333 Story

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The key takeaways are that by focusing on possibilities rather than limitations, and persisting through objections with a 'Next' approach, great things can be accomplished. Bob Templeton demonstrated this by raising $3 million in 3 hours for tornado victims.

Bob Templeton was inspired to help after seeing the damage from a tornado. As the vice president of a radio company, he thought his radio stations could help raise money for the victims.

Bob Templeton proposed raising $3 million in 3 hours, 3 days later to his executives. Rather than focusing on why it couldn't be done, he had them brainstorm how with a 'Next' approach. They ended up organizing a radiothon that engaged 50 stations across Canada and raised the full $3 million target.

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he tory
By Bob Proctor

I was conducting a seminar, which ran Because of Bob Templeton’s influence, I

from Thursday night to Sunday, at the subsequently worked for the entire Canadian
Deerhurst Lodge, which is a resort broadcasting industry. He loved what I was
approximately 100 miles north of Toronto. On doing in my seminars because it was in
the Friday night, a tornado swept through harmony with his way of thinking. Bob
Barrie, Ontario, a town about 40 miles south Templeton became fascinated with the laws
of Deerhurst. The tornado killed a dozen of the universe, particularly The Law of
people and did millions of dollars worth of Polarity or as it is often referred to, The Law
damage. On the Sunday night, as I was coming of Opposites. This law clearly states
home, I stopped the car when I got to Barrie. everything has an opposite. You cannot have
I got out on the side of the highway and looked an up without a down, hot without cold or in
around. It was a mess. Everywhere I looked, without out. By the same token, if you can
there were smashed houses and cars turned figure out why something you want to do
upside down. cannot be done, by law, you must be able to
That same night, another figure out how it can be done.
gentleman, Bob Templeton, People who accomplish great

o not let what
was driving down the same things are aware of the
you cannot do
highway. He and I had never negative, however, they give
interfere with
met, however, an idea from all of their mental energy to
what you can do.
my seminar was about to the positive. After the
bring us together in a lasting seminar, Bob Templeton went
John Wooden back to his office. He told me
friendship. He stopped to
look at the disaster, just as I it was late but this one idea
had, only his thoughts were different than my he picked up had him excited. It also had him
own. Bob was the Vice-President of committed to the idea of raising millions of
Telemedia Communications, a company dollars and giving it to the people who had
which owns a string of radio stations in been caught in the tornado, and he was going
Ontario and Quebec. As he stood there to raise the money immediately! Furthermore,
viewing the disaster, he thought there must he was not remotely interested in why he
be something he could do for these people couldn’t.
(with the radio stations he had). That thought The following Friday he called all of his
kept returning to his mind that night and all executives at Telemedia into his office. At the
the next day. top of a flip chart in bold letters, he wrote
The following night, I was doing another three 3’s. He said to his executives “How
seminar in Toronto. Bob Templeton and Bob would you like to raise 3 million dollars, 3
Johnson, another vice-president from days from now, in just 3 hours and give the
Telemedia, came in and stood at the back of money to the people in Barrie?” There was
the room. They were evaluating my seminar, nothing but silence in the room.
trying to decide if I could help their company Finally someone said, “Templeton, you’re
reach its goals, which I ultimately did. crazy. There is absolutely no way we could
raise 3 million dollars, in 3 hours, 3 days from it down under, ‘How We Can.’
now!” Before he had it written on the right hand
Bob said, “Wait a minute. I didn’t ask you side of the flipchart, someone said, “You can’t
if we could or even if we should. I just asked do a radio show across Canada. We don’t have
you if you would like to.” Bob Templeton radio stations across Canada!” Since
was wise; he was appealing to the charitable Telemedia only had stations in Ontario and
side of their nature. It was important for those Quebec, you must admit that was a pretty
present to openly admit that this was valid objection. However, someone in the
something they wanted to do. Bob Templeton back of the room, in a rather soft tone said,
knew that his new idea could show anyone “Next.”
how to accomplish anything they wanted by Bob Templeton replied, “Doing a radio
working with the law. show is how we can. That idea stays.” But
They all said, “Sure, we’d like to.” He then this truly did sound like a ridiculous idea,
drew a large T underneath the 333. On one because radio stations are very competitive.
side he wrote, ‘Why We Can’t.’ On the other They usually don’t work together and to get
side he wrote, ‘How We Can.’ Under the them to do so would be virtually impossible
words, ‘Why We Can’t,’ Bob Templeton drew according to the standard way of thinking.
a large X. As he placed the X on the flip chart, All of a sudden someone suggested, “You
he said, “Now there is no place to record the could get Harvey Kirk and Lloyd Robertson,
ideas we think of which explain why we can’t the biggest names in Canadian broadcasting,
raise 3 million dollars, in 3 hours, 3 days from to anchor the show.” These gentlemen are
now, regardless of how valid they might be.” anchors of national stature in the Canadian
He continued by explaining, “When anyone television industry. Someone clearly spoke
calls out an idea which suggests why we can’t, out saying, “They’re not going to go on radio.”
everyone else must yell out as loud as they But, at that point the group yelled, “NEXT.”
can, NEXT. That will be our command to go Bob said that was when the energy shifted;
to the next idea. Ideas are like the cars on a everyone got involved and it was absolutely
train, one always follows the other. We will amazing how fast and furious the creative
keep saying Next until a positive idea arrives.” ideas began to flow.
Bob smiled and continued to explain that, That was on a Friday. The following
“Opposite the X on the other side of the Tuesday they had a radiothon, where 50 radio
flipchart, directly under the words, ‘How We stations, from all across the country, agreed
Can,’ I will write down every idea that we can to work in harmony for such a good cause.
come up with on how we can raise 3 million They felt it didn’t matter who got the credit,
dollars, in 3 hours, 3 days from now.” He as long as the people in Barrie got the money.
also suggested in a very serious tone of voice, Harvey Kirk and Lloyd Robertson anchored
that everyone will remain in the room until the show and they succeeded in raising 3
we figure it out. “We are not only going to million dollars, in 3 hours, within 3 business
think of how we can raise 3 million dollars days!
immediately, after we originate the ideas we You see, you can have whatever you want;
are going to execute them!” There was silence all things are possible when you put your
again. focus on how you can and “Next” every idea
Finally, someone said, “We could do a telling you why you can’t.
radio show across Canada.” This may be a difficult exercise in the
Bob said, “That’s a great idea,” and wrote beginning, however when you persist
“Nexting” any and all negative concepts, the Victor Hansen and he was telling me that, at
flow of positive ideas will roar into your last count, they had sold six million copies of
marvelous mind. their book. He also told me they are
Alfred Adler, the renowned psychologist, constantly receiving letters from people who
coined the extraordinary phrase “I am grateful read the ‘333 story’ and use it to perform
to the idea that has used me.” There can be similar mental magic in their lives.
no doubt that creative, forward-thinking ideas Think of it, millions upon millions of
literally breathe new life into every fibre of people are making positive things happen in
your being. They awaken a part of you that their lives because Bob Templeton would not
you never even knew was sleeping. listen to the reasons why he and his staff could
Bob Templeton never received five cents not raise 3 million dollars, in 3 hours, just 3
for the leadership role he played, in days after they began to brainstorm the idea.
marshalling 50 radio stations from right across By the way, Bob Templeton has told me he
Canada, to raise the three million dollars for and his staff have formed the habit of ‘333ing’
the people of Barrie, Ontario in Canada. their wants and, as a result, he has gone on to
However, you must remember that this is truly become the President of NewCap
an orderly universe; God’s way of running this Broadcasting company, a highly profitable
show is exact—when you put good out, it corporation, with stations right across Canada.
must come back. It is my opinion that Bob Templeton has set
I shared this story, when it happened, with up a force for good that will follow him
two good friends of mine, Jack Canfield and wherever he goes. Profit has become his
Mark Victor Hansen. They were so intrigued second name. Begin at once to ‘333’ all of
by the story, they published it in their book your wants and profit will follow you as well.
Chicken Soup for the Soul.
I was recently doing a satellite television Excerpt from Bob Proctor’s
broadcast for RE/MAX Real Estate with Mark You Were Born Rich
© 1996, LifeSuccess Productions

Why We Can’t HOW WE CAN

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