from the road to decon- 200. March 4, she complained of
severe pain in her throat. She
had a stiff neck and couldn’t bone, which was causing bone was removed after a 90-

ulcer clinic to prevent amputation

swallow anything. After pain. She first consulted a minute surgery. As it was not
City’s next questioning her about her private practitioner, who touching the arteries yet, we
daily routine and diet, doc- gave her a pain killer. For took it out easily with a pair
steps tors suspected the fishbone over 15 days, she was on a liq- of pincers.” She said the two
with BMC had migrated to her neck but uid diet but the pain didn’t life threatening situations
had luckily not pierced any stop. It kept getting severe could have been either rup-

New therapy uses growth factors from the patient to treat even crippled foot stages
administrator major blood vessels. After a and she approached the doc- turing a blood vessel or mi-
long surgical procedure, the tors at KEM Hospital. “As her grating to the chest region.
2.8-cm-long bone was re- neck was swollen, we took She added that one should
SWAPNIL MISHRA rate of people who undergo He said the therapy has moved. out an X-ray and found the not swallow rice or raw ba-
[email protected] lower extremity amputation been used on about 50 pa- Dr Sathe said Shaikh was cause,” said Dr Sathe. nana to force down stuck fish
due to a DFU remains alarm- tients so far who had come to completely unaware of acci- Dr Sathe said, “We operated bones. Instead, one should

In 31-yr-old bank fraud, former cashier’s

The Wockhardt Hospitals ing; more than half of those them with stage 1 (foot at The Maharashtra proposals will rest with the dentally swallowing the fish- on her on March 5 and the seek medical help.
network has launched its Di- undergoing leg amputation risk), stage 2 (ulcerated foot) government has appointed administrator till elections
abetic Foot Ulcer (DFU) clin- succumb within five years. and stage 3 (crippled foot) Iqbal Singh Chahal as the are held, a senior civic official

widow, close aide to serve time in prison

ic. It will use the pathbreak- Dr Parag Rindani, CEO of wound or ulcer. “We have got BMC’s administrator as the said.
ing Growth Factor Concen- the Wockhardt Group (Maha- astounding results. This term of the elected members Citizens can register their
trate (GFC) therapy to reduce rashtra), said this is the first therapy helps avoid amputa- ended on March 7. complaints on Chat bot, twitter
chances of foot amputation of its kind multispecialty tion which is the worst form For the first time in four and at BMC war rooms.
due to diabetes. The GFC therapeutic approach as it is of trauma for any diabetic,” decades, an administrator will
therapy uses growth factors augmented by conventional he said.
Complaints to be attended
manage the administrative
derived from the patient’s therapies and super special- The director of regenera- refused to show leniency and jula, who was also an account
by BMC officers.
and financial functioning of
own platelets, which are pu- ists. According to WHO, tive medicine at Wockhardt, the civic body due to delay in Earlier, citizens used to put [email protected] said that cases involving eco- holder in the bank as well as
rified and used as a cellular every 30 seconds, a limb is Vijay Sharma said wounds holding elections. up their grievances and com- nomic offences which cor- another man and his son. It
growth factor giving consis- lost in the world due to dia- are an underestimated mala- All powers to sanction
plaints with local corporators, A sessions court has directed rode economic stability, are was on the basis of these bo-
tent quality and quantity. betes. There are four stages of dy and have an enormous im- the wife of a former cashier to be dealt with sternly. gus debit notes that the ac-
who were easily available.
Clinical studies have shown DFU development and usual- pact on the quality of life and PROBLEM AREA of Bank of India and the While another co-accused counts of the accused were
resounding success of this ly Indian patients approach health of patients and their Most citizens are not aware of the BMC’s complaint portals. cashier’s close associate to in the case had died, Rajula credited. This had happened
advanced technology. doctors in the third and families. “By stimulating the serve three years in prison in and the close associate Suraj when they never had
India has nearly 77 million fourth stages involving crip- body’s own repair mecha- the case of defrauding the Kapoor, now 74 years old, had cheques in their favour for
BMC said assistant municipal commissioner level officers
diabetic patients – the second pled feet, Dr Rindani said. nism, regenerative medicine bank of Rs 40 lakh in 1991. been convicted by an Es- the amounts. They had all
will review complaints twice a day and will forward them to
highest in the world. DFU is a Dr Behram Pardiwala, the offers options for non-heal- The main accused in the planade magistrate court in then withdrawn credited
departments concerned for redressal.
full-thickness wound pene- director of internal medi- ing wounds. Growth factors case was CD Mehta, the hus- 2017. The court had ordered amounts from their accounts
Corporators can send messages to officers if problems are
trating through the skin lo- cine at Wockhardt, Mumbai are types of molecules that band of the convicted them to serve a three-year- and caused a loss to the bank.
related to the public.
cated below the ankle in a di- Central, said diabetes pa- not only stimulate cell PROPOSALS IN THE BMC woman Rajula Mehta, now 59 sentence and pay fines. They Special CBI Judge SH
abetic patient. Around 12-15 tients develop corn, callouses growth but also affect several Earlier: Used to be put before the standing committee, years old. He had died when had approached the sessions Gwalani said in his judg-
per cent of diabetic patients and rough skin which fur- other aspects of cell struc- improvement committee and works’ committee. the trial was pending before court against this order. ment that the trial court had
suffer from DFU at least once ther develop into full-fledged ture and mechanism,” he a magistrate court. The As per the Anti-Corruption rightly come to the conclu-
in a lifetime. With age and ad- ulcers. Such patients should said, adding that their re- woman’s advocate had Bureau’s (ACB) case, the ac- sion that it was a well-
Now: Administrator is sole authority to pass proposals.
vancing disease, the risk for immediately seek medical as- search has demonstrated sought leniency for her and cused had hatched a conspir- planned criminal conspiracy
Committee of officers may be set up to decide on proposals.
Report: Sanjay Jog, Kalpesh Mhamunkar

65-yr-old woman mowed

limb amputation and foot ul- sistance to avoid deeper ul- successful results in healing told the court that she had acy in 1991 to cheat the bank. between the deceased ac-
cers is high. The mortality ceration and gangrene. ulcerative wounds. only benefitted by a small CD Mehta had prepared 16 cused and other accused to
amount of Rs 1.25 lakh out of bogus debit notes showing cheat the Bank of India, Wor-

On Women’s’ Day,
down by dumper in Malvani
the total amount. The court the deposit of cheques by Ra- li Naka branch.

min hails women Odd-even parking in Khar, Bandra


doctors, nurses for

MUMBAI Cases Deaths Recovered
To ease traffic congestion in Bandra and Khar areas, date is even, parking is allowed on the east side of
Infant crushed under
60 0 77 A 65-year-old woman, Aliana
Thomas, was mowed down by a where the traffic scenario has worsened due to the road, while it’s allowed on the west side when

pandemic work speeding dumper

Total cases Total deaths Total recovered
speeding dumper truck in narrow roads and parking on both sides of roads, the date is odd. Meanwhile, four roads have been
10,56,016 16,692 10,36,974 Malvani on Sunday morning the traffic department has implemented an even made one way to ease vehicular movement. No
when she was on her way to the On Sunday afternoon, a and odd parking system. As per the latest parking zones have also been announced at Mount
In a letter to all women doctors church. The police have arrested two-and-half-year-old girl, notification issued by Raj Tilak Roushan, DCP Traffic Mary Road from Mount Mary Church up to its
and nurses across Maharashtra the dumper driver, Mohammad Jeeva, was mowed down by (Hq and central), the system has been implemented junction with Kane Road, as per the traffic
on the occasion of International Shafiq Ansari, 41, and booked a speeding dumper. The on 13 roads. As per the system, when the calendar department notification. –Staff Reporter
Women’s Day, state public him under relevant sections of child lived with her uncle,
health minister Rajesh Tope the Indian Penal Code and the who has a banana stall. She
hailed their contribution in Motor Vehicle Act. He was was playing on the road
combating the coronavirus produced before a local unattended on the day of
pandemic. “In times of trouble, magistrate court and remanded the incident. She was rushed
a woman always stands as a in police custody. to a hospital but declared
shield for the family. All of you Thomas lived with her son in dead. The Samta Nagar
sisters have become a shield in Charkop and was going for a police have registered a case
MAHARASHTRA this crisis of the state. On behalf prayer meeting at Sacred Heart of rash driving and causing
of the people of Maharashtra, I Church in Malad on Sunday. The death due to negligence and
would like to express my sincere speeding vehicle hit her near are on the lookout for the
Cases Deaths Recovered
460 5 718 gratitude,” he said, adding that Rajput marble market. driver. –Staff Reporter
they will always be indebted to –Priyanka Navalkar
Total cases Total deaths Total recovered them for their work.
78,69,498 1,43,745 77,18,541 Tope said, “Your service has not
only given mental strength to
Covid patients, it has also given
us support and encouragement
[(Public Trust Reg. No. A-189 (Bom)]

to work. Although the rest of

Bhulabhai Desai Road, Mumbai-400026. Tel. : 23514732
Total Civic State Private
the citizens were with their
E-mail : [email protected]
vaccinated centres centres centres
16,779 14,750 569 1,480 families during the lockdown, TENDER NOTICE
you did your duty by
quarantining your family on
Contract for Taking Coconuts as well as Khan, Odhani, Chunari,
occasions. You are tirelessly
Cotton Pieces etc. offered to the deities by devotees in Shri

showing this incomparable

Total 1st dose 2nd dose Mahalakshmi Temple Trust & supplying garlands, flowers tulsi, bel

bravery for the service of the

etc. is to be given for the period from 01st April 2022 upto 31st
2,02,65,993 1,06,13,086 93,02,356
March, 2023. Tender form (non-transferable) having terms &

–Sanjay Jog
conditions will be available in temple office on all days between
Precautionary dose 3,50,551 Pic: Bhushan Koyande

NMMC to shut
10.00 A.M. & 2.00 P.M. on payment of Rs. 100/- (Rupees One
Hundred Only) towards tender cost (non-refundable).

Covid war room,

1) Items expected in the temple during the period from

call centre
01.04.2022 to 31.03.2023.
1. Silk Khhan 6,800   
2. Handloom Khhan  7,000   

The dedicated call centre and

3. Light Green Jari Khhan  7,00,000

war room introduced by the
4. Odhani Small 4,50,000

Navi Mumbai Municipal

5. Odhani Medium 2,200

Corporation (NMMC) for the

6. Odhani Big 2,000  

management of beds, provision

7. Chirdi (Small Saree) 10,500  

of ambulances and to stay

8. Chirdi (Big Saree) 2,500
9. Cotton Pieces   20,000

connected with patients in


home isolation will now be

2) Number of Coconuts  to  be gathered in the temple during 1st   

closed. Civic chief Abhijit

April 2022 to 31st  2023 will be approximately
Coconuts are to be given
  in the same
  condition of its receipt
Bangar directed the health       
department to close both call
in temple.
centre and war room and
3) The contract for aforesaid period for supplying daily 12 feet

manage Covid-related issues

long zendu and other flowers, garlands and six big & six small

from the respective centres.

garlands made up of good flowers, six venis of sal and

The civic body had floated the

assorted flowers, tulsi, bel etc. required in the temple has to

call centre and war room during

be given by such flower vendors who can supply this to temple

the first wave of the pandemic

within prescribed time.

and these proved to be very

Aforesaid Khhan & other items have to be given in their present

useful in bed management and


in providing timely help to

Intending contractors may quote their rates on abiding terms and

people during the second wave.

conditions in the tender form for purchasing Coconuts and Khhan,

The decision to shut them

Cotton pieces, Odhani, Chirdi etc. & supplying garlands and

comes as the number of active

flowers etc. as aforesaid and have to send three separate tenders

cases dropped sharply, with

so as to reach temple office latest upto 1.00 p.m. on Tuesday, the

even the daily new cases

15th March, 2022. The said tenders will be opened on Saturday,

coming down to single-digit

the 26th March, 2022 at 11.00 a.m. in the Temple's Office.

figures. Both the helpline units

Right of accepting or rejecting any or all tenders received is kept

are barely used by citizens. “It

was useless to keep manpower         
in such units,” said a senior
S. V. Padhye

civic official. –Amit Srivastava
Date : 26.02.2022 General Manager

MMRDA tests Metro rakes


Eastern Freeway may


with emergency exits

Railways plans

soon extend up to Thane

speedy roll-out
of improved
Vande Bharat fleet
[email protected] [email protected]

Safety feature added; tested at Charkop carshed on Tuesday Adding to the present fleet of
Vande Bharat trains, the rail-
The Mumbai Metropolitan
Region Development Au-
ways have decided to manufac- thority (MMRDA) proposed
SHASHANK RAO The MMRDA is in posses- ture version 3, with major im- plan to extend the existing
[email protected] sion of 11 rakes that will provements, of these Made in Mumbai Eastern Freeway
be operated on the 20-km- India semi-high speed rails. till Thane is taking shape.
In case of an emergency long stretch from Charkop The tender process for making The MMRDA is looking to
while commuting aboard to Aarey on Metro-2A and 200 such trains, with 16 coaches appoint an expert consultant
the Metro rail network, Metro-7, most likely from each, has already started with to carry out a feasibility
you can now move onto the April. The latest one came finalising of the bidding docu- study report and the pre-ten-
elevated tracks that can be in a few days ago and ments. der process. It has floated a
accessed from the front joined the fleet. These The tender will be issued tender in this regard and the
and rear ends of the coach- rakes are being tested on shortly, said an official from the selected consultant will be
es. Mumbai Metropolitan the rail tracks for their railway ministry, adding that offered a period of six
Region Development Au- speed (permissible top some of the units could be man- months to complete the job. in Thane, spanning a dis- will be appointed to carry
thority (MMRDA) officials speed is up to 75 kmph), ufactured in the Marathwada In the recently declared tance of 14 km. The total cost out the civil work.
tested this feature at their braking and seamless Rail Coach Factory in Latur MMRDA budget for the fi- of the project is pegged at Rs According to officials, once
Charkop carshed on Tues- TO ACCESS THE EMERGENCY EXITS... opening of platform district. The new version of the nancial year 2022-23, Rs 150 3,100 crore. ready, the proposed exten-
day. These Metro rakes screen doors and doors of self-propelled Vande Bharat, crore has been allocated for According to the MMRDA, sion will ensure a hassle-free
have a system wherein the the coaches, among other with AC-1, AC-2 and AC-3 and extension of the freeway. the Detailed Project Report travel experience for com-
Break glass cover
coaches can open from ei- Rotate ‘red’ locking device 180 degrees technical parameters. The sleeper facilities, is likely to The existing route is be- (DPR) finalisation for exten- muters, without any signals
ther end, apart from the officials said that they are gradually replace Rajdhani and tween CSMT and Indian Oil sion of the freeway and the or junctions along the route.
side doors, in the event of rectifying a few teething Duronto services. Aiming to Nagar in Ghatkopar (E). The bidding process should be It will also cut down the trav-
Lift front cover panel to activate door indicator lamp

a breakdown or accident. Rotate lever clockwise troubles that will manufacture the trains at the proposed extension will be completed by August 2022. el time between Mumbai and

Bizman loses ₹7.53L

All it takes to open up the Pull emergency ramp upward and drop down onto track smoothen once the entire earliest, the railways have also from Ghatkopar till Kopari Once it is done, contractors Thane.
ends of the coaches is the system is integrated. planned to produce version 3

Secretary cons
rotation of a big red lever also a detailed graphical the panel has to be lifted The MMRDA officials ex- with several features.
located on the driver's pan- representation and in- and placed aside, after pect the two integrated "Comparatively lighter than

to fake army man

Pvt firm owner
el inside the motor cab. structions mentioned on which a door indicator Metro lines to likely start the present Vande Bharat, the
Confirming the develop- the panel for assistance, in lamp will light up. The by April, once all the nec- new version will be energy-effi-

of Rs 4.6 lakh,
ment, metropolitan com- case the driver is inca- lever has to be rotated essary permissions and ap- cient with more modern fea-

over sale of wares

missioner of MMRDA, pable of carrying out the clockwise and the emer- provals come in. Initially, tures, including additional pas-

SVR Srinivas said these task at the time of emer- gency ramp (having neon passengers will be issued senger amenities" said a senior
rakes have special evacua- gency. strips on the side) pulled QR coded tickets that need railway official.
tion outlets at the ends as In case of an emergency, upwards, after which the to be scanned. A mobile Currently, manufacturing
well. the transparent glass pan- ramp will open onto the App has also been planned process of Vande Bharat ver-
According to MMRDA el on top of the red lever rail track below. The MMR- for ticketing and other fa- sion 2 trains is on. The ministry STAFF REPORTER
sources, there are a total of needs to be smashed open. DA officials said that al- cilities. The extension of of railway has already awarded Mumbai
eight steps that need to be This will give access to the though this looks like a te- Metro-7 beyond Aarey sta- the contracts to Medha for man- STAFF REPORTER allowed in the army area.
followed and the Metro rail red locking device that dious process, it is quite tion and Metro-2A beyond ufacturing 44 trains and is in An authorised secretary of Mumbai Sharma claimed that the
drivers have been trained needs to be rotated 180 de- smooth and doesn't take Charkop is expected to be the process for procuring 58 a steel firm in Diva was billing procedure would be

Thane Collector discusses Bail for woman accused of

to use this feature. There is grees. The front cover of much time. ready by this monsoon. more. booked for cheating the firm A 47-year-old businessman handled by another officer,
owner for Rs 4.6 lakh. The who sells pots was last Gagandeep.
police said the accused sec- week duped to the tune of Gagandeep claimed he
retary had transferred the ₹7.53 lakh by a man who was unable to send the

traffic woes in monsoon killing son over her relationship

amount to his personal bank posed as an army officer. amount to the business-
account for personal bene- The accused asked the man’s GPay account; in-
fits and cheated the firm. complainant to wire mon- stead sent him a QR code
The complainant Naval ey in a series of transac- and asked him to transfer

BMC gears up for rains

Kishore Mishra, 38, owner tions, only to later defraud ₹1 for verification. Un-
of Rapid Steel India, said in him. aware of the fraud, the
FAISAL TANDEL STAFF REPORTER her lover Olly outside the his statement to the police man followed his
[email protected] Mumbai building after the crime. It that he had hired Vinay Ku- The businessman waited instructions and ended up
had also relied on call de- mar Mishra, 30, to oversee outside the Army losing ₹2.93 lakh.
After being formed in Sep- A sessions court in Din- tails between the two. the work at the steel firm. In his complaint, the
tember of 2021, the traffic doshi has granted bail to Ci- Additional Sessions Judge "Naval claims that the secre- canteen during the businessman said he kept
task force team, headed by KALPESH MHAMUNKAR road repairing work before cilia D’Souza, 66, accused of AZ Khan said there is obvi- tary had transferred Rs 4.6 fraud. After Rs 2.93 lakh waiting outside the Army
[email protected]
was debited from his
Thane collector Rajesh May 15, he further asked murdering her own son ously no direct or eye-wit- lakh to his personal account canteen during the fraud.
Narvekar, virtually met on the officers to commence with the help of her lover as ness to the incident to show between February 2021 and After ₹2.93 lakh were debit-
Tuesday. Brihanmumbai Municipal trimming of tree branches an accomplice, as he was op- that the applicant was di- February 27, 2022, without account, he asked the ed from his account, he
The force was constituted
by Thane district guardian
Administrator Iqbal Singh
Chahal on Tuesday held a
and proper closure of man-
holes to avoid untoward in-
posed to her romantic rela-
rectly involved in the mur-
der. The court noted that
taking any permission re-
garding the transactions,"
accused to meet him in asked Gagandeep to meet
him in person; however, he
minister Eknath Shinde after meeting to discuss pre- cidents. The woman had been ar- she was charged on the ba- said a police officer. person; however, he asked for trust in him and
he took a serious note of the
traffic congestion in the city
monsoon arrangements
with all the stakeholders
Meanwhile, the power
companies were also told
rested on Dec 11, 2015, three
days after the incident and
sis of her statements and
CCTV footage, which shows
According to the police,
Mishra found lapses in the
asked to be trusted that it wasn’t a fraud. On
the pretext of a machine
of lakes. concerned. Taking a stern to ensure uninterrupted has since been in custody, that there were illicit rela- bank account statements fault, another ₹4.59 lakh
In the online meeting, view of the improper dis- service while the fire with her bail application be- tions between her and the and questioned the secre- Few days ago, the com- was debited from the com-
Narvekar ordered the offi- posal of debris, he directed brigade, health depart- ing rejected at least once in co-accused. tary to find foul play. Mishra plainant received a call plainant’s account.
cials concerned to submit a the civic officers to file po- ment, navy and NDRF the past years. She allegedly Her statements have no then sent a written com- from one Rahul Sharma The local police station
survey report of pending and lice complaints against the were asked to be ready for planned the crime with her relevance at this stage, it plaint to the Mumbra police. who claimed to be an army asked the complainant to
ongoing works of the roads agencies which fail to re- tackling monsoon woes. lover Bharat Olly, who is ab- said, unless there is recov- After scrutinising the facts, officer wanting to place an approach the Dharavi po-
and highways across the dis- move the rubble after com- The representatives of sconding. ery from it (of articles used a case has been registered at order for 70 pots for which lice as the offence com-
trict within 15 days so as to pletion of works like dig- railways, MMRDA, The latter’s brother who in the crime). The court also the Mumbra police station he agreed to pay ₹7,850. menced there. An offence
avoid traffic snarls during ging roads, laying wires MSRDC and MHADA joined him in stabbing the stated that she has a perma- under sections 403, 406 and When the order was ready, has been registered for
monsoon. and so on. were also present in the deceased Ronald, 33, is also nent residence in the city 420 of the Indian Penal Sharma asked the com- cheating and imperson-
The meeting was attended Ordering to finish all meeting. absconding. While granting and is ready to abide by all Code. "We have registered a plainant to come to the ation. The police also froze
by deputy commissioner of bail to the Malad resident, the conditions imposed by case and have started the in- army canteen at Kharghar. the accounts in which
police (traffic) as well offi- the court considered her the court. vestigations," said a police He also asked for a photo- money had been trans-
cials from the MSRDC and progress. traffic snarls," said Narvekar. age and said she is an old The court also considered officer from Mumbra police graph of his vehicle, claim- ferred, but it had already

82-yr-old gets 5-yr jail for

NHAI. In an important direc- "After receiving the report, The report along with the lady. the pandemic situation and station. ing private vehicles are not been withdrawn.
tive, the collector also asked to a meeting will be held with solutions will also be submit- The prosecution has de- that her detention in such
make alternate routes for the the traffic department to ted to minister Shinde, he pended on CCTV evidence circumstances is not justi-

488 govt schools

roads where work is in work on solutions to avoid added. which showed her meeting fied.

suicide of daughter-in-law

to get bilingual
BHAVNA UCHIL Morkar in a drunken condi- resided in the same house. The
[email protected] tion, threatened to kill her and court noted the evidence of the
thereby caused her mental ha- son, who was 20 when he testi-
Observing that the behaviour rassment. Considering his fied before the court, and said
of an 82-year-old man 11 years treatment of Priya, it said it is that Morkar continued to quar-
ago towards his daughter-in- just to consider a substantial rel with her and she was com-
law, who died by suicide, was sentence to him, but consid- pelled to leave the ground floor
not only ‘rude’ and ‘unsympa- ered his age and sentenced him house and take shelter in the
thetic’, but also ‘inhuman’, a to a moderate punishment. gallery.
sessions court sentenced him It noted that since one month “It is not expected by any
to five years of rigorous im- prior to the incident, there was daughter-in-law that she would
prisonment. continuous abuse to her on his be given such inhuman treat-
The court found Vasant part. The court said it is of the ment…and made to stay in the
Morkar guilty under section opinion that he instigated and gallery of the house, that too
498A (husband or relative of abetted her suicide. It stated in for a year,” it remarked. The
husband subjecting woman to its judgment that quarrels were court also remarked on an inci-
cruelty) and under section 306 started on food and basic needs dent a day prior to her death, in
(abetment of suicide) of the In- of her 12-year-old child which which Morkar had asked their

Navi Mumbai Moms: Turning mothers to entrepreneurs

dian Penal Code. It said he had would have been unbearable to tenant to lodge a complaint
routinely abused his 36-year- any woman and still she ap- against Priya when they had a
On the occasion of International Women's Day, Shiv Sena corporator on Tuesday organised
old daughter-in-law Priya pears to have borne it and quarrel over a petty issue.
a bike rally in Thane's Wagle Estate.
SURESH GOLANI one out of the 35 MBMC-run
Photo by: Vibhav Birwatkar
[email protected] schools in Kashigaon has
shortlisted for the initiative.
Maharashtra education min- The state government will
ister Varsha Gaikwad on pump around Rs 494 crore for
Tuesday informed that the the project which envisages

With just 20 members in 2013, NMM today has become a major community of over 6900 local mothers
Maha Vikas Aghadi govern- state-of-the-art facilities, inno-
ment is all set to introduce a vative methods of imparting
bilingual curriculum in the education by experienced
state-run schools from the teachers, activity-based learn-
next academic year. ing and personality develop- RAINA ASSAINAR ings, all the better,” she said. and all because of the community that made me
Aimed at improving the ment via creative thinking, Navi Mumbai Reenu Sharma, a counselling psychologist; realise what I could do. The community is my sec-
quality of education, the plan critical thinking, communica- Pallavi Prakash an English honours graduate; Sri ond family,” Chhabria said.
is to give lessons of English tion, good touch-bad touch The Navi Mumbai Moms – fondly called NMM Harika, a science graduate who now caters to Vaishali Surange, a home baker who operates
along with Marathi to the stu- and cyber security. among the mothers of Navi Mumbai – is a com- handmade jewelry and different hand-crafted from her residence in Nerul, said, “The support
dents right from Class one. The plan also includes devel- munity that has united close to 7000 mothers of products; Sangeetta Vyas, an M.Sc (Chemistry) and the references I receive in the group is im-
Gaikwad made the an- oping high-quality infrastruc- the city in several ways. While some heal, some post graduate who now runs 'SVoogle’s Gluten- mense. Being a small set-up from home, I would
nouncement during an inau- ture for ensuring hygienic share their joys and sorrows, some end up being free Bakes' have benefited due to encouragement have possibly never been able to go out and mar-
gural ceremony held at the surroundings, modern labs, li- entrepreneurs with the encouragement of other by their NMM mates and are the core team mem- ket myself but the NMM community has been do-
Mira Bhayandar Municipal braries and sports equipment women in the group. Vidya Guha, who started the bers of the community, managing and making ing that for me voluntarily.”
Corporation-run school in on par with 21st century Facebook group in September 2013 had no idea sure it functions smoothly, without any rifts be- Similar feelings are shared by Theresa Kriplani,
Kashimira. MBMC mayor Jy- teaching needs. In response to that she would end up building this community tween the 6900-plus members. who is also a home baker and food caterer, regu-
otsna Hasnale, legislator Gee- the education minister’s infor- which would one day become a source of bread Anchal Chhabria is one such Navi Mumbai larly conducting food drives, her speciality being
ta Jain, municipal commis- mation that the state govern- and butter to some. A mother to 14-year-old twins mom who is now a successful entrepreneur be- 'Dal Pakwan' which is a favourite among the mem-
sioner Dilip Dhole and senior ment has allotted funds who keep her on her toes 24 / 7, Guha is a gradu- cause of the push that she received from the com- bers.
education department offi- amounting Rs 3 crore for up- ate in advertising and sales management with a munity members. When her friends in the group Vineetha Punit from Koparkhairane was most
cials were present, too. lifting the MBMC-run schools, specialisation in copywriting. learnt that she is a good cook, she was always told sought by the mothers every time they had a writ-
As a part of its initiative to mayor Hasnale sought addi- “NMM is a group of moms who share news, by them to start catering. “It's been a long journey ing assignment, be it for work or for professional
improve the quality of educa- tional Rs 10 crore for turning views, queries, events, joys and sorrows. I had as I started my venture 'Aanchal's kitchen' from reasons. “The people in the community kept push-
tion, the Maha Vikas Aghadi the civic schools into smart started the group on September 20, 2013, to bring from 20, the group now has a 6900-plus strength,” scratch. The need of the hour became my passion ing me to take up writing as a profession and I fi-
government has decided to de- educational institutions, with together friends I knew through my children's Guha said, adding that NMM is not a business to live. From one to two plate orders to 35 to 40 kgs nally considered doing that only after 2018. NMM
velop 488 government schools the introduction of e-learning school and those who lived in the same apartment group, but the members encourage each other to orders, from nothing being sold at exhibitions to is a community that can literally help you turn
as “model schools.” Notably, platforms. complex. They kept adding more members and follow their passion. “If that translates into earn- everything being sold out, I have come a long way your passion into a profession,” Punit said.
RBI launches UPI service for
ULLION Rail freight growth slows to 6.6% in February from 7.7% in January
GOLD: 53,812.00 406.00 The growth in revenue-earning freight carried by February, against 129.01 mln tn in January and
the Indian Railways slowed to 6.6% in February 112.33 mln tn a year ago. The rise in growth in
SILVER: 71,297 .00 985 .00 from 7.7% a month ago, data released by the freight traffic is on account of the double-digit
railway ministry today showed. growth in coal, which accounts for over two-fifth
The railways carried 119.69 mln tn goods in of the overall traffic. MUMBAI | WEDNESDAY | MARCH 9, 2022

40 crore feature phone users

Housing supply likely to fall short
of demand in 2022, says Jefferies
Investors' wealth jumps
New project launches by developers are likely to take housing
supply to a nine-year high in 2022. However, the supply is
still expected to trail demand that has seen unprecedented
over Rs 2.51 lakh crore
traction, said brokerage Jefferies. In February, home
registration figures from two of the biggest property markets
in India, Mumbai and Delhi, showed a rising trend, both on
year and month. Registration figures have surpassed pre-
as stocks rebound
pandemic levels in many other cities and houses are getting New Delhi
snapped up as soon as they are launched. AGENCIES
able to undertake a host of transac-
tions based on four technology alter- Investors' wealth on Tues-
Flipkart in strategic alliance with natives. day jumped by over Rs 2.51
Nearly six years after the launch of They include calling an IVR (inter- lakh crore, in tandem with
Google Cloud to speed up innovation
Google Cloud and Flipkart have entered into a multi-year
the Unified Payments Interface active voice response) number, app a sharp recovery in equi-

strategic alliance to help fast-track the e-commerce company's

(UPI), a new service which will en- functionality in feature phones, ties after four days of

innovation and cloud strategy. The partnership will drive

able over 40 crore feature phone missed call-based approach and also heavy declines.

Flipkart into its next phase of growth and advance its vision
users to access the popular digital proximity sound-based payments, The 30-share BSE Sensex

of onboarding India's next 200 million shoppers and lakhs of

transactions platform, was launched the RBI said. opened on a weak note and

sellers, according to a statement.

by RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das on Such users can initiate payments to tumbled 581.93 points or "Markets remained
Tuesday. friends and family, pay utility bills, 1.10 per cent to 52,260.82 volatile but managed to
The National Payments Corpora- recharge the FAST Tags of their ve- during the day amid firm- end with gains, taking a
India has become a 'strategic tion of India (NPCI), a RBI promoted hicles, pay mobile bills and also al- ing oil prices and relent- breather after the recent
body which created and operates ice even as smartphones have be- low users to check account balances, less selling by foreign in- fall. The bias was negative
hub' for BYD India: Official
BYD India, a subsidiary of the Warren-Buffett backed new
UPI, had launched a USSD-based come cheaper. it said, adding customers will also be stitutional investors. in the first half in continu-

energy vehicle manufacturer was commemorating 15 years of

service to enable UPI access for fea- "The launch of UPI 123PAY makes able to link bank accounts, set or Amid bouts of volatility, ation to prevailing trend.

its operations in India and said the country has become a

ture phone users, within months of facilities under UPI accessible to change UPI PINs. the benchmark touched a However, healthy buying

'strategic hub' to serve the South Asian market. BYD India has
the launch of the main platform for that section of society which was so Das said the overall quantum of high of 53,484.26 and a low in select heavyweights

made a cumulative investment of over USD 150 million in the

smartphone users in 2016. far been excluded from the digital transactions under UPI is growing of 52,260.82 during the triggered a sharp recovery

country and has set up two manufacturing units.

However, the service was found to payments landscape. In that way, it is very fast and has touched Rs 76 lakh trade. in the latter half," said Ajit
be cumbersome, not free and also not promoting great amount of financial crore in FY22 so far, as against Rs 41 It finally settled at Mishra, VP - Research, Re-
supported by all telcos, Deputy Gov- inclusion in our economy," Das said lakh crore in FY21. In February 53,424.09, higher by 581.34 ligare Broking Ltd.
Dow Jones expands existing ernor T Rabi Shankar said. at a launch event at the central bank alone, the volumes doubled to Rs 8.26 points or 1.10 per cent. Sun Pharma the biggest
Das rued that the multifaceted fea- attended by officials from NPCI and lakh crore through 453 crore trans- With the recovery in eq- gainer among Sensex
digital contract with Infosys
Dow Jones, a leading news and business information provider
tures of the UPI are available mostly banks. actions. uities, the market capitali- firms with a jump of 3.99

Global gold ETFs see India may consider alternative

and publisher of The Wall Street Journal, has expanded the
on smartphones as of now and peo- He said the brand name derives "I don't see a day when we are far sation of BSE-listed com- per cent, followed by TCS,

existing digital transformation deal with Infosys Ltd, as it

ple from the lower rung of the socie- from a three-step process required to away from reaching transaction vol- panies jumped Rs NTPC, Wipro, Tech Mahin-

looks to expand its product portfolio. Through this

ty, especially in the rural areas, are initiate and execute a payment. ume of Rs 100 lakh crore on UPI," 2,51,663.79 crore to reach dra, Dr Reddy's, UltraTech

collaboration, Dow Jones aims to provide its customers a new

not able to access the payments serv- Feature phone users will now be Das said. Rs 2,43,62,494.83 crore. Cement and Infosys.

inflows of $2.1 billion payment system for exporters

set of innovative digital tools and solutions that will help
customers get the most important and relevant information Cement cos
for their daily business decisions.

Shell says it will stop buying hike prices

Russian oil, natural gas
Energy giant Shell says it will stop buying Russian oil and
by Rs 5-12
Icra sees serious
natural gas as well as shut down its service stations and per 50-kg bag
in February, says WGC
downside risks to
other operations in the country amid international pressure AGENCIES
for companies to sever ties over the invasion of Ukraine. Shell New Delhi New Delhi: Cement companies

growth, CAD at 3.2%

says in a statement Tuesday that it would withdraw from all INFORMIST have hiked prices by 5-12
Russian hydrocarbons, including crude oil, petroleum Mumbai rupees per 50-kg bag in some
products, natural gas and liquefied natural gas, "in a phased northern markets, including
India may consider alterna-

manner." New Delhi: Rating agency Delhi, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh,

tive payment mechanisms

Icra has warned of serious and Haryana, due to higher

Global gold exchange-trad- for exporters if the Russia-

downside risks to the input costs, cement dealers told

ed funds saw inflows of 35.3 Ukraine conflict continues

economy next fiscal with Informist. Most of these price

Haryana govt to reimburse 50% of tn, or $2.1 bln, in February, for a long time and key

runaway current account hikes came into effect last

the World Gold Council trade sectors such as gems
VAT on natural gas to MSMEs
In order to provide some relief to industries in NCR where deficit, steep fall in the week.
said in a report. and jewellery face a prob-

norms require them to shift to cleaner fuels, the Haryana rupee and a hardening Companies that have hiked
"Global net inflows were lem in international cash

government has proposed to reimburse 50 per cent of VAT yields on government bonds, prices include Shree Cement Ltd,
driven by stubbornly high the region. transfer, government tion in the wake of the

collected on natural gas purchased by MSMEs for a period of as a result of the Russian- UltraTech Cement Ltd, Ambuja
inflation and a surge in "The Russian invasion of sources said on Tuesday. Ukraine situation and may

two years. "The government recognises that industries in the Ukraine crisis and the Cements Ltd, HeidelbergCement
geopolitical risk on the Ukraine exacerbated infla- This consideration came consider alternative pay-

national capital region (NCR) are being pushed to shift to resultant spike in crude and India Ltd, ACC Ltd, and JK
back of the Russian inva- tion fears due to its impli- against the backdrop of the ment mechanisms if the

cleaner fuels, including natural gas, due to concerns arising other commodity prices. Cement Ltd. Details of
sion of Ukraine, which cations for energy supply Russia-Ukraine war and adverse situation continues

from the severity of air pollution," Chief Minister Manohar Lal At the current crude level, individual price hikes were not
pushed the gold price to an in the region," WGC said. sanctions being imposed by for a long time and key

Khattar said. the current account deficit is available.

intra-month high of Following, Russia's inva- western countries, includ- trade sectors such as gems

likely to widen by USD 14- Following the price hike, a 50-

US$1,936/oz (ounce)," WGC sion of Ukraine, global ing the Group of Seven (G- and jewellery face a prob-

15 billion (0.4 per cent of kg cement bag is being sold at

said in the report. crude oil prices have spiked 7) economies, that has im- lem in international cash

GDP) for every USD 10 per 350-460 rupees in these states,

Reserve Bank accepts $5.135 billion in The inflows in February over the $100-per-barrel posed punitive sanctions transfer," one of the

barrel rise in the average depending on the brand and

were led by funds in North mark, and have hit their against the Russian central sources said.
USD/INR sell-buy swap auction
The Reserve Bank of India has accepted USD 5.135 billion in price. If the price averages location, according to dealers.
America, where assets rose highest level since 2008. bank. Exporters of gems and

USD/INR sell-buy swap auction conducted on Tuesday against USD 130 a barrel in FY23, The cement prices could go up
by 21.3 tn, or $1.3 bln. These The inflows in the ex- They have also decided to jewellery have received as-

the notified amount of USD 5 billion. Last month, the RBI had then the CAD will widen to further as the fuel and raw material
were primarily concentrat- change-traded funds in remove Russian banks surances of support from

announced to undertake a USD/INR two-year sell/buy swap 3.2 per cent of GDP, crossing prices remain elevated due to
ed in large US funds. North America and Europe from the SWIFT inter-bank- Russia's Alrosa, which ac-

auction of USD 5 billion. In today's auction, the total amount 3 per cent for the first time Russia-Ukraine conflict, dealers
The holdings with Euro- outweighed outflows from ing system - which is in- counts for about 30 per cent

bid by participants was USD 13.565 billion, the RBI said in a in a decade, Icra chief said, adding that the companies
pean funds increased by Asia last month. tended to isolate Russia of global diamond output,

PM to address global
release. The central bank received 246 bids but accepted 86 economist Aditi Nayar said may increase the prices in short
21.4 tn or $1.3 bln last Asian funds saw outflows from global trade. and sells around 10 per cent

bids in the auction, the release said. The bid to cover ratio in a report. intervals going forward.
month, as headline infla- of 7.4 tn or $452 mln last "India is closely monitor- of its rough-diamond out-

was 2.71.
tion remained elevated in month. ing its foreign trade situa- put to India.

investors on asset sale,

Nita Ambani launches Hindi version of
FM says won't comment now if Rupee slips

privatisation today
women empowerment app 'Her Circle'
Founder-Chairperson of Reliance Foundation, Nita Ambani, on 7 paise to
Tuesday announced the expansion of women empowerment
platform `Her Circle' into multilingual space, with the launch
of its Hindi app. `Her Circle' was launched by Nita Ambani a
govt will regulate or ban crypto record low
year ago and has already become India's fastest growing INFORMIST
digital platform for women with a reach of 42 million, New Delhi
arguments proffered by
of 77/USD
Reliance Foundation said in a statement. Mumbai: Sliding for the fifth
those advocating that cryp-

consecutive day, the rupee AGENCIES

tocurrencies should be

depreciated by 7 paise to close New Delhi

Finance Minister Nirmala regulated and found that

at a lifetime low of 77 against

Motilal Oswal AMC floats multifactor Sitharaman today said she none of them stand up to

the US dollar on Tuesday,

doesn't want to comment basic scrutiny," Sankar
strategy alternative invest fund
Motilal Oswal Asset Management Co has launched Motilal weighed by surging crude oil
right now on whether the said. Prime Minister Narendra

Oswal Hedged Equity Multifactor Strategy Alternative prices amid the Russia-Ukraine
government will regulate Earlier, RBI Governor Modi will on Wednesday ad-

Investment Fund, according to a press release. The fund is an war.

or ban cryptocurrency in Shaktikanta Das said dress global investors as

open-ended quantitative equity fund in the category III Heavy foreign fund outflows
the country. those investing in cryp- well as infrastructure, real

alternative investment fund segment. The fund's strategy and prevailing risk aversion
"I know you sort of led tocurrencies should keep estate and legal sector ex-

combines a multi-factor, model-driven investing approach and globally added to the woes,
me to say are we regulat- in mind that such curren- perts on the strategy of along with other stakehold-

tail-hedging. forex traders said. At the

ing it or we are banning it? cies do not have any un- CPSE privatisation, asset ers from North America, Eu-

interbank forex market, the local

I am not getting into it and probably mull over it, derlying asset. "Investors monetisation and their con- rope, Middle East, Asia and

unit opened at 77.02 against the

now, but after consulta- which is required because must remember that cryp- tribution to India's growth. Far East, and Australia

greenback and witnessed an

'Steel prices will continue to move up tion, yes, we will be talking we need the executive to be tocurrency does not have The Department of Invest- would also participate.

intra-day high of 76.71 and a

about it," Sitharaman said sure that we are not cross- any underlying, not even a ment and Public Asset Man- "With this webinar, DIPAM
as Ukraine war hits supply chain'
The price of steel will continue to move upwards on "good low of 77.05.
in response to a question ing any legal require- tulip," Das had said. agement (DIPAM), in collab- aims to elicit ideas and

demand" and as the supply chain remains affected amid the The rupee finally finished at
on regulating cryptocur- ments," Sitharaman said. Though the government oration with NITI Aayog, is views from the sectoral ex-

Ukraine-Russia conflict, according to industry consultancy 77.00, down 7 paise over its
rencies. The Reserve Bank of In- had listed a bill to ban pri- organising the apex level perts, investors' community

SteelMint. The prices in the international market have moved previous close of 76.93.
The finance minister was dia has been vocal about vate cryptocurrencies in consultative post-Budget we- and other eminent stake-

up by around USD 135 a tonne and are moving up since the Analysts said the deepening
addressing a function or- banning cryptocurrencies. its tentative list of bills to binar, which will see partici- holders on the issues to

conflict started in the last week of February, SteelMint founder Russia-Ukraine conflict has
ganised by India Global Last Month, RBI Deputy be introduced during the pation from 22 ministries chalk out a time-bound im-

and CEO Dhruv Goel told PTI on Tuesday.' sapped risk appetite in the
Forum in Bengaluru. Governor T. Rabi Sankar Winter Session of Parlia- and senior management plementation plan/strategy

market, pushing investors

Sitharaman said consul- said that it was advisable ment, the bill was never in- from PSEs. regarding Privatization/Dis-

towards safe-haven assets.

tations are currently on to ban cryptocurrency in troduced. Global sovereign funds, pri- investment of PSEs and As-

The dollar index, which

Maruti Suzuki drives in Dzire S-CNG and industry was welcome India. "Banning cryptocur- The Budget for 2022-23 vate equity, global pension set Monetization of Core

measures the greenback's

to participate in the same. rency is perhaps the most (Apr-Mar) has proposed to funds, investment banks, as- and Non-Core assets for real-
trims with price starting at Rs 8.14 L
Maruti Suzuki India (MSI) on Tuesday said it has launched its strength against a basket of six
"After the consultation advisable choice open to tax income from transfer set monetisation companies ization of optimal outcome

compact sedan Dzire with S-CNG technology at a starting currencies, fell 0.18 per cent.
process gets duly complet- India," he had said. of any virtual digital as- especially real estate, infra- in India's growth," an offi-

price of Rs 8.14 lakh (ex-showroom). The company has

ed, the ministry would sit "We have examined the sets at 30%. structure, and legal experts cial statement said.

introduced the S-CNG trims priced at Rs 8.14 lakh and Rs 8.82 RUSSIAN COMPANY ALROSA SUPPLIES 30% OF THE ROUGH DIAMONDS GLOBALLY
lakh. S-CNG vehicles are equipped with intelligent injection
system. Vehicles are tuned and calibrated to deliver optimum Nickel trade halted on London
performance and enhanced drivability across all kinds of
terrains. Metal Exchange as prices double Diamond industry may lose shine due to Ukraine war
London: Trading in nickel, much of it produced in Russia, was Kolkata
sia's central bank and two major

suspended Tuesday on the London Metal Exchange after prices

M&M SUV production up 27% in Feb, banks from the SWIFT system. While

doubled to an unprecedented $100,000 per metric ton.

they do not prohibit business with Al-
XUV 500 output nil for sixth month
Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd said on Tuesday that it produced Nickel is used mostly to produce stainless steel and some alloys,
Sanctions imposed by the United rosa, trade settlement has become dif-

23,862 utility vehicles in February against 18,829 units in the but increasingly it is used in batteries, particularly electric vehicle
States and European nations on Rus- ficult, which could lead to supply dis-

same month a year ago. The sports utility vehicle maker batteries.
sia in the wake of its aggression on ruptions," Crisil said.

concentrated much of its limited resources on producing the Russia, facing severe economic sanctions after invading Ukraine, is
Ukraine is likely to have a direct im- The Indian diamond industry, which

Thar, XUV 700, XUV 300 and the Scorpio. For the sixth the world's third biggest nickel producer. The Russian mining
pact on the Indian diamond industry is almost entirely export-oriented, is

consecutive month, the company did not manufacture or sell company Nornickel is a major supplier of the high-grade nickel that
at a time when it is on the recovery likely to clock revenues of USD 24 bil-

any XUV 500 vehicles, giving credence to the rumours that it is used in electric vehicles.
mode after the pandemic and is aim- itoring the situation as Alrosa is a lion this fiscal, bouncing back to pre-

might be phasing out the once-popular vehicle Nickel prices had quadrupled in a week over supply issues and
ing at USD 24 billion revenue in FY'22. critical source," Gems and Jewellery pandemic levels.

the spike Tuesday forced the LME to shut down electronic and floor
Russia's biggest diamond miner Al- Export Promotion Council (GJEPC) It was expected to log a compound

rosa supplies about 30 per cent of the ED Sabyasachi Roy told PTI. annual growth rate of 5-7 per cent

Trading in nickel will not resume Tuesday and the halt could last
Volkswagen unveils new mid-sized rough diamonds globally and is a crit- He said orders for the next two over the medium term on the back of

longer than that "given the geopolitical situation which underlies

ical source for India. months were placed before the war steady demand and hardening prices
sedan Virtus; launch in May
German auto major Volkswagen on Tuesday unveiled new recent price moves," the LME said Tuesday. Reports said that the
India imports, cuts and polishes 80- broke out and sanctions were im- before the Russia-Ukraine war began,

mid-sized sedan 'Virtus' for the Indian market. The company rising raw materials costs have hampered Musk and other
90 per cent of the world's rough dia- posed. "As of now we know Alrosa as the note added.

has commenced pre-bookings for the new model which automakers' plans to introduce more affordable electric vehicles
monds. a company is not under sanction". "If the trade disruption is protract-

competes with the likes of Honda City, Hyundai Verna, Maruti (EVs). Nickel (Ni) has long been widely used in batteries, most
"There is no major impact as of now Rating agency Crisil in a note said ed, next quarter's sales will be down

Suzuki Ciaz and Skoda Slavia. Volkswagen plans to launch the commonly in nickel cadmium (NiCd) and in the longer-lasting nickel
though there are problems in fund sanctions will have a bearing on by 25-30 per cent shaving off about

model in the later part of May this year. --Agencies metal hydride (NiMH) rechargeable batteries.
transfer with some banks. We are growth of the diamond industry. USD 2-2.5 billion," Crisil Ratings di-
keeping our fingers crossed and mon- "The sanctions have severed Rus- rector Rahul Guha said.
TCS plans restructuring; aims

to hit $50 bn revenue by 2030

Bhujia baron Bikaji SENSEX 53424.09 581.34 NIFTY 16013.45 150.30

wants the IPO bite Sensex, Nifty


ikaji Foods Inter-
national was a Plans to create an integrated organisational structure based on 'curated customer journeys' rebound supports
bold move in the
late nineteen eighties
and so it is today as the
company plans to
New Delhi
groups," the source said.
At present, TCS has hundreds of
ISUs under various divisions to serve
short-term uptrend
launch its IPO. The IT major TCS is planning to revamp customers and the company is plan-

he stock markets 1330 hours following the
brand was formed in the organisation structure to align ning to provide a single interface to closed higher at end recovery in European
the presence of with customers more closely, as it customers for accessing services. of trading session markets took the Nifty
Haldiram’s (market snacks market. aims to achieve USD 50 billion (about "If TCS has to create new business on March 8. Sensex was into positive territory. At
leader of savoury Even though Haldiram Rs 3.89 lakh crore) revenue by 2030, a opportunities then the service has to the lone gainer among close Nifty was up 0.95

What’s Happening?
snacks). generates much higher source aware of the development said bring in high touch frictionless fast de- global markets. Amidst percent or 150.3 points at
revenue than Bikaji, the on Tuesday. livery of services to customers," the the volatility, the bench- 16013.5. Nifty was the only
latter has a big name in The company had garnered USD 25 source said. mark enjoyed an unusual- index in the Asian region
Bikaji Foods Interna- the bhujia space. There billion in revenue in 2021. The company, however, will not ly strong short recovering to end up in the positive,
tional has filed its IPO is substantial room for "TCS has now charted its roadmap make any change in the existing cus- session and the positive said Deepak Jasani, Head-
papers with SEBI to growth, and that’s why and long-term strategy to reach the With this new structure, TCS plans tomer service and sales teams and ex- catalyst. Except for metal, Retail Research, HDFC Se-
raise Rs 1,000 crore from it’s raising more funds. next USD 25 billion revenue. It aims to to focus on the customer journey, ternal reporting of verticals and geog- all other sectoral indices curities.
the market. The promot- Bikaji’s most significant get to USD 50 billion by the close of the starting from acquisition incubation, raphies will also remain the same. ended in the green with Palak Kothari, Research
ers want to offload 2.94 manufacturing facility decade," the source told PTI. growth and transformation. "New integrated operating model is pharma, IT, FMCG, capital Associate, Choice Broking
crore shares through the is in Bikaner. Currently, The company is planning to create an "In an industry first, the operating an ambitious route to redefine the way goods and realty indices said, "On a daily chart, the
offer-for-sale (OFS) it has 300 varieties of integrated organisational structure model will be aligned to the customer customer transformation is executed. up 1-2 percent. BSE mid- Index has formed a Bull-
route. Currently, there namkeens, sweets and based on 'curated customer journeys'. journey at every step - going beyond This new operating model will bring cap and smallcap indices ish Marabozu kind of can-
are no listed ‘bhujia’ savouries. The company "TCS is mulling to create two new the traditional three dimensions of together contextual knowledge, do- rose over 1 percent each. dle which suggests bounce
companies in the mar- would soon foray into business groups that will augment the the organisation namely geography, main and technology through leader- The Nifty opened on a can be seen. On a monthly
ket. This will give the frozen foods and curries current structure of industry vertical vertical, or services. Leaders who have ship, all the while closely engaging negative note and made an chart, the index has taken

Will You Be
company an edge over for the export market. units and markets, resulting in a new been groomed through the current with the customers in their growth intraday low at 15,671.45 support from previous
other snack manufactur- integrated organisational structure," ISU (industry service unit) structure and transformation agenda," the level but showed the support zones and

ers like Prataap Snacks. the source informed. will be redistributed to lead these new source noted. bounce back in the second bounced from there which
Before we dive into half and made an intraday adds strength for upside.
Bikaji’s revenue and Bikaji will have no high at 16,028.75 level and Furthermore, the index
profits, let’s learn its
Bikaji Foods Interna-
peers in the stock mar-
ket after it’s listed. Also,
the scope of growth
Dish TV discloses FII stakes in Nifty 500 cos managed to above 16,000
levels. 37 out of Nifty 50
stock closed in green, indi-
given closing above 21-
HMA as well as stochastic
is also bounced from the
tional was founded by gives it an upper hand
results of Dec 21 AGM hit 6-quarter low in Oct-Dec cating broad-based buy- oversold zone with a posi-

Shareholders reject all 3 resolutions

Shiv Ratan Agarwal, to grow in unpenetrated ing. tive crossover which adds
grandson of Haldiram markets. However, the At close, the Sensex was strength for the next day.

Agarwal. Shiv Ratan ex- unorganised players, es- up 581.34 points or 1.10 At present, the index has

ited the three-genera- pecially Haldiram's, re- percent at 53,424.09. The support at 15,650 levels

tions old family busi- main a big competitor. broader Nifty was up breaching while resist-

New Delhi
ness and started his own So disrupting 150.30 points or 0.95 per- ance comes at 16,100 lev-
when Haldiram was al- Haldiram’s empire The percentage of foreign cent at 16,013.50. About els. On the other hand,
ready a big name. Shiv won’t be easy. Bikaji institutional investors' 2,193 shares have ad- Bank Nifty has support at
Ratan’s father divided will have to develop a Embattled DTH player Dish holdings in Nifty 500 com- vanced, 1,069 shares de- 32,500 levels while resist-
the company among four strong distribution TV on Tuesday disclosed panies fell to a six-quarter clined, and 84 shares are ance at 33,800 levels."
sons - the eldest took strategy to stand along that its shareholders have low of 20.9% during the unchanged. Shrikant Chouhan, Head
charge of the Nagpur di- with regional and big rejected all three proposals, quarter ended December, Among sectors, pharma, of Equity Research (Re-

What Lies Ahead?

vision, the third and players. including the adoption of as expensive valuations in IT, and realty indices end- tail), Kotak Securities,
fourth son took Delhi, financial statements and the backdrop of global in- nology, automobile, capi- ed up by 2-3 percent, while said, Technically, Nifty
while Shiv Ratan got the reappointment of Ashok solidated financial state- flation and rate hike fears tal goods, healthcare and metal and oil and gas in- has not only cleared the
Bikaner’s business. Shiv Bikaji Food Internation- Mathai Kurien as director, ments, report of the board prompted them to book utilities sector, while pri- dices down 1 percent each. resistance of 15,900 but
Ratan’s business gener- al has a long way to go to at its AGM held on Decem- of directors and auditors; profits. vate sector banks, non- Among top Nifty gainers succeeded to close above
ated less revenue than compete in the snacks ber 30, 2021. and re-appointment of FIIs had net sold shares bank lenders and con- were IOC, Sun Pharma, the same which is broadly
big markets like Delhi. market. Their strategy The company -- which did Kurien as director and rati- worth $4.7 bln during Oct- sumer goods companies Tata Consumer Products, positive. In addition, after
This territorial division of roping in actor not declare the outcome of fication of remuneration of Dec, as per the data from saw a sequential decrease Cipla and TCS. Hindalco a sharp decline, Nifty has
of the company created Amitabh Bachchan as voting at its 33rd AGM held cost auditors for the finan- the National Securities in FII fund allocation, the Industries, ONGC, Tata formed a promising long
family animosity be- brand ambassador has on December 30, 2021, due cial year 2021-22. Depositories Ltd. The sell- brokerage said in the re- Steel, JSW Steel and Bri- bullish candle that also
tween brothers resulting worked so far, but woo- to ongoing litigations -- was "...the Resolution Nos 1 to ing has only increased in port. tannia Industries were supports a short-term up-
in Shiv Ratan’s exit. But ing retail investors will directed to disclose the re- 3 have failed to obtain a req- the current quarter as Since October, the Nifty among the biggest losers. trend. We are of the view
today his brand is a Rs be tough. Agarwal will sults by capital markets uisite number of votes in they net sold shares worth 500 index has fallen nearly Nifty snapped a four day that, as long as Nifty
1,650 crore business have to bring differenti- regulator Sebi in an inter- favour by the shareholders a whopping $13 bln so far, 9%, in line with the fall losing streak on March 8 holds 15,900 and 1,5850
with a 5% share in the ated products that fit the im order passed on Monday. under remote e-voting and preparing for the US Fed- seen in the benchmark after recovering from ear- support zone, the reversal
Rs 72,800 crore Indian customer's needs. Subsequently, in a regula- Insta Poll and the number eral Reserve's rate hike Nifty 50 index. ly declines. Nifty opened formation is likely to con-
tory filing, Dish TV dis- of votes against these reso- and the unforeseen impact Around 37% of the Nifty marginally lower and then tinue. Above which the

Teji Mandi (TM Investment Technologies Pvt. Ltd.) is a SEBI

closed the results of the lutions are more than those of the Russia-Ukraine war. 500 constituents were began to rise making an chances of hitting 16,150-

registered investment advisor. Information in this article

voting, seeking sharehold- in favour," said a report by During Oct-Dec, the down a good 20-65% intra day high at 1010 16,250 would turn bright.

should not be construed as investment advice. Please

ers' nod on three resolu- the company's scrutiniser, stronger hands increased from their 52-week highs hours. It later fell to make On the flip side, below to know more.

tions -- adoption of the au- Jayant Gupta & Associates, their exposure to compa- as of Jan 31, the brokerage an intra day low at 1240 15,850 uptrends would be
dited standalone and con- shared on BSE by Dish TV. nies in information tech- said. hours. A sharp surge post vulnerable.

Citi to hire 80 MOMS organises mega
JSW Steel output jumps 21% to commercial FM expresses concern prices of iron
online '3S Summit'
1.58 million tonne in February bankers in ore lumps
JSW Steel on Tuesday registered a 21 per cent year-on-year (y-
o-y) jump in its crude steel production to 1.58 million tonnes India in 3 yrs over rising oil prices and fines by
(MT) in February. In a statement, the JSW Group company said AGENCIES
its output had stood at 1.31 MT in February 2021. JSW Steel's New Delhi Rs 400/tonne
production of flat-rolled products rose 25 per cent to 1.15 MT
in February 2022, compared with 0.93 MT in the year-ago period. New Delhi: The country's
largest iron ore miner NMDC
Finance Minister Nirmala

on Tuesday hiked the prices of

Sitharaman on Tuesday

lump ore and fines by Rs 400 a

RBI issues norms on share capital, hinted that the current

tonne each with immediate

spike in international oil
securities issue by urban co-op banks
The Reserve Bank of India today released the final norms on effect.
prices may upset provi-

issue and regulation of share capital and securities by primary This is the second upward price
sions of her Union Budget

urban co-operative banks. Most of the final norms are in line Mumbai: As it winds down its revision in two weeks time.
for the fiscal year begin-

with the draft that the central bank had floated in July last year retail bank in the country, Iron ore is one of the key raw
ning April 1 as she voiced prices shot up to 14-year

and which includes continuation of its instructions on linking American lender Citi on materials used to manufacture Mumbai: “A woman is a full ‘Hindustani’. Her career started
concern over the impact of high of USD 140 per barrel

borrowings to shareholdings. Tuesday said it will be hiring steel. Any movement in the circle. Within her is the power as a NET qualified Lecturer
spiralling oil rates on the on Monday before retract-

80 bankers in India over the prices of the mineral has a to create, nurture and before she ventured into the
Indian economy. ing to near USD 129 on

next three years for its direct impact on the rate of transform” of 1000+ women business of various domains. A
"It (rising crude prices) Tuesday. But even this rate

commercial banking vertical. steel, which is already trading from Pan India organised miracle lady who is currently an
RBI extends interest equalisation will have a bearing. We is 50 per cent higher than

The move is part of a plan to at an all-time high in India. MOMS fully embodies that. In energy transformational coach,
have made some provisions the USD 80-87 range of Jan-
scheme for export credit till 2024
The Reserve Bank of India has extended the interest hire 350 bankers in Citi In a regulatory filing, the the light of International breakup surgeon, body talk
for it in the Budget (for fis- uary when most of the

equalisation scheme for pre- and post-shipment rupee export Commercial Bank Asia Pacific company said it has fixed the Women’s Day, MOMs expert, money abundance
cal 2022-23). But that provi- Budget 2022-23 would have

credit, with the same scope and coverage, till Mar 31, 2024, over the next three years, as prices of per tonne lump ore at (Multitasking Outstanding expert, and an internationally
sion is only based on some been prepared.

according to a notification on the central bank's website. The per a statement. Rs 6,000 and that of fines at Rs Mother’s Space) had organized acclaimed access consciousness
average (price of oil) pre- India relies on overseas

scheme provides pre- and post-shipment export credit, such as As per reports, the bank, which 4,960 a tonne. While lump is a mega online ‘3S Summit’ of facilitator. People call her a
vailing earlier but now is purchases to meet about 85

packing credit, to eligible exporters. Banks provide this benefit had taken a decision to exit the high-grade iron ore having Fe 1000+ women yesterday. “walking, talking miracle of
beyond that. So, we will per cent of its oil require-

to eligible exporters and claim a reimbursement from the RBI retail banking business in most (iron) content above 65 per The creative brains behind this possibilities” who clear all the
have to see how we can ment, making it one of the

based on certification by an external auditor. of the markets globally, is in cent, fine is inferior grade ore event and the founder of negativity away from the body
work it out," she said at an most vulnerable in Asia to

advanced stage of selling the which needs beneficiation. MOMS is Raseshvari Hindustani. & space of a person within a
interactive session organ- higher oil prices. The twin

business in India, with Axis The revised prices are effective She is one of the first citizens day and creates miracles in their
ised by BJP's Karnataka blows of oil prices and a

Bank leading the race. from March 8. who changed her surname to lives.
MEIL to commission 15 oil and gas unit in Bengaluru. weakening rupee may hurt

The bank had earlier specified

International crude oil the nation's finances.
rigs for ONGC by May
Megha Engineering and Infrastructures Limited (MEIL), which that the move to sell the retail
has secured an order from ONGC Limited to supply 47 oil and business is driven by the global
gas rigs, expects commissioning of 15 of them by May end, a
senior official of the infra major said on Tuesday. K
decision, and it will continue to
grow in other areas like
NSE IFSC completes physical settlement of US stocks 'Established
Satyanarayana, Technical Head, Rigs Project, MEIL, said most of commercial banking.
the 15 rigs have reached the respective locations and The commercial banking New Delhi
under IFSCA's (International Finan-

commissioning will be expedited soon. business serves mid-sized

cial Services Centres Authority) reg- realtors'
companies and emerging
ulatory sandbox framework on

corporates, with revenues

NSE International Exchange (NSE March 3. topline to grow
ranging from USD 10 million to
Oorjaa raises about Rs 9 cr in funding IFSC) on Tuesday announced the The product offering was a first of

round led by Inflection Point Ventures USD 3 billion annually.

first physical settlement of US stocks its kind initiative where Indian re- 35% in FY22'
Business-to-business logistics tech platform Oorjaa has raised "Asia Pacific is home to a Mumbai: There has been a
in the form of unsponsored deposito- tail investors could trade in global

nearly Rs 9 crore in a funding round led by Inflection Point rapidly growing number of significant recovery in the
ry receipts at IFSC in GIFT City. stocks using the Liberalised Remit-

Ventures. The round also involved a clutch of high-networth new and emerging corporates, property market as the
This is the first time when trading, tance Scheme (LRS) route. To start

individuals who have invested in personal capacity and as well as mid-sized established realtors reported
settlement as well as demat holding and within the comfort of the regu- with, NSE IFSC commenced trading

through Vinners angel investing platform. companies, that are sale of Rs 34,000 crore in the
related to an investment in US Stocks lated environment, the bourse said in major US stocks like Apple, Al-

aggressively pursuing growth," first nine months of FY22,

has been facilitated in GIFT IFSC in a statement. phabet, Amazon, Microsoft, Meta

said Rajat Madhok, head of Citi equalling the amount achieved

through the international deposito- The exchange launched trading in Platforms, Tesla to be settled on a

Commercial Bank for Asia Pacific. in the entire FY21, a report said
Zypp Electric to hire, train 3,000 ry, making the entire process seam- unsponsored depository receipts -- rolling T+3 day basis through its

on Tuesday.
less for the Indian retail investors NSE IFSC Receipts -- on US stocks Clearing Corporation Ltd (NICCL).
women as delivery partners by 2022
Electric vehicle logistics firm Zypp Electric on Tuesday said it The established residential
will hire and train 3,000 women as delivery partners by the realtors' topline is expected to
end of 2022 as part of plans to expand its driver partner
community to 25,000. Zypp, which has 3,000 delivery riders,
SC angry over ONGC not paying arbitrators rise by 35 per cent in FY22,
compared to 14 per cent in
said new delivery partners will further empower it to enhance OUR BUREAU FY21, it added.
sustainable delivery capabilities within the company. New Delhi This jump in sales for the 11
Venugopal pointed out to the trators' remuneration under they have so much money

listed players was attributed to

exorbitant fee of Rs 1.5 lakh the Fourth Schedule was that they keep filing frivo-

affordability and a preference

per session charged by the agreed upon, but they later lous proceedings and insult

for larger homes, owing to a

Britannia to increase women The Supreme Court on arbitrators, mostly the re- differed on conference fees, former judges because they

surge in remote working driven

Tuesday pulled up the pub- tired judges, and conducting reading fees, etc. have a lot of money.
workforce in Assam plant to 65%
On account of International Women's Day, FMCG major by the COVID-19 pandemic, as
lic sector Oil and Natural three sessions in a day when In the instant case, the AG On his pointer to the inter-

Britannia Industries on Tuesday announced that it is planning per the report by rating agency
Gas Corporation (ONGC) on a Bench headed by Chief said 54 sittings are already pretation of the Fourth

to increase the women workforce at its largest northeastern Crisil. This has led to an
the issue of payments to an Justice NV Ramana and over and the fee cannot be Schedule for the arbitration

plant near Guwahati to 65 per cent this year. The company improvement in the market
arbitrator dealing with a comprising Justices A S fixed unilaterally as it pending before a 2-judge

currently employs 1,367 people through permanent and contract share of these players to about
dispute between it and Af- Bopanna and Hima Kohli arbitrators instead of they amounts to misconduct. Bench of the top court, the

modes, of which 60 per cent are women, Britannia Industries 22 per cent against the 14-16
cons, a construction engi- said, "Better, we close arbi- passing orders of Rs 1.5 lakh Moreover, even the PSUs are CJI said he would set up a

Regional Manufacturing Head (East) Kishor Vinayak Kulkarni per cent before the COVID
neering company of the tration in the country." for each sitting and their two also answerable to fat fees Bench to resolve he issue

said at the plant, located in Assam. pandemic struck, it said.

Shapoorji Pallonji Group. He said there should be sittings in a day amounted to paid by them in response to and issued notice for further
Attorney General K K some uniformity in the fee of Rs 3 lakh. He said the arbi- the CJI's remarks that the hearing on March 3.
GROUP A Hdfclife 501, 514.9, 497.3, 512.95 Pvr Ltd 1500, 1602.2, 1490.2, 1597.5 Agri Tech 86.3, 88.45, 85.1, 86.6 Bharat Seats 65.4, 68, 64.05, 66.95 Dolfin 71, 74, 71, 74 M m
3m India Ltd 19995.6, 19995.6, 19701, Heg Limited 1280, 1378, 1244.5, 1363.45 Quess 567.2, 567.2, 527.6, 549.6 Agrimony Com 11.65, 11.65, 11.62, 11.62 Bharatagri 367.8, 367.8, 348, 360.8 Dollar 506, 524.3, 506, 521.75 M m m
19907.2 Heidel Cem 181, 196, 180.45, 190.45 Radicokhait 853, 861.9, 832, 854.95 Agstra 110.15, 111.15, 100.65, 106.65 Bharatwire 66.9, 68.1, 65.5, 68.1 Donear Ind. 55.3, 57.15, 54.3, 57 m M m m
Aarti Drugs 449.95, 450, 440, 442 Hemiprop 101.2, 106.7, 101.2, 105.6 Railtel 90.2, 91.55, 88.9, 89.45 Ahmed.Steel 22, 22, 19.95, 20 Bhartia 25.2, 25.2, 25.2, 25.2 Dr.Agar.Eye 760, 788.8, 748.65, 760 M
Aarti Indust 804.25, 821.35, 793.65, 816.95 Heranba 567, 569.35, 551.25, 560.7 Rain 168.15, 172.85, 164.7, 169.65 Ai Champdny 20.15, 20.15, 18.3, 19 Bhartiya Int 270.65, 270.65, 262.2, 269.05 Dredging Cor 315, 321.1, 312.2, 318.6 M m m
Aavas 2590, 2621, 2525.1, 2552.4 Heritgfood 312, 318.2, 306, 313.15 Rajesh Expo. 701.6, 717.5, 693, 695.6 Aiil 147.1, 155.05, 145.25, 147.75 Bhaskar Agro 63.3, 63.3, 63.3, 63.3 Drhabeeb 29.1, 29.55, 26.75, 29.55 m M m
Abb Ltd. 2120, 2155.45, 2108.65, 2131.85 Heromotoco 2170, 2259, 2148, 2251.4 Rallis India 245.9, 245.9, 237.55, 241.2 Aimco Pesti. 158.9, 158.9, 150, 151.7 Bhatia 24.05, 24.05, 24.05, 24.05 Drl 21.5, 21.5, 21.5, 21.5 M
Abbott (i) 17400, 17750, 17295.65, 17699.75 Hester Bisc 2357.55, 2400, 2311.8, 2344 Ramco Systm 284.55, 298.35, 283.85, Aiml 97.2, 97.2, 89, 97.2 Bhilwara Sp. 35.55, 37.4, 34.1, 36.8 Dspn50etf 164, 164, 157.5, 159.99 m M m
Abcapital 98.65, 101.3, 97, 100.1 Hfcl 68.85, 73.05, 68.8, 71.45 294.95 Ainfra 38.05, 43, 38.05, 39.5 Bhilwra Tec 17.1, 18.55, 17.1, 18.55 Dspnewetf 178.48, 188, 178.48, 183.04 M
Abfrl 264.95, 270, 262.15, 265.85 Hginfra 521.3, 553.3, 521.3, 547.4 Ramco Inds. 208.45, 212.55, 206.8, 209 Ajanta Soya 192, 201.85, 191.6, 196.45 Bigbloc 66.15, 72.5, 66.15, 70.45 Dspq50etf 161, 161, 155.66, 157.85 M M
Acc Ltd 1950, 1968.85, 1902.45, 1963.6 Hgsl 1116, 1138.25, 1105, 1116.5 Ramcocem 694.6, 713.25, 691.3, 709.05 Ajcon Global 43.3, 43.3, 36.5, 39.25 Bihar Sponge 12.72, 12.72, 11.52, 12.07 Ducon 26.7, 26.7, 26.7, 26.7 m M m
Acrycil Ltd. 694.65, 720, 694.65, 718.15 Hikal Ltd. 366, 369, 353.35, 366.35 Rashtr.Chem. 71, 73.3, 70.4, 73.1 Ajel 7.75, 7.83, 7.21, 7.83 Bilcare Ltd. 69.7, 71, 69.65, 70.65 Duke Offshor 11.77, 11.78, 11, 11.42 H M
Action Const 209, 213.95, 206.9, 208.65 Hil 3811.9, 3900, 3700.35, 3876.85 Ratnamni Met 2199.9, 2235.45, 2177.05, Ajil 27.7, 27.7, 26.5, 27 Billwin 28.05, 28.05, 28.05, 28.05 Duncaneng 220, 223.9, 216.55, 217.75 M
Adani Enter 1571.5, 1606.7, 1553.4, 1600.75 Himat.Seide 158, 162.65, 158, 160.5 2196 Ajmera 332.9, 336.4, 320.4, 330.2 Bimetal Bear 324, 324, 303, 314.75 Duro Pack 34.8, 34.8, 33.2, 33.2 M m
Adani Ports 677.25, 691.85, 670.75, 688.3 Hind Uni Lt 1925, 1958.8, 1901.8, 1947.7 Raymond 670.9, 678.85, 653, 674.85 Ajrinfra 2.22, 2.22, 2.04, 2.11 Bin.Tex.Pr(p 741, 813, 741, 813 Duroply 108.8, 109, 105, 107.35 M
Adani Power 118.9, 121.5, 117.3, 118.7 Hind.Constn. 14.3, 14.95, 14.3, 14.8 Rba 103.2, 106.75, 101.55, 105.7 Ajwa Fun Wor 10.45, 10.45, 10.45, 10.45 Bindalagro 21.6, 22.4, 21.05, 22.1 Dutron Poly. 152, 165, 152, 165 M M
Adanigreen 1849.5, 1868.35, 1750.75, Hind.Copper 126.9, 133.75, 125.6, 126.6 Rblbank 122.25, 129.5, 121.9, 128.45 Akashdeep 40.7, 40.7, 37, 37.2 Binny Ltd. 304, 308, 296.3, 304.35 Dvl 224.9, 228.4, 222.3, 226.85 m K M m
1782.7 Hind.Foods 1775, 1813.3, 1767, 1791.8 Recltd 120.7, 124, 120.15, 123.05 Akm 28.1, 34.85, 28.1, 31.5 Biofil Chem 61.6, 64.5, 60.35, 61.8 Dwl 318.5, 318.5, 300, 317.25 M P m
Adanitrans 2160, 2307.15, 2111.35, 2214.7 Hind.Oil Exp 198.05, 226, 198.05, 207.15 Redington 147.75, 150, 144.4, 147.3 Aksh Optifib 10.7, 10.98, 10.51, 10.72 Biogen 1.39, 1.4, 1.32, 1.4 Dynacons Sys 211.15, 218.75, 210, 212.6 m M
Advenzymes 300, 316.65, 296, 299.95 Hind.Petro 279, 279, 263.6, 270.45 Rel Indl Inf 659, 690, 659, 679.25 Akshar 45.05, 49.15, 45, 47.5 Biret 301, 302.89, 295.25, 300.28 Dynamat.Tech 1857.1, 1900, 1836.05, m M m
Aegis Logis 191.1, 201, 184.1, 189.55 Hindalco 620, 620, 587.4, 589.8 Relaxo Foot. 1140, 1157.9, 1130.65, 1152.55 Aksharchem I 346.45, 348.95, 342.65, 347.5 Birla Pretec 29.55, 30.7, 28.8, 29.85 1896.05 M
Affle 1155.05, 1169.2, 1140, 1157.95 Hindus.Zi 325, 337.6, 317, 322.15 Reliance 2205, 2245.8, 2181, 2236.7 Akspintex 66.8, 66.8, 66.8, 66.8 Birlacable 141.1, 149.2, 141.1, 143.35 Dynamic 118.05, 121.85, 114.6, 118.65 M m m m M
Agro Tech Fo 851, 860.45, 836, 853.25 Hleglas 5384, 5425.25, 5235, 5347.05 Religare Ent 119.8, 121.25, 114.65, 117.7 Alan Scott 156.1, 156.1, 141.3, 141.3 Birlatyres 21.9, 22.05, 21.25, 21.65 Dynamic Ind. 72.85, 75, 72, 74.45 m M m m m
Ahluwalia Co 375.05, 377.5, 369.1, 376.1 Homefirst 646.05, 659.1, 623.2, 654.65 Renuka Sugar 34.2, 36.7, 34.2, 35.6 Alankit 13.97, 13.98, 13.58, 13.91 Bkmindst 2.45, 2.5, 2.28, 2.48 Dynamic Port 7.85, 7.85, 7.85, 7.85 m M m m
Aiaengineer 1577.7, 1690.2, 1571.6, 1642.8 Honeywell 39173.1, 40100, 38729.55, Repco Home 184.9, 184.9, 165.85, 174.9 Albert David 520.65, 526, 514, 519.6 Bkv Industrs 7.5, 7.55, 7.03, 7.03 Dynavision 157.4, 157.4, 156.5, 156.5 M M m m
Airtelpp 317.75, 325.25, 310, 323.2 39117.2 Respon Ind 154, 172.3, 131.05, 163.6 Alch Corp 15.85, 16.15, 15.65, 16.15 Bl Kashyap 22.2, 22.2, 20.6, 20.95 Dynemic Pro 535.85, 579.9, 533.8, 569.35 M m m M
Ajanta Pharm 1729, 1742.35, 1698.55, 1721 Hscl 54, 55.9, 53.95, 55.05 Rhim 494.6, 505.95, 492.55, 498.75 Alexander 27.9, 28.5, 26.55, 27.6 Bl.Chip Tex 144, 144.75, 136.2, 141.35 E m M m m m
Akzoindia 1820, 1854.15, 1811, 1823.95 Hsil 273, 284.8, 271.5, 273.95 Rites 246.4, 246.85, 241.5, 244.8 Alfa Ica (i) 47.25, 47.25, 47.25, 47.25 Bla Ros Ind 183, 185, 180, 183.1 E.Com Infote 45.05, 45.05, 42.95, 45.05 m M m
Alem Pharma 708.6, 727.85, 702.5, 714.45 Hudco 33, 34.05, 32.8, 33.95 Rk Forgings 789.15, 846, 777.1, 830.15 Alfa Transfo 7.29, 7.29, 7.25, 7.25 Blb Ltd. 20.6, 21.6, 20.05, 20.75 Earum 6.54, 6.54, 6.31, 6.43 m M m m
Alembic Ltd. 81.7, 82.55, 80.65, 81 Huhtamaki 157.65, 157.75, 152.9, 155.35 Rossari 949.95, 949.95, 892.8, 899.35 Alfavison.Ov 124.3, 125.25, 124.3, 125.1 Bls 202.8, 218.4, 202.8, 218.05 Easemytrip 262.3, 275.1, 261.2, 271.55 M m M m
Alkem 3227.55, 3276.65, 3221.35, 3264.2 Ibul Hsg Fin 135.5, 139.6, 130.2, 135.15 Route 1536, 1572.95, 1520.3, 1565.7 Alfl 2.75, 2.8, 2.6, 2.8 Bls Infote 4.93, 4.93, 4.93, 4.93 Eastbuild 19.95, 19.95, 19.95, 19.95 M m
Alkyl Amines 2830, 2875.95, 2769.05, Icici Bank 645, 669.15, 643.25, 664.95 Rpower 12.65, 13.12, 12.5, 12.81 Alfred Herb 660, 717, 660, 676.1 Bmw 26.95, 26.95, 25.75, 26.2 Easter Si(ps 6.45, 7.1, 6.45, 6.62 M m
2818.05 Icici500 22.92, 22.92, 22.18, 22.79 Rpsgvent 574.6, 595.75, 571.4, 584 Alicon 741, 741, 701.05, 710.95 Bnaltd 234.95, 239, 231.05, 231.05 Eastern Tred 42.5, 42.5, 38.15, 42.4 M m m
Allcargo 297.8, 305.35, 288.05, 301.45 Icicib22 47.52, 47.52, 45.96, 46.77 Rupa & Co 411.3, 420.15, 400.5, 412.25 Alka India 2.61, 2.61, 2.61, 2.61 Bnk Capital 254.4, 254.4, 245, 248.25 Eastwest 10.07, 10.46, 9.8, 9.97 M m m
Alok Inds. 23.4, 23.85, 22.6, 23.35 Icicigi 1206, 1233.6, 1192, 1218 Rvnl 30.1, 30.85, 30.1, 30.65 Alkali 75, 76.4, 74, 76.05 Bnl 8.35, 9, 8.35, 8.4 Ebbetf0423 1160.01, 1160.01, 1160.01, M m
Amar Raja Ba 538.35, 558.9, 537.9, 557.25 Icicipruli 438.65, 454.25, 430, 446.95 Sadbhav Engg 29.4, 30.2, 29, 29.65 Allied Digit 102.55, 106.75, 102.5, 106.2 Bodhtree 29.8, 30.8, 29.3, 29.95 1160.01 M m
Amber 3391.6, 3480.1, 3365.75, 3435.5 Icicisensx 581, 584.9, 571.1, 583.44 Sanofi 7030, 7125.25, 7030, 7089.1 Allsec Tech 528.9, 541.9, 521.9, 535.45 Bom.Cycle 599.9, 599.9, 566.5, 574 Ebbetf0425 1081, 1084.5, 1076.1, 1081.5 m M m
Ambuja Ceme 279.9, 284, 274, 283 Icra 3719.8, 3741.65, 3681.6, 3723.8 Sasken 924.25, 934.2, 914.3, 931.1 Almondz Glo 100.35, 104.3, 97.5, 100.25 Bom.Wire Rop 67.8, 69.75, 67.8, 69.75 Ebbetf0430 1192.18, 1193.5, 1190.25, m M
Anantraj 64.9, 68, 64.1, 66.95 Idbi Bank L 40.85, 42.4, 40.85, 41.9 Sbicard 734.8, 788.7, 732.4, 781.15 Alpa Lab 68.5, 69.35, 66.65, 67.95 Bombay Rayon 7.4, 7.4, 7.08, 7.17 1193.44 mm M M
Angelone 1263.05, 1286.5, 1248.1, 1271.65 Idea 9.63, 10.02, 9.63, 9.94 Sbilife 1020.1, 1035.95, 1003.6, 1031.7 Alphageo (i) 286.9, 311.55, 284.35, 309 Bomoxy-b1 13200, 13210, 13195, 13210 Ebbetf0431 1061, 1066, 1061, 1063.56 M
Anuras 798, 804.75, 774, 787.05 Idfc 53.5, 55.1, 53, 54.65 Sbisensex 574.8, 574.8, 554.5, 565.98 Alphalogic 39.95, 41.85, 36.95, 38 Bonlon 24.5, 24.5, 24, 24 Eco Board In 21.1, 23.4, 21.1, 22.15 m m M m M
Apar Indus. 600, 624.35, 600, 619.95 Idfcfirstb 40.15, 41.25, 39.55, 40.6 Schaeffler 1807.2, 1836, 1742.35, 1815.8 Alpine Hsg. 33.25, 33.25, 31.35, 32.15 Boroltd 314.75, 325, 310.1, 319.5 Ecoplast Ltd 89.8, 89.8, 84, 87.4 M m
Apcotex Ind 329.5, 341.25, 323.6, 334.4 Idfsensexe 553.1, 557.7, 550, 557.33 Schneider 106.35, 109.9, 104.8, 106.4 Alps Inds. 2.26, 2.26, 2.26, 2.26 Bothra Met 3.9, 3.9, 3.9, 3.9 Ecoreco 110.55, 116.6, 109, 113.95 M m
Apl Apollo 838, 838, 814.85, 827.95 Iex 207.5, 217.3, 205, 214.2 Sequent 121.95, 127.2, 121.35, 123.8 Alu Fluoride 300, 304, 293, 302.75 Bp Capital 7.25, 7.25, 7, 7 Educomp Soln 4.79, 4.8, 4.45, 4.7 M m m U
Apollo Hosp. 4667.45, 4742.4, 4597.1, Ifb Ind.Ltd. 856, 856, 820.8, 841.15 Setfbse100 171.5, 171.5, 168.5, 170.68 Amal Product 390, 394.95, 385, 385.75 Bpl Ltd. 51.6, 53.35, 50.55, 52.2 Eih Asso.Hot 365.75, 371.5, 356, 365.5 M m m m
4719.25 Ifci Ltd 11.8, 11.98, 11.61, 11.9 Setfsn50 460, 460, 449, 455 Amarjothi Sp 177.95, 177.95, 170, 174.25 Bplpharma 335, 335, 317, 330 Eimco Elecon 318.05, 319.45, 311.05, 312.6 M m m
Apollo Tyres 173.2, 175.25, 165.95, 171.35 Iifl 275, 289, 275, 285.8 Sfl 3660, 3660, 3423.05, 3485.85 Ambica Agar. 26.5, 27.4, 26.1, 26.75 Brady Morris 114.8, 114.8, 103.25, 103.25 Ekam Leasing 4.01, 4.35, 4.01, 4.04 M M m m
Apollopipes 458.85, 458.85, 446.9, 455.1 Iiflsec 79.2, 80.85, 76.8, 78.6 Shakti Pumps 476.85, 479, 466.35, 476.55 Ambika Cotto 2348.75, 2370.6, 2255, Brahm Infra 31.5, 31.5, 28.8, 29.05 Ekennis 88.2, 88.2, 88.2, 88.2 m M m
Apollotri 781, 799.3, 781, 787 Iiflwam 1470, 1497.8, 1424.55, 1472.2 Shankara 648, 686.35, 647.95, 669.45 2302.25 Brandbuckt 23.55, 23.55, 23.55, 23.55 Eki 6616.95, 6835, 6616.95, 6616.95 m M m
Aptech Ltd 309.75, 312.25, 300.85, 307.95 Ind.Glycols 814.45, 836, 793.25, 811.3 Shardacrop 522, 542.95, 518.45, 531.9 Ambition 7.7, 7.7, 7.32, 7.32 Brawn Bio 18.55, 19.25, 17.55, 18 Eland 6.04, 6.04, 6.04, 6.04 m M m
Arvind Ltd 105.7, 109.4, 105.4, 108.45 Indbul Real 99.2, 102.8, 96.8, 101.8 Shil 384, 384, 366.55, 377.5 Amco India L 68.6, 73.5, 68.3, 69.2 Bridge Secur 14, 14.42, 13.4, 13.94 Elango Indus 12.91, 13.5, 12.27, 13.49 M M
Arvindfasn 252.35, 258.25, 245.8, 251.4 India Cem. 184, 194, 182.6, 192.85 Shilpa Medic 388.45, 399, 387.75, 396.35 Amd Indus 44.3, 45.65, 43.8, 43.95 Bright Bros. 159.75, 159.75, 154, 156.7 Elantas 3330.05, 3330.05, 3250, 3268.5 m M
Asahi In.Gla 400.75, 404.8, 387, 401 India Touris 335.05, 341.4, 330.5, 338.05 Shipp.Corpn 113.5, 117.45, 113.5, 114.75 Amerise 1.44, 1.49, 1.4, 1.42 Brijlaxmi Le 2.18, 2.18, 2.18, 2.18 Eldeco Hous. 633, 697.25, 633, 686.35 M m
Ashok Leyl. 99, 100.35, 93.2, 99.3 Indiamart 4090, 4186.4, 3965.35, 4079.4 Shk 144.9, 144.9, 139.8, 141.35 Amforge Ind. 6.08, 6.38, 6.01, 6.38 Brnl 31.2, 32.6, 30.05, 32.4 Elec.Casting 36.15, 38.1, 36.15, 37.5 M M M
Ashoka 89, 90.7, 87, 89.25 Indian Bank 132.5, 146.7, 132.5, 144.8 Shopper Stop 339.35, 348.2, 323.1, 327.4 Amines&plast 94.9, 94.9, 84.3, 93 Brooks Labs 87.4, 87.4, 79.4, 87.05 Electrotherm 108.7, 110.75, 108.7, 109.5 M m
Asian Paints 2698, 2736.75, 2638, 2723.65 Indian Hotel 189, 194.95, 189, 193.9 Shree Cement 21700, 22688.4, 21700, Amintan 3.05, 3.17, 2.96, 3.14 Bse Infra 3.28, 3.31, 3.07, 3.3 Elegant Flor 20.25, 20.25, 20.25, 20.25 m M m
Astec Life 1465.25, 1570.05, 1430, 1499.45 Indian Oil 113, 117.85, 111.85, 117.05 22537.9 Amiorg 859, 887.6, 850.05, 862.8 Bsl Ltd. 91, 97.5, 91, 97.5 Elegant Marb 99, 108, 97.1, 104.9 M m
Asterdm 160.55, 165.9, 160.25, 162.55 Indian Over. 17.5, 17.75, 17.35, 17.45 Shriram Tran 1010, 1048.7, 1002.5, 1040.95 Amjland 26.4, 29, 26.4, 27.1 Bslgoldetf 48.9, 48.9, 47.11, 48.19 Elixir 44.2, 44.2, 41.2, 42 W M m
Astra Micro 182.5, 216.75, 182.5, 212.05 Indigo 1592.05, 1613.95, 1556.25, 1600.05 Shrmcityun 1402, 1487.5, 1402, 1478.15 Amrapali Ind 20.1, 21.05, 19.15, 19.3 Bslnifty 17.55, 18, 17.4, 17.84 Elloratrad 24, 24, 23.45, 23.45 M
Astral 1832, 1875.15, 1817.8, 1833 Indigopnts 1550, 1550, 1440.45, 1493.15 Siemens Ltd. 2242.85, 2265.75, 2177.5, Amrawor Agri 1.69, 1.69, 1.69, 1.69 Burnpur 6.49, 6.5, 6.25, 6.46 Elnet Tech. 158.1, 162, 154.6, 156.95 M m m
Astrazen.Ph. 2616.85, 2642.15, 2570.45, Indo Count 156.6, 163.95, 156, 161.3 2248.75 Amrit Corp 875, 875, 852, 873.5 Byke Hosp 30.45, 30.5, 29.55, 29.9 Elpro Inter 59.15, 60.2, 58.6, 59.3 m M m
2620.85 Indoco Rem 368.05, 371.75, 356.45, 360.5 Sis 439.55, 459.45, 437.75, 448.35 Amrutanjan 811.9, 828.6, 807.55, 820.25 C Ema India 29.85, 29.85, 29.85, 29.85 m M
Atgl 1705, 1752.75, 1629.05, 1629.5 Indostar 217.15, 222, 215, 218.75 Sjvn 28, 29.1, 28, 28.85 Amtl 20.25, 20.25, 19.4, 19.5 C & C Constr 4.32, 4.59, 4.32, 4.55 Emami Paper 129.15, 131.85, 129.15, 130.65 m M S
Atul Ltd. 8640, 9170, 8515.55, 9107.7 Indra Gas 345, 376.4, 343.65, 370 Skf India 3285, 3285, 3108.8, 3203.9 Anandrathi 551.05, 598.1, 551.05, 584.15 Calcom Visio 119.95, 119.95, 109.7, 113.95 Emamireal 60, 61.35, 57, 60.1 M M m m
Aubank 1050, 1105.6, 1049.6, 1099.95 Indusind Bnk 835, 847, 816.4, 840.3 Sobha 709.85, 769, 687.6, 753.2 Andhra Cemen 13.63, 14.35, 13.5, 14.05 Californ.Sof 35, 38.1, 35, 38.1 Embassy 372.9, 372.9, 361.85, 368.76 M M
Aurob.Pharma 608.95, 630, 607.7, 626.4 Industower 199.2, 205.5, 197.8, 204 Solar Ind 2255.1, 2319.5, 2244.65, 2303 Andhra Petro 94.6, 97, 93, 94.05 Cambridge 62.45, 62.45, 61.7, 61.7 Emerall 100, 100, 96.6, 96.6 m M W m m
Avanti Feeds 444.55, 444.55, 423.95, 425.45 Infibeam 39.7, 39.9, 39.05, 39.5 Solara 698.7, 703.25, 689.4, 699.1 Andhra Sugar 143.5, 149, 140, 141.25 Camex Ltd 30.45, 31, 29.15, 30.9 Emkay Glob F 97.9, 104.25, 93, 102.15 M M
Axis Bank 667, 672.85, 637, 669.6 Info Edge 4286.2, 4396.1, 4284.05, 4385.15 Somany Cram 610, 638.4, 610, 633.85 Andpaper 214.6, 214.85, 212.5, 212.5 Canopyfin 21.15, 21.15, 19.15, 19.15 Emmbi 89.15, 92.2, 88.65, 92.2 M
Baj Hold Inv 4864.9, 4978.05, 4780, 4940.25 Infosys Ltd 1715, 1800, 1715, 1778.45 Sonata Soft. 753, 758.2, 738.95, 756.2 Andrew Yule 20.8, 21.35, 20.7, 21.25 Cantabil 690.1, 713.45, 682.85, 713.45 Emmessar Bio 27.9, 27.9, 25, 25.25 M m m
Bajaj Auto 3242, 3340, 3175.55, 3314.25 Ingersoll 1337.75, 1370, 1294.1, 1356.65 South Ind.Bk 7.83, 7.95, 7.81, 7.91 Aneri 6.37, 6.37, 6.37, 6.37 Capital Trus 117.3, 117.3, 116.15, 116.15 Empire Ind. 582.2, 593, 581, 583.7 m m M M
Bajaj Elect. 1114, 1140.6, 1091.7, 1112.65 Inox Leisure 400, 423.15, 385.25, 416.7 Spandana 332, 339.5, 325.3, 330.4 Ang 269.9, 278.9, 256.6, 256.6 Cappipes 83, 83, 82, 82.5 Encode 11.33, 11.33, 11.24, 11.24 m m M m
Bajaj Finse 14550, 14550, 13957, 14456.1 Intellect 689, 718.7, 687.85, 710.05 Spicejet Ltd 55.4, 58, 54.4, 57 Angel 24.05, 26.25, 24.05, 26.25 Caprihans 118.5, 118.5, 113, 116.8 Energy Dev. 18.25, 20.1, 18.25, 20 m M
Bajajcon 158.65, 161.7, 158.5, 160.4 Iol Chem Ph 323.65, 335.8, 295.1, 315.85 Srf Limited 2150, 2195, 2114.05, 2188.45 Anik Inds 26, 26, 24.65, 24.8 Caprola.Chem 43.75, 43.75, 42.85, 42.85 Enkei Wheel 332, 364, 332, 353.65 m M M m
Bajajhind 14.4, 15.15, 14.4, 14.92 Ion Exchange 1800, 1810, 1739.45, 1753.7 Star 317, 329, 317, 324.45 Anjani Finl 6.48, 6.5, 6.25, 6.25 Captain Poly 20.1, 21, 20.1, 20.2 Ent Network 182.6, 191.65, 180.5, 190.9 M
Bajfinance 6165, 6216.6, 5914.05, 6157.15 Ipca Lab Ltd 972.6, 1020.15, 964.05, 1014.75 Starcement 86.55, 87.6, 85.4, 85.95 Anjani Portl 248.5, 262.9, 247.25, 261.05 Careerp 116.75, 117.6, 112.5, 113.3 Enterpr.Inte 23.2, 23.2, 21.5, 21.5 M
Balaji Amine 2727.25, 2819.95, 2727.25, Irb Infra 208.05, 215.55, 199.6, 210.9 State Bank 438, 442, 425, 440.2 Anjani Synt. 30.55, 30.55, 29, 30.45 Carnation In 5.39, 5.65, 5.39, 5.65 Envain Elect 27.3, 27.3, 27.2, 27.2 M m
2810.7 Ircon 39.4, 40.4, 39.4, 40.25 Steel Auth. 98.4, 98.5, 93.5, 96.05 Anjanifoods 122.9, 122.9, 114.9, 120 Cartrade 506.3, 516, 492.8, 500.1 Epic Energy 5.82, 6.11, 5.53, 6.08 M
Balkrish Ind 1824.3, 1894.5, 1808.15, 1882.5 Irctc 718, 728.9, 710, 717.75 Ster Tech 177.25, 185.5, 177.25, 181.3 Anka India 9.6, 10.5, 9.6, 9.6 Catvision 10.97, 10.97, 10.02, 10.88 Epsom Pro 5.56, 5.56, 5.56, 5.56 M mM m m
Balmer Lawri 113.8, 116.65, 113.25, 115.95 Irfc 21.1, 21.7, 21.05, 21.5 Stovekraft 650, 664.15, 631.05, 647 Ankit Metal 8.15, 8.15, 7.43, 7.51 Cbpl 110, 110, 101, 109 Equippp 67.65, 72, 67.55, 70.9 M M
Balram.Chini 448.4, 455.8, 422.75, 432.85 Isec 619, 619, 580, 598.8 Subex Ltx 35.3, 36.55, 35.3, 35.8 Anmol 235, 235, 217, 218.95 Cchhl 7.75, 7.94, 7.46, 7.54 Eros Media 24.55, 25.25, 24.1, 24.5 M M
Bandhanbnk 254, 263.05, 249, 261.5 Isgec 554.1, 572.95, 538, 551.9 Subros Ltd. 330, 334.45, 327.6, 331.85 Anna Infra 14.22, 14.22, 14.22, 14.22 Ccl Inter 19.95, 20.5, 18.6, 18.6 Erp Soft Sys 131.5, 131.5, 131.5, 131.5 M m m
Bank Maha 17.8, 18, 17.5, 17.85 Itc Ltd. 224.35, 228.4, 223.9, 226.9 Sudarsh.Chem 565.6, 565.6, 514.5, 524.9 Ansal Build. 99.5, 99.5, 84.2, 91.65 Cdg 19, 19, 17.75, 17.75 Esaar (i)ltd 4.05, 4.05, 4.05, 4.05 M m m m M
Bankbaroda 93.55, 98.45, 92.25, 97.05 Itdcem 61.8, 63.3, 60.25, 62.5 Sumichem 362.5, 374.2, 362.45, 372.85 Ansal Infras 13.6, 14.25, 13.6, 13.95 Cebbco 40, 41.85, 40, 41.1 Eshamedia 4.66, 4.66, 4.43, 4.43 M mm m m
Bannari Aman 2140, 2399, 2140, 2325.65 Iti Ltd. 93.9, 93.9, 92.2, 93.4 Sun Pharma. 824, 861, 824, 855.55 Ansalhsg 7, 7.1, 6.71, 7.1 Ceejay Finan 105, 105, 92, 99 Essar Secu 6, 6.18, 5.6, 5.98 M
Basf India 2627, 2694.9, 2580, 2627.9 J & K Bank 32.45, 34.35, 32.45, 34 Sun Tvnet 444.9, 447.3, 429.65, 444.9 Anuh Pharma 96.1, 96.1, 92.6, 93.65 Ceeta Ind. 14.95, 14.95, 14.25, 14.25 Essar Ship 7.8, 8.3, 7.8, 8.12 m M
Bata India 1706.85, 1733, 1691, 1723.95 J Kumar Infr 162, 162, 154.35, 159.8 Sundar.Clay 3622.45, 3622.5, 3586.05, Anup 777.4, 798.1, 777.4, 789.2 Ceinsystech 140, 147, 133.05, 133.2 Ester Indus. 119, 122.9, 119, 121.05 m M W
Bayer Crop 4339.65, 4392.9, 4301.55, J.B.Chemical 1540.05, 1580.35, 1520.05, 3604.85 Anupam 2.97, 2.97, 2.97, 2.97 Celebrityfas 14.15, 14.8, 13.62, 14.05 Etil 8.5, 8.9, 8.5, 8.89 M m m M
4370.05 1561.65 Sundaram Fas 809, 819.45, 796, 802.9 Anuroop 15.25, 15.25, 15.25, 15.25 Cella 5, 5, 4.76, 4.76 Euro Ledar F 13.54, 14.21, 12.87, 12.87 M
Bbox 786, 813.15, 753.45, 765.25 Jai Corp Ltd 101.1, 105.75, 101.1, 105.15 Sunflag Iron 65.05, 68.4, 65.05, 67.15 Apex 278, 278, 266, 267.3 Cenlub Indus 105, 107.9, 104.3, 106 Evans 83.95, 83.95, 83.95, 83.95 M m
Bdl 452, 467.15, 448.15, 450.05 Jain Irrig 38.45, 39.55, 37, 38.15 Sunpha Adv 261.6, 279.85, 260.15, 276.6 Apil 59.65, 62.6, 59.65, 62.6 Centenial Su 68.3, 68.3, 62.3, 64.2 Everest Inds 591.85, 613.9, 562.4, 583.2 M m
Bectorfood 306.5, 309.2, 299.8, 302.15 Jaipra 8.75, 9.15, 8.5, 9.02 Sunteck Real 480, 487, 458.65, 476.6 Aplab Ltd. 17.8, 18.6, 17.7, 18.6 Centum Elec 410, 421.3, 401, 418.5 Everest Kant 204.45, 209.35, 195.95, 199.1 M
Beml Ltd 1420, 1513, 1420, 1438.55 Jamna Auto 97.25, 98.75, 95.6, 96.35 Suprem Ind 1976.2, 2029.65, 1952.2, Apm Indus. 40.65, 40.8, 38.95, 39.55 Century Enka 521.1, 534, 514, 524.2 Everest Org. 208.7, 208.7, 196, 202.15 m M
Berge Paint 630.6, 643.55, 620.55, 639.4 Jchac 1771.65, 1804.65, 1766.85, 1779.5 2014.65 Apmfinvest 51.25, 54.5, 49.85, 54.4 Century Ext 12.7, 12.91, 12.54, 12.61 Everlon Syn. 39.35, 39.35, 35.7, 38.7 M m
Bf Utili 308.5, 316, 304, 312.3 Jindal Polyf 1025, 1037.4, 993.65, 1030 Supreme Pet 723.35, 736.7, 701.6, 721.95 Apollo 111.15, 120.85, 109.35, 119.7 Cfl 8.45, 8.45, 7.85, 7.85 Evexia 6.64, 6.79, 6.4, 6.6 M m m
Bhansali Eng 122.25, 126.45, 122.25, 125.75 Jindal Saw 87.95, 87.95, 84.15, 86.3 Surya Roshni 398.95, 408.85, 393.55, 404.4 Apollo Fin I 759, 769.9, 697.15, 711.25 Cgpower 157, 163.25, 154, 160.9 Excel 7, 7, 6.67, 6.89 M m m
Bharat Elect 214.95, 217.7, 208.35, 212.85 Jindal Ste 443.2, 444.7, 426.15, 441.85 Suryoday 117, 117.3, 115, 116.55 Apoorva 46.4, 46.4, 42, 42.05 Cg-vak Softw 260, 274.9, 254, 266.45 Excel Indust 1645.75, 1693.2, 1542.25, 1608.15 m M M m
Bharat Forge 613.5, 618.55, 595.85, 614.85 Jk Cement 2385.2, 2394.3, 2168.35, 2186.2 Suvenphar 496.7, 499.45, 486.45, 494.2 Aptus 346, 347.3, 335.6, 339.55 Chamanlal Se 94, 98, 91.2, 97.55 Expleosol 1355.95, 1398.95, 1353.05, 1373.7 m m M m m V
Bharat Pet. 338, 343, 332.7, 341.8 Jk Lakshmi 411.9, 419.65, 393.45, 396.05 Suzlonenergy 9.48, 9.92, 9.4, 9.69 Aqfintech 385.05, 410, 385, 391.65 Chandni Te 44, 46.3, 43.3, 45.35 Explicit Fin 4, 4, 4, 4 m M m M
Bharti Artl 675.4, 686.8, 667.7, 682.9 Jk Paper 222.8, 228.05, 217.4, 223.3 Swan Eng 158.5, 162.7, 157.1, 161.6 Aravali Sec. 6.65, 6.65, 6.25, 6.61 Chandnimach 24.8, 25, 24.3, 25 Expo Gas 11.9, 12.49, 11.38, 11.4 M m m
Bhel 48.7, 50.5, 48.5, 50.05 Jk Tyre Ind 100.2, 104.75, 100.05, 103.65 Swaraj Engin 1308.9, 1340, 1308.9, 1330 Arcee Indust 8, 8, 7.95, 7.95 Chandra Prab 207.45, 217.5, 207.45, 214.5 Exxaro 117.5, 117.5, 108.65, 113.7 M m m m
Biocon Ltd. 333.95, 338.4, 325.95, 334.7 Jm Financial 60.75, 63.2, 60.75, 61.6 Swsolar 303, 314.5, 302.75, 312.3 Arcfin 42.65, 42.65, 42.65, 42.65 Chandrima 4.28, 4.49, 4.09, 4.49 F m M m m
Birla Corpn. 1004.6, 1125.7, 1004.6, 1077.95 Jppower 6.72, 7.05, 6.7, 7.04 Sxetf 579.09, 579.9, 565.1, 576.51 Archidply In 40.1, 40.5, 39, 40.25 Chartered Ca 82.5, 82.5, 82.5, 82.5 Fabino 27.8, 29.7, 27.8, 29.7 m m m M m
Blissgvs Ph 73.35, 74.4, 72, 73.05 Jsl 193, 197.5, 180.45, 187.8 Symphony 1050, 1050, 950.85, 959.75 Archies Ltd 16.85, 17.2, 16.8, 16.9 Charterlogis 7.12, 7.33, 7, 7.29 Facor Alloys 7.89, 8.34, 7.63, 8.24 m M m m
Blue Dart Ex 5537.3, 5788.4, 5429.25, 5670.5 Jslhisar 346, 363.5, 333.5, 345.9 Syngene 541.2, 549, 529.25, 538.8 Architorg 38.25, 39.35, 37.15, 37.5 Chcl 18.2, 19, 18.2, 18.2 Fairchemor 1537, 1544, 1485.05, 1514.75 m M mm
Blue Star 993.05, 1035, 983.05, 1015.9 Jswhl 4080, 4080, 3750, 3897.05 T.P.L. 95, 95, 91.85, 93.6 Arex Ind. 170.75, 170.75, 170.75, 170.75 Chdchem 9.87, 9.87, 8.96, 8.97 Faze Three L 311.85, 322.95, 305.05, 312.95 m M
Bnk Of India 46.2, 47.6, 46.1, 47.35 Jswsl 639, 639, 613.05, 629.4 Tamil.Newspr 131.95, 133.4, 129.15, 129.85 Arfin 118, 121, 114.05, 121 Chembond Chm 170.1, 175.15, 169.25, 172.5 Faze3auto 108, 111, 100.05, 108.95 M
Bodal Chem 99.8, 100.75, 97.55, 100.45 Jtektindia 74, 74, 70.3, 71.55 Tanla 1418.1, 1441.4, 1377, 1413.7 Ari.Tourneso 16.8, 16.9, 16.11, 16.9 Chemcon 271.05, 277.4, 269.65, 274.5 Fcs Software 3.4, 3.6, 3.34, 3.55 M m
Bom Dyeing 95.65, 98.4, 94.8, 97.3 Jubl Food 2574.4, 2613.45, 2519, 2577.2 Tasty Bite 10825, 11200, 10500, 10766.95 Aries Agro 124, 128.9, 122.95, 128 Chemcrux 145, 151, 141.3, 151 Fed Mog Goe 257, 264.8, 257, 261.9 m M m m
Bom.Burmah 890, 925, 873.05, 893.65 Jublingrea 429, 434, 401.35, 421 Tata Chem. 848, 876, 841.25, 870.1 Arih Super 122.85, 131.3, 120.7, 120.75 Chemfabalka 171.4, 180, 167.75, 173.15 Fel 9.2, 9.71, 9.06, 9.53 M m M
Bororenew 567.5, 581.2, 563.2, 576.65 Jublpharma 398.1, 407.95, 395.45, 396.7 Tata Coffee 185.85, 191.15, 183.6, 189.4 Arihant Cap. 382.1, 398.1, 380.5, 398.1 Chemo Pharma 38.95, 41.75, 38.95, 38.95 Feldvr 23.8, 24.71, 23.14, 24.71 M m
Bosch Ltd 14159.5, 14756.15, 14130.05, Justdial 718.3, 765, 718.3, 755.7 Tata Comm 1140, 1148.4, 1117.95, 1139.6 Arihant Foun 30.9, 31.1, 30.1, 31.05 Chemplasts 546.85, 546.85, 527.25, 532.35 Fermenta 219.15, 221.1, 215.1, 216.1 M m
14661.75 Jyothylab 139.45, 140.4, 137.9, 139.4 Tata Elxsi 6575, 6653.85, 6486.1, 6572.55 Arihant Sec. 12.34, 12.34, 11.2, 12.33 Chemtech Ind 16.65, 16.65, 16.5, 16.5 Fert Che(ps 113.4, 113.55, 109.4, 112.55 M m
Brigade 436, 448, 428.9, 442.25 K.P.R. Mill 595, 630, 594.4, 625.65 Tata Invest. 1314, 1314, 1263.05, 1284.8 Arl 50.3, 50.3, 48, 50.05 Chenferro 107, 111.7, 106, 108.55 Ferventsyn 14.25, 15.3, 14.23, 15 M M m M M m
Britania Ind 3100, 3180.35, 3050, 3114.1 Kajaria Cer. 902, 919.6, 900.85, 910 Tata Metalik 827.35, 835.35, 799, 809.6 Arman Fin 803.15, 807, 788.6, 805.1 Cheviot Co. 1094.35, 1105, 1080, 1097.2 Fgp Ltd. 8.23, 8.25, 7.47, 8.25 M m
Bslsenetfg 51, 51, 50.05, 50.99 Kalpa.Power 372.05, 384.8, 372.05, 381.4 Tata Motors 392.3, 395.35, 376.15, 391.8 Arnold Hold 11.52, 12.44, 11.52, 11.65 Chl Ltd 13.85, 13.85, 13.44, 13.85 Fiberwb In 42.4, 44.6, 41.8, 44 M m
Bsoft 434.95, 453.4, 434.8, 451.25 Kalyani Stel 302.1, 303.5, 285.9, 296.25 Tata Power 217.35, 227.8, 215, 227 Aro Granite 56.75, 56.75, 54.1, 55.7 Choice Int. 176.95, 178, 172.7, 175.5 Fiem Inds 950, 972.9, 928, 939.55 m M m
Camlinfine 139.85, 142.5, 136.1, 141.4 Kalyankjil 58.8, 61.35, 58.8, 60 Tata Steel 1297, 1297, 1244.5, 1269.35 Aroma Ent 22.35, 22.35, 22.25, 22.3 Choksi Imag 34.7, 38.9, 34.7, 37.5 Filat Fash 6, 6.3, 5.95, 6.18 M
Cams 2365.2, 2424.05, 2363.05, 2381.85 Kamaholding 8704.25, 8741.9, 8400, 8522.3 Tataconsum 659, 688, 657.8, 683.6 Arrowgreen 93, 94, 89.95, 90.2 Choksi Labor 27.4, 27.95, 25.9, 26.95 Fineline Ci 45.8, 50.5, 45.7, 48.85 M M m
Canara Bank 202.5, 210.55, 199.4, 209.25 Kansai Nero 433, 437.8, 422.5, 432.3 Tatamtrtdvr 193.55, 194.75, 180.1, 187.45 Arshiya 35, 35.4, 33.5, 33.5 Chordia Food 136, 140, 134.1, 139.95 Fineotex Ch 148.1, 153.05, 148.1, 152 M m
Canfin Homes 539, 563, 539, 558.1 Karnataka Bk 56.5, 56.8, 55.5, 56.45 Tatastllp 701.9, 710.2, 689, 700.9 Arss Infra 26.95, 26.95, 25.3, 25.75 Chowgule St 13.53, 13.53, 12.31, 12.81 Finkurve 36.7, 39.3, 35.6, 37.95 m M
Capacite 123.05, 126.2, 122.9, 123.6 Kaveri Seed 514, 529.1, 496.6, 528.25 Tciexp 1799, 1799, 1694, 1737.1 Artefact Pr 56.95, 57.5, 53.5, 55.45 Cianagro 67.5, 67.5, 64.15, 65.05 Finopb 278, 278, 257.5, 267.3 m M
Caplin Point 710, 723.4, 690, 716.65 Kec Intern 418, 422.7, 412.4, 416.2 Tcnsbrands 680.05, 683.75, 646.2, 679 Artemismed 38.5, 40.4, 38.2, 39.9 Cifl 106, 109.1, 100.2, 100.8 First Custo. 45.8, 45.8, 45.8, 45.8 m M m m
Carborundum 700.05, 746.4, 700.05, 742.65 Kei Indust. 1041.75, 1048, 996.8, 1039.15 Tcs Ltd. 3458, 3608, 3458, 3599.95 Artson Eng 50.05, 54.6, 49.4, 54.4 Cil 17.7, 17.7, 17.7, 17.7 Firstfin 5.34, 5.54, 5.21, 5.53 m M m
Carerating 499.8, 526.3, 495.2, 506.7 Kennametal 1948, 2240, 1911.6, 2167.45 Teamlease 3964.3, 3985.6, 3862.6, 3914.45 Arunahtel 10, 10.26, 9.66, 9.89 Cil Nova 33.1, 34.75, 32, 34.75 Fischer 88.35, 93, 88.35, 93 M N mm m
Castrol 107.25, 108.9, 106.8, 108.45 Kesoram Ind 50.65, 51.5, 47.8, 49.05 Tech Mah 1416, 1466.5, 1416, 1462.6 Arunis 28.15, 28.15, 25.75, 27.15 Cil Securits 23.5, 25.4, 23, 23.85 Flex Foods 94, 94, 87.65, 90 m m mm
Ccl Products 393, 393, 367.65, 376.7 Kiri Dyes 447.85, 469, 445.7, 467.1 Technoe 234.25, 234.3, 225.8, 231.1 Arvsmart 192.3, 196, 185.2, 190.3 Cindrella Fi 10.8, 11.3, 10.26, 10.8 Flexituff 20.9, 21.95, 20.9, 20.95 M
Ceat Limited 1027.4, 1044.95, 977.2, 986.05 Kirl.Bros. 277.55, 284.55, 275, 280.05 Tejasnet 367.1, 371.8, 359.5, 366.6 Aryaman Fin. 54, 56.9, 53.5, 55.1 Cineline 87.3, 90.5, 86.5, 88.4 Flomic 134.3, 140, 134.3, 136.15 m
Central Bk 18, 18.2, 17.75, 18.1 Kirl.Ferrous 188, 195.25, 188, 192.95 Thermax 1789.95, 1823.8, 1765.35, 1797 Asahi Song 265.3, 268.95, 257.25, 268.65 Cinerad Comm 4.48, 4.5, 4.11, 4.11 Flora Textil 12.1, 12.1, 12.1, 12.1 m m m
Centrum Cap 25.05, 26.25, 25.05, 26 Kirloil Eng 127, 127, 123.65, 126.2 Thirumalai 195.15, 200.8, 190.1, 196.2 Ascensive 22.3, 22.3, 22.1, 22.1 Cinevista 11.37, 11.47, 11.06, 11.4 Fluidomat 129.6, 138.3, 129.6, 132.4 m m
Century Text 718, 739.1, 704.15, 729.05 Kirlosar Pn 414, 414, 387.8, 405.65 Thomas Cook 56.95, 58.75, 56.2, 56.5 Ashapura Ltd 98.4, 101.75, 96, 99.4 Citadel 16.76, 16.76, 14.55, 15.68 Fluorochem 2533, 2533, 2444, 2502.65 mm
Centuryply 594.15, 604.15, 594, 599.4 Knr Const 289, 295, 281.65, 289.75 Thyrocare 813.45, 829.6, 793.2, 822 Ashiana Agro 10.6, 10.6, 10.1, 10.15 Cityonline 5.7, 5.7, 5.64, 5.64 Fmnl 8.65, 9.8, 8.65, 9.54
Cera Sanitar 4211.85, 4423.95, 4211.85, Koltepatil 264, 279.05, 263.25, 278.6 Tiindia 1505, 1520, 1448, 1462.1 Ashiana Hou 158.95, 158.95, 155.55, 158.95 Cj Gelatin 20.4, 20.4, 19.5, 19.5 Focus 28.85, 28.9, 26.2, 28.9
4317.3 Kotak Mah.Bk 1685.2, 1729.35, 1674.1, Time Techno 68, 71.25, 67.3, 70.15 Ashiana Isp. 21.65, 21.9, 20.15, 20.15 Clara 92, 92, 92, 92 Foods & Inns 89, 89, 83.3, 84.65 M
Cerebra Inte 74.8, 76.2, 73.05, 74.65 1723.6 Timken (i) 1953.3, 1969.45, 1917.55, Ashikacr 36, 37.25, 34.05, 36 Clari Chem 457, 467.35, 451, 462.95 Forbes & Co 444, 444, 399.95, 408.1
Cesc Ltd. 78.9, 79.5, 76.35, 77.7 Kpittech 546.5, 559, 535, 554.1 1946.15 Ashima Ltd. 14.9, 15.3, 14.68, 14.95 Clean 1894, 1931.9, 1860.6, 1874.35 Fortis Mlr 57.55, 60.95, 57.55, 58.85 m m
Cgcl 585.5, 599.9, 580, 597 Krbl Ltd. 193.65, 207.4, 193.65, 203.95 Tinplate 321, 335, 319.65, 331.25 Ashirwad Cap 6.85, 7.5, 6.85, 7.23 Cleducate 113.9, 119.15, 113.9, 118.05 Fortune m m
Chalet 263, 268.05, 258.5, 265.05 Ksb 1144.65, 1150, 1087.35, 1102.55 Titan 2390, 2418.2, 2326.55, 2369.95 Ashirwad Stl 15.99, 15.99, 15.12, 15.33 Clfl 21.6, 23.8, 21.6, 21.6 m m M
Chambal Fert 382, 404.4, 380.75, 395.5 L.G.Balkrish 535, 572, 526.7, 541.5 Tornt Power 460, 479.75, 460, 468.4 Ashish Poly. 24.85, 24.85, 24.85, 24.85 Clio Infotec 5.55, 6.13, 5.55, 6.13 m W
Chennai Pet. 109.65, 119.1, 109.5, 113.75 Lalpathlab 2318.3, 2456.45, 2315.7, 2439.15 Torrent Phar 2659.45, 2767.15, 2651.9, Ashni 11.71, 12.3, 11.7, 11.7 Cmi Ltd. 37.7, 37.7, 36, 36.95 m m
Cholafin 603.5, 621.2, 596, 615.4 La-opala Rg 349.2, 355, 336.05, 346.8 2750.3 Ashnoor Tex. 55.55, 55.55, 51.35, 52.35 Cmm Hospital 24.55, 26.35, 22.85, 24.75 m m
Cholahldng 631.6, 638.75, 612.7, 623.85 Larsen & Tou 1630, 1666, 1595, 1659.1 Transport Co 546, 546.6, 529.1, 536.05 Ashoka Refin 12.66, 12.66, 12.03, 12.03 Cmsinfo 238.1, 244, 234.9, 238.75 M m m
Cigniti Tech 502, 505.05, 478, 496.25 Lauruslabs 527, 545.45, 525, 535.4 Trent Ltd. 1065, 1090, 1048.2, 1076.75 Ashok-alco 92.85, 92.85, 85.45, 90.65 Cni Res Ltd 2.5, 2.5, 2.3, 2.5 m M m
Cipla Ltd. 939.7, 976.35, 937.65, 968.35 Laxmimach 9921, 10110.35, 9880, 10040.15 Triveni Engg 274.9, 287.35, 270.25, 277.85 Ashram Onlin 5.73, 6.1, 5.73, 5.9 Coast Corp 355.35, 368.5, 348.8, 365.2 m W
City Union 111, 117.9, 110.6, 117 Lemontree 53.8, 57.7, 53.55, 57 Triveniturb 174.85, 184.75, 172.6, 175.75 Asian Granit 100.05, 102.4, 99.1, 101 Coastal Road 19.75, 19.8, 19.75, 19.8 m
Coal India 189.8, 191.7, 186.65, 189.05 Lic Hous.Fin 330, 340.5, 327, 338.9 Ttk Prestige 765.75, 795.45, 755.1, 762.5 Asian Htl E 192.85, 192.85, 192.85, 192.85 Cochin Min. 107.95, 109, 105.25, 108.65 M
Cochinship 283, 291, 281, 284.55 Licnetfsen 576, 576, 563, 571.64 Tv Today 371.75, 380.6, 363, 376.9 Asian Petro 29.5, 30.7, 28.05, 28.7 Cockerill 1658, 1690, 1640, 1654.9 m
Coforge 4733, 4838.3, 4674.45, 4816.65 Lindeindia 2549.75, 2664, 2458.1, 2645.1 Tv18brdcst 58.25, 61.25, 58.25, 60.8 Asian Star 813.05, 874, 717, 853.8 Coffeeday 52.6, 54.7, 52.4, 54.45 m m
Colgate Palm 1400.5, 1436.45, 1387.3, Lnt Fh 59.9, 62.95, 59.6, 62.4 Tvs Motor L 526, 538.3, 519.8, 534.8 Asian Tea 16.05, 17.5, 16.05, 17.1 Colinz Labor 25.45, 25.45, 24, 24.75 G m m
1431.45 Lti 6238, 6464.25, 6177, 6439 Tvs Srichakr 1768.2, 1782, 1725, 1749 Asianene 115.4, 115.95, 110.85, 113.6 Com Fincap 24, 25.6, 23.5, 23.65 m m m m
Confi Petro 62.9, 65.75, 62.9, 64.65 Ltts 4639.3, 4856, 4638.85, 4823.4 Ucobank 11.53, 11.74, 11.49, 11.63 Asianhotnr 76.1, 77, 73, 75.95 Comfort Com 16.8, 16.85, 16.5, 16.85 m m m
Contain.Corp 576.9, 578.65, 556.1, 568.4 Lupin Ltd. 698, 711.4, 692.1, 708.4 Uflex Ltd 497.95, 504.7, 493.05, 502 Asiil 15.25, 15.5, 14.6, 14.6 Comfort Inte 25.05, 26.15, 23.9, 24.25 m mM m m m
Corom Inter 772, 772, 752.2, 757.65 Luxind 2245.8, 2381, 2245.8, 2362.5 Ujjivan 115.5, 119, 111.15, 113.65 Asit C Fin 59.2, 64.5, 58.4, 58.85 Competent Au 182.5, 182.5, 167.2, 176.5 M m m m
Cosmo Films 1523.2, 1597.05, 1523.2, Lxchem 401.45, 407, 398.65, 403.35 Ujjivansfb 16.55, 17.5, 16.55, 17 Asm Technolo 710, 720, 691.35, 707.8 Compuage Inf 31.6, 31.6, 30.4, 30.95 m m
1583.65 M&m Finanser 129, 135, 128.15, 134.05 Ultratech Cm 5650, 5874, 5631.05, 5831.85 Aspira 79, 82.55, 79, 82.55 Compucom Sof 21.2, 22.4, 21.1, 22.15 m m
Cpse Etf 34.31, 34.8, 33.73, 34 Mah & Mah 690.55, 702.7, 671, 700.5 Unichem Lab 250.55, 255.15, 245.6, 248.85 Asrl 108.95, 111.7, 103.5, 106.1 Comsyn 272.9, 273, 260.1, 263.95 m
Craftsman 1955, 1993.65, 1941.95, 1948.5 Mah Holiday 200, 205.75, 198.15, 204.6 Union Bank L 38, 39.1, 37.9, 38.45 Asso.Alcohol 444.9, 446.55, 435, 445.15 Conart Eng. 34.4, 36.2, 34.4, 35.25 m m mM
Creditacc 651.1, 699, 651.1, 658.45 Mah.Scooter 3391.3, 3401.6, 3333.05, United Brewa 1312, 1359.95, 1288.1, 1345 Astron 39.45, 40.6, 38.85, 39.35 Concord 29.5, 29.8, 28.35, 28.95 m
Crisil Ltd 2621, 2749, 2621, 2689.8 3372.7 Upl 732, 740, 707.5, 724.05 Asyl 11.94, 11.94, 11.35, 11.69 Consol Const 2.4, 2.64, 2.4, 2.52 M
Crompton 376.3, 388, 372.2, 386.3 Mah.Seamless 501.85, 514.35, 500.65, Usha Mart.Lt 86.9, 88.75, 84.45, 88.2 Atam 45, 45, 45, 45 Cont.Chem 132.3, 139.4, 128.3, 132 mm
Csbbank 209.7, 216.5, 202.75, 206.2 511.65 Utiamc 838.55, 860, 834.1, 847.7 Atharv Ent 1.93, 2.13, 1.93, 2.13 Cont.Petro 40.4, 42.95, 40.4, 41.85 m m m
Cummins (i) 953.65, 953.65, 926, 944.7 Maha.Tele 23.9, 24.75, 23.7, 24.1 V Guard Ind 205.6, 208, 201.8, 204.25 Athenaglo 52, 52, 52, 52 Container 3.2, 3.2, 3.2, 3.2 m m
Cyient 920, 941.35, 889.55, 914.4 Mahindcie 175.9, 180.95, 175.9, 178.9 Vaibhavgbl 390, 402.3, 390, 396.35 Atishay 39.25, 41, 38.25, 40.2 Conti.Contrl 5.31, 5.83, 5.31, 5.74
Daawat 66.3, 68.5, 66.1, 68.1 Mahindralife 278.8, 294, 278.8, 292.05 Vakrangee 30.4, 31.25, 30.4, 30.95 Atlanta 19.3, 19.7, 18.65, 19.7 Contil I Ltd 39.5, 40.95, 39.5, 40.85
Dabur (i) 506.1, 522.95, 504.9, 521.7 Mahlog 415, 415, 401.55, 405.05 Valiantorg 863, 879.95, 850.65, 872.5 Atul Auto 175, 175, 168, 173.3 Control Prnt 354.8, 358.65, 345, 350.25 m m
Dalbharat 1323.95, 1370, 1279.45, 1361.85 Man Infra 95, 97.4, 93.55, 96.2 Vardh Text 2572, 2635.4, 2530.5, 2603.05 Atv Projects 10.98, 10.98, 10.2, 10.6 Coral (i)fin 38.45, 38.45, 36.65, 37 m
Dalmiasug 430, 440, 412.3, 418.95 Manap Fin 114.5, 121.5, 113.9, 120.4 Varroc 283.15, 306.1, 283.15, 304.35 Aurionpro So 287, 294.75, 284.6, 292.3 Coral Lab. 267.4, 267.4, 259.9, 265.45 m
Dbl 245, 254.5, 242.15, 249.4 Mangalam Cem 335.05, 347.4, 335, 345 Vatech Waba 277.65, 286.8, 277.65, 283.35 Auro Lab. 87.75, 89.75, 87, 89.1 Coral Newspr 12.73, 12.73, 12.73, 12.73 m m
Dcal 156.05, 162.75, 153.25, 162 Maricoltd 482, 492, 478.35, 490.25 Vbl 905.2, 924.5, 902.7, 913.25 Aurum 103.05, 108.35, 103.05, 107.45 Cords Cable 50.6, 51.55, 50.3, 51.25
Dcbbank 70.1, 70.35, 68.8, 69.45 Marksans 45.85, 46.95, 45.75, 46.35 Vedl 398.8, 398.8, 372.5, 381.3 Ausom Ent 61.55, 64.75, 61.55, 62.95 Coro Engg 34.25, 35.95, 32.7, 35.9 m M
Dcmshriram 999.8, 1003.55, 917.15, 955.15 Marutisuzuk 6726, 6851.25, 6540, 6805.2 Venkey’s (i) 1962.8, 2030.65, 1962.8, Austin Engg. 54.4, 55.7, 52.05, 55.7 Corpor Cour 19.85, 19.85, 19.85, 19.85 M m m
Deepak Fert. 568.3, 585.3, 539.9, 545.3 Masfin 543.25, 556.5, 521.8, 543.25 1993.95 Auto Axles 1469.9, 1475.55, 1418, 1423 Cosco India 237.95, 240, 227, 233.05 m m
Deepak Nitr. 1832.25, 1900, 1827, 1887.25 Mastek Ltd 2776.55, 2825, 2754.6, 2788.85 Vesuvius Ind 958.15, 967, 913.4, 940.75 Auto Cor.Goa 915.05, 991, 915.05, 973.8 Cosmo Ferr. 401.4, 401.4, 401.4, 401.4 m
Delta Corp 251.95, 261.15, 251.95, 260.3 Matrimony 691, 717.6, 686.75, 700.4 Vinati Org. 1845, 1866.35, 1814.1, 1824.3 Autoind 51.65, 51.65, 48.15, 49.4 Cosyn 22, 22.7, 21.1, 22.7
Dhampur Suga 418, 434.35, 406.2, 409.95 Maxhealth 345, 348.75, 341, 343.35 Vindhya Tele 1055.7, 1082.05, 1045.6, Automotive S 332, 333.15, 326.6, 333.15 Country Cond 5.69, 5.69, 5.18, 5.36 m m m mm
Dhan Agri 736.1, 748.5, 723.35, 728.9 Mayur Uniq. 360.85, 369.5, 351, 354.15 1079.45 Avadhsugar 615, 639, 601.55, 616.85 Cpml 69.45, 69.45, 69.45, 69.45 m
Dhani 70, 71.6, 68.4, 70.4 Mazdock 237, 244, 237, 242.85 Vip Indus. 599, 640, 595.05, 630.5 Available Fi 80, 81.5, 77.2, 78.55 Crane Infra 7.38, 7.38, 6.68, 6.68 m
Dish Tv 14.15, 15.36, 14.15, 14.95 Mcx Ltd 1274.8, 1274.8, 1210.5, 1236.05 Vmart 3447.95, 3594.85, 3440, 3513.6 Avantel Ltd 740, 740, 720.5, 738.2 Cranes Softw 3.25, 3.41, 3.12, 3.41 m m
Divi’s Lab. 4095, 4175.5, 4067.7, 4164.6 Metropolis 1915, 1921, 1871.75, 1896.2 Voltas Ltd 1145, 1160.55, 1100.3, 1151.9 Avi 35, 36.45, 33.5, 35.8 Cranex Ltd. 17, 17, 17, 17 m m m
Dixon 4058.15, 4135.75, 4002, 4071.2 Mfsl 774.55, 785.05, 756.5, 774.5 Vrllog 433.95, 434.95, 416.5, 423.45 Aviva Inds 16.8, 16.8, 16.8, 16.8 Cravatex 322.3, 322.3, 322.3, 322.3 m
Dlf Limited 314.8, 331.3, 312.2, 329.25 Mgl 715.2, 770, 715.2, 761.4 Vst Indus. 2909.95, 2910, 2798.75, 2818.7 Avl 700, 700, 650.75, 673.95 Creative 356, 378.8, 356, 367.2
Dmart 4047.9, 4160, 3993, 4114 Midhani 172.25, 174.1, 168.1, 169.7 Vst Tillers 2444.7, 2574.55, 2422.2, 2481.3 Avonmore 69.5, 73.9, 69.5, 71 Creative Eye 4.09, 4.09, 3.75, 3.9 m m
Dr.Reddy’s 3770, 3888, 3737.35, 3867.25 Minda Ind 901, 938.9, 873.65, 929.45 Wabco 6924.15, 7087.4, 6823, 6949.05 Avt Natural 91, 92.9, 87.4, 91.55 Cressanda So 9.09, 9.2, 8.97, 9.2 m
Dwar Sugar 98.45, 106.8, 98.45, 104.4 Mindacorp 173.95, 184, 173.95, 182.85 Welcorp 139.95, 142.3, 136.55, 140.5 Awhcl 270, 274.9, 269.75, 272.8 Crest 166, 175.95, 166, 175 m Q m
E.I.D.Par 409.65, 416.7, 405.55, 408.85 Mindtree Ltd 3865.15, 4014, 3865.15, 3997.1 Welent 78.9, 80.25, 78.05, 79.45 Awl 347, 357.7, 338.6, 342.8 Crestchem Lt 40.7, 40.7, 37, 37 M
Eclerx 2295.85, 2449.75, 2295.85, 2409.15 Mineral&metl 44.1, 46.15, 43.85, 45.15 Welspun (i) 100.25, 101.65, 96.65, 97.4 Axel Polymer 49.9, 53.95, 49.9, 49.9 Csl 25.35, 26.65, 25.35, 26.65 m m
Edelweiss 52.15, 52.45, 50.55, 52.1 Moil Ltd 172.65, 175.8, 169.6, 171.15 West Coas Pa 235.9, 240.05, 234.25, 236.9 Axiscades 84.9, 88.55, 83, 88.55 Cslfinance 182.55, 192, 175, 179.15 m
Eicher Motor 2251, 2265.15, 2160.05, 2253.9 Moldtkpack 660, 684.85, 660, 670.8 Westlife Dev 455.4, 456, 441, 445.05 Axiscbdpd 14.5, 15.75, 14.5, 15.5 Ctl 11.47, 11.51, 10.45, 11.51 m m
Eih Ltd. 122.6, 127.85, 122.4, 125.25 Morepen Lab. 40.1, 40.1, 38.6, 39.2 Whirlpool 1610, 1624.45, 1560, 1571.35 Axiscbgpg 14, 14.8, 13.75, 14.8 Cubex Tubing 27.8, 28.65, 26.25, 26.9 M m W m m m
Elecon Eng 143.45, 149.05, 140.65, 147.05 Motherson Ss 128.6, 130.15, 119.55, 127 Wipro Ltd. 572, 590.85, 572, 587.1 Axisccgpg 14.5, 15.85, 14.45, 14.85 Cubical Fin. 2.41, 2.6, 2.41, 2.54 m
Elgi Equip 325.05, 333.1, 308.85, 319.05 Motilalofs 858.05, 866, 823.25, 842.85 Wockhardt 315.9, 321.75, 304.95, 308.1 Axiscetf 65, 66, 62.23, 63.56 Cupid Ltd 218.05, 230, 218.05, 228.45 m m
Emami Ltd. 458.95, 472, 453.7, 461.7 Mphasis Ltd 3160.75, 3198, 3133.25, Yes Bank 12.66, 12.85, 12.6, 12.73 Axisgold 46.14, 46.38, 45.5, 45.88 Cwd 574.95, 581.3, 574.95, 581.3 R m
Endurance 1105.2, 1155, 1105, 1112.9 3174.65 Zee Enter 234.8, 240, 228.9, 236.25 Axishetf 80.7, 81.3, 76.6, 77.97 Cybele Ind 10.18, 10.68, 9.68, 10.68 m
Enginrs.(i) 64.6, 66, 64.4, 64.95 Mrf Ltd. 66120, 66627.25, 65800, 66340.3 Zensar Tech. 341.65, 347.9, 331.75, 337.6 Axistecetf 350, 356.29, 349, 354.12 Cyber Media 39, 39.9, 36.1, 37.3 m
Epl 157.9, 157.9, 149, 152.55 Mrpl 43.4, 43.4, 41.5, 41.9 Zydus Well 1488, 1511.95, 1488, 1498.5 Axita 123.2, 126, 117, 124.65 Cybertech 171.8, 175.4, 169, 174.15 m m W
Equitas 102.35, 104, 99.95, 103.25 Mstc 298.85, 306.95, 295.65, 302.15 Zyduslife 342, 346.9, 335.9, 343.85 Axtel Indus. 280, 285, 273, 273.9 D m M m m M W
Equitasbnk 47.35, 50, 47.15, 49.3 Mtartech 1910, 1955.95, 1897.4, 1942.55 OTHER GROUPS Aymsyntex 103.3, 111.5, 103.25, 107.55 D B Corp 83.75, 84.9, 82.95, 84.2 m W W
Eris 669.85, 682.45, 662.65, 675 Muthoot Fin 1350.25, 1377.6, 1342.15, 20 Microns 70, 73.85, 69.85, 71.4 B D B Realty 99.5, 108.9, 99.35, 103.2 m W
Esab India 2945, 2945, 2784.95, 2887.15 1371.2 21st Cen.Mgm 27.55, 27.55, 27.55, 27.55 B.N.Rathi Se 32.05, 35.95, 32.05, 34.15 Dai-ichi Kar 365, 377.9, 354.2, 361.95 M M W
Escorts Ltd. 1798, 1801.45, 1740.1, 1765.1 N C L Ind. 169.15, 179.65, 169.15, 178.85 3i Infotech 57.45, 57.75, 56, 57.75 B2b Soft. 37.45, 38, 36, 36.5 Daikaffil Ch 25.5, 25.5, 24.2, 24.2 m M W
Eveready (i) 330, 343.7, 327.1, 335.65 Nam-india 290, 296.7, 286.65, 294.3 3pland 15.95, 16.2, 14.7, 15.6 Ba Pack 195, 195, 183.2, 183.3 Dalal St Inv 261.85, 272, 261.85, 270 m W
Exide Ind. 139.5, 145.55, 139.5, 144.9 Nat.Alum 127.35, 127.35, 120.55, 122.15 5paisa 313.5, 315.55, 296.3, 298.75 Baba Arts 20, 20, 18.65, 19.5 Damoindus 59.05, 60.9, 58.3, 58.9 W
Fconsumer 6.6, 6.93, 6.6, 6.89 Natco Pharm 880, 920, 842.15, 849.8 63moons 187.05, 204, 187.05, 200.85 Bafna Pharma 123, 124, 118, 123.85 Danlaw Tech. 195.2, 199.95, 194.25, 199 W
Fdc Limited 265.95, 266, 255.05, 256.5 National Fer 42.5, 45.8, 42.5, 44.15 7nr 23, 23, 20.15, 20.5 Bag Fil Med 5.56, 5.9, 5.51, 5.79 Danube 20.05, 21, 20, 20.05 W
Federal Bank 87.5, 90.4, 86.1, 89.65 Nav Bhar Ven 117.15, 121.85, 114.7, 119.2 7seas 16.5, 16.5, 15.85, 16.1 Baid Leasing 152, 154.8, 142, 150.85 Darshanorna 132.45, 132.45, 132.45, 132.45 m m M W
Filatex Indi 107.35, 110.6, 106.3, 109.6 Navin Fluori 3546, 3557, 3361.45, 3527.45 A Bajaj Steel 724.95, 738.8, 695, 717.9 Datam Glob 250.4, 264.6, 250.4, 260.95 M m W
Fineorg 3891.6, 4088, 3891.6, 4077.6 Navnetedul 83.9, 85.5, 82.85, 83.45 A.K.Capital 420, 420, 406.15, 415.1 Bajajhcare 378.7, 384, 362.8, 367.7 Datapattns 627.15, 650.5, 627.15, 643.75 MM m m W
Finol. Cable 378.2, 395, 377.05, 389.95 Nbcc 36.95, 37.4, 36.4, 37.2 A.Sarabhai 32.2, 32.2, 30.85, 31.9 Bal Pharma 104.4, 110.1, 104.4, 108.65 Daulat Sec. 23.45, 23.45, 21.85, 23.4 MM mm W
Finolex Ind. 145.1, 151, 144.25, 147.3 Ncc 60, 60.85, 57.45, 59.4 A2zinfra 10.25, 10.3, 9.79, 10.02 Balaji Tele. 74.95, 76.15, 73.25, 75.85 Db Int.St.Br 28.85, 28.85, 28.05, 28.5 M W m
Force Motr 1009, 1009.15, 970.05, 996.55 Nelco Ltd. 598.95, 611.8, 588, 606.8 Aadi Indus L 7.55, 7.91, 7.18, 7.52 Balarpur Ind 1.09, 1.09, 1.09, 1.09 Dcm Ltd. 92.95, 93.4, 85.3, 86.05 M W W
Fortis 258.1, 262.05, 253.5, 259.05 Nesco Ltd 530.15, 531.2, 526, 529.05 Aail 52, 52.9, 48.65, 49.95 Balkrishna 38, 40.05, 36.25, 39.6 Dcm Shr.Ind 91, 94.4, 90.85, 92.2 m M m W
Fretail 48.25, 49.3, 48.25, 48.9 Nestle (i) 17225, 17518, 16975, 17299.7 Aal 211.95, 222.85, 205.55, 222.4 Balmer La.In 370, 370.95, 365.2, 369.8 Dcmnvl 234, 240.45, 229, 237.8 M m W
Fsl 126.3, 130.65, 126.25, 127.3 Netfsensex 580, 581, 572.45, 580.69 Aanandalak 9.3, 9.7, 9.29, 9.41 Baluforge 124.3, 124.3, 117.05, 119.75 Dcw Ltd. 37.85, 38.45, 36.55, 38.15 M W
Gabriel(i) 111.8, 113.2, 109.4, 111.65 Netfsnx150 45, 48, 43.9, 44.25 Aanchalisp 16.25, 17, 15.45, 16.1 Balurghat Te 9.96, 9.96, 9.96, 9.96 Ddil 14.2, 14.58, 14.2, 14.58 M M m W
Gail (i) Ltd 162, 163.2, 156.6, 157.35 Neuland Lab. 1160.05, 1184, 1132.15, Aaplustrad 6.76, 8, 6.76, 8 Bambino Agro 295, 307, 290.2, 298.7 De Nora 372, 384.95, 361.1, 369 m M m m W
Galaxysurf 2711.5, 2711.5, 2658, 2673.95 1173.95 Aarey Drugs 43, 43.95, 39.3, 42.4 Bampsl Secur 4.45, 4.6, 4.23, 4.23 Decan Cement 530, 532.25, 516.75, 525.85 M W
Garfibres 2782, 2800.95, 2754.8, 2790.05 Newgen 480, 500.65, 480, 494.9 Aarnav 61, 62.75, 60.35, 61.5 Banaras Bead 77.25, 77.25, 73.25, 73.65 Deccan 32.45, 32.45, 31.15, 31.15 M W
Gati Ltd. 134, 139.5, 131.85, 138.5 Nh 668, 668, 636.9, 641.1 Aartisurf 822.95, 822.95, 760, 779.7 Banas Fin. 55.05, 58, 54.9, 56.9 Deccan Bear. 15.27, 15.27, 15.27, 15.27 M m W
Genus Power 59, 62.5, 59, 62.1 Nhpc 29, 29.2, 28.3, 28.65 Aarvee Denim 24.5, 25.7, 23.9, 25.15 Banco Prod. 135.75, 141.55, 135.75, 139.85 Deccangold 25.9, 26.8, 25.25, 26.25 M m m W mM
Geojitfsl 61.2, 62.25, 60.3, 61.25 Niacl 114.6, 115.8, 110.4, 112.3 Aashka 43.6, 43.6, 42, 42.9 Bang 32.75, 34.7, 32.2, 34.7 Decipher 62.75, 63.8, 60.85, 62 M Wm
Gepil 151.8, 151.8, 146.2, 149.65 Niit Ltd. 436.65, 444.1, 422, 432.65 Aayush 24.95, 25.85, 23.45, 24.8 Bankbees 331.02, 335, 324.81, 334.79 Deco-mica 39, 39, 39, 39 m m M m Wm m
Get&d 84, 86.85, 83.7, 86 Nilkamal L 1915.95, 1960.05, 1915.95, Aban Offsho 47.9, 51.5, 47.9, 51.5 Bannari Amma 68.95, 71.85, 67.6, 71.1 Deep 269, 280.9, 264, 280.45 M W
1949.15 Abansent 104.8, 104.8, 97.4, 98.6 Bansal Roof 64, 64, 59.5, 60.25 Deepak Spinn 256.6, 262.5, 250, 255.4 M m W m W M
Ghcl Ltd 416, 446.45, 410.5, 445.5 Nlcindia 63.4, 63.7, 62.1, 63 Abc India 72, 78, 72, 76.9 Bansw.Syntex 193.9, 195.9, 188.55, 194.35 Deepenr 40, 40.8, 39.8, 40.3 m M m W
Gicre 112, 114, 110.6, 111.35 Nmdc Ltd 155.2, 155.2, 149.1, 153.15 Abcrspdg 2.84, 2.84, 2.59, 2.59 Barak Vall 24.5, 24.5, 22.6, 22.85 Deepind 180.15, 188, 179.3, 184.05 M m m W m
Gillette (i) 4951.25, 4997, 4934.35, 4993.75 Nocil Ltd 202, 208.25, 198.05, 200.8 Abcrsprg 2.73, 2.73, 2.73, 2.73 Barbeque 1191.3, 1221.9, 1184.2, 1196.3 Del 17.5, 18.25, 16.2, 16.95 M m W
Gland 3200, 3231.2, 3126.5, 3172.85 Ntpc Ltd 130, 135.75, 130, 133.6 Abhifin 31.55, 31.55, 31.55, 31.55 Baroda Extr. 4.89, 5.03, 4.7, 4.94 Delphifx 461.85, 470.9, 438, 443.9 M m m Wm
Glaxosmith 1499.9, 1520, 1473.75, 1490.5 Ntwk Med Inv 71.2, 74.95, 71.2, 74.1 Abhiinfra 3.1, 3.1, 3.1, 3.1 Bartronicsin 6.14, 6.14, 5.71, 6.03 Deltamagnt 63.1, 63.25, 62, 62.2 M m m W
Glenmark Pha 439.7, 440.3, 429, 437.35 Oberoi Real 796.75, 837.8, 789.75, 835.1 Abhinav Cap 49.85, 49.85, 49.85, 49.85 Basant Agro 17.5, 18.8, 17.5, 18.1 Delton Cable 55.5, 59.45, 54.15, 58.95 m M m m W
Gmm Pfaudler 4298.9, 4308.95, 4228.45, Oil India 253.5, 253.9, 242, 245.6 Abm Knowledg 97, 97, 91.25, 94.45 Batliboi Ltd 41, 41.5, 39.2, 41.4 Den Network 37.2, 37.8, 36.95, 37.4 M m W
4259.45 Ongc Corpn 190.7, 194.6, 177.85, 179.1 Abml 56, 58.4, 55.8, 57.9 Bazelinter 34.3, 34.3, 32.6, 32.6 Denis Chem 70.05, 70.05, 67.8, 68.1 m M m W
Gmr Infrastr 36.9, 38, 36.7, 37.75 Onmobile 113, 113.9, 109.9, 113.05 Abmtsprg 3.89, 3.89, 3.89, 3.89 Bbetf0432 999.3, 999.3, 999.3, 999.3 Devhari 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8 m m M m W m
Godawari Pow 349.05, 358.35, 334.95, Oracle Fin 3348.15, 3446.85, 3343.8, 3419 Abslamc 492.2, 495.55, 483.4, 491 Bcc Fuba 21.2, 21.2, 19.9, 20.8 Devine Impe 8, 8.4, 8, 8 M m m X
351.15 Orient Cem 131.8, 131.8, 122, 124.9 Abslbanetf 33, 33, 32, 32.92 Bcg 92.15, 92.15, 92.15, 92.15 Devit 114.8, 114.8, 110, 111.1 m M
Godfrey Ph 990, 1000.35, 978.7, 989.1 Orientelec 310.65, 321.9, 289.65, 309.95 Abslnn50et 38.8, 39.23, 38.31, 38.84 Bclenterpr 63.6, 63.6, 63.6, 63.6 Devyani 151, 153.65, 149.35, 150.7 m M m
Godrej Cons 677.9, 703.75, 660.8, 702.1 Page Industr 40000, 40228.8, 39032.15, Abvl 32, 32, 32, 32 Bclil 408, 416.2, 388, 399.15 Dfm Foods 230, 237.8, 228, 229.2 M m
Godrej Ind 495.35, 504.65, 493.05, 495.55 39537.75 Accel 21, 21.25, 20.1, 20.55 Bconcepts 66, 71.2, 66, 69.95 Dgl 3.4, 3.4, 3.4, 3.4 M O M
Godrej Prop 1379, 1428.65, 1368.1, 1423.25 Paisalo 608, 627.55, 603.85, 614.4 Accelya 888.45, 910, 888.45, 905.1 Bcp Ltd 5.35, 5.35, 4.92, 5.06 Dhabriya 80.65, 85.85, 80.65, 84.9 M M Y
Godrejagro 478, 491.9, 471.9, 487.35 Paragmilk 96.95, 98.25, 95.35, 96.6 Ace Software 20.35, 20.35, 18.5, 20.3 Bcpl 41, 42.05, 41, 41.4 Dhampure Sgr 38.95, 39.5, 37.05, 38.4 M
Gppl 82.7, 84.2, 80.15, 82.75 Paushak Ltd 8994.9, 9075, 8916.35, 9051.75 Acemen 42.05, 42.05, 40.8, 40.8 Bdh Indus. 120.25, 126, 120.25, 122.9 Dhan Jeevan 16.25, 16.25, 16.2, 16.25 M
Granules (i) 283.5, 293.9, 278.5, 288 Pcbl 190, 193, 185.35, 192.3 Acewin 4.97, 4.97, 4.73, 4.75 Beardsell 16.36, 16.59, 16, 16.59 Dhan Roto Sp 84.3, 84.3, 77, 79 M m m m
Graphite In. 498.7, 510.3, 485.2, 498.6 Pel 1901, 1951, 1875.6, 1941.9 Aci Infocom 0.85, 0.85, 0.85, 0.85 Bedmutha In 66.3, 69.65, 65.6, 68.5 Dhanal.Cotex 81.55, 84.9, 81.55, 83.6 M m m M
Grasim Ind. 1454.25, 1464.65, 1407.45, Persistent 4170.45, 4219.95, 4112.1, 4192.8 Acknit Ind 131.8, 131.8, 127, 127 Beekay 395.65, 398, 370.15, 388.8 Dhanalak.Bnk 12.47, 12.71, 12.47, 12.61 m M m m
1457.55 Petronet Lng 219.8, 222.55, 216.95, 220.85 Acme 16.95, 17.65, 16.1, 17.6 Beeyu Overse 3.96, 3.96, 3.96, 3.96 Dhanlxmi Fab 28.95, 31.75, 26.55, 30.5 M Mm m
Great Easte 321, 326.75, 320, 324.8 Pfizer Ltd. 4299.15, 4400, 4259.45, 4382.95 Acml 47.5, 47.5, 47.5, 47.5 Bellacasa 177.1, 178.05, 170, 176.55 Dhanvarsha 119.5, 134.45, 118, 128.65 W M m m
Greaves Cott 161.9, 177.45, 161.9, 166.95 Pghl 4400, 4499.45, 4400, 4479.35 Active 25.8, 25.8, 25.75, 25.75 Bemco Hydrau 232, 236, 220.5, 221.85 Dharamsi Chm 325.1, 340, 310, 335.55 M
Greenpanel 432, 453.55, 432, 438.7 Phoenix Mill 911.55, 911.55, 884.3, 895.75 Adarsh Plant 19.7, 21.65, 19.7, 20.7 Benares Hot 1800.05, 1820, 1792, 1813.85 Dharani Fin. 7.83, 7.83, 7.83, 7.83 M m m m
Greenply Ind 165.5, 168.5, 163.1, 166.9 Pi Indus.Ltd 2427, 2448.95, 2368.05, 2434.7 Adcindia 308.95, 309, 290, 296.05 Bengal Tea & 67, 67, 64.55, 65.9 Dharani Sug 19.25, 19.25, 17.6, 18.7 m M
Grind Norton 1640.85, 1700, 1640.85, Pidilite 2169, 2220.15, 2134.1, 2183.4 Addi Ind. 31, 31.35, 28.45, 28.45 Bengla& Asm 2387, 2447, 2321.1, 2361.3 Dhindia 30, 31.4, 25.2, 28.85 M
1678.15 Pilaniinvs 1652, 1653.55, 1580, 1633.95 Adf Foods Lt 693.15, 705.4, 688.05, 692.8 Bervin Inv. 36.3, 36.3, 32.9, 36.15 Dhoot I.Fin. 86.95, 89.45, 86.7, 87.55 M m m M
Grnlam Ind 312.25, 350.75, 312.25, 346.15 Pnbhousing 426.25, 434.9, 410.45, 417.85 Adhinath Tex 56.2, 57.9, 52.4, 57.9 Beryl Drugs 10, 10, 10, 10 Dhp India Lt 688.5, 688.5, 670.7, 676.3 m M m
Grse 223.8, 232.75, 223.8, 230.05 Pncinfra 248, 248, 233.05, 239.6 Adinath Exim 26.7, 26.7, 25.25, 25.25 Beryl Secur. 10.75, 10.75, 10.45, 10.5 Dhruv 51, 51, 47.7, 49.25 m M m m m m
Grwrhitech 766.75, 770.05, 750.3, 758.4 Poly Medicur 811, 816.25, 800, 802.3 Adishakti 6.66, 6.66, 6.66, 6.66 Best E.Hotel 25.55, 25.55, 25.55, 25.55 Dhun Teaind 234.55, 244.25, 234.55, 242.75 m M m m mm
Guj Amb Exp 196, 220.7, 196, 217.7 Polycab 2192, 2270, 2172.95, 2234.75 Aditya Ispat 10.84, 10.84, 9.55, 9.88 Bestagro 912, 942.25, 887.65, 921.6 Dhuninv 616.65, 631, 596.9, 609.35 M m W Z
Guj Petronet 262, 274.6, 260.9, 268.2 Polyplex 1815, 1860, 1811.95, 1854.25 Aditya Spin. 19, 20.15, 18.85, 19.95 Betex India 82.55, 82.55, 80, 80.2 Diamines&chm 258.5, 273, 256.5, 270.7 M m m
Guj.Alkali 624.55, 658.5, 624.55, 652.5 Poonawalla 222.8, 230.7, 216.65, 227 Adjia 35.05, 35.05, 35.05, 35.05 Bf Invest 272.95, 273.4, 265.25, 270.95 Diamondyd 720.35, 731.9, 710, 711 M m m
Guj.Mineral 166.95, 174, 158.2, 160.05 Power Finan 105.2, 108.85, 105.2, 108.45 Adl 41.45, 41.95, 41.45, 41.95 Bflafl 171.95, 171.95, 171.95, 171.95 Diana Tea Co 28.2, 28.8, 27.6, 27.9 M m m
Guj.Narmada 613, 616, 593.25, 608.15 Power Grid 213, 223.35, 209.7, 212.05 Ad-manum Fin 30.2, 30.2, 30.2, 30.2 Bflygandhi 1366, 1381, 1360.05, 1364.7 Dic India 369, 369.9, 361.95, 365.8 m M m
Guj.St.Fert 130.4, 132.4, 128.1, 129.35 Powerindia 3275.8, 3477.45, 3275, 3416.35 Ador Fontech 69.75, 71.85, 68.65, 70.15 Bgjl 22.8, 22.8, 22.8, 22.8 Digispice 32.3, 33.2, 31.5, 32.6 M m
Gujgas 503.9, 532, 496, 522 Praj Ind.Ltd 354, 365, 350.55, 359 Ador Multi. 77.25, 79.65, 74, 75.45 Bgr Energy 72.6, 74.85, 72.15, 74.4 Digjamltd 149.55, 151.55, 139.75, 148.8 M m
Gulfoil Lub 469.85, 470.05, 452.05, 456.95 Prakash Ind. 62.3, 63.6, 61.65, 63.1 Adorwelding 647.5, 673.5, 646.8, 663.9 Bh.Immun&bio 35, 35, 33.3, 33.85 Diksat 90.15, 90.15, 90.15, 90.15 M
Hal 1335.1, 1363.9, 1306.3, 1327 Prestige 408.15, 419.55, 388.9, 407.8 Adroitinfo 10.9, 11, 10.7, 11 Bhagil 216.35, 221.35, 212.95, 214.85 Diligent 54.6, 56.05, 51.5, 55.7 M m m m
Hathway Cab 17.8, 18.3, 17.8, 18.15 Pricolltd 104.4, 109.7, 104.4, 108.75 Advait 117, 117, 117, 117 Bhagira.Chem 972.55, 972.55, 939.95, 968.5 Disa India 5500, 5740, 5500, 5696.05 M m
Hatsun Agro 1070, 1114, 1052, 1065.95 Princepipe 608.05, 636.55, 608.05, 625.8 Advani Hotel 91.95, 91.95, 85.6, 86.7 Bhagwati Oxy 43.75, 48, 43.7, 47.65 Ditco 20, 20.5, 20, 20.5 W M
Havellsindia 1072, 1084, 1040.8, 1075.5 Priviscl 1850, 1896.55, 1811.15, 1829.75 Advikca 4.06, 4.06, 3.68, 3.8 Bhagya Inl 44.9, 45.2, 43.8, 45.05 Divya.Granit 66.2, 67.95, 61.25, 64.75 M m m
Hawkins Cook 5235.45, 5235.45, 5085, Procter &gam 14076, 14718.05, 13733.15, Ael 61.9, 61.95, 56.5, 57.75 Bhagyaprop 30.7, 30.7, 30.2, 30.2 Djml 113, 113, 113, 113 M m m
5108.45 14025.5 Aepl 49.05, 55.4, 49.05, 52.05 Bhandari Hos 6.55, 6.67, 6.2, 6.35 Dlink Ind 139.65, 144, 134.4, 141.5 M
Hcg 242.35, 250, 237, 248.15 Prsmjohnsn 113.5, 119.9, 113.5, 118 Afel 88.3, 91.9, 87, 90.3 Bharat Bhush 26.95, 27, 25.65, 26.9 Dml 16.8, 16.8, 14.25, 15.8 M m
Hcl Techno 1155, 1179, 1155, 1175.25 Ptc India 82, 85.1, 81.85, 84.15 Affordable 135.55, 141, 135.55, 140.95 Bharat Bijle 1688.15, 1752.8, 1688.15, 1718 Dmr 26.65, 26.65, 26.65, 26.65 M m mm m
Hdfc 2117.7, 2160.8, 2046.3, 2151.7 Pun.Chem 1320.45, 1394.75, 1308.3, Agar Ind Cor 416.65, 455, 416.65, 451.1 Bharat Gears 132.85, 136, 131, 134 Dnamedia 1.94, 1.94, 1.85, 1.85 M M m m m m
Hdfc Bank 1300, 1334.55, 1292, 1327.05 1371.55 Agiil 224.55, 230.75, 222.05, 226.15 Bharat Ra(ps 11310, 11933.95, 11310, Dodla 423.75, 425.4, 412, 420.3 m M m m M W
Hdfcamc 2047, 2109.95, 2013.45, 2101.7 Punjab Natio 34.35, 35.15, 33.95, 34.85 Agol 62.25, 64.85, 62, 64.8 11803.05 Dolatalgo 74.6, 76.25, 73.15, 74.9 m M m

Gopi Birla school: Imparting holistic More than 5,000 students across India Research Day: Dr. Nandini Kannan urges SJVN organises motivational talk by
education, says Kashmira Ashwin Shukla participate in MCX-IPF COMQUEST 2022 SRMIST students to never stop researching Mary Kom and Anju Bobby George on
Diligence, is going the MCX Investor International Women’s Day
extra mile by keeping the Protection Fund In order to
axe sharpened, oiled, (MCX-IPF) propagate the
ready for use at all times organised message of
and efficiently enough for COMQUEST “Gender Equality
all tasks. That's just the 2022 – the Today for a
motto that Kashmira fourth edition of Sustainable
Shukla, the Art Education national level Tomorrow”, on the
Teacher at Gopi Birla Commodity occasion of
Memorial School (GBMS) Market About 146 researchers were presented with medals at the Research International
strives to live by. She Educational quiz Day held at SRM Institute of Science and Technology (SRMIST), Women’s Day,
have been working at towards Kattankulathur. Chief Guest of the event Dr. Nandini Kannan, SJVN organized
Gopi Birla Memorial generating Executive Director, Indo-US Science and Technology Forum honoured two motivational
School for the past 27 awareness and the researchers and released the CD of abstract on the occasion. talks by renowned Indian women achievers Mary Kom, World
years. Her expertise falls foster interest on commodity markets among the student community. Present on the occasion were SRMIST’s Vice Chancellor Dr. C. Amateur Boxing Champion and Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha;
under the Co- Scholastic This year’s competition saw participation from more than 220 Muthamizhchelvan, Pro VC (Medical) Dr. Lt. Col A. Ravikumar, and Ms Anju Bobby George, the famous Olympian Indian Athlete, at
Department. Currently she is the HOD of Fineart & Craft Department. institutes & more than 5,000 students across India. There were three Registrar Dr. S. Ponnusamy, COE Dr. K. Gunasekaran, other Directors Shimla. The talks were organized for the company employees at
She has strived to accumulate many caps on her head and is an rounds held over last one month in COMQUEST & winners in the and Deans. Kufri, and at Chail, near Shimla on March 8. Addressing the senior
exemplary example of being the best at everything she lays her finale were felicitated with medals & trophies. executives at Chail, Nand Lal Sharma, Chairman & Managing
hands upon. She has always ventured into territories that one may Director said that women are breaking traditional biases and
not only think of as unbelievable, but impossible!! achieving New Heights.
SAIL employees shine at the prestigious

General Manager’s Safety Award for Vishwakarma Rashtriya Puraskar ceremony
Women entrepreneurs get together on 11 staff members of Central Railway
International Women's Day
Women AM Choudhary, Commissioner of Safety
from various
(Rlys) inspects Patliputra-Pahlejaghat section
walks of life AM Choudhary, Safety Commissioner (Railways) inspected the
get together newly constructed second leg of twin single line between
on Patliputra-Paheljaghat (11 km) on river Ganga as part of Patna
International Ganga Bridge project. On the second day of inspection on March
Women's Day Anil Kumar Lahoti, General Manager, Central Railway gave away The employees of Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) made an 4, a thorough inspection was done by motor trolley from Jaghat
for a “General Manager’s Safety Award” to 11 Central Railway staff i.e. impressing mark in the ceremony of Vishwakarma Rashtriya Puraskar yard to bridge number-7 (JP Setu). After this, after inspecting from
meaningful three from Mumbai, two each from Nagpur, Pune, Bhusaval and (VRP) given for the performance year 2018. The prestigious national the motor trolley itself, reached Jaghat first. In the final phase of
discussion, Solapur Divisions. The awards were given in appreciation of their awards were given away by the Minister for Labour & Employment, the inspection, a successful speed trial was also conducted by the
supporting, alertness during duty, their contribution in averting untoward Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Bhupender Yadav in a Commissioner of Safety (Railways) at a speed of 110 km/h from
highlighting their contributions and appreciating women. Amisha incidents and ensuring safety in train operations during the month glittering ceremony organized at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi on 8th Jagat to Patliputra before the special train.
Vora - Financial Expert, Suzanne Memon - Lawyer, Dr. Leena Gupta - of February 2022, in a function held at Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj March 2022. The Minister of State for Labour & Employment and
Doctor, Seema Sharma - Social Activist, Shilpa Bharat - Fitness & Life Terminus Mumbai on 7.3.2022. The award consists of a Medal, Petroleum & Natural Gas, Rameswar Teli was also present during

Coach and others in conversation with Shaina NC for Vividh Bharati commendation certificate, a citation of exemplary safety work and a the occasion. The VRP, instituted by the Government of India, is
on All India Radio. cash award of Rs.2000/-. aimed at rewarding the efforts of workers from the industrial
undertakings at the national level. 52 awardees, out of the total 96
award winners belong to SAIL representing 54% of the total
Dr Suresh Mehrotra
winners. SAIL employees have won 11 awards out of the total 28
IOB launches Contact cum Call Centre SRM University-AP celebrates
As part of Digital National Science Day awards given for the performance year 2018, which is 39% of the Vijayvargiya’s presence in Uttarakhand ahead
Transformation, and Every year National total awards in various categories of the VRP. of state poll results creates stir
facilitation of EASE 4.0 Science Day is In a separate program, Smt. Soma Mondal, Chairman, SAIL
Banking parameters, celebrated across felicitated the VRP winning employees. Congratulating the winners BJP general secretary Kailash Vijayvargiya’ s presence
Indian Overseas Bank the nation to during the program, Mondal emphatically said, “The commitment, in Uttarakhand ahead of Assembly poll results on
has launched its commemorate the dedication and excellence of our employees have been reaffirmed March 10 has created a stir in state politics. Reason,
improvised "Contact discovery of the with them winning the prestigious Vishwakarma Rashtriya Puraskar Vijayvargiya- the alleged mastermind of the massive
cum Call Centre". The Raman Effect by in such large numbers. rebellion in the Congress, in 2016, has played an
Call Centre will provide Indian physicist Sir important role in the politics of Uttarakhand when
on IVRS around 36 CV Raman, a nine Congress MLAs revolted against Harish Rawat’s
facilities including milestone in the
ECR celebrates International Women's Day
government. Some exit polls have predicted a close
Balance Enquiry, Debit realm of science
Card Block, Last Five that won him the contest between the BJP and the Congress in
Transactions etc. The Nobel Prize. SRM Uttarakhand, this time.
facility was University- AP, a After Channi, Amarinder meets Shah just before
inaugurated by Sanjay pioneering multi-stream research institution has also celebrated the Punjab poll results
Malhotra, Secretary, Department of Financial Services, Ministry of occasion of National Science Day, with immense pride, and paid
Finance, Government of India. Partha Pratim Sengupta, Managing homage to the pre-eminent scientist. The event was celebrated in Former Punjab chief minister Amarinder Singh on
Director & Chief Executive Officer of Indian Overseas Bank collaboration with South Asian Meteorological Association (SAMA) Monday met Union Home Minister Amit Shah ahead of
highlighted the services provided through the contact cum call under the 2022 theme ‘Integrated Approach in Science and the results of assembly polls in five states. Earlier, Punjab
centre. General Managers of Indian Overseas Bank and Suresh V S, Technology for a Sustainable Future’ to exploit the burgeoning Chief Minister and Congress leader Charanjit Singh
MD and CEO of M/s I Marque Solutions Private Limited were present possibilities in the scientific domain for a healthy and prosperous Channi has also met Shah? What is cooking up when exit
in the function. future. polls have predicted a clean sweep for AAP in Punjab.
Send your CORPORATE / EVENTS / HEALTH / ART news and pictures to Sachin Tikare. Email: [email protected] Check the news online at — Correctness of this content is the responsibility of the author.


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With less than 24 hours to go for the results, FPJ presents a graphic detail of Ground Zero
ZAHOORABAD: Two main allies of Samajwadi Party in this election challenging Shivpal Yadav on his
to oversee
are RLD (in the west) and SBSP in the east. SBSP chief contested the traditional seat. Vivek Shakya’s what is being seen as the mother of all battles,
previous election as a BJP ally but this time he is in alliance with the father Manoj Shakya is a well- Congress president Navjot Singh Sidhu faces Total seats: 117

post-poll scenario
Total seats: 403
main opposition Samajwadi Party. known social worker in senior Akali leader Bikramjit Singh Majithia who
g He is pitted against BJP’s Kalicharan Rajbhar who won the seat in Jaswantnagar. Though experts was booked in a drugs case ahead of polls. Reserved seats: 34
Reserved seats: 86 (2 ST)

2002 and 2007 on BSP ticket and BSP’s Sayeda Shadab Fatima who believe it would be a huge Total voters: 2,14,99,804
was a minister in the Akhilesh Yadav-led SP government. It won’t be challenge for him to outseat Total voters: 15,02,84,005 DHURI: AAP president and chief ministerial mid speculation of a
wrong to call it a battle of turncoats. Shivpal Yadav here. candidate Bhagwant Mann, who is second time Male: 1,12,98,081 hung Assembly in Ma-
Male: 8,04,52,736
g Om Prakash Rajbhar polled 86,583 votes defeating his closest MP, is locked in a stiff fight with Congress’ sitting nipur, the Congress has dis-
Female: 1,02,00,996
rival Kalicharan (BSP) by a margin of over 18000 votes but then he KIDWAI NAGAR: The delimitation Female: 6,98,22,416 legislator Dalvir Singh Khangura aka Goldy patched three observers to
was in alliance with BJP. SP stood third then. exercise before 2012 elections led Transgender: 8,853 Transgender: 727 the state to oversee the post-
to the formation of Kidwai Nagar BHADAUR: Congress’ chief ministerial face General Voters: 2,07,21,026
poll scenario. In 2017, the par-
GORAKHPUR URBAN: Gorakhpur Urban surely became the hottest assembly segment. The most high Voters above 80: 24,03,296 Charanjit Singh Channi has fought from two ty even after being the single-
seat this election when BJP announced the sitting chief minister as profile seat in Kanpur-Kidwai seats Chamkaur Sahib as well as Bhadaur seats. Voters with disabilities: 1,58,341 largest party, had failed to
No. of candidates: 4,442
the candidate from this seat. Samajwadi Party, in an attempt to woo Nagar is currently represented by (3,881 male, 560 female and
The Malwa region in which Bhadaur falls is AAP form the government in Ma-
Brahmin voters, had fielded Sabhavati Shukla (wife of late Upendra BJP MLA Mahesh Trivedi. He has citadel and the Bhadaur seat, a stronghold of NRI voters: 1,608 nipur. The party has as-
1 transgender)
Shukla who contested the Lok Sabha bypoll on BJP ticket in 2018 — been given ticket by BJP again Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD). This seat has been Service voters: 1,09,624 signed TS Singhdeo, senior
the only time that BJP lost this seat since 1989). and is pitted against Congress Voters’ turnout: 60.63% won only twice by Congress since 1967. minister in the Chhattisgarh
g SP is also targeting some sympathy votes in the name of Upendra stalwart and 4-term MLA Ajay NRI voters: 1,608 government, Vincent Pala
Shukla. Azad Samaj Party’s founder Chandrashekhar Azad Raavan is Kapoor. The contest on this seat, said a local journalist, is completely BATHINDA (URBAN): Even as the sitting Voters above 80: 5,09,205 and Mukul Wasnik.
also contesting for this seat. bipolar. He lost the previous election to BJP’s Mahesh Trivedi by Congress legislator Manpreet Singh Badal has The Congress has asked all
g BSP, interestingly, has fielded a 33,983 votes. fought for his sixth win as a legislator, it is the No. of candidates: 1,304 (1,209 male, 93 its observers and party in-
Muslim candidate Khwaja first time that the Bathinda (urban) assembly female and 2 transgender) charges to keep tab on all its
Shamsuddin against Yogi Adityanath, SIRATHU: Deputy Chief Minister Keshav Prasad Maurya is up constituency witnessed a four-corner contest. Voters’ turnout: 71.95% newly elected MLAs and in-
which is also being seen as an against SP supported AD(K) candidate Pallavi Patel. Maurya won this form the central leadership
attempt to further polarise the seat seat in 2012 too. BJP’s Sheetla Prasad defeated Samajwadi Party’s JALANDHAR (CENTRAL): BJP veteran about the same on the count-
and to make it even easier for Yogi as Vachaspati by 26,203 votes. Interestingly, BSP’s Muslim candidate Manoranjan Kalia and his enemy number one MOHALI: Richest candidate of AAP Kulwant ing day on March 10. This is
well as the BJP. Since 1989, BJP hasn’t Saeedurrab polled 43,782 votes. and Congress’ sitting legislator Rajinder Beri face Singh has challenged the three-time Congress being done to keep its flock
lost this seat except for 2002. each other, once again MLA Balbir Singh here together, said sources.
MAU SADAR: Popular Purvanchal Karnataka Congress Presi-
KARHAL: Even when SP’s tally reduced don Mukhtar Ansari, currently languishing in AMRITSAR (NORTH): Sitting Congress MLA Sunil MALERKOTLA: The Malerkotla dent DK Shivakumar has
to 47 in 2017, Karhal was one of those few Banda jail, is the incumbent MLA from this Dutti worked overtime to retain his Amritsar constituency which is the only Muslim- been sent to Goa to monitor
seats where the party (Samajwadi Party) won seat. He hasn’t lost a single election from (north) assembly the seat, though faces a dominated seat in Punjab has wives of and strategise there. Sources
with a big margin of 38,405 votes. Congress this seat since 1996. This time it will be his stiff fight from SAD and AAP. Punjab’s two former DGPs fighting said he would camp in Goa
and BJP each could taste victory in this seat son Abbas Ansari who contested on father’s each other for the second time. for three days to ensure the
just once. stronghold on the SBSP symbol as an SP- BHOLUTH: Firebrand Congress leader and age-old party, which missed a
g The seat has remained with the supported candidate. Abbas contested the 2017 two-time MLA Sukhpal Khair fight three- PATHANKOT: The Punjab BJP chance to form the govern-
Samajwadi Party for three consecutive terms. election from Ghosi seat but lost to BJP’s Fagu time MLA Bibi Jagir Kaur, who was the president Ashwani Sharma faces ment by a whisker in the last
The seat has a sizeable Yadav voters roughly Chauhan by a margin of 7,003 votes. He is pitched first woman president of the a stiff triangular contest with assembly elections, does not
1.25 lakhs. BJP has fielded union minister SP Singh against BJP’s Ashok Singh. Shiromani Gurdwara Prabandhak sitting Congress legislator Amit commit the same mistakes
Baghel to woo 30,000 Baghel Committee (SGPC – a powerful Vij as well as AAP’s Vibhuti again. Shivakumar is going
CASTE PROFILE voters on the seat apart from LUCKNOW CANTONMENT: A seat that was in the news for so many organisation that is responsible for Sharma in BJP stronghold. to stay put in Goa till the new
8 Dalits: 21% Shakya and Kshatriyas who are top faces of BJP expressing their wish to contest on this party stron- the management of gurdwaras) govt is formed, they said.
considerable in numbers and BJP ghold seat. It included the likes of Aparna Yadav, Mayank Joshi (son PHAGWARA: The BJP’s former Union
Other backward often considers them as its core of Rita Bahuguna Joshi), Suresh Chandra Tiwari (sitting MLA) but BJP SAMRALA: Farmer leader Balbir Singh Rajewal minister Vijay Sampla faces a stiff contest from SIDELIGHTS
communities: 42% vote bank. It would be interesting surprised everyone by fielding its Lucknow Central MLA and UP Law has fought Congress candidate in latter’s strong- his rivals as well as the infighting within the 8 33% of govt jobs in
(Yadav 11%, Kurmi 8%, Nishad to see how this constituency, minister Brajesh Pathak. Mayank Joshi joined SP in the presence of hold; It is the first time a farmers’ outfit, Sanyukt saffron party this election. —Rajesh Moudgil Tripura will be reserved for
8-12 %, Rajbhar 2%, Jat 3-4%) voting for the first time for a chief Akhilesh Yadav during the last phase of campaigning. Brajesh Pathak Samaj Morcha (SSM) is in the fray. women, says Amit Shah
ministerial candidate, would is pitted against Congress’ Dilpreet Singh and SP’s Raju Gandhi. Charanjit
Religious miniorities choose to vote. BJP’s Suresh Chandra Tiwari defeated SP’s Major Ashish Chaturvedi CASTE PROFILE Singh 8 Jayant Chaudhary rejects
exit poll results
(Muslim): 18% in 2019 bypoll by 35428 votes. Channi
General category: 19% JASWANTNAGAR: SP stronghold, 8 Dalits: 32% at village 8 2,145 FIRs for code
(Brahmins 11%, Rajpoot 6%) which elected Mulayam Singh KAIRANA: The seat became interesting ever since the sitting SP Other backward communities: 31% Ballo, violations in UP elections
Yadav from 1985 to 1993 for four MLA Nahid Hasan was sent to jail. His sister Iqra Hasan took the Bhadaur in
consecutive terms (a total of 7 terms from this seat) and his younger entire campaigning in her own hands. BJP has fielded its former Others: 33% (Jat Sikhs: 21%, Hindus (Brahmin, 8 Majithia’s judicial remand
brother Shivpal Yadav from 1996 to 2017 for 5 consecutive terms candidate Mriganka Singh again. Even in 2017, when SP was Hindu Rajputs, Baniya, Khatri, Kayastha: 12%) Barnala. extended till Mar 22
would again see its 5-term MLA Shivpal Yadav contesting on the reduced to 47, Nahid Hasan not only won the seat but defeated —Twitter
Religious miniorities (Muslim, Christians, 8 Guj women Cong workers

symbol of his old party — Samajwadi Party. BJP’s Vivek Shakya BJP’s Mriganka Singh by over 20,000 votes. —S Kamran Husain detained for assembly march

In Goa, Cong tries to make nice with AAP, Trinamool

Buddhists, Jains): 4%

wo days before the state election The BJP is believed to have opened SIKANDAR KAUN... voting showed a Goa is replaying the 2017 scenario,
results, the race for power in Goa talks with the Maharashtrawadi Go- neck-and-neck when the Congress, single-largest, failed
is off to a flying start with big BJP mantak Party (MGP) and independents. ficing Mr Sawant for the sake of num- BJP in Goa,” Congress leader and Goa fight in Goa. Both to take power and the BJP scored the
meetings today after exit polls predicted Sources say the MGP is not inclined to bers. The Congress has signalled a mas- in-charge Dinesh Gundu Rao told the BJP and the support of smaller parties, including
no clear winner in the state. back Pramod Sawant, who had dropped sive shift by saying it is open to an al- NDTV. Congress are like- the MGP, and independent MLAs.
Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant is the party from the Goa cabinet after tak- liance with Arvind Kejriwal’s (AAP) Mamata Banerjee’s Trinamool Con- ly to win 16 of the Not taking a chance this time, the Con-
in Delhi to meet with Prime Minister ing over as Chief Minister following and the Trinamool — both bitter rivals gress, which debuted in Goa in this elec- state's 40 seats, gress has dispatched P Chidambaram

Narendra Modi and brief him about the Manohar Parrikar’s death in 2019. in states like Delhi and Bengal. tion, has been given three seats by exit falling short of the and its Karnataka firefighter DK Shiv-
party’s prospects of retaining power in Sources say the MGP and other parties “We are open to an alliance with any polls, which suggests a vital role for the majority mark of akumar to Goa to negotiate with poten-
Goa. Mr Sawant will later fly to Mumbai have hinted that their support will come party that opposes the BJP. We are open party in the numbers game. The Tri- 21, according to tial “kingmakers”. Congress leaders

52 sailors evacuated from Mykolaiv Port

for a meeting with the BJP’s Goa in- for a price — the chief minister’s post. to alliance with the Trinamool Congress namool has an alliance with the MGP. NDTV’s poll of have also been sent to other states ex-
charge, Devendra Fadnavis. The BJP may face the question of sacri- and AAP or anyone who is against the The poll of exit polls after the end of to go exit polls. pecting a close verdict.

Contribution hailed, achievers


who broke stereotypes in focus WOMAN FM UKRAINE CRISIS SpiceJet delays evacuation

NEW DELHI: The Indian

flight by 3 hours to bring

mission in Ukraine today
said it has evacuated 52 out of

back 36 Indian students


n Women’s Day, West the 75 Indian sailors strand-
New Delhi Bengal CM Mamata ed at the Port of Mykolaiv in
Banerjee announced the war-hit nation.
omen achievers in a new state committee and It also said that the evacua- NEW DELHI: SpiceJet delayed its evacua-
various fields — made Chan- tion of the remaining 23 tion flight from Suceava in Romania by ap-
from farmers to vac- drima Bhat- sailors would be attempted proximately three hours on Monday night
cinators - were honoured, tacharya on Tuesday. for a group of 36 Indian students who were
struggles of many trailblaz- the new fi- "Mission intervened to stranded at the Ukraine-Romania border.
ers who challenged gender nance min- evacuate 75 Indian sailors “The departure of SpiceJet flight SG
stereotypes highlighted and ister of stranded in Mykolaiv Port. 9547 from Suceava to Delhi with 152 Indi-
renewed calls for greater in- state with Yesterday buses arranged by an students on board was scheduled at
clusivity made as India cele- independ- Mission evacuated total of 57 7.20 pm (local time) when information
brated International Wom- ent charge. sailors including 2 Lebanese was received about a group of 36 Indian
en’s Day. The themes of Ahead of & 3 Syrians," the Indian Em- students stranded at the Ukraine-Roma-
“Break the Bias” and “Gen- the budget bassy in Ukraine said in a nia border,” according to a statement is-
der equality today for a sus- session 2022, Chandrima tweet. "Route constraints sued by the airline. A decision was taken
tainable tomorrow” were in was given the new portfolio. precluded evacuation of bal- to wait for the students who would be
focus on the global day dedi- 1
Meanwhile, Hakim was bro- ance 23 sailors. Mission is at- travelling by road to the Suceava Ștefan
cated to women’s rights. ught back as the urban de- tempting their evacuation to- cel Mare International Airport, the state-
President Ram Nath Ko- 1. President Kovind presents Nari Shakti Puraskar to Padma velopment minister. Ending day," it said. ment said.
vind, Prime Minister Naren- Yangchan for preserving and reviving the lost cuisine and hand- all speculation of rift be- India has brought back The departure of the flight was revised
dra Modi and others hailed tween the political analyst over 17,100 of its nationals in thrice as the SpiceJet team waited for the
weaving techniques of Ladakh and promoting it internationally.
the contribution of women Prashant Kishor and Mama- 83 flights under "Operation Indian students to arrive, it stated. “The
and pledged to work for their 2. Thara Rangaswamy for creating awareness about mental ta Banerjee, Kishor was se- Ganga", which was launched flight finally departed at 10.05 pm (local
empowerment. “On Wom- disorders. She started a free mobile tele-psychiatry service in en sharing the dais with Ma- on February 26 following time) and reached Delhi at 8.30 am today
en’s Day, I salute our Nari Tamil Nadu. ‘Indian Disability Evaluation & Assessment Scale’ mata along with other TMC Russia's military aggression (local time) with a total of 188 students on-
Shakti and their accom- devised by her is used to assess mental disorders. leaders! against Ukraine. board,” according to the statement.

Another defection: Suspended BJP Plan innovative financing

—Aritra Singha
plishments in diverse 3. Sruti Mohapatra for empowerment of Divyangjan. Known as the
fields... From financial in- ‘Crusader in a Wheelchair’, she founded NGOs working to uplift
divyangjan in Odisha.

leader joins TMC, hails Mamata for futuristic ideas: Modi

clusion to social security, —Twitter
quality healthcare to hous-
ing, education to entrepre- Down syndrome affected
neurship, many efforts have Kathak Dancer Saylee Nand-
been made to put our Nari kishor Agavane has per-
Shakti at the forefront of In- formed in more than 100
dia’s development journey,” events. At the Global Olym- KOLKATA: Defection from the BJP remained Dhankhar on Twitter. NEW DELHI: Prime Minis- reforms undertaken by the
PM Modi tweeted. piad Dance competition, she unabated as suspended BJP leader Jay Addressing a party programme at Nazrul ter Modi on Tuesday asked fi- government to strengthen
He pledged to continue the received a bronze medal. Prakash Majumdar joined the Trinamool Manch, Mamata said even after losing all the nancial institutions to con- MSMEs is dependent on
efforts with even greater vig- Visually challenged social Congress. After his induction into the ruling polls, the BJP is acting as a ‘shameless’ party. sider innovative financing strengthening financing for
our in the coming times. Mo- activist Tiffany Brar was party, Majumdar said he chose International “BJP always indulges in violence. They are and risk management sys- these sectors.
di said it was a matter of pri- awarded for her exemplary Women’s Day to defect as, according to him, shameless people and through conspiracy tems to support new futuris- The Prime Minister also in-
de a large country like India work for differently-abled ru- Mamata Banerjee is an ‘extraordinary’ tried to ignite violence killing the democracy tic ideas to meet the emerg- sisted that Industry 4.0 is not
has a woman finance minis- ral women. Organic farmer woman ‘single-handedly’ driv- in the Assembly. BJP claimed ing needs of the economy. possible till the country
ter who has presented a pro- Ushaben Dineshbhai Vasava ing Bengal. Soon after joining there was violence during Stating implementation of moves ahead in the fields like
gressive Budget this year for was awarded for her outstan- the ruling party, Majumdar was made the civic polls but if the places where sporadic vi- green financing is the 'need fintech, agritech, meditech
Asia’s third largest economy. ding contribution in organic party state vice-president. Taking potshots at olence was seen everything will be cleared. of the hour' to meet net-zero and skill development. "Help
“Women are capable of 3 farming and assistance in ed- the BJP, Majumdar said he was suspended Violence took place in Contai, Barrackpore carbon emissions target by of financial institutions in
transforming society with ucating women farmers at from the party as he spoke the ‘truth’. and Berhampore,” said Mamata. 2070, Modi said financial help such areas will take India to
their wisdom, dedication and nition of their exceptional the ground level. Guv summons speaker over ‘chaos’ in House Mamata's ‘attendance whip’ to all MLAs should be extended to envi- new heights in Industry 4.0,"
strength. They must get their work towards empowerment Also, an all women full Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar on Tuesday The CM has asked MLAs, including minis- ronment-friendly projects. the Prime Minister said.
long-pending due. Women’s of women, especially the vul- bench of the Kerala High Co- summoned assembly speaker Biman Band- ters to be present in the House on all days of "Our financing sector will He also stressed on the
Day greetings to all,” Con- nerable and marginalised. urt — a first of its kind in the hopadhyay and asked the latter to meet him the budget session. “The Budget Session is on have to consider innovative need to identify 8-10 sectors,
gress leader Rahul Gandhi Vanita Jagdeo Borade, the entire history of the court — within three days over the ‘ruckus and chaos’ and no one should skip it. Every MLA should financing and sustainable constructions, startups, re-
said on Twitter. first woman snake rescuer would be hearing several in the Assembly. “Urged Speaker WBLA for a go there every day and leave after the session risk management of new fu- cently opened up sectors
Outstanding women who founded ‘Soyre Van- pleas on the issue of whether meeting in next three days in view of “un- is concluded just like we did in school. The turistic ideas and initia- like drones, space and geo-
achievers, from first woman chare Multipurpose Founda- the Guruvayur Devaswom seemly ruckus and chaotic spectacle unfold- ministers should avoid keeping any commit- tives," Modi said in a post- spatial data, in which India
snake rescuer to Down syn- tion’ for nature and wildlife Managing Committee can do- ed in the hallowed precincts of the august WB ment elsewhere. Any mistake from the MLAs Budget webinar on 'Financ- can be among the top-3 glob-
drome affected Kathak protection and promoting a nate temple money to the di- Assembly on March 7 during Governor ad- can be detrimental towards the elected gov- ing for growth and aspira- ally and asked the financial
dancer, were conferred with pollution-free environment, saster relief fund of the CM dress under article 176 when decorum and ernment,” Mamata said, adding the session tional economy'. institutions to extend cred-
Nari Shakti award in recog- was among those honoured. or any government body. propriety nosedived to lowest nadir,” wrote will conclude on March 28. —Aritra Singha He said the success of the it support.
Vaishno Devi Shrine Board files FIR against fake chopper booking websites
REASI: Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine Board has filed an FIR with the complaints were received from pilgrims about fake helicopter ticket bo-
Militants using youngsters to carry out
Jammu and Kashmir police cyber dept against fake websites for duping oking websites. “People have complained about fake websites. We’ve
devotees in the garb of providing tickets for chopper bookings. Shri urged them not to fall prey to them. Bookings can be made only on our
Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine board CEO Ramesh Kumar said that many official website or on phone application, nowhere else,” said Kumar. MUMBAI | WEDNESDAY | MARCH 9, 2022

grenade attacks in Valley: Army officer Upper age: Delhi Judicial

India, China to hold 15th
round of talks on Friday

Service exam postponed

NEW DELHI: India and China will hold the 15th
round of high-level military talks on Friday to
resolve issues related to remaining friction areas SRINAGAR: Militants are using was a very cowardice act, wherein 4 LASHKAR ULTRAS
in eastern Ladakh, sources in the defence youngsters to carry out grenade at- women and men were going about
establishment said on Tuesday. The talks till now tacks in populated places in Kash- their daily business and shopping, OUR BUREAU al and said the counter affi- Service (DHJS) Examina-
have resulted in the resolution of issues in North mir as their networks are not be- and you throw a grenade in which SRINAGAR: Security forces have New Delhi davit be filed within a week. tion-2022, which was to be
and South Bank of Pangong Tso, Galwan and ing able to execute big strikes on you lose two people and many are arrested four terrorist associates of the “List the matter on April held on March 20, while
Gogra Hot Spring areas. Lashkar-e-Tayyeba (LeT) from Baramulla
5 of family charred
security forces, a top Army officer injured. I think it is condemnable," The Delhi High Court on 7. The date of receiving ap- hearing a batch of pleas
said on Tuesday. The remark of he said, adding, "Having realised and Pulwama districts of Jammu and Tuesday directed that the plications shall be resched- challenging the minimum
Kashmir, police said on Tuesday. Acting
to death in Kerala
General officer Commanding of that they are not able to do major last date for receiving appli- uled to a date after the next age criteria of 35 years
the Srinagar-based 15 Corps, Lieu- difference to security parameters, on specific information, a cordon-and- cations for Delhi Judicial date of hearing. According- fixed for applying for the
tenant General DP Pandey, came the people who are propagating search operation was launched in Service Examination-2022 ly, the date of holding the post of district judge.
VARKALA: Five members of a family, including a in the backdrop of the grenade at- and the nexus that is trying to Nadihal, Sopore’s Rafiabad, police said. be rescheduled and the exam shall also be post- A bench of Justices Man-
toddler, who were asleep in their house, were tack on Sunday at the Hari Singh push terrorism in Kashmir, are us- A terrorist associate of the LeT, Firdous exam be postponed, while poned,” the bench said. mohan and S K Jain had on
found charred to death at Dalavapuram in High Street market here that killed ing so-called hybrid terrorist, Ahmad Wani, a resident of Check Seri hearing a plea challenging The court said the matter March 4, issued notice to
Varkala, about 45 kms away from state capital two and injured 34 others. young men, to lob grenades, espe- Pattan, was arrested and Incriminating fixation of upper age limit be listed before the same the administrative side of
Thiruvanathapuram, in the wee hours of Tues- Talking to reporters on the side- cially in populated areas.” materials, arms and ammunition, of 32 for the candidates. bench, seized of a similar the Delhi High Court,
day. An accidental fire outbreak was suspected lines of an International Women's Meanwhile, J&K police on Tues- including an AK-56 rifle and 30 bullets, A bench of Justices Vipin matter after obtaining or- through its Registrar, and
to be the reason. The exact cause could be Day function here, he appealed to day arrested two persons for the were seized. Meanwhile, three LeT Sanghi and DK Sharma is- ders of the Chief Justice. Delhi government’s Depart-
ascertained only after receiving the reports of people to rise up against terror net- Sunday’s grenade attack and terrorist associates were arrested in sued notice to the adminis- The high court on March 4 ment of Law and Justice

Rape of minors: Raj min

electrical and forensic experts, police said. The works to stop such incidents. "It seized the two-wheeler. Pulwama district of south Kashmir. trative side of the Delhi HC had deferred by four weeks and asked them to respond
charred bodies were found in various rooms of through its registrar gener- the Delhi Higher Judicial to the petitions.

the two-storey house, they said. Another
PMLA provision defended

blames it on social media

member of the family was rushed to a nearby

hospital and was put under ventilator support as of High Court took up the matter after its recent
his condition was said to be critical. NEW DELHI: The Centre on Tuesday defended visit to East Jaintia Hills district along with Chief

1 more rescued from ALWAR, NAGAUR in the Supreme Court the PMLA provision relat- Secretary R V Suchiang to see in person the
ing to power to arrest saying adequate situation in illegal mining activities in the area.
coal mine cave-in OUR BUREAU / New Delhi “safeguards” are provided in it and relevant
records, including grounds for arrest and the Actor Dileep’s plea rejected
HYDERABAD: One more person was on Tuesday JAIPUR: The parliamentary affairs 5,793 cases of rape of girls between Union Health Minister Dr material on the basis of which the conclusion KOCHI: The Kerala HC dismissed actor
rescued from a coal mine that collapsed in minister of Rajasthan, Shanti Dhari- January 1, 2019 and January 31, 2022. Mansukh Mandaviya and has been arrived at, are placed before the Dileep’s plea opposing further probe in the
Singareni Collieries Company in Peddapalli wal, has blamed social media for rape The total number of arrests in these Rajastghan Chief Minister concerned court for its perusal. The government 2017 actress assault case and permitted the
district of Telangana. Earlier, it was reported that cases of minors in the state. “The cases were pegged at 6,628 and the Ashok Gehlot on Tuesday told the apex court, hearing arguments on a Crime Branch to go ahead with its probe. Jus-
the four had died. During the rescue efforts for main reason for this is the porno- courts have convicted 398 accused in virtually laid foundation sto- batch of petitions concerning the interpretation tice Kauser Edappagath said once additional
the second day on Tuesday, the worker was graphic content available on social 129 cases. nes of two new medical col- of certain provisions of the Prevention of Money materials or fresh information pertaining to a
saved but hospitalised, said sources. Search was media, which is served unabated,” The leader of opposition Gulab leges in Alwar and Nagaur. Laundering Act (PMLA), that nothing is “kept crime are received, even after filing of the
on for three people still trapped, the police said. Dhariwal said in the state assembly Chand Kataria said the conviction “This would not only expe- confidential” from the concerned court. Solicitor charge sheet or final report, it is the right and
On Monday, a portion of the roof/side wall of the while replying to a question regard- rate was low. “Though there were dite bringing affordable General Tushar Mehta, appearing for the Centre, duty of the police to inquire into the same
mine crashed. Seven people got trapped under ing the increase in the number of more than 50 POCSO courts, only 129 healthcare facilities to the told a bench headed by Justice AM Khanwilkar and find out if there is any truth in it.
the debris and three of them were rescued, they
said, adding those rescued were in a hospital.
rape cases of girls in Rajasthan.
The minister who was replying to
cases have been decided in the last
three years. This is not an ideal situa-
doorsteps of people but will
also give impetus to medical
no provision can be quashed merely because it
deviates from the Code of Criminal Procedure Notices on ‘judicial vista’
C’garh scribe held for fake news,
the questions on behalf of CM and tion as the only way to stop such inci- education,” Mandaviya said. (CrPC). “Please see how many safeguards are NEW DELHI: The SC sought responses from the
home minister Ashok Gehlot told the dents is fast hearing and harsh pun- He said these two medical provided in section 19 (of the PMLA),” Mehta Centre and its Registry on a PIL seeking
booked for immoral trafficking House that police have registered ishment,” he said. —Manish Godha colleges are being estab-
lished as part of Prime Min-
told the bench, also comprising Justices Dinesh
Maheshwari and CT Ravikumar.
development of a “judicial vista” near the apex
court premises to cater to the growing need of

C’garh GDP grows by 11.5 %: Eco survey Illegal mining in Meghalaya

RAIPUR: Chhattisgarh Police have added ister Modi's vision to have a judicial infrastructure for all the courts including
sections pertaining to immoral trafficking in the medical college in every dis- the subordinate judiciary, tribunals, the Delhi HC
case against a web portal’s journalist, arrested trict of the country. He said SHILLONG: The Meghalaya High Court has dire- and the bar in Delhi. A bench of Justices Vineet
for allegedly circulating fake news against AVDHESH MALLICK / RAIPUR: Even as the country is yet to come out of the pandemic grip Rajasthan gets 23 medical cted the state chief secretary to ensure that ille- Saran and Aniruddha Bose took note of the PIL
Congress leaders, an official said on Tuesday. completely, Directorate of Economics and Statics of Chhattisgarh presented an economic sur- colleges in three phases, of gal mining activities are stopped without delay by lawyer Ardhendumauli Kumar Prasad, also
After journalist Nilesh Sharma was arrested in vey report 2021-22 in the assembly, Raipur and estimated the state’s Gross Domestic Prod- which 7 are already complet- and a committee free from political interference seeking a direction to Union Ministries of Law
Raipur last Wednesday, police recovered a large uct will see a boom in 2022. The state's Economic Survey Report for the year 2021-22 was ed while one is being set up be set up to monitor the implementation of and Justice and the Housing and Urban Affairs
amount of pornographic content from his mobile presented in the state assembly by Planning, Economics and Statistics Dept Minister Amar- in the second phase and 15 in Supreme Court's directions and recommenda- to constitute a central authority to cater to the
handset, the official said, adding he was jeet Bhagat. As per the economic survey report 2021-22, average annual GDP of the state on the third phase, of 75 medical tions on the issue. The three-member full bench need of judicial infrastructure.

On B-day bash, Raje says

allegedly circulating such content. constant prices will remain 11.5% when estimated national (India) GDP remained at 9.2%. colleges across India.


‘It’s our turn in 2023’

this side of the conversation as to the fault of the returning
Tata Motors... saying.
When the social worker
officer, election material was
brought in a vehicle carrying
OUR BUREAU / NEW DELHI: intention of creating evidence complained of too much noise garbage. The leaders, who OUR BUREAU tion agents have left after
India on Tuesday reported 3,993 that no worker had completed in the compartment, citing were present there, got New Delhi counting and so there is no
Covid-19 infections, the lowest 240 days,” Justice Ghuge railway rules to such effect, the confused. The strongroom is transparency,” she argued.
in 662 days and in line with the MANISH GODHA / Jaipur jasthan stands firmly on its opined. Accordingly, Justice Jamnagar-bound family felt safe, and it has been shown The Supreme Court will hear When the CJI referred to
trend of decline in the daily new feet and prosperity is all acr- Ghuge drafted a compensation offended and demanded that to all the leaders, and on Wednesday a plea to check 2019 guidelines in which the
infections while the active In a show of strength on her oss the spectrum of the soci- slab, which Tata Motors will they be shown the rule book. everybody is satisfied." Voter Verified Paper Audit SC had raised the number of
caseload also dipped below birthday on Tuesday, former ety. My resolve is to make a have to adhere to. The Then they advised her that she Mocking the exit polls, which Trail (VVPAT) of the Elec- EVMs for VVPAT paper trail
50,000 and day’s deaths of 108. chief minister of Rajasthan strong Rajasthan which will following is the compensation should rather have taken a gave a clear majority to the tronic Voting Machines from one to five EVMs per
The cumulative infections Vasundhara Raje said, “It’s serve the nation and the soci- ordered by the bench based on flight, instead of travelling by BJP in the Uttar Pradesh (EVMs) before counting of Assembly segment/con-
reached 4,29,71,308 cases, tho- our turn in 2023 and victory ety.” an individual worker’s tenure:  train. election, Yadav said, "I do not votes. stituency on a petition by
ugh 4,24,06,150 of them have will be record-breaking.” Raje also attacked the TERM   COMPENSATION According to Dayabai, the want to comment on the exit CJI Ramana on Tuesday leaders of various parties
recovered while 5,15,210 Addressing a massive gath- Gehlot government and said, 211 days & above Rs75,000 family, whose members were polls. The exit polls want to agreed to hear the matter af- for verification of VVPAT
succumbed. Delhi reported 158 ering at Keshoraipatan town “It (the government) was 180-210 days Rs65,000 randomly occupying the seats create a perception that the ter a mention by senior advo- paper trail of at least 50% of
new infections in 24 hours and in Bundi district, Raje said, making mere announce- 150-179 days Rs 55,000 in the compartment, resented BJP is winning (the election), cate Meenakshi Arora that the polling stations, Arora
3 deaths, while Kerala tops with “In 2003, the party came to ments and making populist 120-149 days Rs45,000  the fact the she had urged so that the stealing, which verification of VVPAT is cur- said currently verification is
24 deaths in a day, followed by power with 120 seats, then budget announcements does- 90-119 days Rs35,000 them to open the door, which they are doing, is not known rently done after the count- done only with respect to
5 in Karnataka. 163 in 2013, and now in 2023, n’t help, they need to be ma- 60-89 days Rs 25,000  was locked from inside. (to the public). Hence, I would ing of votes, rendering the one booth and not five
The nationwide vaccination BJP will break all records. terialised on the ground.” Below 60 days None
EVMs intercepted... say that if we have voted, we exercise moot. “If verifica- booths per polling stations.
reached 179.13 crore, with
21.34 lakh doses in 24 hours. A
Number ‘3’ is lucky for us, it’s
2003, and then 2013 and now
Raje celebrated her birth-
day in Bharatpur like she did Social activist... Meanwhile, District
should also ensure that our
votes are protected. If the
tion is after counting is over
then there is no use. Verifica-
She pressed for hearing on
Wednesday, pointing out
total of 77.43 crore people have it’s our turn in 2023.” last year. The former CM is she a man or a woman?” Magistrate of Bareilly votes are not counted, then tion should be first when that the counting is on
been tested so far for the virus, Raje said, “For me, it is of getting active as the polls are Dayabai heard the speaker on Shivakant Dwivedi said, "Due where will democracy go?” there are agents, parties, can- Thursday in the assembly
8.73 lakh of them in 24 hours. utmost importance that Ra- approaching. didates etc. or else all elec- polls in five states.

FROM PAGE 1 case is investigated,” he warned. He the outskirts of Kyiv - a key evacuation WORLD GOES OVER THE... the earliest and thereby end the culture of would award the punishment provided
ED officers ‘ATMs’ for BJP...
claimed that ED officials had taken ‘ransom’ route - was also destroyed. UK led to bedlam at the petrol pumps: nominations in the party. under the prevalent Indian laws.
How to cram yoga into...
from over 100 builders. The corridors offered by Moscow have Large queues could be seen as prices "It is not an affidavit. I want it. Who was
asked across the country is: why are the Cent-
ral probe agencies, including income tax pay- Fadnavis drops ‘pen drive... been dismissed by Kyiv as little more than a
PR stunt because routes, most of which
jumped and were hissing close to £2 a litre.
This would make commuting unaffordable towards the betterment of their health. On
asked to file the affidavit? It is a
commitment by the Government of India.
ing attention only to certain people in Maha- planting a knife to transfusing blood into a lead to Russia or Belarus, have come under for half on the drivers on the road, said average we spend at least two hours in the CBI is only a prosecuting agency," Justice
rashtra and West Bengal? This is a conspiracy throat and how to show the drug business, attack by the Kremlin's forces. western media reports. train while traveling and we can make the Kaul affirmed, wondering whether the
to overthrow the Shiv Sena-led Maha Vikas how to conduct a raid, how to plant an Ukrainian President Zelensky accused Global oil prices are at highest level for 14 most of this precious time which gets government says it will not stand by the
Aghadi government,” he alleged. Raut was object in a raid and how to fit this case Moscow of 'cynicism', saying its troops years this week -- spiking to nearly $140 wasted.” international commitment.
accompanied by party MP Arvind Sawant. under MCOCA,” claimed Fadnavis. have laid mines across the routes and per barrel. The UK is planning to buy more “So, I contacted the railway department Justice Kaul accepted that the offence is
“I have so far submitted 50 names with “Maharashtra is a progressive state. We are blown up buses intended to be used as oil from the US, Saudi Arabia and the and requested them to grant me permission serious, but the stand on the commitment
necessary proof to the I-T department and the opponents but not enemies. Maharashtra has transport. On Monday, he rejected Russian Middle East instead, but wants nine for conducting this healthy activity for the made in its political wisdom should be
ED but why have they not launched investiga- a strong police system. I am proud of the proposals to evacuate civilians into what he months to sort out the deals. There will not commuters but I was turned away saying evaluated by the Government, based on the
tions?” he asked. “I had sent a list of 75 bogus Maharashtra Police. But this police force is described as 'occupied territory,' and said be a ban on Russian gas - but this is still that it might be dangerous for some far-reaching ramifications pertaining to
companies of Dhawangale, who is close to the being misused. If the government conspires Moscow's forces were 'bombing the life out under discussion within the Government. commuters. But after a little bit of extradition of fugitives in the future.
BJP, to ED. But there has been no probe. The to eliminate the opposition, then democracy of everything that is moving.' convincing, I was allowed to start this Advocate Rishi Malhotra, appearing on
highest number of ED operations are taking is in danger,” said Fadnavis. With the invasion moving into its second initiative. Today, we conducted this session behalf of Abu Salem, submitted that in
place in Maharashtra. ED has taken action Fadnavis reiterated that NCP Minister week, Russian troops have made significant on the 10.22am ladies special from Portugal, the courts cannot award a
against 14 key leaders of Maha Vikas Aghadi Nawab Malik must resign, as there had been advances in southern Ukraine but are Aaditya pal comes under... Borivli to Mumbai Central, as an awareness sentence for more than 25 years. Based on
and seven leaders in West Bengal,” he said. financial deals with underworld kingpin stalled in some other regions. Ukrainian campaign on the importance of yoga for the principle of reciprocity, the Government
“Does only Maharashtra have income and Dawood Ibrahim’s associates. “If Malik does soldiers and volunteers have fortified the ment alleged Jadhav, his associates, and women,” added Shah. of India had given solemn sovereign
tax? The Shiv Sena will soon reveal the not resign, Maharashtra will always capital, Kyiv, with hundreds of checkpoints some civic contractors had acquired three One of the commuters who participated assurance to the Portugal courts that Abu
names of who is controlling all these remember it. The government should be and barricades designed to thwart a dozen immovable properties worth Rs 130 in the yoga session in the train, Priyanka Salen would not be awarded more than 25
activities,” said Raut. sensitive to this issue,” he opined. takeover. A steady rain of shells and crore. The I-T sleuths also claimed that the Patil said, “My friends and I were travelling years, he argued.
“In a previous press conference, I had Meanwhile, Congress legislator Nana Patole rockets fell on other population centres, contractors involved are suspected to have in the train when we saw a bunch of yoga On 13.12.2002, the Government of India
mentioned the name of Sumit Kumar targeted the BJP questioning who directed IPS including the Kyiv suburb of Bucha, where evaded income of about Rs 200 crore. volunteers teaching simple and helpful had issued a Gazette Notification in
Narwar, who used to sell milk but whose
net worth is now Rs 8,000 crore and he
Officer Rashmi Shukla to do illegal phone
tapping and blackmailing of opposition
the mayor reported heavy artillery fire.
“We can't even gather the bodies because CONG SET TO AVERT... yoga exercises to the commuters. At first,
we were a bit hesitant but later saw almost
exercise of the powers conferred by Sub-
section (1) of Section 3 of the Extradition
lives in Malabar Hills. I have already leaders including him during 2014-19 (when the shelling from heavy weapons doesn't also concerned over a sharp divergence of the entire crowd joining the volunteers, so Act 1962, directing that the provisions of
submitted a letter with details pertaining to BJP led government was in power). Besides, stop day or night,” Mayor Anatol Fedoruk opinion among the party's senior leaders in we also started doing the exercises. It was the Act, other than Chapter III, shall apply
extortion, bribery, corruption in Central Patole without naming BJP demanded that said. “Dogs are ripping apart the bodies on Uttarakhand, amid speculation that former really helpful and a fun activity during a to the Portuguese Republic with effect from
probe agencies,” he said. the government should take action against the city streets. It's a nightmare.” Chief Minister Harish Rawat (71) may even regular commute.” “Today’s session also 13.12.2002. The Government of India gave
If the BJP-led government is deploying
Central probe agencies against MVA
the party for allegedly getting funds from
Dawood Ibrahim’s associate Iqbal Mirchi. So, it can be Jio Borivali... organise a split in the party, if he is denied
the CM’s post. He quit as the AICC general
made me realise how important daily
exercise is for everyone, especially women
an undertaking under the signatures of the
then Deputy Prime Minister, LK Advani that
leaders, then the Shiv Sena also has the
right to counter-attack. “Central SNOW ADDS TO WAR WOES ‘‘In a new policy to earn non-fare revenue,
WR has decided that government arms and
secretary just before the polls, so that he in
the running after the results are out.
who juggle work and home responsibilities
but forget to take care of their own health,”
on the basis of provisions of the Constitu-
tion of India, Indian Extradition Act, and the
investigative agencies have the power to waited to cross into Poland. She said many reputed business houses will be allowed to In Uttar Pradesh, Congress general added Patil.  Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 assured
investigate. Similarly, Mumbai Police also children were travelling with neighbours or prefix or suffix their brand name or logo to secretary Priyanka Gandhi herself is holding The volunteers also conducted a yoga the Government of Portugal that it will
has powers. The names of ED officers will distant relatives, or being left at the border the name of a railway station on all the fort and will handle the imponderables session on Tuesday with the women staff of exercise its powers conferred by the Indian
be announced at the next press by parents who then turned back. The displays in station premises,’’ said Sumit in an evolving situation. The party has also the Western Railway Mazdoor Sangh at laws to ensure that if extradited by Portugal
conference,” he declared. conditions are likely to get worse in the Thakur, chief public relations officer, WR, sent its senior leaders to Punjab and their office in Vasai. Much to the delight of for trial in India, appellant Abu Salem
Raut alleged that ED officers had become coming days as temperatures plunge to -20C. talking to the FPJ on Tuesday. Manipur, where the post-result situation commuters, Hindi television serial actor would not be visited by death penalty or
the BJP’s ‘ATM’. “Senior ED officers are Previous attempts to lead civilians to safety The objective of the policy for co-branding may be equally fluid. `We are expecting a Suchitra Trivedi was one of the volunteers imprisonment for a term beyond 25 years.
contesting on the BJP ticket. In this regard, I have crumbled with renewed attacks. But, of railway stations is to generate non-fare hung assembly in Punjab with Congress as and they were thrilled to follow her Further, the Ambassador of India in
have written a letter to Prime Minister on Tuesday, a video posted by Ukrainian revenue. The idea is to permit the licensee the single-largest party. Already, a few instructions. Lisbon, by letter dated 25.05.2003, gave
Narendra Modi on February 28. In this letter,
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan wants to clean out
officials showed buses packed with people
moving along a snowy road. These buses
(brand owner) to only prefix or suffix their
brand name or logo to the name of railway
candidates from other parties are in touch
with our senior leaders. They are ready to Centre rapped in Salem case another assurance that in the event of
extradition of Abu Salem, he will (i) not be
not just garbage but also corruption. I will are headed to other cities in Ukraine, but station and this name shall not exceed two return to the Congress in case we are short to the assurance not to sentence Salem to prosecuted for offences other than those for
expose the extortion by ED and the criminal many people have chosen to flee the country words. However, this co-branding will not be of a majority,” sources told a news portal. death or imprisoned for a term beyond 25 which his extradition has been sought; and
syndicate in 10 parts,” he said. instead. In one of the most desperate cities, permitted on railway tickets, public Chhatisgarh health minister TS Singh Deo, years. It had sought the Centre's stand on (ii) not be re-extradited to any third country.
According to Raut ED officer Jitendra Mariupol, an estimated 200,000 people — reservation system (PRS), websites, route Mukul Wasnik and Lok Sabha MP Vincent Salem's plea that the September 2017 In June 2017, a special Terrorism and
Navlani runs the ED racket. “Navlani and nearly half the population of 430,000 — is maps, in announcements through the public Pala will be in Manipur as observers. judgment of a Mumbai TADA court Disruptive Activities Act (TADA) court of
seven companies associated with him are hoping against hope that it will be able to address systems, on the rail display network, The Congress is also facing heightened sentencing him to life imprisonment Mumbai had found Abu Salem, Mustafa
involved in the transfer of money to their make good its escape. amongst others, where only the original dissident activity, with leaders like Kapil violated the terms of extradition. Dossa, Karimullah Khan, Firoz Abdul Rashid
accounts from the companies and persons The evacuation was not without hiccups: name of the railway station will be used. Sibal and Anand Sharma pressing for a Justice Kaul took exception to the CBI Khan, Riyaz Siddiqui and Tahir Merchant
against whom the ED had launched a Russia again breached the ceasefire to shell Railways has been trying several ways to revamp of the party structure by holding filing the affidavit when it was actually guilty of conspiring and carrying out a
probe,” he alleged. However, Raut revealed evacuation routes out of Mariupol; the earn non-fare revenue, especially by internal elections, instead of allowing sought from the Central Government. string of bomb blasts across Mumbai in
that a complaint had been filed on Tuesday latest ceasefire violation came as President leveraging its outdoor advertising spaces at former Congress President Rahul Gandhi to In its affidavit, the CBI contended that the 1993, which ended up killing 257 people.
against four ED officers with the Mumbai Volodymyr Zelensky said a child had died of stations for years. This is the latest bid to get continue with his back-seat driving. solemn sovereign assurance given by Only accused Abdul Qayyum Karim Sheikh
police, which will investigate the matter. thirst in the embargoed port city. On a bigger piece of the pie by monetisation of They are exerting pressure that the Advani cannot be construed as a guarantee was acquitted since the prosecution failed
“Some ED officers will go to jail after the Monday, a bridge across the Irpin River in this space. organisational elections be conducted at or underetaking that no court in India to establish a conspiracy against him.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: In law, a man is guilty when he violates
the rights of others. In ethics, he is guilty if he only thinks of doing so.
Anis Khan’s death: a warning call for Mamata
— Immanuel Kant

SINCE 1928

War and Elections Everywhere

the elite class. At the end of the 1970s, the rule enchantment within the community against the political significance. The BJP has proved
of the left front began. Under the left regime, the TMC. that they can win in the Center (not in the

add to price pain

the demography of the Muslim leadership To put it more precisely, a significant section states) without the support of the Muslims.
Here, There, changed as common people started getting of the Muslims in Bengal, mostly the younger This sheer fear has brought a tendency with-
recognition. generation have developed some kind of disen- in the Muslims to shift towards political par-
With time, a new class of Muslims devel- chantment against the TMC. This disenchant- ties like All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Mus-

÷Sayantan Ghosh

oped under the left regime who were highly ment is not only because of the TMC's Bengal limeen (AIMIM) which is primarily run by the
powerful local leaders. Here, the power is not politics but also because the party is not taking representatives of the community.
only in terms of political power but also in on the BJP on the issue of Hindutva. Taking any particular section for granted
21st-century war just does not hurt the warring na- n the midnight of February 18, a 27- terms of economic control over the areas. During the 2021 election campaign on several in Indian politics could be a dangerous idea.
tions, but the entire globe. For it is an interconnected year-old student activist from Bengal; When Mamata Banerjee-led Trinamool Con- occasions, Mamata Banerjee has put forward In the last Bihar election, it was witnessed
global marketplace. The symbiotic relationships be- Anis Khan died. The family members gress came into power in Bengal, this class of her Hindu identity. On several occasions, she that a significant section of the Muslims
tween nations transcend just their political outlook and ex- of Khan alleged that police killed their son. Muslim leaders joined the party. has visited temples and chanted Hindu Slokas voted for AIMIM and the party which had
tend to economies and consumption from the global supply Despite repeated requests from the family the Recently, several reports have claimed that to prove that she is also a Hindu. There is no zero presence earlier won 5 seats. Here, the
chains. West Bengal government has not allowed CBI student activist Anis Khan had a conflicting doubt that the intention of Banerjee was not to idea that the Muslims vote for the political
Just when the world was heaving a sigh of relief from the to probe the matter but formed a special in- relationship with the local Muslim leaders. hurt the Muslim community but to clarify that party which will come to power also does
two-year covid hit political economies and societal hurt, this vestigating team or SIT. But beyond the con- Significantly, Anis Khan stood beside Mamata BJP does not have the sole authority towards not hold true.
troversies, there is a warning for Bengal Chief Similarly, in the Ahmedabad civic poll last
Taking any particular section for granted in Indian politics could
Russia-Ukraine war is a modern-day nightmare. In this
Minister Mamata Banerjee and her party. year AIMIM won seven seats. Here, AIMIM as
midst, China on Monday reported as many as 500 new coro-
be a dangerous idea. In the last Bihar election, it was witnessed
According to the family members, around a political party is just an example. In Bengal,
navirus cases for the first time since early 2020. Eyes will not 4–5 people came to his house in police uniform there is no presence of this political party but
only be on physical war but also on the worries if the covid
that a significant section of the Muslims voted for AIMIM and
at Amta of Howrah district and took him to before the election, a political outfit called In-
wave is a newer wave. the roof. Salim Khan, the father of the activist, dian Secular Front was formed by the cleric of

the party which had zero presence earlier won 5 seats. Here, the
The war-enforced supply chain issues have impacted glob- alleged that he was thrown off the roof. This Futura Sharif that won one assembly seat as
al prices of soybean, wheat, fertiliser, and metals like cop- death has triggered a massive row in Bengal. well. It would be wrong to say that ISF or AIM-
per, steel, aluminum, and palladium. For India, it would in-
crease the import bills for minerals, fuels & oils, gems & jew-
On December 09, 2019, the lower house of
the Parliament passed the controversial Citi- idea that the Muslims vote for the political party which will IM might harm Mamata Banerjee politically
in Bengal.
ellery, edible oils, precious commodities, and fertilisers.
Ukraine and Russia account for about 80% of world sun-
zenship Amendment Act or CAA. Bengal
Chief Minister and Trinamool Congress
come to power also does not hold true. But no doubt, sidelining the community or
not showing enough empathy amid the rise of
flower oil supplies. The war would further increase sun- supremo Mamata Banerjee took to the streets the Hindu majoritarian politics in India can
flower oil prices, and consequently food inflation. In the past on 16th December against the CAA. The Mus- Banerjee and her party in several issues like Hindus. Mamata Banerjee-led Trinamool Con- cause some harm to Mamata Banerjee in the
fortnight, milk brands across India have increased retail lims of Bengal and across India were worried the anti-CAA protest. From the end of the left gress during the past year has also allowed sev- future. The need of the hour is to understand
prices, citing higher costs. Gold prices have also started about the CAA. They understood that though rule in Bengal, the Muslim vote share has en- eral turncoats who earlier joined the BJP to re- the disenchantment amongst the Muslims
inching up, as other precious commodities. Russia is a large there is no exact clause by which the Muslims tirely shifted towards the Trinamool Con- turn. Many of these leaders have made anti- and to deal with every little issue related to the
producer of rare metals like Palladium (controls nearly 45% can lose their citizenship in India. But if the gress. Muslim remarks when they were with the BJP. community with empathy. The family mem-
of global supply). Ukraine produces neon gas and controls CAA is imposed along with the National Reg- After the Narendra Modi-led BJP came to At the national stage, the Trinamool Congress bers of Anis Khan have said that they have im-
ister of Citizenship (NRC) then there would be power in the Center, the BJP and the RSS tar- has been taking a soft path when it comes to mense faith in Mamata Banerjee but not in
nearly 70% of the global supply. These two materials are
fear of losing citizenship. Across India Mus- geted Bengal. They launched a massive ex- Hindutva politics of the BJP. her party or the administration. This is a clear
used in the semiconductor and automobile sectors, and the lims and civil society along with students took pansion plan. Several riot-like incidents took For example, during Mamata Banerjee‘s message regarding what is wrong. Being one
shortage of these could create further supply-side issues in the street against the implementation of CAA. place during their expansion process. And, last visit she met senior BJP leader Subra- of the senior-most politicians of India it is ex-
the already hurting industries including consumer elec- According to the last census, Bengal has a the fear among the community in Bengal kept manian Swamy who is known for his anti- pected from Banerjee that she will not allow
tronics, computing. Ukrainian market imports over USD population of around 27% of Muslims. The increasing. Mamata Banerjee was their only Muslim stand. Similarly, recently when Kar- any discontent within the community against
150 million of pharma supplies from India. voting pattern of the community has changed choice because the Left politics in the state is nataka is burning with the hijab row Banerjee the TMC to grow in Bengal.
India imports over 85% of its oil. Despite the crude oil over the years just the way the political power in a deplorable condition. In the 2021 Bengal has been silent. No one can deny that such acts
prices hovering at USD 130 a barrel, Indian oil majors have in Bengal and the leadership position of the election, Mamata Banerjee achieved a histori- can put fear in certain sections of the Mus- The author is an independent journalist based in
held onto retail fuel prices. Every USD 1 per barrel in- community has changed over the decades. Ac- cal victory. But today, the death of Anis Khan lims in Bengal. Kolkata and former policy research fellow at Delhi
crease in crude oil prices translates into a $1.3 billion in- cording to a significant section of the political and the protests across the state by the Mus- After the BJP-led government has come into Assembly Research Center. He tweets as

Hijab ban: an attack on women’s education

crease in the current account deficit. With assembly elec- analysts in Bengal during the Congress lim students along with the Left student or- power, the Muslims of India has lost many @sayantan_gh. Views expressed are
tions over in the few states, the political pressure to hold regime, the Muslim leadership used to be from ganisation clearly points out that there is dis- things. But one of the most important losses is entirely personal
up oil prices might ease; consequently, with increased fuel
and oil prices, it could trigger further inflationary pres-
sures. India’s retail inflation had hit a seven-month high
of 6.01 percent in January, breaching the RBI’s upper tol-
erance range of 6 percent. The GoI has mandated the Re-
serve Bank of India to maintain retail inflation at 4%,
women’s Constitutional right to jab. But it is also true that during nate to see that in a country that suf- women in higher education and pro-
with a margin of +- 2%, for a five-year period ending
freedom of religion, right to educa- this period of increasing traditional fers from an extremely low rate of fessional courses, as compared to
March 2026. Food inflation has contributed much to it, and tion and right to freedom of choice, clothing, more and more Muslim education, particularly girl educa- their population. But what is heart-
the continuation of this war would hurt food prices fur- among others. Then there are con- girls have taken to education and tion, and where there is a massive ening is that more and more Muslim
In addition, the Indian rupee has weakened against the
Comment tradictory voices in the Muslim
community. Some say the hijab is
specialized professional courses
that include medicine, engineering,
gender gap, the uniform that girls
wear should get any kind of priori-
girls are keen to attend school and
college and their numbers are also
USD and crossed the INR 76.9 mark. This continued pres-
÷ A L I Chougule

obligatory in Islam and wearing it is IT, management, and more. Not all ty. The push needed to the education improving in the workplace. Howev-
sure on the INR would cause damage to forex reserves if their fundamental right, while oth- of them wear hijab but many do out of girls can’t be stressed more, given er, the ratio for Muslim women in
our imports do not decrease. Reducing our dependence on ers say wearing hijab is their per- their educational backwardness the working-age who are working or
imports from developed economies would reduce our in- uch has been said and writ- sonal choice. There are also pro- While to the liberals, the and the discrimination they face willing to work is likely to be lower
flationary pressure. In developed economies, labour costs ten about the controversy gressive and reform-minded voices hijab controversy is one vis-à-vis boys. Given that women are than the figure for all women, which
have increased during the pandemic. In turn, this has af- of girl students wearing hi- within the Muslim community that
more attempt by the constantly struggling and battling is 20 percent as compared to 75 per-
fected the pricing of imports we undertake and hence the jab in schools and colleges and its re- believe that hijab is a symbol of age- at various levels to step out of their cent for men. Therefore, women of
landed cost of imported finished goods or even imported ligious, ideological, and political old patriarchy. Hindutva forces to impose homes to get an education and be- all communities, Muslim in particu-
inputs for Indian manufactured goods have increased. meanings. Since this is a con- These progressive voices are of their majoritarian agenda come financially independent, the lar, need to be encouraged to acquire
Despite these pressures and inflationary trends, the RBI tentious issue, it’s best left to the the view that the Holy Quran asks on the minorities, focus should clearly be on educating education and to step out to work for
has so far maintained an accommodative stance, simply to court to decide whether girls should
be allowed into class with hijab,
Muslims to dress ‘modestly’ and ‘de-
cently’. But the words ‘modesty’ and
particularly the Muslims, as many girls as possible with an en-
vironment that is conducive to their
a living.
Hijab can be called regressive if it
support growth. If LIC’s partial disinvestment goal does
whether the hijab is part of the ba- ‘decency’ have been misinterpreted the voices of sanity in the sense of safety and security. is forced on someone but not when
not materialise this fiscal, GoI might need to borrow larg-
er amounts in the domestic markets; which might neces-
sic tenets of Islam and a ban on hi- by the conservative clerics. There liberal camp are in support Legal experts are of the view that someone wants to wear it out of
sitate lower interest rates. RBI is also the debt manager for
jab is a violation of the fundamental are several interpretations of the of hijab because they forcing girls to choose education choice. In the legal battle to nullify
right of Muslim women or not. Quran and it is difficult to arrive at over comfort and faith not only vio- the practice of Triple talaq, the peti-
GoI and hence maintaining affordable interest burden be- While the Karnataka High Court’s exact meanings of ‘modesty’ and believe it is part of the lates their Right to Education but tioners were Muslim women and it
comes a role to juggle amongst others. On the bond market verdict in the hijab case is due in the ‘decency’. But many believe that hi- Muslim women’s also their Right to Personal Liberty. would be wrong to underestimate
front, RBI has been working to sweep up liquidity, and con-
sequently, the long-term bond yields have inched upwards.
coming days, it is important to see jab is an integral part of Islamic constitutional right to It is important to remember that their sense of justice and resolve to

India's overall macroeconomic situation has been in a

the hijab row in the larger context of
education, employment, and em-
custom and stress on it as a mark of
modesty. As hijab is identified as a
freedom of religion, right to what the girl chooses to wear is a
very personal choice that cannot be
fight against gender discrimination
and male dominance. A legal ban on
recovery mode but the growth is worryingly-suspected to powerment of Muslim women. It is mark of Muslim identity and belief, education and right to interfered with under the pretext of hijab would not only put the Right to
be concentrated at the top end. Is the lower social spec- also equally important to think of just as the turban is for a Sikh male freedom of choice, reform. After all, a reform that Education on the backburner, but it
trum of the Indian economy stagflation or in recession? what a legal ban on wearing hijab and sacred ash or tilak on the fore- among others. forces a girl to dress in a particular would also be a violation of Article
Stagflation is when economic growth slows and, at the would mean to a woman’s rights and head for the Hindus, secularism de- manner is also a kind of oppression. 14, Article 21, and Article 25 of the
same time, is accompanied by rising inflation. While the her freedom to make choices. mands that restrictions on symbols Hijab is just an accessory to cover Constitution. It will also be an as-
RBI might increase its inflationary forecast for the short While to the liberals, the hijab con- of religious identity are justified if of personal choice, religious obliga- the head, it does not impede sault on equality, religious freedom,
term, that might loosen the monetary policy. troversy is one more attempt by the they apply to all religions to main- tion, or family pressure. But the im- women’s education, employment, pluralism, and diversity. More im-
India has abstained from voting against Russia in the Hindutva forces to impose their ma- tain neutrality. portant thing is that the primary fo- and empowerment. portant, it will be a setback for Mus-
global forum, while it has had publicly announced con- joritarian agenda on the minorities, Over the last few decades, more cus of these girls is education, em- Data suggests that literacy and ed- lim women’s education and empow-
versations between heads of state of India, Russia, particularly the Muslims, the voices and more Muslim girls and women ployment, and empowerment. ucational backwardness among erment.
Ukraine. India, as a regional voice, has to balance its of sanity in the liberal camp are in have adapted to traditional clothing, The question is whether hijab Muslim women is more than for
support of hijab because they be- even in places where earlier there should come in the way of educa- most other religious communities. The writer is an independent Mumbai-
strategic imperative of keeping its interests safer; that
lieve it is part of the Muslim was no tradition of wearing the hi- tion for girls. In fact, it is unfortu- It is the same case with Muslim based senior journalist
includes keeping China at bay, whose intrusion with In-
dian policies around the neighbourhood; and yet bal-

Shri Dakshinamurthy – The lord of convergence — Dr S. Ainavolu

ance its long-drawn friendship with Russia, which has

stood by it. India has also used its diplomatic and politi-
cal goodwill with both Russia & Ukraine to ensure the
safe return of Indians stuck in the war zone. Hopefully,
this would continue to reduce any more Indians stuck hri Dakshinamurthy is the original manifested bold one may say, as it promises convergence.
there. form of lord Shiva. When people look at different Depiction of the Lord: This stotram is one of the rare
On the capital markets, the pressures of the war and forms of worship, they have a long list of wishes, compilations where wonderment is used not about the
inflation is hurting the investors with depressed valua- but when one looks at Dakshinamurthy, the silence accomplishments or boons given by the deity but about
tions. After all, fear or fear of missing out operates from shall prevail internally in the seeker. ‘Dakshin’ is typi- the form. It begins with “sharanamaham prapadye”,
the concept of fear. Is this how a VUCA ( Volatility, uncer- cally interpreted as the South direction. A simple ex- surrendering. The word “Chitram” comes in shloka
tainty, complexity, and ambiguity) market condition looks planation of Dakshinamurthy is one facing the south beginning, an absolute wonderment, and exclamation.
like? direction. A deeper interpretation is “Daksha” or It expresses wonder that “Chitram vata taror mule
“Dakshata” indicates having competencies and being vruddha shishya guror yuva”. Astonishing sight for us
FPJ Archives MARCH 9, 1964 capable. In other words, he is a capable master who can who are used to older Guru and younger disciples as
grant the ultimate. The Jnana (enlightening wisdom) the scene is reversed here, with a sixteen-year Guru
liberates one from the mundane, and Dakshinamurthy and older disciples. It exclaims “Gurostu mouna
is our knowledge/wisdom giving lord who gives us vyakhyanam shishyastuchinna samshaya”, meaning
THAT, the liberating Jnana. the Guru is teaching in “mouna” (silence) and the
Stotram: Dakshinamurthy stotram is composed by doubts of the disciples got eliminated/evaporated! He
Adi Shankaracharya (Kaladi, Kerala born) who estab- is also called “bhishaje bhava roginam”, the doctor
lished four mathas in four corners of India. He re- who can cure all the diseases of this world. He is called
soundingly established the advaita’s supremacy. Often, the “Sat-chit-ananda roopaya”, as we know the three
we come across many a stotram that extol the deity em- components of the perfect existence.
bedded in it or around whom the stotram is defined or
built. Dakshinamurthy stotram is different. It defines (The writer is Professor of Strategy at VPSM, Navi
the essence of advaita, and even boldly hints, THAT, Mumbai. Experiences and views are personal. Read
the Guru and THIS are all the same. The stotram is the full version at:
(Spiritual organisations keen to be featured in this space contact : [email protected])

One flew over the nest #BreakTheBias WEDNESDAY’S SWIPE

Let’s #BreaktheBias the women face in Waste Management Industry!
@Clean_Noida working on breaking all such bias.
Clean Noida @hclfoundation
Imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes and
discrimination. A world that's diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world
where difference is valued and celebrated. Together we can forge women's

Hindi compulsion, a big mistake — CHAGLA

equality. Collectively we can all #BreakTheBias.
Grey Highlands@GreyHighlands1

MADRAS, MARCH 8 (PTI) Shri M. C. Chagla. Union Education Minister, said here This Women’s Day, let’s appreciate the women for their small and big
victories and #BreakTheBias with Amul Chocolates.
today "too much compulsion" on the subject of Hindi had been "a great mistake, and Amul.Coop@Amul_Coop
the South has reacted against it". Addressing a Press conference here. Shri Chagla said
Hindl could not replace English again as the link language in India without general We recognize the contribution of women for their courage in inspiring
others and mobilizing others for a sustainable future for everyone.
agreement. "I am against any aggressive tactics, but I think Hirdi can not become the Checkers Custard@CheckersCustard
link language unless we carry the South with us,” Shri Chagia said. "You cannot force
it down the throats of the people of the South or of Bengal. They are part of India." When asked once - why a ‘common man’ and not a 'common woman', RK
Laxman exclaimed: "you see, women can never be common!". By far the
"No step can be taken without carrying the South and Bengal with us to work best message I saw today on #WomensDay #breakthebias
voluntarily willingly. honestly and sincerely. No compulsion, no force, no aggressive Kulmeet Bawa@kulmeetbawa
tactics. Then slone can we sue ceed in the cause of Hind!"
Zverev put on 1-year probation for outburst in Acapulco
ACAPULCO: Tokyo Olympics gold medallist Alexander Zverev was
put on probation for one year by the ATP for violently hitting the
chair umpire's stand repeatedly with his racket following a loss in
doubles at the Mexico Open. If Zverev receives a code violation that
results in a fine for unsportsmanlike conduct, he will be suspended
from ATP events for eight weeks and fined an additional $25,000.

SPORTS CAFE Warne brought spin as an

O attacking commodity to this

Mount Maunganui

pener Alyssa Healy

cricketing world: Ashwin

starred with the bat

get Healy
after Australian
bowlers produced a clinical
display as the six-time
champions coasted to a sev-
en-wicket victory over Pak- PTI
istan in the ICC Women's Bengaluru ‘Used to bowl medium

World Cup, here on Tuesday. pace to be next Kapil’
Australian bowlers Still in disbelief by Aus-
struck at regular intervals, tralian legend Shane BENGALURU: Ashwin revealed
save a fine 99-run partner- Warne's death, India off- that he wanted to be a batter
ship between skipper Bis- spinner Ravichandran and used to bowl medium pace
Sweden's Armand Duplantis poses next to the score board mah Maroof (78 not out) hailed the late leg-spin wiz- as a child to become the next
after breaking his own pole vaulting world record at the World and all-rounder Aliya Riaz ard for redefining bowling "Kapil Paaji."
Athletics Indoor Tour Silver meeting in Belgrade on Monday (53), to restrict Pakistan to and bringing spin as an at- Playing in his 85th match, the
190 for six after skipper Meg tacking commodity in 35-year-old Ashwin went past
Duplantis sets pole vault world record Lanning decided to field. world cricket. the legendary Kapil's 434 Test
BELGRADE: Olympic champion Mondo Duplantis broke his The Australian batters, Warne, a spin wizard scalps to become India's second
own world pole vault record with a 6.19-meter clearance at led by star wicketkeeper who made the world fall in most successful bowler in the
the Belgrade Indoor Meeting. Duplantis set the record of 6.18 Healy (72), who scored a love with his craft, died of longest format on Sunday.
in February 2020 indoors in Glasgow. "I've tried 6.19 meters scintillating half-century, natural causes at the age of "Feeling so humbled. 28 years
50 times," the Swede said. "It's been a long time coming. I've then batted comfortably to 52 in Thailand on Friday, ago, I was cheering for Kapil
never had a height that has given me that much trouble, so it's notch up their second win leaving the world

Opener scores
Paaji along with my da when he
a very good feeling. It was really hard fought over these past of the tour- shell-shocked.
two years. I'm really happy." With all of his opponents finished, nament Australia's Alyssa Healy plays a shot during their World Cup match "I see Warne as a flag-
went past Richard Hadlee's

72 as Kangaroos
Duplantis opened his series with 5.61, 5.85 and 6.00 all on his with 15.3 against Pakistan at Bay Oval in Tauranga on Tuesday AFP bearer for carrying the record," Ashwin said.
first tries. At 6.19, he missed his first two attempts. overs to spin aspect of bowling on "In fact, I used to bowl

beat Pakistan by
medium pace on my dad's advice
5 football officials suspended over brawl
spare. of the 28th but till then the over the line. the front in the world crick-
Australia, damage was done and Ellyse Earlier, skipper Maroof eting map. The top three back then so that I can try to be

seven wickets
MEXICO CITY: State authorities in north-central Mexico have who defeat- Perry (26 not out) and Beth and all-rounder Riaz res- wicket-takers in the world the next Kapil Paaji."
suspended five officials after a huge brawl among fans during a ed England Mooney (23 not out) had no cued Pakistan from a pre- are spinners in Muttiah
weekend match left 26 people injured, three critically. in their campaign opener, trouble taking Australia carious position to guide Muralitharan, Shane the century' deceiving Mike
Guadalupe Murguía, the interior secretary of Queretaro state thus moved to the top of the them to a respectable total. Warne and Anil Kumble," Gatting at Old Trafford with

ICC launches 100 per cent Cricket Year

said late Sunday the private company partly responsible for table while Pakistan.contin- With Pakistan teetering at Ashwin said on his a delivery that landed wide
security at the soccer stadium would also have its contracts ued to languish at the bot- 44-4 after 13 overs, the duo Youtube channel. outside the the leg stump

of Women's Cricket on Women’s Day

cancelled. Police were also at the venue when the brawl tom. They had lost to India began its rescue act, sharing "He was an interesting and, as the stupefied Eng-
occurred Saturday at a match between host Queretaro and Atlas in their tournament-opener. a 99-run stand for the fifth character. So many Aus- lishman tried to defend,
from Guadalajara, the reigning league champion, but were also Chasing 191 for the win, wicket before Riaz was tralian legends had so turned viciously to clip his
unable to contain the violence. The five suspended officials Healy and Racheal Haynes DUBAI: The International Cricket campaign has been introduced to trapped leg before in the many nice things to say off bail.
include police and civil defense employees, and three people (34) shared a 60-run stand to Council (ICC) on Tuesday help drive transformative change 45th over. about him. I still can't ac- However, that isn't Ash-
responsible for planning and preparations provide a steady start to launched the '100 per cent and be part of accelerating the It was Pakistan's highest cept the fact that life is win's favourite Warne
Australia. Cricket Year of Women's Cricket' growth of the game." partnership at an ICC so fickle. We cannot delivery.
Some sub-par fielding by campaign to coincide with the Using the #IDeclare hashtag, Women's World Cup. predict what can "Shane Warne
Pakistan gave the two open- International Women's Day in the ICC is urging cricket fans Experienced seamers happen." brought spin as an at-
ers a reprieve each with order to further promote gender worldwide to show what they Megan Schutt (1/43) and Warne, regarded tacking commodity
their catches going down. equality and empower women can do to "further promote Ellyse Perry (1/27) and as the greatest spin- to this cricketing
Haynes, who scored a cen- medium pacer Nicola Car- ner of all world. Everyone
and girls through cricket. gender equality and further
tury in Australia's opening rey (1/36) picked up a wick- time, will talk about
game against England,
The global governing body for empower women and girls et apiece for Australia while picked up Warne's delivery
stayed aggressive but her the sport said in a statement on through cricket". ICC CEO Geoff spinners Alana King (2/24) 708 wickets to Mike Gatting,
run-a-ball knock was finally Tuesday that, "The 100 per cent Allardice said he was 'proud' of and Amanda-Jade Welling- with his leg-spin but my favourite
put to an end by spinner Cricket Year of Women's Cricket the initiative. ton (1/25) also contributed. for Australia in is Warne's deliv-
Nashra Sandhu (1/30). Maroof and Riaz didn't 145 Tests. In his ery to Andrew
Healy and Lanning (35) Australia’s win against India immortalised score quickly to begin with 194 ODI appear- Strauss in 2005
continued the onslaught MELBOURNE: A mural depicting Australia's famous Women's T20 World and played with extreme ances, he Ashes," Ashwin
with Pakistan bowlers hav- Cup final win against India two years ago in front of a record audience caution to put together a snared 293 said.
ing no answer to the pair has become the first artwork featuring a women's sporting team to be on memorable stand. scalps. "He almost
with Australia edging clos- permanent display at the iconic MCG. "Shane single-handedly
Tottenham Hotspur's South Korean striker Son Heung-Min (L) er to victory. The artwork, which was unveiled at the MCG on Monday, will be Warne was a fought for Aus-
Healy brought up her 14th BRIEF SCORES colourful charac- tralia in that se-
celebrates scoring his team's second goal with teammate displayed along the route of the famous MCG Tour, which attracts around
half-century in only 55 de- Australia Women 193 for 3 ter, he redefined ries. He was a
Harry Kane during their win over Everton on Monday night AFP liveries. She hit seven
130,000 people every year. bowling, he has maestro.
It is the first artwork featuring a women's sporting team to be on (Healy 72, Lanning 35, Haynes
boundaries in her stay at taken more than “He was an
EPL: Kane goes past Thierry Henry permanent display at the MCG. Painted by renowned Australian painter 34, Sohail 2-39) beat Pakistan
the middle. Women 190 for 6 (Maroof 1000 international extra-ordinary
LONDON: Tottenham Hotspur's Harry Kane has moved above However, spinner Vincent Fantauzzo, the portrait depicts the 16 squad members lifting the wickets, not many human being
trophy as yellow and green confetti fills the sky. 78*, Riaz 53, King 2-24) by
Arsenal legend Thierry Henry on the all-time Premier League top Omaima Sohail (2/39) man- seven wickets can achieve this and he lived
scorers list with two goals against Everton on Monday. The aged to get rid of the Aus- Australia had registered a comprehensive 85-run win over India to rare feat." his life to the
clinch the title in front of a record crowd. Playing Today
Spurs' marksman has now scored 176 Premier League goals and tralian skipper in the 22nd Warne had fullest," he

Axar in squad for D/N Test

England vs West Indies
is only one behind Chelsea great Frank Lampard who is over and Healy at the start bowled the 'ball of added.
currently the manager of Everton. On Monday, Harry Kane

Sindhu enters
scored twice as Tottenham Hotspur moved three points outside
the top four with their biggest win of the season, beating

2nd round of
struggling Everton 5-0 in the Premier League. "It is all about
getting those chances and I am always confident I am going to

German Open
hit the target," Kane said. "I always try to keep the ball low.
Hard work and practice, it is no secret," he added. "Thierry was IANS over his first five Tests, in India squad:
one of the greatest strikers we have seen, so it is nice to go Mumbai which he has picked up 36 Rohit Sharma (Captain), Priyank
above him in the scorers' list and hopefully they keep coming." wickets at an average of Panchal, Mayank Agarwal, Virat
PTI The All-India senior selec- 11.86.
All-India University Hockey from today Muelheim An Der Ruhr (Germany) tion committee has added all- Meanwhile, the BCCI also
Kohli, Shreyas Iyer, Hanuma
Vihari, Shubhman Gill, Rishabh
PUNE: Pune will host the SNBP 28th Nehru All-India Universities rounder Axar Patel to India's said that Kuldeep Yadav has
Hockey Tournament (Inter Zonal Finals) at the Major Dhyan Top Indian shuttlers, includ- squad for the second Test been released from the squad Pant (wicketkeeper), KS Bharat,
Chand Hockey Stadium from March 9 here, reports Joe ing double Olympic medallist against Sri Lanka to be for the second Test. Ravindra Jadeja, Jayant Yadav, R.
Williams. The 11-day tournament is being conducted in P V Sindhu and played from March 12-16 in Kuldeep did not feature in Ashwin, Saurabh Kumar, Mohd.
collaboration with the Association of Indian Universities (AIU), World Champi- Bengaluru. the first Test in Mohali, with Siraj, Umesh Yadav, Mohd.
under the aegis of Hockey India. The high point of the onships silver The all-rounder has com- India preferring Jayant Ya- Shami, Jasprit Bumrah (vice-
tournament will be that the top eight finishers (quarterfinalists) Pakistan's Imam-ul-Haq (C) and teammate Abdullah Shafique and bronze win- pleted his rehab and has captain), Axar Patel.
will qualify for the Khelo India University Games 2022, to be shake hands as Australia's Alex Carey watches after the first Test ners Kidambi been cleared by the BCCI

Imam hits successive tons

held in Bengaluru. West Zone will be represented by Savitribai in Rawalpindi ends in a draw on Tuesday AFP Srikanth and medical team. The Bengalu- dav as their third spinner.
Phule Pune University, LNCT University, Gwalior, University of Lakshya Sen, ru match is a day-night Test. Jayant went wicketless in
Mumbai and Parul University, Vadodara.

as 1st Test ends in draw

progressed to the second Axar is likely to slot both innings, while his spin
round of the German Open, straight into the XI in partners R Ashwin and
Gurbaz may replace Roy in Gujarat Titans here on Tuesday. Jayant's place if India persist Ravindra Jadeja dominated
NEW DELHI: Gujarat Titans will in all likelihood be replacing London Olympics bronze with a three-spinner attack, the match with a combined
Jason Roy with Rahmamullah Gurbaz, the hard hitting Afghan medallist Saina Nehwal also given his outstanding record 15 wickets.

Mahi, Palak among four

opener, for the upcoming Indian Premier League. Roy had pulled made an impressive start at
out of the IPL as he didn't want to stay in the bubble for a AP / Rawalpindi Abdullah Shafique, also the USD 180,000 Super 300
prolonged period. Apart from having a 150-plus career T20 strike I-LEAGUE

Rajasthan down
prospered to record his badminton tournament after

Indian youth boxers in final

rate as an opener, Gurbaz is also a handy keeper which makes Opening batter Imam-ul-Haq maiden Test hundred and struggling with fitness issues

Aizawl, Punjab
him a multi utility player. The most exciting aspect is the 20-year- hit a century in each innings was unbeaten on 136 when due to injuries and illness in
old's ability to clear the ropes with 113 sixes in 69 career T20 for Pakistan as Australia Pakistan finished the fifth the last few months.

thrash Kenkre
games.He has played 9 ODIs and 12 T20Is in his short but could bag only four wickets and final day on 252-0 in its Seventh seed Sindhu
exciting career so far. Gujarat Titans are yet to officially announce on a docile pitch in the second innings, leading by trounced Thailand's Bu- PTI / New Delhi were enough to unsettle the lo-
Gurbaz as a replacement as they await the BCCI green light. drawn first Test on Tuesday. 269 runs. Both teams mutu- sanan Ongbamrungphan 21-8 cal boxer as the referee
Imam followed his 157 in ally agreed to end the game 21-7 in a lop-sided contest af- Mahi Siwach, Palak Zambre stopped the contest in the third PTI Kolkata

the first innings total of 476- with an hour remaining. ter Srikanth, seeded 8th, saw and two more Indian junior round.
4 declared with an unbeaten Shafique hit 15 fours and a off France's world number 39 girls registered sensational Palak was equally dominant Punjab FC jumped to top-
111 in his first Test since No- six in his 242-ball knock Brice Leverdez 21-10 13-21 21- victories to enter the finals of during her 48kg semifinal bout four with their second win
vember 2019. while Imam was more 7 in 48 minutes. the ASBC Asian Youth & Jun- as she outpunched Kaza- from three matches, while
CRICKET Imam's opening partner, watchful in raising his hun- It was Sindhu's 15th win ior Boxing Championships in khstan's Gaukhar Zarden by debutants Rajasthan United
Women's World Cup dred and faced 223 balls, over the world number 11 Amman, Jordan on Tuesday. unanimous margin. FC secured their maiden vic-
03.30: England vs West Indies; Star sports BRIEF SCORES hitting seven fours and two Thai player, while Srikanth Vini (50kg) and Yakshika Vini and Yakshita kept the tory in the I-League on Tues-
FOOTBALL Pakistan 476 for 4 dec (Azhar
sixes. too extended his head-to-head (52kg) were the other two country's winning momentum day.
The second opening stand count over Leverdez to 4-0 af- pugilists to make their way going and marched into the fi- At the Naihati Stadium,
UEFA Europa League 185, Imam 157, Shafique 44, between Imam and Abdullah ter this victory. into the finals on the seventh nals with comfortable victo- former I-League champions
23.15: Porto vs Lyon; Sony SIX Cummins 1-62, Lyon 1-161) and surpassed Pakistan's previ- Sindhu, a 2019 world cham- day of the competition. ries. While Vini (50kg) defeated Aizawl FC showed late ur-
UEFA Champions League 252 for 0 (Shafique 136*, Imam ous best against Australia in pion, will meet China's Zhang Mahi looked solid in her at- Iraq's Dalya Al-Sammarraie gency and were down to nine
01.30 (Thu): Real Madrid vs PSG; Sony TEN2, Sony TEN 111*) drew with Australia 459 1964 when Khalid Ibadulla Yi Man next, while world tack during the 46kg semifinal by RSC verdict, Yakshika players in the second-half in-
3, Sony TEN 4 (Khawaja 97, Labuschagne 90, and Abdul Kadir combined number 11 Srikanth will take against Jordan's Sadeen Al- blanked Kazakhstan's jury time as RUFC rode on

Mbappe doubtful as
01.30: Man. City vs Sporting CP; Sony TEN 1 Smith 78, Nauman 6-107) for 249 in Karachi. on China's Lu Guang Zu. ramhi. Her powerful punches Shakhnaz Tairzhanova 5-0. Aman Thapa's 37th minute
strike to open their account

MSSA girls’ hockey team travel long

Kylian Mbappe with three points after two

distance in train, all on their own Real Madrid face PSG

At Kalyani, Punjab skipper
Gurtej Singh (15th) opened
the gate before British for-
ward Kurtis Guthrie struck a
double (20th and 42nd), while

The train reached Luc- ty of MSSA to arrange for Robin Singh (72nd) came off
Mumbai know, as per sources, two the coach and manager to AGENCIES / Madrid The match will also see Neymar and Leo the bench to seal a 4-0 rout of
days later. Who would have travel along with the team. Messi back in the Bernabeu, although for- the Mumbai debutants.
At a time when women’s taken the responsibility if “You just cannot leave the eal Madrid look to overturn a 1-0 mer Real Madrid defender Serio Ramos The win lifted Punjab FC to
safety is seen as a major is- anything untoward would girls alone. These days it’s first-leg defeat when they entertain misses out on a return due to injury. fourth place with seven
sue in the country, Mumbai have happened between full of risk. Though they Paris Saint Germain (PSG) in the Real's doubt is midfielder Toni Kroos, points from three match-
Schools Sports Association Mumbai and Jhansi? had reserved berths, they Santiago Bernabeu on Wednesday night. who is struggling to recover from a ham- es, while Rajasthan re-
(MSSA) decided to send the Although a girl from the had to sit throughout the Madrid were second-best in Paris string injury and missed Saturday's easy mained on eight place
Under-21 team for Khelo In- team said they are adult journey. Why can’t there be three weeks ago, barely mustering a 4-1 win at home to Real Sociedad. with three points from
dia Women’s Hockey enough to take care of them- planning and better facili- shot on goal and only the work of With Casemiro missing the game two outings.
League held in Lucknow, all selves. “Look, we don’t get ties?” the coach questioned. Thibaut Courtois kept PSG at bay through suspension, Real Madrid coach Up against the 2016-17 I-
on their own. enough hockey tourna- Wasn't it the responsibility until Kylian Mbappe scored a Carlo Ancelotti has to decide who will League champions, RUFC
There was no coach or ments to play. And if MSSA of MSSA to have a profes- last-gasp winner. play in the midfield holding role. Fede began on a positive note and
manager to accompany the is doing something good, sional approach and make All eyes will be on Mbappe in Valverde, who has recovered from a held the possession.
team, at least till Jhansi. why cast aspersions on proper arrangements for Madrid as he faces the side that dose of the flu will probably replace Defender Mauro dos Santos
One lady, as a manager, them,” said a girl from the their travel? Free Press looks set to sign him in the summer, al- Casemiro, while Eduardo Camavinga, who kept threatening the Aizawl
joined the team at Jhansi for team on the condition of Journal reached out to though an incident in Monday's training scored a 30-metre drive at the weekend, is defence with long passes to
the tournament that was anonymity. MSSA president Fr Jude Ro- session which saw him receive a heavy likely to start if Kroos doesn't recover in time. the front line but the North-
played between February 22 However, a women’s coach drigues, who did not re- knock on the top of his foot means the strik- In another match of the night, Manches- east side kept averting the
to 28. said it was the responsibili- spond to our call. er is a slight doubt for the game. ter City take on Sporting CP. danger.

Printed and Published by Girdharlal Lakhotia for the Proprietors, Indian National Press (Bombay) P. Ltd., at Journal Press, Free Press House, Free Press Journal Marg, 215, Nariman Point, Mumbai-400 021. Tel: 69028000, Advt. Dept. 69028026. E-mail: [email protected] • OFFICE: Indore: 3/54, Press Complex, A. B. Road, Indore-452 008, Tel: 2555111-2, Fax: 2558555,
New Delhi: 1/8 INS Bldg., Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110 001; Tel.: 23718853; Kolkata: Tel.: 22875645; Chennai: Tel: 28217766; Bhopal: Tel: 2660570, 4271345. Transportation charges Rs. 2.00 only. Managing Editor: Girdharlal Lakhotia. Editor: S. S. DHAWAN. Reg. No. MCS/048/2021-23; RNI No. 1541/1957
Android 12L coming to Samsung, Lenovo and Microsoft devices
SAn FRAnCiSCo: Google has announced that it will bring the will make tablets and foldables simpler and easier to use," said
Android 12L operating system to Samsung, Lenovo and Google's VP of engineering for Android, Andrei Popescu. "We
Microsoft devices later this year. The new OS brings changes will continue to build more features and functionalities to help
to the home screen, lock screen, notification shade, device set- you make the most of your larger screen devices in Android 13
up screens and settings. The changes are largely designed to and beyond," Popescu added. The company recently
give users more information on the screen. "Today we are announced Android 12L, a version of Android 12 optimised for

Should social media platforms

introducing 12L, an update to Android 12 with features that tablets, foldables, and ChromeOS devices. —IANS
mumBAi | WEDNESDAY | MARCH 9, 2022
simon Willcock

ingly dry with more frequent
London droughts.

require govt ID verification? 

It is not possible to identify
prawling 5.5 million from these results when a crit-
square kilometres, the ical transition might come
Amazon rainforest is the about, or whether one is al-
largest of its kind and home to ready underway. The question
about one in ten of all known of whether the Amazon is

species. To date, at least 40,000 reaching a tipping point which
plants, 2,200 fish, 1,200 birds, could flip it into another state ApurvA AgArWAl  would impact the trolling behaviour and the

Is the Amazon rainforest

400 mammals, 400 amphib- remains unanswered. spread of spurious information on various Social
ians, and 375 reptiles have This paper studied the im- he Central Government on February 25, Media Platforms including the so-called WhatsApp
been scientifically classified in pact of climate change on the 2021, brought new guidelines for social University. 
the region, not to mention rainforest in the form of media, The Intermediary Guidelines & Digital Without verification, anybody and everybody can

on the verge of collapse?

nearly 2.5 million insect longer and drier droughts. But Media Ethics Code Rules, 2021 to safeguard users' tweet anything including lies or fake news. Liars
species. scientists know that road- rights and to regulate digital content platforms, aren’t afraid of being identified, and anyone who
The Amazon has existed as a building and expanding farm- online streaming, and social media. The new has spent considerable time on Twitter has a troll
dense and humid rainforest land are also severe sources of guidelines proposed that all social media accounts experience. Verifying identity for all its users would
teeming with life for at least 55 stress. need to be verified through mobile phones with a help Twitter to promote free speech and ban hate
million years. But in a new pa- If the critical threshold be- government ID within three months.  speech. 
per, scientists claim that over yond which the Amazon risks Posting this claim on social media, through his By just doing the blue check, Twitter has never
75% of the ecosystem has been collapse has not yet been verified Twitter handle Delhi High Court lawyer really thought much about identity. Like many
losing resilience since the ear- crossed, the combined effects Prashant Patel Umrao wrote, "All SM accounts other social media platforms, Twitter has allowed
ly 2000s due to climate change. these places as stresses mount. er words, critical slowing recent decades. Trees are dy- of these may mean it occurs need to be verified with a government ID through people to create an account with any identity. For
This process appears to be Does this new research pres- down can act as an early warn- ing more often and growing sooner than you might expect mobile phones within three months. Welcome verification, all we need is an email address. So,
most prominent in areas that ent a credible warning? Here's ing signal of impending col- back slower, contributing to an by looking at one stress in iso- step. Internet is safer and more responsible now." one social media platform is using another social
are closer to human activity, as what the evidence tells us. lapse. overall reduction in total bio- lation. Once the transition has India Today's Anti Fake News War Room (AFWA) media entity to verify its users! 
well as in those receiving less The satellite data used by the mass in the Amazon, accord- started, it may take only a few found this claim misleading. The government later The Twitter handle allows a person to don
rainfall. Critical slowing down authors is perhaps a better ing to measurements taken decades for the Amazon reach PHOTO: PIXABAY various avatar(s), where our virtual
In this paper, the authors As an ecosystem becomes less measure of the water content over the same period. a new state. —PTI life bears little relation to real
analysed satellite images of resilient, it is less capable of of trees within the Amazon, identities and/or images. We could
remote areas of rainforest springing back from droughts rather than their biomass. In- The fate of the Amazon (Simon Willcock is professor of live out our fantasies in a digital
across the Amazon from 1991 and other sources of stress. stead of losing trees, the patch- The new paper presents fur- Sustainability, Bangor space. As the platform matures over
to 2016. Using a measurement This is known as "critical es of rainforest the authors ther evidence that the vegeta- UniversityGregory a period, the users get to know the
called vegetation optical slowing down". If stresses con- studied could simply be dry- tion of the Amazon is chang- CooperPostdoctoral Research ins and outs of the system — the
depth, they suggested that for- tinue, it becomes more likely ing out as dry seasons expand ing. These changes may indi- Fellow at University of good, bad and the ugly. Yet one
est biomass (the total weight of that the ecosystem will reach a and droughts proliferate, cate that the rainforest is los- Sheffield, John common thread remains - the cover
organisms in a given area) is point where it abruptly which is what scientists have ing resilience or perhaps that dearingProfessor University of of anonymity. This is a problem.

Change in women’s investment Starlink satellites increased

taking longer to recover in changes to a new state. In oth- documented in the Amazon in seasons are becoming increas- Southampton) Twitter and all the social media
platforms need to realise that
anonymity promotes several ills. 
If you cannot stand up physically

habits amid the pandemic 49% in space in 2021

on the stage to vent out your "true
feelings" then why should you be
allowed to do the same on a social
clarified that it is not mandatory for citizens to media platform? Do I have the courage to stand
verify their social media accounts, adding that it on a street with a microphone in hand, spouting
PHOTO: FREEPIK Agencies link satellites brings more has only asked social media platforms to ensure racial epitaphs and slurs? If I don't, then I should
Agencies San Francisco

areas under internet cover- an adequate mechanism for users who wish to not be able to hide behind Twitter and do it which
New Delhi age. Now more areas that verify their accounts voluntarily.  is happening every single second. A social media
Tech billionaire Elon have lacked access before Twitter, a social media forum, works primarily on platform and/or system that asks for verification of
cripbox, leading digi- Musk led SpaceX in 2021 will be able to tap into high- the notion of anonymity and the verification all new and current users with Government
tal wealth manager, launched 646 Starlink satel- speed and reliable internet. process is either lacking or not complied with. recognised ID Cards would reduce these activities
conducted the third lites, an increase of 48.9 per The implications can only Ending anonymity will harm Twitter since the to a large extent. 
edition of their annual sur- cent in its March 2021 satel- be mind-blowing," Edith platform prospers fundamentally due to the Verifying identity across the board would help to
vey, to understand the quali- lite population of 1,322, ac- Reads, a fintech expert anonymity of its users. Verification of handles will promote free speech as guaranteed under the
tative aspects of women's in- cording to a report. In the wrote in a blogpost on Stock- destroy the fake accounts, which would stop the Indian Constitution and check on hate speech.
vesting habits and financial past 18 months, the space Hate Speech. Further, people are less likely to Things will not be fixed immediately, but the
goals. The survey highlights firm has grown its broad- The core of the SpaceX speak bluntly for the fear of reprisal and whiplash process would commence. Moreover, it will create
a growing trend of women band satellites by 185 per Starlink internet project is a (especially from the politically motivated class). a level playing field of verified accounts following
taking greater control of cent, revealed data analysis low latency broadband sys- This will cut down on the hate and fake news and stricter rules about what’s allowed and permitted
their money, accelerated by by financial educational hub tem tailored for global con- trust me it will be worth it.  under the law. 
the economic impact of the sumer needs. A collection of Gone are the days when human beings' instincts
pandemic. are actively involved in fi- for the first time amidst the It targets up to 60 million of low orbiting Earth satellites could be trusted. Also, Humans tend to follow the (The writer is a renowned lawyer, founding
Women are proactively nancial decision-making pandemic. Prudence has rural and far-flung Ameri- will support Starlink in pro- "Herd Mentality." All social media platforms partner of Universal Legal and angel investor.
seeking to educate them- with their spouse (38 per been the order of the day, can populations. Globally, it viding fast and dependable including Twitter have a lot of work to do He is an expert on socio-political and economic
selves on money matters, re- cent). Compared to last with only less than 10 per has set lights on areas with data where there's poor to regarding reading and acting on the signals and issues. An alumnus of nLS Banglore, he also
veals the survey. Nearly 30 year's survey, there is an 11 cent of women resorting to poor broadband connec- zero connectivity. how their AI and algorithms read those signals pioneered social projects as the president of
per cent of women share percent uptick in the num- revenge shopping. tions. "The increase in Star- —IANS and act upon them. If accounts are verified then it Rotary Club of Mumbai, nariman Point)

Mummification older than

What’s trending
that they had sought to edu- ber of women who are inde- Despite these strides taken
cate themselves on personal pendently managing their with investing their money,
Crossword # 355

previously known: Study

finance during the pandem- expenses today. women continue to be cau-
ic. Thirty per cent of them Independence in financial tious with their savings. Mu- Gulab jamun
rely on digital investment
platforms for information
decision-making has led to a
sense of personal empower-
tual Funds is the most pre-
ferred investment instru- parantha leaves ACRoSS

foodie netizens
1 Inuit (6)

on financial planning and ment in women. This is pro- ment and is the choice of 22 5 Lock opener (3)
investing, 20 percent depend moting positive action. per cent of women sur-
in splits Agencies
8 Prayer ending (4)

on friends and family and 15 Forty-four per cent women veyed, followed by Shares Archaeothanatology is an ap- 9 Mormon state (4)
percent refer to articles on say they prioritised creating and Gold. 34 per cent of ideos of food Uppsala proach used by archaeologists 10 Yankee (6)
personal finance. a financial plan; 40 per cent women prefer to put their fusions go viral on to document and analyze hu- 11 Creation resulting
Seventy per cent of women say they committed to sav- money in a mix of tradition- the internet, leaving ummification is the man remains in archaeologi- from study and
(60 per cent in 2021) have ing more, while 23 per cent al investment options like netizens in 'aww' and process of preserving cal sites that combines obser- experimentation
said that they are either in- increased their investments. fixed deposits, recurring de- 'eww'. Recently, a video the body after death by vations of the spatial distribu- (9)
13 Relax (4)
dependently managing their One in five women (22 per posits, PPF and savings ac- of the preparation of a deliberately drying or em- tion of the bones in the grave
15 Lubricate (3)
own money (32 percent) or cent) have started to invest count. —IANS Gulab jamun parantha balming flesh. A recent discov- with knowledge about how the

Snapchat, Niti Aayog to train

16 Strum (5)
divided foodies on ery made at the hunter-gather- human body decomposes. 17 Fire residue (5)
Instagram. The food er burial sites in the Sado Val- Archaeologists can then re- 20 Jeering cry (3)
blogger Sonia Negi who ley in Portugal, dating to 8,000 construct how the dead body

Indian teachers in AR
22 Oaf, lout (3)
tried the delicacy was years ago found that mummifi- was handled after death and 23 Kind or style of art doWn 18 Indifferent (2-2)
surprised to find the dish cation of the dead probably buried, even if several millen- etc. (5) 1 Piglet's friend (6) 19 _____ Pradesh:
tastier than imagined. She seemed to be more common in nia have passed. In this study, 24 Convulsive 2 Capital of Jamaica (8) North Indian state
captioned the post and than previously known. the archaeothanatology was movement (5) 3 Island in central (8)

cubation Centers (AICs) to The Snap Lens Network of wrote, “Actually I am A recent study presented also informed by results from 26 Ingot (3) Hawaii (4) 20 Have faith in (7)
New Delhi support the Indian start-up creators in India has grown shocked but this turned new evidence for pre-burial human decomposition experi- 27 Island of Hawaii 4 Foreboding (7) 21 A soft fruit (7)
ecosystem with AR advertis- by over 200 per cent since out to be really good.” In treatments such as desiccation ments on mummification and (4) 5 Get down to pray 24 A cutting tool (3)
nap, the parent compa- ing bootcamps, ad credits September 2020. the video we can a see through mummification, burial at the Forensic Anthro- 28 Desire to succeed (5) 25 Get the better of by
ny of popular instant and other opportunities. The company also the street vendor adding which had not been suggested pology Research Facility at (4,2,3) 6 Mongolian tent (4) cunning (6)
messaging platform "Augmented Reality is the launched 'Lensathon' (AR- the dessert to the for the European Mesolithic Texas State University. 31 An edible nut (6) 7 Triple gold medalist 26 South African
Snapchat, on Tuesday part- future, given its varied appli- making hackathon) that will parantha recipe, and then before. The study, published in Based on the results from the 32 Baking chamber (4) in the 1952 politician (5)
nered Atal Innovation Mis- cations in a rapidly digitizing aim to boost participation of shaping it round followed 'European Journal of Archae- experiments, an observable 33 Circular band (4) Olympics (7) 29 Respiratory organ (4)
34 Vasco's locale (3) 12 Energy or vigour (3) 30 Soft lambskin
sion, NITI Aayog to train India. We're excited to utilize girls and young women over by heating. Comments ology', was headed by archae- signature for a mummy could
35 Plaque (6) 14 Norse deity (4) leather (4)
over 12,000 teachers in Aug- Snap Inc's expertise in Aug- 13 interested in AR. Snap will read from "Oye hoye", ologists at Uppsala University be proposed that combines sev-
mented Reality (AR) in the mented Reality to create a host special workshops "Inspired by pooranpoli", and Linnaeus University in eral observations: a hyperflex- Solution
next two years and drive AR cadre of GenZ students that aimed to introduce young "Super tempting" Sweden and University of Lis- ion of the limbs, an absence of
Outwit, 26 Botha, 29 Lung, 30 Napa.

adoption among the youth in are skilled in this futuristic women in India to AR and "Bhukh marr gai", bon in Portugal. The study disarticulation in significant
12 Vim, 14 Thor, 18 So-so, 19 Himachal, 20 Believe, 21 Apricot, 24 Saw, 25

the country. technology," said Dr Chintan skills that will be necessary "Maut nikat hai", "no no combined the approach of ar- parts of the skeleton, and a
doWn: 1 Eeyore, 2 Kingston, 3 Maui, 4 Ominous, 5 Kneel, 6 Yurt, 7 Zatopek,

Snap also announced its Vaishnav, Director of Atal In- to navigate the digital econo- pls".... —FPJ Web Desk chaeothanatology with human rapid infilling of sediment

WHO says COVID boosters needed, reversing previous call

Oahu, 28 Will to win, 31 Cashew, 32 Oven, 33 Hoop, 34 Goa, 35 Tablet.

partnership with the Atal In- novation Mission. my of the future. —IANS decomposition experiments. around the bones. —ANI
15 Oil, 16 Thrum, 17 Ashes, 20 Boo, 22 Oik, 23 Genre, 24 Spasm, 26 Bar, 27
ACRoSS: 1 Eskimo, 5 Key, 8 Amen, 9 Utah, 10 Yanqui, 11 Invention, 13 Rest,

FPJ - SUDOKU - 59 Level: Easy

Even mild Covid can shrink brain


to evaluate incoming data.

regions related to smell

Geneva Numerous scientific studies have
since proven that booster doses of
n expert group convened by authorized vaccines help restore
the World Health Organisa- waning immunity and protect
tion said Tuesday it "strongly against serious COVID-19. Booster London: While brain-related greater reduction in grey matter
supports urgent and broad access" to programs in rich countries includ- abnormalities have been thickness in the regions of the
booster doses, in a reversal of the ing Britain, Canada and the U.S. have observed in cases of severe brain associated with smell (the
U.N. agency's previous insistence been credited with preventing the Covid-19, a new study suggests orbitofrontal cortex and
that boosters weren't necessary and surge in omicron infections from that even a mild infection can parahippocampal gyrus).
contributed to vaccine inequity. spilling over into hospitals and result in tissue damage and Participants who had Covid-19
WHO said its expert group con- cemeteries. greater shrinkage in brain areas also displayed evidence of
cluded that immunisation with au- WHO said it is continuing to moni- related to smell. greater tissue damage in regions
thorised COVID-19 vaccines provide tor the global spread of omicron, in- Researchers from the University connected with the primary
high levels of protection against se- Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus cluding a "stealth" version known as of Oxford looked at changes to olfactory cortex, an area linked to
vere disease and death amid the glob- called for a moratorium on booster BA.2, which has been documented to the brains of 785 people, aged smell, and a reduction in whole
al circulation of the hugely conta- doses while dozens of countries em- have re-infected some people after an 51-81, on average of 4.5 months brain size. These effects ranged WHAT TO DO: Fill in the grid so
gious omicron variant. It said vacci- barked on administering the doses, initial case of omicron. There's after mild SARS-CoV-2 infection. from 0.2 to 2 per cent additional that every row, every column and
nation, including the use of boosters, saying rich countries should imme- mixed research on whether it causes The study, published in the change compared with the every 3x3 box contains the digits
was especially important for people diately donate those vaccines to poor more severe disease, but vaccines ap- journal Nature, identified a participants who had not been
at risk of severe disease. countries instead. WHO scientists pear just as effective against it. number of effects, including a infected. —IANS 1 to 9. Every puzzle has only one
Last year, WHO's director-general said at the time they would continue —AP correct solution.

YOUR DAY By Nilikash P. Pradhan

ARieS: Your responsibilities will increase. You GeMini: You will be busier today. Your mind will Leo: You will manage your funds efficiently LiBRA: You need to work hard to take a grip on SAGiTTARiUS: You are now capable of AqUARiUS: Try not to be too obsessive
will have gains from various sources and your be disturbed throughout the day. You will make today. You will feel more comfortable today your emotions. Finance-related matters will not assimilating differing and contrasting view- overall rules given you, as you could overdo
earnings will increase considerably. Work is money but not that much to satisfy your needs. at your workplace as colleagues will support be too good. New projects at the workplace points and attitudes. Financial gains from your things. You are interested in fulfilling your
on an upward swing . In business you have to stick to the basics. your decisions. Luck favours you. should be properly studied and then accepted. spouse or business partners will be possible. professional and personal obligations.
TAURUS: Expressing your ideas and views CAnCeR: Many new experiences will ViRGo: You might require some good staff to SCoRPio: You will be more focused on new CAPRiCoRn: You will take some strong PiSCeS: Intuition will help you find a solution
will work in your favour especially if you are strengthen your faith. There are chances of complete your new projects but don’t under- projects today. You need to bring your expenses decisions today and people may support you. to an important issue that has been bothering
thoroughly prepared. You might make gains getting new business projects that may help estimate them. You must avoid unnecessary under control. Spend only when needed. Those Business deals or collaborations regarding you for a long time. There are expenses but
through speculative activities. you recover losses. expenses today. Take care of your belongings. pursuing acting must keep their commitments. new finances will be successful. you will manage them well.
The Breaking Bad!
Nicole Kidman ollywood star Nicole Kidman may be nominated for her fifth Oscar for her work in

skips Oscar
Being the Ricardos, but she wasn’t at the annual nominees’ luncheon. Variety
revealed that she is at home under doctors’ orders, recovering from a torn

nominees’ luncheon
hamstring. She was filming the upcoming series Expats in Los Angeles when the
pre-existing injury flared up. The makers are continuing to shoot it for scenes that don’t

due to injury

require her at the moment. The Oscar-winning actress is in the thick of awards season with a
number of upcoming projects, including Robert Eggers’ The Northman, set for release in
April, and the Aquaman sequel in December. —IANS

Varun Kapoor, who

made his silver

screen debut in
Kathiawadi, gets
candid about
working with Sanjay
Sonnalli Seygall talks about doing action in LIPIKA VARMA Leela Bhansali and

Anamika, moving on from the label of a arun Kapoor plays the pivotal role of
co-star Alia Bhatt
Punchnama girl and her big-screen failures Ramnik Lal in Gangubai Kathiawa-
di. His character is responsible for

Ganga (played by Alia Bhatt) ending
ROHIT BHATNAGAR am beating and punching her and up in Mumbai’s Kamathipura as a sex

then she is. It was like a cat-mouse worker. The Free Press Journal caught up
onnalli Seygall, who shot to chase. Once you watch the show, with him for an exclusive conversation.
fame the Pyaar Ka Punch- you will also see an emotional quo- When asked what he thinks about his char-

nama franchise, will soon tient. acter’s evil deed, he says, “If that wouldn’t
be seen in Vikram Bhatt's have happened, then there would have been no
action-packed web series, This is the first time you are doing ‘Gangubai’, and no film. We would have been
Anamika. It also stars Sunny Leone full-fledged action. Were you devoid of so much entertainment and every-
and will start streaming from apprehensive when Anamika was thing that we witness today is because of what
March 10 on a digital platform. This offered to you? he did to her.”
is the first time audiences will get to I have always been vocal that I want- When asked what were his feelings towards Varun Kapoor with Sanjay Leela Bhansali
see Sonnalli in some high octane ed to do action someday, and Anami- Ramnik, he says, “Nobody wants to do this.
adrenaline rushing sequences. The ka was a great opportunity. I feel The character had some majboori, so he had lieve that he was asking me that! Anyways I
Free Press Journal caught up with that I have the physical capacity to to do this. I shot for eight days for this role.” was nervous during my initial days. I told
her for an exclusive chat. Excerpts: do action. I love working out and Varun is all praise for Alia. “I was nerv- him, ‘Your choice, sir’.”
anything that has to do with the ous as I was meeting her for the first time. On a parting note, he talks about the plight
Did you take any special training to physicality of the body. Since I en- She never gives the feeling of being a su- of sex workers. “They are human beings in
do the action sequences in Anamika? joy action, I thought doing it would perstar. She is so simple and grounded. I the end. I do empathise with the cases that we
I have been learning Kalaripayattu, be easy, but I was totally wrong. For think Alia is very pure, which reflects in get to hear. I could only imagine what they
an ancient form of martial arts, so I the first two to three days of the her persona and translates to her per- must be going through standing and alluring
know the basic language of action. shoot, it wasn’t like how I imagined formances,” he gushes. the people. I can’t imagine their feel-
However, in Anamika, I had to do in- it to be. It was too technical. Varun began his acting journey on the ings. Everyone has a reason for
tense stunts for which I had a pro- small screen. He did shows like Kis Desh something. Ramnik had his
fessional team on the sets. Do you have regrets since your films Mein Hai Meraa Dil, Na Aana Is reason and they have theirs.
didn’t work at the box office? Des Laado and Savitri Devi It’s a sad part of the soci-
How was it shooting with Sunny I have zero regrets. I agree that my College & Hospital, among ety as they deserve a
Leone? growth as an actor is not as fast as I others. He opens up about basic life,” he con-
I am hunting for Sunny in Anamika thought, but my journey has been how he bagged the role in cludes.
as I am playing a cop in the series. only upwards. I am grateful for that. the Sanjay Leela Bhansali
We used to go into our respective The options I get as an actor are lim- film. “I decided to make a
corners and learn our respective ited, plus I say no to a lot of projects. shift from TV to films. I would
parts and come together again. It Sometimes, you say yes to a certain have started with any director,
was very planned. In a few scenes, I project for money since finances do but I think I was lucky enough
play an important role. The last one the first role I was offered was
year has been really amazing for with Bhansali sir and such a huge
me. I am excited about my new proj- film. I’m fortunate to be part of such a
ects coming up in 2022. big set-up and to obviously learn so
much at the beginning itself,” he ex-
Has it been difficult for you to break plains.
the image of a Punchnama girl? Elaborating further, he adds, “I re-
Yeah, it has been slightly difficult ceived a call from a casting house, and I
since people could see me only in was told about this role, and I agreed
glamorous roles as I was a success- to do the audition. As a child I used to
ful model, which was bothering me. watch Bhansali sir’s films, little did I
But with Anamika, I am hoping to know I would be working with him
break this perception since I have one day. My favourite film of his is
done some power-packed action se- Devdas. I loved Shah Rukh (Khan)
quences. sir’s role!”
When probed if he received any
What are your future projects? scolding from the ace director,
I have shot a romantic-horror film Varun avers, “Contrary to belief,
with Vardhan Puri in London. I am he asks for your opinion. Even for
really kicked about it since it is a the look test, which consisted of a

A man with the

very different role, and I haven’t ’50s look (baggy pants, a shirt and a
done anything like this before. Even coat). We tried different colours. Sir
the horror genre hasn’t been ex- asked me, ‘What is your favourite
A still from Anamika
plored like this. colour?’ It took me a second to be-

zeal of steel
Mohammed Zeeshan Caught on Camera!
Ayyub gets candid about
his upcoming web series, Glitterati were snapped as they
were out and about in Mumbai

Bloody Brothers and

friendship with co-star Karan Johar
Jaideep Ahlawat Kriti Sanon while


ohammed Zeeshan Ayyub,

who rose to fame as Manish P.
Vicky Kaushal
Bharadwaj in the 2011 film No
One Killed Jessica, is gearing at a production
up for the release of the upcoming house’s office
web series Bloody Brothers. It will be- in Juhu
gin streaming from March 18 on a digi-
tal platform. He will be sharing screen
space with seasoned actor Jaideep
Ahlawat. In a candid tête-à-tête with
The Free Press Journal, Zeeshan
spills the beans on his rapport with
Jaideep, work opportunities on OTT,
and more.
Bloody Brothers is the Indian adapta-
tion of the British mystery thriller
Guilt. Zeeshan shares that he did not
watch the BBC series because it would-
n’t have worked in his favour. “It does-
n’t help, but restricts you, and you get
influenced by somebody’s performance
or the way that show was shot. Also, in
terms of a creative call, it’s better to ap-
proach the script as an original so that
you can put life in those written
words,” says the Chhalaang actor.
The six-part series is directed by
Shaad Ali, who has previously helmed
films like Bunty Aur Babli and
Saathiya, to name a few. Zeeshan has Zeeshan, who is married to actor-film-
reunited with his best buddy and Raees maker Rasika Agashe, reveals that his
co-star Jaideep. Speaking about his ex- wife is his best critic. “She never con-
perience of working with the two, Zee- siders my emotions while reviewing.
shan gushes, “Shaad is fun, and he has She’s really harsh. That really helps.
a great sense of humour. He kept it Also, because she’s an acting teacher,
light though they were dark moments she can point out exactly what went
because it’s a dark comedy, but it was wrong and not say generic things like,
great. On the other hand, Jaideep and I ‘Arey mazaa nahin aaya’,” he says.
started our career in Mumbai almost The actor, who invited flak after his
together, in our early phase, around stint in Tandav, has never shied away
2010-11. We’ve known each other from from expressing his opinions on cur-
that time. We are really close friends. A still from Bloody Brothers rent affairs. He maintains that it is
When I got to know Jaideep is doing quite common for actors to lose out on
the show, I said yes to it. I have always also a part of our conditioning that work opportunities, given that their
admired his work.” only fair people look good. I think it is thoughts don’t align with the project or
Over the years, Zeeshan has worked unfortunate that good actors are not those offering them. “When I’m choos- Alia Bhatt at
in projects like Mere Brother Ki Dul- getting good roles. Though it is chang- ing a script, my political or social incli- a multiplex
han, Shahid, Zero, and Article 15, ing for the better because of OTT,” he nation takes a call. I don’t want to be a
among others. However, prior to facing avers. part of anything that communicates
in Juhu
the camera, the National School of Dra- Elaborating further, he adds, “Earlier something disturbing. I don’t bend
ma graduate was almost going to be an there used to be only a mix of stars, down to bullying,” he states.
acting teacher. When asked what he and there was an influence in that Zeeshan has been working in the
thinks about those with no acting place. However, now there are many entertainment industry for over a
chops bagging lead roles, Zeeshan more offers for actors to explore. I don’t decade now. “I don’t believe in mile- Nushrratt Pooja Hegde
maintains that it depends on the genre believe in small roles. It’s about how stones, but I definitely want to explore Bharuccha in Bandra
of the narrative. you portray your character, and if it’s a more. I want to play different charac- outside a
“If it’s a glossy film selling dream, well-written one, even if you have just ters. I like surprises. If I can imagine salon
then obviously people come to watch one or two scenes, you can perform what I’ll be playing, then there’s no
the so-called good-looking stars. It is well and be satisfied.” fun,” he signs off.
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