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Latoya Troy

Week 9 Assignment 2 - Case Study: Total Quality Management: The Patient Process at
East-Southern Kentucky Community College Medical Clinic
February 26, 2022

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Construct a Pareto Chart for the data regarding complaints to the health center that is
presented in Table 1. Describe two conclusions from examining this data.

● The Pareto Chart addresses the most regular protest events comes from long holding up
lines and clinical records following
● Through the information gathered and perception utilizing the Pareto Rule, we can say
that 80% of the issues is brought about by 20% of the wellbeing community work process

Develop a control chart for the waiting time complaint (complaint #2). Explain how the
control chart is developed and show the calculation process.
● Thru the data derived from the calculation, Plot the Data. Plot on both the X-bar and the
R Charts.

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● By using the formulas above, the following are the derived calculations

Illustrate the causes for Complaint #2 in a fishbone diagram.

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Develop a flow chart for the process that the clinic uses for a patient who comes into the
ambulatory center. Draw two conclusions from examining the flow chart regarding either
or both of the following:
● How the process affects the patient.
○ Each part of patient experience - from trust in the consideration supplier to saw
administration quality - relates contrarily with longer stand by times. This
disappointment influences the patients' temperament as well as the workplace
overall. More regrettable still, it influences their wellbeing also. Significant delay
can prompt antagonistic wellbeing impacts like pressure, nervousness or agony.
● Potential sources of unnecessary complexity.
○ Because of the pointless intricacies in the current work process, this can add to
events of bottlenecks in the clinic activity that limits the throughput wellbeing
focus framework time.

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Determine three improvements to streamline the patient process based on the insights that
you gain from examining the process flow chart as well as your understanding of total
quality management concepts from your course readings.
● Reexamined the cycle stream for Health Insurance Confirmation-The affirmation for
medical coverage should be possible toward the start of the interaction; could be
appointed to the assistant, which she can do while the patient is sitting tight for his turn.
to take out forthcoming installments
● Lead a framework checking for patient's records-Medical records can be handily found
on the off chance that they utilize an information base for following records,
consequently, disposing of patient holding up time and to continue to the subsequent
stages for his assessment
● Finishing off structures Nowadays the usage of QR code is important to deliver records
and fixing off structures during the appraisal association. The prosperity spot can give
QR code joins at the get-together which is united to the prosperity local area data base; all
the while, can take out delays and secure patient clinical records.

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