Concept Paper Plastic Initiative

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According to a United Nations Environment Program report, the Philippines is the fourth largest
generator of solid waste among ASEAN member countries, producing 14.66 million tons of trash
per year. While an astounding 2.7 million tons of plastic waste are produced in the Philippines
each year, 20 percent of which is estimated to end up in the ocean (McKinsey, 2015). Moreover,
the indicated rising numbers, along with the community’s behavior, improper waste disposal,
and uncollected garbage, contribute a lot to the waste management system, especially at this time
of health crisis. Plastic consumption has significantly increased due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
With this being said, some of the factors subsidizing the problem are the heavy reliance on
disposable masks, face shields, personal protective equipment (PPE), syringes, and gloves. In
addition, the series of lockdowns and restrictions has caused the community to be dependent on
food deliveries, in which most of the transactions further add up to the single-used plastic
problem (utensils, bags, cups). Therefore, the harmful effects of plastic pollution are gradually
swelling because of the abundance of medical and e-commerce plastic waste in many areas.

Our group believes that the more voices we hear, whether they be from the community or the
environment, the more solutions we can create. We live up to the conviction that by minimizing
the risks coming from the environment itself, the community will be able to sustain its needs
without worrying much about the possible complications they may acquire from these hazards.

The Plastic Initiative aims to provide a fresh and innovative solution to a long-standing problem
of Plastic Pollution in the community, and to further premeditate the occurrences of threats to
the people’s well-being in the next generations. Our group perceives the inter-relationship of the
community to the economy and the environment, hence, proposing a revolution where plastic
wastes are manufactured into supplies that can be used by the people. In light of this, our group
shall present a few methods that hereby recognize the existing ones that the community is also
allowed to adopt and show how they will greatly benefit the target and its broader affiliations.

Project Description
In an industry where plastic production is rampant, we suggest a solution that will make these
products purposeful. By this means, recycling will be more engaging and advantageous,
transforming plastic waste into building materials, furniture, and even home essentials. This kind
of method has already been introduced in a segment called “Juan for All, All for Juan” on national
television, where plastic bottles are converted into plastic chairs that are donated to schools, as
well as the recycling company based in Davao City, Philippines, named, “Envirotech Waste
Recycling Incorporated” that collects plastic trash and turns it into construction materials, which
gave birth to their latest project, “EnviroHome”. These are two of our inspirations in proposing
this venture.

On the needs of the community

Our project is not called “Plastic Initiative” for nothing. The title itself involves its target – the
community, which consists of the youth and the elderly. As previously stated, their involvement
in the project is not only for sustaining their needs but also the tangible and intangible benefits
they can obtain. Through selling their household plastic waste to junk shops, they are able to save
up a few extras for their investments and financial stability. Engaging in this initiative is also a
huge factor to develop their behavioral practices that affect their day-to-day lives. Another
element of the project is its ability to raise awareness of the negative effects of the dramatic
increase in plastic pollution and prevent the public’s health from contamination and biohazards.
Therefore, the reduction of plastics going to landfills and motivating family recycling programs
must be promoted so that the Local Government Units will provide only smaller trash bins for
every household and every member can practice discipline as part of their character building. In
the confidence of enlightenment, the community is constantly reminded of the importance of
proper waste disposal, along with the engaging productivity it upholds that heightens as their
physiological needs and interests are principally addressed.
Prior to the stated hypothesis, improper waste disposal can cause poor sanitary conditions, as
well as posing a lot of hazards to the human health and the natural resources of both social and
economic importance.
In line with the inter-connections, this project benefits the community in the same way it can
benefit the environment and the economy.

On sustaining the environment

The environment is the community itself and by preserving the environment means protecting
the community from the dangers it may bring. An example of these are the effects of natural
disasters, which are amplified by human activities such as disposing plastic trash that blocks
drainage canals that can also extend to other water systems. Many communities are also
struggling with a lack of access to potable water due to these coastal hazards. A study in
Dumaguete, Philippines found microplastics inside a frequently consumed fish that is being sold
in the public markets. This already specified how poor the local water systems and solid waste
management are, that even the marine resources are being put at risk. And if not immediately
resolved, this can similarly affect the communities in terms of health and natural perils.
With that, by the methods of this project, gathering all plastic wastes in the environment, it can
help diminish its risks to the community. Also, instead of cutting trees to make small furniture,
why not invest with something that is also produced? This promotes recycling already used
plastic as its main material to create new sustainable crafts, like arm-chairs and floormats. In that
way, it can also use its potential to mitigate the effects of typhoons and landslides, as well as to
combat local greenhouse gas emissions. Here, we are minimizing commercial loggings while
maximizing the transformation of plastic waste into various resourceful products.
The more the community gets involved in the ecological aspect, the less various diseases
proliferate in the environment, which is a big advantage in protecting the health of the

On the escalating economy

Since this project is about manufacturing, it can afford to have jobs and business start-ups.
Through the use of social networking sites, the finished-products are going to be introduced to
the netizens, wherein, the message will swiftly reach out to potential investors or big
environmental organizations. Also, junk shop owners must still be open for individuals who wish
to sell their plastic waste in exchange of extra money. By this means, the economic cycle still goes
on due to commercial consumption and sales taxes. It can also help in a way that each local
government unit invests in acquiring this type of venture for its respective communities, and
establishing a workplace that offers livelihood. However, in the starting year of the innovation,
the participation of LGUs and junk shop owners in providing collected plastic wastes from the
communities is an initial alternative. And from there, it will go to the manufacturing company
where the production takes place. It will still accomplish its key objectives of eliminating plastic
Furthermore, our group envisions this project being widely adopted and attracting large
companies, which will eventually pave its way to the global market, allowing exportations of
products and recycling plant services to foreign countries in Asia-Pacific.

Zero waste is impossible but innovation from wastes is attainable. An enduring problem requires
consistently driven solution. The Plastic Initiative is a long-term project and one of its primary
goals is to increase community initiatives for collecting plastic garbage in their respective areas
in order to reduce at least 60 to 90 tons of plastic waste every month. By then, the pollution
brought by plastic will be properly controlled and diminished until year 2050, when global
warming and climate change are said to be at their peak.

Methodology/Project Design
On the initiative of the community
The plastics are collected by the people in the community, may it be from their surroundings or
their household wastes, to be gathered by garbage collectors.

On the participation of LGU and junk shop owners

The plastics are gathered and segregated from other solid wastes so they will not be brought into
the landfills, whether they be from households or commercial buildings like public market and
small businesses, and are delivered to the recycling plants. Another alternative is acquiring
machines from incorporated suppliers to be used in their respective localities. From there on,
livelihoods will also be offered.

On the pioneering of project organizers

There will be a moderate vehicle provided that goes around the locality to collect the plastic
waste that will eventually be distributed to the recycling plants for production.

Project Needs
On the participation of the community
This requires accountability, discipline, and engagement from the community. Social media is
also one feature that can help in promoting good recycling behavior and awareness.

On the initiative of LGU and junk shop owners

This requires two to three personnel riding garbage-collecting vehicles every day. If acquiring an
investment machine, it will cost around ₱280,000 to ₱350,000 per unit. Plus, its production costs
are estimated from ₱10,000 to ₱25,000 per month. Warehouse-for-rents applicable enough for
the materials and equipment, which usually instigates from ₱50,000. Number of operational
workers may start from 5 to 10 people.
On the pioneering of project organizers
The expenses will be on the organization since the plastic waste are donated by the small sectors.
Nevertheless, the estimated costs are similar to the previous paragraph. This project requires
large investors or sponsors to allow its attainable production in a short amount of time. A
business partnership is also one alternative, wherein the profit will be split by the municipality
and recycling company.

The Plastic Initiative is a long-term project. Therefore, as long as there is plastic pollution, there
is beneficial innovation.

Bucol, L. A., Romano, E. F., Cabcaban, S. M., Siplon, L. M. D., Madrid, G. C., Bucol, A. A., & Polidoro, B.
(2020). Microplastics in marine sediments and rabbitfish (Siganus fuscescens) from selected
coastal areas of Negros Oriental, Philippines. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 150, 110685.
McKinsey & Company and Ocean Conservancy, Stemming the Tide: Land-based Strategies for a
Plastic-Free Ocean, 2015.

Group 1
Dana V. Caronongan
Danielle S. Granada
Lawrence Adeser
Daniela Lagasca
Kate Apalla

English for Academic and Professional Purposes

Mr. Raymundo C. Ungria, Jr.

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