Real-Time Compression of Logging Data

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SPE 25015

Real-Time Compression of Logging Data

W.R. Gardner and W.C. Sanstrom, Halliburton Logging Services
SPE Members

Copyright 1992, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

This paper was prepared for presentation at the European Petroleum Conference held in Cannes, France, 16-18 November 1992.

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program CwnmitWa following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the aulhor(s). Contents of the paper,
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ABSTRACT Effective algorithms for data compression have been known

since the early 50's. There has traditionally been a tradeoff
The high telemetry data rates required by state-of-the-art between the benefits of employing data compression
downhole imaging tools have made real-time tool data versus the computational costs incurred to perform the
compression desirable. This increases the effective telemetry encoding and subsequent decoding. However, with the
data rate and decrease data storage requirements. A variety of advent of inexpensive microprocessors and custom chips,
lossless and lossy data compression techniques are available for data compression is rapidly becoming a standard compo-
possible logging applications. nent of communications and data storage, the two most
common application areas.
Lossless variable-length-coding techniques are applied t o
different classes of well log data (i.e. dipmeter, density, imaging In the data communications application, communication
tools ) to determine the achievable compression ratios and lines that are commonly used t o transmit digital data
feasibility for real-time processing. Compression ratios of include cables between a computer and storage devices,
ranging from 1.2:l to 22:l are achieved depending on the type phone lines, and satellite channels. A sender can compress
of log data. data before transmitting it and the receiver can decompress
the data after receiving it. As an example, consider the
Lossy image compression techniques developed by the telecom- communication requirements between a downhole logging
munications industry for the transmission of high definition tool and the surface logging system. Assume the downhole
images over reduced bandwidth channels are adapted to provide tool requires 80% of the communication bandwidth and
real-time compression of imaging logs. The modified image communicates digitally over the wireline cable via modems.
compression algorithms are used to compress tog images from If the data can be compressed by a factor of 2, then the
a circumferential acoustic scanning tool. Circumferential speed of the link is effectively doubled. The tool has the
Acoustic Scanning Tool images compressed by a factor of 20- option of sending twice the amount of data or occupying
to-1 were barely distinguishable from the original uncompressed only 40% of the communication bandwidth leaving room
images. Most of the important geologic features are still for other tools to be run in combination. Note that this
preserved when the images are compressed at ratios exceeding factor of 2 speedup is independent of the speed of the
80-to-1. modems used.

INTRODUCTION In the data storage application, a body of data is

compressed before it is stored on some digital storage
Data compression is the process of encoding the information device (e.g., a computer disk or tape). This process allows
contained in a body of data into a smaller body of data. It must more data to be placed on a given device. When data is
be possible for the compressed data to be decoded back to the retrieved from the device it is decompressed. Recent
original data. Not all data can be compressed. However, most advances in wireiine tools and telemetry has increased the
data that arises in practice contains redundancy of which data amount of disk and tape storage required to perform post
compression algorithms may take advantage. processing analysis. For example a full wave acoustic tool
might generate 7 tapes of uncompressed data on a single
2 Real Time Compression of Logging Data SPE 2501 5

logging job. With compression, only one tape would be required that log, (K bits always suffices t o specify the outcomes.
for all the full wave acoustic data. Imaging and vertical seismic The less obvious conclusion is that the maximum number
tools generate even more data. of bits, log, (K ), is required only when the outcomes are
equally likely, which corresponds to the maximum
Present wireline telemetry systems achieve data rates in the information conveyed by observing X.
range of 1 0 0 kbps t o 5 0 0 kbps. Future wireline telemetry
systems will be capable of data rates in the range of 7 0 0 kbps The constant source is an example of a source that has no
to 1 Mbps'. In contrast, future wireline imaging tools can information content; that is, since w e always know what
require effective data rates exceeding 5 megabits per second the next character will be, nothing is learned when it is
and future wireline vertical seismic tools may require data rates received. The random source is an example of a source
exceeding 2 0 Mbps. Clearly, there is a need for wireline data w i t h high information content; that is, since all characters
compression in both communications and storage. are equally likely t o be next, w e learn a full character's
worth of information (as much as w e could) when a
Present logging-while-drilling (LWD) telemetry systems have character is received. Thus, the less random the source, the
achieved data rates of 1 t o 3 bps. Future LWD telemetry fewer bits per character or sample will be needed t o convey
systems must overcome difficult technical challenges t o achieve all the information and the larger the resulting compression
data rates in the range of 1 0 t o 15 bps. New LWD formation ratio (if the data is compressional coded). In summary:
evaluation services will require a minimum of 1 0 bps and could 1) Random data cannot be compressed.
easily require 2 0 bps or more. The data compression challenges 2) Data that has been compressed by an optimal compres-
in LWD are in maximizing the real-time telemetry information sor (one that always achieves the entropy of the source)
and in maximizing the downhole data storage in the tool for cannot be compressed further.
subsequent access when the tool is retrieved (since most of the 3) One cannot guarantee that a data compressor will
logging data cannot be transmitted in real time). achieve any given performance on all data.

THEORY AND DEFINITIONS The data compression techniques applied t o logging data
for the scope of this paper can be separated into the
lnformation Theory following categories:
1) Lossless variable-length-coding (VLC) of logging data
Data compression has long been considered a topic in the field files,
of information theory (the study of the representation, storage, 2) Lossless predictive coding (LPCI of signal logs,
transmission, and transformation of data). lnformation theory 3) Lossy coding of image logs.
provides profound insights into the situation pictured in Figure
1, where a source is communicating over a channel to a data
processor. lnformation theory introduced the general idea of Lossless vs Lossy Compression
coding. The objective of source coding (data compression) is to
minimize the bit rate required for representation of the source Lossless data compression is the process of transforming
with a specified fidelity at the output of the source coder. We a body of data into a smaller one, from which it is possible
limit our attention here to the simple special case of a discrete- to recover exactly the original data at some point in time.
valued random process {X,} w i t h independent identically- By contrast, lossy data compression is the process of
distributed samples. Because the process is discrete-valued, it transforming a body of data into a smaller body from which
is possible to encode the signal as a bit stream with perfect an approximation of the original can be constructed. For
fidelity. In fact, the minimum average number of bits required various types of data, what defines a close approximation
to represent each sample without distortion is equal to the is an area of research in itself. A n important application of
entropy of X, defined t o be2: lossy compression is the compression of digitally sampled
analog data such as speech, music, black and white or
color images and video. For example if one sends a digital
representation of a photograph over a communication line,
it may only be important that the photograph received
looks, t o the human eye, identical t o the original; that is as
where px ( X ) is the probability distribution function of X,, E long as this is true, it is acceptable if the actual bits
is the expected or mean value function, and 0, is the group of received differ from the bits sent.
data symbols (alphabet) that X, represents.
Lossless non-predictive data compression techniques are
Since the entropy determines the number of bits required to expected t o provide average compression ratios of at least
represent a sample at the output of the source coder, it is said 3 : l for LWD and wireline data files. Lossy signal
to determine the amount of information in the sample, where compression techniques are expected to compress wireline
information is measured in bits. It is clear from the definition of and LWD signal logs by factors ranging from 3 to 1 0
entropy that without visibly deteriorating the log. Lossy image compres-
sion techniques are expected t o be able to compress image
logs by factors ranging from 2 0 : l t o 50:l without visibly
deteriorating the logs.
where K is the size of the alphabet of X, with equality if and
only if the outcomes of X are equally likely. The conclusion is
SPE 25015 W.R. Gardner and W.C. Sanstrom

Lossless Variable Length Coding from y ( T ) in the encoder prior t o quantization in the AID
converter. This same value )3 ( T ) is added in the receiver
Of the numerous lossless variable-length-coding techniques that at the output of the DIA converter t o yield a reconstructed
have been developed, this paper will examine the Huffman3, and quantized sample )i ( T ). The encoder and decoder are
Modified L e m p e l - Z i ~ ~ ,Lempel-Ziv-Welch6and
~,~, Shannon-Fano3 then represented by the t w o relations

Huffman coding is perhaps the most well known technique for

data compression. Huff man coding is a type of entropy coding
that uses predetermined variable-length code words. Entropy
coding is an efficient coding method that encodes frequent
events w i t h fewer bits than it does infrequent events. When where e,(T) is the prediction error in the encoder,&,(T)
given ideal computational resources, it is the basis of a is the quantized version of the prediction error available in
compression method that is perfect in the information theoretic the decoder, and )i ( T ) is the reconstructed signal sample
sense. However, in practice, when given limited computational in the decoder. If )3 ( T ) is a good prediction of y ( T 1, then
resources, Huffman codes may not be as effective for data the prediction error e, ( T ) which is actually quantized is
compression as some other methods. much smaller than the input sample y ( T 1 on average. It is
therefore possible t o reduce the step-size of the quantizer.
Huffman codes are constructed w i t h a "bottom-up" construc- Further, since the same predicted value )3 (T ) is subtracted
tion of a "treen. A n example of assigning Huffman codes w i t h in the encoder and added in the decoder, it follows that
a "tree" to the English alphabet is shown in Figure 2. Each letter
of the alphabet is assigned a code whose length is inversely
proportional to its probability of occurrence (see equation 1)
within the block data being compressed. Since sending letters where the quantity on the right side is precisely the
which occur most often requires fewer bits than sending letters quantization error. The scaling down of the quantizer step
which occur infrequently, data compression is achieved relative size results in a corresponding reduction in the quantization
to a system in which all letters had the same bit length. error and hence a reduction in the overall difference
between the input of the encoder and the output of the
A code that was discovered independently in the late 40's by decoder. This is the advantage of using prediction in the
both C.E. Shannon and R.M. Fano, which is usually referred t o ADPCM coder. Ultimately it implies that the quantizer
as a Shannon-Fano code, is similar in flavor t o Huffman coding precision can be reduced, w i t h corresponding reduction in
except that the tree construction algorithm works "top-down" bit rate, for the same encoding accuracy.
instead of "bottom-up" as the Huffman tree construction
algorithm does.
Lossy lmage Compression
Huffman and Shannon-Fano codes, though approaching the
theoretical limits of compressibility, are not practical to imple- Potentially useful techniques for compressing log images
ment in some higher speed applications because of processor include: 1) the method standardized by the Joint Photo-
limitations. The DCLZ algorithm was developed by Hewlett- graphic Experts Group (JPEG)S,lO~ll, 2) wavelets, and 3)
Packard Laboratories as an extension of the Lempel-Ziv fractals. The lossy image compression techniques
algorithm. To realize the DCLZ7 algorithm in a single integrated discussed here are ones developed by JPEG. W a ~ e l e t ' ~ * ' ~ , ' ~
circuit chip, a number of changes were made to the Lempel-Ziv and fractal15 image compression techniques, though also
algorithm so that once implemented in hardware, it would potentially useful for compressing log data, will not be
provide high throughput. A single chip version of the DCLZ discussed.
algorithm suitable for downhole operation is offered by
Advanced Hardware Architectures7. Recently, new standards for video and image compression
coupled w i t h the development of new integrated circuit
chips promise t o change the world of computing, broad-
Lossless Predictive Coding casting and communication. There are a large number of
video applications, among them, the digital laserdisk,
A signal can be compressed by taking advantage of the fact electronic camera, videophone, interactive imaging tools on
that, in most cases, the present value of a signal can be at least personal computers and workstations, program delivery on
partially predicted from past values. cable and satellite and high-definition television. These
applications hinge on the use of data compression.
When a signal is directly sampled and quantized, the process is Standards have been developed for the compression of
pulse code modulation or PCM. A modification of this technique grayscale and color images by the Joint Photographic
shown in Figure 3, known as adaptive differential pulse code Experts Group (JPEG) for the telecommunications industry.
modulation or ADPCMB, employs a linear predictor in a feedback Seismic and well-logging services will also be affected by
loop so that the prediction error rather than the input signal is these advances in image compression techniques.
quantized and sent to the receiver.
lmage compression methods build on redundancies of the
ADPCM can be understood as follows. In Figure 3, a predicted data and nonlinearities of human vision. For instance, the
value of the input sample y ( T ) , called 9 ( T 1, is subtracted eye is much more sensitive t o energy w i t h high spatial
4 Real Time Compression of Logging Data SPE 2501 5

frequency than with low spatial frequency. Also the eye is known means of reducing the number of bits needed to
much more receptive to fine detail in luminance (or brightness) represent a data set without losing any information. The dc
signals than chrominance (or color) signals. Generally, methods coefficients are differentially encoded so that the dc
that achieve high image compression ratios (10;l to 50:l) are coefficients of the previous 8x8 block of the same
lossy in that the reconstructed data is not identical to the component is used to predict the dc coefficients of the
original. current 8-by-8 block and the difference between these two
dc terms is encoded. The Huffman code table for the dc
Lossless image compression methods do exist but their term is based on the difference table.
compression ratios are much smaller, perhaps no better than
3:l. Such techniques are used only in the most sensitive The zigzag-coded ac coefficients are first run-length coded.
applications. For example, artifacts introduced by a lossy This process reduces each 8-by-8 block of DCT coefficients
algorithm into an x-ray radiograph may suggest an incorrect t o a number of events. Each event represents a nonzero
interpretation and alter the diagnosis of a medical condition. coefficient and the number of preceding zero coefficients.
Conversely, for commercial, industrial and consumer applica- Since the high frequency coefficients are more likely to be
tions, lossy algorithms are preferred because they save on zero, Huffman-coding these events makes it possible to
storage and communication bandwidth. In many subjective achieve efficient compression.
tests, reconstructed images that were encoded with a 20:l
compression ratio are hard to disti~guishfrom the original. For JPEG decoding, the encoding algorithm is simply run in
reverse as shown in Figure 4b.

Fundamentals of the JPEG Algorithm

The JPEG standard is a still picture coding algorithm developed
by a research team under the auspices of the International Variable Length Coding Compression of Log Files
Standards Organization ([SO). The JPEG baseline algorithm falls
under the heading of transform-based image coding. Different classes of well log data were compressed with
commercial file compression software programs'' to see
A block diagram of the JPEG encoder is shown in Figure 4a. what compression ratios could be achieved for the lossless
entropy coding techniques previously discussed. The tool
Each component of the source image in the JPEG encoder is data used were obtained from telemetry tapes of fogging
divided into non-overlapping blocks of 8x8 pixels. Each block is tools run in test wells. The tool data used came from the
then transformed using the two-dimensional discrete cosine following tools: 1) Spectral Density, 2) Circumferential
transform (DCT). The discrete cosine transform converts the Acoustic Scanning Tool (CAST), 3) Spectral Gamma, 4)
image data from the spatial domain to the frequency domain. Dual Induction, 5) Dual-Spaced Neutron, 61 Four-Arm
Caliper, 7) Full-Wave Sonic, 8) Natural Gamma, 91 High
The resulting 6 4 coefficients, computed as a 2-D array of 8-by- Frequency Dielectric, 10) and Dipmeter. Several methods
8 numbers, represent the frequency contents of the given were used to compress each set of data so that the results
block. The DCT coefficient value in the upper left-hand corner could be compared. The compression techniques used were
of the 2-D array measures the energy of the zero-frequency or Lempel-Ziv-Welch, Shannon-Fano and Modified-Lempel-Ziv
direct current (dc) term. For example, if the original 8-by-8 (DCLZ).
image has a constant value, then only the dc term in the
transformed space is non-zero.) The other 63 entries are The compression results achieved for each type of tool data
alternating current (ac) coefficients; they give the relative with each of the different data compression techniques is
strengths of signal terms with increasing horizontal frequency listed in Table 1. The Modified-Lempel-Ziv (DCLZ)
from left to right and for terms with increasing vertical compressiontechnique achieved compression ratios ranging
frequency from top to bottom. from 1.lto 6.9 with an average of 1.8. The Shannon-Fano
compressiontechnique achieved compression ratios ranging
Next the DCT coefficients are quantized. The quantization step from 1.1 to 9.0 with an average of 2.0. The Lempel-Ziv-
size varies with frequency and component. The dependence on Welch technique achieved compression ratios ranging from
frequency reflects the fact that the high-frequency coefficients 1.2 to 22.4 with a 3.6 average. The averages calculated
subjectively matter less than low frequency ones and may were weighted in proportion t o the amount of data each
therefore be quantized with a larger step size (that is more tool generates. For instance, the dipmeter and full-wave-
coarsely). In addition, an individual component may have its sonic tools generate much more data than the induction
own quantization table. and gamma tools so they had more effect in the calculation
of the averages.
Following quantization, the coefficients are re-ordered into a
one-dimensional array by reading out the entries of the two- The best lossless variable-length-coded compression ratios
dimensional array along a zigzag route. In this way, the were achieved for the Spectral Gamma data which had a
quantized coefficients are "approximately" arranged in order of compression ratio of 22-to-1 using the Lempel-Ziv-Welch
ascending frequency. technique. The reason for the high compression ratio for
this tool's data was that the spectral nuclear data was
Next the dc and ac coefficients are losslessly encoded, both congregated around the spectral peaks.
using Huffman-style coding but keyed with different
parameters. As discussed previously, Huffman coding is a well
SPE 2501 5 W.R. Gardner and W.C. Sanstrom

The compression ratio for the Full-Wave Sonic data was also compression ratio t o approximately 20: 1 (achieved using
very good at 7-to-1 for the Lempel-Ziv-Welch technique. This 4x4 pixels).
relatively high compression ratio was achieved because the Full-
Wave Sonic produces a smooth signal with relatively small
changes between most data points. The practical consequences OBSERVATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS
of achieving a 7:1 compression ratio for this tool are great. This
tool generates a large amount of uncompressed data and 1. Lossless variable-length-coding data compression
requires an uncompressed telemetry data rate of 8 5 kbps, techniques can be used t o significantly compress the data
which is 7 0 % of the present available telemetry bandwidth. from a wide range of log data. The effective LWD and
With 7-to-1 data compression, this tool would require only 1 2 wireline well-logging telemetry data rates can be increased
kbps telemetry, freeing up the additional telemetry capacity for by a average factor of approximately 3-to-1 using these
other tools or even allowing the tool to run with older methods alone.
generation telemetry systems. In addition, each seven data 2. Lossless predictive techniques can be used in conjunc-
tapes that this tool generates on jobs could be reduced t o one tion w i t h variable-length coding techniques to significantly
tape with compression. improve the compression results for some log signals.
3. Lossy image data compression techniques can be used
to significantly compress the data from image logs. The
Predictive Coding of Log Signals effective well-logging telemetry data rate can be increased
by a factors ranging from 20:1, where the compressed
A dipmeter log signal was compressed with a combination of a images are barely distinguishable from the original, to 80:1,
predictive coder and a Huffman variable length coding coder. where most of the geologic features are still preserved.
The prediction algorithm used was simple "delta modulation" in 4. Data compression techniques can be used to
which the signal's preceding value was used as the predicted dramatically reduce the amount of disk and tape storage
present value. When a theoretically perfect Huffman coder was required t o perform the processing for post-logging image
used, a compression ratio of 1.85:1 was achieved. When a analysis.
gaussian "bell" curve was used to approximate the exact
statistics of the data, a compression ratio of 1.65:1 was
achieved. This is a considerable improvement over 1.25 NOMENCLATURE
compression ratio achieved using only variable-length coding
without prediction. X, = discrete valued random process
H ( X = entropy of X
Compression of Log Images p, ( X ) = probability distribution function
Zl, = alphabet (sample space) of X
Two test well images produced by a Circumferential Acoustic y ( T ) = Input sample t o predictive coder
Scanning Tool were compressed w i t h the JPEG algorithms )? ( T = predicted value of y(T)
using a DEC 3 1 0 0 workstation. The raw uncompressed images (T = quantized value-of y(Tl
are shown in Figures 5(a) and 6(a) along w i t h the respective e, ( T ) = prediction error
JPEG compressed images in Figures 5(b) and 6(b). The 6, ( T 1 = quantized prediction error
compression ratios achieved were 89-to-1 for the image in JPEG = Joint Photographic Experts Group
figure 5 and 97-to-1 for the image in Figure 6. This means that DCT = Discrete Cosine Transform
the compressed images require 8 9 and 97 times less data than I S 0 = International Standards Organization
their respective uncompressed images. VLC = Variable Length Coding
LPC = lossless predictive coding
Most of the important geologic features are still preserved in the PCM = pulse code modulation
80-to-1 compressed images although there is some loss of DPCM = differential PCM
resolution. The thin bedding and rollover slump can be clearly ADPCM = adaptive differential PCM
observed in the image in Figure 5 although the microfractures
observed within the thin beds in the uncompressed images are
smeared in the compressed images. The thin bedding and ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
fracturing are clearly observable in the image in Figure 6.
We thank Halliburton Logging Services and its associates
The block edge effects produced by the JPEG algorithms that for their support and permission t o publish this paper. We
are noticeable at close range generally do not greatly interfere specifically thank Doug Seiler for providing the
with the observer's ability t o distinguish important geologic uncompressed CAST images, Charles Conley for drawing
features. These edge effects could have been reduced by the figures and Margaret Waid for many useful comments.
additional image processing on the compressed images. We especially thank Harry Smith for his knowledgeable and
patient help.
The loss of resolution seen at close range in the images in
Figures 5 and 6 can be reduced to the point where the
compressed images are barely distinguishable from the
uncompressed original images by reducing the JPEG
6 Real Time Compression of Logging Data SPE 2501 5

REFERENCES Table 1. Results of Compressing Tool Data w i t h Various

Types of Variable Length Codes
1. Gardner, W.R. and Goodman, K.R., "An Adaptive Telemetry
System for Hostile Environment Well Logging", SPE European
Petroleum Conference, Cannes, France (1992).
2. Lee, E.A. and Messerschmitt D.G., "Digital Communication", Welch
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1988.
1. Spectral Density 2.2 2.7 3.5
3. Storer J.A., "Data Compression: Methods and Theory", 2. CAST (Acoustic Televiewer) 1.2 1.4 1.5
Computer Science Press, Rockville, Md. 1988. 3. S ~ e c t r a Gamma
l 6.9 9.0 22.4

4. Ziv, J. and Lempel A., "Compression of Individual Sequences 14. Dual Induction 1 2.1 1 2.3 1 3.5 1
Via Variable-Rate Coding", IEEE Transactions on Information 5. Dual-spaced Neutron 1.3 1.3 1.6
Theory, Vol 24:5, pp. 530-536. 6. Four Arm Caliper 2.9 3.3 8.6
7. Full-wave Sonic 1 .8 1.9 7 .O
5. Ziv, J. and Lempel A., "A Universal Algorithm for Sequential
Data Compression", IEEE Transactions on lnformation Theory, 8. Natural Gamma 4.0 4.1 3.7
23:3, May 1977, pp 337-343. 9. High-frequency Dielectric 1.7 1.8 5.4
10. Dipmeter 1.1 1.1 1.2
6. Welch T.A., " A Technique for High-Performance Data
Compression", IEEE Computer, Vol 17, no. 6, June 1984, pp. Average 1.8 2.0 3.6
8-1 9.

7. Application note from Advanced Hardware Architectures

Inc., Moscow Idaho, "Primer: Data Compression Lempel-Ziv

8. Honig, M.L. and Messerschmitt D.G., "Adaptive Filters:

Structures, Algorithms, and Applications", Kluwer Academic
Publishers, 1984.

9. Pratt W.K., "Digital lmage Processing", Wiley and Sons, New

York, 1991.

10. Gonzalez R.C. and Wintz, P., "Digital lmage Processing,

Addison Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1986.

11. "Emerging Compression Standards w i t h Relevance t o

Multimedia" April 1991 issue of the Communications of the
Association for Computing Machinery (CACM).

12. Chui, C.K., "An Introduction to Wavelets", Academic Press,

San Diego, Ca, 1992.

13. Chui, C.K., "Wavelets: A Tutorial in Theory and Applica-

tions", Academic Press, San Diego, Ca., 1992.

14. Hsu, K., "Compression and Reconstruction of Sonic Data",

U.S. Pat. 5,O3 1,155.

15. "Fractal Geometry Compresses Video Images That Have

Independent Resolution", EDN Electrot92 Supplement.

16. PKZlP shareware program from PKWARE, Inc., Glendale,

SPE 2501 5 W.R. Gardner and W.C. Sanstrom

Source + Source

Figure 1. Communication with source channel coding.

Code Symbol Probability

Figure 2. Assigning the Huffman code.

8 Real Time Compression of Logging Data SPE 2501 5

ADPCM Prhcpk

Y(n = mJtsample

v(T) = reconstructed oamplo

e(T) = prediction error h encoder

Figure 3. ADPCM (Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation).


Discrete -"+ Run
Zigzag -"-W
Quantization 'Variable
Length '
C m
Cosine Encoder Coder

L+ Difference
Encoder Do
- Quantization


,j 5s; Transform

Figure 4. Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) encoder and decoder.

SPE 25015 W.R. Gardner and W.C. Sanstrom 9


- - Sub-vertical

-- Shale
Bed _____)

Amplitude Amplitude

Figure 5a. Raw CAST image. Figure 5b. Compressed CAST image
(compression ratio = 89.1-to-1).
10 Real Time Compression of Logging Data SPE 25015

XXlO -

xx11 -

XX12 - JSeds
XX13 - Fractures


XX14 -

Figure 6a. Raw CAST image.

Figure 6b. Compressed CAST image
(compression ratio 97.45-to-1).

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