LTspice-model of Thermoelectric Peltier-Seebeck Element

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LTspice-model of Thermoelectric Peltier-Seebeck Element

Research · April 2016

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1372.2002


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1 author:

Vladimir Kubov
Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University


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2016 IEEE 36th International Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology (ELNANO)

LTspice-model of Thermoelectric Peltier-Seebeck Element

V.I. Kubov, Y.Y. Dymytrov R.M. Kubova
Medical devices and systems department Department of mathematics and informatics
Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University Witte Moscow University
Mykolaiv, Ukraine Moscow, Russia
[email protected] [email protected]

Abstract – A simple, symmetric, convertible into electric temperature difference is known as the Seebeck effect and is
generator mode LTspice-model of Peltier-Seebeck element is used in thermoelectric generators - TEG.
proposed. The model parameters are extracted from the
experimental measurement results of the electrical and thermal Theoretical basis of thermoelectric converters viewed in
characteristics of the real elements. details in [1-4].
There are a few interesting SPICE models of the
Keywords — Thermoelectric cooler (TEC), Thermoelectric
Thermoelectric Peltier Element [2-4]. Significant
generator (TEG), Peltier effect, Seebeck effect, Thermoelectric
equivalence, SPICE, LTspice, model.
disadvantages of these models are insufficient clarity and non-
symmetric structure of the electric schemes, which make
I. INTRODUCTION difficult an understanding about physical essence of
thermoelectric phenomena. On the other hand, lack of physical
During the electric current flows in a non-uniform electric transparency of existing SPICE-models makes it difficult to
circuit, there are possible the situations when energy in some transfer and adapt to the interpretation of the extended range.
circuit paths absorbs, and in other – generates. Traditionally
relies, that the energy absorption corresponds to the positive Particularly, in [5] suggests that the processes of heat
sign, and generation to the negative sign. A value and a sign of redistribution take place in photoelectric solar panels, which is
power Pi=Ui·Ii for individual path of circuit are determined by demonstrated in so-called “Hot spots” [6].
multiplying of voltage U and current I.
Heat output that flows from cold to hot part of the element
defined by the equation
 PQ  ·I  
Fig. 1. Electric circuit with two Peltier’s contacts and internal resistance.
where П represents Peltier coefficient (has dimension of
The simplest Peltier circuit consists of 3 elements: two voltage and complies to effective contact potential difference),
voltage sources V1, V2 and an active resistance as it can be and I represents current. Equation (1) can be represented in the
seen in Fig. 1. A general current I flows in a circuit, so that in form of the balance equation of the thermal power, which
each of the elements generates power: PV1=–V1·I; PV2=V2·I; generates on cold and hot sides of the element.
PR=R·I2. Here, we take into account, that for element V1 the  PQ  Pc  – Ph   Pc – Ph  / 2  
sign of the voltage drop is opposite to the sign of
Electromotive force (EMF): – U1=–V1, and for an active Here Pc,h=±Π·I, and the sign is determined by direction of
resistance UR=I·R. contact potential difference relatively to current.
Such detail consideration of the obvious rations is Equation (3) represents EMF, which generates by
important for understanding the processes of the heat temperature difference on two sides of the element.
redistribution in electric circuits, particularly in circuits with
contact potential difference. In case if all energy conversions  VS    Th – Tc   
in electric circuit in Fig.1 connected with heat energy, then where Th,c - temperature of parts, α - Seebek coefficient.
element V1 will absorb energy from surroundings and cool
down, while element V2 will generate energy and heat, and Thompson equation connects Peltier coefficient and
element R will produce a Joule heating and heat too. In case if Seebeck coefficient through absolute temperature.
EMF (contact potential difference) of elements V1 and V2 are
similar, and a power from active resistance R a lot less then     ·T  
power from V1 and V2, then will be carried a heat junction While we design Peltier element with two voltage sources
from element V1 to element V2. This junction is called a with different polarity, with contact Peltier voltages, which
Peltier effect. Peltier effect used in thermoelectric coolers – determined through the temperature of parts
TEC. The opposite effect – the electricity generation, due to
  c , h   ·Tc , h  

978-1-5090-1431-6/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE 47

2016 IEEE 36th International Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology (ELNANO)
we can make an equal description of Peltier and Seebeck For description of dynamic characteristics of Peltier
effects. element should consider its heat capacity.
Truly, heat flux from cold side to hot side transforms to Heat capacity of the element is described by two capacitors
Cq1 and Cq2, which complies to the both sides of the element.
 PQ   Pc – Ph  / 2    I ·Tc  Th  / 2  
Model’s numerical values of parameters were matched to
here α∙(Tc+Th)/2 – average value of Peltier coefficient for two real manufactured Peltier element (Thermoelectric cooler).
contacts (signs of power flux for different parts are opposite). Parameters of specific elements with mark TEC1-12706 get
Electromotive force for two opposite switched contacts the next values:
will be determined by temperature difference.  Se  40m; R0  6; Rq  3; Cq  15.  
 VS  Vh  Vc    Th –   Th    Th – Tc    Unfortunately, electrical and thermal parameters of
specific elements differ from datasheet parameters [8], but
According to the above was developed LTspice-model [7] that’s why they are more interesting.
of the Peltier element as it can be seen in Fig.2.
Sizes of Peltier element (mark TEC1-12706) is
40mm*40mm*3.9mm, which mean nearly 6A current at a
voltage 12V, resistance nearly 2Ω, cooling power nearly 50W,
and a temperature difference between cold side (isolated) and
hot side (with the temperature 25°C) nearly 70°C, according to
the datasheet [8].
Real characteristics of the purchased elements were much
worse. First of all, the real resistance of the element was
nearly 6Ω. According to this, the maximum current was less
than three times and three times less was the cooling power
and the temperature difference.
Temperature of the element hot side was kept near to the
temperature of surrounding air, with the massive aluminum
heat sink and air fan (from the computer cooling system).
Fig. 2. Proposed LTspice-model of Peltier–Seebeck element.
Temperature of the heat sink was nearly 23°C, with a
The proposed model consists of electrical and thermal surrounding air temperature nearly 20°C.
parts. In a thermal part of the model, current is an analog of
thermal power, and a voltage is a temperature analog. Temperature contact between element and a hot surface
was ensured by a thin layer of thermal grease with a thermal
Top part of the scheme describes electric part of the model, conduction 0.7W/(K*m). The cold side of the element was
bottom – thermal part. isolated from surrounding air with a foam plastic packaging.
Electrical contact B01, switched in reverse to the direction Temperature was measured by a thermocouple.
of current, absorbs a heat, while on contact B02, in straight Temperature of the cold side was measured by a thermocouple
direction, same heat is generated. It means that the heat pressed to the midpoint of the surface. Temperature of the heat
transfers from cold contact to hot. sink was measured inside the 1mm diameter and 10mm depth
That heat described as Peltier potential coefficient – Pe. cylindrical bore. Bore was made parallel to the effective
This coefficient calculated by the next SPICE function surface area in the 3mm depth. Effective surface area sizes is
67mm*77mm. Peltier element was situated in the centre of the
 .func Pe  T Se *T   heat sink, and pressed to its surface with the foamed plastic
overlay and screws.
Here, Se represents the Seebek coefficient, and T –
absolute temperature. To convert from the Celsius scale into On Fig.3 can be seen experimental temperature depending
the absolute temperature, used constant T0=273. of the cold side of the element and the heat sink temperature
on the hot side of the element, depending on surrounding air
Joule heating generates when current flows through temperature.
resistance on the element Re. Rq elements modeling an
internal thermal resistance. Current sources B1, B2, B12 Minimum temperature of the cold part nearly -3°C, reached
comply with the thermal power sources. These powers are at voltage diapason 10V-12V. While temperature of the heat
calculating through the voltage drop on each element, with the sink increases to 25°C, ambient temperature is nearly 21°C
same current for all elements. Having more effective cooling of the heat sink might be
 Pi  U i ·I   expected temperature nearly -10°C for the voltage nearly 15V
(bottom line on Fig.3).

2016 IEEE 36th International Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology (ELNANO)

Tcold,°C Trad,°C Tenv,°C UOC, V ISC, A

-2 24 21 1.0 0.15
110 25 21 -3.2 -0.46
Table I shows next values: Tcold – temperature of the
conditionally cold part, Trad – temperature of heat sink,
Tenv – temperature of surrounding area, UOC – open circuit
voltage, ISC – Short circuit current.
These data can directly estimate the value of the Seebeck
coefficient - about 40mV/K, and the electrical resistance in the
generator mode - about 6Ω.
Described characteristics formed the basis for estimating
the parameters of the model of the Peltier element.
Fig. 3. Measured Voltage dependences of Temperatures for Cold side and
Heat sink located on the Hot side of TEC. IV. SIMMULATION AND MODEL’S PARAMETERS
On Fig.4 can be seen dynamic dependence of temperature To investigate the influence of the numerical values of the
variations of conditionally cold part versus time. parameters of the Peltier element to its characteristics was
The upper curve complies with conditions of opposite polarity collected LTspice-model experimental setup - Fig.5.
of the voltage source. The cold side at first is heating, and then is The top part of the model, with the label “Current”, refers
cooling down. The lower curve complies with conditions of direct to the electric part. The bottom part, with the label “Heat”
polarity. The cold side at first is cooling down, then goes back to relates to the thermal part. The arrows show the direction of
the surroundings temperature. Recovering of the element current and heat in normal mode of element operation.
temperature, after heating (cooling), was carried out with power
off (zero current on element). Model of the element has two groups of terminals:
electrical terminals with labels “p” – positive, and
Source voltage in experiment was 11.1V. Surrounding air “n” – negative; thermal terminals with labels “Tc” – cold part,
temperature was 20°C. and “Th” – hot part.
During heating, temperature of conditionally cold part The electrical part of the model is powered by a voltage
increased to 110°C, and during cooling dropped to -4°C. Time
source V1.
constant of temperature variation during heating and cooling
ranges from 15 to 30 seconds. Thus the larger values of the time
constant complies with the heating, while smaller – with cooling.

Fig. 5. LTspice-model of experimental TEC setup.

Fig. 4. Measured Time dependences of Temperature for TEC Cold side. The
direct (Cooling) and reverse (Heating) modes are presented.
In the thermal part of the model surroundings is
The research of Peltier element in the electric generator mode represented by the source temperature Vte. Heat exchange of
was carried out by setting preliminary temperature level value in a heat sink with surroundings represented by resistor RqR. The
heat pump mode. Then the supply voltage was shut off. And two specific value of thermal resistance is RqR=0.2, was selected
different situations are considered: the voltage of open circuit – by the ratio between the heat sink temperature and the
OC, and the current of circuit – SC. Of course some observational surroundings. During the simulation, was assumed, that
error was occurred. It was caused by temperature variation of thermal resistance between hot surface of the element and the
conditionally cold side during the measuring. Nevertheless, these heat sink would be equal zero. The cold side of the element
results are interesting, because they help to decrease uncertainty was isolated from the surroundings (infinite resistance or
in selecting of parameters of the model. break – Open Circuit).

2016 IEEE 36th International Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology (ELNANO)
Fig.6 shows the results of modeling dependences the surface These data naturally match the specified parameters of the
temperatures of the (Peltier) element on the supply voltage. model: Se = 40mV/K; R0 = 6Ω.

Fig. 6. Simulated Voltage dependences of Temperatures for Cold and Hot Fig. 7. Simulated Voltage dependences of Temperatures for Cold and Hot
sides of TEC.
sides for several values of TEC internal electrical resistance.

In calculations were used the next parameters of the

model: Se=40m; R0=6; Rq=3; Cq=15; RqR=0.2.
In direct connection (voltage greater than zero), the
temperature of the cold side is lower than the temperature of
the hot side. In the reverse connection – temperature of the
conditionally cold part becomes higher than temperature of the
conditionally hot part. As in the experiment, the temperature
of the heat sink increases with increasing voltage, regardless
of the polarity. In the normal mode, the heat sink temperature
is slightly higher due to the additional heat from the cold side.
Fig.7 shows the dependence of the temperature of the
Peltier element, if it corresponds to the electrical resistance of
its manufacturer's datasheet to TEC1-12706[8].
The graph (Fig.7) shows that if the electrical resistance of
the element would be 2Ω, instead of 6Ω, the minimum Fig. 8. Simulated Voltage dependences of Temperatures for Cold and Hot
temperature of the cold part would be -37°C, instead of -4°C. sides for several values of TEC internal heat resistance.
Naturally, a decrease of the electrical resistance could be
accompanied by a decrease in thermal resistance (Fig.8).
Changing the internal thermal resistance from the nominal
value Rq = 3, two times more or two times less, significantly
changed the minimum temperature value, and shifts the
position of the minimum temperature to voltage.
To investigate the operation of the Peltier element in the
electric generator mode can be used the following scheme (Fig.9).
A voltage sources VtC and VtH complies the temperature
sources on the cold and hot sides of the element.
The resistor R1 produces an electrical load of the generator. A Fig. 9. LTspice-model of experimental TEG setup.
small value of the load - 1mΩ, corresponds to a Short Circuit
mode, large - 1KΩ, - to idling or Open Circuit mode. The To study the dynamic characteristics of the Peltier element
calculation results are summarized in Table II. was assembled model shown in Fig.10.
TABLE II. SIMULATED PELTIER-SEEBECK TEG CHARACTERISTICS In order to bring the model to the experimental conditions,
the scheme was more complicated as to the original scheme.
Tcold, °C Thot, °C UOC, V ISC, A The voltage source Vsw controls switch SW, opening the
power supply circuit element V1.
-4 23 1.1 0.18
In Fig.11 can be seen the results of calculating the
110 23 -3.5 -0.58 dependences of the temperature conditionally hot and cold
sides versus time. Group of lower curves on Fig.11

2016 IEEE 36th International Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology (ELNANO)
corresponds to the temperature of the cold side of the element It is advisable to modify the model to include a number of
in the normal power supply +12V (cooling mode). unit cells and for electric-heat Q-factor. This allows relatively
easy to change settings for other types of Peltier elements.
The developed model can be useful both in the calculation
of the cooling systems for electric and thermoelectric
generator, and in the educational process to illustrate the work
principles of the thermoelectric elements.
* PeltierTest3.asc
Vte Text 0 21
V1 p 0 12
RqR Text Thot 0.2
XX1 p 0 Tcold Thot peltier params: Se=40m R0=6 Cq=15 Rq=3
Fig. 10. LTspice-model of experimental TEC setup for dynamic tests.
* block symbol definitions
Group of upper curves corresponds to the temperature of the .subckt peltier p n Tc Th
conditionally cold side in reverse mode -12V (heating mode). * -------- Current -----------
B01 n0 p V=Pe(V(Tc)+T0)
Group of curves in the middle corresponds to the B02 p0 n V=Pe(V(Th)+T0)
temperature of the hot side of the element. Re n0 p0 {R0}
* --------- Heat ---------------
B1 0 Tc I=V(p,n0)*I(B02)
B2 0 Th I=V(p0,n)*I(B02)
B12 0 N001 I=V(n0,p0)*I(B02)
Rq1 N001 Tc {Rq/2}
Rq2 Th N001 {Rq/2}
Cq1 Tc 0 {Cq/2}
Cq2 Th 0 {Cq/2}
* --- params & function ---
.param Se=40m R0=6
.param Cq=15 Rq=3
.func Pe(T) {Se*T}
.param T0=273
.ends peltier
.dc V1 -12 16 0.1
Fig. 11. Simulated Time dependences of Temperature for TEC Cold and Hot .end
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