Experimental Research and Control of PMSG Based Wind Turbine Connected To Grid
Experimental Research and Control of PMSG Based Wind Turbine Connected To Grid
Experimental Research and Control of PMSG Based Wind Turbine Connected To Grid
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5 authors, including:
Allaoui Tayeb
Université Ibn Khaldoun Tiaret
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Mohammed Walid BENZIANE 1, M’hamed LARBI 2, Amir ARZANDÉ 3, Said HASSAINE 4, Tayeb
Laboratoire de Génie Énergétique et Génie Informatique L2GEGI, University of Ibn Khaldoun,Tiaret,Algeria.
[email protected]
Department of Energy, École supérieure d'électricité, Supelec, 3 Rue Joliot Curie, Plateau de Moulon, 91190 Gif-sur-
Yvette, France
Journal of Electrical Engineering
side converter is used to control the generator for constant and to regulate the active power given to the
maximum power point tracking (MPPT). The grid- grid [4].
side converter is used to keep the voltage of DC-link
Transformer Grid
System Control
Journal of Electrical Engineering
Journal of Electrical Engineering
DC Motor Rectifier
150 v
Im Ω Isa, Isb,Isc
Im_ref Isa_
Park 3/2
Isq Isd
The expression of the maximum power obtained As seen in Fig.3 which shows the schematic diagram
using the strategy MPPT (Maximum Power Point of the control loops of the permanent-magnet
Tracking) where the turbine works in optimum generator side converter, the required d–q
values and is given by: components of the rectifier voltage vector are derived
from two proportional plus integral (PI) current
.R 5 C p max controllers: one of them controlling the d-axis
p w _ max 3 K opt . 3 (12) component of the current and the other one, the q-
axis component. The control requires the
measurement of the stator currents, and rotor
Pw _ max
Tem _ ref K opt . 2 (13) position. Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is used to
generate the switching signals for the rectifier.
The value of the current reference in the q-axis is 4.2. Grid side controller:
determined from the electromagnetic reference
torque ( ), from (10) and (13) we can write: The Fig. 4 shows the control of the grid side.
The control system must allow the DC bus to remain
2Tem _ ref 2 K opt constant, and to obtain sinusoidal currents from
I sq _ ref 2 (14) PMSG, an amplitude and frequency identical to those
3n p 3n p of the network in order to generate the PMSG active
power to the grid. [11, 14].
It is clear from equation (8) that we can control the The dynamic model of the network connection, in
current components by means of applied reference frame rotating synchronously with the
voltages, , , these quantities are necessary for network voltage, is given as follows [14, 15]:
the rectifier PWM control [13].
Journal of Electrical Engineering
di Nd 3
v Nd Vid R .i Nd L . dt N .L i Nq PN V Nd i Nd
(15) 2 (16)
v V R .i L . di Nq .L i 3
Q N V Nd i Nq
Nq iq Nq
N Nd
The provided energy by the generator is applied to an
Where: R and L are the electrical network inductance inverter which makes it possible to control the
and resistance, respectively. continuous voltage and the active and reactive
, : d–q components of grid voltages. powers exchanged with the grid.
. : d–q components of inverter voltages. Active and reactive power control can be achieved by
Active and reactive power of the grid is given by: controlling direct and quadrature current
components, respectively as shown in (16).
Udc_ref INd
U_dc PI
Ɵ Park 2/3
PWM Park 3/2
INa,INb,INc Vabc
As shown in Fig.4, the control of the grid side The Dc-link controller regulates the capacitor voltage
contains two control loops structure by driving it to the reference value , and
voltage outer loop and current inner loop. They are outputs the current .
used to control the active and reactive power, The second channel controls the reactive power by
respectively [16]. setting the q-axis current reference to zero to
DC-Link voltage control is necessary to provide a have a null reactive power.
stable DC-voltage to the connected grid-inverter. An The current controllers provide voltage references
outer dc voltage control loop is used to set the d-axis which are used to generate PWM signals for the
current reference for active power; this assures that inverter.
all the power coming from the rectifier is
instantaneously transferred to the grid by the inverter.
Journal of Electrical Engineering
5. Experimental results:
Journal of Electrical Engineering
Journal of Electrical Engineering
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