ET US SAY This Artwork Below IS What YOU SAW AGE

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1. Formal qualities: simply enumerate the elements that you see: the quality of lines, shapes,
colors, etc.

The shapes on the artworks portrays a clear picture of a kid reading out of a large book that has
Rizal’s face as a watermark. The grey scale color suited the theme of the artwork.

2. Subject matter: What is the artist tackling about? Can you see any representational form? If
none, what do you think is the main subject matter?

The artist is tackling about how Jose Rizal thinks that youth is the hope of the future, the idea
was represented in “meaning within meaning form” which shows a deeper understanding on
what the artwork is portraying.

3. Composition: Consider the arrangement of objects, people, or elements. What is most

prominent? Who or what is the foreground, middle ground, and background?

The people comes first as the foreground of the artwork, then the paper that was being read by
the children is the middle ground and the background would be the watermark face of Jose Rizal
and the most prominent one is the Children since the main idea was revolving in the youth as it
was showing the thought of youth is the hope of the future.

4. Technique: Looking at the technique and manner of painting and composition, how is it related
to the artist’s objective?

I guess it's by through his/her artwork, the artist may be aim to make the viewer's
understand the importance of what the art education is. With art, the artist can easily more
express his/her artwork through thoughts, emotions, feelings, understandings, and self-
expressions that his/her artwork can contribute to the other as well who wants to view his/her
5. Content: what do you think the artwork is all about after carefully examining its parts? What
story, what message, and what argument is the artist trying to tell?

I think it's for the importance of the Education to the youth. The artwork shows the
children like reading or focusing, which tells us that the education should not be neglected
because it's really important of how we become in the future, and it will help us to develop
ourselves becoming more educated and being well mannered as well. Like how Dr. Jose Rizal
said that the youth are the nation's hope.
6. Analysis: Further dig into the artist’s intention in terms of the relationship of each part of the
whole. Keep asking why, and try to answer them based on visual clues. Research further if
needed, especially if there is historical connection.

In my opinion and probably a real, is i think that the artist may have a same
experience on his/her past about the children, he/she may be able to imply the
artworks just like what the artist experience and be able to make a memorable part
about this and lastly, to make his/her work be known like what he/she wants.
7. Your own criticism about the work: provide the coherent and convincing judgment about the
I think it's very influential and very intriguing although it's a really great artwork by the
artist. I'm amazed as howit's have a meaningful matter for not just the artist but for also for the
artwork itself. As a viewer I think it has a lotof definitions and message as you look into it and
further much to learn as you study how this goes on.


The art criticism taught me how to see the bigger picture and look for the deeper meaning of
the artworks I encounter, that stories behind the artworks isn’t always the main story and mood affects
how you see an artwork. It also taught me that every artwork can portray different meaning, it’s just the
matter of what idea is in your mind and how it is connected to that idea.


Method #1


There are forty-three chapels built and embellished at various times from the sixteenth to the
nineteenth century along the path up the Sacre Monte at Varallo Sesia. They tell the story of Christ's life
and death, beginning with the Annunciation and culminating in the Last Judgement in the basilica's
cupola at the summit, using life-size wood and plaster figures standing on their floors and frescoes
painted on their walls. The first chapel, however, does not belong to the New Testament at all: it depicts
the Fall of Man, so that the story of Redemption begins with the event that made the Sacrifice
necessary: 'as in Adam all die, so in Christ shall all be made alive.'
Method 2

Geography and autobiography

Dutch Golden Age painter and draughtsman, was one of the leading Northern Mannerist artists
in the Netherlands, and an important forerunner of Frans Hals as a portraitist. Cornelis painted his work
for the Prinsenhof in Haarlem in 1592. See Ger Luijten, Dawn of the Golden Age: Northern Netherlandish
Art, 1580–1620. The Fall of Man is the story in the Torah (Old Testament) book of Genesis of when
Adam and Eve lost their innocence in God's eyes. According to Genesis, Adam and Eve ate from the Tree
of Knowledge despite God's warning. Adam and Eve lost their innocence and were expelled from the
Garden of Eden, which contained the Tree of Knowledge. In Christian religion, all of mankind lost their
innocence because Adam and Eve disobeyed God and were punished, so man can now distinguish
between good and evil and life and death.

Method 3


From what i understand in Cornelis painting is the serpent with the upper body of woman, from
what i understand, Eve is the reason why Adam bit the apple hence the reason of them being exiled out
of the garden of Eden. In general, the snake-like-woman portrays that temptation always comes in a
beautiful and tempting figure.

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