Experimental Research and Control of PMSG Based Wind Turbine Connected To Grid

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Experimental research and control of PMSG based wind turbine connected to


Article · January 2015


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5 authors, including:

M. Larbi Hassaine Said

Université Ibn Khaldoun Tiaret Université Ibn Khaldoun Tiaret


Allaoui Tayeb
Université Ibn Khaldoun Tiaret


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Journal of Electrical Engineering

Experimental research and Control of PMSG Based Wind Turbine connected to


Mohammed Walid BENZIANE 1, M’hamed LARBI 2, Amir ARZANDÉ 3, Said HASSAINE 4, Tayeb
Laboratoire de Génie Énergétique et Génie Informatique L2GEGI, University of Ibn Khaldoun,Tiaret,Algeria.
[email protected]
Department of Energy, École supérieure d'électricité, Supelec, 3 Rue Joliot Curie, Plateau de Moulon, 91190 Gif-sur-
Yvette, France

Abstract: This paper presents an experimental study of a conversion system (WECS).

wind energy conversion system based on a permanent Variable speed wind generation systems make it
magnet synchronous generator (PMSG). The objective of possible to extract the maximum energy from wind
this work is to make an operational test bench platform with widely varying speeds. The permanent magnet
and propose a control strategy for all the system
synchronous generators (PMSGs) are suitable for
(generator side control and grid side control). The wind
turbine has been replaced by an emulator based on a DC small variable-speed wind turbine generator systems.
motor. The wind generation system with a PMSG represents
The proposed strategy comprises the control of the one important trend of development for wind power
generator for maximum power point tracking (MPPT) applications with numerous advantages like higher
under varying wind conditions; the DC motor is controlled efficiency due to the absence of field copper loss,
so as to have the same functioning as a wind turbine. The lower operating speed due to higher number of poles
system is connected to a three-phase network by means of: with smaller pole pitch, and the elimination of
an IGBT rectifier, a DC bus, an IGBT inverter and a gearbox [3].
transformer. A detailed study of the test bench elements The aim of this paper is to present the test
and its control scheme is presented. The experimental
bench realized and to propose some control
results are obtained and captured from the controlDesk
software in real time using two DSPACE cards; however strategies. In the first section, we detail the test bench
they show the feasibility and robustness of the proposed elements. The second part is devoted to modeling
control strategy. and controlling the wind turbine emulator and
controlling the PMSG, a vector control is applied to
Key words: Wind energy conversion system (WECS), the PMSG in order to enable the system to track
PMSG, PLL, Wind turbine emulator, maximum power maximum power point. In the third part, we control
point tracking (MPPT). the grid side, starting by controlling the DC voltage
to a fixed value and then the grid currents; a PLL
1. Introduction block is used to adjust the frequency of the system at
the frequency of the network. The power from the
In recent years, wind energy has become one wind energy conversion system (WECS) is normally
of the most popular and economical renewable fed to an ac grid [3].
energy because of the primary source of this energy
production system (Wind), which is unpredictable. 2. Wind energy conversion system (WECS):
The main advantages of electricity generation from Fig. 1 shows an overall system configuration
renewable sources are the absence of harmful of WECS connected to the grid. The system consists
emissions and the infinite availability of the prime of a wind turbine coupled to a PMSG with a
mover that is converted into electricity [1, 2]. generator side converter linked through a DC-link to
The amount of energy extracted from wind depends the grid side converter and transformer. The
not only on the incident wind speed, but also on the converters are used to control the PMSG and to
control system applied on the wind energy connect the system to an utility grid. The generator-

Journal of Electrical Engineering

side converter is used to control the generator for constant and to regulate the active power given to the
maximum power point tracking (MPPT). The grid- grid [4].
side converter is used to keep the voltage of DC-link

PMSG Generator Grid

side side
converter converter

Transformer Grid

System Control

Fig.1 The structure of the wind turbine string conversion.

3. The test bench: A   .R 2 (2)

The test bench that is used comprises a wind
turbine emulator based on a DC motor controlled by Where is the extracted power from the wind, ρ is
a chopper, a permanent magnet synchronous the air density [kg/m3], A is the area swept by the
generator, two pulse Width Modulation (PWM) rotor blades of the wind turbine, is the wind
converters and a transformer. This system is speed, and is the power coefficient which is a
connected to a three phase network of 127 V (50 Hz). function of both blade pitch angle β and tip speed
The whole system is controlled by means of two ratio λ as given by (3) in which, Ω is the angular
DSPACE cards (DSPACE 1104 and DSPACE 1103), speed of the turbine rotor, and R is the radius of the
using controldesk software. The first card controls turbine blades [5,6].
the generator side (wind turbine emulator and R.
PMSG) and the second Controls the grid side.   (3)
The connections between the DSPACE cards and the
power converters are carried out by two interface The power coefficient can be expressed as [7]:
cards which adapt the control signals levels. The (  C5 . )
signals (currents, voltages, speed) are measured by CP ( ,  )  C1.(C2 .  C3 .  C4 )exp i  C6 . (4)
means of sensors which are connected to the i
interface cards. 1 1 0.035
Where:   ) (5)
i   0.08  3 1
4. The control:

4.1. Generator side: , , , ,

In this section, we present and detail the , .
control of the generator side that contains the control
of the DC motor and the PMSG by means of chopper As it can be observed from (4), the power coefficient
and rectifier respectively as shown in the Fig. 3. depends on β and λ, representing the aerodynamic
characteristics of the turbine. Fig.2 illustrates
4.1.1. Wind turbine emulator: versus λ for different values of the pitch angle β.
The mechanical power output from the wind
turbine can be expressed as [5]:
 . A.Vw3
Pw  C p ( ,  ). (1)

Journal of Electrical Engineering

where: is the stator resistance , , are the

inductances of the stator in d-q reference , and
are respectively, the d and q axis components of
stator current; and are respectively the d and
q axis components of stator voltage, Фf is the
permanent magnetic flux and the electrical rotating
speed is given by:
 e  n p . (9)
Where: n p is the number of pole pairs .
The expression of electromagnetic torque in the rotor
Fig.2 Power coefficient vs tip speed ratio. can be written as [11]:
The maximum value of that is , is Tem  n p  f isq (10)
achieved for β=0º and λ=8.1. This particular value of 2
The active and reactive power can be expressed as:
λ is defined as the optimal value where the
maximum power is captured from wind by the wind P  (V sd i sd  V sq i sq )
turbine. So it is necessary to keep the rotor speed at 2 (11)
an optimum value of the tip speed ratio . If the 3
Q  (V sq i sd  V sd i sq )
wind speed varies, the rotor speed should be adjusted 2
to follow the change [7, 8]. The mechanical equation of PMSG is given by:
The aerodynamic torque of the turbine can be J.  Tm  Tem  F (12)
expressed as: dt
P 1  . A.R.Vw2
Tem  w  C p ( ,  ). (6) Where: is the mechanical torque input from the
 2  wind turbine emulator, is the electromagnetic
torque of PMSG, J the moment of inertia, F the
The DC motor is controlled in current to have a friction coefficient.
similar functioning as the wind turbine, where the In a variable-speed wind turbine, maximum power is
reference of the current I m _ ref is calculated from the a cubic function of rotational speed. To maximize
aerodynamic torque of the wind turbine model, in efficiency, losses for a given load must be
order to reproduce the turbine aerodynamic torque on minimized.
the DC motor [2]:
A stator q-axis current component is used to develop
I m _ ref  em (7) generator torque. A direct-axis current component
K can be set at zero to minimize current for a given
torque, and therefore, minimize resistive losses [14].
Where: K  is the constant of the DC motor
To control the generator power, it is enough to
I m : DC motor armature current. control the PMSG electromagnetic torque by
regulating the stator q-axis current component.
4.1.2 The PMSG:
The reference electromagnetic torque , can
The voltage equations of a permanent magnet be developed in operating at maximum power [12],
synchronous generator in the d-q reference frame are this aims at improving the aerodynamic output of the
given by [9, 10, 11]: turbine in order to extract the maximum wind power.
 disd This power is extracted when the turbine operates at
vsd   Rs .isd  Ld . dt  e .Lq iq maximum power coefficient .
 (8)
v   R .i  L disq   .L i   .
 sq s sq q
e d d e f

Journal of Electrical Engineering

DC Motor Rectifier

150 v

Im Ω Isa, Isb,Isc

Im_ref Isa_
Park 3/2
Isq Isd

P Tm Isd_ref=0 Park 2/3

× Isq_ref
Wind ÷
Wind turbine model PI PI

Fig.3 Generator side control.

The expression of the maximum power obtained As seen in Fig.3 which shows the schematic diagram
using the strategy MPPT (Maximum Power Point of the control loops of the permanent-magnet
Tracking) where the turbine works in optimum generator side converter, the required d–q
values and is given by: components of the rectifier voltage vector are derived
from two proportional plus integral (PI) current
 .R 5 C p  max controllers: one of them controlling the d-axis
p w _ max   3  K opt . 3 (12) component of the current and the other one, the q-
axis component. The control requires the
measurement of the stator currents, and rotor
Pw _ max
Tem _ ref   K opt . 2 (13) position. Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is used to
 generate the switching signals for the rectifier.

The value of the current reference in the q-axis is 4.2. Grid side controller:
determined from the electromagnetic reference
torque ( ), from (10) and (13) we can write: The Fig. 4 shows the control of the grid side.
The control system must allow the DC bus to remain
2Tem _ ref 2 K opt constant, and to obtain sinusoidal currents from
I sq _ ref   2 (14) PMSG, an amplitude and frequency identical to those
3n p  3n p  of the network in order to generate the PMSG active
power to the grid. [11, 14].
It is clear from equation (8) that we can control the The dynamic model of the network connection, in
current components by means of applied reference frame rotating synchronously with the
voltages, , , these quantities are necessary for network voltage, is given as follows [14, 15]:
the rectifier PWM control [13].

Journal of Electrical Engineering

 di Nd 3
v Nd  Vid  R .i Nd  L . dt   N .L i Nq PN  V Nd i Nd
(15) 2 (16)

v  V  R .i  L . di Nq   .L i 3
Q N  V Nd i Nq
 Nq iq Nq
N Nd
The provided energy by the generator is applied to an
Where: R and L are the electrical network inductance inverter which makes it possible to control the
and resistance, respectively. continuous voltage and the active and reactive
, : d–q components of grid voltages. powers exchanged with the grid.
. : d–q components of inverter voltages. Active and reactive power control can be achieved by
Active and reactive power of the grid is given by: controlling direct and quadrature current
components, respectively as shown in (16).


Udc_ref INd
U_dc PI

Ɵ Park 2/3
PWM Park 3/2

INa,INb,INc Vabc



50v 127v Grid

Inveter Transformer

Fig.4 Grid side control.

As shown in Fig.4, the control of the grid side The Dc-link controller regulates the capacitor voltage
contains two control loops structure by driving it to the reference value , and
voltage outer loop and current inner loop. They are outputs the current .
used to control the active and reactive power, The second channel controls the reactive power by
respectively [16]. setting the q-axis current reference to zero to
DC-Link voltage control is necessary to provide a have a null reactive power.
stable DC-voltage to the connected grid-inverter. An The current controllers provide voltage references
outer dc voltage control loop is used to set the d-axis which are used to generate PWM signals for the
current reference for active power; this assures that inverter.
all the power coming from the rectifier is
instantaneously transferred to the grid by the inverter.

Journal of Electrical Engineering

4.2.1. PLL: reference value ( ) in order to have a negative

The phase-locked loop is designed to control value because the currents in the generator (PMSG)
the frequency of the d-q axis voltage through are reversed (negatives).
minimizing the difference of the output voltage phase The form of the currents generated by the PMSG is
angle and the given voltage phase angle until the presented in Fig. 9, where it is noticed that the
output voltage phase angle tracks the given voltage current amplitude varies following the changes in the
phase angle [17,18]. wind speed; a zoom of the generator currents is
The angle of the transformation is detected from the presented in Fig. 10.
three phase grid voltages using phase Fig. 11 presents the direct current form at the output
locked-loop (PLL) as shown in Fig. 4. of the rectifier.

5. Experimental results:

In this section we present and discuss the

experimental results of the test bench.
To run all the system we must activate the commands
step by step, starting by the command of the DC
motor and after that the command of the generator
(PMSG) then the command of the grid side.
Fig.5 wind profile
The results are captured from controlDesk interface
in real time after having run all the systems over
many periods of 15 s.
The DSPACE 1104 card commands the generator
side of the system, firstly the wind turbine emulator
by imposing the command to the chopper. The
generator is controlled to have an optimal
functioning and extract the maximum power; the
generator side converter (rectifier) is controlled by a
PWM signal in order to transform the alternative
voltage to a direct voltage.
The DSPACE 1103 card controls the grid side of the Fig.6 DC motor current.
system by keeping the DC voltage at a constant value
and controlling the grid currents; however, this
control generates a PWM signals that control the

Fig. 5 shows the applied wind profile that varies

between 11 m/s and 13 m/s. This variation changes
the value of the aerodynamic torque given by the
wind turbine model. The torque change varies the
current reference of the DC motor armature ; Fig.7 Rotor speed.
thus, the rotor speed, so the rotor speed varies
following the changes in the wind speed profile as
shown in Fig. 7.
The regulation of the DC motor armature current is
represented in Fig. 6, where it is noticed that the
measured current follows the current reference, this
regulation is used to command the chopper that
controls the voltage applied to the DC motor.
The Fig. 8 present the control of the direct and
quadrature components of the stator currents, a
negative sign is added to the quadrature current Fig.8 d-q stator current.

Journal of Electrical Engineering

Fig.12 Dc Link voltage.

Fig.9 Generator currents.

Fig.10 zoom in generator currents.

Fig.13 Grid currents.

Fig.11 Output rectifier current. Fig.14 Command signal of PWM.

The variation of the wind speed generates a variable

DC voltage. The grid side controller ensures the
regulation of the DC bus voltage that must be
maintained constant at a constant reference value.
Fig. 12 shows the regulation of the DC bus voltage
which is perfectly kept constant at 130V and thus
proves the effectiveness of the established regulators.
Fig. 13 shows the sinusoidal waveform of output Fig.15 Line-to-line voltages.
currents that are transmitted to the grid,
where it is clear that they have a sinusoidal form with 6. Conclusion:
a constant frequency equal to 50 Hz.
The Fig. 14 presents the command signal which will This article proposes and details an
be compared with a triangular signal of (0,1) experimental study of a test bench that replaces a
amplitude to generate the duty cycles of the inverter system of wind turbine conversion.
PWM control signals. The system has been successfully run and controlled
Fig. 15 shows the line-to-line voltages. These via two DSPACEs cards: one controlling the
voltages are transformed by means of a transformer generator side (wind turbine emulator, PMSG) and
in order to have 127v that are connected to the grid. the other the grid side.

Journal of Electrical Engineering

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