Semi Detailed Lesson Plan COT 1

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Semi- Detailed Lesson Plan

in Science VII

At the end of the one hour session, 80% of the students are expected to:

1. Identify the parts of the microscope;

2. describe what can each part of the microscope do;
3. explain the role of a microscope in a cell study.


Lesson: Identify the parts of the microscope and its function
Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Projector, Pictures and activity sheets

A. Review
Ask the class about the previous lesson.
What they learn in the previous lesson.
B. Activity
Play the game “Picture Puzzles”
Separate your class into groups (or simply use table groupings) then
hand out a puzzle for each group to piece together.
Ask the students about the picture puzzle.
What picture did you complete with the puzzle?
What do you think is the function of a microscope?
C. Analysis
With the same group, each group will be given parts of the
microscope and they will sort each part according to its functions:
Magnifying, Illuminating and mechanical Parts.

D. Abstraction
The teacher will let the learners watch a video about
Microscope: Its parts and function to check if their answers are

E. Application
The teacher will let the students manipulate a compound
microscope and identify its parts.
F. Assessment
The teacher will give each learner a worksheet. They will identify
the parts of the microscope.

G. Assignment
The teacher will let the students draw in a 1 whole short bond paper a
compound microscope and identify its parts.


Instruction: Label the parts of the microscope using the words from the word

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